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Creating a new intentional life requires knowing your core values and deciding how you want to experience the world. Check out for a great survey to discover your core strengths. Another great resource if you’ve never explored this is If this resonates with you save for future use or share. #via #corebeliefs #selfworth #innerstrength #valuesmatter #corevalues #lookinward #newlife #intentionalliving #createalifeyoulove #createanewyou #rewire #selflove #makeithappen

6/1/2024, 3:58:24 AM

I’ve always thought I had to “eat less sugar”, “cut out sweets”, and “stick to whole raw foods only” and yes, that is the goal I’m working towards, but I also think it’s unrealistic to completely eliminate all sugar from my diet. I don’t know about you, but I have such a sweet tooth. Living in North America, where there are so many variations of refined, sugar-filled, heavily processed foods, I’ve unfortunately developed a habit of having some dessert in the evening. I knew I wanted to change my diet. I wanted to feel good, and I wanted to nurture myself from within. How I started: Instead of completely eliminating my habitual pattern, I started making substitutions. Throughout the day I started incorporating more protein and fibre, leaving me more full by the end of the day. In the evenings, the usual times my cravings kick in, I started to add or substitute portions of fruit, chai puddings, yogurt or juices to satisfy my compulsions. I started to notice HOW I WOULD FEEL. I’m less bloated, less full, and more energized. This feeling was carried over to the next day, and overall I feel better! By not eliminating my desire for dessert, I’ve been able to sustain these new eating habits. Everything is one step at a time. The aim isn’t to become different, it’s to become 1% better today than I was yesterday. What kind of changes are you implementing in your life? #healthyeating #mindfulliving #createanewyou #sustainableliving #youarewhatyoueat

5/22/2024, 7:27:36 PM

Start your intentional life with @melrobbins “Make It Happen” FREE 2 part training. She guides you in taking a look at all areas of your life and rating where you are now. Then she helps you fill in that “knowledge-action” gap by helping you set up specific actions over the next 6 months to take and tracking yourself to actually see the change. @melrobbins helped me set specific goals and I also learned about the domino effect of taking the actions. Make this your first action in your intentional journey to create the life you desire and deserve! Share with someone who might want to do it with you and encourage each other along the way. #melrobbins #melrobbinspodcast #buildanewlife #dreambigger #selfworth #createanewyou #newreality #yourbestlife #makeithappen #powerful #womensupportingwomen #womeninspiringwomen #intentionalliving #intentional #movingforward #rewireyourbrain #positive #positivethinking #journal

5/19/2024, 11:40:22 PM

Do you feel lonely? Starting over or deciding to create an intentional life can feel lonely at times. People may leave your life who don’t understand, or you may have to choose to leave people who no longer align with your new intentions. I have often felt lonely as I’ve started over. But as I learned to embrace loneliness, I discovered that I love to hike, paint, and practice yoga. I’ve healed past traumas and become someone I like. That will happen for you too if you use your time of loneliness to look inward and discover who you are and then use that knowledge to create your new, intentional, beautiful life. For some practical tips listen to @jayshettypodcast On Purpose 10/16/20 “3 Ways to Let Go of Society’s Expectations and Connect with Your Authentic Self” #jayshetty #authenticself #createexplore #createanewyou #believeinyourself #intentionalliving #womensupportingwomen #dream #moveforward

5/14/2024, 3:49:11 AM

Do you know what radical acceptance is? I’ve recently delved into the concept of radical acceptance. I used to have the idea that it meant just accepting things as they were and trying to be happy about it. But as I’ve learned more about it, it is actually the opposite. It means taking an honest look at where you are in life in different areas and being honest with yourself in saying this IS how it is and I can’t keep hoping “it”will change. Am I ok with that? Then I make a choice to accept it or change it. It has given me the strength to make the changes I want to make and move forward to create a more intentional life. It’s difficult sometimes but worth it to take a hard look inward and move forward with a better understanding of what I want. If you are interested in this subject, Tara Brach has a book on it. #tarabrach #radicalacceptance #intentionalliving #womeninspiringwomen #womensupportingwomen #createanewyou #lookinward #selfworth

