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Things are shifting forward. Our relationships and love lives may be under a microscopic for a closer look. Whatever weaknesses or sugar coating that's been added will be revealed. You have a choice here. Your relationship may be solid. This is a good thing. Even when times test you, you will work together to bring things to order. A good team is a team that works together. You may also find that things may not be as solid as you thought. Whether it's you, or your other half. Something has been amiss for a while. This is where your choice begins. Sometimes there's room to grow and a good conversation can bring you right back to being on track. Sometimes though, we are beating a dead horse. If you're expecting someone to change, the problem may be you. It is not other people's responsibility to change for us. No matter how we see what they can do with their abilities and talents. It's up to them to be motivated to do it. Otherwise you're pushing someone to do what YOU want. If you don't love who they are now, you only love the idea of what they could be. If you're being ridiculed on a consistent basis or otherwise humiliated or broken down. This is not love. This person is trying to make themselves feel bigger and better by breaking you down. This is an act of someone very toxic and is a grooming technique for abusive relationships. Be aware of who you are in this spectrum. Are you helping or harming? Are you thriving or suffocating? #learningtogrow #listentoyourintuition #knowyourworth #gettingbetter #seeingthetruth #phoenixrising #mentalhealthawareness #mentalclarity #shadowwork #shiftingperspectives #steppingoutofyourownway #cyclebreakers #empath #empathproblems #newopportunities #toxicbonding #toxicrelationships #toxicpeople #callingallempaths #lettinggo #livewithintention #loveishealing #loveyourself #bekindtoyourself #believeyoudesrveit #divineguidance

2/16/2024, 4:11:57 PM

As we're shifting, you have a choice. You asked for change, now it's happening. Are you ready for what needs to be done for you to receive what you asked for? Clearing is important when you're manifesting change. You cannot fill an already filled cup. You must dump or consume what is still there to make space. This requires you to walk away from what you know or what you think you know. Open your eyes and heart to something new. You deserve it but you must decide if you're ready. You are the one with the decision. I hope you choose you. I hope you choose to move forward. I hope you choose better times and people filled with love. I hope you choose a magical life full of smiles and sunshine. The world is full of negativity and negative people. It's also full of love and kind, big hearted people. What we see is a choice. Who we spend our time with is our choice. How we choose to think, act, respond and carry on..... Our choice. Do not give up your choices. Do not blame others for taking your choice away if you give it up freely because it's easier. Sometimes rocking the boat is the right choice. You cannot take everyone with you. In fact, everyone in your life will come and go as they have their own paths to follow. So we are never really being left behind. We are needing to concentrate on ourselves, our own needs and our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health. Not every ending is a bad ending, even if it feels bad. Give yourself time to grieve. Give yourself time to heal and remember, healing is a process that never ends. It has steps and they aren't linear. #changeisenevitable #changeiseverywhere #challengeyourself #lookingwithin #steppingoutofyourcomfortzone #becomingyou #callingallempaths #closethedoor #opportunity #oppertunityisknocking #believeyoudesrveit #believeyoucan #nevergiveup #virtualhumanexperience #dontgiveup #healingenergy #healingispossible #dontletfearstopyou #ancestralmessages

2/7/2024, 4:54:46 PM

Today, the energy finally starts to shift. You should feel a big decrease in the massive amount of energy that's been in the air recently. I don't know about you but I'm thankful for this. Look at your own needs today. It's important to relax as much as you can. You received some pretty hefty universal downloads and require some time to let them infuse. It's also really important to let go of the situations that have been brought to a head over the last few months as we are clearing out old feelings, sending back energy from others not in our lives anymore, relating energy we gave away, nursing our wounds over heavy losses and welcoming back old friendships and partnerships that are joining us back on our path. Do you believe in miracles? You have one heading your way. Open your heart, be vigilant, let the energy over stimulation dissipate. You're in the verge of the breakthrough you think you lost our on. #learningtogrow #lettinggo #dreambig #dreamsdocometrue #listentoyourintuition #listentoyoursoul #spiritmessages #spiritualawakenings #healingenergy #heaingthoughts #breakingthecycle #steppingoutofyourcomfortzone #keepgoing #knowyourworth #nextlevelshit #newlifenewbeginning #newmoonintentions #closethedoor #newopportunities #callingallempaths #cyclebreakers #doingthework #dontgiveup #justintime #loveishealing #loveyourself #gateways

