energymovement images

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Suur tänu usalduse & avatuse eest @kadimaarija ♡ . . . . #photosession #lightseries #eestifoto #portrait #portree #magic #aura #mystic #energymovement #lightpaintingportrait #lightpainter

6/1/2024, 6:36:31 PM

Heute zeige ich euch zwei Bilder: Eines vor einem Jahr und eines von heute. WOW! Was innerhalb weniger Monaten sich verändern kann. Ich habe mich voll und ganz meinen medialen Gaben hingegeben und alles ist explodiert ❤️❤️❤️ Und ich habe begonnen bei anderen energetisch zu arbeiten - zu geben und auch Geld dafür zu nehmen❤️ Energy Movement ist eine Ausbildung, die dir das an die Hand gibt, was ich gelernt habe und intensiviert habe✨ Was mein Leben um 180 Grad verändert hat✨ Was das Leben von anderen schon verändert hat✨ Geldfluss, glückliches Familienleben, bewertungsfreies Leben, high Energy und Freiheit🤗🥳 (Uns natürlich vieles mehr - es gibt hier keine Grenze🤩) In 4 Monaten bekommst du geballtes Wissen, lernst und gibst Sessions🥰 Am Montag 3.6. um 11 Uhr geht’s los ✨❤️✨ Alles wird aufgezeichnet✌️ Du bist interessiert - schreib mir💌 Und komm doch gleich noch in die Schupperstunde morgen (2.6.) um 9 Uhr Da wirst du meine Arbeit kennen lernen. Volle Aktivierung deines Glückes❤️🚀 Hashtags: #seelenarbeit #frequency #higherfrequency #frequenzarbeit #energiearbeit #resonance #resonanzgesetz #resonanz #universellegesetze #energieistalles #soulcolor #transformation #neubeginn #zellenergie #zellwissen #ängste #angst #lolösung #ausbildung #energymovement #artgerecht #artgerechtprojekt #durchdiedecke #moneylove #familie #mumof3 #jetztunddavor #vorherundnachher

6/1/2024, 10:35:59 AM

Thank you to the beautiful souls who were able to attend the Inspiration Party yesterday. 🙏🏻 We talked about what inspiration is, how it feels in our bodies, and what blocks us from experiencing it. We also practiced opening our hearts to connect with our source of energy and doing some simple inspiration practices. The party-goers also shared some of their favourite ways to get their energy moving: • Feel your heartbeat • Practice yoga • Run • Get hands in the dirt • Workout at the gym • Walk in the forest • Put bare feet on the earth • Be near flowing water • Connect with nature and nature’s creatures • Create art without attachment to outcome • Dance to your favourite song • Stretch your body • Send a note to a loved one It doesn’t take a huge commitment to open to the flow our energy. These simple practices can be done in moments or minutes. ✨Comment below with one of your favourite practices that helps you reconnect with feeling inspired. #inspiration #practice #inspirationpractice #energy #sourceenergy #energyflow #energymovement #flow #flowofenergy #inspired #inspiredwork

5/31/2024, 8:41:21 PM

Participate in the global energy conference that will transform the energy landscape of Africa and beyond! Get your delegate pass right away and come to African Energy Week with us. Assist leading companies in the field to promote sustainable energy growth and unleash the immense potential of the continent! Make connections with titans of the business, acquire priceless knowledge, investigate profitable endeavours, and remain ahead of regulatory changes influencing Africa's energy future. Display your inventions, create meaningful alliances, and grow your global profile. Why attend: • Finance Summit Forum: Explores ways of financing Africa’s energy transition and innovative ways to finance oil and gas • An Innovative Conference Experience: AEW2024 offers divers sector-specific dialogues, networking forums, deal-rooms and programs. • Dedicated to Oil & Gas: We committed in advancing Africa’s hydrocarbon sector, AEW spotlights Africa’s oil and gas potential. • Driving Multi-Sector Investment: Our exclusive workshops and meetings unveil Africa’s promising investment opportunities across the entire energy value chain. At AEW, expect more than 20 distinguished ministers from all over the globe, important industry leaders, and well-known global CEO’s to be part of our speakers. Our key top session includes looking at the state of play of Africa’s oil industry, strategies for securing capital for upstream projects, and exploring Africa as a global LNG hub. AEW will look at ways of empowering youth and women in energy, ways of securing capital for renewable energy, the state of play in Africa’s nuclear industry and explore local content and the future workforce. Register today - Link in Bio. #AfricanEnergyWeek2024 #EnergyGrowth #InvestInAfrica #InvestInEnergy #CTICC #EnergyMovement

5/30/2024, 10:35:46 AM

One of my clients remarked, "Your work takes my mind from going 90 miles an hour to zero, which is not an easy thing to do." My client is a business owner with a busy life who credits energy balancing as being helpful to minimizing stress and learning how to calm her mind. This, in addition to a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition habits, is part of her health routine. I enjoy the time I get to spend helping my clients with guidance and clarity to help them overcome challenges, grow, and align their lives with their inner vision. Yes, there is always homework which varies. Sometimes, it's movement. Sometimes, it's breathwork. Sometimes, it's crafting a new lifestyle based on what you now have the energy to accomplish as a result of getting unblocked. Most people are amazed at the changes that happen in 60 minutes. Often, there is relief from stress and from pain. Usually, there is more clarity, greater insight, and a deeper wisdom that takes the place of what was released. It's all good. Work with me and find out for yourself! #spirituality #energy #energytherapy #energymovement #energyfuel #innerpeace #energybodyhealth #soniag #betteryou

5/30/2024, 12:58:41 AM

Flowing through life with a soft touch and a gentle heart. Embracing, femininity, grace, and elegance. Finding beauty in simple moments. Nurturing my inner beauty and strength. 🌸✨ Choosing love🍃 #MyJourney #SoftFeminine #Fluidity

5/28/2024, 2:50:46 PM

Schon lange habe ich mit dem Gedanken gespielt, mein Wissen und Können zu lehren. Jetzt ist es so weit und ich bin schon voll Vorfreude!! Als ich vor 4 Jahren davon gehört habe, von dem energetischen Arbeiten, habe ich blind meiner Intuition vertraut und ein Programm dazu gebucht. Mein Körper hat gearbeitet und ich konnte kaum fassen, was mit mir passiert. Mir war sofort klar, dass ich das auch kann und so wurde ich auch von meiner Mentorin darauf angesprochen, ob ich es nicht lernen möchte, weil es wichtig ist, sein können in die Welt hinaus zu tragen! 
Und noch wichtiger, anderen zu helfen!! Mittlerweile ist es „Meins“ geworden - hat sich entwickelt und ist gewachsen❤️ In vielen Sessions habe ich schon viel befreit, aktiviert und so wunderbare Felder geöffnet. Eine Frau hat absoluten Geldfluss erhalten, nachdem ich Mangelfelder abgelöst habe. Eine andere Frau hat Schmerzen, die nicht ihr gehören, gelöscht. Löschung und Loslösung von Traumata und Mangelfeldern - ich bin so dankbar, dass ich hierbei unterstützen kann🙏🏻 Ich weiß genau wie du alles in deinem eigenen Energiesystem aktivierst.🚀 Jetzt ist es soweit, all das zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie es für dich und anderen funktioniert.❤️ Zieht es dich? Dann spring in meine Ausbildung und kommentiere mit „❤️“ Melde dich bei mir, es gibt nur begrenzte Plätze🥰 Für die nächsten 72 Stunden gilt noch der Early Bird Preis von 5k, danach steigt er auf 8k. 4 Monate höchste Aktivierung deiner wahren Power, Veränderung in Lichtgeschwindigkeit, Löschung von Blockaden und Mangelfeldern und so vieles mehr. Du wirst völlig frei. Ich freue mich auf dich - am 3.6. starten wir✨❤️✨ #seelenarbeit #frequency #higherfrequency #frequenzarbeit #energiearbeit #resonance #resonanzgesetz #resonanz #universellegesetze #energieistalles #soulcolor #transformation #neubeginn #zellenergie #zellwissen #ängste #angst #lolösung #ausbildung #energymovement #artgerecht #artgerechtprojekt #durchdiedecke #moneylove #familie #mumof3