5/12/2024, 11:52:56 PM

Releasing Perfectionism is our focus for the 3rd week in this mental health series. I struggle with this one a fair amount… Motherhood forces me to release perfectionism, because most times, I’m simply not going to meet the unrealistic expectations I put on myself. In peeling back these layers, I find comfort in my own human-ness and can better gauge what feels aligned for me to commit to and hold. During pregnancy, I knew I didn’t want to pass this habit onto my daughter, so I put conscious effort into clearing the root of my perfectionism so that she can be more free to be herself, make mistakes, learn and grow. I’m the middle sister in my family, and my older sister has always been my parents’ ideal child - across ALL aspects of life, hers is in perfect alignment with my parents’ expectations for us. As many middle children are, I have been my family’s ‘black sheep, rebel, problem child, etc.’ For years I tried to meet their expectations, trying to be ‘perfect’ for them, their image, our dynamic… but I kept following my inner compass, which continually led me away from their straight and narrow path. As a result, for years I suffered, always defeated and disappointed that I couldn’t and actually had no sincere desire to meet their expectations. When I entered pregnancy, a lot of that changed, as my system realized early on that there were a lot of mental habit patterns I needed to purge - to make room for my daughter and be a healthy model. Coinciding with my pregnancy was my 6-mo Tapping Certification Training, which was the ultimate purging of many many outdated patterns I was repeating. Fast-forward to now, where I have a healthier - not perfect 😉- relationship with myself in this regard, and connected patterns like comparison, jealousy, self-sabotage and disappointment have been sloughed away. This is what I want to share with you as we dive into a Tap on Releasing Perfectionism in TAP into Wellness. Details & link to register in my bio If you’re interested in supporting another’s mental health journey, DM me. I know many who will greatly appreciate it.

5/5/2024, 12:32:31 AM

Another topic we’ll be Tapping and meditating through this month is Anxiety! Raise your hand if you experience any level of anxiety… 👀 Mhm, I see you. Our society is soo focused on more, better, stronger, faster, no wonder we’re all riddled with anxiety, fear, tension, and fatigue. In my mental health offering this month, TAP into Wellness, we’ll focus on the source of the anxiety we’re experiencing, release it through Tapping and call in a life that’s anxiety-free. Sounds too good to be true? Swipe to see what people are saying after just 1 session on anxiety. Register for TAP into Wellness with the link in my bio @meditate.tap.create And, if you feel called, support another’s wellness journey by adding an extra TAP into Wellness into your cart. 😉I know someone will immensely appreciate it. See you soon. # #mentalhealth #meantalhealthmonth #mentalhealthawareness #meditation #meditatetapcreate #selflove #selfcare #nurtureyourself #focus #clarity #compassion #selfawareness #vipassana #anapana #seerealityasitis #createanewyou #loveallthatyouare #energypsychology #energyhealing #staugustinehealers #efttapping #tappingtherapy #tappingforanxiety #tappingforfear #tapformentalhealth #tappingpractice #eftcoach #eftguide #tappingpractitioner

5/3/2024, 5:37:43 PM

I do love this "The Secret" quote by Bob Proctor- "Desire connects you with the thing desired and expectation draws it into your life". I know many people believe this to be woo woo but this is the law of attraction! IF you expect your life to go well, even if it hasn't been up until now, that has only been because you have been focusing MORE of what you DON'T want in your life vs. what you DO want. You CAN change this! Focus more on what you want, what brings you joy, each & every day and EXPECT things to shift in your life! This can be SO hard to do- even for me! I have to remind myself each day what is going RIGHT in my life, and expect this and that is when things have shifted for me. Try this- what do you have to lose (oh yah a life you don't like )! #thesecret #thesecretmovie #lawofattraction #lawofattractiontips #lawofattractionmoney #lawofattractionguide #lawofattractioncoach #lawofattractionquotes #lawofattractionjourney #bobproctor #bobproctorquotes #createanewreality #createanewyou

5/3/2024, 5:00:26 PM

🔥 Looking for a different kind of workout studio?! You have to check out @hotworxrockyriver !! Come hang out with us on June 2nd and experience it for yourself! 🎉What to expect: -After checking in with us, you'll sign up for 15 min or 45 minute workout classes -Workout types include: ✨ isometric - targeting muscles ✨ yoga ✨ pilates ✨ HIIT cardio ✨ bands ✨ cycle ✨ sauna & more! *Meet & Greet with other amazing women! *Sweat it out! *Light refreshments provided! ✨ You'll also get to create the Ultimate You plant with @samhardestycoaching HOTWORX is a virtually instructed exercise program created for users to experience the many benefits of infrared heat absorption, while completing a 30-minute Isometric workout or 15-minute High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session. As the infrared heat penetrates your body causing you to sweat, the isometric postures further accelerate detoxification by physically removing the toxins from your organs through muscle contraction. Our patented sauna combines heat, infrared, and exercise– what we like to call “3D Training”– and makes HOTWORX a workout unlike any other fitness program available! Limited tickets available for this one! Grab your spot and come have a fun morning with us!! #workouts #virtualworkout #summertime #clevelandevents #rockyriver #hotworx #cardio #fitnessevents #yogaincleveland #createanewyou #coaching #lifecoach #bizcoach #fitness

