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The past week started with me staying away from socials🙂 I feel so lost now because I really got used to not going on my phone and socials much as days went by😭 That felt very good but lonely/depressing at the same time😪 Here's 'The Mysteries of Udolpho' aesthetic post to say bye to the weird month that was May📔 Love this edit very much😍 Clearly captures the gothic-y vibes; oozes the castle holding shocking secrets vibes; and successfully captures your attention😎 Again, I like how the cover and background are complimenting one another, making them both stand out equally😌 That setting is significant for the majority of the novel - I mean, it's literally part of the cover too, so feels perfect for this post😉 May has seriously been weird, but we still have the rest of the year, so let's keep going✊️ Also, yes, I do post once a week at least - this works well for me😊 In June, I should upload the reviews/posts that have been waiting for ages, then it'll be all the books I've read this year from July onwards😄 Waiting for you, June, Hurry and come soon! #book #booklover #booklove #bookaesthetic #bookcover #aesthetic #aestheticedit #aestheticpost #aestheticpic #aestheticphoto #aestheticvibes #themysteriesofudolpho #annradcliffe

5/30/2024, 12:41:34 AM

Home Sweet Books - "La Ville-Vampire" de Paul Féval (père). Edition originale publiée par E. Dentu en 1875. Parodie de roman gothique et vampirique mettant en scène Ann Radcliffe elle-même. Les titres de chapitres sont déja tout un programme. Si vous doutiez de l’utilité de la cendre de vampire... #paulfeval #lavillevampire #edouarddentu #annradcliffe #litteraturepopulaire #litteraturefantastique #litteraturegothique #vampire #vampires #cityofthevampires

5/30/2024, 12:16:06 AM

Femme de caractère(s) Lettre R Radcliffe (Ann Ward, Mrs.), romancière anglaise, née et m. à Londres (1764-1823). Elle excellait à combiner les péripéties d’un récit merveilleux et terrible. Ses œuvres les plus connues ont pour titre le Roman de la Forêt, et les Mystères d’Udolphe. radeau (dô) n. m. (provenç. radel ; du lat. ratis). Assemblage de pièces de bois liées ensemble, formant une sorte de plancher sur l’eau, qui peut, au besoin, servir à la navigation : naufragés qui sauvent sur un radeau. Train de bois sur une rivière. V. FLOTTAGE. Larousse Illustré universel 1922 29 x 20 cm #femmedelettres #romanciere #annradcliffe #leromandelaforet #radeau #caviardage #nouvelleserie #art #feminisme #femmesinvisibilisées #workinprogress #larousse #vieuxdictionnaires #radeau

5/29/2024, 1:54:44 PM

A Sicilian Romance (1790) by Ann Radcliffe Set in the late 16th century in Sicily, A Sicilian Romace tells the story of the Mazzini family, the two daughters of the family live secluded in the great family mansion near Messina. On their fathers, step mothers, and their brothers return to the castle, their lives is forever altered. This novel is only 200 pages long so it is a quick read. I enjoyed it and though I did not love it as much as The Mysteries of Udolpho, in A Sicilian Romance there are the traits that I loved in Udolpho. Radcliffe's mixture of mystery, terror and vivid descriptions is wonderful to read. I think that if I had read this novel before Udolpho then I would have loved it more, as I kept comparing it to Udolpho. As it's a short novel not all of the characters are developed as much as I would have liked, I think I would love it more if it focused equally on both sisters.  However, I do look forward to reading The Romance in the Forest later this year as it's longer than A Sicilian Romance as I do prefer bigger books. Have you read A Sicilian Romance? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #asicilianromance #annradcliffe #bookreview #classicscommunity #classicscommunity2024 #classicliterature #englishclassicliterature #gothicliterature #18thcenturyliterature

5/27/2024, 5:27:37 PM

L’italiano, o il confessionale dei penitenti neri è un romanzo gotico scritto dall’autrice inglese Ann Radcliffe. Pubblicato nel 1797, è considerato una delle sue opere di maggior successo. Come le altre opere dell’autrice, il romanzo presenta atmosfere cupe e spaventose, personaggi buoni crudelmente tiranneggiati da altri privi di qualsiasi morale, colpi di scena e misteri apparentemente inspiegabili, che, come ne I misteri di Udolpho, vengono spiegati tutti in modo razionale alla fine della storia. Ann Radcliffe, nata Ann Ward (Holborn, 9 luglio 1764 – Holborn, 7 febbraio 1823), è stata una scrittrice britannica, considerata pioniera della letteratura dell’orrore e in particolare del romanzo gotico. Da Wikipedia. #annradcliffe #litaliano #romanzo #gotic #gotico #romanzogotico #horror #letteraturahorror #letteratura #letteraturadellorrore #orrore #letteraturagotica #radcliffe #leggere #lettura #libro #libri #passionelettura #leggerechepassione #italiano #librihorror #librohorror #romanzi #romanzigotici

5/26/2024, 7:16:08 PM
>>En 1947, Horace Walpole compró una casa en Strawberry Hill, en las afueras de Londres, y se dedicó a convertirla en un castillo gótico en miniatura, en el que instaló la imprenta donde publicaría la novela. >>>A fines del siglo XVIII, la juventud vivía en constante represión, y como no existían el rock ni el punk, la forma de expresar la disconformidad hacia el Iluminismo la encontraron tanto en la Literatura Gótica como en el Romanticismo, proponiendo temáticas en las que la razón era insuficiente (el amor, la muerte y la enfermedad), tomando como punto de referencia la Edad Media. >>>Muchas de estas novelas de castillos fueron escritas por mujeres. En la última década del siglo XVIII, Ann Radcliffe, quien escribió Los Misterios de Udolfo, se convirtió en una figura de culto. #horacewalpole #elcastillodeotranto #novelacorta #literaturagotica #literaturainglesa #annradcliffe #losmisteriosdeudolfo #romanticismo #lecturas2024 #leoyrecomiendo" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1jZGc0LTIuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS80NDYxMDM2NzhfMjEyODUxODg5NDE5NjUxN18zODk2MDgwNjc2Nzc0MTkxODMyX24ud2VicD9zdHA9ZHN0LWpwZ19lMzUmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWNkZzQtMi5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTA1Jl9uY19vaGM9YXhWbW9wUnhZN2tRN2tOdmdIWDY0QUcmZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQ1otVVJZUS1zRm9PaVdyS1hyckMzUUNzMGIzNnVhVHJWZGpuaFdNLVpNWlEmb2U9NjY1RTBGRjAmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

Con mucha ilusión leí  El castillo de Otranto (1764). Quería leer esta novela porque inauguró el primer período de la Literatura Gótica. El castillo (con sus pasillos oscuros y pasadizos secretos) es el escenario de las acciones de Manfred, un tirano que tras la extraña muerte de su hijo decide divorciarse de la princesa Hippolita y casarse por la fuerza con su nuera para obtener herederos varones que le permitan conservar los poderes y el territorio “heredados” de Alfonso el Bueno. Es una historia entretenida porque entre un conflicto y otro se combinan variados elementos: un fantasma, un gigante, una profecía, un campesino valiente, una princesa "santa", las fuerzas de la naturaleza como expresión del estado de ánimo, la tragedia, etc. >>>En 1947, Horace Walpole compró una casa en Strawberry Hill, en las afueras de Londres, y se dedicó a convertirla en un castillo gótico en miniatura, en el que instaló la imprenta donde publicaría la novela. >>>A fines del siglo XVIII, la juventud vivía en constante represión, y como no existían el rock ni el punk, la forma de expresar la disconformidad hacia el Iluminismo la encontraron tanto en la Literatura Gótica como en el Romanticismo, proponiendo temáticas en las que la razón era insuficiente (el amor, la muerte y la enfermedad), tomando como punto de referencia la Edad Media. >>>Muchas de estas novelas de castillos fueron escritas por mujeres. En la última década del siglo XVIII, Ann Radcliffe, quien escribió Los Misterios de Udolfo, se convirtió en una figura de culto. #horacewalpole #elcastillodeotranto #novelacorta #literaturagotica #literaturainglesa #annradcliffe #losmisteriosdeudolfo #romanticismo #lecturas2024 #leoyrecomiendo

5/25/2024, 12:52:45 AM

Read Laurence Roussillon-Constanty's review of _Locating Ann Radcliffe_, edited by Andrew Smith and Mark Bennett, here: #annradcliffe, #englishliterature, #britishliterature, #gothic, #gothicliterature, #eighteenthcenturyliterature, #nineteenthcenturyliterature, #womenwriters

5/24/2024, 4:59:47 PM

🖼️ Joseph Wright, 'A Grotto in the Gulf of Salernum, with the figure of Julia, banished from Rome', exh. 1780 📖 Ann Radcliffe, 'A Sicilian Romance', 1790 (this edition Oxford 1993) After having been in a Derbyshire private collection since 1840, the painting was sold through Sotheby's in 2015 to raise funds for the relief of the Syrian refugee crisis. #josephwright #josephwrightofderby #annradcliffe #oxfordworldsclassics #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookstagram @alice.insley

5/24/2024, 11:19:55 AM

A caixinha desse bimestre está incrível, é bem provável que esses livros "furem a fila" e sejam os próximos que irei ler. E adorei que esse veio autora nova. Fico muito feliz a cada caixinha recebida, tenho tido ótimas experiências, espero fazer parte desse clube por muito e muito tempo. #ClubeDeLeitoresPedrazul #PedrazulEditora #CaixaKensington #RedPottage #GuisadoRubro #MaryCholmondeley #OsCastelosDeAthlinEDunbayne #AnnRadcliffe #Kensington

5/23/2024, 10:29:17 PM

#theromanceoftheforest #annradcliffe #gothic #gothicfiction #classiclit #classic #springbooks #summerbooks #readersofinstagram I read this in the spring/summer last year and enjoyed it plenty, although it's not my favorite radcliffe, there is something magical about her natural imagery and I've found some satire between the lines that I've found quite amusing as well. Have you read any radcliffe, what's your favorite?

