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Hey Cinners!! This week we dive (get it) into Universal Monsters very own CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON! We uncover some behind the scenes drama (spoiler alert, the guy from the 50’s is an a**hole and horrible to women! SHOCKER!!!!) we discover some what could have beens with possible remakes and @seanoc32 annoys everyone once again with 3 simple cords. Streaming now on all podcast platforms, links are in the bio!!! 🔪🩸🎬 #heycinners #cinefulcuts #podcast #creaturefromtheblacklagoon #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

5/10/2024, 2:17:22 AM

Just saw this film for the first time recently!! Holy Toledo, what a f*cked up film! That is pretty much all I can say without giving details away, many parts of this film simply left me speechless 😶. Highly recommend!! 😅😅 👹🪓🐐🐕👹 #whenevillurks #shudder #movie #film #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

5/10/2024, 1:47:18 AM

【#觀影短評】《#惡鄰羅曼史》隔牆有耳,小心愛情就在身邊~ 輕鬆逗趣的愛情喜劇,翻拍自 #法國電影《#非誠勿擾》(Un peu, beaucoup, aveuglément),男女主角兩位冤家「牆」窄、狹「牆」相逢,隔著牆壁爭吵不斷漸漸到了解彼此,產生曖昧情懷,但卻始終都隔著牆壁去吐露心聲。有種聽的到卻看不到,讓人案耐不住想知道跟你交談人的長相如何,好比是與志趣相投的筆友傳書信的感受。 電影並非全是那種老掉牙的浪漫情節,反而是有點深度的關於追求夢想及人生路上所遇見的挫折去面對解決的劇情!一開始透過隔音不好的牆壁讓兩位冤家處處槓上,兩個互相製造噪音去吵鬧對方的作息,很有青春電影的梗。步調上雖然有股法式電影的節奏,不過整體而言還是走韓式愛情輕喜劇的鋪陳,有點黏又有點躁(?) 然而,後半段在追夢的過程中,以及面對中年到來的感覺,有更多的筆觸描寫,從電影的主角年齡設定在30多歲就可以知道,讓有走過這段歷程的人,總有戚戚焉之感觸。電影不是單單描繪那種吵來吵去的愛情,還有對於自己的想法及面對外界的感受,導演將年齡與時序逐漸增長的用意,反而讓電影呈現出更有閱歷體會的劇情感受。 #韓昇延 和 #李知勳 兩位主角的演出相當登對,雖然隔著一面牆但卻能感受到對方的一舉一動,充滿默契和心有靈犀。推薦給喜歡愛情電影及已出社會的觀眾,面對夢想與現實拉扯的人,也許可以從中找到自己未來的方向! —————————————————————— 撰文者:Bryant Chen 推薦指數:6分 —————————————————————— 中英片名:《惡鄰羅曼史》 My Worst Neighbor 上映日期:05/10/2024 發行公司:@garageplay.tw 圖片來源:GaragePlay車庫娛樂、活動現場自攝 #KARA #月升之江 #婚禮的那一天 #MyWorstNeighbor #電影 #影評 #觀後感 #觀影心得 #letsmovie #igTaiwan

5/9/2024, 6:50:25 PM

【#觀影短評】《#九龍城寨之圍城》久違的香港道地動作電影,一拳一腳的堆砌傳承之作! 好久沒看到純粹痛快的香港動作類型電影了!不愧是漫改背景陳設,把黑社會電影設計得像在看功夫武俠電影般刺激,結合各式武術究極的動作招式,絕非一般的廝殺套招,武術拳打相當講究,打出香港動作片回魂巔峰之作!超高還原度,無論是城寨場景搭建,還是漫畫人物角色屬性設定,宿命對決、痛快淋漓,實在是拍案叫絕,令人直呼過癮的好看! 電影敘述1980年代香港最黑暗的時刻,一個外人眼中目無法紀三不管地帶的九龍城寨,裡面住著各式各樣努力生活的人們,城寨中自有一套秩序,維持這些人生活,也給走投無路無依無靠之人短暫避風港。風雨飄零的化外之地,即便環境再艱苦,只要肯做事,一樣能活下去,展現時代進程的歷盡滄桑,另凸顯小民堅忍屹立的生存之道。 電影集結港、中、台三地王牌演員陣容,難得老中青三代一線人物集結,由 #洪金寶、#古天樂、#任賢齊 以及驚喜客串的 #郭富城,各自的角色魅力穿引著精彩可觀的故事情節,頗有引領傳承的精神。文本核心-城寨守衛者「#城寨四少」,由 #林峯 獨挑大樑主演 #陳洛軍 一角,身世坎坷、艱苦奮鬥,從頭到尾「痛不欲生」的摔打、挨揍,#鄭保瑞 導演又一次透過銀幕呈現「痛覺」感官刺激,非常令人印象深刻。#劉俊謙 完美詮釋俠帥「#信一」,斯文中的暴力美學形象,既冷酷卻也柔情,耍刀弄拳、飛車壓陣,幾幕動作戲身手敏捷真是帥爆!此外,還有 #胡子彤 和 #張文傑 各領本事,路見不平、挺身而出的滿溢熱血,寫意揮灑城寨傳奇篇篇詩頁。而飾演最大反派的 #伍允龍 ,真是大改帥氣原貌,施耍瘋癲兇殘、無惡不作,也是本片一大看點。 —————————————————————— 撰文者:Bryant Chen 推薦指數:7分 —————————————————————— 中英片名:《九龍城寨之圍城》 Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In、City of Darkness 上映日期:05/17/2024 發行公司:@skyfilms_movie 圖片來源:華映娛樂、活動現場自攝 #九龍城寨 #龍捲風 #十二少 #四仔 #狄秋 #大老板 #王九 #電影 #影評 #觀後感 #觀影心得 #CityofDarkness #letsmovie #fbTaiwan

