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Do you or your teen need support? Whether it’s a mental health emergency or general counseling, support or shelter—in addition to Teen Lifeline, any of these local resources are safe places to find help in Arizona. If you need help finding resources for your specific needs, we can help. > Call/text Teen Lifeline at 602-248-8336 for youth-focused resources. > Call 211 or visit for a wide variety of resources across Arizona. You're not alone!

5/31/2024, 1:40:39 AM

Most of us have heard it’s important to “feel your feelings”—but do you know how to actually do it? Emotions are our body’s signals trying to alert us of our needs and what we value. While they can be unpleasant to experience, their purpose is to help and protect us (though their efforts may sometimes be misguided). Ironically, the quickest way to help emotions pass is to give them some attention and time to process when they arise. The first step to “feeling your feelings” is giving them a name. Most feelings stem from these “core” emotions: enjoyment, fear, disgust, anger, and sadness. For some, it’s easier to figure out the emotion you’re feeling first. For others, it’s easier to figure out what you’re feeling by thinking through how the emotion feels in your body. Either way, giving a name to what you’re feeling can make it easier to handle and give you a sense of control. Once you’ve identified how you feel, it’s time to investigate what message the emotion is trying to tell you. It may help to imagine this emotion is a friend. What would this friend say to you? Is it highlighting an unmet need? Is it asking you to take action or to slow down? Finally, once you’ve addressed the emotion’s purpose, let the feeling go. Emotions are meant to share their message then leave the body. Deep breathing, changing rooms/activities, and light distractions can help you let go. Remember, you don’t have to do this alone! Teen Lifeline is here to listen and help by call or text at 602-248-8336💙

5/30/2024, 3:27:17 AM

At the core of neurodiversity is the understanding that everyone's brains work differently. We need to embrace our differences because they are what makes the world a better place. Credit: @worry__lines #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #Hamilton #canadamentalhealth #Canada #ymhc #hamont #canadawellness #canadahealth #hamiltonontario #hamiltonontariocanada #therapycanada #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthcomic #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neurodiversityawareness #mentalhealthinfographic

5/27/2024, 5:00:33 AM

How we look at things affects how we feel. Next time you feel like doing anything on the left side of this graphic, try doing the things on the right➡️ Instead of… ➡️ try this! 🙅Stuck on what went wrong ➡️ 👍Focus on what went right 🙅Worrying over things outside of your control ➡️ 👍Act on the things you can control 🙅Lashing out at a loved one ➡️ 👍Write your feelings down 🙅Apologizing for existing ➡️ 👍Thank people for listening 🙅Isolating yourself ➡️ 👍Talk to a friend, family member, or trusted adult 🙅Thinking of giving up ➡️ 👍Get through tonight and tell someone how you feel And remember, if you ever need to talk, teen peer counselors are here to listen and help at 602-248-8336🫂 = = = #TakeAMentalHealthMoment #MentalHealthMonth #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #MentalHealthAwareness #Awareness #MentalHealth #TeenMentalHealth #SchoolCounselor #Teachers #SelfCareTips #TherapyTips #StudentLife #MentalHealthEducation #GrowthMindset #ReachOut #CircleOfControl #Positivity #PositiveMindset #PositiveThinking #ThinkPositive #MentalHealthArt #Infographic #MentalHealthInfographic #GratitudeMindset #Gratitude #MentalHealthTips #Finals #Graduation #Summer #LearnOnInstagram

5/25/2024, 1:00:25 AM

This is your reminder in case you need to hear it today: you are not a burden for... 1. Needing support 2. Having a mental illness 3. Needing extra reassurance 4. Being "sensitive" 5. Not having it all together 6. Struggling 7. Not being able to work 8. Being disabled 9. Not being productive all the time 10. Needing time to heal 11. Having boundaries 12. Experiencing negative thoughts #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #Hamilton #canadamentalhealth #Canada #ymhc #hamont #canadawellness #canadahealth #hamiltonontario #hamiltonontariocanada #therapycanada #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthreminders #mentalhealthreminder #reminder #reminders #heretoremindyou #youthmentalhealth #studentmentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic

5/21/2024, 6:00:16 PM

You should not feel guilty for: Asking for help Indulging in something that brings you joy Doing nothing Having downtime Not working past the defined hours of your job Prioritizing and looking out for your needs Telling people "no" Telling others how you feel Holding other people accountable;e Not being right all the time Not having it all together Being true to yourself #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #Hamilton #canadamentalhealth #Canada #ymhc #hamont #canadawellness #canadahealth #hamiltonontario #hamiltonontariocanada #therapycanada #mentalhealthadvocate #boundaries #boundary #mentalhealthreminders #reminder #mentalhealthreminder #truetoyourself #mentalhealthinfographic #askforhelp

5/12/2024, 6:00:34 PM

Compliments not related to appearance: -You are a ray of sunshine -You inspire me -I love your passion for... -Your determination is powerful -I admire you for standing up for what you believe in -Your intelligence always challenges me #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #Hamilton #canadamentalhealth #Canada #ymhc #hamont #canadawellness #canadahealth #hamiltonontario #hamiltonontariocanada #therapycanada #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthinfographic #mentalhealthgraphic #mentalhealthgraphics #compliment #compliments #mentalhealthcompliments

5/7/2024, 3:00:16 AM

One simple action or phrase can make a large impact. You may think you are only one person, but one person can change the world. Go out there and do something kind today. This is your reminder that you're loved. Pass this on. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #Hamilton #canadamentalhealth #Canada #ymhc #hamont #canadawellness #canadahealth #hamiltonontario #hamiltonontariocanada #therapycanada #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthcomic #mentalhealthinfographic #mentalhealthchange

