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Swami Sri Yukteswar was born on this day, May 10, in 1855. Reading his book "The Holy Science" helped me finally understand "The Book of Revelation" in "The Bible." Changed my life! #sriyukteswar #selfrealizationfellowship #yogi #theholyscience

5/10/2024, 11:06:12 PM

The Holy Space (from the series The Holy Science), 2024 “An anonymous scientist revealed confidential photos of the Moon and Mars. Does God really exist?” #theholyspace #theholyscience #aiart #aiartwork #midjourney #midjourneyv6 #generativeai #artist

4/28/2024, 6:45:10 PM

The Holy Bacteria (from the series The Holy Science), 2024 “As bacteria around the world begun to exhibit cross shapes, scientists are left in shock. This is strong evidence of the existence of the God” #theholybacteria #theholyscience #aiart #aiartwork #midjourney #midjourneyv6 #generativeai #artist

4/28/2024, 2:59:56 PM

"The Eternal Father God Swami Parambrahma is the only Real Substance, Sat, and is all in all the universe. "Man possesses eternal faith and believes intuitively in the existence of a substance, of which the objects of sense--sound, touch, sight, taste and smell, the component parts of this visible world--are but properties. As man identifies himself with his material body composed of the aforesaid properties he is able to comprehend by his imperfect organs these properties only and not the substance to which these properties belong. The Eternal Father God, the only substance in the universe is, therefore, not comprehensible by man of this material world, unless he becomes divine by lifting his self above this creation of Darkness Maya Vide Hebrew XI. 1. and John VIII. 28. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." -The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri #theholyscience #swamisriyukteswar #maya #illusion #selfrealizationfellowship #selfrealization #kriya #kriyayoga #knowthyself #mysticism #mystic #gurudev #guruji #guru #sage #seer #esoteric #esotericism #secretteachings #mysterytradition #allegory #bookrecommendations #bookstagramuk #bookstagram #bookcommunityuk #bookcommunity #booklover #bookaddict

4/2/2024, 6:03:41 PM

#theholyscience by #swamisriyukteswar

3/2/2024, 6:56:28 PM

It is not possible to place one foot in front of the other on the spiritual path without this natural love of the heart being unfolded. It is only when that love does unfold that you become fit to follow one who is able to guide you on the pathway to the Infinite. ~ The Holy Science by Shri Yukteshwar #anandamumbai #autobiographyofayogi #paramhansayogananda #kriyayoga #spiritualquotes #quoteoftheday #truthseeker #shriyukteshwar #faith #theholyscience

2/21/2024, 4:00:32 PM

Ieri ho visto con immenso piacere questa edizione di "La scienza sacra" di Sri Yukteswar, guru del mio guru Yogananda, astrologo vedico, gyana yogi (colui che usa saggezza e discriminazione per elevarsi) e uno dei maestri del mio sentiero spirituale. Il Mahavatar Babaji gli ha dato il compito di scrivere questo libro in cui si fa luce su tante domande esistenziali. È un testo molto particolare, è di una sacralità pari alle scritture, ho quasi soggezione a scriverne su Instagram, non riesco nemmeno a darne una definizione a parole, non è possibile farlo. La foto 2 è l'edizione che ho a casa, letta anni fa. È uno scritto senza tempo, al di là del tempo, impregnato di saggezza, illuminazione pura. Ieri sera con Sri Yukteswar sono andata a fare ancora dei lavori interiori. Dopodomani mi separo, voglio entrare nella seconda parte della mia vita limpida. Per attirare nuove persone e situazioni equilibrate e risolte devi risolverti ed equilibrarti tu per primo. Altrimenti reciterai sempre lo stesso copione disfunzionale, cambieranno gli attori ma il dramma sarà simile. Grazie Sri Yukteswar e grazie al mio bellissimo guru (con lui in copertina) Yogananda 🕉🥰 #sriyukteswar #sriyukteswargiri #paramguru #guru #omedizioni #astrolabioedizioni #theholyscience #lascienzasacra #yogananda #yoga #yogi #vedicliterature #librisacri #sacredbook #spiritualbooks #librispirituali #om #aum #books #libri #spiritualway #sentierospirituale #yogilife #gyana #gyanayogi #gyanayoga #astrologiavedica #vedicastrology

