Beltane images

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Inspired by an old Breton folk tune, German Pagan Folk band Waldkauz presents a new music video, titled Frei zu Sein (Tri Martolod), with their own reinterpretation of an old song, singing about friendship, love and freedom. Read more: #waldkauz #beltane #paganfolk #paganfolkmusic #folk #folknature #folknature #neofolk #music #musicvideo #pagan #paganism #heathen #shaman #druid #fantasymusic #medieval #celtic #viking #vikings #waldkauzfolk #paganmusic #paganfestival #worldmusic #omnia #spring #faun #witchyvibes

5/13/2024, 6:00:24 PM

Hop, hop, joli mois de mai ! 🏵️ Nous voilà au cœur du printemps et la nature toute entière nous invite à réveiller nos sens et à nous mettre en action. 💃 Faire ce qui nous plaît, cela veut dire relancer notre énergie, réveiller notre joie de vivre, nous recharger en vitamine D au soleil. ☀️ Sortir dehors, danser, chanter, marcher pieds nus, go, go, go on se fait plaisir ! 👣 ▶️ Et toi, comment accompagnes-tu le réveil de ton énergie en ce mois de mai ? --- Moi c’est Elodie, j’accompagne les femmes sur leur chemin de liberté. 💃 Je suis intimement convaincue que la clé pour aller mieux c’est de se reconnecter à la nature et aux saisons. C’est aujourd’hui un élément moteur dans les groupes que j’anime et les accompagnements individuels. 🌳 ▶️ Apéros de la lune, relaxation, sophrologie, approches psychocorporelles, marches conscientes en forêt. En savoir plus, lien en bio. #larelaxobyelo #Draveil #Essonne #relaxing #relaxingtime #detente #slowlife #bienetre #developpementpersonnel #relaxation #energie #sophrologie #énergie #energiepositive #choixdevie #sesentirmieux #sefairedubien #momentpresent #vivrepleinement #ralentir #reconnexionàsoi #rechargerlesbatteries #saison #mai #beltane

5/13/2024, 5:35:42 PM

🐻🐻🐻 📸: @kikathous 💚💚💚 #midsommar #pagan #beltane #walpurgisnacht #palodemayo #flowercrown

5/13/2024, 4:58:01 PM

New stock now up online - 👉 'Peasant' - the new Weird Walk music zine. 👉 Angeline Morrison - 'The Sorrow Songs' - Green vinyl re-issue. 👉 Anne Briggs - Records Store Day 2024 limited edition re-issue + 7-inch EP. Plus: 👉 Dave Evans great lost folk LP from 1972 - 'Elephantasia'. 🦉🎶 #vinyl #beltane #vinylcommunity #vinyldeals #folk #folklore #acidfolk #topicrecords #annebriggs #weirdwalk #vinylvibes

5/13/2024, 4:54:46 PM

Thank you to everyone that stopped by our tent at the Beltane faire this weekend! It was hot and windy at times but still so fun! ❤️ We met some amazing authors and sold out of several of our titles! #greenavenuebooks #fablesandfroth #indiebookstore #bookpublisher #bookpublishing #bookseller #beltane #renaissancefaire #boiseidaho #supportlocal #fyp #booktok #bookstagram #booktube #fyp#whatsinyourpile #tbr #localauthor #idaho

5/13/2024, 4:39:33 PM

Anam Cara (in Irish means soul friend), a beautifully written book by John O' Donohue, explores soul ties and the friendships we make over the course of one's lifetime. Who we meet and the people we connect with are significant to our life's purpose. I like to believe this to be true. I've recently had a chance to embrace my Celtic roots with a group of fellow pagans. The Beltane celebration was a lovely mix of tradition and modern inspiration. Gracias a Fernanda y Dany for making it possible ✨ Thank you to Gary for recommending this incredible book. #irishliterature #celtic #beltane #anamcara #books #read #johnodonohue #wheel #wheelofyear #pagan #reading

5/13/2024, 4:20:37 PM

Bad Bodenteich: dieses Jahr waren wir zur Beltanefeier in Bad Bodenteich. Vielen lieben Dank an @theo_momentaufnahmen für die tollen Erinnerungsfotos 😊 #beltane #walpurgisnacht #fogelvrei_zeitreisen #bodenteich

5/13/2024, 4:11:38 PM

¡Ya hemos celebrado Beltane! La marea energética de los fuegos ardientes del Encuentro y la Unión de los Dioses aún nos embriaga de Éxtasis y Gozo con su aroma a rosas y a flores silvestres. La Diosa, en su máxima exuberancia, nos ha dejado un claro y rotundo mensaje: la Aceptación. Aceptarse a una misma para ser Libre. Libre de condicionamientos, autoreproches, juicios, vergüenza, culpa... en definitiva, para SER UNA MISMA. Aceptarse para ver la Belleza Innata e Inherente que cada una tiene de forma natural y particular, para expresarla y compartirla en el mundo con Alegría y Disfrute. Aceptarse para Gozar de los sentidos, sentir en el cuerpo el Placer del Flujo de Vida manifestándose a través de una misma y del Todo cada instante. Aceptarse para poder abrirse en Confianza y hacerse Receptiva a la Vida y todo lo Bueno que tiene reservado para cada una. Aceptarse a una misma tal cual, es básico y necesario para poder Aceptar y Amar a los demás. Sin Aceptación completa, no hay Amor. La Aceptación es una virtud imprescindible para el buen funcionamiento de la Pareja. Ser capaz de mirar al otr@, contemplar sus diferentes aspectos de luces y sombras, y encontrar la Belleza de esos contrastes que le hacen únic@ e irrepetible y abrazarlos en su completitud, es tarea de dos y la base del Amor. . . . . . #beltane #wicca #sacerdotisa #priestess #tradicióncelta #antiguatradición #antiguareligión #rihannon #diosa #amor #aceptación #libertad #serunamisma #mensajedeladiosa #awenreflexiones #sanacióndelaenergíafemenina #sanaciónenpareja #sanacióndeútero #elcaminodelúterocorazón #delcorazónalalma