2/3/2024, 4:37:29 PM

If you believe in something enough it will happen. I used to think I wasn't capable of manifesting. The problem was, I was stuck in a mindset where I could only see negative. So, no matter how hard I tried to see it working out, it was always easier to see it fail. So everything seemed to fail often. It took some time but I was able to start catching myself when I got negative and started redirecting my thoughts to seeing what I wanted the outcome to be. After awhile, it naturally started happening. I started smiling more. I started feeling more positive. I actually started seeing my desires manifesting into reality. That's when I realized just how important what you think is. If you think you're going to fail, you will. If you think you are going to be successful, you will. If you work towards your goals knowing you will succeed, you most likely will. It's not easy to override that negativity that's been building inside of you. It has been with you your whole life. That nagging negative voice that echos all the cruel things people have said to us. It constantly reminds us of our failures. It constantly shows us memories of things that occured where started to lose faith in ourselves and the people around us. This is not your higher self, your spirit guides, your ancestors. Your spiritual crew would never talk to you that way. So, when you start to feel like that negative creeper is coming up. Stop yourself and tell that voice it's not needed today. #learningtogrow #learningtolovemyself #lettinggo #knowyourworth #believeyoudesrveit #nextlevelshit #beingyourownhero #virtualhumanexperience #listentoyourintuition #hiddenpaths #selflove #callingallempaths #flowiskey #spiritmessages #spiritualguidance #spiritualawakenings #mentalclarity #mentalhealthawareness

1/19/2024, 3:23:40 PM

The reason you are here, is to find your niche in adding light to this world. We do not find our light through anger, although working through our anger to find the cause and create peace with it. This does help us find our light. Fighting does not help us find our light. When chaos is around us and fighting and war are all around us. Sit in a calm space, center yourself and concentrate on your breathing. You may not calm the outer storm but you will separate yourself from the chaotic energy that seems to be leading others. This actually creates a disturbance in the energy around you causing others to be released from this energy cycle as well. If someone tells you, you're doing nothing to help the world by being a light worker and healer. That's probably because they haven't had their Awakenings started or because they don't want to make the changes to their own life to make things better. It is always good to want to help others. Unfortunately, you cannot stop violence with violence. You cannot create love with hate. You cannot create peace with war. It's time to start creating light energy to share with the world. This starts at home with ourselves, our friends and family. Making a difference here, will in turn make a difference in those lives you touched. Which will in turn be passed on to more people who will then continue to pass this torch of love and light. It's not the easy way. Nor will the entire world be saved by it. Although, if you help 1 person. You are doing what you came here to do. #lightworkers #knowyourworth #knowyourstrengths #beingyourownhero #believeyoudesrveit #bethelightinthedarkness #dontsettleforless #steppingoutofyourownway #steppingoutofyourcomfortzone #bighappychanges #shadowwork #spiritualawakenings #strength #empath #empathproblems #emapthsbelike #healingenergy #heaingthoughts #healingispossible #goodintentions #virtualhumanexperience #removingstagnantenergy #callingallempaths

1/16/2024, 4:11:15 PM

Luck will find you if you allow it. Just like all things, there are phases that are a bit more prone to luck than others. When you do your work during these times to pull in manifestations. You will most likely see results. Working with moon phases, retrogrades and universal, solar, lunar energy tol help you call what is yours. You need intention. You also need to believe it will come to pass. See it as if it already exists. #moonmagick #manifestations #manifesting #believeitintoreality #believeyoudesrveit #seeitbelieveit #callingallempaths #callingallcreators #knowyourworth #learningtogrow #listentoyourintuition #listentoyourheart #lifeisagift #spiritmessages #spiritualawakenings #spiritualguidance #ancestralmessages #solarmagic #sunmanifesting #nextlevelshit #healingenergy

1/8/2024, 4:37:25 PM

Tarot cart for 1/5 Out of the Prison Oracle deck Sweetness This card is a signal to savor the sweet moments in life and remember them when things get rough. The small things in life are often the sweetest, but they easily go unnoticed. Sweetness is always there if you look for it. #knowyourstrengths #listentoyourintuition #lookingbeyondthefarmiliar #listentoyourheart #believeyoucan #betterdaysarecoming #healingenergy #healingispossible #sitwithit #heaingcrystals #virtualhumanexperience #bevigilant #spiritualawakenings #spiritualguidance #spiritualsupport #tarotmessages #oraclereading #distancetarotreading #bringiton #callingallempaths #justintime

1/5/2024, 8:47:03 PM

Whether the full moon/mercury retrograde energy has you feeling sensitive or anxious, you will be feeling it. If you've been doing your inner work this year, you will find this next week to be relieving. You already started to have old trauma surface. You may have been experiencing triggers. You may not be falling for old familiar tricks this time though. Why? Because this is the end of some of your most hurtful cycles. Let yourself feel this one. It's important to give yourself the validation of the heavy burdens you've been carrying for so long. You did what you felt was right. Now, it's time to shed this layer of protection. You no longer need to protect yourself from what's already happened as it will never darken your doorstep with its shadow again. It's time to move forward knowing the worst is behind you and you are free to experience life in ways you never thought possible. Regeneration is the key word this week. Recalibration is also on the block as we reset our boundaries. Take time to rest as it's very important. #fullmoonmagic #fullmoonritual #fullmoonmanifesting #fullmoonmagick #fullmoon #mercuryretrograde #manifestations #clearingtheclutter #callingallempaths #callingallcreators #angelguidance #ancestralhealing #ancestralmessages #ancestralguidance #dreambig #makeawish #mentalclarity #steppingoutofyourcomfortzone #settingyourselfupforsuccess #believeyoucan #bevigilant #betterdaysarecoming #knowyourworth

