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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

One may wonder what just happened here. India's Special Marriage Act is meant to legitimate unions that may not necessarily be legitimate under a specific personal law because of their inter-religious nature. That unions under the SMA meet their own challenges in the everyday may be an empirical reality. But that could not (should not?) be a ground not to let them be pursued and recognised under the SMA. What seems to be happening here is an unfortunate fallout of legal pluralism, the existence of multiple legal orders, that invariably govern an individual's behaviour. And as we see, even a judge's. The judgement - possibly unknowingly - also causes state law to yield to (state enforced) religious law! Or does the judgement want to say that the enforcement of state law makes sense only when it is meaningful on ground as well? #justice #legalpluralism #lawandsociety #legalanthropology #law #personallaw #marriage #interfaith

5/31/2024, 12:12:36 PM

The Karnataka High Court's ruling affirms the legality of property settlements among Muslims under secular law, providing clarity on the intersection of religious and secular principles in legal matters. This landmark decision promotes inclusivity and recognizes the diverse legal landscape in India. Let's celebrate legal pluralism and respect for religious beliefs while upholding the rule of law. #ShariatLaw #muslim #LegalPluralism #Inclusivity 🏛️✨

5/1/2024, 2:50:34 PM

Legal pluralism is essential to understanding Indigenous-led conservation efforts. Join us for an in-depth discussion on how Indigenous legal traditions intersect with Western law in the context of nature conservation. Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your understanding! For more information, visit #indigenousledconservation #conservation #legalpluralism #indigenouslegaltraditions #cpd

4/10/2024, 7:27:59 PM

Death by ordeal: a historical topic that remains a pressing matter today Since December 2023, at least 45 people have died in Angola after consuming a liquid substance intended to determine the validity of sorcery accusations. Anthropologist João Figueiredo explores the history of sorcery beliefs in Angola and the mbulungo ordeal responsible for the recent deaths. He also argues in favour of legal remedies informed by legal pluralism. Interested? Read more about this topic in João Figueiredos blog post on our website! #EViR #anthropology #history #socery #legalpluralism

4/10/2024, 3:55:16 PM

Excited to announce our lineup of experts for our upcoming event on Indigenous-led conservation! From legal pluralism to IPCA case studies, our program covers a range of crucial topics. Register now to critical insights on how Indigenous knowledge systems can help with meeting critical climate goals. To see the agenda, visit #indigenousledconservation #conservation #legalpluralism #IPCA #indigenousknowledgesystems #cpd

4/5/2024, 6:40:07 PM

Wir, das Käte Hamburger Kolleg „Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht“ an der Universität Münster starten mit frischem Schwung ins Sommersemester: Im April heißen wir eine neue Kohorte von Fellows herzlich willkommen. Sieben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus der Geschichte, der Rechtswissenschaft, der Anthropologie und der Soziologie werden zu Projekten aus dem Themenbereich von Rechtseinheit und -vielfalt forschen und das Kolleg mit ihren unterschiedlichen Perspektiven bereichern. Zudem holen wir am 29. April unsere Podiumsdiskussion über Leistungen und Grenzen des föderalen Systems in Deutschland nach. Trotz seiner langen Tradition hat der Föderalismus in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung keinen leichten Stand. Ist er ein Garant für Demokratie und Vielfalt oder ein Verhinderer effektiver Politik? Darüber diskutieren Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Journalismus am Montag, 29. April 2024, unter dem Motto „Auf dem Flickenteppich bleiben?“ auf Einladung des Käte Hamburger Kollegs „Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht“ der Universität Münster. Das Podium beginnt um 18 Uhr im Theatertreff, Neubrückenstraße 63, in Münster. Der Eintritt ist frei, im Anschluss gibt es einen Empfang. ❗️Weitere Infos zu beiden Veranstaltungen findet ihr über den Link in unser Insta-Bio. 🇬🇧 The Käte Hamburger Kolleg warmly welcomes a new cohort of fellows in April. Seven scholars from the fields of history, law, anthropology and sociology will be researching the topic of legal unity and legal pluralism and enriching the Kolleg with their different perspectives. On „Welcome Day“ (29 April), there is the opportunity to meet them. On April 29th we will have a panel discussion on the benefits and limits of the federal system in Germany. ❗️ You can find more information about both events via the link in our Insta bio. #EViR #rechtsvielfalt #rechtseinheit #legalpluralism #legalunity #welcomeday #förderalismus #federalism

