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Root Chakra (Muladhara) 🔴 Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra grounds us in the physical world, providing stability and security. It's the foundation of our energy system. 🌿✨ Feel the power of your connection to the earth, bringing you security and a deep sense of belonging. Sign up for my in-person workshop called Journey through the Chakras at 3S Yoga on July 13th at 2-3:30p. Can’t make it? Purchase the online course launching on the same day. 🔗Link in bio to sign up. Comment or DM with questions about the in-person workshop or online course! #reiki #yoga #meditation #love #healing #crystals #reikihealing #chakras #crystalhealing #energy #fitness #yogapractice #yogainspiration #motivation #tarotcards #tarotreading #crystalchakrayogi #rvayoga #therichmondexperience #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #3SYoga #rootchakra

5/30/2024, 4:00:43 PM

JOURNEY to INNER ENLIGHTENMENT In order to live a more rewarding, fulfilled & enlightened life, rekindle the spark within through mind control, self mastery tools & spiritual awakening techniques. Love this course! . . . #soulsanctuary #meditation #healingthroughcrystals #journeythroughthechakras #journeytoinnerelightenment #innerwork #spiritual #spiritualconnection #spiritualdevelopment #selfhealing #reiki #peaceful #spiritualcounseling #soul #courses

5/24/2024, 2:19:37 AM

Summer term begins next week on Wednesday 15th May, booking link in bio 😎 Join me as we continue our journey through the chakras series with an invigorating flow to activate the throat chakra 🧘🏼‍♀️ With the lighter (and hopefully warmer!) evenings ahead of us I'm hoping to take some of our classes outdoors over the next few weeks. I always love practising outside at this time of year whenever I get the opportunity. There's something magical about being outside under the summer skies and surrounded by trees with the grass under your feet 🌳☀️ 🌻 Hope to see you on the mat! 🙏🏻 #yogadublin #dublinyoga #namasteireland #southdublin #southdublinyoga #yogaflow #mixedlevelflow #beginnersyoga #breathe #mindfulness #whatsonindublin #summeryoga #outdooryoga #lovindublin #journeythroughthechakras #throatchakra #energyhealing #energycentres #grounding

5/8/2024, 2:11:19 PM

May Mantras: Dive into the power of mantras this month. Let’s reinforce the subconscious, creating space in our energy centers for transformation by using empowering affirmations. Share the mantra that most resonates with you🫀🙏🏽🥰 Make a note on your calendar for our upcoming workshop 🗓️ 🌈 Radiant Balance - A Journey Through the Chakras’ workshop on Saturday May 18th 2pm to 4pm with @mintbodystudio were we’ll delve into the vibrant spectrum of your inner rainbow and unlock the energy within. Don’t miss out on this transformative experience! #journeythroughthechakras #chakras #energycenters #miamiyogaevents #may1st #miamiyogateacher #miamiyogacommunity

5/2/2024, 1:09:33 AM

💚The Heart Chakra – for giving and receiving compassion, forgiveness, and LOVE 🫶 Hard to believe we are already at Week 4 in Journey Through the Chakras, my 7-week email series. Today’s email discussed ‘anahata,’ the chakra found at the center of the chest. If this chakra is out of balance, you might feel tight and tense, like the door of your heart is closed off, locked up, and boarded shut! For you, it might feel like anger, frustration, resentment, hurt, or disappointment – all emotions that need to be felt and processed. When the Heart Chakra is in balance, we are open and attune to ourselves, others, and the natural world. These affirmations will ring true: 🌱“I am open and ready to receiving love more fully.” “I attract positive, compassionate, and loving people to me.” “I love all parts of myself.” If you received today’s email, what do you think about my tantrum theory?! 🙃Do you agree? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, sign up for my free 7-week email series “Journey Through The Chakras with Akashic Records.” Link in bio! 📸 @emilymarcellaphoto #chakra #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #balancechakras #heartchakra #heartchakrahealing #chakrahealing #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #spiritualpath #spiritualjourney #spiritualpractice #reikimaster #reikienergy #liveonpurpose #heartcentered

4/30/2024, 9:35:10 PM

Journey through the Chakras - The Crown and Aura Feel the subtle whispers of the Divine, gently guiding you towards realms of expanded consciousness and spiritual illumination. Sense the stirring of your inner essence, beckoning you to ascend to the lofty heights of divine wisdom and cosmic awareness. If you experience lack of purpose and direction, struggle to find fulfilment in life, feel spiritually unfulfilled or dissatisfied, have difficulty accessing higher states of consciousness or are unable to experience spiritual growth, have a sense of isolation or alienation from the divine or spiritual community or feel closed off to receiving guidance or wisdom from higher sources or if you have headaches and migraines around the top of your head, you may be experiencing a block Crown Chakra. As we've journeyed through the Chakras we find ourselves at the pinnacle of energetic expression and connection, and we enter into divinity and absorb the balance, radiance and expression of all the other chakras into our field. Through Kundalini Yoga practices, we can begin to dissolve the blocks that prevent you from accessing and experiencing this blissful and divine state - ultimately your birth right. Join us on this mystical pilgrimage and awaken to the infinite potential of your divine essence. With Divine Illumination and Grace, Tracy Marie xx Registration Now Open for the Following Start Date for the 8 Week Online Kundalini Yoga Immersion - Journey through the Chakras Saturday May 11th, 2024 10am - 12.30pm UK/Eire 5pm - 7.30pm AWST Workshop dates: Sat May 11th, 18th, 25th, Sat June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th Exchange: EURO 333 / AUD555 Concessions and Payment Plans Available PM to book #kundaliniyoga #chakras #awakening #beginnersyoga #crownchakra #onlineworkshop #divinity #source #purpose #destiny #journeythroughthechakras

4/29/2024, 6:33:08 PM

Journey through the Chakras - Third Eye Feel the gentle tug of intuition, guiding you towards deeper realms of insight and understanding. Sense the stirring of your inner gaze, eager to explore the boundless expanses of consciousness. These subtle nudges beckon you to awaken the latent powers of your Third Eye and embrace the profound wisdom that lies within. Do you lack clarity and insight, feel disconnected from intuition, struggle to visualise, feel spiritually disconnected or are you closed minded at times? If you are experiencing migraines or headaches this could be a symptom of a blocked third eye chakra. With Kundalini Yoga, immerse yourself in the radiant aura of your Third Eye chakra, bathing in its luminous glow of insight and clarity. See yourself as a voyager of the mind, navigating the intricate pathways of consciousness with grace and ease. This is the magic of Kundalini Yoga—to unlock the doorways of perception and awaken the dormant powers of the Third Eye. Through sacred practices of meditation, breathwork, and visualisation, we'll embark on a transformative journey to illuminate your inner world and connect with the infinite wisdom that awaits within. Join us on this mystical odyssey and discover the limitless potential of your inner vision with our 8 week online Kundalini Yoga Immersion - Journey through the Chakras, With Illumination and Insight, Tracy Marie xx Registration Now Open for the Following Start Date: Saturday May 11th 2024 10am - 12.30pm UK/Eire 5pm - 7.30pm AWST Workshop dates: Sat May 11th, 18th, 25th, Sat June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th Exchange: EURO 333 / AUD555 Concessions and Payment Plans Available PM to book #journeythroughthechakras #kundaliniyoga #beginnersyoga #chakra #intuition #visualisation

4/28/2024, 2:00:27 PM

Insights and deep healing keep unfurling and Blooming from our Sacral Chakra journey on Sunday. Next month's women's circle we will journey together with the Solar Plexus exploring themes of feeling balanced, empowered, having a healthy self esteem, effective will power, confidence, personal power and the ability to respond in a helpful way to the challenges as they arise. Join us and if you have a friend you think would benefit bring them and receive 20% off both your tickets! Please use the code: FRIENDS at the time of booking to receive your discount. Link in bio 💛 Dedicated to your health, happiness and empowerment Melinda xx

4/24/2024, 3:25:47 AM

Today, I’m sharing the keys to balancing your chakras! In my free email series, Journey Through the Chakras, I am taking seven weeks to explore each of the seven chakras in depth. And… I mean ‘in depth’! It is detailed, thorough, and super thought-provoking! If you haven’t signed up for this free resource, I don’t want you to miss out! Missed the official start date? No worries, you can sign up and start at any time! Our chakras process and release all the countless energies we experience day by day. Just like we support our physical wellness through healthy and intentional choices, we can support our spiritual wellness by choosing practices that benefit our chakras. ✨Direct your thoughts to your chakras. Notice any sensations, emotions, or thoughts associated with each chakra. ✨ Meditate starting at the root chakra. Envision them all balanced and radiating energy. ✨Engage in an energy healing exercise, like Reiki, to help balance your chakras. I hope you can find time to join me and learn more about your energy body! #chakra #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #balancechakras #chakrahealing #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #spiritualpath #spiritualjourney #spiritualpractice #reikimaster #reikienergy #liveonpurpose #heartcentered

4/17/2024, 9:20:11 PM

🧡The Sacral Chakra – for feeling passionate, sensual, and joyful ☀️ Week 2 in my FREE email series, Journey Through the Chakras, dives into ‘svadhisthana,’ the chakra found just below the navel. If this chakra is out of balance, it might feel like you’re at either end of the spectrum. Maybe you feel dull and uninspired, like life’s colors are dimmed. Or you feel compulsive or addicted responses, unsatisfied and left wanting. Either way, you aren’t in the flow with life. When the Sacral Chakra is in balance, we are inspired to act on creative nudges and delight in the ‘juiciness’ of life! These affirmations will ring true: “I feel all of my emotions without judgement.” “I am in flow with the rhythms of natural world.” “Creativity, Joy, Sensuality, and Passion flow into my life effortlessly.” If you haven’t yet signed up for this FREE Journey Through the Chakras, my 7-week email series, you don’t want to miss out! You can start it anytime and go at your own pace! Link to sign up is in my bio or visit my website. #chakra #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #balancechakras #sacralchakra #sacralchakrahealing #sacralchakrabalancing #chakrahealing #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #spiritualpath #spiritualjourney #spiritualpractice #reikimaster #reikienergy #liveonpurpose #heartcentered

