40Weeks images

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Due Date today! 🩷 #40weeks @grating.cheese

6/2/2024, 3:57:05 AM

Love at first sight 😍 Tatum Douglas De Leon Born on his Dad’s Birthday 💙 May 28th at 8 lbs 11oz 🍼

6/1/2024, 7:05:11 PM

40 + 3 weeks 🤰🏼 Took myself out of the house with a walk into town and a mooch, treated myself to a new cute mug and some self-care/pampering bits (on the angenda for tonight) then came back for tea and toast 😌 and a read over tonight’s dinner plans from one of my favourite cookbooks “Persiana”. Today has been a day of just feeling extreme boredom and a bit teary tbh, not me sitting on a Swiss ball staring at cookbooks on the shelf and tearing up to Zach for no apparent reason. Although I usually have a fairly flexible work/life balance, I’m just not used to having SO much time with nothing useful to do. I feel guilty that I’m not using the extra time wisely, or embracing this period, but I also know that I should just lean into it. Everyone says to “enjoy the quiet time while you have it”, and to “get all the sleep you can now because you’ll miss it very soon” but honestly I feel like I’m just ready now. I’ve slept. I’ve watched endless Netflix, washed all the baby clothes, and done all the DIY I can feasibly do at this point. This is not a pity post, I’m purely just being honest about my feelings at this stage of pregnancy. I’ve had it pretty good, a rocky start but smooth sailing for the most part, so I do think I need to allow myself to feel all the emotions right now. It’s such a weird period of life, the last few days before everything changes and our day-to-day will look extremely different. The knowing it’s happening but not knowing when is the worst part! Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely excited and eager to meet our little girl, I know part of me WILL miss this time but I also believe greater moments are coming and I can’t wait to start this next chapter ✨ #40weekspregnant #40weeks #pregnancy #pregnant #pregnantdiary #bumpdate #thirdtrimester #thirdtrimesterfeels #mumtobe #hampshiremums #cantwaittomeetyou #babygirl #hampshire #honestmotherhood #Winchester

6/1/2024, 6:21:57 PM

🐣2024.03.11 體重3210g 像是準備出來倒數中😆 👣剛來到這個世界🌍 還沒經過處理過的me👶🏻 40w 感覺像是沒睡飽被吵醒的樣子~ #新生兒 #40weeks #321

6/1/2024, 5:35:29 PM

Have you ever thought about this- How does a baby’s 34 cm head get delivered through a 10 cm opening?? The answer is in the moldable skull plates! This is also why babies are at higher risk of flat heads in the first months of life **I included some ways to prevent flat heads at the end!** Aren’t our bodies (including all you c-section mamas ❤️) amazing!? Share this with a mama to be 🤰🏻 #babies #newborn #mamatobe #mom2be #pregnant #39weeks #40weeks #38weeks #newbaby #infant #deliveryday #plagiocephaly #flathead #tummytime

6/1/2024, 8:49:15 AM

Bayi akan lahir menurut waktu Tuhan, bukan waktu kami. Aku tahu itu benar. Setiap kehamilan berbeda, setiap persalinan berbeda, dan setiap kelahiran berbeda. Tuhan tahu apa yang sedang DIA lakukan Tuhan, terima kasih karena Engkau telah menolong kehamilanku sampai pada usia cukup bulan. Berkati persalinanku. Lancarkan persalinan ku. Amin Mari berjuang bersama My Miracle ✨ 🤎 #40WEEKS #TElovestoRY

6/1/2024, 2:11:36 AM

Началась 40-я неделя, хотя всегда пролистывала недели в календаре и думала «38, 39, 40 недель - это еще таааааак нескоро», а уже - финишная прямая🙈 Моя ставка на 6 июня, хотя на гендер-пати ставила на 9-е, но только лишь потому что мне нравится, что это число фигурирует во всех наших с муженькой датах 💌 Но теперь по ощущениям полагаю, что кроха решит появится на свет чуточку пораньше 🤏🏼 . . . . . . . . #беременность #39недель #40недель #материнство #роды #семья #дневникбеременности #pregnancy #39weeks #40weeks