12/26/2023, 4:58:18 PM

The changes that have been affecting your life have been sent to help redirect your path to where you want to go. Sometimes it's a path that hasn't been laid yet so we must blaze the new path knowing not what lays ahead. Be strong and move forward even if you're not sure where it will lead. Some of the greatest places we find are one hidden off the main paths. These are special and sacred spaces. You are already doing what you were meant to do. #healingenergy #changeisenevitable #changeiscoming #lettinggo #listentoyourintuition #listentoyoursoul #listentoyourheart #strengthisneveraweakness #movingforward #energyhealingpractitioner #energyclearing #spiritualguidance #spiritualsupport #psychicmessages #psychicabilities #knowyourworth #distancetarotreading #callingallempaths #cwupsychic #cwuhealer #ellensburgreikipractitioner #ellensburgenergyhealer #ellensburgchakrahealer #ellensburgtarot #ellensburgbusiness #ellensburgreiki

11/25/2023, 3:53:49 PM

As life changes, you'll notice your needs changing as well. Things will start to feel different. Your thinking will change, your actions will change. Your beliefs will change. Even what you like to eat will change. Our bodies go through so many constant changes as we grow and age. It never stops, even when we're sleeping. So if we are constantly changing internally, if our physical self is constantly changing, doesn't that make you think our minds should follow suit? If you're having doubts and are confused about where to go from here, it could mean you're ready for the next level. So instead of trying to be okay stepping back into what no longer fits you, maybe stepping forward into the unknown to create the life you want is exactly what you should do. Don't be a pawn, you get to stear. #takebackyourpower #takebackyourlife #steppingoutofyourcomfortzone #strength #newlifenewbeginning #nextlevelshit #healingenergy #flowiskey #manifestations #believeyoucan #mentalclarity #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #guidedpath #traumarecovery #callingallempaths #cwuhealer #vitalhumanexperience #levelup #lettinggo #feelthefreedom #growing

11/7/2023, 3:06:39 PM

ARE YOU SENSITIVE? Starting March 7th, come and learn how to turn this sensitivity into strength, simply by learning and practicing energetic tools that will help you feel empowered in your abilities. Here’s what we’re going to focus on: Week 1: Setting the stage for Energy Awareness Week 2: Grounding - the importance of grounding, how it works and how to live grounded Week 3: My Energy Body - we will explore our energy bodies and our boundaries, and learn tools to tap into and read our own energy quickly and neutrally Week 4: Working with Energy Intentionally Week 5: Energy Projection - How to hold others in light while maintaining your energetic autonomy. **Each week will include tools to be practiced during the week. DETAILS: Energy Flow for Sensitive People- Five-Part Workshop We Thrive Wellness Centre, 161 Front St. Downtown Belleville Tuesdays March 7- April 4, 5:15-6:45 Soul Investment: $144 (+HST) Booking Link in Bio! #energyworkshop #callingallempaths #energytools #meditation #meditatedaily #alignmentcoaching #meditatedaily #grounding #bethelight #lightworkertools

2/9/2023, 12:00:09 PM

Do you find yourself picking up other’s energy, leaving you exhausted and drained? After being in a group setting, must you come home to be alone to wind down and recover? Do you feel anxious and stressed around certain people and wonder why? Join me for an eye opening conversation to understand there is more going on here that meets the physical EYE. You will learn: 1) What is an Empath? 2) How to maintain your energy. 3) How to fully accept your gifts. 4)How to bring back balance to the physical body by your soul connection. Register for the call on my events page, through the link in my bio. . . . . . #callingallempaths #empath #empathsunite #whatisanempath #maintainyourenergy #soulconnection

8/10/2022, 11:45:54 PM

Have you ever had the lyrics of a song randomly start playing in your head? And then just one line that replays over and over. That’s what happened the week before I attended my granddaughter's school concert. The words “Day by day, day by day, oh Dear Lord three things I pray, three things I pray” played on repeat in my head. And, you guessed it, the elementary school concert opened with the choir singing Day by Day written by Stephen Schwartz. ✨ Did you know that hearing the lyrics to a song is a common occurrence for healers? 💫 And while it’s easy to receive psychic energy, it’s not so easy to know what to do with what we receive through our senses. I find that most healers lack the skills and tools to follow through and resource the psychic energy they receive with God. They tend to live outside of themselves, either in a future view of what they want or in a past experience that they struggle healing. Being sensitive can be hard, but the energy doesn’t have to be the thing that stops you from working with your gifts. We can take it day 👏🏼 by 👏🏼day. And, in just ONE day, by enrolling in my Empath and Sensitive Soul Masterclass I will teach you the God-based method for feeling confident and balanced in your empath and sensitive soul abilities. You will gain clear confidence in: 💫Trusting your intuition ✨Decision making 💫Understanding with clarity the energy you receive and take on ✨How to effectively run your energy, clear your chakras and auric field. And so, so much more. I’m excited and look forward to spending the day with you and supporting your soul's growth! Link to register is in my bio! You can also DM me :) You are loved! #callingallempaths #empathy #empathsofinstagram #empathicsoul #sensitivesoul #youareahealer #healers #mindfulnesspractice #grandmalovesyou

