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ĀTMAN YOGA è un’esperienza che va oltre la pratica Yoga ordinaria, poiché ti offre la possibilità di connetterti profondamente con te stess@ in un ambiente sereno e rigenerante☯️ Lo spazio che abbiamo scelto per ospitare il nostro percorso è un vero gioiello nascosto, circondato da atmosfere mozzafiato e da una tranquillità che ti avvolge appena varchi la soglia della tua Anima☯️ Questo ambiente rilassante è l’ideale per approfondire la tua pratica Yoga e per riconnetterti con la parte più positiva e autentica di te stess@☯️ La pace e la bellezza ti permettono di lasciare alle spalle lo stress e le preoccupazioni quotidiane, per poterti immergere completamente nel momento presente☯️ Oltre alle sessioni di Yoga, abbiamo anche momenti dedicati alla meditazione, alla respirazione consapevole e al relax profondo, per garantire un’ esperienza completa di benessere e rinascita☯️ Inizia oggi stesso a portare alla luce la migliore versione di te stess@☯️ ~ STUDIO VALOUR♥️ #yogaitalia #noansia #mammeingravidanza #yogaingravidanza #gravidanzaonline #quaranta #depressione #cermenate #monzabrianza #yogaitaly #yogatips #yogatutorials #yogaarmbalance #yogadrills #yogaphilosophy #yogaclothes #movementexploration #yogaover40 #leggediattrazione #spiritualit #yogaover50 #reikiangelical #respiracionconsciente #gioiadivivere #ipnosi #crescitapersonalefemminile #meditazioneguidata #positività #starbene #yogashapesforsummer

5/17/2024, 9:20:12 AM

La pratica di ĀTMAN YOGA stimola la tua creatività e libera il tuo potenziale innovativo in modi sorprendenti🧡 È famosa per i suoi effetti calmanti sul sistema nervoso, che aiutano a rilassarsi profondamente e a liberarsi dallo stress accumulato🧡 Quando la mente è libera dalle preoccupazioni e dalle tensioni quotidiane, è più facile accedere a uno stato di creatività e apertura mentale🧡 Inoltre coinvolge l’attenzione consapevole sul respiro e sulle sensazioni fisiche, aiutandoti a sviluppare una maggiore concentrazione e focalizzazione mentale🧡 Queste abilità possono essere trasferite alla tua attività creativa, consentendoti di immergerti completamente nel processo senza distrazioni🧡 In più ĀTMAN YOGA ti sfida a spingere i tuoi limiti fisici e mentali in modo sicuro e consapevole🧡 Attraverso la pratica regolare, impari a superare gli ostacoli e ad affrontare le sfide con calma e determinazione, sviluppando una maggiore resilienza e flessibilità mentale che si riflettono anche nella tua creatività🧡 #yogaitalia #noansia #mammeingravidanza #yogaingravidanza #gravidanzaonline #quaranta #depressione #cermenate #monzabrianza #yogaitaly #yogatips #yogatutorials #yogaarmbalance #yogadrills #yogaphilosophy #yogaclothes #movementexploration #yogaover40 #leggediattrazione #spiritualit #yogaover50 #reikiangelical #respiracionconsciente #gioiadivivere #ipnosi #crescitapersonalefemminile #meditazioneguidata #positività #starbene #yogashapesforsummer

5/10/2024, 2:34:06 PM

È estremamente importante avere cura del proprio mondo interiore♥️ Così come un artista prende cura dei suoi colori più preziosi, tu puoi prenderti cura di Te Stess@ con gentilezza, compassione e amore♥️ Investire in se stessi è un atto di autenticità e forza♥️ Ti permette di abbracciare la tua unicità, di onorare i tuoi bisogni e desideri più profondi, e di vivere una vita in armonia con la tua vera essenza♥️ Quindi ti chiedo: sei pront@ a iniziare questo viaggio di autenticità e amore per Te Stess@❓ Se sì, sappi che sono qui per te, pronta a sostenerti lungo il cammino♥️ ĀTMAN YOGA nasce da questa premessa, e sono felice di poterti dare un’opportunità in più per iniziare il tuo percorso verso una maggiore consapevolezza e benessere: ridurre lo stress è fondamentale per preservare la nostra salute mentale e fisica, poiché uno stato cronico di tensione può portare a una serie di problemi come ansia, depressione e disturbi fisici♥️ Diminuire lo stress ci consente di vivere una vita più equilibrata e soddisfacente, permettendoci di affrontare le sfide quotidiane con calma, chiarezza mentale e resilienza emotiva♥️ Entra ancora più in profondità con Te Stess@, amati e scegli di immergerti nel percorso, portando alla luce la migliore versione di Te Stess@♥️ Con affetto e gratitudine♥️ ~ STUDIO VALOUR♥️ #yogaitalia #noansia #mammeingravidanza #yogaingravidanza #gravidanzaonline #quaranta #depressione #cermenate #monzabrianza #yogaitaly #yogatips #yogatutorials #yogaarmbalance #yogadrills #yogaphilosophy #yogaclothes #movementexploration #yogaover40 #leggediattrazione #spiritualit #yogaover50 #reikiangelical #respiracionconsciente #gioiadivivere #ipnosi #crescitapersonalefemminile #meditazioneguidata #positività #starbene #yogashapesforsummer

3/15/2024, 10:05:03 AM

Sometimes we go out with the intention of creating something and the result we wanted isn’t exactly what we receive. I set out to make a beautiful yoga heart shape and realized afterward that I need to work on my shoulder flexion. My heart looks more like a turnip 🤭 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The universe doesn’t disappoint though. My 🩷 appeared in a place I wasn’t expecting. Do you see it? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I feel like this theme has been present throughout my yoga journey. I started practicing yoga to loose weight after my son was born, but the universe had other gifts planned for me. My yoga practice gifted me mindfulness, awareness of breath, improved posture, a more flexible spine, open hips and an open heart, and the ability to meditate and feel connected to the life energy around me. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It’s true what they say: Yoga is love. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Happy Valentine’s Day and cheers to unexpected gifts from the universe! 💖 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #yogaheartopener #heartopener #wildthing #beachyoga #yogini #yogapose #yogashape #yogareflection #yogashapesforsummer #yogainspiration

2/14/2024, 9:18:37 PM

La pratica della consapevolezza può migliorare la tua presenza, i tuoi livelli di buonumore e calma. Questi benefici hanno dei risvolti positivi in molti altri aspetti della vita quotidiana. 🤝 Quando diventi più presente e reagisci meno, i rapporti con gli altri diventano più forti e si crea più fiducia 💖 Quando inizi a notare e accettare ciò che ti succede, puoi affrontare meglio gli imprevisti e i conflitti con le altre persone 🙏 Portando più gratitudine nella tua vita, ti rendi conto che quello che hai è più che abbastanza 😴 Dormire meglio e ridurre lo stress ti procurano maggiore energia e buonumore 🧘‍♀️ Capire quali emozioni provi e quali sono le tue vere necessità, ti aiuta a compiere le azioni giuste per accettare o migliorare la situazione in cui ti trovi 🫶🏽 Rimanere calmi durante le difficoltà della vita, permette di creare una vera resilienza e di mantenere la serenità anche durante i periodi più difficili Questo corso è pensato per chi desidera migliorare la propria vita. REGALATI BENESSERE CON ĀTMAN YOGA💚 #yogaitalia #noansia #mammeingravidanza #yogaingravidanza #gravidanzaonline #quaranta #depressione #cermenate #monzabrianza #yogaitaly #yogatips #yogatutorials #yogaarmbalance #yogadrills #yogaphilosophy #yogaclothes #movementexploration #yogaover40 #leggediattrazione #spiritualit #yogaover50 #reikiangelical #respiracionconsciente #gioiadivivere #ipnosi #crescitapersonalefemminile #meditazioneguidata #positività #starbene #yogashapesforsummer

