africanplant images

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이제 파키푸스 루팅 넘버 2 우선 파키 하나만 해서 문제가 너무 하나만 바라 보니까 답답한 면이 있다. 처음에는 잎 나온거 보고 너무 신났다가 이제는 가지 나오는거 보는데 지친다. 우선 한번 할까 여러 가지 하는데 좋다고 생각이 들어요^^. 파키 루팅 할때 저는 섹션 두개로 나누었습니다. 큰 파키는 농장안 작은 아이들은 싱크대에서 루팅 하기로 했습니다 . 농장 안 *장점 - 좋은 질있는 해 빛을 받는다. - 환풍이 잘된다. 몸이 빨리 말라서 물을 자주 뿌려주고 몸이 썩어 들어갈것 같은것을 걱정 안 해도 된다. - 무언가 더 건강 해지는 느낌이 든다. *단점 - 온도가 일정 하지 않다. - 날씨에 영향을 받는다. - 모든게 컨트롤이 완벽하게 할수 없는 부분이 아쉽다. 씽크대 루팅 *장점 - 모든것을 내가 원하는대로 새팅 가능합니다. - 물 빼고 물 주는데 너무나 편합니다. - 청결한 상태 유지 가능. *단점 - 공간이 좀 타이트 하다. - 환풍 하는 부분이 좀 불편하다. 이번에는 다른 두 섹션으로 나누어서 어떤게 더 효능적인지 한번 테스팅 하고 있습니다. 에서 받는 파키 루팅. 저번보다는 살짝 상태가 안 좋은 느낌이다... 그러나 가격 적으로 너무 좋아서 많이 하게 됬어요. 저번이 상태가 압도 적으로 좋은 느낌입니다. 재 생각은 가격이 너무 합리적이고 부담이 안되는 부분이라고 생각 합니다. 뽑기도 운이고 어쩌다 상태 안 좋은것들도 당연히 있어요. 저는 그런 부분도 배우는 것이라 생각 합니다. 저도 이번에 여러게 사면서 많이 배운것 같아요. 공부도 안하고 100프로 성공 할꺼라고 생각 하시면 안됩니다! 이번에는 공부 하는 마음으로 루팅 도전 합니다. 저도 파키 루팅 초자 여서 많이 알고 있지 않아요 ㅠㅠ. 디엠으로 파키 루팅법 물어 보시는 분들이 많아요 ㅠㅠ. 성심껏 답변 하느라 일 해야 할 시간을 많이 뺏겨요. 라방 할때 물어 봐 주시면 좋겠습니다. 라방은 매주 화요일 6시 반에 할 예정입니다. 그때 물어 봐 주셔용. 다들 파키 화이팅!! #파키푸스루팅 #파키푸스#아가베 #오테로이  #티타노타   #희귀식물 #아로이드 #코덱스 #아프리카식물 #테일러화분  #서울농장 #pachypus #rareplant #plantgram #planterior # #africanplant #caudax #plantgram #pottailor #agave #oteroi #titanota#アガベ #agaveholic #agavelover #xit-seoul

6/2/2024, 3:40:38 PM

Euphorbia tulearensis recién llegada a Guatemala un viaje de 10 días desde Mexico #euphorbiatulearensis #africanplant