4/3/2024, 4:31:22 PM

Die kollegseigene Reihe der EViR Working Papers bekommt Zuwachs: Zwei neue Bände beschäftigen sich mit dem Verhältnis von gesellschaftlicher Diversität und rechtlicher Einheit bzw. Vielfalt in verschiedenen historischen Kontexten. In Working Paper Nr. 7 versammelt Ulrike Ludwig Beiträge zur Geschichte der vormodernen Stadt. Diese gehen der Frage nach, unter welchen Umständen religiöse Diversität zu Rechtsvielfalt führte. In Working Paper Nr. 8 untersucht Christoph Lorke binationale Eheschließungen zwischen 1870 bis 1930 und fragt, wie die Standesämter auf die zunehmende nationale Vielfalt auf dem Heiratsmarkt reagierten. (Link in Bio) 🇬🇧 The Kolleg’s own series of EViR Working Papers features two new contributions dealing with the relationship between increasing social diversity and legal unity or plurality in various historical contexts. In Working Paper No. 7, Ulrike Ludwig brings together contributions on the history of the pre-modern city. These examine the circumstances under which religious diversity led to legal plurality. In Working Paper No. 8, Christoph Lorke examines binational marriages between 1870 and 1930 and asks how the registry offices (Standesämter) reacted to the increasing national diversity on the marriage market. (Link in Bio) 📷: EViR / Lennart Pieper #EViR #EViRWorkingPapers #OpenAccess #Diversität #Rechtsvielfalt #diversity #legalpluralism

3/27/2024, 2:00:47 PM

Wie haben unsere Fellows ihren Aufenthalt am Kolleg erlebt? Diese und weitere Stimmen findet ihr in unserem aktuellen Jahresbericht. Daneben gibt es spannende Interviews, Forschungsberichte und alle News des vergangenen Jahres. (Link in Bio) 🇬🇧 How did our fellows experience their stay at the Kolleg? You can find these and other voices in our current annual report. There are also exciting interviews, research reports and all the news from the past year. (link in bio) #evir #forschung #rechtsgeschichte #rechtsvielfalt #rechtseinheit #geschichte #research #legalpluralism #legalunity #history

3/20/2024, 7:26:04 PM

Deborah L. Curran from the University of Victoria has a session on Legal Pluralism Part III: Presenting UVic Environmental Law Centre’s research report on Canadian legal expression of IPCAs at PBLI’s Indigenous-led Conservation 2024 program on April 16th. Legal pluralism is essential to understanding Indigenous-led conservation efforts. Join us for an in-depth discussion on how Indigenous legal traditions intersect with Western law in the context of nature conservation. Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your understanding! To register, visit #indigenousledconservation #conservation #indigenousconservation #legalpluralism #cpd

3/19/2024, 5:00:44 PM

Excited to announce our lineup of experts for our upcoming event on Indigenous-led conservation! From legal pluralism to IPCA case studies, our program covers a range of crucial topics. Register now to gain critical insights on how Indigenous knowledge systems can help with meeting critical climate goals. Join the panel of Deborah L. Curran, Dr. Alan Hanna and Dr. Darcy Lindberg from the University of Victoria to discuss Legal Pluralism Part II: Applying Legal Pluralism to Nature Conservation in Canada at the upcoming Indigenous-led Conservation 2024 program on April 16th. To see more information on the faculty, please visit #indigenousledconservation #conservation #indigenousconservation #legalpluralism #cpd

3/15/2024, 4:24:31 PM

In this week’s Sightings article for @martinmartycenter, Winnifred Fallers Sullivan explores the legal implications of Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation in front of the Embassy of Israel. Read more at Link also in @martinmartycenter bio. #Sightings #MartyCenter #ReligionInPublic #Protest #LegalPluralism #UChicago #UChiDivinity #Chicago #Religion

