zoonotic images

Discover Best zoonotic Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #may #wednesday

Strengthening Global Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness And Response - Priya Basu - Executive Head, The Pandemic Fund Secretariat, The @worldbank #ProgressPotentialAndPossibilities #PandemicFund #WorldBank #Covid #Epidemics #Prevention #Preparedness #Response #ClimateChange #Zoonotic #Spillover #Resilience #Ebola #Zika #H5N1 @gatesfoundation @wellcometrust @rockefellerfdn @usaid @thisisbillgates @usaidpower @samanthajpower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUR_o56TAx4

5/29/2024, 1:29:03 PM

I dunno, I'm 2024...this looks more like a zoonotic spillover of a variola or paramyxovirus. Going to the crowded circus seems like a really bad idea. Maybe in the dank corner of a live food market would be better. #pandemic #spillover #zoonotic #virus #disease

5/29/2024, 3:44:07 AM

Bệnh lây truyền từ động vật sang người (tiếng Anh zoonosis) là các bệnh truyền nhiễm do vi khuẩn, virus, nấm hoặc ký sinh trùng gây ra và có khả năng lây từ động vật sang người. Những bệnh này bao gồm các bệnh truyền nhiễm đã được biết nhiều đến như bệnh dại, sốt đốm Rocky Spotted Moutain Fever, HIV, Lyme, SARS, Ehrlichiosis và vi rút Nipah. Các yếu tố gây nên sự gia tăng của nhóm bệnh truyền lây từ động vật qua người 👉Dân số quá đông: Sự tăng dân số làm gia tăng tiếp xúc giữa con người và động vật. 👉Di cư và thiên tai: Di cư ồ ạt và thiên tai tạo điều kiện cho bệnh lây lan. 👉Đô thị hóa và phá hủy môi trường sống: Sự đô thị hóa và phá hủy môi trường sống làm tăng tiếp xúc giữa con người và động vật hoang dã. 👉Du lịch và buôn bán động vật: Du lịch mạo hiểm và buôn bán động vật ngoại lai cũng góp phần lan truyền các mầm bệnh lạ. 📌Ảnh Hưởng Của Bệnh Lây Truyền Từ Động Vật Sang Người Các bệnh lây truyền từ động vật sang người không chỉ gây ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe con người mà còn gây gián đoạn trong sản xuất và buôn bán các sản phẩm động vật. Chúng chiếm một tỷ lệ lớn trong các bệnh truyền nhiễm mới được xác định và có thể gây ra các đợt bùng phát dịch bệnh nghiêm trọng. Thú cưng, như chó, mèo, chim và các loài động vật nhỏ khác, có thể là nguồn lây truyền một số bệnh sang người nuôi. Ngoài các mầm bệnh chủ nuôi đã được biết đến trước đó như dại, giun sán, nấm đồng xu v.vv.. thì còn rất nhiều mầm bệnh nguy hiểm cần được biết đến rộng rãi hơn như nhiễm trùng Toxoplasmosis, bệnh mèo cào do khuẩn Bartonella lây truyền qua người qua vật chủ trung gian là mèo; nhiễm trùng xoắn khuẩn vàng da lây truyền từ chó; Bệnh sốt chuột cắn "Soduko"; Bệnh sốt thỏ/ sốt vẹt; v.vv.... chi tiết những mầm bệnh sẽ được P-lab cập nhật thông tin qua SERIES "Bệnh truyền lây từ thú cưng sang chủ nuôi đáng chú ý" 📝 Mọi thông tin thắc mắc có thể bình luận phía dưới cố vấn chuyên môn P-lab có thể giải đáp cho mọi người #ChamSocThuCung #SứcKhỏeThúCưng #PLabVietnam #Zoonosis #zoonoticdiseases #thúy #zoonotic #suckhoevietnam #kýsinhtrùng #parasiteblood #plabkysinhtrungduongmau #sứckhoẻ

5/28/2024, 4:05:08 PM

With the summer sun enticing more of us outdoors, or at least to our backyards, be on the lookout for this bacterial disease. Leptospirosis is a bacteria that can be spread to most mammals through soil, water, or infected urine of wild or domestic animals. The vaccine is only approved for dogs, but it is recommended by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine to vaccinate for it annually. Protecting your dog can protect you and your other mammalian friends from this potentially life-threatening disease. #vetmed #veterinarian #vetmeme #Leptospirosis #LeptospirosisAwareness #vaccinatepets #vaccinateyourpets #zoonotic #Zoonosis https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348699680_Leptospirosis_a_clinical_update_regarding_a_neglected_infectious_disease

5/26/2024, 11:00:12 PM

Do your part to prevent zoonotic diseases by: Washing hands: Wash hands after handling animals, particularly raw or undercooked meat, or their environment. 🚿 Protect skin: Wear gloves or a plastic bag to protect skin from animal feces. 🤝 Clean bites: Promptly wash bites and scratches with soap and water. 🧴 Prevent contact with feces: Do not allow children to contact your pet's feces or vice versa. 🐶 Provide separate food and water dishes: Keep your dog's dishes separate from your family's. 🐾 Wash bedding: Wash pet bedding frequently. 🥣 Use flea and tick control: Use products that also control skin mites. 🦟 Remove waste promptly: Dispose of all waste materials safely. 🗑️ Share to spread the word! 🗣️

5/26/2024, 7:34:00 AM

Do your part to prevent zoonotic diseases by: Washing hands: Wash hands after handling animals, particularly raw or undercooked meat, or their environment. 🚿 Protect skin: Wear gloves or a plastic bag to protect skin from animal feces. 🤝 Clean bites: Promptly wash bites and scratches with soap and water. 🧴 Prevent contact with feces: Do not allow children to contact your pet's feces or vice versa. 🐶 Provide separate food and water dishes: Keep your dog's dishes separate from your family's. 🐾 Wash bedding: Wash pet bedding frequently. 🥣 Use flea and tick control: Use products that also control skin mites. 🦟 Remove waste promptly: Dispose of all waste materials safely. 🗑️ Share to spread the word! 🗣️