4/16/2024, 9:16:09 PM

🤍SOUL STAR CHAKRA Also known as the 8th chakra or transpersonal, this is the point where divine love & spiritual energy enter the body & where we connect to our higher selves. 🤍The Soul Star links to other transcendental chakras located above the head. 🤍Associated with ascension, enlightenment, divine unity, oneness, wisdom. 🤍Meditation, working with Archangels Zadkiel & Mariel, using crystals – especially clear quartz & amethyst can assist you with ACTIVATING and HEALING your Soul Star chakra. . . #chakras #soulstar #transpersonal #spiritual #energy #healing #soulsanctuary #journeythroughthechakras #spiritualdevelopment #napier #newzealand #westshore #courses #spiritualclasses

4/12/2024, 9:30:32 PM

❤️The Root Chakra – for feeling grounded, supported, and secure 🌳 My brand-new email series, Journey Through the Chakras, begins today and Week 1 is all about ‘muladhara,’ the chakra found at the base of the spine. If this chakra is out of balance, you might feel anxious, aimless, or ‘not at home’ in your body – and these feelings are so common! It is important to ground our energy bodies so we can feel supported by the earth and safe in our physical bodies. When the Root Chakra is in balance, it provides a stable foundation for higher energies and wisdom. These affirmations will ring true: “I am safe and protected in all time and space.” “I am at home in my body.” “I am always in connection with the earth and receive constant support and assistance.” This is just a taste of the FREE insight and teachings shared in my weekly emails. Make sure to sign up for Journey Through the Chakras at the link in our bio! #chakra #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #balancechakras #rootchakra #rootchakrahealing #chakrahealing #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #spiritualpath #spiritualjourney #spiritualpractice #reikimaster #reikienergy #liveonpurpose #heartcentered

4/9/2024, 9:01:08 PM

“When you dance, emotions heal.” “Quando danças as emoções se curam.” Graciela Figueroa Dancer, Choreographer, Rio Abierto teacher Through Rio Abierto you can connect and find out more about yourself and about how you relate with others... bringing balance and growth, space and creativity to the expression of yourself with authenticity, presence and joy. The joy that is stored in the body, the vitality that is there, is often blocked. Through the guided and free movement the energy can flow again with more ease interconnecting the different layers of the Self. This week you’ll have two possibilities to dive into Movement: 🔹12 Abril 20:30-22:00h Workshop Rio Abierto: uma viagem através dos centros de energia no corpo no @atmanloule #loule 🔹13 April 16:00-18:00h Workshop Rio Abierto: Dança e Conecta-te - Renascimento na @quintadopombal São Romão, #saobrasdealportel Spots are limited, inscriptions are open. Please send a Pm or Write to [email protected] See you in the circle, my dear! ♥︎ Através do Rio Abierto podes conectar-te e descobrir mais sobre ti mesmo e sobre como te relacionas com os outros... trazendo equilíbrio e crescimento, espaço e criatividade para a expressão de ti mesmo com autenticidade, presença e alegria. A alegria que está armazenada no corpo, a vitalidade que está lá, é muitas vezes bloqueada. Através do movimento livre e guiado, a energia pode fluir novamente com mais facilidade, interligando as diferentes camadas do Self. Esta semana há duas possibilidades de mergulhar no Movimento 🔹12 Abril 20:30-22:00h Rio Abierto: uma viagem através dos centros de energia no corpo no @atmanloule #loule 🔹13 Abril 16:00-18:00h Rio Abierto: Dança e Conecta-te - Renascimento na @quintadopombal Sao Romão, São Brás de Alportel As vagas são limitadas, as inscrições estão abertas. 🎶 Reserva a tua vaga enviando uma MP ou e-mail para [email protected] Vemo-nos no círculo! ♥︎ Linne #movementheals #dancaeconexao #danceandconnect #dancemedicine #circle #circulo #desenvolvimentopessoal #personalgrowth #omovimentocura #renascer #rebrith #viagempeloschakras #journeythroughthechakras #rioabiertointernacional #rioabiertoportugal

4/9/2024, 12:24:24 PM

✨ Exciting news! ✨ Join me this Wednesday for the first in the series of a transformative journey through the chakras. The 7 chakras are the energy centres of our body and they have an enormous impact on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.  Over the next 7 weeks, we'll explore each of the chakras through a blend of yoga, meditation, breathwork, and movement. You'll learn how to harness the energy of each chakra, release blockages, and cultivate a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you. Plus, you'll discover the significance of each chakra and how it influences aspects of everyday life. We’ll be starting this week with the Root Chakra, our centre of security, grounding and survival. These classes can be enjoyed as stand alone events or join me for all 7 to dive even deeper into this profound journey of exploration and growth. All Happy Hearts Yoga class passes are valid for these classes. To book, see link in bio. 🙏🏻 #yogadublin #dublinyoga #namasteireland #southdublin #southdublinyoga #grounding #chakras #chakraseries #rootchakra #muladhara #chakras #whatsonindublin #lovindublin #journeythroughthechakras

4/8/2024, 10:56:43 PM

My FREE 7-Week Journey Through The Chakras with The Akashic Records email series launches TODAY!! 🌈🙏✨ Many clients ask how they can clear and rebalance their energy body or they ask for resources to learn more about the chakras (I may be biased, but I find them fascinating!) So I created this email series to provide information on each chakra and offer tips for release/balancing the energy system. I keep it simple and offer practical tools and techniques that I use in my daily life. As an intuitive, I’m deeply attuned to the rhythms and cycles of the universe, including the powerful influence of the lunar phases on energy and manifestation. Deciding to launch this email series today wasn’t by chance, but by choice. 🌚The new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, symbolizing a clean slate and fresh starts. And the eclipse...well don't get me started. This is the PERFECT opportunity for a re-set. It’s a time of intense energy for setting intentions, planting seeds of manifestation, and embarking on new ventures. 🌱 The energy of the new moon supports us in releasing the old and embracing the new with clarity and intention. I hope you join me on this journey, embracing the growth for yourself that you will gain. Let me know if you’ve joined in the comments below, and where you are in your current chakra journey. #chakra #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #balancechakras #chakrahealing #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #heartcentered #reikilove #intuitive #newmoon #newbeginnings #newmoonenergy #freshstart #startingsomethingnew

4/8/2024, 1:30:00 PM

Join us this Saturday 13th April - 2-5pm @theyogaschoolcairns - we have a few spots left for our Yin and Sound Event ! We start with a chakra meditation, followed by creating our own affirmations for each chakra, and will then dive into a mellow yin class , with one posture for each chakra. To conclude you will experience a magical sound healing with @renee_cashman_soundangel during savasana, and a closing circle with a healthy treat . #soundhealing #yinyoga #yinandsound #chakrahealing #journeythroughthechakras #affirmations #mantra #sound

4/6/2024, 12:03:35 AM

Repost from @purebalanceyogabathurst • Can’t wait to share this with you 🥰🥰🥰 We are overjoyed to be returning to Yandara Yoga again next winter! 🤩 BAJA YOGA RETREAT - MARCH 2025 Held at Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico Led by Amanda, Mélanie & Natalie All levels are welcome on this retreat. Space is limited, however, so please contact us ASAP to start your registration process! JOURNEY THROUGH THE CHAKRAS Yoga & Healing Retreat March 16 - 22, 2025 This 7 day experience includes: ☀️ Daily Yoga Classes ☀️ Workshops ☀️ Reiki Healing ☀️ Sound Bath ☀️ Guided Nature Hikes ☀️ Daily Beach Walks & Swims ☀️ Trip to Todos Santos ☀️ Trip to Cerritos beach ☀️ Amazing Vegetarian/Vegan Meals We have worked extremely hard to make this retreat as affordable and accessible to as many yogis as possible, and as a result, we are offering several different accommodations styles depending on your budget. We are also offering a payment plan, in which (after your initial deposit) you can pay 5 equal instalments throughout the year. Amanda, Natalie and Melanie are all graduates of Yandara Yoga’s teacher training programs and can attest to what an incredible and magical place it is. Here is a little more about the location: The base is an almost 4-acre nature preserve type property located on the Pacific ocean of Mexico’s Southern Baja Peninsula. Only 15 minutes south of the magical village of Todos Santos and 40 minutes north of Cabo San Lucas. Stroll the miles of peaceful beachfront, or simply relax and meditate to the ever-present rhythm of the waves. Two miles up the beach is one of the premiere surfing beaches in North America. Yandara is in a rural, very safe and crime free location. Those who feel called to partake on this adventure with us are asked to message us and/or visit our website for more information! Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime? 🤩✈️🏝️ #journeythroughthechakras #purebalanceyogabathurst #yandarayoga ☀️🌴🌵🌊 📸@janadoucetphotography

