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STRENGTH TRAINING FOR FOOTBALLERS Why getting stronger could be the key to becoming more athletic. Every player should strength train, although so many prioritise other areas for whatever reason. Some grass roots and semi professional players spend around 300-350 minutes a week playing football. This might be a game, plus 2x training sessions and maybe a 1:1 technical session. Then they might add on 5 a side games or running. Bringing that potential total up to 500 minutes a week of football. But then they only commit 30-60 minutes a week (if that) to the gym. And maybe the time that they DO spend in the gym is merely "box ticking" and is not actually doing ANYTHING for their performance. If you are one of those players, please, change your schedule IF you want to remain injury free AND become STRONGER & FASTER. Get the balance a little better and reap the benefits. Get strong. Get fast. Get powerful. #footballperformance #strength&conditioning #footballs&c #womenssoccer #womensfootball #aclstrengthening #injuryprevention #getfaster #getstronger #bulletproofathlete #achperformance

5/15/2024, 4:14:45 PM

PROGRESS 📈 What a difference a few years of quality strength & conditioning training can make. Consistency & execution from @leahembley7 can never be questioned. Always wants to push herself more to become a fitter, stronger more powerful athlete. Whether it's in our pitch speed and conditioning sessions or in the gym following her programmed strength work. She ALWAYS puts the graft in. This picture is only the tip of the iceberg. Since we began: ✅ Max speed increased ✅ Power increased ✅ Repeat sprint ability increased ✅ Muscle mass increased Absolute quality Leah, very proud to work with you 📈 #leahembley #strengthandconditioningcoach #achperformance #bulletproofathlete #womensfootball #strengthforfootball

4/24/2024, 7:54:39 PM

ATHLETE TESTIMONIAL @amy_2904 After spending the past 12 months sidelined through injury, I had struggled to build up my fitness and strength to allow me to play competitive football again. I had become extremely frustrated with my body breaking down and suffering small injuries every time I tried to return to training. Physically my body couldn’t cope, and I was struggling mentally to trust my body again. However, after 10 weeks with Adam I am starting to feel like myself again. Through weekly 1:1 sessions, and tailored workouts throughout the week I feel fitter and stronger, and closer to full fitness. Adam is constantly pushing me to achieve my maximum potential, and I now have more confidence and trust in my body again. I’m excited to see what further progress I can make, and even more excited to get back on the football pitch doing what I love. ................ You got this Amz! Big off-season incoming. Brick by brick we COME BACK STRONG 📈⚽ #athletetestimonial #bulletproofathlete #womensfootball #strengthforfootball #comebackstrong #latestagerehab #footballperformance #footballinjury #achperformance

4/21/2024, 10:05:09 AM

PERFORM - X LIVE A quality couple of days spent learning in London with @benchmarkgymstockport at @performx_live Lots of takeaways for both the athletes and clients I work with and the members of Benchmark Gym. ▪️Sleep optimization and caffeine intake ▪️Pelvic floor training and health ▪️Creating a world class client journey ▪️Wellbeing, long term health and longevity - best practices Plus loads more! Learn continuously, there is always one more thing to learn - Steve Jobs #achperformance #coachdevelopment #performxlive #strengthandconditioningcoach #alwayslearning

3/27/2024, 12:06:27 PM

ACL INJURIES IN WOMEN'S FOOTBALL A horrendous injury that has unfortunately become synonymous with the women's game. I have spoken to many athletes over the years in regards to this injury and there is genuine fear out there. More specific research on female footballers is 100% needed BUT that isn't to say there isn't research out there already. I have collated some of this research into this post. There ARE steps you can take to decrease your risk of injury. 1️⃣ Begin lower limb strength training and work on the right things 🏋️‍♀️ 2️⃣ Develop your core strength and thus it's ability to keep the lumbo-pelvic region stable throughout the game 💪🏻 3️⃣ Track your cycle and react to personal and specific changes in your energy levels 📈 4️⃣ Manage your training workload and recover/sleep well. More football is not always better ⚽ If you want any help or have any questions, please drop me a DM. Finally, if you are currently rehabbing an ACL injury, keep going! Don't get disheartened, you WILL get back. You got this ♥️ #achperformance #aclstrengthening #aclinjury #aclrecovery #aclrehab #bulletproofathlete #bulletproofknees #strengthforfootball #womenssoccer #womensfootball

2/8/2024, 2:27:02 PM

ACL INJURIES. They are horrible, scary and unfortunately a part of football, especially in the women's game. But that doesn't mean it will happen to you. Non-contact ACL tears have a direct link to muscle weakness and fatigue. And weak or overworked muscles fatigue easily. So if we STRENGTHEN the muscles of the legs (and all over really) And ensure we aren't destroying the muscular and nervous system with heavy or massively fatiguing training EVERYDAY (gym, training sessions, extra running, extra technical sessions etc). Then we lower the risk of an ACL injury. Yes, there are other factors as to why (not solely weakness) but the majority of non-contact ACL injuries occur when rapidly decelerating, changing direction or landing without full control. Employing a WELL PLANNED S&C program which features strength training, jumping, landing, sprinting AND employs low CNS and RECOVERY days. Will ensure you remain injury free. If you have NO IDEA where to start with strength and jump training or are looking for a little ADVICE. Please drop me a message 💻 Don't accept ACL injuries. Do something to lower the risk.

1/11/2024, 7:03:03 PM

WRAPPED ⚽ 2023 with @cheadletownstingerswfc is done, roll on 2024. I absolutely love working with this group of hardworking, talented athletes. Let's see what the second half of the season has in-store for us. Enjoy your Christmas athletes. #achperformance #strengthandconditioningcoach #cheadletownfc #cheadletownstingers #cheadlestingers #womensfootball #strength #conditioning #performancecoaching #speedcoach #fitnesscoach #footballperformance

12/18/2023, 3:23:18 PM

BREATHE 🫁 Conditioning for athletes is a vital tool. Not every positive adaptation to performance is built in the weight room. But recovering from hard running is something not a lot of athletes put thought into. In days gone by it's always been: 'Head up' 'Stand up tall' 'Hands on your head' Now I'm not sure where the thought process for this actually comes from. Potentially coaches thought this position looked 'weak'? I'm not sure. Because if you watch an athlete after performing MAX intervals, the "go to" posture is usually, hands on the knees. Some coaches actually go out of their way to STOP the athlete doing what their body is telling them to do. Well, thanks to a 2019 study, science now backs up this posture. Hands on the knees positioning allows for better recovery from high intensity efforts. Better tidal volume ✅ Better recovery heart rates ✅ Better carbon dioxide exhalation ✅ So next time you perform big sprints and want to recover quickly, give it a try. Sport science research is one thing but it's always best to see what works for YOU. Train hard, recover well 📈 #achperformance #conditioning #fitness #recovery #highperformance #highintensity #repeatsprints #aerobicconditioning #anaerobicconditioning #bulletproofathlete #diaphragmbreathing #diapragmaticbreathing

