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#food #travel #sports #news #may #monday

The low back is the “mansion of the kidneys,” meaning that the low back is most closely related, but not limited to, the health of the kidney system. It is without question, in low back pain, that the kidney system be treated in Chinese medicine. It is said in Chinese medicine: If there is free flow, there is no pain; If there is no free flow, there is pain. #backpain #backpainrelief #backpainsucks #tcmstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesenutritionaltherapy #mtcbrasil #chinesemedicinediagnosis #chinesemedicinenutrition #chinesemedicineherbs #tcmlivingwell #tcmnoticia #mtc #mtcbrasil

5/26/2024, 8:09:58 PM

Mój owoc akupunktury 🫶👭 Do dziś nie mogę w to uwierzyć jaką siłę ma akupunktura, pamiętam ten dzień kiedy zrobiłam mojej Oli akupunkture, ogrzałam brzuszek 😀. Moim celem była poprawa jakości życia, wzmocnienie ciała kobiety, krwi itd. Parę tygodni później kolejna akupunktura, w międzyczasie regularne masaże, dobra dieta. Nastał ten dzień kiedy Ola przyszła do mnie na masaż mówiąc, że sytuacja lekko się zmieniła 🫨 dowiedziałam się, że spodziewa się bejbika 😮. Byłam w takim szoku, musiałam usiąść z wrażenia.. Co ja zrobiłam... 🤣 Jest to niesamowite uczucie. ❤️ Parę dni temu poznałam owoc 🤱, skradł mi serce. Tymczasem, ja nadal w szoku. 🤣 Niezmienni uważam, że masaż i akupunktura to coś wspaniałego. Wszystkim mamom życzę wytrwałości, sił, zdrowia i nigdy się nie poddawajcie! Samych radosnych chwil w Waszym życiu. 🌹 @a_mazurek_ @relaksownia_poznan #dumamnierozpiera #kocham #akupunktura #acupuncture #aculife #chinesemedicinestudent #health #care #happy #mothersday #masaż #masterofacupuncture #womenshealth

5/26/2024, 5:24:05 PM

✨Don’t be afraid to reach for the stars. ✨ What is the goal? Take a moment today to look back and see how far you’ve come. Remember the challenges you’ve overcome and celebrate your milestones. Embrace every step forward, no matter how small, as it brings you closer to your dreams. The stars are within your reach. #Coaching #PersonalGrowth #ReachForTheStars #BelieveInYourself #JourneyToSuccess #smallstepsbigresults #acupuncturejourney #chinesemedicinestudent #alwayslearningalwaysgrowing

5/26/2024, 10:16:55 AM

Vital substances 3: Blood🩸 Is "blood" in Chinese Medicine the same as modern medicine? Swipe to know more ➡️ about "the mosquito's menu😋" (just kidding) 🎧 L'Assasymphonie - Mozart, l'opéra rock #chinesemedicine #cmed #chinesemedicineworks #med #medstudent #medschool #chinesemedicinestudent #vitalsubstances #blood #medicine #study #studygram

5/26/2024, 10:00:01 AM

The Five Elements are a diverse template that organizes all natural phenomena into five groups or patterns in nature. Each of the five groups—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—include categories such as a season, a direction, climate, stage of growth and development, internal organ, body tissue, emotion, aspect of the soul, taste, color, sound . . . and much more. It provides a overall picture of how nature interacts with the body and how the dimensions of our being impact each other. The elements connect and interact with each other creating relationships of support and restriction with each other. Balance within the elements creates balance within the body. #🔥element #🌎element #tcmacupuncture #acupuncture #traditionalchinesemedicine #chinesemedicinestudent #ccatcm #fiveelements #5elements #tcm5elements #tcm5elementscycle

