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Para los amantes del cacao puro, prueba nuestras tablillas 80% cacao, su sabor intenso a real cacao te encantará.🍫😋 *Disponible también endulzada con estevia. . . #chocolate #chocolateshop #cacao #tablillasdechocolate #chocolatebar #chocolatebenefits

6/1/2024, 12:49:50 AM

How and What You Eat Affects Your Stress - Quotes “Chocolate Is An Awesome Piece Of Nutrition Because It Stimulates The Neurotransmitter Responsible For Elevating Your Mood” 20:57 #StressReliefDiet #ChocolateBenefits #MoodBoostingFoods #Neurotransmitters #HealthyEating #NutritionTips #DietAndStress #MindfulEating #HealthyHabits #FoodAndMood

5/31/2024, 7:37:09 PM

•Čokoláda• 🍫 Není čokoláda jako čokoláda. Nejlepší je sáhnout po čokoládě obsahující minimálně 80 % kakaa/kakaového másla. 🍫 Taková čokoláda je bohatým zdrojem zdraví prospěšných látek. 1. Zdroj hořčíku - 10g hořké čokolády obsahuje cca 25mg hořčíku. 💊 2. Vysoký obsah antioxidantů - vysokoprocentní čokoláda obsahuje flavonoidy, které patří mezi antioxidanty pomáhající chránit tělo před volnými radikály. 🩺 3. Zvýšení energie - čokoláda obsahuje kofein a theobromin. Obě tyto látky jsou stimulanty, které mohou zvyšovat bdělost a poskytovat rychlý náboj energie. Kofein je přítomen ve všech druzích čokolády, i když v menším množství než v kávě, zatímco theobromin je hlavním stimulantem v čokoládě, který působí pozvolna. ☕️🔋⚡️ 4. Zlepšení nálady - hořká čokoláda pomáhá zvyšovat hladinu serotoninu, endorfinu a dopaminu v mozku až o 50 %, protože obsahuje aminokyseliny tryptofan která tyto látky tvoří. Tyto chemické látky přispívají k pocitu štěstí a pohody. 🧘‍♀️ Mějte na paměti, že čokoláda může mimo zdraví prospěšných látek obsahovat také těžké kovy jako olovo nebo kadmium. Důležité je zaměřit se na původ - čokolády z Peru nebo Mexika by měli obsahovat nejméně těchto toxických látek. 🇵🇪🇲🇽🍫 A co vy, jaká je vaše oblíbená čokoláda? Dej vědět dolů do komentářů 👇💕 #cokolada#čokoladazdrave #zdravetipy #chocolate #chocolatebenefits #benefitycokolady #kofein #theorobin#

5/26/2024, 8:05:15 AM

🍫🍫 Dark chocolate is not just a delicious treat, but also has numerous health benefits! 1 Rich In Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, which help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. 2 Improves Heart Health: Dark chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the heart, reducing the risk of heart disease. 3 Better Brain Function: Dark chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which can improve cognitive function and mood 4 Can improve mood: Dark chocolate contains a small amount of caffeine and theobromine, both of which can improve mood and energy levels. 5 Promotes skin health: Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that protect skin from damage and flavonoids that improve blood flow to the skin. 6 Very nutritious: Dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, healthy fats, and other essential vitamins and minerals. However, it should still be consumed in moderation due to its high calorie and fat content. Save this Post Share with your friends FOLLOW- @coachrohit85 For daily tips on health, fitness and nutrition. . . #chocolate #healthyeating #chocolatebenefits #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #fitness #healthy #healthyfood #health #fitnessmotivation #workout #motivation #gym #gymmotivation #bodybuilding

5/25/2024, 5:52:08 PM

🍫 Indulge in the sweet benefits of chocolate for seniors! Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, boosting heart health and lowering blood pressure. Plus, it's a mood lifter and can enhance cognitive function. Treat yourself to a delicious and health-boosting snack today! 🙌 #chocolatebenefits #healthyaging #hearthealth #cognitivefunction #seniorwellness #feelpep #chocolatedelight #antioxidants #feelgood #pepbars #musclerecovery

5/24/2024, 7:33:57 PM

🍫For many, indulging in a piece of dark chocolate is a moment of pure pleasure. But beyond its rich taste, dark chocolate offers a surprising array of health benefits. ⁠ ⁠ 💫 Rich in Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which help combat oxidative stress in the body. These antioxidants have been linked to various health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and protecting against chronic diseases.⁠ ⁠ ❤️ Heart Health Support: Consuming moderate amounts of dark chocolate has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease. The flavonoids in dark chocolate can improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of blood clot formation, ultimately promoting a healthier heart.⁠ ⁠ 🥰 Mood Enhancement: Indulging in a piece of dark chocolate can have mood-boosting effects, thanks to its ability to stimulate the release of endorphins and serotonin in the brain. These feel-good chemicals can help alleviate stress and improve mood.⁠ ⁠ 💫 Nutrient-Rich Goodness: Dark chocolate is surprisingly nutrient-dense, containing a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. It's a good source of iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese, all of which play important roles in various bodily functions, including energy production and immune health.⁠ ⁠ ☀️ Some studies show it may even help protect our skin from UV rays and may have a positive effect on skin elasticity and wrinkles!⁠ ⁠ Still try to eat it in moderation and dark chocolate can still be high in sugar. ⁠ ⁠ #darkchocolate #chocolatebenefits #evidencebased #healthyeating #health

