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Eines meiner persönlichen Highlights bei unserer FM Kompakt Radiotour rund um Salzburg war der Besuch bei Foster Kent. Peter Kent (links) und Thomas Foster produzieren die Jinglepakete für viele Radiostationen wie SWR3, Ö3, FFH, das Inselradio, Antenne Bayern. Außerdem auch fürs Fernsehen, z. B. RTL Aktuell. Aber auch bekannte Firmen wie Red Bull sind Kunden. Fotos: PeterFaust @zirog1 #fmk #fmkompakt #radiotage #salzburg #fosterkent #thomasfoster #peterkent #jingle #musikproduktion #swr3 #radiohamburg #rtlaktuell #inselradiomallorca #antennebayern #ffh #ndr1radiomv #oe3 #wdr2  #swr4 #redbull #radioarabella #bayern1 #bayern3 #youfm #brf1 #radiohoreb #orf #welle1 #südtirol1

5/20/2024, 12:26:42 PM

Jedna z mojich najdlhšie čítaných kníh. Nepreháňam, ak poviem, že som ju začala čítať možno aj pred 6 rokmi 😅. Pravda je, že na jej dočítanie som potrebovala literatúru doštudovať. Samozrejme, nie preto, že je to tak náročné čítanie, ale skôr preto, že keď sa celé dni učíte čítať knihy s hlbokým porozumením, nechcete sa to učiť ďalej aj vo svojom voľnom čase. . Thomas C. Foster nás núti mať pri čítaní románov otvorené oči aj myseľ. Uvažuje nad podobnosťou svetových literárnych diel. Hovorí o interpretáciach jednotlivých kódov a symbolov. Privedie nás k premýšľaniu o tom, že krajina nie je len krajinou, ani s ročnými obdobiami a počasím to nie je také priamočiare a ani choroba nikdy nie je len chorobou. A čo taká voda a ponorenie do nej? Jednoduché, ak sa z vody postava vynorí, je to krst a prerod, ak nie... . Kniha mi pri mojom štúdiu svetovej literatúry veľmi pomohla. Pri čítaní slovenskej klasiky sa asi dajú rady a podnety Fostera tiež uplatniť. Otázkou ostáva zmysel čítania knihy, keď jedinou našou zábavou je čítanie a recenzovanie súčasných diel. Nechcem nikomu krivdiť, ale neviem, či dnešní autori ešte využívajú takéto podprahové kódy v podobe symbolov, aby povedali čitateľovi niečo viac a sprostredkovali mu emócie navyše. . Nie je to jednoduché čítanie a vyžadujú určitý stupeň vzdelania vo svetovej literatúre. Autor spomína množstvo kanonických diel a sčasti ich interpretuje. Odporúčam všetkým študentom a vášnivým bádateľom svetovej literatúry a aj tým, ktorí chcú viac preniknúť do problematiky interpretácii. Myslím, že pre takých čitateľov je kniha určená. Aby sa nestávalo, že čitateľ len súčasnej slovenskej romantiky hľadá krst pri obyčajnom kúpeli vo vani. . @vydavatelstvo_tatran #ukazcocitas #ukazcoctes #thomasfoster #citajliteraturuakoprofesor #howtoreadliteraturelikeaprofessor #tatran #knihyknihyknihy #svetovaliteratura #kanon #dnescitam #dnesctu #kniznizavislaci #knizky #kniznytip #kniznirecenze #kniznarecenzia #knizka #knizniinspirace #knihomolka #kniha #knihajelaska #knihomolove #knihozrut #knihomol #knihstagram #skbookstagram #skczbookstagram #booklover #bookstagram #cteninasbavi

4/4/2024, 12:41:56 PM

Frog Log - February 4, 2024: Checking out the Thomas Foster Memorial in Uxbridge. Thank you to Gigi for the limbo’ing and photoshoot! Rebel!! #thomasfoster #uxbridge #roadtrip #sundaydrive #sundayfunday #kimitdufrog #greenliving #siclife

2/5/2024, 12:14:36 AM

NEU auf #64 THOMAS FOSTER & DJKC - 1999 (Fairlight/A 45/KNM) "1999" is an exciting music project that focuses on the reinterpretation of the legendary trance track "Binary Finary" from 1999. We have developed a modern remix version that preserves the distinctive character of the original while enriching it with fresh and contemporary elements. Zurück zur Chart #ddp #deutschedjplaylist #poolposition #dancemusic #dance #djpromotion #techno #edmmusic #housemusic #techhouse #dubmusic #electrohouse #electronicmusic #music #chart #thomasfoster #djkc #fairlight #A45

2/3/2024, 7:00:37 PM

As the summer approaches, and you begin planning your PD, Brandon Abdon and I would like to invite you to join us for one of The Garden of English's Online Summer Workshops for AP®* English Teachers. Our workshops provide all participants with the recordings of our sessions. Participants also receive: •A signed AMSCO text (with digital teacher resource access) •A premium Parlay account •Interactions with esteemed authors (Thomas Foster, Sarah Zerwin, Jay Heinrichs, and Matthew Johnson) •All GOE poster files •As many scaffolded classroom strategies we can possibly offer in the time allotted •A multitude of resources and lesson plans (fully-aligned with the CED) from companies like Applied Practice •A chance to win a class set (15 books and a teacher resource) of AMSCO texts for your classroom •A chance to win mock exam services from Applied Practice With us, there's no need to worry about forgetting the nuanced conversations you'll have had during our time together because you'll always have access to the material. Those interested in checking out what the GOE offers--or those who are considering joining, but would like some more information or participant reviews--can go to the following links and find more information: Offerings: Reviews: We also offer an EARLYBIRD coupon through the month of April. We are happy to work with school districts and individuals alike. Feel free to reach out to Brandon Abdon or me with any questions. *Advanced Placement® and AP® are trademarks registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product. These workshops are not an official AP® Summer Institutes approved by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product. . . . . . . #thegardenofenglish #sarahzerwin #thomasfoster #matthewjohnson #jayheinrichs #timmfreitas #brandonabdon #aplit #aplang #apenglish #apenglishteachers

1/16/2024, 10:53:51 PM

📚Book 80 of 100 📚Twenty-Five Books That Shaped America 📚Thomas C. Foster • 20 left! • • • #thomasfoster #thomascfoster #twentyfivebooksthatshapedamerica #reading #bookreview #bookreviewer #100booksinayear #book80 #happyreading