7/5/2022, 4:10:20 PM

On April 30th I had spotted an #osprey perched on top of a tree overlooking a nearby river. Nine days later, which was today, my sister found one laying (quite still) underneath a tree... 😢 #heartbroken #heartbreaking . You can only go so far until you reach that dead end and must ask the universe to help. Don't forget to move outta the way when you finally do surrender. 🙌 . #animalsymbolism #SpiritAnimal #totem #birdsymbolism #symbolism #spiritualjourney #spirituallife #spiritguides #hawksymbolism #firehydrant #mysticaljourney #mystic #death #transformation #wingspan #life #callingallangels #callingallempaths #MatrixNavigation #Shamanism #CatsEyeScry

5/10/2022, 8:24:35 AM

Fear of change is quite real. Even debilitating at times. I recently had a question come in about how does someone decide to step into a Spiritual development circle when their beliefs system or religious upbringing says otherwise? Do not allow FEAR (false evidence appearing real) to stop you from following your most precious dreams. If Spirit is calling you to connect with other like-minded, heart-centered highly sensitive souls continue to be curious.. ✨🌻✨ Follow your heart. Listen to your soul. Allow yourself to be lead by your own internal compass. Not what someone else says or decides is correct for you. Decide for yourself if you feel you’re ready to embrace change. Because in doing so doors will open, windows will unlock and the Light of the Multiverse will shine brightly upon you✨ The experiences you receive will be by far the beginning of the best and most beautiful adventures of transformation your soul has ever seen. Be not afraid said the ButterFLY🦋… You can do it! We’re here to support you as you reach out and touch the sky. The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society🌻💎💫is now open see link in bio or DM me for more info #MultifacetedSoulsSociety #LearnToDevelopYourIntuitiveAbilities #TheArtAndEtiquetteOfMediumship #MultifacetedMedium #MultifacetedU #CallingAllEmpaths #NewlyAwakenedSouls #TheWorldNeedsMoreLightWorkers #AreYouOneOfThem? #ButterFLY #SignsOfSpirit #SpiritMessenger

4/21/2022, 3:36:07 PM

Fear of change is quite real. Even debilitating at times. I recently had a question come in about how does someone decide to step into a Spiritual development circle when their beliefs system or religious upbringing says otherwise? Do not allow FEAR (false evidence appearing real) to stop you from following your most precious dreams. If Spirit is calling you to connect with other like-minded, heart-centered highly sensitive souls continue to be curious.. ✨🌻✨ Follow your heart. Listen to your soul. Allow yourself to be lead by your own internal compass. Not what someone else says or decides is correct for you. Decide for yourself if you feel you’re ready to embrace change. Because in doing so doors will open, windows will unlock and the Light of the Multiverse will shine brightly upon you✨ The experiences you receive will be by far the beginning of the best and most beautiful adventures of transformation your soul has ever seen. Be not afraid said the ButterFLY🦋… You can do it! We’re here to support you as you reach out and touch the sky. The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society🌻💎💫is now open see link in bio or DM me for more info #MultifacetedSoulsSociety #LearnToDevelopYourIntuitiveAbilities #TheArtAndEtiquetteOfMediumship #MultifacetedMedium #MultifacetedU #CallingAllEmpaths #NewlyAwakenedSouls #TheWorldNeedsMoreLightWorkers #AreYouOneOfThem? #ButterFLY #SignsOfSpirit #SpiritMessenger

4/21/2022, 3:36:02 PM

The Spring Equinox is upon us, the true new year and a time for rebirth. With that we are offering a 50% discount for all bookings made in the next few weeks on all major treatments. Refresh your mindset, open up your heart and align your energy systems! Start to feel like yourself again or discover your purpose… Compliments traditional medicine to aid and accelerate recovery ❤️‍🩹 Flick through the carousel photos, the feedback says it all… I love meeting people in person, but the results are equally as powerful when done online in the quantum field. Or if you live out of town, why not make a trip to the seaside and stay in our beautiful seafront apartment? Message me for more details. I’ll post photos soon. My current website is going through a rebrand, but you can read more here: #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #nervoussystemregulation #healing #anxiety #trauma #traumarecovery #relationshipchordcutting #genekeys #sacredgeometry #genekeyreading #morphogenticfield #detox #health #wealth #abundance #manifesting #callingalllightworkers #lightworkerhealth #empaths #callingallempaths #protection #quantumphysics #vibratiobalmedicine #science #mentalhealth #depression #bipolar #mooddisorders #spoonie