5/25/2024, 4:23:24 PM

免診金優惠!愛上了養康中醫館人氣中藥藥膜同無痛拔火罐袪濕氣療程(詳細分享)! 最近開始睇中醫諗住長期調理吓 好鍾意呢間養康中醫館 地點好方便,喺中環街市隔籬 第一次診症經Whatsapp 預約仲可以免診金 因為始終中醫都要睇吓同間醫館同醫師夾唔夾 所以第一次免費真係好吸引 可以試咗合適之後先至再嚟複診 醫師就推薦我做中藥藥膜同拔火罐袪濕氣療程 呢到嘅中醫師好擅長治療暗瘡青春痘等皮膚問題 擁有雙學士學位(中醫大學醫學士及科灸科專業醫學士) 超過20年香港中醫執業經驗 係香港注冊中醫師 年診量超過8000人次! 所以我都好有信心一試 睇完診之後 就開始做做中藥藥膜同拔火罐袪濕氣 兩樣都係我第一次做 不過佢好仔細解釋情況同埋會有嘅感覺 等我完全可以放心 因為我面部皮膚一直比較敏感 一到夏天更容易出油脂粒 今次用上藥液蒸面同藥膜療法 可以解決複雜嘅皮膚及暗瘡問題,包括內因同外因 內因可能係因為内分泌失調,飲食不調,女士來經期 間 外因就可能係長期使用含化學化妝品,面部油脂分泌旺盛,面部肌膚易敏感等等 為咗更好針對面部長期使用化妝品導致嘅敏感症 養康中醫館專門為我調配咗呢款中藥藥膜 味道唔會太濃 有小小草藥味嘅感覺 都幾舒服 以中醫處方呢種特效複方 把藥液深入面部底層 過程15分鐘就完成 真係清爽咗好多 幫我解決咗油脂過盛嘅問題 最近因為我已經感冒長達咗幾星期 一直都有感冒咳嗽、肚瀉等持續嘅症狀 所以醫生建議我使用「拔火罐袪濕氣」療法 透過點燃酒精綿 使罐內空氣排出形成負壓 以吸啜於特定肌肉 達致行氣活動,舒筋通絡、祛痰除濕及排毒止痛的功 效 除了應用於痛證如風濕痹痛、肩頸緊痛、胃痛等 更可用於治療感冒咳嗽、肚瀉、濕疹、暗瘡及肥胖等問題! 第一次做拔火罐 醫生將個強度調教到冇咁勁 並一直keep住問我有冇不適好細心! 過程大約15分鐘 一放落去有極速拉緊同埋吸啜嘅感覺 不過確實係唔痛嘅 之後放鬆返嘅時候 真係覺得成個人輕咗鬆咗好多 拔火罐之後嘅顏色代表咗身體嘅狀況 鮮紅色係因短期內所累積的酸性,表有熱 紫紅色就囤積比較久,係深層缺氧較久嘅酸性體質 黑紫色浮起嘅 皮膚表層會浮起一粒粒像黑豆狀嘅砂 身體淤濕的毒素 大多因脾臟濕 或是長期吃西藥的人較常見! 如果一邊有顏色 一邊沒有顏色 代表氣走單道,氣血失衡 我明顯腋下,腰嘅位置呈現紫紅色 經絡有嚴重阻滯 風寒濕毒情況比較嚴重 亦都因為前排感冒食咗好多西藥 所以部份都出現黑紫色 第一次體驗之後 舖頭冇即時要求預約複診 都係希望你體驗感受咗效果之後 先再決定會唔會長期調理 感覺完全不hard sell 係真心為你身體長期健康着想的中醫館 由即日起,透過WhatsApp或電話預約,即可豁免首次到訪診金。優惠期有限,請即預約。 養康中醫館 地址:中環域多利皇后街4號利隆大廈402室 @hons_cmc #hons_cmc #中醫館#養康中醫館 #honschinesemedicinecentre #chinesemedicinecentre #中醫 #中醫養生 #中醫師 #中醫美容 #中醫調理 #中醫針灸 #中醫學 #中醫診所 #中醫食療 #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicineworks #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicinetheory #chinesemedicines #hkpr #prhk

5/25/2024, 3:10:44 AM

The Five Elements are a diverse template that organizes all natural phenomena into five groups or patterns in nature. Each of the five groups—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—include categories such as a season, a direction, climate, stage of growth and development, internal organ, body tissue, emotion, aspect of the soul, taste, color, sound . . . and much more. It provides a overall picture of how nature interacts with the body and how the dimensions of our being impact each other. The elements connect and interact with each other creating relationships of support and restriction with each other. Balance within the elements creates balance within the body. #tcmacupuncture #acupuncture #traditionalchinesemedicine #chinesemedicinestudent #ccatcm #fiveelements #5elements #tcm5elements #tcm5elementscycle

5/23/2024, 6:30:24 PM

5 In TCM, the … is associated with anger, depression, and the below physical symptoms: Emotions: Anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness, and “flying off the handle” Unscramble the word and tell us in the comments below which organ is this? #acupuncture #acupunctuur #acupunture #liverchannel #tcmstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesenutritionaltherapy #mtcbrasil #chinesemedicinediagnosis #chinesemedicinenutrition #chinesemedicineherbs #tcmlivingwell #tcmnoticia #mtc

5/22/2024, 7:10:39 PM

Traditional Chinese Medicine Case Study: Lowering Creatinine levels using Acupuncture and Moxibustion. As I said in the post. This is anecdotal evidence from the clinical experience of one of my professors. This past week during a lecture on Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), he explained that he had used a method of mixing acupuncture and moxibustions with patients who suffer from high levels of Creatinine, although they didn't necessarily have CKD but the results are worth looking into as a powerful tool for Primary Healthcare providers. The method was like this: First, he would locate the TaiXi point (Kidney 3) located behind the medial malleolus in the depression between it and the Achilles tendon. If the patient had no puls in that region then he would apply acupuncture along with three moxa cones at that point. My professor states that he has seen magnificent improvements in blood creatinine levels just like the ones mentioned above in the post. This opens the door for potential investigations and new approaches, especially in the Primary Healthcare Level given the innocuous and safe these kinds of interventions are. Had you heard about this method of treating high Creatinine levels? Tell me in the comments below! #acupunctureworks #tcmlivingwell #evidencebasedmedicine #chinesemedicinestudent #kidneydisease #hypertension #creatinine

