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Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle, die am Samstag bei der LiegendDemo in Berlin und 11 weiteren Städten in Deutschland dabei waren! 🙌 Ob vor Ort oder online per Zoom und YouTube Livestream - eure Unterstützung war unglaublich wertvoll. 🫂🫶 Ein besonderer Dank geht an unseren Moderator Winfried und unsere großartigen Redner und Rednerinnen, die uns mit ihren inspirierenden Worten durch den Tag begleitet haben. Videobotschaften haben wir empfangen von: Katrin Göring-Eckhardt (Vizepräsidentin des dt. Bundestages), Daniel Hattesohl (Vorsitzender der Deutschen Gesellschaft für ME/CFS), Martin Hippe (Mirame Arts) und Erich Irlstorfer (MdB, CSU). Live sprachen am Samstag: Gritt Buggenhagen (Leiterin der Initiative #LiegendDemo), Evelyn Fay (Initiative #LiegendDemo), Dr. Lieseltraud Lange-Riechmann (Vorsitzende des Fatigatio e.V.), Prof. Dr. med. Carmen Scheibenbogen (Leiterin der Immundefektambulanz der Charité Berlin), Stephanie Hüfken (ME-Hilfe e.V.), Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach (Bundesgesundheitsminister), Bettina Grande (Psychotherapeutin) und Elena Lierck (Vorsitzende des NichtGenesenKids e.V.). In den 11 Städten gab es außerdem weitere Ärzt:innen, Politiker:innen und engagierte Personen und Betroffene, die wir hier nicht alle aufzählen können, aber denen wir genau so herzlich für Ihre Beiträge danken. Eure/Ihre Worte haben dazu beigetragen, dass unsere Botschaft gehört wird und wir gemeinsam für mehr Sichtbarkeit kämpfen können. Danke für eure Unterstützung und eure Teilnahme! 💙 Ein großes Dankeschön auch an @van.neu für die Gestaltung unseres Logos und an die vielen Helfenden vor Ort 🫂🫶 @bundeskanzler @bmbf.bund @karl_lauterbach_mdb @bettina.starkwatzinger @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @nichtgenesenkids @bettina.grande @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @goeringeckardt #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #demonstration #severeme #epsteinbarrvirus #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver

5/14/2024, 11:12:26 AM

Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle, die am Samstag bei der LiegendDemo in Berlin und 11 weiteren Städten in Deutschland dabei waren! 🙌 Ob vor Ort oder online per Zoom und YouTube Livestream - eure Unterstützung war unglaublich wertvoll. 🫂🫶 Ein besonderer Dank geht an unseren Moderator Winfried und unsere großartigen Redner und Rednerinnen, die uns mit ihren inspirierenden Worten durch den Tag begleitet haben. Videobotschaften haben wir empfangen von: Katrin Göring-Eckhardt (Vizepräsidentin des dt. Bundestages), Daniel Hattesohl (Vorsitzender der Deutschen Gesellschaft für ME/CFS), Martin Hippe (Mirame Arts) und Erich Irlstorfer (MdB, CSU). Live sprachen am Samstag: Gritt Buggenhagen (Leiterin der Initiative #LiegendDemo), Evelyn Fay (Initiative #LiegendDemo), Dr. Lieseltraud Lange-Riechmann (Vorsitzende des Fatigatio e.V.), Prof. Dr. med. Carmen Scheibenbogen (Leiterin der Immundefektambulanz der Charité Berlin), Stephanie Hüfken (ME-Hilfe e.V.), Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach (Bundesgesundheitsminister), Bettina Grande (Psychotherapeutin) und Elena Lierck (Vorsitzende des NichtGenesenKids e.V.). In den 11 Städten gab es außerdem weitere Ärzt:innen, Politiker:innen und engagierte Personen und Betroffene, die wir hier nicht alle aufzählen können, aber denen wir genau so herzlich für Ihre Beiträge danken. Eure/Ihre Worte haben dazu beigetragen, dass unsere Botschaft gehört wird und wir gemeinsam für mehr Sichtbarkeit kämpfen können. Danke für eure Unterstützung und eure Teilnahme! 💙 Ein großes Dankeschön auch an @van.neu für die Gestaltung unseres Logos und an die vielen Helfenden vor Ort 🫂🫶 @bundeskanzler @bmbf.bund @karl_lauterbach_mdb @bettina.starkwatzinger @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @nichtgenesenkids @bettina.grande @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @goeringeckardt #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #demonstration #severeme #epsteinbarrvirus #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver

5/14/2024, 11:05:14 AM

Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle, die am Samstag bei der LiegendDemo in Berlin und 11 weiteren Städten in Deutschland dabei waren! 🙌 Ob vor Ort oder online per Zoom und YouTube Livestream - eure Unterstützung war unglaublich wertvoll. 🫂🫶 Ein besonderer Dank geht an unseren Moderator Winfried und unsere großartigen Redner und Rednerinnen, die uns mit ihren inspirierenden Worten durch den Tag begleitet haben. Videobotschaften haben wir empfangen von: Katrin Göring-Eckhardt (Vizepräsidentin des dt. Bundestages), Daniel Hattesohl (Vorsitzender der Deutschen Gesellschaft für ME/CFS), Martin Hippe (Mirame Arts) und Erich Irlstorfer (MdB, CSU). Live sprachen am Samstag: Gritt Buggenhagen (Leiterin der Initiative #LiegendDemo), Evelyn Fay (Initiative #LiegendDemo), Dr. Lieseltraud Lange-Riechmann (Vorsitzende des Fatigatio e.V.), Prof. Dr. med. Carmen Scheibenbogen (Leiterin der Immundefektambulanz der Charité Berlin), Stephanie Hüfken (ME-Hilfe e.V.), Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach (Bundesgesundheitsminister), Bettina Grande (Psychotherapeutin) und Elena Lierck (Vorsitzende des NichtGenesenKids e.V.). In den 11 Städten gab es außerdem weitere Ärzt:innen, Politiker:innen und engagierte Personen und Betroffene, die wir hier nicht alle aufzählen können, aber denen wir genau so herzlich für Ihre Beiträge danken. Eure/Ihre Worte haben dazu beigetragen, dass unsere Botschaft gehört wird und wir gemeinsam für mehr Sichtbarkeit kämpfen können. Danke für eure Unterstützung und eure Teilnahme! 💙 Ein großes Dankeschön auch an @van.neu für die Gestaltung unseres Logos und an die vielen Helfenden vor Ort 🫂🫶 @bundeskanzler @bmbf.bund @karl_lauterbach_mdb @bettina.starkwatzinger @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @nichtgenesenkids @bettina.grande @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @goeringeckardt #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #demonstration #severeme #epsteinbarrvirus #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver

5/14/2024, 10:55:23 AM

It seems totally nonsensical that proven strategies to reduce the transmission of illnesses (including Covid), like wearing well-fitted masks, have mostly been ignored by those in healthcare. Now provinces are scrambling to find more healthcare workers, but doing very little to create safer worplaces. It's unsustainable. We need good PPE for workers, a consistent commitment to masking in healthcare settings, and better education about Covid transmission and Long Covid for healthcare workers. Keep speaking up and fighting for masks in healthcare! #CovidIsAHealthcareIssue #CovidIsALaborIssue #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #KeepMasksInHealthcare

5/13/2024, 11:52:05 PM

Les 29 et 30 avril 2023 nous avons participé à l'installation de purificateurs d'air lors du festival @ouesthurlant, festival des imaginaires de #Rennes. #autodéfensesanitaire #airqualityforacessibility #accessibility #accessibilité #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #covıd19

5/13/2024, 11:47:05 AM

except i actually like no one bc covid took my emotions away and also i got my heart broken too 😳🤧😩🙌😻 - - - image description: photo from his grey beard down of a man wearing a navy blue shirt. the shirt is edited to say “sorry princess i only like people who care about keeping people safe from covid” #covid #covidisntover #covidisairborne #longcovid #postcovid #dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #disabled #disability #disabilityjustice #queer #gay #lgbtq #anarchist #mutualaid