3/16/2022, 6:06:08 PM

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. -Ann E Caron Are you ready to re- Ignite your intuitive BirthLight? Connect with your soul as you nurture unlimited seeds of possibility🌻 The doors to The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society are NOW OPEN! Join us to experience this one of a kind AWEsome Community! Click the link in my bio to learn more & see what the fuss is all about✨🌻✨ 🌷As my gift to you Use coupon code: MARCH202257 Happy Spring! 🌷 #CallingAllEmpaths #HiglySensitiveSouls #CuriousSouls #NewlyAwakenedSouls #ReIgniteYourIntuitiveBirthLight #MultifacetedSoulsSociety #NowOpen #JoinUs #TheAweIsInTheAdventure #BeginnersWelcome #MediumshipDevelopment #YourSoulsIsCalling #FoundationsOfMediumship #TheArtAndEttiquiteOfMediumshipDevelopment #TheMultifacetedMedium #TransformationalTeacher #SpiritGuide #MultifacetedMedium #OptiMysticUpLifterByNature #LisaPHDMedium

3/8/2022, 9:03:37 PM

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. -Ann E Caron Are you ready to re- Ignite your intuitive BirthLight? Connect with your soul as you nurture unlimited seeds of possibility🌻 The doors to The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society are NOW OPEN! Join us to experience this one of a kind AWEsome Community! Click the link in my bio to learn more & see what the fuss is all about✨🌻✨ 🌷As my gift to you Use coupon code: MARCH202257 Happy Spring! 🌷 #CallingAllEmpaths #HiglySensitiveSouls #CuriousSouls #NewlyAwakenedSouls #ReIgniteYourIntuitiveBirthLight #MultifacetedSoulsSociety #NowOpen #JoinUs #TheAweIsInTheAdventure #BeginnersWelcome #MediumshipDevelopment #YourSoulsIsCalling #FoundationsOfMediumship #TheArtAndEttiquiteOfMediumshipDevelopment #TheMultifacetedMedium #TransformationalTeacher #SpiritGuide #MultifacetedMedium #OptiMysticUpLifterByNature #LisaPHDMedium

3/8/2022, 9:03:32 PM

“If you only knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” - Wayne W. Dyer Are you a curious soul seeking to learn how to develop your God-given intuitive abilities of Mediumship? Would you like to connect with Angels and your Spirit-ed guides? Maybe your missing a loved one on the other side? If you answered yes to any of these questions I can help you. Join me, along with the beautiful souls inside the private online community I created: The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society.✨🌻✨ We’re an online community for curious souls seeking confidence, clarity & connection with as those in the Realms of the Spirit. Learn to develop alongside people who “get you” + form lasting friendships with your chosen Soul family. Inside our community, your JoY is my greatest passion❤️ Join our waitlist! Learn to develop your psychic strengths + intuitive abilities from the ground up. Discover The Foundations of Mediumship inside the Multifaceted Soul(s) Society🌻 Join the waitlist! Text “VIPWaitlist” to: 215-273-9806 ✨💖✨ #IntuitiveInsights #CommonUnity #CuriousSoulsCommunity #MultifacetedSoulSociety #SpiritualDevelopmentCircles #EvidentialPsychicMediumship #Intuition #SpeakingWithSpirits #Angels #Healing #SpiritedGuides #TheRealmsOfTheSpirit #MultifacetedMessages #FromAboveWithLove #OptiMysticUpLifter #MultifacetedMedium #LisaPHDMedium #SpiritualBeautyOfHope #ThatsMe #StressLessSmileMore #FindingAweInTheAdventure #EverydayIsAGiftBePresent #ReclaimYourJoy #MultifacetedU #RiseUp #LoveLightsUnite #CallingAllEmpaths #NewlyAwakenedEmpaths #CuriousSouls #ThisMessageIsForYou

12/7/2021, 10:49:50 PM

“If you only knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” - Wayne W. Dyer Are you a curious soul seeking to learn how to develop your God-given intuitive abilities of Mediumship? Would you like to connect with Angels and your Spirit-ed guides? Maybe your missing a loved one on the other side? If you answered yes to any of these questions I can help you. Join me, along with the beautiful souls inside the private online community I created: The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society.✨🌻✨ We’re an online community for curious souls seeking confidence, clarity & connection with as those in the Realms of the Spirit. Learn to develop alongside people who “get you” + form lasting friendships with your chosen Soul family. Inside our community, your JoY is my greatest passion❤️ Join our waitlist! Learn to develop your psychic strengths + intuitive abilities from the ground up. Discover The Foundations of Mediumship inside the Multifaceted Soul(s) Society🌻 Join the waitlist! Text “VIPWaitlist” to: 215-273-9806 ✨💖✨ #IntuitiveInsights #CommonUnity #CuriousSoulsCommunity #MultifacetedSoulSociety #SpiritualDevelopmentCircles #EvidentialPsychicMediumship #Intuition #SpeakingWithSpirits #Angels #Healing #SpiritedGuides #TheRealmsOfTheSpirit #MultifacetedMessages #FromAboveWithLove #OptiMysticUpLifter #MultifacetedMedium #LisaPHDMedium #SpiritualBeautyOfHope #ThatsMe #StressLessSmileMore #FindingAweInTheAdventure #EverydayIsAGiftBePresent #ReclaimYourJoy #MultifacetedU #RiseUp #LoveLightsUnite #CallingAllEmpaths #NewlyAwakenedEmpaths #CuriousSouls #ThisMessageIsForYou

