princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn images

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Queen Alexandra was not the only keen photographer in the British Royal Family, Louise-Margaret, Duchess of Connaught also enjoyed taking photographs of her family. I love the ones of her children learning to swim at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. Princess Patrica of Connaught was attached to a sailor for safety while her sister and father watched on. I also love the photograph of Queen Alexandra which makes her look like she is doing the robot. 📸:RCT ©️King Charles III #kingedward #kingedwardvii #edwardvii #queenalexandra #queenalexandrafashiontimeline #alexandraofdenmark #princessalexandra #princessofwales #duchessofconnaught #dukeofconnaught #patriciaofconnaught #princesspatricia #princesspatriciaofconnaught #princearthur #dukeofconnaught #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #kinggeorgev #georgev #princeofwales #queenmaudofnorway #maudofnorway #princessmaudofwales #maudofwales #queenmaud #margaretofconnaught #princessmargaretofconnaught #crownprincessmargareta #kronprinsessanmargareta #crownprincessmargaret #princealbertedward #princessvictoria

5/27/2024, 7:12:26 PM

Another letter from Crown Princess Maragreta which I really liked, I hope you are enjoying the letters please do let me know xx❤️ ‘Stockholm Nov. 10th 1913. My dear Leonie… How are you? Did you have a pleasant time in Paris? We are all very flourishing and have up to the present enjoyed the most wonderful weather which is rather a boon in this northern climate, the winters are long enough without their beginning in October as they sometimes do. It is nice for the children too. They can be out so much more. As the winter goes on and they have to be kept in a lot they get so pale and pasty, it is quite sad. Can you imagine me having to prepare lessons with both the boys every morning! We breakfast at Nine and a quarter of an hour after I begin reading with them, first the one and then the other, it often takes till 10! and I do alittle with them in the evenings too. They each have a class up here at the castle of seven children each, boys and girls and they enjoy it immensely and feel very full of importance about it. They do two hours a da, not counting the time it takes them to prepare their lessons with me. What amuses them most is when I dont know a word in Swedish that they do, they think there is no joke funnier than that! Sometimes they say to me Mummie you cant know this or that because you were not always here!.. From yours affectionately Daisy Citation and 📸: in comments #crownprincessmargareta #princessmargaret #princessmargaretofconnaught #margaretofconnaught #crownprincessmargaret #kronprinsessan #kronprinsessanmargareta #kinggustaf #kinggustafviadolf #gustafviadolf #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #queeningrid #queeningridofdenmark #dronningingrid #ingridofsweden #prinsessaningrid #patriciaofconnaught #aliceofhesse #grandduchessalicemaudmary #grandduchessaliceofhesse #aliceofhesse #princeleopold #princeleopolddukeofalbany #princesshelena #princealbert #saxecoburgandgotha #princealfred #princealfredofedinburgh #princessmaryprincessroyal

5/4/2024, 6:17:03 PM

This letter was written by Princess Margareta to a close family friend during her stay at her parent’s home Bagshot Park. I know I keep saying this but Margareta’s handwriting combined with her love of abbreviations which I have replaced the abbreviations with the proper words, makes her letters hard to decipher so if I have made any mistakes please forgive me and hopefully, as I familiarise myself with her writing it will be easier for me to transcribe. I would like to personally thank whoever suggested she buy a typewriter as it makes transcribing her correspondence so much easier:
 ‘Sunday Dear Mrs Leslie It is really too kind of you to have sent Baby such a beautiful “rattle”, thank you so very much for it, he enjoys it very much indeed & flourishes it about in people’s faces - He is getting more adorable & attractive every day! I hope you wont have died of heat on your journey, here we are all more or less flattened out with it even, Papa says it really is hot - Thora has been staying here for the last few days which has been very nice indeed we leave the week of the 15th, having enjoyed ourselves here quite enormously, I’m so glad Gustaf has had a chance of seeing quite a lot of this part of the world. Next year we’ll try and come over a little earlier so as to see you people in London-… With love & again so many thanks for Baby’s present which he very much appreciated Believe me yours affectionately Margaret’ Citation- Leslie, Leonie. Correspondence, [Box 1, Folder 7], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library 📸: The Royal Photographs Collection, The Royal Danish Collection #crownprincessmargareta #margaretofconnaught #princessmargaret #princessmargaretofconnaught #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #duchessofconnaught #patriciaofconnaught #ingridofsweden #princessingrid #dronningingrid #queeningrid #queeningridofdenmark #princegustafadolf #kronprinsessan #kronprinsessanmargareta #queenvictoria #queenvictoriaofengland #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdom #victorianroyals #queenalexandra