12/15/2023, 11:16:26 PM

MINDSET SWITCH "I am training so I don't get injured" Should become "I am training to physically dominate the pitch" If you do that, you'll lift heavier, throw harder, sprint faster and jump higher because you are training to GET BETTER. Not to merely avoid injury. Guess what though.... STRONGER athletes are harder to kill. So If you use strength & conditioning training to become, FASTER & STRONGER, you'll also become BULLETPROOF. Switch your mindset and be the player you would HATE to play against. #achperformance #bulletproofathlete #womensfootball #strengthandconditioningcoach #aclstrengthening #injuryprevention #strengthforfootball #performancecoach #soccer #footballperformance

12/8/2023, 9:06:27 PM

ATHLETE TESTIMONIAL I’ve been fortunate to work with Adam for a year now. I returned to the UK after playing football in America with a new ambition but knew I needed help to develop. In my first session I learnt that my right knee was drifting inwards, I had knee valgus. Ever since then he has helped me counteract that movement and prevented any further injury. The knowledge I have gained through working with him is immense. I have become fitter and stronger by working on his program. I used to think I knew what I was doing in the gym, but looking back it was the complete opposite. He’s built up my confidence to work outside of the sessions in the gym. I have seen actual improvements not just with my speed and agility on the pitch, but also building upper body muscle to shoulder players off the ball (something I was never keen on doing).    His sessions are tailored to each individual player, in my case at the beginning if I was struggling with a certain movement or exercise he simplified it and built up from there. The 1-to-1 sessions are a mixture of lifting, reaction time work, ball mastery and speed work with a variety to keep them interesting and enjoyable. It’s been a privilege to work with Adam and I’m sure when I come home from Uni I will be getting some top up sessions. Thank you Adam. @sophie.adams02 @thenomadsfc Been a pleasure athlete 📈👊🏻 #achperformance #athletetestimonial #testimonial #footballperformance #strengthandconditioningcoach #bulletproofathlete #physicalperformancecoach #kneevalgus #speed #agility #power #strength

10/19/2023, 5:19:38 PM

MANAGE YOUR OWN RETURN TO PLAY Players, look after yourselves when returning from injury. If you aren't physically ready to play then don't. In my time as an S&C coach I've had the privilege to work with and learn from some excellent physiotherapists. And the best ones always had a strict return to play model. If you can do it all in training, you can do it all on the pitch. Yes I'll concede sometimes players can be scared to try it all in training. But that's where the support of an S&C coach and movement focused Physio comes into play. Training is a STRUCTURED, SAFE and CONTROLLED environment. Sport is NOT. If you can't do it in training, you won't handle it on the pitch. Be smart, be safe, it's YOUR career and health. #achperformance #s&ccoach #performancecoaching #womensfootball #strengthandconditioningcoach #strengthandconditioning #physio #sportsphysio #returntoplay #football

9/20/2023, 2:51:19 PM

3 añitos de una ALEGRIA INEXPLICABLE 🥹 🦁PEDRO JOSÉ❤️ #Locopedro #achperformance #Eldiscípulo Larga mi CHOLITO PAPÁ TE AMA…!!! 🦾👨🏽‍🏭

8/24/2023, 1:50:33 PM

HAMSTRING INJURY RESISTANCE: FEMALE FOOTBALLERS. The hamstrings are a complex group of muscles which require different stimulus to become strengthened for the game. In my experience working with female footballers, the quadricep group are usually much more trained. This is most probably caused by following a strength program which is squat dominant with the odd bit of hamstring thrown in (a few Nordics at the end of a session). Yes, quad strength is important. But so is hamstring strength. Choose, hip & knee dominant hamstring exercises. Romanian deadlifts, staggered stances, GHD extensions and of course, Nordics (focussing on both eccentric and concentric contractions). Train your hamstrings, grow them strong and really BULLETPROOF yourself. Oh and one last reason to really work on your hamstring strength..... .... having MUCH stronger quads than hamstrings has a direct link to ACL injuries. So raise your hamstring strength lower the risk of potential injury. If anyone needs help or advice or some online programming. Please do not hesitate to get in touch 📩 #achperformance #bulletproofathlete #hamstringstrength #injuryresistance #stronger #faster #fitter #womensfootball #aclinjury #aclstrengthening #bebulletproof #wsl #fawnl

8/23/2023, 12:11:32 PM

INJURY Pre-season and end season are the points in which non contact injuries are more likely to occur, especially with untrained players. Why is this? Well these two points are when we are at our weakest from a muscular point of view. You might be rested and haven't trained for 4-6 weeks. Or you could be completely fatigued from a heavy season. So what can you do to combat this? Regular strength, sprint and jump training. A combination of this kind of training will ensure muscles are being loaded and therefore adapting to stressors placed upon them. The stressors of football can only place so much load on the muscular system, at some point your body will acclimate to this. Then, when it is asked to perform a maximal action which is greater than it is used to, it could breakdown. That is why strength, sprint and jump training are so important. They progressively overload the body past its usual "day to day", ensuring it's ready for anything. Be bulletproof. DM for details on online coaching. #achperformance #bulletproofathlete #strengthforfootball #womensfootball #ACLinjury #strengthandconditioningcoach #strengthandconditioning #performancecoaching #strong #strength #preseason

7/31/2023, 2:29:17 PM

HARD WORK PAYS OFF Absolutely buzzing for @taylorr.mcmahonn Minutes under the belt at Edgeley Park today for @stockportcountyofficial A young man with an amazing work ethic and a very bright future. Came back from injury stronger and hungrier. Proud of you mate 📈💪🏻 #achperformance #stockportcounty #futurestar #baller #risingballer #proudcoachmoment #strengthandconditioningcoach #strengthforfootball #bulletproofathlete

7/29/2023, 11:06:25 PM

SPRINTING! Bulletproof your hamstrings by including sprint sessions! ⚽ Slowing down to strike a ball 💥 Cutting or changing direction 💨 Hitting top speeds with efficiency We rely on this group of muscles to ensure we perform to our full potential. My private athletes and the athletes of @cheadletownstingerswfc can testify to the benefits of sprint training! Remember. Short, medium or long sprints with maximal intent and loads of rest for SPEED. Short, medium or long sprints with shorter rest periods for CONDITIONING. Give them a try! #achperformance #sprinttraining #sprintmechanics #sprinting #movewell #movefast #injuryresistant #bulletprooftraining #injuryproof #hamstrings #football #womensfootball #performancecoach #playbetter #trainhard #gogetit