5/21/2024, 7:30:25 PM

Ann Radcliffe y "Los misterios de Udolfo", porque -un cuento provenzal- nunca viene mal... La fatalidad se mete en el armario sombrío, y frunce el ceño, abre las puertas y me invita a entrar... #losmisteriosdeudolfo #ritarbeyu #elsilenciodelibro #annradcliffe #goticas #tenebrosas #escritoras #leoyreseño #bibliotecas

5/15/2024, 5:15:23 PM

Quando si pensa al genere gotico è inevitabile che qualche scrittrice venga in mente: da Mary Shelley a Emily Brontë, @vinicius_enguel ci conduce alla scoperta dell’intersezione tra il celebre genere narrativo e la questione femminile prima, femminista poi. 👉👉👉 LINKINBIO . . . . . #lafalla #casserobologna #dirittilgbtq #culturalgbt #giornaleonline #giornalismo #lgbtitalia🌈 #instapride🌈 #femminismi #giornalismoculturale #smashthepatriarchy #letteraturafemminile #femalegothic #letteraturadigenere #annradcliffe #letteraturagotica #clarareeve #udolpho

5/15/2024, 11:46:11 AM

"Tremblingly alive to a sense of delight, and unchilled by disappointment, the young heart welcomes every feeling, not simply painful, with a romantic expectation that it will expand into bliss." -A Sicilian Romance- -Ann Radcliffe- "Heyecanla titreyen canlı ve hayal kırıklığıyla üşümeyen genç kalp, sadece acı verici değil, her duyguyu mutluluğa dönüşeceğine dair romantik bir beklentiyle karşılar." -Sicilya'da Bir Aşk Hikâyesi- -Ann Radcliffe- #kesfet #kesfetteyiz #bookworm #booklover #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookstagram #bookaddict #bookquotes #photooftheday #photosbyme #nature #asicilianromance #sicilyadabiraşkhikayesi #annradcliffe #fyp#fyp

5/15/2024, 11:34:58 AM

Je vous raconte ce lundi 13 mai 2024 à 18h sur la station radiophonique L’Eko des Garrigues, « Marguerite », une nouvelle d’Ann Radcliffe. Résumé : « Une jeune fille morte subitement mais dont l’amoureux voit le fantôme dans un vieux château. Quel drame a marqué son trépas ? Rediffusion jeudi à 21h ». Visuel : Pixabay (libre de droits). #radioshow #radio #radiomontpellier #annradcliffe #radiostation #livreaudio #audiobook #epouvante #horreur #ecrivain #ecrivaine #auteur #auteure #litterature #podcast #podcasting #podcaster #narrateur #conteur #youtube #youtuber #montpellier #montpellierculture #herault #occitanie #shortstory #france #ekodesgarrigues

5/12/2024, 7:21:10 PM

°○ Ann Radcliffe " Les mystères du château d'Udolphe " Un ravissement ! °○ p.9 Émilie avait annoncé,  dès ses premières années une rare délicatesse de cœur, des affections vives et une bienveillance facile, auxquelles se joignait malheureusement une sorte d'exaltation de sensibilité,  et une certaine susceptibilité nerveuse, d'un augure inquiétant pour son repos à venir. Cette disposition,  en se développant avant l'âge, donna aux pensées de la jeune fille un tour mélancolique et à ses manières une grâce pensive ( ... ) p.250  ( ... ) voilà bien ses yeux bleus, au regard si caressant et si doux, ces yeux qui sont aussi les vôtres ! Voilà bien son expression quand elle avait rêvé seule quelque temps et que les larmes coulaient sur ses joues ; mais jamais elle ne voulait se plaindre. Voilà aussi cet air de résignation qui me fendait le cœur,  et qui me la faisait adorer ! ○ •°•. ○•°●•° .•°○. ○ ° • . #annradcliffe #romangothique #suspence #sensibilité #mystère #roman #novel #livre #livres #book #books #edition #page #romantic #words #writers #writer #writing #booklove  #booklovers  #bookstagram #bookreview #bookstagramfrance  #booklife #bookaddict  #bookgram #writersofinstagram #booksbooksbooks #library #illustration

5/10/2024, 10:32:47 PM

On this day in 1794, author Ann Radcliffe's gothic romance The Mysteries of Udolpho was published. It was an immediate hit with its tale of a young woman whose misfortunes include the death of her parents, supernatural goings-on in a shadowy castle, and the machinations of a dastardly villain. #annradcliffe #gothicromance #themysteriesofudolpho #books #booknerd #elizabethellencarter

5/7/2024, 12:08:14 PM

Ann Radcliffe was on her way to becoming the highest-paid author of her day with her quintessential gothic romance The Mysteries of Udolpho, released on this day in 1794. The publishers bought the rights for £500 at a time when £10 was the going rate. The novel influenced other writers including Edgar Allan Poe, Henry James and John Keats. Jane Austen made a satirical reference to it in Northanger Abbey, and other authors who namechecked the characters and places in the book include Walter Scott, William Thackeray, Dostoevsky, Anthony Trollope, LM Montgomery, Herman Melville, and Frances Trollope. #annradcliffe #bestsellingbooks #gothicromance #elizabethellencarter #romance #historicalromance

5/7/2024, 12:04:14 PM

Quem nunca leu a Ann Radcliffe não sabe quanta diversão está perdendo. As histórias são sempre de mistério, drama, comedia e ação. Ela se caracteriza ali com o gótico e suas histórias sempre tem fantasmas e segredos de família. Quase um "thriller" em comparativo com esse nicho contemporâneo. O livro começa muito bem já trazendo um plot novelesco e meio Disney. A madrasta malvada, as filhas injustiçadas, o marido e pai traidor. E tudo corre de maneira frenética. Esse deve ter sido um "livro de banca" devorado na época kkk. Em comparativo com outras obras da autora que já li, romance na Sicília performa de maneira mediana. A autora força uma pouquinho a barra em algumas situações. E acho que faltaram páginas para encorpar a história e os personagens, que são interessantíssimos. Se ela pudesse adicionar mais umas 150 páginas com certeza elevaria bem essa história. No geral é bom livro, com uma trama teatral, divertida e com bastante ação. Ainda sobre a autora, em outro momento quero comentar sobre as heroínas dos seus livros. É notável a regressão quanto a liberdade feminina na literatura do século 19 em comparação com a do século 18. Espero que a @pedrazuleditora continue publicando a obra da autora para gente. #annradcliffe #umromancenasicilia #editorapedrazul #pedrazuleditora #literaturainglesa #literaturaclassica #literatura #livros #livro #lido #metaliteraria #leitor #leitores