4/23/2024, 11:00:13 PM

Life doesn’t have a rewind button. Our experiences, both positive and negative, mold us into who we are. While we can’t erase our traumas, we can work towards reducing their influence over time. Our unique life paths offer us valuable perspectives. By harnessing our differences, we not only find strength but also gain the ability to empathize deeply with others who have walked similar paths🌿🤍 Was this post relatable? Want to work together? Book your free 15-minute consultation today! Link in bio🔗 . . . . . . . . . . . #mentalhealthhelp #selflove #mentalhealthexplained #mentalhealthisimportant #selfcare #healingfromtrauma #childhoodtrauma #mentalhealthblogger #Healing #anxiety #trauma #ontariotherapist #mentalhealthquotes #MentalHealthJourney #BIPOCTherapist #depresson #Therapy #mentalhealthinspo #healingjourney #GTAtherapist #traumarecovery #mentalhealthinfographic #reducingtrauma #generationaltrauma #traumahealing

3/30/2024, 10:15:02 PM

What are your “never-skip” songs? Music has been a part of humanity since the beginning. As something that touches upon so many aspects of the human experience, music has a lot of #mentalhealth benefits. Here are a few of those benefits: 🎧 Music is a way to safely feel difficult emotions and find catharsis 🎼 Lyrics can give you words to express how you feel 🎵 You can find connections with people like you through the music you like/make 🎶 Music can help you cope with overwhelming environments

1/26/2024, 2:38:31 AM

An important distinction 👏 Posted @withregram • @haileypaigemagee If your boundaries aren’t working, you’re probably making requests instead of setting boundaries. (If you’d like to reference this post later, be sure to hit save!) Requests and boundaries are BOTH tools we can use to meet our needs. When we make a request, we ask someone else to do, or not to do, something in order to meet our needs. For example: “Would you mind speaking to me more calmly?” Requests ask someone else to change their behavior⁠—and they may or may not do so. For this reason, requests are fundamentally unenforceable; the outcome is out of our control. Meanwhile, when we set boundaries, we are making clear what we will or won’t tolerate. For example: “I can’t continue the conversation when you raise your voice at me.” A boundary is ONLY meaningful if we enforce it with our actions—so, enforcing this boundary would mean leaving or ending the conversation when the other party raises their voice. When we set a boundary, we are making clear what our actions will be. For this reason, our boundaries are fundamentally enforceable and the outcome is entirely within our control. #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #communication #healthycommunication #boundaries #boundarysetting #communicationtips #selfcare #healing #healingjourney #codependency #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #psychology #therapist #therapygram #anxiety #attachmentstyles

1/6/2024, 6:57:00 PM

Watch my on-demand workshop Boundaries 101 for the Recovering People-Pleaser to dive DEEP into this distinction, getting answers to questions like: 👉 When is it appropriate to make a request, and when should I go straight into a boundary? 👉 How do I enforce my boundary when others don’t respect it? 👉 How do I manage and move through the guilt that arises when I set a boundary? 🚨 Get it on-demand at the link in my bio! 💕 If your boundaries aren’t working, you’re probably making requests instead of setting boundaries. (If you’d like to reference this post later, be sure to hit save!) Requests and boundaries are BOTH tools we can use to meet our needs. When we make a request, we ask someone else to do, or not to do, something in order to meet our needs. For example: “Would you mind speaking to me more calmly?” Requests ask someone else to change their behavior⁠—and they may or may not do so. For this reason, requests are fundamentally unenforceable; the outcome is out of our control. Meanwhile, when we set boundaries, we are making clear what we will or won’t tolerate. For example: “I can’t continue the conversation when you raise your voice at me.” A boundary is ONLY meaningful if we enforce it with our actions—so, enforcing this boundary would mean leaving or ending the conversation when the other party raises their voice. When we set a boundary, we are making clear what our actions will be. For this reason, our boundaries are fundamentally enforceable and the outcome is entirely within our control. #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #communication #healthycommunication #boundaries #boundarysetting #communicationtips #selfcare #healing #healingjourney #codependency #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #psychology #therapist #therapygram #anxiety #attachmentstyles

1/6/2024, 2:01:28 PM

🔋Energy Chargers and Energy Drainers🪫 Energy chargers and drainers can affect our overall wellbeing and productivity, and we can feel their impact on us even more intensely over the festive period. Energy chargers are those people, activities, or experiences that rejuvenate us, leaving us feeling more energetic. Energy drainers are the opposite – they deplete our reserves, leaving us feeling tired. Understanding the balance between energy chargers and drainers can help maintain a healthy and balanced life. Can you work out who/what your chargers and drainers are? #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocate #burnout #burnoutsymptoms #makespaceformentalhealth #itsoktocry #itsoknottobeok #itsoktotalk #MentalHealthAwareness #Community #Support #Therapy #Counselling #Positive #Mindset #endthestigma #chargersdrainers #energyvampires #energycharger #energydrainer #mentalhealthinfographic

12/28/2023, 10:00:38 PM

Repost from Youth Mental Health Canada 🧠 Have you been called a highly sensitive person? Here is a shoutout to you. Highly sensitive people: -Are deeply empathic -Are very critical of themselves -Experience rejection strongly -Get overwhelmed easily by sensory stimuli -Get hurt a lot -Feel pain and injustice strongly -Have a big heart -Have high co-morbidity with neurodivergent conditions. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #ontariomentalhealth #torontomentalhealth #Hamilton #canadamentalhealth #Canada #ontario #ymhc #highlysensitivepeople #hsp #mentalhealthinfographic #mentalhealthinformation #rejectionsensitivedysphoria #empathy #criticism #sensoryoverload #breakthesilence #talkaboutit #stopthestigma #breakthestigma #dhsmentalhealth #hscert

