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Do YOU want to have the confidence to choose and do the next best thing/action for you, to no longer be concerned about what others are doing and/or think you should and shouldn’t be doing…to focus on our own path? But you are not yet there, you get caught up in the “what if” or continually find yourself seeking reassurance or approval from others before doing anything. You may even find yourself frozen sometimes in the seeking of guarantees or perfection. Well why not come practice yoga with me, where you will be supported in exploring and growing your confidence in choosing what is best for you over and over and over again. A place where you will be guided but encouraged to listen to your own innate wisdom and to choose your path, which can then spill out into your day, week, month, year. If you are still unsure how yoga may benefit you, then why not take an introduction session…you can DM me for more information anytime. #yoga101 #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment #yogainspo #yogaphilosophy #confidence #yogabuildsconfidence #accessibleyoga #yourwisdom #yourchoice #inclusiveyoga

6/1/2024, 2:00:00 AM

Join me on the Banks of Lake Windermere for one of my retreats later on this year… ⭐️ 20th-22nd September ⭐️ 18th-20th October £430 per person incudes: 🏡 Ensuite room (single/twin/double available) 🥗 All Food plus unlimited tea/coffee 🧘🏻‍♀️ 4 sessions of Yoga & Meditation 💫 Candlelit Yin Yoga 🎼 Acoustic music & sound 🥾 Guided walk 🏊‍♂️ Optional Wild Swim 💵 Payment Plans Available 🐶 Dogs Welcome (additional £20 charge) Beginners are welcome & no previous experience in yoga is required in order to attend. £75 deposit to secure your place. Drop me a message if you would like to book or feel free to contact me on 07545 884958. #yoga #yogaeverymoment #yogawithprops #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogaretreat #ukyogaretreat #ukyogaretreats2024 #ukbreak #ukretreat #dogfriendly #dogfriendlyretreat #dogfriendlyyogaretreat #lakedistrict #lakedistrictretreat #meditation #mindfulness

5/26/2024, 4:14:28 PM

Finding comfort in the discomfort ✨ Especially as a beginner, practicing yoga asana brings up a huge amount of discomfort - physical and mental. Yoga brings us face to face with all the tension we hold in our bodies and the chatter in our minds. We learn to detach from all of this through focusing on the breath. We learn to simply observe sensations, observe thoughts and feelings💭 And slowly, from being consumed by discomfort, to getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, eventually the discomfort is gone. Yes, I’ve become stronger and more flexible through practice, so poses that used to be hard aren’t anymore. But I’ve also found a place where I don’t really view discomfort as such. And now scary poses have become my friends❤️ Now the challenge is to carry this acceptance off the mat and into life. 💕✨ Tags: #yogaposedaily #strengthforyoga #yogaeverymoment #yogipose #yogaforfatloss #howtoyogaathome #flexibleyogi #mindfulyogis #wellnessforlife #selfcarepractice #yogaposes #yogaeverydanmday #mindfulpractices #meditationdaily

5/18/2024, 1:28:24 PM

#yogaeverywhere #yogaeverymoment @dvijenieomkar #lovemylife 💚 #mybabyboy #jaima 🙏☀️

5/11/2024, 7:53:28 PM

Yoga: Where Tradition Meets Movement 🧘‍♂️✨ For me, yoga isn't just about striking poses on a mat—it's a profound journey of self-discovery and inner connection. Each breath we take, each stretch we make, is an opportunity to tune into our bodies, calm our minds, and find balance amidst life's whirlwind. Let's flow, breathe, and discover the magic within ourselves. Namaste 🙏💫 Tags: #yogaposedaily #strengthforyoga #yogaeverymoment #yogipose #yogaforfatloss #YogaInSaree #howtoyogaathome #flexibleyogi #mindfulyogis #wellnessforlife #selfcarepractice #yogaposes

5/4/2024, 1:23:25 PM

Evrenin ritmi her birimizde ;her nefeste, her an'da atıyor.. Neden ziyan edelim.. Her davranışımız , her hareketimiz birbirimizi tahmin ettiğimizden daha fazla etkiliyor.. O zaman neden biraz daha dikkatli ve özenli olmayalım... #yogazihni #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment #yoga #hathayoga #rajayoga #karmayoga #jinanayoga

4/30/2024, 7:39:50 PM

👉🏼Incontri per neomamme con i loro bebè, per condividere spazio e tempo ed esperienze, ricominciando a percepire e controllare i movimenti del proprio corpo accompagnate dai vostri bambini. ✅Incontri accessibili da 40/60 giorni post partum 📌Per info e prenotazioni DM o @valefellons • • #yoga #movimento #postpartum #yogamum #yogababy #yogainvaldifiemme #yogaeverymoment #yogaislife

4/23/2024, 2:20:36 PM

Surrender to the Universe. Surrender to the Higher Self. Surrender to the Ishta Devata. Surrender to the Ishwara. Surrender to the Formless in your Form. Surrender to this moment, now and here. But what is Surrender? Surrender is not a passive pursuit. Surrender is the most active there ever is/will be. Surrender is the space beyond all your efforts. Surrender is a state you achieve automatically. Surender is the journey through Effort to Effortlessness. How long does it take to reach this state of Effortless surrender? Surrender till you stop differentiating between Body, Mind, Willpower, Individual Soul and Universal Spirit. Surrender till the Nothingness, Oneness, Dualities, Trinties are all the same. Surrender till there is no you and only US. Surrender till you find your SELF. Always within and Never without. #surrender #íshwarapranidhána #effortlesslyeffortful #yogaeverymoment #discoveryourself

4/21/2024, 7:54:10 AM

“OTHERING” is a very human tendency right? (maybe swans do it as well🙃) We may think or treat others as if they are different to us… we may label them as wrong, not fitting the norm etc. (e.g when I ask for a decaf long black and a regular long black, the server usually repeats “so one decaf and one NORMAL long black”?). Maybe we do this as a ways to make sense of things or to make ourselves feel better…or right? But does that work? What if we focused our attention on how we are feeling in these moments (the internal sensations) and got curious about that rather than the external focus? Even getting just a little curious might shift our perspective? #ittakeswork #studyyoga #yogalife #yogaforeverybody #wearethesame #yogaeverymoment