3/7/2024, 7:09:22 PM

Unser Direktorium Das Kolleg wird geleitet von der Historikerin Ulrike Ludwig und dem Rechtshistoriker Peter Oestmann. Die beiden führen seit Langem den für die Universität Münster typischen Dialog zwischen ihren Fächern. Daraus entwickelte sich die Idee für ein Käte Hamburger Kolleg, das die Spannung zwischen Rechtseinheit und Rechtsvielfalt disziplinen- und epochenübergreifend in den Blick nimmt. Ulrike Ludwig ist Professorin für die Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit an der @uni_muenster. Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten zählen die Kulturgeschichte von Justiz und Verwaltung, Kriminalitätsgeschichte sowie die Geschichte des Duells. Peter Oestmann ist Professor für Bürgerliches Recht und Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte an der @uni_muenster. Er forscht zur Rechtsgeschichte des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, vor allem zur Geschichte der Gerichtspraxis. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Our Directors The Kolleg is headed by the historian Ulrike Ludwig and the legal historian Peter Oestmann. The two have long been engaged in the dialogue between their disciplines that is typical of the University of Münster. This gave rise to the idea of a Käte Hamburger Kolleg, which focusses on the tension between legal unity and legal pluralism across disciplines and epochs. Ulrike Ludwig is Professor of Early Modern History at @uni_muenster. Her research focuses on the cultural history of judiciary and administration, the history of crime and the history of duelling. Peter Oestmann is Professor of Civil Law and German Legal History at @uni_muenster. He researches the legal history of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, in particular the history of court practice. [Foto:] EViR / Heiner Witte #evir #forschung #rechtsgeschichte #rechtsvielfalt #rechtseinheit #geschichte #research #legalpluralism #legalunity #history

3/4/2024, 4:40:50 PM

Im Zentrum der Arbeit des Kollegs steht die intensive Diskussion mit Fellows aus den unterschiedlichsten geisteswissenschaftlichen Fächern. Regelmäßig schreiben wir daher Fellowships für einen sechs- bis zwölfmonatigen Aufenthalt am Kolleg aus. In Münster erwartet die Fellows eine inspirierende Forschungsatmosphäre in einem interdisziplinären und internationalen Umfeld. Das Kolleg bietet vielfältige Möglichkeiten für die inhaltliche Zusammenarbeit und den intellektuellen Austausch mit anderen Forscherinnen und Forschern. Neben der aktiven Teilnahme am Programm des Kollegs bleibt hinreichend Zeit für die konzentrierte Arbeit am eigenen Forschungsprojekt. 🇬🇧: Intensive discussion with fellows from a wide range of humanities subjects comprises the core of the Kolleg’s work. Consequently, we regularly advertise fellowships for a six- to twelve-month stay at the Kolleg. In Münster, the fellows can expect an inspiring research atmosphere in an interdisciplinary and international environment. The Kolleg offers a wide range of opportunities for collaboration and intellectual exchange with other researchers. Besides active participation in the Kolleg’s programme, there is sufficient time for concentrated work on one’s own research project. 📷: EViR / Lennart Pieper #evir #forschung #rechtsgeschichte #rechtsvielfalt #rechtseinheit #geschichte #research #legalpluralism #legalunity #history

2/29/2024, 12:18:07 PM

Am Kolleg forschen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu ganz unterschiedlichen Themen aus dem Bereich von Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht. Um in einen gemeinsamen Dialog treten zu können, strukturieren wir unsere Arbeit über drei Forschungsperspektiven: Erstens untersuchen wir Phänomene pluraler Rechtsordnungen von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Zweitens fokussieren wir uns auf Einheit und Vielfalt in der Rechts- und Gerichtspraxis. Und drittens interessieren wir uns für den Zusammenhang von gesellschaftlicher Diversität und Rechtsvielfalt. 🇬🇧: At the Kolleg, scholars conduct research on very different topics in the field of legal unity and pluralism. In order to enter into a joint dialogue, we structure our work along three research perspectives: Firstly, we examine phenomena of plural legal orders from antiquity to the present. Secondly, we focus on unity and plurality in legal and judicial practice. And thirdly, we are interested in the relationship between social diversity and legal plurality. #evir #forschung #rechtsgeschichte #rechtsvielfalt #rechtseinheit #geschichte #research #legalpluralism #legalunity #history