5/13/2024, 7:05:37 AM

Image description: I’ll be honest, I’m having a hard time seeing #MEAwarenessDay posts from people who abandoned community care when it comes to Covid. You’re playing a part in people being similarly disabled by #LongCovid. When you know how awful this is, why would you risk inflicting it on others? Note: Comments are off because we’re in our fifth year of this now and I refuse to keep hearing straw man arguments about why it’s unfair to expect you to care about other people. #StillInAPandemic #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne

5/12/2024, 3:10:38 PM

Encampments are already becoming more populated as the weather improves, and most plans for better housing options have been delayed again. With the advent of the new FLiRT variants, the possibility of another Covid wave will be disastrous for unhoused neighbours. Housing insecurity can't be eliminated without acknowledging the pandemic. Every infection starts somewhere. We can break the chain of transmission by staying home when sick, testing, and wearing a well-fitted N95 (or equivalent) respirator mask. Do what you can to stop the spread! #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAHousingIssue #CovidIsASocialJusticeIssue

5/11/2024, 3:08:04 PM

Heute ist es soweit! Die große #Liegenddemo in Berlin und 11 weiteren Städten findet statt. Von 13-16 gehen wir auf die Straße, um mehr Anerkennung, Forschung und Versorgung von ME/CFS Betroffenen zu fordern. Ihr habt uns bisher großartig unterstützt, also teilt auch jetzt nochmal fleißig unsere Beiträge, schickt den Demoaufruf an alle, die ihr kennt. Wir suchen Stellvertreter:Innen, die für Daheimgebliebene zur Demo kommen! 💙💪🏼 Falls ihr per Zoom teilnehmen möchtet, schickt uns eine Mail an [email protected]. Wir werden versuchen, heute den ganzen Tag über noch Links rauszuschicken. Ansonsten, passt auf euch auf, bringt euch Sonnenschutz und Maske mit, genug zu trinken, eine Isomatte als Unterlage. Wir sind so aufgeregt und können kaum erwarten euch alle zu sehen! Danke für eure Unterstützung 🫶🏻💙 Unterstützt durch - chronisch.chics - Fatigatio e.V. - Bundesverband ME / CFS - Nicht Genesen Kids - nichtgenesen - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ME/CFS - MillionsMissing Deutschland - ME Hilfe - Mirame Arts - Elias e.V. - SHG Susanne Ritter - Me/CFS Netzwerk Baden-Württemberg - SHG Lutherstadt Wittenberg uvm. @mdr_mitteldeutscherrundfunk @ard.brisant @bundeskanzler @radioberlin_ @taz.die_tageszeitung @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @notrecovered_official @nichtgenesenkids @gundula_longcovid_mecfs @bettina.grande @jasmins_alltagsgedanken @martin_mit_me @postvacnetzwerk @crashi_me_cfs @lightupthenight4me @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @mecfs.awareness.prints @goeringeckardt @prof.stark.fatigue.zentrum #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #PEM #MyalgischeEnzephalomyelitis #trauergang #demonstration #severeme #flourchinolone #epsteinbarrvirus #instabilehws #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver #FFP3 #Risikogruppe

5/11/2024, 9:50:38 AM

careful who you’re FLiRTing with at the bar. unironically maybe i’d be cooler with COVID if it offered me poppers. - - - image descriptions: image 1: stock photo of men dancing at a club. the lighting is purple/blue and there are 2 white men with their arms up happily in the foreground with some other people’s arms in the background. a stock image of the COVID variant “FLiRT” is off to the left side, colored red, blue and pink, and there is a white speech bubble coming from it that says in black “who wants poppers?” image 2: stock photo of 2 women sitting and talking together at a bar. there is a white women with long red hair on the right side, she is wearing a blue dress and holding a drink. she’s smiling and facing towards the left side of the photo. there is a woman across from her, she is Black with light red curly, jaw length hair, she is wearing a yellow/orangey dress and holding a drink. she is smiling and facing towards the right of the photo, speaking to the aforementioned woman. in front of her is another stock image of the COVID variant FLiRT, there’s a white speech bubble that says in black text “hey ladiessss” image 3: stock image photo of a straight couple sitting together at a bar. the man is white with short brown hair. he’s wearing a white button up shirt that has the first few buttons undone, he has his body turned towards his date (the right side of the photo) and he has his left arm around her shoulders. he’s smiling at her. the woman is smiling and leaning into him. she is white and has long light blonde hair, she is wearing a white dress. there is a glass of blue alcohol sitting in front of her. to the left side of the photo is a stock image of the COVID variant FLiRT with a white speech bubble that says in black “lookin for a third?” #covid #covidisntover #covidisairborne #postcovid #longcovid #dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #disabled #disabilityjustice #disability #queer #gay #lgbtq #anarchist #mutualaid #wearamask

5/11/2024, 9:04:58 AM

As Flo Masks are now available this side of the Atlantic, I ordered one. It's nice! (I also love the modular nature of it. I downloaded a decorative cover for it (not by Flomask I might add). I might make a few accessories of my own to customise it) #flomask #maskup #covidisnotover #covidisairborne @flomaskusa #stillcoviding #stillmasking

5/11/2024, 7:49:49 AM

image description: four slides with floral photo backgrounds and centered, square, partially transparent shapes with black text over top, with colorful rectangle faded shapes to highlight the text. The bottom of each slide features a reminder to find more information on our guide doc at Feeling the pandemic blues? Brighten up your Saturday night with us from 8-11pm ET at the Still Coviding Weekly Hangout! Our rotating breakout rooms this week range from Aro/Ace Space and the Dating... How? rooms to Go Blue for ME! and Work-From-Home Watering Hole. And as always we have our dedicated core rooms that can be expected every week. Come for the solidarity, stay for the friendships. Your new favorite Saturday night ritual awaits! 🎉 For more information visit our linktree at Go Blue for ME!: May 12th is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Awareness Day, and all of May is ME Awareness Month. Throw on something blue (the color for ME awareness) and come join in camaraderie with others living with and looking to learn more about ME. Self-diagnosis is valid; allies are also welcome. Descriptions for all the rooms, as well as the community agreements & zoom info, can be found in the event guide doc on our linktree here: #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #WeKeepUsSafe #StillCoviding #CovidCautiousCommunity #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #CommunityCare #CollectiveCare #NotMild

5/10/2024, 9:51:23 PM

ID: digital poster with the words “ANGER is an appropriate response to GENOCIDE” the letters are in various shades of red and black, “anger” is written in all caps, outlined block letters. “is an appropriate response” is written in cursive and “to” has a palestinian flag in the “o.” “genocide” is written in large red block letters in all caps. #stillcoviding #queerasiniwearamask #thepandemicisnotover #weararespirator #covidruinsyourimmunesystem #maskingisaccessibility #disabledpeoplematter #mandatemasks #maskingishealthcare #covidcausesbraindamage #covidisairborne #wearamask #maskingisqueersolidarity #freepalestine #fromtherivertothesea #palestinewillbefree #dontstoptalkingaboutpalestine #neveragainisnow #ceasefirenow #endtheoccupation