4/5/2024, 11:01:26 PM

For your contemplation on this April Snowstorm! 🤣🌬️ We are overjoyed to be returning to Yandara Yoga again next winter! 🤩 BAJA YOGA RETREAT - MARCH 2025 Held at Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico Led by Amanda, Mélanie & Natalie All levels are welcome on this retreat. Space is limited, however, so please contact us ASAP to start your registration process! JOURNEY THROUGH THE CHAKRAS Yoga & Healing Retreat March 16 - 22, 2025 This 7 day experience includes: ☀️ Daily Yoga Classes ☀️ Workshops ☀️ Reiki Healing ☀️ Sound Bath ☀️ Guided Nature Hikes ☀️ Daily Beach Walks & Swims ☀️ Trip to Todos Santos ☀️ Trip to Cerritos beach ☀️ Amazing Vegetarian/Vegan Meals We have worked extremely hard to make this retreat as affordable and accessible to as many yogis as possible, and as a result, we are offering several different accommodations styles depending on your budget. We are also offering a payment plan, in which (after your initial deposit) you can pay 5 equal instalments throughout the year. Amanda, Natalie and Melanie are all graduates of Yandara Yoga’s teacher training programs and can attest to what an incredible and magical place it is. Here is a little more about the location: The base is an almost 4-acre nature preserve type property located on the Pacific ocean of Mexico’s Southern Baja Peninsula. Only 15 minutes south of the magical village of Todos Santos and 40 minutes north of Cabo San Lucas. Stroll the miles of peaceful beachfront, or simply relax and meditate to the ever-present rhythm of the waves. Two miles up the beach is one of the premiere surfing beaches in North America. Yandara is in a rural, very safe and crime free location. Those who feel called to partake on this adventure with us are asked to message us and/or visit our website for more information! Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime? 🤩✈️🏝️ #journeythroughthechakras #purebalanceyogabathurst #yandarayoga ☀️🌴🌵🌊 📸@janadoucetphotography

4/5/2024, 10:37:01 PM

SO excited for my brand-new FREE resource releasing on Monday! Journey Through the Chakras is almost out in the world🤩 I'm not one to wish the weekend away!😉 But I can hardly wait for the first part of this seven-week free series to arrive in your Inbox Monday morning ☀️ The best part? You can start the series at ANYTIME and go at your own pace! Each week, we'll discuss a different chakra and what it looks like to be balanced or imbalanced in everyday life. These emails are chockful of my best insight, tips & tools, plus wisdom from the Akashic Records about the chakra system. They are focused on giving you information and truths that can support your entire energy body and help you feel your best!👏 Make sure you are signed up using the link in my bio. You don't want to miss out – we are starting with the Root Chakra and there is SO much to discuss❣️ #chakra #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #balancechakras #rootchakra #rootchakrahealing #chakrahealing #heartchakra #heartchakrahealing #crownchakra #crownchakrahealing #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #spiritualpath #spiritualjourney #spiritualpractice #reikimaster #reikienergy #liveonpurpose #heartcentered

4/4/2024, 9:00:09 PM

I have never been to South Carolina before. In truth, I don't know the South in my own country very well, it's an area that I haven't visited very much. So, it is a huge honor to be invited to Columbia, SC to teach at @rootedyogasc next weekend. ⠀ ⠀ For all of my students in the southern region, please come out to see me! Space is limited so please sign up to ensure we can connect.⠀ ⠀ VINYASA FLOW INTO YOUR HEART⠀ at @rootedyogasc in Columbia, SC⠀ April 5 - 7, 2024⠀ See my BIO for easy Link⠀ ⠀ #vinyasaflowintoyourheart #fridayflow #twistandcleanse #hipopenersforeveryone #journeythroughthechakras #rootedyogasc #tantraflowyoga #icantwait

3/27/2024, 2:20:11 PM

In a world saturated with information about the chakras, I understand that finding true, impactful guidance can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. That’s why I’m thrilled to share that I’ve been working behind the scenes to bring you a FREE “7-Week Journey Through the Chakras with the Akashic Records” series where you can expect actionable insights, expert support, and a personalized map to purpose, clarity and healing unlike any other. Each week I will share a message from the Akashic Records ON that chakra. I am excited for you to embark on this journey you’ve been seeking that sparks profound changes in your life. Keep an eye out for the launch, and be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to stay updated on upcoming announcements about how you can register to receive your FREE guide. I can’t wait to embark on this journey with you! Share this with a friend you think would benefit from it, too. #chakra #chakrahealing #journeythroughthechakras #chakrabalancing #chakrabalance #crownchakra #innerpeace #awakening #vibratehigher #spiritguides #grounding #universe #metaphysicalhealing #spiritualthoughts #reikihealing #energyhealing #spiritualgrowth #energymedicine #reikienergy #reikihealer #chakrahealing #wellnessjourney

3/27/2024, 2:15:07 PM

SO VERY EXCITED!!! 🥳🥳🥳 Repost from @purebalanceyogabathurst • BAJA YOGA RETREAT - MARCH 2025 Held at Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico Led by Amanda, Mélanie & Natalie We are overjoyed to share that after our first sold-out yoga retreat, we will be returning to Yandara Yoga again next winter! 🤩 All levels are welcome on this retreat. Space is limited, however, so please contact us ASAP to start your registration process! JOURNEY THROUGH THE CHAKRAS Yoga & Healing Retreat March 16 - 22, 2025 This 7 day experience includes: ☀️ Daily Yoga Classes ☀️ Workshops ☀️ Reiki Healing ☀️ Sound Bath ☀️ Guided Nature Hikes ☀️ Daily Beach Walks & Swims ☀️ Trip to Todos Santos ☀️ Trip to Cerritos beach ☀️ Amazing Vegetarian/Vegan Meals We have worked extremely hard to make this retreat as affordable and accessible to as many yogis as possible, and as a result, we are offering several different accommodations styles depending on your budget. We are also offering a payment plan, in which (after your initial deposit) you can pay 5 equal instalments throughout the year. Amanda, Natalie and Melanie are all graduates of Yandara Yoga’s teacher training programs and can attest to what an incredible and magical place it is. Here is a little more about the location: The base is an almost 4-acre nature preserve type property located on the Pacific ocean of Mexico’s Southern Baja Peninsula. Only 15 minutes south of the magical village of Todos Santos and 40 minutes north of Cabo San Lucas. Stroll the miles of peaceful beachfront, or simply relax and meditate to the ever-present rhythm of the waves. Two miles up the beach is one of the premiere surfing beaches in North America. Yandara is in a rural, very safe and crime free location. Those who feel called to partake on this adventure with us are asked to message us and/or visit our website for more information! Please share! #journeythroughthechakras #purebalanceyogabathurst #yandarayoga ☀️🌴🌵🌊

3/26/2024, 11:32:44 PM

BAJA YOGA RETREAT - MARCH 2025 Held at Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico Led by Amanda, Mélanie & Natalie We are overjoyed to share that after our first sold-out yoga retreat, we will be returning to Yandara Yoga again next winter! 🤩 All levels are welcome on this retreat. Space is limited, however, so please contact us ASAP to start your registration process! JOURNEY THROUGH THE CHAKRAS Yoga & Healing Retreat March 16 - 22, 2025 This 7 day experience includes: ☀️ Daily Yoga Classes ☀️ Workshops ☀️ Reiki Healing ☀️ Sound Bath ☀️ Guided Nature Hikes ☀️ Daily Beach Walks & Swims ☀️ Trip to Todos Santos ☀️ Trip to Cerritos beach ☀️ Amazing Vegetarian/Vegan Meals We have worked extremely hard to make this retreat as affordable and accessible to as many yogis as possible, and as a result, we are offering several different accommodations styles depending on your budget. We are also offering a payment plan, in which (after your initial deposit) you can pay 5 equal instalments throughout the year. Amanda, Natalie and Melanie are all graduates of Yandara Yoga’s teacher training programs and can attest to what an incredible and magical place it is. Here is a little more about the location: The base is an almost 4-acre nature preserve type property located on the Pacific ocean of Mexico’s Southern Baja Peninsula. Only 15 minutes south of the magical village of Todos Santos and 40 minutes north of Cabo San Lucas. Stroll the miles of peaceful beachfront, or simply relax and meditate to the ever-present rhythm of the waves. Two miles up the beach is one of the premiere surfing beaches in North America. Yandara is in a rural, very safe and crime free location. Those who feel called to partake on this adventure with us are asked to message us and/or visit our website for more information! Please share! #journeythroughthechakras #purebalanceyogabathurst #yandarayoga ☀️🌴🌵🌊

3/26/2024, 11:25:30 PM

Repost from @purebalanceyogabathurst • We’ve got an exciting announcement coming in the next 48 hours 😉 Can you guess what it is? 🌴🌊☀️🌵 #savethedates #march2025 #journeythroughthechakras

3/25/2024, 12:16:54 AM

We’ve got an exciting announcement coming in the next 48 hours 😉 Can you guess what it is? 🌴🌊☀️🌵 #savethedates #march2025 #journeythroughthechakras

3/25/2024, 12:15:37 AM

Embark on a transformative journey through the magical realm of chakras. Each spiraling wheel of energy, a chapter unfolding the profound saga of our existence. The chakras, our mystical guide, whisper the secrets of balance, harmony, and inner peace. Join me as we hold hands with our soul, diving deep into the throbbing heart of the universe, experiencing life as we've never seen it before. ⁠ ⁠ #ChakraHealing #ChakraGuide #ChakraJourney #ChakraSystem #EnergyCenters #EnergyHealing #JourneyThroughTheChakras #SpiritualAwakening #SpiritualHealing #SpiritualJourney #SpiritualWellness

3/22/2024, 4:01:19 PM

👁 ENHANCE & REBALANCE your THIRD EYE /BROW CHAKRA through Meditation, Visualisation, Colour, Essences, Crystals (sodalite, fluorite), cultivating your psychic abilities, silence or perhaps bathing in the beautiful moonlight 🌓 . . . #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #intuition #soulsanctuary #meditation #spiritualdevelopment #spiritualcounseling #selfhealing #reiki #selfdevelopment #spiritualdevelopment #napier #soulsigns #courses #classes #spiritual #ascend #5d #consciousness