1/23/2024, 10:49:35 AM

New Challenge 🙏 January 22-26 ☕️Day1. #warriorpose 👊Chaga : fighting inflamation -warior pose #challenge #1day #gratefulearthyoga Pojďme do toho spolu : @keylatrneckova @romana.konecna @vladkaskowronova Užijeme si spolu krásné dny plné poznávání 🙏👊😍 Hosté : @byogiz @markov.lidija @love_yoga_paint @cilantroyoga Sponzoři : @geeky.spirit @circe_yoga @adriana.the.artist Dekuji za možnost být u toho #yoga #yogalove #yogachallenge #yogasport #yogaspolu #jogaskeylou #vyzva #joga #mujcasnajogu #joginka #joginky #yogabeyoutiful #yogashapesforsummer #yogapractice #yogainspiration #jdemdotohospolu #traviaActivateYou

1/22/2024, 6:17:56 AM

I set boundaries to keep my life calm. The days are short and the temperatures are cold on the northern hemisphere of the planet ...join us for 5 days as we use the magic of prana, life force, to Light our inner fires. The use of pranayama can look different across poses and it’s so personal. Sometimes the control of prana can be moving or activating and other times, specific breathing techniques can aid us in a more static, meditative way. Either way, let’s harness the use of affirmation to focus the energy through breath to light the inner fire. Show us how you use your pranayama and share affirmations that hold meaning to you 🔥 🔥 Hosts: @reginalenitz_yoga @susanhu33 @semi.svetik @leapoffaith_yoga 🔥 Sponsor: @geeky.spirit 🔥 Pose and affirmation: Day 1 ~ A supine or prone pose and an affirmation for grounding ✔️ Day 2 ~ A seated pose and an affirmation for happiness Day 3 ~ A power pose and an affirmation for energy Day 4 ~ An inverted pose and an affirmation for centering or balance Day 5 ~ Yogi’s choice in pose and your favorite affirmation 🔥 HOW TO PLAY: 1. Repost this flyer and invite a few friends! 2. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 3. Set your profile to public so we can see and support you 4. Post your pose daily and use the tag #geekyinnerfire and tag all hosts and sponsors. 5. Add your country to your bio or caption. 6. Show some love to your fellow participants and hosts. #igyogachallenge2024 #yogachallenges #yogapractice #yogalove #geekyspirit #yogaaddict #yogamotivation #yogainspiration #yogainspiredfitness #fitness #flexibility #yogafit #yogabody #mindfulyoga #mindfulness #mindset #yogaconnectspeople #yogaandmeditation #pranayama #yogaeverydamnday #yogaphotography #igyogacommunity #yogafriends #yoginisofinstagram #igyogafamily #yogafun #yogashapesforsummer

1/21/2024, 6:56:55 PM

STICKY YOGA MATS #rishikeshyogashop #rishikeshorganicshop #bestyogamatsinrishikesh #yogashop #wellnessshop #reikiandhealing #yogateacher #yogapractice #yogashapesforsummer #yogaroomhawaii #yoga200hr #mindfulaloyoga #yogaprogressioncelebration #yogalove #yogaposes #yogaeverywhere #yogabraceletstack #yogagirl Weight 1.1 kg Dimensions 185 × 60 cm Length 120cm, 185 cm Size 60 cm width, 2.9 mm thick Worldwide shipping WhatsApp +91 9760753808

12/19/2023, 12:12:56 PM


10/4/2023, 8:40:45 AM

Non sei fatt@ per pensare troppo ma per pensare bene🎈 Sai che cos'è l'overthinking? In poche parole, il pensare troppo🎈 Il pensare così tanto che ti fai del male🎈 Essere in overthinking significa lasciarsi governare dai propri pensieri🎈 I pensieri possono riguardare eventi legati al passato, che magari non riesci ad accettare, o eventi legati al futuro, che magari non si verificheranno neanche🎈 Quando siamo in overthinking c'è un caos mentale che ci paralizza e ci distoglie dal presente🎈 Voglio condividere con te alcuni suggerimenti preziosi per affrontare questo problema e avere una mente più tranquilla e ancorata al presente🎈 -Accettazione -Meditazione -Yoga -Respirazione Consapevole -Esprimi le tue Emozioni -Ricorda che non sei i tuoi Pensieri Fai qualcosa oggi stesso per iniziare a star meglio: Questo è il segnale che stavi aspettando🎈 #yogaitalia #noansia #mammeingravidanza #yogaingravidanza #gravidanzaonline #quaranta #depressione #cermenate #monzabrianza #yogaitaly #yogatips #yogatutorials #yogaarmbalance #yogadrills #yogaphilosophy #yogaclothes #movementexploration #yogaover40 #leggediattrazione #spiritualit #yogaover50 #reikiangelical #respiracionconsciente #gioiadivivere #ipnosi #crescitapersonalefemminile #meditazioneguidata #positività #starbene #yogashapesforsummer

8/29/2023, 10:32:48 AM

Gomukhasana - pozice krávy 🐮🐄 Jak do pozice? Posadíme se do pozice hole (dandasana), nohy máme natažené před sebou a záda jsou rovna. Pokrčíme pravou nohu a dame ji vedle hýždě, následně pokrčíme i levou nohu a dáme pokrčené koleno levé nohy na pravé koleno (kolena jsou přes sebe jako dva trojúhelníky). Tuto pozici lze provádět v různých variantách: - Je možné dat levou paži nad hlavu a ohnou loket a současně dát pravou paži za záda a propnout obě ruce a spojit je, případně použít pásek - Dále je možné pokročit ruce v lokti a dat pravý loket do levého lokte a dlaně tlačit k sobě (jako v pozici orla) a dělat kroužky hlavou a tím současně uvolňovat krční páteř - dále je možné si dát před sebe polštářek a pomalu se uvolnit do předklonu a zůstat v pozici na několik hlubokých nádechu a výdechu Pozice slouží k uvolnění kyčlí, posiluje zádové svaly, zvyšuje flexibilitu v ramenou. #gomukhasana #pozicekravy #uvolnenikycli #cowposevariation #cowpose #joga #yoga #yogagirl #yogainspiration #yogashapesforsummer #yogaczech #yogaasana #yogaatthebeach #beachvibes #brela #croatia

8/3/2023, 12:01:11 PM

La Mindfulness è una filosofia di vita, un modo di vivere nella piena consapevolezza o “il Modo”🧸 Ti aiuta a vivere nel momento presente, con pienezza, assaporando la vita, apprezzando i momenti piacevoli e imparando a gestire quelli spiacevoli🧸 Significa riscoprire la tua integrità, sentirti bene per ciò che sei🧸 #yogaitalia #noansia #mammeingravidanza #yogaingravidanza #gravidanzaonline #quaranta #depressione #cermenate #monzabrianza #yogaitaly #yogatips #yogatutorials #yogaarmbalance #yogadrills #yogaphilosophy #yogaclothes #movementexploration #yogaover40 #leggediattrazione #spiritualit #yogaover50 #reikiangelical #respiracionconsciente #gioiadivivere #ipnosi #crescitapersonalefemminile #meditazioneguidata #positività #starbene #yogashapesforsummer