5/4/2024, 5:17:45 PM

Seelaam🌸 #klasikkadınlarserisi kitaplarından olan #sicilyadabiraşkhikayesi #kitaptavsiyesi ile geldim. 😊 ✨10/8 * Gotik romanın annesiyle tanışma zamanı: “Sicilya’da Bir Aşk Hikayesi” -Ölçüsüz tutkular, dehşet verici eylemlere yol açıyor kitabımızda. Sicilya’nın ıssız kıyılarında, benzersiz bir doğa manzarasının ortasındaki muhteşem bir şato, karanlık sırların yatağı olabilir mi? Sicilya’da Bir Aşk Hikâyesi, sakin ve durgun görünen hayatları apansız bir çalkantıyla bulandırıyor. - Şatonun dolambaçlı koridorlarında, insanı bir kez kendine çektikten sonra girdabından dışarı bırakmayan, kaynağı belirsiz bir korkuyu, günlük hayata istikrarla sızan bir psikolojik dehşete dönüştürüyor. Ann Radcliffe’in erken dönem yapıtlarından Sicilya’da Bir Aşk Hikâyesi, gotik romanı romantik unsurlarla besleyen yetkin bir örnek. -Radcliffe dehşetin anlatımını kendine özgü lirik bir üsluba bağlarken, korkuya da sıcak, çekici bir yön kazandırıyor: Haz ile dehşet arasındaki her an kopmaya hazır o ince çizgi ortadan kalkıyor. -Sicilya’da Bir Aşk Hikâyesi,18. yüzyıldan günümüze gotik adını alan korku ve dehşet edebiyatının klasiklerinden biri. * “Tanrı tarafından izlemeden istediği gibi davranabilen hiçbir varlık olamayacağını bilin.” * “Şu an acı ve üzüntü içerisinde olan ya da zevk ve sefa içinde yüzen kim varsa, hepsi de bir gün böyle ölüp gidecek ve unutulacak.” Okuyanlarınız var mı? Yorumlarda buluşalıım. 👇🏻👇🏻 Merak edenleriniz varsa, kaybetmemek için kaydedin. Kitaplarla kalalım. 🌸😊 (Tüm klasik kadınlar serisini yorumlayıp, paylaşacağım sizinle arkadaşlar🫶🏻) • • • • #sicilyadabiraşkhikayesi #annradcliffe #okudumbitti #kitaptavsiyesi #kitapkurdu #kitapyorumu #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #fyp#okumahalleri #kitapalıntıları #gotikedebiyat

5/1/2024, 4:23:56 PM

#bookbinding 4ème reliure maison... Prochaines étapes : utiliser des vinyles de différentes couleurs pour la couverture et tenter le jaspage à motifs. (Ça ne se voit pas mais cette fois, j' ai utilisé des tons verts) #bookbindersofinstagram #diy #gothicfiction #classics #annradcliffe

5/1/2024, 1:53:24 PM

Holiii! Antes de nada, me disculpo por haber estado tan desaparecida estas semanas 😅. Abril no ha sido buen mes a nivel anímico y se me está haciendo todo muy cuesta arriba. De hecho, como podéis ver, me dió fuerte de nuevo el parón lector. Y es que yo NUNCA abandono libros, y, este mes, he dejado de leer ni más ni menos que cinco!!!! Una barbaridad, pero ya lo veréis en mi siguiente post... Quiero dejar claro que los libros que aparecen en este post no son recomendaciones, porque no los terminé de leer ninguno. Y es que me encanta esta sección y me entusiasma hablar de mujeres. Y me parece super importante ir poco a poco desenterrando sus historias del olvido. Ann Radcliffe fue super importante para la novela gótica de terror y fue una gran inspiración para sus sucesores. Pero no he podido encajar del todo con su pluma, y, aunque me he forzado hasta el final, no he podido terminar ninguno de sus libros (uno lo abandoné al 75%, para que os hagáis a la idea). Este post, más que para recomendaros a la autora es para hablar de ella, para darle visibilidad, porque es de lo que se trata esta sección: no de que a mí me gusten los libros, sino de que estas mujeres hicieron algo innegablemente importante, y esta es mi manera de darles las gracias. Por eso, aunque no sea la mayor fan de Ann Radcliffe a nivel pluma, me parecía necesario comentarla y hablaros de lo que he aprendido de ella, porque a cualquiera de vosotrxs pueden fliparos estas historias. Nos leemos, como siempre, en los comentarios. Gracias por seguir aquí 🤗, Misc✨️. _____________ #autoras #autorasolvidadas #annradcliffe #newpost #fyp #bookstagram #bookstagramespaña #book #books #libro #libros

4/30/2024, 5:38:00 PM

New SLW for the year just NOW uploaded to Mixcloud! But the question is: can you read proto-goth literature while listening??? (link in my bio) P.s. If I get enough listens and feedback from y'all I will consider using Mixcloud Pro..... #dj #darkambient #darkwave #doommetal #gothicrock #playlist #podcast #postpunk #music #musicpodcast #mixcloud #ambient #synthpop #sunkenlanternswaltz #synthwave #sludgemetal #davidbowie #pineapples #annradcliffe

4/26/2024, 10:13:15 PM

🦇𝗔𝗻𝗻 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲🏰 Hi, amistades! ¿Cómo les va? El día de hoy les quería compartir algunos datitos sobre Ann Radcliffe conocida como la precursora de la novela gótica de terror. Supe de ella cuando leí el libro Why she wrote, dónde no solo conoci a grandes rasgos sobre la vida de algunas autoras en la historia las cuales desconocia si no que también lo que las motivo a escribir: algunas lo hacían para tener independencia económica para poder pasar más tiempo con sus hijos o por la perdida de su sostén económico o también escribían como protesta o ayuda a algún movimiento político. Se los recomiendo bastante, también les recomiendo lean los Misterios de Udolfo. Inclusive me emocioné cuando la vi en la película #becomingjane biopic sobre Jane Austen y su amor no correspondido. ¿Conocían a la autora? ¿Han leído algo de ella? Los leo ⏬ #feminismo #escriturafeminista #annradcliffe #janeausten #literaturajuvenil #terrorgotico #terror #librosdeterror #gotico #instaotakumexico #historia #bookpost #bookreel #bookrecommendations #bookrevie #bookstagramlatam #libroslibroslibros #libroseninstagram #librosdefantasia

4/26/2024, 3:04:05 AM

Last week was productive, full of surprises and actually made me feel like a whole new person (in a good way, positively) UNTIL I experienced a near-burnout🥲 But that realisation that I can't afford to take breaks for now was the worst😭 This week didn't start off right for me either - this post was supposed to be uploaded yesterday but your girl had a horrible migraine and felt down the entire day🙃 NONETHELESS, gotta continue on, and I wasn't not gonna upload this final post of this month or go on another hiatus! Believe it or not, this is a kind of therapy/therapeutic experience😄 SO, moving on... Aesthetic 'The Italian' post📓 Of course, had to be an Italy background as the novel is set there😂 I seriously can't decide whether I like the backgrounds to compliment the covers or contrast with them anymore😅 For this one, I'm glad I chose to contrast though because you can appreciate them both individually😎 Interestingly, in the novel, the events mostly occur in the dark, so there's another contrast between the dark settings and the bright background😁 These homely, normalised vibes in this background are the complete opposites to the strange, unsettling, thrilling vibes in the book🤭 I wasn't prepared for, and didn't know what I was getting myself into with, this book! Mystery-lovers, melodrama-lovers - you guys best tick this off your list if you haven't done so already👀 I think I may have been a bit harsh with scoring it but, at the time I had read it, it feels right to give it that score✌️ My next posts are literally like my favourites! No, it's not 5🌟 reviews, the posts, themselves, are just BEAUTIFUL (in my opinion, of course!)😌 Until May, Have a splendid time, I pray🥰 #book #booklover #booklove #bookaesthetic #bookcover #aesthetic #aestheticedit #theitalian #theitalianbook #annradcliffe #annradcliffebooks #annradcliffetheitalian #penguinclassics

4/24/2024, 1:18:18 AM

The library occupied the west side of the château, and was enriched by a collection of the best books in the ancient and modern languages. This room opened upon a grove, which stood on the brow of a gentle declivity, that fell towards the river, and the tall trees gave it a melancholy and pleasing shade; while from the windows the eye caught, beneath the spreading branches, the gay and luxuriant landscape stretching to the west, and overlooked on the left by the bold precipices of the Pyrenees. Adjoining the library was a green-house, stored with scarce and beautiful plants; for one of the amusements of St. Aubert was the study of botany, and among the neighbouring mountains, which afforded a luxurious feast to the mind of the naturalist, he often passed the day in the pursuit of his favourite science. He was sometimes accompanied in these little excursions by Madame St. Aubert, and frequently by his daughter; when, with a small osier basket to receive plants, and another filled with cold refreshments, such as the cabin of the shepherd did not afford, they wandered away among the most romantic and magnificent scenes, nor suffered the charms of Nature’s lowly children to abstract them from the observance of her stupendous works. • • • #annradcliffe #gothic #gothicnovel #aesthetic #book #bookcosplay #darkacademia #historyinspired #vintageinspired #1790 #1800s