5/26/2024, 7:34:00 AM

今日同大家分享透過魚類可以傳染人嘅人畜共通傳染病(Zoonotic Infections)。 喺多倫多水族館會學習魚類解剖學相關嘅知識,我上堂學到5種zoonotic並自行翻譯,其中部分知識係我自己上網搵中文學名的,希望可以同大家分享。 利申我仍然不斷學習水族知識,我唔係專業亦唔敢講我識好多。但我會不斷吸收我學到嘅知識並樂意分享交流。如果有錯,歡迎指正。 *以下係一啲圖片提及較深奧字詞嘅註解* 生物膜(Biofilms)指傷口上微小生物聚集形成嘅透明薄膜,能令傷口上嘅細菌避開免疫系統攻擊。 結節指一種又細又硬嘅團塊,有機會出現身體各處。 #香港人 #多倫多 #加拿大 #steamB #救生艇計劃 #水族館 #水族員 #owp #多倫多香港人 #加拿大港人 #zoonotic #人畜共通傳染病 #多倫多生活

5/26/2024, 3:16:05 AM

Has your vet ever recommended getting your dog vaccinated for #Leptospirosis? Well, here’s why! Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease spread through urine and can infect wildlife, farm animals, rodents, dogs, and even their humans. Without treatment, leptospirosis can lead to liver and/or kidney failure, and in severe cases, difficulty breathing and abnormal bleeding disorders. According to the CDC, there are about a million cases of leptospirosis reported every year in the U.S., with nearly 60,000 deaths. Leptospira bacteria can survive in water or soil for up to weeks or months - dogs will usually become infected by drinking, swimming, or walking through contaminated lakes or puddles. Symptoms of leptospirosis may vary, and some animals don’t show symptoms at all. Getting your dog vaccinated against leptospirosis will not only protect them, but you and your family as well. Always be cautious when hiking or swimming in rural areas, or anywhere that may have high traffic of rodents or wildlife. And maybe don’t let your dog drink from that dirty puddle on your walk 🫠 For more information about leptospirosis, visit ataleoftwopitties.tumblr.com

5/25/2024, 5:33:44 AM

❗️Ticks Cross Borders It is Memorial Day holiday weekend in the US. We may not share all the same holidays but we DO share ticks. We KNOW ticks don't recognize borders. We did a little digging and have recorded the number of confirmed tick-borne disease cases in DOGS ONLY, from each province and each bordering state. These numbers are estimated to represent approximately 30% of actual cases. January through April 2024 Tick-borne cases in dogs* (Listed by States and bordering Provinces). 🇺🇲Alaska 13 🇨🇦Yukon 1 🇨🇦BC 191 🇺🇲Washington 1,160 🇨🇦Alberta 44 🇺🇲Montana 183 🇨🇦Saskatchewan 0 🇺🇲North Dakota 872 🇨🇦Manitoba 798 🇺🇲Minnesota 20,870 🇨🇦Ontario 10,135 🇺🇲Michigan 15,457 🇺🇲Ohio 18,249 🇺🇲Pennsylvania 51,018 🇺🇲New York 58,119 🇨🇦Quebec 1,323 🇺🇲Vermont 10,915 🇺🇲New Hampshire 18,961 🇨🇦NB 118 🇺🇲Maine 22,315 🇨🇦PEI 14 🇨🇦Nova Scotia 1,085 🇨🇦NFL 5 Confirmed cases Jan-April, 2024 : US 218,119 Canada 13,714 🚩Staying home or traveling, be conscious of ticks, as they WILL be there. 🚩Research has shown that dogs are great indicators of the risks of ticks in their areas. Our dogs can't be the only ones contracting tick-borne diseases.. 🚩Have a Happy & tick safe Memorial Day weekend 🇺🇲 🇨🇦 #TickCheck #repellent #crossborder #ticks #pathogens #zoonotic #dogs #Anaplasmosis #LymeDisease #tique #Babesiosis #Ehrlichiosis #canada

5/25/2024, 2:03:40 AM

🔬🦠Staphylococcus aureus é uma bactéria gram-positiva conhecida por sua adaptabilidade e resistência, sendo um desafio significativo na medicina veterinária. Este microrganismo é frequentemente encontrado na pele e nas vias respiratórias superiores de muitos animais, incluindo humanos, e pode causar uma variedade de doenças. 🔹️Uma das formas de infecção causada por Staphylococcus aureus são as infecções de pele, que podem ocorrer devido a arranhões, mordidas ou outras lesões. No entanto, se não tratadas apropriadamente, essas infecções podem evoluir para condições mais graves, como septicemia, uma infecção generalizada que pode levar à morte do animal. 🔹️Outra doença importante causada por esta bactéria, é a mastite em animais lactantes e, que em casos extremos, também pode levar à morte do animal, além de ser uma das principais fontes de contaminação do leite cru, e sendo citada como uma das bactérias principais de surtos ou casos de intoxicação alimentar. . . . 📍Weese, JS. Staphylococcus aureus infections in veterinary medicine: zoonotic potential and methicillin resistance. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 46(10), 897–898. 2005 📍Vancraeynest, D., Haesebrouck, F., & Hermans, K. Staphylococcus spp. as zoonotic pathogens. Veterinary Microbiology, 101(3), 183-190. 2004 📍Arcuri, E.F.Identificação e caracterização molecular de Staphylococcus spp. isolados de leite e produtos lácteos. EMBRAPA.2009 #medicinaveterinaria #patologia #studyvet #explorar #vet #veterinaria #veterinariabr #anatomia #anatomiaveterinaria #patologiaveterinaria #veterinarymedicine #zoonotic #infectologia #pathogenics #bovinos #milk

5/24/2024, 9:28:43 PM

Voor het vak ‘Sociale Media & Business’ hebben we vandaag een boeiende online gastlezing gehad van Carole Lamarque over haar boek ‘Zoonotic’. Leerzaam en heel relevant voor onze tijd! Authenticiteit is cruciaal voor influencers... 📖🌐 #Zoonotic #Gastlezing #Zoom #SocialeMedia #WeAreOM #WeAreMore #thomasmore