5/21/2024, 1:30:10 PM

A nourishing cup of Hot Cocoa in the morning will fill you with all goodness for a great start to the day! Research suggests that adding more cocoa powder to your life helps to improve your attention, working memory, and general cognition. It may also restore cognitive performance in people who have not had a good nights sleep. Cocoa powder also contains iron, zinc, and selenium, these minerals help your body function and give your immune system a boost. You know I could go on and on about the proven benefits of quality dark chocolate and how it should a part of your daily life routine..some may call it a chocolate addiction, i call it healthy choices if you choose the right chocolate..🥰🍫💫 #cocoa #hotcocoa #cocoabenefits #startyourdayright #chocolatebenefits #chocolatelover #chocolatelab #chocolateaddict # #hotchocolate #nourishing #healthyeating #chocolate #darkchocolate #adixionsluxechocolates #luxurychocolate #premiumchocolate #madeinsouthaustralia

5/21/2024, 12:06:36 AM

Customized Chocolate Boxes For bookings and order, contact us on +91 9637173122 (number available on WhatsApp). **Delicious, homemade & 100% organic chocolates** **No added sugars or preservatives** **Our chocolates are made from Cocoa Beans, not chocolate compounds** **Pan India delivery available** **Customizations available** #ChocolateFacts #ChocolateBenefits #Chocolate #Chocolates #ChocolateLove #ChocolateLover #ChocolateLovers #ChocolateAddict #ChocolateHeaven #ChocolateWorld #ChocolateHamper #ChocolateBox #ChocolateShop #ChocolateStore #ChocolateHandmade #ChocolateHomemade #HomemadeChocolate #HomemadeChocolates #OrganicChocolate #Homemade #HomemadeFood #Organic #OrganicFood #NoAddedSugar #NoPreservatives #PuneLife #PuneFood #PuneEvents #PuneInsta #SinhagadRoad

5/20/2024, 8:20:47 AM

Welcome 🤗 to the #chocolatebenefits #BackpackProgram

5/19/2024, 12:07:05 AM

Unlock the Power of Chocolate: 5 Amazing Benefits! 🍫🌟 1. Rich in Antioxidants 🛡️ - Dark chocolate is packed with powerful antioxidants that help protect your body from free radicals and oxidative stress. 2. Improves Heart Health ❤️ - Regular consumption of dark chocolate can improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease. 3. Boosts Brain Function 🧠 - The flavonoids in chocolate can enhance brain function by increasing blood flow to the brain, improving memory, focus, and cognitive performance. 4. Elevates Mood 😊 - Chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins and serotonin, the feel-good chemicals in the brain, helping to elevate your mood and reduce stress. 5. Supports Skin Health 🌟 - The antioxidants in chocolate can protect your skin from UV damage, improve hydration, and increase skin density and thickness, promoting a healthy complexion. Indulge in the benefits of chocolate and enjoy a tasty treat that’s good for you! #ChocolateBenefits #HealthyLiving #SuperFood #BoostYourHealth #FeelGoodFood #BrainBoost #HeartHealth #MoodElevator #SkinCare #IndulgeWisely

5/18/2024, 12:35:22 PM

¿Que nos aporta el chocolate? El chocolate, especialmente el oscuro, ofrece varios beneficios para la salud debido a su contenido de nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos entre los que se pueden mencionar fósforo, magnesio, hierro, potasio, calcio, zinc, cobre, manganeso, vitaminas A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, acido pantoténico, tiamina y riboflavina, cafeína, teobromina y taninos, antioxidantes naturales. A continuación, algunos de los principales beneficios del chocolate para el ser humano: 1. Rico en Antioxidantes: El chocolate oscuro contiene altos niveles de antioxidantes, como flavonoides y polifenoles, que ayudan a combatir el daño oxidativo en el cuerpo y pueden reducir el riesgo de enfermedades crónicas. 2. Mejora la Salud Cardiovascular: Los flavonoides en el chocolate pueden mejorar la circulación sanguínea, reducir la presión arterial y disminuir el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares. El consumo moderado de chocolate oscuro ha sido asociado con una menor incidencia de enfermedades del corazón. 3. Mejora el Estado de Ánimo: El chocolate puede aumentar la producción de endorfinas, las hormonas de la felicidad, y contiene pequeñas cantidades de anandamida, un compuesto que induce la sensación de bienestar. También contiene serotonina, un neurotransmisor que actúa como antidepresivo natural. 4. Estimula la Función Cerebral: Algunos estudios sugieren que los flavonoides del chocolate pueden mejorar la función cognitiva y la memoria al aumentar el flujo sanguíneo al cerebro. El consumo regular y moderado puede estar relacionado con una mejor salud cerebral a largo plazo. 5. Efecto Anti-inflamatorio: Los compuestos bioactivos del chocolate tienen propiedades antiinflamatorias que pueden ayudar a reducir la inflamación en el cuerpo, beneficiando la salud general y reduciendo el riesgo de enfermedades inflamatorias. #Chocolate #ChocolateLovers #DarkChocolate #ChocolateBenefits #HealthyChocolate #AmoelChocolate #ilovechocolate #Nutrición #Nutrition #HealthyEating