12/18/2023, 10:28:43 PM

some call it professional gaslighting and some call it a CBT skill…. Anyway I’ve found this quote really helpful today and I hope someone else does too 😊

11/13/2023, 8:20:28 PM

Energy chargers and drainers play a significant role in our daily lives, affecting our overall wellbeing and productivity. Energy chargers are those people, activities, or experiences that rejuvenate us, leaving us feeling more energetic and grounded. Chargers can include spending time with loved ones, enjoying hobbies we are passionate about, or simply taking a moment to relax and unwind. On the other hand, energy drainers are the opposite – they deplete our energy reserves, leaving us feeling tired. Examples of drainers are stressful work environments, negative relationships, or excessive screen time. Understanding the balance between energy chargers and drainers is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced life. #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocate #burnout #burnoutsymptoms #makespaceformentalhealth #itsoktocry #itsoknottobeok #itsoktotalk #MentalHealthAwareness #Community #Support #Therapy #Counselling #Positive #Mindset #endthestigma #chargersdrainers #energyvampires #energycharger #energydrainer #mentalhealthinfographic

10/25/2023, 11:30:10 AM

We've rounded up a few mental health resources that you can always refer to whenever you need it. We hope you find it helpful! Be sure to save this and share with your loved ones as well ❤️ Resources tagged below for easy reference: •Mobile Apps ➡️ @calm ➡️ @headspace ➡️ @betterhelp ➡️ @talkspace •Pages to Follow ➡️ @mentalhealthcoalition ➡️ ➡️ @the.conscious.psychologist ➡️ @drgbonjubolaabiri ➡️ @mh.advocates ➡️ ➡️ @_theaimee ➡️ @create_zim ➡️ @360psyche •Organizations ➡️ @neem_foundation ➡️ @mentallyawareng ➡️ @shewriteswoman ➡️ @nguvuhealth_ ➡️ @gedefoundation ➡️ @asads.ei •Podcasts ➡️ @therapyforblackgirls ➡️ @theocdstories ➡️ @thetraumatherapistpodcast ➡️ @wecandohardthingspodcast ______________________________ #WorldMentalHealthDay #WorldMentalHealthDay2023 #MentalHealthResources #MentalHealthInfographic #StopTheStigma #MentalHealthIsAUniversalHumanRight #MentalHealth #MentalHealthForAll #YouAreNotAlone #AfricanArtforChange #CreativesAuction

10/10/2023, 3:34:47 PM

Checkout some of these amazing and informative infographics from UBC’s Perinatal Anxiety Research Lab They are all about “intrusive thoughts” which are unpleasant thoughts that come into our mind when we don’t want them to. I don’t know about you, but intrusive thoughts FREAKED me out when I became a new mom and at first, I was too scared to talk to anyone about them. Here is some important info to know: 1. We have a bazillion thoughts racing through our mind. 2. Thoughts are just thoughts, they are not the truth. 3. Thoughts feel intrusive if they happen when we don’t want them to. 4. We are more likely to think about intrusive thoughts when we are worried and stressed. 5. We tend to zero in on thoughts that are upsetting/painful/about us/make us think we are bad/could really happen. 6. We most likely pay attention to intrusive thoughts that we DON’T want to happen. 7. 100% of new moms experience UNWANTED, intrusive thoughts of harming their baby by ACCIDENT. 8. 50% of new moms experience UNWANTED, intrusive thoughts of harming their baby by on PURPOSE. 9. There could be an evolutionary purpose to these intrusive thoughts (keep us alert to potential danger?) 10. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT MOMS ACT ON THEIR UNWANTED, INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS /IMAGES/IMPULSES! If you are experiencing intrusive thoughts that are distressing and they are negatively impacting your ability to take care of yourself and enjoy life - PLEASE REACH OUT FOR SUPPORT! This is a VERY common experience and you don’t have to go through this alone. Fore more information and to view the rest of the infographics: #perinatalmentalhealth #maternalmentalhealth #intrusivethoughts #gethelp #ubc #mentalhealthinfographic

9/14/2023, 9:14:24 PM

Sadness, anger, and fear... are all okay! It's important to let your child feel all the feelings and develop their Emotional Intelligence🤓 . 👉 . . . #positiveparenting #toxicpositivity #parentinghacks #parentingadvice #momlife #childrensbooks #kidsbooks #biglifejournal #emotionalintelligence #emotionalintelligenceforkids #mentalhealthkids #mentalhealthinfographic #emotionalinteligence #parenting101 #parentinghelp #parentingproblems #parentinginfo #parentingtoddlers

9/4/2023, 9:14:48 PM

Have the day off for Labor Day? Try completing any of these prompts to dedicate some time to yourself today❤️ Drop ⭐️⭐️⭐️ in the comments when you get bingo! 1. Made my bed. 2. Did a deep breathing exercise. 3. Talked to a friend. 4. Brushed my teeth. 5. Said aloud, “I am not alone.” 6. Went for a walk. 7. Take a nap. 8. Cleaned a space. 9. Read a story. = = = #MentalHealth #TeenMentalHealth #MentalWellness #MentalHealthTips #MentalHealthInfographic #HealthAndWellness #MentalHealthAdvocate #MentalSupport #Recovery #Burnout #TherapistsOfInstagram #Instateen #LearnOnInstagram #LearnAboutMentalHealth #Mindfulness #Wellness #SelfCare #SelfCareThreads #SocialMediaMentalHealth #SocialMediaWellness #MentalHealthCheckIn #TeenSuicidePreventionAwarenessMonth #TSPA #TSPA23 #SuicidePreventionMonth #Affirmations #HolidayMentalHealth #MentalSelfCare #SelfCareRoutine #SelfCareBingo

