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A Court This Cruel & Lovely By Stacia Stark ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🌶️🌶️.5 Kindle Unlimited Book 1 In A Completed Series as of today! Tropes: •One Bed •One Horse •Enemies to Lovers •Slow Burn •Dual POV •Humans With Magic, Hybrids & Fae I loved this book, I love a real broody MCM and Lorain is exactly that. I loved the duo prospectives of both Prisca and Lorain. I don’t know I found the letters between Lorain and his brother funny. Lorain’s “Mercenary” group is absolutely perfect. The slow burn and tension in this book is everything🥵 Lorain is broody, arrogant and possessive and Prisca is mouthy and resilient which makes for the best push and pull. And of course the book leaves us at a delicious cliffhanger that would send me into a horrible book hangover but no worries because the series is complete as of today So right on to book 2 🤍 #bookstagram #bookstafollow #bookstagrammer #booksta #bookstagrammers #booksbooksbooks #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #bookrecommendations #bookreview #fantasyromance #fantasyromancebooks #spicyfantasybooks #spicyfantasyromance #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #completedseries #acourtthiscruelandlovelybook⚔️ #acourtthiscruelandlovely #fantasybookseries #fanstasybookstagram

5/31/2024, 4:18:15 PM

A beautiful love story of 2 college students, who are like opposite poles but fell in love with each other. • Puja, a 19-year-old girl, lives in Kerala. Her mom is a doctor and her dad is a well established business man where she is an impulsive girl with no future plans and aspirations. • Arush, an Indian who is born and bought up in UK. He is a great artists and believes in following his passion which makes him happy. Puja for the first time met Arush in Wayanad, Kerela during a volunteer work for a month in a school. During this course of time, they fell in love with each other but soon had to be apart from each other as Arush had to leave India. But is it the end of their love story? Was is it a crush, fling, infatuation or really love between them? Preeti Shenoy , had very well written this beautiful love story a love story but she had in detail explained the importance of every relationship in our lives, whether of parents, siblings, friends, colleagues, or with your partner.Apart from this , the mian object author wanted to explain through this story is" to find yourself in the process of living". . . Tag #love #fyp #book #trending #viral #post #loveforever #bookstafollow #booklove #bookstagram #playboicarti

5/25/2024, 4:43:58 PM

My Dad’s Daughter by Divya Kotawala is a touching tribute by a fond daughter to a heroic father who she has lost to the second wave of Covid in 2021 in Delhi. Divya’s father Suresh Gupta, an alumini of Modern School and St Stephen’s College who studied with eminent personalities like Amitabh Kant, (CEO, Niti Aayog) was always held in high regard by all who came in touch with him. Divya is the apple of his eye and he always goes the extra mile to keep his family and friends happy. On testing Covid positive when Suresh was being admitted to the hospital, he shares his worst fears with his daughter pleading with her not to admit him to the hospital as he fears that he would not return home. And five days later, his premonition is proved right, for which blow, his daughter carries her guilt to date. This book is a Thank You from a daughter who might not have been able to build a memorial or name a road after her beloved father but has created an everlasting memento in the form of a book in her father’s memory, her unique way of connecting with him. A very touching true story! . . #bookstagram #fyp #trend #viral #dad #love #bookaddict #bookfollowloops #bookstafollow #bookreview

5/25/2024, 4:24:40 PM

Mi sono avvicinata con cautela a questa scrittrice, e a questo genere, non di certo per pregiudizio ma perchè non è solitamente un genere nelle mie corde; ebbene, mi sono ricreduta. “Due cuori in affitto” è leggero, appassionante, scorrevole, hai sempre più voglia di scoprire come si svilupperà la storia e come sarà l’avvicinamento tra i due protagonisti che, per carattere stili di vita e hoby, stanno proprio agli antipodi: Summer, aspirante sceneggiatrice e Blake, donnaiolo e scrittore di successo. I due, con i rispettivi accompagantori, per un errore e un mancato scambio di informazioni, si ritrovano ad aver affittato la stessa lussuosa villa negli Hampton. Ho invece trovato un po’ sottotono il sequel “Innamorati pazzi” ma sempre molto scorrevole e divertente, sebbene non ai livelli del primo libro. Per chi cerca una lettura estiva da divorare sotto l’ombrellone, per chi vuole spensieratezza e ha bisogno di qualcosa di frizzante e spiritoso è super consigliato. #feliciakingsley #newtoinstagram #newtoncompton #newtoncomptoneditori #booklife #books2024 #bookslover #booklife #booktag #booktok #booktime #booksita #bookstagram #bookstagrameritalia #booksaesthetic #libridaleggere #bookstafollow

5/25/2024, 3:18:21 PM

My first box as a part of my subscription with @teatimebookshop 📚☕️ #teatime #coffeeandbooks #bookstafollow #bookstagram #subscriptionbox

5/24/2024, 10:14:38 PM

Οιμωγή •Στέφανος Αλεξιάδης• 3.7/5⭐️ Mini review 🫶🏻 Οιμωγή σημαίνει κραυγή. Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση η σιωπηλή κραυγή πόνου της Πετρίας, μια μάνας που βρίσκεται στο φάσμα του αυτισμού και θεωρείται βασική ύποπτη για την δολοφονία του παιδιού της Ορέστη. Επιλέγει να μην υπερασπιστεί τον εαυτό της. Και εδώ θα λέγε κανείς πως εάν είναι αθώα γιατί να επιλέξει αυτόν τον δρόμο; Μόνο οι αναγνώστες γνωρίζουν τις πιο μύχιες και μη σκέψεις της κάτι που αποτελεί ανασταλτικό παράγοντα για την εξέλιξη της υπόθεσης. Η αστυνόμος Θεοδοσίου και ο υπαστυνόμος Βάιος έχουν αναλάβει την εξιχνίαση της δολοφονίας του μικρού Ορέστη,προσφέροντας μας πέρα από καταιγιστικές εξελίξεις και μια νότα ρομαντισμού. Αναμφισβήτητα είναι ένα page turner, κοινωνικό θα λέγα εγώ θρίλερ, με αγωνία που κορυφώνεται κυρίως από τη μέση και έπειτα. Θίγει σοβαρά κοινωνικά ζητήματα όπως είναι η προκατάληψη απέναντι στη διαφορετικότητα και η ενδοοικογενειακή βία. Πόνεσε πολύ η καρδιά μου διαβάζοντας το καθώς δεν είχα προετοιμαστεί για τόσο έντονο ευαίσθητο περιεχόμενο. Δεν θα θελα να αποκαλύψω περεταίρω πράγματα παρά μόνο να σας προτρέψω να το διαβάσετε!!! Ένα μεγάλο μπράβο στον συγγραφέα @stephanos_alexiadis .