4/18/2024, 2:00:00 AM

Sii felice qui e ora, è sufficiente. Quello che ci serve il singolo momento, non abbiamo bisogno di altro. - Madre Teresa di Calcutta - Lo yoga può diventare uno strumento prezioso nel nostro viaggio verso la felicità. La parola sanscrita sukha, menzionata più volte negli Yoga Sutra, è spesso definita come beatitudine, felicità o gioia. Lo yoga può portarci a sukha attraverso la respirazione, la meditazione e le asana. La felicità e l'arte dello yoga sono legate nella scrittura da secoli. Le persone spesso equiparano la felicità con esperienze piacevoli, ma questa è solo una piccola parte della felicità. Sukha è legata alla serenità che nasce da una vita equilibrata, dove non rincorriamo costantemente esperienze piacevoli o cerchiamo di evitare il dolore. Questo non significa che non godiamo di esperienze piacevoli, ma piuttosto che la nostra felicità non dipende da esse. Possiamo trovare soddisfazione e gioia nelle cose semplici della vita, anche quando le cose sono difficili. Non dobbiamo chiederci che cosa fare per essere felici, ma chi essere, come pensare e come amare con tutto il cuore per esprimere sukha, per esprimere beatitudine e felicità ogni momento con gratitudine e consapevolezza. Foto @saramuggittu #behappy #lovelife #loveyoga #yogaishappiness #begrateful #gratitudine #siifelice #sukha #garudasana #bliss #consciousness #consapevolezza #yogaeverymoment #sivanandayoga #ambikayogamamoiada #yogainspiration #yogainsardegna

4/17/2024, 8:19:33 AM

BEING with our emotions, the sensations, but not GRIPPING onto them is a practice right? How long, or how often we spend with our emotions/sensations can vary (maybe seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, years). It’s our choice and the practice includes recognising if we are gripping onto something rather than compassionately working with and through it, to be done with it (no charge left). Love the journey! #yogalife #compassionforself #studyyoga #ittakeswork #yogaeverymoment

4/17/2024, 3:12:44 AM

Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts🧘‍♀️❤️ #buddhateachings #yogaposedaily #strengthforyoga #yogaeverymoment #yogipose #yogaforfatloss #howtoyogaathome #flexibleyogi #mindfulyogis #wellnessforlife #selfcarepractice #yogaposes

4/16/2024, 12:33:13 PM

YOGA doesn’t have a DRESS CODE! Looking around you may think you have to wear a certain attire to practice yoga however, I haven’t come across any requirements in the text, have you? In private sessions with me you 💯 get to choose what you want to wear, what’s comfortable for you. #noyogaattirehere #yogaeverymoment #yogaforeverybody #yogaholdsnoprejudices

4/15/2024, 2:00:00 AM

Our EGO can provide us with a healthy sense of self however, sometimes it can get a bit excited and cause unnecessary suffering by creating a sense of superiority or inferiority and separation from others. On the other hand if we consider that we are all CONNECTED …. #yogalife #yogaeverymoment #studyyoga #weareallconnected #yogaholdsnoprejudices

4/14/2024, 2:00:00 AM

Our HISTORY (things we have experienced) can impact our bodies response to similar situations. EITHER way whatever it is, IS being experienced right now so if able is it best we consider, or be with, work it through now? Or we could choose to leave it for another time. It’s all 👌 #bewithwhatis #yogaeverymoment #yogalife #yogaeveryday

4/13/2024, 2:00:00 AM

In a bit of a FLUX right now. I used to use terms like “I am in a mood today” or “it’s gonna be a rough day”. Now I try to stick with how I am feeling in the moment. Right now it’s a bit yuck so I am gonna go sit on my mat and see what happens! Update: I feel kinda chilled now, I released something! I rolled around on the floor, journaled and had a wee leak from the eyes! Feeling 👌 now. #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment

4/12/2024, 2:00:00 AM

I am often asked, “ How and How long should one practice YOGA? “ My Answer: As long as you can still breathe. The practice is not a short-term activity or a pastime pursuit. The practice is not for weight loss or to do a handstand The practice does not answer all your questions at once. They are all revealed to you gradually and as you practice more and more, day after day. Practice with sincerity and for a long time. Practice with no interruptions. Practice with utmost devotion The practice is a PREPARATION. The practice is a FOUNDATION. Practice till you do not have any more questions on how and why to Practice. Practice till your gross body, subtle mind and interiormost soul are all one. Practice till you are ONE and NONE. #yogaeverymoment #practiceandalliscoming #practicepracticepractice #foundation #preparation #pathanjaliyogasutras

4/4/2024, 4:09:17 AM

Our bodies FLEXIBILITY has nothing to do with yoga. However, yoga does ask us to foster a nimble mind …that we are not ridged in our thinking! Flexible mind not body! Plug - This is something we consider in my ‘Introduction to yoga’ series and or 1:1 sessions. Curious for more? #studyyoga #flexiblemind #nimblemind #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment

4/3/2024, 1:00:00 AM

A volte pensiamo che per essere spirituali abbiamo bisogno di una vita diversa. Pensiamo che sia necessario fuggire per un viaggio in un luogo estraneo, fuggire dalle nostre responsabilità o fare un brusco cambiamento nella nostra vita per trovare la spiritualità. Per essere spirituale non bisogna sfuggire alla vita, al contrario, bisogna immergersi in essa. Per essere spirituale non bisogna fuggire da nessuna parte, basta chiudere gli occhi sinceramente e abitare la propria interiorità con devozione per connettersi con il proprio spirito. L'ambiente che abiti oggi è proprio quello di cui hai bisogno per crescere e elevarti spiritualmente. Per crescere spiritualmente devi solo decidere di portare coscienza nella tua vita oggi. Proprio lì dove sei, c'è già tutta la spiritualità che cerchi, basta solo accordare il tuo sguardo e il tuo cuore. Foto @saramuggittu #yogaspiritualpath #yogaeverymoment #yogasempre #sentierospirituale #yogaspirit #yogaperlanima #amoreperloyoga #sivanandayoga #ambikayogamamoiada #yogainsardegna