12/12/2023, 8:55:50 AM

उथले पुरुषों में छोटे-छोटे विचारों की मछलियाँ खूब खलबली मचाती हैं । सागर समान मन में अन्तःप्रेरणा के महामत्स्य भी शायद ही कोई तरंग उत्पन्न कर पाते हैं। - स्वामी श्री युक्तेस्वर गिरी #swamisriyukteswargiri #sriyukteswargiri #sriyukteswar #theholyscience #kriyayoga

10/29/2023, 11:38:35 AM

This book gives you a glimpse of metaphysics and beyond. Not an easy read. But once you get into the cadence of speech, it gets easier. I'd recommend giving it a second read through, which I did right after the first read. It contains priceless information for spiritual seekers. It covers everything from the 7 spheres of creation to how to live your life.The purpose of this book is to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity in all religions,that there is no difference in the truths inculcated by the various faiths. #mustread 💫 . . . #myfavoritebook #mustreadbooks #bookstoread #books #bookstoreadbeforeyoudie #myfavoritebooks #booklover #bookworm #booksofinstagram #bookclub #bookaddict #theholyscience #yukteswargiri

8/1/2023, 7:58:38 PM

Victorious over the powers of Darkness and Ignorance, man becomes one with God. #anandasangha #ananda #anandasanghaindia #yoga #yukteswargiri #yogi #guru #yoganandaparamahansa #theholyscience #peace #peacewithin #meditation

7/11/2023, 7:37:22 AM

360°💓 🌈Aum🧘🏻‍♀️ Aum🧘🏻‍♀️ Aum🧘🏻‍♀️🌈💙🌎💙🌈 #venusinleo Retrograda : "el regreso del Rey Sol ( #messiah )" • ¿Por qué Dios es incomprensible? • La #naturaleza de Dios • ¿Cómo es Dios comprendido? • La palabra, Améb (Aum) es el comienzo de la Creación. • Las cuatro Ideas: la Palabra, Tiempo, Espacio, y el Átomo • Átomos el trono del Espíritu el Creador • Kutastha Chaitanya, el Espíritu Santo, Purushottama • Los soles (hijos) de Dios Abhasa Chairanya o Purusha • Chitta, el corazón; Ahamkara, Ego, el hijo (Sol) del hombre. • Buddhi, la Inteligencia; Manas, la Mente. ... #gospel #sutras 1 - 6 #theholyscience #swamisriyukteswar 🧘🏻‍♀️ #astroyoga #armonía 🪷

6/28/2023, 3:41:47 PM

360°🌈Aum🧘🏻‍♀️ Aum🧘🏻‍♀️ Aum🧘🏻‍♀️🌈 🌈💙🌎💙🌈 #venusinleo Retrograda : "el regreso del Rey Sol ( #messiah )" • ¿Por qué Dios es incomprensible? • La #naturaleza de Dios • ¿Cómo es Dios comprendido? • La palabra, Amén (Aum) es el comienzo de la Creación. • Las cuatro Ideas: la Palabra, Tiempo, Espacio, y el Átomo • Átomos el trono del Espíritu el Creador • Kutastha Chaitanya, el Espíritu Santo, Purushottama • Los soles (hijos) de Dios Abhasa Chaitanya o Purusha • Chitta, el corazón; Ahamkara, Ego, el hijo (Sol) del hombre. • Buddhi, la Inteligencia; Manas, la Mente. ... #gospel #sutras 1 - 6 #theholyscience #swamisriyukteswar 🧘🏻‍♀️ #astroyoga #armonía 🪷