9/4/2023, 8:00:05 PM

Sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint why our energy levels are low. If you’ve crossed off all the obvious options – illness, relationship worries, stressful life events – what else can there be? Perhaps it’s as simple as, you’re enjoying work but you’re spending too much time at your desk, away from the fresh air? Or are you having fun with loved ones, but not getting enough sleep and eating and drinking too much of the wrong things? Let us know your chargers and drainers ⬇️ #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocate #burnout #burnoutsymptoms #makespaceformentalhealth #itsoktocry #itsoknottobeok #itsoktotalk #MentalHealthAwareness #Community #Support #Therapy #Counselling #Positive #Mindset #endthestigma #chargersdrainers #energyvampires #energycharger #energydrainer #mentalhealthinfographic

8/30/2023, 9:00:09 PM

Like any new experience, the start of the new school year can be intimidating. But there are also a lot of things to look forward to, too! Things to look forward to when school starts: 🫂 Seeing old friends again and making new friends ⏰ Opportunity to start a new morning routine 🎨 Joining clubs and sports 👩‍🏫 Finding a new favorite class 🦋 Expressing yourself in new ways (clothing/hair, extracurricular activities, arts, socially) What are you looking forward to doing when school starts? = = = #BackToSchool #HighSchool #School #NewYearNewMe #LookForTheGood #FocusOnTheGood #FocusOnThePositive #StayPositive #BePositive #Optimism #Positivity #PositiveThinking #BeOptimistic #HaveHope #Inspiration #KeepGoing #Inspo #MentalHealth #TeenMentalHealth #Manifestation #MentalHealthArt #MentalHealthInfographic #Infographic #SchoolAnxiety #AnxietyHelp #NewSchool #NewSchoolYear #NewSemester #TeachersOfInstagram #Counseling

8/3/2023, 6:00:05 PM

It can feel overwhelming when confusing feelings come up. 📔Here’s a framework to help you validate your feelings: 1. Acknowledge that you’re feeling different - Even if you can’t name the feeling you’re experiencing, taking time to acknowledge that you are feeling different can be a great start to validating your feelings. 2. Name the emotion - Try naming the emotion. For example, if you think you’re feeling angry, label the way you’re feeling as “angry”. If that label doesn’t seem like it describes how you feel, try another label. There’s no rush. 3. Be compassionate & patient with yourself - Validating your feelings is a process. Give yourself grace and time as you learn to validate your feelings 4. Brainstorm solutions - Once you name how you’re feeling, brainstorm why you may be feeling this way and the solutions that would make you feel resolution. 5. Take the first step towards the solution - think about what the next step you need to take to bring you closer to your solution, and then do it. For example, if you’re feeling upset with a friend and you want to talk to them about it, take the next step to have that conversation with them (send them a text, or call to schedule a time to talk). 6. Adjust the solution, if needed - Due to outside or internal factors, you may need to adjust the solution and that's okay. Validating our feelings helps us feel accepted and regulate our feelings. #reframingthoughts #problemsolving #memphistherapypractice #problemsolvingskills #framework #mentalhealthframework #memphisfamilytherapy #navigatingfeelings #memphisfamilycounseling #validateyourfeelings #feelwhatyoufeel #reframethoughts #validationframework #copingskills #copingwithoverwhelm #copingwithanxiety #selfacceptance #therapyisforeveryone #mentalhealthinfographic #memphistherapist #memphiscounselor #feelings #cordova #cooperyoung #ferrenfamilycounseling #memphis

7/17/2023, 4:08:12 PM

Repost from @haileypaigemagee • Have you ever found yourself in the Over-Giving & Disappearing Cycle? 👋 1️⃣ As people-pleasers, we over-give because that’s how we know to show love. 2️⃣ Inevitably, we get exhausted from our over-giving⁠—so we disappear. Maybe we don’t have the energy to respond to calls or texts. Maybe we don’t have the resources to give. We’re burnt out, so we fade out. 3️⃣ Then, the guilt sets in. We feel bad for being inconsistent ⁠— so we give MORE, show up MORE, only to perpetuate the cycle all over again. Though we mean well, this is how our over-giving can actually lead to us being *less* consistent, *less* reliable friends, partners, and family members. By setting boundaries around how much we give, we enable ourselves to give SUSTAINABLY so that we don’t burn out down the road. Ready to learn how to set boundaries around your over-giving, but not sure where to start? My new beginner’s workshop, Boundaries 101 for Recovering People-Pleaser, is coming up on July 26! Get all the details and snag a ticket at the link in my bio. #infographic #selfcare #selfcareillustration #boundaries #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #empath #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #overgiving #burnout #overwork #guilt #healthy #healthyrelationships #therapy #lifecoach #burnedout #codependency #enmeshment #addiction