3/29/2024, 8:43:10 AM

PRANA is the Jyestha ( Oldest ) and Sreshtha ( finest ) of all that ever existed. PRANA, simplified as Atmospheric Air outside, contains the secrets to our existence. PRANA, if channelized well, stills your thoughts. Creates a harmonious and conscious space inside. PRANA - Do not just Inhale and Exhale. RETAIN IT. HOLD IT and the universe inside STILLS itself. PRANA is everything that was, is and ever will be. If there is one external substance you want to use, this is the ONE. The one Substance you want to master. The one that is in all. Outside and Inside. So who are you? ONE and NONE. #yogaeverymoment #prana #pranava #mastership #holdyourbreath I dedicate this post and this pose to Vayuputra Hanuman. I bow to his Highness of PRANA. To Strength. To Mastership. To Leadership. To Service. इं इं इं चित्स्वरूपं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि 🙏

3/28/2024, 3:17:07 AM

Se cambi un po' la tua prospettiva, visione, immaginazione e atteggiamento, puoi essere felice qui e ovunque." - Swami Sivananda - La strada dello Yoga è una strada per ampliare la prospettiva della vita. Sono anni in cui pratico yoga e meditazione e in cui imparo a conoscere e riconoscere ancora e ancora. Ho scoperto la grande pazienza che abita in me, la capacità di amare in modo così puro e incondizionato, la capacità del mio corpo di cambiare e ripristinare il suo equilibrio in modo così naturale. Ho pensato e ripensato molto alla natura, al grande lavoro che svolge ogni istante, ho pensato e ripensato a quanto posso imparare solo osservando ciò che è. Veramente la vita è fatta per farci crescere, evolvere e condurci alla spiritualità in modo naturale. Se fossimo un po' più attenti al luogo dove la nostra natura ci porta, potremmo recuperare la nostra essenza. Lo yoga è in ogni momento. Se ascoltiamo, eccolo lì. Questo è ciò che la pratica vuole insegnarci. Ad ascoltare la nostra natura, a sentire la nostra essenza. Foto @saramuggittu #yogashowstheway #yogapath #camminodelloyoga #yogaperlavita #amoreperloyoga #essenzainteriore #inneressence #yogaeverymoment #yogaforsoul #yogaperlanima #sivanandayoga #ambikayogamamoiada #yogainsardegna

3/27/2024, 8:15:34 AM

Hi Instagram Fam! 👋 It's been a while, and I see many new faces on my page, so I thought I'd reintroduce myself. I'm Priya, a certified yoga influencer and fitness enthusiast 💪 I've completed both 200-hour and 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training programs. In 2022, I reached a significant milestone by winning the title of Miss Wellness International⭐ My fitness journey began after giving birth to my two beautiful babies, during which I gained an additional 38 kgs. Instead of losing hope, I delved into fitness education, obtaining certifications in various disciplines, from Zumba to yoga. Through discipline and dedication, I reclaimed my life, shedding the weight that once held me back. Now, as a yoga & fitness influencer, I share my story to inspire others facing similar struggles. I'm here to remind every mother that self-care is crucial and transformation is achievable. So, dare to dream and confront life's challenges with unwavering determination. You'll find that within you lies the potential for a story that inspires, motivates, and changes the world—one page at a time. Thank you for being here! I'd love to hear about you, so drop a '👋' in the comments and share your story ❤️ Tags: #yogainfluencers #yogainfluencer #gettoknowmebetter #aboutmechallenge #yogaenthusiast #loveforyoga #yogastretching #yogaeverymoment #yogipose #flexibleyogis #yoginiforlife #yoginisofig #yogiatheart #yogainstructorlife

3/26/2024, 11:48:55 AM

If there is one word that defines me, it is “Vairagya” and if there are two then add “Abhyasa” Renunciation in Thought, Speech, Action and not of it. Be Traceless. No residue. Be Timeless and Spaceless. YOU are above and Beyond. Be Formless. The real YOU. Practise till you find YOU. #yogaeverymoment #abhyasa #vairagya

3/26/2024, 4:35:20 AM

Eka Tattva Abhyasah ( One Truth Practice ) The ultimate goal of Yoga Practice is to seek Truth. So, What is this Truth? Truth is seeing reality as it is and not who you are. Let us understand the difference: What you see is your projection of truth from your past memories and future anxieties. This is what you see with your two eyes and all Indriyas ( sense organs ) What it is, is oneness of everything. No separation between you inside and you outside. The inside, you, Outside is all One. You are at once ONE with everything. This is the vision of the third eye. The eye that transcends the two and becomes ONE. The middling of the ends. This is the vision of YOU, the larger self. So how does one move from you to YOU. Answer: Through you, you become YOU. Not by avoiding the path but going through the path. Always, include and then Transcend. The practice of Yoga aims to still your thoughts and bring clarity, instills purity and brings right intentions to our actions. Manasa, Vaacha, Karmana. In thought, Speech, Action. Eka Tattva Abhyasah ( Practice till you at ONE with everything ) #yogaeverymoment #oneness #relaxedfocus #onepointedawareness #truthseeker

3/25/2024, 8:25:49 AM

All in one. One in All. Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi Achieve a state of complete absorption. It all starts with your effort till it becomes effortless. Till the observer, the observed and the field of observation is the same. Till the doer, the deed and the doing is the same. Till the smaller you ceases to exist and the larger YOU surfaces The larger YOU that was never born and knows no death. Be YOU. God Bless 🧘‍♂️ #yogaeverymoment #findyourfreedom #samyama

3/22/2024, 8:45:35 AM

* Delhi state yoga sports championship.🏆🎗🕉🕉 #yogagirl #championship 🏆 #selfpractice #yogaeverymoment #yogavideos #motivate #yogamoments❤️ ......