5/24/2024, 11:56:55 AM

Letture di Aprile! 🌟🌟 Nessuna lettura entusiasmante purtroppo, solo Laura Imai Messina si stacca dagli altri per la delicatezza del suo romanzo. Sto leggendo tanto rispetto all'anno scorso, ma ho come la sensazione che la qualità delle letture sia calata; questanno ancora non ho trovato quelle letture piene, indimenticabili se non qualche piccola eccezione. Forse ho bisogno di leggere qualche classico o qualche romanzo che da tanto tempo osservo ma che per un motivo o per un altro ho deciso non fosse ancora il suo tempo. Vi è capitato di leggere tanto ma non sentirvi entusiasti? È frustrante, mannaggia. #booksita #booklife #bookstafollow #bestbooks #booktok #bookslovers23 #bookbloggerig #bookstagram #booksaesthetic #bookstagramfam

5/20/2024, 10:02:07 PM

Un odio insanabile, viscerale, potente che attraversa tutto il romanzo e che sembra essere l’unico collante di questa famiglia atipica. L’unico sentimento umano buono è quello che lega i fratelli Jacques, ragazzo irrequieto, e Genevieve, personaggio che con la sua preghiera apre il romanzo e che diventerà una sorta di mistica. Ma l’odio più profondo è quello che lega le sorelle Lacroix, Mathilde sposata col pittore debole Vernes e Leopoldine, autoritaria e madre di Sophie, personaggio quasi di contorno. È l’odio, e il segreto che esso nasconde, ad essere il motore del romanzo; l’odio e la necessità di odiarsi per continuare a vivere e sopportare. È un legame complesso, a volte sembrerebbe di amore e odio, che trae nutrimento dall’angoscia e infine dalla pietà che le due figure femminili scaturiscono. Come sempre abbiamo dei personaggi maschili deboli, spaventati e privi di carattere, e figure femminili perverse, manipolatrici, viscide, che dominano la scena e le relazioni tra i protagonisti della storia. #adelphiedizioni #adelphi #georgesimenon #bestbooks #bookslovers23 #bookstafollow #booksita #bookbloggerig #booktag #bookcommunity #booklover #bookinstagramitalia #bookaesthetic #bookstagram #bookstagramfam #bookaholic

5/20/2024, 9:51:40 PM

Dritto dritto tra i preferiti di quest’anno. Sally racconta la vita dopo la morte dell’amata sorella Kathy, a causa di un incidente stradale in cui lei haun ruolo fondamentale, rivolgendosi proprio alla sorella. La storia parte da prima della prematura morte della sorella, dandoci qualche indizio sulla loro complicità, sulla vita di Kathy, il fidanzato Billy fino ad arrivare a oltre una decina d’anni più tardi. Nonostante il romanzo parta un po’ lento, ad un certo punto ti travolge e non riesci a metterlo via. La prosa è veloce, scorrevole, suscita compassione, empatia, tristezza ma è anche molto ironico e sarcastico nei confronti dei genitori, del suo rapporto con il fidanzato della sorella, delle esperienze di vita. Doloroso, toccante, vero e splendido. #bestbooks #bestreads #bookslovers23 #booklife #bookstafollow #booksita #bestbooks #booktag #booktok #booktime #bookaholic #bookstagram #bookstagramfam #booksaesthetic #booksaremylife #libridaleggere

5/20/2024, 9:48:28 PM

Avevo molte aspettive riguardo questo libro, vuoi dalla trama e vuoi dalle varie vecensioni lette qua e là; per me deludente. Lento, ozioso, noioso sembra come se nemmeno lo scrittore sapesse dove andare a parare, eppure l’idea di base è interessante. Yeong vive insieme al marito una vita di coppia piatta e tutto scorre piatto fino a quando non fa un sogno macabro, pieno di sangue; la straviolgerà al punto da decidere di diventare vegetariana. Da questo episodio, svelato tra le prime pagine del libro, si snodano le vicende che coinvolgono il marito, la sorella e il cognato, in una spirale tortuosa di potere, ossessione, morbosità. Un libro controverso, diretto, malsano ma onestamente, a mio parere, nulla di entusiasmante. #adelphi #libriadelphi #adelphiedizioni #bookslovers23 #booklife #bookstafollow #booksita #bookphotography #bookbloggerig #booktag #bookcommunity #bookinstagramitalia #bookaesthetic #bookstagram #booktok #booksaesthetic #booktime #bookaholic #bookstagramfam #booktography #libridaleggere

5/19/2024, 10:21:11 PM

Ho conosciuto questa autrice dopo che ha vinto il Premio Nobel nel 2022; l’avevo già notata in libreria ma mai mi ero soffermata a sfogliare qualche pagina o sinossi dei suoi scritti. L’evento, come gran parte delle sue opere, è un’opera autobiografica che tratta di un tema, e di un’esperienza dolorosa, e che tutt’oggi, purtroppo, desta scandalo: l’aborto. O l’aborto clandestino, dato che siamo nella Francia degli anni ‘60. L’autrice ci racconta gli eventi che hanno portato a una gravidanza indesiderata e a quello che ha fatto per liberarsene. A tratti mi sono dovuta fermare, sia pe la crudezza e la precisione dei dettagli con i quali la scrittrice descrive quei momenti, sia per un’empatia che nasce spontanea. Ernaux cerca di rivendicare quel diritto che di diritto spetterebbe alle donne, ma che di fatto spetta agli uomini, di decidere semplicemente sul proprio corpo e per la propria vita. Per questo ci narra quei fatti dolorosi, perchè “Se non andassi fino in fondo a riferire questa esperienza contribuirei ad oscurare la realtà delle donne schierandomi dalla parte della dominazione maschile del mondo”. Da leggere e da recuperare tutta la sua produzione. #annieernaux #bookslovers23 #booklife #bookstafollow #booksita #bestbooks #bookphotography #bookbloggerig #booktag #bookcommunity #bookinstagramitalia #bookaesthetic #booklovers #bookstagram #bookaholic #bookstagramfam #libridaleggere

5/19/2024, 10:15:13 PM

📚 BOOKISH FRIENDS TRAIN 📚 🌻COMMENT YOUR CURRENT READ ONCE YOU F🤎LL🤎W SOMEONE. ❗F🤎ll🤎w only those who have posted this train❗ All hosts will f🤎ll🤎w back 💕. F🖤ll🖤w admin @fictionandme for more such trains Check out my likes only engagement group : fictionalengagement 💜 🌙 @fictionandme @the_fiery_pages @biblio_food @read_agram @so_many_words__ @bookstagr.amber @_.saloni._ss @silvia.lisena @biblio_soul @vijayalathanarayanan @kindle_to_my_fire @readernotfound @_fictionmatters_ @himychan @mandys_book_nook3 @cosycorner.bookclub shrassreads @novel___notes @decho_writes88 @bong_bookworm @margosbookcorner @klarawilde.writer @diptishaaaa.0_o @darnassae @nerdieebirdiee @vibe_with_book7 @quinniejd @reading__with__sunny @_profumo_di_carta_ @scriptedsagas @wanderingintopages @quitaabi @adam.anys @be_a_bookwormm @_bookwithrima @skyandbooksnida @vellum_and_quill @bookishlife2022_ @di_acquamarinadiluciagriffo @inspire_read_ @libriefelicity @_.reader_who_writes._ @mysticaanjali @betz_n_books @_bookworm_bibliophile_ @budget_little_bookworm @hemmamyerssood @readsandmusic @a_bookwormsguide @__theintroverts_shelf @nicole_nightrey @paul_armando_gabuat_writer @readbytsar @crazyinsaneavidreader @bookerboy.19 @saloni_deciphering_books @utsavnew5531 @stophate.lovebooks @atommaso.sciuto @thebookhunter2023 @fayfay.yss @shelf.of.fiction @the_wow_runa @waterwitchreads @magicalbooktour @bookworld_of_snlindsi 🌙 💜 📚 ONLY PUBLIC BOOKISH ACCOUNTS 📖 📚 ALLOW HOSTS 72 HOURS TO F🖤LL🖤W BACK 📚Admin will fb discretely and no DMs. #followloop #bookstagram #bookishloop #fictionandmetrain #f4f #followforfollow #newbookish #bookfriends #bookishfriends #bookstagramfollowloop #bookstafollowloop #meetnewpeople #readersunite #bookfollowloop #bookstafollowtrain #bookfollowtrain #bookstagramfollowtrain #bookishfollow #bookstafollow #newfriends