5/8/2024, 4:30:15 PM

“Don’t you just love it?” “Love what?” “Tiffany’s!” 💎 . . . #tiffanyandco #breakfastattiffanys #trumancapote #audreyhepburn #hollygolightly @tcm @tiffanyandco #letsmovie #thislooksfilmiliar

5/8/2024, 2:33:50 AM

First time watch !! 🎬🎬🎬 #LetsMovie #nowwatching🎬

5/8/2024, 12:02:11 AM

First time watch !! 🎬🎬🎬 #LetsMovie #nowwatching🎬

5/7/2024, 3:10:47 PM

Now watching !! 🎬🎬🎬 #LetsMovie #nowwatching🎬

5/7/2024, 2:05:54 AM

Looking back at this film, now celebrating 25 years!! Did you know?… 🤚🏻 The hand actor was the infamous Christopher Hart, who also portrayed Thing in The Addams Family 🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻 #idlehands #movie #anniversary #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

5/6/2024, 3:11:09 AM

Lived my dream last June & had breakfast at Tiffany’s 🩵 Aside from seeing a recreation of Holly’s iconic little black dress, the most memorable moments were people asking to take pictures of me! Happy birthday to my forever idol, Audrey Hepburn. . . . #happybirthdayaudreyhepburn @tcm @tiffanyandco @blueboxcafenyc #blueboxcafe #tiffanyandco #breakfastattiffanys #hollygolightly #audreyhepburn #thislooksfilmiliar #letsmovie

5/5/2024, 2:23:11 AM

🗽🥳 Happy 75th to THE BARKLEYS OF BROADWAY!!! 🎂👨🏻‍🎨 After their last of 9 musicals at RKO in 1939, a whole decade passed until the world got one more Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film which premiered on May 4, 1949. The wait was worth it as this historic reunion was produced by the foremost maker of musicals in Hollywood and photographed in glorious Technicolor. The movie tells the story of husband-and-wife dance team Josh and Dinah Barkley who are enjoying a successful stage career. Things go awry when Dinah meets French playwright Jacques Pierre Barredout, who offers her the lead in his latest drama chronicling the rise of Sarah Bernhardt, causing the couple to split up. Josh decides to phone his wife masquerading as Jacques and mentors her to get immersed into the part of Sarah. This yields a triumphant dramatic debut in Dinah’s career. When Dinah learns the man behind the phone’s true identity, the Barkleys of Broadway soon reconcile and make a happy return to the musical comedy stage. Fred and Ginger are supported by a terrific cast featuring Oscar Levant, Billie Burke, Gale Robbins, Jacques Francois, George Zucco, Clinton Sundberg and Hans Conried. Betty Comden and Adolph Green contributed a wonderful screenplay along with original songs by Harry Warren and Ira Gershwin. Fresh from their success with “Easter Parade,” Charles Walters directed the film and Arthur Freed produced it. This movie gave Fred and Ginger’s ever-adoring legion of fans the only chance to see them do their magic in color in which is perhaps one of the pair’s finest vehicles. One of the most iconic screen couples and definitely one that had no equal, Astaire and Rogers’ magic will live on for generations to come and so will this delightful grand finale to their incomparable partnership. #thebarkleysofbroadway @amazonmgmstudios #mgm #mgmmusicals #metrogoldwynmayer @warnerarchive #warnerarchive @tcm #turnerclassicmovies #letsmovie #fredastaire #gingerrogers #oscarlevant #billieburke #galerobbins #jacquesfrancois #georgezucco #clintonsundberg #hansconried @harrywarrenentertainment #harrywarren @thegershwinbrothers #iragershwin #arthurfreed #charleswalters #arthurcsmith

5/4/2024, 11:58:15 PM

Hey Cinners!! Short Cuts Vol. 24 is up on all streaming platforms!!! Here are some of this week’s topics, check it out!! Let us know in the comments your thoughts on these books and films!! 🔪🩸🎬 #heycinners #cinefulcuts #podcast #shortcuts #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

5/4/2024, 3:49:43 PM

【#觀影評論】《#錢不夠用3:#全部夠用》 共情共感、共體時艱 All Money Come My Home #新加坡 最共感小民生活、接地氣的電影,最讓人印象深刻的,就屬《#錢不夠用》系列了!想當初第一次看熱映許久的《錢不夠用》時,讓我對新加坡的語言充滿趣味,國語中穿插著英語,猶如之前台灣人常常口說的台灣國語般促咪。從第一集的《錢不夠用》開始,我就很喜歡該系列的電影,尤其是我們市井小民更是看得很有感,物價飛漲但薪水不漲的時代,錢真的不夠用啊!這集的課題放在窮的時候是否比有錢的時候心靈更富有?現代人的金錢觀與價值觀也是電影的另一大看點。 此外,喜歡這系列總以平凡簡單的生活小事,貼近時局反映小老百姓的心聲:經濟面向很好與一般人民有直接關係?引起一定程度的共鳴,「#人不怕窮,#只怕心窮」之道理,深具人生態度之啟發意涵。插科打諢下又灑了些戲劇效果必要之狗血,真的是笑中帶淚的作品呀! 曾以《#男兒王》入圍金馬獎最佳男主角 #李國煌,他所演出的小人物總是能讓人深有所感,這集的前後轉變更是大,演技精湛的他將角色詮釋的很到位!特別喜歡電影裡面出現的許多金句,像是:「理財理財,#要有財才能理,#沒錢財的根本也無法理呀!」很多錢不夠用的言論,讓人感到很貼近生活超有感。 電影中有搞笑、有感動還有充滿人性黑暗面及掙扎糾結,讓人能思考金錢和人生的意義,人生是否真的賺很多錢才是最快樂的,電影拋出的議題蠻多的,更讓我很有共鳴,是部讓人看得很歡笑愉悅但也會讓人深思與警惕的好電影! —————————————————————— 撰文者:Bryant Chen 推薦指數:7分 —————————————————————— 中英片名:《錢不夠用3:全部夠用》 Money No Enough 3 上映日期:05/01/2024 發行公司:@skyfilms_movie 圖片來源:華映娛樂、活動現場自攝 #MoneyNoEnough #梁智強 #程旭輝 #向雲 #letsmovie #igTaiwan #電影 #影評 #觀後感 #觀影心得

