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Alive and sailing in🤍. • • #longtimenosee #musingsofmymind #breakoffinstagram

5/15/2024, 5:17:41 PM

Because you never know what's the right amount of trust you can put in someone ..You can never know who's the right one ..and after a time when you are constantly trusting the wrong break from inside. You feel like the fault lies within . Maybe somewhere it was my fault that I poured that trust in that vessel . What I don't realise is that maybe the vessel was broken and when I do get to realising that my mind reminds me to blame myself for not being a wise decision maker and choosing the wrong vessel , which I honestly never accept was the wrong one. In the end , I end up thinking I am the broken vessel. Musings of my mind 🤹‍♀️ ep 2 #fyp #instagram #musingsofmymind #thoughts #writer #canva #overthinking #feelings #emotions

5/11/2024, 4:17:56 PM

The feeling that I don't matter engulfs me from time to time. It feels like I am just a prop with the mere purpose of making that main character shine . All my efforts and attributes are put in me just for the sake of it being useful to others. My entire existence feels like a mere character flaw to make the charm of the main character shine brighter. It feels that my emotions and personality don't really matter because they don't serve a purpose , because I could be really replaced by any person in your life who would just agree to do the same work and shut up like me. Musings of my mind 🤹‍♀️ ep 1 #instagram #fyp #matilda #overthinking #sensitive #harrystyles #rottenflowers #useless #writer thoughts #musingsofmymind

5/7/2024, 10:27:53 AM

#newpoem for #nationalpoetrywritingmonth about the heart and the brain.

4/25/2024, 12:31:38 PM

U r the love...u r the grateful that u breathe n smile ......look within and u will find......all the answers to ur anxious mind.... #lovepeacenharmony #musingsofmymind #calm #gratitude #healurself #anxietyawareness #nomakeup #nofiltersneeded

4/16/2024, 7:35:47 PM

Some smiles are only for some ...... #musingsofmymind #hopelessromantic #love #englishclassicsongs #ronankeating

1/27/2024, 9:20:43 AM