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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

TWELVE POUNDS IN THESE ROUNDS 3 ROUNDS 10 REPS OF FRAMES 1-2-3 then 3 ROUNDS OF FRAMES 4-5-6 #weightedworkout #weighttraining #weights #weightsforthewin #fitness #tuesdayworkout #exercise #exerciseoutdoors #beforetherain #

4/23/2024, 10:04:47 PM

Deadlift PR of 230 lbs today!! That's a lot more than I weigh, and while it was a HARD lift, it didn't totally suck. And THAT was the AMAZING part. Deadlifts used to scare me, and now I love them because I know if I focus on technique and don't overthink it, I can do the lift. I'm strong. It's because my amazing trainer Nick @oneingredientbody has helped me work through injury, gain foundational strength, hone technique, and most importantly, trust that I'm capable. Plus, he keeps it fun. Nick never makes me lift more than is safe or what I can actually lift... and sometimes I think... "WTF? That's a LOT!" And then I step up and lean on the fact that I've done the work... ...and because of that, the outcome 100% depends on the attitude I bring to the work. My attitude these days is, "I got this!" 230 lbs. That's just one lift, but it's all the work around that lift that I'm most proud of. Thanks Nick! #liftheavyshit #weightsforthewin #deadliftpr #womenwholift #mytrainerisbetterthanyours

3/8/2024, 3:35:40 AM

Ladies over 40: Are you lifting weights ?? The benefits are endless. I’m witnessing many women who are catching onto the fact that it is one of the best activities to implement as we age & as our hormones change. That makes me happy. 🩷 #weightsforthewin #hormonehealth 🧬

11/20/2023, 7:15:38 PM

Oh hi 3rd trimester! Welcome! Sooooo, if you even think about starting any shit now, we’re gonna have problems. This 41-year-old, preggs with number 3, baddy Mama has a lot of important stuff left to do while the little lady finishes baking 💪🏻. That includes, what will hopefully turn out to be, many more workouts! Move: 29 days Mi’s bday party: 39 days Christmas: 47 days Hollis’s arrival: 89 days It’s all coming so fast! But I’m grateful that my body is still serving me to the best of its ability ❤️❤️❤️. I do not take my health for granted, and am aware of how fortunate I am to have had an uneventful and totally normal pregnancy (despite the vomiting until week 16 - it just came with the territory this time 🙄). With Fin and Mi it was jogging/elliptical and yoga only. So I’m going in a different direction this time around. Weight training. I’m certainly not, nor have I ever been, anywhere near a body builder. But #babybuilder - heck yes! -weight training protects joints from injury -weight training increases bone density (so important as we age) -weight training literally CRUSHES fat -weight training improves mood -weight training aids in sound sleep -***weight training during pregnancy lessens the chance of gestational diabetes*** -***weight training during pregnancy reduces the risk of preeclampsia*** -weight training makes it much easier to lug around a bunch of kids with all of their unnecessary crap. -weight training enables “mature 🤣”parents to remain vital and strong so that they may keep up with their little ones well into old age 🥰 -oh, and weight training makes you feel like a badass. Especially if you listen to Rage Against the Machine. I want to live to 100. Seriously. That’s the goal. And, most importantly, I want to feel good on the journey there! Not so much for me, but for my little lovees! So I’m going to *try* to keep doing the hard things, eating the not so fun things, avoid stress whenever possible etc. I feel like the fun is really just starting 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 #babybuilder #liveto100 #trimester3 #HollisColette #couplesthatworkouttogetherstaytogether #weightsforthewin #movingdayiscoming #baddybabymama

11/8/2023, 11:27:28 PM

The health industry is buzzing with various fat loss methods, and while many have their benefits, there's a clear champion that's outpacing the rest. And it's not the latest fad or a vibrogym! The #1 Method: Lifting Weights Here’s Why: Metabolic Boost: 🚀 Lifting weights helps build muscle. Muscle is metabolically active, meaning it burns calories even at rest. The more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. Afterburn Effect: 🔥 Also known as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). After a strength training session, your body works harder to return to its pre-exercise state, burning more calories in the process. Bone Health: 🦴 Not only does weightlifting help shed fat, but it also improves bone density. Especially crucial for women as they age. Functional Strength: 🏋️‍♀️ Lifting weights prepares your body for daily activities, making you less prone to injuries. Improved Body Composition: 📉 While you might shed pounds with cardio, weightlifting ensures that most of the weight lost is fat, not muscle. The result? A toned, leaner physique. Now, this isn’t to discredit Pilates, classes, or cardio. They have their own array of benefits, from flexibility to endurance. But when it comes to pure fat loss and overall body transformation, weightlifting takes the crown. #MythBuster #LiftToLose #FatLossFacts #WeightsForTheWin