5/10/2024, 6:44:43 PM

Morgen ist es soweit! 💪 Die großen #Liegenddemos in Berlin und 11 weiteren Städten stehen in den Startlöchern. Alle sind motiviert und aufgeregt. Macht bitte weiter Werbung, damit viele, vielleicht auch kurz entschlossene Stellvertreter:Innen, für die Daheimgebliebenen auf die Straße gehen.💪🫶 Wir wollen zeigen, dass wir Viele sind! Falls ihr morgen per Zoom teilnehmen möchtet, schreibt uns eine Mail an: [email protected] Unterstützt durch - chronisch.chics - Fatigatio e.V. - Bundesverband ME / CFS - Nicht Genesen Kids - nichtgenesen - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ME/CFS - MillionsMissing Deutschland - ME Hilfe - Mirame Arts - Elias e.V. - SHG Susanne Ritter - Me/CFS Netzwerk Baden-Württemberg - SHG Lutherstadt Wittenberg uvm. @mdr_mitteldeutscherrundfunk @ard.brisant @bundeskanzler @radioberlin_ @taz.die_tageszeitung @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @notrecovered_official @nichtgenesenkids @gundula_longcovid_mecfs @bettina.grande @jasmins_alltagsgedanken @martin_mit_me @postvacnetzwerk @crashi_me_cfs @lightupthenight4me @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @mecfs.awareness.prints @goeringeckardt @prof.stark.fatigue.zentrum #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #PEM #MyalgischeEnzephalomyelitis #trauergang #demonstration #severeme #flourchinolone #epsteinbarrvirus #instabilehws #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver #FFP3 #Risikogruppe

5/10/2024, 4:48:01 PM

अभी फैल रहे नए वेरिएंट्स KP.2 and KP1.1 को FLiRT वेरिएंट्स कहा जा रहा है. Infectious Diseases Society of America के मुताबिक, FLiRT नाम वायरस के म्यूटेशन के तकनीकी पदनामों से लिया गया है. ये ओमीक्रोन JN.1 के वंशज हैं जो पिछले साल सर्दियों में फैला था. LiRT वेरिएंट की वजह से अमेरिका में नए मामले बढ़े हैं. कुछ मरीजों को अस्पताल में भी भर्ती कराना पड़ा है. यूनाइटेड किंगडम, साउथ कोरिया और न्यूजीलैंड में भी FLiRT केसेज के बढ़ने से नई कोरोना लहर का खतरा पैदा हो गया है. भारत में कोविड-19 के जीनोमिक्स कंसोर्टियम INSACOG के मुताबिक, 6 मई तक देश में KP.2 के 238 मामले और KP1.1 के 30 मामले दर्ज किए गए थे. #coronavirus #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #covidlong #Flirt #samaydigital

5/10/2024, 11:21:13 AM

???? but i would still love u if u were a worm tho 🫶💓🪱 - - - image description: lilac/grey background with black text that says “women ask the weirdest questions “would you still love me if i didn’t wear a mask?” … what? bitch no 🙄” #covid #covidisairborne #covidisntover #postcovid #longcovid #dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #disability #disabled “disabilityjustice #queer #gay #lgbtq #anarchist #mutualaid

5/10/2024, 12:12:37 AM

Clinical epidemiologist Dr. Deepti Gurdasani fully supports the campaign for #CleanAirInHealthcare Dr. Gurdasani has contributed to the APPG on COVID (parliamentary groups), as well as contributing to the People's COVID Enquiry as an expert. She is currently a member of OzSAGE and has done extensive media, including the BBC, ITV, Sky and Al Jazeera.  All UK residents can sign the petition calling for improvements to ventilation/air filtration and new PPE standards and staffing rules in medical settings. Please sign and share the PETITION: Check bio and story for active link to petition #cleanair #health #longcovid #cleanairnow #family #patients #patientsafety #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #skynews #iitv #bbc #ozsage

5/9/2024, 1:52:12 PM

Study showed that filtered Far UV-C light can reduce pathogens in a room to a very low values in a short amount of time, and it does so with low power and energy. Learn more about Mysoter Far uvc Care222® device ,contact us : [email protected] #infectioncontrol #infectionprevention #cleanair #faruvc #diseaseprevention #healthyliving #covidisairborne #distributorneeded #manufacturer #uvcdisinfection #mysoter

5/9/2024, 12:08:51 PM

Air Quality is harmed in many ways due to Climate change . In many areas of the United States, climate change is expected to worsen harmful ground-level ozone, increase people's exposure to allergens like pollen, and degrade air quality, which can all negatively impact human health. Airpura joins hands with EPA's initiative to bring awareness about air quality through the air quality awareness week. We are committed to providing you with top-notch air purification solutions. Let's work together to ensure the air we breathe is clean and healthy for generations to come. #EPA #WorldAsthmaDay2024 #AirQualityAwareness #spring2024 #covidisairborne #airpurifier #indoor #airpurification #cleanair #ventilation #particulatematter #hepa #traffic #chemicals #bestairpurifier #ragweed #lungs #AirPollution #allergies #indoorairquality #canada #unitedstates #chemicals #VOC #asthma #wildfires #children #heat #lungs #schools

5/8/2024, 8:40:25 PM

See what customers love about our Kind Coloured KN95 Masks! With two different styles and 28 colours to choose from, there’s a perfect match for everyone! Personal style meets personal protection with our masks. Grab your colours for summer so you can stay safe with flair! #covidisnotover  #maskup  #covid19  #covidisntover  #covidisairborne  #n95  #n95facemask  #kn95  #kn95facemask  #maskup  #kidsmasks  #fashion  #style #customerfeedback  #customersatisfaction

5/8/2024, 4:49:01 PM

F600DLX has an EXTRA LARGE CARBON BED FOR MAXIMUM CHEMICAL ADSORBTION, provides maximum protection from formaldehyde particles and thousands of harmful airborne chemicals. #WorldAsthmaDay2024 #AirQualityAwareness #spring2024 #covidisairborne #airpurifier #indoor #airpurification #cleanair #ventilation #particulatematter #hepa #traffic #chemicals #bestairpurifier #ragweed #lungs #AirPollution #allergies #indoorairquality #canada #unitedstates #chemicals #VOC #asthma #wildfires #children #heat #lungs #schools #COVID19

5/8/2024, 3:19:05 PM

Rp @kundan.chavan_ I've been thinking this for a while now. Becoming ungovernable and making them (the 🐷 and the powers that be) more scared of us than we are of them, through real concrete threat of harm, is what needs to happen. So how do we do that? I'm struggling with that step. How does a disabled covid conscious queerdo put their body on the line, how do they fight back? How do I find those able and willing to fight back and find ways to support them? This is all made more challenging being in a small town with most people either moderate whyte libs or conservatives, the pool is already so small! Any and all thoughts suggestions advice and insights are very welcome. I'm trying to keep learning and unlearning and wanting to do more in whatever way I can. #EscalateForPalestine #Escalate4Gaza #EndTheOccupation #FromTheRiverToTheSea #FreePalestine #FreeGaza #AllEyesOnRafah #EyesOnRafah #FightBack #WeKeepUsSafe #WeFightBack #Decolonization #LandBack #CommunityCare #CovidIsStillHere #WearYourMask #CovidIsAirBorne #MaskingSavesLives #Mask4Mask

5/7/2024, 9:10:51 PM

Did you Know? Over 27 million people in the U.S. have asthma. This equals about 1 in 12 people. The air we breathe has an impact on people with asthma and other respiratory health condition #WorldAsthmaDay2024 #AirQualityAwareness #spring2024 #covidisairborne #airpurifier #indoor #airpurification #cleanair #ventilation #particulatematter #hepa #traffic #chemicals #bestairpurifier #ragweed #lungs #AirPollution #allergies #indoorairquality #canada #unitedstates #chemicals #VOC #asthma #wildfires #children #heat #lungs #schools #COVID19

