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Why on earth do we want to get rid of thoughts! Thought is a natural process just as is seeing and hearing. The mind produces thoughts because that’s what it does if it didn’t it wouldn’t be working how it should. We do however have a strong habit of developing thoughts into a stream of thinking. We view the thought through preference, liking disliking or neutral. The resistance and grasping of these thoughts is what causes the problem. The working definition of mindfulness is “knowing what is happening, while it is happening without preference” - Rob Nairn The problem isn’t so much what is happening rather the accepting “without preference” this is right at the heart of mindfulness noticing what is happening within our thoughts & feelings and being able to let them come and go and not becoming so involved in them. We are not talking about the acceptance of the external but of the internal in this moment. I personally know how easy it is to get caught up in my mind which is why I practice daily so I can recognise this, I then choose not to get caught in the ramblings of the thought as it drifts effortlessly into thinking. In this space I found freedom from the overthinking mind and so can you. 🙏

5/30/2024, 10:02:22 AM

Za nami "Wprowadzenie oparcia uważności" czyli sesja trzecia 8-tygodniowego Kursu Mindfulness w @mandala_yoga_belchatow 🧘‍♀️ Dziś wyraźnie poczułam, że grupa wchodzi w kolejny etap praktyki, czyli odpuszczenie oczekiwania, że powinno być "jakoś" czyli wyszło, nie wyszło, udało się, itp. a w to miejsce pojawia się po prostu obserwowanie, jakie to jest doświadczenie. Pięknie jest obserwować tę drogę i zmianę. Dziękuję, że mogę Wam w tym towarzyszyć. #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #MBLC #mandalayoga #iważność #treninguważności #uważneżycie #zatrzymanie #tuiteraz #mindfulnessassociation

5/30/2024, 12:13:19 AM

Pierwszy z dwóch weekendów w kursie uważności i współczucia za nami. Czas zatrzymania i połączenia z cialem, z myślami, z oddechem. Rozpraszanie i wracanie. Bo praktyka uważności to POWROTY. Dobry to czas, bo dla siebie. Dla siebie i z sobą. Mimo, że uczestniczki to nauczycielki z warszawskich szkół, to ten kurs robią dla siebie. Zaczynają od siebie, by móc wybierać jaką być również w kontakcie z innymi. I by się dzielić. Dużo dobrych słów, dużo otwartości, zaciekawienia... Dziękuję za te dwa dni i do zobaczenia w czerwcu! Wracam do siebie... #mindfulness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #MBLC #uwazność

5/26/2024, 7:51:36 PM

Very humbled to have been invited to join the @mindfulness.association's regular "Daily Sit" team. Every weekday at 10.30am and 7pm, a rota of MA tutors and volunteers lead a free guided mindfulness meditation, open to all. You don't need to book, just see the link in the bio and hop on whenever you fancy practicing with like-minded folks. If you'd like to join me on the days when I'm guiding the practice next month, I'll be leading the 7pm sit on 1st and the 10.30am sits on 3rd and 31st May. It would be lovely to see some friendly faces in the zoom crowd! 🥰 #mindfulness #mindful #mindfullife #mindfulliving #meditation #meditate #mindfulnessforall #freemindfulness # #freemeditation #mindfulnessclass #mindfulnessclasses #mindfulnessteacher #mblc #mbsr #mbct #breathworks #buddhist #buddhism #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #mindfulnessassociation #bekindtoyourmind # #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #stress #stressprevention #mindfulnessforstress

4/27/2024, 7:34:27 PM

So happy to be partnering with this wonderful charity @coachingreframe to deliver another Mindfulness Based Living Course. This course is free to anyone in recovery or has been affected by gambling. Registration is through Reframe Coaching #gamcare #breakeven #gamefam #ararecoveryforall #gamblingaddiction #gamblingrecovery #gamblingrecovery #mindfulnessforrecovery #mindfulnessforaddiction #addictionrecovery #reframecoaching #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #freemindfulnesscourse

4/16/2024, 6:00:42 PM

How often do you take time out with nothing to do, and nowhere to go? Just to sit. On purpose. And rest. On purpose. Let your mind just rest in the body. And settle. Join me for a day of mindfulness. We:ll sit. We'll rest. We'll also move our bodies gently and notice. We'll use creative tools to reveal ourselves to ourselves. To see that nothing is wrong. And we'll be together, so from time to time we'll share and reflect with one another. Other times we'll be silent. Do join us. You are welcome 😀 Sunday 24th March 10-4 at the studio in Charing cross Glasgow. Link and more info in the bio. 🌈🙏🏻❤️ #rest #spring #springequinox #stmtsmindfulness #regenerate #grow #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