7/14/2023, 11:34:35 PM

Have you ever found yourself in the Over-Giving & Disappearing Cycle? 👋 1️⃣ As people-pleasers, we over-give because that’s how we know to show love. 2️⃣ Inevitably, we get exhausted from our over-giving⁠—so we disappear. Maybe we don’t have the energy to respond to calls or texts. Maybe we don’t have the resources to give. We’re burnt out, so we fade out. 3️⃣ Then, the guilt sets in. We feel bad for being inconsistent ⁠— so we give MORE, show up MORE, only to perpetuate the cycle all over again. Though we mean well, this is how our over-giving can actually lead to us being *less* consistent, *less* reliable friends, partners, and family members. By setting boundaries around how much we give, we enable ourselves to give SUSTAINABLY so that we don’t burn out down the road. Ready to learn how to set boundaries around your over-giving, but not sure where to start? My new beginner’s workshop, Boundaries 101 for Recovering People-Pleaser, is coming up on July 26! Get all the details and snag a ticket at the link in my bio. #infographic #selfcare #selfcareillustration #boundaries #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #empath #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #overgiving #burnout #overwork #guilt #healthy #healthyrelationships #therapy #lifecoach #burnedout #codependency #enmeshment #addiction

7/14/2023, 2:01:30 PM

While hotline call topics may vary, all hotline conversations tend to follow a similar pattern of problem-solving. 👋 1: Introduction 😃 2: Build trust between the caller and counselor 🤔 3: Help the caller identify problems 🛠️ 4: Problem-solving (this is the longest part of a call/text) 👍 5: Closing (and schedule a follow-up, if needed) No matter what you need to talk about, our teen peer counselors are here to listen and help. Call or text 602-248-8336❤️ (July 15 is Teen Lifeline’s birthday! Support our hotline with a donation to our Instagram or at = = = #Birthday #BirthdayFundraiser #BirthdayGift #Fundraising #Nonprofit #AZNonprofit #CrisisHotline #Hotline #SuicidePrevention #Parenting #Volunteers #TeenVolunteers #TherapistsOfInstagram #Counseling #SchoolCounselor #TeachersOfInstagram #Volunteen #SummerBreak #Birthday #SaveLives #Donate #GiveBack #FlowOfACall #RetroPhone #Phone #LearnOnInstagram #LearnAboutMentalHealth #MentalHealth #MentalHealthInfographic #Infographic #MentalHealthArt

7/11/2023, 10:00:07 PM

At the beginning of this year, we launched our Caring Contacts program: where trained teen volunteers reach out to teens recently discharged from the hospital following a suicide attempt. While “Caring Contacts” has been around for a while for adults, ours is the first Caring Contacts program specifically for teens. Teens can opt into the program while in the hospital and peer counselors will reach out within 24-48 hours, keeping regular contact with them for an entire year. (Teen Lifeline’s birthday is next week! Support programs like Caring Contacts with a birthday donation to our Instagram page or at = = = #CaringContacts #Hotline #CrisisHotline #BehavioralHealthcare #Healthcare #BehavioralHealthHospital #MentalHealthHospital #Hospital #BehavioralHealth #MentalHealth #TeenMentalHealth #SuicidePrevention #Nonprofit #AZnonprofit #Community #Support #TeenSupport #DepressionHelp #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthEducation #Infographic #MentalHealthInfographic #LearnAboutMentalHealth #MentalHealthSupport #Counseling #LearnOnInstagram #MentalHealthArt #Parenting #SchoolCounselor #TherapistsOfInstagram

7/7/2023, 12:00:04 AM

If your boundaries aren’t working, you’re probably making requests instead of setting boundaries. (If you’d like to reference this post later, be sure to hit save!) Requests and boundaries are BOTH tools we can use to meet our needs. When we make a request, we ask someone else to do, or not to do, something in order to meet our needs. For example: “Would you mind speaking to me more calmly?” Requests ask someone else to change their behavior⁠—and they may or may not do so. For this reason, requests are fundamentally unenforceable; the outcome is out of our control. Meanwhile, when we set boundaries, we are making clear what we will or won’t tolerate. For example: “I can’t continue the conversation when you raise your voice at me.” A boundary is ONLY meaningful if we enforce it with our actions—so, enforcing this boundary would mean leaving or ending the conversation when the other party raises their voice. When we set a boundary, we are making clear what our actions will be. For this reason, our boundaries are fundamentally enforceable and the outcome is entirely within our control. 👉 Wondering how to use requests and boundaries in navigating difficult situations with partners, spouses, family members, and friends? Get my on-demand workshop Using Boundaries to Sustain Complicated Relationships at the link in my bio! 💕 #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #communication #healthycommunication #boundaries #boundarysetting #communicationtips #selfcare #healing #healingjourney #codependency #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #psychology #therapist #therapygram #anxiety #attachmentstyles

7/5/2023, 2:02:39 PM

🎨 by @mercycareaz | Mercy Care is a long-time supporter of our suicide prevention work and an excellent resource for Arizonans. Thank you for the shoutout @mercycareaz! If you are a teen or know a teen, make sure you know about the Teen Lifeline hotline. Whenever a teen is struggling—be it about school and relationships, or about suicidal thoughts—they can call or text 602-248-8336 to talk with a teen peer counselor. There is help and there is hope! = = = #SuicidePrevention #Hotline #SuicideHotline #MentalHealth #TeenMentalHealth #PeerCounseling #MentalHealthAwareness #DepressionAwareness #DepressionHope #MentalHealthRecovery #Recovery #SpreadTheWord #RaiseAwareness #MentalHealthEducation #TherapistsOfInstagram #SchoolCounselor #Parenting #GetHelp #Counseling #LearnOnInstagram #LearnAboutMentalHealth #Infographic #MentalHealthInfographic #MentalHealthcare #Healthcare #Community #CommunityPartner #CommunitySupport #MercyCare #BecauseWeCare