2/29/2024, 12:17:21 PM

Das Käte Hamburger Kolleg „Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht“ (EViR) ist ein vom @bmbf.bund gefördertes internationales Forschungskolleg an der @uni_muenster. Fellows aus aller Welt erforschen hier gemeinsam mit Münsteraner Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern das dynamische Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Damit wird erstmals eine systematische Untersuchung des Phänomens in seiner gesamten historischen Tiefe und über Fächergrenzen hinweg angestrebt. Rechtsvielfalt, so unsere Annahme, hat Gesellschaften aller Epochen in je unterschiedlichem Maße geprägt. Zugleich lassen sich zu allen Zeiten Tendenzen zur Vereinheitlichung beobachten. Wir untersuchen die Ursachen von und die Umgangsweisen mit Rechtsvielfalt vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlichen Wandels und kultureller Diversität. Neben der (Rechts-)Geschichte sind viele weitere Fächer wie Ethnologie und Soziologie, Literatur- und Religionswissenschaften am Kolleg beteiligt. 🇬🇧: The Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity and Pluralism” (EViR) is an international centre for advanced studies at @uni_muenster, funded by the @bmbf.bund. Fellows from all over the world, together with scholars from Münster, examine the dynamic tension between legal unity and pluralism from antiquity to the present. This is the first attempt to systematically investigate the phenomenon in its entire historical depth and across disciplinary boundaries. We assume that legal pluralism has shaped societies of all epochs to varying degrees. At the same time, tendencies towards standardisation of law can be observed in all periods. We investigate the causes and ways of dealing with legal pluralism against the background of social change and cultural diversity. In addition to (legal) history, many other disciplines such as ethnology and sociology, as well as literature and religious studies, are involved in the Kolleg. 📷: EViR / Lennart Pieper #evir #forschung #rechtsgeschichte #rechtsvielfalt #rechtseinheit #geschichte #research #legalpluralism #legalunity #history

2/29/2024, 11:59:38 AM

People are often presented with a wide and diverse set of options for #dispute processing. These options range from individual actors to more organised platforms. Each form of intervention has its own advantages and challenges. Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, a renowned anthropologist, described this as #forum shopping. Here are diagrammatic representations of how people in villages from two different parts of India imagined their "dispute processing landscape". Different layers of legality imply different methods, different skills and a different power dynamic between #laws and the values they emphasise. Different however does not mean separate. These layers of legality have considerable overlaps in terms of actors and mechanisms. And the same value systems play out differently in each layer. #forumshopping #legalpluralism #pluralism #justice #lawandsociety #conflict

12/27/2023, 10:28:28 AM

LLP would like to extend a big thank you to Serena Dykstra for an engaging discussion on Legal Pluralism and Restorative Justice in Canada! . . . #LLP #lakehead #politics #lakeheaduniversity #law #legalpluralism #restorativejustice #canada #confederationcollege

11/28/2023, 5:33:11 PM

Our November guest speaker: Serena Dykstra! Come and join us on Monday, 27th Nov 2023 from 6:00pm-7:30pm at ATAC1007. Serena was a lawyer prior to her position at Confederation College! On Monday, she will be discussing legal pluralism and restorative justice. No sign up is required and everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you! . . . #lakehead #mylakehead #politics #legalpluralism #restorativejustice #politics #confederationcollege #thunderbay #lusu #LLP

11/25/2023, 8:54:54 PM

🌎 Today, on National Indigenous Peoples Day, we're reflecting on the Sahkeconabe-Graverod case that unfolded in Upper Canada on July 14, 1832. 🔑 This historical event exemplifies the coexistence and endurance of diverse legal traditions, particularly the powerful Indigenous legal traditions of the Anishinaabe community. 🔍 In this case, Jacob Sahkeconabe, a member of the Anishinaabe community of Mnjikaning, tragically lost his life due to an incident involving Joseph Graverod, a young individual from a different background living in the nearby settlement of Coldwater. The local coroner conducted an inquest and jury trial, with the cooperation of the Anishinaabe community. However, the jury ruled the death as an accident, declaring Graverod innocent. 📜 Chief Yellowhead of Mnjikaning, dissatisfied with the verdict, proposed an alternative form of restitution rooted in Anishinaabe principles. He offered Graverod a choice: to live with him and replace the deceased or face the consequence of a life taken in accordance with the principle of balance. 📚 What makes this case truly remarkable is that the adoption of an outsider into an Anishinaabe village as a form of restitution was sanctioned by a senior official from the British Indian Department. This challenges the misconception that Indigenous legal traditions were fading under colonial jurisdiction. It highlights the prevalence and resilience of legal pluralism, where Indigenous forms of conflict resolution were recognized and respected. 🌼 Today, as we celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, let's honor the rich history and culture of the Indigenous communities in Simcoe County and beyond. The Sahkeconabe-Graverod case serves as a reminder of the importance of Indigenous legal traditions and their enduring impact on Canada's legal history. [Image: Chippewa Indians at Coldwater, Ontario, 1844, Titus Hibbert Ware. Courtesy of the Toronto Public Library] #NationalIndigenousPeoplesDay #IndigenousHeritage #LegalPluralism #SimcoeCountyHistory

