newmoonenergy images

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The #newmooninaries ♈️was 05/08 and 05/09 the great Blockout 2024 began! In addition 05/09 saw the flames of change create a major catalyst in the Student #Divestment Encampment Protests. The Aries/Taurus cusp was clearly an energizing space for the Moon which may have triggered this brilliant new idea in social media activism for 🍉The Aries impulse is all about that creative spark - and I for one - am very grateful to the genius creator who came up with the Block Party campaign! 👏💯🇵🇸 #digitine #blockparty #blockparty2024 #blockcelebrities #metgala #metgala2024 #hungergames #hungergamesedit #hungergamesedits #hungergamesmemes #hungergamesmovie #cancelled #blocked #blockout #blockout2024 #newmoonmagic #newmoon #newmoonenergy #newmoonintentions #divest #columbia #columbiauniversity #hindshall #hindshall❤️ #myromanempire #romanempire

5/12/2024, 6:20:32 AM

The #newmooninaries ♈️was 05/08 and 05/09 the great Blockout 2024 began! In addition 05/09 saw the flames of change create a major catalyst in the Student #Divestment Encampment Protests. The Aries/Taurus cusp was clearly an energizing space for the Moon which may have triggered this brilliant new idea in social media activism for 🍉The Aries impulse is all about that creative spark - and I for one - am very grateful to the genius creator who came up with the Block Party campaign! 👏💯🇵🇸 #digitine #blockparty #blockparty2024 #blockcelebrities #metgala #metgala2024 #hungergames #hungergamesedit #hungergamesedits #hungergamesmemes #hungergamesmovie #cancelled #blocked #blockout #blockout2024 #newmoonmagic #newmoon #newmoonenergy #newmoonintentions #divest #columbia #columbiauniversity #hindshall #hindshall❤️ #myromanempire #romanempire

5/12/2024, 6:15:17 AM

The #newmooninaries ♈️was 05/08 and 05/09 the great Blockout 2024 began! The Aries/Taurus cusp was clearly an energizing space for the Moon which may have triggered this brilliant new idea in social media activism for 🍉The Aries impulse is all about that creative spark - and I for one - am very grateful to the genius creator who came up with the Block Party campaign! 👏💯🇵🇸 #digitine #blockparty #blockparty2024 #blockcelebrities #metgala #metgala2024 #hungergames #hungergamesedit #hungergamesedits #hungergamesmemes #hungergamesmovie #cancelled #blocked #kimkardashian #kardashian #kardashians #acab #taylorswift #taylorswiftedit #taylorswiftedits #kimk #kimkardashianass #kimkardashianbutt #kimkardashians #blocked #blockout #blockout2024 #newmoonmagic #newmoon #newmoonenergy

5/12/2024, 3:14:40 AM

The #newmooninaries ♈️was 05/08 and 05/09 the great Blockout 2024 began! The Aries/Taurus cusp was clearly an energizing space for the Moon which may have triggered this brilliant new idea in social media activism for 🍉The Aries impulse is all about that creative spark - and I for one - am very grateful to the genius creator who came up with the Block Party campaign! 👏💯🇵🇸 #digitine #blockparty #blockparty2024 #blockcelebrities #metgala #metgala2024 #hungergames #hungergamesedit #hungergamesedits #hungergamesmemes #hungergamesmovie #cancelled #blocked #kimkardashian #kardashian #kardashians #acab #taylorswift #taylorswiftedit #taylorswiftedits #kimk #kimkardashianass #kimkardashianbutt #kimkardashians #blocked #blockout #blockout2024 #newmoonmagic #newmoon #newmoonenergy

5/12/2024, 1:21:00 AM

love letters from my birthday week ✨ #taurusseason #vibes #feelingspoiled #newmoonenergy #clarity