5/22/2024, 10:01:38 PM

❗️Lyme and Psychiatric disorders Many patients, adults and children, who suffer with mysterious symptoms are often disregarded, dismissed and told, "it's all in your head". Sadly, Lyme can 'get in your head' and cause endless suffering. Research has shown just that! "A broad range of psychiatric reactions have been associated with Lyme disease including paranoia, dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, major depression, anorexia nervosa, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, to name a few. The microbiology of Borrelia burgdorferi (LD) sheds light on why Lyme disease can be relapsing and remitting and why it can be refractory to normal immune surveillance and standard antibiotic regimens. Further research is needed to identify better laboratory tests and to determine the appropriate manner (intravenous or oral) and length (weeks or months) of treatment among patients with neuropsychiatric involvement." 🚩Lyme disease, if left undiagnosed and untreated, can lead to so much more than flu like symptoms. 🚩Prevent the bite! Use reliable repellent, TICK CHECK often and be prepared to remove ticks safely and promptly. https://tickawarenesscanada.net/shop/ #lymedisease #ticks #mentalillness #learningdisabilities #mentalhealth #chronicillness #tique #psychiatric #healthandwellness #zoonotic #care #outdooractivities #dementia #teek #canada #TickBorneIllness #ms #adhd #add #anxietydisorders #canadawide #sad

5/22/2024, 9:58:21 PM

Biodiversity and public health are among the most discussed issues in sustainable development. Yet, they are also usually considered far apart from each other when in reality, those two are closely linked. From the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned that this disease is zoonotic, a term for any disease that is transmissible from animals to humans. However, COVID-19 is not the only zoonotic disease. So, what are the interconnections between biodiversity loss and zoonotic diseases, and how did such disease end up in humans and become deadly when they do? Read the full article "Biodiversity Loss Linked with the Rise of Infectious Diseases" by Lalita Fitrianti through the link in bio. #greennetworkasia #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #SDGs2030 #Biodiversity #Ecosystem #BiodiversityLoss #ZoonoticDisease #Zoonotic #InfectiousDisease #Health #OneHealth #Wellbeing

5/22/2024, 12:39:55 PM

Preparing National Security Leaders For The Next Generation Of Threats - Dr. Diane DiEuliis Ph.D, Distinguished Research Fellow - #NationalDefenseUniversity U.S. @deptofdefense (DoD) #ProgressPotentialAndPossibilities #Biodefense #Preparedness #Biosecurity #DualUse #LifeSciences #Research #Parkinsons #SyntheticBiology #GainOfFunction #NeuroWeapons #Pandemics #Zoonotic #Spillover #OneHealth #Cyberbiosecurity #Neurobiology #Radicalization #BrainComputerInterfaces #Bioeconomy #Behavioral #Cognitive #SocialScience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vFUDGaTZvg

5/21/2024, 9:32:20 PM

#MeetTheDoctorsMonday Meet Miranda Gerber #DVM! Dr. Miranda Gerber (Hillyard) grew up in Bedford, MA. After completing her undergraduate studies in Biology at Middlebury College in Vermont, Dr. Gerber worked as a zookeeper in the #Boston zoos. She then attended #Tufts University’s Cummings School for Veterinary Medicine, graduating in 2011. As a veterinary student, Dr. Gerber was involved in several international #zoonotic disease research projects which took her to Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Peru. After graduating, Dr. Gerber completed an internship at the #ASPCA Animal Hospital in Manhattan, and has worked primarily as an emergency veterinarian in Washington, DC and at several facilities here in the #NYC area. Dr. Gerber lives in New York City with her husband, rescue dog, and two small children. #LIC #LICPets #LICDogs #LICCats #NewYork #Veterinarian #CourtSquare #LongIslandCity

5/21/2024, 4:13:08 AM

❗️Roslin, Ontario Tick bites can lead to this and worse. Ruth is still suffering with the effects of her tick bite. 🚩"Early April, I found an engorged tick on the underside of my arm close to my armpit. I have no idea how long he was there, didn’t notice it until it became intensely itchy. My daughter literally had to pick it out piece by piece. The bullseye rash had started. I cleansed it with peroxide and forgot about it. Within a few days I began to feel unwell. I figured I had the flu. High fever, pain, overwhelming fatigue, weakness to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed on my own. Brain fog was awful. I couldn’t find words to put together a sentence. After about 4 days I went to a clinic. A very kind compassionate Dr immediately diagnosed me with Lyme disease. The doctor put me on doxycycline for 2 weeks. I am much better, but fatigue remains and is frustrating to me... also the joint pain. I am scheduled for blood work in a couple of weeks. I am so grateful for a Dr that caught this. We have dogs and we live in the country. Perfect situation to pick up ticks. " 🚩We are thankful Ruth was able to see a physician knowledgeable in lyme disease symptoms and KNEW Lyme can be diagnosed clinically (based in symptoms, not unreliable tests). 🚩'Summer flu' is frequently reported as the onset sign of a Lyme disease infection. 🚩We discussed that lyme testing is unreliable and true results may never be known since she has already been on antibiotics. 🚩We recommend she be tested for co-infections as it is rarely just Lyme that a tick will share with you. This is just one example of how a tick bite can derail your life. ❗️We cannot stress enough how important DAILY tick checks are. We hope you fully recover Ruth 💚 https://tickawarenesscanada.net/shop/ #TickCheck #ticks #tickkit #beprepared #canadahealth #physicianeducation #zoonotic #pathogens #backyard #gardening #garden #gardendesign #tickawarenesscanada #canada

5/19/2024, 6:24:58 PM

❗️Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Danielle and her pups did NOT have a fun day yesterday, "I was in Saskatoon, SK at the Sutherland Beach Off Leash Recreational Area, that runs along the river. Today alone I removed 24 ticks and still counting, from my one dog. Total of 30 ticks so far this season. Next time we will not be going to that park even though it's gorgeous. We will have to go to the rectangle of mud dog park. Luckily they are both on Nexguard but this is out of control. I just found another crawling on the wall!" 🚩We discussed the efficiency of canine tick meds. Generally they start off about 90% effective and then decrease as the weeks go by, until the next treatment. Regardless of the brand, no tick bite prevention medication is 100% reliable. Tick checks and tick removal are still a must and don't forget to check yourself. Thank you for sharing this important awareness Danielle 🙂 ✅️repellent ✅️tick check ✅️tick kit https://tickawarenesscanada.net/shop/ #ticks #repellent #TickCheck #kids #pets #saskatoon #dogpark #offleash #outside #outdooractivities #zoonotic #pathogens #canada