6/21/2023, 5:40:11 PM

📚💬 The Law Commission invites diverse perspectives to shape the Uniform Civil Code, fostering inclusive dialogue on legal reforms. Join the conversation as public opinion and religious bodies weigh in on this significant milestone. These 30 hashtags reflect the importance of open discussions and the pursuit of a just and equitable society. #UniformCivilCode #LegalReforms #InclusiveDialogue #PublicOpinion #ReligiousBodies #LawCommission #SocialJustice #Equality #Diversity #LegalFramework #CivilRights #Secularism #ConstitutionalValues #Harmony #CulturalPluralism #RightsAndResponsibilities #GenderEquality #PersonalLaws #NationalIntegration #DemocraticProcess #RuleOfLaw #HumanRights #LegalPluralism #SocialChange #Progress #LegalReform #CitizenParticipation #OpinionsMatter #CivilSociety #JusticeForAll

6/15/2023, 1:51:12 AM

I spent several years basing so much of my work off the work of former Special Rapporteur James Anaya, and this week I not only got to meet him, but share with him how invaluable his work has been to efforts of Indigenous peoples in BC. I shared that he may not have been aware that he featured heavily in the 23 hours of committee debate involved in the tabling and the passing of the BC Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, and for that we are ever greatful. . #IndigenousLegOrders #Legalpluralism #BCDeclarationAct #DRIPA #UNDRIP #UNPFII #JamesAnaya

4/20/2023, 3:41:34 AM

“Anthropologists have long studied the law-ways of indigenous peoples, particularly their informal mechanisms of social control (…) Recently, the literature has begun to address the problems created by conflicts between traditional law-ways of Native North Americans and Inuit, and the alien judicial systems imposed on them”. 📖✍️ Elaine J. Schechter, 1983, “The Greenland Criminal Code and the Limits to Legal Pluralism”, Études Inuit Studies, 7 (2) : 79-93. 📸 Photo : Aurélie Maire #anthropology #studies #indigenous #traditional #NATIVENORTHAMERICANS #Inuit #judicialsystem #greenland #criminalcode #legalpluralism

2/7/2023, 1:29:35 PM

Sharing glimpses of the guest lecture of Dr Gaurang Jani, Adjunct Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Gujarat Vidyapith & Professor (Retired), Sociology Department, Gujarat University organized by GMU #LegalPluralism #genderjustice #WomenEmpowerment

12/12/2022, 12:03:13 PM

Coming to the closing day of the International Law and Society Conference in Lisbon, Portugal. I presented yesterday so now I can "let my hair down" and go big. It's been inspiring building with homies with similar visions at an international "law" conference. Humans make shit up, then they believe it, but this isn't the only benefit of being an ape ;).We can also discuss new ways of envisioning our existence to make lives better. We can give each other something to believe in. There is so much brilliance in one place, it is hard to focus on just one thing. There are literally 12 talks going on every few hours on interesting and relevant topics about how communities mold and react to law. It's overwhelming. Also, Portugal is THE SHIZZZZZZZ. 10 out of 10, highly recommend. The next 4 days will be about more exploration. Also, I'm 8 hours ahead of PST. If you want to know what happens in the future, DM me. #VNON #uci #criminology #lsa #lawandsociety #international #conference #lisboa #Lisbon #Portugal #academic #legalpluralism #gradlife #eachoneteachone #law #society #inspire #instagood #picoftheday #educate

7/16/2022, 8:40:19 AM

Starting this week we are taking you through an infographic series from our conference held last year on the plural ideas of justice. An interdisciplinary panel presented and discussed papers on legal pluralism over the course of two days. A host of ideas developed and this infographic series is an attempt to encapsulate the takeaways from the conference. Stay tuned! #pluralideasofjustice

2/19/2022, 12:46:54 PM

ЩАМБУРА ДЕНИС ДИСЕРТАЦІЯ: «НЕОФІЦІЙНЕ ПРАВО» Повний текст роботи: #дисертаціїюридичні #профекто #profecto #адвокат #адвокаткиїв #офіційнеправо #неофіційнеправо #неофіційнийправопорядок #неправо #праворозуміння #правовасвідомість #типологіяправорозуміння #тіньовеправо #юридичнийплюралізм #officiallaw #unofficiallaw #unofficiallegalorder #law #legalunderstanding #legalconsciousness #typologyoflegalunderstanding #shadowlaw #legalpluralism

2/7/2022, 7:58:00 AM

Some of the infographics from the Legal Pluralism conference organised by @justiceadd with IIT, Bombay earlier this year. It was a great visual storytelling exercise where the conference presentations were translated into infographics, videos, a visual report that can be consumed by the audience now and later. #legaldesign #illustration #legalpluralism #india #law #visualcommunication