10/10/2023, 8:36:20 AM

Saturday workout done!! ✅ Got it done, went for a previous cycle workout because not feeling 100% and I didn’t fancy a 100 rep challenge 😳 Just realised I was watched over by Toothless 🤣 Keeping it real. #thebodycoach #thebodycoachapp #saturdaymorning #presoftplayparty #gotitdone #weightsforthewin #reallife #goodhabits #runningtraining

9/30/2023, 10:23:57 AM

Nice place to break my fast! Hard workout this morning with some cheeky Cossack squats and Copenhagen planks thrown in. #intermittentfasting #resistancetraining #weightsforthewin #cossacksquats #copenhagenplank #sunny #garden

8/11/2023, 11:59:46 AM

3 weeks ago I made a change. I decided it was time to start feeling good about myself, time to start being an example to my kids, time to start taking time for me. 3 weeks ago, I struggled with getting up in the morning, and collapsed on the couch exhausted after dinner. 3 weeks ago I chose a workout program that had me go from whining about “having to work out” at 9 pm ( I left it to the last possible minute) to now waking up early to make sure I fit it into my day. 3 weeks ago I chose ME! ( those who know me know how hard this is for me!) I have lost 5 lbs and 3 inches. It’s a start to a better me and I’m so excited to see what is to come! Thank you for all your support so far Lindsay Fortney , who is coaching me to a better life and to my wonderfully amazing daily work out partner Alex Di Cicco who has listened to me whine about sore muscles and menu planning enough for a lifetime yet he’s still here lol #healthyhabits #BODi #gettingweddingready #Weightsforthewin #HealthyCoupleGoals

3/27/2023, 3:36:50 PM

out 💪 out 🤗Super proud of my lady here recognizing and celebrating her non-scale victories!! 😮 That MUSCLE popping through …! LESSON 1: Building muscle first gives you that giddy Surprise! when you lose fat and you start seeing your muscles really pop! LESSON 2: Building up your metabolism gives you the ability to lose fat without getting stuck in a calorie deficit. LESSON 3: Weight training is the secret to getting that lean and toned physique Whereas cardio is the side-kick to use at the right time and supplement your program. Our plan: We spent 3 months working on establishing a healthy metabolism 👇 1. Slow caloric increases every few weeks allowed her to get stronger and develop muscle. 2. This higher caloric intake and stimulus for muscle growth in the weight room created a healthier and higher metabolism for her to “Cut” from in the future. 💪 2. We adjusted her nutrition plan based on her goals then she began practicing eating a macro based diet. So when she’s ready to lean out, she will have the skills to do so with just a few tweaks. 🍗 🥗 🥑 🍚 3. We worked on her lifting technique & skills 🏋️‍♀️ while focusing on non-scale victories 👉 her energy, strength gains, curves happening in the right areas; trimmer waist, lifted butt, shape to her arms, tone in her thighs NOW We are ready to starting leaning out for Summer - hello tank tops!! 👙 ☀️ I’m most proud of her consistency and the growth mindset she is developing! 🙌👇 💥Recognizing how much stronger she is and feels 💥Losing her obsession with the scale 💥Learning how to eat a flexible diet rather than just strict calorie restriction. No food is evil…some just help us to our goals better than others 😜 💥Finding enjoyment in exercise rather than seeing it as punishment to burn some calories. #nonscalevictories #proudmusclegirl #lbsfitwell #weightsforthewin #flexibledieting #macrodiet #strengthtraining #fatlosscoach

3/7/2023, 4:36:12 PM

Feeling good……might delete later.🤷‍♀️ It’s hard when you’re proud of the work you’ve put in but also feel dumb for posting. We will see how long the post lasts 😂🫢 #buildingmuscles #muscleupdate #fitandhealthy #weightsforthewin #workhard

11/12/2022, 11:03:42 PM

Day 12; 60 days of HIIT 45 secs on, 15 secs rest: 1. Step ups 2. SL LL squat 3. SL RL squat 4. Overhead tricep extension 5. Weighted crunches #60daysofhiit #hiitworkout #weightsforthewin #stepups #singlelegsquats #overheadtricepextension #weightedcrunches #coreworkout #fitover50 #fitover50club #ladieswholift