4/23/2024, 7:15:28 PM

📚 𝙴𝙻 𝙸𝚃𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙰𝙽𝙾 📚 Ann Radcliffe 1796 Editorial Montesinos La historia se ambienta en 1758 en la ciudad de Nápoles. Allí vive Vicente Vivaldi, perteneciente a una de las familias nobles de la ciudad, que se enamora de Elena, una joven humilde sin familia que responda por ella. Nada más conocerla quiere convertirla en su esposa, pero su madre no piensa permitir tamaña afrenta a su linaje. Para separar a los tortolitos tendrá la ayuda de su confesor personal, el padre Schedoni, más malo que la quina y con su propia agenda personal en todo este asunto. Supongo que quien más y quien menos conoce a Radcliffe por su archifamoso “Los misterios de Udolfo”, y voy a poner al elefante en la habitación desde el principio: ese libro me pareció un tostón. Si llega a describir un solo matorral más no respondo de mis actos 🤣. Lo siento mucho, pero no nos puede gustar todo. Así que abrí “El italiano” con reservas, y aunque me ha gustado más, sigo sin caer rendida ante esta autora. Comparte muchos elementos con Udolfo: conventos, abadías, castillos en ruinas, conspiraciones, desmayos en oferta, bosques, paisajes varios, villanos malísimos, heroínas muy dignas, héroes dispuestos a todo por su amada…. El elemento sobrenatural es muy, muy anecdótico (por no decir inexistente) y la parte de la Inquisición está (para mí) muy desaprovechada, nunca tienes la sensación de que vaya a ocurrir algo malo. Se lee bien, entretiene, pero con esta autora me falta esa magia que hace que no puedas dejar de leer un libro. Lectura válida para la 4ª etapa del reto #lavueltaalmundoendocelibros2024 de @undine.von.reinecke (autor italiano o libro ambientado en Italia). #inquilinasnetherfield #book #libro #literatura #britishliterature #englishliterature #literaturainglesa #classicliterature #literaturaclasica #classicbooks #classicbookstagram #annradcliffe #leoycomparto #leoyrecomiendo #irecommend #bookstagrammers #bookcover #readingtime #lecturasrecomendadas #bookaholic #bookaddict #bookphotography #bookgram #librodeldía #booknerd #iloveclassics #iglibros #instabooks

4/17/2024, 9:00:05 AM

The Mysteries of Udolpho is one of my favorite novels, period. This edition was printed by Oxford University press as a part of their English novels series. I’ve come to collect many of the books included in this series over the years. I love their colorful covers and authoritative texts. #oxforduniversitypress #annradcliffe #classicsliterature #gothic #18thcentury

4/17/2024, 2:48:23 AM

È la primavera del 1776. William Ward è in viaggio d’affari in Italia con la famiglia. A causa di improvvisi temporali è costretto a prolungare il suo soggiorno nella zona tra la piana di Lucca e il Valdarno, ritardando la partenza per il mercato delle stoffe di Perugia. Su suggerimento di un locandiere di posta, nonostante le proteste di sua figlia Ann che vorrebbe invece ripartire subito, trova alloggio nel villaggio di Bientina, in un vecchio palazzo appartenuto alla famiglia Medici. Per la giovane figlia del merciaio di Bath i guai iniziano quando incontra Gaetano Polidori, il più sfrontato moccioso del paese, figlio dell’unico dottore della zona. I due adolescenti entrano subito in competizione e Ann non è tipo da farsi mettere i piedi in testa. Colpo su colpo, tra colline fangose e acquitrini malsani, reagisce con sagacia e impertinenza a tutte le provocazioni. Finché lui le fa una proposta audace: «Vuoi vedere i fantasmi?». La copertina è di @gahiaaaaa #ilsognodegliamantiperduti #collanayoru #marcomancinelli #ghoststories #gotico #romanzogotico #annradcliffe

4/15/2024, 2:43:50 PM

‘Gelecek ona hüzünlü bir manzara sunuyordu. Yine de, onurlu bir uğraşla, sağlam bir dürüstlükle geçirdiği yılları düşünerek yüreğini teselli edebileceğini, ümitlerini yeşertebileceğini düşünüyordu.’ • ‘Beklenen bir zevkin yaklaşması, yüreği, daha uzaktaki ve daha belirsiz olayların uyandıramayacağı duygulara karşı uyandırır.’ #sicilyadabiraşkhikayesi #annradcliffe • Sicilya’da Bir Aşk Hikayesi 🏯 Sicilya’da bir korku evi hikayesi sanırım daha doğru bir isim olur bu kitap için. Bir şatoda yaşanan büyük trajediyi okuyorsunuz kitap boyunca. Bir aşkın kaç sınavdan geçtiğini, bir kadının ne zorluklar atlattığına şahit oluyorsunuz. Julia kitap boyunca babasından, zorla evlendirilmeye çalıştığı dükten ve peşindeki kötü adamlardan sürekli kaçıp durdu. Aşık olduğu adama tesadüfen kavuştu gene kaçtı durdu. En sonunda ise hak yerini bulurken Julia yine mental sağlığını iyi korudu zira ben okurken koruyamadım pek. Kitapta sevdiğim tek şey ise şatodaki gizemli güney cephesi ve oranın esrarı oldu ki sonunda kalbinize dokunan bir hikaye çıkıyor ortaya. O dönemin kadınların söz hakkı olmaması bazen kalbimi kırıyor benim. • #kitapyorumu #kitapgezegeni #kitapkurdu #kitap #kitaplar #kitaptavsiyesi #kitapönerileri #kitapzamanı #sicilya #klasik #book #reader #read #books #şato #palace

4/13/2024, 8:20:07 PM

BOOK REVIEW • The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe • I absolutely LOVE this sweet little book! It’s got a likeable protagonist (Emily) surrounded by many mysteries and imagination. Emily, although she swoons a lot, is relatable and she loves poetry! For an older novel, it’s not too difficult to read either! • • • #bookreview #bookstagram #books #booklover #book #bookstagrammer #bookworm #reading #booknerd #bookaddict #bookish #regencyera #regency #mysteriesofudolpho #annradcliffe #gothicliterature #18century

4/5/2024, 6:48:33 PM

"Wherever she turned, appeared mountain-tops, forests of pine and narrow glens, opening among the Apennines and retiring from the sight into inaccessible regions" (Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho, 1794) #pietradegiorgi #montaltopavese #vallescuropasso #broni #stradella #pavia #oltrepopavese #lombardia #lombardy #appenninoligure #annradcliffe #themysteriesofudolpho #gothicnovel #romanzogotico #preromanticismo #preromanticism

4/4/2024, 10:48:45 PM

A Sicilian Romance by Ann Radcliffe (1790) Ann Radcliffe has been lurking in my peripheral vision for years. Much shorter than her famous gothic masterpiece, The Mysteries of Udolpho, her second novel, A Sicilian Romance, seemed a good place to start. In sixteenth century Sicily, Julia Mazzini is on the cusp of a forced marriage to a cruel Duke many years her senior. There are echoes of Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa as Julia escapes with a dashing young man desperately in love with her. It’s rare I read anything set before 1700, but I was swept away by Radcliffe’s plot, packed with traps, escapes, and devilish villains. After wading through Richardson’s dense prose last year, it was a relief to find Radcliffe’s writing much closer in style to nineteenth century literature. There are deep connections with Austen’s Northanger Abbey and Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. And I already feel I understand those writers better as a result. Set mostly in the forests, mountains and caves of Sicily, the novel is as melodramatic as it is thrilling. Radcliffe draws heavily on the eighteenth century idea of the ‘sublime’, in which landscape inspires not only beauty and awe, but terror. Radcliffe gives us the literary equivalent of Romantic scenes by Joseph Wright of Derby, Salvator Rosa, or Thomas Cole. I’ve written a little more about A Sicilian Romance in my newsletter (out 31 March, see the link in my bio to sign up or read online), along with my thoughts about the Angelica Kauffman exhibition currently showing at the Royal Academy. One of the Academy’s first female members, Kauffman worked in Italy and London during the same period as Radcliffe. Kauffman was a pioneer for women, while Radcliffe makes female oppression a key focus of her work. Have you read any of Anne Radcliffe’s novels? Which should I try next?

3/30/2024, 8:33:24 AM

Ήταν στα τέλη του 18ου αιώνα που γεννήθηκε, σε κάποια καταχνιασμένη γωνιά της Αγγλίας, το γοτθικό μυθιστόρημα – και ο αναγνώστης στάθηκε απέναντι στον σκοτεινό καθρέφτη του. Μεταξύ των πρωτοπόρων, η κυρία Ανν Ράντκλιφ (Anne Radcliffe). Το απόσπασμα που ακολουθεί περιλαμβάνεται στο βιβλίο της "Ο Ιταλός", που εκδόθηκε το 1796… και αναφέρεται στη φρίκη της Ιεράς Εξέτασης. Διαβάζοντας τις σκέψεις του κεντρικού χαρακτήρα, Βιβάλντι (δες το κείμενο στην εικόνα), μπορούμε ν' αναλογιστούμε το εξής τρομακτικό (πιο τρομακτικό από κάθε φανταστικό τέρας που παραμονεύει στις γωνιές): κάθε Ιεροεξεταστής, σε κάθε εποχή και κάθε τόπο (και υπάρχουν πολλές τέτοιες παραλλαγές τους), θεωρεί πως υπερασπίζεται το σωστό και το δίκαιο. Το δικό του καλό. Και γι' αυτό είναι πεπεισμένος για την ορθότητα των πράξεών του. #fonikokouneli

