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💡 Wissen für die Praxis - Quick and easy zur Cystitis! 👆🏻. Willst du mehr zu spannenden Themen rund um die Frauengesundheit lernen? 👉🏻 Dann komm in unsere Unsere große Frauengeflüster Frauenheilkunde-Ausbildung und werde Frauenheilkunde-Expertin!🤩 ❗️Spare nur noch heute auf all unsere Ausbildungen!❗️ 👉🏻 Kommentiere „Party“ und wir senden dir den Link. Das lässt du dir doch nicht entgehen…?!🥳 #frauenheilkunde #hormone #werl #soest #heilpraktikerin #heilpflanzen #freiburg #schwarzwald #hormonregulation #basistherapie #cystitis

5/31/2024, 4:06:51 PM

Analyze and get to know the problem and you will see that it is possible to get out of it: we are there for you! #deakosespeaksenglish #cystitis #ibs #bacterialmigration #naturalremedies

5/31/2024, 10:00:36 AM

Staphysagria ✨Harboured resentment towards your mother-in-law that you must suppress? Reach for the Staphysagria! ✨Outbreak on your skin thereafter you suppressed your anger and indignation? Reach for the Staphysagria! This is a beautiful remedy for those who tend to suppress their emotions, specifically anger, grief or indignation. ⚡️These patients have a desire to be in solitude and want sympathy. Staphysagria individuals may also experience feelings of humiliation or indignation and may have a strong need for validation and understanding. 😤These individuals are sensitive and fragile in their disposition but with their suppression can come great outbursts, mood swings and irritability. They feel easily hurt and hold grudges often. They are sensitive to others rudeness and easily offended. 🤬Anger or insults that have been swallowed which then result in outbursts of throwing things. 😇You may see them as sweet and gentle in the office or your home but that is because they are making every effort to draw out your sympathies. We can even see these individuals in abusive relationships or children of abusive parents. Too sweet to stand up for themselves so they must suppress. ✨Suppressing these emotions has a large impact on the body resulting in digestive disorders (colic), urinary tract complaints (cystitis after intercourse) and skin conditions (psoriasis, slow-healing wounds, painful scars after surgery). 😴Sleepy all day but sleepless at night. ✨If you know someone who is suffering from suppressed anger and indignation, give Staphysagria a try. 🤝It is a great remedy to have on hand over the holidays or post-confrontations where you have to swallow your anger to maintain your sweetness or when you have held it all in for too long and rage with a desire to throw things. #Staphysagria #Cystitis #urinaryproblems #psoriasis #abusivefamilies #motherinlawcure #motherinlaw #supressing #suppressanger #throwingthings #angry #indignation #irritable #itchingskin #painfulscar #sleepless #insomnia #sweetdispositon

5/29/2024, 4:06:47 PM

Blasenentzündung und Geschlechtsverkehr? 😱 Bei einer akuten Infektion sollte man besser darauf verzichten, bis man wirklich keine Beschwerden mehr hat. Warum das so ist, erklären wir in unserem Post. 👍 Für weitere Gesundheitsinfos folgt uns hier auf Instagram @natur_helden oder besucht unserer Website: 👉 🙂 🧡 Hier haben wir viele Informationen rund um das Thema Blasenentzündung, einen umfangreichen FAQ-Bereich und einen Ratgeber mit vielen Tipps und Informationen zusammengestellt, was man selbst noch bei Harnwegsinfektionen tun kann. #blasengesundheit #atemwegsinfekt #erkältung #blasenentzündung #natürlichgesund #meineapothekemeinvertrauen #healthylifestyle #naturheilkunde #erkältungszeit #wirsindfüreuchda #angocin #kapuzinerkresse #meerrettich #repha #natur_helden #meineinfektabwehr #zystitis #senföle #antibiotika #natürlicheantibiotika #heilpraktiker #pta #apotheke #natürlichgesund #honeymoonzystitis #gesundeblase #biglove #gv #cystitis #harnwegsinfekt Pflichttext: Anwendungsgebiete: Zur Besserung der Beschwerden bei akuten entzündlichen Erkrankungen der Bronchien, Nebenhöhlen und ableitenden Harnwege. Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihre Ärztin, Ihren Arzt oder in Ihrer Apotheke. Stand 02/20. Die angegebenen Informationen ersetzen zu keiner Zeit ein fachliches Diagnose-Gespräch mit einer / einem medizinischen Therapeutin / Therapeuten.