7/17/2023, 11:31:14 AM

📣NEW YOGA CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT📣 Day 3 #RBXsummerofyoga May 22-26 "Summer is singing with joy, and the beaches are inviting you with dancing waves". Summer is quickly approaching and we're ready for longer days to enjoy the sun's rays. Join us for a fun-filled 5 day challenge as we prepare for happy times and good sunshine. ☀️ 🌞 Hosts @flying__0_ @cutestbabykate @thyme4yoga Made possible by @rbxactive Winner wins a gift card! 💳 ⛱️Pose Line-up Day 1: Heart opener to salute the summer.🌞 Day 2: Supine pose to soak up the summer sun.🌞 Day 3: Balance pose to surf the waves.🌞 Day 4: Inversion to take a dip in the pool. Day 5: Pose with a prop to watch to the sun go down. 🏊‍♀️ 🏄🏌️🚵🧗🏕️🏖️ 🎡🎢 How to Participate: 1. Follow all hosts and our sponsor. 2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends 3. Look to the hosts' pages for daily pose inspiration, and support other participants. 4. Post daily using the hashtag, and don't forget to tag your hosts and sponsor. 5. Let us know what country of origin you're in, either in your posts or in your profile settings. 6. Have fun and make sure your profile is set to public so we can see your posts in the gallery! #yogachallengedirectory #yogapractice #yogalove #yogaaddct #yogaat40 #yogamotivation #yogainspiration #yogainspiredfitness #fitness #flexibility #yogafit #mindfulyoga #mindset #yogaconnectspeople #yogaandmeditation #yogaeverydamnday #yogaphotography #yogapics #yogafriends #yoga #yogashapesforsummer #dancerpose

5/24/2023, 8:16:24 AM

📣NEW YOGA CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT📣 Day 2 #RBXsummerofyoga May 22-26 "Summer is singing with joy, and the beaches are inviting you with dancing waves". Summer is quickly approaching and we're ready for longer days to enjoy the sun's rays. Join us for a fun-filled 5 day challenge as we prepare for happy times and good sunshine. ☀️ 🌞 Hosts @flying__0_ @cutestbabykate @thyme4yoga Made possible by @rbxactive Winner wins a gift card! 💳 ⛱️Pose Line-up Day 1: Heart opener to salute the summer.🌞 Day 2: Supine pose to soak up the summer sun. 🌞 Day 3: Balance pose to surf the waves. Day 4: Inversion to take a dip in the pool. Day 5: Pose with a prop to watch to the sun go down. 🏊‍♀️ 🏄🏌️🚵🧗🏕️🏖️ 🎡🎢 How to Participate: 1. Follow all hosts and our sponsor. 2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends 3. Look to the hosts' pages for daily pose inspiration, and support other participants. 4. Post daily using the hashtag, and don't forget to tag your hosts and sponsor. 5. Let us know what country of origin you're in, either in your posts or in your profile settings. 6. Have fun and make sure your profile is set to public so we can see your posts in the gallery! #yogachallengedirectory #yogapractice #yogalove #yogaaddct #yogaat40 #yogamotivation #yogainspiration #yogainspiredfitness #fitness #flexibility #yogafit #mindfulyoga #mindset #yogaconnectspeople #yogaandmeditation #yogaeverydamnday #yogaphotography #yogapics #yogafriends #yoga #yogashapesforsummer #yoganation

5/23/2023, 9:58:41 AM

She felt liberated now she dared to say yes to everything she’d held back on before This world was her oyster her feast & her quest not one chance but many opportunities Her best. ••• Emmy Smith Two weeks to go until I host my unique “how to write poetry from the heart” workshop in Shoreditch at @balance_festival. 🥹🤍🥳 I would LOVE to see you there. 🎤 Sunday 21st May 🤍 4pm - 4.45pm 🤍 The Lab DM for discount codes off your tickets! #yoga #yogashape #yogashapesforsummer #yogaislife #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogaeverydamnday #balancefestival #londonweekend #yogainlondon #londonyoga #yogateacher #yogateacherinlondon #shoreditch #yogabalance #yogavibes

5/8/2023, 9:49:15 PM

Kali Mudra Malasana Squat for Saturday morning motivation. Mad love for @lotustribeclothing top: Goddess Top Shorts: Tao Tie Dye Shorts #love4lotustribe #yogimama #yogaeveryday #yogaeverydamnday #yogapants #yoga #yogashapesforsummer #yogainspiration #kalimudra #malasana

4/29/2023, 4:26:49 PM

JÓGAMATKA CRAZY PRO PŘINÁŠÍ POSITIVE VIBES Pozitivní vibrace této nádherné jógamatky Crazy Pro Vás okouzlí nádhernou kombinací barev prolínající se v překrásné pozitivní mandaly. #joga #jóga #yoga #yogaprague #pragueyoga #jogapraha #jógapraha #jogachallenge #yogashapesforsummer #yogaconnectspeople #yogastudiodesign #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalove #yogastudios #yogateacher #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday

2/26/2023, 5:55:14 PM

"wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing I am everything and between the two my life moves" #shivapose #quotes #yogashapesforsummer #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #summeryogapicture #yogaposes #yogaandtattoos

8/17/2022, 3:47:41 PM

"It is not the weight of thinghs that matters. It is all about the balance within." #acroyoga #leipzigermessegelände #leipzigermesse #counterbalancepose #acrobaticlover #doubleyogaposes #acrobaticarts #acroyoga #happysundayeveryone #acroyoga #partneryoga #yogashapesforsummer #yogaofinstagram #leipzigcity Photo by @anja.21wo ☀️

8/14/2022, 7:23:44 AM

✨ Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself. ✨ - Hermann Hesse . . . . . . . . . . . . #joga #jóga #jogajevegan #yogalovebomb #yogaczech #yogabeginner #yogabali #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogalover #yogalove #jogujuvprirode #jogujunacestach #jogasceskou #jogadnes #yogashapesforsummer #clublifedesigncommunity #clublifedesignfamily #clublifedesign #bali #gilitrawangan #giliislands #gilimenoisland #giliisland

8/10/2022, 11:05:06 AM

🦋 Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself. 🦋 - Hermann Hesse . . . . . . . . . . . . #joga #jóga #jogajevegan #yogalovebomb #yogaczech #yogabeginner #yogabali #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogalover #yogalove #jogujuvprirode #jogujunacestach #jogasceskou #jogadnes #yogashapesforsummer #clublifedesigncommunity #clublifedesignfamily #clublifedesign #bali #gilitrawangan #giliislands #gilimenoisland #giliisland

8/8/2022, 6:07:44 PM

@mvfitt_ ・・・ Yoga allows me to pause, to take a moment to breathe. Yoga allows me to be myself and leave my ego behind. Yoga allows me to check in, to ask my body what it needs. Maybe I should be more gentle. Maybe I need to take deep healing breaths. Maybe I need to give myself a break. Yoga accepts me for where I am, for what l am. Yoga understands that some days I want to explore, other days I want to retreat. . . . . . . . . . . . #joga #jóga #jogajevegan #yogalovebomb #yogaczech #yogabeginner #yogabali #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogalover #yogalove #jogujuvprirode #jogujunacestach #jogasceskou #jogadnes #yogashapesforsummer #clublifedesigncommunity #clublifedesignfamily #clublifedesign