5/7/2024, 7:40:44 PM

Chaud et froid Série À LA RECHERCHE DE L'ESPOIR. PHOTO 6 . . . . . Ces salles d'attente, où l’on attend, où l'on espère dans cet immobilisme si présent. Ces salles qui nous font croire ou craindre un futur dans l'attente d'un diagnostic. Diagnostic qui arrivera pour certains et qui n'arrivera jamais pour d'autres, pourtant la maladie du Covid Long/EM et les syndrômes qui l'accompagnent sont bien réels et notre vie d'aujourd'hui ne ressemble plus à notre vie d'avant. Tellement de symptômes nous fatiguent, nous submergent, nous endolorissent, nous ralentissent, nous figent, nous limitent... Nous ne sommes pas des malades imaginaires ! Cette errance médicale, cette solitude, cette difficulté de reconnaissance, ce manque d'humanité dans ce parcours qui n’en finit pas, dans cette succession de salles d'attente où chaque fauteuil conserve les doutes de chacun, les espoirs, l’attente de réponses qui ne viennent pas, enfin pas encore, à moins que ce soit pour peut-être bientôt ? Quand on commence à découvrir enfin un article qui résonne… qui donne un sens à ce corps qui dysfonctionne... L'attente se transforme en recherche pour rencontrer son docteur House… Ce docteur tant espéré va écouter, entendre, croire, soutenir, connaître, s'intéresser et poser son diagnostic. Enfin. Ce diagnostic tant attendu pour comprendre, se comprendre, se faire comprendre. Mais il y a un après… Après il faudrait pouvoir revivre... Après il faudrait guérir… Et il y a un aujourd'hui. Un aujourd'hui où on ne sait ni soigner le Covid Long ni l'EM. Il y a aussi des salles d'attente où l'on sait désormais que pour le moment on n'attend plus rien. Faire face. S'accrocher toujours ! Et demain ? Un espoir ? Attendre cet après, de salles d’attente en salles d’attente. . . . . . #lyon #salledattente #irm #lines #graphic #ConfrontLongCovid #LongCovid #chairs #CovidLong #medical #scanner #orange #longcovidawareness #CovidisAirborne #chair #igersfrance #igerslyon #emsfc #ME #reportage #MPE #photography #EM #light #encéphalomyélitemyalgique #minimalism #minimal #hope #longcovidawareness #millionsmissing #apresJ20 @apresj20_covidlong @millionsmissingfrance

5/7/2024, 5:18:19 PM

the rich are just like you!! - - - image descriptions: image 1: sydney sweeney at the met gala. she’s wearing a blue cinderella dress with flowers on it and black gloves that go to her elbows. she is white and her hair is a black short bob with bangs. she’s wearing a silver necklace and has her arms out in a cupcake like formation. the text over her face says “what genocide?” the what is white and “genocide” is red over a black background. there are people gathered in the background and a man in a suit looking at her and smiling. image 2: ariana grande at the met gala. she is posed to the side with her hand on her hip. she is white and her hair is long reddish blonde and her dress is beige. there is greenery and white roses on the wall behind her and people with cameras. the text on her face says “business as usual” in red over a black background. image 3: sabrina carpenter at the met gala. she is looking forward at the camera with her hands at her side. she is white, her hair is long and blonde, her dress is black velvet with blue gathering at the bottom. she has a silver necklace on. there are people behind her with cameras. there are also flowers and greenery behind her. caption over her face says “we’re on your side”, the your is red on a black background. image 4: lana del rey at the met gala. she is white and wearing a beige dress with fake tree roots on it. she has a veil over her head and tree roots over her head. there is a red rose on the right side of her dress. her hands are lightly extended at her side. caption over her face says “everything will be okay”, the okay is red on a black background. #covid #covidisntover #covidisairborne #postcovid #longcovid #dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #disabled #disability #disabilityjustice #queer #gay #lgbtq #anarchist #mutualaid #wearamask

5/7/2024, 4:25:10 AM

Recently, much attention has been given to the idea of Universal Design. This planning concept attempts to create physical spaces with as few barriers as possible, facilitating (closer to) universal accessibility. But the proponents of Universal Design often ignore the spread of illness, like Covid, as a barrier. In this moment, two-way masking and clean air are Universal Design principles. They remove barriers for anyone who might be at high risk of complications from any of the numerous circulating viruses. That includes most of the population, now that many of us have had at least one Covid infection. We can remove barriers and make spaces more accessible. Speak up and share resources to support equitable access! #CovidIsADisabilityJusticeIssue #CovidIsAirborne #DisabilityJustice #UniversalDesign #CovidIsASocialJusticeIssue #CovidIsAnEquityIssue #CovidIsntOver

5/6/2024, 10:27:28 PM

Just got my teeth cleaned! Among other mitigations, I used Lisa Foreman’s @readimask hack so I could have N95 level protection while breathing through my nose as they worked on my teeth. Not perfect but very grateful for the extra protection! Thanks Vickey from @dalindental for the great care. #StillCOVIDing #ReadiMask #N95 #COVIDIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne

5/6/2024, 7:06:53 PM

Tranches de dehors Pas toutes pareilles Série À LA RECHERCHE DE L'ESPOIR. PHOTO 5 . . . . . Ces salles d'attente, où l’on attend, où l'on espère dans cet immobilisme si présent. Ces salles qui nous font croire ou craindre un futur dans l'attente d'un diagnostic. Diagnostic qui arrivera pour certains et qui n'arrivera jamais pour d'autres, pourtant la maladie du Covid Long/EM et les syndrômes qui l'accompagnent sont bien réels et notre vie d'aujourd'hui ne ressemble plus à notre vie d'avant. Tellement de symptômes nous fatiguent, nous submergent, nous endolorissent, nous ralentissent, nous figent, nous limitent... Nous ne sommes pas des malades imaginaires ! Cette errance médicale, cette solitude, cette difficulté de reconnaissance, ce manque d'humanité dans ce parcours qui n’en finit pas, dans cette succession de salles d'attente où chaque fauteuil conserve les doutes de chacun, les espoirs, l’attente de réponses qui ne viennent pas, enfin pas encore, à moins que ce soit pour peut-être bientôt ? Quand on commence à découvrir enfin un article qui résonne… qui donne un sens à ce corps qui dysfonctionne... L'attente se transforme en recherche pour rencontrer son docteur House… Ce docteur tant espéré va écouter, entendre, croire, soutenir, connaître, s'intéresser et poser son diagnostic. Enfin. Ce diagnostic tant attendu pour comprendre, se comprendre, se faire comprendre. Mais il y a un après… Après il faudrait pouvoir revivre... Après il faudrait guérir… Et il y a un aujourd'hui. Un aujourd'hui où on ne sait ni soigner le Covid Long ni l'EM. Il y a aussi des salles d'attente où l'on sait désormais que pour le moment on n'attend plus rien. Faire face. S'accrocher toujours ! Et demain ? Un espoir ? Attendre cet après, de salles d’attente en salles d’attente. . . . . . #lyon #salledattente #irm #lines #graphic #ConfrontLongCovid #LongCovid #chairs #CovidLong #window #scanner #orange #longcovidawareness #CovidisAirborne #chair #igersfrance #igerslyon #emsfc #ME #reportage #MPE #photography #EM #light #encéphalomyélitemyalgique #longcovidawareness #millionsmissing #apresJ20 @apresj20_covidlong @millionsmissingfrance

5/6/2024, 6:09:26 PM

May is Asthma Awareness Month! Asthma is the leading cause of long-term illness in children. It affects about 7 million kids in the United States. The CDC recommends use of a HEPA air filter to manage asthma. The Airpura I600/I700 is specially designed to combat allergens and help children and adults with asthma to breathe better. Tests have proved that Airpura I600 was able to reduce the PM2.5 levels to zero count in 20 seconds. #wildfires #smoke #spring2024 #covidisairborne #airpurifier #indoor #airpurification #cleanair #ventilation #particulatematter #hepa #traffic #chemicals #bestairpurifier #ragweed #lungs #AirPollution #allergies #indoorairquality #canada #unitedstates #chemicals #VOC #asthma #wildfires #children #heat #lungs #schools #COVID19

5/6/2024, 4:46:29 PM

no caption 🖤🗡️♣️✨ - - - image description: peach from super mario bros is dressed in goth clothing. she has a black dress on, blue earrings, black heels, and is holding a sword. she has white gloves on her arms and is wearing a yellow crown and a black kn95 mask. she is walking one of the chain chomps on a leash (chain). behind them is a greenish/grey foggy sky and some castle buildings. #covid #covidisntover #covidisairborne #postcovid #longcovid #dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #disabled #disability #disabilityjustice #queer #gay #lgbtq #anarchist #mutualaid #wearamask