5/19/2024, 10:35:27 PM

Vital substance 2: Qi 🌬️🌬️🌬️ From Qi monism🪽, we have talked about Qi in a philosophical sense🤓. What about Qi in Chinese Medicine🌿? Learn more ➡️➡️➡️ 🎧 Belle - Notre-Dame de Paris #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicineworks #vitalsubstances #qi #medstudent #cmed #chinesemedicinestudent #medicine #medschool #study #studygram

5/19/2024, 10:00:29 AM

Stoked about my #newbook ! @libra__moon recommended it to me. It’s a very well organized beginner’s guide to #healing oneself through Chinese #dietarytherapy I enjoy all of the easy to #reference #tables #helpingourselves #daverickleggett #meridianpress #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #cinesemedicine #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesedietarytherapy #beginnersguide #reference #referencebook

5/18/2024, 4:24:41 PM

Dry needling offers a range of potential benefits, particularly for pain relief and musculoskeletal conditions📍 #dryneedlingtherapy #spinerecovery #chinesemedicinestudent #painrelief

5/17/2024, 5:52:04 PM

ST 28” Shuidao 水道 “Water Passage” A single acupuncture point is not commonly thought of as an empirical way to influence a TCM diagnostic pattern. ST28, however, is a strong candidate to be incorporated into an acupuncture protocol for patients who exhibit: Excess Cold/Damp Issues of the Lower Warmer - retention of urine, inflammations. Gynecological issues of an excess nature - dysmenorrhea, fibroids, cysts. Fertility issues in women, cold in the uterus. Expel either the placenta after birth or a still born child. #stomachchannel #stomach #stomachmeridian #tcmstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesenutritionaltherapy #mtcbrasil #chinesemedicinediagnosis #chinesemedicinenutrition #chinesemedicineherbs #tcmlivingwell #tcmnoticia #mtc #chinesemedicinerocksmyworld #chinesemedicinerocks

5/16/2024, 8:56:00 PM

Do you have trouble finding gifts for your fertility acupuncture patients? Look no further. We have a full collection from cute to sophisticated designs. Baby bodysuit, mug, and even canvas for decorating your clinic. Save these posts so we can help with your gifting and decorating needs. #fertilityacupuncture #orientalmedicine #easternmedicine #giftideas #holisticwellness #holistichealing #holistichealth #holistic #chinesemedicinepractitioner #chinesemedicinerocks #traditonalchinesemedicine #acupuncturetreatment #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicineschool #acupuncturestudent #acupunctureheals #acupuncturerocks #acupuncture #acupuncturetherapy #acupuncturepoints #acupunctureclinic #acupunctureworks #acupuncturelife #chinesemedicineworks #chinesemedicine #fertilitywarrior #fertilityawarenesseducator

5/16/2024, 3:35:00 PM

In collaboration with @hamiltonchineseassociation, join me @mysweetooth_hamilton as I teach you how to use a gua sha tool to improve the look of your face as well as promote relaxation in this hands-on workshop. We will be learning about some of the meridians that run through the face and how they connect to the body for overall wellness, a full facial routine, as well as time to answer some questions that you may have about #traditionalchinesemedicine! Thank you to Joyce, Jia, and Peter for providing me an avenue where I can teach and showcase an amazing aspect of what I love about our culture to the city of #hamont!! Can’t wait to see you all there 🙏 When: Saturday May 25th, 2024 1pm Where: 301 Main St. W @mysweetooth_hamilton #guasha #guashafacial #guashamassage #chinesebeautysecrets #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinestudent

5/16/2024, 1:00:06 PM

Notes: _______ points are where the qi of the meridian begins to flow more heavily. They are known to treat cough and asthma due to pathogenic cold or heat. A is right 🙌 LI 5" 陽谿 is the Jing River & Fire pt of the L.I. Jing-river Points are where the Qi of the Channel begins to flow more heavily Located on the forearm and lower leg Actions & Effects Cough, Fever & Chills - External pathogenic factors Disorders of the local tissues (muscles, tendons, bones, joints) #largeintestinemeridian #li5 #tcmstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesenutritionaltherapy #mtcbrasil #chinesemedicinediagnosis #chinesemedicinenutrition #chinesemedicineherbs #tcmlivingwell #tcmnoticia #mtc #chinesemedicinerocksmyworld #chinesemedicinerocks

5/15/2024, 7:33:08 PM

little recipe drop for your Tuesday 🌞 GLORIOUS MORNING MUFFINS great in the morning with some protein (eggs, meat) & fat (raw butter!) to keep your blood sugar balanced I really enjoy these when I’m craving a sweet finish to my lunch or for a little afternoon nosh with a hard-boiled egg & a good pat of raw butter 🧈 if you’re not a fan of GF flour, oat flour is a good swap which can be bolstered with some teff flour! if you wanna get into some really high-vibe health hacks, add in some freeze-dried organs 😏 let me know if you give them a try! . . .