5/16/2024, 4:53:02 AM

Do you love chocolate? If you do, it's your lucky day! 👇👇 Let's start this with emphasizing that we're talking mainly about DARK CHOCOLATE (and cocoa powder/cacao nibs). The best benefits come from these sources. Aim for a 70% or higher cocoa content! Regular cocoa consumption has been shown to do a lot of amazing things, such as . . . 🍫 Improve your insulin sensitivity - so T2D pals this for you especially! 🍫 Protect our skin from UV rays - SO NEEDED now that it's summer! 🍫Can lower blood pressure - it's something called a vasodilator, which is why it helps. This being said, it also relaxes your esophagus sphincter, so be careful if you have regular reflux. 🍫 Improves memory over time - chocolate is an antioxidant, which essentially means it aids in fighting aging. The study found that those who ate chocolate regularly had a better memory than those who didn't! 🍫 Increases your happy gut microbes - we're talking lactobaccilus and bifidobacterium (which we ADORE). They love the chocolate too! 🍫 Increases blood flow to the brain - so if you're feeling tired, eat some chocolate (just not the kind with a ton of sugar, otherwise you'll find yourself in a sugar crash). I eat chocolate EVERY SINGLE DAY. And this is why 🩷 . . . #nutritioncoach #healthy #healthcoach #nutrition #mentalhealth #mentalhealthprofessional #anxiety #adhd #depression #herbalmedicine #herbs #health #mentalhealthawareness #nutritionist #foodfreedom #nodiet #foodasmedicine #healing #nutrients #chocolate #chocolatebenefits #cocoa #cacao

5/14/2024, 2:33:49 PM

"Discover the sweet side of wellness with the incredible benefits of chocolate. From mood enhancement to antioxidant power, there's more to love in every bite! #ChocolateBenefits #SweetWellness #Coshoom #InternationalTrade #ImportExport #GlobalBusiness #TradeRelations #ExportImport #CrossBorderTrade #TradePartnerships #GlobalCommerce #Exporters #Importers #TradeDeals #TradeAgreements #GlobalEconomy #TradeNetwork #TradePolicy

5/13/2024, 6:46:49 PM

Recharge and rejuvenate with a delicious bite of dark chocolate! Packed with flavonols, it's not just a treat for your taste buds, but also aids in post-workout recovery. 🍫💪 #ChocolateBenefits #RecoveryFuel

5/12/2024, 9:17:56 AM

End your month with something sweet! 🍫فوائد الكاكاو 😍🍫 . . . . #chocolate #cocoa #darkchocolate #chocolatebenefits #foodbenefits #cocoabenefits #الكاكاو #الشوكولا #فوائد_صحية #شوكولاتة_داكنة

4/30/2024, 4:56:46 PM

🍫 Πλησιάζει η έναρξη των πανελλαδικών εξετάσεων, κατανάλωσε περισσότερη σοκολάτα! Η σοκολάτα βελτιώνει τη συγκέντρωση, τη μνήμη και τη γνώση. Εκτός από την ενίσχυση της ροής του αίματος στον εγκέφαλο, τα φλαβονοειδή που βρίσκονται στη σοκολάτα έχει αποδειχθεί ότι βελτιώνουν τη λειτουργικότητα των περιοχών του εγκεφάλου που είναι εξοπλισμένες με λειτουργίες μνήμης και γνώσης. Η σοκολάτα περιέχει επίσης μια μικρή δόση καφεΐνης. Δεν αρκεί για να ανεβάσει την αδρεναλίνη σου και να σε κρατήσει ξύπνιο όλη τη νύχτα, αλλά αρκεί για να ενισχύσει τη συγκέντρωση, τη μνήμη και το σημαντικότερο, να ανεβάσει τη διάθεσή σου και να σου δώσει αυτό το αίσθημα ευφορίας που χρειάζεσαι για να απολαύσεις το χρόνο μελέτης σου. #GermanosTips #germanosmedicals #chocolatebenefits #chocolateandstyding

4/29/2024, 2:01:53 PM

Sharing chocolate is the ultimate gesture of true love! 🍫💕 Whether it's a small square of rich dark chocolate or a decadent truffle, sharing this sweet delight with someone special shows that you care enough to give them a moment of pure joy. Add to cart 🛒 #chocolate #darkchocolate #naturalchocolate #chocolatelover #chocolateaddict #healthychocolate #artisanchocolate #premiumchocolate #chocolatefacts #chocolatebenefits #malaysiachocolate #coklatmalaysia #coklatviral #coklatsedap #coklatmurah #coklatpremium #faktacoklat #kebaikancoklat #smartfood #sugarfree #vegan #ketodiet

4/24/2024, 2:00:20 PM

Do you know the benefits of organic chocolate? Fewer artificial additives, healthier dietary options, source of nutrients, antioxidant properties, Cardiovascular health, Brain health. 🤔 __ Sabia quais são os benefícios do chocolate biológico? Menos aditivos artificias, opções dietéticas mais saudáveis, fonte de nutrientes, propriedades antioxidantes, saúde Cardiovascular, Saúde cerebral. #Fabricadoazeite #Organicproducts #Curiosidade #Chocolate #Chocolatebenefits

4/22/2024, 6:15:15 PM

“Dark chocolate is therapy in a wrapper”, they say, and so true that is; as it has multiple health benefits that range from promoting heart health to improving brain function, among others. Savour it any time of the day in a guilt-free way, for it provides your mind and body with some amazing benefits. . . . #darkchocolate #chocolatebenefits #healthyeating #healthyliving #sadhguruwisdom

4/22/2024, 6:30:13 AM

So, the chocolate by itself is not harmful. Unfortunately you’re taking too much of sugar with it. That’s the reason why it causes so many problems. Chocolate eaters have a lot of trouble because the volume of sugar that they’re taking in. ~ Sadhguru . . . #darkchocolate #chocolatebenefits #healthyeating #healthyliving #sadhguruwisdom