6/28/2023, 10:00:05 PM

(🎨 by @valuevisualized) | What’s your mental energy “battery percentage” at? Drop a number in the comments🔌🪫 Running yourself into the red isn’t being productive—it’s overworking yourself. You’ll get a lot more mileage out of your energy when you take a break *before* your breaking point. = = = #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAdvocate #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthArt #TeenMentalHealth #MentalHealthHelp #MentalWellness #MentalHealthInfographic #HealthAndWellness #Energy #EnergyLevels #LowBattery #Battery #LearnOnInstagram #LearnAboutMentalHealth #Summer #SummerBreak #Vacation #ShadowWork #Mindfulness #Wellness #SelfCare #SelfCareThreads #MentalSelfCare #Stress #MensHealthMonth #Overworked #TherapistsOfInstagram #Counseling

6/13/2023, 5:00:08 AM

What do you want to do this summer? Tag a friend you’d like to start a new hobby with🎨 . . . While it's great to have something you really enjoy, if it's the ONLY thing you have, it's a matter of time before you burn out on it or lose access to it. Protect your #mentalhealth by diversifying what you put your time into. Try new things and keep a list of the activities that worked for you—they will help if your go-to activity doesn’t work or isn’t available. . . . Example of what this looks like in practice: Sam always listens to music on her phone when she’s upset. One day, her phone breaks—now she’s upset, but she can’t use her phone to calm down. However, Sam has a list of other things she knows help her feel better. Instead of panicking over the loss of her phone and music, she turns to journaling to calm herself down. . . . As always, if you or someone you know is struggling there are people ready to help anytime. Teen Lifeline is here for you by call/text at 602-248-8336❤️ Or, if online chat is more your thing, @988lifeline is here for you too at #YoureNotAlone! = = = #MentalHealthTips #TeenMentalHealth #MentalHealthHelp #MentalWellness #MentalHealthInfographic #HealthAndWellness #MentalHealthAdvocate #MentalSupport #Recovery #Burnout #TherapistsOfInstagram #MentalHealthKit #LearnOnInstagram #LearnAboutMentalHealth #Mindfulness #Wellness #SelfCare #SelfCareThreads #MentalSelfCare #HowToCope #CopingSkills #CopingStrategies #ActivitiesForTeens #ActivityIdeas #LearningThroughPlay #TrySomethingNew #SummerBreak #ShadowWork

6/9/2023, 11:00:11 PM

We tend to think of perfectionism as the perfect trait, but then we face these down sides, or “red flags”. If you find yourself relating to these, it may be a good idea to seek help! *Disclaimer: do not inquire about services via IG DM. Please contact me through my website.* #perfectionism #redflags #lmft #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #mentalhealthinfographic #therapist #depressionhelp #anxietysupport #perfectionismrecovery #perfectionismtherapy

6/5/2023, 7:20:25 PM

Journaling can be a great tool to use in between therapy sessions or even as a stand alone. It has so many benefits and is a safe space to vent our negative feelings. To learn more about journaling for mental health, feel free to reach out. To schedule an appointment, please visit my website do not DM on instagram. #therapy #therapist #journaling #mentalhealthawareness #depressionhelp #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #lmft #therapistsofinstagram #infographic #mentalhealthinfographic #psychotherapynetworker #psychoeducation

6/3/2023, 6:51:34 PM

May is #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, and at CCRW, we're committed to promoting mental wellness in the workplace. Check out our latest blog post on mental health, and let’s create a more inclusive & supportive work environment together! 🤍

5/1/2023, 4:03:26 PM

Did you know that spending time outside can have significant mental health benefits? Research has shown that being in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall well-being. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air, time spent in nature can help us feel more relaxed and connected to the world around us. There are many reasons why spending time outside is good for our mental health. For one, exposure to natural light can help regulate our circadian rhythms, which can improve sleep and reduce symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. Being in nature can also help us disconnect from technology and the stresses of daily life, allowing us to focus on the present moment and engage in activities that bring us joy. So why not take some time today to enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors and reap the mental health benefits that come with it? 🪷 🪷 🪷 #MentalHealth #TimeOutside #Outside #PlayOutside #ExteriorActivities #TimeAndNature #Mindfulness #MindfulnessTechniques #MentalHealth #MentalHealthTips #MentalHealthInfoGraphic #Inforgraphic #LearningOnInstagram #ReduceAnxiety #ReduceDepression #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalwellness

4/19/2023, 12:00:00 PM

It's weird that a person can suffer from what seems like two very different mental illnesses at the same time. In fact, depression and anxiety are often linked and can trigger each other, forming a veritable see-saw of emotional unbalance. #mentalillnessawareness #mentalhealthmatters #changetheworld #mentalillness #depressionawareness #anxietyanddepression #mentalhealthawareness #endthestigma #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #mentalhealthblogger #mentalhealthinfographic #themoreyoulearn #gettoknowme #mentalwellness #justcantwin #dualdiagnosis #depressionbelike #anxietybelike #livingwithdepression #livingwithanxiety #anxietyawareness #letstalkaboutmentalhealth

2/22/2023, 1:59:04 PM

Often we don't see these as symptoms of an illness, instead we label them as "bad behaviour."⁣ ⁣ But the same way that our body reacts to poor physical health in the form of pain, fatigue, bloating, nausea, etc., our minds react to poor mental health by giving out early warning signs.⁣ ⁣ #listentoyourbody #mentalillnessawareness #mentalhealthmatters #changetheworld #mentalillness #depressionawareness #anxietyanddepression #mentalhealthawareness #endthestigma #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #mentalhealthblogger #mentalhealthinfographic #selfcareday #takecareofyourself #mentalwellness #mentalhealthandwellness #bementallywell