6/28/2023, 3:41:38 PM

"Para vivir una vida natural hay que primero distinguirle de una vida no natural. Una vida natural depende de lo que comes, en done vives, y quién es tu compañía. Los animales no humanos utilizan su instinto, y los sentinelas orgánicos en la puerta de los sentidos, para elegir lo natural : vista, oído, tacto, olfato y gusto. En el caso del Ser humano los sentidos ya han sido pervertidos por una vida no natural desde una edad muy temprana y es difícil confiar en el juicio de sus sentidos..." #theholyscience #astroyoga #sriyukestewar 🧘🏻‍♀️ @namastelaondanatural 🦋

6/27/2023, 6:04:20 PM

"Para vivir una vida natural hay que primero distinguirle de una vida no natural. Una vida natural depende de lo que comes, en done vives, y quién es tu compañía. Los animales no humanos utilizan su instinto, y los sentinelas orgánicos en la puerta de los sentidos, para elegir lo natural : vista, oído, tacto, olfato y gusto. En el caso del Ser humano los sentidos ya han sido pervertidos por una vida no natural desde una edad muy temprana y es difícil confiar en el juicio de sus sentidos..." #theholyscience #astroyoga #sriyukestewar 🧘🏻‍♀️ @namastelaondanatural 🦋

6/27/2023, 6:04:14 PM

When man becomes a little enlightened he compares his experiences relating to the material creation, gathered in the wakeful state, with his experiences in dream; and, understanding the latter to be merely ideas, begins to entertain doubts as to the substantial existence of the former. His heart then becomes propelled to know the real nature of the universe and, struggling to clear his doubts, he seeks for evidence to determine what is truth. In this state man is called Kshatriya, or one of the military classes; and to struggle in the manner aforesaid becomes his natural duty, by whose performance he may get an insight into the nature of creation and attain the real knowledge of it. - Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri . . . . . . . . . . . #sriyukteswar #sriyukteswargiri #yukteswargiri #kriyayoga #kriyayogi #vedantaphilosophy #paramahansayogananda #paramhansayogananda #yogananda #theholyscience #lahirimahasaya #mahavatarbabaji #babaji #autobiographyofayogi #spiritualexperience #spiritualpractice #spiritualwarrior

6/22/2023, 10:29:45 AM

Áries é a centelha da vida, o primeiro pulso da criação que corresponde à primeira casa do zodíaco. É quando o dia e a noite têm a mesma duração, também conhecido como equinócio da primavera. Na mitologia, essa força arquetípica se correlaciona com o deus romano da guerra, Marte (Ares). Em oposição a Áries encontramos Libra, este é o sétimo signo do zodíaco que começa no equinócio de outono. É quando o dia e a noite também são iguais. Vênus rege a casa de Libra, a balança representa apropriadamente o equilíbrio, a cooperação e a harmonização dos dois opostos. Juntos, os dois signos trabalham juntos criando homeostase, nutrindo o corpo transportando nutrientes, oxigênio e dióxido de carbono através do sistema cardiovascular. Ambos os signos são signos cardeais. Cardio (Cardiovascular) e cardeal são ambas palavras derivadas da palavra grega Kardia: que significa coração. O coração é onde esse processo alquímico começa. Os seis primeiros signos do zodíaco são considerados o componente yang/masculino e se correlacionam com os processos do sistema arterial. A aorta é a principal artéria na qual o sangue oxigenado viaja do coração para as arteríolas e para os capilares. Os metais alquímicos para os dois signos arquetípicos de Áries e Libra são cobre e ferro, os dois nutrientes mais essenciais para ajudar seu corpo a produzir sangue saudável. O cobre é um cofator necessário para a absorção e transporte de ferro e síntese de hemoglobina. Para que o oxigênio seja transportado, o ferro (Fe) da corrente sanguínea deve estar presente. A hemoglobina é essencial para a transferência de oxigênio para o sangue dos pulmões para os tecidos. Os capilares trocam oxigênio por dióxido de carbono, o sangue desoxigenado agora está pronto para entrar no sistema de retorno venoso. O sangue desoxigenado é realimentado nas vênulas e nas veias que retornam ao coração através da veia cava. Essas ações se correlacionam da sétima à décima segunda casa, também conhecidas como componente ying/feminino. Na mitologia, Vênus e Marte são sempre os amantes arquetípicos que trazem um estado de equilíbrio e homeostase. #asabovesobelow #syncretism #naturopathy #cardiovascularsystem #theholyscience