5/31/2024, 11:00:08 PM

M U C U S P L U G During pregnancy, your mucus plug 'plugs' the opening of your cervix to avoid bacteria and infections reaching your uterus. As labour begins and your cervix slowly dilates, pieces of your mucus plug come away. You might see small blobs, smears or a noticeable jelly - all are normal. Your mucus plug coming away is a definite sign that things are happening, but you could still be anywhere from a few hours to a couple of weeks away from active labour kicking in. Try to see it as a sign that your body is responding to hormonal signals from your baby and getting ready to give birth ❤️ 📸 Excellent graffiti in Albuferia ☀️ #labour #haslabourstarted #labor #labour #mucusplug #earlylabour #prodromallabor #40weeks #duedate #graffiti #albuferia #portugal #signsoflabor

5/31/2024, 10:26:29 PM

Малышка Арзу, на фото ей 9 денёчков ________________________ ◽️ Фотограф малышей 5-14 дней с момента рождения ◽️ Выезд на дом по Москве и Московской области ◽️ Весь реквизит привожу с собой, создаю студию у вас дома ◽️ Красивые, стильные и фотогеничные наряды для мальчишек и девчонок 💛 ◽️ Безопасные и удобные позировки ◽️ 5 кадров в детальной ретуши В ПОДАРОК 🎁 ◽️ Исходники можно приобрести дополнительно ◽️ Для обсуждения деталей можно писать в Direct или по номеру ⬇️ 📱 8-925-141-97-00 (What’s App, Telegram)

5/31/2024, 4:41:11 PM

The Story of You Milestone Cards: Pregnancy . 40 Beautiful and simplistic cards to celebrate your growing bump. . Include these beautiful cards in photos of your bump to capture development and milestones achieved. . NEW: Each card now comes with guided prompts printed to the back of the card, making it easy for you to capture the day/moment as it happens. It also has a section for you to stick a photo of the memory you would like to cherish. Pic by @sonika.schaepe #mayalief #ekliefmayalief #dieverhaalvanjou #thestoryofyou #pregnancyjournal #pregnancydiary . . . #myfirts #keepsakes #memorybook #rememberingyourbump #9months #keepingtrack #milstonepics #pregnancyalbum #40weeks #8weekspregnant #minimalistic #wereexpecting #modernmama #mamaonthego #babybump #werehavingababy #10weekspregnant #shopbabyza #modernscrapbook #scrapbookmama #porridgebrian #mixedemotions #creativejournaling #bumpjournal

5/31/2024, 7:00:39 AM

happy due date baby girl ☼ ᨒ↟ readyyyyy whenever you are ✌🏼 40 weeks + 1 day…the countdown begins! #40weeks #May30th #duedate #homestretch #preggers #takeahike #hikeAZ #ExploreAZ #HikeAZ #explorearizona #hikearizona #takeahike #arizonahiking #azlife #azliving #womenwhohike #sunsoutbumpsout

5/31/2024, 2:33:31 AM

💚 #40weeks

5/30/2024, 9:19:53 PM

Hamile annelerin genel durumu.. ☺☺☺🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻🐣🐣👶🏻👶🏻 @_bebegimibeklerken_ ✔ @_bebegimibeklerken_ ✔ @_bebegimibeklerken_ ✔ #Beğeni #takip #destek LÜTFEN 👋🏻♥️ @_bebegimibeklerken_ @_bebegimibeklerken_ #BebegimiBeklerken #bebegimibeklerken #annevebebek #hamileanne #annevebebekleri #gebeliktakibi #bebekgeliyor #hamileannelervebebekleri #hamilelikbelirtileri #gebeliktesti #hamileyimanneyim #anneyimben #bebekkokusu #anneolmakistiyorum #hastaneçantası #40weeks #annem #hamileliktebeslenme #anne #anneadayı #baby #annesininkuzusu #minikbebek #annekızkombinleri #annekizkombin #takip #pregnant #pregnancy #gebelikdönemi