5/3/2024, 7:00:09 AM

Hey guys, are you following my podcast @cineful_cuts yet? Check out our latest episode on my favorite movie of all time The Crow, plus many more!! Give us a follow, all links are in the bio, including a YouTube channel! 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛ #cinefulcuts #podcast #thecrow #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

5/3/2024, 1:57:13 AM

Nuovi episodi e grandi amici che ritornano, su Super! il mese di maggio è imperdibile ✨🧽♥️🪩🏡 #acasadeiloud #loudhouse #letsmovie #atuttoritmo #zendaya #bellathorne #spongebob

5/2/2024, 6:42:46 PM

【#觀影評論】《#帝國浩劫:#美國內戰》鏡頭下的戰火,補捉患難間的人性與瘋狂 鏡頭猶如槍桿,補捉患難間最真實的人性與瘋狂。透過戰地記者的視角,去剖析美國內戰帶來的影響。片中許多關於戰爭的畫面場景都讓人震撼不已,拍出戰爭中讓人驚心動魄、分秒必爭的緊張感,也拍出身處戰爭中人性的糾結感受,如同末世般的畫面也讓我很震驚! #克絲汀鄧斯特 (Kirsten Dunst)化身歷經烽火的戰地記者,身處於交戰場面中,將資深戰地記者「李」的神情表達地很有層次,從她表情便可知悉影片想要陳述的意涵,冷漠、沉著的表情掩飾著戰火摧殘的破碎靈魂;冷靜中的不平靜,反而在充滿詭譎的氛圍之下,呈現最具人性的那一面。 電影帶點公路電影的色彩,透過四名記者穿越戰火重重的美國,不顧其危險,沿路捕捉寫實戰爭照片,透露出戰爭的殘酷與無情,也帶出美國內戰對其整體影響。而這段旅程也呈現出電影裡所要表達的意涵:爭端總是沒來由的一觸即發!在美國內戰時各種因戰爭殘破不堪的景象、種族歧視及分不出敵我互相廝殺的場景,歷歷在目、詭異得令人怵目驚心,甚至還有假裝漠視戰爭,如同穿梭時空般沒有發生內戰很平和的鄉鎮,透過記者的視角呈現戰爭各種醜陋的面貌及可怕。 導演透過虛擬內戰故事,呈現現今的美國政治兩極化和許多美國人對於未來的擔憂。順帶一提,電影最後一場攻入白宮的場景,應是 #A24 製作公司歷來花最多錢的大場面了!突兀的文明世界發生一場慘無人道的斬首行動,民主國家打著反獨裁的旗幟,卻做著不文明的私刑革命,而這種擔憂感讓電影所呈現出的情節更會讓人共鳴。總之,本片是部充滿警世意涵的作品,引人入勝的劇情及人性糾結的情緒與恐懼,方方面面真實呈現出來,可以說是專為帝國為隱喻而延伸全球的類寓言電影,細思極恐。 —————————————————————— 撰文者:Bryant Chen 推薦指數:6分 —————————————————————— 中英片名:《帝國浩劫:美國內戰》 Civil War 上映日期:05/01/2024 發行公司:@garageplay.tw 圖片來源:GaragePlay 車庫娛樂、活動現場自攝 #CivilWar #letsmovie #igTaiwan #電影 #影評 #觀後感 #觀影心得 #帝國浩劫美國內戰 #艾力克斯嘉 #卡莉史派妮

5/2/2024, 12:05:17 PM

Reposted from @tcm To everyone traveling this holiday season, have a safe journey. And to see you off, Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint will be joining you on the platform at 5:30pm ET as we screen NORTH BY NORTHWEST ('59). #letsmovie #carygrant #evamariesaint

5/2/2024, 10:35:22 AM

Hey Cinners!! 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛ New episode is up on all your favorite streaming platforms!! Links are in the bio!! 🔪🩸🎬 #heycinners #cinefulcuts #podcast #thecrow #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

5/2/2024, 12:22:15 AM

First time watch !! 🎬🎬🎬 #LetsMovie #nowwatching🎬

4/30/2024, 9:51:09 PM

“Im Still Here” was released in 2010 and directed by Casey Affleck. The film documents Joaquin Phoenix as he retires from acting and transitions to a career in hip hop. Remember that time Joaquin Phoenix had a public meltdown and quit acting? Well it wasn’t a meltdown, he was just acting for a movie! Or maybe he was having a meltdown and it inspired a movie? It’s hard to say because much like Kiarostami’s “Close-up”, the lines between reality and fiction are quite blurred here. It’s not obvious who knows Joaquin is acting, nor can we tell which moments are scripted vs candid. Really, it doesn’t matter too much because Joaquin’s journey is a human one regardless of legitimacy. “Hate me or like me, just don’t misunderstand me” pleas an agitated Joaquin. Fed up with being type cast as a sad wierdo, being nothing more than a puppet for other peoples visions leaves him desperately craving his own outlet of self expression. He quits acting and turns to hip-hop, but ends up surprised at how difficult it is to succeed in the industry. While this happens he finds himself victimized and satirized by the Hollywood machine. It’s both a powerful statement on our desire to be heard and a scathing critique of celebrity obsessed culture. Whether he’s honestly looking to fulfill his musical desires, acting, or having a real breakdown doesn’t matter. This is his life. Why should he be judged and shamed for trying to live it the way he wants? Why are those concerned about his mental health mocking him instead of reaching out to help? The takeaway from the film is simple and sobering. It’s hard to be a person. “Im Still Here” is an enigmatic, vulnerable work of art using one of cinemas most renowned actors as its canvas. It’s funny, relatable, and touching. I highly, highly recommend it. #imstillhere #joaquinphoenix #hiphop #rap #documentary #cinema #filmfans #movietime #letsmovie #filmtheory #movie #cinemetography #cinema #bluray #moviecollection #filmcommunity #movietime #filmreviews #movieaddict