5/3/2024, 2:06:23 AM

When you’re amidst a @meditate.tap.create photoshoot, and your toddler interprets that as prime time to get some milk… Come meditate & tap with us for Mental Health Awareness month in a 4-series initiative, TAP into Wellness. We start this Sunday, May 5th at 8 PM ET. Link in bio @meditate.tap.create to register. We’ll cover various mental health topics, starting with Stress & Overwhelm. Just like you, I’ve experienced a fair amount of stress and overwhelm, as is natural moving through life. Humanity is bound to come with vicissitudes, and it’s how we handle them that there is potential for freedom and calm amidst the storms. Meditation has been the single grounding and clarifying component of calm and has given me the freedom to respond versus react when life feels rough. It’s what I turn to when nothing else seems to work - sitting in silence and stillness. Throughout this month, I’ll weave varying meditative practices into our mental health sessions, and we’ll end on Sunday, May 26th in a full guided meditation practice. Here’s some feedback from a recent session with a client: “I realized how much more clarity I have now, and more courage to deal with more things in life from this work.” I’m excited to share this journey with you. Register to TAP into Wellness with the link my bio @meditate.tap.create And, if you’re inclined to support someone else on their mental health journey, add another to your cart and let me know it’s a donation. I have a few people on a waitlist that would love to participate, and will appreciate your generosity. #mentalhealth #meantalhealthmonth #mentalhealthawareness #meditation #meditatetapcreate #selflove #selfcare #nurtureyourself #focus #clarity #compassion #selfawareness #vipassana #anapana #seerealityasitis #createanewyou #loveallthatyouare #energypsychology #energyhealing #staugustinehealers

5/2/2024, 4:32:45 PM

Creating a new, intentional life begins with knowing that you are worthy to have all that you want and that you deserve it. If you have experienced trauma, you may believe that you are not worthy, or that you are not enough, or that you need to do something first to be worthy. That is a lie to unlearn. There are no prerequisites- you are worthy now. #worthy #believeinyourself #moveforward #action #womensupportingwomen #intentionalliving #dream #beginagain #createanewyou #happiness #dreamagain #intentional #create #rewireyourbrain #neuroplasticity

5/2/2024, 4:25:05 AM

You can be bold and courageous in your everyday. . Smile. Breathe. Now take the next step. . #radiatelightandlove #hiddendisability #youcandothis #embraceyouruniqueness #beboldbeyou #createanewyou

4/23/2024, 8:30:13 AM

We all have limiting beliefs!🤯 Every single one of us, I call her the devil in my mind(left shoulder)..and the empowering ones are the little angel (right shoulder). We are all capable of amazing things, desires, lives, health, wealth and relationships.💃✨️ The question is What limiting Beliefs are you telling yourself?😢 I can't have that amazing relationship like them. I can't do what you do I can't earn that amount of income. I can't buy that car or even I can't afford the gas or groceries this month.😭 STOP! ✋️ Stop telling yourself such small, shrinking beliefs or stories.!😡 You are capable of all the good things in life, it starts with good thoughts not bad thoughts.. ✨️ 💖 I'm a firm believer your thoughts create your reality.. ✨️ What are your disempowering thoughts? Create a New You!✨️🙏💖 #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #overcomeoldself #createanewyou

4/20/2024, 1:07:57 PM

Think on Thursday “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein Switch up your thinking for a new life and be kind along the way. Luv Daisy ♥️♥️🐾🐾♥️♥️ #think #solveproblems #bekind #createanewyou #thoughts #positivethoughts #quoteoftheday #positivequotes #einstein #instalic #instamood #lovelife #dogsofinstagramworld #doglovers #westhighlandwhiteterriersofinstagram #westiesofinsta #thinkkindness #solveproblems #clearthoughts

4/18/2024, 7:11:22 AM

Beach combing again and simply loving the patterns of nature. The texture and aliveness of gently running your fingers over the surface of the once home of this sea creature. The waves and sand outside creating the specific form. This is what happens with our structure. Our unique seed frequency attracts what we need to grow in life, be at home in our bodies. Getting the picture? We can grow a new home by what we are choose to attract #shellpatterns #sandandsea #seedfrequency #buildinganewbody #beachcombing #createanewyou

4/4/2024, 4:45:25 AM

Want the live link? Type link and I will message you! It's important to move on in life. Learn how to let go and give in. Absolutely, learning to let go and move on is an essential part of personal growth and emotional well-being. Holding onto past hurts, regrets, or negative experiences can weigh us down and prevent us from fully experiencing the present moment and embracing future opportunities. By practicing acceptance, forgiveness, and letting go, we free ourselves from the burden of the past and open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment that allows us to live more fully and authentically. This is the secret to success.