5/11/2024, 10:27:59 PM

新月入金牛座(竟然抽到跟上次天蠍滿月一模一樣的兩張牌) 🌕在本月新月入金牛座,一直到滿月這段為期約兩週的時間,提醒我們要重新把「愛自己」放在最優先的順序,並且確保我們在擴張自己的同時,保持腳踏實地。 金牛新月的來臨除了代表著新的開始,也帶來了更新與整合生活的機會,人們會開始想要滿足更多的生存需求,渴望深化我們與身體和感官的連結。在新月開始的第一天,邀請大家一起靜下心來反思:什麼是真正重要、值得投入時間和精力、和我們需要優先考慮和珍惜的。 這裡有三張月相神諭卡,你可以祈求神靈指引你抽到符合當下能量的牌卡,或在心中想著某個特定問題。 放鬆身體、做幾個深呼吸,依照直覺選一張牌,讓金牛新月的能量給你一些提點。 - 選擇左邊這張牌卡抽到的是 🌙北交點-走出舒適圈 抽到這張牌有一種強烈的意思:現在該想辦法拋開過去了,因為你正在朝正確的方向前進。如果你想得到快樂圓滿的人生,需要做你不敢做的事情!(在合理的範圍內)。 放膽去嘗試不同的事情、設定不同的人生方向、採取實際行動。你願意去追隨並引導你的人生往命定的目標前進嗎?如果你終於鼓起勇氣跨出這一步,你將來很可能會問自己:「我為什麼等了這麼久才行動?」 🌛接通月亮能量的方式:我知道我在朝正確的方向前進。 ✨這張牌的額外含義:你正朝某個彷彿「命中注定」的目標前進。你需要面對某種恐懼,想辦法克服它。現在該停止執迷於某人或某事了。要腳踏實地。 🌹輔助卡牌 現在是放掉在你生命中反覆播放的靈魂老故事的時候,斷捨離那些已不在為你服務的,邁向人生「next stage」之前的決斷時刻即將來臨,從學校畢業、辭職、契約到期、團體解散⋯等,瀟灑道別,有結束才能迎接全新的開始! 及另外三張與之能量對應的療癒牌卡🌿 - 選擇中間這張牌卡抽到的是 🌙滿月在魔羯座-艱難週期接近尾聲 你願意為自己想要的事物付出多大的努力?這張牌是在提醒你,你需要多加努力。當這張牌出現時,表示工作上的問題可能到頭了,如果你在想不知道該留在原來的工作崗位還是該離開的話,這張牌可能是要你離開的徵兆。 關於愛情的問題,這張牌可能是要你面對現實。不管你詢問的是什麼情況,做好計劃都會很有幫助。 如果你的私人生活碰到問題,那就想辦法制定更好的優先次序。如果你的問題是關於其他的事情,可以把這當作一個急需的提示,提醒你要拋開最近對當前狀況那種無助的感覺。 🌛接通月亮能量的方式: 交出控制權,然後相信宇宙。 ✨這張牌的額外含義: 工作上的某個企劃可能要結束了。在你的個人外在生活和私生活中找到一個平衡點。不要再害怕未來可能會發生最糟糕的事情。 🌹輔助卡牌 把開心的事放到後面,優先處理辛苦的事。也許此刻你正在經歷一個困難的時期,與其埋怨困難,不如將它視為一個祝福,一切都會變好的,只要你願意敞開自己,聆聽內在的聲音。因為這個世界需要你綻放如花。 及另外三張與之能量對應的療癒牌卡🌿 - 選擇右邊這張牌卡抽到的是 🌙滿月在雙魚座-平衡心靈面和實際面 你最近是不是常常在做白日夢,結果與現實世界脫節?如果是這樣的話,抽到這張牌表示你需要多注意這一點,想辦法多努力朝你的目標前進。這時要在你的責任和夢想之間找到一個平衡點。 靜心冥想你的問題,解決問題的辦法可能會清晰的浮現在腦海中。停止扮演犧牲自我的烈士,這時也是把夢想傳達給宇宙,釋放恐懼情緒的好時機。 🌛接通月亮能量的方式:每天靜坐,看看會發生什麼事。你想要的答案自然會出現。 ✨這張牌的額外含義:你正處在超級浪漫,而不是超級現實的狀態中。順從你的直覺,它不會讓你失望的。這張牌最糟也只是宣告一個夢想結束了。你詢問的那個人是靈魂伴侶。避免濫用藥物、毒品和酗酒。 🌹輔助卡牌 勇敢放下過去的自己,或是放下你曾經用於定義自己的事物,重新校準生活中不一致或需要改變的習慣。睡眠不足和營養不良也會影響精神面,為你的內心帶來空虛、憂鬱的感覺,試著讓生活更有規律一些就能恢復精神! 及另外三張與之能量對應的療癒牌卡🌿 #月相神諭卡#奧修禪卡#神諭卡#人魚塔羅 #hoho療癒卡 #oracle #mooncards #tarot #moonology #moonologyoracle #osho #oshotarot #zencard #workyourlightoracle #newmoonenergy #newmoonintaurus #newmoon #tarot #mermaidtarot

5/11/2024, 2:42:31 PM

Divine Light Surrounds, Guides & Protects Me...⁠ ⁠ So it is. 😘⁠ ⁠ PS-> There's matching joggers too!

5/11/2024, 12:20:16 AM

Embrace 💗 Be you without restrictions. Be your true self. Always be you. There are no rule or guide books for life, we are all learning as we go. Life is full of lessons be proud of yourself, walk with confidence, hold your head up high. You are only competing with yourself. Always try to better yourself with each day. Love yourself first, joy is within though always remember where you came from, trust your instincts and remain grounded. Love Ry xx #taurusszn #birthdaymonth #taurusnewmoon #newmoonenergy #astrology

5/10/2024, 5:28:09 PM

🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 Finally!!!! Our fabulous Ocean of Storms - Large - Matt black - 3 wick. FREE - Matt black wick trimmer with every order * *while stocks last. #specialeditioncandle #newmoonenergy #LaLunaScents #lalunagoodness #MadeToLast #MadeLocal #irishbusiness #irishgiftguide #irishcandlebusiness #irishcandles #irishcandleshop #candlesofinstagram #candleobsessed #soycandles #discoverunder5k