3/29/2024, 8:46:05 PM

A Spark of Romance @paullettgolden A Spark of Romance, the newest novel from Paullett, oozes nods to Ann Radcliffe and Jane Austen’s gothic literature. But Paullett emerges with a distinct and strong voice and is not overshadowed. And as in Paullett’s previous works, steller writing. A Spark of Romance is the tale of Isobel, a writer with an overactive imagination, and Alistar, a man seeking to forge his way in life with Isobel by his side. At the heart of this novel is a love tale, but this story has a little bit for everyone (courting, hauntings, and mystery). I especially enjoyed the story within a story with Isobel’s chivalric romance writings! Thank you again Paullett, for the opportunity to be an advanced reader, albeit not finishing in time before publication! “Behind every hero is a dreamer. Isobel Lambeth lives in a world of fanciful romance where the hero wins every duel, and the maiden is never locked in the castle’s tower long before the daring rescue. Dream becomes reality when a Gothic-inspired mystery involving hauntings and abductions entangles her. Alistair Trowbridge is preparing to write a new chapter in his life with this ladylove. What he had not planned was his father’s perceived villainy, instigating Isobel’s descent into flights of fancy—or is it madness? Join Isobel and Alistair in this lighthearted Gothic satire as they discover the skeletons behind the locked door, turning adventure into romance.” -Paullett Golden #paullettgolden #georgianromance #regencyromance #regencyromancebooks #closeddoorromancebooks #cleanhistoricalromance #janeausten #annradcliffe #books #bookstagram #read #readersofinstagram #readersofinstagram📚📚❤️

3/27/2024, 2:40:23 PM

"La pobreza no puede privarnos de los placeres intelectuales". "Poverty cannot deprive us of intellectual delights." -Emily St Aubert #losmisteriosdeudolfo #themysteriesofudolpho #annradcliffe #gothic #gothicnovels #gothicliterature #eldesván #lacrónicaespectral #gothicheroine

3/26/2024, 5:51:21 PM

Really glad to discover I did not leave this on a train after all, I just put it in a really odd place when we unpacked after Christmas. Can't wait to go back to reading it together - my wife got it for me for my birthday and we were reading it out loud to each other before bed for a while (yes I was reading ahead on the train, shh, it's not Netflix cheating if it's a book). #annradcliffe #themysteriesofudolpho #classicbooks #classicbookstagram #gothicnovel #gothichorror #gothicclassic #gothicclassics #darkacademia #gothicacademia #bookish #womenauthors #gothicbookstagram #gothicbookish #gothicromance #bookstagram #darkacademiabooks #gothiclifestyle

3/21/2024, 5:18:15 PM

Many thanks to Dr Penny Bradshaw @cumbriauni for delivering an excellent talk on Ann Radcliffe's Tour of the Lakes, another brilliant woman celebrated at the museum this #InternationalWomensMonth ✨✒️✨ Thank you to everyone who came and made the evening so special! Image descriptions: Photo 1: Dr Penny Bradshaw, a white woman with long brown hair in a black and blue patterned top, stands in front of an audience in The Armitt library. Bookshelves are visible behind her, and she gestures with some papers in her left hand. Photo 2: An audience sits in rows in front of a large projector screen in The Armitt library, listening to Dr Bradshaw Photo 3: Dr Bradshaw reads from her copy of Ann Radcliffe's Tour of the Lakes, with partiocular pages highlighted with pink post it notes Photo 4: A woman in a green polo neck hands a glass of wine to a woman in an orange and pink geometric patterned waistcoat. People mill around the wine and nibbles on the counter of the library desk, with yet more people mingling in the background #internationalwomensmonth #internationalwomenshistorymonth #internationalwomenshistorymonth2024 #iwhm2024 #iwhm #annradcliffe #gothicliterature #universityofcumbria #skiddaw #womenwriters #womenwalkers #womenshistory #womennovelists #historyofliterature #gothic #romanticism #williamwordsworth #lakedistrict #thelakes #armitt #armittmuseum #armittlibrary #ambleside #cumbria #lakedistrict

3/17/2024, 11:00:39 AM

Sunset From The Island. Soft o'er the mountain's purple brow Meek Twilight draws her shadows grey: From tufted woods and vallies low, Light's magic colours steal away. Yet still, amid the spreading gloom, resplendent glow the western waves, That roll o'er Neptune's coral caves, A zone of light on Ev'ning's dome. On this lone summit let me rest, And view the forms to Fancy dear, 'Till on the Ocean's darken'd breast The stars of Ev'ning tremble clear; Or the moon's pale orb appear, Throwing her line of RADIANCE  wide, Far o'er the lightly-curling tide, That seems the yellow sands to chide. No sounds o'er silence now prevail, Save of the dying wave below, Or sailor's song borne on the gale, Or oar at distance striking slow. So sweet! so tranquil! may my ev'ning ray Set to this world---and rise in future day! How beautiful this poem wrote in 1791 by Ann Radcliffe. A novelist and a pioneer of Gothic fiction. #sunrise #sunset #sun #beautifuldestinations #wildireland #wildcamping #islandlife #AnnRadcliffe #sunsetpoetry #sky #poetryofinstagram #beautifulsunset #raw_nature #moodygrams #g_o_d_a #gothicpoetry #wonderful_places #islands #colourpop #skyonfire #earth_deluxe #ominous_perfection #oceanlove #lostplaces

3/17/2024, 12:00:29 AM

A day of literary treats - @litfest_lancaster for @lancs_lore then to the @thearmitt for #DrPennyBradshaw launch of the new edition of #AnnRadcliffe Tour of the Lakes @hobnobpress

3/16/2024, 11:03:50 PM

Did you know that one of the most popular accounts of climbing Skiddaw was written by a woman? Next Saturday sees the launch of the tenth anniversary second edition of Ann Radcliffe's Observations During a Tour to the Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland (1794), published by Hobnob Press 🪶 Radcliffe, best known for her Gothic novels, published this best-selling account of her travels in the Lake District in 1795, including her journey up Skiddaw on horseback 🐴 Editor Dr Penny Bradshaw gives a talk on Radcliffe's life and work, and signed copies will be available for purchase. Tickets are £12 per person - link in bio 📲 Image description: A photo of the summit of Skiddaw in Cumbria. To the left, under the blue Armitt logo, is the front cover of Observations During a Tour to the Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland by Ann Radcliffe, edited and introduced by Penny Bradshaw. To the right, blue text reads: Saturday sixteenth of March twenty twenty-four. Book Launch. Five thirty to seven thirty pm. Within a white circle with a blue border, blue text reads: Twelve pounds per person #annradcliffe #lakestourism #historyoftourism #skiddaw #climbingskiddaw #wainwright #cumbria #keswick #derwent #bassenthwaite #picturesquemovement #18thcentury #18thcenturyliterature #1790s #18thcenturywomenwriters #gothicnovels #18thcenturygothicnovels #novelist #gothic #booklaunch #hobnobpress #armitt #armittlibrary #armittmuseum #ambleside #cumbria #lakedistrict

3/9/2024, 1:00:04 PM

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜'𝗺 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴: "𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗨𝗱𝗼𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗼" 𝗯𝘆 𝗔𝗻𝗻 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲 The first gothic novel? Perhaps, but a quite lengthy one! #TheMysteriesofUdolpho #annradcliffe

3/8/2024, 10:00:29 PM

Sicilyada bir aşk hikayesi [ #kitapyorumu] 4/5⭐ 🕯️"Ölçüsüz tutkular, dehşet verici eylemlere yol açar." 🕯"Aşk, nefret ve kıskançlık yüreğini peş peşe ele geçirdi ve tüm kontrol gücünü elinden aldı. Bu duyguların vahşetine ardı ardına maruz kalınca, ömründe tanımadığı kadar şiddetli bir acı çekmeye başladı." Sevgili çocuklarım size şimdiye kadar okuduğum en benzersiz gotik edebiyatı eserini anlatmama izin verin. Sicilya'da bir aşk hikayesi, kalbimde şimdiye kadar okuduğum gotik edebiyatı eserlerinden çok daha farklı bir yer edindi kendine. Hikayemiz her zaman olduğu gibi 18. Yüz yılda büyük, Gizemli bir şatoda geçiyor. Şatomuzda meydana gelen gizemli, kimsenin açıklayamadığı ürpertici olaylar gerçekleşiyor: Gece yarısı duyulan inleme ve ağlama sesleri, bir anda belirip kaybolan ışıklar, bahçede gezinen yabancılar... Bu şatoda yaşayan küçük yaşta annelerini kaybetmiş olan Julia ve Emilia adında iki kız kardeşten Julia'nın Kont Vereza'ya aşık olmasıyla olaylar başlıyor. Gotik ve romantikle harmanlanmış bu kitap beni tam anlamıyla büyüledi. Kitapta gerilim ile gizem asla bitmiyor. Yazar gerilimi, entrikayı, romantizmi, kaosu öyle bir harmanlamış ki sadece 200 sayfaya bunca heyecanlı duyguyu nasıl bu kadar güzel bir şekilde sığdırmış ağzım açık kaldı. Okurken tırnaklarımı yedim, minik çığlıklar attım, daha fazlası olamaz artık dediğim her şey oldu, öldü dediklerim dirilip geldi, sonunda mutlular diye sevindiğimde mutluluğum kursağımda kaldı. Yazar neredeyse her sayfada ters köşe yapıp beni duygudan duyguya soktu. Bayıldım. Sevdiğim bütün şeyleri barındırıyordu bu kitap ve kitabın sonunda kesinlikle tatmin oldum. Eğer durağan ve sakin kitaplardan sıkıldım hem gotik edebiyatı hem romantik okumak, okurkende akıl sağlığımı yitirmek istiyorum diyorsanız kesinlikle okumanız gereken bir kitap. Şimdiden keyifli okumalar diliyorum. 🖤