4/1/2024, 10:22:19 PM

Your old version got you this far. You need to develop yourself in order to reach new unfamiliar heights! Don’t let fear stop YOU!🙌🏽💪🏽🫵🏽 #ubgreaterthanur #CreateANewLife #BeGreater #selfimprovementjourney #beyourbestversion #createanewyou #ReachNewHeights #reachnewversionsofyourself

3/25/2024, 5:48:37 PM

You can choose not to do anything at all. But, don’t expect anything great to happen in your life!💯🤔 #ubgreaterthanur #BeGreater #selfimprovementjourney #beyourbestversion #CreateANewLife #createanewyou

3/24/2024, 7:28:18 PM

Opposition is a necessary part of life. Don’t just survive. Recognize the difficulties of life as moments where you can be refined, you can grow, and you can feel success as you overcome whatever obstacle you face. Embrace the opposition and let it create a new, better, stronger YOU! 🔥 #creatorsopposition #facethechallenges #letyourselfchange #createanewyou

3/12/2024, 3:43:39 PM

Truth is, the right time has to be now, why because Life is very short ! Too short to be putting off until the kuds get older, leave home or you retire ! Did you know you can actually re-wire your brain and create new neural pathways to.... 1. Notice things you didn't before and.. 2. Feel the Happiness from that visual.... and it is not difficult to do or incorporate into your daily Life...and I'm going to show you how so stay tuned 😉 ♡ Dawn #happinesshabits #noticethelittlethings #meditationistheway #meditationiskey #createanewyou #happinessproject @actionhappiness

3/10/2024, 9:17:18 AM

Projects? Relationships? Work assignment? Whatever you are doing, see it for what it is.... an opportunity to create. Whether it is positive or negative, YOU are using your greatest power to manifest one or the other in your life. #creatorsopposition #createanewyou #overcomingopposition #youareacreator

3/7/2024, 9:44:33 PM

You CAN create it! #ilovecoaching #MakingMovesForMe #createanewyou

3/7/2024, 12:56:28 PM

You can be bold and courageous in your everyday. . Smile. Breathe. Now take the next step. . #radiatelightandlove #hiddendisability #youcandothis #embraceyouruniqueness #beboldbeyou #createanewyou

3/6/2024, 2:30:07 PM

🔵 When we started The Mystic Chics, we knew we wanted to offer a new way of body, mind, spirit healing. A spiritual business model is what we have been creating ever since we began in 2020. It is ever evolving as we spin our mysticism into something that has no prior template. 🔵 What are some of your reasons for starting your business? @marymystic @wendycaseyorg @awakenwithaudrey #spiritualbusiness #spiritualbusinessowner #modernmedicinewoman #modernmystics #modernmystic #dreambig #startsmall #beginnow #createyourself #createanewyou #theworldneedsyou #changetheworld #shineyourlight #innerpeace #shareyourgifts #senseofpurpose #

2/28/2024, 1:51:38 PM

When nothing goes right, go left😘 #goleft #nothingisright #itsme #fine #foryou #loveyourself #timeforme #createanewyou 🫶🏻

2/23/2024, 11:28:14 PM

Yes, this may sound a bit Pollyanna like but it is true! Change your attitude and change your life! A positive attitude will improve any situation. By concentrating on this one trait and creating this habit your days weeks and life will be exponentially improved. Start today! #blessed #positivity #dream #habit #createanewyou #accomplishments #success

2/10/2024, 3:09:28 PM

Ok now that I shared the secret of my weight loss (currently down almost 50 lbs in the last 6 months) and the key to more energy to do the things you love and to go out and find your purpose, let me give you a little more detail about HOW I did it. Yes, I "gave up sugar" but the thing is I still had desert on Thanksgiving and Christmas, cake on my sons and my birthday's, Key lime pie and a cupcake on my vacation last month and candy at the movie with my kids last week. It's not about never enjoying your life, it's about breaking your dependency so that you can enjoy your life. So how do you break the dependecy? First is to realize that we have been trained since we were children to see sugar as a reward, but it's not the sugar that makes us feel good, in fact just the opposite. Those that have been following me know I love the @mindvalley app. There is a great program on the app called 7 days to breaking up with sugar. I'm going to put the link in the comments how to try this program for free. GO DO IT! Whether your goal is to lose weight, have more energy, clear brain fog, or live longer this is a great first step. Go to my profile, click the link and then head to the course. You won't regret it! Go change your health, so together we can go out and change the world! 💙Jennifer #viral #livehealthy #yourbestlife #createanewyou #WeightLoss #health #livewell