3/17/2024, 5:45:44 PM

Engage in Self-Study every moment. Not just from hair to toe, but also from skin to Self. Gross to Subtle. Outside to Inside. smaller self to LARGER SELF Explore outside. Experience inside. Read the sacred scriptures. Travel. Sketch. Sing. Dance. Do whatever it takes… Till the outside and inside do not exist. Till you are aligned to the source. The source that resides within us all. Go find it. Make it your life‘s pursuit. #yogaeverymoment #svadyaya #discoveryourself

3/17/2024, 6:02:41 AM

Ahimsa a jógamatracunkon is megjelenik, amikor gyakorlunk. Először is ne lépd át a mentális és fizikai határaidat. Feszegesd, próbálkozz, törekedj de tudd azt, hogy hol van az ÁLLJ. Tiszteld a tested és vedd figyelembe aznapi hogyléted. Bíztatlak, motivállak de mondhatsz nemet és megkérhetsz arra is, hogy ez ma nem az a nap, köszönöm. Ez az elfogadás a te és az én részemről is. Fontos az, hogyan lépsz be az ajtón és hogy viszonyulsz másokhoz. Ez a szerető kedvesség. Fontos az, hogy milyen a kapcsolatod a természettel és az élőlényekkel. “Aki ártalmatlan lényeket a maga örömére bántalmaz, az sem életében sem halálában soha nem lesz boldog.” (Ms.5.47.) Én az életemben a békét, a tányéromon kezdtem. Bántok gondolatokkal, bántok szavakkal. Igaz az, hogy nem szándékosan de indulatból vagy a ránk rakódott védekező mechanizmusok kihozzák. Hibázz, hibázok én is de lépj rá az útra! 🙏🤍 Namaste🌱 #vegan #yoga #ahimsa #practice #daksayogaandmore #yogaeverymoment #metta #peaceandlove #mentalhealth #bodyandmind

3/13/2024, 3:04:37 PM

Yoga bize varoluş gözüyle bakabilmemiz için rehberlik eder.. Olaylara,kendi yaşamımıza, etrafımızdakilerin yaşamına;yargılarımız, düşüncelerimiz, kalıplarımızin gözüyle değil de varoluşun; yaşamın açısından bakabiliriz .Işte bu hal bizi kendi varoluşumuzla bir araya getirir ve biz artık tam anlamıyla yaşamı hissedebilen ,kendimizi ve etrafımızdakileri de daha net şekilde anlayabilen bireyler oluruz.. #yogadonusturur #yoga #yogaeverwhere #yogaeveryday #karmayoga #hathayoga #rajayoga #jinanayoga #yogaeverymoment #yogafelsefesi #hriyoga #mindfylnessyoga #mindfulness #aware #nefes #natureofbeimg #zihin #insanolmak

3/13/2024, 7:42:15 AM

आप सभी को महाशिवरात्रि के पावन पर्व की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं! 🕉🕉🙏🌸 #yogaselfpractice #dailyyogapractice #yogaeverymoment #stretchingexercises #streetstyle #yogavibes #yogastretching ...

3/8/2024, 9:53:36 AM

Ancak "eleştirel zihinler" uyanabilir.. Kalıpların dışına çıkmaya cesaret edebilen farklı ve özgür düşünebilen kadınlara ve erkeklere ihtiyacımız var... Yaşamdan tek gaye bu olabilir; bu çılgın dünyada, şu kısa fakat sonsuzluğa uzanan ömrümüzde.. #yogazihni #yoga #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverymoment #karmayoga #jinanayoga #hathayoga #yasam #mindfulness #insanolmak #yaratilis #nefes #yasamenerjisi #beden #ruh

2/11/2024, 10:22:19 AM

"𝐀𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐚 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐭 𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐚-𝐭𝐲𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐡” 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐠𝐢 𝐞̀ 𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐚, 𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐝 𝐞𝐠𝐥𝐢 𝐬𝐢 𝐚𝐯𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢 𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚̀. 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐥𝐢 𝐘𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝟐:𝟑𝟓 :) Nei dintorni di un villaggio sperduto di poveri contadini dell’India viveva un grosso cobra molto feroce che terrorizzava gli abitanti del villaggio. Un giorno un sadhu che si trovava a passare da quelle parti venne informato della presenza del cobra e si offrì di intervenire per risolvere la situazione. Nonostante il parere contrario dei contadini, si incamminò nella campagna dove presto incontrò il cobra. Lo placò con un mantra e poi lo redarguì per il suo comportamento aggressivo. Quando il cobra mostrò il suo dispiacere, il sadhu gli promise che gli avrebbe insegnato la via per l’unione con il Divino a patto che il cobra cominciasse a praticare ahimsa. Il cobra accettò. Dopo aver impartito il suo insegnamento il sadhu se ne andò ma dopo circa un anno,fece ritorno al villaggio dove ritrovò il cobra macilento, pieno di ferite e contusioni. Chiese allora al cobra fosse accaduto e il cobra rispose:” oh santo Guru, da quando ho ricevuto i tuoi insegnamenti ho smesso di aggredire i contadini del villaggio ma non appena la notizia del mio cambiamento si è sparsa nei dintorni, un gruppo di ragazzi ha iniziato a perseguitarmi, a picchiarmi e ferirmi ed ora sono qui che muoio!” Allora il sadhu, guardandolo con compassione rispose:” Cobra, io ti ho detto di non fare del male a nessuno ma non ti ho mai detto che potevi subirlo! Avresti potuto sibilare! " Vi aspetto stasera per capire e praticare ahimsa. A poi <3 . . . . . #ahimsa #yogaphilosophy #yogapath #yogajourney #nonviolence #nonnuocere #capireloyoga #loyoganellavita #asanayoga #yogapractice #wheninyoga #yogaspirit #yogasoul #yogavibeslove #yogateacher #yogslesson #yogastudio #yogagrottaglie #yogagrace #yogagrow #yogaprogress #yogalifestyle #understandyoga #yogadaily #yogaeverymoment #yogapuglia

2/9/2024, 10:04:28 AM

La experiencia de alinear bien en las asanas te lleva a explorar nuevos límites en tu cuerpo y en tu práctica. . Si quieres profundizar en tu práctica del yoga, descubrir nuevas formas de estar y sentir las posturas que ya conoces, si quieres comunicarte de manera más profunda con tu cuerpo, el taller de Yoga según el método del maestro Iyengar que imparte Carmen Jordi, es una oportunidad que tienes ahora, ya que Carmen Jordi es profesora certificada de Yoga Iyengar y tenemos la suerte de que nos visite. . Este taller está destinado a practicantes de yoga y profesores de yoga que quieran profundizar en las asanas para llevar lo aprendido a sus clases. ⭕Plazas muy limitadas...en el enlace tienes más información.⏬⏬⏬ . #janakiyoga #yogazuera #yogaeverymoment