5/14/2024, 4:00:00 PM

The six fu-organs refer to the gallbladder, the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine, the bladder and the san jiao. The function of the six fu-organs is "to transmit and transform food", receiving and digesting food, absorbing the nutrients and excreting the waste. The fu-organs need to be unobstructed in order to descend. #tcmacupuncture #traditionalchinesemedicine #ccatcm #zangfu #tcmstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicine

5/13/2024, 4:27:14 PM

The Zang Organs are Yin. They produce, transform, regulate, and store Qi, blood, essence, fluids, and spirits. Their common function is "to store essence" which is refined food nutrient responsible for maintenance of life activities. #tcmacupuncture #traditionalchinesemedicine #ccatcm #zangfu #tcmstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicine

5/12/2024, 6:24:06 PM

Spleen Qi Deficiency ✨ Here’s another common diagnosis! Does this sound like you too?! The Spleen in Chinese Medicine is in charge of “transformation and transportation.” This means that it is responsible for extracting nutrients from the foods we eat and making them accessible to our bodies. This process creates the Qi and Blood we need to feel our very best! 💪🏼 When our Spleen Qi isn’t functioning properly, we tend to have digestive problems (like bloating after meals), little to no hunger (often in the mornings), general fatigue or sleepiness after meals (body is struggling to assimilate and breakdown nutrients), loose bowel movements with possibly undigested food (our body couldn’t process it), and we might find ourselves worrying a lot (we are having trouble DIGESTING our thoughts) 🤔 The Spleen plays a role in our mental and emotional well-being. This is likened to the gut-brain connection in Western medicine. When our digestion is smooth, our thoughts and emotions often are as well 🙂 The Spleen also helps us with concentration, clear thinking, and study. And ironically, when we do too much studying, it can also weaken the Spleen Qi (hello grad students craving sweets!) 🍩👋🏼 Other common causes of Spleen Qi Deficiency are: irregular eating patterns, eating while on the go, being mentally distracted during meals, too many cold food or drinks, or worrying too much 😬 We can help our Spleen Qi by: eating at regular times each day, focusing on what we’re eating, not eating while upset, not overthinking things in general (easier said than done), acupressure along the Spleen channel, acupuncture, and… singing! 🎤🎶 (a strange one, I know! But totally why I chose Erykah Badu for this post 😂). There are also a lot of foods that can help tonify Spleen Qi, and herbal formulas (like Gui Pi Tang - “Restore the Spleen Decoction”). For these though, it’s best to see your local acupuncturist for a specific diagnosis tailored to your exact needs! 👏🏼 I’m prone to getting Spleen Qi Deficiency myself! What about you? 📚🍪😩 #chinesemedicine #holistichealth #tcm #holistichealing #mentalhealth #spleenqideficiency #acupuncture #chinesemedicinestudent

5/10/2024, 5:30:00 PM

Up and away....a full class over the next four days hosting my friend, fellow practitioner and published author of abdominal acupuncture...Dave Shipsey. Learning a fascinating and super quick and effective system for all sorts of complaints, covering: - foundations - point location - principles of diagnosis and treatment - palpation methods - needling techniques for different levels of heaven, human and earth - lastly covering musculoskeletal, digestive, respiratory, fertility, menopause, insomnia and emotional disharmonies. Grateful to these committed and amazing practitioners from all over Australia (and USA). @needleproaustralia supplying the goods for practice and demo. #acupuncture #acupuncturist #tcm #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicineworks #chinesemedicinestudent #acupunctura #acupunctureseminars #abdominalacupuncture #navelacupuncture #acupuncturetraining #daveshipsey #needleproaustralia #wellness #naturalhealing

5/10/2024, 4:07:53 AM

We had great plans for the gardens and for strolling out in the countryside this early May bank holiday, but the weather had different plans. So I’m sitting with a cuppa, besides the window and planning the outline of the next @suwenherbs webinar on fertility. In our next series of webinars we are going to be focusing our lens on endometriosis, PCOS and fibroids from a TCM perspective, and deep diving on how we treat these conditions with acupuncture and herbal medicine 🌿👩🏻‍⚕️ There is just something about the absolute calm that a dreich day and a cup of tea can bring 🫖🍯🫚 To register for the free webinar on the 17th June 2024, hop onto the Suwen website and sign up ☝️🌿 #endometriosis #pcos #fibroids #fertility #tcmfertility #herbsforhealth #infertility #ivf #ivfcommunity #polycysticovariansyndrome #endo #fertilityscotland #chinesemedicineworks #chinesemedicinepractitioner #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicinerocks #acupucturefertility #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityjourney #fertilityawareness #fertilitytreatment #fertilitysupport #fertilityclinic #fertilityspecialist