10/25/2022, 1:59:30 AM

MYTH BUST # 2 - Does Lifting Weights Make You Bulky? "But lifting weights will make me bulky" ❌ I often hear this from my clients as a reason for avoiding resistance training 🙈 Let's get to the bottom of it!  Lifting weights if done correctly will help you build muscle, naturally.  But I promise you won't start packing on mass if you start lifting some weights... It takes YEARS of hard specific muscle building training and accurate nutrition in a calorie surplus to put lots of muscle on. 🏋🏼 On top of that, ladies, unfortunately it's going to be MUCH harder for you to get bulky even if you worked as hard as a man because on average ladies have 500% less testosterone! 😱 To get "bulky" you really do have to be eating a lot more food.. and consistently doing so. 'Bulk' is stored energy and that is only gained by being in a calorie surplus.  If you're just starting out in the gym, it's best to set your sights on low weight and high rep - high reps are non-muscle building specific ranges - for building foundations and practicing using the right muscles. 💪 You'll soon see how difficult it really is to get bulky! 😊 In the picture above I was 58/59kgs and about to deadlift 90kgs. I went on to hit 2 PB's finishing at 112kgs (that was a real grind)!! Now, do I look bulky to you? 🤔 Let me know in the comments below if you started working out and instantly got bulky or just slowly started sculpting a physique you were proud of! 👀 If you want to be supported in your training to eliminate these worries and have a plan curated for you, then send me a DM and I'll show you how easy it is. 📲 #mythbusting #resistancetraining #weightliftingfactsforwomen #sculptednotbulky #weightsforthewin #menopausestrength #onlinecoach #sumodeadlift #womenwholift💪

7/6/2022, 7:40:55 PM

THERE SHE IS! Make sure you grab a copy of this month’s @topsanteuk where @roarfitnessgirl is talking all things fitness and weights. Thanks to the #TopSante team and @gemmacalvertwrites for all your hard work on this one. Plus @dankennedyphoto for these new pictures too. The best vibes all round. #sarahlindsay #thetransformationqueen #london #roarathome #roarclasses #olympian #celebritytrainer #roarfitness @roarfitnessldn @roarclasses 💪🏼 #weightsforthewin

7/6/2022, 12:49:41 PM

Wellness Wednesday A quick check in to see how you are travelling this week. It's hump day, has your week been kind to you or are you looking forward to the weekend with the vigour of a zealot? It's almost the middle of the year, so double hump.😆 For me I have been so busy this week that I keep thinking it is Thursday already and instead of keeping this crazy pace up I am planning to take some time out this afternoon to look after my wellbeing. Each week for the last few, too many to count if I am honest, I have intended to restart my weight program. So this afternoon I am committing to digging my weights out of the cupboard and pumping some iron and some constructive rest to follow. No more excuses, it's time to nurture and care for my body. What wellness practice are you committing to this Wednesday? Love Tris #wedensdaywellness #weightsforthewin #strentghbuilding #nurturemybody #mybodyneedscare #timeforme Photo Credit - Jen Theodore, Unsplash

6/29/2022, 4:36:03 AM

My kind of adulting!!! A field trip to the gym gym for a unforgiving shoulder workout (haven’t been in there since before xmas) followed by cast iron pan seared rosemary dijon top round and sweet potatoes. YUM! #givemesteakorgivemedeath #keepyoursalads #imatrex #meandthemister #weightsanddates #weightsforthewin #leggingsbyinknburn

1/23/2022, 2:37:51 AM

Another @realrubaali inspired workout: 1. Barbell deadlift 2. Weighted side lunges 3. KB swings 4. KB Sumo squat 5. KB SL squat 6. Dumbbell squat press 7. Raised heels goblet squat #legsfordays #folkswholift #legday #weightsforthewin #liftheavy #barbelldeadlift #weightedsidelunges #kettkebellswing #kettlebellworkout #kettlebellsinglelegsquat #dumbbellsquatpress #raisedheelsgobletsquat #womensworkout #fitover50 #nevertoooldtolift

12/11/2021, 5:48:38 PM

Who are all the strong woman all over town? Here’s one of them! Jeanelle pumping her guns to finish up a big workout. #StrongGirlsClub #PersonalTraining #WeightsForTheWin #Octane #GunShow #FitOver40 #Rockstar #Toned

11/22/2021, 7:00:18 PM

Mark your calendars people!!! @dudethatlifts @moxiemade406 @mrsdudethathunts @strongman_dave_the406_pitbull 💯 of ticket sales will be donated to the @lewisandclarkhumanesociety! #thebar #liftsomeweights #wedlitbetter #poundsforpups #donate #smallbusiness #monstermash #montana #lifestyle #weightsforthewin

9/21/2021, 1:30:31 AM

Rough evening and late start this morning, but I got it done! My workouts help me not only physically, but definitely mentally! Keeps me sane and much more able to handle the stresses of every day life. Now I’m ready to tackle my day! 💪🏼 #nevergiveuponyou #weightsforthewin #livingmybestlife❤️ #exerciseformentalhealth #exerciseforhealth #exerciseforlife

7/30/2021, 8:02:06 PM

2 -3 mile walks today! My phone died during both! But the definitely happened! And weights too! Way to go @bdugie7 and @farrellbosquez !! We finished!! #another6milesdown #weightsforthewin #workoutwithfriends #justkeepmoving