3/13/2024, 10:22:56 AM

Plenty opportunities to join me for mindfulness this year, including a course that's born from my MSc research - Mindfulness for Menopause - a wonderful chance to explore how learning mindfulness might support your wellbeing and menopause resilience in a small inperson class setting. Please get in touch to hear more x #mindfulnessformenopause #mindfulnessteacher #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #mindfulnessinedinburgh #mindfulcoach #mindfulmovement

3/12/2024, 7:23:54 PM

This is the reality of what actually happens to almost everyone when they start practicing breath awareness. People then tend to think they are doing it wrong, but in our practice there is no right or wrong there is just our experience. We have been conditioned from an early age that there are right and wrong ways such as spelling, maths etc, so it’s a natural reaction to think that there is a right way of doing this but if you keep this diagram in mind you will realise that the practice is more about losing it and finding it with no right wrong good or bad. 😀

3/9/2024, 9:06:29 AM

Where will the regenerative energy of spring lead you? Join Lucy Trend for a Sunday mini mindfulness retreat to explore what direction you may wish to grow in "Awaken to the Regeneration of Spring Equinox – a Day of Mindfulness Meditation, Movement and Creativity". Sunday 24th March 10-4 more info, and registration, at the link in bio! #regeneration #springequinox #creativity #purpose #onpurpose #awaken #grow #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

3/3/2024, 10:12:57 AM

What a difference a day makes - the same two trees on three different mornings. One common issue that is often encountered during mindfulness meditation is how to deal with thoughts, especially the ones that hang around. We often find ourselves "getting involved" with thoughts as we react to their content, or even just their presence. During the struggle that often ensues, we become so entangled that we forget we can just change our focus. Or we can simply just wait for the clouds to pass, as if across the "blue sky of awareness"...and then repeat the whole process when the next clouds arrive! If you're interested in developing your own mindfulness practice, why not join my next 8wk Mindfulness Based Living Course - you never know it could change your life... 🔗 in Bio... #MindfulnessBasedLivingCourse #WhatADifferenceADayMakes #ChangeYourFocus #TrainingTheMind #MindfulnessPractice

2/17/2024, 5:46:18 PM

Happy that @zennistounhub made it possible for our wonderful youth mindfulness teacher Nicola to deliver the mindfulness based living course to S1 &S2 pupils at our local Dennistoun @whitehillsecondaryschool

2/15/2024, 12:56:07 PM

Formal mindfulness practice can be a challenge for anyone, but ADHDers have a bit more to overcome than most. Many of us can't sit still for very long, and those who can might really struggle to calm their minds. So used to a hundred different thoughts and so desperate to grab ones that matter, letting them float past feels alien at best, and downright risky at worst. So does that mean ADHDers should just give up and not bother? Not at all. Mindfulness alongside therapy has been a great support for emotional regulation, anxiety management, self-compassion, and deep physical rest for me. In the Mindfulness Based Living Course that I teach, one of the first exercises is to notice how unsettled the mind is. If you’re here, you already know that part! If sitting still is tricky, some vigorous exercise beforehand might help and allow the body to relax for a while. Another option might be to approach the process in bursts, scheduling short mindfulness sessions with plenty of breaks for activity in-between. This way, the mind knows it will not be subjected to something it can't do. Over time, it might be possible to reduce the frequency and length of the activity breaks. Remember, people are all very different and each of us has to find what works best for us as individuals. Let me know in the comments what you've struggled with when settling your mind. I use mindfulness techniques alongside CBT in the therapy room. So if that sounds like something that might help you, let's get together for a free 30min chat to see if I'm the right therapist for you. Link in bio! #RewireTherapy #CBT #NeurodiversityAcceptance #NeuroDivergence #ADHD #Relaxation #Therapy #SelfCare #Stress #TimeForYou #CBTforAnxiety #Anxiety #ChangeBeginsWithYou #Mindfulness #MindfulnessBasedLivingCourse #MBLC