4/30/2024, 5:00:43 PM

The second film in “Rogue Cops and Rackateers: Two Crime Thrillers by Enzo G. Castellari” is “The Heroin Busters” from 1977. An Italian cop and an interpol agent compete to take down an international crime syndicate. So we have two lawmen butting heads to take out a drug ring because drugs are bad mmm’kay. The first half of the film is spent showing the international drug trade at work. It’s a global operation, which means this film expands itself further than the localized poliozetteschi films before it. It’s a nice change of pace and also quite interesting. The second half of the film breaks away from all realism to deliver mass shootouts, violent payoff, and even plane crashes. It’s quite over the top but by the time things get rolling we’re invested enough to go along with it. Progressive rock legends Goblin do a great job providing music to this feature. I especially enjoy the bookending track “La via fella droga”. It features psychedelic guitar licks that help this film stand out from others in the genre. Castellari shows precision in pacing, ensuring the dual nature of the film doesn’t feel jarring to the viewer. Fabio Testi again shines in the lead role and the short runtime makes it a very easy afternoon watch. “The Heroin Busters” is a highly entertaining slow burn film. It’s personality and carnage that served as an excellent conclusion to my Poliozetteschi marathon. #arrowvideo #poliozetteschi #italiancinema #crimemovies #cinema #filmfans #movietime #letsmovie #filmtheory #movie #cinemetography #cinema #bluray #moviecollection #filmcommunity #movietime #filmreviews #movieaddict

4/30/2024, 3:08:44 AM

Taking a look back at these two films this week! 🐈‍⬛ 🪦 Pet Sematary, celebrating 35 years!! 🤯🎮 Brainscan, now celebrating 30 years!! Follow @cineful_cuts for more on these films! 🔪🩸🎬 #petsematary #brainscan #movie #anniversary #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

4/28/2024, 12:11:44 AM

Hey Cinners!! Here are some of the topics for this weeks Short Cuts episode, head to your favorite streaming platform or YouTube and check it out!!! Links are in the bio! 🔪🩸🎬 #heycinners #cinefulcuts #podcast #shortcuts #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

4/27/2024, 11:12:28 PM

We move on from “Years of Lead” and continue our foray into the poliozetteschi genre with “Rogue Cops and Rackateers: Two Crime Thrillers by Enzo G. Castellari”. The first film in this collection is “The Big Racket” from 1976. The film follows a rogue cop as he attempts to take down a criminal gang terrorizing local businesses. The films in “Years of Lead” felt like small, realistic crime pictures but “The Big Racket” lives up to its name with a grandiosity not present in those films. The core grit remains intact but like the American films it’s inspired by this is a loud, over the top action movie. A gang has begun harassing local store owners for payment, but the police are unable to discover who’s running the scheme. Constantly being undermined by superiors leads rough and tumble Maresciallo to exit the force. He investigates outside the law and manages to assemble his own force, banding together with community members who’ve been victimized by the gang. As the investigation continues Maresciallo is surprised to find just how deep the conspiracy goes. The film crescendos excellently as mystery gives way to action, resolving in a bombastic and highly entertaining final shootout! I really enjoyed having an ensemble cast in this picture. It widens the scope and allows for interesting discussions revolving around vigilante justice. Everyone does a good job, but leading man Fabio Testi really shines! I’m unfamiliar with his body of work but he definitely possesses macho star power. “The Big Racket” is a tremendously crafted crime film with many layers to explore. It’s loud, epic, and fun but still maintains the grit and bleakness of its genre. Very good stuff! #arrowvideo #poliozetteschi #italiancinema #crimemovies #cinema #filmfans #movietime #letsmovie #filmtheory #movie #cinemetography #cinema #bluray #moviecollection #filmcommunity #movietime #filmreviews #movieaddict