5/24/2024, 11:10:00 PM

Wow! Heute habe ich die letzten Jahre meiner Selbstständigkeit reflektiert und ich habe schon über 1000 Mamas und Papas geholfen😱🥳❤️ ✨sie leben ein absolutes glückliches Familienleben ✨so viele Mamas wissen jetzt, wie alles einfacher, schöner, entspannter ablaufen kann ✨viele hatten Geldsorgen - Weggeblasen! Durch meine Räume wissen sie alle, wie viel mehr Geld zu ihnen fließen kann und wie sie ein absolutes Traumleben erschaffen können ✨sie sind emotional frei ✨sie leben endlich ihren wahren Kern und sind kein Fähnchen mehr im Winde❤️ ✨so vielen habe ich energetisch geholfen, Frequenzaktivierung - Veränderung in Lichtgeschwindigkeit. Alte Ladungen von so vielen Blockaden und Mangelfeldern einfach gelöscht ✨Ihre Schwingung hat sich in dem Moment sofort verändert ✨so viele Kinder sind windelfrei groß geworden ❤️❤️❤️ Höchstes Vertrauen und höchste Intuitionsaktivierung ❤️❤️❤️ Und auch in liebevollen Gesprächen, in 1:1 Begleitungen, wurde alles transformiert ❤️ Ich fühle Wahrheit, ich fühle, was los ist und ich fühle, was es braucht damit das ganz große Glück einziehen kann❤️ Huiii, Achtung - Bald geht es los! Ich bin schon voller Vorfreude 🥳 Es rollt was Großartiges an🪄✨ Lerne von mir die Energy Movement Ausbildung - Meine Energiearbeit ist legendär und ich werde ausbilden. Schreibe „✨“ in die Kommentare und bekomme einen Wartelistenplatz😍✌️ #seelenarbeit #frequency #higherfrequency #frequenzarbeit #energiearbeit #resonance #resonanzgesetz #resonanz #universellegesetze #energieistalles #soulcolor #transformation #neubeginn #zellenergie #zellwissen #ängste #angst #lolösung #ausbildung #energymovement #artgerecht #artgerechtprojekt #durchdiedecke #moneylove #familie #mumof3

5/23/2024, 7:13:48 AM

Join us at African Energy Week 2024, where global industry leaders unite to shape tomorrow's energy landscape! Don't miss out on the action from November 4-8 at the CTICC in Cape Town! Dive deep into Africa's oil and gas potential and get ahead of the curve as we decode the energy transition's impact on global dynamics and unveil the boundless opportunities for Africa's energy sector! Secure your delegate pass now and be a catalyst for change! Register today - link in bio. #AfricanEnergyWeek2024 #EnergyGrowth #InvestInAfrica #InvestInEnergy #CTICC #EnergyMovement

5/20/2024, 11:04:14 AM

Emotions are energy in motion - they move quickly if you let them! Be with each feeling and let them move rather than linger, making space for new ones 🧘‍♀️ #elementalhealing #energyinmotion #kinesiology #kinesiologist #nurturefeelings #energymovement #howdoyouwanttofeel #selfcare

5/16/2024, 9:40:22 AM

My life. Hips don’t lie. Healing process! #mylife #myhipsdontlie #enjoy #dance #energymovement #healinghousefi #mariannasoveri

5/15/2024, 5:32:06 PM

We are updating The Healing Experience Evening Market flyer daily. @beylaenergy is joining us for the market offering reiki/herbal products/LMD, and she is also leading a Somatic Movement session the night before. Link is in bio. This is a wonderful offering and we hope you will join us on Friday, 31st. If you want vendor information, just DM us! #somatichealing #movement #energymovement #somatic

5/15/2024, 4:27:21 PM

Register |Be part of the international energy conference set to revolutionise Africa's energy landscape and beyond! Secure your delegate pass now and join us at African Energy Week 2024. Join industry leaders to drive sustainable energy development and unlock the continent's boundless potential! Connect with industry titans, gain invaluable insights, explore lucrative ventures, and stay ahead of regulatory shifts shaping Africa's energy future. Showcase your innovations, forge impactful partnerships, and elevate your international presence Register today - Link in Bio #AfricanEnergyWeek2024 #EnergyGrowth #InvestInAfrica #InvestInEnergy #CTICC #EnergyMovement

5/15/2024, 2:42:00 PM

Calling all energy industry leaders! Join the biggest international energy conference shaping the future of energy in Africa and beyond. Secure your delegate pass now for African Energy Week and join us in driving sustainable energy development and unlocking the continent's immense potential! Unlock a world of opportunities! Network with industry leaders, gain valuable insights, explore lucrative business prospects, and stay ahead of policy developments shaping the energy landscape in Africa. Showcase your innovations, form impactful partnerships, and boost your global visibility. This year, from November 4–8, at the CTICC, join us for African Energy Week 2024 under the theme: “Invest in African Energies: Energy growth through an enabling environment” in the stunning city of Cape Town. Register today - Check link in bio. Let's work together towards a brighter energy future for Africa! #AfricanEnergyWeek #EnergyGrowth #InvestInAfrica #CTICC #EnergyMovement

5/13/2024, 1:46:51 PM

Siamo pronti ad accogliervi sabato 18 maggio per una masterclass che allenerà sia il corpo che la mente. Dalle 11:30, Marco e Jacopo vi guideranno in un allenamento ‘Energy Movement’ e poi vi illustreranno i benefici di questo metodo. 🗓️Sabato 18 Maggio ⏰11.30 📍N.B.D. OVER LIMIT Non perdete questa opportunità! Contattateci per maggiori informazioni! N.B.D Over Limit ☎️ 0685358100 📱o 💬(whatsapp) al 3398635057 📍Via degli Estensi, 219/B ___ . . . ___ #palestra #gym #palestraitalia #palestraroma #energy #energymovement #roma #allenamento #allenamentofunzionale #pilates #yoga #addominali #benessere #fitness #fitnessmotivation #flussoenergetico

5/10/2024, 4:38:40 PM

Awaken your vitality with our energy movements : Do you often feel exhausted, with physical pains that prevent you from fully enjoying your day? Do you feel like your mind is constantly cluttered, preventing you from concentrating effectively? Our energy movement workshops are here to help you breathe new life into your body and mind. Through ancient practices like chi-kung, yoga, and meditation, you'll learn to release accumulated tensions, boost your vital energy, and cultivate a deep connection with yourself. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, our personalized sessions will help you regain vitality, mental clarity, and inner serenity. Let our expert team guide you and rediscover the pleasure of being fully grounded in your body. Ready to reignite your spark of life?Join us now for a revitalizing experience! #wellness #selfcare #meditation #yogapractice #mindfulness #coaching #personaldevelopment #holisticwellness #transformationalcoaching #energymovement #mindfulnessmovement #bodymindconnection #selfcaremovement #emotionalhealing #chikungyoga #bodymemoryrelease

5/10/2024, 12:13:21 PM

Harness the magic and power of fire, during this epic class of movement, breath, and creation manifestation! And receive an amazing soul terra candle to take that magic home with you! #qigong #energywork #reiki #candlemagick #harnessyourinnerfire #manifestetion #breathwork #energymovement

5/6/2024, 7:36:01 PM

The energy was moved. My godmother couldn’t understand why she was feeling different. It is common to feel sick or weak after work on chakras, this happened to me, therefore, I speak from my own experience. In this session we have done only a gentle movements. #heartchakra #healing #love #chicks #chikens #garden #spring #energymovement

5/4/2024, 6:14:18 PM

Meet Alexandre, your guide to holistic well-being ! After a serious injury at the age of 17, I had to face a profound questioning. It was at that moment that I embarked on an initiatory journey. First guided by a shaman, I opened my energetic senses. Which allowed me to rediscover the intimate connection between my body, my emotions, and my mind. Today, equipped with in-depth training in transformational coaching, Waldorf pedagogy, chi-kung, and the release of bodily memories, I put my unique expertise at the service of your integral well-being. My mission ? To accompany you with benevolence so that you can release your tensions, soothe your emotions, and develop a deep connection with your essence. Together, we will transform your challenges into stepping stones towards fulfillment. Ready to embark on this revitalizing journey ? Join me to write a new chapter in your life, filled with vitality, serenity, and accomplishment. #holisticwellness #transformationalcoaching #energymovement #mindfulnessmovement #bodymindconnection #selfcaremovement #emotionalhealing #chikungyoga #bodymemoryrelease #bern