3/8/2024, 2:12:47 PM

'The Mysteries of Udolpho. A Romance interspersed with some pieces of poetry. ' 📚☕️📖🌺 @panstwowy.instytut.wydawniczy #tajemnicezamkuudolpho #annradcliffe #wacławniepokólczycki #litetatura #litetaturagrozy #gotyckagroza #thriller #powieść #novel #literaturaeuropejska #ksiązki #instagrambookclub #wkolejcedoczytania #czytamyksiążki #bookoninstagram #książkaikawa #czytambolubię #bookoholic #bookstagrampl #bookphotography📸📸

3/7/2024, 9:06:05 PM

Os Misterios de Udolpho é um romance gótico que narra a história de Emily St. Aubert. Após a morte de sua mãe, Emily e seu pai embarcam em uma jornada pelo sul da França na qual seu pai morre, subitamente, deixando nossa heroína aos cuidados de uma tia. A vida de Emily parece envolvida em profundo desespero, ela se vê separada de seu amor, Valancourt, e perseguida pelo novo marido degenerado de seu tia. A atmosfera gótica é composta por castelos, mansões abandonadas e conventos misteriosos. Além disso, o sufocamento, tão típico dessas narrativas é muito característico a experiência feminina, com os maiores vilões não sendo fantasmas e espíritos, mas sim homens mal intencionados e aproveitadores. Esse livro é publicado no Brasil pela @pedrazuleditora que sempre resgata esses clássicos incríveis mas pouco difundidos no Brasil. É uma edição em dois volumes, o que facilita muito a leitura desse pequeno calhamaço, que tem pouco mais de 600 paginas, com capas lindíssimas, espaçamento de leitura super confortável e tradução excelente. Vale a pena conferir! #literaturagotica #annradcliffe #osmosteriosdeudolpho #mysteriesofudolpho #bookstagram #bookstagrambrasil #leiamais #leiaclassicos #livros

3/6/2024, 10:55:34 PM

☢️ATENCIÓN☢️ 🚺♀️ Con motivo del 8M iremos subiendo cositas durante la semana, relacionadas, como no podía ser de otra forma; con mujeres 🚺♀️ 🤩 Admirada por su contemporánea, Jane Austen (quien parodia "Los Misterios de Udolfo" en "La Abadía de Northanger"); Ann Ward, más conocida como Ann Radcliffe, se coronó como la pionera de la novela gótica de terror 💀 ✍️🏽 Su primera obra, The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne (1789), caracteriza toda su producción. Estará protagonizada por una joven heroica e inocente que se halla envuelta en un ambiente escalofriantemente misterioso 🦴 👩🏻‍🎓 Y tú, ¿sabías quién era? 🤓 #annradcliffe #janeausten #uk #xix #escritora #writer #arte #art #8M #8March #8Marzo #DiaInternacionaldelamujer #eljardindelasmusas #leerespoder

3/6/2024, 5:52:00 PM

“The Italian, or The Confessional of the Black Penitents” (Ann Radcliffe). Oxford Univ Press, 1797, reprint 1970, HC w DJ. $35 #refugebooks #usedbooks #usedbookstore #annradcliffe #gothic

3/6/2024, 5:29:00 PM

Niewiele książek wywarło tak silny wpływ na literaturę romantyzmu i grozy, co wydane pierwotnie w 1794 roku "Tajemnice zamku Udolpho" Ann Radcliffe. Pisarze i pisarki - od George Sand poprzez Mary Shelley i Charlotte Brontë aż po Edgara Allana Poego i Zygmunta Krasińskiego - obficie czerpali z tego dzieła, tworząc podwaliny powieści gotyckiej. Teraz, dzięki nowemu wydaniu, możemy sami przekonać się, jak wiele klasycznych motywów literackich zrodziło się w wyobraźni Ann Radcliffe. Akcja rozgrywa się w XVI wieku we Włoszech i Francji. Emilia St. Aubert po śmierci matki wyrusza z ojcem w podróż, w czasie której poznaje ubogiego szlachcica, Valancourta. Ojciec niespodziewanie podupada na zdrowiu i umiera, zaś Emilia trafia pod opiekę jego siostry, wyniosłej pani Cheron. Niebawem jej opiekunka wychodzi za okrutnego pana Montowni, który wywozi obie kobiety do tajemniczego zamku Udolpho... Wiele w tej powieści nowatorskich (jak na XVIII wiek!) rozwiązań, takich jak opisy wpływu grozy na kruchą psychikę bohaterki (co zainspirowało Poego), pełne namiętności i zbrodni tajemnice rodzinne tudzież miejsca, w których wciąż słychać echa dawnych wydarzeń i dzieją się rzeczy niewytłumaczalne. Z drugiej strony to niełatwa lektura - ogromna szczegółowość i rozwlekłość opisów sprawia, że wielu czytelników może się od niej odbyć. To ponad 800 stron wypełnionych drobnym drukiem i czasami to czuć. Należy też pochwalić tłumacza, Wacława Niepokólczyckiego, który specyficzny język Radcliffe przełożył z niezwykłym wdziękiem. Z tego też powodu polecam "Tajemnice zamku Udolpho" ostrożnie i z zastrzeżeniem, że styl nie każdemu może przypaść do gustu. Treść jednak, pełna gotycyzmu i grozy, broni się dziś równie mocno, co ponad 200 lat temu. Za egzemplarz recenzencki dziękuję @panstwowy.instytut.wydawniczy #annradcliffe #tajemnicezamkuudolpho #themysteriesofudolpho

3/6/2024, 11:24:21 AM

A mix of ridiculous and sublime - traditional airport breakkie and pint with bit of Gothic classic #annradcliffe

3/3/2024, 8:55:52 AM

In two weeks, we celebrate the launch of a second edition of Gothic novelist Ann Radcliffe's ground-breaking account of visiting the Lake District in 1794, published by Hobnob Press🪶 The event will include a talk and Q&A with editor Dr Penny Bradshaw, as well as the opportunity to purchase a copy of the new edition and have it signed. Light refreshments will also be provided. Tickets are £12 per person, link in bio to book 📲 Image description: Beneath the white Armitt logo, white text on a dark blue background reads: Saturday sixteenth of March twenty twenty-four. Book launch. Five thirty to seven thirty pm. To the right, blue text in a white circle with a blue border reads: Twelve pounds per person. Below this, on the left is a picture of the front cover of the second edition of Observations During a Tour to the Lakes of Lancashire, Westmorland and Cumberland by Ann Radcliffe, edited and introduced by Penny Bradshaw. On the right is a photo of Doctor Penny Bradshaw, a white woman with shoulder length dark brown hair. She wears a black top with a sage green cardigan, and the campus of the University of Cumbria is visible in the background #annradcliffe #skiddaw #lakedistrict #historyoftourism #hobnobpress #universityofcumbria #drpennybradshaw #annradcliffewriter #womenwriters1700s #18thcenturyliterature #18thcenturywomenwriters #womenwriters #gothic #gothicnovels #18thcenturygothic #gothicnovel #lakestourism #booklaunch #armitt #armittmuseum #armittlibrary #ambleside #cumbria

3/2/2024, 7:00:17 PM

“𝘿𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚, 𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙚𝙙, 𝙨𝙤 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙙, 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙣 𝙢𝙚?” . . . . . . . . . . . . . ・ * * * * ・ #bookstagram #themysteriesofudolpho #spooky #booktok #horror #spookybooks #dracula #gothic #gothicliterature #spooktok #witchybooks #gothic #codeorange #books #reading #instagrambook #bookstagrammar #bookstagram #bookstagrams #Daphnedumaurier #Bookstagram #horrorbookstagram #classicbooks #classics #vintagebooks #vintage #annradcliffe

2/27/2024, 6:57:22 PM

Kitabın sonu şu cümleyle bitiyor.. “AYRICA, DOĞRU YOLDAN GİDENLERİN TALİHSİZLİK YAŞAMAKTAN ÇOK, ERDEMLERİNİN SINANDIĞI,SABIRLA VERİLEN SINAVLARDAN İSE YARADAN’IN KATİ HİMAYESİNE ERİŞİLDİĞİNİ ÖĞRENİYORUZ.” Krallıkların o ürpertici havasını sonuna kadar yaşatan bir aşk hikayesi, tavsiyedir 🦇 🫧Ann Radcliffe 🫧8/10 #kitapkurduyumben #kitapaşkı #booklovers #reading #readingtime #bookstagram #bookstagramturkey #bookblogger #okudumbitti #okumaközgürlüktür #books #keşfetteyiz #okumahalleri #okumaköşesi #okumatavsiyesi #kitapönerisi #reels #bestseller #sicilyadabiraskhikayesi #annradcliffe