5/3/2024, 6:28:08 PM

This is letter from Princess Margaret of Connaught dated March 10th 1905, following her engagement to Prince Gustaf Adolf please note that I have done my best to decipher Margaret’s writing but as she admits her handwriting is untidy and I may have misread some parts and … is used for words I can’t make out : ‘My dear Mrs Leslie How can I thank you enough for your very dear letter & good wishes you sent me for which I am deeply grateful. I am so intensely truly happy that I can hardly yet realize what it all means, & as I think it all over again & again I wonder if it can be really true not a beautiful dream that will vanish away! God has indeed been very good to me!! As you say Egypt was an ideal place for a courtship & we both have grown very fond of it & mean to go back as soon as we can - I do hope you will soon make Gustaf’s acquaintance & I think you’ll like him… he’s not really a bit good looking & has to wear glasses which hide his nice dark blue eyes, he’s a good bit taller than me & very thin - fond of music, & pictures & all sorts of nice things, in fact he just suits me down to the ground & I think myself an extraordinarily fortunate girl - The only cloud in my otherwise cloudless sky is Mama being so sad at my going & Patsy & Arthur, I’ afraid they are very miserable & I don’t know what to do but I know I can trust you to try & cheer up Mama who feels it dreadfully - again many many thanks for your very kind letter… love from Patsy & myself Belive me dear Mrs Leslie Yours very sincerely Margaret. Forgive this untidy note but I have 53 letters to answer !! Citation: in comments 📸:RCT #margaretofconnaught #princessmargaret #princessmargaretofconnaught #kronprinsessanmargareta #kinggustafviadolf #gustafviadolf #princearthur #dukeofconnaught #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesspatricia #patriciaofconnaught #ladypatricia #ingridofsweden #dronningingrid #prinsessaningrid #princessingrid #queenvictoria #kingedwardvii #edwardvii #alexandraofdenmark #princessmaryprincessroyal #countessofharewood #princessmary #maryprincessroyal #georegv #kinggeorgev #queenmary #maryofteck #princessofwales #princeofwales

5/2/2024, 7:14:16 PM

Prince Arthur, 1st Duke of Connaught was born on the 1st of May 1850 at Buckingham Palace, Arthur would become Queen Victoria’s favourite son and while his birthday may not always have been happy he appears to have celebrated his 21st birthday in style: ‘A splendid morning. — Dear Arthur’s 21rst birthday. He was serenaded by the Band of the 99th. My thoughts were with my dearest Albert, who had been so delighted at the birth of our little 3rd Boy on the dear old Duke of Wellington’s birthday. And my warmest prayer were offered up that this dear good boy might continue as good, pure, unspoilt & amiable, now that he his own master, as he has been hitherto. How I trust & hope he may realise all these wishes for him! Gave dear Arthur a nosegay of lilies of the valley & took him into his father’s room, where his presents were spread out. The Band played during & a little after breakfast, then we walked out & Arthur planted a tree in the pleasure grounds, where many others are… Was photographed after luncheon with Arthur… At 6 went with my Children to the tent, where the Ladies & Gentlemen & people were all assembled for a dance I gave in honour of the day, to all the servants & people on the estate… Country Dances, Polkas, Valses, & a Reel were danced before dinner & the people were rather bashful. We went in at ½ p. 7. Only the 3 children Ernest L., Lilah C., Janie E. & Col: Elphinstone dined… At ½ p. 9 we went out to the tent & remained till midnight. There was much more animation in the dancing then. — Citation see comments 📸: RCT #queenvictoria #queenvictoriaofengland #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdom #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #princealbert #saxecoburggotha #princealbertofsaxecoburgandgotha #vicbert #victoriaandalbert #princeconsort #theprinceconsort #princeleopold #dukeofalbany #princeleopolddukeofalbany #princessvictoria #victoriaadelaidemarylouisa #victoriaprincessroyal #vickyprincessroyal #grandduchessalice #grandduchessalicemaudmary #aliceofhesse #princessmargaretofconnaught #margaretofconnaught #crownprincessmargareta #patriciaofconnaught #princesslouise #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #duchessofargyll

5/1/2024, 6:02:09 PM

Born on this day: Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (1850-1942), a son and second last surviving child of Queen Victoria #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #houseofsaxecoburgandgotha #houseofwindsor