12/5/2021, 9:27:51 AM

En esta cuarta versión del Chilean🇨🇱-German🇩🇪-Tanzanian🇹🇿 #legal Talk hablaremos con investigadores internacionales sobre "Contested values and contradicting rights: Legal pluralism and #humanrights ". ➡️ 3 de diciembre, 🇨🇱 13 hrs. 🇩🇪 17 hrs. 🇹🇿 19 hrs. ➡️ Inscripciones: Organizado por Heidelberg Center para América Latina @uni.bayreuth @derechouchile @udsmofficial @daadchile Participan @californiawesternschooloflaw @desc #Derecho #internacional #derechoshumanos #legalpluralism

11/29/2021, 10:22:46 PM

Lots of my books are now at 30% off in the Routledge Taylor & Francis Group #BlackFriday sale, which runs until 1st December. Save £36 off ‘Subversive Legal History’, get ‘Leading Works in Law and Religion’ and ‘Religion and Legal Pluralism’ for under £30 each. And save a massive £315 each on the two multi volume edited collections on ‘Law and History’ and ‘Law and Religion’. For the full list see: (link in stories). I’ll be profiling a book a day during the sale period. #law #lawandreligion #legalhistory #lawandhistory #history #religion #legalpluralism #legaleducation #books #historybooks #booksale #sale

11/25/2021, 9:08:29 AM

Earlier this year, we hosted a conference in collaboration with the India office of @onlinekas on plural ideas of justice. We are happy to invite you to the takeaways from the conference in the form of a report, a short video and visual scribes documenting the different conversations that emerged. The conference explored ideas of justice that emerge from different and diverse methods of conflict resolutions. This included but was not limited to conflict resolution practices seeking justice through digital platforms or in the form of protests or through community-based forums such as collectives, religious tribunals etc. We were interested in understanding what these spaces tell us in terms of their approach to what we understand as law and justice. Could we have a more plural idea of justice beyond courts and formal law?   Swipe through for a quick look and access all outputs using the link in bio.

11/16/2021, 1:11:03 PM

O workshop "Multinormatividade e pluralismo jurídico em debate" que organizamos em conjunto com a @usp.oficial e o @IdIHCS, reunirá pesquisadoras/es de diferentes áreas para discutir qual os ganhos e potencialidades dos conceitos de pluralismo jurídico e multinormatividade. Mais informações: ___________________________________________ With IdIHCS and USP, we organised a workshop to discuss the balance between legal pluralism and multinormativity. Please join us on 3 September if you'd like to take part in the discussion about how these concepts have been used. You can find more information at our website. #legalhistory #legaltheory #multinormativity #legalpluralism #workshop #mecila #science

9/1/2021, 10:00:14 PM

In a legal system characterised by constant overlapping of laws and norms, what is the future of the westphalian tradition of international law and how will these new realities be governed in the international legal system. Check out the full recorded video of the webinar in the link below below #legalpluralism, #ralfseinecke #llmjourney #academic&social #rgustudent

6/25/2021, 1:34:49 AM

Justice Adda in collaboration with @onlinekas organised a two day conference on 23rd and 24th April 2021 on the topic Plural Ideas of Justice: Stories, Narratives and Experiences from India. The conference covered a range of themes from dispute processing, grievance redressal in the online world, the role of non-state actors and changing ideas of justice. Conceptualised over 5 panels of paper presentations and discussions, the conference also curated a virtual exhibition of artwork on theme Ideas of Justice. Swipe through to see visual summaries of the sessions by @guptasiddhi. More details on the conference and follow up initiatives can be found on the conference page on our website.

5/19/2021, 9:05:02 AM

Great to be interviewed earlier for a forthcoming episode of the Law and Justice podcast - @the_law_and_justice_podcast . Fantastic questions about my previous and forthcoming publications. Thanks for the invite! #law #legal #podcast #interview #lawandreligion #careers #lawschool #lawschoollife #legalhistory #legalpluralism #sharia #sharialaw #courts #tribunal

4/12/2021, 6:26:14 PM

📢 Registrations open! We are happy to announce that the upcoming conference on Plural Ideas of Justice: Stories, Narratives and Experiences from India is now open for registration. Swipe through to browse through the program and different panels and click the link in the bio to register. 📝