7/16/2021, 6:39:03 AM

Oh, what lifting weights can do for you 😭😲🤗🤩 • I’m 5’5 and currently 140ish pounds. But I’ve *earned* those extra pounds! I’ve spent my younger years at 105-110 pounds, and I liked that at the time. I wanted to be as skinny as possible • At one point, I was running 5 miles everyday and aimed to eat no more than 500 calories per day. I lived for the scale number and wanted to see the lowest number possible, my lowest being 98 pounds • That. Is. Insane. • Fast forward to now and I just want to be strong and curvy and healthy! I’m so grateful to be free from my past of such rigid thinking when it came to food and exercise 🙌🏻 • #transformation #weightgain #healthyweight #eatingdisorder #freedomfromself #strongchick #lifestylechanges #personaltrainer #strongmom #weightsforthewin #growmuscles #buildyourshape #earnit #workforyourhappiness #freeyourself

7/14/2021, 10:42:56 PM

I don’t know about you but I can talk myself out of ANYTHING! What if we used that super power to talk ourselves INTO something. It truly can work both ways if you let it. One of the most positive comments I get about my workouts is that when a client is ready to throw in the towel, I say something that helps them to keep going. As a coach that is the ultimate! Share your wisdom and teach positive self talk. It’s not always easy, but soooo worth it! #positiveselftalk #talkyourselfup #mindovermatter #hawkefit #hawkefitfam #hiitit #dontquit #ondemandworkouts #igotchu #strength #weightsforthewin

5/20/2021, 11:41:01 PM

Yewwwwww 90kg deadlift baby 💪 I would like to thank: my shitty mood for fueling my weights session, Alex for the training to get me to lift heavy stuff, and my purple no bull shoes caus how cool are they #weightsforthewin #cardioishardio #nowtoliftevenheavierstuff #angermanagement #beatmypreviousmaxby30kg #nobullshoes #formisntperfect #but90kg @jump_for_joy_health @bushy2814

5/17/2021, 10:59:37 AM

Well, i lied. I DO mess with the 45 ERZ. 😋 three plates today on the leg press machine. Progressive overload if you want to grow that 🍑 like I DO! Ive grown up all my life with a “tiny” tooshie 😁 once I started lifting heavy and doing these staple exercises weekly. Ive seen my glutes transform 100%. Weights for the WIN!! 🍑🥳🙌 #weightsforthewin #legpress #270 #glutebuilder #peachlife #presstoimpress #legsworkout #legsfordays #strongaf #reachforthemoon #youmaylandonastar

5/8/2021, 9:15:17 PM

Feels so good to feel good. Today’s upper session was; Lat Pulldowns Rope Face Pulls Single Arm Iso Lat pull down Machine Back Flys Final Burn: BB shoulder press DB bicep curl DB incline flys DB bench single arm pulls. #backbicepsday #powerhousegymsouthside #upperbody #strongwomen #fitfam #mentalclarity #exerciseforhealth #endowarrior #infertilitywarrior #gettingfitforme #newchapter #fitnessgoals #weightsforthewin

4/28/2021, 11:50:15 PM

☆ WHY YOU NEED TO BE WEIGHT TRAINING ☆ Benefits of weight training include but aren't limited to... - Reduced risk of osteoporosis - Improved sleep - Improved strength - Reduced risk of heart disease - Reduced risk of Type II Diabetes - Increased testosterone - Improved mood - Improved muscle 'tone' There are many more. But here's a home truth... You won't get what you want from random workouts that change each week. Random reps, random sets, random exercises with no real structure. In order to achieve your goals you need a structured programme that progresses consistently. It's what we do inside The DoTheWork Programme and I love it, it's never a one size fits all game. Random YouTube workouts are useless for true progress. You'll hit a wall with a structured plan, if you haven't already hit one! You have an opportunity to take charge of your training when the gyms reopen. If you need help or have any questions, feel free to drop me a message. #WeightsForTheWin #CheckOutThoseBiceps #DoTheWork #training #weightloss #weightlossadvice #weighttraining #fatloss #biceps #puregym #puregymofficial #puregympreston #workout

4/2/2021, 1:10:53 PM

Can’t believe it’s been 6 weeks. 6 to go. It’s been so amazing to fall back in love with training for how it makes me feel more then anything else. Scales are pretty much the same, but my clothes are loser and my strength is improving. All much better goals in my opinion. On the days I don’t go to the gym I’ve fallen in love with home workouts, from quick 15mins to 30-45min sessions. Listening to our bodies and doing what makes us feel good is going to get a progress long term cause it’s something we want to stick to. #sundaysessionatthebar #sundaysession #gymdays #12weekprogram #gettingfit #weightsforthewin #homeworkouts #moveyourbody #exercisemotivation #lovemybody #strongerthenever #gymmojo #fitfam