7/20/2022, 2:48:40 PM

Yoga allows me to pause, to take a moment to breathe. Yoga allows me to be myself and leave my ego behind. Yoga allows me to check in, to ask my body what it needs. Maybe I should be more gentle. Maybe I need to take deep healing breaths. Maybe I need to give myself a break. Yoga accepts me for where I am, for what l am. Yoga understands that some days I want to explore, other days I want to retreat. . . . . . . . . . . . #joga #jóga #jogajevegan #yogalovebomb #yogaczech #yogabeginner #yogabali #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogalover #yogalove #jogujuvprirode #jogujunacestach #jogasceskou #jogadnes #yogashapesforsummer #clublifedesigncommunity #clublifedesignfamily #clublifedesign

7/20/2022, 2:37:00 PM

Be with someone you look forward to meeting, sharing and listening to. Not with someone you have to think what to talk about or you feel anxious with. Unless it’s your kids. Then…all I can say is Karma 🤪

6/29/2022, 7:42:19 AM

Remember, the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability. Ho Chi Minh --------------------------------- ✨New Challenge Announcement!✨ #SayAloToTheAlignedYou June 06-13 Can you believe that we are halfway through the year already? This can be a time of reflection on what a year it has been, as well as a redirection into where we want to go. Rebuild Your Life Month is actually observed each year in June and it allows people to take a moment to reflect on the way they're living their lives. It is never too late to start living the life you have always wanted to. As long as you believe in your dreams and follow what makes you happy, you can rebuild your life. In this challenge we are focusing on grounding poses to rebalance and recenter ourselves into our goals. It might just be the perfect way to start if you've been putting your life plans on the back-burner. Hosts: @petitebodyoga @miaayoga @innadmytrenko @kwcyoga @leannerays @lettucelovelaura Sponsors: @aloyoga @alomoves Pose Line-Up: ✅1. Back to basics. Any standing grounding pose. ✅2. Find balance. Any balancing grounding pose. ✅3. Centre yourself. Any grounding pose targeting the core. ✅4. Be present. Any meditation pose. ✅5. Firm foundation. Any rooting pose. ✅6. Expansive. Any opening grounding pose. ✅7. Stability. Any seated grounding pose. 8. Freedom. Any pose of choice

6/12/2022, 10:03:11 AM

Too scary!!! The stars invited her to join them. She raised herself up, Lifting herself towards the sky... The Twinkle of the stars illuminating her path along the way. #maywealofeel Inversion (uplifted) Headstand always give me a good lift when I'm feeling tired or run down. I've been working on this variation for a while, only using my hands for support . . . . . . . #yogachallenges #yogaeverydamday #yoga #igyoga #yogacommunitydaily #yogabydivisha #yogaplay #yogafun #makingshapesyoga #yogaınspiration #yogaalignments #yogashapesforsummer #yogalovesss #headstandsfun #inversion

6/6/2022, 5:53:06 AM

Shaping around - in my new top that I love so much, this color and shine 😍 . Didn’t shave and feeling just as feminine as when I have - hair is natural 😘 . . . . #femininevibes #feminineexpression #visualart #visualartist #yogashapesforsummer #yogashapefun #yogaposestoday #poseyoga #homeyogapractice #yogaspace #creativespace #divinefeminineenergy

4/30/2022, 4:09:56 PM

Tights are just so elegant and sensual, I’m the biggest fan! ✨ Have the best weekend - I hope the sun is out and about wherever you are 😍 . . . . . #yogalifeyogainspiration #yogashapefun #yogashapesforsummer #yogaposestoday #divinefeminineenergy #sacredfeminine #feminineyoga #springyoga #yogacreativity

4/23/2022, 2:56:22 PM

Do what makes you happy✨🤍 This beautiful pose is inspired by my amazing yogini friend @yogini.ekta 🤍 Outfit: @vayumudra

4/21/2022, 11:07:24 AM

🧪💥 #MadYogiScientist October 27-31, 2021 💉🧫 Day 2: Twist and Fold - Pick your Poison Getting into the Halloween mood. Just trying out something new which I have never done before. Hope it's ghoulish enough😱 Welcome - step into our laboratories won’t you? 👩🏾‍🔬🧑🏼‍🔬👨🏽‍🔬 It’s time for us yogis to experiment! For this challenge, let’s form some pose hypotheses and then take it to the lab to see what emerges! We will combine different elements and chemicals to come up with hybrid theories for a crazy fun challenge! 🎃 Bonus: if you’re into the Halloween spirit 👻 feel free to make it spooky or let the monsters emerge with extra costume elements or more! ⚗️💨Lineup: Day 1: Hip and Heart Opener Concoctions✅ Day 2: Twist and Fold - Pick your Poison✅ Day 3: Bind and Bend Specimens Day 4: Core and Balance Clinical Study Day 5: Get Wicked Fun - Yogi’s Choice 🔬Hosts: @yogdini @cloudspin_ @daniellemartucci_ @sanparrafit @slothdra @shisasana_ 🧬Sponsors: @vayumudra @bohemian_island @gocleveryoga 🔍 How to Participate: • Follow all hosts and sponsors • Repost the flyer to your feed and tag a few friends to join in • Post daily using #MadYogiScientist and tag hosts and sponsors in your caption • Have fun, spread some love, and make sure your profile is set to public so we can see your posts! #yogiseeyogido #foottoarmpitpose #hipopener #halflotuspose #yogidandasanavariation #halloweenyogaposes #yogaathome🏡 #yogaprogress #yogajourney #yogashapes #yogashapeshifters #yogaspider #yogachallenge #yogaspiration #yogateacher #yogalife #yogashapesforsummer #practiceandalliscoming #namaste

10/30/2021, 6:28:09 AM

“Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire.” [Jorge Luis Borges] #MagicALOcreatures October 18 - October 25 Open worldwide 🌎 🪄 MagicAlo Hosts: @em.luker @gomezzapril @karletyoga @margaritagyoga @thedailyvictorian @yogadventurebook 🪄MagicAlo Sponsors: @aloyoga @alomoves Pose line up: ✅Day 1: Whimsical Dragon 🐉 - any dragon pose variation ✅Day 2: Fancy Butterfly 🦋✨ - any butterfly variation ✅Day 3: Enchanted Fairy Goddess 🧚‍♀️ - any goddess variation ✅Day 4: Magestic Tiger 🐯 - any tiger variation Day 5: Fearless Snake 🐍 - any cobra variation Day 6: Magnificent Wolf 🐺 - any downdog variation Day 7: Mystical Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ - any mermaid variation Day 8: Spooky Spider 🕷 - any spider shaped pose 🪄 Calling all MagicAlo yogis to join us! - Repost this flyer on your feed and story - Tag and invite some friends to play - FOLLOW and TAG all hosts & sponsors @aloyoga @alomoves - Post daily with hashtag #MagicAloCreatures - Set your account to public mode - Visit the gallery, have fun and support each other with LIKES 👍 and comments 🎃 #tigergirl #thetigerinyou #tigerpose🐯 #tigerposevariation #yogaflexibility #yogahips #yogahippie #yogahomepractice #yogahipopeners #shoulderworkout #flexibility #backbend #backbending #yogatoning #tonedbody #shapeofme #yogashapeshifters #yogashapesforsummer #yogasutras #yogateacher #yogafam #yogapants #yogachick #summervibes #summergirl #tyedie #flipthegrip #wildyoga