12/29/2023, 3:57:45 AM

#рудачитає #книга А поки та, хто обіцяла собі не нагрібати книжок до кінця року, чекає на замовлення «Четвертого Крила» 🫠 📙 Томас К. Фостер «Читай як професор. Жвавий і захопливий посібник з читання між рядків», @tempora.publishing Багато із вас уміє усвідомлено читати між рядків? Одразу бачити, крім первинної, вторинні структури? Я, наприклад, роблю так не завжди. І ще рідше займаюся цим, коли пишу власні тексти. Хоча це не заважає мені на десятому чи двадцятому прочитанні схопитися за голову й скрикнути: «Вседаре милостивий, то от чому свіжі троянди за кілька сцен зів’яли» (ні, справа не у браку води, справа у клятому символізмі). Як писав Воттс у додатках до «Сліпобачення», наше підсвідоме працює значно краще за свідоме. І це справді так, бо більшість того, про що згадує Фостер, ми зустрічали навіть у творах зі шкільної програми. От тільки в ті часи мене ці детальки не цікавили, бо наша зарубіжка, відверто, була жахливим плановим галопом по Європах. А після Фостера навіть «Іліада» заграла новими барвами, бо вижимка а-ля — Ахілл пустив обідку на Агамемнона й відмовився воювати, бо у нього забрали секс-рабиню — звучить так по-людськи, хоча й дещо крінжово (а ще гарно запам'ятовується 🤭). Я навіть на «В очікуванні Годо» подивилася по-новому, хоча мені здавалося, що там я вже все схопила. Вампіри, монстри, печери, хвороби, їжа, дощі, пори року, географія - значення має все. Але ж ви й без мене про це здогадувалися 😉 Отож, чи читати? ✅ Так, якщо ви хочете витягнути на усвідомлений рівень все, що вже знали. ✅ Так, якщо не знали, але хочете поповнити багаж знань. ПиСи. В останньому розділі навіть можна протестувати себе, чи наблизилися ви до рівня професора, прочитавши попередні розділ . Виходить easy as pie 😎 Не забудьте глянути сторіс 🦊

12/18/2023, 1:30:49 PM

«La verdadera razón de una búsqueda siempre es conocerse a sí mismo. De ahí que quienes buscan a menudo sean jóvenes, inexpertos, inmaduros, poco preparados. Los hombres de cuarenta y cinco, o bien se conocen a sí mismos, o bien nunca lo harán, mientras que a cualquier jovencito de dieciséis o diecisiete le queda mucho camino por recorrer». ‘Leer como un profesor’, Thomas Foster (Turner) . . . 👉 Complicado leer este libro sin dejar de pensar en ‘Como una novela’ de Daniel Pennac. . . . @editorialturner #lectura #leer #leercomounprofesor #thomasfoster #danielpennac #comounanovela

9/11/2023, 11:45:15 PM

Onde tudo começou... Fire foi minha entrada para esse mundo literário, e eu sou imensamente grata por todas as pessoas que conheci, todos os livros que li e todas as experiências que vivi. Por incrível que parece FO não foi minha primeira avaliação/resenha, foi FIRE CRISTIMANS, a Duda pediu reforços às Princesas de Limão e Mel 🍋🍯🍫 e o que essa mulher fala é lei, me motivou e aqui estou eu, fazendo resenha de todos os livros que leio. @autorabrits Obrigada por fazer esse mundo literário entrar na minha vida da melhor forma possível, me acolhendo, me fazendo surtar, sorrir e chorar. Eu amo seus histórias, seus sonhos. Obrigada por tudo! 🎄🍫 A MELHOR EXPERIÊNCIA DE NATAL DE TODASS !🎄🍋🍯🍫 LISTA DE COISAS QUE AMEI!!! Ilustrações; Conhecer mais os pensamentos da Rose e Chris; Chris santinhos e lerdinhoo; Dalphino, referências da família limão e mel; O Sr policia certinho descobrindo as cores; Vingança do Chris; Receitas White e descrições pensando na Mia e na relação deles ; Feliz Natal Véspera; A Árvore de Natal derrubando a batedeira ( mdss que hot, até suei); Trevor se embolando todo com o laço da Mia; "Você é o chefe, Trevor" Trevor sempre lembrando de coisas q eles já fizeram ( elevador, projetor, pasta carbonara); Amor do Thomas pela Sarah; Pensamentos do Thomas; Intensidade do hot de Scotter; Papai Natal; O trevor falando das pessoas que considera família; Trevor falando do Ted e Morgan; As meninas sendo citadas nos agradecimentos ( Acortana, vitorinha, Juliana e Jenny); Como a brits sempre agradece a si mesma ( tá certíssima). . . . #book #bookstagram #nacional #autorabrits #fire #firecristimas #trevorwhite #thomasfoster #lauden

8/18/2023, 9:45:11 PM

Tuesday I had a really cool studio recording with Thomas Foster, in his studio in Salzburg. He also has an office in New York and makes a lot of super cool music for TV and radio! I have jingles for him for a German radio and samples for his site "Mugent" recorded. Mugent is completely free and is full of high-quality samples in different genres, with different instruments. For all those who compose and/or make computer music. #studiorecording #jingles #studiowork #studioflutist #studiosalzburg #fosterkent #thomasfoster #thomasfostermusicproduction #happytobeanartist #happyflutist #liveyourdreams #musicianslife #stúdiófelvétel #magyarzenészkülföldön #fuvolista #szeresdamiteszel #szeretemamunkám

6/9/2023, 5:50:02 PM

~ Čítaj literatúru ako profesor ~ ✍🏽| Thomas C. Foster 📇| „..literatúra neumiera. Zväčšuje sa a rastie.“ Nejestvuje snáď príhodnejší čas na predstavenie Fosterovej publikácie než 23. apríl – Svetový deň kníh. Americký profesor beletrie, drámy a poézie vo svojom diele totiž vyzdvihuje hodnoty literatúry tak ucelene, výstižne a jednoducho, ako dokáže len máloktorý zanietený knihomoľ. V jednotlivých kapitolách rozoberá symboly a vzorce, ktoré sa prepožičiavajú v dielach naprieč tisícročiami a pomocou interpretácii známych (i menej známych, no vysoko odporúčaných) diel čitateľom ukáže cestu, akou v knihách hľadať, a predovšetkým NÁJSŤ, hlbší zmysel. Vďaka autorovým skúsenostiam pretvorených do slov sa predslov a doslov pre mňa stali vstupnou bránou do umenia literatúry. Poukazuje v nich na neovplyvniteľnú intertextovosť, nesmrteľnosť, rozpínavosť i vplyv literatúry a vyzdvihuje čitateľa ako jej neodmysliteľnú súčasť. Náučnému dielu nechýba jemný prídavok humoru a autorovho intelektu, čo z neho robí zábavnú príučku. Ak máte pocit, že vám pri čítaní uniká podstata diela, máte čitateľskú krízu alebo si len chcete rozšíriť svoje obzory a zažiť prednášku vo forme textu, nahliadnuť do tejto knihy je správnym rozhodnutím. 🇺🇸| How to Read Novels Like A Prof #HowtoReadNovelsLikeAProf #thomasfoster #citajliteraturuakoprofesor #dnescitam #book #books #read #reading #bookstagram #bookworm #bookish #bookoholic #bookpic #photo #love #art #autumn #fall #coffee #książki #miłośnikksiążek #könyveket #könyvbarát #livres #libros #goodbooks #bücherliebe #reader #instabook #love #bestseller