2/7/2021, 2:06:51 AM

More times than I can count I was told today while in the office that I look so much more “skinnier” than I did when I started working from home in March....”am I going to stop trying to loose weight??”.....lol...I’ll be honest the scale is the same....I am sitting at the exact same weight I was when we started quarantine in March.....I attribute the thinner look of my body to me lifting weights! 🙌💪😁 I have lost some inches and my clothes are getting loose. All the while the scale stays the same. 😁🤷🏻‍♀️....it’s so interesting to me how that works! I am good with it too, as I want to be lean and have muscle.....I do not track my macros. I know that’s so important for some but for me it becomes a hassle and It will discourage me. Weird I know. But I know me. I need simple. I know I eat very very low carb. I eat lots of healthy proteins and fat and I don’t eat sugar. I also feel better than I ever have. Good enough for me! 😁. I am not trying to be a body builder or win any competitions. So I’m good doing what I’m doing. In order for this to be a lifestyle change I need it to fit my lifestyle. Again....Simple. Lol. I am seeing changes each month. Getting stronger, more muscle, and my body fat % is going down so it’s working...for me....Everyone is different. 😁. Do what works for you! 🖤 . #ketoweightloss #kcko #ketoaf #myweightlossjourney #gettingfit #lchf #ketovore #ketoforwomen #thisis46 #gettingfitover40

11/19/2020, 11:24:20 PM

It’s FLEX FRI-YAY with my girl, @bonniealyse. This is a PR for her, but I know it won’t be her heaviest. She is absolutely crushing her strength sessions. Banded pause squats for the ✨WIN✨during this set. Keep doing your thing, sweet girl. You make me smile, more & more every single week. Your hard work & determination is paying off BIG TIME. I couldn’t be more proud to share this journey with you. Thank you for allowing me to be your guide. 💪🏼✨ #fitnessmotivation #strongwomen #weightsforthewin #squats #strongbodies #personaltrainer

11/13/2020, 4:30:48 PM

Early sesh to get it out the way. Setting me up for battle with two mini monsters for the day ! #weightsforthewin #toneup #fatloss #strength #byebyeblubber

10/5/2020, 8:09:00 AM

Leg day! Completed another 6 week programme at the weekend, which was good, but nothing beats 10 Rounds for me. Back with @joelfreemanfitness and in my happy place. A shaky, sweaty and quite sweary place at times - but still my happy place! #10roundswithjoelfreeman #legday #lowerbodyworkout #myfitnessjourney2020 #feeltheburn🔥 #healthymidlife #homeworkoutprogram #homefitnessprogram #midlifewoman #midlifefitness #fitnessover50 #menopausefitness #weightsforthewin #fitnessgoals💪🏽 #strongnotskinny💪

9/15/2020, 8:55:54 AM

When your 2 year old sees your workout and decides #challengeaccepted im only jealous that he's trying to out do my workout gear 🤣 #fitfam #goonson #liftlife #weightsforthewin #strengthtraining #kettlebellworkout #sweatsesh #gruffalo #frugi #countrylife #tractorlife

9/4/2020, 10:54:06 AM

🖤 B A C K & B I C E P S 🖤 —————————————————- SUPERSET 1 : 4 Rounds 1️⃣ Alternating Bicep Curls x 10 per side 2️⃣ Bent over row x 10 —————————————————- TRISET 2 : 4 Rounds 3️⃣ Rear delt flies x 10 4️⃣ Deadlifts x 10 5️⃣ Underhand bent over rows x 10 —————————————————- SUPERSET 3 : 4 Rounds 6️⃣ Shoulder press x 12 7️⃣ One arm rows x 10 per side (KB for heavier weight) —————————————————- Definitely becoming a firm favourite to train. Loved this Back & Bicep workout 💪🏽👌🏽 remember ❤️ and to save for your workouts later. Happy weekend everyone!! 🤩✌🏼 . . . . . . #happyweekendeveryone #weekendworkout #backandbiceps #newfave #dumbells #weekendmotivation #moodlifter #backday #backworkouts #biceps #healthybodyhealthymind #positivemindset #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnesslifestyle #fitmum #mumswhotrain #healthylifestyle #endorphins #keepactive #weightsforthewin #discoverunder1k

8/22/2020, 12:05:22 PM

New workout leggings!! Can’t wait to try them @curves.n.combatboots #workoutclothes #lightblueleggings #weightsforthewin #toningup

8/20/2020, 10:52:06 PM

day 190 #200DaysToHealthyChallenge . . SERIOUSLY.... who else needed to see this today? I know that right now I have some big goals and dreams that scare the crapola out of me and I need to remind myself regularly that fear is a state of mind. so Is courage! . . I for one would much rather consider myself courageous than fearful. I know that im going to be doing some things in the next few weeks that will test my mindset, but I'm holding strong that I'll come out stronger and less fearful!!!! . . today I took it easy and just walked 2k. with atlas and did some core work as well. i love feeling how much stronger my core has become the last 2 months!!! . . #LoveMyLife #StrongerToday #BeTheChange #fitness #StrengthTraining #WeightsForTheWin #core #LIIFT4 #BePresent #TeamWork #BossBabes #growth #DogWalking #Journaling #SelfCare #Reflection #development #Affirmations #SprainedAnkle #SelfLove #GratefulLog #MiracleMorning #motivation