5/6/2024, 6:16:40 AM

The Queen is dead, boy #covid #covidisntover #covidisairborne #cleanair

5/5/2024, 10:40:59 PM

Rare pleasure noted: my body on the sand feels like a pad of butter on a hot pancake or a daisy opening up. 💌🛟 *in short intervals so as not to melt completely or wilt to withering, I am protecting a delicate ecosystem after all. Mostly by myself. Having been cut off from everyone and everything unless I want to go “back” “to” “normal” - which is a past I will not reclaim because to do so is to knowingly perpetuate harm. Shit happened - we learned new info, and we should be USING IT and doing more and better right now for our bodies and our planet and our kids and our future. If you saw this post, check out my stories today, share something on your story about long covid, donate to a mask bloc, ….? / #covidinformed #keepmasksinhealthcare #beachlife #daisy #covidisnotover #covidisntover #covidisvascular #covidisairborne #maskup #cleanairforall #longcovid #mecfs #chronicillness #disability #maskup #1daynoway #covidconscious #longcovidawareness #mecfsrecovery #chronicfatigue #summervibes

5/5/2024, 6:26:44 PM

I'm an air quality nerd, indoors and out 🤓 #airquality #indoorairquality #indoorair #CovidIsAirborne #carbondioxide

5/5/2024, 5:07:11 AM

Looking cool in my new sunglasses! 😎 Also handy for hiding a mild panic attack in Lidl🫠 #maskup #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #stillcoviding #stillmasking

5/4/2024, 8:34:48 PM

Voyage voyage... Samedi Comète, Samedi Soleil. Série À LA RECHERCHE DE L'ESPOIR. PHOTO 3 et 4 . . . . . Ces salles d'attente, où l’on attend, où l'on espère dans cet immobilisme si présent. Ces salles qui nous font croire ou craindre un futur dans l'attente d'un diagnostic. Diagnostic qui arrivera pour certains et qui n'arrivera jamais pour d'autres, pourtant la maladie du Covid Long/EM et les syndrômes qui l'accompagnent sont bien réels et notre vie d'aujourd'hui ne ressemble plus à notre vie d'avant. Tellement de symptômes nous fatiguent, nous submergent, nous endolorissent, nous ralentissent, nous figent, nous limitent... Nous ne sommes pas des malades imaginaires ! Cette errance médicale, cette solitude, cette difficulté de reconnaissance, ce manque d'humanité dans ce parcours qui n’en finit pas, dans cette succession de salles d'attente où chaque fauteuil conserve les doutes de chacun, les espoirs, l’attente de réponses qui ne viennent pas, enfin pas encore, à moins que ce soit pour peut-être bientôt ? Quand on commence à découvrir enfin un article qui résonne… qui donne un sens à ce corps qui dysfonctionne... L'attente se transforme en recherche pour rencontrer son docteur House… Ce docteur tant espéré va écouter, entendre, croire, soutenir, connaître, s'intéresser et poser son diagnostic. Enfin. Ce diagnostic tant attendu pour comprendre, se comprendre, se faire comprendre. Mais il y a un après… Après il faudrait pouvoir revivre... Après il faudrait guérir… Et il y a un aujourd'hui. Un aujourd'hui où on ne sait ni soigner le Covid Long ni l'EM. Il y a aussi des salles d'attente où l'on sait désormais que pour le moment on n'attend plus rien. Faire face. S'accrocher toujours ! Et demain ? Un espoir ? Attendre cet après, de salles d’attente en salles d’attente. . . . . . #lyon #salledattente #irm #lines #graphic #ConfrontLongCovid #LongCovid #chairs #CovidLong #LongCovidKids #scanner #travel #longcovidawareness #CovidisAirborne #chair #igersfrance #igerslyon #emsfc #ME #reportage #MPE #photography #EM #light #encéphalomyélitemyalgique #longcovidawareness #millionsmissing #apresJ20 @apresj20_covidlong @millionsmissingfrance

5/4/2024, 2:41:57 PM

i wish covid looked like this bc then at least i would know if the person talking to me without a mask on has covid or not lol - - - image description: manga panel from Parasyte: The Maxim. it is in black and white. the top panel is of a character named uda. he’s wearing a floral shirt and has short slicked black hair parted to the side. he’s furrowing his eyebrows, he has a parasite creature coming out of his face with its mouth wide open. the parasite has 4 eyes, all extending from uda’s face. the parasite is smiling with teeth and has a speech bubble next to him that says “we’re comrades!” uda has a speech bubble above his head that just says “…….”. the panel underneath is of schinichi izumi, his hair is short and spiky, also parted to the side. he has a shocked expression on his face and is wearing a black kn95. next to him it says “jesus!”. he has a parasite coming out of his right arm, but we can only see migi (the parasite’s) eye poking up from the bottom of the panel. #covid #covidisntover #covidisairborne #postcovid #longcovid #dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #disabled #disability #disabilityjustice #queer #gay #lgbtq #mutualaid #anarchist

5/4/2024, 6:48:17 AM

We are very excited to announce that we are working with @gladdaybookshop for their upcoming event “Felt Up” on May 28th! Come and see their amazing performers, while enjoying some fresh air indoors! . .. … .. . #drag #dragqueen #burlesque #cleanair #freshair #hepa #staysafe #cleanaireverywhere #cleanairforall #cleanairnow #sac #safeaircollective #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #maskup

5/3/2024, 5:39:02 PM

Série À LA RECHERCHE DE L'ESPOIR. PHOTO 2 . . . . . Ces salles d'attente, où l’on attend, où l'on espère dans cet immobilisme si présent. Ces salles qui nous font croire ou craindre un futur dans l'attente d'un diagnostic. Diagnostic qui arrivera pour certains et qui n'arrivera jamais pour d'autres, pourtant la maladie du Covid Long et les syndrômes qui l'accompagnent sont bien réels et notre vie d'aujourd'hui ne ressemble plus à notre vie d'avant. Tellement de symptômes nous fatiguent, nous submergent, nous endolorissent, nous ralentissent, nous figent, nous limitent... Nous ne sommes pas des malades imaginaires ! Cette errance médicale, cette solitude, cette difficulté de reconnaissance, ce manque d'humanité dans ce parcours qui n’en finit pas, dans cette succession de salles d'attente où chaque fauteuil conserve les doutes de chacun, les espoirs, l’attente de réponses qui ne viennent pas, enfin pas encore, à moins que ce soit pour peut-être bientôt ? Quand on commence à découvrir enfin un article qui résonne… qui donne un sens à ce corps qui dysfonctionne... L'attente se transforme en recherche pour rencontrer son docteur House… Ce docteur tant espéré va écouter, entendre, croire, soutenir, connaître, s'intéresser et poser son diagnostic. Enfin. Ce diagnostic tant attendu pour comprendre, se comprendre, se faire comprendre. Mais il y a un après… Après il faudrait ne plus avoir mal... Après il faudrait pouvoir revivre... Après il faudrait guérir… Et il y a un aujourd'hui. Un aujourd'hui où on ne sait ni soigner le Covid Long ni l'Encéphalomyelite Myalgique. Il y a aussi des salles d'attente où l'on sait désormais que pour le moment on n'attend plus rien. Faire face. S'accrocher toujours ! Et demain ? Un espoir ? Attendre cet après, de salles d’attente en salles d’attente. . . . . . #lyon #salledattente #blue #lines #graphic #ConfrontLongCovid #LongCovid #CovidLong #LongCovidKids #longcovidawareness #CovidisAirborne #chair #igersfrance #igerslyon #emsfc #ME #reportage #MPE #photography #EM #light #encéphalomyélitemyalgique #longcovidawareness #millionsmissing #apresJ20 @apresj20_covidlong @millionsmissingfrance