2/8/2024, 6:00:30 PM

Chciałam Ci powiedzieć, że na stronie www czekają na Ciebie kursy uważności czyli Sztuki Uważnego Życia, z ang. Mindfulness Based Living zgodnie z metodologią @mindfulness.association 🙏 To 8 wspólnych tygodni, 16 wspólnych godzin zakończonych dodatkowym całodniowym spotkaniem. pt. "Twój Dzień Uważności'. Oraz co najważniejsze grupa wsparcia w całej podróży 😊 Chcesz wiedzieć więcej? Zaintrygowana/zaintrygowany? Daj znać w komentarzu. #sztukauważnegożycia #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #mblc #mindfulnesspractice

1/23/2024, 9:03:10 PM

Hi friends on insta! Last call for anyone interested in learning how to live a bit more mindfully and calmly this year. This fantastic 10 week course is totally free and via zoom, there are a couple of spots left so let me know if you are interested. Starts 1st Feb and all details on pinned post and highlights. • • #mindfulness #mindfulnesscommunity #mindfulnesscourse #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmatters #mindfulnessteacheruk

1/23/2024, 1:10:54 PM

Cześć! Już 15 lutego ruszam z kolejną edycją Kursu Życia Opartego na Uważności (ang. Mindfulness Based Living Course) 🥳 Kurs odbywa się w formie online i trwa 8 tygodni. Spotykamy się co tydzień, w każdy czwartek o godzinie 18:30, aby wspólnie zgłębiać tajemnice Uważności 😊 Będzie teoria, ale też duużo praktyki. Oprócz spotkań na żywo, w ramach kursu otrzymasz dodatkowe materiały, jak chociażby nagrania medytacji do samodzielnej praktyki domowej. Harmonogram kursu przedstawia się następująco: ☯ 15.02 - Spotkanie Wprowadzające ☯ 22.02 - Moduł 1 - Zacznij w miejscu, w którym jesteś ☯ 29.02 - Moduł 2 - Ciało jako miejsce bycia obecnym ☯ 07.03 - Moduł 3 - Wprowadzenie podpory uważności ☯ 14.03 - Moduł 4 - Praca z rozkojarzeniem ☯ 21.03 - Moduł 5 - Badanie strumienia myśli ☯ 28.03 - Moduł 6 - Postawa obserwatora ☯ 30.03 - Dzień Praktyki ☯ 04.04 - Moduł 7 - Samoakceptacja ☯ 11.04 - Moduł 8 - Życie w oparciu o Uważność ☯ 09.05 - Spotkanie Podsumowujące Na zakończenie kursu, każdy z uczestników otrzymuje certyfikat, który umożliwia zainteresowanym dalszą edukację na ścieżce uważności 🙂 Cena regularna to 1200 złotych, ale do końca stycznia z kodem: 9JCTCSCE zapłacisz 960 złotych. Zapisać się można przez zakładkę kalendarium na mojej stronie internetowej (link w wyróżnionej relacji). Jeśli nie do końca wiesz z czym się je ten cały Mindfulness i czy to dla Ciebie (chociaż zaręczam, że tak), zachęcam do obejrzenia mojego darmowego webinaru (link w wyróżnionej relacji). Zapraszam również do bezpośredniego kontaktu ze mną 🙂 Chętnie odpowiem na Twoje pytania! P.S. W ostatni wtorek miesiąca odbędzie się darmowe spotkanie medytacyjne. Myślę, że to również jest dobra okazja, żeby "wypróbować" medytacji i zadać mi dręczące Cię pytania 😉 #kursmindfulness #kursuważności #medytujębodobrzemitorobi #praktykamedytacji #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #kursonline #mindfulnessonline #praktykaformalna #medytacjauważności #mindfulness #ouważności #uważność #praktykauważności #omedytacji #meditation #medytacja #medytuję

1/19/2024, 5:00:54 PM

Curious about Mindfulness? Join me for a Free Taster session, Saturday 20th Jan 9.30-11.30. A chance to find out about what it is, and what it might mean in your life, but also to meet me and find out how I teach, and see if that's your thing or not. Finding a teacher that you resonate with is an important part of bringing mindfulness into your life, and sustaining that takes effort and commitment. The right support makes all the difference. All are welcome! Link in bio! #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

1/4/2024, 9:52:58 AM

Why not join me for The 8 Week Mindfulness Based Living Course FREE ONLINE TASTER on Jan 21st 5-6pm to find out about the course, try a little practice & ask questions. The course starts 3rd Feb 4-6pm Curriculum - Life! @apotheca_faversham To book go to https://bookwhen.com/kent-mindfulness-centre