5/3/2024, 1:57:12 PM

✨1:1 appointments✨ All treatments are available to book now! -Reiki -Rahanni -Meditation Click the link in bio to book or please send me a DM if you have any questions or queries, I am so excited to welcome you all to my treatment room and support you through these powerful healing modalities, Kiara🤍 #reiki #rahanni #meditation #treatment #healing #energyhealing #energybalance #energymovement #limerick

5/2/2024, 6:52:45 PM

A testimonial🙏.....want to learn more?👇 Reiki is a simple yet powerful spiritual healing practice that works on the energetic, physical, emotional, and mental spaces of our whole being. We're made of 99% energy. That energy can't be destroyed - only shifted. Reiki is a high vibration energy that shifts our unstable energy into something more helpful, healing, and balanced. It involves gentle hands on touch or can be shared from a distance. I'm grateful it's a simple and accessible practice for myself and others! I offer sessions locally in SD, online, and I teach Reiki trainings so you can learn for yourself and/or your business. 💛❤💚 Comment below 🖐or send me a dm if you'd like to connect.🤗 . . . #reiki #reikihealing #reikimasterteacher #spiritualpractice #healingjourney #healthymindhealthybody #healthandwellnessjourney #wellnessjourney #emotionalbalance #anxietyrelief #howtofeelbetter #howtofindcalm #findwhatfeelsgood #findingpeace #energyhealing #energymovement #selflovejourney #testimonial

4/29/2024, 3:55:40 PM

PINK FULL MOON W E D N E S D A Y | April 24th ◬ ∅ 7pm ◬ ∅ SHAMANIC BREATH WORK + SOUND IMMERSION ◬ ∅ w/ Vaughn Pierro + Alex Ballew @vaughnpierro @alexoftheamethyst ◬ 75/person ◬ ∅ TICKETS available — LINK IN BIO — ◬ ∅ DM @vaughnpierro with any questions ◬ ∅ at FULL CIRCLE STUDIO ◬ ∅ Join breath work healer Vaughn Pierro, and sound therapist Alex Ballew for a powerful night of spiritual healing and soul activations. ◬ ∅ Alex will be using sounds from various instruments like the gong, Crystal harp, rain, sticks, drums, didgeridoos and more to form a cocoon of sound waves to envelop the class. ◬ ∅ Simultaneously, Vaughn will be guiding each participant through a pattern of connected breath that gets you into an active meditative state. ◬ ∅ Please bring a water bottle, mat, blankets or anything to make you comfortable, and a journal. … NOTE FROM Vaughn Pierro: �Embrace the magic of April’s ‘pink full moon’ and embark on a journey of self-discovery, activations and healing. Full Moons carry so much opportunity to release and renew. Combine this with the healing power of your breath and sound healing vibrations to transcend into another realm of consciousness and connect deeper to your divine soul essence! Vaughn will guide you through a pattern of connected breath while Alex will be using sounds from various instruments like the gong, crystal harp, rain sticks, drums, didgeridoos, and more to form a cocoon of sound waves to envelop the class. This powerful blend of Breathwork and sound offers deep healing for your mind, body, and soul. Please contact [email protected] for any questions! #soundhealing #breathwork #shaman #energyhealing #release #wellnessstudioatl #fullcirclestudioatl #selflove #energy #energymovement #quantumphysics #soundvibrations #soundbathatl #breathworkatl #pinkfullmoon

4/22/2024, 8:36:49 PM

#ibiza #travel #viral #family 🌸 So off we went! Ibiza! At home we were at the bottom and at the end of our rope. Yes, we had work and responsibilities ahead of us. We weren't running away from anything, but recharging the batteries was really really needed! Day 1 251€ airfare + two suitcases down (49,47,17,14) 100€ car (seven days) 646€ accommodation (six nights on the beach) After the perks of eating out I'll shop and cook, we figured that was just fine with us! And so here we are. Tips on beaches and what's worth it and what's des... in future posts! #familytravel #fun #happydays #energymovement #machyniak #funmachyniakfamily #ibiza #travel #viral #family 🌸 Tak sme Šli! Ibiza! Doma sme boli na dne a silamk v koncoch. Áno, čaká nás práca aj povinnosťi. Nič nám neutečie, ale dobitie bateriek bolo už naozaj naozaj treba! 1.deň 251€ letenky + dva kufre dole (49,47,17,14) 100€ auto (sedem dní) 646€ ubytovanie (šesť nocí na pláži) Po výhodách stravovania nakúpim si a uvarím sme usúdili, že to je pre nás v pohode! A tak sme tu. Tipy na pláže a čo sa oplatí a čo je des… v ďalších príspevkoch! #familytravel #fun #happydays #energiavpohybe #machyniak #funmachyniakfamily 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

4/22/2024, 6:37:47 PM

Well that's the Ecstatic Tribal Dance & Drum @ The Assembly Rooms in Glastonbury....done!!! ✨🤩✨ What an initiation of fire that was...putting an event on in a new area and in a big venue was such a gamble...but we DID IT and you know what it all just worked out absolutely perfectly 🥳 We must be mad...but its all warrior work eh!!! 🔥💃🕺🔥 The evening was such a beautifully intimate gathering of beautiful souls which was held in a beautifully stunning venue with amazing energy and what an honour it was to hold this event there 💫 So a huge HUGE THANK YOU to The Assembly Rooms and to everyone that felt the call and came to DANCE with us 💫💃🕺💫 both myself and Neil are extremely grateful to you all for making it happen as we really couldn't do it without you! So THANK YOU and a massive thank you of course to Neil also for sorting it all out! 💫🙏💫 We got some very lovely feedback too and a bit of positive suggestions....for 'next' time...? Neil ? 😅 like calling it KUNDALINI DANCE & making the image a bit more colourful and kundalini'ish 🔥🐍💫 Ahhhhhh ok we can take that....💫🥳💫 Just basking in the afterglow 🔥 Thank you Glastonbury 🐉💚 Andrea & Neil ❤ #communitygathering #communityevent #dance #danceevent #ecstaticdance #kundalinidance #dancejourney #innerjourney #energymovement #energyactivation #breathwork #ecstaticshamanicpractices #consciousmovement #embodiedmovement #somaticmovement #embodiedpractice #drum #drumming #djembe #shamanicdrum #activation #release #shakeoff #inneralchemy #innerunion #energyintegration #relax #relaxation

4/19/2024, 2:51:15 PM

Some examples of how to unstick your energy. Comment if you use any of these or let us know your favorite method! 🤍🤍🌀🌀 #energywork #energyhealing #energymovement

4/17/2024, 2:38:15 PM

Embracing the dawn, a dance with the rising sun, where every movement is a hymn to the new day 🌅💃 — #dawnserenity #sunriseanddance #morningrhythms #beachdancer #embracetheday #phuketdawn #newbeginnings #oceanharmony #morningrituals #beachyoga #islandmornings #sunsalutation #dancetotheday #energymovement #tropicalawakening dance, sunrise, serenity, morning, beach, Phuket, beginnings, ocean, harmony, rituals, yoga, island life, salutation, energy, awakening

4/17/2024, 2:00:20 PM

Mega Tea = Mega Money Customers just like you are turning their love of Mega Teas into a side hustle and turning their tea kits into cash! As us how to join the energy movement and put some cash in your pocket! #energymovement #sidehustle

4/16/2024, 1:48:37 PM

Want to learn more about Goddess Flow? Want to help raise the vibration and frequency of Mother Earth? Join us for a free demonstration of Dance The Moon for an Earth Day Celebration at Bayview Park, Sunday, April 21st at 3pm. I will be offering Dance The Moon on the Bayside…Water, Earth, Air, Sun, and your beautiful body uniting in delightful dance harmony 💃🏽💫🌎 So bring your mat, crystals, and anything you desire to connect with Mother Gaia and let's raise the vibration and frequency in divine dance sending peace, love, and light into our earth through Goddess Flow! This is a FREE event so bring the whole family, your friends, kids, and loved ones to celebrate EARTH DAY! Arrive early for space is limited and meet me at the water ready to flow!💃🏽🌊🫶🏽 This a free offering to all Earth so join me Earthlings at 3pm bayside at Bayview park 4/21 with @EarthDayPensacola! See you there beloveds! Love and Light Peace and Love Always 💖 🙏🏽 🌎 Deanna ૐ Dhyana #earthday #wearetheworld #highvibrations #energymovement #divinedance #embodieddance #goddessflow