5/30/2024, 7:10:26 PM

🌸 Bleeding after giving birth 🌸 Did you know that once you've given birth to your little one, you will bleed for a few weeks after? It's great that for 9 months while growing your baby you don't get a period! But once baby has arrived, your uterus needs to return to pre-baby status and so remove all the excess blood and tissues and shrink back down. This bleeding is called Lochia. It's usually quite heavy to begin with, so you'll need to change maternity towels regularly. But it will settle down within a few weeks. Bleeding can last 4-6 weeks, but some people will bleed for longer or shorter times. You might also feel cramping as your uterus contracts again to shrink. Discuss any clots with your midwife as she’ll want to keep track of what’s happening. Save your maternity pads to show your midwife if possible. Passing a lot of large clots can flag up something more serious. I know it sounds horrible, but they'll be used to it. If anything doesn't feel right, or you feel your bleeding is excessive, please let your midwife know! #bishopbriggs #newmum #newbaby #paisley #postnatal #milngavie #mumlife #nosleep #newborn #maternity #welcomebaby #postnatalrecovery #pregnancy #firsttimemum #fourthtrimester #birth #birthpreperation #knowledgeispower #newmummy #birthprep #postnatalcare #hellomama #babyontheway #birthing #hypnobirthing #wombtoworld #oxytocin #40weeks #locia

5/30/2024, 5:00:20 PM

Словами не можу передати, як сильно мені подобається ця серія фотографій 🤰🏻🥰 📷: @donenko_viktoria #pregnancy #pregnancyphoto #фотовагітних #фотовагітність #40weekspregnant #40weeks

5/30/2024, 11:38:48 AM

予定日まであと1日! 今週の健診で言われたこと↓ 赤ちゃんの大きさ : 3,200~3,300g 子宮口 : 1~2cn 前回の健診から赤ちゃんは200gくらい増えてて、 子宮口は1cmくらい開いてたみたい いわゆる内診ぐりぐりも多分されたと思う! 毎日30~90分くらい歩いてるし股関節のストレッチもしてるけど、 なかなか子宮口が開いてくれない、、 今日は天赦日だったから今日産まれて欲しかったけど無理そうだ🥺 ただ、恥骨が痛んだり、前駆陣痛と思われる症状が出たり、 胃の辺りがかなりすっきりしてる感じがするから、 赤ちゃんは下がってきてはいると思うんだけど、、 いつ出てきたいのかな~🤰 陣痛ジンクスと言われてるものほとんど試してるけど 陣痛こない😂今日の夜は焼肉たべる お散歩するときはいつも旦那さんも一緒に歩いてくれるからいつも安心して歩けるよ いつもありがとう! #プレママ #妊娠記録 #妊娠10ヶ月 #臨月 #女の子ママ #lastmonthofpregnancy #babygirl #maternity #premama #子宮口1cm #子宮口2cm #40weeks #39weeks #陣痛ジンクス #陣痛待ち

5/30/2024, 9:10:32 AM

Vem cá Diana que a “Astra” está no seu quartinho te esperando para serem boas companheiras, enquanto você aprende várias histórias do Universo que o Papai e a Mamãe vai contar e mostrar pra você! > Spoiler de um quartinho apaixonante…. Chuta palpites do tema??? 👩🏼‍🚀⭐️🌙🪐 Uma dica, mamãe e papai amam falar sobre e tem base científica muito maior do que religiosa ou esotérica!❤️‍🔥 #maternidade #40weeks #gestacaosaudavel #gestantes #quartodebebe #paisdemenina

5/30/2024, 3:38:40 AM

40 weeks in, 40 weeks out #ivfbaby #beaniebaby💙 #40weeks

5/30/2024, 3:36:05 AM

#40weeks Малыш арбуз на борту🍉🤪

5/29/2024, 11:12:11 PM

FINALLY DUE DATE DAY!!🤰🏽🩷 We are (im)patiently waiting for our baby girl’s arrival, so far she seems to be pretty comfy in mami’s belly so we’ll see when she decides to arrive🫠 Soaking up our last days as a family of 3. I still can’t believe James won’t be the baby anymore😭 but I’m so excited to see him as a big brother🥺🩷 . #duedate #40weeks #40weekspregnant #secondbaby #preggo #pregnant #nursery #siblings #bigbrother #pregnancy

5/29/2024, 6:29:44 PM

happy due date baby P🤍🕊️ We are so excited to hold you soon. I guess we will find out if you are on time just like your daddy or live on the wild side like mom 🤙🏼 #40weeks #waitingforyou