1/3/2024, 6:33:56 PM

Tell me, what is it you plan to do With your wild and precious life? These words from Mary Oliver capture a deeply felt motivation for practising Mindfulness. What would your motivation be? Join me for a free Introduction to Mindfulness session - please see further info at the link in bio and comments #makenoresolution #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

12/30/2023, 5:04:02 PM

What intentions will you nourish with this growing light, now that Solstice is past, and the days are growing longer again? Join me for a free Introduction to Mindfulness session, on Saturday 20th January, in time for the next 8 week Mindfulness course starting 27th January #solstice #wintersolstice #growinglight #mindfulness #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

12/23/2023, 9:58:17 AM

Today was the last formal session of the 8 week Mindfulness Based Living Course or MBLC that I have been running in Bramhall. I always feel that the last session is really like a doorway to the future, more of a beginning than an ending. We spent time reflecting on what we have learnt about ourselves on the course, what we want to take forward, and what we want to leave behind. Which, as we come towards the end of 2023, is also a useful reflection for the whole year! Wishing you all a safe, happy, healthy and peaceful festive season, however you choose to celebrate it, and special thanks to all the participants of the course who have shared so much together over the past 2 months 🥰🙏🤍 #mindfulness #mindful #meditation #mindfulnessteacher #mindfulnessclass #mindfulnessclasses #meditationclass #mindfulnessassociation #selfcare #resilience #compassion #kindness #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #healthandwellness #mblc #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #meditationpractice #meditationcourse #yearend #reflections #resolutions #resolution #newbeginnings #mindfullife #mindfulnessincheshire #cheshirelife #cheshiremindfulness #happychristmas #happyholidays

12/21/2023, 12:03:53 AM

How are you showing up for yourself and community? I highly recommend this YouTube video (link in comments) Janey Starling and Seyi Falodun-Liburd showing us how self care, looking after yourself, is inseparable from care for and within your community. Keep a look out here for ways you can be inspired to move towards "collective care" #collectivecare #selfcare #heartfelt #motivation #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse

12/18/2023, 6:09:03 PM

Little leaves beginning their amazing journey to become earth again. Everything must change, nothing stays the same 🍁🍂🧡 Join me for a Day of Mindfulness, deep rest for winter on Sunday 10th December. More Info in bio or comments #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare #

11/11/2023, 3:38:09 PM

Day of Mindfulness Practice – Deep Rest for Winter Sunday 10th December 2023 10:00-16:00 Take some restorative time out from busy daily life for deep rest, with guided meditations, mindful movement, silence and inquiry, with Lucy Trend. Can be attended both online and in person in Charing Cross, Glasgow. Booking at link in bio or comments. #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare #winterrest #deeprest #restore #silence

11/3/2023, 6:26:19 PM

A full house last night for the start of our new Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC) in Bramhall Village Club! Twelve lovely curious folks starting (or continuing, in some cases) their mindfulness journey. Lots of great questions, observations and noticing so far... I can't wait to see how this one evolves. Let me know if you'd like to be placed on the wait list for the next course in 2024 🥰🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🧘🏼‍♀️🙏 #mindfulness #mindful #meditation #mindfulnessteacher #mindfulnessclass #mindfulnessclasses #meditationclass #meditationteacher #meditationclasses #mblc #mbsr #mbct #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #mindfullife #amindfullife #mindfulnessincheshire #movingmeditation #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #mindfulmovement #freemeditation #freemindfulness #mindfulnessforall #mindfulnessassociation #beherenow #presentmoment #beinthemoment #bramhallvillage #bramhall #bramhallvillageclub

11/2/2023, 8:24:40 PM

A path to mindfulness opens for you on Thursday, a series of 8 weekly sessions to support you to understand what Mindfulness is and how you might integrate it into daily living. On Zoom. All welcome. See link in bio or in comments (26th Oct 2023 6.45-8.45pm) #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

10/24/2023, 7:34:20 PM

Beautiful sun rising on another day of mindfulness 🌅 Come join me online to discover or deepen skills for a life more mindful. Starts Thursday 6.45 pm ok Zoom for 8 weeks. Details in link in bio or comments #jampaling #retreat #restore #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