5/29/2024, 6:58:50 PM

2주 동안 파키푸스 루팅 중입니다. 드디어 신엽이 모양이 좀 나와 가네요. 파키를 한 9개 정도 루팅을 해 봤는데 다 실패하고 드디어 좀 뭔가 느낌이 좋게 되어 가는 것 같아요... 화분 쟁이 저한테는 파키를 고를 때 화분에 잘 어울릴 수형을 먼저 생각을 하였고 그다음은 루팅 가능성이 좋아 보이는 아이를 @codex.life에서 분양받았습니다. 제 기준에는 식물을 구매할 때 아는 지인이 의견도 중요하지만 처음에 딱 꽂히는 아이를 고르시는데 제일 좋지 않을까 합니다. 아무리 건강해 보여도 정이 안 갈 애들은 저는 나중에 있어도 그다지 행복을 주지 않을 것 같아서 수형을 제일 중요하다 생각하고 대려고 왔습니다. 우선 숍에서도 다 약 처리 하시고 신경을 많이 쓴 거로 알고 있지만. 농장에서 식물을 키우고 많이 죽여 본 결과 그냥 재가 소독하고 농약 처리 하는 게 더 마음이 편해서 그렇게 다시 재 방식대로 했습니다. 우선 @babel_of_green에서 바벨 님께서 옥시메톨론을 주셔서 사용해서 좀 더 좋은 것 같기는 해요. 초반에는 파키푸스 루팅 관련된 것을 아는 지인들한테 많이 물어봤습니다. 그런데 어떤 면에서는 더 혼란스러워지는 부분이 있더라고요... 다들 성공하는 방법이 다 다르시고 시기도 다 너무 다 달라서 제가 생각했을 때 저한테 어떤 게 더 좋을까 하는 부분을 생각했어요. 우선 하루가 너무 짧고 해야 할 일이 너무 많은 저한테는 관리하는 시스템이 제일 쉬운 방법이 무엇일까 생각을 한 것 같습니다. special thanks to 하실 분들이 너무 많아서 그 부분은 생략하겠습니다…. 결론은 자기가 공부를 해야 한다고 판단을 해서 매일 같이 루팅 관련된 부분을 자기 전에 하루에 1~2시간씩 공부를 한 것 같습니다. 우선 한국에 파키 관련된 것들은 다 보았고... 다행이 일본어를 살짝 할 줄 알아서 유튜브로 일본에서 루팅 하는 방식들 경험 환경 이런 것을 많이 귀 기울이게 본 것 같아요.... 그후 논문을 찾아보고 있는데 크게 파키에 대한 논문은 없어서 다른 식물에 대해 루팅 방법 식물에 루팅 관점에 관해서 공부를 조금씩 하고 있습니다. 그러다 보니 장비가 하나둘씩 늘어 나게 되네요... 초보자 이기는 하지만 재 기준에 파키 루팅 중요성 간단 요약은! 1. 당연히 상태 좋은 파키를 선택해야 한다. (무개, 색감, 가지의 탄력성, 피부 질감 2. 따뜻한 온도가 중요하다. 저는 30~38도 생각합니다. 3. 소독과 예방. 4. 영양제 (이 부분은 사람들이 의견이 많고 괜히 정보를 잘못 주면 문제가 생길 수 있는 부분이기에 공부해 보시고 자기한테 필요 한 것을 사용하는 것을 추천합니다.) 5. 전체적으로 쾌적한 공간. (저는 물로 샤워 시켜 주고 있습니다) 지금 목표는 다른 가지에서 잎이 나오는 것을 2주 안에서 보는 것으로 예정이고. 내일은 한번 가지치기를 조금 할 예정입니다. 6월 말까지는 뿌리가 나왔으면 하는데 루팅 기간은 한 2달을 잡고 하려고 합니다. 너무 성공하고 싶어서 그런지 열정이 예전에 아가베 수형 만들기에 공부 한껏 정도의 열정으로 열심히 해보고 있습니다. 아직 2주밖에 안 돼서 벌써 김칫국을 먹는 것 같기는 한데 너무 기쁜 마음과 조금이라 도움이 되지 않을까 하는 마음으로 글을 올립니다. 소중한 시간 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다. 다들 파키 루팅 파이팅 하시고 다음에는 다음에 더 좋은 성과로 찾아뵙겠습니다.! #파키푸스루팅 #파키푸스#아가베 #오테로이  #티타노타   #희귀식물 #아로이드 #코덱스 #아프리카식물 #테일러화분  #서울농장 #pachypus #houseplant #rareplant #plantgram #planterior # #africanplant #caudax #plantgram #pottailor #agave #oteroi #titanota#アガベ #agaveholic #agavelover #iksperience @iksperience @xit_seoul

5/19/2024, 5:43:54 AM

예전에 구매 하신 고블린 다들 어떻게 지내나요? 제 그린고블린은 이런 모습을 하고 있습니다. 날씨도 좋아 졌으니 다들 예쁘게 아가베들 키우시고 농약치시는거 잊지 마셔요!! 농장 방문은 사전 예약으로 진행 합니다. 많은 응원들 언제나 감사합니다 ^^ #greengoblin #파키푸스#아가베 #오테로이  #티타노타   #희귀식물 #아로이드 #코덱스 #아프리카식물 #테일러화분  #서울농장 #pachypus #houseplant #rareplant #plantgram #planterior # #africanplant #caudax #plantgram #pottailor #agave #oteroi #titanota#アガベ #agaveholic #agavelover #iksperience @iksperience