5/10/2024, 11:58:07 AM

New Moon Prayer 🙏 I welcome transformation 🌙 I welcome growth ✨ I welcome abundance 🌙 I know what I need 💫 I am ready ✨ Follow: @michellerebelospiritualteacher @michellerebelospiritualteacher • • • #psychichealer #spiritualteacher #holisticcounsellor #lifecoachforwomen #yogateacher #newmoonenergy #manifestation #goodnight 🌙 • •

5/10/2024, 10:41:36 AM

🌚 Blooming under a new moon 🌚 . . . . #newmoonenergy #painteddesert #pigmenthunter

5/10/2024, 1:32:53 AM

One of those rare Brighton nights. Can’t resist the sand! 🌑✨🖤 • • • • #lowtide #brighton #hove #happyplace #grounding #wellbeing #newmoonenergy #mybackgarden #sunset

5/9/2024, 10:07:48 PM

Doesn’t it feel so bloody amazing when you have even the tiniest bit more energy for a while?! At the start of this week, I felt better than I had in a long time, and I managed some planting and some organisation in the house too. It really wasn’t much at all, in the grand scheme of things, but it was enough to make me feel like an absolute badass 😆 By Wednesday, my pain levels were right back up, and my energy levels had fallen off a cliff again. I went through ALL the emotions - it’s a grieving process every. single. time…and it’s truly exhausting, but I know I just have to try to lean into it, processing it in my own way and on my own schedule. I’m proud I did actually listen to my body though - I spent the whole morning in bed, despite the overwhelming urge to just try to push through and pretend it wasn’t happening. And, you know what, despite the discomfort and the sadness, it gave me some time to lie in stillness. I even came up with some creative inspiration for some book ideas, and have vowed to spend some time writing every Friday. It might come to nothing, or it could be the start of a new chapter in my life…I’ll never know unless I try, so that’s what I intend to do ✍️ I’m harnessing the new moon in Taurus energy from yesterday, and sowing the seeds of something new! On the difficult days, thinking creatively and figuring out ways to make my life more meaningful feels so healing. Today, after all the rest from yesterday, I’m feeling so much better, and have managed to get out of the house to celebrate an important day in our island’s history, so that’s a win! Happy Liberation Day to any Guerns reading this, and wishing anyone who’s struggling today, a better day tomorrow 🇬🇬 #flowers #verbena #prettypurple #newmoonenergy #newmoonintaurus #leaningintogrief #listeningtomybody #creativeinspiration #newchapter #sicklywitch #endobadass #lifewithfibromyalgia

5/9/2024, 6:52:08 PM

With the Taurus New Moon, we have entered a new lunar cycle. And today the Moon is traversing curious and flirtatious Gemini. This is the moment to take a closer look at how you are communicating your values and your self-worth. This energy reminds us to open our minds and allow new perspectives that expand our perceptions of what we believe is possible. While the Moon spends time here in the next 2 days, feel how you can change your mindset and look at your talents and gifts as a source of your own abundance that you can create and attract. You are the self-sorceress of your desires. Instead of seeing scarcity, and doubting yourself and your abilities, turn your most common phrases around so they raise your vibration and support your growth. Instead of complaining, be grateful. Instead of looking for problems, look for solutions. And instead of downgrading your dreams, start believing you are worthy and deserving of anything you desire. And the Universe will always respond to your dominant vibration.❤️ . . . . . . #wildmoonhuntress #taurusnewmoon #newmoonintaurus #lunarmagic #lunarmagick #selfcarerituals #moonmagic #moonmagick #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic #newmoonrituals #newmoonvibes #newmoonenergy #newmoonblessings #settingintentions #femininepower #feminineempowerment #divinegoddess #mooingemini #geminimoon #upgradeyourmindset

5/9/2024, 6:26:50 PM

✨🤍 planting seeds 🤍✨ yesterday’s new moon in taurus allowed us to renew our intentions and ground them in security. we feel more confident as the new zodiac year continues forward, ready to take on summer’s heat and promises. today’s #taurustarotchallenge asks: what seeds are you ready to plant? the ruler (king) of wands wants you to start envisioning yourself as a true leader and set your goals with ambition. the pure fire energy of the wands can guide your ideas while you take the action to implement them. whatever challenges you face, you will be able to overcome them with your determination and optimism. take control of your vision and dare to make big decisions! feel free to grab a tarot deck, a pen and journal, or a safe space to reflect on this prompt! don’t forget to tag @rosetarot28 and if i you decide to share! ✨ @thethreadsoffate weaver tarot: journeyer edition 🏷️ #tarotreader #tarotreaders #tarotreading #tarotreadings #tarotcardspread #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotdeck #astrology #astrologypost #astrologyposts #astrologyreadings #taurusseason #newmoon #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoon #newmoonvibes #newmoonenergy