4/23/2023, 2:10:09 PM

This fountain can be found in Elswick Park just outside of the leisure centre, and is one of the only things that remain of what was once a grand estate. Erected in 1881 it is inscribed with the words: "They saved this park for public use for health beauty and happiness to elevate man and honour God". The writings refer to six notable figures in Newcastle's history who bought the land in order to gift it to the people of the city; Joseph Owen, Thomas Foster, Thomas Grey, Thomas Hodgkin, William Smith and William Stephenson. It has continued to serve as a public park since being donated. The land on which the fountain stands is the former home of Elswick Hall which can be seen on the second picture. This grand town house was occupied by several well known local historical figures, but the land on which it stood has a history that stretches back as far as the twelfth century. In 1120 Elswick was granted to Tynemouth Priory where monks created a fortified tower there in the 15th century. After the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII the land came under royal ownership in 1539 before being sold in 1628. In the mid 17th century a mansion was built on the land which was subsequently replaced by various grand houses until its last iteration which was completed in 1810 and was occupied by John Hodgson and later by Richard Grainger. Between 1877 and 1930 the house became an art gallery, and it was finally demolished in 1978 and replaced by a leisure centre which remains on the land. #fountain #drinkingfountain #history #historicalfigures #elswick #josephowen #thomasfoster #thomasgrey #thomashodgkin #williamsmith #williamstephenson #publicpark #park #tynemouthpriory #monks #dissolutionofthemonastries #henryviii #royal #mansion #grandhouse #architecture #johnhodgson #richardgrainger #artgallery #swimmingpool #leisurecentre #newcastleupontyne #newcastle #toon #geordie

4/7/2023, 10:11:30 AM

𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒕 & 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔, 𝒐𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒆𝒕, 𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔! 🥰✨⁠ ⁠ Keep reading to discover our November Bella Bookclub picks!⁠ ⁠ 👉🏽 Written by American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Thomas Forster, 𝑴𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑭𝒍𝒚 is the story of a young boy whose father has a unique position as a ballet dancer. Ben and his friends are playing in their favorite part of the classroom-- the dress-up corner! ⁠ ⁠ They are talking about what they want to be when they grow up. Rachel wants to be a tae kwon do master, Dixie wants to be a doctor like her auntie, and John wants to be a teacher just like their teacher, Mr. Underwood. But when Ben says he wants to fly just like his daddy, his friends are sure his daddy must be a pilot.⁠ ⁠ 👉🏽 If you're looking for a visual guide to ballet that goes beyond other books, 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒕: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑰𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚, written with ballet legend, Viviana Durante, is overflowing with beautiful photography that captures famous dancers and key stories. ⁠ ⁠ Discover more than 70 of the most famous ballet dances, from The Nutcracker and Swan Lake to The Rite of Spring!⁠ ⁠ 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕?⁠

11/23/2022, 11:32:18 AM

What are you reading this weekend?! 🧐📚 I've been reading some of these for quite some time. The Bezos Blueprint by @carminegallospeaker comes out in November and I just started reading it last month. It's got a whole lot of great tips about writing and speaking and I'm just getting into part two which talks more about storytelling! The others have been on my currently reading list for quite some time, they are quite in depth books that have a lot of knowledge to implement. If any of these topics are of interest to you then I highly recommend any of these books as they are all worthy of your time. #books #currentlyreading #amreading #carminegallo #talkliketed #thebezosblueprint #bezosblueprint #bookmattic #bookstacks #bookstack #nonfictionreads #nonfictionbooks #theartandbusinessofonlinewriting #nicolascole #adultlearner #howtoreadliteraturelikeaprofessor #thomasfoster #thisisyourbrainonmusic #daniellevitin #theselfdrivenchild #nedjohnson #robfitzpatrick

10/22/2022, 1:57:30 PM

Wakacje się skończyły. Dla wielu osób nadszedł teraz czas na lektury. Te obowiązkowe i uzupełniające. Czy to po raz pierwszy, czy jako powrót, czy w szkolnej ławce, za biurkiem nauczyciela, czy z własnej woli, już jako dorosły. Dla mnie kanonem lektur jest 1001 książek Petera Boxalla. Przeczytałem tylko 45 spośród nich. Część zacząłem i nie skończyłem, albo znam tylko z filmu. Dużo więc do nadrobiena. A książka jest niesamowita, także ze względu na ilustracje. Lubię ją przeglądać, zatrzymywać się na tym czy tamtym zdjęciu i poczytać o nieznanej mi dotąd książce. I chciałbym Wam zaproponować zabawę na cały wrzesień. Róbcie zdjęcia lektur szkolnych, studenckich, tych ulubionych i tych przy których rwaliście włosy z głowy, takich, które właśnie czytacie. Napiszcie coś o nich. Oznaczcie mnie dopisując #lekturyobowiązkowe Udostępnię taki post u siebie w stories, a na koniec września jedno z Was otrzyma upominek książkowy. #bookstagram #bookstagrampl #instabook #instabookpl #instaksiążka #polskibookstagram #1001książek #peterboxall #thomasFoster #czytajjakprofesor #innyświat #gustawherlinggrudziński #lektury #czytam #reading #readerslife #wrzesień #bookphotography #bookstagramflatlay #bookstagrampolska #ksiażki #readmore #czytajwięcej #wrocławczyta #igreads #igczyta #wdomu #takmieszkam #vintagestuff

9/1/2022, 8:36:40 AM

FROWBACK FRIDAY! To many moons ago when I dabbled for five minutes with costume design for some cosplay buddies. I drew up these designs for a Brit-Cit Judges badge, armour and helmet imagining how they might look in the gritty world of the 2012 Karl Urban movie "Dredd" Some went on to be actual things some remained conceptual and the badge was inducted into canon by Thomas Foster who used the design in one of his beautifully drawn strips in the Judge Dredd Megazine in 2015 Still chuffed to see the design being used so many years later by other prop makers and artists. . . . . #2000ad #2000admagazine #2000adcomics #judgedredd #dredd #megazine #thomasfoster #comics #cosplay #costumedesign #propmaking #propdesign #comiccon #theobalds #petertheobalds #britcit #britcitjudges #britcitjusticedepartment #karlurban #dredd2012 #dredd3d #insta2000ad #britishcomics #judgedreddcosplay #propmaking # dreddfanart #judgeanderson #darkjudges