4/27/2024, 8:40:51 PM

🧁⚓️ Happy 80th to TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR!!! 🎶🎉 One of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s greatest wartime musicals, this movie tells the story of Jean and Patsy Deyo, two sisters who make it big as a nightclub act in New York. During their tenure there the girls dream of buying a deserted warehouse near their apartment which is soon gifted to them by a mysterious suitor known as “somebody.” They eventually turn the warehouse into a service canteen boasting the hottest acts in town. However, the aforementioned “somebody’s” identity remains a mystery until accidentally revealed to be that of a wealthy sailor named John Dyckman Brown III who’d been courting Jean all the time. By now it is Patsy who’s John’s real love interest while Jean ends up falling for a soldier. The sisters eventually decide to marry the servicemen and retire from show business living happily ever after. The film stars June Allyson, Gloria DeHaven and Van Johnson with Jimmy Durante and Tom Drake in supporting roles along with a bevy of guest stars including Harry James and His Music Makers with Helen Forrest, Jose Iturbi, Xavier Cugat and His Orchestra with Lina Romay, Virginia O’Brien, Gracie Allen, Albert Coates, Lena Horne, Carlos Ramirez, Amparo Novarro, Ben Blue, the Wilde Twins and even a young Ava Gardner in a bit part. Directed by Richard Thorpe and produced by Joe Pasternak, this film was a great box office success and earned screenwriters Richard Connell and Gladys Lehman an Oscar nomination Best Original Screenplay. Released on April 27, 1944, Two Girls and a Sailor serves as a prime example of a Hollywood morale booster as only M-G-M could make and continues to amaze 80 years later with its terrific array of talent, songs and numbers, offering audiences two wonderful fun-filled hours that remain unparalleled in musical filmmaking history! @amazonmgmstudios #mgm #metrogoldwynmayer #mgmmusicals @warnerarchive #warnerarchive @tcm #turnerentertainment #letsmovie @theacademy #twogirlsandasailor #juneallyson #gloriadehaven #vanjohnson #jimmydurante #tomdrake #harryjames #xaviercugat #gracieallen #lenahorne #virginiaobrien #joseiturbi #carlosramirez #richardthorpe #joepasternak #arthurcsmith

4/27/2024, 3:01:37 PM

The final film in “Years of Lead” is the Vittorio Salerno directed 1973 film “No, the Case is Happily Resolved”. A man who witnesses a murder opts not to come forward and soon finds himself the prime suspect. This poor guy Fabio really was just minding his own business fishing when all of a sudden some maniac brutally murdered a woman in front of him and ruined his whole getaway. Fabio, being terrified of the killer, chooses not to report the crime out of some self-preservational logic. He doesn’t want to get involved. Unfortunately the killer himself reports the crime to the police who then see Fabio as the only logical suspect. It’s a simple yet ingenious plot for a film that opens up many discussions surrounding justice and accountability. We also spend time with the killer, watching as he copes with both murdering a woman and framing an innocent family man. Fabio takes the opportunity to confront the man ruining his life and these scenes reach some explosive heights. They cement Fabio’s hopelessness, the killers’ ruthlessness, and the justice systems glaring failures. It’s very impressive. The music in this film was phenomenal, lending a somber atmosphere to the events transpiring on screen. There’s also some cool edits where settings will cut back and forth with each other, but their sounds will be reversed. The opening frames feature a soccer stadium cutting back and fourth with Fabio’s fishing trip. The stadium shots are silent and shots of Fabio and nature feature the roaring of the arena. It’s very simple and did an excellent job of locking me into the film right away. This type of directorial flair helps the film in its slower moments and overall it goes by quite fast. “No, the Case is Happily Resolved” is a little gem of a psychological film that proves to be thoughtful and rewarding. It sticks to basics and delivers a well made story. It’s a good, low-key conclusion to “Years of Lead”. #arrowvideo #poliozetteschi #italiancinema #crimemovies #cinema #filmfans #movietime #letsmovie #filmtheory #movie #cinemetography #cinema #bluray #moviecollection #filmcommunity #movietime #filmreviews #movieaddict

4/25/2024, 2:41:19 PM

【#觀影評論】《#自戀男神》 顧影自憐水仙花 老難男的痛苦與榮耀 導演 #東海林毅 初登場螢幕作品,有很清新、特別的味道!從開始時引述 #希臘神話 #納西瑟斯( #Narcissus),一個自戀男子的悲哀傳說,道出主角老年同志年華老去,身體機能也走下坡,已不復過去的年輕貌美的哀愁!電影沒有用很批判的說出社會上同志被壓抑感受,反而用很真摯的手法來呈現日本的同志進化史,透過老年同志回味過去年輕時光,娓娓道出每個世代日本社會對於同志的觀點感受! 碰觸隱密封閉的日本社會上,鮮少談及的同志議題及關於同志平權的努力。電影除了同志年華老去的感覺探討外,還探討了關於「家人」這一個主題,家人間彼此的牽絆及成為家人的要素! 就選角部分還滿成功的,兩位老少配的主角 #田村太二郎、#水石亞飛夢 甚至於裡面的配角,均表現得相當出色,很有韻味猶存的熟男鮮肉之誘惑,尤其是主角老年同志演出,將那種青春歲月流逝,懼怕變老變憔悴,想要變回青春的衝突感覺,呈現的非常透徹! 藉由電影角色細膩的刻畫呈現出老年同志及年輕同志,所關心的許多議題。電影呈現出原來我們外表所見的所認為的,事實上卻不一定是那樣,更常會出現許多意境畫面,彷佛反映出主角當時的心情,映照主角內心世界。 電影更透過老年同志繪本的作品,帶出繪本創作的理念與繪本隱含的寓意,兩個出現其中的繪本故事,都呈現出作者本身的心情與成長,最後繪本呈現出動人的虹彩也是充滿了許多寓意。 —————————————————————— 撰文者:Peter 推薦指數:6分 —————————————————————— 中英片名:《自戀男神》 Old Narcissus 上映日期:04/26/2024 發行公司:@pigeon_co_ltd 圖片來源:#政駒、活動現場自攝 #電影 #影評 #觀後感 #觀影心得 #老ナルキソス #水仙花 #OldNarcissus #Narcissus #letsmovie #fbTaiwan