4/13/2024, 2:44:19 PM

You don’t wanna miss this! 🧘‍♀️ #DoGoodCo #Kansascity #Energymovement #springvibes #sustainability #shoplocalkc #yoga

4/12/2024, 10:44:14 PM

Ready to reconnect with nature, yourself and other wonderful people? 💚🌟💞🌈💫Need to be inspired and uplifted? We have just what you need - A FUN and Soulful Spring Afternoon Retreat in Newtown, CT! @sticksandstonesct Join Jen Aks and Beth Leas for this powerful gathering - devoted to connection, healing, exploration and inspiration. @jen_aks @bethleas “We rise by lifting others.” Sunday, April 21st 2-5pm Newtown, CT Space is limited. Special Pricing. To resister: See link in bio or call/text Beth at 203-856-9566 or [email protected] 🌟Enjoy deep relaxation 🌟Raise your vibration 🌟Uplift your spirit 💞Join Jen and Beth for this soulful experience where you will be guided to connect with the potent magic of BEING and In JOY Spring... 🌟Guided Meditation 🌟Reflective Writing 🌟Integration Time 🌟The Power of Gesture 💚Sticks and Stones Farm in Newtown, CT is the perfect place to reconnect with yourself - a magical retreat getaway surrounded by 60 acres of woods. There will be a wonderful mix of solo time to tune in quietly as well as group time to share together. All are welcome. No experience necessary. Come as you are. To Register: see link in bio or call/text Beth at 203-856-9566 or tlcbethleas@gmail. 🌟Jen Aks is the founder and creator of The Power of Gesture Method, a groundbreaking form of moving meditation that helps you transform and celebrate your life through embodiment. 🌟Beth Leas is a seasoned lifelong spiritual explorer and transformative healer for 30+ years with adults and children of all ages. #werisebyliftingothers #werisetogether #springafternoon #afternoonretreat #newtownct #sticksandstonesfarm #soulfulwomenscircle #toolsfortransformation #thepowerofgesture #jenaks #bethleas #connection #soulfulexperience #energymovement #healing #energyhealing #jointogether #livelifewell

4/12/2024, 2:50:14 PM

“Wisdom in Humor” There is so much wisdom in being able to laugh. If we think about laughter as a form of energy, it is an energy in motion and it moves things. As soon as we are taking things too seriously, our energy stops moving. We are likely feeling a lot more resistance to what is. The ironic thing about doing this painting is that when I was half way done, I got a message saying the road to the North had slid. This meant Big Sur became an island (closed to the north and south) I knew to laugh. Then I realized school was temporarily canceled. I knew I had to laugh. And then yesterday, the rattlesnake that I had to kill? Um well much harder for me but I have to laugh…. Because as soon as I start taking it all too seriously, I’m stuck in it. It has power over me. I resist it. When I laugh, it moves through me so that I can keep the energy I need to handle what is in front of me. Is there something you could look at from a comical perspective? Would it change how it feels to you? I think humor is far more important as a life skill than we give it credit. And for the record, having to kill anything is just not funny. But me being in that position and screaming my head off and having to step up in a situation I would avoid at all costs? Kinda funny. And me not being able to sit still for hours after? Kinda funny. Not totally, but I’m still working on it😅 #laughterismedicine #humor #energymovement #amusement #keeplaughing😂

4/10/2024, 8:55:32 PM feels like ages away but in one months time we will gather again for my next Sacred Sister Dance event 🌹💃🌹 I'm sooooo looking forward to this one!!! 💃🔥💃 Its a deeper dive with limited places for a more intimate gathering 🌹so if you are feeling the call come join us....I'm really looking forward to sharing this journey with you 🔥 There's 10 spaces left 🔥 with an early booking ticket available until the end of April! So be sure to pop the date in your diary 👇 🔥 SHAKTIVATION 🔥 Kundalini Dance Temple Ceremony Friday 10th May (7.30-10.30pm) @ Inner Guru, Liverpool 💫Link in BIO to book 💫 🔥 LIMITED PLACES 🔥 DM with any questions you may have! Andrea Grace ❤ #innerguru #community #communitygathering #cacao #cacaocircle #ceremonialcacao #ceremony #heartmedicine #heartactivation #dance #ecstaticdance #ecstaticdancejourney #kundalinidance #ecstaticshamanicpractices #movementmeditation #innerjourney #breathwork #energymovement #shaktiactivation #kundalini #kundalinirising #kundaliniliverpool #sacredpractices #embodiment #danceceremony #rememberance #transformation #awakening

4/10/2024, 1:50:57 PM

See you weekly now in April/May live on @insighttimer for 30-minute Qigong practices to re-balance your energy. 🙂 More info and link to my InsightTimer profile from my bio.

4/9/2024, 1:51:26 PM

Stillness might be peaceful, but movement is powerful! 💪🚶‍♂️ When we're sedentary, glucose accumulates in the bloodstream instead of being used by our muscles for energy. This simple reminder underlines the importance of incorporating regular movement into our daily lives. Let's get moving to help our body utilize glucose efficiently, keeping our blood sugar levels in check. Every step counts towards a healthier you! #MoveMore #BloodSugarBalance #StayActive #HealthReminder #UtilizeGlucose #EnergyMovement #FitnessMotivation #WellnessJourney #DailyMovement #PhysicalActivity #HealthyLiving #SedentaryLifestyle #GetMoving #HealthTips #LifeInMotion This is for informational purposes only. Copyright belongs to the original creator @type2diabetes.nutritionist 🙏. We don't claim ownership and will remove it if requested. DM for credit. #TheHealthKnowledgeBase

4/8/2024, 1:58:39 PM

According to the Buddhist and Taoist traditions Qi Gong is a method to achieve inner peace, freedom and happiness. Según las tradiciones budista y taoísta, Qi Gong es un método para alcanzar la paz interna, la libertad y la felicidad. Community classes (by donation) Tuesdays at 11:00 @presentmomentsretreat #tronconeswellness #balance #qigong #chinesemedicine #energymovement #wuwei #qiflow

4/8/2024, 1:20:11 AM

Who is Really LEFT BEHIND??? - MY 2 Prophetic LEFT BEHIND DREAMS I always wondered why I was left behind in my dream as a Christian as I was preaching Jesus to those drinking and doing drugs…they were taken and I was left… but Divine just revealed to me 2 days ago in another Left behind dream that THIS WAS PURPOSE!!! Too much to cover on social media…join me on my Deanna ૐ  Dhyana Youtube Channel to hear my 2 left behind dreams and the divine messages and if Spirit is really moving you go back to March 7th and start watching from A CALL TO ORDER AND PEACE as Divine is giving us warnings to prepare your HEARTS! This solar eclipse is A time to hermit and go within your ark ( Heart), a time of cleansing and renewal for order, balance, and peace within.  The ark signifies safety, shelter, refuge, figuratively, The body as a vessel. A call to SHIFT into the power within you… A call to raise the Divine energy within you… The life force within you… The God Frequency within you (not the one CERN is trying to activate during the solar eclipse)...🕊️ It's time for your God/Goddess Essence to FLOW~  releasing ALL until you embody ALL that you truly are!  Joel 2:  12 “Return to Me with all your heart, And with fasting, weeping, and mourning; 13 And tear your heart… James 4:14  For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away… Matt. 24:37-41 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away… the one shall be taken, and the other left” 1 Samuel 16:7 Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.” “As followers of the way of Jesus, our invitation is not to escape to heaven, but to make heaven a reality wherever we are in the present moment.” Benjamin Corey Awaken to your light beloved 🙏🏽 Ase'  Love and Light Peace and Love Always 🌎💫👑 Deanna ૐ  Dhyana The GREAT SHIFT is upon us! #newmoon #solareclipse #supermoon #healingprogram #holistichealing #goddessfrequency #innermedicine #selfhealing #energymovement #lightbodyactivation