7/26/2023, 8:24:37 PM

SLEEP! To date there have been some excellent studies done on sleep and performance. In essence the general consensus is 8 hours of quality sleep per night will: ✅ Reduce injury risk ✅ Increase athletic performance ✅ Improve aerobic endurance ✅ Reduce the chances of falling ill Waking up after 4 hours of sleep, nailing a coffee and shouting no pain no gain might be fun for some.... But if you want to take your performance training seriously... Aim for 8 hours of sleep per night. I will add that.. IF you HAVE to run on minimal sleep then an afternoon nap of 30-90 minutes COULD offset some negatives. Get to bed. Get some kip. #achperformance #getsomesleep #sleep #sleepforperformance #football #performance #bulletproofathlete #womensfootball

7/5/2023, 11:27:57 AM

HARD WORK! One thing ALL of my athletes have in common... They all work hard! If you have never gone 95% plus on your max HR in training. Or had that copper feeling in your throat after hard conditioning sprints. Or taken your strength training to near failure. Then are you working hard enough? I'm not saying EVERY session has to be like this. But if NO sessions are like this then I'd wager you can go a few more levels. Train SMART and HARD and level up! Need help? DM me 🖥️ #achperformance #preseasonfootball #football #footballperformance #strengthandconditioning #trainhardfighteasy #pushit #noyourlimits #bulletproofathlete #womensfootball

6/19/2023, 2:29:21 PM

GET SPRINTING I post a lot about speed and acceleration training. That's because it's one of those things that people are in awe of but never really train. If you can get to the ball quicker. Break away from defenders quicker. Have the confidence to give yourself half a yard. Then why NOT train it? If you are serious about the game, then deliberate speed practice should be in your performance program. Don't think the few sprints you do on a Sunday will make you quicker. That's like rocking up every Sunday with ZERO technical work and expecting to be a better player. Make time to deliberately speed train. See the results ⚽💥 #achperformance #speed #speedforfootball #getquicker #reaction #agility #performancecoach #strengthandconditioning #football #womensfootball #sprintwork #specificity

6/1/2023, 12:51:20 PM

HARD DOES NOT MEAN BETTER Now I'll never shame someone for their exercise choice. Whatever gets you moving is ok in my book. BUT. Just because something is HARD does not mean it's going to be the BEST thing you can do. EVERY SPORT has key performance indicators. Training to increase these KPI's will result in a better outright physical performance in said sport. For example.... Studies show an increase in overall muscle tissue results in better performance on the football pitch (Sucomel et al 2016) So, this off-season why not focus on: ✅ Gaining lean muscle tissue ✅ Increasing aerobic conditioning with longer low/medium intensities Give yourself the BEST possible return to pre-season or your sport. Random training yields random results. #achperformance #exercisescience #specificity #progressiveoverload #footballperformance #offseason #dotherightthings #gobackstronger #gobackfitter #sportscience #strengthandconditioning #speed #agility #power

5/6/2023, 3:54:10 PM

DON'T OVERCOMPLICATE IT. I see a lot on social media regarding "likelihood of injury", especially with female footballers. People exploring the connection between ACL injuries and the menstrual cycle. Looking at different boots and playing surfaces. Some athletes even choose to take the oral contraceptive as a way of lowering their chance of a major injury. Now I'm definitely NOT saying those should be discounted or ignored as factors. Everyone is free to make their own choices in regards to their body and what they feel is best for them. There is some FANTASTIC research being done in the area of the menstrual cycle and injury risk. In my opinion the more coaches (especially male coaches) talking about it the better. The @thewell_hq for example, put out some amazing stuff. BUT I AM saying that I believe quality PERFORMANCE TRAINING isn't spoken about as much as other areas as a HUGE factor. A weekly, well periodized, well regulated, well coached or properly executed program of 'athletic' training i.e: ✅ Lifting heavy ✅ Being explosive ✅ Sprinting, accelerating and decelerating ✅ Jumping, landing and plyometric exercises Coupled with an INDIVIDUALIZED ATHLETE CENTRED approach Q. How are you feeling today and then being receptive to the answer. AS WELL AS. Quality recovery practices and wellness monitoring. WILL reduce injury risk & IMPROVE sporting performance! 🎯 TRAIN WELL 🎯 RECOVER WELL 🎯 LISTEN TO YOUR BODY Don't overcomplicate it. If anyone needs help or advice my DMs are always open. #achperformance #injuryprevention #ACLinjury #femaleathletes #thewellhq #femalefootballers #performance #strength #agility #menstrualcycle #dontovercomplicate

4/18/2023, 5:17:50 PM

SWITCH OFF WHEN YOU CAN. I hope everyone has had a fantastic Easter break and has had time to chill! Many footballers (and coaches) do not value the importance of REST and RECOVERY. Now I know it's not as widely spoken about as training. But mental fatigue DOES affect physical performance. Some popular "fit pros" will have you believing that "no rest"is best or you should still "train even when you feel shit" as to "become mentally stronger"...... ....But that's not the case. When mental fatigue was measured against physical output, studies showed: 📈 Increased completion time for 3km and 5km time trials. 📉 Lower self selected volume for strength exercises. 📈 Increased rate of perceived exertion in sports based training. 📉 Decreased endurance rates through multiple training measures. 📈 Increased cognitive process time when participating in sport (number of successful tackles measured). Now granted, I'm not saying every time you feel a bit tired your performance will drop. Or every time you are a bit tired you shouldn't train. But if you are NEVER allowing yourself ANY recovery time or allowing yourself a mental break, then if most certainly will. Remember..... IT'S OK to feel tired. IT'S OK to feel shit. IT'S OK to take a break. Recovery processes are JUST as important as training ones. Pick the low hanging fruit first: ✅ 8 hours of quality sleep per night. ✅ Plenty of water per day. ✅ Less "quick" dopamine hits and more mindful ones (start with, walk more, read more, less time on your phone). ✅ Quality nutrition everyday. And of course.... Switch off when you can! For more information on this kind of stuff, give @lucythompsonhypnotherapy and @benchmarkgymstockport a follow. They speak about it a lot. #achperformance #switchoff #sleep #recover #performancecoach #mentalfatigue #pysicalfatigue #exhaustion #recovery #mentalhealth #athletetip #athletesmentalhealth

4/10/2023, 3:34:36 PM

COACHING DEVELOPMENT A great few days of learning with @scienceforsport and The Athlete DP ✅ Managing the micro-cycle in football ✅ Nutrition for the female athlete ✅ Football conditioning games (SSG) Something I believe in wholeheartedly is that a coach should never stop learning. It helps that I am a bit of a geek 🤓 Time to start planning the next one now. #achperformance #coachdevelopment #strengthandconditioningcoach #performancecoach #learning #development #selfdevelopment