5/1/2024, 2:29:01 PM

Following the death of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria was determined to mould their son Prince Leopold into a miniature version of Prince Albert because Leopold shared Albert’s love of studying and the natural sciences, however, Queen Victoria decided to isolate Leopold leaving him lonely and frustrated. Queen Victoria was terrified that the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred would corrupt Prince Leopold this was because her views on Leopold’s illness were clouded by Victorian sentimentality. Victoria insisted that Leopold could not visit the Prince of Wales in his rooms without her consent, after all the Prince of Wales did teach Alfred how to smoke… Worst of all, Victoria refused to allow Leopold to follow Arthur to Greenwich as their father had intended; naturally, this made Leopold miserable and caused him to resent his mother. Leopold had always looked up to Arthur and desperately wanted to copy him. Instead, Queen Victoria decided that Leopold would remain at home and work as her assistant in the same way that Prince Albert had done during his lifetime. As Princess Beatrice had been selected as her mother’s companion, the Queen naively hoped that they would provide each other with all the company that they needed. Unfortunately, Victoria failed to appreciate how much Leopold resented her blatant favouritism of his little sister. It is hardly surprising that Prince Leopold struggled from depression especially when he injured himself and faced death repeatedly but it says a lot about his character that he never lost his sense for adventure. 📸:RCT #princeleopold #princeleopolddukeofalbany #dukeofalbany #vicbert #vicbertedit #queenvictoria #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdom #queenvictoriaofengland #victoriaregia #princealbert #princealbertofsaxecoburgandgotha #albertofsaxecoburgandgotha #princearthur #dukeofconnaught #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #kingedwardvii #edwardvii #princealbertedward #princeofwales #princealfred #princesslouise #duchessofargyll #louiseduchessofargyll #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #princessvictoria #victoriaadelaidemarylouisa #aliceofhesse #princessalice #grandduchessalicemaudmary #alicemaudmary

4/28/2024, 6:13:25 PM

Royal Confession I think that Prince Arthur and his wife Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia may be one of my favourite Royal couples. When Margaret Louise arrived in England prior to her wedding she was met by her fiancé who was carrying two bouquets. Arthur presented his future mother-in-law with a bouquet of roses while he gave his fiancée with a bouquet of violets and in case this was not romantic enough, Arthur wore violets in his buttonhole as he knew that violets were her favourite flower. The royal couple were married on the 13th of March 1879 and when asked if he thought that marrying on the 13th was unlucky Prince Arthur replied ‘No day that gave me my wife could possibly be anything but lucky.’ 📸:RCT ( Aston, George. His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn: A life and Intimate Study. London: George A. Harrap & Co., Lt.d, 1929 P. 100) quoted in Gelardi, Julia P, Arthur and Princess Louise Margaret 1879 pg 62 (I have tried to find the rest of the publishing details and cannot find them anywhere.) #queenvictoria #vicbert #vicbertedit #queenvictoriaandprincealbert #princearthur #dukeofconnaught #princesslouisemargaret #louisemargaretofprussia #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #queenvictoriaschildren #princealfred #princessmargaretofconnaught #margaretofconnaught #patriciaofconnaught #princessmargaretofconnaught #princeleopold #dukeofalbany #princeleopolddukeofalbany #princeofwales #princealbertedward #kingedwardvii #edwardvii #princessbeatrice #princesslouise #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #beatriceofbattenberg #princessalice #princessaliceoftheunitedkingdom #princessvictoria #victoriaprincessroyal #grandduchessalice

4/24/2024, 6:17:29 PM

Queen Victoria’s favourite son was Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Stathearn and she did not try to hide it! In a letter to her uncle King Leopold she shamelessly compared Prince Arthur with his little brother Prince Leopold. 🫣🫣🫣 ‘To leave Arthur behind… gives me a great pang, for he is not only so lovely & engaging, but so sensible and so clever & such a good little Child - that it is a delight to have him with you -wch I am sorry to say - os quite the reverse with your poor little name’s Sake - tho’ he is very clever & (when amiably disposed) amusing enough.’ Citation: RA Y101/35; QV to King Leopold, 26 August 1856 quoted in Zeepvat, Charlotte, Prince Leopold, Gloucestershire, Sutton Publishing Limited, 1998, ‘Our Fourth Young Gentleman’ pg 6 #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #dukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #queenvictoria #queenvictoriaofengland #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdom #victoriaregina #vicbert #princealbert #princealbertofsaxecoburgandgotha #princeconsort #theprinceconsort #princealfred #dukeofedinburgh #princealfredofedinburgh #princeleopold #princeleopolddukeofalbany #dukeofalbany #princessalice #aliceofhesse #aliceofhesseandbyrhine #grandduchessalicemaudmary #princessvicky #victoriaprincessroyal #princesslouise #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #duchessofargyll #princesshelena #princesshelenaoftheunitedkingdom