5/29/2024, 7:38:19 AM

Blasenentzündungen sind der absolute Lustkiller und tun scheußlich weh. Über die Zeit bin ich zu einer echten Expertin geworden. Habe vieles selber ausprobiert. D- Mannose hat mir super geholfen! Aber nur mit der richtigen Dosierung. Viele ganz tolle Infos gibt es auf der Website 🙏an dieser Stelle an diese unabhängige Infostelle. Ich wünsche allen Frauen, die sich heute doof fühlen eine gute Besserung. #blasenentzündung #cystitis

5/29/2024, 12:11:32 AM

Ein häufiges Symptom bei Harnwegsinfekten und Blasenentzündungen ist Brennen beim Wasserlassen. 😟 Und das ist auch noch extrem unangenehm und kann sehr schmerzhaft werden. Beginne daher gleich bei den ersten Anzeichen einer Blasenentzündung mit der Behandlung um Schlimmeres zu verhindern. 😉FEMANNOSE hilft mit dem natürlichen Wirkstoff D-Mannose schnell Blasenentzündungen wieder loszuwerden, ist gut verträglich und schmeckt gut. Rezeptfrei in deiner Apotheke erhältlich. . . . #zystitis #vorbeugung #cystitis #natürlich #gynäkologie #frauenpower #blasenentzündung #gesundeblase #frauengesundheit #femannose #harnwegsinfekt #behandlung #harnwege #gesundheit #apotheke

5/28/2024, 5:40:08 PM

Do you know the relationship between IBS, mycosis and cystitis? Resolve your doubts! #ibs #mycosis #cystitis #naturalremedies #deakosespeaksenglish

5/28/2024, 12:09:14 PM

Do you know the relationship between IBS, mycosis and cystitis? Resolve your doubts! #ibs #mycosis #cystitis #naturalremedies #deakosespeaksenglish

5/28/2024, 10:00:21 AM

Sí...😩 #cystitis #cystitercurrent #dmannose

5/27/2024, 1:00:32 PM

Was bedeutet eigentlich “Honeymoon-Zystitis” und woher stammt der Begriff? ⁉️ Und viel wichtiger, wie kommt es zur “Flitterwochen-Blasenentzündung” überhaupt? 🤔 Diese Infos haben wir im heutein Post für euch zusammengestellt. 😀 Für weitere Gesundheitsinfos folgt uns hier auf Instagram @natur_helden oder besucht unserer Website: 👉 👍 🧡 Hier haben wir viele Informationen rund um das Thema Blasenentzündung, einen umfangreichen FAQ-Bereich und einen Ratgeber mit vielen Tipps und Informationen zusammengestellt, was man selbst noch bei Harnwegsinfektionen tun kann. #blasengesundheit #atemwegsinfekt #erkältung #blasenentzündung #natürlichgesund #meineapothekemeinvertrauen #healthylifestyle #naturheilkunde #erkältungszeit #wirsindfüreuchda #angocin #kapuzinerkresse #meerrettich #repha #natur_helden #meineinfektabwehr #zystitis #senföle #antibiotika #natürlicheantibiotika #heilpraktiker #pta #apotheke #natürlichgesund #honeymoonzystitis #gesundeblase #cystitis #harnwegsinfekt #fragenzurblase #blasegesund Pflichttext: Anwendungsgebiete: Zur Besserung der Beschwerden bei akuten entzündlichen Erkrankungen der Bronchien, Nebenhöhlen und ableitenden Harnwege. Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihre Ärztin, Ihren Arzt oder in Ihrer Apotheke. Stand 02/20. Die angegebenen Informationen ersetzen zu keiner Zeit ein fachliches Diagnose-Gespräch mit einer / einem medizinischen Therapeutin / Therapeuten.