4/11/2021, 11:13:46 AM

Hello Allies!✨ Here a sneak peek from one of our webinars: ‘An Intellectual Odyssey. The Case of Legal Pluralism.’ By Keebet von Benda-Beckmann ( #maxplanckinstitute for Social Anthropology) in conversation with Judith Beyer ( #universityofkonstanz) In memory Sally Engle Merry, these two #professors share their experience and knowledge of her oeuvre and have a fascinating discussion on legal pluralism. 👉Find the links to the webinar’s abstract and the schedule of the series, and also to our #youtubechannel through the linktree🔗🌳 in our bio! ————— #allegralab #allegralaboratory #anthropology #antropología #anthropologists #anthropologist #socialanthropologist #socialanthropology #socialanthropologistlife #legalanthropology #ethnography #ethnographer #socialscience #socialsciences #academic #academics #democracy #fieldworkdiaries #antirascism #culture #legalpluralism #webinar #webinars #legalplatform

3/24/2021, 1:04:07 PM

This is an open call for artists to contribute to a workshop on plural ideas of justice. The workshop seeks to explore the ideas of justice that emerge from different and diverse methods of conflict resolutions. In addition to academic papers, we are also hoping to curate a virtual exhibition that will accompany the conference and will be available to not just the participants but anyone who is willing to think about these issues in a critical and inclusive way. We are hoping to invite a drawing/ graphic/ illustration on imagining and experiencing the evolution or development of justice – be it in a particular physical space or a particular domain of social justice. The visual representation can connect with your personal ideas or seek to demonstrate the ideas/notions of a community (human, animal and plants included). This includes but is not limited to conflict resolution practices seeking justice through digital platforms or in the form of protests or through community-based forums. We are interested in understanding what do these spaces tell us in terms of their approach to what we understand as law and justice? Can we have a more plural idea of justice beyond courts and formal law? What are the engagements of state and non-state actors whether in Constitutional architectures, policy reform, or imaginations of legal systems? What are the various historical, political and sociological explanations for these varied ideas of justice? We invite short concept notes of 200 words by 26th March 2021. Use the link in the bio to submit entries and write to us at [email protected] for any queries. All selected artists will be offered an honorarium to complete their work. The artwork will be displayed in an online virtual exhibition on our website and also on our partner KAS India’s website. We will also publicise the artwork in future publications that will arise in the form of a book, a journal issue and policy reports. Credit to your work will clearly be provided in all instances of use. We look forward to your submissions!

3/11/2021, 6:47:45 AM

In collaboration with @ppileiden we present you our next event! Register via Link (see link in bio) #legalpluralism #lawandsociety #indonesia #vvi #vanvollenhoven #netherlands #law #leidenlaw #jakarta #bali #leiden #amsterdam @leidenlaw @universiteitleiden

3/5/2021, 2:17:35 PM

My latest sociological article published in Scopus journal on post-disaster housing and Typhoon Ondoy. Available on the following link: #sociology #sociologymajor #sociolegal #sociologyoflaw #legalpluralism #disaster #disasterresearch #disasterrecovery #disasterpreparedness #disasterresponse #postdisaster #postdisasterhousing #rehabilitation #philippines #housing #housingassociation #culture #culturalvalues #values #valuesstudy #law #statelaw #disasterlaw #disastermanagement

10/26/2020, 4:15:27 PM

Susanne Epple, Getachew Assefa (eds.): Legal Pluralism in Ethiopia. Actors, Challenges and Solutions Legal pluralism is a challenge, but one that has stimulated remarkably creative responses to handling the many legal systems in Ethiopia today. #LegalPluralism #Ethiopia #CulturalDiversity #CustomaryLaw #NormativeOrders #Law #Culture #Ethics #Ethnology #SociologyofLaw #Africa #welovebooks #instabook #instabooks #buch #book #books #igreads #bookstagram #transcriptverlag

9/16/2020, 6:03:02 PM

Indigenous customary law is recognized as a source of law in South Africa by the Constitution of 1996. Indigenous law has always been central to the lives African indigenous people but has not always enjoyed the same status as European common law (Roman-Dutch law) incepted during colonial rule and further consolidated during the apartheid era. Indigenous customary law was regarded subordinate and not enforced in courts. However, during the dawn of constitutional supremacy in democratic South Africa, the Constitution has recognized indigenous customary law as valid law and may be applied by the courts. Common law is still dominant in the South African legal system. Section 39 (2) of the Constitution places a duty for the courts to develop customary law, subject to the spirit of the Constitution. #customarylaw #legalpluralism #ufslaw #constitutionalism #jurisprudencia #lawstudent #romand #commonlaw