5/9/2024, 5:24:37 PM

🌙 New moon sound experience tonight 8pm with Janie! 🌙 sign up on the workshop page. Repost @tarotreaderpeter 😅 #newmoonenergy #soundhealingdenver #soundhealingmeditation #soundmeditation #soundhealingworkshop #soundhealingbowls # #tarot #readers #tarotreaderpeter

5/9/2024, 3:53:09 PM

Giving this New Moon in Taurus energy, take some time to write down what you are grateful for. Love the life you’re in even though you may not be in your ideal space. There’s always something to be thankful for. #peace #love #protection #thankyou #iamgrateful #healing #makingspace #newmoonenergy

5/9/2024, 3:02:11 PM

I didn't have much to say these last couple of months and yet, there was so much on my mind that words could simply not grasp. It doesn't have to be huge all the time, does it? Simple things, like my son's first crane bag, stones and oak leaves he collected while strolling through nature is what I wanted to share today. #druidry #druidentum #naturespirituality #naturspiritualität #animism #newmoonenergy #neumond #orderofbardsovatesanddruids

5/9/2024, 2:04:32 PM

Don’t be surprised if in the next couple of weeks our last New Moon has you feeling, well, a little brand new yourself. You’re worthy of the shifts that are on their way friend 🌙🦋✨ #mymetaphysicalmaven #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic #newmoonvibes #newmoonrituals #newmoonenergy #newmoonintaurus

5/9/2024, 11:35:25 AM

Good morning Loves 🍵🤍👁️☀️🧘🏼‍♀️ Mein heutiger Morgen steht im Zeichen der Planung, denn im Mai finden noch so viele tolle Events statt 💗 Today: Projekt-& Budgetplanung, Matcha-Events planen, Launch visualisieren, Produkte bestellen, Visionen für Kunden & Partner entwickeln, Vision für GLOWY MATCHA und natürlich Matcha trinken 🍵🍵 Freue mich auf alles was kommt! Habt es schön. #glowymatcha #newprojects #newmoonenergy #wennträumewahrwerden #matchaaddict #matchalover #newmoonintentions #glowyvision #visions #love

5/9/2024, 9:52:16 AM

Taurus New Moon energy is still around. From: @leladymoon #taurusnewmoon #newmoon #newmoonrituals #newmoonenergy

5/9/2024, 8:16:26 AM

💁🏽‍♀️So next in the Soulful Entrepreneurs Circle series is Quantum Creativity⁣ ⁣ My very own version of a Sip ‘n’ Paint🎨⁣ ⁣ With a twist of course!⁣ ⁣ ✨𝗦𝗼 𝗝𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗨𝘀 𝗨𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻!✨⁣ ⁣ 👉🏽Are you ready to raise your brand’s presence while tapping into the cosmic energy of the full moon?⁣ ⁣ Myself and Hetal @‌artbeathub have curated a truly magical experience for you⁣ ⁣ 📅 Thursday, May 25th⁣ 🕖 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM⁣ ⁣ Immerse yourself in an unforgettable evening where you’ll be guided by the spirit of cacao as well as the full moon to really unlock your creativity❤️⁣ ⁣ You’ll be infusing your lunar artwork with the powerful energy of the full moon itself⁣ ⁣ 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁’𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗲:⁣ 💫Learn more about co-creating with universal energies to skyrocket your brand’s impact and resonance⁣ 💫Unleash your creativity as Hetal leads us in painting the moon, tapping into the limitless inspiration of the cosmos⁣ 💫Connect via circle with a supportive community of like-minded individuals, enabling collaboration and growth⁣ 💫Indulge in a ceremonial cacao experience, heightening your senses and deepening your connection to your inner creativity⁣ ⁣ 🎟️ 𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁: Reserve your spot today for £52, inclusive of all materials, cacao ceremony, and refreshments.⁣ ⁣ Don’t miss this opportunity to align your brand’s essence with the magic of the full moon.⁣ ⁣ Last 3 spots available, so secure yours now and join us for an evening of inspiration, connection, and transformation!🏃🏽‍♀️⁣ ⁣ 📲Link in bio to book⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #sipandpaint #cacaoceremony #fullmooncircle #businessbreakthrough#personalbreakthrough #businessactivities #fullmoonevent #fullmoonenergy#releasinglimitingbeliefs #fullmoonritual #newmoonenergy #londonbusiness #healingenergytools #healingcircle #soulpreneurs #soulledbusiness #quantumcoaching #marketingmentor #ceomindset #londonfullmoon #taurusfullmoon