4/20/2024, 6:30:11 AM

Time to replenish your kitchen shelves with the irresistible goodness of Smartfood Dark Chocolate! 🍫 Elevate your snacking game with this delicious blend of rich dark chocolate and crunchy popcorn, perfect for satisfying your cravings anytime, anywhere. Add to cart 🛒 #chocolate #darkchocolate #naturalchocolate #chocolatelover #chocolateaddict #healthychocolate #artisanchocolate #premiumchocolate #chocolatefacts #chocolatebenefits #malaysiachocolate #coklatmalaysia #coklatviral #coklatsedap #coklatmurah #coklatpremium #faktacoklat #kebaikancoklat #smartfood #sugarfree #vegan #ketodiet

4/17/2024, 2:00:33 PM

Survey says: the divide in chocolate preferences among people. From the rich flavors of Belcolade Belgian chocolate to the sustainable sourcing of cacao trace, every bite offers a taste of pure bliss. 🍫✨ #ChocolateBenefits #CacaoTrace #Belcolade #BelgianChocolate #SustainableSourcing #ChocolateChoices #SweetDebate

4/13/2024, 4:00:00 PM

Omade chocolates 🍫🍬 DM for orders 😍 #chocolatebenefits #chocolateuses

4/12/2024, 6:40:01 PM

Cacao vs. Cocoa: Same bean, different process. Both delicious, distinct flavors and uses. From the rich flavors of Belcolade Belgian chocolate to the sustainable sourcing of cacao trace, every bite offers a taste of pure bliss. 🍫✨ #ChocolateBenefits #CacaoTrace #Belcolade #BelgianChocolate #SustainableSourcing

4/12/2024, 4:00:00 PM

Savor the goodness of chocolate - a delightful delight filled with antioxidants, mood-boosting properties, and a touch of luxury. From the rich flavors of Belcolade Belgian chocolate to the sustainable sourcing of cacao trace, every bite offers a taste of pure bliss. 🍫✨ #ChocolateBenefits #CacaoTrace #Belcolade #BelgianChocolate #SustainableSourcing

4/11/2024, 4:00:00 PM

"Indulge guilt-free in the luscious world of chocolate! 🍫✨ Did you know? Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants that promote heart health and boost mood. Dive into a delicious treat that nourishes both body and soul. #ChocolateLove #SweetIndulgence #HealthByChocolate #AntioxidantRich #TreatYourself #ChocolateBenefits #HeartHealth #MoodBooster"

4/10/2024, 2:30:11 PM

Eid Mubarak! 🌙✨ May this joyous occasion bring you abundant blessings and happiness. As you celebrate with loved ones, why not add a modern twist to your traditional kuih raya spread with indulgent dark chocolate treats? Infused with rich flavor and luxurious texture, dark chocolate will delight your guests and add a touch of sophistication to your festivities. Add to cart 🛒 #chocolate #darkchocolate #naturalchocolate #chocolatelover #chocolateaddict #healthychocolate #artisanchocolate #premiumchocolate #chocolatefacts #chocolatebenefits #malaysiachocolate #coklatmalaysia #coklatviral #coklatsedap #coklatmurah #coklatpremium #faktacoklat #kebaikancoklat #smartfood #sugarfree #vegan #ketodiet

4/9/2024, 2:00:27 PM

Did you enjoy some chocolates this Easter? 🍫 Did you know that dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and compounds like theobromine, dark chocolate can help fight bacteria, reduce inflammation, and even protect against tooth decay. So next time you reach for a piece of chocolate, remember that you're not just satisfying your sweet tooth, but also giving your dental health a little boost! #ChocolateBenefits #DentalHealth

4/8/2024, 12:46:35 AM

Indulge in chocolate for sweet relief during menstruation! Benefits include mood boosting, pain relieving, energy boosting, iron replenishing, and serotonin releasing properties 🍫✨️ Remember to enjoy chocolate in moderation as part of a balanced diet! #Organycmv #OrganycMaldives #SelfCareSecrets #PeriodComfort #ChocolateBenefits #FeminineCare #MenstrualHealth #StressBuster #PeriodRelief

4/7/2024, 4:19:10 PM

I'm a chocolate for breakfast kind of person. It's embedded into my soul. Esp when paired with a warm a really morning workout 🙌 There are many countries who start their morning with chocolate and for many is six if you need convincing... It's a natural mood booster 🙂 It's one of the richest forms of superfoods It's good for your heart ❤️ reduces chance of strokes and helps lower blood pressure It's good for the brain. Side note...many Aztec and Mayan cultures ate it regularly for breakfast. Oaxacans in Mexico still drink a chocolate drink for breakfast called tejate as they did 300 years ago Chocolate has more antioxidants than green tea It keeps you on shape and helps regulate appetite Numerous studies have been done on the benefits and while I love a good chocolate mousse or pudding or hot cocoa, I do prefer the higher cocoa dark chocolate, I'm in that 80% or higher range. And prob eat a small piece daily. The one thing I would suggest is being smart about the chocolate you consume as many brands are quite toxic with lead and pesticides. Even your regular brands. The environmental working group EWG.Org does list the food scores for over 2,000 kinds of chocolates. does as well with a little more detailed test. I am picky about the brands I eat and tend to go with the products made in other countries where the regulations are a little more strict. And to be honest the chocolates taste better. But I won't ever turn down chocolate 🤣 ever. #croissant #petitpot #oatmilkchocolate #chocolatepudding #chocolateforbreakfast #chocolatemousse #chocolatecroissant #Pastry #chocolatebenefits #asyousow #chocolateisgoodforyou #breakfast #vegan #plantbased #tea #eatthedamnbread #sunrise #goodmorning #buongiorno