5/27/2024, 7:43:19 AM

What can cause chemical cystitis? 👉Abnormal gut flora 👉Environmental toxins 👉Chemicals & additives in our “food” #BedWetting #Cystitis #GAPSDiet #AutismParents #IntentionalParenting

5/24/2024, 9:01:12 PM

Dive into the natural refreshment of sugarcane juice! Beyond its delicious taste, sugarcane juice boasts diuretic properties, helping to flush out toxins and promote healthy hydration. Sip your way to a refreshing cleanse with each nourishing glass. 🌿💧 #diuretic #weightloss #detox #health #fitness #diuretico #healthyfood #supplements #antioxidant #kidneystones #healthyliving #natural #urinarytractinfection #bodybuilding #organic #kidneyhealth #ayurveda #waterretention #nutrition #healthylifestyle #protein #smoothie #fruit #gastrointestinal #fit #instagram #medicine #cystitis #antiinflammatory #pharmacology

5/24/2024, 11:26:20 AM

Thank you for sharing these great little accomplishments! #cystitis #postcoitalcystitis #naturalremedies #vaginaldryness #deakosspeaksenglish

5/24/2024, 11:12:08 AM

From the BSR case files: The effects of lower back body stress – Bladder infections The spinal nerves in the lower back supply the skin and muscles of the legs and feet, the lower abdomen and groin areas. Branches from these nerves also lead to the internal organs, such as those of the digestive, reproductive and urinary systems. ** A young woman had recurrent bouts of cystitis which would clear after a course of antibiotics, but soon recur along with lower back stiffness. The bladder infection ceased after three sessions. ** In BSR practice it has been seen that, women prone with this problem, if the releases are carried out at the first threatening signs of bladder irritation, if often does not progress to an infection. With nerve communication restored, the immune system is boosted back to efficiency and the body can deal with the situation. Book you session today 👉 #BSR #bladderinfections #lowerbackpain #bsrcasefiles #BSRHartenbos #cystitis #BSRMosselbay #BSRHealing #bodystressrelease #bodystressreleasetherapy

5/23/2024, 9:00:17 PM

Are you a female aged 16 - 64 years old and experiencing symptoms of cystitis? Did you know you can now receive treatment from your pharmacist? Swipe to find out more about the eligibility criteria. Find out more on our website. Link in bio. #PharmacyFirst #cystitis

5/23/2024, 4:38:17 PM

Brennen, Schmerzen und Ziehen beim Wasserlassen und du fühlst dich irgendwie nicht gut? 😟 Vermutlich kündigt sich eine Blasenentzündung an. Da gilt es nun schnell zu handeln. 😱 Wir haben unsere 4 Sofort-Tipps für dich zusammengestellt, um die Beschwerden nicht schlimmer werden zu lassen. 👍 Für weitere Gesundheitsinfos folgt uns hier auf Instagram @natur_helden oder besucht unserer Website: 👉 🙂 🧡 Hier haben wir viele Informationen rund um das Thema Blasenentzündung, einen umfangreichen FAQ-Bereich und einen Ratgeber mit vielen Tipps und Informationen zusammengestellt, was man selbst noch bei Harnwegsinfektionen tun kann. #blasengesundheit #atemwegsinfekt #erkältung #blasenentzündung #natürlichgesund #meineapothekemeinvertrauen #healthylifestyle #naturheilkunde #erkältungszeit #wirsindfüreuchda #angocin #kapuzinerkresse #meerrettich #repha #natur_helden #meineinfektabwehr #zystitis #senföle #antibiotika #natürlicheantibiotika #heilpraktiker #pta #apotheke #natürlichgesund #honeymoonzystitis #gesundeblase #cystitis #harnwegsinfekt Pflichttext: Anwendungsgebiete: Zur Besserung der Beschwerden bei akuten entzündlichen Erkrankungen der Bronchien, Nebenhöhlen und ableitenden Harnwege. Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihre Ärztin, Ihren Arzt oder in Ihrer Apotheke. Stand 02/20. Die angegebenen Informationen ersetzen zu keiner Zeit ein fachliches Diagnose-Gespräch mit einer / einem medizinischen Therapeutin / Therapeuten.