5/6/2024, 7:05:22 PM

📚 BOOKISH FRIENDS TRAIN 📚 🌻COMMENT YOUR CURRENT READ ONCE YOU F🤎LL🤎W SOMEONE. ❗F🤎ll🤎w only those who have posted this train❗ All hosts will f🤎ll🤎w back 💕. F🖤ll🖤w admin @fictionandme for more such trains Check out my likes only engagement group : fictionalengagement 💜 🌙 @fictionandme @the_fiery_pages @biblio_food @read_agram @so_many_words__ @bookstagr.amber @_.saloni._ss @silvia.lisena @biblio_soul @vijayalathanarayanan @kindle_to_my_fire @readernotfound @_fictionmatters_ @himychan @mandys_book_nook3 @cosycorner.bookclub shrassreads @novel___notes @decho_writes88 @bong_bookworm @margosbookcorner @klarawilde.writer @diptishaaaa.0_o @darnassae @nerdieebirdiee @vibe_with_book7 @quinniejd @reading__with__sunny @_profumo_di_carta_ @scriptedsagas @wanderingintopages @quitaabi @adam.anys @be_a_bookwormm @_bookwithrima @skyandbooksnida @vellum_and_quill @bookishlife2022_ @di_acquamarinadiluciagriffo @inspire_read_ @libriefelicity @_.reader_who_writes._ @mysticaanjali @betz_n_books @_bookworm_bibliophile_ @budget_little_bookworm @hemmamyerssood @readsandmusic @a_bookwormsguide @__theintroverts_shelf @nicole_nightrey @paul_armando_gabuat_writer @readbytsar @crazyinsaneavidreader @bookerboy.19 @saloni_deciphering_books @utsavnew5531 @stophate.lovebooks @atommaso.sciuto @thebookhunter2023 @fayfay.yss @shelf.of.fiction @the_wow_runa @waterwitchreads @magicalbooktour @bookworld_of_snlindsi 🌙 💜 📚 ONLY PUBLIC BOOKISH ACCOUNTS 📖 📚 ALLOW HOSTS 72 HOURS TO F🖤LL🖤W BACK 📚Admin will fb discretely and no DMs. #followloop #bookstagram #bookishloop #fictionandmetrain #f4f #followforfollow #newbookish #bookfriends #bookishfriends #bookstagramfollowloop #bookstafollowloop #meetnewpeople #readersunite #bookfollowloop #bookstafollowtrain #bookfollowtrain #bookstagramfollowtrain #bookishfollow #bookstafollow #newfriends

5/6/2024, 6:48:18 PM

Let him keep you. (Haunting Adelaine by H.D Carlton) #hdcarlton #hauntingadeline #darkromance #bookrecsofinstagram #booklover #bookstafollow #booklove #booksbooksandmorebooks📚 #bookrecs

5/5/2024, 5:00:32 PM

Thank you so much for the tag @dannys_bookcorner 🥰 ᪥5 book tropes I love Friends to Lovers The Quest All hope lost The powerful Artifact The Loner (just give me drama and solitude) ᪥4 Books/series on my TBR Empire of silence A song of Ice and fire A wise man's fear Maurice Hopefully I start 2/4 this month :D ᪥3 Books/series I love Chronicles of the Tower by Laura Gallego Hyperion by Dan Simmons The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss ᪥2 Anticipated releases It has already been released, but I was super eager to see the new book of Murakami The City and its Uncertain Walls. And well, still waiting for Patrick Rothfuss' third book, but I have no rush tbh, I'm happy he published his new novela :) ᪥1 Auto-buy Author Either Murakami or Rothfuss Not tagging anyone today cus I don't want to bother 😂 but feel free to join 💜 ────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹──────── #bookstachallenge #bookstagram #bookstagrammers #darkacademia #booksbooksbooks📚 #booklover #fyp#follow #bookstagramespaña #bookstagramalicante #bookstafollow #booklover #bookstabuddies📚

5/4/2024, 4:52:17 PM

Currently Reading - Part Of Your World- by: Abby Jimenez 🩵💙💛

5/4/2024, 1:05:38 AM

Order and Chaos Series by Alexis Menard “It sounds like you’re planning to keep me forever, Attano.” “I’ve got lots of plans for you. They all end in forever.” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🌶️🌶️.5 Kindle Unlimited I had to read these as soon as book 2 was released. And they were amazing I absolutely loved these books. I loved the mix of steam punk with fantasy, I LOVED the characters, the story line and world building was great. I fell in love with these books. I was enraptured from start to finish. •Marriage of convenience •rivals to lovers •”where’s my wife!?” •found family •metal hand daddy •Mafia\gang family’s •steam punk Nico and Milla will love rent free in my head for a long time. These books are 1000% worth the read. • • • #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstafollow #booksta #houseofbloodandbane #cityofmirthandmalice #alexislmenard #newbook #kindle #kindleunlimited #kindlebooks #kindlepaperwhite #kindlereads #fantasy #fantasybooks #spicy #spicyromance #steampunk #5starreads #romancebooks

5/3/2024, 2:14:51 PM

Really worth reading 🙌🏻 I am glad that I chose this book to read. This is the first non-fiction that completely delve deeper into my mind. I loved the concept and the way author presented the real wealth of our lives. With every turning page, I learnt something innovative. The content truly motivated and inspired me towards peace - the real wealth of our lives. The author described the peace and happiness of an individual as how to manage and live with a heart full of peace in eight different ways/parts each one with a number of different chapters and detailedly described topics including the guide, management, inspiration, ways, laws, principles and much more useful stuff. In conclusion, I just loved each and every single chapter of the book and would really-really recommend this book to all the people. It is truly a gem for those who understand. #bookblogger #bookreader #BookFestival #bookishcommunity #booksofinstagram #booklover #bookislife #bookclub #bookish #bookishgiveaways #bookstagramfeature #bookstagramcommunity #bookstagrammers #bookstafollow #booksbooksbooks #ilovebooks #bookrecommendations #bookreviews #bookrecs #bookreviewer