5/17/2024, 6:51:21 PM

There is always a hyper focus on Deer ticks because they are capable of transmitting Lyme disease... but so can other ticks. Lyme disease and so much more! 🚩Everyone should know we have many more ticks in Canada that are capable of transmitting additional health impacting pathogens. With more than 40 different types of ticks found in Canada, we will be reviewing ticks and the pathogens they can carry. 🚩Know that the common names for ticks does NOT mean that is the only thing they bite. They also bite humans. We will start with the following 7 ticks. There are many more... #ticks #tique #zoonotic #disease Sources: CDC, Published research. #Ticks #pathogens #zoonotic #disease #chronicillness #family #pets #home #backyard #urban #rural #canada #today

5/16/2024, 6:27:18 AM

Did you know that rodents, wildlife (raccoons), and other infected dogs can carry a dangerous disease called leptospirosis? This is a spiral 🌀 shaped bacteria, when contracted, generally through contaminated water sources can cause damage to the liver and kidneys 😱 It can also be transmissible to you!! Don’t worry, Zeus was vaccinated to protect him. 🙌 Plus, how adorable is this little guy with his underbite? 😍 Protecting our pups and keeping them cute, that’s a win-win in my book! 🐾 #isyourpetvaccinated #doghealth #vaccinateyourpets #humanhealth #zoonotic #underbitedogs #cutenessoverload 🐀 @coralsprings_animalhospital @fabletics

5/15/2024, 11:24:57 PM

❗️Cornwall, Ontario Dana has a shocking tick encounter to tell, "We were just back from a weekend of camping in Cornwall, Ontario. APRIL 26-28, 2024. ️April 28th, when I bathed my 3yr old son, I thought he had dirt on his back, so I tried to wash it off, but it didn’t go away. I then realized it was a tick and went straight to the hospital. The tick was 'removed'* and he received a single dose of Doxycycline (50 mg). ❗️*The tick was removed with CLIPPERS by doctors and not with any special tool or tweezers! ❗️I asked to have the tick tested elsewhere but was told that was no longer possible. A small part of the tick remains in his skin. ❗️They also told me my son would be fine with only one dose of doxy and to not be stressed about it - he wasn't! ️April 30th, my son was having knee & ear pains and he had 2 more round skin rashes. We returned to the doctor and were prescribed 10 days of antibiotics. I’m glad I had heard about Lyme beforehand. Otherwise, I would have thought everything was fine!" 🚩Dana, we are so sorry for this tick encounter and of the horrible medical treatment your son received. So happy you had knowledge of the risks of ticks prior to this experience. We are all hoping for a full recovery for your little boy. 🚩We cannot understand WHY a doctor would use clippers to remove a tick!? That action alone could increase the risk of disease transmission. 😡 That tick SHOULD have been removed properly and saved for testing. 🚩Please know that a single dose of doxycycline has been documented unsuccessful in eradicating Lyme bacteria. It may make the rash disappear, but that is it. Learn the risks of ticks and be aware of symptoms well after an initial tick bite. Be prepared. https://tickawarenesscanada.net/shop/ #tique #ticks #lymedisease #tickcheck #zoonotic #transmission #camping #bbq #outside #summer #summercamp #play #outdooractivities #cornwall #ontario #ontariooutdoors #canada

5/14/2024, 4:23:57 PM

~ Unlock optimal livestock nutrition with Copra Extraction Pellets and Palm Kernel Meal! Elevate health, maximize growth. Our premium feed supplements ensure superior results. Choose excellence for your livestock. Order now for a transformative feeding experience! Full video link: https://bit.ly/3tLZnlx GET BEST OFFER - WE SHIP WORLDWIDE For further Information: [email protected] WhatsApp: +62 822-6165-1165 Also Available In Our List: Carrageenan | Ginger | Nutmeg | White Pepper | Black Pepper | Areca Nut | Raw Cashew Nut | Semi-Husked Coconut | Vanilla | Konjac Flour or Glucomannan Powder or Konjac Glucomannan - KGM | Copra | Clove | Mung Bean #Auction #Presyo #bawat #Libra #Transportasyon #Seguro #Zoonotic #Diseases #FootandMouth #Disease #Avian #Influenza #Spongiform #Encephalopathy #BSE #Scrapie #Johne #Sakit #na #Nakakahawa #Karaniwang #Karantina #Antibiotic #Resistance #Stewardship #Matibay #Organikong #Pangahit #FreeRange #PastureRaised Stočarstvo Stoka Goveda Ovce Koze Svinje Pčelarstvo Konji Mleko Govedina Svinjetina Pileće meso Stočarstvo Poljoprivreda Stočna Pašnjak Stado Hrana za piliće Upravljanje Razvoj Genetika Veštačko osemenjavanje Vakcinacija Aflatoksin Antibiotici Hormoni Sredstva za podsticanje rasta Sečenje repa Crvi Briga o stadu Biologija Životni ciklus Kopito Smještaj Stočarsko gospodarstvo Zdravlje stoke Reproduktivna podrška Ovce Kupovina i prodaja životinja Veterina Dijagnoza bolesti Nega kože i perja Proteini Kalcijum Fosfor Vitamini Minerali Mlečni proizvodi Prateći proizvodi mesa Koža Stočarsko tržište Aukcija Cene Transport životinja Osiguranje stoke Infektivne bolesti Bolest papaka i usta Ptičiji grip BSE bolest luda krava Mastitis Bruceloza Johnesova bolest Uobičajene Izolacija Rezistencija na antibiotike Upravljanje antibioticima Održiva poljoprivreda Organska poljoprivreda Okolina Stočna Slobodno pašnjak Indonesia Premium feed supplements Copra Extraction Pellets Palm Kernel Expeller Meal Animal health Optimal growth Immunity boost Herd vitality Cattle Farm Feedlot Feedyard Poultry Bovine cow cows cattlefarm heifer Heifers गाय 牛 雌牛 암소 암컷 奶牛 母牛 Kuh vache lavache корова vaca hembra mucca vacca 家畜 가축 家畜 ganado