4/7/2024, 4:32:05 PM

Ready to shake off the Winter Doldrums? 🥳🎉🌟 💫Need to be inspired and uplifted? We have just what you need - A FUN and Soulful Spring Afternoon Retreat in Newtown, CT! @sticksandstonesct Join Jen Aks and Beth Leas for this powerful gathering - devoted to connection, healing, exploration and inspiration. @jen_aks @bethleas “We rise by lifting others.” Sunday, April 21st 2-5pm Newtown, CT Space is limited. Special Pricing. To resister: See link in bio or call/text Beth at 203-856-9566 or [email protected] 🌟Enjoy deep relaxation 🌟Raise your vibration 🌟Uplift your spirit 💞Join Jen and Beth for this soulful experience where you will be guided to connect with the potent magic of BEING and In JOY Spring... 🌟Guided Meditation 🌟Reflective Writing 🌟Integration Time 🌟The Power of Gesture 💚Sticks and Stones Farm in Newtown, CT is the perfect place to reconnect with yourself - a magical retreat getaway surrounded by 60 acres of woods. There will be a wonderful mix of solo time to tune in quietly as well as group time to share together. All are welcome. No experience necessary. Come as you are. To Register: see link in bio or call/text Beth at 203-856-9566 or tlcbethleas@gmail. 🌟Jen Aks is the founder and creator of The Power of Gesture Method, a groundbreaking form of moving meditation that helps you transform and celebrate your life through embodiment. 🌟Beth Leas is a seasoned lifelong spiritual explorer and transformative healer for 30+ years with adults and children of all ages. #werisebyliftingothers #werisetogether #springafternoon #afternoonretreat #newtownct #sticksandstonesfarm #soulfulwomenscircle #toolsfortransformation #thepowerofgesture #jenaks #bethleas #connection #soulfulexperience #energymovement #healing #energyhealing #jointogether #livelifewell

4/6/2024, 11:26:54 AM

I believe fully in the power of our breath and its power to help my fellow humans move through things held deep in the body. For a limited time I am offering sessions at 20% SAVINGS! Guided breathing mediation for anyone looking to release old patterns in their lives, traumatic events, and emotions held deep within the mind and body. This 3-stage rhythm helps calm the brain and allows clients to experience a connection to their bodies. Not "good at mediation"? This session is meant for you! During the mediation clients are able to move buried emotions and deep-seated trauma through their bodies. Results vary from person to person, but most clients report a reduced lever of anxiety, a sense of being consciously present and connected, and in many cases having had "a spiritual experience" -- often for the very first time. It is important that you are comfortable so be sure to wear comfortable clothing. #healingbreathwork #energymovement #breathworkhealing #justbreathe #letgo #powerthroughbreath #guidedbreathing #guidedbreathingmeditation #spiritualexperience💙 #spiritmovesinallthings

4/1/2024, 3:15:37 AM

🔥 Woweee 🔥 still landing and a little bit buzzing from last nights Cacao & Ecstatic Dance Journey 🙌💃🕺🙌🔥 What a powerful evening! Was beautiful to invite the men back into the space 💫🕺💫 and was fabulous to see some familiar faces as well as new dancers to experience the MAGIC that is Kundalini Dance 🔥💫❤💜 A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that came along, feeling the call and choosing to spend your evening with us ❤ Its so beautiful to experience all of your unique energies that we weave and co-create the powerfully healing energies in the space together 💫🔥💫 Another big thank you to the amazing Carena Duffy who came to assist and support me and as always was a joy to spend the evening with you 💫💃💫 As I've said many times before these event's are more than just a 'dance''s a CEREMONY and journey of remembrance ✨ coming together in circle to connect, share and have the opportunity to go deep within our bodies, move, dance and have a good ol shake off in the process, which is much needed medicine for these times 🔥 so it's an absolute honour to create these spaces and facilitate this process for us all to journey in 🔥 I keep hearing the words 'Dance Shaman' its definitely a deep shamanic container that I create and a portal for us to journey and transform through and I absolutely LOVE what I do!!! 🔥💃💫 My next DANCE event happening at Inner Guru will be another women only space.... 🔥 SHAKTIVATION 🔥 Kundalini Dance Temple Ceremony Friday 10th May (7.30-10.30pm) @ Inner Guru, Liverpool 💫Link in BIO to book 💫 🔥 LIMITED PLACES 🔥 DM with any questions you may have! Andrea Grace ❤ #innerguru #community #communitygathering #cacao #cacaocircle #ceremonialcacao #ceremony #heartmedicine #heartactivation #dance #ecstaticdance #ecstaticdancejourney #kundalinidance #ecstaticshamanicpractices #movementmeditation #innerjourney #breathwork #energymovement #shaktiactivation #kundalini #kundalinirising #kundaliniliverpool #sacredpractices #embodiment #danceceremony #rememberance #transformation #awakening

3/31/2024, 1:18:59 PM

💎 What is Energy Healing 💎 holistic practices that involve channeling and hands on intention based movement. physical well-being | emotional clarity | stress release | trauma response healing | ascension and vibration based practices We have sessions Available Easter Monday $88 🙌 To book your session please reach out via DM or SMS 0455 543 544 #energyhealing #kundalini #ascension #soundhealing #reiki #energyhealer #energymovement #mentoring #holisticcoach #redlandscoast #stressrelief #traumahealing #addictionrecovery #balancedlife

3/28/2024, 6:08:40 AM

💎 What is Energy Healing 💎 holistic practices that involve channeling and hands on intention based movement. physical well-being | emotional clarity | stress release | trauma response healing | ascension and vibration based practices We have sessions Available Easter Monday $88 🙌 To book your session please reach out via DM or SMS 0455 543 544 #energyhealing #kundalini #ascension #soundhealing #reiki #energyhealer #energymovement #mentoring #holisticcoach #redlandscoast #stressrelief #traumahealing #addictionrecovery #balancedlife

3/28/2024, 5:27:59 AM

Beautiful People! I'll be in Glastonbury next month so very excited to announce this very special collaboration of ECSTATIC TRIBAL DANCE & DRUM happening on Thursday 18th April 2024 @ The Assembly Rooms in Glastonbury! Gathering together in community you will be guided on an INNER JOURNEY to experience your connection to the earth, your body and the cosmos, utilising powerful practices from the Ecstatic Transformational practices of KUNDALINI DANCE™, with LIVE DRUMMING and a great mix of tracks! 🔥💃🕺🔥 The evening includes: 🌟 opening meditation 🌟 guided journey 🌟 somatic movement 🌟 breathwork techniques 🌟 energy activation 🌟 ecstatic kundalini dance 🌟 release and let go 🌟 inner alchemy 🌟 energy integration 🌟 relaxation This is a mixed space so EVERYBODY is WELCOME, no previous experience is required as I’ll do a short introduction to the practice before we start so is suitable for complete beginners! So who's coming to join us? We are really looking forward to welcoming you and sharing this very special evening with you. DM with any questions you may have! Much Love Andrea & Neil PRACTICAL STUFF: ~ Doors open at 7.30pm ~ ARRIVE to warm up ~ Opening meditation will start around 7.50pm ~ Doors will close at 8pm ~ Wear loose comfy clothes in layers ~ Please bring drinking water ~ Bring a cushion and blanket if you like to make a cosy nest 😴 INVESTMENT: £10 (early booking) £12 (standard) £15 (on the door) 🔥 Tickets are LIMITED 🔥 💫 MORE DETAILS & TICKET LINK in BIO 💫 #communitygathering #communityevent #dance #danceevent #ecstaticdance #kundalinidance #dancejourney #innerjourney #energymovement #energyactivation #breathwork #ecstaticshamanicpractices #consciousmovement #embodiedmovement #somaticmovement #embodiedpractice #drum #drumming #djembe #shamanicdrum #activation #release #shakeoff #inneralchemy #innerunion #energyintegration #relax #relaxation

3/26/2024, 3:51:19 PM

Full Moon 🌕 Yoga Practice last night, super cool to experience the energy of the moon over the garden. A little chilly but it helped to keep down the bugs. The burning 🔥 negative hold backs ceremony was also nice, a clean canvas for positive energy. Find your energy and stay there, the journey is yours. #fullmoonritual #fullmoonyoga #energymovement #ceremony #gardenenergy