5/17/2024, 5:52:05 AM

I’m just about to plant out and cut back a pile of Egyptian Starcluster (Pentas Lanceolata) including a nice new pink and a dark red. It’s native to much of Africa. This one’s a perennial in my garden but colder areas it would be an annual. I just got these new colours and have potted up cuttings I struck in water. When I cut back I will and propagate the cuttings for friends and family… too good to waste. #PentasLanceolata #EgyptianStarcluster #africa #africanplant #abcmygarden #red #Pink #perennial #butterfly #butterflyplant

4/24/2024, 9:41:44 AM

Still flowing in the protected area beside the house is our Glory Tree or Flaming Glorybower (Clerodendrum Splendens) native to tropical west Africa. It is an evergreen liana that grows up to 4m tall. Needs a bit of water. This one’s escaped from its pot and is growing in the narrow area between our house and the fence. Can be propagated by layering and will also strike well from a cutting. #GloryTree #FlamingGlorybower #ClerodendrumSplendens #AfricanPlant #vine #flowers #abcmygarden #liana #waterwise

4/18/2024, 10:31:15 AM

A very darling but strange member of the ledebouria family is this unusual species from around the Barberton greenstone belt northwest of Swaziland. It doesn’t have a species name and is quite unique among ledebouria in that not only is it evergreen, but the leaves are very long and the flowers are pendulous. The leaves stay on all year, and in relation to that it actually cannot handle the dry winter dormancy of many other species. I have almost killed this plant a few times by allowing it to sit dry over the winter, and many bulbs would desiccate and fizzle out doing so, so it is a species best watered year round. It is quite prolific in making offsets when happy and the leaves are very wonderful, long and skinny with gorgeous red markings. The flowers themselves are quite plain as with most ledebouria however the habit of hanging below the plant on pendulums is extremely curious, a trait I haven’t seen in any other species. For the first few years I thought it to be due to too much warmth, too much water, or not enough light; but I have attempted cultural variations of every variety and regardless of care the flowers still hang below the plant. It’s quite a strange one and despite taking up some precious space in the winter when I would much prefer it to be dormant, it is a good plant that’s easy to care for and quite showy in its own way. Please scroll through to see some closeups of both the flowers and the beautiful leaves! . . . . . #ledebouria #ledebouriabarberton #ledebouriaspbarberton #africanbulb #asparagaceae #africanplant #succulent #caudiciform #geophyte #vine #bulb #variegated #flower #cactus #plant #pollination #flowers #succulents #greenthumb #plants #indoorgarden #houseplants #gardening #succulentplants #instagarden #greenery #variegated #houseplantclub #detroitplants

4/15/2024, 5:50:49 PM

Late afternoon pink from the Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) They are from South Eastern Africa and commonly known as the Transvaal daisy, the Barberton daisy, and as Barbertonse madeliefie or Rooigousblom in Afrikaans. This one is a rescue and is on the front footpath under the bottle brush and doing well. The fancy ones are not nearly as tough as these old fashioned types. #Gerbera #GerberaJamesonii #BarbertonDaisy #TransvaalDaisy #flower #abcmygarden #Rooigousblom #perennial #Daisy #Pink #Africa #AfricanPlant

4/15/2024, 10:11:05 AM

Crassulaceae is one of my least favorite plants families, but there are a few here and there that I adore, such as this lovely little kalanchoe nyikae! This plant has the most fantastic peltate silvery blue leaves and is very easy to care for. It isn’t particular about light levels and is happy to sit dry for weeks on end. The leaves are covered in a waxy silver powder (farina) that give it that lovely blue cast, but it is also very easy to rub off so I try not to fidget with it too much. It does get very lanky; and because of that requires a once or twice yearly restart. But luckily the cuttings strike very easily just being stuck in a fresh pot of dry soil. It’s quite showy for a kalanchoe, and the flowers are wonderful as well, tall spikes that shoot from center with a number of peachy blooms. Well worth growing! . . . . . #kalanchoe #nyikae #kalanchoenyikae #crassula #crassulaceae #africanplant #succulent #caudiciform #geophyte #vine #bulb #variegated #flower #cactus #plant #pollination #flowers #succulents #greenthumb #plants #indoorgarden #houseplants #gardening #succulentplants #instagarden #greenery #variegated #houseplantclub #detroitplants