12/7/2021, 10:49:45 PM

So natural and pretty. 🥰 • • 💬 text 774-454-5769 📍345 court st Plymouth ma #classic #natural #flatlashes #minklashes #minklashextensions #lashgoals #nomakeup #naturallook #goodlashes #goodmorning #friday #goodday #bemagic #pickacard #callingallempaths #1111 #1111awakening #1111lashes #goodthingsarecoming #positiveenergy

11/12/2021, 11:06:58 PM

👉WHY DO WE TEND TO THINK THAT OUR VERSION IS THE ONLY RIGHT ONE 🤷‍♀️ . When you open up your ears and your heart to truly understand someone, instead of preparing your rebuttal … Relationships can heal. Conflicts can resolve. . The key 🔑 is that hearing doesn’t mean agreeing … And when someone feels HEARD and UNDERSTOOD… Tension and Conflict can de- escalate, even when people disagree. . But…this is a difficult skill to learn because it takes setting ego and opinion aside for a moment … . It requires empathy and a desire to hear and see things from someone else’s view instead of your own. . It showcase huge emotional intelligence to listen to someone thoroughly even when you adamantly disagree…. . Try it and watch the positive changes that this shift can make in your relationships & your life … . . . #mindsetshift #emotionalintelligence #activelistening #conflictresolution #empathymatters #empathsofinstagram

10/28/2021, 9:34:13 PM

#FakeSmiles are more common than #GenuineHappiness; And maybe even easier to discern. Hell…every time that we “ #SmileForTheCamera” We’re being a little phony. I mean, how can a camera make us smile? But I’m skewing the point… Ironically, I think it sometimes takes more hurt and suffering on the inside to force a smile than to shed a tear. The thing is, people don’t fake depression or sadness. But we’re all guilty of faking being okay. So may we all #BeKind to one another and genuinely embrace every fake smile we might receive from another; Because beyond the surface, we do truly understand. We’re all components of this #HumanExperience after all. And if we must, may we be genuine enough to fake a smile of our own in return and allow another person that deserves to be seen, feel just that 🙂 #Empathy #ISeeYou #IFeelYou #IAmYou #DaveChapelle #TheCloser #Thoughtful #Mindfulness #Generosity #Heartfelt #HigherCalling #TravelGram #BlackMenSmiling #SmileForMe #1111 #CallingAllEmpaths #Lightworkers #DTLA #ArtsDistrict #ArtLifestyle #LifeIsBeautiful #ElevationDaily

10/17/2021, 8:40:48 AM

Any ideas you come up with that seem way out of the norm may seem a bit crazy but if it feels right to you I say Go For It anyway! What do you have to lose? Only your fears that have been holding you hostage. Learning to trust yourself will completely transform all aspects of your beautiful life. Abundant Blessings🙏🏻❤️✨🌻✨ xoxo, Lisa😘 #TrustYourself #TrustYourCrazyIdeas #YouGotThis #YourSoulSaysGoForIt #ReclaimYourJoy #TodaysMultifacetedMessage #FromAboveWithLove #MultifacetedMedium #LisaPHDMedium #OptiMysticUpLifterByNature #SpiritualBeautyOfHope #ThatsMe #LoveLightsUnite #CallingAllEmpaths #Open_MindedEmpaths #BeautifulSouls #LovelyLightWorkers #NewlyAwakenedSouls #ThisMessageIsForYou #LearnToDevelop #YourGodGivenAbilities #SuperPoweredPsychicStrengths #SafeSupportiveCommunity #MultifacetedU #JoinUs #MultifacetedSoulSociety #MyHeartReels

8/18/2021, 2:16:34 PM

Empath Affirmations 🌟🌠🌟 For ALL EMPATHS out there... 🤍🌌🤍

7/31/2021, 10:18:02 PM

#TwinFlameJourney of #SelfDiscovery #SelfAwarwness #SelfRespect #SelfLove #SelfHealing #CallingAllEmpaths #NarcissisticRecoveryCouch #NarcissisticRecovery #WeAreGods #callingAllCreators . Follow 👉🏼 @Cats.Eye.Scry I am a #clairvoyant and #clairaudient #MYSTIC #shaman SEER #crystalscryer who completed her 10 year #FoolsJourney plus #reemergenceprocess of the #DarkNightoftheSoul and am now ready to offer MY STORY and personal KNOWLEDGE through past and present life experiences. . I created this account to help people with #thirdEyeActivation #SpiritualAwakening #perspectiveShifts #spiritualAwareness #LucidDreams #spiritualascension #MatrixNavigation #merkabah 💫👾💫 💛 #DreamNavigator #CatsEyeScry . Art #TomaszAlenKopera