2/2/2023, 12:43:11 PM

Your emotions are all valid. Feel them in your body. Allow them to be there. They don't need to go away. It makes total and complete sense that you feel that way, based on every experience you've had in your lifetime. AND - You can still take action anyway ❤️ 🚨Wanna learn how to set boundaries while honoring your sensitive nervous system? Join me on Thursday at 1PM EST for my "Better Boundaries" workshop (registration link in bio). I can't wait to see you there! #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #communication #healthycommunication #boundaries #boundarysetting #communicationtips #selfcare #healing #healingjourney #codependency #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #psychology #therapist #therapygram #anxiety #attachmentstyles

1/23/2023, 7:13:39 PM

Posted @withregram • @haileypaigemagee If your boundaries aren’t working, you’re probably making requests instead of setting boundaries. Requests and boundaries are both tools we can use to meet our needs. When we make a request, we ask someone else to do, or not to do, something in order to meet our needs. For example: “Would you mind speaking to me more calmly?” Requests ask someone else to change their behavior⁠—and they may or may not do so. For this reason, requests are fundamentally unenforceable; the outcome is out of our control. Meanwhile, when we set boundaries, we are making clear what we will or won’t tolerate. For example: “I can’t continue the conversation when you raise your voice at me.” A boundary is only meaningful if we enforce it—so, enforcing this boundary would mean leaving or ending the conversation when the other party raises their voice. When we set a boundary, we are making clear what our actions will be. For this reason, our boundaries are fundamentally enforceable and the outcome is entirely within our control. Wondering when to use a request and when to use a boundary? Wondering what to do when your requests land on unhearing ears? We answer all of these questions and more in my on-demand workshop Setting Boundaries With Difficult and Unreceptive People, available today at the link in my bio! #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #communication #healthycommunication #boundaries #boundarysetting #communicationtips #selfcare #healing #healingjourney #codependency #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #psychology #therapist #therapygram #anxiety #attachmentstyles

1/18/2023, 7:02:08 PM

Boundaries are not the end-game, they’re a means to an end. They are a tool, not the destination. They’re the GPS, they’re not the grocery store. The point of using a GPS device isn’t just to turn left at the light, to bypass the traffic jam ahead, or to be aware of a red light camera, although all these things are helpful and often required. The actual point is to get to the grocery store. With boundary work, the point isn’t just learning to communicate better boundaries, although that’s helpful and often required. The point is to be more of YOURSELF in this world. And in order to get to that destination, you have to learn how to take radical responsibility for yourself and your life. To fully own your emotional response, learn to regulate your nervous system, to heal your attachment wounds. To stop attaching your sense of okayness to what other people say and do. And when you get off track, you have to learn to reroute. Boundaries can help you do this. ➡️If you want to learn how to use boundaries as a tool to become more fully yourself, join my free workshop happening on Jan 26th. Registration link in bio. #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #communication #healthycommunication #boundaries #boundarysetting #communicationtips #selfcare #healing #healingjourney #codependency #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #psychology #therapist #therapygram #anxiety #attachmentstyles

1/18/2023, 3:29:27 PM

If your boundaries aren’t working, you’re probably making requests instead of setting boundaries. Requests and boundaries are both tools we can use to meet our needs. When we make a request, we ask someone else to do, or not to do, something in order to meet our needs. For example: “Would you mind speaking to me more calmly?” Requests ask someone else to change their behavior⁠—and they may or may not do so. For this reason, requests are fundamentally unenforceable; the outcome is out of our control. Meanwhile, when we set boundaries, we are making clear what we will or won’t tolerate. For example: “I can’t continue the conversation when you raise your voice at me.” A boundary is only meaningful if we enforce it—so, enforcing this boundary would mean leaving or ending the conversation when the other party raises their voice. When we set a boundary, we are making clear what our actions will be. For this reason, our boundaries are fundamentally enforceable and the outcome is entirely within our control. 👉 Wondering when to use a request and when to use a boundary? 👉 Wondering what to do when your requests land on unhearing ears? 👉 We answer all of these questions and more in my on-demand workshop Setting Boundaries With Difficult and Unreceptive People, available today at the link in my bio! #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthinfographic #communication #healthycommunication #boundaries #boundarysetting #communicationtips #selfcare #healing #healingjourney #codependency #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #psychology #therapist #therapygram #anxiety #attachmentstyles

1/18/2023, 2:00:08 PM

The truth is I'm pissed... We all have mental health and it's about time we stop treating our mental health like it doesn't exist outside of a diagnosis of dysfunction! There are so many options for support in navigating our lives and while 👉 a coach and a therapist are not the same thing 👈 we can learn sooo much by having these discussions, exploring our well being and what that even means! 📣 THIS IS INDIVIDUALLY CHARGED AND DOES NOT MEAN THE SAME THING FOR EVERYONE! Anywho... just another day in the life of my passion for supporting your mental health as a chick who went from depressed, anxious and pretty dang defeated to a woman with so much love and appreciation for this life 💗 Love you. You are worth it. There is something out there for you and if you'd like some help finding a starting point I'm here. disclaimers in highlights and note I will always encourage integrative health approach ♡ #mentalhealthinfo #mentalhealthinfographic #infographics #holistichealth #vermontherbalist #therapyiscool #stigmafighter #mentalhealthcommunity #mentalhealthadvocate #selflovery #addictionrecovery #addictsupport #helpisavailable #recoveryispossible #mentalhealthawareness #mymentalhealth #anxiety #depression #endthestigma #showupwithcompassion #healing #mentalhealthrecovery

12/17/2022, 1:53:56 PM

Happy Post-Halloween Madness! Are you and your kids feeling tired after a night of trick or treating and Halloween festivities? Check out @drstephanie_speaks ‘s tips and tricks to manage your “Halloween Hangover”! Don’t forget to take care of yourself as we begin to wrap up this year 🫶🏻 #practicesf #bayareamentalhealth #bayareacounseling #bayareaparents #therapysf #sanfrancisco #sfmentahealth #halloweeninfographic #mentalhealthinfographic