3/19/2024, 7:59:39 PM

✨✨✨✨✨ I'm partnering next month with another Soul Sister to bring you Acupuncture + Yoga Nidra!! ✨✨✨✨✨ Journey through the chakras with us in this one of a kind offering. After acupuncture needles are placed along the main energy lines of the body you will be led on a yoga nidra journey through the chakras designed to clear and expand the 7 main energy centers. Vitalize your life force and tap into the deepest part of your being. ✨✨✨✨✨ Space is limited to 15 participants. Secure your spot by sending payment to the PayPal link provided. We would love to have you join us for this EPIC workshop event! 🕊️ Sunday, April 14th @ 1pm 🕊️@pestleandpotions 🕊️3410 Kori Rd #yogatherapywithsonya #feelmore #feeltoheal #acupunctureworks #yoganidra #meditation #deeprest #chakra #chakrahealing #nsdr #powercombo #epic #epicoffering #oneofakind #energyhealing #soulsisters #journeywithin #journeywithus #journeythroughthechakras #meditationevent #mandarin #pestleandpotions

3/15/2024, 1:38:02 PM

Thank you to all of these amazing souls who shared in the high frequencies over the last two Fridays ✨💖🙏🏻 Friday 2/9 Sound Bath~ Full on receiving as the frequencies wash through our beings! Friday 2/16 Chakra Meditation Sound Bath~ Visualization and using our Voice to enhance the journey through the seven main Chakras ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍 #soundbath #chakrassoundbath #journeythroughthechakras #sevenwheels #soundmeditation #balancebreathbliss

2/17/2024, 7:16:44 PM

As we continue our exploration of the heart and how to have an open one, today, we are diving deeper into the lessons of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is the fourth (of seven) chakras and is said to be a balancing (mid) point between the three upper and three lower chakras. It is located in the center of your chest. The Heart Chakra's main lesson is approaching life from a place of unconditional love. Now, we perfectly imperfect humans will probably never be entirely unconditionally loving in all circumstances. Still, life's challenges allow us to practice this skill to where we hopefully move into that space more often than not. The "demon", or block, of the Heart Chakra is grief (anger + sadness). You are initially mad when things are not as they "should" be -- in your relationships, career, life plans, values, goals, etc. When you cannot achieve those goals, sadness joins the party, and you are tasked with mourning the loss. What helps you to move through loss? Practicing forgiveness, empathy, compassion, and acceptance ("it is what it is") -- the "elixirs" of the heart. While loss is not easy, we invite you to see your struggles as opportunities to practice these Heart Chakra "muscles." As you practice releasing grief, notice if you feel a shift from heaviness to a greater sense of lightness (or something else). You might also find it interesting to know that Love is said to be the highest vibration in the universe. In addition, isn't it lovely to see that you can never run out of love, nor can you run out of the capacity to receive love? So, in the immortal words of the Beatles, we invite you to remember that "Love is All You Need." As a little Valentine's Day treat, we invite you to practice one of our favorite heart-opening poses, Supta Baddha Konasana, on our YouTube channel (link in bio). #fourthchakra #heartcenter #anahatachakra #chakrahealing #selflove #fertilityyoga #livinglela #compassion #journeythroughthechakras #soulfulconceptions #yogaphilosophy #chakrawisdom #openheart #openheart #prenatalyoga #yogatherapy #mindbodymovement #unconditional_love #valentinelove

2/15/2024, 5:10:48 AM

May this be the year... You love yourself You heal your heart You come into your body You remember your truth You stand in your power You embody your soul You trust her guidance You express your creativity You live in purpose You say yes to you Because the healing of this world is the healing of each and every one of us. ♥️ The Creatress ~ Women’s Group Mentorship Program is a safe and sacred container for us to gather as the Soulful Wise Women we are to journey into the depths of our wild nature… within our bodies and within our hearts to release anything holding us back from our truth… so we may fully embody Her ~ our divine essence ~ our Soul ~ and her loving wisdom that is here to guide us forth to co-create our lives and a world of more beauty, love, joy, connection, and freedom. Creatress 🦋 Women’s Transformational Mentorship Program A Sacred 4-Month Journey through the Chakras to Embody, Empower, and Express Her Feminine Wisdom through Her Body, Breath, Voice, and Heart ♥️ Spring 2024 Cohort ~ begins in just a few weeks!! REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN This is an intimate small group experience to support the in-depth healing and embodiment work we will be journeying into within this sacred container. No experience needed. Just an open and willing heart to journey in ✨ Two Options: ✨Studio ~ Ceremonies In-Person at the Studio & Virtual Integration Sessions (for the local community) ✨Virtual ~ Ceremonies & Integration Sessions will all be Virtual (for those living far or desiring an experience from the comfort of home) This is an Investment in yourself and your life. You are worthy ✨🙏✨ Currently scheduling Discovery Calls 🦋 Link for Additional Program Info, Testimonials, & to Schedule your Discovery Call are on the Mentorship page of my Website. ✨ LINK IN BIO ✨ 📷: @imagesbyblairecatherine #womensprogram #womensmentorship #femininewisdom #innerhealing #soulembodiment #creativeexpression #sacredsisterhood #journeythroughthechakras #Creatress🦋

2/6/2024, 7:34:56 PM

This week’s yoga practice takes you inward to your radiant core. Your power centre. As we move through practice, you’ll explore poses that strengthen your core connection; kindling the flames of your unique essence, and reminding you to be yourself, to be of service, and to share your gifts and talents with the world. Just like the sun’s rays warm and illuminate everyone they touch, tending to your solar plexus empowers you to let your unique light shine ☀️ Meet me on the mat @lostnfoundyoganiagara or at the NOTL Community Center #amandatrippyoga #yogateacher #yogisofinsta #livingyoga #yogalifestyle #yogawisdom #deeperdimensionsofyoga #yogaeducator #journeythroughthechakras #manipura #thirdchakra #3rdchakra #solarplexus #yogainaction #everydayyoga #yogajournal #chakrabalance #yogasutras #bringingyogatolife #everydayyoga #yogaeveryday #yoganiagara #niagarayoga #niagarayogateacher

1/29/2024, 1:45:10 PM

“Feuerräder” Erfahre die transformative Kraft von Kundalini Yoga mit meiner “Reise” durch die Chakren. Nächste Woche starten wir! Tauche ein die Welt dieser Energiezentren, finde Balance und stärke Körper und Geist. Nicht verpassen! 😉 #compassionatekundalini #evolvingkundalini #kundaliniyoga #onlineyoga #kundaliniyogaonline #chakra #journeythroughthechakras #chakrasystem

1/28/2024, 6:49:35 PM

Absolutely love this book! It's full of easily digestible information but goes beyond a surface level reading. I had the opportunity to meet the author when I first began my yoga teacher trainer a few years ago and I was so excited to tell him about the type of teacher I wanted to be, I failed to take the opportunity to fully listen to him. That's one of my big regrets on this journey. But I take it as a lesson to not get too big headed and forget that there's an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to be humble. #journeythroughthechakras #goodbook #yoga #humbled

1/17/2024, 6:30:08 PM

💖🧡💛 JOURNEY through the CHAKRAS Course 💚💙💜🤍 Dates: Mondays (beginning 5 February) Time: midday - 1pm Cost: $180 (9 weeks) Book your space now! . . . #journeythroughthechakras #soulsanctuary #selfdevelopment #courses #intuition #expansion #spiritualgrowth #connectiontoself #meditation #chakras #knowledge #napier #courses #hawkesbay #newzealand

1/8/2024, 12:20:57 AM

Last Call! My 'Journey Through the Chakras' Live+Virtual course starts this Monday, January 8! If you are feeling stuck in a rut, or ready to make some positive changes, join me from the comfort of your own home as we work with the ancient wisdom of the Chakras during this 8-week 'Live+Virtual' course. We'll practice yoga sequences that balance the subtle energies of each chakra to help: RELEASE physical + emotional blockages GAIN INSIGHT into personal issues FORGE a new path TRANSFORM your life More details + enroll: OR link to Live+Virtual courses in bio above @christydeburtonwellness #annarboryoga #holisticyoga #wellnessyoga #journeythroughthechakras #chakrayoga #hspyoga

1/6/2024, 1:39:08 PM

🌈 Harmonize Your Energy: A Journey Through the Chakras Workshop 🌟 . Only 4 spots left! Don’t miss this chance to invest in yourself and kickstart your year by embarking on a path of self-discovery, balance and enlightenment. Secure your spot online at @bukayoga or send me a DM for the link. I hope you can come! #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #chakrahealing #balanceyourchakras #chakraworkshop #bukayoga #dtcastlerock #lovestationyoga @therockymountainhousewife @dtcastlerock @castlerocklocal

1/5/2024, 1:25:23 AM

Have you heard the word ‘chakra’ thrown around but aren’t quite sure what it means? Feel a bit skeptical because it all sounds a bit ‘strange’? Or perhaps you already practice yoga, understand the concept of chakras, but still want to delve deeper? Fear not! I’m hosting an 8-week yoga series throughout January and February. Join me as we explore and experience the ancient chakra system through yoga, movement, and meditation during my weekly Tuesday evening classes in Stotfold, starting on January 9th (7-8 pm, £9 per class). This series will equip you with practical ways to balance the mind and body, unraveling how the chakras influence our inner and outer worlds. I approach my classes with a holistic and relaxed feel, exploring topics from various angles—Yogic, Ayurvedic, scientific, and more. Complete beginners are warmly welcomed. To sign up, please email me at [email protected]. Or visit my website using the link in my profile for more info. I’m excited to see you soon 🙏 #yoga #yogaherts #yogabedfordshire #yogaclasses #meditation #pranayamabreathing #chakrabalancing #chakras #soundbath #gongbath #weeklyyoga #journeythroughthechakras #staceyjayyoga #hertfordshire #bedfordshire #stotfold #meditationclasses #yogaclasses #yogacourse #wellbeing #chairyoga