10/21/2023, 9:55:09 AM

Stressed, struggling or just want to learn how to "switch off"? I'm running a free/donations-based 8 week Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC), starting on Wednedsay 1st November from 7-9pm at the Bramhall Village Club in Bramhall, South Manchester (SK7 1LR). To book onto the course or to come to the free taster session on Wednesday 18th October at the same venue (7pm start), please email me at [email protected], DM me, or see the link in the bio for more details 🥰🙏 #mindfulness #mindful #meditation #mindfulnessteacher #mindfulnessclass #mindfulnessclasses #meditationclass #freemindfulness #mindfulnessforall #bramhall #stockport # cheshire #greatermanchester #wilmslow #macclesfield #poynton #hazelgrove #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #wellbeing #wellness #bekindtoyourmind #selfcompassion #lookafteryourself #selfdevelopment #mblc #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse

10/16/2023, 1:28:34 PM

World Mental Health Day 2023. Mindfulness can contribute to a more self-compassionate, balanced approach to life, free up stagnant energy and reduce anxiety. Come along to this free Introduction to Mindfulness session on Zoom on Thursday 6.45-8.45. All welcome. Info at link in bio/comments. #worldmentalhealthday #worldmentalhealthday2023 #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

10/10/2023, 10:08:33 PM

The wet days and dark nights of autumn are perfect for acts of restorative self care 🍂🍁 Join me (Lucy) for a FREE introduction to mindfulness on Thursday 6.45pm. No obligation to enrol on the full course at all, all curious folk are welcome 🍂🍁 More info at the link in bio #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

10/8/2023, 1:35:09 PM

The fabulous people at @redrowhomes in Woodford (pictured here having a workplace mindfulness taster session with me !) have given me a generous grant towards my next Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)! Which means that the venue costs are all covered, and I can run it on a free of charge/donations basis. The course will run over 8 weeks from Wednesday 1st November to Wednesday 20th December, all from 7-9pm. If you’re not sure if it's for you yet, I’m also running a free, no obligation taster session on Wednesday 18th October from 7-8.30pm. All the sessions will be held at the Bramhall Village Club on Melbourne Road, Bramhall, near Stockport (SK7 1LR). Watch out for a video with more information shortly, but if you’re interested in attending either just the taster or the whole course, please email me as soon as possible at [email protected] or see the link in my bio for more details. I hope to see you there! 🥰 #mindfulness #mindful #meditation #mindfulnesscourse #mblc #mindfulnessteacher #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #mindfullife #mindfulnesspractice #freemindfulness #mindfulnesscheshire #mindfulnessincheshire #cheshire #cheshirelife #woodford #bramhall #bramhallvillage #stockport #wilmslow #macclesfield #southmanchester #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #meditationcourse #anxiety #depression #bekindtoyourmind

10/8/2023, 12:13:36 PM

RAIN is an acronym for one of the practices on the upcoming mindfulness course. Curious to know more? Come along to the free introductory session, no obligation, all welcome. Thursday 6.45pm on Zoom or in person (12th October '23) Recognize what is happening; Allow the experience to be there, just as it is; Investigate with interest and care; Nurture with self-compassion. More info and sign up at link in bio or comments Photo by Hannah Domsic on Unsplash #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #compassion #selfcompassion #selfcare

10/7/2023, 12:53:05 PM

This is my lineage. Heather Regan Addis, who was taught by Rob Nairn. I was never fortunate enough to be in Rob's presence, but I was so saddened to learn of his passing today. I owe him so much, as a founder of the Mindfulness Association who trained me, and of the MBLC course that I teach. He has benefitted countless beings, and I bow deeply in gratitude. Heather and Choden will be holding Chenrezig prayers for Rob, starting this evening and continuing on for 7 weeks on Saturday evenings at 8.30pm. The merit of these Chenrezig prayers will be dedicated to the benefit of Rob’s journey through the bardos. We invite any of you who feel inspired to join us as we hold Chenrezig for Rob. Please contact me for more details or see @mindfulness.association 🙏🤍 #mindfulness #mindful #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #robnairn #restinpeace #gratitude #deepbows #chenrezig #buddhist #buddhism #samyeling #bardo

10/1/2023, 2:15:51 AM

Stillness. You can drop it into your day and feel like this without having to sit in a peaceful grove all day. This Buddah statue is in the wonderful Plum village community in France. I have just been there on a week's retreat.... where I did actually sit in a grove for quite a while :) The lovely Buddhist nuns who follow the teaching of @thichnhathanh shared fantastic practices to access this kind of stillness within everyday life, whatever's going on, and I am excited to encorporate these into the course and share them!