7/25/2020, 5:02:51 AM

MAYBE YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT If you dread exercise, you're not going to do it. And honestly, that means you're not doing it right! People ask me all the time… What is the best exercise? My answer is always the same… The one you’ll actually do and will continue to do. If you love weight lifting, do that. If you'd rather chase your kids around the yard and play ball with them, that's okay too. Some of my clients like the idea of yoga and encourage their kids to join them for their at-home sessions. You could also have a beach day and include some exercise while you’re there. Some days will look different than others. My preference is alternating days between high intensity weight training and yoga for rest days. Some days (even the rainy ones) I like to go for a little adventure in nature! At the end of the day, it’s all about doing something you enjoy. You don't have to dread healthy living. What can you do today to shift your perspective around exercise so you can find a way to get in some joyful movement?

7/21/2020, 1:29:40 PM

Day 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ . . Well here we are at an epic milestone and today I reached my PB on my favourite lift of all times The Deadlift!!! Pre C19 lockdown I was lifting around the 80kg and then I spent 3 months without any heavy lifting! I’ve been back at the gym 4 weeks now and because I was able to continue my nutrition (even ramped it up), mobility and body weight exercise during lockdown I have taken right back to my lifting!!! And what was achieved today? My PB at 100kg x 2 - yep I got the double out!!!!! To say I was excited was an understatement 🏋🏻‍♂️💪🏻👊🏻 I set my goals and I’ve worked towards them with every exercise session I’ve done! Thank you @averagetoeliteperformance for being in my corner, let’s take this strength and fly with it!! p.s. to everyone in the gym sorry for the noise 😃😂😃 . . #365daysandcounting #everydayisfriday #neverstopgettingbetter #deadlift #strongwomen #fitat50 #weightsforthewin #fitness #nutrition #wellbeing #selfcare #balance

7/16/2020, 2:12:50 PM

WEIGHTS FOR THE WIN! . . . @kay7261 has been training in my SCULPT program since January, in her own words she needed to get her mojo back! . . She was already going to the gym lots, taking part in multiple classes per week and generally a very active person. But her training changed when she started the SCULPT program, she is now including 3-4 programmed strength and conditioning sessions per week which progress session to session. I always work to keep all of my clients moving toward a new goal. She also listened to the nutrition guidance I gave her and keeping track of calories is now normal. Over the last 4 weeks Kay‘s goal was to do 10 good push ups on her feet in a minute...she did 16! ☄️ . . It’s obvious to see the physical changes in Kay’s appearance, she’s stronger, training more effectively and enjoying being part of a community and I LOVE having her!!! (She’s also lost 6kg since she started training.) . . . . . . #sculpt #trainsmart #weightsforthewin #weighttraining #consistency #weighttrainingforwomen #strengthgoals #strengthgoal #strongertogether #strongerwomen #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #womenownedbusiness

7/5/2020, 12:21:04 PM

Added more weights this morning! 💪🏻Sore 😳 from my 🏃‍♀️ last night, so moving this morning was a must. S-T-R-E-T-C-H those 💪🏻 our. ♥️♥️

5/29/2020, 12:58:39 PM

day 124/125 #200DaysToHealthyChallenge . . yesterday was nothing new or exciting but I got out for a quick walk at 630am. Then I did a strength training session on my lunch hour in order to be able to still have time to devote to Ollie later in the evening at the barn. . . Today was awesome though. i got to meet up with my friend @bethanythislittleestate and we did a physically distanced 6km hike down a beautiful trail only 10 minutes from my home. It was flat, easy walking, and Atlas made a new doggie friend with her dog Bruce. It was great to see him so happy with another dog! After the hike, I popped over to another friend's house to visit in the back yard and that was so nice too! I even made sure to get my strength training session in tonight at 9:30pm because I didn't get to it earlier . . overall it was a wonderful two days and I am very much looking forward to my #ActiveRecovery days of walking, Car cleaning, time at the barn, and overall relaxation that this weekend should bring! . . #LoveMyLife #FitnessInAllForms #BePresent #TeamWork #BossBabes #growth #WW #fitness #Smile #HealthyMindBodySoul #meditation #belief #DogWalking #CollieRescueNetwork #WhiteCollie #BeTheChange #GettingRugged #TrailWalking #StrongerToday #WeightTraining #WeightsForTheWin #HIIT #GuelphsFinest #LocalFinds #Happiness #MiracleMorning #EnjoyingLife #EmpoweredWomen

5/23/2020, 6:59:04 AM

Your body can do some amazing things with consistency and Small weight increases each session. Weight training is not just good for strength increase, but change in body composition (aids in losing weight) aswell as shaping your body with increased lean muscle mass. #weightsforthewin #fitness #strength #strengthtraining #fitfam #fitspo #nutrition #balance #workout #keepgoing #bodycomposition #postpartum

