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The term “bottling yourself up” refers to suppressed, unexpressed feelings, and emotions that you don’t let out. There are so many scenarios where you might bottle your feelings. For example, you may want to get through the day, or try to conceal your feelings to make a relationship “work.” But bottling your emotions can put a strain on your mental health, hurts relationships, lead to outbursts, and can affect your self-worth and confidence. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #emotions #emotionalintelligence #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfesteem #personalgrowth #mentalhealthmatters

5/27/2024, 1:00:07 AM

Emotional maturity means having the self-control to manage your emotions and work to understand them. But it does not mean you ignore or repress you emotions, instead, you value them. You acknowledge your feelings and learn from past experiences — even if you struggle to let go of them. Emotional maturity can help you develop strong healthy relationships and reach successful resolutions during life’s challenge #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #emotionamaturity #emotionalimaturity #boundaries #opencommunication #anxiety #selfconfidence #selfexpression

5/10/2024, 10:50:29 PM

May is mental health awareness month! This month and every month, take time to prioritize your mental health! #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #mentalhealthawarenessmonth2024

5/9/2024, 11:55:50 PM

Coping skills are tactics that people use to deal with stressful situations. Having healthy coping skills is key to getting through tough times and can help you tolerate, minimize, and deal difficult situations in life. There are two main types of coping skills. Problem and emotion based. You can use a combination of these to cope. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #anxietytherapy #copingskills #selfsoothing #selfsoothe #selfcare #selfcompassion

4/25/2024, 3:38:00 PM

We all experience times when we feel unsettled or anxious. Self-soothing involves engaging in activities that can help us feel secure within our bodies, manage our emotions, and deal with unhelpful thoughts or feelings. Learning how to self-soothe can be an invaluable skill during times of stress. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #anxietytherapy #copingskills #selfsoothing #selfsoothe #selfcare #selfcompassion

4/15/2024, 10:07:32 PM

Here are 4 things you can do to build self-confidence Do you resonate with this and need help in your journey to build self-confidence? I can help. Reach out today! #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #anxietytherapy #selfconfidence #confidence #relationshiptherapy #trauma #traumatherapy #relationaltrauma #selfesteem #positiveselftalk #selftalk #reflection

4/11/2024, 10:41:57 PM

Self-confidence is when you have trust in your own judgment, capacities, and abilities. Having self-confidence is about valuing yourself and feeling worthy, regardless of any imperfections or what others or society may believe about you. It can help you have good mental health, develop healthy relationships, achieve your goals, and be resilient during any challenges. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #anxietytherapy #selfconfidence #relationshiptherapy #trauma #traumatherapy #relationaltrauma #selfesteem

4/10/2024, 6:40:11 AM

Self-rejection is a type of coping mechanism where someone undermines and undervalues their worth and potential to protect themselves from judgement or potential rejection from other people. Persistent self-rejection, can lead to negative self-image, warped self-worth, and mental health problems. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #anxietytherapy #selfconfidence #relationshiptherapy #trauma #traumatherapy #relationaltrauma #rejection #selfrejection

4/1/2024, 5:14:08 AM

Feeling hurt after rejection is totally normal. Feeling rejected and feeling like you aren’t wanted — whether it’s for a job, dating, or friendship — can make you feel poorly. However, after repeated experiences of rejection or trauma, the fear of rejection can develop. It can prevent someone from trying new things, hurt their self-confidence, change their view on relationships, or increase anxiety. There are steps you can take to learn how to cope better and stop this fear from negatively impacting your life and a counselor can help you along with that journey. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #anxietytherapy #selfconfidence #relationshiptherapy #trauma #traumatherapy #relationaltrauma #rejection #fearofrejection

3/25/2024, 8:02:06 PM

Hyper-independence is when a person is extremely self-reliant and avoids going to others for support or help. It can stem from trauma, such as neglect, abuse, or betrayal, making it difficult for them to feel safe and trust others. Hyper-independence can lead to challenges in relationships and overall mental health. Example: Someone is going through a difficult situation at work, but they will not ask someone for their advice. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #anxietytherapy #selfconfidence #relationshiptherapy #trauma #traumatherapy #relationaltrauma #hyperindependence