4/23/2024, 5:33:18 PM

Growing up Prince Leopold idolised his older brothers especially Prince Arthur despite the fact that everyone around them especially their mother compared them constantly. In a letter to the Queen, the Lady Superintendent of the Royal Nursery, Lady Caroline, wrote that ‘I was nursing little Prince Leopold, when Prince Arthur brought me a great napkin & said I better have it for when he spits! Prince Arthur is very fond of his “Little Brother” & it is very pretty swing him talk to “My Baby” like a little old woman.’ Citation: RA M16/56 : Lady Caroline Barrington to Queen Victoria, 17 September 1853 quoted in Zeepvat, Charlotte, Prince Leopold, Gloucestershire, Sutton Publishing Limited, 1998, ‘Our Fourth Young Gentleman’ pg 5 #queenvictoria #queenvictoriaofengland #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdom #victoriaregina #princealbert #princealbertofsaxecoburgandgotha #saxecoburggotha #princeleopolddukeofalbany #princeleopold #dukeofalbany #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #vicbert #vicbertedit #princessvictoria #victoriaadelaidemarylouisa #victoriaprincessroyal #empressfriedrich #princessalice #princessaliceoftheunitedkingdom #aliceofhesse #aliceofhesseandbyrhine #alicemaudmary #princesshelena #princesshelenaoftheunitedkingdom #princesslouise #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #duchessofargyll #beatriceofbattenberg

4/19/2024, 6:55:25 PM

Royal Wedding on 10 March 1863. Part 3. The Prussian/British Royal Family. #emperorfrederickiii #empressfrederick #victoriaprincessroyal #kaiserwilhelmii #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princeleopolddukeofalbany

3/9/2024, 7:40:49 PM

The Duke & Duchess of Edinburgh with the Duke & Duchess of Connaught, Prince Henry of Battenberg & Captain Maurice Bourke, Bagshot Park, 1893. Source: The Golden Book of Royalty by Robert Golden. Published by Rosvall Royal Books, 2002 #princealfreddukeofedinburgh #princealfreddukeofsaxecoburgandgotha #grandduchessmariaalexandrovna #grandduchessmariaalexandrovnaofrussia #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesslouisemargaretduchessofconnaught #princehenryofbattenberg #captainmauricebourke #mauricebourke #britishroyalfamily

2/29/2024, 3:50:34 PM

♡ Prince Arthur, Princess Louise Margaret and their children, Princess Margaret, Prince Arthur and Princess Patricia of Connaught in Japanese costumes as part of a Tableau. #victorianroyalty #princearthur #dukeofconnaught #princesslouisemargaretofprussia #princessmargaretofconnaught #crownprincessmargareta #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesspatricia #princesspatriciaofconnaught #ladypatriciaramsay #royalhistory #royalfamilies #britishroyalfamily #costumes #royalty #royaltyofeurope

2/29/2024, 12:30:08 PM

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓢𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 ; The Connaught Sisters were the daughters of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Princess Luise Margaret of Prussia. Their paternal grandmother was Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah Born 15 January 1882, she was the eldest of three children. She met Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden during a trip to Cairo, the two later wed 15 June 1905. They had five children together, including Ingrid, future Queen Consort of Denmark. She was very close to her children and was known as Daisy within the family. In Sweden she became known as Margareta and held the titles Duchess of Scania and Crown Princess of Sweden. In 1920, during her sixth pregnancy she fell gravely ill and on 1 May she died of sepsis, commonly known as blood poisoning, her unborn child died as well. The Swedish Prime Minister at the time remarked “ the ray of sunshine at Stockholm Palace has gone out” referring to her death. Victoria Patricia Helena Elizabeth She was born 17 March 1886, on St Patrick’s Day, she was known as Princess Patricia of “Patsy” in the family. She lived in Canada while her father was serving as Governor General, she became quite popular there and appeared on the 1 dollar note. She was also named Colonel-in-Chief of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, holding the title until her death. Like her sister, she was a great beauty of the time and was seen a desirable candidate on the royal marriage market. However in the end she didn’t marry a foreign royal, she wed future Naval Admiral Alexander Ramsay, son of the 13th Earl of Dalhousie, they wed 27 February 1919. They had one son together. She died 12 January 1974 just shy of her 88th Birthday. #royals #royal #royalsisters #margaretofconnaught #patriciaofconnaught #queenvictoria #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #royalhistory #romanov #romanovfamily #romanovrussia #royalty #britishroyalfamily #romanovs #otma #otmaa #naotmaa

2/27/2024, 10:04:44 PM

had a piece of antique wavy glass cut at my framer for this unusual #Circa1880 lacework #AustrianSilver (indicated by a tiny hallmark of a greyhound at the back) photo frame housing an original albumen #CabinetPhotograph of 👸🏻Queen Victoria’s favourite child, the first Governor General of Canada🇨🇦 , #PrinceArthurDukeOfConnaughtAndStrathearn. Antique decorative arts collectors like me who have an affinity for boxes tend to have the same for #AntiqueFrames as well. It’s less about what they are used to contain and more about what is used to contain them 😅