5/6/2024, 3:03:39 PM

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), yin and yang are fundamental concepts that represent opposing yet interconnected forces. They’re not simply opposites, but rather complementary aspects that exist within a whole system. Think of it like day and night – one can’t exist without the other, and they flow into each other throughout the cycle. In TCM, a healthy body maintains balance between these two forces. Swipe to learn more about Yin & Yang ☯️👉🏻

5/5/2024, 5:57:06 PM

Here are some of the tools that I’ve collected over the years. To say that I’m obsessed with collecting these beautiful #guasha tools is an understatement. 😍 Depending on the material and shape, they all have their own unique properties and uses. To learn more about this aspect of #traditionalchinesemedicine, join me for my first in-person facial gua sha workshop @mysweetooth_hamilton, where I’ll teach you how to promote beauty and relaxation with this underrated tool! Thank you @hamiltonchineseassociation for this amazing opportunity to share my love of Chinese Medicine with our city! Link in bio for more info 🙏 #hamont #hamiltonon #yhm #hamiltonchineseassociation #acupuncturestudent #tcm #tcmstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicine

5/5/2024, 4:50:45 PM

We are so excited to be now offering weekly Qi Gong classes with the incredible Sheena @sheeens_neiva every Tuesday morning at 6.15am. Qi Gong is an ancient practice drawn from Traditional Chinese Medicine which cultivates the mastery of your life force energy - “Qi” Like a moving meditation, Qigong is a transformative experience, cultivating a connection between the mind, heart, and spirit, and helping to bring you in harmony with yourself and with the energy in nature. Through gentle flowing movements, you will practice various Qigong forms which have been used traditionally to heal emotional and physical health ailments and to promote vitality and longevity in your life. We will be offering the first 3 weeks of Qi Gong classes for Free as an opportunity to introduce the practice + the benefits on your health. Register in mindbody. . . . . #qigong #qigong #qigonglife #qigongmaster #qigonghealing #qigongpractice #qigongeveryday #qigongpractice #qigongtraining #qigongforhealth #QigongMeditation #qigonghealing #qigonggoldcoast #goldcoastqigong #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicinepractitioner

5/5/2024, 10:30:16 AM

Forever a student. 👨‍🎓 This year marks 18 years in clinical practice. 18 years as a personal trainer and remedial therapist in private practice. 16 years of “dry needling”. If I include uni 14 years of acupuncture and 7 years of herbal medicine. In the past four years I’ve done over 10,000 treatments. That over 100,000 needles. Thousand’s of kilos of herbs. It’s also 20 years of personal practice, training, meditation, gong, martial arts, personal development from all the things. Plus there’s all shadow play from years gone by. I’ve had at least 5 students come from all over Australia through clinic in the last 12 months. And I have to say how much I love having them in house. For two main reasons. One. It makes me realise I always have something to learn. Two. I’ve forgotten more than I remember. It humbles me to know I can learn from students. I still study movement, bodywork, neuroscience, different models of science, quantum mechanics, food and nutrition, business, finance and of course acu and herbs. Students bring me joy because the passion for learning is contagious and I’ll never stop learning. As my oldest patient (92) says “you die because you stop learning”. It also saddens me because the uni’s are failing the students across the board. They are not prepping students for the “real” world, for business, for results. The evidence based approaches are based off a pharmaceutical model of research and yet still hands on models like acu, chiro, osteo still hold up to rigours of research. Clinically results are what matter, not evidence and randomised controls don’t hold up in life. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still value in the evidence approach, I strongly believe in the value of both, but treating individuals is different to treating conditions. Let’s not lose the humanity in medicine, let’s not forget the people for the label. #inspiration #inspirational #qualitythoughts #life #quotes #acupuncture #thoughts #noosa #sunmed #students #studentslife #studentsupport #studentsuccess #eastern #medicine #easternmedicine #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicineworks #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicinepractitioner

5/5/2024, 9:30:10 AM

#irises #northcarolinawildflowers #springflowers It’s good to be back at Grandfather #campground, though we haven’t had much time to enjoy it with the 10-11 hour days in the clinic. I definitely won’t be trying to #camp during my #internship year next year. #gradschool #gradschoollife #commuterschool #acupuncturestudent #chinesemedicinestudent

5/4/2024, 1:03:18 PM

Please remember that the early bird tickets for this year's @british_acu_council Conference will expire on Monday. The conference program features a lineup of great speakers and talks, and you'll even have the chance to see our own Julie Reynolds speak about the cause of disease. Don't miss out on the early bird offer! #ukccm23 #britishacupuncturecouncil #acupuncture #theacupunctureacademy #Leamington #acupuncturist #fiveelementacupuncture #traditionalchinesemedicine #traditionaleastasianmedicine #acupuncturecollege #accreditedcourses #careerchange #chinesemedicinestudent #maturestudent