5/11/2020, 5:17:35 AM

Either you control your destiny or your destiny will control you. . . Life won't stop for your pauses and procrastinations. . . It won't stop for your confusion or fear. . . It sure won't stop for illness. . . It will continue right along without you. Whether you play an active part or not, the show will go on! #hardheadedwoman #lymewontkillmyvibe #UPPERBODY #weightsforthewin #over50weightloss #over50 #thetimewillpassanyway #themountainiveclimbed #alwaysbarefoot #fullmoon #fulloffire #rawandreal #hysterectomysupport #hysterectomyfitness #thyroidproblems #noexcuses #lymesucks

5/7/2020, 5:34:32 PM

Another awesome #WeightTraining day (night?)! Feeling great, and ready to roll tomorrow. 😆 #Exercise #Fitness #WeightsForTheWin #Lift #Core with @shona_vertue

4/16/2020, 6:53:49 AM

And they “lift happily ever after” 😆❤️ #newending #weightsforthewin #parmerfitnesscenter #activewellness #livingactively

4/15/2020, 4:00:55 PM

… Or to the garage. I changed out of my #workpjs and into my #workoutclothes and added some extra iron to my lunch today. Did ya know that in a former life I was actually a certified personal trainer? I pulled this quick upper body workout from my very distant memory. I don’t like people in my workout space, so years ago I decided to build my own garage gym, and lately it’s coming in pretty handy! But even if you don’t have barbells and plates, you can do all of these exercise with common household items, or body weight. Give it a try. The key is to just move something! Krazy 8’s 8 reps of each exercise * 3 rounds of each group of exercises Group 1 Bench press (65 lb.) Resistance band chest press, standing Standing oblique abdominal crunch (40 lb. dumbbell) Group 2 Lateral dumbbell raise & vertical dumbbell raise (8lb.) Modified push-up Upright dumbbell row (2 15lb. dumbbells) Weighted abdominal crunch (15 lb.) Group 3 Overhead dumbbell press (2 12 lb. dumbbells) Lying chest flys (2 12 lb. dumbbells) Lying chest press (2 12 lb. dumbbells) Bicycle crunch

4/2/2020, 9:29:43 PM

You know what day it is.... #checkinday 🙌🏼 !!! Down about a pound-ish. I find it hard to drop weight once i get to this point but I’m pushing! I would love to be a bit leaner. Lifts are strong, macros are good (not starving!), water is on point. My body just loves to hold on to the fat. I’m sure it’s from years and years if yo-yo dieting and deprivation, followed my months of excess and bingeing on all things 😳. It’s no-ones fault but my own and a life lesson learned. GOOD NEWS....you can change those habits and that lifestyle. Now being a lifestyle client, i enjoy dinners out and the occasional glass of wine but i work it in to my macros. And, if i have a day where i blow it, like realllyyy blow it, i start over the next day. I also love the accountability of weekly check ins. My coach cares. She’s not militant or overly strict cuz she knows I’m in this for the long-haul, at least a year, and i want this progress to stick...so in my eyes, slow and steady wins the race. ♥️ #TTFN #bikinicomp #afterthebikinicomp #tortoisevsthehare #thisis46 #fitmom #almost47 #liftheavyshit #weightsforthewin #MomBodsRock #IntimidatingYet #teambossbodies #BrutallyMe #Dontbealadybealegend #Fitat46 #Bikinibadass #Buildthatish

3/2/2020, 11:46:18 PM

Sometimes it is not about balancing your life, it's about balancing your mind despite the chaos. #thisis50 #themountainiveclimbed #themountainimclimbing #lymewontkillmyvibe #lymedisease #lymewarrior #dementiasucks #alzheimers #balance #chaos #weightsforthewin #beastmode

2/12/2020, 3:12:30 AM

No matter if dip, pull up, chin up or muscle up, no matter what, the main thing is a shit load of weight, this is the secret ingredient ☝🏽 📸: @bokeholism #weightsforthewin #calisthenics #TeamGornation #sockscrew

2/8/2020, 9:30:50 PM

These!!!! They are our friends! Gotta increase that muscle mass! #62projectme #plantbased #weightsforthewin

2/7/2020, 3:23:49 PM

Back in the gym this morning, using those extra holiday calories to fuel a kick-ass shoulder workout. 💪 And got some new crop pants from @lululemon to give me a little extra inspiration. 🎉 # . . . #holidayworkout #shouldersworkout #weighttraining #weightsforthewin #fithealthystrong #strongmom #fitover35 #fitover40 #strengthandconditioningcoach #fitnessyoutuber #healthylifestyle #newgymclothes #naturabodybuilding #naturalbodybuilder

12/26/2019, 10:24:15 PM

Think workouts are boring... Have a little fun... Record some stuff Make a #trillervideo Close your eyes 😌 Press POST!!!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 #lovemybod #weightsforthewin