5/23/2024, 8:04:21 AM

This little boss lady has had chronic UTI’s her entire life. We finally got an actual diagnosis last week- cystitis. Two days after her second opinion wellness exam, her weight dropped. She’s always been a petite pig so any weight loss is a big concern for her. On Thursday and Friday she had severe bladder sludge. Saturday and Sunday she had bloody urine with blood clots. Then yesterday and today she was acting totally normal. During her appointment today, her doctor suggested X-rays. Sure enough little miss has developed two bladder stones. Most likely they formed elsewhere and the sludge/blood clots were from it moving to her bladder. Although surgery is an option, Gin isn’t the best candidate; she’s 5+ years old and underweight. Surgery runs about $1700 and with her history, most likely she will continue to develop stones as she ages. The stones are small enough that she could possibly pass them on her own or they could even go into her urethra without blockage and get “popped out”. Both of these are best case scenarios. I will continue to monitor her closely and keep her comfortable. Please keep our little boss lady in your thoughts 🩷💔 . Rescue Brand Ambassador for the lovely @heatherspiggyfleece ! Use code SOMDGPR20 for 20% off! . #kortlynkavies #calendarpigs2024 #guineapig #guineapigsofinstagram #adopt #adoptdontshop #piggylove #meerschweinchen #guineapiglove #boop #cystitis #seniorguineapig #seniorfurbaby #bosslady

5/23/2024, 2:25:19 AM

Without a doubt the very best remedy for urinary tract infections like cystitis. There is no need for dangerous antibiotics when you use this instead. Buy as tablets or as a powder to mix into a drink. #Cystitis #waterfalldmannose #dmannose #urinarytract #urinarytracthealth #urinarytractinfection #UrinaryTractInflammation

5/22/2024, 1:06:09 PM

Nephrozee - For Kidney, Urethra & Bladder Functions. Helps in treating nephritis, cystitis, infections, and Kidney stones and reducing stinging pain during urination. Order Now: #Nephrozee #kidney #Urethra #BladderFuction #Nephritis #cystitis #infections #kidneyStones #Pain #Urination #DrZIa #Homoeo #pharma #pakistan #naturalremedy #naturalway

5/21/2024, 2:49:45 PM

How does post coital cystitis work and how can I control it? #cystitis #postcoitalcystitis #naturalremedies # #deakosspeaksenglish #dmanose

5/21/2024, 10:45:16 AM

Struggling to manage your UTI or Cystitis symptoms? Tried everything you can with self help and over the counter medication ? The Nurse Clinic can offer a Private Urgent Care appointment and treatment to resolve your health concern. Find out more at or call us on 01234 958995 More information on UTI management can be found at #privateurgentcarebedford #urgentcarebedford #bedford #thenurseclinic #thenurseclinic #UTI #cystitis