9/29/2023, 4:31:48 PM

The example of the changing weather can be likened to our inner changing emotions and mind states. Sometimes we start the day bright clear happy filled with joys, then suddenly the clouds roll in and everything becomes darker heavier gloomy more stormy. This is the nature of being human an ever changing inner landscape. Can we learn to enjoy the wide open beauty but also accept the more gloomy moments of our inner landscape seeing it all within a space of nothing is wrong; we can use the restlessness of the mind as a way into acceptance non striving in that moment you can start to get glimmers of relaxing around what’s happening which strangely is a by-product of being with things in this way. Admittedly we all prefer the glorious bright happier landscapes but learning to rest in the midst of the stormiest of moments can be a skill we can all cultivate. Learning a Mindfulness Meditation practice can help you navigate your inner changing weather patterns, It is however called a practice for a reason because the practices require practice. In the busiest of lives time has to be carved out for a regular practice you won’t find time you have to make time. To allow the magic of mindfulness to emerge time needs to be regularly allocated for your mental wellbeing. The benefits of giving yourself this time is finding more peace and freedom and the more regularly you practice the more these mind states will gradually reveal themselves to you.

9/20/2023, 9:21:01 AM

Hello Edinburgh folk- I am leading the wonderful @mindfulness.association Mindfulness Based Living Course this October in Leith on Sundays 11.30am - 1.30pm A small, friendly group with places booked in advance. Message me to find out more x

9/19/2023, 9:34:22 AM

....continuing @rickhansonphd : " A negative experience is registered immediately. It helps survival. Positive experience has to be held in awareness 10 - 20 seconds to register in emotional memory" So, allowing a good experience to soak into your body, your brain, your emotional memory for 10 - 20 seconds without quickly jumping onto something else can really benefit your whole system long term. Then going back and replaying it as a delicious memory (pic : following my 2 adult kids into the sea!)

9/14/2023, 4:30:45 PM

Mindfulness meditation is about allowing thoughts, rather than supressing, or pushing them away. Learn to let thoughts pass through, noticing, learning, and letting go. Just like this tree in Autumn. Come for a free introduction session on Zoom, Thursday 12th October 2023, 6.45-8.45pm More info at link in bio #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk #lettinggo #allowing #peace #autumn2023 #autumn 🧡

9/10/2023, 1:58:08 PM

My daughter sent me this wonderful photo of a grasshopper in the palm of her hand......... I am reading "The Summer day" by Mary Oliver in the lovely @meadowscommunitygarden The perfect synchronicity!

8/17/2023, 8:32:46 PM

Nature is the greatest place to heal and recharge, let nature’s peace flow into you just as the sunshine flows into the trees…

8/12/2023, 11:52:17 PM

Mindfulness is not a concentration practice which sees the mind wandering as something that needs to be avoided, mindfulness sees the mind wandering as an important part of the process hence why we use an anchor as an example for our support. An anchor holds a boat in place but at the same time offers it space and flexibility to still move to avoid damage in blustery weather; we use the breath, body and sound as anchors to helps us return to the now and not get lost within the waves of thinking.

8/9/2023, 4:00:55 PM

Interested in Mindfulness? I was when I started this course and now I better writing skills, better meditating skills, and lots of lovely new friends. And I know a few more things too! #mblc #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #beatonemeditation #stmts #insafehands #mindfulness #stmts #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessonline #studiesinmindfulness #universityofaberdeen #MSC #masterofscience #research #mindfulnessresearch #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessassociationuk

5/31/2023, 10:55:01 AM

It’s always so lovely to hear people’s continued progress with their mindfulness journey. I’m personally very grateful to have found the skill of mindfulness, everyday it holds and supports me in some way. One of my troubles was an over thinking anxious mind that made unhelpful stories up (it still can I’m just aware now which offers me choice and a more balanced approach). In truth it has offered me the opportunity to enjoy my life more, to be braver, more compassionate, kinder to myself and to see the silver linings in life. So I pass on the kind gratitude that has been sent to me to all the teachers over the years that have helped me realise my dream of becoming a mindfulness facilitator and to my partner in crime who trained along side me @s.a.r.a.h.s.a.n.d.w.e.l.l for all the full belly laughs, insights, tears, (chocolate and essential oils) we have experienced along the way. May the benefits I have gained ripple out to others in ever widening circles 🙏