5/2/2024, 3:32:32 PM

📚 BOOKISH FRIENDS TRAIN 📚 🌻COMMENT YOUR CURRENT READ ONCE YOU F🤎LL🤎W SOMEONE. ❗F🤎ll🤎w only those who have posted this train❗ All hosts will f🤎ll🤎w back 💕. F🖤ll🖤w admin @fictionandme for more such trains Check out my likes only engagement group : fictionalengagement 💜 🌙 @fictionandme @inspire_read_ @wanderingintopages @travelogged_135 @little_pixie1992 @so_many_words__ @bong_bookworm @cosycorner.bookclub skyandbooksnida @mallikas_book_shelves @_.saloni._ss @myvirtualcupoftea @kimireadsworld @coffee_with_a_kiss @author_tahelm @darkfantasyreviews @silvia.lisena @vellum_and_quill @books_from_the_burdhouse @kindle_to_my_fire @read_agram @betz_n_books @readwithpavi @painefullyreading @biblio_soul @vibe_with_book7 @_fictionmatters_ @quinniejd @claryblossom allofthemotions @bookish_quotes_lover @adam.anys @diptishaaaa.0_o @annaslibraryy_ @the_fiery_pages @the_wow_runa @_.reader_who_writes._ @the_booktrovert_artist @a_geminireader @just_read_the_books @calicoscorner @authorelainekelliher @bookhoarderclt @booksandbookishboxes @lunatonks_777 @reading__with__sunny @readbytsar @lia.anshar @_bookworm_bibliophile_ @quitaabi @bookerboy.19 @travel_books_only @sugarinbookland @bookstormin @margosbookcorner @scriptedsagas @darnassae @di_acquamarinadiluciagriffo @junebugbooknook @hooked_for_pages 🌙 💜 📚 ONLY PUBLIC BOOKISH ACCOUNTS 📖 📚 ALLOW HOSTS 72 HOURS TO F🖤LL🖤W BACK 📚Admin will fb discretely and no DMs. #followloop #bookstagram #bookishloop #fictionandmetrain #f4f #followforfollow #newbookish #bookfriends #bookishfriends #bookstagramfollowloop #bookstafollowloop #meetnewpeople #readersunite #bookfollowloop #bookstafollowtrain #bookfollowtrain #bookstagramfollowtrain #bookishfollow #bookstafollow #newfriends

5/1/2024, 7:03:05 PM

The Wolf & The Wildflower by Ella Fields ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ Kindle Unlimited If you need a fast paced heavy on the spice book.. this is for you. I loved Scythe and Aster’s story. This book was heart wrenching, passionate, and hot. •Forbidden Love •Wolf’s •Fae •Betrayal •possessive MMC There was enough to get you settled into the story but it gets right into it. It’s not over the top with a whole 2-3 chapters of world building we start off right at the beginning of our FMC and MMC’s meeting. Ella Fields knows exactly how to write them. Her books are always a hit for me! So of course I highly recommend reading this book. #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstafollow #booksta #bookstagrammers #bookreview #bookrecommendations #booksbooksbooks #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #booknerd #kindleunlimited #kindlepaperwhite #kindleunlimitedbooks #kindleunlimitedromance #spicybooks #fantasyromance #spicyfantasybooks #wolfbooks #fae #wolf #spicyromance #spicyreads

4/29/2024, 5:06:22 PM

Thanks for the tag @aromaticbookcafe 💜 ♚When did I start bookstagram? I started my bookstagram on 13th of October 2023 ♚What inspired your username? Thomas Hardy and Keats! Hardy prompted the idea of doing something related to birds. One of my fav poems was The Darkling Thrush, but I preferred to have another kind of bird, and then I thought about Keats's Nightingale. Birds are the bearers of symbolism in poetry and I loved that concept for me! Always looking for hidden gems to share with your in a cozy environment (my nook) but careful as forests are mysterious places and from time to time you may find a surprise 👻 ♚What was your first review? Tokyo Express by Seicho Matsumoto ♚Favorite part of booksta? Making new friends, share our booksta life and help indie authors :) ♚Booksta made me buy... Eragon and a big number of Japanese literature :D ♚What's your favorite booksta tag? Anything is great, really. ♚... Aesthetic? (Chaotic) Dark Academia ♚Recent favourite reads The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón Kafka on the Shore by Murakami Hyperion by Dan Simmons ♚Describe your aesthetics in emojis 🖤🎨🇨🇿🎋🍂🌊🏛️📸 I've tagged a few ppl but feel free to join if you want :) ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ◦◈◦◈◦◈◦⎯⎯⎯⎯ #bookstachallenge #bookstabackstory #bookstabuddies📚 #bookstalife #bookstagramespaña📚 #bookreaders #bookstagramaesthetic #bookstagramalicante #booklover #bookstafollow #bookstasupport #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #fyp#followme

4/29/2024, 4:23:41 PM

Mini Review! ☆☆☆☆☆ One of my most favorite series I've read♡ Loved all of them so much♡ Loved the feels♡ 🔥 Schexy! Great chemistry! I need more from this fantastic group! An unusual for me, a slow burn, but enjoyed the evolution well. It worked! Huge love for this author and series! ----- Starting Next! A favorite character that I sense has a lot of baggage and a fantastic, fun, strong personality. I can't wait to see how this last installment reveals the path to her finding her HEA. Onward in the series! ----- Beautifully Broken Redemption by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book Five of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/29/2024, 6:12:22 AM

Starting Next! A favorite character that I sense has a lot of baggage and a fantastic, fun, strong personality. I can't wait to see how this last installment reveals the path to her finding her HEA. Onward in the series! ----- Beautifully Broken Redemption by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book Five of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/29/2024, 1:29:45 AM

Mini Review! ☆☆☆☆☆ Easy review for me, this series is wonderful. Touches all the corners needed for those feels, suspenseful, schexy, a fantastic group of core characters you can't help but fall in love with and root for them to reach their HEA♡ Next and last of the series! ----- Starting Next! A new to town character and a character on the edge of the previous storylines but life-long history with this core group of family-friendships that offers immense intrigue...I can't wait! Onward in the series! ----- Beautifully Broken Control by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book Four of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/29/2024, 1:21:34 AM

🖤 Dark Romance Book Recs 🖤 A little shelfie action for ya on this fine Tuesday! Check out these authors because why the heck not! These are some of my favorite reads. 🫶🏼 #bookrecsofinstagram #bookrecs #darkromance #romancebooks #bookstagram #bookstafollow

4/24/2024, 4:24:57 AM

🍓So before moving into a van, I had three lovely bookcases. As much as I love van life and my Kindle. I do miss getting physical copies of the books and watching my bookcases grow. I loved having little accessories to go on there like pictures or ornaments. However, there is physically just not enough room in the van for the number of books I get through. 🍓 My Kindle has been amazing for this as it's lightweight, and I can store so many books on there. Having kindle unlimited has allowed me to try so many books I maybe would have been hesitant to buy as perhaps it wasn't a genre I had read much. Now my taste has grown and I love and appreciate so many different styles of writing. One thing I am excited for when I move back into a house is been able to create my dream library. I think this calls for a Pinterest board. 😍 #bookcommunity #booklover #bookobsessed #bookstagram #catsandbooks #bookstafollow #bookstagrammer #booksbooksbooks #girlslovebooks #bookcasestyling

4/23/2024, 10:07:38 PM

Starting Next! A new to town character and a character on the edge of the previous storylines but life-long history with this core group of family-friendships that offers immense intrigue...I can't wait! Onward in the series! ----- Beautifully Broken Control by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book Four of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/23/2024, 3:09:43 AM