5/21/2024, 10:03:11 AM

“Abwarten und Tee trinken” – lautet die Devise bei einer Blasenentzündung. 🍵 Doch mit den richtigen Tees, kann man den Heilungsverlauf einer Blasenentzündung zusätzlich unterstützen. 😀 Welche Tees empfehlenswert sind, findest du in unserem Post. Für weitere Gesundheitsinfos folgt uns hier auf Instagram @natur_helden oder besucht unserer Website: 👉 👍 🧡 Hier haben wir viele Informationen rund um das Thema Blasenentzündung, einen umfangreichen FAQ-Bereich und einen Ratgeber mit vielen Tipps und Informationen zusammengestellt, was man selbst noch bei Harnwegsinfektionen tun kann. #blasengesundheit #atemwegsinfekt #erkältung #blasenentzündung #natürlichgesund #meineapothekemeinvertrauen #healthylifestyle #naturheilkunde #erkältungszeit #wirsindfüreuchda #angocin #kapuzinerkresse #meerrettich #repha #natur_helden #meineinfektabwehr #zystitis #senföle #antibiotika #natürlicheantibiotika #heilpraktiker #pta #apotheke #natürlichgesund #honeymoonzystitis #gesundeblase #harnwegsinfekt #cystitis Pflichttext: Anwendungsgebiete: Zur Besserung der Beschwerden bei akuten entzündlichen Erkrankungen der Bronchien, Nebenhöhlen und ableitenden Harnwege. Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihre Ärztin, Ihren Arzt oder in Ihrer Apotheke. Stand 02/20. Die angegebenen Informationen ersetzen zu keiner Zeit ein fachliches Diagnose-Gespräch mit einer / einem medizinischen Therapeutin / Therapeuten.

5/21/2024, 8:02:18 AM

మీరు ఇలాంటి యూరాలజికల్ పరిస్థితులను ఎదుర్కొంటున్నారా... #UrineInfection #UTI #UTIs #BladderInfection #Cystitis #UTISymptoms #UTIPain #UrinaryHealth #UTITreatment #UrologyCare #KidneyStones #KidneyStonePrevention #Urology #KidneyHealth

5/21/2024, 7:01:01 AM

D-Mannose ist ein natürlicher Einfachzucker und der Wirkstoff in FEMANNOSE. 🧐Er wird mittels Vergärungsprozess aus Glucose, etwa aus Mais, gewonnen. D-Mannose wird auch in kleinen Mengen vom menschlichen Körper selbst produziert und ist ihm daher nicht fremd. 🙃 In höherer Dosis eingenommen, hindert D-Mannose E. coli Bakterien daran, sich an den Schleimhäuten anzusiedeln, wo sie in weiterer Folge eine Entzündung auslösen können. Stattdessen werden sie mit dem Urin ausgeschieden. FEMANNOSE erhältst du rezeptfrei in deiner Apotheke! . . . #zystitis #vorbeugung #cystitis #natürlich #gynäkologie #frauenpower #blasenentzündung #gesundeblase #frauengesundheit #femannose #harnwegsinfekt #behandlung #harnwege #gesundheit #apotheke

5/20/2024, 6:30:13 PM

☀️Summer Essentials☀️ that are Must Knows for Preventing UTIs! Read till the end for my surprise! 🎉 As a pharmacist of 36 years, practicing in a vacation destination, I’ve filled my share of prescriptions for women who have experienced UTIs while on vacation. Less time for hydration and bathroom use are often a culprit as well as more intimacy. I love a great bundle and @femologist has FANTASTIC supplements for #womenshealthandwellness including products bundled together to take the guess work out of what you may need on vacation or after intimacy! FP10 #affiliate The Intimacy Bundle Includes: ☀️My favorite D- Mannose not only prevents UTIS but can soothe a painful bladder. I have a reel pinned on this topic! I love this so much because it is a favorite of all of YOU! @westcoastmint ☀️ @goodcleanlove ‘s naturally based products with NO Parabens& Petrochemicals including their FeminineWash, Moisturizing & Cleansing Wipes, Personal Lubricant, Moisturizing Gel and Homeopathic Suppositories ☀️Hyperbiotics Pro- Women Probiotic with D- Mannose and Cranberry ☀️ Ortho Molecular‘s Cystatin with UVA Ursi, Berberine, Marshmallow Root, Bladderwrack and Celery Seed extract that can prevent infection, soothe the bladder and lessen overactive bladder symptoms. 🎉🎉 I am feeling very excited in my BIRTHDAY WEEK and want to CELEBRATE so I am giving away this bundle to one US ( only) Recipient! 🎉🎉 Just be sure to: ✅Follow Me here 💚Save this post ❇️ Tag a friend who may be interested too! This post is not affiliated with Instagram or Meta. The recipient will be chosen on Thursday May 23rd and contacted by Direct Message! Head to my BIO for MUCH MORE information on bladder health! This post is not to be taken as medical advice but is for educational purposes only. Contact a medical professional before starting any new supplement. Pass this along to someone who may want to see this too!