5/24/2023, 7:19:50 AM

Lovely day today leading a day of Mindfulness practices out in #TheBerwyns for @adventuretoursuk . As we walked through the beautiful surroundings of the #CeiriogValley and up onto the ridges into the Berwyns, we worked our way through different mindfulness practices from noticing the unsettled mind, through learning how to settle and ground the mind and on to three of the core formal mindfulness practices. The group explored preconceptions on what mindfulness is, perhaps some of what it isn't and finished the day feeling great. All this washed down with the traditional Hot Choc at @thewestarms Thanks again Nikki - it was delish, as always. Thanks also to everyone on today's walk - it was great to walk, talk and meditate with you! I you're interested in learning more about 8week mindfulness courses, check out the Services page of my website (link in Bio), or please feel free to message me for more info. Next course starting Monday 15th May! #MindfulnessBasedLivingCourse #8WeekMindfulnessCourses #MindfulnessTraining

5/4/2023, 10:03:33 PM

A few more photos from my weekend at Samye Ling Buddhist Monastery, co-leading the "Introduction to Compassion" retreat on behalf of the @mindfulness.association. It was such a wonderful experience to be with this group of people from all over the world, who started the weekend as strangers but finished up feeling deeply connected, as friends do. And to see Samye Ling teaming with spring daffodils! 🙏💛 #mindfulness #mindful #meditation #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #wellbeing #selfcare #mblc #cblc #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #kindness #kindnessmatters #mindfulnessteacher #mindfulnesscourse #retreat #mindfulnessretreat #compassion #compassionate #selfcompassion #samyeling #samyelingbuddhisttemple #samyelingbuddhistmonastery #kagyusamyeling #tibetanbuddhism #temple #buddhistmonastery #buddhisttemple #buddhist #buddhism #gratitude

4/24/2023, 5:42:41 PM

Bad news will happen but when it does happen the impact it has on you is largely determined by how you react in the moment. We are not what happens to us but how we chose to handle it. #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnesscourses #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #learnmindfulness #mindfulnesssessions #selfdevelopmenttools #selfwork #mindfulnessnorthwalsham #mindfulnessnorfolk #meditationnorwich #meditationnorthnorfolk #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #

4/23/2023, 6:43:17 PM

My home for the next 3 days: the back of the temple at Samye Ling Buddhist Monastery, co-leading the "Introduction to Compassion" retreat on behalf of the @mindfulness.association. So much potential waiting to unfold! Feeling very grateful to be here and to be able to share these wonderful practices with our group. What are you grateful for today? 🙏🧡 #mindfulness #mindful #meditation #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #wellbeing #selfcare #mblc #cblc #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #kindness #kindnessmatters #mindfulnessteacher #mindfulnesscourse #retreat #mindfulnessretreat #compassion #compassionate #selfcompassion #samyeling #samyelingbuddhisttemple #samyelingbuddhistmonastery #kagyusamyeling #tibetanbuddhism #temple #buddhistmonastery #buddhisttemple #buddhist #buddhism #gratitude

4/21/2023, 11:15:18 PM

👉 Na zdjęciu powyżej wracamy z Magdą Wyspa Zmian do domu podczas szkolenia z uważności w Hiszpanii. Bawiłyśmy się z naszymi cieniami, ale w codziennym życiu rodzica to często wcale nie jest zabawa – trudne momenty, w których uruchamiają się w nas dawne schematy i reagujemy nie tak jak byśmy chcieli. 🤪 👉 Jeśli potrzebujesz więcej świadomości co się dzieje z Tobą, kiedy Twoje dziecko przeżywa trudne emocje i zamiast automatycznych reakcji chcesz zaoferować mu świadome odpowiedzi to kurs uważności może być dla Ciebie interesujący. 🙂 👉 Zapisz się na konsultację albo bezpłatne spotkanie wprowadzające w środę 29 marca od godz. 10.00 w wersji on-line. Dopiero po spotkaniu możesz zdecydować o udziale w kursie (w ramach dostępności miejsc). Zapis na bezpłatne spotkanie w bio. #mindfulnessdlarodziców #kursmblc #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #świadomerodzicielstwo #nastolatki #rodzicenastolatków

3/22/2023, 1:55:22 PM

A week of discovery! Today's theme: Explore how mindfulness meditation can support your wellbeing: National Complementary Therapy Week 2023. Website link in bio #beatonemeditation #minimindfulness #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mblc #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #stmts

3/20/2023, 9:00:09 PM

#mindfulness #uważność #MBLC #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #kursżyciaopartegonauważności #kurscertyfikowany #sesjawprowadzająca

3/8/2023, 2:07:49 PM

May all those you encounter this week leave better than they were before……. Offer gentleness with your eyes….. Warmth from your heart…….. Loving kindness in your smile… And don’t forget to include yourself in your kindness and compassion.