4/14/2024, 6:05:48 PM

A lovely yellow flower you almost never see, the flowers of the cormous aroid remusatia vivipara! This is a fantastic plant when in leaf and sometime I’ll have to share it, but I was quite surprised at how lovely the flowers are as this is the first time it’s ever bloomed to completion for me. The flowers come before the leaves in early spring, followed by a regular growth cycle and in the late summer/fall the most interesting part begins, as the plant begins to send out long rhizamoutous stems far above the soil line with hooked bulbils all along them. This plant relies on a unique form of zoochory for propogation, which is a reliance on animals for dispersal, in which it forms many bulbils above ground with small hooks on them to latch onto the fur of mammals and wings of birds which then spread the plant further. Because of this extremely effective method of distribution this plant has a wide range; from tropical Africa and Asia all the way through Malaysia to Australia. I can attest to just how effective the method is, as I often fund bulbils along my clothing after walking past it in the summer greenhouse. . . . . . #remusatia #vivipara #remusatiavivipara #aroid #araceae #tuberousaroid #africanplant #succulent #caudiciform #geophyte #vine #bulb #variegated #flower #cactus #plant #pollination #flowers #succulents #greenthumb #plants #indoorgarden #houseplants #gardening #succulentplants #instagarden #greenery #variegated #houseplantclub #detroitplants

4/10/2024, 7:09:53 PM

This AMAZING African “Sansevieria patens” was purchased from @pollenfloralworks by a sweet friend of mine. Today we decided to take some pictures of it and tell Jason thanks for such an amazing plant to watch grow. It has flowered once and loves her sunroom with full light and heated floors. When on her table it is eye level! *Corona for size reference. Because were fun chicks 🤣🤣 #plantlife #africanplant #instaplant #plantlady #loveit #pollenvibes #loveourpollen

4/10/2024, 5:31:47 AM

Moraea polystachya - 'Blue moraea' What a magnificent little member of the iridaceae family, and there were so many in Rob's garden! I'll never want Dietes again after having seen these beautiful gems! That colour 😍 These plants are indigenous to Namibia and South Africa. @robert.basson #moraeapolystachya #moraea #iridaceae #irisfamily #indigenousplants #africanplant #geophyte #plantsofsouthafrica #plantsofgauteng #plantsofjohannesburg #flowerphotography #plantphotography #iridaceaephotography #photography #gardenphotography #autumnflowers #autumnphotography #myfriendsplants #myfriendsgarden #plantguys #plantsmakemehappy

4/2/2024, 7:50:40 PM

This  #Shoe  #Sculpture is  #Inspired by yet another extraordinarily  #beautiful flower, the #FerrariaCrispa, which is native to what is today called, #SouthAfrica. This  #masterpiece courtesy of nature is also referred to as,  #BlackFlag#StarfishLily#SeaSpider, etc.   The Starfish lily is a very detailed and intricately designed flower that is included in the #iris family. It is #velvet textured and boasts six petals that are bordered with what looks like knitted frills or ruffles that are indented every few millimeters. The center of the flower is white and speckled with complex roundish brown/purple markings with shadows of pale yellow.  #LincolnsNewYork  #AfricanFlower  #Artisan  #HandMade  #AFROLIFE  #Art  #LincolnsNY  #Fashion  #flower  #BlackDesigners #AfricanDescent  #AvantGarde #blackblack #Unique #Meticulous #HandMade #FerrariaObtusifolia  #AfricanPlant #FerrariaUndulata