Mini Review! ☆☆☆☆☆ Another installment in this series that did not disappoint! I loved this one♡ Not my usual with life long-time friends to lovers but this was a beautiful unraveling of feelings and history creating new feelings deeper than ever. Schexy! 🔥 ❤️ Heartwarming evolution & transition Mystery and suspense! Fabulous friends-family group! I'm ready for the next one in this series! ------ Starting Next! I am so ready for these two fantastic characters to find their way to each other. Two of my favorite characters in this group. Onward in the series! ----- Beautifully Broken Spirit by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book Three of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/23/2024, 1:42:18 AM

📚 BOOKISH FRIENDS TRAIN 📚 🌻COMMENT YOUR FAV TAYLOR SWIFT SONG ONCE YOU F🤎LL🤎W SOMEONE. ❗F🤎ll🤎w only those who have posted this train❗ All hosts will f🤎ll🤎w back 💕. F🖤ll🖤w admin @fictionandme for more such trains Check out my likes only engagement group : fictionalengagement 💜 🌙 @fictionandme @so_many_words__ @bookstagr.amber @myvirtualcupoftea @literaturewithalatte @travelogged_135 @vibe_with_book7 @skyandbooksnida @silvia.lisena @darkfantasyreviews @peldensblackshelf @coffee_with_a_kiss @parthamandal_ @inspire_read_ @himychan @reading__with__sunny @read_agram @diptishaaaa.0_o @a_geminireader @author_tahelm @knjiski_moljac_ @_fictionmatters_ @kimireadsworld @readerslovee @hooked_for_pages @wanderingintopages @vellum_and_quill @bookreviewershere @bookreviewer1620 @ana_thebookstagirl @romance4u2read @magnificent_library_of_madz @the.lilac.bookshelf @bong_bookworm @decho_writes88 @cosycorner.bookclub @whatsenalireads @bookerboy.19 @_missingchapters @the.library.of.the.rivas @hemmamyerssood @lostinpagesofbook @_bookworm_bibliophile_ @_bookwithrima @klarawilde.writer @kindle_to_my_fire @_.reader_who_writes._ @booksforbreakfastt @book.bloggersclub @lilacy_lavender @the_wow_runa @readbytsar @readsandmusic @scriptedsagas @what_kashh_reads @author_paariinaa_sri @bookwormmee @author.drshekhar @adam.anys @utsavnew5531 @thebookhunter2023 @martina.d.onofrio apos_bmp 🌙 💜 📚 ONLY PUBLIC BOOKISH ACCOUNTS 📖 📚 ALLOW HOSTS 72 HOURS TO F🖤LL🖤W BACK 📚Admin will fb discretely and no DMs. #followloop #bookstagram #bookishloop #fictionandmetrain #f4f #followforfollow #newbookish #bookfriends #bookishfriends #bookstagramfollowloop #bookstafollowloop #meetnewpeople #readersunite #bookfollowloop #bookstafollowtrain #bookfollowtrain #bookstagramfollowtrain #bookishfollow #bookstafollow #newfriends

4/22/2024, 1:46:44 PM

📚 BOOKISH FRIENDS TRAIN 📚 🌻COMMENT YOUR FAV TAYLOR SWIFT SONG ONCE YOU F🤎LL🤎W SOMEONE. ❗F🤎ll🤎w only those who have posted this train❗ All hosts will f🤎ll🤎w back 💕. F🖤ll🖤w admin @fictionandme for more such trains Check out my likes only engagement group : fictionalengagement 💜 🌙 @fictionandme @so_many_words__ @bookstagr.amber @myvirtualcupoftea @literaturewithalatte @travelogged_135 @vibe_with_book7 @skyandbooksnida @silvia.lisena @darkfantasyreviews @peldensblackshelf @coffee_with_a_kiss @parthamandal_ @inspire_read_ @himychan @reading__with__sunny @read_agram @diptishaaaa.0_o @a_geminireader @author_tahelm @knjiski_moljac_ @_fictionmatters_ @kimireadsworld @readerslovee @hooked_for_pages @wanderingintopages @vellum_and_quill @bookreviewershere @bookreviewer1620 @ana_thebookstagirl @romance4u2read @magnificent_library_of_madz @the.lilac.bookshelf @bong_bookworm @decho_writes88 @cosycorner.bookclub @whatsenalireads @bookerboy.19 @_missingchapters @the.library.of.the.rivas @hemmamyerssood @lostinpagesofbook @_bookworm_bibliophile_ @_bookwithrima @klarawilde.writer @kindle_to_my_fire @_.reader_who_writes._ @booksforbreakfastt @book.bloggersclub @lilacy_lavender @the_wow_runa @readbytsar @readsandmusic @scriptedsagas @what_kashh_reads @author_paariinaa_sri @bookwormmee @author.drshekhar @adam.anys @utsavnew5531 @thebookhunter2023 @martina.d.onofrio apos_bmp 🌙 💜 📚 ONLY PUBLIC BOOKISH ACCOUNTS 📖 📚 ALLOW HOSTS 72 HOURS TO F🖤LL🖤W BACK 📚Admin will fb discretely and no DMs. #followloop #bookstagram #bookishloop #fictionandmetrain #f4f #followforfollow #newbookish #bookfriends #bookishfriends #bookstagramfollowloop #bookstafollowloop #meetnewpeople #readersunite #bookfollowloop #bookstafollowtrain #bookfollowtrain #bookstagramfollowtrain #bookishfollow #bookstafollow #newfriends

4/22/2024, 1:44:37 PM

A La Folie by Nova Kane ⭐⭐⭐ What - Carnival/Circus Romance. BDSM. Murder. Necrophilia. Pyro Play. Rape. Knife Play. Blood Play. HEA. Teaser - I want this man more than I've ever wanted anything . I want him to share his demons with me, even if that means damning myself. He lowers himself to ghost his soft lips over mine. "Not even Christ can save you now, Indie. You wanted this. You called on my demons, and they answered," his whispered voice is potent and intoxicating before his mouth crashes down on mine. His hot tongue parts my lips, mingling with mine. The kiss is heated and full of hunger. It's aggressive yet passionate, and I feel myself being swept away by how his touch seems to send tiny vibrations through my body. I catch his lips between my teeth, breaking the kiss, and he hisses. "You're playing a dangerous game." "I want this." "You say that now, but I won't be gentle. It's not in me. I am going to f*ck you, Indie. I am going to ruin you so deeply that your body will ache with my touch for weeks, even after I am gone." #novakane #alafolie #carnivalromance #darkromance #bookblogger #booksbooksandmorebooks📚 #bookstafollow #thebookishfollowtrain #bookreview #bookquotes #bookblogger #bookrecsofinstagram

4/21/2024, 8:39:43 PM

weekend relaxing 🫶🏼🥰🤍🖤 happy saturday!