5/14/2024, 3:48:16 AM

Avian flu (HPAI) has recently made an unexpected leap from wild birds to dairy cows in the United States. Since the outbreak began in 2022, the virus has affected 88.11 million birds. The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recently confirmed the first 2024 case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a commercial turkey flock in the state of Minnesota. #MNFairWatch #CowsMilkHurts #AvianFlu #Zoonotic #AnimalRightsCoalition #cows #turkeys #wildbirds

5/13/2024, 5:00:14 PM

Bubonic plague, a disease that once ravaged Europe during the Middle Ages, resurfaces in Oregon, US. . . . #bubonic #plague #bubonicplagues #blackdeath #europe #zoonotic #yersiniapestis #currentaffairs #upsc #current #upsccurrentaffairs #current_affairs #currentaffairsquiz #dailycurrentaffairs #upscaleresale #delhi #jaipur #mumbai #hariyana #punjab #us #uk

5/9/2024, 9:08:40 AM

Livestock247, conducting cow identification and treatment activities in Wuro Mogoggo, Sardauna Local Government Area. Cows are identified using standard and internationally recognised microchip implants. Microchips are injected under the skin of cattle to make it easier for farmers and animal health professionals to identify them and obtain accurate medical information, histories, and records. The serial number on the #microchip identifies the cow, which is then entered into our #database for #monitoring and #traceability. This aids in the monitoring of #cow activities and events that occur throughout its life cycle, such as #migration and #movement. This can be useful in the monitoring and prevention of the spread of #animal diseases; and in maintaining the #security of the cattle. Farmers benefit from Livestock 247 through animal identification by microchipping in the following ways: • Animal Record Keeping • Remote and real-time availability of animal records. • Provision of comprehensive animal #healthcare. • Monitoring animal behavior and movement. • Establishment ownership. • Possibility of #insurance claims. • #Education, #Advocacy, and #sensitisation on relevant #animalhusbandry and care topics. All of these and more are part of our efforts to prevent the spread of zoonosis within Africa while mainstreaming the livestock sector. Visit our website www.livestock247.com for more. #animaltraceability #zoonotic #education #medical #nigeria #livestock #Livestock247 #agriculture #climatesmartagriculture #zoonoticdisease #zoonosis

5/8/2024, 12:12:11 PM

🌳 In the @BwindiNationalPark in #Uganda, endangered mountain gorillas face many threats, including habitat loss and disease transmission. @DenverZoo is expanding its wildlife #Conservation efforts to help protect the species in the wild by partnering with @CTPH_Uganda, an organization focused on the intersection of #Wildlife and human health in and around #Bwindi. The Zoo is supporting a #Veterinary technician for @CTPH_Uganda, which will ease the workload of its staff as they continue to monitor the health of mountain gorilla groups in the region 🔍. This organization also regularly monitors the health of the Bwindi #Gorilla groups, educates local villagers about #Zoonotic disease prevention, and trains rangers on sustainable tourism. 🤝 In Connect, read more about this collaboration between partners 8,500+ miles apart. Find the link in our bio! #Gorillas #WesternLowlandGorillas #Veterinarian #Sustainability #Denver #Colorado #EastAfrica

5/8/2024, 12:12:15 AM

Visit our test webpage for more about our unique serology test, the Bartonella 4 species IFA panel, including a video with Dr. Breitschwerdt. See link in bio or go to https://www.galaxydx.com/bartonella-tests-antibodies/⁠ ⁠ #bartonella #tickborne #fleaborne #zoonotic #chronicdisease #chronicillness

5/2/2024, 8:15:13 PM

❗️Lyme disease Awareness Month 🚩Lyme disease is a vector-borne zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. 🚩The bacterium is a spirochete transmitted by infected nymph stage ticks and adult female ticks. 🚩Borrelia burgdorferi is but one pathogen ticks can transmit. Ticks can harbor bacteria, viruses, and parasites, all harmful to humans. 🚩Other known tick-borne pathogens that can cause disease in humans are: •Anaplasmosis •Babesia •Bartonella •Borrelia miyamotoi •Borrelia mayonii •Colorado Tick Fever •Deer tick virus •Ehrlichiosis •Powassan virus •Rocky Mountain spotted fever •Tularemia, and much more... ❗️The importance of tick checking can not be said enough. 🚩Over this month, we will be reviewing the different ticks found in Canada and the pathogens they are known to carry. ✅️Use repellent✅️Tick check often #tickawarenesscanada #Ticks #tique #Lyme #zoonotic #pathogens #canada #pets #kids #lawn #teek #backyard #schoolyard #fieldtrip #tickcheck #daily #outdoors

5/2/2024, 2:57:53 AM

Hi! Today we present to you a quite unknown parasite: Echinococcus multilocularis. In a few minutes, you will discover all the secrets of this very deadly killer. This parasite kills 🦊, 🐕 and HUMANS ☠️⚰️ ! Small animals and humans get infected by ingestion of the parasite’s🥚 on contaminated wild 🍓. 💡 At the end, you will find more information if you want to learn more about this deadly subject. 💡 Post written by Ambre Tempier, Ambre Tronconi, Léane Lebertre, Mahé Sibille, Mathilde Feutren, Manon Bartoli. #parasitology #parasites #veterinary #vetmed #vetcare #fox #dog #echinococcus #disease #zoonotic #onehealth #egasmoniz

4/29/2024, 7:31:53 PM

#Brucellosis is a  #zoonotic  #infectiousdisease . Dogs are highly susceptible to  #Brucella, and the infection rate can reach 26.6%.  #Brucellacanis is mainly spread through body fluids such as urine, semen, and breast milk. Infection of adult  #dogs will cause damage to the reproductive, immune, nervous and other systems. #Ringbio’s Brucellosis Antibody Rapid Test Kit is based on indirect  #immunochromatographic assay, to detect brucellosis antibody in  #dogs or  #cats  #serum#plasma samples. The test time is 15 minutes, and the product's  #specificity and  #sensitivity are both higher than 90%. It is rapid, accurate and easy-to-operate. Available to  #petowners and  #petclinics. #caninebrucellosis  #canine  #dog  #doghealth  #dogdisease  #petlovers  #vet  #vetclinic  #dogowner  #veterinarian