5/13/2024, 4:07:28 PM

I love the synergy between these cards. Parvati ties into the Beltane card with her fertility aspect and into the Ace of Cups with her “cosmic harmony and love of vast proportions” #dailydraw #samadhioracle #innerawakeningtarot #thelivingwheelastrologycards #beltane #parvati #aceofcups

5/13/2024, 3:45:55 PM

Current vibe..ready to live like a fairy, frolic in the forest & be romanced by the Beloved 🧚🏼‍♀️🌹🔥 Maybe it's the aftermath of the Beltane fire, or the hottest weekend of the year so far & all the other intense astrological weather, but I am feeling in a very playful mood of here is a little lightheartedness for today 💗 🌸 🌺 Photo credits: Pinterest.

5/13/2024, 3:20:34 PM

„Reise durch die Chakren“ Begib dich mit uns auf eine Reise durch alle 7 Haupt-Chakren und damit durch deine Lebensthemen.  Erfahre was Chakren sind und wie du Sie für dich nutzen kannst.  Lerne Blockade zu erkennen und aufzulösen.  Entdecke dein persönliches Potenzial. Die Reise durch die Chakren ist als ganzheitliche Ausbildungsreihe geplant, in der wir uns ausführlich mit allen Aspekten unsere Chakren beschäftigen. Wir lernen unsere Haupt-Chakren und die damit verbundenen Lebensthemen auf die unterschiedlichsten Wege kennen und wie wir sie positiv beeinflussen, heilen, reinigen können.  Jedem Chakra wird ein ganzes Wochenende gewidmet.  An jedem Wochenende werden wir passend zum Chakra eine Yoga-Einheit (Für jeden geeignet, auch ohne Vorkenntnisse) und Meditation machen.  Wir lernen die passenden Heilsteine, ätherische Öle und Heilpflanzen kennen lernen. Wir gehen in die Natur und stellen themenbezogene Produkte her wie Raumsprays und Cremes, etc.     Wir arbeiten uns vom Wurzelchakra bis zum Kronenchakra. Und somit durch die großen Lebensthemen  Wurzelchakra – Sicherheit, Stabilität, Lebenskraft und Erdung Sakralchakra – Intuition, Kreativität und Sinnlichkeit Nabelchakra – Selbstbewusstsein, Schaffenskraft, Vitalität und Energie; Herzchakra – universelle Liebe, innere Heilung, Hingabe und Vertrauen, aber auch Trauer und Schmerz Kehlchakra – Kommunikation und die Reinigung der Sinne Stirnchakra – Intuition, für die innere Stimme Kronenchakra – Zugang zum Göttlichen   Kursleitung: Bianca Lenkenhoff und Maren Haumann Termine: samstags und sonntags, jeweils 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr 1. Chakra, 16.11. / 17.11.2024 2. Chakra, 18.01. / 19.01.2025 3. Chakra, 22.03. / 23.03.2025 4. Chakra, 17.05. / 18.05.2025 5. Chakra, 05.07. / 06.07.2025 6. Chakra, 06.09. / 07.09.2025 7. Chakra, 08.11. / 09.11.2025 #kräuterwanderung, #heilpflanzen, #heilpflanzenausbildung, #natürlichheilen, #naturheilkunde, #chakra, #chakrenausgleich, #chakrenheilung, #veranstaltungenmünsterland, #naturkosmetik, #seifesieden, #kochenmitkräutern, #dasguteleben, #wilkräuterküche, #frauenwochende, #Jahreskreisfeste, #Beltane,

5/13/2024, 3:08:15 PM

Tirage du jour: Oracle de Beltane Le sorbier: Protection Avec le succès vient aussi la jalousie et, aussi triste sue cela puisse paraître, certains chercheront à posséder ce qui vous appartient. Même si vous n'avez pas l'impression d'avoir particulièrement réussi vous verrez, cela se vérifie souvent. Des personnes de votre entourage pensent que vous valez mieux qu'eu, que vous êtes plus intelligent, et que vous avez quelque chose qu'ils n'ont pas. Piocher cette carte est une bonne nouvelle; elle indique que vous êtes en sécurité et à l'abri de toutes les forces qui complotent contre vous. Résistez à l'adversité, l'univers vous soutient dans votre combat. #Protection #sécurité #bonnenouvelle #bonheur #gratitude #printemps #saison #Beltane