8/19/2022, 6:49:42 PM

This year’s #SummerReading list is coming at ya late. Already finished 3 of these and am going to try to be done early. Lots of these are dictating my fall list. From top to bottom we got #TheSenseOfAnEnding by #JuliaBarnes. Can’t forget perfecting my craft so I’m rereading #HowToReadNonFictionLikeAProfessor by #ThomasFoster. The next was sent to me by @booksellerwithattitude and I’m grateful to have been introduced to the young writer and the unique voice of #AlejandroVarela ‘s through his debut novel #TheTownOfBabylon #ElieMystal ‘s #AllowMeToRetort has been an expose by a Black constitution expert’s very real and sometimes sad and sometimes hilarious take on #America ‘s founding document. Rereading #CesarMillan ‘s #BeThePackLeader to help me navigate the mind of our puppy #Albizu. Sometimes you’re inspired by your former students and @dediosx27 posted that she’s reading #EduardoGaleano ‘s #OpenVeinsOfLatinAmerica and thought it was time for a rereading. If you’ve never read this and you’re a fan of #Zinn this is right up your ally. #ThePowerBroker by #RobertCaro is the preeminent biography on #NewYork ‘s very powerful and influential city planner and developer #RobertMoses. Finishing the list off with a signed copy of #ColsonWhitehead and his novel #HarlemShuffle

7/5/2022, 11:22:37 AM

This year’s #SummerReading list is coming at ya late. Already finished 3 of these and am going to try to be done early. Lots of these are dictating my fall list. From top to bottom we got #TheSenseOfAnEnding by #JuliaBarnes. Can’t forget perfecting my craft so I’m rereading #HowToReadNonFictionLikeAProfessor by #ThomasFoster. The next was sent to me by @booksellerwithattitude and I’m grateful to have been introduced to the young writer and the unique voice of #AlejandroVarela ‘s through his debut novel #TheTownOfBabylon #ElieMystal ‘s #AllowMeToRetort has been an expose by a Black constitution expert’s very real and sometimes sad and sometimes hilarious take on #America ‘s founding document. Rereading #CesarMillan ‘s #BeThePackLeader to help me navigate the mind of our puppy #Albizu. Sometimes you’re inspired by your former students and @dediosx27 posted that she’s reading #EduardoGaleano ‘s #OpenVeinsOfLatinAmerica and thought it was time for a rereading. If you’ve never read this and you’re a fan of #Zinn this is right up your ally. #ThePowerBroker by #RobertCaro is the preeminent biography on #NewYork ‘s very powerful and influential city planner and developer #RobertMoses. Finishing the list off with a signed copy of #ColsonWhitehead and his novel #HarlemShuffle

7/5/2022, 11:22:32 AM

Explore the forgotten, true history of an African prince who was enslaved in Mississippi for 40 years before finally achieving freedom and becoming one of the most famous men in America. “Prince Among Slaves,” narrated by Mos Def, tells Abdul Rahman Ibrahima Sori’s story tonight, June 28, at 8 CT.

6/28/2022, 9:39:05 PM

Rare Art Deco Thomas Foster & Son English pottery phoenix ware…. SOLD #phoenixpottery #thomasfoster #artdecopottery #decopottery #phoenixpottery #artdecojardiniere #jardineria #decopots #southsea #antiques #vintage

6/13/2022, 10:30:49 PM

Die unglaubliche Ann Vriend hat zusammen mit dem bekannten Produzenten Thomas Foster den George Michael Klassiker "Freedom" neu aufgenommen - die Message ist in heutigen Zeiten aktueller denn je 💛💙 Heute um 22:30 Uhr läuft der Song auf SWR3 - unbedingt einschalten 😍 🎁 Am 14. April kommt Ann Vriend LIVE nach Kaiserslautern in die Fruchthalle! #kunstgriff_event #kaiserslautern #fruchthallekaiserslautern #fruchthalle_kaiserslautern #annvriend #live #konzert #soul #friendsofsoul #freedom #coversong #thomasfoster #georgemichel #freikartengewinnen

4/5/2022, 4:22:02 PM

School School and more School Sometimes bookstagram inspiration strikes while sitting in class so you have to sneak a pic during a slow moment. These books were on my desk and the lighting was perfect so I had to get a picture. It feels very academic. QOTD: What is/was your favorite subject in school? Hashtags: #school #bookstagram #howtoreadliteraturelikeaprofessor #thenortonintroductiontoliterature #schoolbooks #englishclass #literature #readersofinstagram #bookstack #bookish #booklover #thomasfoster #acedemic #acadamia #class

1/12/2022, 10:22:52 PM

"Nothing satisfies me more than the irony of watching someone who had exerted pain being turned into a victim. Each cut, each beating, each drop of blood act as an adrenaline syrge, which helps me forget the voices coming from everyone's thoughts." 📜 💼 🏚️ 🔑 🔦 ⏱️ 📖 ⚗️ 🗝️ 📺 📒 🖊️ 🔪 #doorways #doorwaysprelude #doorwaysthecave #doorwaystheforesrofstakes #doorwaysauditorium #doorwaystheunderworld #doorwaystheunderworldthemine #doorwaystheunderworldthesewer #doorwaystheunderworldthehospital #doorwaystheunderworldthebasement #doorwaystheholymountainsofflesh #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshelchacal #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshtheschool #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthemansion #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthetemple #thomasfoster #томасфостер #teefe #betacrui #betaкрей

12/27/2021, 5:46:06 PM

"The sculptures in this place represent real people. Acquaintances of the Sculptor, perhaps? What catches my attention is how his mind has warped their proportions and musculature in the interest of achieving the aesthetic ideal that he considers perfection. I understand that he wanted to imprint his style in his work, but that's not the case here. He feels like he could change the work of nature, improving it in every aspect." 📜 💼 🏚️ 🔑 🔦 ⏱️ 📖 ⚗️ 🗝️ 📺 📒 🖊️ 🔪 #doorways #doorwaysprelude #doorwaysthecave #doorwaystheforesrofstakes #doorwaysauditorium #doorwaystheunderworld #doorwaystheunderworldthemine #doorwaystheunderworldthesewer #doorwaystheunderworldthehospital #doorwaystheunderworldthebasement #doorwaystheholymountainsofflesh #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshelchacal #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshtheschool #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthemansion #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthetemple #thomasfoster #томасфостер #teefe #betacrui #betaкрей