2/23/2024, 5:40:54 PM

Today marks 82 years since the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Arthur Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, he was the son of Her Majesty Queen Victoria Empress of India and His Royal Highness Prince Albert of Great Britain. The prince was the first son and ninth child of the well-known Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. In 1879 he was married to Her Royal Highness Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia who was given the title Duchess of Connaught and Strathearn. They had the children Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden, Prince Arthur of Connaught and Lady Victoria Patricia Helena Elizabeth Ramsay. The Prince was the 10th Governor General of Canada from 1911-1916. Prince Arthur lived to be 91 before he died in Bagshot Park, Surrey in England. Fotograf: National Portrait Gallery #princearthur #dukeofconnaught #royals #royalhistory #dukeofstrathearn #royalty #theroyalfamily #history #unitedkingdom #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princearthurdukeofstrathearn @theroyalfamily

1/16/2024, 6:15:37 PM

January 16, 1942. Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, son of HM Queen Victoria, died. Read more: #onthisday #britishroyalhistory #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn

1/16/2024, 4:56:16 AM

Royal gathering on the occasion of the engagement of Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich & Princess Alix of Hesse, April 1894. #grandduchessmariaalexandrovnaofrussia #princealfreddukeofsaxecoburgandgotha #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #kingedwardviioftheunitedkingdom #kaiserwilhelmii #tsarnicolasii #grandduchessmariapavlovna

12/20/2023, 7:47:02 PM

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓥𝓘 : 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓾𝓻 ; The Children of Margaret : Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Vasterbotten 1906-1947 Prince Sigvard, Duke of Uppland 1907-2002 Ingrid, Queen of Denmark 1910-2000 Prince Bertil, Duke of Halland 1912-1997 Prince Carl Johan, Duke of Dalarna 1916-2012 Unborn Child Bernadotte 1920 The Children of Arthur : Alastair, 2nd Duke of Connaught and Strathearn 1914-1943 The Children of Patricia : Alexander Ramsay 1919-2000 #victorianroyals #queenvictoria #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #louisemargaretofprussia #margaretofconnaught #ingridofsweden #swedishroyalfamily #sweden #unitedkingdom #denmark #britishroyals #britishnobility #vintage #vintagephotography #royal #royals #royalty #monarchs #monarchy #romanovfamily #romanov #royalfamily #otma #royalfamilies #victorianera

12/14/2023, 6:10:12 AM

The Glory of British Empire in Victorian Era 🇬🇧 #british #victorianera #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #fyp

10/19/2023, 7:32:11 PM

Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and his fiancée Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia in 1878. #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesslouisemargaretofprussia #princesslouisemargaretduchessofconnaught #britishroyalfamily

8/11/2023, 8:00:18 PM

Portrait of Prince Leopold, Prince Arthur and Princess Louise of the United Kingdom by B. West Loehlein, after Franz Xaver Winterhalter’s 1856 painting #princeleopolddukeofalbany #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #britishroyals #princes #princesses #houseofsaxecoburgandgotha #houseofwindsor

8/2/2023, 3:56:38 PM

Prince Arthur and Prince Leopold of the United Kingdom and their governor Sir Howard Craufurd Elphinstone, 1864 #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princeleopolddukeofalbany #britishroyals #princes #houseofsaxecoburgandgotha #houseofwindsor #howardcraufurdelphinstone

7/17/2023, 9:16:11 AM

Kenneth MacLeay (1802-78) Portrait of Prince Arthur and Prince Leopold dated 1864. MacLeay’s Highlanders series of portraits commissioned by Queen Victoria serve as excellent reference for the attire and accoutrements of the various Highland clans and her royal servants. Of course they would have been in their Sunday best. Subject matter also included her children. . . . . #scottishhighlands #highlands #kilt #kilted #kiltfluencer #royalty #balmoral #balmoralcastle #queenvictoria #victorian #kennethmacleay #princeleopold #princeleopolddukeofalbany #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #victorianchildren #sporran #painting

6/10/2023, 10:49:39 PM

Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught with his daughter Lady Patricia Ramsay and grandchildren, 1920s. #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesspatriciaofconnaught #ladypatriciaramsay #princessingridofsweden #princebertilofsweden #princecarljohanofsweden #alexanderramsayofmar

5/14/2023, 9:43:36 PM

Born on this day: Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn (1850-1942). He’s considered to be Queen Victoria’s favourite son. He was also her second last surviving child #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #britishroyals #princes #houseofsaxecoburgandgotha #houseofwindsor

5/1/2023, 8:54:31 AM

Crown Princess Marie of Romania and her sister Hereditary Princess Alexandra of Hohenlohe-Langenburg with their uncle Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and friend Princess Daisy of Pless, 1906. #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #queenmarieofromania #princessmarieofedinburgh #princessdaisyofpless #princessalexandraofedinburgh #princessalexandraofsaxecoburgandgotha #princessconsortalexandraofhohenlohelangenburg