2/1/2024, 2:46:19 PM

Hanging from any safe "prop"..your body has to resist gravity.. so is a good way to prevent the loss in height that happens after 30s..if u are sedentary u can lose an inch in height every decade . Maybe we need a height chart for grown-ups too 🤔 #60sandbeyond #yogalife #yogateacher #yogaeverymoment

1/18/2024, 4:47:32 AM

🧘‍♀️ Embrace the flexibility with our Foldable Yoga Mat! 🌟 Watch @Mjohlina take her yoga practice to the next level. Whether it's a serene sunrise flow or an energizing evening session, our mat is her perfect companion. 💖 Easy to fold, easy to carry – because wellness should always be on the go! Where would you take your yoga practice? #feetlu #feetlu_official #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice #yogalove #yogajourney #yogafitness #yogagirl #yogaeveryday #yogagram #yogalifestyle #yogapose #yogalover #yogateacher #yogapants #yogaworkout #yogastudio #yogadaily #yogaeverymoment #yogafun

1/17/2024, 8:39:21 AM

Yaşamın getirdiği zorluklar, içinde yaşadığımız dünyanın zorlayan koşulları ve belirsizliği bizim için büyük bir uyanışa vesile olabilir... Yaşamla ilgili gerçekleri;tıpkı bir rüyadan uyanır gibi görmek, bize bir şeyleri değiştirebilecek gücümüz olduğunu, insan olmanın tam da böyle bir gücü barındırmak olduğu gerçeğini gösterir. Insan olmak ;değişim potansiyeline sahip olmak demektir.Bir tek insanın uyanışı büyük bir topluluğu hatta insanlığı etkileyebilecek bir güce sahiptir. #yoga #yogazihni #yasam #ozgurluk #insanolmak #yogaeveryday #karmayoga #rajayoga #farkindalik #uyanış #meditationeverymoment #yogaeverymoment

11/26/2023, 6:30:27 PM

Yoga Uzmanlık Programı Hikmet Gürbüz ile Maya Yoga Bakırköy’de devam ediyor Eğitimler hakkında bilgi almak için ; ☎️0530 783 83 90 numaralı telefon ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz #yogaeğitmenlikeğitimi #yoga #yogateachertraining #yogateacher #yogateachers #yogateacherlife #yogapose #yogainspiration #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment #yogaeverywhere #yogauzmanlıkprogramı #yogauzmanlık #yup #yogaaliance #yogaalianceryt200 #mayayogauzmanlıkprogramı #hikmetgürbüz @mayayogaturkiye

11/16/2023, 8:35:07 AM

Elevate your practice with our stunning yoga bag, designed to complement your mindful journey. Our yoga bag is more than just a carrier; it's an extension of your yogic spirit. Its soft, durable fabric gently cradles your mat, while its spacious interior accommodates all your essentials. Embrace the tranquility of yoga and let our exquisite yoga bag become an integral part of your practice. Visit to discover this gem and embark on a journey of mindful movement. #yogabag #yogalove #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverybody #yogaeverything #yogainspiration #yogateacher #yogalove #yogastudio #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogainspired #yogafun #yogachallenge #yogaeverymoment #yogaeverydamnday #yogapose #yogalover #yogaeverything #yogaeverydamnthang

11/16/2023, 2:30:49 AM

🎇 #Diwali o Deepavali Oggi ricorre la festa delle luci in Oriente e soprattutto in India. Può durare anche diversi giorni. Il suo significato più importante è il trionfo della luce 🌟 come simbolo del bene sulle tenebre rappresentate dal buio.🌑 Per questo le case vengono illuminate e decorate da tante luci e candele🪔🪔🪔 🏘️Si ha l'usanza di decorare le case a festa 🎉 👗di indossare abiti nuovi 🎁di scambiarsi regali 👨‍👩‍👦di rafforzare i legami familiari e con amici Ma Diwali copre anche altri significati molto importanti: come la venerazione della dea Lakshmi, consorte del Dio Vishnu, rappresentante prosperità e ricchezza come il ritorno dall'esilio dopo 14 anni di Rama nel regno di Avodhya. Accendete candele 🪔 nella giornata di oggi siate aperti alla luce per scacciare le ombre. Buon #Diwali 🎇🪔🙏2023. #yogannamariaboccuni #yogataranto #yogaeverymoment #yogaovunque #diwali #diwalidecorations #festadelleluci #india #lakshmi #yogateacherinspiration #yogateacheronline #yogateacher #sankalpapuglia #sankalpa #yogayurveda #instadaily #picoftheday

11/12/2023, 10:07:32 AM

La niña que llevo dentro que solo desea jugar, me dice que para dibujar la Navidad, lo haga con colores, la pinte con mis ojos, de ilusiones y sueños. Y aquí estoy haciendo lo posible de que mi vida sea una celebración continua; un festival de lu­ces y colores durante todo el año. #Yogananda dice: "La verdadera celebración de la Navidad consiste en meditar y preparar tu mente para está sagrada época del año, a fin de que puedas experimentar en tu interior el nacimiento de una nueva conciencia de fraternidad universal y amor por todas las criaturas vivientes". . Hay una frase que dice que unos nacen con estrella y otros estrellados; yo sé que soy de las segundas. No cuento las batallas porque forman parte de mis días, sigo el rumbo sin planes, porque nunca sale como lo planeo. Quizás he perdido más de lo que he ganado, pero a pesar de eso no me pesa nada de lo que hago, sé lo que siembro y que los frutos se darán o no, pero es cuestión de constancia, esfuerzo e ilusión. . Me han visto llorar de impotencia, me han visto caer cuando ya no podía, me han visto alejarme sin dar explicaciones, pero jamás me han visto rendirme del todo, porque seré una estrellada, pero tengo una gran voluntad contra la adversidad. Estoy orgullosa de no haber nacido con esa estrella, porque he aprendido a resistir, salir de todas y cada una de las dificultades que se me han presentado, ser resiliente y brillar. . Cuando el año se acaba y un poco de mi se me escapa, me doy cuenta de como soy, una persona que no se rinde, ni siquiera ante lo más difícil y no porque no haya tenido ganas, no soy la estrella de la navidad soy una estrellada que no le faltan las ganas. Creo en mi y con eso me basta, porque eso me hace seguir, me hace sentir y es lo que más importa. Soy voluntad, coraje, valgo mucho, soy tan fuerte como me lo propongo. . #Yogini #YogaAddict #YogaGirl #Happiness #LoverOfTheLight #Handstand #grateful #ChristmasTime #CurlyGirl #FavoriteSeason #InversionPractice #DailyInversionBreak #KeepPracticing #yogaeverymoment #yogajeans #skinnyjeans #CurlyGirl