5/13/2024, 2:34:42 PM

💫 Envoûtement en route... 💨 #beltane #witchsowhat #eliquide

5/13/2024, 2:09:47 PM

How was Beltane? Did you celebrate? Bonfires and BBQs were the order of things, as well as the coming together of the May King and Queen. And did you know that Maypole dancing is an old Pagan tradition? Some people will have 'tied the knot' with a handfasting ceremony and many of you will have planted seeds! Whatever you got up to, we hope you had a flaming good time, and managed to commune with a Faerie or two! #TheSpiritTree #Beltane #May #MayDad #Pagan #Witch #Wicca #Wiccan

5/13/2024, 1:44:10 PM

Wat een prachtig boek kreeg ik van Jip en Tim voor moederdag ❤️. Het boek “the Wheel of the Year” geschreven door @fionnualacook en geïllustreerd door @jessicasroux #wonderfulbook 🐝 Het gaat over de seizoenen, de momenten die de overgangen in het jaar markeren en over de natuurlijke cycli. Vol met informatie, creatieve manieren om hierbij stil te staan en rituelen. Een mix van oude natuurreligies, (heidense) feesten en eeuwenoude tradities. 🐝 Beltane ligt net achter ons (1 mei), maar in de natuur is goed te zien dat we ons in de overvloedige lentetijd bevinden. Alles groeit en bloeit. “The energy of the world is high and lively, like a merry party… The earth is fully awake, in an explosion of color, sounds and smells.” 🐝 Ik heb mij er even helemaal in ondergedompeld tijdens mijn wandeling. Heel fijn om na 2 weken vakantie met z’n drie, nu een paar uur alleen te zijn. Geen programma, zintuigen open en zoveel te ervaren. Dan ga ik nu de rupsen van mijn broek halen ;-) 🐝 #thewheeloftheyear #boek #boekstagram #boekentip #levenmetdeseizoenen #beltane

5/13/2024, 1:29:17 PM

Domingo 19 de mayo: SHAKTI DANCE, 10:30h a 13:30h. Con Patricia Pereda. En este taller de Yoga de la Danza celebramos Beltane que en la tradición celta festeja la unión del Sagrado femenino y el sagrado masculino. En la Cosmología de la India, Shiva es el principio masculino , la conciencia no manifestada y Shakti el principio femenino, el poder creativo de la conciencia. Es uno es con el otro al igual que el uno no es sin el otro, son el danzarín y la danza. En este taller, danzamos los opuestos y fusionamos los complementarios integrando ambos arquetipos, masculino y femenino y reconociendo que más allá de la dualidad lo que queda es Uno. Info y Reservas Whasapp 616 46 03 56. #shakti #shaktidance #danzayoga #beltane #danzaconsciente #kundaliniyogamadrid #shivashakti #yogadanza #autocuidado #crecimiento #vibraalto

5/13/2024, 1:28:03 PM

🌿 "We asked Mel to bless us with a handfasting ceremony on the spur of the moment and she graciously agreed. We felt very special and cared for and the ceremony was beautiful and meaningful. We can't recommend Mel highly enough!" LM. Thank you both for the privilege of being a part of your celebration, I shall never forget that handfasting cord! 🪢 #oldways #pagan #handfasting #celebration #nature #connection #beltane #community #family #love #independent #celebrant

5/13/2024, 1:22:24 PM

Weaving to All Mothers today 🩷💜 Vævning til Alles Mødre i dag 💚🩵🦋Woman need many Mothers 🌍 Kvinder har brug for mange mødre🌻🪺🌍 🌑 New Moon ; 🌑 Nymåne For All Mothers 🍃 🧚🏼 we Invite all Mothers to get new stories~ Vi inviterer alle mødre ind i nye historier i dag 💜 🌿🌷🩷 🌿 13. Majs voksende/tiltagende måne. [nordisk kalenderkilde: Rune Hjarnø Rasmussens; The Nordic Animist Year] 🐞 [@lillevildefrø hvis du vil have disse danske hjemmehørende i din haveliv] #may #moon #calendar #måne #kalender #gulgrøn #Beltane #nature #naturen #vølve #spirits #forår #animist #spring #artasaspiritualpractice #dailysketch #maj #forår #woman #womanillustration #womanofillustration #mooncalendar #animism #nordic #månekalender #dagpragtstjerne #fairy #norse #weaving #væversken #noai 💚💛🩷

5/13/2024, 1:06:44 PM

Hawthorn facts and history: Hawthorn blossoms contain both male and female parts and are fertilised by the action of insects crawling over them. Hawthorn spikes are really stunted shoots that might otherwise flower. Dedicated to the god Hymen, the god of marriage -the joining of yin and yang energies, he is also the god of hope. The hope in hawthorn is a life recognising and vital nature. Hawthorn holds the youthful energy that is love of life and the joy of falling in love and also the wisdom of age that acknowledging that all that happens in life, happiness, sadness, grief, love, loss, togetherness, loneliness, all offer the opportunity to deeply open the heart and from that place invite a creative response. It puts the heart back in its rightful place of leadership, allowing the mind to become the servant rather than the master. The sun which we celebrate and open to at Mayday is the heart of the cosmos as our hearts are the centre of our humanity. Lit by the sun our warm hearts relax and release, open to love and compassion, for the suffering self and others. The thorny defended heart is disarmed and warmed by love. #Hawthorn #Beltane #Spring #Sunshine #Folklore #BritishFolklore #TreeLore #History #Paganism