5/20/2024, 4:02:49 PM

𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘 To know more click the link in the bio!! For article submission, please mail us at [email protected] Visit for more details #UTI #PregnancyHealth #AntibioticStewardship #MaternalHealth #Nitrofurantoin #Cystitis #PrenatalCare #UTITreatment #Healthcare #WomenHealth #MedicalReview #Obstetrics #Gynecology

5/20/2024, 9:24:23 AM

Cystitis is a common type of UTI which can cause trouble in your day-to-day activity. Get affective treatments for your problems today. Book your appointment today. Call: +91 98000 30690 #Cystitis #uti #treatments #expert #DrPiyush #urologycare #Siliguri

5/20/2024, 9:22:45 AM

మీరు ఇలాంటి యూరాలజికల్ పరిస్థితులను ఎదుర్కొంటున్నారా... #UrineInfection #UTI #UTIs #BladderInfection #Cystitis #UTISymptoms #UTIPain #UrinaryHealth #UTITreatment #UrologyCare #KidneyStones #KidneyStonePrevention #Urology #KidneyHealth

5/20/2024, 6:34:17 AM

¿Cómo reconocer los primeros síntomas de cistitis?👇🏽 ❌ Ardor al orinar ❌ Orina oscura y maloliente ❌ Prurito persistente en la zona vulvar ❌ Dolor pélvico ❌ Necesidad de orinar frecuentemente En la farmacia podemos ofrecerte tres pasos para combatir tu cistitis: 1. Un TEST DE INFECCIÓN URINARIA GRATUITO (hasta fin de existencias) para confirmar que realmente se trata de una infección urinaria 2. Posteriormente curarla con CYSTIS RAPID comprimidos // CYSTIS RAPID+ sobres 3. Recuperar tu flora fisiológica con MICROBIOTIC+ ACIDOPHIPLUS ¡Cualquier consulta o duda contacta con nosotras! 👩🏽‍⚕️💚 // Com reconèixer els primers símptomes de cistitis?👇🏽 ❌ Ardor en orinar ❌ Orina fosca i pudent ❌ Prurit persistent a la zona vulvar ❌ Dolor pèlvic ❌ Necessitat d’orinar freqüentment A la farmàcia podem oferir-te tres pasos per combatre la teva cistitis: 1. Un TEST D’INFECCIÓ URINÀRIA GRATUÏT (fins a fi d’existències) per confirmar que realment es tracta d’una infecció urinària 2. Posteriorment curar-la amb CYSTIS RAPID comprimits // CYSTIS RAPID+ sobres 3. Recuperar la teva flora fisiològica amb MICROBIOTIC+ ACIDOPHIPLUS Qualssevol consulta o dubte contacta amb nosaltres! 👩🏽‍⚕️💚 #cistitis #cystitis #infecciónurinaria #infección #infection #urinaryinfection #prodeco #prodecopharmaiberica #farmaciamateu #farmacia #farmaciagracia #gracia