3/16/2024, 10:10:00 PM

Self-reflection is an important first step. Try to be honest with yourself about your anxieties, insecurities, and behaviors that you may not like. Attempt to view your actions objectively to see if you may be projecting. It’s important to not judge yourself during this exploration. You should honestly assess without dwelling on anything you uncover. Seeking support from a counselor or therapist can be incredibly helpful. We’re here to guide and support you through this journey. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #selfesteem #confidence #selfconfidence #projection #projecting #defensivemechanisms #relationshiptherapy

3/14/2024, 2:16:14 AM

Projection is a type of defensive mechanism where someone displaces their own negative thoughts, emotions, or behaviors onto another person. It is an attempt to avoid uncomfortable realizations and protect oneself from anxiety, distress, and other negative emotions. Example: Someone feels insecure about their appearance and repeatedly criticizes other people’s appearances. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #selfesteem #confidence #selfconfidence #projection #projecting #defensivemechanisms #relationshiptherapy

3/11/2024, 9:49:02 PM

Someone who people pleases is highly attuned to others’ feelings and puts the needs of others ahead of themselves. They seek approval within relationships and in the process often have trouble advocating for themselves. They can fall into a harmful pattern of self-sacrifice or self-neglect. Example: Your friend asks you to give them a ride but you have a hair appointment planned. You cancel your appointment because you fear that saying “no” will make them think you are mean or selfish. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #selfesteem #confidence #selfconfidence #peoplepleasing #peoplepleaser #relationshiptherapy

3/4/2024, 3:27:14 AM

Changing your attachment style is possible. It all begins with understanding yourself better. Once you start noticing your emotional habits and the patterns in your adult relationships, you’re on the path to making a change. For example, working on shifting negative thought patterns can really help you move from feeling insecure to feeling more secure in your relationships. And you don’t have to do this alone. Seeking support from a counselor or therapist can be incredibly helpful—they’re there to guide and support you through this journey. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #depression #selfesteem #confidence #selfconfidence #attachmentstyles #anxiousattachment #insecureattachment #avoidantattachment #relationshiptherapy

2/27/2024, 1:25:21 AM

The answer is yes! While attachment theory focuses on the relationship between you and your primary caregiver during infancy, it’s important to recognize that other people can also play a significant role in shaping your attachment style as you grow older, including friendships and romantic relationships. These experiences have the power to positively influence the way you respond to emotional cues and build healthy connections. Even if you experienced challenges or betrayals in the past, remember that resilience and growth are possible. With self-awareness and nurturing relationships, you can overcome obstacles and cultivate a secure attachment style that supports your well-being. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #depression #selfesteem #confidence #selfconfidence #attachmentstyles #anxiousattachment #insecureattachment #avoidantattachment #relationshiptherapy

2/26/2024, 1:26:21 AM

Can you “over-apologize?” The answer is yes! People apologize for many reasons, like if they have hurt someone or did something wrong. There are many moments when saying sorry is the right thing to do, but excessive apologizing can be harmful too your confidence and self-esteem. Excessive apologizing can be a result of people pleasing behaviors, false guilt (feeling responsible for something you are not responsible for), low self-esteem, or anxiety. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #anxiety #depression #selfesteem #peoplepleasing #peoplepleaser #falseguilt #guilt #confidence #overapologizing

1/29/2024, 6:44:35 AM

Self-sabotage is when you engage in behaviors that undermine your progress and prevent you from accomplishing your goals. It can negatively affect your self-confidence and self-esteem, and can affect your relationships with others. Example: Continually delaying or avoiding important tasks, even when you know that they are vital for your success. #renewaltherapycollective #mentalhealth #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #washingtontherapist #wenatcheetherapist #wenatchee #wenatcheevalley #watherapist #selfcare #selflove #selfcompassion #compassion #boundaries #relationship #relationshiptherapy #anxiety #selfregulation #emotionalselfregulation #emotionalregulation #anxietytherapy #selfsabotage

1/22/2024, 4:08:48 AM