1/3/2024, 5:17:36 PM

Join me and @_elumin_ for a beautiful yoga/sound flow taking us through our chakra energy centres, using movement medicine accompanied by sound, culminating in a meditative and relaxing soundhealing journey Inge will be guiding us through movement, utilising different yoga poses to assist in the opening and expansion of each chakra and Emma will be playing along on the corresponding sound bowls to allow for a deeper sonic experience of each particular chakra/ energy centre within the body This is a super exciting collaboration that we are pleased to welcome you to 🥰💖✨ Please bring your yoga mat, blankets and cushions and anything else you may need to keep yourself toasty and snug💖 To book please contact @emrys_asana_yoga Or use the link ; 17/01/24 - 6:00pm - £15 Llawhaden Village hall , Pembrokeshire #yoga #yogaandsound #soundhealing #soundhealingpembrokeshire #yogapembrokeshire #sonichealing #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #communityconnection #movementmedicine #sound

1/2/2024, 11:42:59 AM

The New Year is upon us and Yogadurango is pleased to offer a special class series to kick off 2024! ❤️🧡💛💚💙🤍💜 Journey Through the Chakras with Lynn Wickersham 🙏 Thursdays, 6:00 - 7:30 pm 🕉 Jan. 4 - Feb. 8th Here’s a little from Lynn on her inspiration and intention for this class series. “My fascination with the chakras began at an early age, and through years of practice and study, I’ve developed a method of practicing and teaching yoga to balance the chakras and harness the power of the subtle body. The chakras direct the flow of our vital prana (life force) through the subtle body. When the chakras are in balance, we function at our most optimal and feel our best. But when there are imbalances in the chakras, we may experience a variety of physiological, psychological, or emotional symptoms. How we practice yoga influences the flow of prana in the body and in turn, the state of the chakras. We have the power to create conditions for optimal wellness through yogic tools that affect the chakras.” Journey Through the Chakras explores yogic practices that influence the chakras and the subtle body. We’ll focus on a different chakra each week, beginning at the Root and ending with the Third Eye and Crown chakras. Classes will incorporate postures and movement, breath techniques, mudra, and mantra that can be modified to meet all levels. Each class culminates with a relaxation and harmonium sound bath. Drop-ins are welcome for individual classes or sign up for the entire series and experience the entire journey through the chakras. Cost: $25/class; $108 for all 6 classes. Preregistration is encouraged. Visit #yogathroughthechakras #chakra #yogadurango #journeythroughthechakras #yogatherapist #mudra #mantra

1/1/2024, 8:46:56 PM

Tomorrow, 12/31, is the last day to save $10 on my upcoming 'Journey Through the Chakras' Live+Virtual course! Join me for a deep-dive into the Chakras in this 8-week course, and see what an awareness of these energy centers can help you to manifest in 2024. OR link to Live+Virtual courses in bio above @christydeburtonwellness #annarboryoga #holisticyoga #wellnessyoga #journeythroughthechakras #chakrayoga

12/30/2023, 1:29:06 PM

2024 is just around the corner, and I'm heading in to the New Year with the chakras taking front and enter stage. Check out my chakra-centered offerings happening in January at @yogadurango: ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Start Fresh: New Year's Day Yoga 🧘🏽 Jan. 1st, 11 am - 12:30 pm Drop-ins & class packages welcome! ❤️🧡💛💚💙🤍💜 🤍💙💚💛🧡❤️ Journey Through the Chakras 🙏 Thursdays, 6 - 7:30 pm 🕉 Jan. 4 - Feb. 8th Drop-ins for $25, or sign up for all 6 classes for $108. Details and registration at!

12/27/2023, 11:01:15 PM

If you love the convenience of a home yoga practice--but could use some support staying motivated and inspired--my upcoming 'Journey Through the Chakras' Live+Virtual Course is for you! We'll take a deep-dive into the Chakras in this 8-week course--an annual favorite--and learn how to leverage their wisdom in our lives. Enjoy quality, easy-to-follow instruction, creative sequences, a supportive community, and the flexibility of being able to do your yoga practice on your own time, wherever you want. Sign up by 12/31 to save $10! OR link to Live+Virtual classes in bio above @christydeburtonwellness #annarboryoga #holisticyoga #wellnessyoga #journeythroughthechakras #chakrayoga

12/23/2023, 1:20:01 PM

I recently shared some advice on how to balance your Root Chakra to help you start thinking about how to create more balance in your life in 2024. If you found that advice--and yoga video--helpful, then keep the journey going and find out what you can do on your yoga mat to balance your sensual 2nd chakra! Join me for my upcoming 'Journey Through the Chakras' Live+Virtual course for more: Links to Wellness Blog and Live+Virtual courses in my bio above @christydeburtonwellness #annarboryoga #holisticyoga #wellnessyoga #journeythroughthechakras #chakrayoga

12/20/2023, 1:06:05 PM

If you are feeling stuck in a rut, or ready to make some positive changes in the New Year, join me from the comfort of your own home as we work with the ancient wisdom of the Chakras--or energy centers--during my 8-week 'Live+Virtual' course. We'll practice yoga sequences that balance the subtle energies of each chakra to help: *RELEASE physical + emotional blockages *GAIN INSIGHT into personal issues *FORGE a new path *TRANSFORM your life Find out what an awareness of these energy centers can help you to MANIFEST in 2024. Enroll by 12/31 to save $10. OR link to Live+Virtual courses in bio above @christydeburtonwellness #annarboryoga #holisticyoga #wellnessyoga #journeythroughthechakras #chakrayoga

12/17/2023, 1:11:08 PM

I sent out a mini Chakra Balancing Toolkit to my newsletter subscribers today, as a way to help them start thinking about how to create more balance in their lives in 2024. If you're not already a subscriber, you can join at And here's some advice on how to get started working with the Chakras by balancing your Root Chakra (video included!). OR link to Wellness Blog in bio above @christydeburtonwellness Learn how to leverage the ancient wisdom of the Chakras in your yoga practice by joining me for my upcoming Journey Through the Chakras Live+Virtual Course that begins 1/8/24. Sign up by 12/31 to save $10! #annarboryoga #holisticyoga #wellnessyoga #journeythroughthechakras #chakrayoga

12/16/2023, 1:55:07 PM

🙏Big massive thanks to everyone who came to my last yoga class of 2023 on Monday 11th December at All Things Must Pass Centre for Wellness in Wallasey. @allthingsmustpasswbc 🪷Whilst I knew I’d be providing a super relaxing and calming experience, I honestly didn’t expect what came out at the end! “What have you just done to us?!” “I feel like I’ve taken psychedelics!” “That was like witchcraft!” “Best class ever!” 🌼OMG 😱they really went on a JOURNEY last night, a yin yoga & yoga nidra session like no other. 🤣 🌸So, what did I do differently? 🤔 🌺Well, I did bring in my new collection of chakra singing bowls (from The Harmonic Circle @theharmoniccircle ) to compliment the new chakra balancing yoga nidra, that’s never used before, but my god I was blown away by the responses when they all came round from their trance at the end! 🌷They certainly enjoyed the whole experience so that leaves me very happy indeed. 😊 💐It’s always good to hear feedback and even better when you know what you’ve put in has had a positive and uplifting effect. 🧘‍♀️I’m always saying that yoga is much more than just the physical postures, and when we go deep and don’t just look at yoga as an exercise class, something really magical can happen. 🌹So if you’d like to immerse yourself in a whole new dimension in a beautiful venue, I’ll be back on Monday 8th January 2024 for 6 weeks of 2 hour sessions, 6.30-8.30pm, focusing on one energy centre (chakra) at a time and learning how to recognise imbalances and how you can influence your life and experiences in a positive way, through conscious awareness and carefully selected practices including meditation, gentle yin flow, yin yoga, mindfulness and a full guided chakra themed meditation to close. 🌸Cosy, comfy, safe, warm and supported in every way. A treat for the mind, body & spirit. 🌺Available to book now. ➡️ @dr.amanda.bowen 🌼Spaces strictly limited.

12/13/2023, 9:32:42 PM

⚕️ ...CAUSE ONE OF A KIND IS ALL I AM. I AM ONE. I AM.⚕️ STUNDENPLAN 11. - 17.12.2023 Freu dich diese Woche auf Klassen mit mir, die dich wieder mehr bei dir ankommen lassen, ein Nachhausekommen zu dir selbst. Lust bekommen? Dann komm diese Woche auf die Matte zu mir! Anmeldung & Infos zu allen Klassen ➡️ Klick den Link in meiner Bio! 🪷 HATHA VINYASA YOGA - offene Klasse Montag, 11.12.2023 18:00 - 19:30 im @BuergerhausAllermoehe in #Nettelnburg Anmeldung & Infos: ➡️ Link in Bio! 🪷 YOGA AUF DEM STUHL - CHAIR YOGA Dienstag, 12.12.2023 15:00 - 16:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in #Bergedorf 🪷 VINYASA YOGA Dienstag, 12.12.2023 16:30 - 18:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in Bergedorf ( @tsgbergedorf1860 ) 🪷 VINYASA FLOW YOGA - offene Klasse Donnerstag, 14.12.2023 9:00 - 10:15 im #HeilzentrumBergedorf / @janani_ulrike Anmeldung & Infos: ➡️ Link in Bio! 🌈 CHAKRA YOGA - Discovering the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 🪷 7 CHAKRA INTEGRATION⚕️ Freitag, 15.12.2023 19:00 - 20:30 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA in Hamburg-Nettelnburg Diese Woche endet unsere Reise durch unseren persönlichen 🌈Regenbogen. In dieser abschließenden 7 CHAKRA INTEGRATION Klasse durchwandern und sprechen wir noch einmal alle Hauptchakras an. Von der Basis bis zur Krone entlang des #LiberationCurrent und zurück von der Scheitelkrone zur Wurzelbasis den #ManifestationCurrent hinab. 🌌 YIN YOGA & ZAUBER DER RAUHNÄCHTE Sonntag, 17.12.2023 15:00 - 18:00 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA in HH-Nettelnburg Erlebe einen besinnlichen Nachmittag bei Kerzenschein rund um das Thema von Abschluss & Neubeginn inkl. sanfter #YinYoga Praxis und dem 13 Wünscheritual für die #Rauhnächte 🌌 Infos: ➡️ Link in Bio! Ich freu mich auf dich! LOVE & Namasté ♡ Swantje photos: @a.kind.of.tom quote: @placeboworld [Werbung] 10% Rabatt bei @yoyoka.change mit Gutscheincode SWANTJE10 #consciousforchange#OneofaKindYoga #ComeAsYouAre #ComeHomeToYourself #yogainbergedorf #YogainHamburg #yogahamburg #Allermöhe #Neuallermöhe #holisticyoga #vinyasayoga #vinyasaflow #chairyoga #hathayoga #chakrayoga #13Wünsche #yogakurs #integralyoga #journeythroughthechakras #chakrabalancing #chakraintegration #BodyMindSoul #Rauhnächte2023