4/24/2024, 6:40:24 PM

【#影視星聞】名導雷尼哈林重啟經典驚悚片始祖《陌路狂殺》 打造《#嗜殺路人甲》 全新三部曲 驚恐度再升級!  驚悚恐怖電影《嗜殺路人甲》由《#大法師:#吸魂首部曲》、《#終極警探2》好萊塢名導 #雷尼哈林(Renny Harlin)執導,睽違多年回歸恐怖片的他,重啟並全新改編2008年經典 #驚悚片始祖《#陌路狂殺》,電影將以「#嗜殺三部曲」方式回歸,卡司集結人氣紅星《#河谷鎮》#曼德萊娜佩奇(Madelaine Petsch),她將帶來從影最驚嚇演出,並攜手《#少年狼》#弗洛伊古鐵雷斯(Froy Gutierrez)。無辜的情侶因汽車拋錨住進偏僻小鎮的木屋,夜晚卻被迫如亡命鴛鴦般,拼命躲避面具惡徒的瘋狂追殺,系列三部曲也將逐漸帶出恐懼背後的駭人真相,驚悚指數再飆升,恐怖片迷千萬不能錯過! 好萊塢億萬名導雷尼哈林電影作品遍及各類題材,有熱門恐怖片《大法師:吸魂首部曲》、《#半夜鬼上床4:#幽冥鬼手》,賣座動作鉅作如 #布魯斯威利 主演《#終極警探2》和 #山繆傑克森 主演的《#水深火熱》、《#顛峰戰士》等片,奠定了他在好萊塢知名動作片導演地位。這次執導《嗜殺路人甲》可說是他回歸好萊塢驚悚恐怖類型的「圓夢」之旅!他表示在孩童時期就被身為電影迷的媽媽推坑介紹希區考克作品,看了驚悚大師的電影,也大量閱讀並沉浸在愛倫坡、柯南道爾的作品裡,這些黑暗的推理故事成了創作靈感來源,更自己寫了陰森恐怖故事,他說:「一直以來最吸引我的就是探索人生陰暗面的機會,可以去各個怪異和禁忌的地方,用出人意表的故事來驚嚇觀眾。」 因此當他看到 #布萊恩柏提諾 16年前的《陌路狂殺》,該片在上映後成為了一部隨機暴力行為的 #邪典經典、貼近現實生活的犯罪電影始祖時,他感到萬分驚艷,因為電影去除了背景故事或恐怖入侵家園概念背後的合理性,「每個人最害怕的噩夢成真了。這部片劇情如此單純,卻又可怕異常,一直是我最喜歡的驚悚片。」因此當他收到這部片的劇本時,內心欣喜若狂,最後雷尼哈林決定重新改編,他強調不是翻拍,而是充滿了向原版致敬的彩蛋,同時又要給新世代的影迷新鮮感和驚喜感。 雷尼哈林表示電影將連續拍攝並發展加長故事線成為「嗜殺三部曲」,他說:「我們將經典故事的精髓,類似的恐懼情境為基礎,並做了些許的改變,讓首部曲《嗜殺路人甲》故事更能融入我們長篇的三部曲故事。」透過續集以創新、意想不到的方式擴展故事內容,「接下來兩部則將探討這類暴力的受害者會發生什麼事,以及暴力的肇事者是誰。他們來自哪裡以及隨機殺人的動機。」同時他大讚男女主角曼德萊娜佩奇、弗洛伊古鐵雷斯之間擦出的火花,就是整系列的推動力。 嗜殺三部曲之首部曲《嗜殺路人甲》將於5月31日全台上映,二、三部曲將陸續於下半年度接力上檔。  (資訊提供:#台北双喜電影) #letsmovie #igTaiwan

4/24/2024, 9:40:52 AM

Movie time (2nd movie to watch for this afternoon) !! IMAX experience !! 🎬🎬🎬🍿🍿🍿 #LetsMovie #nowwatching🎬 #cinemaguzzo

4/23/2024, 9:11:11 PM

Movie time (1st movie to watch for this afternoon) !! 🎬🎬🎬🍿🍿🍿 #LetsMovie #nowwatching🎬 #cinemaguzzo

4/23/2024, 6:16:33 PM

The fourth film included in “Years of Lead” is “Highway Racer” from 1977. An impulsive police driver and his mentor attempt to stop a series of robberies. While the first three films in “Years of Lead” were fascinating to explore, they all seemed to be missing something: a sense of fun. Well, “Highway Racer” fills that gap in spades! This ridiculously entertaining film exchanges thoughtful meditations on violence and rape scenes for viewer friendly action sequences and sarcastic banter. It results in an easier watch, but still satisfies checks all the stylistic boxes of a poliozetteschi film. It benefits greatly by having a strong leading man in the form of Maurizio Merli. His intense jawline and expressive eyes stand out amongst the other characters, and the charm he exudes really helps the film stand out. Palma is the type of bad cop we like. He doesn’t care about the higher ups and really only joined the police service so he could drive like an asshole consequence free. When robbers start escaping with an expert driver, he seizes the opportunity to do just that. An old legend offers to improve his driving, leading to an extended “Rocky” type training montage. Then we’re chasing robbers! It’s a simple arc, but an arc nonetheless. While some films in this collection feel sort of like docu-dramas, this felt much more like a cinematic experience. I was almost disappointed when the film didn’t end with a car chase, but luckily it just did a splendid job of faking me out. “Highway Racer” separates itself from the poliozetteschi genre by succeeding as an entertaining action film. It’s my favourite film in this collection thus far and I had a great time with it. #arrowvideo #poliozetteschi #italiancinema #crimemovies #cinema #filmfans #movietime #letsmovie #filmtheory #movie #cinemetography #cinema #bluray #moviecollection #filmcommunity #movietime #filmreviews #movieaddict