1/27/2024, 8:29:54 PM

ALL GREAT THINGS TAKE TIME In a world full of instant gratification where you can text a friend, get an amazon package on your doorstep in two days, download an app for almost anything, and even have food from your favorite fast food place delivered (think about that, we are too lazy to even sit in a DRIVE THRU now haha)... it’s easy to get wrapped up in the idea of wanting things quickly. But what you have to understand is your fitness won’t work like that. In order to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle you need TIME. Growing muscle takes time, creating healthy eating habits take time, developing a strong mindset takes time. Time and practice each and every day. Accept that this ONE thing will require TIME. Stop looking for quick fixes and focus on what will actually create lasting results. I remember after my second baby wanting to get back in shape quickly. I killed myself in the gym, pushing myself to almost throwing up in workouts, limiting my favorite foods and feeling deprived, low energy, and anxious for fast results. I would eventually give up and get frustrated because things weren’t happening “fast enough”. That picture on the left was TWELVE YEARS ago, me running looking miserable because I WAS! . Later I hired my first online coach and my first program was over 24 weeks long! That seemed like forever. But in those weeks I changed slowly and created new habits. I was enjoying my workouts and learning how different foods affected my body. . Now years later I see how different my physique looks and I KNOW I could never have created this in just a month or two of putting myself through hell. Instead, this was BUILT one year at a time through consistency, daily choices which kept me on track & accountability. . The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one single step. Who’s ready to move FORWARD?!! . . #moveforward #progress #time #trusttheprocess #fitat40 #afterbabybody #strengthtraining #weightloss #bodytransformation #results #onlinecoaching #accountability #healthyhabits #10years #decadeofhealth #makeachange #venturafitness #bodybuilding #momswholift #change #mindset #macros #createanewyou

1/26/2024, 12:02:43 AM

🌟 Step into Your Next Chapter: Our shoes aren’t just fashion; they’re a declaration of a new you. Embrace the journey, keep moving forward, and let every confident step symbolize the unstoppable force that is you. Your path to greatness starts with fashion that motivates. 👞💪 #OwlAndShoes #StepIntoNewYou #MotivationInMotion #supportsmallbusiness #stepitup #motivationnextlevel #shoeinspo #shoeinstagram #createanewyou #beyourselfalways

1/23/2024, 5:21:17 PM

Visualise your dream life and watch it unfold Credit to @snakes.n.roses

1/23/2024, 3:42:33 PM

You can be bold and courageous in your everyday. . Smile. Breathe. Now take the next step. . #radiatelightandlove #hiddendisability #youcandothis #embraceyouruniqueness #beboldbeyou #createanewyou

1/19/2024, 8:30:10 AM

Today you decide to become a WINNER! No more settling to make others feel comfortable. Step into your light and paint your canvas. Become the Leonardo da f**king Vinci of your life. It's all you baby! DM for coaching packages today. @camvandenengel #newidentity #createanewyou #identityshift #massiveaction #patienceisavirtue #createyourself

1/19/2024, 12:02:02 AM

Even after we grow into adulthood- We continue to carry our inner child aspect- a sub personality within us. This aspect carries forward our old hurts, wounds, traumas and beliefs. Along with our childlike curiosity, being present, connection and joy. It is up to us at any age to Protect and Nurture this Inner Child, for a healthier happier life. Most of us took on limiting beliefs and life scripts in childhood. Such as “I don’t fit in.” “There is something wrong with me.” “I’m not good enough.” We are not here to hold blame and judgment on those who instilled or enabled these beliefs. We are to take responsibility for recognizing when they operate and hold us back from living our truth. To heal the hurts, and traumas and find our goodness. Recognize our God given talents and gifts. To shine the Love we are to ourself and others. Do we allow others to treat us poorly? How do we nourish and nurture ourself? What boundaries do we have to keep this inner child safe, loved and honored? We activate this precious aspect through Play. Creativity. Listening within. Connecting to nature and animals. Being inquisitive and curious. Being Present to the Moment right here right now. This enhances our manifesting and co-creative abilities for the adult life we are living.💕 I’ve witnessed the healing of anxieties, depression and low self worth by doing inner child work. Want to know more? Please connect! I also have a YouTube guided meditation practice for the Inner child healing. #pattymarkhampeterson #innerchildhealing #innerchild #innerchildtherapy #innerchildlove #healingtraumas #releasingtrauma #releasingtraumathroughthebody #livingwithjoy🤸🏽‍♀️ #stepoutoftheold #createanewyou #createmorelove #bethelight #trustyourprocess #spiritualjourney #divinelove