8/4/2020, 1:12:56 PM

Hoje trazemos a pesquisa de Jadgleison Rocha Alves doutorando em Ciências Jurídicas pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Jurídicas da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (PPGCJ/UFPB), orientado pelo Prof. Dr. Marcílio Toscano Franca Filho. A comunidade internacional através dos Estados e apoiados pelo trabalho de Organizações Internacionais como a UNESCO, frequentemente tem lutado com uma série de questões legais relacionadas ao campo cultural, como: - os ataques terroristas as estátuas de Buda no Afeganistão e a destruição de Palmira na Síria; - o reconhecimento do povo Ainu no Japão; - e a influência do populismo e do nacionalismo nas violações à diversidade cultural no Brasil. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa busca verificar na ordem jurídica global fragmentada, se há uma emergência e desenvolvimento de um direito internacional da cultura em prol da resolução de conflitos internacionais e consequente eficácia e efetividade na proteção internacional da cultura. A relevância social da presente pesquisa se traduz num possível fortalecimento legal e político, a partir de um novo sistema jurídico internacional na promoção e proteção da cultura como interesse geral da humanidade. 📝 @jadgleison 📸 Sunhi Mang 🎨 Chiharu Shiota 🖼 Dialogue from DNA #patrimoniocultural #unesco #arte #cultural #unescoworldheritage #direitoautoral #lawinternational #humansrights #culturalrights #culturaldiplomacy #legalpluralism #ufpbdireitocomcidadania #projetodeextensao #ufpb #universidadefederal #direito #mestrado #doutorado #metodologia #probexufpb #proexufpb #prac #pesquisa #projetodepesquisa #cienciassociais #cidadania

7/21/2020, 11:24:52 PM

The way I distract myself from negative thoughts about Covid-19. . Share the thoughts with @leonarditsme and @shinta_lawyer 😆😆😆 Thanks for listening and sharing ya Guys... . #legalpluralism #menski #menskikitemethodology

3/23/2020, 6:39:49 PM

Part #2 Semester baru bagiku adalah semangat baru.... . . . 🌷 Update my references 🌷 Update my course materials 🌷 update my knowledge Because.... . . . The more I know, the more I realise I don't know (The Dunning-Kruger Effect) #recommendedbooks #diaryrima #updating #coursematerials #lawandsociety #legalpluralism #instamood❤️ #instamoments #instabooks

2/6/2020, 12:59:35 PM

You gotta LOVE #india. We think traffic lights exist because streets are discotheques. The automobiles' sole purpose of existence is to speed past pedestrians, upping the tempo at which they dance whilst dodging death. We believe that car horns are teleportation devices. We're constantly honking when waiting for the lights to change or for level crossings to open, searching for the right volume. You see, when we hit the right amplitude, the atoms in our cars and our bodies start vibrating at the optimal frequency, causing a reintegration into the energy of the universe, magically reappearing at our chosen destination due to a collapse of the wave function of physics and logic. No parking signs are obviously invitations to park. This man over here (I checked that it was a man), seemed to interpret the sign as it being okay to park under the sign, as long as he isn't parked ten to fifteen meters in front of or behind the sign. He thought the fine of Rs. 10000, was a reward for people who managed to park just fine. #mumbai #thuglife #satire #idiot

1/29/2020, 11:32:39 AM

Summer School in Turin – Application deadline: April 30, 2019 7th Law Schools Global League Summer School, 15-27 July 2019, University of Turin Law School. 4 ECTS counting as Special Credits – two grants of 500 € for the students of Fribourg Law. Application and deadline: Per e-mail to [email protected] by April 30, 2019. ⚖️📚🌞🇮🇹 @unitorino @unifribourg @unifrius @fs_jus_unifr #unito #unifr #iusunifr #summerschool #legalpluralism #globallaw #studentmobility #summerbreak #exchange #ledroitcestcool #fribourg #torino #turin #italy

4/3/2019, 10:31:21 AM

And so Hell week begins... #studygram #tired #lawstudentlife #legalpluralism #2018

10/8/2018, 3:26:19 AM

#lasa2018 👁👁 #legalpluralism #genderviolence #wannabeacademic Gracias por la foto @lu_uis 😍

5/26/2018, 3:40:36 PM

Contemplating what I’ve studied thus far for Law in Asia to write a 7,500 words essay. #orientalism #legalcolonialism #legalpluralism #legaltransplantation #colonialconsciousness #allthoseacademichashtags #eyebagsarechanel

11/15/2017, 2:08:42 AM

this is how we study. #rpr #legalpluralism #lawstudent #tuks #tuksofniks #university #universitylife

3/14/2014, 4:39:46 AM