5/29/2024, 5:11:47 PM

Full-term… It’s showtime!✨ Bueno hija querida te vemos al otro lado de la piel. Can’t wait a darte la gran bienvenida. ¡Te amamos! 💕 • • • • #laboranddelivery #showtime #readytorumble #fullterm #pregnacy #momtobe #loveofmylife #40weeks

5/29/2024, 3:05:01 PM

Հուսամ իմ վերջին prego նկարնա😀 #40weeks

5/29/2024, 2:48:02 PM

Условия творческой съемки съёмки : 🔸 Съёмка проходит дома у малыша (весь необходимый реквизит я привожу с собой); 🔸 Вы даёте согласие на публикацию фото/видео (в день съёмочного дня подписываем данное согласие); 🔸 Также Вы даете развернутый отзыв о моей работе и полученных фотографиях; 🔸 Образы подбираю я самостоятельно; 🔸 Вы получаете 5 кадров в ретуши. ———————————————————- 🔥 Исходники можно купить дополнительно (стоимость - 2 000 руб. за все сделанные кадры). 🔥 Можно заказать больше кадров в ретуши. Стоимость обработки 1 кадра - 350 руб. Оплата выезда фотографа в пределах МКАД - БЕСПЛАТНО. До 10 км от МКАД - 1 000 руб. Более 10 км - обговаривается индивидуально в зависимости от направления и дальности. 🎁 БОНУСЫ от меня 🎁 Расскажите обо мне своими родственникам и друзьям. Если они придут ко мне на фотосессию со своим малышом - я подарю Вам еще 7 кадров в ретуши, а для них фотосессия будет стоить 5 000 руб (с исходниками и 7 фото в ретуши)❗️

5/29/2024, 11:59:38 AM

Did you know that due dates are more like estimations rather than hard deadlines? 🤔 ✨ Most babies don’t follow the calendar, and that’s absolutely okay! 🌟 In fact, it’s quite common for first-time pregnancies to journey beyond their due date and reach around 41 weeks. 🕒💫 So, if your little one hasn’t made their grand entrance exactly on their due date, take a deep breath and know that you’re in good company. 🌸❤️ Every birthing journey unfolds at its own pace, and your body and baby are working together to orchestrate a beautifully unique moment. 💕🌱 Inductions are often suggested because of hospital protocols. Although you may feel tired of being pregnant near the end, if you have a healthy pregnancy, don’t rush getting baby out! Know your options and make an informed decision 😊 also, hire a doula 🫶🏼 #steinbachdoula #mbdoula #duedates #40weeks #pregnancyinfo

5/28/2024, 5:23:16 PM

En la espera 🖤🥹 #40weeks

5/28/2024, 2:12:00 PM

Малышка Евочка, 14 дней ————————————— Эта фотосессия проводилась у меня дома, тк родители крошки живут очень далеко и было принято решение организовать процесс на моей территории. Съемка длилась 6 часов. Пока маленькая модель ехала ко мне 3,5 часа, она успела и выспаться и переутомиться одновременно, поэтому ловили редкие моменты сна и затишья 😌 Этот был тот самый случай, когда не работало практически ничего, только на очень ограниченный отрезок времени. Качали все по очереди и использовали вообще весь арсенал. В итоге мы справились, получили порядка 160 исходных кадров. Как и говорила одна из преподавателей и фотографов с многолетним опытом: сначала так обычно и бывает для закалки и боевого крещения. Чтобы сразу погрузиться и не бояться трудностей. Это фото будет открывающим мою 5-ую съемку и 2-ой малышкой-девочкой в копилочке портфолио 💛

5/28/2024, 8:05:44 AM

Happy Due date to me! Never thought I'd make it this far as the last time I went into labour the day before. Everyone says second babies come quicker but our boy is very cosy in there clearly! I cannot say in all honesty that I've really enjoyed this pregnancy day to day as there has been a few health challenges over the past few months! I have felt very fatigued and lethargic hence why I have been so quiet on here. That said I am beyond grateful to be shortly welcoming our already much loved boy into our family. This pregnancy has flown by incredibly and I am trying to enjoy these last days as I know I will miss my bump when it's gone! I wish to preserve this memory in my diary here of when we were on the cusp of such a big change in our lives. I am a little anxious about how our little girl will cope with this change but I guess that's natural? She has coped so well up to now, shown a good understanding of what's happening and has seemed genuinely excited about having a baby brother. She has been so gentle and loving with me, always kissing my bump and asking if I'm feeling ok 😭 I hope you all had a good bank holiday! Mine was spent squeezing some last bits of quality time with our girl and spending lots of time outdoors before she has to share us with a tiny demanding sibling (and having a sweep with my midwife 🤣). #40weeks #Happyduedatetome