1/16/2024, 3:20:26 PM

1 of 6 to come Things they don't tell you about starting a business. Part 1 Success is not convenient #smallbusiness, #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing #Bizsuccess #onlinebusiness #successtips #affiliatebusiness #createanewyou #upgrade2024 #levelup #motivation

1/14/2024, 8:59:44 PM

This is the first New Moon of 2024 & 1.11 & all about New Beginnings in every area of your life .Encouraging you to Create a New Way To Live! December & Over the New Year, the Energy brought a lot of suppressed emotions to the surface,fears,overwhelming sadness & grief,low self worth .This year make the changes to help yourself feel happier .Focus more on your own Self Care & make Self Love a priority. Include in this your Mental ,Emotional & Physical Health. *What changes do you need to make/ do? * How do you want to feel in 2024? * What lifts your spirit, makes you feel good in yourself, makes you feel happy, excited ,brings you calm & peace? Start a journal or a Vision Board ,take baby steps, i really feel from January to March is the best time ,March we all come alive again ,the evenings are brighter we feel better ,we wear brighter colours too, to me the New Year begins then Think of ways to lift your Spirit, join a dance class,walking club,running,join a choir ,spend more time in nature to ground yourself & feel more peaceful & calm , water energy is so important too ,nice baths ,walks along the beach ,look after your Gut Health & begin healthier eating,surround yourself with people that you feel good around. Cut ties with negative/ toxic people around you ! Maybe you need to make changes in your current job ,cut your hours ,learn to say 'NO' ,do not be a people pleaser STOP repeating Old Patterns, If your being swamped with extra work & feeling overwhelmed its time for CHANGE or maybe it's time to change career if your feeling unhappy do something less stressful ,more time with your kids ,more time for you,there is so much pressure on women nowadays but its up to you to take Action ! Make time & Plan fun days out , screenshot lots of places you want to see ,days out for yourself, family time ,rest ,Reiki Healing,a nice massage, breaks away,meditation, listen to Positive affirmations & always EACH Day write down 3 things from that day that you are Grateful for & Thank the Universe Manifest Your Dream Life ,Take Action ,Plan & Raise Your Vibes this is the Year for New Beginnings, Fun Times ,Laughter &New Opportunities 🙌🫶

1/11/2024, 11:38:46 PM

You have a better chance of a better life by creating it yourself than the odds of winning the lottery. And if you did win the lottery, you would blow it all! 😂 change your identity and you will change your life #identityshift #createanewyou #mistakenidentity #youaregod #godisyou

1/2/2024, 9:49:30 PM

𝙐𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙞𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 🌱 Our next Shred starts on Monday 8th January ✅ Are you tired of bad eating habits and feeling a bit run down and out of routine? ✅ Do you feel it’s time to get back into the swing of things? ✅ Shred is my go-to. ✅ Feeling sluggish and bloated with too many wrong foods and drinks? Our 10-day shred programme: 🍎 Helps improve energy 🍎 Reduces bloating 🍎 Enhances sleep 🍎 Provides mental clarity 🍎 Supports gut health for healthy digestion 🍎 Supports healthy weight management 🍎 Supports the immune system 🍎 Helps improve energy 🍎 Gluten-Free 🍎 Vegan 🍎 Non-GMO 🍎 Dairy Free If you want to clear the brain fog, boost your energy, support your gut health and simply feel incredible in the skin your in.. Reach out to me for more details and come join us for an exciting new health journey.🌻 𝘼𝙉𝘿 As an extra bonus for anyone who purchases a shred plan package before December 31st will get access to my new Sculpt and Shape online class in January which starts the same day as Shred. #healthylifestyle #healthyhabits #createanewyou