12/10/2023, 4:05:12 PM

Yin Yoga and Sound Healing - a match made in Heaven 🥰 Join me and Renee @renee_cashman_soundangel on Saturday January 13th 2024 from 3-5pm for this wonderful collaboration. We will be taking a journey through the 7 main Chakras with sound, mantra and yin yoga to help balance and restore our bodies and minds. We will also work with our own affirmations to create what you wish to see show up in your 2024- this will be a fun, interactive and immersive journey , and we are offering our Early Bird discount until 31/12. Book early as spots are limited - can’t wait to see you there ! You can book online or in person via @theyogaschoolcairns 💜💫🙏 #soundhealingjourney #yinyogaandsoundhealing #journeythroughthechakras #celebrating2024ogsenior

12/4/2023, 2:56:09 AM

🪷 TO BE OPEN FROM THE CENTER, REDIRECTED TO THE MOMENT. THIS IS IT, LOVE. 🪷 STUNDENPLAN 04. - 10.12.2023 Freu dich diese Woche auf Klassen mit mir, die dich einmal fokussieren, in deine Mitte bringen und deren übergreifendes Thema Unity - Einheit - Einssein ist! Lust bekommen? Dann komm diese Woche auf die Matte zu mir! Anmeldung & Infos zu allen Klassen ➡️ Klick den Link in meiner Bio! 🪷 HATHA VINYASA YOGA - offene Klasse Montag, 04.12.2023 18:00 - 19:30 im @BuergerhausAllermoehe in #Nettelnburg Anmeldung: ➡️ Link in Bio 🪷 YOGA AUF DEM STUHL - CHAIR YOGA Dienstag, 05.12.2023 15:00 - 16:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in #Bergedorf 🪷 VINYASA YOGA Dienstag, 05.12.2023 16:30 - 18:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in Bergedorf ( @tsgbergedorf1860 ) 🪷 VINYASA FLOW YOGA - offene Klasse Donnerstag, 07.12.2023 9:00 - 10:15 im #HeilzentrumBergedorf / @janani_ulrike Anmeldung: ➡️ Link in Bio 🌈 CHAKRA YOGA - Discovering the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 ⚪️ SAHASRARA ⚪️ Donnerstag, 07.12.2023 20:00 - 21:30 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA Diese Woche ist unser 7. Chakra, #Sahasrara , der tausendblättrige Lotus 🪷, unsere Haltestelle auf der Reise durch unseren persönlichen 🌈Regenbogen. Sahasrara ermöglicht uns die Verbindung mit dem Göttlichen & vermittelt uns das Gefühl von Einssein mit allem um uns herum. Spirituelle Ekstase, Erleuchtung, das Heimkommen und die Auflösung der Dualität werden diesem Chakra zugeschrieben. ❄️☃️🎶🎹🥰🕉💜 MANTRA, MOVEMENT & MEDITATION – Christmas Edition ☃️❄️ Sonntag, 10.12.2023 11:00 - 12:00 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA in Hamburg-Nettelnburg Bitte mit Anmeldung - begrenzte Plätze 😌 Ich freu mich auf dich! LOVE & Namasté ♡ Swantje photos: @a.kind.of.tom quote: @yaimamusic [Werbung] 10% Rabatt bei @yoyoka.change mit Gutscheincode SWANTJE10 #consciousforchange#OneofaKindYoga #ComeAsYouAre #ComeHomeToYourself #yogainbergedorf #YogainHamburg #yogahamburg #Allermöhe #Neuallermöhe #holisticyoga #vinyasayoga #vinyasaflow #chairyoga #hathayoga #chakrayoga #SahasraraPractice #crownchakra #Kronenchakra #yogakurs #integralyoga #liberationcurrent #journeythroughthechakras #BodyMindSoul #lokahsamastahsukhinobhavantu #peaceforall #ceasefirenow

12/3/2023, 4:44:13 PM

🟣 CAN'T YOU SEE THERE'S A WORLD OUT THERE? DON'T BE SCARED. 🟣 STUNDENPLAN 27.11. - 03.12.2023 Freu dich diese Woche auf Klassen mit mir, die dich in deine Balance kommen lassen, deinen Körper - und vielleicht auch deinen Geist - dehnen und strecken und dich deine Kraft und Energie spüren lassen! Lust bekommen? Dann komm diese Woche auf die Matte zu mir! Anmeldung & Infos zu allen Klassen ➡️Link in Bio! 🕉 HATHA VINYASA YOGA - offene Klasse Montags im @buergerhausallermoehe in #Nettelnburg ❕️Fällt diesen Montag (27.11.23) aus❕️ 🕉 YOGA AUF DEM STUHL - CHAIR YOGA Dienstag, 28.11.2023 15:00 - 16:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in #Bergedorf 🕉 VINYASA YOGA Dienstag, 28.11.2023 16:30 - 18:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in Bergedorf ( @tsgbergedorf1860 ) 🕉 VINYASA FLOW YOGA - offene Klasse Donnerstag, 30.11.2023 9:00 - 10:15 im Heilzentrum Bergedorf von @janani_ulrike ➡️Infos & Anmeldung: Link in Bio 🌈 CHAKRA YOGA - Discovering the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 🟣 AJNA 🟣 Mittwoch, 29.11.2023 20:00 - 21:30 im One of a Kind Yoga & Conscious Living in Hamburg-Nettelnburg Diese Woche ist das 6. Chakra, #Ajna , unser drittes Auge, unser Zentrum für Vorstellungskraft, Intellekt, Geistesblitze, eine ausgeprägte Intuition, Licht, Erkenntnis und spirituelle Wahrnehmung unsere Haltestelle auf der Reise durch unseren persönlichen Regenbogen 🌈 ➡️Infos: Link in Bio Ich freu mich auf dich! LOVE & Namasté ♡ Swantje photos: @a.kind.of.tom quote: @placeboworld [Werbung] 10% Rabatt auf alles bei @yoyoka.change für dich mit dem Gutscheincode SWANTJE10 #consciousforchange#OneofaKindYoga #ComeAsYouAre #ComeHomeToYourself #yogainbergedorf #YogainHamburg #yogahamburg #Allermöhe #Neuallermöhe #holisticyoga #vinyasayoga #vinyasaflow #chairyoga #hathayoga #chakrayoga #AjnaPractice #thirdeyechakra #drittesauge #yogakurs #integralyoga #liberationcurrent #journeythroughthechakras #BodyMindSoul #lokahsamastahsukhinobhavantu #peaceforall #ahimsa #ceasefirenow

11/26/2023, 4:55:16 PM

🔽 I TRY EVERYDAY TO THINK OF SOMETHING DEEP TO SAY, CAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO FIND THE WORDS THAT DESERVE TO BE HEARD. 🔽 STUNDENPLAN 20. - 26.11.2023 Freu dich diese Woche auf Klassen mit mir, die Nacken, Hals und Schultern öffnen und entspannen und dich gleichzeitig wärmen, ausbalancieren und wieder freier durchatmen lassen! Lust bekommen? Dann lass uns diese Woche zusammen Yoga üben! Anmeldung & Infos zu allen Klassen ➡️ Klick den Link in meiner Bio! 🔽 HATHA VINYASA YOGA - offene Klasse Montag, 20.11.2023 18:00 - 19:30 im @buergerhausallermoehe in #Nettelnburg ➡️Anmeldung & Infos: Link in Bio 🔽 YOGA AUF DEM STUHL - CHAIR YOGA Dienstag, 21.11.2023 15:00 - 16:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in #Bergedorf 🔽 VINYASA YOGA Dienstag, 21.11.2023 16:30 - 18:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in Bergedorf ( @tsgbergedorf1860 ) 🔽 VINYASA FLOW YOGA - offene Klasse Donnerstag, 23.11.2023 9:00 - 10:15 im #HeilzentrumBergedorf / Ulrike Ducci ➡️Anmeldung & Infos: Link in Bio 🌈 CHAKRA YOGA - Discovering the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 🩵 VISHUDDHA 🩵 Donnerstag, 23.11.2023 20:00 - 21:30 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA in Hamburg-Nettelnburg Diese Woche ist das 5. Chakra, #Vishuddha , unser Halschakra, zuständig für unseren Selbstausdruck und unser Ausdrucksvermögen, für Kommunikation und dafür unsere Stimme zu finden und unsere Gedanken, Gefühle und Visionen mit der Welt zu teilen unsere Haltestelle auf der Reise durch unseren persönlichen Regenbogen. 🌈 ➡️Infos: Link in Bio Ich freu mich auf dich! LOVE & Namasté ♡ Swantje photos: @a.kind.of.tom quote @placeboworld [Werbung] 10% Rabatt auf alles von @yoyoka.change für dich mit dem Gutscheincode SWANTJE10 #consciousforchange#OneofaKindYoga #ComeAsYouAre #ComeHomeToYourself #yogainbergedorf #YogainHamburg #yogahamburg #Allermöhe #Neuallermöhe #holisticyoga #vinyasayoga #vinyasaflow #chairyoga #hathayoga #chakrayoga #VishuddhaPractice #throatchakra #halschakra #yogakurs #integralyoga #liberationcurrent #journeythroughthechakras #BodyMindSoul #lokahsamastahsukhinobhavantu #pe