4/2/2023, 8:27:26 PM

ATHLETES TIP ⚽ Think of Sunday as the start of your week. Get everything prepped and ready for this day and the following days. Chances are you will be too tired after your Sunday game to bother cooking or prepping for the week. This could spill over onto Monday or even Tuesday. Sort out your week BEFORE Sunday. Prep your meals, plan your training days, plan your recovery days, factor in social/family life. Then START your week on Sunday and SMASH IT! Here's to a productive week. #achperformance #tipforathletes #recovery #strengthandconditioning #performancecoach #eliteperformance #athletetip #sunday #gogetit

12/11/2022, 4:19:40 PM

TWO MONTHS For two months I've been working with the team @cheadletownstingerswfc And I'm loving every minute of it. A hard working and talented group of athletes, always willing to learn and put a shift it. Another great session tonight, working on acceleration mechanics, transitional speed and aerobic capacity. A pleasure to work with you girls. Thank you to @dylanwimbury for bringing me on board. Let's push on from here 📈 #achperformance #strengthandconditioningcoach #performancecoach #womensfootball #cheadlestingers #stingers #speedcoach #fitness #footballperformance #footballfitness #coach #fawnl

10/18/2022, 11:38:47 PM

PROUD COACH MOMENT @mrbudjie came to me 12 weeks ago with a goal of becoming more athletic.... Firstly, his training changed.. No more bro splits. Instead we hit full body strength & conditioning sessions The progress in 12 weeks is amazing! Mindset is different ✅ Stronger ✅ Increased muscle ✅ Fitter ✅ 100% goal achieved of becoming more athletic. But we have new goals to hit now 💯 Watch this space 👀 Well done @mrbudjie an absolute pleasure to coach! #achperformance #musclebuilding #strong #strengthtraining #athletetraining #bulletproofathlete #proudcoachmoment

10/12/2022, 10:42:40 PM

EVERYTHING is trainable. Get a coach or follow a training program designed for YOUR goals. Adjust calories based on YOUR needs. Move purposefully, correctly and with intent. Most importantly.... ....Get moving. You got this! #achperformance #strengthandconditioning #fatloss #fatlosstip #movement #strength #speed #agility #power #sprinting #sprintspeed #football #rugby #boxing #womensfootball #volleyball #coaching

10/12/2022, 1:11:37 PM

PROUD COACH MOMENT @brandon_middleton_567 has started to find some consistency with his training and is seeing fantastic results. Building muscle when you are naturally lean can be tough but not impossible. I looked at diet and nutrition as well as his training routine. Switching from traditional "bro split" ideas and moving into the whole body, athletic training is reaping fantastic results. We'll build on this amazing progress into a stronger 2023. Keep going mate, a pleasure to coach 💯👊🏻 #achperformance #musclebuilding #strong #strengthtraining #athletetraining #bulletproofathlete #proudcoachmoment

10/9/2022, 6:19:13 PM

SPRINTING! Bulletproof your hamstrings by including sprint sessions! ⚽ Slowing down to strike a ball 💥 Cutting or changing direction 💨 Hitting top speeds with efficiency We rely on this group of muscles to ensure we perform to our full potential. My athletes can testify to the benefits of sprint training! Remember. Short sharp sprints with maximal intent and loads of rest for SPEED. Medium to long sprints with shorter rest periods for CONDITIONING. Give them a try! #achperformance #sprinttraining #sprintmechanics #sprinting #movewell #movefast #injuryresistant #bulletprooftraining #injuryproof #hamstrings #football #womensfootball #performancecoach #playbetter #trainhard #gogetit

8/22/2022, 10:34:57 AM

BEST WEEK EVER! Quality family time, no social media and loads of laughs. Even a flying visit from the little sister @abbeyheywoodbeauty and my amazing nephew ♥️ People that know me know I like to completely shut down and be completely present when we are away. That's exactly what we did. Not gonna lie, I missed coaching my amazing athletes & clients and the members of @benchmarkgymstockport But now I'm back. Fully recharged and ready to go. ♥️💪🏻 #achperformance #family #familytime #bestweekever #hendra #cornwall

8/16/2022, 6:12:08 PM

An old one but after a few messages this weekend I thought it appropriate to re-post MOVEMENT over AVOIDANCE. THAT is the message. Pain is not ONLY caused by tightness or immobility. More commonly it is caused by a WEAKNESS. Weak abdominals? Weak glute max? BOTH attributed to lower back pain. Weak lower traps or mid back? Weak neck flexors? BOTH attributed to pain in the upper back, shoulder AND neck! The message is this. Have pain? Get yourself moving under the guidance of a qualified and experienced strength coach You'll find yourself wondering why you avoided it for so long. #achperformance #coaching #movement #backpain #neckpain #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #deadlift #squat #sciatica #benchmarkgym #movewell

7/24/2022, 11:00:53 PM

WEAK THINGS BREAK A quote often attributed to the late, great Louie Simmons of the legendary @westsidebarbellofficial And a thought process that has forged my coaching philosophy throughout my career. Getting stronger will help you perform better in your SPORT and in your LIFE. For those that want to move "better". Be active well into the twilight of their lives. Perform at higher levels in their sport. Beat the constant muscular pains (back, knee, hip, shoulder) Then strength training could be a part of the answer. I'm not saying you have to become a competitive powerlifter. But incorporating SOME strength training into your routine Performing the RIGHT exercises (specific to your goals) Performing them well (correct movement patterns). At the right intensities (loading and volume). Will definitely help! DM for help or advice. #achperformance #strengthtraining #movewell #movebetter #strengthandconditioning #strengthandconditioningcoach #sportstherapy #physiotherapy #westsidebarbell #louiesimmons

7/9/2022, 9:18:22 PM

CALLING ALL PT's Sunday, August 21st. I will be hosting a ZOOM workshop that will help to develop your confidence when programming STRENGTH and CONDITIONING training for the general population. There are many different ways of achieving the same outcome with a client. What works for one may not work for another. Using my knowledge and experience as a Strength and Conditioning coach, in this workshop we will: 📈 Challenge "the usual" SETS x REP ranges 📑 Create multiple S&C programming models that can be used with different clients and different goals. 🏋️‍♀️ Explore exercise groupings to suit different goals. How do we blend strength and conditioning training for example. 💪🏻 Look at ideal exercises to create bulletproof humans and combat today's increasingly sedentary lifestyle. So that YOU will have the confidence in knowing whatever goal your client has. You have the knowledge to help them achieve it! All of this for £30 Bargain! DM me saying 'Workshop' and I will forward you the shop link. #achperformance #strengthandconditioning #levelup #coacheducation #inspiredcoaching #personaltrainereducation #education #selfdevelopment #beabettercoach