3/25/2024, 2:27:21 PM

Kundalini yoga extends beyond the physical realm, encompassing mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, making it a holistic practice for overall transformation and growth. Jenn will be stepping I. With us this upcoming Saturday. Please register yourself for a transformational practice with Jenn. Dm or text 832-213-8641 to register. Life love you all Honey & Jenn @jenahoprx #kundaliniawakening #trysomethingnewtoday #yogalife #itsajourney #energymovement

3/25/2024, 2:46:31 AM

quick release and reset. Imagine yourself skiing, or swinging a kettle bell. Inhaling and using a powerful exhale works amazing on its own, too. #energysavvywithkids #energymovement

3/25/2024, 12:34:26 AM

You are the sky. I am the sky. We are the sky - the ever expansive bright sky that holds all things possible....the world in which we live. The weather? The weather is what we often focus on - the details of that world, often those thoughts that feel like worries, regrets, or wants. Remembering that these thoughts pass, just as the weather does, we can allow ourselves to release these temporary ideas and feelings that pass through our minds and bodies. As we acknowledge "the weather" in our lives, experience it, let it pass, we can enjoy the beauty of the deep blue sky. Bask in this sky, this quiet, this stillness outside of us and within. Enjoy you. Enjoy me. Enjoy us. #jodibees #pemachodron #mindfulnessquotes #jodibeesmindfulness #jodibeesmeditation #jodibeestutoring #jodibeesyoga #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #positivity #inspireothers #inspiretheworld #personalcoaching #energypractioner #energymovement #energyhealing #mindfulnesscoaching #balance #center #jodibeesyogaforyouth #jodibeesmindfulnessforyouth #jodibeesbooks #mindfulness #meditation

3/21/2024, 4:00:15 PM

Your friendly reminder that you are in the life, this body, for a pretty damn good reason. I'm really glad you're here. 💜

3/20/2024, 12:22:46 PM

Mindful Qigong class is beginning tomorrow evening! We welcome those who are wanting to make time and space for mindfulness and mind-body connection to join us in community 🧘🏽‍♀️ Mindful Qigong is an 8-week online mindfulness program that incorporates Qigong to support mindfulness practice. Qigong is a Chinese energy exercise that is gentle and easy to learn, as well as a powerful practice that is suitable for all ages and physical conditions. It strengthens the body and mind, releases stagnant energy, revitalizes our inner life-force, and touches the deepest sense of our well-being. You can expect: • To begin each class with mindfulness meditation • Engage in mindful Qigong movement that is both gentle and trauma-informed • Connect with community through group discussions and self-reflection Begins March 20 and ends May 8 📅 When: Every Wednesday ⏰ Time: 7-9pm PT 🌐 Where: Online To learn more and to register, please visit * * * * * * * * #qigong #qigongpractice #chineseenergyhealing #wellness #mindbody #mindbodyconnection #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #meditation #energymovement #guidedmeditation #onlineclass #qigongclass #onlineqigong #onlineqigongclasses #mindfulnessteacher #breathwork #anxiety #anxietysupport #depression #depressionsupport #stress #stressrelief #stressmanagament #slowdown #calm #community #peace #peacewithin #mentalhealthmatters

3/19/2024, 8:40:26 PM

How did you take care of yourself today? This is what I did 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 🧋protein shake - gluten free cookies and cream 🤤 💊Tumeric capsule ☀️vitamin D gummy 🚶‍♀️morning walk 🏞️grounded myself 🧘‍♀️ meditation ✍🏻journaled 👩‍💻researched & here we are it’s still only 12:44. Remember you can’t pour from an empty cup. The only one who is suffering is you. 🙅🏼‍♀️ Happy ☀️DAY #astrology #selflove #fillyourcup #growth #expansion #selfcare #knowyourworth #knowledgeispower #knowlege #spiritualhealing #growthmindset #motivation #health #natural #explore #knowldgeofself #spiritualhealing #spiritjunkie #milfgang #milfstatus #mindfulness #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #mindtraining #chakra #energymovement

3/17/2024, 5:47:38 PM

If that list seems hard to do, I can help you get there. All you need is Willingness. Link in bio. #health #energymovement #spirituality #willingness #wholeselfhealed #beawesome #become #wellness #antojaiquantumreiki #energybodyhealth

3/17/2024, 4:21:01 PM

What reminder did you need most? 💜

3/16/2024, 2:08:54 PM

If your feeling any kind of funkiness within - embrace Freestyle dance. It does wonders for shifting your energy. There are many ways you can incorporate it within your world. Join a class of course if you like structure, attend a freestyle movement ecstatic dance, no lights no Lycra. Not a fan of people watching you? dance in your bedroom or lounge room, while your cooking. Shake it up and shake it off. Dance gets you grounded into the body and out of the frizzy mind. 💃🏼🕺👯🪩

3/16/2024, 12:23:27 AM

Introducing my favourite perfume of all time 😍🥰 Can someone please replicate this garden scent into a natural concoction? 🙏🏼 Everything is possible. Do you believe that? It is true. Everything is possible! But only if your mind can see it. Believe it. And FEEL it. Many people make excuses and give reasons to themselves why something is not possible. Is this you? According to who? And why? What if I could prove it to you that it is indeed possible? All too often, we set limitations on ourselves and make things much harder than they actually are. Because once you understand that everything is neutral, it becomes so EASY to put the right meaning to everything that works towards YOUR FAVOUR. True or False? Think of something you did not feel like doing this week. Or next week. What stops you? Why does it feel yuck? What are the arguments that happen in your head that makes it OK for you not to do the task? And why does the task have to be so hard? Go deeper to ask yourself what is REALLY going on inside. Do you think it is possible to have an outcome without any physical action? By merely just thinking it? If so, I might just sleep all day and all night every single day and night and Netflix binge (which I already do with my husband a whole damn lot!) and still be able to make increasing amounts of income. Unfortunately, inspired action needs to happen. Messy movement makes more money. Whilst you can will it to happen, you still need to take the inspired action for it to happen. Do you agree? That was my study for the day. . . . . . #FridayStudy #thoughtsbecomethings #energymovement #observation #quantumphysics #assumptions #musiciswhatfeelingssoundlike #feelingsareimportant #intuitiondevelopment #nevillegoddardwisdom #powerofawareness #inspiredaction #messymovement

3/15/2024, 7:28:30 PM

Ready to shake off the Winter Doldrums? 🥳🎉🌟💫Need to be inspired and uplifted? We have just what you need - A FUN and Soulful Spring Afternoon Retreat in Newtown, CT! @sticksandstonesct Join Jen Aks and Beth Leas for this powerful gathering - devoted to connection, healing, exploration and inspiration. @jen_aks @bethleas “We rise by lifting others.” Sunday, April 21st 2-5pm Newtown, CT Space is limited. Special Pricing before 4/1 To resister: See link in bio or call/text Beth at 203-856-9566 or [email protected] 🌟Enjoy deep relaxation 🌟Raise your vibration 🌟Uplift your spirit 💞Join Jen and Beth for this soulful experience where you will be guided to connect with the potent magic of BEING and In JOY Spring... 🌟Guided Meditation 🌟Reflective Writing 🌟Integration Time 🌟The Power of Gesture 💚Sticks and Stones Farm in Newtown, CT is the perfect place to reconnect with yourself - a magical retreat getaway surrounded by 60 acres of woods. There will be a wonderful mix of solo time to tune in quietly as well as group time to share together. All are welcome. No experience necessary. Come as you are. To Register: see link in bio or call/text Beth at 203-856-9566 or tlcbethleas@gmail. 🌟Jen Aks is the founder and creator of The Power of Gesture Method, a groundbreaking form of moving meditation that helps you transform and celebrate your life through embodiment. 🌟Beth Leas is a seasoned lifelong spiritual explorer and transformative healer for 30+ years with adults and children of all ages. #werisebyliftingothers #werisetogether #springafternoon #afternoonretreat #newtownct #sticksandstonesfarm #soulfulwomenscircle #toolsfortransformation #thepowerofgesture #jenaks #bethleas #connection #soulfulexperience #energymovement #healing #energyhealing #jointogether #livelifewell