4/9/2023, 10:59:45 AM

#OTD: Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, favourite son of Queen Victoria, marries Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia in 1879 #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesslouisemargaretofprussia #louisemargaretduchessofconnaught #royalweddings #princes #princesses #houseofsaxecoburgandgotha #houseofwindsor #houseofhohenzollern

3/13/2023, 2:56:23 PM

On January 16, 1942 Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught died. He was the last surviving son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at the time of his death. Many people close to him had died before him, including his sister Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll. Here are some facts about brother and sister: • Prince Arthur died at the age of 91 years, 8 months and 16 days, the same age as Louise, who had died two years and one month before. • Louise was a gifted artist and made a white marble bust of her brother (4th slide) • Although Leopold was actually Louise's favorite brother, she had an equally cordial relationship with Arthur. The two wrote letters to each other throughout their lives. • The siblings visited each other frequently and enjoyed reminiscing about old times when they were together. During their conversations, it was noticeable that both spoke with a very strong German accent and it was almost impossible to understand them. It seemed to those present that Louise and Arthur spoke a completely different language only they could understand. Photos from Pinterest and Royal Collection Trust #princearthur #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #princesslouise #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #queenvictoria #princealbert #britishroyalfamily #windsor #royalfamily #victorianroyals #victorianera #onthisday

1/16/2023, 11:42:07 PM

Portrait of Prince Arthur, The Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, 1937. When this portrait was commissioned, Queen Victoria's third son and Seventh son had long since retired from public life, his last formal engagement was the opening of the Connaught Gardens in Sidmouth, Devon, on 3 November 1934. #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #queenvictoria #britishroyalfamily #royalfamilyuk #royalfamily #ukroyal #royaluk

11/7/2022, 12:03:15 PM

Alfred, Hereditary Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha with his British Family in 1895. From left to right: Princess Margaret of Connaught, Princess Victoria of Wales, Hereditary Prince Alfred, Princess Patricia of Connaught, Princess Maud of Wales, Prince Arthur of Connaught and Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn. Source: Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2022. #hereditaryprincealfredofsaxecoburgandgotha #princealfredofedinburgh #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princessmaudofwales #queenmaudofnorway #princessvictoriaofwales #princessmargaretofconnaught #princesspatriciaofconnaught #princearthurofconnaught

10/6/2022, 6:16:02 AM

Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught with his fiancée Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia, Prince and Princess Henry of the Netherlands and, Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Oldenburg, c. 1878. #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesslouisemargaretofprussia #princehenryofthenetherlands #princesshenryofthenetherlands #princessmarieofprussia #granddukefrederickaugustusiiofoldenburg #hereditarygrandduchesselisabethannaofoldenburg #princesselisabethannaofprussia

9/17/2022, 3:09:14 AM

Prince Alfred's baptism. Archibald Campbell Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury, baptised the prince in the Lower Bow Room of Buckingham Palace on 23 November 1874. His godparents were the Queen, the Emperor of Russia (whose son Tsesarevich Alexander stood proxy for him), the German Emperor (for whom Alfred's paternal uncle Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn stood proxy), the German Crown Princess (Alfred's paternal aunt, for whom her sister Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein stood proxy), the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (his paternal grand-uncle, for whom Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein stood proxy), and the Prince of Wales (his paternal uncle). #grandduchessmariaalexandrovna #grandduchessmariaalexandrovnaofrussia #princealfreddukeofedinburgh #princealfreddukeofsaxecoburgandgotha #britishroyalfamily #romanov #romanovfamily #romanovdynasty #saxecoburggotha #saxecoburgandgotha #herzogtumsachsencoburggotha #princealfredofedinburgh #hereditaryprincealfredofsaxecoburgandgotha #queenvictoria #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdom #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princesschristianofschleswigholstein #princechristianofschleswigholstein #kingedwardvii #kingedwardviioftheunitedkingdom #queenalexandraoftheunitedkingdom

9/10/2022, 8:14:15 AM

28th February 1928 Princess Mary leaves the train station at Cairo, Egypt, followed by her husband Viscount Lascelles, walking behind her, left, for an official visit. princessmary #princessroyal #princessmaryprincessroyal #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #crown #king #britishmonarchy #britishroyalfamily #kinggeorge #kinggeorgev #queen #queenmary #queenmaryofteck #windsor #buckinghampalace #windsorcastle #Royal #royalhistory #Sandhurst #firstworldwar #royalty