4/25/2024, 4:25:22 AM

Kyasanur Forest Disease: A ticking health bomb in the Western Ghats #kfd #kyasanurforestdisease #kyasanur #westernghats #karnataka #malenadu #zoonoticdiseases #zoonoticdisease #zoonotic #veterinary #veterinarymedicine #medicos #vetlife #vet_wishdom

4/24/2024, 1:30:08 PM

No matter what kind of change you want to see in the world, small acts can create meaningful impact! I am working with @vetsinternational to get 20 Kenyan veterinary students out onto conservancy this June to get hands on experience with the wildlife that lives in their backyard although they very rarely get the chance to work with them. We are all interconnected and supporting the next generation of veterinarians, in some of the worlds most fragile ecosystems cares for not only the animals but each other and our shared earth! Every little bit makes a huge difference and this program has the potential to create lasting impact for wildlife, people and our planet for years to come! Thank you for helping me change the world ♥️🐘🦏🦒 Link in bio 🔗🔗🔗 #veterinarian #animals #wildlifeconservation #zoonotic #INTERCONNECTED

4/20/2024, 2:02:11 PM

Protecting our #livestock isn't just about animal health; it's about safeguarding human health too. By preventing #zoonotic diseases through #vaccination, we're building a bridge to a healthier future for all. #OneHealth #vaccinateforhealth

4/20/2024, 1:56:54 PM

🦧Gathering conservation pros to discuss the latest in orangutan care.🦧 . Each year, the @orangutan_oc convenes the Orangutan Veterinary Advisory Group (OVAG) to allow veterinarians, sanctuary managers, researchers, and others working in orangutan and gibbon conservation to exchange information on a wide range of ape health and disease issues, including caring for apes in sanctuaries, ensuring the mental health of sanctuary staff, and preventing the spread of dangerous infectious diseases. . Learn more at the link in our bio. . #orangutan #orangutans #ape #apes #greatapes #primates #forest #ecosystem #conservation #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #apconservation #endangered #endangeredspecies #sanctuary #sanctuaries #apesanctuary #wildlifesanctuary #veterinary #veterinarian #biologists #biology #zoonotic #zoonosis

4/18/2024, 6:40:08 PM

tick season here. 4+ run-in’s with tick-borne diseases—including a nasty bout w lyme disease—since 1993: terrible symptoms mimicking other diseases; hard to diagnose. and implications of not diagnosing/treatment can range from debilitating to deadly. yet treatment with antibiotics is accessible, inexpensive, quick, thorough, lasting. am taking fewer chances, given the amount of yardwork, walks in woods and fields, camping by focusing on prevention: thoroughly dousing outdoor clothes/shoes with permethrin. #tickbornedisease #tickborneillness #lymedisease #zoonoticdiseases #zoonotic #permethrin #permethrinspray

4/16/2024, 5:01:56 PM

We are cute, but we can also make you sick! UF Zoo Med is seeing an increase in young raccoons being brought in for care at the clinic, and want to educate the public on the zoonotic risks these masked critters pose. Raccoons can transmit: RABIES: a fatal virus transmitted through bites/saliva BAYLISASCARIS: a roundworm shed in feces and can cause central nervous system damage GIARDIA: a protozoan that can be spread in feces, soil, water, or contaminated surfaces and can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms LEPTOSPIROSIS: a bacterial disease spread through urine and contaminated water, which causes a variety of ailments including kidney/liver damage OTHER: Salmonella, E.coli, fleas, tapeworms If you think a raccoon needs medical assistance we strongly encourage contacting trained professionals like licensed rehabbers, Fish and Wildlife officials, or animal control officers! Protective measures like gloves and masks should always be worn with raccoons regardless of age or suspected illness. We do not recommend handling by untrained individuals or ever bringing a wild raccoon into your home. Please feel free to contact UF's Zoo Med department if you have any questions or concerns regarding wild raccoons. Follow the link in our bio to donate to help offset the cost of caring for native wildlife like raccoons! #raccoon #publichealth #zoonotic #zoomed #exotic #vet #veterinary #UF #universityofflorida #florida #Gainesville #wildlife #rehab #native #zoo #disease #safety

4/15/2024, 11:06:35 PM

#FLUFET, a #graphene field effect #transistor-based sensor, will be used to revolutionize #infectious #zoonotic #disease detection. It will be the first automated #sensor capable of continuously identifying a wide spectrum of #viral targets, including previously unknown #viruses. #GFET https://www.graphenea.com/blogs/graphene-news/project-flufet-launched-to-tackle-zoonotic-diseases

4/15/2024, 10:57:44 AM

Bubonic plague, a disease that once ravaged Europe during the Middle Ages, resurfaces in Oregon, US. . . . #bubonic #plague #bubonicplagues #blackdeath #europe #zoonotic #yersiniapestis #currentaffairs #upsc #current #upsccurrentaffairs #current_affairs #currentaffairsquiz #dailycurrentaffairs #upscaleresale #ensureias #ensureiasupsc

4/15/2024, 10:00:44 AM

🐾 Protect Your Pet from Leptospirosis 🐾 Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted to pets and humans through contaminated water or soil. It can cause serious health issues if left untreated. Here's how you can protect your furry friends: 🚰 Avoid stagnant water: Keep your pets away from ponds, puddles, and other stagnant water sources where the bacteria can thrive. 🐕 Vaccinate: Ensure your pets are up to date on their vaccines, including the leptospirosis vaccine. 🧼 Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands after handling your pets, and clean up their urine and droppings promptly, as the bacteria can be present in these fluids. 🩺 Regular check-ups: Schedule regular veterinary check-ups to detect any signs of illness early. If you have any concerns about leptospirosis or need to schedule a vaccination for your pet, don't hesitate to contact us at Shiloh Vet Clinic. Your pet's health and safety are our top priorities! #ShilohVetClinic #Leptospirosis #Lepto #zoonotic