4/21/2024, 6:10:26 AM

Come è riuscito a sopravvivere Lord Voldemort dopo aver perso tutti poteri nel tentativo di distruggere il piccolo Harry e non far realizzare una profezia? Nel sesto capitolo della saga Harry e Silente, assieme al nuovo professore di pozioni H. Lumacorno, che aveva insegnato a sua volta ad un giovane Tom Riddle, verrà svelato il segreto del temutissimo mago oscuro. L’intreccio della storia, misteri compresi come quella degli Horcrux, l’amore di Harry e la figura di Silente caratterizzano le pagine di questo racconto capace di tenere incollato il lettore parola dopo parola. E poi, chi sarà mai questo Principe Mezzosangue? ▪️Buona lettura📚 . . . . #caffè9punto4 #book #booklover #bookstagram #bookaddict #booknerdpassion #harrypotter #harrypotterlibri #libri #ioleggo #libridaleggere #paginedilibri #bookphotography #bookphotograph #bookphoto #bookphotographer #bookphotos #fotodilibri #bookblogger #instabook #instabooks #instabookstagram #instalibros #instalibri #bookquotes #booklife #bookfollowers #bookstafollow #booksbooksbooks #morebooks

4/17/2024, 3:08:05 PM

Happy Tuesday y’all! . . I finally got my hands on this beauty!! How freaking cool is this cover!? . . Y’all, IM OBSESSED . I have been so so stoked for this to come out! 😍 it’s such a vibe and I’m here for it! . . THE FAMILIAR by Leigh Bardugo . SYNOPSIS: In a shabby house, on a shabby street, in the new capital of Madrid, Luzia Cotado uses scraps of magic to get through her days of endless toil as a scullion. But when her scheming mistress discovers the lump of a servant cowering in the kitchen is actually hiding a talent for little miracles, she demands Luzia use those gifts to better the family’s social position. What begins as simple amusement for the bored nobility takes a perilous turn when Luzia garners the notice of Antonio Pérez, the disgraced secretary to Spain’s king. Still reeling from the defeat of his armada, the king is desperate for any advantage in the war against England’s heretic queen-and Pérez will stop at nothing to regain the king’s favor. Determined to seize this one chance to better her fortunes, Luzia plunges into a world of seers and alchemists, holy men and hucksters, where the line between magic, science, and fraud is never certain. But as her notoriety grows, so does the danger that her Jewish blood will doom her to the Inquisition’s wrath. She will have to use every bit of her wit and will to survive-even if that means enlisting the help of Guillén Santangel, an embittered immortal familiar whose own secrets could prove deadly for them both. . . . Sounds good right!? I highly suggest adding to your TBR! . . . What are y’all currently reading!? . . . . . . . 🖤

4/16/2024, 1:53:43 PM

Starting Next! I am so ready for these two fantastic characters to find their way to each other. Two of my favorite characters in this group. Onward in the series! ----- Beautifully Broken Spirit by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book Three of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/16/2024, 5:00:08 AM

Mini Review! ☆☆☆☆☆ Another easy 5☆s for me! In. Love. With this series! The chemistry. Mystery. Suspense Healing. Fantastic characters and backstories... downloading Book Three next! ----- Starting Next! I'm so engrossed in these fabulous characters, main and supporting, paired with exceptional storytelling that just feeds my soul...I can't help but dive in to the next journey - Book Two of this series! ----- Beautifully Broken Life by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book Two of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/15/2024, 8:07:15 AM

Starting Next! I'm so engrossed in these fabulous characters, main and supporting, paired with exceptional storytelling that just feeds my soul...I can't help but dive in to the next journey - Book Two of this series! ----- Beautifully Broken Life by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book Two of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/14/2024, 10:28:15 PM

Mini Review! ☆☆☆☆☆ This author has a way about her style of writing that touches my soul to my core. She reaches me deep down in my heart and brings to surface my past trauma, loss, grief, PTSD, and challenges me to navigate those hidden emotions as I turn page after page witnessing strong mature characters working on their own set of emotions and physical trauma in their lives. She gives me hope as I witness her main characters navigating their unique journies, emerging stronger and happier on the other side. Riveting storytelling! Fantastic characters Hot hot schexy times! Murder-mystery-suspense ----- Starting Next! I started this book earlier today - my fellow bookstafriend recommended this one to me after seeing how much I enjoyed this authors books knowing I've suffered great losses in my life losing several loved ones very, very close to me. I'm on another emotional journey tossing in some adventure, murder, mystery and romance en route! ----- Beautifully Broken Pieces by Catherine Cowles The Sutter Lake Series Book One of Five ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/14/2024, 10:18:14 PM

Un esercito schierato di struzzi della @einaudieditore per augurarvi una buona e splendente domenica! Qui da me sembra arrivata l’estate e questo non può che mettermi di buon umore, esattamente come fanno i super coralli Einaudi, che trovo di una eleganza unica. Domani vi parlerò della mia nuova lettura, una di quelle che ti si infilano a gamba tesa nelle #tbr senza preavviso e scombinando tutti i piani, voi intanto godetevi questa domenica, che spero sarà fatta di riposo, relax, lettura! #sunday #domenica #lettura #libri #einaudi #einaudieditore #leggere #leggeresempre #lettureconsigliate #letture #primavera #libriquellibelli #libro #book #bookstagram #bookstafollow #booklover #leggendo #libreria #bookshelf #lamialibreria #supercoralli #franzen #mccartney #paologiordano

4/14/2024, 11:09:43 AM

Happy Friday y’all! . . I can’t tell y’all how stoked I am that it’s Friday! I am going to get some much needed reading time in this weekend! I am hoping to finish my current read and start and even finish another! . . I’m currently reading a physical book, a book on my kindle and an audio book! Who else does this to themselves 😅 with me being such a mood reader, this is the only way! . . Here is my kindle at its current state! Confession.. I accidentally sat on it and cracked the side of it.. but it still works so I am happy! . . . . . What are y’all up this weekend!? . . . . . . . 🖤

4/12/2024, 1:59:41 PM

Ci riprovo con l’amico Fedor, tanto odiato (sono una voce fuori dal coro, lo so) con Delitto e Castigo. Beh, la terza volta (in realtà lessi di suo Le notti bianche anni fa ma ricordo poco e nulla, indice che il racconto mi ha trasmesso davvero poco) è andata meglio. Dostoevskij in questo racconto parla dell’orgoglio, dell’apparenza, del non voler rivelare i propri sentimenti, del suicidio. Narrato in prima persona, il proprietario di un banco di pegni ci racconta dal primo incontro con la moglie, la “mite”, i suoi ostinati tentativi a mostrarsi distaccato e indifferente fino in seguito a pentirsene nei confronti della moglie, fino al suicidio di lei. Incluso nel libro ho letto anch un altro brevissimo racconto di genere utopico “Il sogno di un umo ridicolo”, in cui un uomo si risveglia in una società utopica, pura e ignara del male. Breve ma intenso, Dostoevskij ci parla dei tormenti interiori e dei rimorsi di un uomo la cui coscienza si sveglia troppo tardi. Con questo racconto Dosto guadagna qualche punto. #fedordostoevskij #Dostoevskij #bookslovers23 #booklife #bookstafollow #booksita #bestbooks #bookphotography #bookbloggerig #booktag #booklover #bookcommunity #bookinstagramitalia #bookaesthetic #bookstagramfam #booktography