2/6/2023, 8:39:09 AM

1/25/2023, 3:31:55 PM

Come and join my free one hour introduction to Mindfulness. This is a great way to see what it is like to practice some short meditations, experience a restorative body scan, and find out about the Mindfulness Based Living Course. In Glasgow - Dennistoun Library for @zennistounhub Tues 24th Jan at 1.30pm and 6pm. In Edinburgh - @bellfieldporty Bellfield, Portobello, Tues 7th Feb at 1pm. DM me or email [email protected]

1/18/2023, 9:33:06 PM

You are invited to A Day of Mindfulness Practice: 10.00am – 4.00pm Saturday 28th January 2023. What better way to find space for reflection as we begin to ease towards springtime, and the new energy that lies ahead. This day is an opportunity to take part in practises that bring us more fully into awareness of what is present within ourselves at this special time of re-awakening from winter. It’s a chance for some still moments, some time out from day to day life, and includes periods of guided meditation, mindful movement, silence and enquiry. Book at the link in the comments 🌱 #newbeginnings #beatone #innerpeace #keepitsimple #innerawakening #seedswithin #beatonemeditation #minimindfulness #stmtsmindfulness #stressawareness #mblc #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse

1/2/2023, 2:29:56 PM

La pagina del mio blog è rimasta "immacolata". Alcuni imprevisti ed altre priorità si sono presentate nel mio cammino. Dovrete attendere un pò per rileggermi ed aspettare Febbraio-Marzo per L'inizio del Nuovo Corso di #Mindfulness #MblcMindfulness #mindfulnessbasedlivingcourse #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessvicenza

12/14/2022, 6:42:01 AM

It’s so easy to stop recognising the benefits of the meditation practice. It’s only when you stop using the skill of the meditation you see things slipping and you question why am I feeling like this? This happens quite a lot with people who have found mindfulness as a practice to relieve anxiety, stress or low moods. Many people feel a relief from the symptoms that led them to mindfulness so they let the practice slide thinking 🤔 job done I’m all sorted. It’s so important to keep the meditation practice part of your daily wellness routine, it’s just as important as your exercise routine or the foods you eat. It offers time for self reflection and clear seeing along with the letting go and resting in the midst of it all qualities. So remember to keep in mind your reasons for turning to mindfulness in the first place the lack of knowing your personal motivation often lurks behind the slipping of a meditation practice. To gain the long term benefit you have to be motivated to practice meditation consistently it’s exactly the same as going to the gym you don’t walk in do a few sit ups and go job done, you know to keep up the progress you have to keep going, it’s exactly the same with mindfulness meditation. The transformation and insight comes from doing the practice not thinking about it or reading about it, it’s the minutes you spend on your cushion or chair that matter.

12/7/2022, 12:35:35 PM

There once was a young boy who always wanted a pet one day he found a caterpillar and asked his mum if he could keep it she agreed and he made the caterpillar a cozy warm home with plenty of space to roam and food to eat. One day he noticed that the caterpillar had spun itself into a cocoon, his mum explained that the Caterpillar was going through many changes within the cocoon and that in time it would emerge when had gone through many different transformations into a beautiful butterfly. The boys mum explained to the boy that the caterpillar was in a place of natural change and transformation and that he needed to be patient and wait for the caterpillar to emerge in its own time. Many days later the boy saw a small hole appear in the cocoon, he got excited he watched and waited watched and waited along with the waiting came impatience. After a few more days his impatience got the better of him he wanted to help the butterfly so he went into the kitchen and got some scissors to help cut the butterfly free; but when the butterfly emerged it’s wings were floppy and heavy it had no strength. The young boy in his impatience had taken an important part of the transformation away from the butterfly, the struggle to get free from the cocoon would give the butterfly the strength it needed to fly and be strong. For me the moral of the story being that you can’t rush growth or change you have to sit tight until you are ready to emerge, that the struggles you go through during this time can help you transform into who you are becoming. The last phase the emerging can often be the most difficult but it’s part of the cycle and can’t be missed out. Im happily resting in my cocoon right now trusting life’s process not rushing, pushing or wanting things to be any different from how they are. I am where I am right now and that’s okay.

12/6/2022, 10:19:09 AM