11/4/2023, 4:53:42 AM

"Lo Yoga è l'equanimità dell'atteggiamento. Questa è pace perfetta. Lo Yoga non è qualcosa che devi solo sentire. Lo Yoga è qualcosa che va assorbito e praticato nella vita quotidiana. Praticare Yoga ti permette di raggiungere l'unicità con il mondo intero." ~ Swami Sivananda ~ Quando siamo in una condizione di equanimità le nostre menti sono in silenzio, e c’è spazio per tutto quello che emerge, niente è rifiutato. Una mente equanime può connettersi al mondo e a tutti i suoi cambiamenti con equilibrio, portamento, grazia, flessibilità. Con l’equanimità, impariamo a fidarci profondamente della nostra capacità di scorrere nel fiume del cambiamento, a rilassarci in esso. La nostra vita è un flusso costante e l'equanimità è quella stabilità, equilibrio e spaziosità della mente e del cuore che ci permette di non essere portati via dalla corrente e di essere in contatto, di momento in momento, con ciò che viviamo e di accogliere, di lasciare essere. Equanimità è offrire una casa alla pace. Foto @saramuggittu #equanimity #yogaforpeace #doyoga #yogainspiration #yogaeverymoment #praticayoga #yogapace #equanimità #garudasana #sivanandayoga #ambikayogamamoiada #yogainsardegna

10/25/2023, 8:47:37 AM

“The connections we make in the course of a life — maybe that’s what heaven is. “ "Yaşam boyunca kurduğumuz bağlantılar —belki de cennet budur. “ Fred Rogers 📷 @purenedagozer 🫶🏻 #yogaforall #yogaforlife #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverymoment #yoga #geyikbayiri #cave

10/24/2023, 12:15:06 PM

Ommie and the Magical Garden, one of our easy-to-follow yoga book for your little ones aged 3-8. Ommie goes on a fun journey of discovery through magical gardens while doing yoga poses. 😄⁠ ⁠ ⁠There is also a foldout page at the end of the book explaining the yoga poses and the benefits in greater detail, plus a sweet rainbow affirmations mediation.⁠ ⁠ We often hear from parents that the older kids love reading the book to their younger siblings, taking the role of the yoga teacher! 😃⁠ ⁠ Here some of the feedback we received from Mums and Dads and carers:⁠ ⁠ My boys, 4 and 2 1/2, love doing the poses and hearing the story. They call it the exercise book! (J. Horn)⁠ ⁠ All children thoroughly enjoyed the story, can we have some more please! (4 Plus Nursery East Wittering)⁠ ⁠ LOVE Ommie and the Magical Garden and my boys loved it too. They were calm, relaxed, followed well and engaged learning why each pose was good for them. We also talked about the story and the bigger picture of life. Brilliant! (B. Beacham) ⁠ ⁠ Dear Sirkka, I really really enjoyed reading the book about yoga. I give it 10/10 stars. It was a splendid way to learn about yoga. I also enjoyed reading it because it had nice pictures. The best part was the meditation part. Thank you for writing such a lovely book. (K. Orlowska age 8)⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ⁠.⁠ #ommiemoments #kidsbookshelf #readingisgood #readingtogether #readaloudfamily #kidstories #booksforchildren #familyyoga #yogakids #kidsmeditation #kidsyogafun #yogaforeveryone #yogainschools #yogaposesforkids #happyyoga #happyogaday #calmkids #peacefulkids #mindfulparenting #yogaforbeginners #mindfulliving #mindfulmama #yogamum #yogaforgrowth #littleyogi #consciousparenting #yogabook #yogaliving #yogaeverymoment #yogabooksoffer

10/22/2023, 4:40:11 PM

We have designed our very own yoga cards and they are beautiful 😍 they are suitable for beginners or intermediate. Each card has a pose, it’s Sanskrit name, the chakra it works on and a description of how to achieve it. On the back of each card is a beautiful inspiration quote. #yogacards #yoga #yogi #goodlifeinnaloo #rockyourchakrasrollyouryamas #perthyoga #kidsyoga #yogaforkids #yogaeveryday #goodlifesubiaco #affirmations #yogacarddeck #poetsofinstagram #yogipoetry #yogapractice #rainpoem #poetrycommunity #rainyday #morning #rain #inclinedplane #healthymorning #yogaeverymoment #inclinedplanepose #morningpoetry #yogainspiration #poetsociety #poetryisnotdead #poetry #yogalife