5/28/2024, 12:33:31 AM

May babies - we see you.  Tag a Mama who had or is due a May baby!  #MayBaby #NUKUK #May #Gemini #GeminiBaby #TaurusBaby #40Weeks #39Weeks #Expecting #NewParents

5/27/2024, 6:52:56 PM

ten years married. nearly ten months pregnant. life is good. happy anniversary babe 😘

5/27/2024, 6:24:35 PM

OK BABY. WE’RE READY FOR YOU! #40weeks #evictionnotice 📸 @visages_doc

5/27/2024, 5:59:28 PM

#我的lulubabies 2024年5月27日 更正28日 #4m18d👶🏻 #139days 📝3.23kg 46cm 細Lu 終於轉左high-flow5 日盼夜盼終於可以抱抱細Lu 媽媽我真係好感動🥹🥹🥹🥹 奶奶亦都加左 去到55ml🍼 細Lu今日好精靈 眼碌碌 媽媽抱抱係咪好舒服 抱下抱下你就瞓着咗 媽媽抱住你真係唔捨得放手 雖然係因為眼仔原因轉左去兒童醫院 但亦都因為轉咗院 所以加快咗進度 細Lu 繼續加油 #babyLuis #極早產寶寶 #早產寶寶的成長過程 #早產兒 #早產眼 #ROP #24週で出産 #40weeks #lucasandluis #twins #twinsbaby #baby #hk #babyboy #早產寶寶的成長日記 #堅強 #加油 #兒童醫院 #highflow

5/27/2024, 10:51:14 AM

Решила сразу реализоваться обещанное в предыдущем посте и выложить 2 фото подряд 😌 Очень люблю это одеяло и подушечку. Пришли новые костюмчики и скоро появится контент с новыми образами, тк одеяло то есть и двухстороннее и на обратное стороне оно белое 🥰

5/26/2024, 3:24:53 PM

Did you know that due dates are more like estimations rather than hard deadlines? 🤔✨ Most babies don’t follow the calendar, and that’s absolutely okay! In fact, it’s quite common for first-time pregnancies to journey beyond their due date and reach around 41 weeks. 🕒 💫⁠ ⁠ So, if your little one hasn’t made their grand entrance exactly on their due date, take a deep breath and know that you’re in good company. Every birthing journey unfolds at its own pace, and your body and baby are working together to orchestrate a beautifully unique moment. 💕🌱⁠ Let me know in the comments what week your baby was born! 🤍 #duedates #40weeks #pregnancy #doula #birthdoula

5/26/2024, 6:59:24 AM

#40weeks aquí estamos esperandote nuestro pequeño Rafi con todo nuestro Amor ♡

5/25/2024, 10:26:06 PM

El #CinturonDeMaternidad de #Taueret se convertirá en uno de tus mejores aliados durante el #embarazo 🌷 Corrige la postura 🌷 Alivia el dolor de espalda y cadera 🌷 Reduce la presión abdominal 🌷 Ayuda a prevenir la formación de estrias 🌷Color: negro, beige y rosado 🌷Talla ML Estamos en la ciudad de Cochabamba, escribenos para coordinar el envio a toda Bolivia por DM #embarazobolivia #30semanas #40semanas #maternity #pregnancy #bellybump #encinta #40weeks #40weekspregnant #postparto #38weekspregnant #maternityfashion #bumpstyle #maternidad

5/25/2024, 4:00:35 PM

in my 40 week bump era 🎀☁️🥑 #pregnant #40weeks #love #nutrition #healthylifestyle #motherhood #mumlife #veganrecipes #wellness

5/25/2024, 2:09:57 PM

Baby Dimples just like Dad! 3D! Does your baby have dimples? Comment below ⬇️ #3rdtrimester #28weeks #40weekspregnant #40weeks #thirdtrimesterfeels #37weekspregnant❤️ #dutchess3d #39weeks #33weekspregnant🤰 #30weeks #38weeks #29weeks #thirdtrimester #dutchess3dimaging