10/21/2021, 9:50:50 AM

‼️ INFO K LIVE LEKCI‼️ Moji mili, vypada to, ze v nejblizsich dnech se mi podari usporadat LIVE LEKCI JOGY pro me Patrony, nazhavte mou Patreon stranku (link v biu) a uzijte si lekci spolu s nami ❤️ Dnes se presouvame na misto, kde je nadherny vyhled na hory, terasa a krasny zapad slunce, vse, co by lekce podle mych predstav pro me Patrony mela obsahovat ☺️ jedinou prekazkou je slaba wifi (jsme preci v horach), ale verim, ze to moje data zvladnou a vy, jako moji Patroni, si spolecne se mnou budete moct uzit 30 min lekci jogy pri zapadu slunce ❤️ Vite, ze vas na podlozkach podporuju moc rada, podporte i vy me v tom, co delam, sdiejte, likujte a oznacujte, uz ted jsme na mem Patreonu skvela parta, tak ji pojdme spolecne rozsirit ❤️ A pokud nad mymi lekcemi premyslis i ty, pridej se k nam, ceka te spousty krasnych lekci z uzasneho prostredi, zajimave sekvence, tutorialy a hlavne cas pro tebe 🤍 #jogasceskou #yogapose #yogaposes #yogaposesforbeginners #yogapractice #yogaphoto #yogaphotography #yogaaddict #yogaaddicted #yogawoman #yogashapesforsummer #yogainspiration #yogamotivation #yogamood #tenerife #teneriffa #canary #canaryisland #canaryislands #dnescestujem #dnescestujeme #dnescestuji #kanarskeostrovy #joga #jóga #jogadnes #joganapohodu #yogawithczechgirl

10/9/2021, 9:55:24 AM

Hello sunshine ☀️ . How’s your week going so far? 🤗 I’m so happy to have lots of sunshine!! . . . . . . #sunshinetherapy #sunshinehappy #happyinthesun #yogarelax #yogaathome🏡 #creatingshapes #yogashapeshifters #yogashapesforsummer #summeryoga #yogavibes #backbendyoga #backbending #yogabackbend

9/7/2021, 4:00:15 PM

Yoga For Mindfulness. #yoga #weightloss #yogashapesforsummer #weights #fitnessgirl #bodyart #weightlossjourney #weighttraining #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #yogamemes #yogamodel @maryhitchingsyoga @samantha_lynn_mason @keto_tipss

8/16/2021, 11:31:36 AM

Táto fotka vznikla na opustenom ostrove Ilha Deserta v Portugalsku ešte v júni a myslela som si, že “tam” aj zostane ( sama, uložená, opustená). ALE… …yoga ma naučila milovať svoje telo, akceptovať nedokonalosti, neskrývať chyby. Na podložke sa cítim slobodná a je to úžasný pocit, keď okolo seba vidíte ľudí, ktorí stoja na podložke, lebo chcú mať radosť z yogovej praxe. Nie sú tam preto, aby namiesto dychu a držanie Drishti (ukotvenie pohľadu) riešili každý jeden faldík, celulitídu, či inú kozmetickú nedokonalosť. Viem o čom píšem. Na začiatku mojej yogovej cesty som si hovorila, že ja sa len tak v športovej “podprsenke” bez trička na podložku nepostavím. Predsudky, posudzovanie, súdenie samej seba…..bol program bežiaci v mojej hlave🤷🏻‍♀️. Ďakujem každej jednej inšpiratívnej #yogasoul vďaka ktorým takéto myšlienky u mňa už nemajú miesto. Na podložke som len JA, môj dych a moje telo, moje nádherne nedokonalé telo🙏🏻🤍. Krásnu nedeľu vám želám. #selflove #proud #selfcare #acceptyourself #acceptyourbody #loveyourself #loveyourbody #yogajourney #lifepath #yogashapesforsummer #yogabody #summerbody #beyourself #yogastudent #yogateacher #slovakiawoman #swimwear #bikini #travel #portugal #picoftheday #happy #dontjudge #notperfect @albalolatattoo

8/15/2021, 6:22:59 PM

𝙰 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝙱.𝙹. 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚣𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙸𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚍𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚎. 𝚃𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚜, 𝚃𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚔𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗. 𝚃𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚗𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝, 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍'𝚜 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚠𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎. 𝚃𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚞𝚙 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗. 𝚃𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚐𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚒𝚝. 𝚃𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗, 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑. 𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎. #yogapose #yogastretching #yogajourneyonthearms #aloyogamudras #yogasplits #yogashapesforsummer #yogalove #yogalover #yogapractice #stretchingyourasana #stretching #stretchingout #motivation #yogagirl #yogamum #yogamama #divinetiming #divinefeminineenergy #divineselfhealinglove #divineenergy #findyourdivinefeminine #lifechangingmoments

8/10/2021, 1:07:46 AM

Happy Friday ! And it’s a #funkyfridayshapes day! Current it’s so wet outside in the UK, so today we staying in and I thought why not join in on a Funky Friday shape 🤪 #yogashape #handstands #backbending #flexibility #flexfriday #flexyhappyhips #flexibilitytraining #handstandtraining #yogajourneyonthearms #yogastretches #aloyogamudras #yogasplits #yogashapesforsummer #triyouryoga #yogamom #yogamotivation

7/30/2021, 5:39:42 PM

VIRABHADRASANA II. (reversed warrior)➡️Summer yoga challenge #summeryogapicture Feel grounded, strong and streching my body at the same time. 🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT 📸 📌 26. 7. - 31. 7. 2021 🌞 #SummerYogaPicture 📸 The 4️⃣th round of our wonderful YogaPicture challenge is here! The summer beautifully closes the four seasons. We look forward to your photos from holidays, cottages or from work. Show us where do you practice yoga when the weather is favorable and the holidays are in full swing! Involve your family as well, there are no limits to your imagination. Let's enjoy it together! All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. 📸 Hosts: @katkaarnoldova_yoga @dara_yoga @marketa_yoga2u @inlove_withyoga VIP host 🌞 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra @flexity_life @aryamashop @karmayogapraha @lada_noskova 🌞 Pose line up: 📸 📸 Day 1: Natarajasana 📸 Day 2: Any arm balance 📸 Day 3: Uttana Shishoasana / Puppy pose 📸 Day 4: Any Virabhadrasana 📸 Day 5: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana 📸 Day 6: Any inversion How to play: 1. Repost this flyer 2. Follow and tag all hosts and sponsors (every single day) in your caption 3. Post daily using our tag #SummerYogaPicture 4. Make sure your profile is public and state your location (it's important) in your bio or posts 5. Support each other, invite your friends and have fun . . . . #yoga #yogateacher #yogachallenge #joga #joganapohodu #jóga #jogajogachallenge #prague #warrior #virabhadrasana #virabhadrasana2 #jogachallenge #yogalifetips #yogashapesforsummer #yogaroutine #yogagirl