6/20/2022, 11:10:01 PM

PROUD COACH MOMENT @megannbradleyy_ is going to @ragincajunssoc Honestly, the pride I have in this athlete is massive. I first met Meg when I had the pleasure of working with the @stockportcountylfc reserve squad. She was a pain in my arse! Didn't really listen, always messing about BUT there was a hunger there AND bags of physical potential. Out of everyone I never thought she'd approach me for private 1:1 S&C sessions but she did! Fast forward to our first 1:1...... She puked 🤦‍♂️ not my intention BUT she came back! That's Meg though. Always pushing HARD, wanting to be #1 Fast forward again to the present day and some physical highlights: ✅ 35" standing box jump ✅ 140kg sled push ✅ 140kg hip thrust ✅ 100kg box squat ✅ Massive improvements in 10m & 20m sprint speed As well as being a fantastic athlete she is an amazing person and I will 100% miss her. Few more sessions before Louisiana yet though 👊🏻 She's going out there STRONGER, FITTER and FASTER! Proud of you Meg. #achperformance #ragincajunssoccer #louisiana #firstpointusa #soccer #footballperformance #speed #strength #power #agility #fitness #proudcoachmoment

6/8/2022, 4:25:20 PM

ANYONE NEEDING A SPORTS MASSAGE I got you! As a PERFORMANCE COACH I help to get people STRONGER, FASTER and FITTER But I also help them to MOVE BETTER Sports massage is a service I've always reserved for the athletes I work with regularly But I've decided to open it up for bookings. If you are a desk worker or anyone who is generally exposed to prolonged periods in a certain posture. I can definitely help. A little about me and my qualifications for those who are unaware: - FdA in Sports Massage (level 4) - Level 3 Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy - Experience offering massage since 2006 - Regularly attend and complete online workshops and seminars for continued professional development Alongside those specific qualifications - MSc degree in Strength and Conditioning - BA (Hons) degree in Performance Coaching - Level 3 diploma in Personal Training Any questions or if you would like to inquire about booking in with me. Hit me with a DM. #achperformance #sportsmassage #musclesoreness #mobilemassage #recover #recoverymassage #football #rugby #deskposture #improveperformance #uppercrossedsyndrome #lowercrossedsyndrome #deeptissuemassage

6/6/2022, 3:05:35 PM

SIMPLE! I've seen so many teams already gearing up for a "tough pre-season". Which is completely fine.... So long as it's PLANNED based on specific KPI's which you feel yourself or your players need to work on. MONITORED correctly, not just how far or fast you/they are running but also the induced FATIGUE pre and post session. And made SPECIFIC to a player's individual capabilities (think MAS grids or Eurofit method as an example). If you simply "find a big hill" and sprint up it because "it's hard" then you are missing a trick. Remember... TIRED DOES NOT ALWAYS MEAN BETTER. #achperformance #preseason #running #footballperformance #sprint #sprinttraining #faster #fitter #stronger #recoverwell #bebetter #gobackfaster #gobackfitter #fawnl #fawsl #football

5/23/2022, 10:47:36 AM

TRAIN HARD A lot is said for "training smart" and I completely agree, we should train smart. But... We can train smart AND hard! Performance increases are not made in the comfort zone. If you are running comfortable 5k's because you don't like doing pitch sprints or box to box runs as "they are hard", then you have probably hit your aerobic ceiling. As fit as you are now is as fit as you will EVER be. But... If you are willing to push further, do something different and get a little uncomfortable then you WILL raise that ceiling! There are some great resources out there already but if you would like additional help this pre-season then get in contact. Online and (limited) face to face sessions available. #achperformance #aerobiccapacity #aerobicbase #sprints #MAS #getstronger #getfitter #getfaster #trainhard #trainsmart #womensfootball #football #athletes

5/8/2022, 5:22:04 PM

Train like an athlete. Now I'm not saying that training like a bodybuilder, IG model or a powerlifter is negative. If you enjoy isolating muscle groups, upper/lower, daily muscle focus splits or moving as much weight as possible (safely). Then crack on 💪🏻 In my opinion however, for the majority of people, crawling, jumping, sprinting, mobilisations and whole body sessions including multiple training modalities would be more beneficial. We are made to MOVE and move well. So train like an athlete and aim to become functionally bulletproof. #achperformance #trainlikeanathlete #strengthandconditioning #athlete #weightloss #fatloss #musclebuilding #strength #performance #agility #jump #crawl #move #roll #mobilise

4/22/2022, 4:15:57 PM

RECOVERY Think of your recovery as a pyramid. The foundation HAS to be these three strategies if you want a strong base from which to work off. If you play hard and train hard (maybe you also party hard) then your recovery MUST be on point. Eat a varied and balanced diet with enough calories to fuel your sessions. These can be adapted for aesthetic goals. Sleep like a baby for around 7 hours per night. Follow a well structured and monitored training program. I like to program my athletes and clients rest days BUT also I encourage autonomy and we react to WHENEVER they need extra recovery days. Sports massages are fantastic at aiding recovery. Foam rolling and massage guns are great. Ice baths and cryo chambers have a place. BUT if you're not nailing the basics then you are pissing in the wind. #achperformance #recovery #sleep #eat #program #strength #speed #agility #strengthforfootball #strengthandconditioning #performancecoach #recoverwell

4/6/2022, 5:47:42 PM

RECOVERY Don't be the athlete that goes 100% 24/7 Stress is stress You might deem it "positive" stress i.e. training/exercise. BUT It still requires recovery. So sleep well, eat well and drink your water. Get your recovery processes in place and your performance will fly 📈 Enjoy your week! #achperformance #recovery #sleepwell #eatwell #massage #sportsmassage #performance #bebetter #football #womensfootball #strengthtraining #increaseperformance

3/13/2022, 3:36:35 PM

UNILATERAL TRAINING The modern football player must demonstrate competence through a host of physical qualities (speed, power, agility etc). All of these are dependent on both bilateral (double-limb) and unilateral (single-limb) actions. Here are two examples of unilateral movement patterns that feature in this particular athlete's program. The first is a complex drill moving through multiple planes of motion, tasking the athlete's proprioception and motor control. The second is a split squat, a less complex movement pattern but equally as important. If you are ONLY training on two legs you are potentially missing a trick. #achperformance #strengthforfootball #power #speed #agility #movement #unilateraltraining #performancecoach #increasespeed #changeofdirection #womensfootball

3/3/2022, 9:17:22 PM

AEROBIC CAPACITY Build your base! A house built on sand is bound to crumble. #achperformance #endurance #footballperformance #power #aerobicbase #performancecoach #speed #aerobicconditioning #recover #recovery #speedforfootball #womensfootball