11/1/2022, 11:38:46 PM

#ThrowbackThursday to my post for @swaaymedia! #4 Steps to Build Resilience in Turbulent Times 💪 // Swipe through >>> Tag a friend in the comments that you think needs to hear this today. __________⁣ #resilience #empathy #howtobempathetic #howtohaveempathy #onempathy #empath #mentalhealthstigmas #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthinfographic #infographic #mentalwellness #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bebodypositive #selflove #selfcare #empoweringwomen #inspiration #powerful #respect #empower #womenpower #motivational

9/15/2022, 7:36:11 PM

Bringing this post back as a mid-summer reminder for those running out of summer activities. Tag a friend you’d like to start a new hobby with🎨 . . . While it's great to have something you really enjoy, if it's the ONLY thing you have, it's a matter of time before you burn out on it or lose access to it. Protect your #mentalhealth by diversifying what you put your time into. Try new things and keep a list of the activities that worked for you—they will help if your go-to activity doesn’t work or isn’t available. . . . Example of what this looks like in practice: Sam always listens to music on her phone when she’s upset. One day, her phone breaks—now she’s upset, but she can’t use her phone to calm down. However, Sam has a list of other things she knows help her feel better. Instead of panicking over the loss of her phone and music, she turns to journaling to calm herself down. . . . As always, if you or someone you know is struggling there are people ready to help anytime. Teen Lifeline is here for you by call/text at 602-248-8336❤️ Or, if online chat is more your thing, @800273talk is here for you too at #YoureNotAlone! = = = = = #MentalHealthTips #TeenMentalHealth #MentalHealthHelp #MentalWellness #MentalHealthInfographic #HealthAndWellness #MentalHealthAdvocate #MentalSupport #Recovery #Burnout #TherapistsOfInstagram #MentalHealthKit #LearnOnInstagram #LearnAboutMentalHealth #Mindfulness #Wellness #SelfCare #SelfCareThreads #MentalSelfCare #HowToCope #CopingSkills #CopingStrategies #ActivitiesForTeens #ActivityIdeas #LearningThroughPlay #TrySomethingNew #SummerBreak #ShadowWork

7/8/2022, 12:15:16 AM

Happy #4thOfJuly! Here are a few ways to care “4” yourself this week❤️ Fuel your body: 🥤drink 12 cups of water a day 🚿take a shower or bath 🫁take 6 deep breaths—4 seconds in, hold for 7, breath out for 8 👟take a short walk, observing the things around you as you walk by them Emotional self-care: 🎨journal or doodle 🙌say yes to something you want to do or have 🧠name what you’re feeling right now 🧎sit with your emotions for 5 minutes—all thoughts are okay Social connections: 📱call/text or hang out with a friend 🌎join an online group 🎳game night with friends/family 🤝body double with friends/family to get tasks done together Nurture your spirit: 🎵listen to music 📚read a new book or watch a new show ✍️make a list of your favorite activities to come back to later 🧘follow a guided meditation on YouTube or an app like @calm or @headspace What #selfcare activities would you add to this list? = = = #FourthOfJuly #JulyFourth #IndependenceDay #thefourth #july4th #SelfCare #SelfCareThreads #SummerBreak #Vacation #SummerVacation #activitiesforkids #NurtureYourSoul #TeenMentalHealth #CopingSkills #HowToCope #Therapists #TherapyTips #MentalHealthAdvocate #MentalHealth #MentalHealthArt #Infographic #MentalHealthInfographic #LearnOnInstagram #PhysicalSelfCare #EmotionalSelfCare #SocialSelfCare #SpiritualSelfCare #care4yourself

7/4/2022, 11:00:20 PM

MoodMug is not only a fun water bottle. It's an art therapy intervention - recommended by therapists. Take a look at the science behind MoodMug and how you can implement it in your home!💛

6/29/2022, 11:05:41 PM

Following the #news keeps you prepared but it can quickly become too much, causing overwhelm, anxiety, and hopelessness. It can be even harder when stressful news comes out of nowhere—on your social media feed, in a conversation at work, home, or with friends, etc. Here are some #mentalhealth tips to help you get through that news stress: Mindfulness: ⏲️set a time limit for how much social media/news you read in a day 🚶when you catch yourself obsessively reading everything (aka #doomscrolling), close out your browser/app and do something else in another room 🛀do a relaxing activity after a stressful interaction Action: 🪜take small steps to help big problems 💬share how you're feeling with others 🙌spread awareness off/online and educate loved ones Remembering the good: 🥰Remind yourself of what you already do and have done 💪Learn what other people and organizations are doing to improve the situation (and how you can join them!) 🐠Follow sources of good news Bottom line, you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. It takes a village to make change happen, so don't put the whole world on your shoulders alone. Friends, family, teachers, counselors, other advocates—there's many sources of support. Teen Lifeline is also here to help teens and families at 602-248-8336❤️

6/29/2022, 3:00:09 AM

There are no “good” or “bad” emotions. Our children have to be able to feel a whole range of different emotions in order to develop socially and emotionally. MoodMug welcomes ALL the feelings❤️

6/24/2022, 3:15:25 PM

Play gives children a great opportunity to positively and safely convey their feelings. They get to experiment with physical displays of emotions and hone the communication tools needed to verbalize those thoughts to others around them🗣 What are your ways of teaching kids about emotions?✨

6/22/2022, 12:38:53 AM