3/15/2024, 5:40:17 PM

Energía Eólica 🌬️ • La energía eólica es limpia, sostenible y abundante, ya que no produce emisiones atmosféricas ni residuos contaminantes, no quiere una combustión que produzca dióxido de carbono. •Pueden instalarse en espacios no aptos para otros fines, como zonas desérticas, próximas a la costa, en laderas áridas y muy empinadas para ser cultivables. •Las turbinas a su vez hacen un uso eficiente del suelo puesto que no ocupan grandes espacios​. •Su instalación suele ser rápida en comparación con otros proyectos de generación eléctrica. •Revitalizan las economías rurales y apoyan la agricultura. ¡Somos EnergySteps! Cambiemos el mundo un paso a la vez 🌏⚡️ #desarrollosostenible #reciclajecreativo #nomasplastico #futurosostenible #economíacircular #unicefvenezuela #agentesdecambio #proteccionista #cambioclimatico #losniñosserespetan #educacionadistancia #cuidemoselplaneta #inparques #canaima #warairarepano #siembraconciencia #siembraunarbol #solarenergysolutions #solarpanel #energiasolarfotovoltaica #energiaparatodos #panelessolares #energymovement #eolic #airepuro #energiaeolica

3/13/2024, 2:28:06 AM

I was gifted an almost perfect Orchidaceae, those that know me, know that I have a special fascination for Orchids and what they represent in the flower world. If you see closely it has a Jaguar 🐆 pattern, a pale rose color on the back side and an almost perfect glittery white front. Their complex yet simple flower structure containing sepals, petals and an ovary very much so compared to a females reproductive parts with an important difference being the ability to self pollinate as a survival mechanism in harsh environments lacking pollinators. Guatemala recognizes an orchid as their national flower, Lycaste skinneri (Monja Blanca), as do most countries in Central America. Im a firm believer that when you live an energy based movement and do things out of kindness for others without expectations the universe has a way to multiply the return. Being grateful and appreciative in a world that moves fast and doesn’t wait for anyone. Love those that love you, not everyone cares but some still do even if strangers. Take the time and create meaningful connections with people, you might not wake up tomorrow and missed a perfect chance to be a better you. #orchidlovers #orchidflower #orchidaceae #energyhealing #energymovement #kindnessmatters♥️

3/12/2024, 11:09:49 PM

“Scooping the Sea 🌊 Looking at the Sky” from the gently flowing Shi Ba Shi Tai Chi/Qigong set ☯️ done recently by the sea under the beautiful blue sky of Bali at the stunning Sanur beachside resort @purisantrian 🏝 @balibuddies This beautiful calming rhythmic movement (part 11) may help to: ☯️ regulate blood pressure, ☯️ improve circulation & flexibility, ☯️ open the heart for more joy to flow in, ☯️ expand the lungs to subtly release old grief & depression, ☯️ release muscular tension, ☯️ lubricate the knee & ankle joints, ☯️ improve conditions related to the kidney & stomach, ☯️ assist in weight loss, ☯️ improve back pain, ☯️ bring a more Harmonious flow of Qi to the chest. Shi Ba Shi means = 18 Movements & is a fusion or hybrid of both flowing Qigong & Yang Tai Chi weaved together In Harmony 💞 I find it to be such a peaceful flowing way to connect into Nature 🍃🌀 with the gentle standing movements emulating what Nature does so well as we Breathe in & out in time with this fluid exercise. It’s easy & simple to do & enhances our Qi energy even more when done together as a group in class🔋 Please note: Classes are back from this week however please be patient as I’m attending our Annual Qigong Teacher Training soon #simonblowqigong & it’s an early Easter this year so class times are a bit different this month. We hope to see you soon in person amongst nature on the beautiful Central Coast NSW 🇦🇺 @balibythebaycc in our Bali inspired garden 🌴🌺🛖 or on the lake @long_jetty_boatshed 💙 🦆 #qigongforhealth #qigongforvitality #qigongforenergy #energymovement #breathworkpractice #movegently #healingmovement #selfcaretechniques #mindbodymovement #mindbodybreath #inharmonywithnature #mindfulmovement #taichiqigong #doaistyoga #mindfulmovementandmeditation #gentleexercise #lowimpactmovement #connectwithnature #inharmonyqigong #centralcoastnswqigong #longjettynsw

3/12/2024, 1:47:06 AM

For en gøy dag! Rett ut på oppdagelsesferd i nabolaget etter at jobbdagen var slutt. Man kan igjen gå overalt i strandsonen. Ingen is eller snø. Energilek på kvelden. Kjenne på hvordan det er å flytte energi opp og ned mellom chakraene. Det er bare så gøy når det klikker på plass og man endelig skjønner hvordan man gjør det. #yogaoffthemat #yogaonthemat #energymovement #chakraplay #chakrabalancing #rotchakra #hjertechakra #halschakra #nervesystemet #regulerenervesystemet #kundalini #seascape #sacralchakra

3/11/2024, 11:01:41 PM

💃Tanzworkshop "Energy Move - Chakrentanz" 🧘💮 Intensiv - befreiend - heilsam - schön! 🌸 Danke liebe Martina Egger 💗, für das heilsame Öffnen des Potentials - der Balance - jeder Teilnehmerin 🌸 #almadashine #bildungsverein #energymovement #chakra #chakrentanz #tagesworkshop #körperimfluss #blockadenlösen #energienimfluss #achtsamkeit #bewusstsein #followforfollows @gartensaalbaslanraumfuerdich @marlu_frei @barbara_wieser_pranatherapie @yogabrixen @silvi.gasser @kathrin_fischer_brixen @lifeandbalance.carmen @astridschneiderautorin @kantanza

3/11/2024, 5:34:10 PM

Which ones are you experiencing?!? 🙋‍♀️👋✨ And a few friendly reminders that: -You can have many spiritual awakenings in your lifetime. It's not just one and done. -You might be experiencing physical, mental AND spiritual symptoms during an awakening... or you might just feel it strongly in one of these. -A spiritual awakening is not just a blissful, higher conscious state coming in. It's also gaining higher perspectives on the old patterns and beliefs you're releasing. -Not everything can be attributed to a spiritual awakening, so always use your intuition and common sense. Experiencing a spiritual awakening isn't always comfortable or easy. Know that you're not alone, and I'm sending you giant hugs! I know where you're headed and it's absolutely worth it. 💜

3/11/2024, 2:43:38 PM

Beautiful People! I'm excited to announce my next Cacao & Ecstatic Dance Journey will be happening on Saturday 30th March 2024 @ The Inner Guru in Liverpool! Gathering in community over the EASTER holiday, we can celebrate the energies of REBIRTH with the incoming Light. It will be a beautiful opportunity to come together to connect, share and set our intentions for the coming cycle 🔥💃🕺🔥 We will begin our journey with an elixir of Ceremonial Cacao to open our Hearts before we go on an INNER JOURNEY through various phases to experience our connection to the earth, our bodies and the cosmos, utilising powerful practices from my KUNDALINI DANCE™ and a great mix of tracks! The evening includes: 🌟 sharing circle 🌟 intention setting 🌟 cacao circle 🌟 somatic movement 🌟 breathwork techniques 🌟 energy activation 🌟 ecstatic kundalini dance 🌟 release and let go 🌟 inner alchemy 🌟 energy integration & relaxation This is a mixed space so EVERYBODY is WELCOME, no previous experience is required as I’ll do a short introduction to the practice before we start so is suitable for complete beginners! So who's coming to join us? Can't wait to sit in circle and share the heart opening medicine of Cacao with the transformational ecstatic practices of Kundalini Dance™ with you. DM with any questions you may have Much Love Andrea ❤ PRACTICAL STUFF: ~ Doors open at 6.45pm ~ We will aim to start at 7pm ~ Wear loose comfy clothes ~ Please bring drinking water ~ There's plenty of cushions and blankets in the space, though bring your favourite blankie if you like to make a cosy nest! INVESTMENT: £22 (early booking) £25 (standard) Coming along with someone? Then book 2 tickets for £40!!! So bring your bestie or partner and take advantage of this special price! Tickets are LIMITED and can be purchased through my linktree in BIO 💫 #cacao #cacaocircle #ceremonialcacao #communitygathering #communityevent #intentionsetting #dance #kundalinidance #energymovement #energyactivation #breathwork #ecstaticdance #ecstaticshamanicpractices #consciousmovement #embodiedmovement #somaticmovement #embodiedpractice #release #shakeoff #innerjourney #inneralchemy #relax