4/6/2024, 2:21:08 PM

Chocolate is not only sweet, (sugar free) chocolate is also good for your teeth! #ChocolateFacts #ChocolateBenefits #FunFacts

4/5/2024, 8:01:20 PM

Did you know meaning chocolate guys? #chocolatelovers #chocolates #chocolatemeaning #chocolatebenefits #chocolatecake #chocolatecake

4/3/2024, 12:55:01 AM

Indulging in chocolate isn't just about satisfying your sweet tooth – it can also offer some surprising health benefits. Swipe through to learn more about the delicious advantages of chocolate! #BalanceIsKey #ChocolateBenefits #HealthyIndulgence #CocoaGoodness #NutritionalChocolate #SweetTreats #BalanceIsKey #HealthAndWellness #BalancedDiet #DarkChocolate #Antioxidants

4/2/2024, 3:01:32 AM

You’re going to want to hear this…Introducing our Dark Chocolate Capsules! 🤎 Packed with antioxidants, mood-boosting magic, and inflammation-fighting power to get you through your day! 🍫⚡️ April fools😉 there’s no better way to get the benefits of dark chocolate than eating it! . . Vous ne voudrez pas manquer ça... Découvrez nos délicieuses capsules de chocolat noir ! 🤎 Remplies d'antioxydants, de notes magiques pour égayer votre humeur et de propriétés anti-inflammatoires pour vous accompagner tout au long de la journée ! 🍫⚡️ #chocolatebenefits #healnaturally #moodboost #healthjourney #antioxidants

4/1/2024, 4:15:17 PM

Sweet Side of Skincare with Chocolate! 🍫 Enriched with minerals like magnesium and zinc, chocolate helps to replenish and revitalize tired skin, restoring its natural glow and vitality. Beyond its irresistible taste, chocolate is a potent source of flavonoids, that can help to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Chocolate’s texture also nourishes and hydrates, leaving your skin feeling silky-smooth and deeply moisturized. __ #spabalimoon #chocolate #bali #benefits #seminyak #bodyscrub #bodysrubseminyak #bodysrubbali #chocolatebenefits #manfaatchocolate #manfaat #beauty #beautyinfo #beautytips #skintips

4/1/2024, 11:00:44 AM

Fun fact: Eating chocolate while studying can enhance your brain's ability to remember new information! 🧠🍫 #StudyTip #ChocolateBenefits #BrainPower #thinkclassroom

4/1/2024, 9:35:38 AM

Life is all about balance! But did you know that chocolate doesn’t always have to be considered a naughty indulgence? Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate with high cocoa content, is rich in 🧡antioxidants, which can 🧡improve heart health, 🧡lower blood pressure, and 🧡reduce the risk of stroke. It also contains flavonoids that may 🧡enhance brain function and mood, while its serotonin content can promote 🧡feelings of well-being. Obviously, moderation is key due to its calorie and sugar content but for today, Easter Sunday, just go wild! Wishing you all a very Happy Easter Sunday 🐣 #happyeaster #eastertreats #eastertime #balance #treatyourself #turmeric #chocolate #antioxidants #yingyang #antioxidants #chocolatehealth #chocolatebenefits

3/31/2024, 10:40:31 AM

HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHOCOLATE 🍫 FIGHTS AGAINST DISEASE: Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, that help protect the body from free radicals GOOD FOR HEART HEALTH: Flavanols in dark chocolate have a positive effect on heart health by lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow to the heart MAY HELP LOWER CHOLESTEROL: Polyphenols in chocolate are thought to be involved in cholesterol control BETTER BRAIN FUNCTION: eating dark chocolate increases the flow of blood to the grey matter in the brain MAKES YOU HAPPY: the essential amino acids in dark chocolate help increase the production of the happy hormone serotonin If you are indulging in some chocolate this Easter, go ahead and enjoy. Just make sure you choose a good quality dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids for the most health benefits 🧡 #chocolate #darkchocolate #healthbenefits #goodhealth #goodnutrition #chocolatebenefits #nutritionaltherapy

3/30/2024, 11:04:09 AM

Some dark chocolate benefits (to have a clear conscience) 🪷 Increases heart health 🪷 Balances the immune system 🪷 Combats diabetes 🪷 Improves brain function 🪷 Boosts athletic performance 🪷 Reduces stress #chocolate #chocolatebenefits #easter #easter2024 #sophyinstitute #sophyluxembourg #luxembourg #luxembourgville #luxembourgcity #letzbuerg

3/30/2024, 8:06:36 AM

🍫 Unlock the Healthy Benefits of Chocolate 🍫 The information you’ve been looking for, so you don’t feel so guilty about those Easter treats 😜 🌟 Opt for Dark Delights: Choose dark chocolate with high cocoa content for a dose of heart-boosting antioxidants like epicatechin and catechin. 💪 Nutrient Boost: Chocolate packs essential minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper, bolstering your immune system and muscle function. 🚫 Mindful Enjoyment: Enjoy chocolate in moderation, preferably after a meal or snack, to avoid overindulging and missing out on other nutrients. ⏰ Timing Is Key: Be mindful of chocolate's caffeine content, similar to a cup of green tea, to prevent sleep disturbances, especially if consumed later in the day. 🍫 Quality Matters: Prioritise quality over quantity, savoring each bite and portioning out your chocolate to prevent sugar overload. 🌱 Cacao vs. Cocoa: Discover the difference between raw cacao and roasted cocoa, with cacao boasting more minerals, antioxidants, and caffeine. Experiment with raw chocolate bars or cacao powder for a healthier alternative. This Easter, indulge wisely and let chocolate be your guilt-free pleasure! 🐰 #chocolatebenefits #darkchocolatelove #healthychocolate #antioxidantrich #nutrientboost #mindfuleating #moderationiskey #caffeineawareness #qualityoverquantity #savorthebite #portioncontrol #guiltfreeindulgence #cacaoovercocoa #rawchocolate #healthyalternative #easterindulgence #chocolatelovers #hearthealth #immunesupport #musclefunction #nutritiontips #healthylifestyle #balancedeating #chocolatecoma #sweettreats #consciousindulgence #treatyourself #wellnessjourney #foodisfuel