2/26/2024, 8:22:58 PM

Classic Gothic sublimity: Ann Radcliffe’s ‘The Mysteries of Udolpho’ Finished this just before last week’s study binge at @oxfordconted and only just found a moment to sing its praises. A sweepingly Romantic (capital R), sublime (capital Burke) tale of a sensitive young French woman, Emily St Aubert, it includes towering peaks, jaw-dropping scenery, mysterious music, poetry that appears on the walls, a good-looking young man accidentally shot, monks, nuns, forests, gondola-based Venetian vice, remote castles, ghosts, secret pictures so terrifying it’s impossible to look on them and not faint, banditry, more mysterious music, a mean aunt, a wicked count, swords, guns, more nuns, more music, the sea, the temptations of Paris, faithful housekeepers, and old, tragic family scandals. For starters. It’s long (four vols when first printed in 1794), but worth wallowing in: the descriptions of scenery and setting are to die for and a full spectrum of characters from the irredeemably wicked, through the inveterately gossipy, the youthfully handsome, the money-grubbingly snobbish, to the eminently sensible (in both it’s old and current sense) heroine, Emily (who I never found irritating in spite of the fact that she’s practically perfect in every way). Strong recommend, especially if you’re a fan of Austen’s Northanger Abbey, which satirises the effect of Radcliffe’s fiction on overly ‘sensible’ minds so brilliantly. Illustrations from JMW Turner’s 1803-4 ‘The Devil’s Bridge, St Gothard’ in the @ashmoleanmuseum, which gives a good visual approximation of some of the books more perilous moments (there is, of course, a narrow bridge over a gaping chasm). Read on Audible with excellent narration by Karen Cass.

2/25/2024, 7:37:00 AM

~ Dovrò di nuovo considerare lo status di zitella come unica scelta possibile, anche se a volte mi chiedo se il pensiero mi dia tanto piacere come una volta. ["Un'eccentrica Mary" - S. M. Klassen] 🪻 La @vintageeditore era proprio ai suoi albori quando sorprese i lettori con il suo esordio: "Un'insolita Mary" - primo di una trilogia dedicata all'antieroina austeniana #MaryBennet. A distanza di quasi quattro anni, ecco che la penna di #SMKlassen torna in libreria con il secondo volume della storia di maturazione e rivalsa della più oscurata delle Bennet. 🪻 #UneccentricaMary è a tutti gli effetti il classico "volume di passaggio", il ponte di collegamento che prende per mano il lettore per poi accompagnarlo con garbo verso la conclusione delle - molte - vicende. Non per questo, #MaryMaryOhSoContrary propone tematiche e riflessioni non rilevanti. 🪻 Il primo elemento che salta all'occhio è certamente il successo ottenuto dalla nostra inaspettata eroina con il suo romanzo d'esordio - il gotico "La stanza nella torretta". Strizzando l'occhio al gusto letterario dell'epoca (basti pensare alle autrici citate qua e là, come l'immensa #AnnRadcliffe, la meno conosciuta #MariaEdgeworth e - perché no? - la stessa #JaneAusten), gli incipit della maturazione personale e dell'indipendenza di Mary vengono affidati proprio alla Letteratura, campo nel quale le donne potevano accedere con difficoltà - e sempre nel velo del mistero e dell'anonimato. 🪻 L'universo di Klassen è un universo femminile e potente, nel quale le donne assumono un ruolo cruciale e compiono scelte dense di responsabilità, si espongono, fanno brillare la propria personalità. Mary, allo stesso modo di Georgiana Darcy - ad esempio, accentua la sua autonomia, svestendo i panni che già aveva iniziato a dismettere nel primo volume della trilogia. L'alleanza femminile sarà potenza cruciale e consentirà agli intrighi e ai misteri di sovvertire i paradigmi della società in cui il romanzo pone idealmente le radici. 🪻 Mary Bennet si trasforma in una "Cenerentola di campagna": permeanti sono i ruoli del sogno e della predisposizione, ma centrale resta l'autoaffermazione. [continua nei commenti...]

2/24/2024, 4:58:16 PM

The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne by Ann Radcliffe (1789) Set in the Highlands of Scotland concentrates on the inmates if two castles Athlin and Dunbayne. The young Earl of Athlin, Osbert seeks to revenge the murder of his father by Baron Malcolm of Dunbayne. Athlin, his mother and sister Mary suffer many hardships as they fight against the villany of the Baron of Malcolm. This is a very short novel, really a novella of less than 100 pages, so I do not wish to give away too many spoilers. Though I found it quite obvious what the ending would be, I enjoyed reading it. There are many themes that I recognised from Radcliffe's later novels, and many gothic themes too. As it is so short there isn't the character development that there is in The Mysteries of Udolpho, nor as many characters as in The Italian. I haven't read Radcliffe's shorter novels yet so I can't compare it to them. This was Radcliffe's first novel so it's interesting to see how her writing developed, though well written The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne lack the details, themes and characters that made The Mysteries of Udolpho one of my favourite reads last year. However, I did enjoy this novella more than The Italian so I look forward to reading A Sicilian Romance and The Romance in the Forest later this year. Have you read The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #thecastlesofathlinanddunbayne #annradcliffe #gothicliterature #classicscommunity #classicscommunity2024 #englishliterature #classicliterature #classicsbookstagram #18thcenturyliterature #classicenglishliterature

2/21/2024, 6:21:58 PM

Gothic literature: a genre of writing characterised by the inclusion of dark, supernatural elements. It typically consists of horror / terror, transgressive desire, old mysterious castles / houses, ghosts, unexplained events, tyrannical male characters, and an exploration of nature & the sublime. • Gothic literature is perhaps the best thing to have come out of the eighteenth century. It’s said to have started in 1764 with the publication of Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Ortranto, which I have deliberately excluded from this post because I really don’t like it! In 1794, Ann Radcliffe came along and revolutionised the Gothic with The Mysteries of Udolpho, which birthed the female Gothic. • Frankenstein is the novel that kickstarted my obsession with Gothic literature over four and a half years ago. On this list, Jane Eyre, Frankenstein, Wuthering Heights, Udoloho, and Zofloya are my faves. Northanger Abbey is a strange one to include because it’s a satire of the Gothic genre. Jane Austen spends the novel poking fun at the Gothic novels of her time, making many allusions and references to The Mysteries of Udolpho. As I type this, I realise that I’ve forgotten to include Dorian Gray! I don’t know how I managed that! It’s one of my faves! • Full list of publication dates: Dracula (1896) Zofloya (1806) Wuthering Heights & Jane Eyre (1847) The Vampyre (1819) The Woman in White (1860) Frankenstein (1818) Northanger Abbey (1817) Udolpho (1794) The Monk (1796) Wieland (1798) Dorian Gray (1892) • • • • • #books #book #bookish #bookstagram #bookaholic #bookworm #bibliophile #classics #classicliterature #oxfordclassics #penguinclassics #penguinclothboundclassics #janeeyre #wutheringheights #dracula #frankenstein #themysteriesofudolpho #annradcliffe #thewomaninwhite #themonk #thevampyre

2/19/2024, 7:48:36 PM

Nonostante non goda più della fama di un tempo, #annradcliffe è considerata dalla critica una delle colonne del romanzo gotico. Della sua vita si sa poco e niente, tenuto conto che non amava troppo la mondanità. L’annuncio della morte che ne fa The Edinburgh Review riporta: “Non appariva mai in pubblico […] come il soave usignolo che canta le sue note solitarie, celato e non visto.” Tenuta in gran conto ai suoi tempi, oggi, poveraccia, la Radcliffe è ricordata perché parodiata da Jane Austen nel suo L’abbazia di Northanger. La fama è transitoria e fugace, ma questo è davvero triste. Detto ciò, assolti gli obblighi biografici e compiantane la memoria, posso dire onestamente che #imisteridiudolpho quarto dei suoi romanzi ma il più celebre, non mi sia piaciuto affatto. Pubblicato in patria nel 1794 e in Italia pochi anni dopo, rispecchia a pieno i cliché del genere, allora appena nato: una serie di elementi “romantici” (non solo l’amore tra la protagonista e il bel giovane di turno, ma le ambientazioni aristocratiche e il gusto per le terre lontane) a cui si uniscono i tratti tipici della letteratura dell’orrore (passioni violente, dubbi e misteri, eventi soprannaturali). Pur pensando all’epoca nel quale viene scritto e letto, non si può non dire che questo mattone di mille pagine è così tirato per le lunghe che sembra davvero il prototipo della narrazione a puntate (probabilmente lo era davvero). La storia non è neppure troppo complessa: nel 1584 la bellissima Emily, rimasta orfana, viene affidata alla zia e al losco marito di lei, l’italiano Montoni, che gliene farà passare di tutti i colori. Per inciso, qui gli italiani sono tutti cattivi o poco meno. Prima di arrivare al castello menzionato nel titolo bisogna necessariamente affrontare metà del romanzo (DUE libri su quattro) girellando per la Francia senza che accada niente di memorabile. Poi ci si trasferisce tutti negli ameni Appennini, descritti alla stregua della Transilvania di Dracula, e via di svenimenti e minacce inattuate, pianti e misteriose musiche notturne, spasimanti respinti e matrimoni imposti. Il tutto ripetuto sino allo stremo. . . . #booklover #bookhunter #bookstagram