5/3/2024, 9:48:33 PM

Exciting Announcement! 🥳 Get ready Praccies and Students, because something incredible is on the horizon! 🎉 We are so eager and can't wait for the upcoming opening of Acuneeds' Safflower Chinese Medicine Dispensary to all our fellow Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Students! We take safety, official certification and maintaining the highest standards very seriously. Right now, we're eagerly awaiting TGA approval, but don't worry - we are committed to keeping you all in the loop every step of the way! 😃 Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this incredible journey together! 💫 #acuneeds #safflowerdispensary #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinepractitioner #chinesemedicinestudent #chineseherbalmedicine #chineseherbs #herbalgranules #chineseherbalgranules #liquidextracts #creams #chineseherbalmedicinedispensary #acupuncturist #chinesemedicinecommunity 4m

5/2/2024, 8:05:54 AM

Exciting Announcement! 🥳 Get ready Praccies and Students, because something incredible is on the horizon! 🎉 We are so eager and can't wait for the upcoming opening of our Safflower Chinese Medicine Dispensary to all our fellow Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Students! We take safety, official certification and maintaining the highest standards very seriously. Right now, we're eagerly awaiting TGA approval, but don't worry - we are committed to keeping you all in the loop every step of the way! 😃 Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this incredible journey together! 💫 #acuneeds #safflowerdispensary #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinepractitioner #chinesemedicinestudent #chineseherbalmedicine #chineseherbs #herbalgranules #chineseherbalgranules #liquidextracts #creams #chineseherbalmedicinedispensary #acupuncturist #chinesemedicinecommunity

5/2/2024, 7:59:46 AM

#reststop #roses Not sure why #westvirginia decided to demolish and reconstruct so many #restarea s at once, but I’m glad at least this one is #stillstanding #onmyway back down for #clinic #observation I’m #justalittlenervous #nervous #gradschool #gradschoollife #grandschoolproblems #commuterschool #acupuncturestudent #chinesemedicinestudent

5/1/2024, 4:19:48 AM

what’s up with raw carrots? raw carrots help to detox excess estrogen and balance hormones! estrogen is an essential hormone estrogen dominance is very common these days & shows up as: - holding weight around hips & waist - fatigue - low libido - fibroids - low mood // anxiety - irregular periods - dense breast tissue - infertility - erectile dysfunction in our modern world, there are synthetic xenoestrogens, chemicals found in the environment that act like estrogen once inside your body they are used in various plastics and can also be found in pesticides, household cleaning products and some soaps & shampoos reducing your exposure to xenoestrogens is the first step there are a variety of other factors that can contribute to high estrogen levels: - certain medications like birth control - having a high percentage of body fat - high cortisol levels - overconsumption of alcohol - liver dysfunction excess estrogen can worsen a condition or symptom I’m not advocating running out and getting your estrogen levels checked if you’re experiencing some of these symptoms and this is resonating with you, it’s an invitation to get curious shifting your lifestyle is the best way to lower high estrogen levels - eliminate excessive body fat - decrease stress - reduce alcohol consumption - avoid exposure to xenoestrogens - nutritionally support your Self enter our everyday carrot salad! make a batch for your week eat a small bowl alongside your lunch or as an afternoon snack with some sauerkraut & eggs this is a great way to easily & deliciously incorporate the power of raw carrots 🥕 if our liver is functioning optimally, we experience efficient estrogen detoxification some liver-supportive foods are raw carrots, beets, dandelion greens, citrus, cruciferous & green veggies as we flow towards summer season, this is the most supportive time to incorporate more raw foods because our atmospheric yang energy is rising, supporting our internal yang energy rising

4/23/2024, 6:13:06 PM

We’ve been needling each other in class so much lately that I haven’t felt like coming downstairs to get treated in the clinic on lunch breaks so much. I haven’t been down here since November, but it’s good to be back. Come in and get your $15 acupuncture! Best value in town! #acupuncture #acupunctureworks #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinestudent #acupuncturestudent #jungtao #jungtaoschool #bestvalue #boonenc #sugargrovenc #vallecrucisnc #affordablecare #affordableacupuncture

4/21/2024, 8:58:23 PM

there’s beauty in everything

4/21/2024, 6:55:36 PM

Last weekend our 3rd year Cohort had a specialist lecture in Treating Teenagers with Mental Health concerns delivered by @iheartacupuncture. After our own research that was published last year regarding student mental health and the power of #fiveelementacupuncture. A really important lecture to assist our graduates to feel confident teaching teens. Interested in training in acupuncture, then get in touch - our next open day is in June, see bio for link to book. #acupuncturecollege #research #mentalhealth #theacupunctureacademy #accreditedcourses #studentsmentalhealth #teenage #careersuccess #careerideas #careerdevelopment #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicine #maturestudent #internationalstudent #medicalcareer #mentalhealth

4/20/2024, 2:34:28 PM

As we listened to the discussion of artificial intelligence from a Daoist perspective, I thought about this design. What are your thoughts on modern takes on ancient medicine? Please share here. #healingquotes #daoist #daoism #healer #canvas #CanvasArt #canvasdesign #orientalmedicine #easternmedicine #gift #holisticwellness #holistichealing #holistichealth #chinesemedicinepractitioner #chinesemedicinerocks #traditonalchinesemedicine #acupuncturetreatment #chinesemedicinestudent #chinesemedicineschool #acupuncturestudent #acupunctureheals