4/13/2024, 6:33:10 PM

Recent headlines include three cases of zoonotic pathogens and occupational risk (workplace risk) to healthcare providers, homeless services providers, and animal care providers. This week's Galaxy Radar has these headlines and more. Go to link in bio or here: https://www.galaxydx.com/radar08apr2024/⁠ ⁠ #OccupationalRisk #Zoonotic #Bartonella #ticks

4/12/2024, 6:33:10 PM

After it was first discovered in 1957, the virus responsible for KFD remained relatively undisturbed. However, with deforestation and significant alterations in land use and ecological dynamics, the virus and its carriers were brought into closer proximity to human populations. The zoonotic disease follows a predictable annual cyclic pattern, emerging during the peak winter months of November and December, reaching its zenith in the summer, and then disappearing completely with the onset of monsoon, only to resurface with varying intensity the following year. This year, so far there have been 12 recorded deaths, and more than 250 positive cases of KFD. Read the full report by Arathi Menon (@arathimmenon) > link in bio #Zoonotic #Karnataka #Forest #Conservation #KFD

4/12/2024, 11:58:32 AM

Ever wonder which parasites you can get from pets? Its highly recommended to use year round protection not only to keep them healthy but also their humans! #petcare #capcvet #parasite #zoonotic #raritanvalleyvets

4/12/2024, 12:40:44 AM

#Zoonotic #Mycobacterium #bovis has been detected in #people living near a #wildlifepark in #rural #SouthAfrica. A #study, published in #OneHealth, by #teams in our #faculty, as well as teams from #Switzerland, the #UnitedStates, the #UnitedKingdom, and #Australia, showed that #bovine_TB has possibly jumped from #livestock and #wildlife to #humans in the area around the #Hluhluwe_iMfolozi_Park in #KwaZulu_Natal. READ MORE on #NatureAfrica here: https://www.nature.com/articles/d44148-024-00105-x. [ #Map: Wynand Goosen, PhD] #Stellenbosch #StellenboschUniversity #UniversiteitStellenbosch #university #FMHS #medicine #healthsciences

4/11/2024, 10:10:17 AM

#OneHealthStudentFeature: Meet Carys Vyn! Carys is pursuing her PhD in Population Medicine with a Collaborative Specialization in One Health under the supervision of Dr. Lauren Grant. Within the Grant Lab, Carys aims to unravel the complexities and risks surrounding leptospirosis, a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals. Carys' research is centred in Canada, where she investigates the social, environmental, and climatic factors affecting the prevalence and transmission of canine leptospirosis. She works to identify key disease transmission risk factors and predict future disease trends at regional and national levels using interdisciplinary methods, including laboratory-based PCR techniques, advanced epidemiological modelling, and Bayesian forecasting. Through her research, Carys aims to raise awareness about leptospirosis and to inform the development of evidence-based prevention and control strategies through interdisciplinary collaboration. #onehealthstudentfeature #phdresearch #populationmedicine #onehealth #leptospirosis #grantlab #caninehealth #epidemiology #climate #bacteria #bacterial #zoonotic #interdisciplinary #pcrtechniques #bayesianforecasting #diseaseprevention #evidencebasedstrategy #gryphons #uofg #onehealth #onehealthresearch #researchinonehealth #onehealthstudy #onehealthlab #onehealthapproach #interdisciplinaryresearch

4/10/2024, 11:24:58 PM

Exited to share my Certificate of Completion for the Response Preparedness for Zoonotic Disease Outbreak Using One Health Approach Course. The Course not only provided insights into One Health principles amidst zoonotic threats but also shed light on implementation challenges. I am encouraging You to pursue this course for a collective understanding and preparedness in safegurding public health. Let's empower ourselves together. #onehealth #publichealth #zoonotic #zoonosis #preparedness #response #recovery

4/9/2024, 9:55:08 AM

Spring time brings our migratory birds back home to nest. These birds are known to bring millions of ticks back with them. Practice tick bite prevention measures when enjoying the outdoors. ✅️ minimal exposed skin ✅️ use reliable repellent ✅️ tick check frequently Also, be prepared with your TickEase tick removal tool. Available on our website, tickawarenesscanada.net #Ticks #zoonotic #pathogens #canada #outdooractivity #garrapata #walkinthepark #kids #pets #nature #photography #event #tique #teek #searchandrescue #sardogs #today #zecke @tickawarenesscanada

4/8/2024, 8:33:18 PM

The highly contagious H5N1 strain of avian influenza has been causing concern due to widespread outbreaks in birds. But is it the next human pandemic waiting to happen? H5N1 Threat: This strain is highly pathogenic in birds, leading to large-scale deaths in poultry farms. Human Transmission: While rare, human infections with H5N1 have occurred. The biggest worry is the virus mutating to spread easily between humans. How it Could Spread: Close contact with infected birds or contaminated environments (like farms) is the most likely way for the virus to jump to humans. Prevention is Key: Biosecurity in Poultry Farms: Implementing strict hygiene protocols in poultry farms is crucial to prevent outbreaks. Personal Hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly after handling poultry or visiting farms. Avoid Contact: Don't touch sick or dead birds. Cook Poultry Thoroughly: Ensure proper cooking temperatures (165°F) to kill any potential virus. Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure. If you experience flu-like symptoms after exposure to birds or poultry farms, consult VSH Hospital immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve outcomes. To know more, visit VSH today. Your health is our priority. Call: 18003091001, +91-80-22277979 Visit: www.vshhospital.com #H5N1 #AvianFlu #BirdFlu #Influenza #Pandemic #Virus #Outbreak #HealthAlert #PublicHealth #Epidemic #Zoonotic #FluPrevention #Biosecurity #GlobalHealth #H5N1Update #Vaccination #HealthEmergency #AnimalHealth #H5N1Awareness #StaySafe #safe #safety #savelife #indianhealth #besthospitalinbangalore #superspecialityhospital #vsh #vydehisuperspecialityhospital #vshhospital