7/30/2021, 4:28:57 AM

#TwinFlameJourney of #SelfDiscovery #SelfAwarwness #SelfRespect #SelfLove #SelfHealing #CallingAllEmpaths #NarcissisticRecoveryCouch #NarcissisticRecovery #WeAreGods #callingAllCreators . Follow 👉🏼 @Cats.Eye.Scry I am a #clairvoyant and #clairaudient #MYSTIC #shaman SEER #crystalscryer who completed her 10 year #FoolsJourney plus #reemergenceprocess of the #DarkNightoftheSoul and am now ready to offer MY STORY and personal KNOWLEDGE through past and present life experiences. . I created this account to help people with #thirdEyeActivation #SpiritualAwakening #perspectiveShifts #spiritualAwareness #LucidDreams #spiritualascension #MatrixNavigation #merkabah 💫👾💫 💛 #DreamNavigator #CatsEyeScry . Art #TomaszAlenKopera

7/30/2021, 12:49:53 AM

#TwinFlameJourney of #SelfDiscovery #SelfAwarwness #SelfRespect #SelfLove #SelfHealing #CallingAllEmpaths #NarcissisticRecoveryCouch #NarcissisticRecovery #WeAreGods #callingAllCreators . Follow 👉🏼 @Cats.Eye.Scry I am a #clairvoyant and #clairaudient #MYSTIC #shaman SEER #crystalscryer who completed her 10 year #FoolsJourney plus #reemergenceprocess of the #DarkNightoftheSoul and am now ready to offer MY STORY and personal KNOWLEDGE through past and present life experiences. . I created this account to help people with #thirdEyeActivation #SpiritualAwakening #perspectiveShifts #spiritualAwareness #LucidDreams #spiritualascension #MatrixNavigation #merkabah 💫👾💫 💛 #DreamNavigator #CatsEyeScry . Art #TomaszAlenKopera

7/28/2021, 9:22:39 PM

My #surreal #scryArt and work station. This was a vision I had for a friend earlier this year while living in #LosAngeles #cityOfAngels 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 "REPAIR ENAMEL" #SpiritGuides #spiritualguidance #RainbowChildren #RainbowWarriors #WeareGods #callingallempaths . Follow 👉🏼 @Cats.Eye.Scry I am a #clairvoyant and #clairaudient #MYSTIC #shaman SEER #crystalscryer who completed her 10 year #FoolsJourney plus #reemergenceprocess of the #DarkNightoftheSoul and am now ready to offer MY STORY and personal KNOWLEDGE through past and present life experiences. . I created this account to help people with #thirdEyeActivation #pinealGlandActivation #SpiritualAwakening #perspectiveShifts #consciousnessShift #spiritualAwareness #LucidDream #spiritualascension #MatrixNavigation #lightcodes 💫👾💫 💛 #DreamNavigator #CatsEyeScry

7/28/2021, 8:33:12 PM

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others❤️ -Mahatma Gandhi Good morning friends. Just wanted to share a special thank you to all who reached out over the past few days inquiring about our lovely community called The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society✨🌻✨ The cart has now closed. Wow!! Another big success! Woohoo! 🥳🙏🏻❤️✨🌻✨👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 A special Thank you for all the likes, comments, subscribers + all who kindly shared our posts! You’re awesome!!💗👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😘 I’d also like to thank and welcome our brand new members who are lovely Lightworkers & beautiful souls working together with Spirit for the highest good of all. Everyone in The Multifaceted Soul(s) Society is super excited for you to join us! I’ll be reaching out to each of you personally in the upcoming days to get you onboard and into our private community. PS. Did you miss this opportunity to hop on board #TheSunshineSpiritMobile with us??✨🚌✨😇✨🌻✨No worries... 📲 HOP ON OUR EMAIL WAITLIST NOW for when we reopen the doors again. No idea when exactly this will be, although if you’re on the list we’ll keep you posted ASAP! JOIN THE WAITLIST & be entered into our monthly #MultifacetedMessagesDrawing which starts September 1st! TO SIGN UP NOW 👉🏻 click the link🔗in my bio Abundant Blessings🙏🏻❤️✨🌻✨ Lisa😘 #BeOfService #SpiritMessengers #FollowYourHeart #TodaysMultifacetedMessage #FromAboveWithLove #MultifacetedMedium #LisaPHDMedium #OptiMysticUpLifterByNature #SpiritualBeautyOfHope #ThatsMe #LoveLightsUnite #CallingAllEmpaths #Open_MindedEmpaths #BeautifulSouls #LovelyLightWorkers #NewlyAwakenedSouls #ThisMessageIsForYou #LearnToDevelop #YourGodGivenAbilities #SuperPoweredPsychicStrengths #SafeSupportiveCommunity #MultifacetedU #JoinUs #MultifacetedSoulSociety #MyHeartReels