5/25/2024, 12:52:53 PM

Малыш Рома и его братики Дима и Артем 💛 Очень трогательные и душевные кадры выходят с родителям и братиками/сестричками. У меня нет родных, только двоюродные и тд., а я всегда хотела именно старших, особенно братьев ) а я такая девочка- припевочка, а они большие и сильные и везде меня с собой берут во взрослые компании 🤣 А Ромке повезло, у него дома уже целая банда аниматоров и мотиваторов. От души желаю маме Тане и папе Жене еще крошечную принцессу немного попозже. И будет почти как в мультфильме: 3 сыночка и лапочка дочка 😉

5/25/2024, 10:31:59 AM

A year ago today. My due date. We closed out so many last lil moments, to open up so many new. It’s been crazy, wild, beautiful and I am nothing short of blessed. #flashbackfriday #40weeks #hapai #boymomforlife

5/25/2024, 7:27:26 AM

Today is actually my due date, so here’s a recap of this special 10-month journey. Pre-pregnancy: 104 lbs. Day of birth: 104 lbs😮‍💨 Postpartum: 95 lbs🫠 A lot of people envy me for looking like I had a “fake pregnancy”, but few know about our struggles. At 28 weeks, I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. At 30 weeks, we found out our baby had Fetal Growth Restriction. From then on, we were on the doctor’s VIP list, being asked to see doctors at least twice a week, with countless fetal non-stress tests and ultrasounds. Several times, we were even advised to induce labor ASAP, which was incredibly stressful. We nickname her “Little Grain of Rice” because she was always so small, and coincidentally, when we first discovered her, we took the first photo with a grain of rice. On the day she was born, my tears never stopped, partly because of the excruciating pain and partly because of the accumulated emotions over the past 10 months. I used to hope she would grow up to be beautiful, smart, and successful, so it would be worth all the hardships I endured during pregnancy. But when I finally held her, weighing only 5.5 lbs, all my hopes condensed into just one: that she would be healthy and happy, and in this journey of parents watching children gradually grow and move away, she could walk a little slower. #40weeks #pregnancy #pregnancydiary #newborn #pregnancyjourney

5/24/2024, 9:06:38 PM

Today was meant to be my due date but instead I went out for brunch and to Leigh Broadway with my twin @kelseyjaneturner & nephew Jack, a lovely day out My boy will come when he's ready 🩵 #40weeks #todayismyduedate #may24th2024 #pregancylife #toppersandtoast #stillpregnant #brunch #veganbreakfast

5/24/2024, 8:23:32 PM

❌ NOT BEFORE AND AFTER! This is my own and real POSTPARTUM JOURNEY i would like to share with you ❤️ CAN YOU SPOT THE DIFFERENCE? ❌ NO OTHERS FITNESS PLANS ❌ NO DIET ❌ NO GYM ❌ ‼️ I do my own workout program 🥰 AFTER 4️⃣ kids 💛 if you knew how many times I was told during my pregnancies that it would be good to pay attention to cellulite, to gaining pounds ... it took so many years for me to realize that our bodies are constantly changing. There is what is natural, there is less, but one thing is for sure, we always have the opportunity to feel better in our skin. In particular, we need to learn where to put negative, envious comments often from relatives where to put them! This is one of the biggest challenges I think. An opinion can be so painful. It leaves lasting, deep traces in the other person. That’s why it’s important for every woman to learn to measure change alone! Let’s be aware of our genetic characteristics and environmental influences! And always set realistic goals! Never criticize others! ❤️ Results are not always immediately visible, even if we work hard for it! ❤️ Keep those workouts going during your pregnancies as well. One way to improve your health and reduce the risk of diabetes is to incorporate regular physical activity into your life. This can help you lose weight and reduce insulin resistance. It’s especially important if you had gestational diabetes during a previous pregnancy. ‼️☝🏼 I followed bad role models. It was only years later after a major postpartum depression that I realized no one was perfect. It can only seem like it. ⁉️☝🏼 But what is more important? To worry about appearances or to do everything for a purpose while being our own motivation? ‼️☝🏼 Compare the change to ourselves and measure the results against ourselves. So we get a realistic picture, we need to practice it every day to see the real value in ourselves. ☝🏼 It will be much easier for us to embrace change and achieve our goals with less frustration! #postpartumbody #fitness #shape #strong #power #confidence #selflove #selfesteem #proudmom #monof4 #motivation #inspiration #goals #postpartumfitness #noexcuses #nogym #homeworkouts #progress