4/23/2024, 4:05:52 PM

First time watch !! 🎬🎬🎬 #LetsMovie #nowwatching🎬

4/23/2024, 1:13:24 AM

The third feature presented in “Years of Lead” is “Colt 38 Special Squad” from 1976. When terrorists threaten to bomb the city of Turin a police commissioner sets up a squad of motorcycle riding, pistol clad police officers to stop them. What can stop robberies, assassinations, and bombs? Twelve cops, 24 wheels and a whole lot of bullets. This poliziotteschi broadens the scope of this collection by focusing on terrorism rather than serial murderers. The idea to combat it with glorified biker cops has limitless potential to entertain. There’s lots of good action scenes featuring wicked stunt work, loud explosions, and lots of destruction. Unfortunately the film surrounding these scenes lacks the personality needed to make this concept succeed. The same bleak tone from the previous films is carried over, clashing with the ridiculous plot and creating a strange tonal dissonance. The cops themselves also lacked personality, making it hard to distinguish between them during the more hectic parts of the film. Fortunately the film moves at a breakneck pace and the downtime never lasts long. It just needed a bit more to make it stand out. “Colt 38 Special Squad” left me without much to say. It just sort of came and went. While it’s a perfectly serviceable and entertaining crime film, I can’t say it’s my favourite from this poliozetteschi marathon. #arrowvideo #poliozetteschi #italiancinema #crimemovies #cinema #filmfans #movietime #letsmovie #filmtheory #movie #cinemetography #cinema #bluray #moviecollection #filmcommunity #movietime #filmreviews #movieaddict

4/22/2024, 3:00:59 PM

The last film of #TCMFF 2024: AN AMERICAN IN PARIS (1951). 🇺🇸 💗 🇫🇷 It’s always a bittersweet time when the festival comes to a close. Until next year! 🍿 📷: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #anamericaninparis #genekelly #lesliecaron #oscarlevant #vincenteminelli #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodglamour #classicmovie #silverscreen #moviegram #letsmovie

4/22/2024, 7:12:39 AM

“Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.” 🕵🏻 🎥: CHINATOWN (1974), Paramount Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #chinatown #jacknicholson #fayedunaway #johnhuston #romanpolanski #filmnoir #classicmovies #movielines #moviegram #cinephile #letsmovie

4/22/2024, 3:09:39 AM

Audrey Hepburn is dazzling as SABRINA (1954). I love this story of growth and self-discovery and am of the opinion that watching this movie is always a good idea. 👩🏻‍🍳 🇫🇷 💗 📷: Paramount Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #sabrina #billywilder #audreyhepburn #humphreybogart #williamholden #classicmoviestars #oldhollywood #moviegram #letsmovie

4/21/2024, 11:26:30 PM

Nothing to see here. Just Phyllis and Walter up to no good in DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944). 🌼 🕶️ Words can’t describe how much I love this movie. 🖤 📷: Paramount Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #doubleindemnity #billywilder #barbarastanwyck #fredmacmurray #edwardgrobinson #filmnoir #classicmovie #letsmovie

4/21/2024, 11:15:23 PM

Ending day three of #TCMFF on the best note possible with THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER (1940). 💌 Don’t you love this classic movie? It makes me wanna buy a green blouse with light yellow polka dots and check my mailbox for a letter from James Stewart. This one’s for you, @thenorapodcast. 🥂💕 📷: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #theshoparoundthecorner #ernstlubitsch #jamesstewart #margaretsullavan #classicmoviestars #noraephron #youvegotmail #oldhollywood #moviegram #letsmovie

4/21/2024, 7:05:51 AM

We love Cary Grant, but I believe I speak for us all when I say that the real star of NORTH BY NORTHWEST (1959) is his grey suit. 🩶 📷: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #northbynorthwest #alfredhitchcock #carygrant #evamariesaint #jamesmason #martinlandau #masterofsuspense #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodglamour #silverscreen #classicmoviestars #moviegram #letsmovie

4/21/2024, 2:23:43 AM

Doris Day greatest hits on pink vinyl, oooh so pretty & the album is a joy - if you’re a Turner Classic Movies fanatic or looking for a great Mothers Day gift, this is superb! Link in bio to my eBay store. . . . . . . . . #dorisday #dorisdayhergreatestsongs #pinkvinyl #vinylig #coloredvinyl #dorisdaymusic #vinyljunkie #vinylcommunity #vinylrecords #coloredvinyl #dorisdayvinyl #tcm #letsmovie #dorisdayfilms #filmmusic #greatesthits #coloredvinylclub #translucentpinkvinyl #mothersday #mothersdaygift #filmfans #dorisdayfans #dorisdaymoviemusic #queserasera #itsmagic #moveoverdarling #secretlove #myromance #sentimentaljourney #dorisdayrockhudson

4/21/2024, 1:28:00 AM

“Why don’t you come up sometime and see me?” 💎 I love a good pre-Code film and a young, dashing Cary Grant in one of his earliest roles. Mae West was pretty good too, I guess. 😉 🎥: SHE DONE HIM WRONG (1933), Paramount Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #shedonehimwrong #maewest #carygrant #precode #precodehollywood #classicmovie #oldhollywood #silverscreen #moviegram #letsmovie

4/20/2024, 9:50:52 PM

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz are always a joy to watch. THE LONG, LONG TRAILER (1954) was the first feature film they made together. The couple signed a contract with M-G-M to do a number of films in 1951 when #ILoveLucy was the number one show on television. While this film was a success, the second they made — FOREVER, DARLING (1956) — was a total flop and the rest of the contract was left unfulfilled. This movie was a milestone for Lucy and Desi and they had cherished memories of the experience; so much so, they kept the trailer that was used in the movie at their home. 💛 📷: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #thelonglongtrailer #lucilleball #desiarnaz #vincenteminelli #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodglamour #classicmovie #ilovelucy #moviegram #letsmovie