12/23/2021, 6:56:50 PM

"I wish I could forget about all those horrible places. I rather have them as my own memories and not this mix of feelings... My mental privacy has been compromised, and at the same time I feel guilty as someone who regrets having stolen something precious from its rightful owner. Which was the fate of the Professor? What kind of punishment would make him pay for the suffering and the deaths of his countless victims?" 📜 💼 🏚️ 🔑 🔦 ⏱️ 📖 ⚗️ 🗝️ 📺 📒 🖊️ 🔪 #doorways #doorwaysprelude #doorwaysthecave #doorwaystheforesrofstakes #doorwaysauditorium #doorwaystheunderworld #doorwaystheunderworldthemine #doorwaystheunderworldthesewer #doorwaystheunderworldthehospital #doorwaystheunderworldthebasement #doorwaystheholymountainsofflesh #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshelchacal #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshtheschool #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthemansion #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthetemple #thomasfoster #томасфостер #teefe #betacrui #betaкрей

12/20/2021, 6:36:49 PM

"Just like my targets' psycho manages to invade and pollute my identity, Dr. Stein's psychic energy broke in and focused on this device. I can penetrate her mind just by activating said device. And then it whispers in my ear, describing a new world of pain, a world of secrets. If this woman had any traces of humanity left at all, they are now in the palm of my hand". 📜 💼 🏚️ 🔑 🔦 ⏱️ 📖 ⚗️ 🗝️ 📺 📒 🖊️ 🔪 #doorways #doorwaysprelude #doorwaysthecave #doorwaystheforesrofstakes #doorwaysauditorium #doorwaystheunderworld #doorwaystheunderworldthemine #doorwaystheunderworldthesewer #doorwaystheunderworldthehospital #doorwaystheunderworldthebasement #doorwaystheholymountainsofflesh #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshelchacal #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshtheschool #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthemansion #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthetemple #thomasfoster #томасфостер #teefe #betacrui #betaкрей

12/16/2021, 6:15:27 PM

"There are things which are burned into my memory. My name is Thomas Foster and my duty is to bring these four psyhopaths to justice. I just hope to resist their sadistic influences; their corrupted minds could overpower my own". 📜 💼 🏚️ 🔑 🔦 ⏱️ 📖 ⚗️ 🗝️ 📺 📒 🖊️ 🔪 #doorways #doorwaysprelude #doorwaysthecave #doorwaystheforesrofstakes #doorwaysauditorium #doorwaystheunderworld #doorwaystheunderworldthemine #doorwaystheunderworldthesewer #doorwaystheunderworldthehospital #doorwaystheunderworldthebasement #doorwaystheholymountainsofflesh #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshelchacal #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshtheschool #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthemansion #doorwaystheholymountainsoffleshthetemple #thomasfoster #томасфостер #teefe #betacrui #betaкрей

12/9/2021, 7:17:57 PM

"Todo grande livro possui segredos que você pode aprender a decifrar"

11/16/2021, 6:31:42 PM

«Как читать художественную литературу как профессор» Томас Фостер ⠀ ⠀ Эта книга - лучшее, что со мной случилось в этом году! 😱😱😱⠀ ⠀ Услышала о ней у какого-то блогера, причём не отзыв, а просто упоминание. Меня заинтересовало название, я глянула, есть ли эта книга у нас в книжном, она оказалась доступна и я купила её не задумываясь. Как оказалось, не зря.😄⠀ ⠀ Книга оочень интересная и познавательная. Я узнала столько всего полезного, что урок литературы в школе и рядом не стоял (хотя я смутно помню, что мы делали на уроках литературы в школе 😂).⠀ ⠀ Я привыкла читать книги как дилетант. Мне всё должно быть ясно и понятно и лежать на поверхности. А оказывается в произведениях есть столько скрытого смысла и всё, что пишет автор, это не просто так. Это и погода, и время года, и место, и еда, и природа, и что приведение - это не просто приведение и т.д. Это разрыв мозга! 😮⠀ ⠀ В книге столько информации, что больше 50 стр. в день я просто не могла осилить. К тому же, я узнала новых для себя авторов и произведения, которые стоит прочитать. В конце книги автор даёт список рекомендуемых к прочтению произведений. ⠀ ⠀ Я в шоке от книги (в хорошем смысле) и я поняла, что нифига не знаю и не умею анализировать произведения. Стыд мне и позор. 🤪⠀ ⠀ Если вы любитель прозы, то очень советую прочесть эту книгу-учебник, чтобы лучше понимать, что вы читаете. ⠀ ⠀ Например, «Абсолютно новых и целиком самобытных текстов не бывает. Почти всё в романе так или иначе взято из других книг.»⠀ ⠀ Теперь я поняла, почему «4 ветра» мне напоминало «Унесённых ветром», а «История Артура Трулава» - «Вторую жизнь Уве». ⠀ ⠀ А вообще много сюжетов взято из Библии. Кто-то вдохновлялся Шекспиром. Много чего взято из мифов древней Греции. Эта та база, на которой строились многие произведения. ⠀ ⠀ И ещё много чего интересного с примерами и упоминанием авторов и произведений. Книгу надо читать в обнимку с карандашом, чтобы подчёркивать важную инфо, чтобы потом ещё раз перечитать. ⠀ ⠀ Я сразу себе купила ещё одну книгу Томаса Фостера «Как читать романы как профессор» и в скором времени обязательно её прочту! ⠀ ⠀ Читали ли вы подобные книги? Хотелось ли бы вам прочесть эту книгу? 😊⠀ ⠀

11/4/2021, 1:15:42 PM

#thomasfoster has just been elevated to principal dancer with the #americanballettheatre preparing for the role of Albrecht in #gisselle with the guidance of #kevinmckenzie

10/23/2021, 5:54:30 PM

Etliche Male wurde der Start des neuen James-Bond-Streifens "Keine Zeit zu sterben" wegen Corona verschoben. Am 30. September soll er nun endlich ins Kino kommen. Bereits vorab rufen die beiden Produzenten Thomas Foster und DJKC noch einmal den Titelsong "No Time To Die" in Erinnerung. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Klickt einfach auf den Link in unserem Instagram-Profil oder kopiert folgende URL in die Adresszeile eures Browsers, um zum Beitrag zu gelangen: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #MusikNews #JamesBond #NoTimeToDie #ThomasFoster #DJKC #MicheleMcCain #Gewinnspiel

9/7/2021, 9:44:37 PM

Views from last night’s performance by Jose Sebastian @josemlsebastian and the Hamptons Dance Project @hamptonsdanceproject overlooking Gardiners Bay. Don’t miss your chance to see it tonight and tomorrow. Get your tickets now at LINK IN BIO @nyscouncilonthearts 📸 @joebrondo #thisisguildhall #guildhall #guildhall90 #dance #hamptonsdanceproject #hamptons #hamptonsstyle #summerinthehamptons #hamptonsweekend #josesebastian #skylarbrandt #isabellaboylston #aranbell #catherinehurlin #devonteuscher #corystearns #thomasfoster #americanballettheatre #longislanddance #dancer #longisland #gardinersbay #restartnygrantee