4/19/2024, 8:09:11 PM

KD 25- "Spirit Storehouse" Kidney 25 is a spirit point that can be used on any CF. It is found in the second rib space, 2 cun from the midline of the body. Use this acupuncture point to nourish and replenish the spirit and Shen when a person is exhausted, depleted, and running on empty🪫. This point acts like food for the spirit giving it the energy and willpower to continue to conquer any challenges that a person may face. KD 25 is also useful for those who have forgotten the joy in life, are stuck in a rut or are unsure of what they want in life. This acu point can also help with: ⪢ Anxiety ⪢ Worry ⪢ Fear ⪢ Insomnia ⪢ Cough ⪢ Asthma ⪢ Chest Pain This acu point functions to: ⪢ Open the chest ⪢ Subdue rebellious Qi ⪢ Eliminate pain in the chest and ribs #acupuncture #acupunctureworks #acupuncturepoints #acupuncturestudent #tcm #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicineworks #chinesemedicinestudent #yangming #healing #health #healingjourney #holistichealthandwellness #holistichealth #naturalmedicine #naturalmedicineworks #ren #traditionalchinesemedicine #tcmhealth #tcmhealing #acupunctureheals #fiveelementacupuncture #fiveelements #classicalfiveelementacupuncture

4/19/2024, 6:30:00 PM

Master the theories, Master the art. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the theories are the backbone of the entire medical practice and knowledge, learn them, and you have learned to master 60 to 80% of it. Mastering theory is what will make you a better TCM doctor or learner. Why? Because theories can be extrapolated. Using what you already know to understand new tools in unfamiliar places. Let's say you are well-versed in dietary and food theory, you know everything about the different flavors, colors, qualities, and natures of foods. You won't feel nervous when presented with a new type of food because you have the proper tools i.e. the theories. See the importance? If you want to have a quick look into the core theories, head to the link in my bio and read the post! #acupuncturestudent #chinesemedicinestudent #tcm #holistichealer

4/18/2024, 6:14:12 PM

#bloody #7starhammer I was #scared at first, but it really didn’t hurt at all. Interested to see how it looks tomorrow. I was getting treated for #keratosispillaris I am most interested in #microneedling for neuropathic conditions, but it is most commonly used for #cosmeticacupuncture to treat #wrinkles and #hairloss and such. #acupuncturestudent #chinesemedicinestudent #jungtaoschool #sevenstarhammer

4/17/2024, 10:36:18 PM

high-vibe bone broth! back to basics this whole-health tonic is loaded with essential minerals & nutrients to support your VIBRANCY ✨ bone broth is rich in gelatin - a broken down form of collagen which is found in the connective tissues its full of amino acids that have anti-inflammatory properties & support the immune system it contains high amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin which supports healthy joints it also contains loads of B vitamins like niacin and riboflavin which play a role in metabolism and help your body breakdown carbohydrates, proteins and fats to produce energy you can keep it simple or add in as many herbs to help make it extra medicinal 🌱 use what you have on hand or choose what is calling to you you can also reuse your bones! we are extracting the minerals from the bones, each time you use them to make your broth, they may break up into smaller pieces I can typically use my bones 3-4x before they begin to crumble and we have extracted all the minerals from them in between making the broth, I keep my bones in the freezer all these herbs can be found @lightcellar & beef knuckle bones from the best @gemstonebeef swipe for my recipe and make sure to save this post for your own reference 😘 I enjoy sipping on a big cup each day - it feels very nourishing & grounding in my body! how does bone broth feel in your body?? . . .

4/11/2024, 4:40:22 PM

My 4,400 word accounting of my dad’s death was published on my substack yesterday. I realize most folks don’t want to read something that long, especially about death. At the end there is a request for more discourse around the topic of how Acupuncturists might be of service to folks who are dying or to the families of folks who are dying. I have had a very hard time finding any information around this topic, and if anyone knows of any good sources of information, I would be grateful. The link to my substack is in my bio. You can comment here or there. #acupuncture #acupuncturestudent #chinesemedicine #chinesemedicinestudent #deathcare #griefcare #deathanddying #loosingaparent #dyinginamerica #medicaid #appalachianohio #death #dying #ihavequestions

4/5/2024, 3:55:53 PM

You guys, I ended up having to take the written exam for this from the chapel at the hospice place when my dad was there. Somehow I passed it. Then 2 weeks later, I took the practical exam from from the small meeting room at the Athens Library, because I didn’t want the proctor to see how messy my tiny house was with boxes piled up after clearing out my dad’s apartment and the dishes not being done and everything. I found out today that I passed that too. It is done. So relieved. #acupuncturestudent #chinesemedicinestudent #cleanneedletechnique #ipassed #hallelujah #imsothankful