3/30/2024, 7:05:08 AM

As if you needed an excuse to eat more chocolate this weekend.. 🐰⁠ ⁠ Happy Easter! 🍫

3/30/2024, 4:00:17 AM

Customized Chocolate Boxes For bookings and order, contact us on +91 9637173122 (number available on WhatsApp). **Delicious, homemade & 100% organic chocolates** **No added sugars or preservatives** **Our chocolates are made from Cocoa Beans, not chocolate compounds** **Pan India delivery available** **Customizations available** #ChocolateFacts #ChocolateBenefits #Chocolate #Chocolates #ChocolateLove #ChocolateLover #ChocolateLovers #ChocolateAddict #ChocolateHeaven #ChocolateWorld #ChocolateHamper #ChocolateBox #ChocolateShop #ChocolateStore #ChocolateHandmade #ChocolateHomemade #HomemadeChocolate #HomemadeChocolates #OrganicChocolate #Homemade #HomemadeFood #Organic #OrganicFood #NoAddedSugar #NoPreservatives #PuneLife #PuneFood #PuneEvents #PuneInsta #SinhagadRoad

3/29/2024, 2:08:23 PM

Amazing benefits of Dark Chocolate •Rich in antioxidants, dark chocolate helps protect your cells from damage. •Contains flavonoids that may improve heart health by increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. •Boosts brain function and may enhance cognitive abilities due to its caffeine and theobromine content. •Improves mood and reduces stress by stimulating the production of endorphins and serotonin. •Supports skin health by hydrating the skin and improving circulation, resulting in a healthy glow. •Helps control appetite and cravings by promoting feelings of fullness and satisfaction. •Provides essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc, contributing to overall health and vitality. Follow for more such tips. #Darkchocolate #chocolatebenefits #darkchocolate #Triadfit #Triadfittips #benefitsofdarkchocolate

3/29/2024, 1:00:00 PM

Happy Easter 💐 We'll see you when we are back on Tuesday 😇 How will you be spending your long weekend? . . . . #chocolate #chocolatebenefits #easter #easteregg #easter2024 #greatbentleyretreat #thegreatbentleyretreat #greatbentley

3/29/2024, 11:00:27 AM

🐰🌟 Happy Easter from Lift Eat Move! 🌸🥚⁠ ⁠ We want to inform you that our gym will be closed from 1pm on Good Friday until 7am on Easter Monday. ⁠ ⁠ While you enjoy the Easter festivities, remember that indulging in some chocolate can actually benefit your healthy lifestyle! 🍫 Dark chocolate, in particular, is rich in antioxidants and can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health. So go ahead and treat yourself, guilt-free! 😋⁠ ⁠ Wishing you a happy Easter from the Lift Eat Move team!⁠ ⁠ #HappyEaster #LiftEatMove #ChocolateBenefits #EasterTreats 🐰🍫⁠

3/28/2024, 7:01:10 PM

Achieve that radiant glow with these simple steps! Stay hydrated with lots of water 💧 Shield your skin with sunscreen always ☀️ Treat your skin to a weekly scrubbing session 💆‍♀️ Indulge in a little chocolate daily for its skin-loving benefits 🍫 Rejuvenate with a weekly steam session 🌬️ Nurture your inner peace with daily meditation 🧘‍♂️ Embrace these habits for healthy, glowing skin! Follow us Glam Galaxy #HealthySkin #SkincareTips #NaturalBeauty #RadiantSkin #SkinCareRoutine #HydrationIsKey #SunscreenProtection #WeeklyScrub #ChocolateBenefits #SelfCareSunday #SteamTherapy #MeditationJourney #GlowFromWithin #BeautyInsideOut #HealthyHabits #LoveYourSkin #SelfLoveJourney #InnerPeace #SkinGoals #InstaBeauty #QnA #glamgalaxy #patna #bihar

3/28/2024, 12:05:18 PM

With Easter coming up, we thought we'd talk about the unexpected health benefits of chocolate 🍫 🫀 Improved heart health - Dark chocolate, in particular, contains flavonoids, antioxidants that can help improve heart health by increasing blood flow, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart disease. 🧠 Enhanced cognitive function - Chocolate contains compounds such as caffeine and theobromine, which can help improve cognitive function, including memory, focus, and overall brain health. 😁 Mood enhancement - Chocolate contains serotonin precursors and other compounds that can trigger the release of endorphins in the brain, leading to feelings of pleasure and mood improvement. 👤 Antioxidant properties - Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which can help neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress, lowering the risk of certain chronic diseases and promoting overall health. Remember, these benefits are associated with moderate consumption of dark chocolate with high cocoa content. Too much chocolate, especially types with high sugar or fat content, can go against these potential benefits and contribute to health issues such as dental problems and weight gain. Choose your chocolate wisely! 🤎