5/19/2024, 10:00:00 AM

మీరు ఇలాంటి యూరాలజికల్ పరిస్థితులను ఎదుర్కొంటున్నారా... #UrineInfection #UTI #UTIs #BladderInfection #Cystitis #UTISymptoms #UTIPain #UrinaryHealth #UTITreatment #UrologyCare #KidneyStones #KidneyStonePrevention #Urology #KidneyHealth

5/19/2024, 6:14:32 AM

The bladder is one of the key organs of the pelvic floor. Disorders that affect the bladder, such as : Bladder cancers-stones-inflammation, Kidney stones, urethral strictures, Muscular asynchrony : Detrusor insufficiency, spasms, neuromuscular disorders. Emotional state of mind : stress, shy bladder, overactive bladder. Enlarged glands : prostate enlargement in men. Incontinence is common in men and women. Bedwetting is common in children. Per UCF, 30% men and 40% women in the United States have OAB. Over Active Bladder is a strong form of urge incontinence. Pelvic floor therapy is very effective in treating symptoms of incontinence and OAB. Maintaing Bladder log and watching the fluids consumed are helpful to prevent irritation of the bladder. In Best Health, True North Pelvic Floor Therapy, or call 214.592.8152. 5160 Collin McKinney Parkway, Suite 200, McKinney TX #bladder #overactivebladder #cystitis #detrusor #ureter #urethra #kidney #duchennemuscular #truenorthphysicaltherapy #pelvicfloortherapy #urology

5/18/2024, 9:54:36 PM

Self-Prescribing Homeopathy Course with Vinciane Ollington at Surrey Holistic Centre in Godalming. Saturday 8th of June 10am to 4pm. Any questions, please ask us Booking in advance via our website (link in our bio or message us for further information) - Worried about the amount of antibiotics prescribed today? - Going too often to the GP? - Worried about side effects of prescribed medication? Take charge of your family’s health Learn how to prescribe homeopathic remedies on my next self-prescribing course taking place on Saturday 8th June 2024 (10:00am - 4pm) at Surrey Holistic in Godalming. Alternatively, you can arrange a course at other dates and a location convenient if you are a group of 4 people or more. Cost: £75 including a 36-pages handout. Topics covered: Earache, Fever, Flu, Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, Chicken pox, First Aid, Period Pains, PMT, Menopausal problems, Cystitis, Grief, Anticipation, and more…. Vinciane Ollington MSc LCH MARH Registered Homeopath #homeopathy #homeopathytreatment #homeopathycourses #surreyhomeopath #surreywellness #guildford #fever #flu #menopause #Cystitis #courses

5/18/2024, 11:00:34 AM

మీరు ఇలాంటి యూరాలజికల్ పరిస్థితులను ఎదుర్కొంటున్నారా... #UrineInfection #UTI #UTIs #BladderInfection #Cystitis #UTISymptoms #UTIPain #UrinaryHealth #UTITreatment #UrologyCare #KidneyStones #KidneyStonePrevention #Urology #KidneyHealth

5/18/2024, 5:54:46 AM

Cystitis and Urinary Tract Infections can be debilitating and can affect quality of life in the case of recurring infections. Reduce dependence on antibiotics and give yourself the best defence with Optibac! Optibac for Women can help by providing beneficial intimate flora that sustains the urinary microbiome and prevents infections of the urinary tract. . . #women #womenshealth #Cystitis #urinarytract

5/17/2024, 9:00:25 PM

Corn silk is used in various ways to treat #kidney disease, including as a #diuretic and to treat #cystitis, #arthritis, kidney stones, #acute or chronic #inflammation of the #urinary tract, and kidney and #bladder stones. In addition, the water extracted from #corn silk has #antioxidant properties, which can be used to treat kidney# stones. For more informative posts related to kidneys, follow our channel. . . . #chronickidneydisease #chronickidneydiseaseawareness #kidney #kidneydisease #kidneycare #health #CKD #usahealth #health #diabetes #kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #chronickidneydisease #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth

5/17/2024, 8:00:27 PM