7/29/2021, 10:07:53 PM

‘Rest your body’ - Dag 4️⃣ of the #wolvenforwellness challenge! (Swipe for hosts and sponsors) To be honest, I don’t do restorative poses often (I find hard to take rest 😬) but like this one, a heart-opener with blocks. #yogashapesforsummer

7/29/2021, 11:43:32 AM

Making shapes... Inspired by @baddyoga Take that time to reflect, reflect on where it is you want to take yourself, what matters to you and don't forget to make time for it during the normal hustle and bustle of life. Each day moves so fast, and the next day faster. Be real, be true to yourself, make yourself proud ❤️ you matter! #youmatter #makingshapes #yogaeverywhere #yogashapes #yogashapesforsummer #yogatime #yogatime🙏 #lookwithinyourself #lookwithintheheart #lovewithin #positivevibes #positivedirection #positivemindset #puttheworkin💪 #puttheworkin #behealthy #behealthybehappy #healthyfeelsgood #havingfun #morningworkoutsarethebest #morningyogaflow #mornongyoga #momlifeworklifebalance #mombod #mombody #momsworkingout #kickass #positivityiskey #lifedirection #makeyourselfproud

6/8/2021, 1:20:45 PM

・・・ Last day of #YogaShapesForSummer Day 6: Hanumanasana Sometimes life calls for a big action that takes courage and may come with some un-comfortability. Hanumanasana is the practice that encourages our mind and body for such a leap. Take a big leap of faith! Thank you so much for joining this challenge and sharing your inspiring poses with us! Also special thanks to my beautiful co-hosts and generous sponsors🧡Hope you all have the blissful summer ahead💛 ******************************************** 🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT 🌞 📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 Are you enjoying spring to the fullest, but are you already looking forward to summer in the secret of your soul? We also! And that's why we have a challenge for you, where we will first sit comfortably like on the chair and then move through the asanas and strengthen our whole body, so that we can jump straight into the summer with a long jump of Hanuman! Will you come with us? All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra @sharp_shape @nayavita_yoga @kreicberga.ART @ajnawellbeing @rollgahealth @eccevita 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 🌼 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🌼 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌼 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌼 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌼 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana 🌼 How to play: 1. Repost this flyer 2. Follow and tag all hosts and sponsors (every single day) in your caption 3. Post daily using our tag #YogaShapesForSummer 4. Make sure your profile is public and state your location (it's important) in your bio or posts 5. Support each other, invite your friends and have fun #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaCommunity #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogachallengeseverydamnday #yoga #yogapractice #yogalife #igyogafam #igyogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration #yogapractice #hanumanasana

6/5/2021, 4:30:45 PM

Last day of #YogaShapesForSummer 🌞🧘‍♀️ and one day late 🥴 ✨whole week was really crazy, cause it started with injury of my daughter (almost 6 stitches) and ends with illness of my son 😜 At the begining I was promise myself I would practise each day and would better prepare for hanumanasana And the result is maybe next time. I had to meet the Reality in “lowlowlowlunge” 😂 ...So what... 😂 Journey is the destination ❤️ #behonesttoyourself 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she    🌼  Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK   🌼 Pose line up: 🌞  Day 1: Utkatasana ✨ 🌞  Day 2: Parighasana ✨ 🌞  Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana ✨ 🌞  Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana ✨ 🌞  Day 5: Navasana ✨ 🌞  Day 6: Hanumanasana ✨ #yogachallenge #summeryogachallenge #yoga #joganapohodu #yogalife #loveyoga #slovakyogi #jogacestounecestou #yogaeverywhere #yogastudent #yogiinprogress #yogateacher #fun4yoga #yoga4fun

6/4/2021, 10:12:37 PM

🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT🌞 📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana Beautiful last day of this gorgeous challenge 🖤 Wearing @vayumudra set 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana #yogapose #split #yogapractice #yogainspiration #yogaquotesoftheday #yogachallenges #yogamovement #yogamindset #yogamovement #uksummer #shoulderstand #yogainstagram #yogainspiredfitness #yogainspiration #yogainspo #yogamovement #yogamotivation #yogamodel #yogamom #workoutmotivation #motivational #yogadailypose #yogashapes #yogastrength #yogastretching #yogaselfpractice #yogaselfpractice #yogastyle #yogainversions #yogalove #yogagirl #yogapracticenotyogaperfect

6/4/2021, 8:39:34 PM

O den později, ale přeci 🙏 moje variace pro Hanumanasana... nejblíž, kam se v tuto chvíli dostanu 😣 4 týdny od natrženého hamstringu a ani pro vyzvu nejsem ochotná pokoušet provaz, ani poloviční provaz, tak dámy snad odpustí 🙏✨ Mějte krásný pátek a netrhejte si svaly, bolí to 😁 📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 Are you enjoying spring to the fullest, but are you already looking forward to summer in the secret of your soul? We also! And that's why we have a challenge for you, where we will first sit comfortably like on the chair and then move through the asanas and strengthen our whole body, so that we can jump straight into the summer with a long jump of Hanuman! Will you come with us? All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 🍑 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana How to play: 1. Repost this flyer 2. Follow and tag all hosts and sponsors (every single day) in your caption 3. Post daily using our tag #YogaShapesForSummer 4. Make sure your profile is public and state your location (it's important) in your bio or posts 5. Support each other, invite your friends and have fun #jogujuvprirode #joganapohodu #myyogajourney #yoganatature #jogaprozacatecniky #yogaflow #yogilife #yogaforall #yogafit #yogamotivation #yogaaddict #yogadaily #yogaflexibility #yogalove #yogagirls #myyogalife #joga #yoganature #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #yogacommunity #zijtejogu #sdilimejogu #jogovetipy #jogovytip #jogujunacestach #jogavenku #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogisofinstagram

6/4/2021, 8:08:59 AM

#yogashapesforsummer 29.5.-3.6 DAY 6 Hanumanasana Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @mrskreicberga @yoga_she Sponsors: @vaumudra @sharp_shape @nayavita_yoga @ajnawellbeing @rollgahealth @eccevita Můj Hanuman asi nikdy nebude úplný, stejně jako spoustu jiných ásan a stejne tak dalších dovedností v životě. Ale to není na závadu, chyba je když v životě, jógové cestě či jiné nemame další a další cile... Moc ráda jsem byla se všemi v této letní výzvě. Namaste🙏🙏🙏

6/4/2021, 7:53:56 AM

Krásný víkend! ❤️Včera skončila naše výzva #yogashapesforsummer a já vám chci všem ještě jednou poděkovat, že jste se zapojily a navzájem se podporovaly v komentářích 🙏🏻. Každý jsme na své jógové cestě tak trochu sami a občas nás čekají nepředvídatelné překážky, takže je úžasné cítit tak krásnou vzájemnou podporu jako v téhle výzvě 🙏🏻. Užijte si odpočinkový víkend, nejlépe někde v přírodě 😁. Já se s některými uvidím na jógovém víkendu v Bohemian Cottage a už teď se moc těším. 🤩❤️ #ekayogawithirma #joganapohodu #myyogajourney #mojejogovacesta #jogaprozacatecniky #yogaflow #yogilife #yogaforall #yogafit #yogamotivation #yogaaddict #jogujunacestach #yogadaily #yogaflexibility #yogaathome #poweryoga #myyogalife #joga #yogaover50 #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #yogacommunity #yogaover40 #zijtejogu #vayumudratribe #sdilimejogu #jogovetipy #jogovytip