8/14/2021, 4:39:08 PM

Learning to read well is a lifelong endeavour. In literature and poetry, there’s a symbolic language that we can teach our eyes to decipher, tune our ears to hear, and encourage our hearts to feel. In this process, literature and the arts become increasingly more alive and exponentially more meaningful. The best way to learn how to read well is to read more – it’s that simple. But the second best way is to find books that teach you how to read, like this set of books from Thomas C. Foster, professor emeritus of English at the University of Michigan. The blurb by American author Nicholas A. Basbanes says it all: “Dante had his Virgil; for everyone else, there is Thomas Foster.” • • • • • #literature #books #bookstagram #bookworm #bookcollector #bookcollection #igbooks #igreads #classicscommunity #bibliophile #reader #reading #readinglist #library #homelibrary #classiclit #classicliterature #classics #thewesterncanon #greatbooks #thomascfoster #thomasfoster #readwell #howtoread #poetry #literature #novels #professor

8/1/2021, 11:05:49 PM

🎼🎹🎙”Jo Jo” by Con Funk Shun (1986) One of the first songs produced and composed by the Bay Area’s production duo, Denzil Foster and Thomas McElroy (known for creating great hit songs for Tony! Tony! Tone!, En Vogue, and Club Nouveau) #confunkshun #jojo #burninlove #clubnouveau #1986music #80sfunk #80ssoul #80sdance #80srnbjunkie #80srnbnsoul #ilove80srnb #funkierthanunwashedunderarms #louismccall #michaelcooper #jayking #fosterandmcelroy #davidmcelroy #thomasfoster #oldschoolmusikmatters #oldsoulsgrooves #1980srnb #80sgrooves #westcoastfunk #lowriderjams #lowridermusic #neglectedfunknchill #neglectedfunk

7/25/2021, 3:27:07 AM

Some of the small hidden beauties Canada has to offer. The family memerial hold many secrets into the past. Are you willing to dip your toes in? #bucketlist #thomasfoster #uxbridge #beauty #familymemories #quackquackquack

7/9/2021, 7:21:14 PM

Dernier jour de mixage pour nos étudiants en Son participants au 3iS International Remix Challenge 🎧🎶 Pour les soutenir dans cette dernière ligne droite, @tomwaxofficial, figure de la scène électronique internationale, à la tête du label Phuture Wax Records leur envoie ses meilleures ondes 🔊 . . . . #challenge #remix #competitionremix #stem #productionmusicale #producteurmusical #ecoleinternationale #ecolemusique #ecoleson #formationson #musicproduction #musicproducer #blufin #soupherbrecords #phuturewaxrecords #gainrecords #arturia #pointblankmusicschool #thomasfoster #beatworx #fazemag #djmag #3is #ecolelyon #son

6/18/2021, 5:24:26 PM

À vos consoles... prêts... mixez ! 🎛️🎚️ L'International Remix Challenge de 3iS revient pour une 2e édition, du 11 au 18 juin ! 💿 Nos étudiants ont une semaine pour s'emparer d’un stem proposé par l’un de nos labels internationaux partenaires BluFin Records, Soupherb Records, PhutureWax.Records, ou encore Gain Records, et le remixer !! 🏆À la clé, un contrat avec l'un de ces labels, et des softwares offerts par notre partenaire Arturia ! 🎓🔉Ce challenge associe les étudiants en Son des campus de 3iS Lyon, 3iS Bordeaux et 3iS Paris, mais aussi d'autres écoles internationales d'Audio & MusicProduction comme Point Blank Music School (UK), Thomas Foster musicproduction (Autriche) et Beatworx Studio (Inde). 🙏🏻 🎶Merci aux partenaires de l'International Remix Challenge, Arturia , Faze Magazin & DJ MAG Fr ! 😍 . . . . #challenge #remix #competitionremix #stem #productionmusicale #producteurmusical #ecoleinternationale #ecolemusique #ecoleson #formationson #musicproduction #musicproducer #blufin #soupherbrecords #phuturewaxrecords #gainrecords #arturia #pointblankmusicschool #thomasfoster #beatworx #fazemag #djmag #3is #ecolelyon #son

6/9/2021, 10:52:03 AM

Le 3iS Remix Challenge revient pour une deuxième édition entre le 10 et le 18 juin ! Les étudiants auront 1 semaine pour remixer un stem d'un grand label international BluFin Records, Soupherb Records, PhutureWax Records ou encore Gain Records !! 🏆 À la clé ? Une signature sur l'un de ces labels prestigieux pour les grands gagnants + des softwares de notre partenaire Arturia ! Ce challenge associe les étudiants en Son des campus 3iS Paris, Lyon & Bordeaux, mais aussi d'autres écoles internationales d'Audio & MusicProduction comme Point Blank Music School (UK), Thomas Foster musicproduction (Autriche) et Beatworx Studio (Inde). 🙏🏻 🎶Merci aux partenaires de l'International Remix Challenge, Arturia, Faze Magazin & DJ Mag ! 😍 . . . #challenge #remix #competitionremix #stem #productionmusicale #producteurmusical #ecoleinternationale #ecolemusique #ecoleson #formationson #musicproduction #musicproducer #blufin #soupherbrecords #phuturewaxrecords #gainrecords #arturia #pointblankmusicschool #thomasfoster #beatworx #fazemag #djmag #ecolebordeaux #instagood

6/8/2021, 5:23:34 PM

3.17.21. “Here it is: there's only one story. There, I said it and I can't very well take it back. There is only one story. Ever. One. It's always been going on and it's everywhere around us and every story you've ever read or heard or watched is part of it.” - Thomas C. Foster #quoteoftheday #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #literature #life #coping #selfcare #spirituality #thomascfoster #thomasfoster #penaddict #inkaddict #fountainpen #fountainpenink #handwritten #notacalligrapher Pen: TWSBI Eco Transparent Purple (1.1 stub nib). Ink: Pennonia Tihanyi Lila - A lovely purple with no sheen and minimal shading, but still kinda interesting. @justvanness Paper: Col-o-ring “Oversize.” - Luxurious paper for seeing what an ink can really do. Super sturdy. A convenient size. Support a small business by buying one or a few! @wellappointeddesk

3/17/2021, 4:57:59 PM

Juhuuuuu Leute, ab 11:00 Uhr gibts heute wieder ein Interview diesmal wie angekündigt @thomasfoster_musicproduction Ich freu mich mega, hat wie immer Spaß gemacht und bin immer noch sehr positiv überrascht wie schnell Thomas zugesagt hat. 🙏😊 Wahnsinn auch, wie viel Erfahrung er im Musikbereich hat und wie lange er schon produziert. Hier bekommt ihr einen Einblick in sein Producing und erfahrt noch so einige andere spannende Dinge. Wie immer gibt es dazu auch wieder ein Video. Einfach auf YouTube unter Songwriter Gespräche nachschauen. Link für den Podcast auch wie immer in der Bio Vielen lieben Dank nochmal für das wunderbare Interview 😊 Viel Spass beim Zuhören und/oder Zusehen Eure Barbara . . . #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #songwritergespraeche #gespräche #interview #neuefolge #nächstefolge #musikproduktion #jingles #komposition #wieschreibtman #youtubevideo #thomasfoster #quatschen #entrepreneur #podcasting #radio #musik #spotify #applepodcast