10/15/2023, 11:49:45 AM

💫 Yoga is like an art in life. 💖✨ . Every time I practice yoga, I have a deep dialogue with myself and the awakening of my soul. 🧘‍♀️🌸😊 . In the world of yoga, I found balance and harmony between body, mind and soul. 🌈💕🌿 . When I unfolded my yoga mat, my body and mind began to relax, giving me a sense of tranquility and freedom. ✨🙏💫 . Through continuous breathing and stretching, I learned to listen to my body and respect my own rhythm. 🌟🌺💪 . I use yoga postures to express inner grace and strength while also releasing stress and anxiety. 🌸💪😌 . Yoga has taught me the importance of patience, perseverance, and gratitude. 🌻💓🙌 . Whether it's an inversion pose that challenges balance, or a twisting action that stretches muscles, every practice is a compliment and breakthrough for yourself. 🌈🤸‍♀️💥 . Yoga is not only a physical exercise, but also an inner practice and attitude towards life. 🌺🧘‍♀️✨ . Let us immerse ourselves in the world of yoga and use the power of softness to create our own balance and beauty! 🌟💕🌿 . . . . . #YogaLove 🧘‍♀️💕 #YogaJourney 🌟🌈 #YogaEverywhere 🌍🧘‍♀️ #MindfulMovement 🌺✨ #ZenVibes 🙏🌸 #YogaLifeBalance ⚖️🧘‍♀️ #StrongBodyStrongMind 💪🧠 #YogaFlowing 🌊🧘‍♀️ #YogaInspiration 🌟🧘‍♀️ #PeacefulPractice ☮️🌼 #YogaCommunity 🤝🧘‍♀️ #NamasteVibes 🙏🌟 #FlexibilityGoals 🔥🧘‍♀️ #FindYourInnerPeace 🌸✨ #YogaIsMyTherapy 🌈❤️ #BalancedBodyAndMind ⚖️🧠 #YogaEveryDay 🌞🧘‍♀️ #YogaPosesChallenge 🤸‍♀️💫 #YogaLifestyle 🌱🧘‍♀️ #ChallengingYourself 🔥🔥🧘‍♀️ #YogaOnTheMat 🧘‍♀️🌿 #BreatheAndStretch 🌬️🧘‍♀️ #YogaForSelfCare 🌺💆‍♀️ #MindBodyConnection 🌼🌞 #YogaGoalsAchieved 🎯🧘‍♀️ #EmpoweredByYoga 💪🌟 #YogaEveryMoment 🌟🧘‍♀️ #YogaAsanasInMotion 🌀🧘‍♀️ #YogaForInnerStrength 💪❤️ #YogaWithJoy 🌈😄🧘‍♀️

9/26/2023, 10:36:02 AM

Korkularımızı derinden hissedebilmek için cesaret gerekir.. Ne garip değil mi? Oysa bize cesur olmamız gerektigi söylendi ve korkularımızla nasıl ilişki kurabileceğimiz öğretilmedi.. Yaşamda ilerleyemeyip sürekli patinaj yapmamızın sebebi buralar olabilir... Içimize bir bakıp bizde durumlar nasıl bakabiliriz?. Yoganın bize sunduğu en değerli şeylerden biri korkularımıza bakabilme cesareti verebilmesidir..Tüm hücrelerime kadar korkularımı hissedebilme ve onlarla bir süre kalabilme cesareti ve sonrası yaşamımıza daha geniş açıdan bakabilmek ve bize sunulan olanakları görebilmek ve işte özgürlük.... #yoga #karmayoga #hathayoga #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment# #ozgurluk #insanolmak #zihin #zihinselsaglik #mindfulness #mindfulnesslife #mindfulnessyoga #nefes #beden #varolus #insanegitimi #yasamboyuegitim #meditation

9/24/2023, 12:23:04 PM

✨️Por si te olvidaste Cierra tus ojos, siéntete, viaja a tu centro y enamórate de tí 🧡 Recuerdos de un lugar donde @yogaycielo volvió, como siempre, a colocar su corazón 📸 de la maravillosa @luzygloria #yogaycielo #yogainspiration #yogaeverymoment #yogalover #amor #love #yoga #yogaphotography #ahimsa #yogamurcia

9/15/2023, 9:04:34 AM

🙌 Shoutout to @christ1naross for giving our Feetlu Yoga Mat a try! 🧘‍♀️ This post is one of our best yet, and we're thrilled to see you enjoying our product. Our Feetlu Yoga Mat isn't just ideal for yoga, but it's also perfect for your exercise routine. 💪 We've introduced additional padding to ensure your knees are well-protected during your workouts. No more discomfort or pain while striving for those fitness goals! Say goodbye to those sore knees and hello to a more comfortable workout experience with Feetlu. Thank you, @christ1naross, for trusting us with your fitness journey. Keep shining and inspiring us all! ✨ #feetlu #feetlu_official #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice #yogalove #yogajourney #yogafitness #yogagirl #yogaeveryday #yogagram #yogalifestyle #yogapose #yogalover #yogateacher #yogapants #yogaworkout #yogastudio #yogadaily #yogaeverymoment #yogafun

9/4/2023, 7:49:59 PM

Atma Yoga Shala offers Group Yoga Classes ( Studio/Online) in the Tradition of Vinyasa Krama Move Breathe and Meditate With guidance from certified teachers With a group of fellow yogis and friends With an ambience that supports Yoga With us from anywhere in the World Walk in for free trial session. For more details contact us on 9840814811. #yoga #asana #pranayama #meditation #breath #classes #unlimited #limited #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment # yogavibes #yogafit # yogadaily #yogastudio #yogaeverydamnday #yogajourney #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogapractice

8/25/2023, 5:09:27 PM

Yoga eğitimi bize tekrar tekrar yeniden başlama şansımızı hatırlatır.. . Her nefeste,yeniden başlarız yaşama biz farketmesek de yaşam bize bu çağrıyı yapar; her nefes alış ve verişte... Yoga eğitimi bize bu hatırlatmayı yapar... . Tekrar başla, yeniden başla yaşamda sana sunulan fırsatları farket.. #yoga #yogaeverwhere #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment #insanolmak #yogaegitimi #zihinegitimi #nefes #yogasimdikian #mindfulness #mindfulnesslife #mindfulnessyoga #hathayoga #karmayoga #jinanayoga #rajayoga

8/20/2023, 10:52:00 AM

filled with the deepest gratitude for this community ☀🧡🧘‍♀️ 08.12.23 | the last Yoga in the Park of the summer with @stephaniewilburnduwe @sara_tro @studio_m_yoga_and_art we want to extend a heartfelt thank you for making our studio a part of your wellness voyage. & making these YITP practices something to look forward to 🌿 it's more than just yoga – it's a nurturing space where growth and community thrive. til next year ✨ #YogaCommunity #YogaJourney #TogetherInWellness #InnerPeaceSeeker #YogaEveryMoment #SoulfulConnections #AuthenticConnection

8/17/2023, 4:27:10 PM

🌟 Shoutout to @JourneyToLeisure for taking their practice to the next level with our Yoga Mat! 🧘‍♀️✨ Your dedication to mindfulness is truly inspiring. Keep flowing and finding your zen! 🌿🙏 #feetlu #feetlu_official #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice #yogalove #yogajourney #yogafitness #yogagirl #yogaeveryday #yogagram #yogalifestyle #yogapose #yogalover #yogateacher #yogapants #yogaworkout #yogastudio #yogadaily #yogaeverymoment #yogafun