11/20/2019, 6:13:27 PM

My biggest motivator right now is myself! I got myself down from 85+kg to 65kg. I got myself eating healthier. I did the research on exercises to do and I decided when to do them. I worked pretty damn hard and persevered to be able to feel my abs and be proud of my achievements so far. Even when I slipped and failed and lacked the motivation I pushed myself to keep exercising. Without the desire inside you to exercise you’ll never exercise or change your habits even if others try to push you. Tonight I felt was going to be a light session. 48 hours ago I did just over 6000kg. As I got going I pushed more then I thought I would or could. With more reps and in some cases more weight I lifted a total of 9020kg. For me, not only is that quote an incredible leap compared with what I did 48 hours ago but because of Wednesday I was expecting to lift the same or less. Impressed and surprised are the best two words I can use to describe how I feel right now! This is the first time in a long time I really appreciate myself and my body and what I can do if I focus and plan. #happybodyhappymind #healthybody #hittinggoals #makingprogress #weightsforthewin #personalbest #fitnessfriday #weekdayweights

11/15/2019, 9:42:27 PM

Personal best on the dog sled! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 . 170kg total. Whoop whoop! That’s some progress! 😁💪🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️💪😁 . . . #strongisthenewskinny #personalbest #burst #girlswholift #weightsforthewin

11/13/2019, 11:47:43 PM

Don't lift heavy weights as a woman. You'll look bulky, masculine, grow a beard and maybe even two heads #🏋️‍♀️ . . . #blackandwhite #curves #strongnotskinny #girlswholift #fitnesslife #fitnessgirl #justlift #thickthighssavelives #allwoman #bodypositive #leopardprint #dressandheels #weighlifting #weightsforthewin #womenwholift #fitstagram

10/29/2019, 8:30:28 PM

Don’t let weights intimidate you! Lifting weights is an important part of weight loss and toning if done correctly. Research suggests that lifting lighter weights can be as beneficial as lifting much heavier loads for fewer reps, and that the key lies in performing the reps to exhaustion. In other words, it’s not about how much you lift, but how intensely you lift. So grab some light weights and get started!!! If you need a workout buddy just let me know. 😉💪 #healthcoach #westervilleohio #weightsforthewin

10/21/2019, 8:04:32 PM

BIG lift. 🌴

10/13/2019, 7:53:11 PM

This is what happens when you don't rack your weights properly. Thank God for upper body strength. The whole gym heard it btw 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ and all the men came to my rescue 🤣🤣🤣...Totally embarrassed..😫😫 -- #Weights #weightsandweed #weightssuck #weightsbeforedates #weightsforthewin #weightsareevil #weightsovercardio #weightsandsquats #weightsarethenewcardio #weightshedding #weightshift #weightsdontdiscriminate #WeightsBaby #weightslammers #weightsandplates #weightsandmeasures #weightsaremytherapy #weightsislife #weightsandink #weights #weightslossmotivation #weightsession #weightslossjournal #weightslover #weightsandproteinshakes

9/20/2019, 4:10:03 PM

No excuses today, shook off the bad mood and grabbed the weights 💪🏻! Some days it’s a matter of getting out of my head and taking action to change my mood! What’s your go to mood changer? . . #weightsforthewin #brushoffthebadmojo #ownyour💩 CoachSonyG

9/19/2019, 1:26:40 AM

-I used to let fear sway my decisions. Now I let my goals choose for me.💪

9/5/2019, 7:18:23 AM

Cardio v No Cardio Is cardiovascular training necessary to strip fat? If one has a comprehensive understanding of how the citric acid cycle, glycolysis pathway and proteolysis synergistically inter twine, cardio is NOT necessary. Cardio is a tool that should be used sparingly if muscle retention is the number one priority while in a caloric deficit. It should be used when caloric intake is at the basal metabolic rate and the individual needs to increase their energy expenditure. Unless you are planning on jumping on stage calories should not get down to the basal metabolic rate. Will cardiovascular training improve my heart heart health? Probably one the most misunderstood questions... Adaptation of the heart will only occur if the individual is performing at 90-95% of there HR max. So if your not going balls to the wall doing sprints on that stationary ergometer you are just burning fuel. So I am planning on jumping on stage what cardio is best for fat loss (LISS OR HIIT)? From a metabolic standpoint HIIT training is useful for burning as many calories as possible and will illicit and EPOC effect even after the individual has ceased exercise. The issue with HIIT training is because the training is maximal the percentage of carbohydrates to fat burned is 99:1. On the other hand LISS training performed at 50-60% of HR max will have a higher percentage of fat burned rather than carbohydrates. LISS for the win!!! #knowledgeispower #cardio #metabolichealth #hiit #liss #nutrition #training #fitfam #weightsforthewin #onlinecoaching #teamhrvtska

8/11/2019, 3:44:44 AM