5/13/2024, 12:50:05 PM

There’s a better #beltane pic of us, before we found the Ale! 🍻🍻🍻

5/13/2024, 11:49:16 AM

STAGIONE DELL’AMORE - AFRODITE PEITHO 🌹 Con l’avvento della Stagione dell’Amore diamo il Benvenuto e Onoriamo anche Afrodite Peitho, Dea della Persuasione, colei che ci invita a godere pienamente di ogni istante delle nostre vite e di seguire i nostri desideri! In una società che ci ha invece abituato a fare a gara su chi “ha più problemi”, malattie, stanchezza o sfortune, in questo Tempo dell’Amore onoriamo Afrodite Peitho raccontando della nostra gioia e unendoci alla celebrazione di quella altrui! Ora, sfoglia il carosello per saperne di più e raccontaci nei commenti come onorerai in questi giorni Afrodite Peitho! Ti leggiamo!💙 ———— EVENTI AL TEMPIO NEL MESE DI MAGGIO👇🏻 Partecipa ai meravigliosi eventi promossi dal Tempio della Grande Dea! Clicca sul link in Bio per prenotare la tua presenza o chiedi info nei commenti. Posti limitati. #afrodite #peitho #piacere #desiderio #persuasione #bellezza #tempio #afroditepeitho #amore #tempodellamore #beltane

5/13/2024, 11:17:47 AM

Порада на тиждень 13.05-19.05.2024 🙌 1️⃣ Тиждень свободи і пристрасті настав. Відкрийте свій внутрішній вогонь 🔥 і дайте йому горіти яскраво. Не соромтеся своєї сексуальності 🥰- вона частина вас, яку варто цінувати і проявляти. Якщо оточуючі не можуть прийняти вашу свободу, нехай вони 🙅підуть лісом 😅. Шукайте тих, хто підтримує вас і розділяє вашу пристрасть до життя. Це час для звільнення і прийняття себе такими, якими ви є. 💞 2️⃣ Цього тижня довіртеся своєму внутрішньому голосу і впевненості в собі🦁. Нехай кожен крок, який ви робите, буде супроводжуватися вірою у свою силу і здатність досягти своїх цілей 📈. Відкиньте сумніви і критику, і натомість зосередьтеся на своїй внутрішній мудрості та вірі у свою магію 🧙‍♀️. Усе, що вам потрібно, вже є у вас - просто повірте в це і дозвольте своєму духу проводити вас через цей тиждень ✨ 3️⃣Цього тижня варто сфокусуватися на вдосконаленні своїх навичок і новому навчанні 🤓. Інвестуйте у свій розвиток, чи то участь у курсах, чи то пошук наставника, чи то вивчення нових тем 📚 . Приділяйте особливу увагу тим галузям, у яких ви хочете стати експертом.💻 Пам'ятайте, що ваше зростання й успіх вимагають постійних зусиль і наполегливості. 💪 Гарного і продуктивного тижня 🫶 #всесвіт #вібрації #світло #любов #життя #щастя #love #life #light #universe #поділисявібрацією #shearvibrations #seasonofthewitchbeltaneoracle #oracle #tarot #seasonofthewitch #Beltane #thisweek

5/13/2024, 11:15:45 AM

Mit Satolstelamanderfanz an Beltane in Bad Bodenteich, es war so schön! Foto: Theo Groen #satolstelamanderfanz #beltane #fogelvrei #postgothischerethnoswing #nyckelharpa

5/13/2024, 11:15:40 AM

💫 🌟 A nouveau une Méditation de Reliance, intense, pleine d'Energie(s), de guérison, d'éveil, de nettoyage, de renaissance, associée/dédiée à Beltaine et aux Puits/Fontaines.💫 🌟 L'égrégore de notre groupe a gagné en Force, Liberté, Vérité, Harmonie et Lumière. ⚠️ Merci de PARTAGER dans les COMMENTAIRES ce que vous avez vécu pendant votre Reliance... Un grand merci à tou(te)s (quelques soient les plans dont vous venez). ✨ ✨ ✨⁣⁣ Il est encore temps pour vous inscrire à la prochaine Reliance début juin 2024 ! ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Version 💫 🌟 Once again a Reliance Meditation, intense, full of Energy(s), healing, awakening, cleansing, rebirth, associated/dedicated to Beltaine and the Wells/Fountains.💫 🌟 The egregore of our group has gained in Strength, Freedom, Harmony and Light. ⚠️ Please SHARE in the COMMENTS what you experienced during your Reliance... A big thank you to all (whatever plans you come from). ✨ ✨ ✨⁣⁣ There's still time to register for the next Reliance in the begining of june. ⚠️ ⚠️ #beltaine #Beltane #soinsenergétiques #mentor #mentalisme #mentoring #medium #pascaldeclermont ⁣⁣ #mentalist #hautpotentiel⁣⁣ #softskill #hypnose ⁣⁣ #meditation #coachingmental ⁣⁣ #hypersensible #voyance #empathie #intuition #psychic #Bordeaux #montpellier #remoteviewing #softskilltraining #spiritualité #développementpersonnel #personnaldevelopement #flammejummelle #tarot #alchimie #alchimieinterieure

5/13/2024, 11:11:12 AM

- Bélier runique, créé avec la belle énergie de Beltaine - Statuette animal de pouvoir en argile naturelle auto-durcissante entièrement créée et peinte à la main avec des peintures écologiques et inclusion de verre. . - Runic Ram, create with the beautiful energy of Beltaine - Spirit animal in natural self-hardening clay carefully created and painted by hand with ecological paint. . #seiðr #seidr #seidrcrafts #animaltotem #shaman #shamanic #spiritanimal #spiritualhealing #animism #druidism #pagansymbols #animaldepouvoir #druidisme #beltaine #beltane #inconditionallove #ram #Aries #runic