2/24/2022, 10:08:27 AM

INTENT 💥 If you want to be FAST the INTENT must be there If you want to increase POWER the INTENT must be there When running sprint drills, jumping drills, overloading movement patterns or resistance training, INTENT is always 🔑 Aim to JUMP as high as possible SPRINT as fast as you can Be EXPLOSIVE with your weight training MOVE FAST | GET FAST #achperformance #speedforfootball #bepowerful #bulletproofathlete #knockoutpower #movefast #getfast #speed #power #agility #football #womensfootball #fawsl #wsl #footballtraining #movement #sprinttraining

2/17/2022, 10:35:18 PM

NON-NEGOTIABLES Sunday's spent with this one are top of the non-negotiable list. Busy week coaching private athletes, online clients and the amazing members of @benchmarkgym Not to mention the fantastic day we had yesterday with the future PT's learning with us @weareinspiredcoaching Now it's time to recover, relax and enjoy time with the princess. Always starting the new week on a positive 💥👊🏻 #achperformance #daddyday #daughter #farmday #nonnegotiables #relax #recover #theweekstartsonsunday #positivementalhealth #positivity #stressless

2/13/2022, 10:37:19 AM

REST TIME Whatever sport KPI you are trying to improve, rest and recovery between sets is so important! I know it can be boring BUT it is a necessity. Take SPEED TRAINING for example, long rest times of around 60 seconds per 10m is a rule of thumb. So if you sprint full out across the pitch (50m roughly) then 5:00 minutes of rest time is required to full replenish key energy stores. Otherwise it becomes a conditioning session, which still holds a purpose but we are no longer training for speed increases. SSGs are another one. If TECHNICAL components are aiming to be trained, then 2:00 minutes of higher intensity work and 30 seconds of rest is simply going to make your players TIRED, not necessarily make them BETTER. And that's the whole point isn't it? Just something to think about.... WORK | REST | REPEAT | IMPROVE #achperformance #speedforfootball #speedtraining #recovery #rest #smallsidedgames #resttime #energysystems #speedtraining #footballers #womensfootball #becomebulletproof #bebetter #improveperformance #strengthandconditioning #speedtraining #performancecoach

2/7/2022, 12:34:11 PM

PROCESSING and REACTING Along with power and speed development I like to challenge my athletes mentally Football is full of instances where the athlete is required to process external stimuli, react and make a split second decision (occasionally unconsciously) Imagine sprinting with the ball down the wing and being faced with an opponent Do you cut inside? Take them on? Take it on the outside to cross? The decision should be based on the best possible outcome So not only must you be aware of YOU and your positioning You must be aware of TEAM MATE positioning and OPPONENT positioning Then there's the actual process of sending that thought to your feet and actually DOING what you intended to do That's A LOT of information to process and implement However, I believe this is 100% trainable So that's what we do We apply the principles of SPECIFICITY and OVERLOAD and we train 💥 Drills such as the ones shown form a some of what we do but there are others 👀💪🏻 Their confidence, touch, reaction, processing and speed grows week on week We even have anecdotal in game scenarios that justify the inclusion ⚽🚦 #achperformance #performancecoach #speed #agility #reaction #changeofdirection #blazepod #lighttraining #sportspecific #cognition #cognitiveprocessing #footballers #football #womensfootball #wsl

2/4/2022, 4:19:49 PM

MOVE WELL. When lifting, sprinting, jumping, decelerating or pretty much anything like this remember..... ......EVERYTHING has a technical model! If you are unaware of the correct way to lift, jump, sprint or move in general PLEASE hire a professional who has the ability to teach you this If we flip this and you are a coach who's clients move incorrectly and you brag on socials about your "max effort" this or "go hard or go home" mentality... ....Then please, wind it in before you hurt yourself or worse, someone else. EVERYTHING should be done SAFELY, with JUSTIFICATION and should always BENEFIT OUR ATHLETE OR CLIENT Deviating away from technical models should be done by coaches or athletes who understand WHAT they are doing and WHY. Simple! #achperformance #strengthandconditioning #movewell #learntomove #worksmart #movement #technicalmodel #squat #bench #deadlift #flexion #bracedflexion #winditin

1/31/2022, 11:14:27 PM

GET SPRINTING I post a lot about speed and acceleration training. That's because it's one of those things that people are in awe of but never really train. If you can get to the ball quicker. Break away from defenders quicker. Have the confidence to give yourself half a yard. Then why NOT train it? If you are serious about the game then it should be in your performance program. Don't think the few sprints you do on a Sunday will make you quicker. That's like rocking up every Sunday with ZERO technical work and expecting to be a better player. Make time to deliberately speed train. See the results ⚽💥 #achperformance #speed #speedforfootball #getquicker #reaction #agility #performancecoach #strengthandconditioning #football #womensfootball #sprintwork #specificity

1/26/2022, 12:13:34 PM

SPRINT TIPS 💥 PRIME I like wall drives to reinforce good sprint mechanics, typically we do 3 x 7 foot strikes to start off 💥 OVERLOAD Light bands to add resistance and focus on speed of movement. Intent is 🔑 💥 SPRINT! Check out my video on creating your own speed drills but in a nutshell sprint 10-20m 100% then rest 60-120 seconds. Repeat 5x Boom! Put these into your speed sessions and increase your performance! #achperformance #speed #sprinttraining #sprint #bulletproofathlete #faster #stronger #agility #strength #power #womensfootball #football #speedforfootball

1/25/2022, 9:00:55 AM

TWO THINGS Two things that MUST be present for ANY program to be successful. CONSISTENCY + EFFORT Turn up week in week out Put in the effort when you are training Sounds simple I know But... Get those TWO THINGS in place and your performance output will increase Simple and basic..... but it works! #achperformance #strengthforfootball #strengthandconditioningcoach #speed #agility #power #strength #womensfootball #football #soccer #effort #consistency #getitdone #improveperformance

1/22/2022, 9:19:46 PM

FOOTBALL COACHES! Feel like this might raise a few comments... Only my opinion, BUT the only things a head coach would need to do to raise the fitness levels in their squad would be: Small sided games with differing constraints. High intensity sprints, varying the work:rest times. STOP with the 30 minute HIIT classes. STOP with the 45 minute pitch runs. Instead, work with the strength and conditioning coach on adding constraints to the SSG's. Small area, large area, odd number squads, keepers, no keepers, possession based, goal based, balls always in play. There are so many options. The players will be engaged. You will get a technical element which is game specific. Add sprints post SSG or for players not participating. Again, so many options with work:rest times dependant on wanted outcome. Players, consider sharing this with your coaches. Increase your performance levels! #achperformance #sprinting #speedtraining #notconditioning #getfast #getstrong #bulletprooftraining #speed #strength #power #conditioning #run #pitchbased #pitchsession #smallsidedgames #specificity