12/23/2023, 8:22:15 PM

I am excited to share that an Audio Book version of my book, I am Done Believing You : Move On From The Lies You Believed and Discover Your Truth is now available 🎧 on iTunes, Amazon and Audible!! I pray that you will take a listen this Holiday 🎄season and consider increasing your relationship with God in 2024! Allow God to help you understand your purpose so you can achieve all of your goals. My past experiences opened the door for me to walk forward toward my truth! If you’re contemplating why you may still be in a complacent or unhealthy relationship or not able to move beyond grief and loss, you may not be sure if you can make it on the other side of your battles… I pray that you will hear a word in my story to propel you forward toward your victory! Learn more at #GodsPlan #amazonbestseller #NoMoreLies #DiscoverYourTruth #createanewyou #audiobookadventure #NewYearNewYou #2024goalsstartnow

12/14/2023, 12:34:11 PM

🧠 EK | Worldwide Hypnotherapy Mental Health & Wellness Care - RTT: Rapid Transformational Therapy I Am Enough…. @worldwidehypnotherapy - #rapidtransformationaltherapy #iamenough #behappyandsmile #successgoals #energyhealing #marisapeertherapy #loveyou #smiletoday #laughingtherapy #createanewyou #pyschodynamic #neuroscience #neuroplasticity #nlptherapy #cbttherapy #hypnotherapyworks #happieryou #mentalwellnessmatters

12/6/2023, 3:30:30 PM

I found this quote to be an eye opening perspective. I have often used the phrase “finding yourself” but I’m loving this way of thinking about it. It feels more purposeful to me. Instead of searching to hopefully someday find yourself- You act- purposefully creating the person you want to be. It feels hopeful and doable phrased like this. What do you think? #empoweryourself #inspirationalquotes #createanewyou #whodoyouwanttobe #bloom #hopefulquotes #selfempowerment

12/4/2023, 6:23:39 PM

“What is REAL?” asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. “Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?” “Real isn’t how you are made,” said the Skin Horse. “It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.” “Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit. “Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. “When you are Real you don’t mind being hurt.” “Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,” he asked, “or bit by bit?” “It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the Skin Horse. “You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.” “I suppose you are real?” said the Rabbit. And then he wished he had not said it, for he thought the Skin Horse might be sensitive. But the Skin Horse only smiled. “The Boy’s Uncle made me Real,” he said. “That was a great many years ago; but once you are Real you can’t become unreal again. It lasts for always.” – Margery Williams “The Velveteen Rabbit,” is a children’s novel written by Margery Williams, Illustrated by Michael Hague #salutogenese #whatireadtoday #mythoughtstoday #contemplating #achtsamesleben #mindfulliving #mindfulthinking #meditationspace #rabbitoftheday #innergrowth #createanewyou #youarecreator #youarewhatyoueat #youarepowerful #atemarbeit #breatheinbreatheout

12/4/2023, 5:38:18 PM

Surround yourself with the people who inspire you.... For years I surrounded myself with people who were unmotivated, who had no goals, dreams, direction. Who were intelligent but rarely used or valued their intelligence. They never really pushed or inspired me to be better, they never really helped me grow as a person. As a result, I didn't grow and if you’re not growing your dying. I was dying the slow painful death of my true self. We need friends who make us a better person just by their existence, and the way the encourage and love us. We should be surrounded by people who lift us up in every way, who love us for who we are now while seeing that we can be even better in the future. When we really find our people, we will thrive. As someone both shy and introverted I often have trouble making new friends or even reaching out to old ones. I know I need those people in my life but struggle to build real friendships and find the balance between what my introvert self needs and what my social human nature needs (none of us were meant to live this life alone). Having true friends who love us is a vital part of living a healthy fulfilled life and becoming the person we were meant to be, the person who is here to change the world in a big way. So, two assignments: Tell me about yourself in the comments, let's get to know each other and practice building community not just scrolling. Reach out to someone who inspires you in your in-person tribe today and build a stronger friendship with them. Let's keep building a better life and a better world! 💙Jennifer #betterlifebetterworld #createanewyou #createchange #createyourlife #truefriends #friendship #lovedeeply #truelove #changetheworldwithlove #bethechange #belove #bejoy #beyourbestself