5/9/2024, 7:22:09 AM

We are a proud startup from Goa to be selected as an entry from Goa Institute of Management to the global students accelerator for sustainable business ideas. From Goa with lots of love ❤️ . AIM2Flourish accelerates the shift to a Business for Good mindset by recognizing the positive impact of today’s business leaders, and changing the way tomorrow’s leaders are taught. AIM2Flourish is the world’s first higher-education curriculum, business innovation story platform, and annual prize for the Global Goals and positive business impact. AIM2Flourish partners with management schools worldwide and the global Business for Good community. Using the Global Goals as their lens, students identify an innovation, conduct an in-person interview with a business leader, and then write about what they learned. Our mission is to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals action by preparing Global Goals leaders. . More : . #yoga #goa #brandsofgoa #yogaforall #sustaibaility #sustainableliving #newmoonenergy

5/9/2024, 6:12:10 AM

🌚 New Moon. New Opportunities. Create intentions. Plant seeds. Practice self love. Live your dreams. Feel your worth. Own your value in this world. 🌙 #newmoonaffirmations #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic #newmoonvibes #newmoonenergy #selfworthjourney #selfworthaffirmation #affirmationchallenge #mantraoftheday

5/9/2024, 12:48:13 AM

Happy New Moon in Taurus! 🌙💜✨ How does the new moon influence your creativity? Please share your experience in the comments below. For me, it inspires new ideas while providing a blank slate to start fresh. Maybe you've had a creative breakthrough or revelation during a new moon period. Or you're drawing blank & don't feel creative during the new moon phase. Whatever your experience is, there's no right or wrong. Just be with what is and let it flow through you. #newmoon #creativity #empath #newmoonintaurus #reiki #newmoonenergy #newmoonritual #authenticcreativity #creativeprocess #moonphases #moon #emotions #reikimaster #reikimasterteacher #yogainstructor #creativeinspiration

5/8/2024, 10:22:07 PM

Blessed new moon in Taurus ✨🌚♉️

5/8/2024, 9:39:48 PM

Creative entrepreneurs, save this. The new moon is a perfect time to cozy up with your business. Press pause. Take a moment to rest, reflect, and reset with these new moon biz-care rituals. Make yourself a yummy drink, put on something cozy, and give your biz a little extra love under the new moon. LMK in the comments, which of these do you feel called to do? . . . . . #bekindtoyourself #cocreating #creativeflow #creativepreneur #creativeprocess #cultivatecreativity #embracingaslowerlife #everydayrituals #femaleentrepreneurs #findpresence #intuitioncoaching #innervoice #livinginflow #momsupport #practicinggratitude #settingintentions #showupandshine #springenergy #springseason #springvibes #communityovercompetition #trustyourintuition #wellnessjourney #womenempoweringwomen #newmoon #newmoonmagic #newmoonintentions #businessmagic #newmoonenergy

5/8/2024, 9:22:31 PM

At 04:21 am this morning (UK) we welcomed the New Moon in Taurus, a time of abundance, nature and beauty ♉️🌑

5/8/2024, 9:13:00 PM

What are you manifesting? I posted this picture before and SO many people thought it was mine Truth is….it is. It just hasn’t arrived yet! You see, I put my order in to the Universe The specifics of what I desire. Then I have to do my part. I have to take the inspired action that will lead me to driving this car off the lot. We are still in the energy of the Taurus New Moon The moon that is all about calling in the luxury and the success that is in alignment with you. Speak what you truly desire into the Universe and listen for the action steps you need to take Remember, your manifestations are yours. When you try to call in what you truly DONT desire bc you THINK that is what you should be….it doesn’t work. They are not yours to manifest. So be honest And allow the Universe to do her magic while you do yours. What are you manifesting?? #manifest #manifesting #GWagon #mercedes #spiritual #lifecoach #newmoonenergy

5/8/2024, 9:07:34 PM

For the past week or so, I've made the decision to shift my focus and to release something that has been with me for 10 years to put that energy solely (soul-ly?) into what is truly my life's passion. Funny enough, my Sacred Creators Oracle jumped off my night table at me last night & I decided to pay attention and draw cards this morning (just so happened to be around 11:11) without me realizing it's also the new moon! Then there are the cards themselves (that just so happened to match the color shift in my cranberry lemon matcha tea)! They were some nice reassurance of my decisions and excitement for what the future holds! Reading is magic! Happy reading!!! And have a magical day! #readingismagic #happyreading #sacredcreatorsoracle #newmoon #newmoonmagic #settingintentions #newmoonenergy #soulenergy #sacredmagic #sacredinthemundane #SecretGarden