8/8/2022, 11:15:51 AM

23 May 1920 King George V and Queen Mary with Princess Mary visit barracks at Sandhurst Military College. The King is wearing a black armband in mourning for his uncle's daughter and cousin, The Crown Princess of Sweden ( Princess Margaret of Connaught, ) who died on 1st May 1920. #princessmary #princessroyal #princessmaryprincessroyal #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #crown #king #britishmonarchy #britishroyalfamily #kinggeorge #kinggeorgev #queen #queenmary #queenmaryofteck #windsor #buckinghampalace #windsorcastle #Royal #royalhistory #Sandhurst #firstworldwar #royalty

8/7/2022, 12:35:16 PM

Prince Arthur (1850-1942) Inscribed 1853 Oil on canvas Description Prince Arthur (1850–1942) was the third son and seventh of the nine children of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He had a career in the army and became Governor-General of Canada. Here the three-year-old Prince is depicted in uniform, with a musket. The uniform is stated to be that of a Lieutenant in the 1st Foot Guards, but the shoulder-strap plate and the arrangement of the buttons on the cuffs are those of the 3rd, or Scots Fusilier, Guards. The uniform was passed on to Prince Arthur’s son, ‘Little Arthur’, who appeared in it at tea on 6 March 1885. The uniform was ‘too tight for him, though the former wore it when he was 3’, according to Queen Victoria’s notes in her Journal. Inscribed on the back with the names of the artist and sitter and the date, July 1853. ~ 🎨: © Franz Xaver Winterhalter • • • #PrinceArthur #PrinceArthurDukeOfConnaught #PrinceArthurDukeOfConnaughtAndStrathearn #DukeOfConnaught #DukeOfConnaughtAndStrathearn #VictorianEra #RoyalCollectionTrust #FranzXaverWinterhalter #FootsGuards #ScotsFusilierGuards #1853 #History #likealways #likeforlikes #likeforlikeback #likeall

7/25/2022, 6:10:07 PM

Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught with his nephew, Hereditary Grand Duke Ernest Louis of Hesse and by Rhine, 1880s. #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princearthurdukeofconnaught #granddukeernestlouisofhesseandbyrhine #granddukeernstlouisofhesse #britishroyalfamily

7/21/2022, 6:26:11 AM

Posted @withregram • @history.paintings Princess Louise with Prince Arthur and Prince Leopold, when children (1856) Princess Louise (1848-1939) was the sixth of Queen Victoria's nine children. Beautiful and artistic, as an adult she supported the women's movement and helped launch the Girls Public Day School Company. Prince Arthur (1850-1942), was the third son and seventh of the nine children of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He was born on 1 May 1850, the birthday of his godfather, the Duke of Wellington, after whom he was named. He had a career in the army and became Governor-General of Canada. Prince Leopold (1853-84) was the fourth and youngest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. A scholarly child, he attended Christ Church College in Oxford. He was a haemophiliac, suffered from epilepsy and died at the age of 31. The Queen noted in her journal that this painting was 'the one which gave me most pleasure... charmingly grouped... wonderfully like & so beautifully painted, with so much light & freshness about it.' Artist: Franz Xaver Winterhalter Source: Royal Collection Trust #princesslouise #princesslouiseoftheunitedkingdom #louiseoftheunitedkingdom #duchessofargyll #louiseduchessofargyll #theduchessofargyll #theprincesslouise #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #princearthurdukeofconnaught #arthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princeleopold #dukeofalbany #princeleopolddukeofalbany #leopolddukeofalbany #britishroyalty #britishhistory #britishroyalfamily #painting #portrait #art #portraitofchildren #franzxaverwinterhalter #franzxaverwinterhalterportrait #franzxaverwinterhalterpainting #1856 #familyportrait #royalfamilyportrait

7/13/2022, 7:21:09 PM

Princess Louise with Prince Arthur and Prince Leopold, when children (1856) Princess Louise (1848-1939) was the sixth of Queen Victoria's nine children. Beautiful and artistic, as an adult she supported the women's movement and helped launch the Girls Public Day School Company. Prince Arthur (1850-1942), was the third son and seventh of the nine children of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He was born on 1 May 1850, the birthday of his godfather, the Duke of Wellington, after whom he was named. He had a career in the army and became Governor-General of Canada. Prince Leopold (1853-84) was the fourth and youngest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. A scholarly child, he attended Christ Church College in Oxford. He was a haemophiliac, suffered from epilepsy and died at the age of 31. The Queen noted in her journal that this painting was 'the one which gave me most pleasure... charmingly grouped... wonderfully like & so beautifully painted, with so much light & freshness about it.' Artist: Franz Xaver Winterhalter Source: Royal Collection Trust #princesslouise #princesslouiseoftheunitedkingdom #louiseoftheunitedkingdom #duchessofargyll #louiseduchessofargyll #theduchessofargyll #theprincesslouise #princesslouiseduchessofargyll #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #princearthurdukeofconnaught #arthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princeleopold #dukeofalbany #princeleopolddukeofalbany #leopolddukeofalbany #britishroyalty #britishhistory #britishroyalfamily #painting #portrait #art #portraitofchildren #franzxaverwinterhalter #franzxaverwinterhalterportrait #franzxaverwinterhalterpainting #1856 #familyportrait #royalfamilyportrait