3/28/2024, 10:01:37 AM

Корисні властивості шоколаду Шоколад відомий своїм здатністю стимулювати вивільнення ендорфінів, що є природними підсилювачами настрою, і містить фенілетиламін, хімічну речовину, яка сприяє відчуттю задоволення та щастя. Крім того, шоколад містить невелику кількість кофеїну і теоброміну, які відомі своїм м'яким стимулюючим ефектом. Ці речовини можуть поліпшити когнітивні функції, збільшити пильність та покращити концентрацію уваги. Дослідження показали, що споживання шоколаду пов'язане зі зниженням рівня стресу. Регулярне вживання шоколаду сприяє активації вивільнення нейротрансмітерів, таких як серотонін, що допомагає регулювати настрій і зменшувати відчуття тривоги. Більше того, деякі дослідження показали, що шоколад може знизити рівень кортизолу - гормону, пов'язаного зі стресом. Отже, наукові дані підтверджують корисні властивості шоколаду для психічного стану та загального самопочуття. Однак важливо вживати його з обережністю і в межах рекомендованої дози, щоб уникнути негативних наслідків. #AARPharma #ААРФарма #ChocolateBenefits #Endorphins #Phenylethylamine #CognitiveFunction #StressReduction

3/22/2024, 6:40:43 AM

초콜릿은 심장병 위험을 줄일 수 있습니다. 특히 다크 초콜릿에는 심장 건강에 이로운 항산화제인 플라보노이드가 풍부해요. 적당량을 꾸준히 섭취하면 심장 건강을 도울 수 있죠. 첫 번째 컬러 영화는 1908년에 만들어졌습니다. 'A Visit to the Seaside'라는 이 영화는 당시로서는 혁신적인 기술을 사용하여 제작되었으며, 영화 역사에서 중요한 이정표가 되었죠. 첫 번째 컬러 영화로 유명한 오즈의 마법사(1939)는 최초의 풀 컬러 영화입니다. 이탈리아에서 피자는 전통적으로 손으로 먹는다. 이는 이탈리아 식문화의 한 부분으로, 피자를 좀 더 캐주얼하고 사교적인 식사로 만들어줍니다. 실제로 이탈리아에서는 포크와 나이프를 사용하지 않고 피자를 손으로 먹는 것이 일반적이에요. 상식을 좋아한다면, #상식세끼 #daily3saekki를 팔로우하고 매일 상식을 챙겨드세요! . . . #상식 #상식퀴즈 #공부 #공부스타그램 #성장 #자기계발 #교육 #탐구 #지식 #초콜릿 #심장건강 #컬러영화 #영화역사 #피자 #이탈리아식문화 #didyouknow #funfacts #trivia #learnsomethingnew #commonsense #ChocolateBenefits #HeartHealth #ColorMovie #CinemaHistory #PizzaHands #ItalianEating

3/15/2024, 4:51:16 AM

Chocolate protein bars 🍫 For bookings and order, contact us on +91 9637173122 (number available on WhatsApp). **Delicious, homemade & 100% organic chocolates** **No added sugars or preservatives** **Our chocolates are made from Cocoa Beans, not chocolate compounds** **Pan India delivery available** **Customizations available** #ChocolateFacts #ChocolateBenefits #Chocolate #Chocolates #ChocolateLove #ChocolateLover #ChocolateLovers #ChocolateAddict #ChocolateHeaven #ChocolateWorld #ChocolateHamper #ChocolateBox #ChocolateShop #ChocolateStore #ChocolateHandmade #ChocolateHomemade #HomemadeChocolate #HomemadeChocolates #OrganicChocolate #Homemade #HomemadeFood #Organic #OrganicFood #NoAddedSugar #NoPreservatives #PuneLife #PuneFood #PuneEvents #PuneInsta #SinhagadRoad

3/12/2024, 3:53:22 PM

For your body and mind, it's crucial to have a positive relationship with all foods. But developing a healthy relationship with chocolate in particular could have a profoundly good effect on your general wellbeing. Yes, you heard correctly. Chocolate enhances brain function, immune system balance, heart health, and stress reduction. Choose a healthy chocolate consumption strategy that suits your lifestyle from the various options available. 🍫 Book Your Appointment: +91-8826-456-656 Website: Addresses: Medical Centre: D-961, Mata Mandir Road, Near Kotak Mahindra Bank, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, 110025 Main Lab: E-46/4, Pocket D, Okhla Phase II, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020 #ChocolateLovers #HealthyEating #NutritionTips #BrainHealth #HeartHealth #ImmuneBoost #StressReduction #HealthyLifestyle #WellnessJourney #HealthBenefits #PositiveRelationship #HealthyLiving #BookNow #Healthcare #MindBodyConnection #HealthAndWellness #ChocolateTherapy #StayHealthy #EatWell #ChocolateBenefits #DeliciousAndHealthy #ChocolateGoodness #HealthIsWealth #ChooseHealth #HealthyChoices #StayFit

3/11/2024, 7:40:07 AM

For your body and mind, it's crucial to have a positive relationship with all foods. But developing a healthy relationship with chocolate in particular could have a profoundly good effect on your general wellbeing. Yes, you heard correctly. Chocolate enhances brain function, immune system balance, heart health, and stress reduction. Choose a healthy chocolate consumption strategy that suits your lifestyle from the various options available. 🍫 Book Your Appointment: +91-8826-456-656 Website: Addresses: Medical Centre: D-961, Mata Mandir Road, Near Kotak Mahindra Bank, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, 110025 Main Lab: E-46/4, Pocket D, Okhla Phase II, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020 #ChocolateLovers #HealthyEating #NutritionTips #BrainHealth #HeartHealth #ImmuneBoost #StressReduction #HealthyLifestyle #WellnessJourney #HealthBenefits #PositiveRelationship #HealthyLiving #BookNow #Healthcare #MindBodyConnection #HealthAndWellness #ChocolateTherapy #StayHealthy #EatWell #ChocolateBenefits #DeliciousAndHealthy #ChocolateGoodness #HealthIsWealth #ChooseHealth #HealthyChoices #StayFit