11/19/2023, 4:44:19 PM

❤️‍🔥 IN THE BURNING HEART, THE UNMISTAKABLE FIRE ❤️‍🔥 STUNDENPLAN 13. - 19.11.2023 Freu dich diese Woche auf Klassen mit mir, die dich von innen feurig wärmen und gleichzeitig dein Herz zum Leuchten bringen - moving with a BURNING HEART, JUST ABOUT TO BURST! ❤️‍🔥 ...und auch, wenn dieser Song, aus dem dieses Zitat stammt, heute fast 40 Jahre auf dem Buckel hat, haben die Lyrics (leider...) nur wenig an Aktualität eingebüßt: 》Two worlds collide, rival nations, it's a primitive clash, venting years of frustration, bravely we hope, against all hope... [...] In the burning heart, just about to burst, there's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst. In the darkest night, rising like a spire, in the burning heart, the unmistakable fire.《 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥 Lust bekommen? Dann komm diese Woche auf die Matte zu mir! Anmeldung & Infos zu allen Klassen ➡️ Link in Bio! ❤️‍🔥 HATHA VINYASA YOGA - offene Klasse Montag, 13.11.2023 18:00 - 19:30 im @BuergerhausAllermoehe in #Nettelnburg ❤️‍🔥 YOGA AUF DEM STUHL - CHAIR YOGA Dienstag, 14.11.2023 15:00 - 16:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in #Bergedorf ❤️‍🔥 VINYASA YOGA Dienstag, 14.11.2023 16:30 - 18:00 im @tsgsportzentrumbult in Bergedorf ( @tsgbergedorf1860 ) ❤️‍🔥 VINYASA FLOW YOGA - offene Klasse Donnerstag, 16.11.2023 9:00 - 10:15 im #HeilzentrumBergedorf / @janani_ulrike 🌈 CHAKRA YOGA - Discovering the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 💚 ANAHATA 💚 Donnerstag, 16.11.2023 20:00 - 21:30 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA in Hamburg-Nettelnburg Diese Woche ist das 4. Chakra, #Anahata , unser Zentrum für Mitgefühl, bedingungslose Liebe, Vertrauen, Hoffnung, Dankbarkeit aber auch Trauer und Schmerz unsere Haltestelle auf der Reise durch unseren persönlichen Regenbogen 🌈 Ich freu mich auf dich! LOVE & Namasté ♡ Swantje photos: @a.kind.of.tom , @just_me_58_ quote: @SurvivorBand #OneofaKindYoga #ComeAsYouAre #ComeHomeToYourself #yogainbergedorf #YogainHamburg #yogahamburg #Allermöhe #Neuallermöhe #holisticyoga #vinyasayoga #vinyasaflow #chairyoga #hathayoga #chakrayoga #AnahataPractice #heartchakra #yogakurs #integralyoga #liberationcurrent #journeythroughthechakras #BodyMindSoul #lokahsamastahsukhinobhavantu #peaceforall #ahimsa #ceasefirenow

11/12/2023, 4:03:19 PM

♥️Starting this Sunday at 5pm @karunahotyoga we will be taking a journey through the chakras. Starting with the root chakra. ♥️Practice yogic postures, mediations, and breath work to align and connect with the weekly chakra. ♥️Learn what foods best support the nerves and glands connected to each chakra. ♥️Τhe first chakra is centered around issues of survival, including taking care of the health of our physical body and managing our day-to-day needs. ♥️“Muladhara” means root, and is associated with the earth element, linked to your ability to dig in and feel firmly rooted in your life. Its associated color is red, hence its links to the earth.  ☮️ TieDie art @dancingdachshundstiedye #396hz #muladhara #kundalini #karunahotyoga #journeythroughthechakras

11/11/2023, 2:12:22 PM

New course coming up in January. ❤️ #journeythroughthechakras #purerelaxationyoga💖

11/7/2023, 10:12:32 PM

I’m super excited to be hosting this wonderful event together with @renee_cashman_soundangel on 13th of January 2024 @theyogaschoolcairns ! Celebrating 2024 - a Yin and Sound Healing Journey Join Tanja and Renee Cashman for 2 hours of absolute bliss and healing, as we guide you through a journey of the Chakras . This workshop will include an introduction of the 7 main chakras, what they are responsible for, which sound will help to balance it and which yin poses will be supportive . We then embark on a sound journey for each chakra, combined with a yin pose for each, and conclude with a wonderful sound meditation & healing at the end . There will be plenty of time for questions and a cuppa, as we finish with a closing circle . Student numbers are limited - please book early to avoid disappointment. Early Bird $55 until 31/12/23 This will be a great opportunity to tune your body on an emotional and physical level, to empower yourself by working with your affirmation for each chakra ( energy Center) , to manifest your best 2024! Bookings can be made via the Yoga School website at under events 💫 #journeythroughthechakras #tuningyourbodyandmind #soundhealingtherapy #yinandsoundhealing

11/7/2023, 5:12:50 AM

🟡 WE'RE ALL JUST WALKING EACH OTHER HOME. 🟡 STUNDENPLAN 06. - 12.11.2023 Welche Verbindung zur Erde, unserem Planeten, und all den Lebewesen, die #PachaMama bevölkern, spürst du? Fühlst du dich verbunden, als Teil davon? Nimmst du wahr, wie sich all unsere Handlungen gegenseitig bedingen, ineinander greifen, miteinander in #Lila, dem kosmischen Spiel, tanzen? Oder nimmst du dich eher als allein, wie abgeschnitten von allem wahr? Diese Woche lade ich dich dazu ein, zu spüren, dass alles auf eine wunderbar verwirrende und zauberhafte Weise eigentlich eins und untrennbar miteinander verwoben ist. Durch alle Zeiten und Ebenen hinweg, über unseren Atem, unser Prana und unsere Körper, die sich nach unserem physischen Tod auch nur wieder in den endlosen Kreislauf des Lebens einreihen und neues Leben hervorbringen. Dass wir in unserer mit dem Alter des Universums verglichenen, sekundenbruchteilhaften Existenz und Einzigartigkeit im Endeffekt auch alle nur ein Teil des großen Ganzen sind. Und dabei zu sehen, spüren und verstehen, dass jedes Leben nur leben will. Dass dies nicht zuviel verlangt ist. Und dass wir unseren eigenen kleinen Teil zum Frieden und Glück aller beitragen können. Lust bekommen? Anmeldung & Infos zu allen Klassen & Events ➡️ Link in meiner Bio ♾️ HATHA VINYASA YOGA Mo, 06.11.23 18:00 - 19:30 @BuergerhausAllermoehe , #Nettelnburg ♾️ YOGA AUF DEM STUHL - CHAIR YOGA Di, 07.11.23 15:00 - 16:00 @tsgsportzentrumbult , #Bergedorf ♾️ VINYASA YOGA Di, 07.11.23 16:30 - 18:00 @tsgsportzentrumbult , Bergedorf 🔥♾️🔥 VINYASA FLOW YOGA Do, 09.11.23 9:00 - 10:15 #HeilzentrumBergedorf / @janani_ulrike 🌈 CHAKRA YOGA - Discovering the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 🟡 MANIPURA 🟡 Do, 09.11.23 20:00 - 21:30 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA, Hamburg-Nettelnburg 🎶🎹🥰🕉💜 MANTRA, MOVEMENT & MEDITATION So, 12.11.23 11:00 - 12:00 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA Bitte mit Anmeldung - begrenzte Plätze 😌 Ich freu mich auf dich! LOVE & Namasté ♡ Swantje photos: @a.kind.of.tom , @just_me_58_ quote: Ram Dass @babaramdass