3/22/2024, 9:26:38 PM

This  #Shoe  #Sculpture is  #Inspired by yet another extraordinarily  #beautiful flower, the #FerrariaCrispa, which is native to what is today called, #SouthAfrica. This  #masterpiece courtesy of nature is also referred to as,  #BlackFlag#StarfishLily#SeaSpider, etc.   The Starfish lily is a very detailed and intricately designed flower that is included in the #iris family. It is #velvet textured and boasts six petals that are bordered with what looks like knitted frills or ruffles that are indented every few millimeters. The center of the flower is white and speckled with complex roundish brown/purple markings with shadows of pale yellow.  #LincolnsNewYork  #AfricanFlower  #Artisan  #HandMade  #AFROLIFE  #Art  #LincolnsNY  #Fashion  #flower  #BlackDesigners #AfricanDescent  #AvantGarde #blackblack #Unique #Meticulous #HandMade #FerrariaObtusifolia  #AfricanPlant #FerrariaUndulata

3/22/2024, 9:25:29 PM

This #Shoe #Sculpture is #Inspired by yet another extraordinarily #beautiful flower, the #FerrariaCrispa, which is native to what is today called, #SouthAfrica. This #masterpiece courtesy of nature is also referred to as, #BlackFlag, #StarfishLily, #SeaSpider, etc. The Starfish lily is a very detailed and intricately designed flower that is included in the #iris family. It is #velvet textured and boasts six petals that are bordered with what looks like knitted frills or ruffles that are indented every few millimeters. The center of the flower is white and speckled with complex roundish brown/purple markings with shadows of pale yellow. #LincolnsNewYork #AfricanFlower #Artisan #HandMade #AFROLIFE #Art #LincolnsNY #Fashion #flower #BlackDesigners #AfricanDescent #AvantGarde #blackblack #Unique #Meticulous #HandMade #FerrariaObtusifolia #AfricanPlant #FerrariaUndulata

3/22/2024, 9:23:55 PM

Another beautiful display that my Faucaria has put on! A member of the Aizoaceae family, I find them to be an attractive addition to my collection. The approximately 8 species within the genus are indigenous to South Africa and thrive in sun. A common name for several of the species is 'Tiger jaw ice-plant'. Thanks for assisting me with the ID of this plant @robert.basson! #faucaria #tigerjawsucculent #aizoaceae #iceplantfamily #succulent #succulentobsessed #succulentphotography #flowerphotography #plantphotography #gardenphotography #africanplant #nativetosouthafrica #plantsofsouthafrica #plantsofhilton #kznplants #plantguy #plantobsessed #autumnflowers #autumnphotography

3/19/2024, 5:25:49 PM

Still giving flowers are the Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) They are from South Eastern Africa and commonly known as the Transvaal daisy, the Barberton daisy, and as Barbertonse madeliefie or Rooigousblom in Afrikaans. If they get too crowded they can be divided. The fancy ones are not nearly as tough as these old fashioned types. #Gerbera #GerberaJamesonii #BarbertonDaisy #TransvaalDaisy #flower #abcmygarden #Rooigousblom #perennial #Daisy #Pink #Africa #AfricanPlant

3/18/2024, 7:49:59 AM

Kniphofia laxiflora - 'Slender poker' This gorgeous species is currently in magnificent bloom around Howick, a small town in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. What a display. Rather different to the common cultivars usually seen in nurseries! It's endemic to South Africa. Thank you for identifying this magnificent species for me @robert.basson ❤️ his own private collection of Kniphofia is stunning! #kniphofialaxiflora #kniphofia #slenderpoker #redhotpokerplant #africanplant #indigenousplant #plantsofsouthafrica #plantsofkzn #kznflora #plantphotography #flowerphotography #naturephotography #summerphotography #photography #iloveplants #plantguy #rareplants #rarekniphofia #kniphophiaflowers

3/5/2024, 9:49:45 PM

Lasst uns mal über Grünzeug reden: #Welwitschia mirabilis. Klingt gut. Sieht nicht gut aus. Dafür umso beeindruckender. Diese Pflanze lebt endemisch in Namibia und Angola und hat sich die Wüste als bevorzugten Lebensort ausgesucht. Mit einem ganz feinen Wurzelgeflecht nimmt sie hier Wasser als Tau auf. Blätter hat sie nur zwei ...ihr ganzes Leben...und wenn sie strubbelig in den Spiegel schaut, dann nur, weil Wind, Sand und Zeit ihr die Blätter zerfleddert haben. Dafür kann sie bis zu geschätzt 2000 Jahre alt werden - wen interessieren da zerzuppelte Blätter? #africanplant #botanik #pflanzenbubble #pfanze #botany #botanical #flora #crazyplantlady #grünzeug #afrika #afrikaspflanzenwelt #weltwitschie