4/4/2024, 3:49:29 PM

This month we will switch back to TCM podcasts. I want to start with Berkeley Community Acupuncture's podcast, You are Medicine. Hosted by Thuy Nguyen. Nguyen interviews Sabine Wilms, PhD, medical anthropologist, to discuss what a healer is in ancient times and now. @bca_clinic #communityacupuncture #orientalmedicine #easternmedicine #holisticwellness #holistichealing #holistichealth #chinesemedicinepractitioner #chinesemedicinerocks #traditonalchinesemedicine #acupuncturetreatment #healthpodcasts #chinesemedicinestudent #acupuncturestudent #acupunctureheals #acupuncturerocks #healer #healercommunity #healersofinstagram

4/2/2024, 7:50:07 PM

completely booked up this week with all return patients. thank you so much for trusting me with your care 🫶🏼

3/29/2024, 1:46:53 AM

Next up in our California Herbs Series is Horsetail, a close relative of Mu Zei 木賊. This herb embodies qualities of the Wood element, appropriate to the springtime movement of growth and rebirth. It is used commonly in both Chinese herbalism and Western herbalism, and can actually be found growing wild in parks surrounding the CA bay. Swipe to learn more about this ancient plant that dates back to the time of the dinosaurs! Photos from our California Herb fieldtrip, facilitated by Dr. Athene Eisenhardt, L.Ac., one of our teachers at ACCHS. • #studychinesemedicine #chinesemedicineschool #herbalmedicine #herbalism #chineseherbalmedicine #chineseherbs #ACCHS #academyofchinesecultureandhealthscience #oakland #oaklandchinesemedicine #bayareachinesemedicine #TCMstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #learnchinesemedicine #sanfransisco #bayarea #berkeley #chineseherbology #acupuncture #acupunctureschool #acupuncturestudent

3/27/2024, 6:07:51 PM

I thought I had already said #goodbye to #thisplace but it was #verynice to have found myself here again this past week. #peaceful #nature #solitude #hermitage #cabin #northcarolina #highcountry #communterstudent #gradschoollife #chinesemedicinestudent

3/24/2024, 6:30:44 PM

This weekend marked the arrival of our 25th Cohort at The Acupuncture Academy. We extend our warmest wishes to all of them as they embark on a rewarding 3-year journey. Welcome to the #theacupunctureacademy family and becoming part of a truly fantastic profession. #acupuncturecollege #acupuncture #acupuncturist #careersuccess #careerideas #chinesemedicinestudent #maturestudent #internationalstudents #uktrainingcourses #accreditedcourses #britishacupuncturecouncil #britishacupunctureaccreditationboard #tcm #fiveelementacupuncture #careerdevelopment #careerchange #leamington_spa #warwickshire #warwick #newcareer #careerchange

3/23/2024, 9:08:38 PM

OPEN HOUSE is TODAY, at 2pm! Come learn about our masters and doctoral programs in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. If you’ve ever been curious about what a career in traditional Chinese medicine looks like, or, what the educational journey towards licensure is, then come talk with some of our current students and admissions staff about our school’s programs 🪴. We will offer a tour of the school and the student acupuncture clinic, answer questions about our degree programs, and have a live demo of acupuncture needling. Plus, all prospective students will get a voucher for a free treatment in our clinic, too :)  Come learn about our school! 👉🏼👉🏾👉🏽 1600 Broadway #200, Oakland, CA 94612 • #studychinesemedicine #chinesemedicineschool #ACCHS #academyofchinesecultureandhealthscience #oakland #oaklandchinesemedicine #bayareachinesemedicine #TCMstudent #chinesemedicinestudent #learnchinesemedicine #sanfransisco #bayarea #berkeley #chineseherbology #acupuncture #acupunctureschool #acupuncturestudent #studyingchinesemedicine #holisticmedicine #traditionalmedicine

3/23/2024, 7:12:17 PM

It was a #goodday Our Dean, Dr. Jen Resnik, was a guest teacher in our treatment skills class, teaching us more #tuina aka Chinese Medical Massage. She is an excellent teacher, and my classmates are being very nice to me. I basically spent the whole day giving and receiving #massage and being fed #chocolate and other comfort foods. #chinesemedicinestudent #jungtaoschool #northcarolina

3/22/2024, 2:44:06 AM

〰️moxa〰️most commonly used for cold and deficiency-type patterns in Chinese Medicine. people who aren’t too familiar with acupuncture might know of it’s ability to turn a breech baby by using the point UB 67. other uses of the herb are in the treatment of diarrhea, abdominal pain/bloating, menstrual cramps, late periods, long periods, and incontinence.

3/21/2024, 3:10:05 PM

I made it back to NC. My mom paid my tuition and got me a Hermitage this month, so I could have some solitude/privacy while I was here, and so I could afford to take some time off work to clean out my dad’s apartment and take care of all the other things you have to take care of when someone dies. The way we do death in this country is brutal, but this place is peaceful and comforting. #hermitage #sunrise #peaceful #comforting #commuterstudent #gradschoollife #chinesemedicinestudent #northcsrolina #highcountry

3/21/2024, 1:02:00 PM