11/5/2023, 6:25:59 PM

🟠 YOGA IS THE JOURNEY OF THE SELF, THROUGH THE SELF, TO THE SELF. 🟠 STUNDENPLAN 30.10. - 05.11.2023 Weil diese Praxis mir selbst zur Zeit so gut tut und ich immer gern das mit euch teile, was mich selbst nährt, unterstützt, regeneriert und wieder mehr bei mir ankommen lässt, gibt es diese Woche wieder eine Embodied Practice für dich in meinen Klassen. Weniger Assists und Korrekturen deiner Ausrichtung, dafür viel mehr Raum für dich zum Spüren, Hineinsinken, deinen eigenen Ausdruck finden und einfach nur du selbst sein. In deinem Körper. In deinem Atem. Im Hier und Jetzt. JUST BE. Lust bekommen? Dann komm diese Woche und triff mich - und vor allem dich selbst - auf der Matte! 🟠 HATHA VINYASA YOGA - offene Klasse Montag, 30.10.2023 18:00 - 19:30 im @BuergerhausAllermoehe in #Nettelnburg Anmeldung ➡️ Link in Bio, per PN, Mail: [email protected] oder komm spontan vorbei! ♡ 🔥🟠🔥 VINYASA FLOW YOGA Donnerstag, 26.10.2023 9:00 - 10:15 Offene Klasse mit mir im #HeilzentrumBergedorf von @janani_ulrike Anmeldung ➡️ Link in Bio, per PN, Mail: [email protected] 🌈 CHAKRA YOGA - Discovering the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 🟠 SVADHISTHANA 🟠 Donnerstag, 02.11.2023 20:00 - 21:30 im ONE OF A KIND YOGA Raum in Hamburg-Nettelnburg Diese Woche ist das 2. Chakra, #Svadhisthana , unsere Haltestelle auf der Regenbogen-Reise durch die Chakras - es wird fließend, weich und süß! 🌊🍯😌 Alle Infos ➡️ Link in Bio Ich freu mich auf dich! LOVE & Namasté ♡ Swantje photos: @a.kind.of.tom, MZ quote: Bhagavad Gita [Werbung] 10% bei @yoyoka.change mit Gutscheincode SWANTJE10 #consciousforchange#OneofaKindYoga #ComeAsYouAre #ComeHomeToYourself #Yoga #yogainbergedorf #YogainHamburg #yogahamburg #Allermöhe #Neuallermöhe #holisticyoga #YogaAndConsciousLiving #vinyasayoga #vinyasaflow #hathayoga #embodiment #chakrayoga #SvadhisthanaPractice #yogakurs #integralyoga #EmbodiedFlow #liberationcurrent #journeythroughthechakras #EmbodimentPractice #spürdich #BodyMindSoul

10/29/2023, 5:33:16 PM

✨This clay body trembles deep inside; tremors, like the murmurings of Earth just before she shakes and quakes to stir up subconscious sediment which has waited patiently in the ever so slow currents of magma, spiraling the shining core for eons, waiting patiently to be bathed in starry light, waiting for the one to bring it into the whole with wide open arms and gentle, outstretched hands and wings that enfold and embrace, as if to say "Welcome! Come and travel with me! I know not where I go, but walk and fly for the joy of journeying, to feel the kiss of worlds on my bare feet, and for one cosmic moment, be part of the constellations that hang in silent space, helping lost souls find their way home.💛 -Phil Gardner #victoriacommunity #healingjourney #journeythroughthechakras #rememberthemagic #beingyourself #cominghome #reclaimingmindbodyspirit

10/19/2023, 5:39:26 PM

Meet Manasi ~ The Colour Orange 🧡 Whether it’s her striking shawls, her colourful yantra creations or her vibrant chanting voice, Manasi’s Sacral 🧡 energy and creativity are visible in every class and workshop and palpable on and off the mat. Bringing inspiration from her native India 🇮🇳 @yogawithmanasi weaves chanting, mudra, Sanskrit and yoga philosophy into her classes always bringing students #BeyondAsana How Manasi found Mandala is rooted in #connection, our theme this October ✨ It was Mandala Yoga student Karen C, who had practiced at @lumipoweryoga (Manasi’s London home studio) who brought her to us 💝 when Manasi first arrived in Dublin just over five years ago. London and Chennai’s loss has been Dublin and Mandala’s gain! We’re so grateful that Manasi has been such a stalwart on our teaching team since those early Mandala days. 🙏 Today we collaborate with magic 🪄 Manasi to bring students, teachers and the Dublin yoga community (our Mandala Circle ⭕️) inspiring trainings and workshops such as the upcoming Journey through the Chakras #JTTC on Sat 11 Nov. This will be the fourth JTTC ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💜🤍 and truly each time the experience is a different “creation”. Our nickname for Manasi is Garuda - yes her Eagle 🦅 Eye 👁️ attention to detail is legendary!! Since her move to Bray with husband Prashant and two teenies Arin and Tara, Manasi now adds “domestic juggling” to her extensive creative repertoire. 🤹🏼‍♂️ Meet Manasi on Tuesdays for Dynamic Flow yoga followed by soothing Yin Yoga and bask in her warm energy and #connection. Thank you for your wonderful energy and magic smiles Manasi 🧡🧡🧡 Ps. Places are filling for JTTC. Link in bio or book your space via link below 👇🏿 #PeopleOfMandala #SacralChakra 🧡 #SpiritOfMandala #YogaCommunity #MandalaCircle #FeelTheYogaHigh #YogaTribe #YogaInDublin #DublinYoga #MandalaYoga #MandalaMoments #susannid #amyobrienyoga #yogawithmanasi #JourneyThroughTheChakras

10/9/2023, 11:08:35 AM

Ready for some self-care this morning with an amazing sound bath at Wildwood Yoga & Wellness . 🥰 The first one I ever went to (in CT) had a bowl so big you could get in it! 😳 A wise mentor once told me that self-care is not selfish —— It is Self-Full. 😍. #selfcare #selffull #selflove #soundbath #journeythroughthechakras

10/7/2023, 5:38:40 PM

Feeling misaligned? Chakras are the vital energy centers within our bodies that, when balanced and aligned, allow for optimal well-being and spiritual growth. Each chakra represents a different aspect of our being, from our groundedness and creativity to our intuition and connection with the divine. When out of alignment, we may experience disturbances in our physical and energetic fields. Join us Sunday, October 15 for our Journey Through the Chakra Retreat from 10am-5pm, an immersive experience in nature that includes: •A Yoga Flow • Breathwork •Labyrinth Walk •Energy Healing •Sound Healing •Meditation and more #JourneythroughtheChakras #ChakrasRetreat #Meditation #Hypnosis #Breathwork #Reiki

10/6/2023, 5:14:13 PM

This past Sunday we began our Journey Through the Chakras series by grounding and working on the Root Chakra. We continue this Sunday at 3pm with the Sacral Chakra. Svadisthana Chakra holds the key to unlocking our creativity and our ability to make change. When svadisthana energy is in balance—not too intense and not too laid-back—you can access feelings of abundance, joy, and pleasure, and clear the way for creative energy to flow freely. Join us for this 75 minute vinyasa style practice this Sunday! #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #energycenters #flow #vinyasa #yoga

10/5/2023, 2:29:13 AM

7 weeks 🌈 7 weeks is all it takes 7 weeks together to transform. 7 weeks to have the tools that will shift your energy for the rest of your life. 7 weeks to connect, with your mind, body and spirit, with yourself, and with soul family. 7 weeks to receive clarity, to feel more aligned, to feel more you. 7 to deeply know, understand and use the 7 chakras that impact our energy every single day. 7 weeks to move through, receive, expand, unlock the toolkit and awareness you will hold and be able to tap into and utilize for a lifetime. 7 weeks is all it takes. Are you ready to say yes to the tools and knowledge to support your powerful and nurturing transformation? We start September 25 🌈Journey Through the Chakras🌈 . . . . . #chakras #journeythroughthechakras #chakraworkshop #yogaworkshop #chakrabalancing #energywork

9/13/2023, 4:07:18 PM

🌈✨ Join us for an incredible journey through the Chakras with Ruth! 🧘‍♀️ Experience a 2-hour Specialty Class that will leave you feeling stretched, enlightened, and deeply rested. 🙏 This unique class is perfect for beginners who want to learn about chakras or anyone looking to enhance their understanding of these powerful energy centers within the body. Expect a reflection session with journal prompts, followed by an intimate sharing circle, where we can connect and discuss our experiences. 📝 During the practice, Ruth will guide you through a beautiful combination of Yin and Restorative yoga, carefully weaving in the theme of each chakra. 🌸 Each pose will help balance and harmonize your energy centers while promoting physical and emotional well-being. To deepen relaxation and mindfulness, we'll conclude the class with a soothing Yoga Nidra meditation—a blissful journey into self-awareness and restoration. 😌✨ As an extra treat, essential oils will be used throughout the class, enhancing the overall experience and leaving you feeling completely refreshed and rejuvenated. Don't miss out on this transformative event! Whether you're a beginner or have been practicing for years, join us and float out of the studio feeling renewed, calm, and perfectly balanced. 🌟💜 To register- use the link in bio to purchase class credit, then register for the class on our website!

9/3/2023, 1:45:50 AM

I’ve been studying and practicing yoga for about 30 years. I never really got into the chakras, until recently. The whole system seemed pretty abstract and woo-woo to me. I liked focusing on the physicality of yoga and the strength, movement, flexibility and awareness it helped me to cultivate. The energetic pieces took some decades to fall into place. Eric was a much more energy-aware person, and brought chakra curiosity into our home, through his trainings in energy work. We got into chanting and toning through the chakras and the occasional meditation, but it didn’t fully land in my body. When I began to study the @vitamethod with @thelaylamartin I tentatively opened myself to revisiting this way of exploring how energy moves in the body. It was required for certification, after all! So I guess I had to do it. And if you add pleasure to (almost) anything, I will do it! And I did! Now I love playing with the way energy, emotions and life experience land, get stuck and can flow through the 7 energy centers in my body. My favorite way to explore this is with music, movement and waves. Join me on beautiful Baker Beach on Thursday evening for a 💦JUICY DANCE PARTY💦 to tune into how energy is or isn’t moving through your chakras. And if none of this resonates with you, you’re welcome anyway! The music will be high vibe, playful, deep and wild and nothing beats the setting of watching the waves as you dance barefoot in the sand with a bunch of other people just trying to get free. Head on over to my L1NX in b10 to reserve your space in this fun and spacious journey. After the dance I’ll offer the option for an ocean plunge so bring a towel and hot tea! #danceparty #moveyourenergy #journeythroughthechakras #chakrahealing #energyhealing #healingwithpleasure #pleasureismedicine #oceanplunge #coldplunge #pleasurewitch #pleasurecoach

7/26/2023, 3:57:57 AM