3/16/2021, 10:23:59 AM

How to Read Novels Like a Professor shares the keys to #language with #readers who want to get more insight, more #understanding, and more #pleasure from their #reading. . . To Read this book, signup on our website, Borrow it from us and get it delivered at your doorstep💕 Link in bio. . . . #bookrecommendations #fictionbooks #novels #books #howtoreadabook #thomasfoster #booksofinstagram #read #readingcommunity #bookstagram #bookworm #thane #bookexchange #booksharing #read #mumbaibookstagram #mumbai #navimumbai #readers #booksbooksbooks #booknerd #bookgram #fiction

12/31/2020, 2:02:42 PM

In the era of fake news and false truths, my whiskered friend is here to present you with this one stone-cold fact: EVERYTHING really is about HIM. We pondered while we puzzled, and these are the thoughts that were left hanging in the air after all of the pieces were fit into place, and the last page had been turned: One of the challenging things about puzzles is that it's hard to see the whole picture when you break it up into a thousand little pieces. Even most avid puzzlers would forgo a puzzle that came in an unmarked box due to the sheer difficulty of piecing together this unknowable thing. We live in a time of unprecedented access to information, yet we like, share, comment and assume based on a casual glance at a never-ending stream of scrolling headlines. We try to paint a Mona Lisa with a few pieces of A Starry Night and what we're left with is a kindergartener's finger painted mess. Celebrities and civilians alike get dragged on social media because we dare to share pieces of ourselves without showing the world the picture on our puzzle box. Then it turns out that there was a perfectly reasonable, albeit tragic, explanation for the pieces, the moments, that were gifted to us. Then those comments that you just had to post, those cheeky little memes you just had to share, ending up being salt in the wounds of a person that was already down when you started kicking them. For the love of humanity, please: read, like, share, comment and post with a conscience. Don't for one second believe it's true just because it's on the internet. And stop creating your own version of the truth based on cursory glances at headlines and momentary glimpses into another human being's life. Try not to be the villain in someone else's story, if you can help it. Thank you @harperperennial and @harpercollins for this gifted finished copy of How To Read Nonfiction Like a Professor by Thomas J Foster. #OliveInfluencer #HowToReadNonfictionLikeAProfessor #ThomasFoster #HarperPerennial #HarperCollins #ReadMoreNonfiction #BeKind #Bookstgram #BookstagramCats #BookstagramPhilly #CatsOfInstagram #ReadingWithCats #Puzzler #PuzzlesAndProse #WellReadGinger

9/11/2020, 5:22:51 AM

"Beyond lights and shadows" écrit par "Thomas Foster" de Scribay connu aussi sous le nom de Renard hirsute. Auteur : Afin d'échapper à la routine scolaire et au stress, j'apprécie de lire un bon livre, d'écouter de la musique ou d'écrire. Mes textes sont parfois touchants, parfois sanglants et parfois heureux. Il traite beaucoup d'amitié et d'amour (pas nécessairement au sens romantique du terme) mais principalement d'aventure. #scribay #bookish #reader #lecteur #ecrivain #livre #summary #résumé #fantasy #sfff #imaginaire #imaginary #storybook #fantastique #historiquefiction #talentcaché #devinci #voyage #science #aventure #thomasfoster #renardhirsute #beyondlights and shadows #bokoo

8/31/2020, 8:35:41 PM

Great Pyramid Power by Thomas Foster Information, photographs and offer options on website. Tap image or link in bio. #greatpyramidpower #thomasfoster #religiousjourney #thegreatpyramid #cairo #christianrevival #crusade

8/30/2020, 11:30:33 AM

Road trip last year this week took me to the Thomas Foster Memorial temple in Uxbridge. An episode of Murdoch Mysteries was filmed here! My reenactment is not as elegant. You try crouching! 🤣 Foster was the mayor of Toronto from 1925 to 1927. He was a philanthropist but that contest about mothers and procreation isn’t what you want to see. 🧐 #torontoheritage #torontopastandpresent #torontohistory #thomasfoster #uxbridgeontario #murdochmysteries #fostermemorial

8/25/2020, 2:42:38 PM

A great #backtoschool recommendation from @steinbeckandstarbucks #ThomasFoster is witty and has a great way of breathing new life into some dry topics. His sarcastic humor engages readers of all genres. #bnbookfun #bookreviews #learning #books #brentwoodtn #franklintn #nashville #615 #bookstagram #howtoreadliteraturelikeaprofessor #howtoreadnonfictionlikeaprofessor

8/15/2020, 3:16:38 PM

Carlyle alguna vez escribió que “en un símbolo hay misterio, y, sin embargo, hay revelación; de ahí, pues, un doble significado, por la acción simultánea del silencio y de la palabra”. Esta dualidad del significado de cada potencial enunciado es lo que hace de la lectura, a mí entender, trabajar en un doble plano. Por un lado, la trama que se narra a vista de todos, y esta la otra, la subterránea, la que se esconde esperando ser encontrada. ¿Encontrada por quién?, por cada lector atento es mi primera respuesta. . Foster nos habla de aquellos símbolos que parecen repetirse a lo largo de la historia de la literatura...agua, enfermedades, religión. . Narrado de forma amena y por momentos jovial, ofrece un panorama de como la intertextualidad se hace presente, tanto en los autores y sus obras, como en el imaginario de los lectores. . Una de las mejores lecturas del año e indispensable para cualquier lector. . Les dejo la reseña completa en blog- Link en bio ⬆️ . Muchas gracias @edoceanouy por otra maravilla de @editorialturner. . #thomasfoster #leercomounprofesor #ensayos #bookstagram #howtoreadliteraturelikeaprofessor #bookstagrammer #instabook #bookaesthetic #bookcommunity #totalbooknerd #booklover #bookish #bookishlife #literature #books #libros #bookdragon #lectores #librosrecomendados #megustaleer #amoleer #recomendaciones #obas