5/31/2023, 6:28:37 PM

The word vitamin is derived from the latin word ‘vita’ meaning life or vital force. Vitamins and mineral are essential for human health and without them, cells are unable to function efficiently or repair themselves. Our bodies require five times more the amount of minerals compared to that of vitamins and when there is deficiency of minerals the utilisation of vitamins in the body is compromised. It is no surprise the word mineral contains the root words of both the opposite of ying and yang, which interpret to sun = Ra and moon = Min, electric + and magnetic - . The correct balance of the ions (opposite) are essential for the maintaining of electrical neutrality in cells, generating and conducting action potentials in the nerves and muscles, blood pressure and adequate digestion to name a few. Mineral therapy can be used for the treatment of inflammation, colds and flu, skin conditions, fatigue, stress, headaches, arthritis, weak bones, insomnia, digestion, fertility support, chronic and acute conditions. If you wish to nourish your inner tree it is essential to first mineralise the body. There are ways you can identify mineral deficiency through understanding your unique constitution, genetic predisposition diet and also being aware of the physical sign such as observation of the hair, nails, tongue, skin and iris. If you would like to know more about minerals and how to address your underlying deficiencies and imbalances feel free to inquire at #mineraltheraphy #saltsofsalvation #georgewcarey #santosbonacci #schuessler #mineralsalts #theholyscience #cerebralspinalfluid #remineralisation #minerals #higherconsciousness #nervoussystemregulation #asabovesobelow #thewordmadeflesh #universaltruthschool #syncretism #syncretichealing

5/24/2023, 6:42:47 PM

The word "Amen,""Aum," is the beginning of the Creation. + The Four Aspects. The word, time, space, and atom. "The manifestation of Omnipotent Force (Repulsion, in its complementary portion Omniscient Feeling or Love the Attraction) is vibration which appears as a peculiar sound, the Word Amen Aum. In its different aspects Aum presents the idea of change, which is Time Kal, in the Ever-unchangeable; and the idea of division, which is Space Desh, in the Ever-indivisible. The ensuing effect is the idea of particles--the innumerable atoms patra or anu. These four, viz., the Word, Time, Space and Atom, therefore are one and the same, and substantially nothing but mere ideas. This manifestation the Word, becomimg Flesh the external material, created this visible world. So this Word Amen Aum, being the manifestation of the Eternal Nature of the Almighty Father or His Own Self, is inseperable from and nothing but God Himself; as the Burning Power is inseperable from nothing but the Fire itself." -The Holy Science, Sri Sri Swami Yukteswar #theholyscience #Aum #Amen #theWord #vibration #logos #creation #Self #selfrealizationfellowship #selfrealization #manifestation #time #atom #space #one #oneness #knowthyself #wisdom #knowledge #esoteric #esotericism #KNOWTHYSELF #mystic #seer #sage #saint #guru #guruji #bookrecommendations #bookstagramuk

5/20/2023, 12:24:20 PM

„Die Heilige Wissenschaft“ / „The Holy Science“ - Swami Sri Yukteswar Written in 1894 AD, or 194 Dwapara-Yuga, but absolutely timeless wisdom, affirming the unity of religions of the Eastern and Western Hemisphere. Gott = ewige Wahrheit = Liebe