5/13/2024, 9:37:41 AM

🤍 The Beltane Carline was the custom of a cake baked and marked with charcoal. Everyone selected a piece and whoever found the blackened piece became the Carline. It was believed that any misfortune would fall on the scapegoat or fool sparing the rest of the party from bad luck. #beltane #beltanecarline #beltanecake #custom #folklore #tradition #pagan #wicca #witchesofinstagram #witchy #witchesofinsta #witchaesthetic #witchystuff #witchyvibes #cottage #cottagecore #cottagelife #cottagekitchen #cottagecore #cottagecoreaesthetic #herbs #hangingherbs #herbalife

5/13/2024, 9:35:57 AM

Accessorize your outfit, buckle up, and conquer the day.😘💖 Price :15 dollars each☘️ Location :vitogo parade,shop no 04,lautoka city,fiji. Visit our page :@creatorscityshop #accessories #belt #beltane #beltbuckle #beltbuckles #belts #blackbelt #style #belt #belts #belton #beltbuckle #beltbag #beltless #beltline #beltontx #beltbranded #beltane #belting #beltfed #beltmurah #beltlineatl #beltbuckles #beltsforsale #belt #belte #belttest #belter

5/13/2024, 8:33:33 AM

Cow Parsley. Also named anciently as Queen Anne's Lace, Lady's Lace or Mothers Die. One of nature's wild plants that I associate with May, it grows unruly all over the British countryside and roadsides. It's fragrance takes me back to childhood and my feral days of being mostly outdoors hiding in fields of Cow Parsley in the meadow near the stream where I lived. It was taller than me in height back then. I could hide in it, and I would feel safe in its forest as it towered over me. Cow Parsley has many health benefits. It is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic and is excellent for treating colds, coughs and asthma. However I would not recommend that you forage for Cow Parsley for your own consumption as it is very similar to the deadly, poisonous Hemlock which grows alongside Cow Parsley. I would only recommend foraging for Cow Parsley if you are an experienced Forager or herbalist and you can confidently tell the difference between the two plants. Magically, Cow Parsley represents purity but also death, hence the ancient name given to the plant, Mother's Die. Children were discouraged from picking the plant, bringing it into their homes and gifting it to their mothers. It was said that if they did, their Mother would die! I personally love picking Cow Parsley and putting it in vases around my house. It's a beautiful plant. #cowparsley #nature #wildplants #may #folklore #magicalplants #wildflowers #britishwildflowers #beltane #spring #greenwitch #earthpriestess #meadowplants #meadowflowers

5/13/2024, 8:32:56 AM

Beltane. 🔥🔥🔥 Jumping over the bonfires, dancing roundalays and playing the game of trickle. Making love in the woods. ❤️‍🔥 #dramione #dramionefanart #beltane #dracomalfoy #hermionegranger

5/13/2024, 7:58:43 AM

Im Mai verbinden sich die Kräfte von Himmel und Erde miteinander und feiern Hochzeit. 🩵♾️💚 In einem kleinen Ritual haben wir uns bewusst mit diesen Kräften verbunden, um neue Kraft zu schöpfen. 💛 Unsere Wünsche für die weibliche & die männliche Kraft in unserem Leben haben wir an den Maibaum geknüpft. Der Wind trägt sie hinauf in den Himmel und zur rechten Zeit, werden sie auf uns hinunter purzeln, so heißt es. 💚✨ Die Naturfeste verzaubern immer wieder unser Leben & schenken uns neue Kraft für alle Aufgaben. 🌀✨💚 #beltane #maienzeit #jahreskreis #jahreskreisfeste #jahreskreisfestefürfrauen #naturrituale #naturverbunden #sarahalruna

5/13/2024, 7:56:59 AM

Beltane celebrations 🌷🌸🌼✨ Honoring femininity, fertility, and the union that ignites the spark of life in all the bellies of all the mamas here and past. We offer our blessings and we dance. We dance for a bountiful harvest from the seeds we planted, for all the mothers and all the laughing children, and for a long and sunny summertime, who’s archway we gratefully step through ☀️ #beltane #beltaneblessings #maypole #ecstaticdance

5/13/2024, 6:55:11 AM

IL GIORNO DEL BIANCOSPINO di Mascia herbana Il 13 maggio è il giorno del Biancospino con cui inizia l’omonimo mese che termina il 9 giugno. Questa pianta, che in inglese è definito anche come “cespuglio di maggio”, è sacra alla Dea nel suo aspetto di Vergine, è legato al mese di maggio e ai riti di fertilità primaverili di Beltane. Ha corrispondenza con la lettera H dell’Ogham, il nome gaelico del biancospino è “Huath” che significa anche “terribile”, inteso come espressione di timore o spavento, ma anche come “cose sconosciute”, era considerato un albero sfortunato come gli alberi che hanno le spine e rappresentano la Dea. La Dea del biancospino è colei che difende l’ordine naturale delle cose, il caos, la vera radice della natura femminile, istintiva e intuitiva, che la cultura maschile ha tentato di nascondere, e rappresenta il principio del ciclo della Morte nella Vita e della Vita nella Morte. La presenza di un biancospino sulle colline indica che lì vi dimorano le Fate e che lo hanno eletto a loro albero sacro. Secondo la tradizione Giuseppe d’Arimatea piantò il proprio bastone a Glastonbury e da esso nacque un biancospino che fioriva ogni Natale. (la prima foto è dal web, la seconda è mia) #biancospino #giornodelbiancospino #13maggio #ogham #mesedelbiancospino #beltane #huath #deavergine #deafanciulla #celti #antichisaperi #ogham #calendarioarboreo #religioneceltica #fate #giuseppedarimatea #glastonbury