7/10/2020, 12:56:47 AM

He estado desaparecido esta semana - parciales y trabajo - pero quería mostrarles las lecturas que tengo en la mesita de luz. . Leer como un profesor es un ensayo, orientado hacia los lugares comunes de la literatura. Símbolos que se repiten y su posible significado. Foster es, obviamente, un profesor de literatura. Llevo la mitad y puedo decir que ayuda a abrir la mente a ciertos eventos narrativos que muchas veces pasan desapercibidos. . Contra Amazon de Jose Carrión surge de un manifiesto contra Amazon y su modelo de negocio, principalmente del mundo libros. Adicionalmente cuenta con pequeñas narraciones sobre distintas librerias y bibliotecas y libreros del mundo que son exquisitas. El autor busca conscientizar y recuperar la tradición y el folklore de la lectura y el libro. . La semana que viene seguramente, ya más liviano, volveré al capricho de reseñar. . Qué están leyendo? Han leído alguno de estos? . #essay #jorgecarrion #thomasfoster #contraamazon #leercomounprofesor #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #instabook #bookaesthetic #bookcommunity #ensayo #booklover #bookish #bookishlife #literature #books #libros #bookdragon #lectores #librosrecomendados #megustaleer #amoleer #recomendaciones #obas

7/4/2020, 1:08:47 AM

Who needs English class when you have these books? 📚 Reading can be tricky at times so Thomas Foster, a professor of English at the University of Michigan wrote these books to help readers out. 👨‍🏫 . Out of the three, my favorite was How To Read Literature Like A Professor. Thomas explains symbols, themes, and literary devices that often have a deeper meaning to the story. 👁 Have you read any of Professor Foster’s books? 💬 . . . #harper #harperbooks #thomasfoster #howtoreadliteraturelikeaprofessor #howtoreadnovelslikeaprofessor #howtoreadnonfictionlikeaprofessor #howtoreadlikeaprofessor #englishprof #englishclass #literature #novels #nonfiction #bookreview #alexandbooks #reading #readinguides #literarybooks

6/26/2020, 3:24:02 PM

my first book haul!! 🌿🍃🌱 these are my summer reading books for my ap language and comprehension class next year!! i am super excited to get into them, especially in cold blood by truman capote!! do you have any summer reading? -autumn 🦉🍁🍂 #bookstagram #booklover #book #booknerd #bookstagrammer #bookishaesthetic #bookaesthetic #booksbooksbooks #summer #summerreading #ap #aplang #aesthetic #butterfly #butterflies #butterflyaesthetic #incoldblood #trumancapote #thankyouforarguing #jayheinrichs #howtoreadnonfictionlikeaprofessor #thomasfoster #nonfiction

6/4/2020, 11:38:28 PM

Today and every day, I’m thankful for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Thanks to the tagged publishers for the gifted books! Today, I’m bouncing between a few different reads. Both of my nonfiction ones are heavier to read right now, so I’m going through them slowly. The Jane Austen Society has been such a breath of fresh air next to them. I’ll have reviews up for all three of these books soon! What are you reading today? #memorialday #memorialdayweekend #bookstack #coffeeandcurrentlyreading #coffeemug #raedunn #raedunnfinds #thejaneaustensociety #howtoreadnonfictionlikeaprofessor #nataliejenner #thomasfoster #stmartinspress #harperperennial #oliveinfluencer #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookishladiesclub #booksharks #bookspines #bookphotography #mugmonday

5/25/2020, 2:58:03 PM

Hej, hej! Jak Wam mija niedziela? My zapraszamy do słuchania nowego odcinka ( #25 - link w bio ⬆️⬆️⬆️). Zgodnie z zapowiedzią mówimy w nim o naszym wspólnym przekładzie, czyli książce o książkach 🥳 Co to znaczy "czytać jak profesor" i czy takie podejście do lektury nas ogranicza, czy może poszerza naszą perspektywę? Opowiadamy też trochę o tym, jak przebiegał sam proces tłumaczenia, o związanych z nim frustracjach, radościach i wyzwaniach. Zachęcamy do dzielenia się własnymi opiniami i doświadczeniami we wszystkich wspomnianych kwestiach! Dostałyśmy sporo pytań i nie było czasu, by na wszystkie wyczerpująco odpowiedzieć, ale za wszystkie serdecznie dziękujemy! Jeśli po wysłuchaniu odcinka nadal coś Was frapuje, pytajcie w komentarzach, chętnie odpowiemy (albo poniżej, albo w jeszcze jednym odcinku na temat tłumaczenia, jeśli Was ten temat zainteresuje 😊❤️). Omawiana książka to: 📔 Thomas C. Foster, „Czytaj jak profesor”, tłum. Elżbieta Janota i Paulina Rzymanek, Fabuła Fraza. . . . . #czytam #czytambolubie #czytambolubię #czytamy #takczytam #ksiazka #książka #bookstagrampl #literatura #kochamczytać #czytanie #czytanietopasja #czytaniejestfajne #polskibookstagram #książkoholik #bookstagramfeature #ilovebooks #bookstagram #instabook #booksofinstagram #bookpodcast #juztlumacze  #czytajjakprofesor #thomascfoster #thomasfoster #tłumaczka #tłumaczteżautor #igbooks #igreads

5/17/2020, 1:03:45 PM

This book was not at all what I expected, but it was a very enjoyable read. I expected #HowtoReadLiteratureLikeaProfessor by #ThomasCFoster to offer techniques akin to Mortimer Adler's "How to Read a Book." I expected to hear about reading different genres, about reading slowly, about grasping the broad picture, about taking notes, etc. But there was none of that. This book is a sort of truncated encyclopedia of #symbolism and #allusion. He talks about the #symbols employed by authors to communicate things about their characters. He discusses Christ figures, baptism, meals/communion, Greek mythology, Shakespeare, the Bible, blindness/sight, vampires, the quest, #intertextuality, and so on. I recognized the influence of #JosephCampbell on more than one occasion. They are both dealing with #myth, essentially. Foster writes, "In these last three chapters we've talked about three sorts of myth: Shakespearean, biblical, and folk/fairy tale. The connection of #religion and myth sometimes causes trouble in class when someone takes myth to mean 'untrue' and finds it hard to unite that meaning with deeply held religious beliefs. That's not what I mean by 'myth', though. Rather, what I'm suggesting is the shaping and sustaining power of #story and #symbol" (59). I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to enrich their reading of good #literature. ________________ #Books #ILoveBooks #BookLoversofInstagram #Bookstagram #BookReviews #ThomasFoster #HowtoRead #ReadingTips

2/19/2020, 3:18:52 PM

Para ler literatura como um professor - Thomas C. Foster R$ 15,00 #thomasfoster #guiadeleitura #Sebo

12/14/2019, 9:40:42 PM

Żywy stolik, zastrzyk na jesień... a dziś jeszcze Eduardo Louis Koniec z Eddym i Anda Rottenberg Lista.Dziennik 2005. #olgatokarczuk #andarottenberg #eduardlouis #thomasfoster #book #bookstagram

11/12/2019, 9:31:02 AM