5/3/2024, 1:47:28 PM

We all get sick sometimes, but getting sick this often is not normal. An increasing number of people are now dealing with instances of 'flu-like symptoms', sometimes for weeks. While this can be attributed to a host of things, COVID (a virus that can render you susceptible to further illness) is regularly left out of the conversation, or at best, lumped under the flu. #covid19 #covidisairborne #covidisnotover

5/2/2024, 11:13:34 PM

LA SERIE DANS L'ATTENTE D'UN ESPOIR...devient À LA RECHERCHE DE L'ESPOIR. . . . . . Ces salles d'attente, où l’on attend, où l'on espère dans cet immobilisme si présent. Ces salles qui nous font croire ou craindre un futur dans l'attente d'un diagnostic. Diagnostic qui arrivera pour certains et qui n'arrivera jamais pour d'autres, pourtant la maladie du Covid Long et les syndrômes qui l'accompagnent sont bien réels et notre vie d'aujourd'hui ne ressemble plus à notre vie d'avant. Tellement de symptômes nous fatiguent, nous submergent, nous endolorissent, nous ralentissent, nous figent, nous limitent... Nous ne sommes pas des malades imaginaires ! Cette errance médicale, cette solitude, cette difficulté de reconnaissance, ce manque d'humanité dans ce parcours qui n’en finit pas, dans cette succession de salles d'attente où chaque fauteuil conserve les doutes de chacun, les espoirs, l’attente de réponses qui ne viennent pas, enfin pas encore, à moins que ce soit pour peut-être bientôt ? Quand on commence à découvrir enfin un article qui résonne… qui donne un sens à ce corps qui dysfonctionne... L'attente se transforme en recherche pour rencontrer son docteur House… Ce docteur tant espéré va écouter, entendre, croire, soutenir, connaître, s'intéresser et poser son diagnostic. Enfin. Ce diagnostic tant attendu pour comprendre, se comprendre, se faire comprendre. Mais il y a un après… Après il faudrait ne plus avoir mal... Après il faudrait pouvoir revivre... Après il faudrait guérir… Et il y a un aujourd'hui. Un aujourd'hui où on ne sait ni soigner le Covid Long ni l'Encéphalomyelite Myalgique. Il y a aussi des salles d'attente où l'on sait désormais que pour le moment on n'attend plus rien. Faire face. S'accrocher toujours ! Et demain ? Un espoir ? Attendre cet après, de salles d’attente en salles d’attente. . . . . . #lyon #LongCovidAwarenessDay #ConfrontLongCovid #LongCovid #CovidLong #LongCovidKids #LongCovidAwarenessMonth #CovidisAirborne #chair #igersfrance #igerslyon #emsfc #ME #reportage #MPE #photography #EM #light #encéphalomyélitemyalgique #longcovidawareness #millionsmissing #apresJ20 @apresj20_covidlong @millionsmissingfrance

5/2/2024, 7:01:27 PM

we live in a society i went to the store the other day, and it was amazing the amount of actual hacking i heard. just open mouth coughing all over everyone. i wish i didn’t have to feel so upset inside a public space but it’s so gross i get so close to saying something lmfao disclaimer: this is a joke, i dont think it’s the general public’s fault that masking is no longer happening. people are being lied to by the government that the air is safe. that being said, bathroom air is nasty regardless!! lol - - - image description: meme template comic cartoon drawing of 2 different ticket booths. on the right there is one person, on the left there is a long line of people. the drawing is in black and white but the white has a yellow tint. above the person standing alone to the right the caption says “clean air” and above the line on the left it says “poopy fart covid air” #covid #covidisntover #covidisairborne #postcovid #longcovid #dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #disabled #disability #disabilityjustice #queer #lgbtq #gay #anarchist #mutualaid #wearamask

5/2/2024, 8:37:20 AM

Masks save lives! Please keep wearing a mask (ideally KN95 or better, if financially accessible to you) when sharing air indoors *and* outdoors with others. 😷 Also, check out and support your local mask bloc (mutual aid project that freely distributes masks to people who request them)! Check out @covidactionmap to find out if there's a mask bloc near you. ID: A black and white sketch of a person wearing a KN95 mask. Their hair is short on the sides and long on top and they're wearing a hoodie. They're looking to their right. The background is a sketch of blue sky with white clouds. In the upper left corner are the words "masks save lives" in white letters outlined in black. #COVIDIsAirborne #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #COVID

5/1/2024, 11:58:41 PM

The WHO overturned dogma on how #airborne diseases spread. Will the CDC act on it? In this article, Maxmen @kffhealthnews shares how CDC focuses on cutting costs in healthcare at the expense of rampant spread of infectious airborne pathogens. @nbcnews   We’re most concerned about the draft of the Isolation Precautions Guidelines that “differs significantly from the @who report”—as Maxmen described.   It’s disappointing that CDC only rejected the draft when it was pressured by outpour of criticism from stakeholders incl. @nationalnurses union & #PublicHealth organizations. As if #CovidIsAirborne is still debatable, the agency only gently questioned the inadequate guidance for masking against airborne transmission of pathogens in healthcare settings.   1.Should there be a category of Transmission-based Precautions that incl. masks (instead of NIOSH Approved® N95® [or higher-level] respirators) for pathogens that spread by the air? 2.Should N95 respirators be recommended for all pathogens that spread by the air? 3.Can the workgroup clarify the criteria that would be used to determine which transmission by air category applies for a pathogen? 4.For the category of Special Air Precautions, can you clarify if this category includes only new or emerging pathogens or if this category might also include other pathogens that are more established? 5.Is the current guideline language sufficient to allow for voluntary use of a NIOSH Approved N95 (or higher-level) respirator? 6.Should there be a recommendation for use of source control in healthcare settings that is broader than current draft recommendations? 7.Should source control be recommended at all times in healthcare facilities?   CDC📝:   WHO now promotes #CleanAir, and offers a tool for risk checking airborne transmission of COVlD in buildings.   Yet, the CDC continues to hold back on promoting N95 masks or mechanical ventilation & air purifiers in hospitals, nursing homes & prisons because our lives don’t matter as much as cutting costs.   #MaskTogetherAmerica #keepmasksinhealthcare

5/1/2024, 10:49:00 PM

Hast du vielleicht am Samstag, den 11.05.24 1-2 Stunden Zeit? Du könntest an diesem Tag Dein Handtuch, Deine Isomatte einpacken und schwerkranken Menschen ein guter Mensch sein, indem Du Dich in einer, an der #LiegendDemo teilnehmenden Stadt in deiner Nähe, stellvertretend für sie, für 15min auf den Boden legst!🪧🛌 Ja, wirklich! Viele ME/CFS-Betroffene sind zu krank, um selbst draußen zu demonstrieren. Darum suchen wir liebe Menschen, die als Stellvertretende für die Daheimgebliebenen an der #LiegendDemo teilnehmen und sie sichtbar machen. Mehr über die Krankheit ME/CFS und über die Initiative LiegendDemo ist auf unserem Profil nachlesbar. Schreib uns doch gerne, wenn du irgendwelche Fragen oder Anregungen hast 🫶 Die deutschlandweite LiegendDemo am 11.05.24 wird unterstützt durch: - Fatigatio e.V. Bundesverband ME/CFS - Nicht Genesen Kids e.V. - nichtgenesen - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ME/CFS e.V. - MillionsMissing Deutschland - SHG Susanne Ritter - Jasmins Alltagsgedanken - SHG Lutherstadt Wittenberg - ME Hilfe e.V. - Mirame Arts e.V. - Elias e.V. - chronisch.chics uvm. #berlinevents #heuteinberlin #berlinblog #berlinevents #b1105 #mecfs #mecfsawareness #mecfswarrior #mecfsfighter @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @fatigatio.mecfs @nichtgenesen @nichtgenesenkids @elias_longcovidhilfe @chronisch.chics @wirexistieren @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @notrecovered_official @charityrunners.for.mecfs @botkinscharity @gundula_longcovid_mecfs @bettina.grande @jasmins_alltagsgedanken @martin_mit_me @postvacnetzwerk @crashi_me_cfs @lightupthenight4me @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @mecfs.awareness.prints @goeringeckardt @prof.stark.fatigue.zentrum #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #PEM #MyalgischeEnzephalomyelitis #trauergang #demonstration #severeme #flourchinolone #epsteinbarrvirus #instabilehws #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver #FFP3 #Risikogruppe