5/13/2024, 6:48:35 AM

Finally have a moment to post my #Beltane graphic! It's the 2nd busiest time of year at work, so I didn't have much time for social media posting. Hope your #beltane2024 brings the fire for you. I had some tea (and cocktail/mocktail) and tarot time with friends for my formal observation of the #sabbat And while spending too many hours at the office, I did see a beautiful rainbow 🌈 and a gorgeous spider 🕷 outside my window during the first days of May. Plus I have started the newest Veronica Speedwell mystery. Stoker (the protagonist's soul mate) would ask what in the name of seven hells does that have to do with witchy-ness and I don't have a logical answer; it just is, to me!

5/13/2024, 6:48:18 AM

Las festividades que conocemos modernamente como rueda del año, que van unidas a la tierra no son un solo día, si no que son una temporada, fechas antiguas situaban a Beltane no sólo el primero de Mayo en nuestro calendario gregoriano, si no que pasaban del 5, 7 y 13 de mayo, y asi pasa con todas, y por eso vemos un sinnúmero de fiestas con rasgos similares, mayo es dedicado a nuestras madres, las que nos tuvieron en su vientre y /ó cuidaron de nosotros para que hoy estemos aquí. También se le dedica a la Gran Madre, en sus diferentes formas, es la nutridora del todo, es fertilidad, protección y cobijo. Que cada día que tengas para celebrar los regalos de esta vida los abraces con todo tu ser. 💐🕯✨️ #Beltane #losmayos #mothersday #diadelasmadres #divinefemenine #sagradofemenino #spring #primavera #folkmagic #magiafolclorica #paganlife #witchylife #thankfulness #agradecimiento #blessings #bendiciones 🩷🌿

5/13/2024, 5:49:55 AM

My neighbor vendors at #Beltane this weekend sold dice and let be have one to make a cage 😍 #chainmaille #chainmail #d20 #boise

5/13/2024, 5:41:39 AM

The final day of #beltane was so amazing! So many friends, new and old, so many memories. If I missed you, I'm sorry, but have no fear! Henry Mudgett the #fairycatcher will be returning in two weeks at #whidbeyrenfaire and then again in September at the #idahorenaissancefaire

5/13/2024, 4:33:48 AM

Most of you know that my mom is a magical superhero and that we have a very deep soul connection. You can bear witness to a moment we shared during our Beltane ritual. Videos by @pearlgabel and @super8becca Music by Kamara Thomas, @carolineyesss (visionary director), Christopher Spanninga, and Jimmy Waltman. #alswarrior #beltane #motherdaughter

5/13/2024, 4:08:06 AM

Our Beltane circle was magical, as always! . . . #circle #womenscircle #witchcircle #beltane #spring #maypole #witch #witchesofinstagram #clevelandwitches

5/13/2024, 3:18:17 AM

Help Me Achieve a Dream 🌟 Vote in the 2024 IPMA! 🎵 Exciting news! I've been honored with a nomination for Best Male Artist of the Year by the International Pagan Music Association - a recognition that fills me with both pride and gratitude. 🏆 Your support has always been the wind beneath my wings, allowing me to soar higher in my musical journey. 🕊️ As voting opens, I reach out with a heartfelt request: would you consider casting your vote for me? Your vote could be the key to turning this dream into reality. 🗳️ I trust you've been enjoying the witchy vibes of my Pagan music, including my latest release, "Merry Meet (Hodie Occursum)." If it's still new to your ears, I invite you to dive into its enchanting melodies at Whether you wish to savor a clip or own the track, your support means the world. 🌍🎶 My music, like the heartfelt "Born of Crime" from The Red Album, is a labor of love and dedication. The Red Album, a collective voice of 19 Pagan artists including myself, champions reproductive rights through our music. Catch a glimpse of my contribution in the first teaser video at Yet, today, I reach out for something deeply personal - your support in this pivotal moment. Winning this award isn't just about recognition; it's about celebrating our shared passion for Pagan music and the messages we hold dear. 🔥 Please, lend me your support by voting at Every vote brings us closer to a shared victory, and yours could make all the difference. ✨ Thank you for considering my request. Together, let's make history at the 2024 IPMA Awards. 🙏 With my deepest gratitude and blessings! ❤️ #Wicca #Wiccan #Pagan #Witch #Music #Musician #Witchmusic #Wiccanmusic #PaganWicca #Witchcraft #PaganMusic #Magick #PaganFolklore #PaganCulture #Beltane #Beltaine #Songwriter #RecordingArtist #MusicianLife #SingerSongwriter #IndependentArtist #IndieMusic #EarthBasedReligion