1/17/2022, 4:53:53 PM

INCREASE PITCH SPEED ⚽ Looking to increase speed on the pitch? Quicker accelerations to break up the play or attack the space? Faster over maximum distances, think 1 on 1 in the 90th minute. Then........ Get jumping! Obviously that's not the ONLY thing that needs to be in a speed program BUT it should be in there. Single leg Double leg Different speeds Mixed distances Try them all out and see what your body reacts well to. My favourites are max distance single leg variants but I use all types at different points in a program. Want to increase speed and power? Have access to your own gym? Consider ONLINE coaching. Introductory offer: £40 per month. DM for details. #achperformance #increasespeed #bounding #jumping #singleleg #doubleleg #bouncybouncy #speed #strength #football #womensfootball #bebetter #bulletprooftraining #bulletproofathlete

1/16/2022, 2:23:41 PM

MAKE 2022 YOUR YEAR! Little brain dump so apologies if it's a little incoherent at times 🤣 Whatever your goal in 2022 you NEED to make the moves. What I mean by that is PLAN and ATTACK. Do something you have NEVER done! Want to increase muscle tone, strength or athletic ability? Want to break into the 1st team? Then do something you have never done. Follow a plan, attack your sessions, become a BULLETPROOF ATHLETE. #achperformance #bulletprooftraining #becomebulletproof #speed #power #strength #agility #sportspecific #onlinecoaching #speedtraining #conditioning #strengthforfootball #athlete #strengthandconditioning

1/7/2022, 10:25:24 AM

MERRY CHRISTMAS From me and mine, to you and yours. Have a mint time everyone. Eat, drink and make memories. To all of my amazing strength and conditioning clients, my athletes and the awesome members of @benchmarkgym I will see you next week 🏋️‍♂️ Enjoy your time off, you deserve it. Much love. Adz x #achperformance #strengthandconditioningcoach #christmas #family #timeoff #recovery #rest #eat #drink #bemerry

12/24/2021, 6:00:33 PM

DEVELOPING ATHLETES Here is a little snippet of what goes into my athlete development sessions. 1️⃣ S P R I N T I N G If you want to get FASTER then you must sprint! We work on mechanics so that your off and on ball running are on point. Giving you that speed on the pitch. 2️⃣ P O W E R Jumping, throwing, bounding, box jumps and much more are incorporated to help increase your explosiveness. 3️⃣ S T R E N G T H Muscle strength, joint strength, tendon & ligament strength. Not only lower body but also upper and core strengthening exercises are utilised to make you a BULLETPROOF athlete. 4️⃣ C O G N I T I O N We train the MIND so that information can be processed quicker. See the pass before the opposition, gain that half a yard, get your feet out of the mud. We train the brain so it can process at a level above your opponent. If you like the look of what I do and want to increase your game in 2022 then get in touch! Very limited spaces as my athletes will attest, I believe in quality over quantity. #achperformance #football #strengthandconditioningcoach #performancecoach #speed #agility #power #performance #reactions #mobility #bebetter #bebulletproof

12/15/2021, 2:02:44 PM

SPEED TRAINING Here is a very good way of building your own speed sessions. For every 10m you sprint, rest 60 seconds. Fill the rest time with COMPLETE recovery and low intensity ball drills (short passing). 100m to 180m total sprint distance per session. 1-2 sessions a week and 1 session could be BEFORE training. 20m sprint - 2 minutes rest Walking and low intensity passing in-between sprint efforts. Repeat 5x 15 minute total time. 100m total sprint distance. Any questions please feel free to DM me! Go sprint and get fast! #achperformance #sprinting #speedtraining #notconditioning #getfast #getstrong #bulletprooftraining #speed #strength #power #conditioning #run #pitchbased #pitchsession

12/8/2021, 9:45:51 PM

STRENGTH TRAINING FOR FOOTBALLERS Listen, basics and consistency work! You don't need 100 rep workouts, abduction machines and endless HIIT sessions to get STRONG for football. You need basics and consistency. SQUAT HINGE CARRY JUMP PUSH PULL That's it! Six movement patterns performed at relatively high intensity with an eye on the volume of work. A sample session could look like this: Box jump 3x6 Back Squat 3x6 Romanian Deadlift 3x8 Bench Press 3x10 Inverted Pull Up 3x10 Farmers Walk 3x20m Using "reps in reserve" I would say ensure you keep no-more than 2 reps in the tank on each lift. Take upwards of 3 minutes rest after each set. Work hard and aim for 1-2 sessions per week alongside your football training/conditioning/games. Trust me. This will get you STRONGER! #achperformance #strengthforfootball #basicswork #strength #power #injuryproof #bulletprooftraining #injuryresistant #football #womensfootball #speed #agility #strengthandconditioningcoach

11/19/2021, 4:58:06 PM

Benefits of strength training for the general population as well as athletes. ✅ Increase in lean muscle tissue attributing to greater movement capabilities in later life. ✅ Increase in mood and mental fitness, studies show a correlation between high intensity exercise and greater increases in overall mood. ✅ Increase in bone density and bone health. ✅ Calories are burnt more efficiently. ✅ Movement becomes easier. Running, jumping, sprinting and even getting out of bed is done more efficiently when key muscle groups are stronger. These are SOME of the benefits to strength training, the list grows with every piece of sport science research published. If you don't already, I advise you to start incorporating strength training into your exercise regime. Need help? DM me. #strengthandconditioningcoach #achperformance #performancecoach #strength #agility #power #speed #strongforlife #gainz #bulletprooftraining #easylife #strongforlife

11/15/2021, 9:07:12 PM

Looking forward to being in this man's corner for his big fight! November 26th 💥🥊 Solid training camp so far! Fitter ✅ Faster ✅ More powerful ✅ More mobile ✅ Appreciate the trust you've put in me looking after your strength and conditioning development @aaronanthonyh_ S&C coaches in boxing (or any sport) are simply a cog in the athletes overall performance improvement, everything we do must facilitate positive adaptations and increase chances of getting that W. Along with the other coaches in this team, we are doing just that 💥 You got this brother. #achperformance #boxing #strengthandconditioningcoach #performancecoach #mobility #strength #power #speed #agility #fightingfit #bowlers #manchester #boxingperformance #boxingstrengthandconditioning

11/7/2021, 9:11:44 PM

Athlete Performance Sessions. Great first session with amateur boxer @aaronanthonyh_ 5 weeks out from fight night so it's all about 💥 for the 💵 Worked through full body mobilization, speed strength and finally cognitive processing/reactions Absolute pleasure to work with this beast! Can't wait to see his progress. Roll on the next sessions 🏋️‍♂️ #achperformance #boxing #boxingperformance #allkillanofilla #strength #speedstrength #fvc #power #specificstrength #beastmode #mobility