5/8/2024, 9:02:42 PM

#aadivasimodel😍❤️status🤗🎧 #newmoonenergy #🖤splendorlover☺️ # #🤦🤦🤦मुझे

5/8/2024, 8:08:56 PM

The New Moon is the part of the cycle when we begin to create the magic, to look to our dreams and see the potential in front of us. We can connect to our inner world and ask for the things that we really want from our lives. It's a time to look forward and plan the future, remembering that anything is possible for us. It's often described as being the time for planting new seeds for the future, the New Moon offering the fertile soil in which to plant those seeds and the cycle that is beginning offers them space and time to grow. Want to dive into the phases of the moon? Check out The Ritual Coven, you'll get new spiritual, manifesting and astrology content each month for you to learn and discover! Check out the link in my bio for more! #newmoonmagic #newmoonenergy #taurusnewmoon #newmoonrituals #moonphasemagic #manifestingmagic #newbeginnings #intentionsetting #celestialcycle #taurusseason #newmoonmanifestation #astrology #moongoddess #lunarmagic #newmooncycle #taurusvibes #moonritual #intentions #lunareclipse #moonchild #zodiacmagic #taurusenergy #newmoonblessings #moonmanifesting #spiritualjourney #astrologycommunity #taurusnewbeginnings #moonphasecycle #cosmicconnections #newmoonIntaurus

5/8/2024, 8:00:16 PM

Feeling lost in the darkness of the new moon? You're not alone. While this phase is believed to be a time for manifesting dreams, sometimes it's okay to admit that we're just trying to navigate through the shadows. Instead of pressuring myself to manifest, I'm trying to just embrace the quiet moment, allowing myself the grace to simply be. Trusting that even in the darkness, seeds of intention are silently taking root, ready to bloom in their own time. 🌑 #NewMoonEnergy #EmbraceTheJourney #SelfCompassion

5/8/2024, 7:51:02 PM

Joyeuse nouvelle lune, j'espère que votre semaine se passe bien jusqu'ici ! Prenez bien soin de vous. ♉️🌑 .................... #nouvellelune #lune #taureau #taurus #moon #newmoon #newmoonmagic #newmoonvibes #newmoonenergy #night #nuit #witch #witchcraft #magic #sorciere #sorcieres #witchyvibes #dark #darkness #lightandembrace

5/8/2024, 7:49:19 PM

empowered women empower women especially on wednesday new moon vibes @sagemke #ladyday #newmoonenergy #femaledriven

5/8/2024, 7:43:36 PM

A new post on the Herbs Series: Love 🤍✨ Read Herb Meanings below ⬇️ Aster: carry, use in sachets, in tea to manifest love, wisdom in love, or to activate intuition about love situation. Love situation can be platonic. Bleeding Heart: good to have around when the heart needs healing, especially after a heartbreak, brings in feelings of compassion & unconditional love. Cardamom: clears & soothes the mind when feeling conflicted over love. Invokes feelings of lust, self-love, & a calm self-temperament. Daisy: new beginnings in love, can help neutralize energy between partners, helps manifest new love, fertility, & self-love. Fig: helps manifest love & fertility. Invokes feelings of lust. Creates a loving & safe environment for self & others. Gardenia: brings in feelings of self-confidence, high self-esteem, & unconditional love. Clears energy & creates a safe space for healing the heart. Use these herbs in tea, tonics, spells, food, rituals, or as a topical application to bring in the energy of love. Working with herbs associated with love can look like self-love, unconditional love, or sending love to others. 💖 Please refrain from having other parties involved as it can become an unethical practice. Always ask for consent if you would like to work with a specific person like sending feelings of unconditional love (: Also, please research whether herbs, flowers, and plants are edible as some are toxic or some parts of the plant are edible. & if you have any allergy or medical conditions ✨ Comment on which herbs you like using for love ✨ Support my small business by liking or sharing this post with others 🌙 Follow my page for more spiritual witchy content 🔮🍄🌙 -------------- #herbsforlove #herbalmagick #herbalmagic #herbalism #herbgarden #greenwitch #greenwitchcraft #greenwitches #greenwitchesofinstagram #magicspell #magicspells #herbalhealing #witchcrafts #witchcrafting #witchcraftspells #witchcraftsupplies #witchcraftforbeginners #spiritualjourneywithlove #spirituality #spiritualawakening #spiritualknowledge #grimoire #grimoirepages #newmoonintaurus #newmoonintentions #newmoonenergy #newmoonritual #newmoonmagic #newmoonvibes

5/8/2024, 7:41:40 PM

I was going to post this last night but it totally slipped my mind. 🤪Sorry about that, but each lunar cycle blesses us with its energy for a few days so it’s still valuable info! We are in new moon season and this one feels like a reprieve from the clearing energy we have been being pummeled with. 😂 Staying positive and high vibrational will help the flow of manifestation, success, and achieving goals in both your relationships and career. Take a minute this evening and mindfully welcome the things and opportunities that are flowing to you with the new moon for easier flow to you. 🌑 ✌🏻❤️✨ #newmoon #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic #newmoonvibes #newmoonenergy #abundance #abundancementality #growthmindset #growthjourney #empowermentcoach #highvibe #yourbestself #healingvibrations #positiveenergy #positivevibes #reikimasterpractitioner #reikimaster #chakrahealing #healingjourney #spiritualgrowth #highvibrations #spiritualjourney #spirituallifecoach #distancereikihealing #certifiedlifecoach #energyhealer #reiki #reikihealer