7/9/2022, 12:38:35 PM

Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh with his brothers, Prince Albert Edward of Wales and Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught. Both Prince Albert Edward and Alfred wear Naval uniforms. The portrait was taken to celebrate the wedding of Prince George, Duke of York in 1893. Source: The Royal Collection Trust/ © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2022. #kingedwardvii #kingedwardviioftheunitedkingdom #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #princearthurdukeofconnaught #princealfreddukeofedinburgh #princealfreddukeofsaxecoburgandgotha #britishroyalfamily #britishroyals #britishroyalty

7/8/2022, 11:21:00 AM

The First of May 1851 Queen Victoria holds her third son, Prince Arthur, as he is presented with a jewel casket by his godfather, Arthur, Duke of Wellington. In return the child hands over a nosegay of lily of the valley, a flower traditionally given as a good luck charm on 1 May, especially in France, to mark the arrival of spring. Prince Albert, wearing field-marshal's uniform with the badge of the Golden Fleece and the ribbon and star of the Garter, stands behind, looking towards the Crystal Palace in the distance. The picture commemorates a date of threefold significance: the first birthday of the infant Prince Arthur, the eighty-second birthday of the Duke, and the opening day of the Great Exhibition. Artist: Franz Xaver Winterhalter Source: Royal Collection Trust #queenvictoria #queenofuk #empressofindia #queenoftheunitedkingdom #queenvictoriaofengland #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdom #princessvictoriaofkent #queenalexandrinavictoria #alexandrinavictoria #princealbert #albertprinceconsort #albertofsaxecoburgandgotha #princealbertofsaxecoburgandgotha #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #princearthurdukeofconnaught #arthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #painting #portrait #art #franzxaverwinterhalter #franzxaverwinterhalterportrait #franzxaverwinterhalterpainting #1851 #britishroyalty #britishhistory #britishroyalfamily #historypainting #victoriaandalbert

6/27/2022, 2:43:21 PM

Queen Victoria with Prince Arthur (1850) The setting for this intimate portrait of the Queen with her third son, Prince Arthur, who was only a few months old, was the Upper Terrace, designed by Prince Albert and Ludwig Gruner to take advantage of the views over the Solent. Queen Victoria wrote, 'Little Arthur is a magnificent baby & begins to sit up very nicely." (Journal, 22 July, 1850). Several years later in a revealing letter to her husband, she wrote of Prince Arthur, 'This Child is dear, dearer than any of the others put together, thus after you he is the dearest and most precious object to me on Earth' Artist: Franz Xaver Winterhalter Source: Royal Collection Trust #queenvictoria #queenofuk #empressofindia #queenoftheunitedkingdom #queenvictoriaofengland #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdom #princessvictoriaofkent #queenalexandrinavictoria #alexandrinavictoria #victoriaofkent #queenvictoriafacts #queenvictoriaoftheunitedkingdomandirland #britishroyalty #britishhistory #britishroyalfamily #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #princearthurdukeofconnaught #arthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #connaughtandstrathearn #princearthuroftheuk #painting #portrait #art #portraitofprince #portraitofchildren #franzxaverwinterhalterpainting #franzxaverwinterhalter #franzxaverwinterhalterportrait

6/19/2022, 9:06:25 AM

one May 1st, 1850, Queen Victoria gave birth to her third son & seventh child, Prince Arthur. happiest birthday to my dearest Arthur, i hope that you are celebrating your special day with your friends and family up in heaven, and i hope you know you are still loved and missed! i love you so much, you’ll always have a special place in my heart 🎉💕💘🙏🏻💝💞🎁

5/1/2022, 2:35:06 PM

Prince Arthur (1851) Prince Arthur (1850-1942) was the third son and seventh of the nine children of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He was born on 1 May 1850, the birthday of his godfather, the Duke of Wellington, after whom he was named. He had a career in the army and became Governor-General of Canada. Artist: Franz Xaver Winterhalter Source: Royal Collection Trust #princearthur #princearthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #dukeofconnaught #princearthurdukeofconnaught #arthurdukeofconnaughtandstrathearn #connaughtandstrathearn #britishroyalty #britishhistory #britishroyalfamily #sonofqueenvictoria #painting #portrait #art #portraitofprince #portraitofchildren #franzxaverwinterhalterpainting #franzxaverwinterhalter #winterhalter

4/22/2022, 6:56:02 PM