6/4/2021, 7:26:47 AM

Day 5 of the challenge #YogaShapesForSummer Today's pose inspired by @veagerhardt 💖 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she    🌼  Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK   🌼 Pose line up: 🌞  Day 1: Utkatasana 🌞  Day 2: Parighasana 🌞  Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌞  Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞  Day 5: Navasana 🌞  Day 6: Hanumanasana   #sdilimejogu  #sdilimjogu  #jogovetipy  #jogujvprirode  #czech_insta #Y0gaChallengesDirectory  #Yoga  #YogaChallenge  #YogaChallenges  #IGYogaCommunity  #IGYoga  #IGYogaFam  #IGYogaChallenge  #YogaInspiration  #YogaEveryDamnDay  #YogaJourney  #PracticeNotPerfection  #YogaGram  #YogaCommunity  #YogaDaily #hanumanasana #jóga

6/3/2021, 10:33:38 PM

🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT 🌞 📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 #YogaShapesForSummer Are you enjoying spring to the fullest, but are you already looking forward to summer in the secret of your soul? We also! And that's why we have a challenge for you, where we will first sit comfortably like on the chair and then move through the asanas and strengthen our whole body, so that we can jump straight into the summer with a long jump of Hanuman! Will you come with us? All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana ✨ 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana ✨ 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana ✨ 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana #joga #jogadnes #joganapohodu #joginka #sdilimjogu #jogujunacestach #mikulov #yogainnature #dnescvicim #dnesjoguju #hipopener #yogaasana #yogapose #happyhips #yogaalignment #happyyogis #yogaoutside #yogaoutdoors #jogujuvprirode #vayumudratribe #yogainspiration #hamumanasa

6/3/2021, 10:08:46 PM

☀️ NEW CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT ☀️ 📌29 .05 - 03 .06.2021 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 The Last Day this Challenge... ☀️Day6️⃣Hanumanasana... I really liked this position today. I haven't done this "Hanumanasana pose", it's called a string for quite a long time, but to my surprise I did it quite nicely, for the fact that I did it years ago, when I was doing bodybuilding just for myself, so I did it when stretching before each training. Today, first I started to gradually stretch the individual exercises until I came to the "Hanumanasana", which is shared in the last two pictures. I will be working on this asana and I am very much looking forward to it. 😊 You will go on slowly, we say in Slovakia. Thank you very much for this beautiful challenge from all sponsors, hosts and all participants for support.💛💛💛 Are you enjoying spring to the fullest, but are you already looking forward to summer in the secret of your soul? We also! And that's why we have a challenge for you, where we will first sit comfortably like on the chair and then move through the asanas and strengthen our whole body, so that we can jump straight into the summer with a long jump of Hanuman! Will you come with us? All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. 🌼Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼Pose Line Up: ✔️☀️Day 1: Utkatasana ✔️☀️Day 2: Parighasana ✔️☀️Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana ✔️☀️Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana ✔️☀️Day 5: Navasana ✔️☀️Day 6: Hanumanasana How to play: 1. Repost this flyer. 2. Follow and tag all hosts and sponsors (every single day) in your caption. 3. Post daily using our tag #YogaShapesFor Summer. 4. Make sure your profile is public and state your location (it's important) in your bio or posts. 5. Support each other, invite your friends and have fun. #hanumasana #hanumasanapose #hanumanasanavariation #jogujprezdravie #jogujprezabavu #jogujzetatobavi #sdilimejogu #love #yogacommunity #yogainspiration

6/3/2021, 9:36:08 PM

🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT🌞 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 Je tam kus,ale snaha se cení 😊 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK Pose line up: Day 1: Utkatasana 🌼 Day 2: Parighasana🌼 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana🌼 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana🌼 Day 5: Navasana🌼 Day 6: Hanumanasana 🌼 #jogujvprirode #czech_insta #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #joganapohodu #czechyoga #relax #sumava #czechyogi #czechyogagirl #jogadnes @jogadnes #jogovavyzva #joga #joganapohodu #yogainnature #yogapractice

6/3/2021, 9:27:35 PM

📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 #YogaShapesForSummer Last day! 🍀🌺🌺🍀 Drew Lanham “I believe the best way to begin reconnecting humanity's heart, mind, and soul to nature is for us to share our individual stories.”🍀🌺🌺🍀 Are you enjoying spring to the fullest, but are you already looking forward to summer in the secret of your soul? We also! And that's why we have a challenge for you, where we will first sit comfortably like on the chair and then move through the asanas and strengthen our whole body, so that we can jump straight into the summer with a long jump of Hanuman! Will you come with us? All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK Pose line up: 🍀🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana ✨ 🍀🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🍀🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana My choice is Skandasana 🍀🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana/ the queen of the Asanas 🙏 🍀🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🍀🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana How to play: 1. Repost this flyer 2. Follow and tag all hosts and sponsors (every single day) in your caption 3. Post daily using our tag #YogaShapesForSummer 4. Make sure your profile is public and state your location (it's important) in your bio or posts 5. Support each other, invite your friends and have fun #enyogasiempre #yogainspiration #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #igyogachallenge #yogaisall

6/3/2021, 9:03:48 PM

Dnes doplňuji za včerejšek...včera mi bylo mooooc ouvej🤢. 🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT🌞 📌  29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 🌼   #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼   🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she    🌼  Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK   🌼 Pose line up: 🌞  Day 1: Utkatasana✅ 🌞  Day 2: Parighasana✅ 🌞  Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana✅/✅ 🌞  Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana✅ 🌞  Day 5: Navasana✅ 🌞  Day 6: Hanumanasana✅

6/3/2021, 8:44:24 PM

#YogaShapesForSummer 🌞🧘‍♀️ 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 💫 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana💫 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana💫 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana💫 🌞 Day 5: Navasana💫 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana💫

6/3/2021, 8:07:34 PM

🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT🌞 📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 Day 5: Navasana 🧡🧡🧡 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana #yogapose #yogachair #yogapractice #yogainspiration #yogaquotesoftheday #yogachallenges #yogamovement #yogamindset #aloyogamudras #yogamovement #uksummer #shoulderstand #yogainstagram #yogainspiredfitness #yogainspiration #yogainspo #yogamovement #yogamotivation #yogamodel #yogamom #workoutmotivation #motivational #yogadailypose #yogashapes #yogastrength #yogastretching #yogaselfpractice #yogaselfpractice #yogastyle #yogainversions #yogalove #yogagirl #yogapracticenotyogaperfect

6/3/2021, 7:31:40 PM

🇨🇿🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana 🌞 ❤️❤️❤️Thank you all very much for such nice atmosphere here during the challenge.❤️❤️❤️ 🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT🌞 📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 Are you enjoying spring to the fullest, but are you already looking forward to summer in the secret of your soul? We also! And that's why we have a challenge for you, where we will first sit comfortably like on the chair and then move through the asanas and strengthen our whole body, so that we can jump straight into the summer with a long jump of Hanuman! Will you come with us? All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana How to play: 1. Repost this flyer 2. Follow and tag all hosts and sponsors (every single day) in your caption 3. Post daily using our tag #YogaShapesForSummer 4. Make sure your profile is public and state your location (it's important) in your bio or posts 5. Support each other, invite your friends and have fun #sdilimejogu #sdilimjogu #wichrice #joganapohodu #czech_insta #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaShapesForSummer #czechyoga #yogaover40 #yogaaddict #yogahappiness #yogapose #moveyourbody #fitatanyage #challenge #yogafunday