5/8/2024, 7:35:32 PM

New moon spread : Enter your true power, the power of love. Let it guide your choices, your studies. With it, you can build what you want, make your vision become true. It could take a bit of time but with a good plan, your leadership skills and the community you are building, everything is possible. Believe in yourself, the universe has your back. #tarotformotivation #newmoonenergy #akashictarot

5/8/2024, 7:24:53 PM

What are you doing in your life that scares you? Or at least makes you nervous? You have to have a little fear, if you don’t you are playing it safe and there is no growth in playing it safe. Eventually you will go backwards. Instead use the fear, let the feeling remind you that you are living and choosing growth. Remember being afraid doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human. How you handle that fear determines the rest. #ownwhoyouare #yesyoucan #keepgoing #youdeservethebest #youareworthy #lifespurpose #growthquotes #newmoonenergy #manifest #newmoon #newmoonintaurus

5/8/2024, 7:20:57 PM

In darkness there is light, rebirth a reminder to begin a new. 📸 @aja_crites The dark filled the night sky, Then she was born on the first of July. Filled the dark with her light, singing a song, with all her might. Nothing could be more poetic, with her songs to all that is cosmic. But, the fear of falling, would make her feel blue. So, she would step down, calls herself New. Yet, she keeps everyone hopeful, with all the phases, from crescent to full. Despite the fear of falling, she still watches from the sky, Avoiding oblivion, watching, with each of her eyes. When darkness fills the sky, she, and her Moonlight will be your guide. Singing you a song, accompanying you through oblivion. -Mhiko Simon . . #newmoon #bornagain #rebirth #renew #revive #growth #power #energy #flow #newintentions #intention #manifestation #newmoonritual #newmoonmagic #newmoonvibes #newmoonenergy

5/8/2024, 7:07:56 PM

New Moon in Aries ♈️ (Bharani) ✨ A powerful day to embrace a fresh start and deepen your spiritual practice. Under the influence of the fiery sign, it’s vital to pause and realign with your inner self. Take this opportunity to meditate, practice mindfulness, and nurture your well being. Avoid over stimulation and unnecessary distractions and all w yourself to reset and connect with your higher purpose 🧡 #consciouscalendars #vedicastrology

5/8/2024, 7:03:45 PM

🌑🌿 As the New Moon transitions into the serene and steadfast realm of Taurus, we are invited to ground ourselves in the beauty of simplicity, stability, and abundance. Taurus encourages us to connect with the earthy pleasures of life, to honour our values, and to cultivate a sense of security in our surroundings. We are also reminded to slow down, savour the present moment, and plant seeds of intention that align with our deepest desires and values. In the fertile soil of Taurus, our intentions take root, and our dreams begin to blossom. This New Moon invites us to honour our need for comfort, serenity, and groundedness, as we lay the foundation for future growth and prosperity. Cultivate a sense of abundance, appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and embrace the simple joys that nourish your soul. With the New Moon in Taurus, we find strength in stability and power in our ability to create a life of comfort and fulfillment. 🌱🌌 #NewMoonInTaurus #GroundedAbundance #TaurusNewMoon #newmoon #newmoonvibes #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic #newmoonenergy #newmooninpisces #newmoonbeginnings

5/8/2024, 6:55:44 PM

A beautiful New Moon is gracing us tonight 🌚 It’s a powerful moment to plant new seeds within our hearts and spirits. It marks the start of a fresh cycle, perfect for new beginnings and setting intentions for what’s yet to come. Take a deep breath… Have a moment to tune into what truly matters to you. Where will you direct your focus and energy? Carefully choose your thoughts and concentrate on uplifting yourself and your energy. The energy within us is not only what we create from, but also what we use to empower others 💫 #livingyolates #newmoon #newmoonenergy #intentions #newbeginnings

5/8/2024, 6:53:24 PM

Blessed new moon Insta: @gaelic_witch Tiktok: gaelicwitch YouTube: gaelicwitch Business contact email [email protected] Website To book visit the website link is in the bio . Any inquiries please contact via DM or email. All Rights Reserved by gaelic_witch 2024 & all services, rituals, photos, client commentary, hashtags & marketing styles are protected by copyright infringement laws. Copyright © 2024 gaelic_witch UK. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action. #witch #witchcraft #spell #spells #spellcasting #witchy #witchlife #witchtips #crystals #witchylife #candlemagick #zodiacposts #zodiacsignsbelike #zodiacsigns #zodiac #starsign #starsigns #astrology #astrologymemes #fullmoon #fullmoonmagic #moonphases #moon #lunar #themoon #newmoonritual #newmoonvibes #newmoonenergy #newmoon #newmoonblessings