4/10/2024, 8:45:51 PM

Jean Chabot è un professionista, ginecologo affermato, proprietario di una clinica e professore all’Università, è ricco, ha una moglie che lo elogia e dei figli. Un’esistenza che all’apparenza dovrebbe essere appagante ma che invece si rivela essere monotona, noiosa, una vita insoddisfacente. È alla continua ricerca di qualcosa, sebbene lui, e nemmeno il lettore, sappia veramente cosa. Si abbandona ogni tanto a delle scappatelle ed è proprio da una di queste che prende vita il racconto. Infatti Jean viene a sapere che una ragazza con la quale aveva avuto un breve menage, e che definiva come un orsacchiotto a causa della posizione infantile con cui l’aveva trovata sdraiata in un letto della clinica mentre riposava da un turno, si è suicidata senza apparente motivo. Vediamo come Jean diventa giorno dopo giorno silenzioso, irrequieto, intollerante, morboso e geloso anche della segreteria con la quale ha una tresca da tempo. Sebbene di livello minore rispetto ad altri libri di Simenon, lo scrittore belga mantiene sempre quella tensione e preoccupazione quella tipiche dei suoi romanzi. #georgesimenon #Adelphi #adelphi #bookslovers23 #booklife #bookstafollow #booksita #bestbooks #bookphotography #bookbloggerig #booktag #bookcommunity #bookinstagramitalia #bookaesthetic #bookstagram #booktag #booktok #libridaleggere

4/10/2024, 8:42:52 PM

‼️ HELP! mi serve una mano, cari lettori e lettrici! ‼️ Sto andando forte con “Mai stati così felici” di Claire Lombardo, un mattone che mi ha insospettabilmente ridato lo sprint. Mi mancano circa 200 pagine e sono quindi già mentalmente proiettata su ciò che verrà dopo: questi che vedete i nuovi acquisti tra Vinted, libreria e anche un regalo. ↪️ Mi aiutate a scegliere? Scrivete nei commenti quale vi è piaciuto, o che vi spira maggiormente e da cosa mi consigliate di iniziare! #leggere #books #librisulibri #consiglidilettura #mondadori #dariabignardi #lettureconsigliate #bookworm #readers #lettori #leggeresempre #bookstafollow #bookstagram #libri #leggendo #prossimalettura #libreria #currentlyreading #helpme #reading #letturatime #lettura #einaudi #einaudieditore

4/9/2024, 6:22:57 PM

Il bambino e il cane Hase Seishū Questo romanzo è stato scelto per me da @frank_fine, che ringrazio in quanto mi sono imbattuto in un libro straordinario e allo stesso tempo poetico. Il protagonista è un cane (Tamon) che ha il potere di cambiare la vita dei vari umani che incontra durante la sua esistenza (ma i cani hanno questa peculiarità). Tamon è una sorta di un angelo custode che riesce a leggere nell’anima di tutti. Il libro si compone di varie storie intrecciate dal destino di questo cane. Bello, intenso e drammatico (nel finale). Tra le varie storie mi ha colpito proprio l’ultima che poi dà il titolo al libro. Notevole 20/366 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #book #books #bookgram #bookreview #bookstafollow

4/9/2024, 3:14:41 PM

No review yet as I’m on book 2 right but I’m 100% digging this story. CR: “Her Males” by @inviwright #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstafollow #smallbookstagrammer #smallbookstagram #bookreviews

4/8/2024, 6:38:12 PM

📚 BOOKISH FRIENDS TRAIN 📚 🌻COMMENT YOUR CURRENT READ ONCE YOU F🤎LL🤎W SOMEONE. ❗F🤎ll🤎w only those who have posted this train❗ All hosts will f🤎ll🤎w back 💕. F🖤ll🖤w admin @fictionandme for more such trains Check out my likes only engagement group : fictionalengagement 💜 🌙 @fictionandme @_fictionmatters_ @quinniejd @travelogged_135 @painefullyreading @readbytsar @the_booktrovert_artist @himychan @knjiski_moljac_ @quitaabi @readingwithloe @emmasplaceca @lunatonks_777 @coffee_with_a_kiss @the.lilac.bookshelf @therusticreader @reading_with_juls @klarawilde.writer @voracious__reader_ @bookish_dragon18 @my._.bookshelf_ @bong_bookworm @hemmamyerssood @bajpaibebookish @silvia.lisena @mattheasbookshelf @literaturewithalatte @peldensblackshelf @_bookwithrima @diyasha_das_ @vlnbookreviews @unique_bookreview @shawna_crazycoffeereader @grisha_reader @bong_bookish @a_geminireader @library.of.tamara @myvirtualcupoftea @paul_armando_gabuat_writer @scriptedsagas @whatsenalireads @so_many_words__ @decho_writes88 @what_kashh_reads @ana_thebookstagirl @thebookhunter2023 @reading__with__sunny @bookerboy.19 @book.lover2307 @aesthetic._.booklover @hey_readaholic @kindle_to_my_fire @books_craver @lostinpagesofbook @kimireadsworld @utsavnew5531 @_readwithcagedsoul_ @_.reader_who_writes._ @dreammmmmm9 @read_agram @wanderingintopages @_booksagsm @readerslovee skyandbooksnida @avelynmaeauthor @xion_vivilio @bookish_rambling @inspire_read_ @be_a_bookwormm 🌙 💜 📚 ONLY PUBLIC BOOKISH ACCOUNTS 📖 📚 ALLOW HOSTS 72 HOURS TO F🖤LL🖤W BACK 📚Admin will fb discretely and no DMs. #followloop #bookstagram #bookishloop #fictionandmetrain #f4f #followforfollow #newbookish #bookfriends #bookishfriends #bookstagramfollowloop #bookstafollowloop #meetnewpeople #readersunite #bookfollowloop #bookstafollowtrain #bookfollowtrain #bookstagramfollowtrain #bookishfollow #bookstafollow #newfriends

4/6/2024, 9:44:07 PM

📚 BOOKISH FRIENDS TRAIN 📚 🌻COMMENT YOUR CURRENT READ ONCE YOU F🤎LL🤎W SOMEONE. ❗F🤎ll🤎w only those who have posted this train❗ All hosts will f🤎ll🤎w back 💕. F🖤ll🖤w admin @fictionandme for more such trains Check out my likes only engagement group : fictionalengagement 💜 🌙 @fictionandme @_fictionmatters_ @quinniejd @travelogged_135 @painefullyreading @readbytsar @the_booktrovert_artist @himychan @knjiski_moljac_ @quitaabi @readingwithloe @emmasplaceca @lunatonks_777 @coffee_with_a_kiss @the.lilac.bookshelf @therusticreader @reading_with_juls @klarawilde.writer @voracious__reader_ @bookish_dragon18 @my._.bookshelf_ @bong_bookworm @hemmamyerssood @bajpaibebookish @silvia.lisena @mattheasbookshelf @literaturewithalatte @peldensblackshelf @_bookwithrima @diyasha_das_ @vlnbookreviews @unique_bookreview @shawna_crazycoffeereader @grisha_reader @bong_bookish @a_geminireader @library.of.tamara @myvirtualcupoftea @paul_armando_gabuat_writer @scriptedsagas @whatsenalireads @so_many_words__ @decho_writes88 @what_kashh_reads @ana_thebookstagirl @thebookhunter2023 @reading__with__sunny @bookerboy.19 @book.lover2307 @aesthetic._.booklover @hey_readaholic @kindle_to_my_fire @books_craver @lostinpagesofbook @kimireadsworld @utsavnew5531 @_readwithcagedsoul_ @_.reader_who_writes._ @dreammmmmm9 @read_agram @wanderingintopages @_booksagsm @readerslovee skyandbooksnida @avelynmaeauthor @xion_vivilio @bookish_rambling @inspire_read_ @be_a_bookwormm 🌙 💜 📚 ONLY PUBLIC BOOKISH ACCOUNTS 📖 📚 ALLOW HOSTS 72 HOURS TO F🖤LL🖤W BACK 📚Admin will fb discretely and no DMs. #followloop #bookstagram #bookishloop #fictionandmetrain #f4f #followforfollow #newbookish #bookfriends #bookishfriends #bookstagramfollowloop #bookstafollowloop #meetnewpeople #readersunite #bookfollowloop #bookstafollowtrain #bookfollowtrain #bookstagramfollowtrain #bookishfollow #bookstafollow #newfriends