6/3/2021, 5:51:40 PM

Od začátku výzvy jsem přemýšlela, jak se z téhle pozice vylhat 😇, protože jí pořád ještě nezvládám v plném rozsahu a tak bych chtěla 😍... ale s pravdou ven, toto je mé maximum 🤗 a tímto moc děkuji za krásnou výzvu ❤. CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT 📌29.5. - 3.6.2021 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌸 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌸 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnaweĺlbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌸 Pose line up: Day 1: Utkatasana ✅ Day 2: Parighasana ✅ Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana ✅ Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana ✅ Day 5: Navasana ✅ Day 6: Hanumanasana ✅ #sdilimjogu #joganapohodu #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #yogamotivation #yogalover #yogagirl #sportgirl #dailyroutine #healthylifestyle #meandmycoach #yogachallenge #hanumanasana

6/3/2021, 5:50:56 PM

Tak už končí ten trošku jiný týden 😊 děkuji za tuto výzvu, oprášení pozic, do kterých tak často nechodím a za skvělé fotky hostujících i účastníků, které byly vždycky inspirací ❤️🙏 🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT 🌞 📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 Are you enjoying spring to the fullest, but are you already looking forward to summer in the secret of your soul? We also! And that's why we have a challenge for you, where we will first sit comfortably like on the chair and then move through the asanas and strengthen our whole body, so that we can jump straight into the summer with a long jump of Hanuman! Will you come with us? All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana How to play: 1. Repost this flyer 2. Follow and tag all hosts and sponsors (every single day) in your caption 3. Post daily using our tag #YogaShapesForSummer 4. Make sure your profile is public and state your location (it's important) in your bio or posts 5. Support each other, invite your friends and have fun #joga #jogadnes #joganapohodu #YogaShapesForSummer #yoga #bodywisdom #radostzpohybu #terapiepohybem #energie #challenge #oneweek

6/3/2021, 5:41:26 PM

Dnes poslední pozice Hanumanasany - Hanuman - duše zrozená z oblohy. Hanuman jako archetyp symbolizuje duševní a fyzickou dokonalost, která přemohla svůj nižší pud, zvířecí instinkt, který je uvnitř člověka. Svůj život povýšil na cestu služby, lásky a nezdolatelné vůle. V příbězích se říká, že Hanumanovým prvním učitelem byl Surja – samotné slunce, které ho mělo naučit mnoho z vědomostí posvátných textů a tantry. Mýtus praví, že Hanuman měl dokonce být první bytostí, která si osvojila umění pránájámy. Doufám, že jste si výzvu užili a kdo nemůže hluboko do pozice, klidně se podloží meditační polštářem a pasivně může uvolňovat Fascie nebo si udělá 1/2 verzi z anjaneyasany. 😉🙉❤️🙏 PS: kalhoty to vydržely, ale bylo to ťip ťop 🙈🙈🙈 🌞 CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT 🌞 📌 29. 5. – 3. 6. 2021 🌼 #YogaShapesForSummer 🌼 Are you enjoying spring to the fullest, but are you already looking forward to summer in the secret of your soul? We also! And that's why we have a challenge for you, where we will first sit comfortably like on the chair and then move through the asanas and strengthen our whole body, so that we can jump straight into the summer with a long jump of Hanuman! Will you come with us? All levels are welcome. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a self-taught or a yoga teacher. 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana #joga #jogadnes #joganapohodu #YogaShapesForSummer #yoga #bodywisdom #radostzpohybu #terapiepohybem #energie #challenge

6/3/2021, 5:38:25 PM

Poslední den skvělé #yogashapesforsummer 🧡 A já dneska přišla na to, že se mi #hanumanasana dělá mnohem lépe ze země, než když do ní kloužu ze stoje, viz. video. Jsem v ní pak mnohem aktivnější a je mi v ní prostě lépe🤷🏻‍♀️ Tak určitě vyzkoušejte👌🏻 Na druhou nohu jsem šťastná za poloviční variantu👏🏻 Děkuji všem inspirativním hostitelkám a štědrý sponzorům za super jógovou výzvu, díky které jsem oprášila nějaké pozice, objevila nové varianty, byla opět součástí téhle jógové komunity a prostě si to užila 🧘🏻‍♀️🧡🙏🏻 P.s. Nejsem moc typ na proslovy a komentáře, tak se nezlobte, pokud toho k vašim postům moc nepíšu🙈 Zároveň děkuji moc za komenty od vás 🧡🙏🏻 🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she 🌼 Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK 🌼 Pose line up: 🌞 Day 1: Utkatasana 🌞 🌞 Day 2: Parighasana 🌞 🌞 Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana 🌞 🌞 Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🌞 🌞 Day 5: Navasana 🌞 🌞 Day 6: Hanumanasana 🌞 #jogadnes #joganapohodu #czechyoga #yogachallenge #yogabeginner #yogaover40 #asana #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogajourney #splitpose #yogaoutside #myyogalife #yoga

6/3/2021, 5:25:55 PM

Poslední den krásné výzvy s krásnými jogínkami s pozicí hanumanasany. 🌼  #YogaShapesForSummer  Přiznám, že tuto pozici moc často nepraktikuji a je to znát. 🤪 Výzva byla super,moc jsem si ji užila. Holky, veliké díky ♥️😘♥️   🌼 Hosts: @dara_yoga @katkaarnoldova_yoga @ekayogawithirma @yoga_with_anastasia @mrskreicberga @yoga_she    🌼  Our Generous Sponsors: @vayumudra WW @sharp_shape CZ/SK @nayavita_yoga EU @kreicberga.ART UK @ajnawellbeing US @rollgahealth US @eccevita CZ/SK   🌼 Pose line up: 🌞  Day 1: Utkatasana 🟡 🌞  Day 2: Parighasana 🟡 🌞  Day 3: Malasana/Skandasana🟡 🌞  Day 4: Salamba Sarvangasana 🟡 🌞  Day 5: Navasana🟡 🌞  Day 6: Hanumanasana🟡   How to play: 1. Repost this flyer 2. Follow and tag all hosts and sponsors (every single day) in your caption 3. Post daily using our tag  #YogaShapesForSummer  4. Make sure your profile is public and state your location (it's important) in your bio or posts 5. Support each other, invite your friends and have fun   #sdilimejogu  #sdilimjogu  #jogovetipy  #jogujvprirode  #czech_insta #Y0gaChallengesDirectory  #Yoga  #YogaChallenge  #YogaChallenges  #IGYogaCommunity  #dnescvicim #IGYogaFam  #IGYogaChallenge  #YogaInspiration  #YogaEveryDamnDay  #YogaJourney  #PracticeNotPerfection  #YogaGram  #YogaCommunity  #YogaDaily #nessigirl #nessisportswear #testujinessi #mojebarvajenessi #nessifit #nessijoga #zijunessi #joganapohodu #czechyoga

6/3/2021, 4:38:12 PM

Levitate - Above all the chaos, And all the hate. ☀️🍹🐚🌸 . #summertime #beach #sunshine #lifequotes #goodlife #beachtime #yogashapesforsummer

8/4/2016, 2:02:17 PM