3/11/2024, 7:02:52 AM

Adixions Clutch of Dark Chocolate Mini Easter Eggs..🐇🍫🐣 To be enjoyed guilt free as each mini egg is packed with essential minerals and vital elements that benefit your health, from boosting your mood by enhancing the increase of the feel good endorphins to antioxidants found in dark chocolate protecting our cells from damage caused by free radicals, which cause premature aging and increase your risk of heart disease and more!🍫✨️❤️ Always invest and indulge in premium quality chocolate for a far more superior decadent chocolate moment! 🍫✨️❤️ #chocolatelovers #chocolatepassion #chocolateaddicted #adixionseaster #easter2024 #easterchocolates #chocolatescience #chocolatebenefits #madeinsouthaustralia

3/8/2024, 10:20:48 AM

Nuestra cocoa alcalina es un básico para elevar tus recetas a otro nivel. Su sabor suave y equilibrado es justo lo que necesitas para endulzar tus días.✨ *Disponible en todas nuestras sucursales. 🍫Midtown 🍫Plaza Universidad 🍫Plaza Andares 🍫Plaza D’Lucca 🍫Punto Sur 🍫La Perla . . #chocolate #chocolateshop #cacao #tablillasdechocolate #chocolatebenefits

3/6/2024, 11:03:04 PM

Indulge in the Sweet Symphony of Fitness with Chocolate! 🍫 1️⃣ Antioxidant Boost Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants like flavonoids, fighting oxidative stress for a healthier you. 2️⃣ Mood Magic Indulge in chocolate's mood-enhancing compounds, triggering those feel-good endorphins for a delightful day. 3️⃣ Heart Health Goodness Enjoy the heart-healthy advantages of dark chocolate, from improved blood flow to potential blood pressure benefits. Elevate your snacking experience with ProGo bars from our Nutrition and Wellness company! ✨ #ChocolateBenefits #FitnessFuel #ProGoNutritionUS #WellnessJourney #IndulgeInWellness

3/6/2024, 11:00:26 PM

Traditionally, dark chocolate has been considered a “healthy treat” as its high concentration of cocoa powder is high in antioxidants, specifically flavanols. In fact, dark chocolate contains up to 2-3 times more flavanol-rich cocoa solids than milk chocolate. Flavanols have been directly linked to lowering heart disease. To maximize this health benefit and minimize added sugar, nutritionists suggest choosing chocolates that are 70-80% cocoa. Dark chocolate has been linked to many health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory properties. However, it should be noted that some antioxidants and other healthy nutrients are lost in the processing of the food. While dark chocolate also contains a higher proportion of healthy minerals like iron, zinc, and magnesium, it also can be high in dangerous heavy metals like lead and cadmium. This report was updated last October detailing which brands do and do not have high levels of these metals: However, one study found that this exposure to heavy metals does not pose a significant health risk. It is also worth noting that dark chocolate contains a moderate amount of saturated fat, which can increase blood lipid levels. However, its heart-protective effects from flavanols outweigh the risk. Additionally, did you know dark chocolate contains caffeine? The higher the percent of cocoa, the more caffeine. For example, two ounces of 70% dark chocolate (about half a chocolate bar) contains about 50-60 mg of caffeine. (A cup of coffee contains 100-200 milligrams of caffeine.) So, is dark chocolate healthy? Every food has healthy and unhealthy qualities (some more than others) and dark chocolate is no exception. If you like dark chocolate like me, enjoy its benefits! And remember, everything in moderation. #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #wellnesswednesday #healthandwellness #chocolatelover #darkchocolate #healthyindulgence #healthylife #nutrition #healthytreats #antioxidants #wellnessjourney #guiltfreetreats #healthychoices #sweettooth #wellnesstips #holistichealth #chocolatebenefits #mindfuleating

3/6/2024, 10:46:57 PM

This week of IWD, taking our cue from IxCacao – the Mayan Goddess of fertility and chocolate – we continue to focus on women and chocolate 🍫👸❤️ Flip through to find out why women are particularly drawn to chocolate. PSA: if you experience mood swings as hormones fluctuate throughout your cycle, make sure you read through to the end!

3/6/2024, 6:00:00 PM

Y tu Sabias todos los beneficios del Chocolate ?🍫✨ En Chocolate Prints Chocolatería, nos apasiona compartir el amor por el chocolate y sus increíbles ventajas para la salud.🍫🧑‍⚕️ #ChocolateLover #ChocolateBenefits #ChocolateAddict #Healthychocolate #ChocolateMagic #ChocolateObsession #ChocolateTherapy #SweetIndulgence #ChocolateHeaven #CocoaPower #ChocolateDelight #NutritionFact #HealthyTreats #DarkChocolateLove #TreatYourself #IndulgeInChocolate #ChocolateIsLife #HealthyLiving #SweetTooth #ChocolateTime

3/2/2024, 2:48:38 AM

¡Descubre el dulce secreto para una vida más saludable! 🍫💪 Con nuestra cocoa alcalina nutrirás tu cuerpo con una dosis de antioxidantes y energía natural! ¿Quién dijo que lo saludable no puede ser delicioso? . . #chocolate #chocolateshop #cacao #tablillasdechocolate #chocolatebenefits

3/1/2024, 8:30:13 PM