5/1/2024, 3:40:18 PM

They can hide bodies but not numbers. #covıd #covidisntover #covidkills #covidisairborne

5/1/2024, 2:07:34 PM

Ihr Lieben💙unser schöner, aktualisierter Flyer mit unseren Forderungen und den Städteterminen liegt jetzt im Drive Ordner für Euch auch als Online-Version bereit. ✉️Vielleicht möchtet ihr ja noch ein paar Mails schreiben, um für unsere deutschlandweite #LiegendDemo Werbung zu machen 💪💙 Unterstützt durch - Fatigatio e.V. - Bundesverband ME / CFS - Nicht Genesen Kids - MillionsMissing Deutschland -Jasminsalltagsgedanken - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ME/CFS - MillionsMissing Deutschland - ME Hilfe - Mirame Arts - Elias e.V. - SHG Susanne Ritter - Me/CFS Netzwerk Baden-Württemberg - SHG Lutherstadt Wittenberg - chronisch.chics uvm. @gritt_buggenhagen @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @notrecovered_official @nichtgenesenkids @gundula_longcovid_mecfs @bettina.grande @jasmins_alltagsgedanken @martin_mit_me @postvacnetzwerk @crashi_me_cfs @lightupthenight4me @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @mecfs.awareness.prints @goeringeckardt @prof.stark.fatigue.zentrum #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #PEM #MyalgischeEnzephalomyelitis #trauergang #demonstration #severeme #flourchinolone #epsteinbarrvirus #instabilehws #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver #FFP3 #Risikogruppe

5/1/2024, 10:26:52 AM

We often conflate the beginning and ‘end’ of the pandemic with the beginning and end of the mask mandate. COVID-19 has never been declared “over” or “finished” by any medical body in the world, not even the CDC. The complete withdrawal of government support to manage spread of this airborne virus allows the general public to maintain a false sense of security, which has now resulted in a visibly sicker society. #covid #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #maskbloctrinbago

5/1/2024, 2:18:09 AM

hi y’all! here is my zine about covid safety and why it matters for protecting those around us. i’ve been working on this for a few months now and finally feel like it’s ready to be out in the world. there is both a white on black text version like the one pictured above, and a black on white version. both will be in my bio. feel free to use it if you’d like. i added additional resources because i feel like there’s so much good information out there! thanks!! 🖤🖤🖤 - - - image description: a collection of screenshots of a covid cautious zine. titled “COVID SAFETY IS COMMUNITY CARE” in black text on a white page. there is an anarchist symbol and a black N95 on the front. the words below say “Learn more about COVID safety and why partaking in it is important to keep our communities safe”. the rest of the text will be available through 2 links in my bio. #covid #covidisntover #covidisairborne #postcovid #longcovid #dysautonomia #pots #mecfs #disabled #disability #disabilityjustice #queer #gay #lgbtq #anarchist #mutualaid

5/1/2024, 12:03:39 AM

⚠️ URGENT Action Alert! The federal supply of Paxlovid is about to run out, and BC is debating whether to cover more. A decision on PharmaCare coverage is expected within a couple of weeks. If BC chooses not to cover it, you won’t be able to get the ONLY home treatment approved for COVID-19 in BC - or it could cost you $1,400 😬 You can use our sendable email or telephone script to contact BC gov TODAY and let them know how important it is to ensure equitable access and coverage of Paxlovid. 👉 Link in bio! [Image: blue and yellow graphic with an orange pill bottle, and the words Urgent!! Tell B.C.: don’t end Paxlovid coverage. Add your voice ASAP.]

4/30/2024, 7:04:18 PM

Discover why everyone is raving about our Kind Coloured KN95 Face Masks! Chic, stylish, and incredibly comfortable, they’re perfect for all-day wear. With 28 shades for adults and 7 kid-approved colors, there’s something for everyone! Fuse your personal style with protection effortlessly with our Kind KN95 Masks! #covidisnotover #maskup #covid19 #covidisntover #covidisairborne #n95 #n95facemask #kn95 #kn95facemask #maskup #kidsmasks #fashion #style #customerfeedback #customersatisfaction

4/30/2024, 5:34:35 PM

Ihr Lieben 💙 zu den beiden Plakaten haben wir jetzt noch ein Handout für Euch, welches ihr verteilen, verschicken oder plakatieren könnt. Wenn ihr die Plakate neben das Handout hängt, haben die Neugierigen auch gleich ein paar mehr Informationen dazu. Plakatiert am Schwarzen Brett in den Unis, hängt es in Euer Auto. In den Toiletten von Cafés und Restaurants gibt es oft Plätze, wo man Plakate hinlegen darf. In den Apotheken sind sie oft sehr offen dafür. Und am besten immer freundlich fragen 😉 ob man mal etwas im Innenraum zum Beispiel eines Cafés oder an einer Fensterscheibe aufhängen darf, dann bekommt man meist ein positives Feedback. Unterstützt durch - chronisch.chics - Fatigatio e.V. - Bundesverband ME / CFS - Nicht Genesen Kids - nichtgenesen - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ME/CFS - MillionsMissing Deutschland - ME Hilfe - Mirame Arts - Elias e.V. - SHG Susanne Ritter - Me/CFS Netzwerk Baden-Württemberg - SHG Lutherstadt Wittenberg uvm. @mdr_mitteldeutscherrundfunk @ard.brisant @bundeskanzler @radioberlin_ @taz.die_tageszeitung @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @notrecovered_official @nichtgenesenkids @gundula_longcovid_mecfs @bettina.grande @jasmins_alltagsgedanken @martin_mit_me @postvacnetzwerk @crashi_me_cfs @lightupthenight4me @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @mecfs.awareness.prints @goeringeckardt @prof.stark.fatigue.zentrum #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #PEM #MyalgischeEnzephalomyelitis #trauergang #demonstration #severeme #flourchinolone #epsteinbarrvirus #instabilehws #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver #FFP3 #Risikogruppe

4/30/2024, 4:00:19 PM

Covid isn't over #airborne #covidisairborne #massdisablingevent

4/30/2024, 11:23:26 AM

Safest and fully tested gatherings are the best gatherings! Thanks to everyone who knows how to gather RIGHT! Yesterday was tons of fun, and no illness or disease will occur because it IS possible to protect yourselves and your families from preventable disease when you know what you’re doing. :) ALWAYS TEST BEFORE HAVING GUESTS! #ExpertAdvice #PreparedNotScared #ElevateHealth #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #MaskedAndRelaxed #GetVaccinated #CleanAir #COVIDisAirborne #KeepMasksInHealthcare #BringBackMasks #TestBeforeGuests #GetTested #Novid #WearARespie #WashYourHands #CovidPreventionExpert #TeamReality