4/12/2023, 6:10:47 PM

The Holy Science changed my life overnight! I just finished it and will be re-reading it as a study. What is revealed in this book, about the soul evolution of humans, greatly strengthened my worldview. When you grow up immersed in Bible-Belt Christian fundamentalism, that conditioning really affects the expansion of your worldview. However, this sacred text has helped me heal and strengthen the spiritual truths that I have learned across the various belief systems. This book is especially nurturing to those who consider themselves to be of a more modern, eclectic spirituality as you will find the root of many well-known concepts within this beautiful text. Also, the beginning of this text is also an eye-opener for those who want to understand the cycles of the evolution of our galaxy, as well as, for astrologers studying Vedic or Sidereal astrology. Read this gem! Thank you @spiritualistik for recommending this book on repeat until I read it ✨🙏 #theholyscience #swamisriyukteswar #spirituality #bookstagram

3/8/2023, 4:01:05 PM

"To keep company with one is not only to be with his person, but also to associate him with heart's love and to be one with him in principle. This has been very well expressed by Lord Bacon: "A crowd is not a Company, it is a mere gallery of faces." To keep company, therefore, with the god like object is to associate him with sraddha, i.e, heart's love intensified in the sense above explained, by keeping his appearances and attributes fully in mind, and by reflecting on the same and affectionately following his instructions lamblike." -The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar #theholyscience #swamisriyukteswar #jnana #avatar #thecompanyyoukeep #company #friends #association #heartslove #heart #one #superposition #lamblike #kriyayoga #kriya #yoga #guruji #seer #sage #mystic #mysticism #selfrealization #selfrealizationfellowship #esoteric #esotericism #knowledge #wisdom #knowthyself #bookstagramuk #bookrecommendations

1/26/2023, 7:21:54 PM

De los sueños 😴 SUTRA 15-16 “Así como al despertar descubrimos que los objetos vistos en nuestros sueños carecen de sustancia, podemos también concluir, por simple inferencia, que nuestras percepciones en el estado de vigilia son igualmente irreales…” Sri Yukteswar 🙌🏼 #yoga #kriyayoga #consciousness #dreams #theholyscience #yogainspiration #pancakepose #upavistakonasana

1/14/2023, 10:04:39 PM

Make a spiritual effort now! Only if you make time to talk to God through meditation, will you understand the meaning of spiritual progress. It comes through experiences during meditation. Once you get used to it, you will not miss your meditation for anything. Sit in silence. Forget everything else. . . . . . #avahan #guru #meditation #music #spirituality #guruavahan #yogi #comingsoon #chanting #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #positiveenergy #healing #swamisriyukhteshwargiri #yukhteshwargiri #swami #theholyscience #vedicastrology #solstice #sirmapur #anandasangha #srf #kolkata #kalibadi #kriyababaji #kriyayog #mondaymotivation #mondayquotes #anandaindia #paramahansayogananda

12/26/2022, 4:00:04 PM

Winter Solstice is the time when the sun pauses at the southern-most point in its annual journey. Sri Yukteswar sponsored four yearly festivals, at the equinoxes and solstices – all of which are spiritual and astronomically important. After the Winter Solstice, days start becoming longer and nights shorter for people in the Northern Hemisphere. The reverse takes place for people in the Southern Hemisphere. The Gurus emphasise on meditating during this time as the the meditators receive more energy and blessings. So, meditate on your 'Guru' or, 'The One' today. . . . . . #wintersolstice2022 #wintersolstice #december #meditation #meditationtime #avahan #guru #paramahansayogananda #yukhteshwargiri #theholyscience #autobiographyofayogi #spiritualbenefits #yoga #yogi #kriyayoga #kriyayogi #winter #earth #planetarypositions #vintagephoto #gurudev