5/24/2024, 1:32:56 PM

La dolcezza ❤️🎀 • • • • #bulldogfrances #cuddles #pregnatbelly #40weeks e + #love #❤️

5/24/2024, 11:32:14 AM

Mani darbiņi top ar siltākajā gadalaikā, lai gan lēnāk, protams... Jo vasara ir jāizbauda 🤗 Ja arī jūsu ģimenē gaidāms mazulis, izdari izvēli adījumiem laicīgi. Raksti un kopīgi izrunāsim komplekta sastāvu, krāsu, kā arī saskaņosim laikus. Bet ja gribas ļoti steidzami - vienmēr būs kas piemeklējams no gatavā... No zeķītēm, lidz pat jaciņām, biksītēm... Sazināmies 📩 #adījumibērniem #jaundzimušam #bēbis #dzimislatvijā #zīdaiņiem #adītajaciņa #vilnaszeķes #mazulim #siltiadījumi #dāvanamazulim #raudzībudāvana #40nedēļas #gaidumazuli #mazuļapūriņš #radītslatvijā #mazulumode #handknitting #knitsforbaby #newborngiftset #newbornknits #40weeks #warmknits #babystyle #kidstyle #madeinlatvia #вязаниедетям #вяжуназаказ

5/24/2024, 6:38:32 AM

Expecting? Congratulations! We have a handy little guide for you. Just click the link in our profile. #everypoopcounts 🐨❤️💩🌏🌱

5/24/2024, 4:54:15 AM

A day late, but here's to hitting 40 weeks yesterday, and hoping it's not that much longer before we get to meet baby Ronan 🥰 📸 credit: @jkholmes73 #babyboy #babytseng #Ronan #40weeks #readytohavethisbaby

5/24/2024, 1:39:06 AM

Aynı bedende son günlerimiz 🤍🐣🌸🍓 . Süpriz sonlu 🫠🙂‍↔️🫶🏻 #40weeks

5/23/2024, 5:01:44 PM

Patiently waiting #40weeks

5/23/2024, 4:25:52 PM

Life's too short for rubbish wipes.

5/23/2024, 1:38:09 AM

Two weeks ago today! 40 weeks at home shoot 😅 I went in to labor the night I took these. 🥰 it’s like I kinda knew 😅 My pregnancy was rough so I didn’t documents lots of cute pictures. Even at my maternity shoot! I had the worse case of allergies and my eyes didn’t stop watering 😂 it was the worst. I had plans to take pictures every month in the same dress 😂 nope. I also got/get pulled in lots of different directions. I was working about 30 hours a week as a personal trainer and that’s a lot of hours! I was working 5ams up until month 8. I had three kids in sports 😅 (wouldn’t change it btw) So I was tired. Most days I didn’t feel like getting dressed and taking pictures. So most of my bump pictures are gym selfies 😅 I felt good this day and made myself get some pictures because I don’t plan on being pregnant again. 🤗 my last little bump. I know some ppl say they miss the bump lol but I do not. I absolutely love being more mobile, the absence of heartburn 😂, and holding my little man. There is so much adjusting but I love it here. #fullterm #pregnancyphotoshoot #40weeks #lastpregnancy

5/22/2024, 8:16:52 PM

Posting all my maternity pictures because soon all you'll see is baby pictures 😆🥰🤍 #40weeks

5/22/2024, 8:59:53 AM

Here we go again, Happy due date Kali! #40weeks

5/22/2024, 5:38:24 AM

40 Weeks! Baby is due today! I'm off to see the OB today, fingers crossed it looks like things are gearing up & I don't get pushed into a C section! Not long until we meet this kiddo! #40weeks #pregnancy #pregnantbelly #due #duedate #hospital #baby #motherhood #lifestyle #mumsofinstagram #instagram #instagood #instapost #like #follow #journey

5/22/2024, 3:08:14 AM