10/20/2021, 5:27:53 PM

Athlete Development Sessions! @stockportcountylfc winger @megannbradley_ working hard to improve on-pitch power and performance! Reaction lights, squat jumps, unilateral jumps, conditioning and much much more go into our sessions. All with the ultimate goal of improving key performance indicators for her sport. Train Smart | Improve Performance #achperformance #strengthandconditioning #speed #power #conditioning #agility #performancecoaching #football #soccer #wsl

10/14/2021, 3:20:15 PM

Online Programming 💥 Are you an athlete looking to stay injury resistant while maintaining strength levels in season? Are you looking to improve mobility, speed and power? Keep conditioning and fitness levels high? DM me for prices and how I can help you stay accountable and raise your game. #achperformance #onlinecoaching #speed #strength #conditioning #agility #raiseyourgame #stayinshape #injuryproof #bulletprooftraining #gogetit #hitmeup

8/17/2021, 10:14:45 AM

Sprinting! Bulletproof your hamstrings by including sprint sessions in your training. Be it slowing down to strike a ball, cutting or rapidly changing direction, we rely on this group of muscles to ensure we perform to our full potential. It's one of the reasons I involve sprinting in all of my private football performance sessions. @stockportcountylfc development squad and my private athletes will testify to my love of sprinting. In my experience they help make players stronger and more robust as well as improving cardiovascular conditioning at 100% plus MAS and beyond. Not to confuse causation with correlation as more variables were at play, but ZERO soft tissue injuries in my time at Stockport County LFC and currently with private athletes (only contact) COULD indicate their importance to an S&C program. As well as countless studies highlighting positive benefits to sprinting and their inclusion in a well rounded S&C program. Of course MECHANICS play a massive role and that is why players need to be taught to move well and sprint effectively. It's not as simple as running fast 😉 #achperformance #sprinttraining #sprintmechanics #sprinting #movewell #movefast #injuryresistant #bulletprooftraining #injuryproof #hamstrings #football #womensfootball #performancecoach #playbetter #trainhard #gogetit

7/19/2021, 2:57:43 PM

Down time! Whether you are an athlete or not, down time is incredibly important. For the past week we've been "off grid". No work, no social media, just family time in an incredible place. Now I'm ready to get back to coaching the amazing members of @benchmarkgym my PT client's and of course, helping my athletes improve their sporting performance. Remember, stress is stress, regardless of whether you deem the stress 'positive' (exercise, training etc) or not. You need to get your recovery strategies on point. Sleep, good food and airplane mode after a certain time. And if course, plan the occasional "off grid" break. It definitely helps!! #achperformance #stressbucket #recovery #stressisstress #recover #sleep #destress #airplanemode #getyourrest #enjoyyourlife

7/11/2021, 3:10:50 PM

The warm up is CRUCIAL! As a performance coach it is where I personally underpin ALL of my technical movement patterns AND get my athletes ready for a quality session. As a player you should use this time to get prepared for the session ahead. RAMP Raise - core temperature Activate - muscles going to be used Mobilize - key joint areas Potentiate - do the movement Don't let ANYONE give you a half arsed warm-up. Coaches should put as much planning into the warm up as they do a session so question them. Why are we doing this? What does this do? Get this right and you will go into your session or game FIRING! #achperformance #performancecoach #warmup #rampwarmup #uksca #nsca #performbetter #ssg #speed #agility #power #strength #strengthandconditioningcoach #football #womensfootball #coachbetter #lookafteryourself

7/2/2021, 9:18:12 AM

Group Coaching 🧠 Personal trainers, fitness coaches, S&C coaches. When working with a group of clients or players do you know how to safely regress and/or progress an exercise with immediate effect without altering the "flow" or the energy of the session? Do you know when and how to use intrinsic or extrinsic coaching cues? Are you going to choose an autocratic, democratic or another motivational "hat" to wear and are you going to use the same language with everyone? Would you choose to use compensatory aids such as coaching props, if so when and which? These are just SOME of the things we will explore on August 7th when myself and @markh_benchmark will be taking a group of coaches through our 'how to deliver personal training sessions for small group's' workshop. DM me or Mark for more information or if you want to get booked on. We guarantee to up your coaching game. #achperformance #benchmarkgym #smallgrouppersonaltraining #workshop #personaltrainers #coacheducation #raiseyourgame #bebetter #improvement #selfdevelopment

6/20/2021, 7:29:55 PM

Super excited to announce this! Myself and @markh_benchmark are hooking up to deliver a workshop for new and existing personal trainers who want to learn how to deliver their 1:1 product to a small group. This IS NOT "how to deliver a circuit class". This is how to deliver a high quality, premium personal training service in small group product. We'll discuss planning, coaching science, safety, knowing your "ideal" client and of course, training execution including regressions and progressions. If you or anyone you know us interested, drop me a DM and I'll get info over to you. Check out the Inspired Coaching FB page for information (link in bio). #achperformance #benchmarkgym #itsgoingdown #personaltraining #betteryourself #workshop #coaching #coacheducation #knowledge #smallgrouppersonaltraining

6/17/2021, 8:15:28 PM

Preseason is a fantastic time to raise your aerobic base and increase its capacity. Were's why 5k steady state running may not be the best approach to your preseason performance training and a different approach should you wish to mix things up. 3 minutes hard running 3 minutes recovery running or walking repeat 5x You'll increase aerobic capacity, increase vo2 max and get a hell of a lot more bang for your buck. #achperformance #preseason #conditioning #running #football #footballers #trainhard #trainsmart #gogetit

6/15/2021, 9:26:44 PM

*REST OF THE VIDEO AVAILABLE ON IGTV* Preseason is a fantastic time to raise your aerobic base and increase its capacity. In this video I talk about why 5k steady state running may not be the best approach to your preseason performance training and instead pose this session: 3 minutes of hard running 3 minutes recovery running or walking REPEAT 5x You'll increase aerobic capacity, increase vo2 max and get a hell of a lot more bang for your buck than simply plodding along the streets. Give it a go! #achperformance #preseason #conditioning #running #football #footballers #trainhard #trainsmart #gogetit

6/15/2021, 9:23:35 PM

A simple message for athletes, especially footballers during this pre-season. Tired DOES NOT (always) equal better. Read that again. Sometimes coaches simply "flog" their athletes for the sake of it, thinking 'well if I beast them they'll get fitter'. Now this may occasionally be the case and even a broken clock is right twice a day but if you want to be BETTER then this takes planning, programming and specificity. Work hard yes, have tough training sessions yes but please, make sure you are doing the RIGHT stuff. Otherwise, it could be MAXIMUM intensity for MINIMAL gains. Preseason running program dropping soon 👀 #achperformance #trainbetter #trainsmarter #preseason #football #womensfootball #conditioningtip #performancecoaching #aerobicpower #aerobicconditioning #speed #power #lactatethreshold #mas #maximalaerobicspeed #vo2max

6/11/2021, 8:18:27 PM