2/16/2024, 5:53:30 PM

I believe this is a Glory Tree or Flaming Glorybower rather than a “Bleeding Heart” because of the bract colour (Clerodendrum Splendens) native to tropical west Africa. It is an evergreen liana that grows up to 4m tall. Needs a bit of water. This one’s escaped from its pot and is growing in the narrow area between our house and the fence. Can be propagated by layering and will also strike well from a cutting. #GloryTree #FlamingGlorybower #ClerodendrumSplendens #AfricanPlant #vine #flowers #abcmygarden #liana #waterwise

2/10/2024, 7:58:16 AM

Sowed these Cyphostemma seeds I just received from @blackspines . Check out his awesome page to see some amazing Copiapoas and Cyphostemmas grown from seed. So stoked for these to germinate and share my journey. #cyphostemma #caudex #caudiciform #succulents #exoticandrareplant #africanplant #pachycaule #cssi #cactoponi #seedgrow #caudexplants #caudexlover #caudexmania #fatplants #cactus #caudexlicious #caudiciforms #utervarmacropus #caudexsg #succulentsofinstagram #euphorbia #cyphostemmauter #cyphostemmaelephantopus #fatplant #miniaturland #suculentas #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plant #cyphostemmajuttae #caudexofinstagram

2/9/2024, 5:33:49 AM

New Desert Rose bought by my beautiful wife (Adenium Obesum) it’s a poisonous species of flowering plant belonging to the dogbane family that’s even used on poison arrows. Native to the Sahel regions south of the Sahara, tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa and also the Arabian Peninsula. Other names for the flower include Sabi star, kudu, mock azalea, and impala lily. It is a popular houseplant and bonsai. I’ve lost these in the past because they have rotted off from the base. Advice this time is to bring them inside to protect from the cool wet winter. #Desert Rose #AdeniumObesum #pink #Tough #WaterWise #abcmygarden #AfricanPlant #SabiStar

1/30/2024, 7:26:21 AM

Another gift from a lovely African Plant for connecting with Ancestors. And a piece of Hornets Nest once nestled in a 300 year old Oak Tree but cleaned out and dropped to earth by a Crow ....Magic at it's best....or What!!!!! Received with gratitude. I can't wait to put both to use... 🧙‍♀️ . . #hornetsnest #africanplant #magic #pharmakeute #witch #wisewoman #hedgewitch #treewitch #plantspirithealer #plantspirithealing #crone #cronemagic #shamanicwillow #shamanicpractitioner #shaman #druid #priestess #nature #naturephotography #motherearth #pagan #oldways #oldpath

1/22/2024, 5:18:07 PM

Growing on the sunny footpath with almost no water is the pink Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) They are from South Eastern Africa and commonly known as the Transvaal daisy, the Barberton daisy, and as Barbertonse madeliefie or Rooigousblom in Afrikaans. There are MANY cultivars. Fairly easy to grow. Dead-head as needed and remove the dead leaves. If they get too crowded they can be divided. #Gerbera #GerberaJamesonii #BarbertonDaisy #TransvaalDaisy #flower #abcmygarden #Rooigousblom #perennial #Daisy #Pink #Africa #AfricanPlant

1/9/2024, 7:59:39 AM

2023 last firing. 2023 년에 많은 응원과 관심을 갖아줘서 감사합니다. 너무나도 기대 되는 2024. 더더욱 좋은 모습으로 뵙겠습니다. 다들 건강하시고 행복한 2024 되셔요!!