12/4/2023, 3:55:09 PM

"When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower." - Alexander Den Heijer ✨As a leader, it's important to provide detailed instructions and clarity on expectations. Clearly communicate what needs to be done and empower your team to take ownership of their tasks. ✨Develop a system of coaching to support your team's growth and development. Offer guidance, feedback, and mentorship to help them thrive. ✨Consider having team members work alongside each other from time to time. This fosters understanding, collaboration, and the opportunity to learn from one another's strengths. ✨Identify different situations and train through role-play. Help your team overcome difficulties in communication by practicing effective dialogue and problem-solving. ✨Encourage open discussions about feelings connected to work. Create a safe space for team members to express their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. ✨Implement both in-person and online team training events to foster collaboration, build relationships, and enhance skills. Embrace a culture of continuous learning and growth. ✨Let's create an environment that nurtures growth and allows each individual to bloom. Follow @thewholeofmy for daily inspiration, insights, and practical tips on leadership and team development. Together, let's cultivate a workplace where everyone can thrive and reach their full potential. #CreateAnEnvironmentForGrowth #TeamDevelopment #ContinuousLearning #TheWholeOfMy #InspirationDaily #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #organizationaldevelopment #neuroleadership #coaching #personaldevelopment #motivation #inspiration #success

11/30/2023, 11:26:05 AM

It’s kind of scary, isn’t it? That all of this would be gone in an instant. Feelings, places, people. That soon, everything will be just another memory. That soon, this will become just another chapter of a book that you need to close. ✨🎶🎵🎵 Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness. 💃✨ #anothermemory #everythingmustpass #prevention #writeyourstory #whatsyourstory #writeforhealing #healthcoachlife #healthdecisions #healthiswealth #salutogenese #gesundheitstipps #gesundheitspraxis #lucerne #itsgonenow

11/28/2023, 3:47:49 PM

It’s never too late to start something new. What’s something you’ve always dreamed of doing? Follow us - @kickarsebabe Follow us - @kickarsebabe Follow us - @kickarsebabe * Follow to feel empowered as a woman " DM to be featured, can be for anything you're proud of achieving as a woman. #femalehustlers #femalehustler #unstoppable #nothings-impossible #femaleempowerment #motivationalquote #motivationdaily #slayqueen #womenpower #herbusiness #bossbabequotes #motivationalquotes #startyourlife #dosomethingnew #createanewyou

11/16/2023, 10:21:36 PM

"You have to be willing on every level to uplevel who you be on a daily basis." Lisa Nichols Guys life is hard, relationships are hard, sometimes just dealing with people is hard. I'll admit I have been struggling lately to be a person I can be proud of every day, especially when it comes to dealing with other people. This quote resonates with me because this is exactly what I have been trying to do, to uplevel who I am on a daily basis. To drown out the noise and the chaos and to always have a positive voice in my ear, whether it's friends who uplift me or the beautiful words of Lisa Nichols. Someone pushing me to be better, do better, love better. As I said in my last post, none of us are perfect, which means we will always have room to learn and grow in every aspect of our lives. So what are you doing to uplevel emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually? 💙Jennifer #uplevel #uplevelyourlife #lisanichols #yesyes #dailygrowth #dailyhabits #becomingbetter #healing #selfworth #selfgrowth #relationships #loveeveryone #unconditionallove #bettereveryday #createanewyou #transformation #personaltransformation

11/10/2023, 5:30:30 PM

Mind Soul Wellness is back in service after a journey of a life time filled with sacred journey codes of light tremendous growth stepping out of my comfort zone with snorkelling. . What have you not attempted because of fear of failure? . For me it was frustration I come from a family of water babes. So what changed me? . Well imagine we are all in preparation wetsuits stinger suits flippers goggles / mask everything ready to jump in. I saw a little girl put her mouth piece in like second nature ( this was my hurdle! ) . She inspired me to jump in and do what I had been putting off! . I know I have an advantage of clearing all the reasons of the big why then bingo I was on my way to the greatest adventure swimming with turtles and colourful fish and magnificent coral vibrancy. . What do you long to do but just can’t ? . Maybe I can support you in the most freeing way to make it possible? Link in bio 🙏 . #inspire #encouragement #mindsoulwellness #gratitude #spirit #ascension #mindsoulwellness #youcandothis #createanewyou

11/8/2023, 9:07:49 AM

I’d love you to book a discovery call. It’s 20 mins to find out a bit about each other and to see what your vision is for feeling better gaining control over your well-being. #goodhealth #coaching #wellness #ally #goals #cocreation #worktogether #createanewyou 💚🧡

10/30/2023, 10:21:52 AM

We cannot get over this remarkable transformation of Mr Raj Thakkar! Assure believes in providing the best results and our clients agree with us! #CreateANewYou . . . #Hairlinerecreation #ExpertiseUnleashed #hair #hairtransplant #haircare #skincare #hairtreatment #hairclinic #hairconsultation #assure #hairregrowth #hairlinerecreation #hairrestoration #hairtransformation

10/28/2023, 5:53:12 PM