4/29/2024, 7:53:32 PM

Viele ME/CFS-Betroffene sind zu krank, um selbst zu demonstrieren. Darum suchen wir Menschen, die stellvertretend für die Daheimgebliebenen an der #LiegendDemo teilnehmen und sie so sichtbar machen. 🪧💪 Schreibt gerne in die Kommentare, in welcher Stadt ihr dabei seid und wie viele Personen ihr mitnehmt. Oder wer stellvertretend für euch dabei ist.🫂 #LiegendDemo am 11.05.2024 Städteübergreifende Liegendaktion von 14:00 bis 14:15 Uhr. In den folgenden Städten: Berlin Washingtonplatz, 13-16 Uhr Hamburg Gänsemarkt, 13:30-15 Uhr, Köln Heumarkt, 13-16 Uhr Freiburg, Pl.d.alt.Synagoge 13-16 Uhr Stuttgart, Kronprinzenplatz 13-15 Uhr Magdeburg, Domportal 13-16 Uhr Kassel, Treppenstr. 4 v.d. KISS 13-16 Uhr Bielefeld, Jahnplatz 13-16 Uhr Würzburg, Domvorplatz 13-16 Uhr Freising, Marienplatz 14-15 Uhr Frankfurt a.M. Paulsplatz, 13-16 Uhr Alzey, Roßmarkt 13:45-16 Uhr Bitte in den sozialen Medien auf Updates achten! 🫶 Unterstützt durch - chronisch.chics - Fatigatio e.V. - Bundesverband ME / CFS - Nicht Genesen Kids - nichtgenesen - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ME/CFS - MillionsMissing Deutschland - ME Hilfe - Mirame Arts - Elias e.V. - SHG Susanne Ritter - Me/CFS Netzwerk Baden-Württemberg - SHG Lutherstadt Wittenberg uvm. @mdr_mitteldeutscherrundfunk @ard.brisant @bundeskanzler @radioberlin_ @taz.die_tageszeitung @dg_mecfs @me_hilfe_ @mmissinggermany @millionsmissing @carmenscheibenbogen @me_cfs_portal @lostvoicesstiftung @longcoviddeutschland @notrecovered_official @nichtgenesenkids @gundula_longcovid_mecfs @bettina.grande @jasmins_alltagsgedanken @martin_mit_me @postvacnetzwerk @crashi_me_cfs @lightupthenight4me @mirame_arts @irlstorfer.mdb @longcovidverband @mecfs.awareness.prints @goeringeckardt @prof.stark.fatigue.zentrum #PostCovid #PostVac #longcovid #Belastungsintoleranz #PEM #MyalgischeEnzephalomyelitis #trauergang #demonstration #severeme #flourchinolone #epsteinbarrvirus #instabilehws #influenza #Infektionsschutz #MaskUp #dieMaskebleibtauf #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver #FFP3 #Risikogruppe

4/29/2024, 7:51:52 PM

So, I learned the term dialectics during my time in inpatient mental health services in 2021, and it’s become /pretty much/ how I perceive everything now, through the lens of this idea : two opposing things can be true at once. I’ve been wanting to write and talk about dialectics, but … all this MECFS Today, an account I find really interesting and thought provoking / @sunrequiem / shared this post about dialectics in relation to our current focus, and I think it’s very good. Very good. Please read and take one action linked at the end. Link to the post in their profile and in my stories. If you want, come back and let’s talk about which dialectic touched you the most, or one you’ve been thinking about for yourself. I love talking about this. not dead yet, protect what’s left. #covidinformed #keepmasksinhealthcare #beachlife #daisy #covidisnotover #covidisntover #covidisvascular #covidisairborne #maskup #cleanairforall #longcovid #mecfs #chronicillness #disability #maskup #1daynoway #covidconscious #longcovidawareness #mecfsrecovery #chronicfatigue #summervibes

4/29/2024, 7:36:13 PM

Rp @peoplesuniversityubc Vancouver comrades show up, esp ESP if you are whyte and able bodied. Also huge shout out to this being a masks *required* action 😷💜😷💜😷💜 #EscalateForPalestine #Escalate4Gaza #UBC #FromTheRiverToTheSea #FreeFreePalestine #FreeGaza #ArtistsForPalestine #ACAB #CommunityCare #MaskingSavesLives #Mask4Mask #CovidIsStillHere #CovidIsAirBorne #DisabledArtist #DisabledLivesMatter

4/29/2024, 6:20:34 PM

Public Health might not offer education about airborne transmission of illness, but we do! We're providing workshops for any group interested in practical strategies that will help keep Nova Scotians healthy & active in their communities! Please complete this request form via the QR code or link in bio! Share with any group you think might be interested! #CovidEducation #PublicHealth #PublicHealthEducation #CovidIsAirborne

4/29/2024, 3:54:59 PM

remember, anything that happens to “other people” can, and may very well, happen to you. one of the gravest errors someone can make is thinking that “individual risk assessment” is a valid, humane, and logical way to DIY an ongoing pandemic. your actions matter and you don’t exist inside your own one-way bubble where unmasking only affects you. remember in 2020 when there was all kinds of bizarre messaging around how “masks protect others more than they protect the wearer” (not true, btw—you protect yourself from inhaling others’ exhaled germs, and you protect others from catching your exhaled germs when you wear a non-cloth well-fitting mask or respirator!) and it felt so disappointing to realize how very few people seemed to give a fck about protecting YOU bc they weren’t masking consistently, or at all? well, that’s still how it feels nowadays, when wealthy (and 99% of the time white, and 50% or more of the time cis men) people collect endless gadgets to make their lives Covid-safer, without giving a second thought to how they might be excluding LITERALLY everyone else from their half-assed “risk assessments”. [and yeah, I’m subtweeting someone who brought an air purifier and 2 mini FAR UVC lights to a restaurant so he could dine indoors. as someone else pointed out, he had at least $600 worth of gadgets on his table so he could eat some pale, unappetizing food indoors. and instead of keeping this Choice™️ to himself, he decided to post it with a caption along the lines of “we have the tools.” k] THANK YOU for not giving up your precautions even when it feels like the whole world is one giant judgment against your personhood. . . . . . . . #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #covidisntover #wearamask #weararespirator #covid #covid19 #covid_19 #covidsafe #covidconscious #upgradeyourmask #sarscov2 #covidcautious #wemask #masktogether #publichealth #eattherich #childrensrights #diseaseprevention #brooklyn #nyc #newyorklife #measles #measlesoutbreak #tripledemic #fluseason #rsv #longcovid #springfashion #springstyle

4/29/2024, 1:15:09 PM

Chuffed by Sir Chuffington / SO FLUFFY / highlight of the weekend / tuppence a bag / consider this. There are two mourning dove couples nesting in my yard and next door. One of my favorite sounds on earth. They come back every year. Our block retaining wall is a little apartment complex for them…I imagine each nook and cranny offering a different amenity. It makes me happy to offer them shelter. My grandma Barbara owned parrots. I handled them, fed them as a young child, had love, but then became fearful of birds in general because of their unpredictability, and I have a strong startle response, and I got grossed out by them. Only recently, being home like I have for years, could I really start noticing their patterns and appreciating these creatures that live right next to me. Jeff got a birdfeeder for out his bedroom window, and started learning their names and calls last year. It became a whole thing. Always be bird watchin’ is our motto - it’s kinda like your baseball coach yelling LOOK ALIVE, …works for many scenarios. #covidinformed #keepmasksinhealthcare #beachlife #daisy #covidisnotover #covidisntover #covidisvascular #covidisairborne #maskup #cleanairforall #longcovid #mecfs #chronicillness #disability #maskup #1daynoway #covidconscious #longcovidawareness #mecfsrecovery #chronicfatigue #summervibes

4/24/2024, 8:48:07 PM

The community pool is open so I have a new place to lay down. Water feels spectacular on my body. I watch Jeff’s arms and back as he lap swims, knowing how each movement feels. I was once a strong, trained swimmer. These days I float… with my memories and a kick board and a Red-tailed Hawk calling out high above me. Yearning. Accepting. #covidinformed #keepmasksinhealthcare #beachlife #daisy #covidisnotover #covidisntover #covidisvascular #covidisairborne #maskup #cleanairforall #longcovid #mecfs #chronicillness #disability #maskup #1daynoway #covidconscious #longcovidawareness #mecfsrecovery #chronicfatigue #summervibes

4/23/2024, 1:19:22 AM