12/31/2023, 2:05:03 PM

Koleksiyonumdan minik bir parça.. #dioscoreaelephantipes . Dioscorea Elephantipes . . . . #dioscoreaelephantipes #elephantipes #dioscorea #africanplant #africa #patates #bitki #plant #flower #plantlove #africa #african

12/30/2023, 7:03:39 PM

As we celebrate Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) during Kwanzaa, we're deeply grateful for the strength and support of our wonderful community. Together, we've nurtured our nursery, in our latest restock we're excited to bring you the African plants collection, though these plants were grown locally they, like many of us trace their roots back to the African continent. These plants are a testament to our shared growth and unity🌍 ❤️🖤💚 #kwanzaa #blackplantstore #blackownedplantshop #phillyplantpeople #phillyplantnursery #womenownedplantshop #westphilly #succulents #africanplant

12/29/2023, 6:26:06 PM

Protea Repens red- our fiery 🔥🔥🔥 African queen 👑. It’s a plant of unique beauty which can resist harsh environmental conditions. ______________________ Visit our website and check the offer! 🔍 our other account: @mechpolarny 🛒online store: 📧 e-mail: [email protected] 📍 warehouse: Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Poland #mechpolarny #preservedmoss #preservedplants #driedplants #homedesign #homemade #plants #rosliny #mosswall #greenwallart #mossart #mossartist #ecommerce #ecofriendlyhome #biodesign #africanplant #africanflower

12/28/2023, 1:00:47 PM

A very Merry Christmas to all. This is a new colour of Egyptian Starcluster, it’s enjoying growing in the shade (Pentas Lanceolata), native to much of Africa. It’s a perennial in my garden but colder areas it would be an annual. I just got this new colour and have struck the cutting in water 😁. I’ll be cutting them all back soon and will and propagate the cuttings for friends and family. #PentasLanceolata #EgyptianStarcluster #africa #africanplant #abcmygarden #red #Pink #perennial #butterfly #butterflyplant

12/25/2023, 8:06:06 AM

Discover the #Welwitschiamirabilis with #PlantKingdom Welwitschia mirabilis is a surreal and enigmatic plant that defies traditional botanical expectations. Its most distinctive feature is its two ribbon-like leaves that emerge from a woody, central stem. These leaves can become frayed and split over time, giving the plant a weathered and ancient appearance. The plant's ability to survive in one of the world's driest and harshest environments showcases the tenacity of life and the incredible adaptations that have evolved over millions of years. Welwitschia mirabilis stands as a living testament to the resilience of plant life in extreme conditions. #namibdesert #namibia #angola #africa #africanplant #botany #botanicalgarden #plants #plant #plantlover #plantsofinstagram #plantlife #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantbased #plantlove #plantpower #plantpowered #planting #plantaddict #deserts #triviatime #plantstrong #science #research #desert

12/17/2023, 9:50:30 AM

사이가 좋은것 보다는 먹이 안 빼낄려고 올라가서 몸으로 먹이를 가리다 둘이 박스에 들어 갔네요. 뭔가 빵 두게가 포장 된것 같은 느낌이 너무 귀여운것 같아요. 앞에 있는 노타는 겁이 많아서 그 덩치 큰 몸을 숨기겠다고 목만 쏙 들어가고. 티타는 열심히 먹는 와중에 왜 사진 찍어 하고 처다 보고. 언제나 너무 잘 먹는 이쁜이들입니다. 간만에 농장 마스코트 티타와 노타 소식 전합니다~ #aldabratortoise #알다브라육지거북 #아가베 #오테로이  #티타노타   #희귀식물 #아로이드 #코덱스 #아프리카식물 #테일러화분  #서울농장 #houseplant #rareplant #plantgram #planterior #gardener #greenhouseinseoul #africanplant #caudax #plantgram #pottailor #agave #oteroi #titanota#アガベ #agaveholic #agavelover #iksperience @iksperience

12/12/2023, 9:57:16 AM

First flowers from the Bleeding Heart Vine (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) native to tropical west Africa from Cameroon west to Senegal. It is an evergreen liana that grows up to to 4m tall. Needs a bit of water to keep it happy. This one is growing in a pot with some afternoon shade. Can be propagated by layering and will also strike well from a cutting. #BleedingHeartVine #ClerodendrumThomsoniae #AfricanPlant #vine #flowers #abcmygarden #liana #waterwise #Cameroon