12/22/2022, 3:59:19 PM

#theholyscience #sriyukteswar

11/24/2022, 8:42:56 PM

"The manifestation of Prembijam Chit Attraction of the Omniscient Love, is Life the Omnipresent Holy Spirit and is called the Holy Ghost Kutasha Chaitanya or Purushottama which shines on Darkness Maya to attract every portion of it towards Divinity. But the Darkness Maya or its individual parts Abidya the Ignorance being repulsion itself cannot receive or comprehend the Spiritual Light but reflects it. This Holy Ghost being the manifestation of the Omniscient Nature of the Eternal Father God is no other substance than God Himself; and so these reflections of the Spiritual rays are called the Sons of God Avaschaitanya or Purush." -The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri #manifestation #chit #attraction #omniscient #love #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #KustashaChaitanya #DarknessMaya #maya #illusion #God #abidya #spirituallight #swamisriyukteswar #selfrealization #selfrealizationfellowship #guru #ignorance #theholyscience #knowledge #wisdom #knowthyself #mysticism #esoteric #esotericism #ancientwisdom #ancientknowledge #allegory #symbolism

11/1/2022, 8:38:46 PM

"When man understands even by way of inference the true nature of this creation, the true relation existing that creation and himself, when he further understands that he is completely blinded by the influence of Darkness, Maya, and that is the bondage of Darkness alone which makes him forget his real self and brings about all his sufferings, he naturally wishes to be relieved from all these evils. This relief from evil, or the liberation from the bondage of Darkness, Maya, becomes the prime object of his life." -The Holy Science, Sri Sri Yukteswar Giri #liberation #moksha #theholyscience #maya #illusion #darkness #creation #yukteswargiri #kriyayoga #kriya #guru #seer #sage #wisdom #knowledge #knowthyself #theself #bookcommunity #bookstagramuk #bookstagram #bookofwisdom #mysticism #holyscience

8/23/2022, 8:44:29 PM

परिवर्तन के सीज़न 3 में विज्ञान और आध्यात्म के पीछे के रहस्य को गहराई से जानें। देखें परिवर्तन सीज़न 3 हर शुक्रवार, शाम 7:30 बजे #bookstagram #bookreview #theholyscience #yukteswargiri #parivartan #books #spiritualawakening #pmchindi #pmc

8/19/2022, 12:04:39 PM

"In the way towards Divinity there are seven spheres or stages of creation, designated as Swargas or Lokas by the oriental sages... Bhu Loka the sphere of gross matters; Bhuba Loka the sphere of fine matters or electric attributes; Swa Loka the sphere of magnetic poles and aura or electricities; Maha Loka the sphere of magnet the Atom; Jana Loka the sphere of the Holy Ghost the Universal Spirit; and Satya Loka, comprise the material creation the kingdom of Darkness Maya, and the last three, Satya Loka, Tapa Loka and Jana Loka comprise the spiritual creation the kingdom of Light." - The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar Giri #theholyscience #synthesis #synthesisofreligion #sriyukteswar #yogananda #guru #seer #sage #wisdom #divinity #spheres #kriya #kriyayoga #mahavatarbabaji #lahirimahasaya #haidakhanbabaji #babaji #ancientwisdom #hinduism #christianity #bhagavadgita #thebible #bookstagramuk #booklover #booknerd #bookaddict #esotericism #esoteric #mysticism #mystic

5/7/2022, 1:38:41 PM

Holluh, we dem boiz 👁✨👁 Swami Sri Yukteswar and Paramahansa Yogananda just casually vibing together. From “The Holy Science”. These lessons have been ingrained in me since a ripe age of 3. I would love to share my spiritual journey in hopes to help anyone who holds space for it. : : : #selfrealizationfellowship #losangeles #guru #theholyscience #yogananda #sriyukteswar #journey #spirituality #amma #kali #shiva #ganesh #innit

2/24/2022, 9:01:26 PM

Preface from the book "The Holy Science" #theholyscience #sriyukteswargiri

2/17/2022, 8:15:56 AM