4/20/2024, 8:24:34 PM

Frank Capra’s IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (1934) is pure classic movie magic. It’s hard to believe Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert were not first picks for the parts of Peter and Ellie. Additionally, both were reluctant to star in the film. Despite this, they’re the perfect pairing in what is one of the most beloved comedies in Hollywood history. It’s been a successful and enjoyable day two of #TCMFF. Until tomorrow, classic movie fans! 🚌 🥕 🎺 📰 💗 📷: Columbia Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #ithappenedonenight #frankcapra #clarkgable #claudettecolbert #hollywoodhistory #screwballcomedy #silverscreen #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodglamour #classicmoviestars #moviegram #letsmovie

4/20/2024, 8:49:40 AM

REAR WINDOW (1954)🪟 Always a delight to watch. If you ever get a chance to see this or any Hitchcock film on the big screen, do it! #TCMFF usually shows one each festival and I’m here for it. Four movies down, one more to go… for today anyway. 🥰🍿 📷: Paramount Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #rearwindow #alfredhitchcock #jamesstewart #gracekelly #thelmaritter #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodglamour #classicmovie #masterofsuspense #moviegram #letsmovie

4/20/2024, 5:47:38 AM

IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU (1954) walked so #keepingupwiththekardashians could run. Screenwriter Garson Kanin was inspired by the Gabor sisters who, at the time, were the first celebrities famous for… well, being famous. His script is about a woman so obsessed with making a name for herself, she pays for her name to be on a billboard in a central NYC location. Judy Holliday is fab in this. I laughed out loud at her line, “You ever think about getting a parrot?” #iykyk 🦜 And Jack Lemmon is beyond dreamy and perfect in his first-ever movie role. 💗 I also loved the message that everybody is somebody and that “…it’s better that your name stand for something on one block; than it stands for nothing or something bad all over the entire world!”📽️ 🪧✨ 📷: Columbia Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #itshouldhappentoyou #gladysglover #judyholliday #jacklemmon #peterlawford #georgecukor #garsonkanin #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodglamour #silverscreen #classicmovies #moviegram #letsmovie

4/20/2024, 2:23:45 AM

I adored THE MODEL AND THE MARRIAGE BROKER (1951). 💘 Thelma Ritter was an absolute gem. Even though she didn’t receive top billing, she is the star — and heart — of the film. She captivates as a quick-witted, fast-talking, well-meaning New York matchmaker. Definitely a new festival favorite! 📷: 20th Century-Fox #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #thelmaritter #themodelandthemarriagebroker #georgecukor #classicmovie #oldhollywood #silverscreenlegends #letsmovie

4/20/2024, 12:11:20 AM

THE GOOD FAIRY (1935) ✨ What a charming film! Margaret Sullavan plays the perfect sweet and naive character. With Preston Sturges writing and William Wyler directing, you simply cannot go wrong. ✍🏼 🎥 📷: Universal Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #thegoodfairy #williamwyler #prestonsturges #margaretsullavan #classicmovies #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodglamour #silverscreen #moviegram #letsmovie

4/19/2024, 8:12:57 PM

The first film in Arrow Video’s Years of Lead Collection is Vittorio Salerno’s 1975 film “Savage Three”. Three friends who work for the same company spend their free time committing heinous crimes. Are you tired of the monotony of every day life? When you get off work do you simply wish to escape the dreary, cyclical nature of your existence? Perhaps you should kill some folks! For the Savage Three, it’s a perfect way to unwind. After a low hanging metaphor comparing humans to rats in cages, Ovidio convinces his friends to partake in a bit of the old ultraviolence. It starts slow as they start riots and steal cars. It escalates and soon enough they’re murdering prostitutes, police officers, and anyone else who gets on their nerves. It’s all pretty sleazy and low brow, but the film is saying something about society failing the people. The lack of balance in our work life balance. It adds a layer of depth to the film that I didn’t expect. It was appreciated. I enjoyed the composition of the film quite a lot. The recurring theme song was a proggy, falling apart type riff followed by impassioned shouts. Vibrant colours fill the screen throughout, making what should be a gritty film feel surprisingly upbeat. It’s paced well and despite some scenes lacking context, comes together for an easy watch. I especially enjoyed watching cruel leader Ovidio torment and kill a woman with a forklift. It delved hard into slasher (or I suppose, Giallo) territory, but provided a much needed sense of recklessness to the films trio. “Savage Three” is a curious introduction to Poliziotteschi films. It’s a solid crime film with something to say. For the most part it’s good, cheap entertainment. #arrowvideo #poliozetteschi #italiancinema #crimemovies #cinema #filmfans #movietime #letsmovie #filmtheory #movie #cinemetography #cinema #bluray #moviecollection #filmcommunity #movietime #filmreviews #movieaddict

4/19/2024, 3:16:41 PM

Reposted from @tcm Elizabeth Taylor is simply prrr-fect in CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF ('58), airing today at 10:00pm ET. #letsmovie #summerunderthestars #elizabethtaylor

4/19/2024, 12:11:48 PM

It was my first time ever seeing GAMBIT (1966) and I absolutely loved it! I’ll spare spoiling the twist for those who haven’t seen it, but my favorite takeaway is that this heist movie is not what it seemed. Shirley MacLaine is a gem, of course. And can we take a moment to appreciate a young Michael Caine? 😍 💰 🗿 📷: Universal Pictures #theclassicmoviecorner #tcmff #gambit #michaelcaine #shirleymaclaine #heistmovie #classicmovie #silverscreen #oldhollywood #moviegram #letsmovie

4/19/2024, 9:13:30 AM

Hey Cinners!! New episode is up on all streaming platforms, including our YouTube channel!! Let us know in the comments what your thoughts are on this film!! If you prefer to see our lovely faces on the tube of You, don’t forget to like and subscribe!! #heycinners #cinefulcuts #podcast #thewitch #letsmovie #idrinkandinerdthings

4/19/2024, 3:30:17 AM