4/6/2024, 9:42:28 PM

Starting Next! I started this book earlier today - my fellow bookstafriend recommended this one to me after seeing how much I enjoyed this authors books knowing I've suffered great losses in my life losing several loved ones very, very close to me. I'm on another emotional journey tossing in some adventure, murder, mystery and romance en route! ----- Beautifully Broken Pieces by Catherine Cowles ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspensebook #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #mysteryromanceauthors #murdermystery

4/5/2024, 5:57:46 AM

Mini Review! ☆☆☆☆☆ HUGE FAN! A great series! Schexy hot 🔥 Palpable chemistry ❤️ Believable characters ✨️ Mature relationship without the drama 👌 Emotional depth: You can not help connecting with and feeling those feels. Grab the edge of your seat, grab some tissue, and grab a snack and drink of choice because this book is hard to put down until you are finished! Fantastic read! ----- Starting Next! I loved this character in the last book I just finished from this series, so I am very excited to see where this next adventure takes me! I love this authors way of griping you in right from the very beginning, and you just can't help but get lost in their lives becoming a part of their story. I'm ready! ----- Ashes Of You by Catherine Cowles The Lost & Found Series ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm

4/2/2024, 6:23:23 AM

Do you have a book that is in your DNF list? Is so what made you stop? For me the the final book in the Cruel Prince trilogy. I just couldn’t get into it and the lead was obnoxious 🤷🏻‍♀️ • • • #books #booksbooksbooks #book #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstafollow #booksta #bookish #read #reading #readingtime📖 #reading📖 #readingaddict #readmorebooks #readingtime #booktourgals #qotd #bookqtod #bookwishlist #bookgirls #bookswapwednesday #readmorebooks #readingwithme #readinggoals

4/1/2024, 11:13:08 PM

🦋Review Incoming🦋 I decided to take a break from the heaviness that is “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” and reward myself with a little treat 🍭 First, this book had one of my fave main tropes - the obsessed MMC. I loved Aiden - he was sweet from start to finish. Leila also won me over quickly with her stubbornness. I love that the book had a plus size FMC - however Leila was a good character without focusing on the DJ Tanner “I stopped eating and passed out.” Overall, this was good to satisfy my romance sweet tooth and Aiden & Leila were a cute couple 🩷 ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 🌶️on the spice scale #bookish #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bookstafollow #booksta #readmorebooks #romancebooks #booknerd #bookwormproblems

4/1/2024, 5:23:27 AM

Starting Next! I loved this character in the last book I just finished from this series, so I am very excited to see where this next adventure takes me! I love this authors way of griping you in right from the very beginning, and you just can't help but get lost in their lives becoming a part of their story. I'm ready! ----- Ashes Of You by Catherine Cowles The Lost & Found Series ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm

3/31/2024, 6:18:35 PM

Mini Review! ☆☆☆☆☆ I absolutely LOVED this book! Been awhile that I couldn't put a book down and read into the wee hours of the morning because this was JUST THAT GOOD! 🔥 Schexy off the charts chemistry! Mature and believable ❤️ 🧐 Suspenseful! Grumpy vrs. Sunshine 🌞 Such deep, strong, mature MCs with back stories you could relate to and find yourself hoping they overcome their obstacles emotionally and physically to choose to continue forward finding each other. I LOVED this book, all the characters, and have already downloaded the next in this series. Huge fan and can't wait to see another fantastic HEA involving this great group of characters I want to be friends with myself! This will keep you guessing throughout their adventure! ----- Starting Next! A grumpy, mature mountain MMC and a strong mature FMC fighting their past baggage and navigating coming together... mix in suspense and mystery... what more could call my soul to pick up this TBR next? Here's to hoping I find myself falling in love with some wonderful characters! ----- Shadows Of You by Catherine Cowles The Lost & Found Series ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm

3/31/2024, 6:07:16 PM

Starting Next! A grumpy, mature mountain MMC and a strong mature FMC fighting their past baggage and navigating coming together... mix in suspense and mystery... what more could call my soul to pick up this TBR next? Here's to hoping I find myself falling in love with some wonderful characters! ----- Shadows Of You by Catherine Cowles The Lost & Found Series ----- #romancenovel #romanticsuspense #readingistherapy #reading #instagrammer #ilovetoread #readingtime #bookrecommendations #bookboyfriend #grumpysunshine #readwithpets #books #bookstagram #mamawhoreads #romanticadventure #romancereader #instareads #readersofinstagram #bookstafollow #murdermystery #romancebookstagram #ilovetoreadbooks #romancebookstagram # #smalltownromance #mountainman #bluecollarromance #booklover #bookworm

3/30/2024, 7:50:11 PM

NEW•PFP My Ladies @abbeybriscoereads_ & @taybugs_bookshelf are so good to me💜🔥. #Booksta #bookstagram #bookstafollow #bookstafollowloop #pfp #newpfp #Reading #Tabbing #fyp #explore #new

3/28/2024, 6:19:11 PM

Sul mio "Cantiere Emotivo", troverete una breve recensione di questo capolavoro. Houellebecq descrive un mondo in crisi, quello di fine millennio, dove il crollo delle istituzioni tradizionali non è stato accompagnato da nuovi valori ma solo dal trionfo dell’individualismo e dall’esaltazione di beni effimeri come bellezza e giovinezza, con uno stile affascinante, che mi ha catturata fin dal prologo. Un libro che è molto di più di un romanzo, è un trattato di "biologia umana" intenso e complesso che merita sicuramente attenzione. #books #booklovers #bookstafollow #bookstagram #bookfollowers #simenon #leparticelleelementari #houellebecq #cantiereemotivo #passionelettura #passionelibri #libri #passionelibri #booklovers #bookpassion #books #libribelli #libridaleggere #booklover #bookphotography #bookcommunity #ilovebooks #letturatime #narrativaitaliana #books #bookstagram #booknerd #reading #bookphotography #amoleggere #lovebooks #bookstagramitalia #bookloversday

3/28/2024, 2:51:50 PM