2/19/2024, 6:00:40 PM

A SICILIAN ROMANCE (1790) is a novel that I sporadically read 40 pages of, didn’t pick up for over a week, finally decided to continue reading and finished the remainder of its 200 or so pages in less than a day. Whew. This story escalated quickly. A quintessential Gothic tale, deliciously atmospheric, full of mystery and intrigue, action, love, murder, plot twists. And a lot of fainting. This was very enjoyable. I now understand why Ann Radcliffe is recognized as an early master of the Gothic novel. I initially chose this story based on the cover and the title tbh (I’m half Sicilian and love Romance) and I’m so glad I did. If you don’t have the patience for classic lit, I would spare myself—otherwise, you’ll eat this up. . . . #books #bookstagram #BookThoughts #ASicilianRomance #AnnRadcliffe #ClassicLit

2/18/2024, 12:43:31 AM

Sono tra i pochi che non ama il Natale, quindi tra dicembre e gennaio mi chiudo in casa e faccio finta che sia ancora ottobre ^_^ Tutto questo tempo mi ha permesso di liberarmi di una lettura che portavo avanti da tanto (troppo) tempo. Sono mille pagine, non giudicatemi... 🙈 Insomma, a gennaio sono finalmente riuscita a terminare la lettura de I misteri di Udolpho. Ci ho messo circa sei mesi, di cui gli ultimi due di marcia forzata. Lo so che è considerato un capolavoro della letteratura gotica, ma a me non è proprio piaciuto. La storia procede con la costante sensazione di non star andando da nessuna parte, gli avvenimenti si susseguono, anche in modo ripetitivo, senza un filo conduttore. Ma voglio proprio dire qualcosa di più su questa pietra miliare della letteratura e nei prossimi giorni ci scrivo su una recensione completa. 😍 Benché sconosciuto ai più, mi sento invece di consigliare When we were young, raccolta di poesiole per bambini in cui fa la prima apparizione un orsetto che diventerà famoso col nome di Winnie Pooh. Esiste una versione tradotta, ma si perdono molti giochi di parole. Oltretutto la versione originale è liberamente disponibile online. 😍 La mia solita dose di fumetti è rappresentata da L'eroe dietro la maschera, una delle tante raccolte di storie sul papero mascherato, alter ego di Paperino. Si strizza l'occhio alle storie vintage, sia graficamente che nelle trame. Marco Gervasio è sempre una garanzia. Ho pure letto un paio di storie brevissime (sono praticamente solo tavole) di Milo Manara, fumettista graficamente eccelso ma, diciamolo, un tantino ripetitivo. Non credo di aver mai letto per intero una sua storia, ma probabilmente rende di più (almeno per i miei gusti) nei disegni singoli. Per gli amanti del genere. Ora vi lascio con la suspense di indovinare il flop del mese 😂 . . . #letturedigennaio #booklover #bookhunter #bookstagram #bookstagramitalia #readersofinstagram #lettoridiinstagram #books #reading #maiabbastanzalibri #ioleggoperché #booksreview #recensionilibri #consiglidilettura #libridaleggere #libribelli #annradcliffe #imisteridiudolpho #aamilne #whenwewereveryyoung #disneyitalia #paperinik #milomanara

2/17/2024, 4:11:42 PM

Sicilya'da Bir Aşk Hikayesi - Kitap Degerlendirmesi • Puanım:8,5/10 ⭐ Merhabalar bugün Sicilya'da Bir Aşk Hikayesi romanına dair düşüncelerimden bahsedeceğim. Öncelikle kitap 18 yüzyılda Sicilya'da büyük bir şatoda geçen gotik- romantik türünde bir kitap. Kitapta çok küçük yaşta annelerini kaybetmiş Julia ve Emilia adında iki kardeşten Julia'nın Kont Vereza'ya aşık olmasıyla olaylar başlıyor. Tabii ki bu aşkın öncesinde şatoda meydana gelen, kimsenin açıklayamadığı bir takım esrarengiz olaylar var: Geceyarısı şatoda duyulan inlemeler, şatonun kullanılmayan kısımlarında görülen ışıklar, bahçede gezen yabancılar... Üzerine bir de bu aşk eklenince asıl hikayemiz başlamış oluyor. Sanırım benim kitap ile ilgili en çok sevdiğim şey bu gizem oldu. Daha ilk sayfalardan size gösterilen bazı kilitli kapılar var ve nerdeyse son sayfaya gelene kadar bu kapılar açılmıyor. Bu da o son sayfaya kadar büyük bir heyecan ve merak içinde okumanızı sağlıyor. Kitap ile ilgili bir diğer çok sevdiğim şey betimlemeler oldu. O kadar yerinde, büyüleyici ve canlı betimlemeler vardı ki okurken kendinizi gerçekten o şatoda, Sicilya'nin geniş ormanlarında hissediyorsunuz. Ve hikayenin gerçekten tam anlamıyla içine giriyorsunuz. Tabii ki kitapla ilgili eleştireceğim bir noktada var: Bu da olayların fazla tesadüfe dayanması. En beklemediğiniz anda, beklemediğiniz biri büyük bir tesadüf sonucu karşınıza çıkabiliyor. Tabii ki bu bir süre sonra can sıkıcı hal alıyor fakat söylemeden edemeyeceğim hepsi bir tesadüf gibi görünse de sevgili yazar bizlere hepsi için mantıklı açıklamalar sunuyor. Bu yüzden de bu sorun az çok ortadan kalkmış oluyor. Genel anlamıyla kitaba gerçekten bayıldım. Uzun zamandır hem etkileyici hem de bu kadar sürükleyici bir şeyler okumamıştım. Özellikle klasik okumayı sevmeyen, klasikleri sıkıcı bulanlar için de kesinlikle önerimdir. Bu kitap ön yargınızı yıkıp size keyifli bir okuma deneyimi yaşatacak, bana güvenebilirsiniz. Siz bu kitabı okudunuz mu, okuduysanız neler düşünüyorsunuz ya da okuma gibi bir düşünceniz var mı? Sizlerle sohbet etmeyi çok ama çok isterim. 🌷🩷🫧✨

2/16/2024, 4:17:24 PM

L’ITALIANO di Ann Radcliffe Nominato da Maturin nella prefazione di “Melmoth l’Errante” come ispirazione per “Il Racconto del Monaco”, questo libro mi ha suscitato fin da subito una forte curiosità. Napoli. Vincenzo Vivaldi si innamora della bella Elena di Rosalba e decide di sposarla ma l’idea non viene accettata dalla famiglia del giovane, in particolare dalla madre che, insieme al confessore Padre Schedoni, farà di tutto per separare i due prima delle nozze. Come si può notare questa premessa ha molto in comune con “I Promessi Sposi” di Manzoni, che verrà scritto solo trent’anni dopo. Ma al di là delle somiglianze con altre opere che Radcliffe ha indubbiamente ispirato, “L’Italiano, ovvero il confessionale dei Penitenti Neri” è una storia interessante il cui focus si sposta in fretta da quello dei giovani innamorati e sviluppa, tramite rivelazioni ben piazzate, la storia di chi dà il titolo all’opera, e che non rivelerò. Questa struttura permette così alla Radcliffe di infarcire fin da subito la narrazione di mistero, aiutando così a mantenere alta l’attenzione nelle parti meno interessanti e a tollerare i dialoghi didascalici e i siparietti comici in cui spesso incappa. Grazie a una prosa semplice e mai tediosa, la trama procede incalzante costellata da tutti questi misteri che trovano una chiusa solo nelle ultime cento pagine, quando l’autrice inizia a sbrogliare la matassa per arrivare a una conclusione soddisfacente. Questo è dovuto anche a un’ottima caratterizzazione dei personaggi, più sfaccettati di quello che si possa pensare. Malgrado lo ritenga un bellissimo libro non mi sento di consigliarlo se non per approfondire alcuni concetti di cui Ann Radcliffe è pioniera. #annradcliffe #theitalian #goticnovel #theclassicscollection #instabook

2/14/2024, 8:37:16 PM