8/14/2023, 12:30:57 AM

The sun's out – check out our fab range of Ommie kids yoga t-shirts and also NEWLY available fab hoodies, pefect for summer living.⁠ ⁠⠀⁠ Visit our website to order in bio. Choose from a selection of fun designs. All our t-shirts are made from gorgeous organic cotton and printed in the UK in a renewable energy powered factory. 😊 ⁠⠀⁠ .⁠⠀⁠ .⁠⠀⁠ .⁠⠀⁠ .⁠⠀⁠ ⁠.⠀⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #organiccotton #ethicallymade #organictshirt #yogawear #yogatops #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogatshirt #yogagirl #ommiemoments #mindfulmama #yogamum #yogaforgrowth #yogaforbeginners #yogaliving #yogaeverymoment #practiceyoga #yogadaily #yogainspiration #yogalove #yogateacher #yogaforlife #yogamom

8/10/2023, 8:15:39 PM

Lo Yoga mi permette di fermarmi, di prendermi un momento per respirare. Lo Yoga mi permette di fare il check-in, di chiedere al mio corpo di cosa ha bisogno momento per momento, magari essere più gentile con me stessa, o forse di fare respiri profondi di ricarica o forse di concedermi una pausa. Lo Yoga mi accetta per dove sono, per quello che sono. Lo Yoga comprende che alcuni giorni voglio esplorare, altri giorni voglio ritirarmi. Per quanto ami lo Yoga, sento sempre che lo Yoga mi ama di più. Foto @phieffe #yogabreath #yogaeverymoment #yogapause #yogalove #loveyoga #amoreperloyoga #yogaeamore #sivanandayoga #ambikayogamamoiada #yogainsardegna

8/9/2023, 8:39:22 AM

Teaching kids to breathe slowly and deeply can help them to manage their emotions better so that they can adopt it as their calming down strategy. ⁠ .⁠ Encourage to practice the deep breathing when your child in moments when they are calm and happy, and make it fun.⁠ If you are looking for inspiration, have a look at our website and listen to our deep breathing wave meditation, or get our book "Ommie's Journey into Calm" which focuses on breathing and learning about calmness.⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #choosehappiness #kidsbooks #yogamum #yogakids #yogaforkids #readingisfun #yogawithkids #kidsyoga #oxygenadvantage #yogaliving #yogaatthebeach #mindfulparenting #yogaoffthemat #yogaforeveryone #yogaforbeginners #mindfulliving #yogatoday #littleyogi #practiceyoga #yogaforgrowth #kidsmeditation #ommiemoments #yogainschools #yogaeverymoment #mindfulmama #yogaposesforkids #slowbreath #surfyoga #breathingexercise #justbreathe

8/8/2023, 7:25:10 PM

🌇🧘‍♀️Yoga al tramonto Pochi posti disponibili.... Non perdetevi la pratica al tramonto....Vi aspetto 📲3498543757 Anna Maria Boccuni Insegnante di yoga e Operatrice ayurvedica #instadaily #yogaeverymoment #yogannamariaboccuni #yogainspiaggia #yogaltramonto🧘‍♀️ #yogataranto #yogaeveryway #yogateacher #yogateacherinspiration #yogainestate #yogapuglia #sankalpayoga #sankalpapuglia

8/8/2023, 9:25:34 AM

• Yaşam niyetlerimizle şekillenir. Lakin niyetlerimizin gerçeğe dönüşmesini, eylemlerimizdeki kararlılık ve devamlılık sağlar. Eylem sözden üstündür, söz de düşünceden… Çabana güven. 🤍 @cetincetintas #duygularınefendisi . . . . #sirsasana #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogaeverymoment #yogalove #yogalifestyle #yogakiooturkiye #kiooretreatcenter #yogabalance

7/31/2023, 7:14:19 AM

Dr. Ray Long explains the theory of balancing opposites and shows how anchoring from the big toe helps align the pelvis for more structural support.⁠ ⁠ Link in bio⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #teachingyoga #yogaanatomy #yogatips #yogapractice #yogajourney #yogacommunity #yogateacher #yogadaily #onlineyoga #yogafam #yogaeverymoment #yogaeverywhereigo #yogafitfam #yogaempowered #yogafeels #yogaforalllevels

7/25/2023, 3:50:10 PM

Meditation is not just sitting still and thinking of nothing. It's a profound journey of self-discovery and mindfulness. By observing our thoughts without judgment, we gain deep awareness of our minds and emotions, gracefully navigating the stream of thoughts. 🧘‍♀️ But meditation doesn't end with sitting on a cushion. It's a flexible practice that extends to every aspect of life. By staying fully present in each action, whether savouring a meal, walking, or engaging in creative pursuits, we embrace meditation as a way of being. This mindful immersion opens our senses to the world around us. It uncovers the profound beauty of living in the present.🙏✨️ ॐ नमः शिवाय✨️🕉🧘‍♀️🙏🙌 #meditation #mindfulness #presentmoment #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #mindfulliving #bepresent #breatheeasy #staymindful #selfawareness #embracenow #findyourcalm #namaste #yoga #livingyoga #yogaforlife #iloveyoga #yogatips #yogawisdom #yogaeveryday #yogaismylife #yogateacher #yogaeverymoment #yogaandmeditation #meditationisyoga #livingyoga #yogaforbodyandmind

7/20/2023, 2:58:04 PM

Pek çoğumuz iki ayrı hayata sahibiz. Bunlardan biri yaşadığımız, diğeri ise içimizde saklı tuttuğumuz, yaşayamadığımız hayatımız. Nedir bize bu istediğimiz hayatı yaşatmayan? DİRENÇ. Steven Pressfield. Durgun, ürkek, bir türlü başlamayan, tembel, üşengeç ruh haliyle hayallerinden uzaklaşmak, gerçek hayatına uzaktan bakmak yerine, direncin ne olduğunu öğrenmeye, anlamaya ihtiyacımız var. #yeniay 🌙🌑 📸 @yucel_unver #nature #zen #calm #newmoon #creative #newbeginnings #meditation #mindfulness #resistance #movement #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverymoment #bliss #lifepurpose #sattva #

7/17/2023, 4:14:36 PM