5/8/2024, 6:46:38 PM

🌑✨ Harness the Power of the New Moon with Reiki Energy Healing - for You and Your Pets! 🌑✨ On this auspicious new moon, take a moment to realign your mind, body, and spirit with the healing energy of Reiki. 🙌✨ Whether you’re seeking clarity, relaxation, or emotional balance for yourself or your furry friends, Reiki can help you tap into your inner strength and manifest your intentions. 💫✨ During this potent lunar phase, I am offering a special promotion for new clients: book a Reiki session for yourself or your pet today and receive a 20% discount! 🌙🔮 Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the transformative benefits of Reiki energy healing and start your journey towards healing and self-discovery - for both you and your beloved pets. 🌿💖 DM me to schedule your Reiki session and embrace the magic of the new moon for you and your furry companions! 🌑🌟 #ReikiHealing #NewMoonEnergy #SelfCare #Manifestation #HealingJourney #PetReiki

5/8/2024, 6:42:18 PM

The greatest lesson that we are delivered with the Taurus New Moon is that the key ingredient for us to claim our self-worth and abundance lies in our commitment and determination. Our commitment to growth and the vision we hold as in this consistent process of devoting ourselves to what we value the most, we bring our dreams to reality. That belief and hope we are deserving of anything we desire is what fuels our actions and attitudes to constantly make decisions from the perspective of the person we want to become. It is this inner resolve, that no matter the struggle or hardship, we will endure what it takes to get on the other side and make our dream come true. In this acceptance that growth and expansion are not always linear, but full of twists and turns, ups and downs we are learning more about ourselves. With each step we are closer to aligning with the best version of ourselves - and finally getting home. This is the intuitive knowing that we are worthy of never giving up on ourselves. Because once you decide to devote yourself and your dreams every day, it's how you forge yourself into an unstoppable woman, ready to take on the world. And there is nothing more beautiful than that.💜 . . . . . #wildmoonhuntress #taurusnewmoon #newmoonintaurus #lunarmagic #lunarmagick #selfcarerituals #moonmagic #moonmagick #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic #newmoonrituals #newmoonvibes #newmoonenergy #newmoonblessings #settingintentions #femininepower #feminineempowerment #divinegoddess

5/8/2024, 6:31:03 PM

It’s time for New Moon 🌑 in Taurus! ♉️ Harness the bull’s energy to enhance your intentions, nourish your soul, and bring in all you want with abundance. 💸 Malachite for Prosperity 💗 Rose Quartz for Unconditional Love ⭐️ Golden Rutile for Enhancing Intentions Check out our New Moon Collection here! … Stop in today or shop online! We are open ☀️ Mondays thru Sundays 10AM - 5PM 🌙 Always open 24 hours a day at! #fyp#newmoon #astrology #taurus #rosequartz #shopsmall #supportlocal #smallbusiness #womanownedbusiness #giftideas #abingtonma #southshore #fyp #foryou #crystals #gemstones #crystalshop #zodiac #companionstones #malachite #prosperity #abundance #intentions #newmoonintentions #newmoonintaurus #love #newmoonmagic #newmoonenergy #pocketstones

5/8/2024, 6:22:47 PM

Feeling the citrus vibes today 🍋 Uplifting my mood while keeping me grounded with the natural combination of aromatherapy oils☀️ Last night my toddler pulled an all nighter, I was supposed to manufacture, however, I can’t fill cups (literal Japanese tea cups) when I’m depleted of energy, so for once I listened to myself and I found space and time to clear some clutter and do some calming tasks that just needed minimal effort. #newmoonenergy #calming #restoring #uplifting #aromatherapycandles #candles #candlelover #candlesuk #citruscandle #freshcandles #healing #mindfulness #frequencies

5/8/2024, 6:08:24 PM

I’m picking up on intense levels of anxiety and inadequacy, feeling it very much in my own bones — a very natural response from our bodies when we try to operate in ways that are out of alignment. What worked before simply won’t work anymore. How can we do things differently? How can we take action, build structure, and assert ourselves from a more balanced & healthy masculine energy? Who else is feeling this? 👇🏻

5/8/2024, 6:04:23 PM

New Moon 🌙 - Our energy goes where our attention goes. Time to slow down and maybe just plant the seeds of our new intention. Kundalini Class Planting Your Seeds of Intention Nex week! #kundaliniyoga #yogaforchakras #yogaforhealth #newmoonintentions #newmoonenergy #feelinggrounded #feelinggrateful

5/8/2024, 5:35:05 PM

トトの眼1880(Leica photography) Pray to the new moon energy. Last month,my new artwork was displayed at the entrance in ROHM’s new headquarters building. 新月に祈りを捧げます。 先月、念願が叶い、ぼくの新作がROHMの新しい本社ビルエントランスに飾られました。(w3600×h900) #トトの眼 #leicaphotography #leicam10r #唐紙作品 #トトアキヒコ #雲母唐長 #唐長 #唐紙 #唐紙師 #しふく刷り #青の芸術 #世界平和 #祈り #アート #ブルーアート #トトブルー #blueart #totoakihiko #totoblue #kirakaracho #karacho #karakamipaper #pray #worldpeace #newmoonenergy #totoblue #hollyblue #japaneseart #folklore #rohm #ミズハ

5/8/2024, 5:31:35 PM