3/11/2024, 10:10:02 AM

New blog✨️ . I have a relationship with a few earth medicines, one of those is Hapé. Hapé is beautiful for grounding, stilling your mind, and moving energy. . I decided after a lot of questions around Hapé, I would write a little blog. I might post a video also here soon. . #medicine #healing #energymovement #energy #meditation #plantmedicine #alignment #blog #experience #explore #educate #elementalshifts #earthmedicine #hapé #grounding

3/10/2024, 10:07:55 PM

And whatever the answer is that moves you, move with it and keep going. Better days await. Think it, then believe it, and truth will find its way. I gotchu, my friend!💖 #courage #liberation #mindovermatter #flow #transform #energybodyhealth #health #spirituality #wellnesscoaching #energymovement #shift #lightitup

3/10/2024, 6:16:39 PM

I trust in my body’s ability to feel and to move energy. I trust in my body’s ability to heal. My body is my home. The body is the feminine (Yes, even for a man). All of us are made up of feminine and masculine balance. When we work with ourselves in a somatic way we are working with the feminine. This is why being in the body while moving and feeling energy is so important… it heals that balance… instead of intellectualizing the movement of energy we are being asked now to FEEL it. If your body is saying something to you be sure to listen. The feminine is the body, the earth, the world, and the community. We were brought up in a world of masculine, mind, mental plane, system and structure. We were taught to be masculine energy in the world. We were taught that doing was better than being. It is time that the feminine has a communal rebirth. Us all together, awakening the body and our connection to the feminine and to feeling has such power. This rebirth allows us to become whole again… a balance and unification of the masculine and feminine energies. This is a crucial process.🐛🦋 We are being asked today to participate and co-create in this metamorphosis through our inward evolution. Where we allow divine will over personal will. 📸 @mjweiss ✨✨ #thefeminine #energybalance #divinenature #thefeels #surrendertotheflow #somatic #somatichealing #energymovement #yinandyang #thebody #mothernatureisbeautiful #spiritualwriting #spiritualwords #channeledmessages

3/9/2024, 2:14:44 PM

🔥 Woweee 🔥 what an absolutely amazing turn out for last nights Sacred Sister Cacao & Dance Ceremony 🔥💃🔥 have to say it was absolutely FULL POWER 🔥 When I booked the venue the month before it wasn't in my awareness that it was International Women's Day 💗 and there was definitely a buzz leading up to this one, lots of interest and then to be officially SOLD OUT of tickets yesterday was just AMAZING!!! So HUGE THANK YOU to every SISTER that heard the call, choosing to spend the evening with us and bringing your unique energies to weave and co-create the magic in the space together 💫🔥💫 Massive thank you also to the amazing Carena Duffy who came to assist and support me for the event 💗 you did brilliantly Sister and was a joy to spend the evening with you 💫💃💫 Have to say I'm still landing, nicely buzzing and still have a huge smile on my face! 💗😊💗 As I've said many times before these event's are more than just a 'dance''s a CEREMONY and journey of remembrance ✨ coming together in circle to connect, share and have the opportunity to go deep within our bodies, move, dance and have a good ol shake off in the process, which is much needed medicine for these times 🔥 so it's an absolute honour to create these spaces and facilitate this process for us all to journey in 🔥 Can't wait to do it all again and I'm excited to announce the next two dates at Inner Guru! Sooooo, here we go, heres the next dates for your diary: 💫Cacao & Ecstatic Dance Journey💫 EVERYBODY WELCOME (mixed space) Saturday 30th March (7-10pm) @ Inner Guru, Liverpool 💫Sacred Sister Event 💫 WOMEN ONLY SPACE Friday 5th April (7.30-10.30pm) @ Inner Guru, Liverpool Event details coming very soon 💫 #kundalinidance #ecstaticshamanicpractices #movementmeditation #innerjourney #breathwork #energymovement #shaktiactivation #kundalini #kundalinirising #kundaliniliverpool #sacredpractices #embodiment #heartmedicine #heartactivation #dance #ecstaticdance #ceremony #danceceremony #rememberance #sisterhood #community #healing #healingspace

3/9/2024, 1:55:16 PM

Last year I had the STRONGEST kundalini awakening of my life and THIS RIGHT HERE was what made it happen ⬇️ Moving energy through my body. It seems quite simple. But it is what opens the doors to spiritual awakening. It's what continues to help me grow and evolve to an even higher consciousness. It is the foundation of awakening that simply cannot be by-passed. I have and continue to use many tools to move energy. Plant medicine ceremonies will perhaps always be a favourite. But so is breathwork and moving and shaking my body. In addition to the more spiritual practices, a good load of therapy was also incredibly necessary. I had to dig up the old stuff my body was holding... the stuff I had never really allowed myself to feel or process... so I could finally move it out with all the other tools. It certainly wasn't as fun as sitting with my plant medicines, but it was absolutely necessary for me. So I wanna know... how do you move energy? What works for you? AND what are you moving within you today? 💫

3/6/2024, 2:34:08 PM

Invitation to join me in exploring Qigong practices that work with the three main states of energy (Wuji, Taiji, and Wuxing). We will explore the felt sense of these energies in our bodies, as well as how they can support us in our Qigong practice and daily life. Practices taught: * Wuji Moving Set: clearing habitual patterns from your body and heart-mind, resetting your energy to its original state * Alternate Nostril Breathing: establishing a healthy balance between opposites (yin and yang) * Five Waves: harmonizing energy flow through the natural, rhythmic cycles of our days and lives Live meetings: Thursdays 17:30-18:30 GMT (April 11 - May 16, 2024) I am offering an early-bird price on registrations received by 11.3.2024. Registration is by email to [email protected]. Link to more information in my bio.

3/5/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Are you ready for a journey of personal growth and self-discovery? Plus a carbon neutral luxury vacation while you're at it? Join us at @thehouseofaia in Playa del Carmen, located along Mexico's stunning Caribbean coast, for an enriching experience designed for your renewal and transformation. @althahealing and I invite you to join us for a retreat focused on rediscovering your inner strength and clarity surrounded by the most beautiful nature. Through a combination of guided meditation, sound healing journeys, and practical workshops, you'll deepen your self-awareness and cultivate a renewed sense of purpose. During our time together, you'll learn: 🌟Tools and techniques for releasing unwanted patterns and inviting greater mindfulness in your daily life 🌟Clarity and a renewed sense of purpose 🌟Increased self-awareness and a deeper understanding of own desires, values, and strengths 🌟Enhanced mindfulness and the ability to cultivate inner peace and resilience 🌟Explore the power of ancient traditions in a modern context through a repertoire of GuanJing and sound healing practices 🌟Deepened understanding and appreciation of the cycles of life and renewal Our goal is to provide you with tangible skills and insights that you can carry forward long after the retreat ends. By the end of our time together, you'll leave with a deep alignment in your desires, values, and strengths, along with a renewed sense of inner peace and resilience. Join us for the Rebirth of the Pink Moon Retreat – an experience designed to empower and inspire you on your journey of personal growth. The adventure begins now! 🌟 Check the link in our bio for more details and reserve your spot today.

3/4/2024, 9:02:13 PM

Invitation to join me in exploring Qigong practices that work with the three main states of energy (Wuji, Taiji, and Wuxing). We will explore the felt sense of these energies in our bodies, as well as how they can support us in our Qigong practice and daily life. Practices taught: * Wuji Moving Set: clearing habitual patterns from your body and heart-mind, resetting your energy to its original state * Alternate Nostril Breathing: establishing a healthy balance between opposites (yin and yang) * Five Waves: harmonizing energy flow through the natural, rhythmic cycles of our days and lives Live meetings: Thursdays 17:30-18:30 GMT (April 11 - May 16, 2024) I am offering an early-bird price on registrations received by 11.3.2024. Registration is by email to [email protected]. Link to more information in my bio.

3/3/2024, 8:00:22 PM