4/8/2024, 12:08:27 PM

CONTAGIOUS ECTHYMA DIAGNOSED IN AL MAWASHI FEEDLOT The NSPCA has, through veterinary laboratory testing together with visual examination, confirmed the presence of contagious ecthyma, an infectious dermatitis of sheep and goats, which is contagious to humans too, in the Al Mawashi Feedlot, contained in the herd bound for Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. SWIPE to read the full statement > ➡️ Donate: https://nspca.co.za/donate/ #NSPCA #SPCA #AnimalWelfare #NSPCA #StopAnimalSuffering #Zoonotic #NoMoreCruelty #LiveExport #AlMessilah Reposted from @nspca_sa

4/6/2024, 4:07:00 PM

CONTAGIOUS ECTHYMA DIAGNOSED IN AL MAWASHI FEEDLOT The NSPCA has, through veterinary laboratory testing together with visual examination, confirmed the presence of contagious ecthyma, an infectious dermatitis of sheep and goats, which is contagious to humans too, in the Al Mawashi Feedlot, contained in the herd bound for Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. SWIPE to read the full statement > ➡️ Donate: https://nspca.co.za/donate/ #NSPCA #SPCA #AnimalWelfare #NSPCA #StopAnimalSuffering #Zoonotic #NoMoreCruelty #LiveExport #AlMessilah

4/6/2024, 8:05:36 AM

Go #Vegan for the #animals and #health EatingAnimalsCausesPandemics.com #avianflu #birdflu #dairy #cows #cats #pandemic #Zoonotic #instagood #picoftheday #breaking #news #viral #fyp https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/avian-influenza-bird-flu/tests-confirm-avian-flu-new-mexico-dairy-farm-probe-finds-cats-positive

4/5/2024, 11:13:25 PM

An infectious disease can be caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses. Some infectious diseases are zoonotic, meaning they are capable of spreading from animal to human. #infectiousdisease #pethealth #awareness #zoonotic

4/4/2024, 10:22:08 PM

Influenza A is one of the three subclasses of the Influenza viruses. 🦠 This virus can infect humans, mammals, and birds. As a zoonotic virus, it often originates from animal strains, where it later infects humans. This virus is very good at creating new versions of itself in pigs, a mixing vessel for creating new strains. 🐖 Avian Influenza is included in the Influenza A category. It has become popular in recent years as viruses from birds started showing up in humans, with H7N9 making an appearance 🪿. Increased traffic to bird markets in Asia and Europe is thought to play a role… #pathogen #biology #infectiousdiseases #pathogen #germs #bugs #bacteria #patho #gen #bio #biology #virus #viruses #viral #infection #disease #microbes #virus #infection #viralpathogen #pathogen #biology #infectiousdiseases #zoonoses #zoonotic #animal #to #human #influenza #influenzaA #avianinfluenza #pigs #birds #humans

4/3/2024, 6:02:04 AM

Zoonoses, or zoonotic viruses, is not describing a zoo 🦁. This is a virus that can be transmitted from non-human animals to humans. Who knew? Often, these diseases that cause harm to our animal friends have little to no effect on us. However, there are a few exceptions… One of the oldest reported zoonotic viruses is rabies, a disease straight out of science fiction. This virus walks along nerves to get to the brain, where it begins replicating and causes classic symptoms of rabies and death. The virus is mainly in animals but can be transmitted to humans! 🐕 ➡️🧍 Turns out that even your pets may have pets of their own! #pathogen #biology #infectiousdiseases #pathogen #germs #bugs #bacteria #patho #gen #bio #biology #virus #viruses #viral #infection #disease #microbes #virus #infection #viralpathogen #pathogen #biology #infectiousdiseases #rabies #zoonoses #zoonotic #animal #to #human #rabid

4/3/2024, 5:31:30 AM

A GREAT HONOUR to Address Students of SKUAST- Jammu studying in various streams of Agriculture on topic - INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND AGRICULTURE Agriculture has huge impacts on human health, both positive & negative #agriculture has not been oriented to achieving health outcomes #livestock sector creates a disproportionate share of risks & benefits #Health problems related to farming & food require solutions that include these sectors #ZOONOTIC #disease IN HUMANS DUE TO AGRICULTURE #Rabies, #Toxoplasmosis, #Anthrax Avian Influenza, #BovineTuberculosis #Brucellosis, Q Fever, #Hydatid Disease #Leptospirosis, #Giardiasis, #LymeDisease, E.Coli, Verotoxigenic E.Coli Erysipeloid, Campylobacteriosis Cryptosporidiosis,Hanta Virus Disease,Psittacosis,Newcastle Disease,Salmonella, Ringworm Ovine Chlamydiosis, Couping ill, Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease, Streptococcus Zooepidermicus & Suis. #vector BORNE DISEASES- #Malaria, #Filaria, #Chikungunya, #Zika Virus, Japanese Encephalitis, #leishmaniasis, African Sleeping Sickness etc

4/2/2024, 6:54:20 AM

In the complex weave of ecosystems, consider zoonotic diseases as a crucial connection that binds the well-being of animals and humans. These are not mere scientific intricacies; they represent the viruses and bacteria that traverse the boundary between animals and humans. #usa #healthylife #savelifes #helpingothers #healthyhabits #healtylife #animalwelfare #zoonoticdiseases #animalrescue #nutrition #kidshealth #zoonoticdisease #animals #zoonotic

3/29/2024, 3:06:08 AM

Vietnam's Battle Against Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks Intensifies 🦠🇻🇳 Read more, The link is in bio! #veitnam #zoonotic #health #disease

3/29/2024, 2:54:04 AM

They're here.... Ticks are out when the temperature is 4 degrees or warmer! A recently published Canadian study showed that blacklegged ticks infected with the Lyme disease causing bacteria are more likely to survive winter temperatures and are the first ones to “wake up” on warmer days during cooler months. Get your Parasite Prevention today! #ticks #tickdisease #deertick #lymedisease #tickcontrol #zoonotic #zonoticdisease #americandogtick #lonestartick #browndogtick #tickseason #tickawareness #lyme #dogs #cats #prevention #preventativecare #preventioniskey #parasites #parasiteprevention #lymediseaseawareness #hamilton #hamont #ancaster

3/22/2024, 5:52:23 PM