5/13/2024, 3:15:19 AM

🐝🌙🐝 Apparently NASA has a poster hanging with bees that reads: "Aerodynamically a bee's body is not made to fly; the good thing is that the bee doesn't know". The law of physics says that a bee cannot fly, the aerodynamic principle says that the breadth of its wings is too small to keep its huge body in flight, but a bee doesn’t know, it doesn’t know anything about physics or its logic and flies anyway. This is what we can all do. Fly and prevail in every moment in the face of any difficulty and in any circumstance despite what they say. Let us be bees, no matter the size of our wings, we take flight and enjoy the pollen of life. Soul Alchemy. art | 1890. Scientific Illustration of Bees/Insects. Alfred Edmund Brehm #bees #Beltane #bee #bumblebee #bumble #love #fly #inspire #witch #Witches #manifest #goal #Wiccan #wicca #nature #flowers #bugs

5/13/2024, 2:50:55 AM

Hello all! I finished up my first big sewing job for a Ren faire and wore it to a Beltane Festival presented by @idahorenaissancefaire . I was an emissary for the Emperor Fae, of the Moth kingdom. I used the 'Moth Wing Capelet' pattern from @minimalistmachinist as a guide, and sized it up to fit a 110" wingspan so it would be a full length cape. Besides the white fleece under layer (chosen because batting was v. expensive and also I didn't want it as thick as a quilt), all the other fabrics are scraps from other garment construction I've done. This took me around 20 hours to complete! The antenna were made by my partner, and the under dress is a ready-to-wear piece from Old Navy. Totally worth the potential heat stroke I got while basically wearing a winter coat wandering a festival in 80+ degree weather! 😅 #sewistsofinstagram #costuming #sewingforrenaissancefaire #renfaire #renfairecostume #beltane #moth #mothfae #emperormoth #mothwingcapelet #idahorenaissancefaire #beltanefestival

5/13/2024, 2:43:52 AM

When you are out exploring and find a Maypole #beltane #mayday #spring

5/13/2024, 2:40:52 AM

Spirits of the Beltane Fire #fire #facesinthefire #beltane #belfire

5/13/2024, 2:30:15 AM

Beltane festival day with friends! #beltane #renfaire

5/13/2024, 1:11:55 AM

Festival of Fire on the Hill of Uisneach 🔥 #beltane #uisneach #pagan #celtic #summer

5/13/2024, 1:10:26 AM

Dartmoor 🌱 Ecstatic Dance 💃🏻 Cacao 🍫 Friends 👯‍♀️ Sunshine ☀️ Yesterday was FULL of all my FAVOURITE things! Grounding + connecting with our beautiful Mother Earth. Honouring the turning of the wheel of the year, as we step into Beltane, by making offerings to the Hawthorn Tree. Cacao, lovingly prepared with Dartmoor spring water + Hawthorn tea - opening our hearts as we became one with nature. Dancing my heart out, barefoot + free on my beloved Dartmoor. They call it ecstatic dance for a reason - as you cannot be filled with anything else, whilst engaging in it! Thank you @sophiebolton_____ for the tunes! 🎶 And all of this? In the glorious sunshine! Thank you Tati Into, bringer of life, for all your healing + energising codes. Literally in my element ❤️ Am filled with so much gratitude for this land. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. #dartmoor #benchtor #hawthorntree #beltane #cacao #cacaoceremony #ecstaticdance #devon #motherearth #fathersun #gratitude

5/13/2024, 12:59:24 AM

Hawthorn 🌸 A symbol of Beltane. It is said, that if you fall asleep under a hawthorn tree, you may wake up in the land of the Fae 🧚‍♂️ It’s also often painted into pictures of Queen Guinevere, as it is rumoured that she may be the queen of the fairies in some Arthurian legends. I find it oddly fitting that I was born under the Celtic tree hawthorn……😉 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #hawthorn #witchcraft #beltane #hawthornleaves #hawthornfolklore #paganwitch #celtictreeoracle

5/13/2024, 12:27:54 AM

“Augen sind die Tür zum Menschen Können dich wärmen Oder dich frieren lassen Können eine Wand sein oder dich sanft umarmen und die Tür öffnen zum Herz” - Engelbert Schinkel #schierkeharz #walpurgisschierke #hexe #märchenwald #zauberwald #witch #diy #crafts #gewandung #nähliebe #nähen #sewing #renfaire #mittelaltermarkt #walpurgis #beltane #harz

5/13/2024, 12:13:11 AM

What a beautiful afternoon we had on Saturday☀️🌸🌼 The sun shone, the birds serenaded us, and the beautiful garden setting enfolded us. It was a Womens Spring Retreat …..and through breathwork and movement and stillness and singing; and cacao and cake and conversation we explored the theme of ‘Curiosity’. If you fancy coming to one of my retreat afternoons, the next one is Saturday 27th July. Details on my website. (Thankyou to my sis @aliceadelebrown for welcoming us into her gorgeous garden, and to @sacredbreathmastery for guiding our breathwork 🙏🏼!) #womenscircle #womenscircletunbridgewells #retreat #cacaoceremony #beltane