7/26/2021, 4:25:30 PM

Choose J🌻Y! Hi there! 👋🏻😊 If you haven’t had a chance go check out my latest YouTube video. The link 🔗is in my bio If you’re ALL IN!!❤️ Or if you have questions reach out Dm me, text or email. * Details are in the YouTube description. Spaces are limited & filling up quickly! Oh and while you’re there please don’t forget to: • 👍🏻 LIKE • 📲👩🏼‍💻✅ SUBSCRIBE • 💥🔨HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS 🔔 BELL • + LEAVE ME A COMMENT. I’d love to hear from you!🗣👱🏼‍♀️ + your support greatly helps me help others🙌🏻✨🌻✨ Thank you! WATCH UNTIL THE END! Even if this video doesn’t resonate with you consider sharing it with someone you love who may need to see it. You never know.. My message could be the answer to someone’s much needed prayers🙏🏻✨😇 Thank you! Abundant Blessings🙏🏻❤️✨🌻✨ Lisa😘 #WishingYouABeautifulDay #MultifacetedAuthenticity #AwakenYourMultifacetedSoul #NurtureThePossibilities #FlowerPower #BeTrueToYou #AwakenedMultifacetedAuthenticity #TodaysMultifacetedMessage #FromAboveWithLove #MultifacetedMedium #LisaPHDMedium #OptiMysticUpLifterByNature #SpiritualBeautyOfHope #ThatsMe #LoveLightsUnite #CallingAllEmpaths #Open_MindedEmpaths #BeautifulSouls #LovelyLightWorkers #NewlyAwakenedSouls #ThisMessageIsForYou #LearnToDevelop #YourGodGivenAbilities #SuperPoweredPsychicStrengths #SafeSupportiveCommunity #MultifacetedU #JoinUs # MultifacetedSoulSociety #MyHeartReels

7/24/2021, 11:57:46 PM

People’s minds are like flowers ... 🌻😊💕 They awaken, open up and bloom but only when the time is just right. -Lisa The Multifaceted Medium®️ Hi there! Looks like I’ve caught your attention👋🏻😊 Listen up buttercup because have I got some exciting news to share with YOU!!🥳👏🏻😍 Drumroll... 🥁🥁🥁 Check out my latest email + YouTube upload link🔗 in my bio Oh and while you’re there don’t forget to 👍🏻 LIKE, 📲👩🏼‍💻✅ SUBSCRIBE + 💥🔨HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS 🔔 BELL WATCH UNTIL THE END and even if this video doesn’t resonate with you consider sharing it with someone you love who may need to see it. You never know.. You could be the answer to someone’s much needed prayer🙏🏻✨😇 Thank you! Abundant Blessings🙏🏻❤️✨🌻✨ Lisa😘 #WishingYouABeautifulDay #MultifacetedAuthenticity #AwakenYourMultifacetedSoul #NurtureThePossibilities #FlowerPower #BeTrueToYou #AwakenedMultifacetedAuthenticity #TodaysMultifacetedMessage #FromAboveWithLove #MultifacetedMedium #LisaPHDMedium #OptiMysticUpLifterByNature #SpiritualBeautyOfHope #ThatsMe #LoveLightsUnite #CallingAllEmpaths #Open_MindedEmpaths #BeautifulSouls #LovelyLightWorkers #NewlyAwakenedSouls #ThisMessageIsForYou #LearnToDevelop #YourGodGivenAbilities #SuperPoweredPsychicStrengths #SafeSupportiveCommunity #MultifacetedU #JoinUs #MultifacetedSoulSociety #MyHeartReels

7/23/2021, 1:23:20 PM

Forget tiptoeing through the tulips. I’m dancing with the Dahlias🥰💃🏼🌺🎶💞 This little beauty sprouted up as a happy accident from last years collections. 🌱🙌🏻🌺 No matter where you are along your path. Keep on dancing! Nurture your soul with what lights you up and smile with an inner awareness that miracles are happening for you everyday! Abundant Blessings🙏🏻❤️✨🌻✨ Lisa😘 #DancingWithTheDahlias #NurtureYourSoul #LiftYourVibe #HappyAccident #FlowerPower #BeautifulSurprisesAwaitYou #TodaysMultifacetedMessage #FromAboveWithLove #MultifacetedMedium #LisaPHDMedium #OptiMysticUpLifterByNature #SpiritualBeautyOfHope #ThatsMe #LoveLightsUnite #CallingAllEmpaths #Open_MindedEmpaths #BeautifulSouls #LovelyLightWorkers #NewlyAwakenedSouls #ThisMessageIsForYou #LearnToDevelop #YourGodGivenAbilities #SuperPoweredPsychicStrengths #MultifacetedU #JoinUs #MultifacetedSoulSociety #MyHeartReels

7/20/2021, 4:15:09 PM