5/13/2024, 12:11:45 AM

What a beautiful afternoon we had on Saturday☀️🌸🌼 The sun shone, the birds serenaded us, and the beautiful garden setting enfolded us. It was a Womens Spring Retreat …..and through breathwork and movement and stillness and singing; and cacao and cake and conversation we explored the theme of ‘Curiosity’. If you fancy coming to one of my retreat afternoons, the next one is Saturday 27th July. Details on my website. (Thankyou to my sis @aliceadelebrown for welcoming us into her gorgeous garden, and to @sacredbreathmastery for guiding our breathwork 🙏🏼!) #womenscircle #womenscircletunbridgewells #retreat #cacaoceremony #beltane

5/13/2024, 12:10:07 AM

Basking in the afterglow of an incredible experience performing at the Bealtaine Fire Festival on the @hill_of_uisneach 🔥🔥🔥 It just makes me feel so joyful about the summer and so in awe of Ireland!! Such magic ✨ Some amazing moments captured by the incredible @shotbymantas 🤩 More epic shots coming soon!! Here's me trying out four arms and a moustache 😅 Actually the extra arms belong to @_moss_the_artist_ #firefestival #fireperformer #bealtaine #beltane #uisneach #hillofuisneach #beltanefestival #bealtainefestival #irishculture #irishheritage #pagan #paganism #celtictradition #celtic #ceremony #fireceremony #fireritual #summer

5/12/2024, 11:46:11 PM

Happy May and blest belated Beltane from we to thee! We're currently working hard to complete our 4th album, Betwixt & Between, which shall be birthed to the world this Autumn. During this time of great focus and change we've gone a bit quiet. Though fear not, beloveds, we are still present and alive while some dreams are stirring deep within our cauldron. Thank you for your continued love, support and believing in us. We'll be seeing you all again soon! Come join us at @lunasa_cascadia gathering July 24-28 With love from all of us here at Haus Magdalene, Star Wrey ☆ #blackmagdalene #organicdarkwave #gothrock #gothworldmusic #darkwave #bellydance #gothicfusion #ritualmusic #priestesses #sacreddance #ritualbellydance #witchesofinstagram #puredance #goth #ritual #betwixtandbetween #betweentheworlds #sovreignty #magick #eugeneoregon #bandfamily #beltane #newalbum #oregonspring

5/12/2024, 11:45:33 PM

Hello and May greetings, a bit late!🌱Wishing you a belated blessed Beltane if you celebrate, and if you're in the Northern Hemisphere.☀️ This is my watercolour painting 'The Oak King', which I thought was appropriate for this time of year. 🌳 In myth and folklore, I read that 'The Oak King is the ruler of Summer, of light, fertility, and growth'. He comes into his own again (over the Holly King) at Spring Equinox/ Summer Solstice, though the myth and timings vary. I really enjoyed painting this 'Green Man' face, and I want to do more like him. It has been feeling very summery here these past few days (though I've had to stay in through most of it). I hope you have had some sunshine and warmth where you are. ✨️ Back as soon as possible. . . . . . . #greenman #oakking #myth #folklore #illustration #watercolour #painting #mythical #mythology #watercolourpainting #watercolor #artist #Beltane #fantasyart #myart #debramcfarlane #aquarelle #paganart #mythsandlegends #tradition #folkbelief #illustrationart #illustrator #originalart #originalpainting #artistsoninstagram #artforsale #supportsmallbusiness #debramcfarlaneart #freelanceillustrator

5/12/2024, 11:25:14 PM

Maquillaje de Beltane La festividad fue el 1 de mayo pero como no comí en casa no me pude maquillar. Así que esta semana he hecho lo que posiblemente me habría maquillado ese día, porque la idea de hacer un maquillaje de ojos con líneas ya la tenía de antes. La sombra brillante que puse por todo el párpado era mas topper de lo que pensaba y se ve mucho mi piel pero por no desmaquillarlo seguí así. En el caso de los delineados gráficos me queda mejor con el ojo abierto porque es como hago las lineas, ya que si hago alguna en el párpado móvil me transfiere, pero igualmente puse una foto con ojos "cerrados". Como veis queda mucho lienzo libre pero no puedo dibujarle nada #maquillajeprimavera #maquillaje #makeup #springmakeup #primavera #beltane #hoodedeyes #graphiceyeliner

5/12/2024, 10:56:17 PM

Had a phenomenal time as part of the Stewards group at @beltanefiresociety Festival a couple of weeks ago. Here's to many more! First photo by Izzy Henry #beltane #beltanefirefestival #edinburgh #spring #summer #celtic

5/12/2024, 10:52:39 PM

Celebrating Beltane and mother's day in my old nevada city community at Rosebud. On this day I honor my chilhood, my true essence, my pagan Mother Earth-communing primal spiritual waldorf roots, and I celebrate the fertility rites of springtime in my inner life, after a long dark season and the rebirth of our collective consciousness. What a joy to remember inner alchemical union with children and crones, prayer to the elements, flower garlands, masculine feminine ritual courting, maypole dancing, and sacred song. Grateful for the blooming of life as we light this sacred fire in our hearts. #Beltane #rosebud #honormotherearth #Gaialovers

5/12/2024, 10:31:44 PM

Beltane Fire festival 🔥 #uisneachfirefestival #beltane #fire #ireland🍀

5/12/2024, 10:29:37 PM

Tomorrow I'll show you in color ☺️ I have an idea for a mini smut fanfic inspired by pagan festivals... ☺️ Maybe I’ll write it so I can show the full picture. ❤️‍🔥 #dramione #dracomalfoy #hermionegranger #beltane

5/12/2024, 6:21:52 PM