12/12/2023, 7:57:19 AM

So hard to photograph as it's a night blooming plant. They will all be finished by morning 🌄 🤍 #house #home #houseplants #succulent #nightblooms #flowering #whiteflowers #sansevria #cylindrica #africanplant #africanspear #photography #flowerphotography #plantlover

12/10/2023, 7:07:17 PM

Another beautiful flower spike ⬅️⬅️ To see how it all started 🌱 #house #home #houseplant #succulent #sansevria #cylindrica #african #africanplant #africanspear #flowering #flowerspike #happyplant #plantcare #photos #plantphotography #plantlover

12/5/2023, 9:40:15 PM

Which foliage do you like? Silver or green. African Daisies or Gazania (Gazania), native to Southern Africa. They come in shades of yellow and orange, and flower over a long period in summer. Often planted as drought-tolerant groundcover on roundabouts and median strips. Also note the dandelion hiding in amongst the yellow flowers. 😁 #AfricanDaisy #Gazania #AfricanPlant #groundcover #flowers #abcmygarden #perennial #waterwise

11/28/2023, 8:26:30 AM

Such a treat to witness my snake plant flowering. Detail of a 30” x 24” painting. . . . . . . #snakeplant #snakeplantflowers #motherinlawstongue #Dracaenatrifasciata #africanplant #tropicalplant #contemporaryart #newpainting

11/23/2023, 2:54:52 AM

This is Spathodea campanulata, commonly known as the African tulip tree, a species of flowering plant in the family Bignoniaceae. It is native to tropical areas of West and Central Africa.⁠ ⁠ The fruit is a long, slender capsule containing numerous seeds. When mature, the capsule splits open to release the seeds, which are wind-dispersed 🌬️⁠ ⁠ 📍Arboretum and Geiger Tropical Flower Garden

11/20/2023, 8:15:20 PM

Adenia metamorpha 雪花西番蓮 Origin and Habitat: Adenia metamorphaSN|35235]]SN|35235]] is known from only one locality in Madagascar in the Ankarana Reserve, in the trail between Campement des Anglais and Lac Vert.
Altitude range: around 130 metres above sea level.
Habitat and ecology: This species grows among limestone rocks in seasonal tropical forest. The larger tubers are generally subterranean, but can be partially exposed in rocky areas with shallow soils. Adult plants are relatively rare. 原產地和棲息地:Adenia metamorpha已知僅存在於馬達加斯加安卡拉納保護區的一個地點,位於 Campement des Anglais 和 Lac Vert 之間的小路上。
棲息地與生態:該物種生長在季節性熱帶森林的石灰岩中。較大的塊莖通常位於地下,但可以部分暴露在淺土的岩石區域。成年植物相對罕見。 Description: Adenia metamorpha is a glabrous and dimorphic species that undergo a remarkable transformation. For several years it is a low geophytic plant with a large underground storage tuber (caudex) that allow plants to survive unfavorable weather conditions, then a transition to a vining habit take place and after several years the adults develop a thin cylindrical trunk. Leaves vary between having five lobes mottled white and green to being unlobed, cordate and green. This transformation in leaf shape can occur along a single stem. Adenia metamorpha is the only Madagascan Adenia with a narrow cylindrical trunk and large napiform tuber. 描述: Adenia metamorpha是一種無毛、二態性的物種,經歷了顯著的轉變。幾年來,它是一種低矮的土生土長植物,具有大型地下儲存塊莖,使植物能夠在不利的天氣條件下生存,然後轉變為藤蔓習性,幾年後成蟲長出細長的圓柱形樹幹。葉子的形狀各不相同,有五個裂片,白色和綠色斑駁,也有無裂片、心形和綠色。這種葉子形狀的轉變可以沿著單一莖發生。Adenia metamorpha是唯一一種馬達加斯加的Adenia,具有狹窄的圓柱形樹幹和大的球狀塊莖。 #adeniametamorpha #adenia #adenialover #caudex #caudexlove #caudexsucculent #caudexlovers #caudexlicious #caudexplant #caudexplants #caudexplantsoninstagram #instaplant #plantofinstagram #rareplant #rareplants #plant #plants #plantsagram #plantsart #plantshow #plantofinstagram #bizzareplants #africanplant #雪花西番蓮 #西番蓮科🌿

11/3/2023, 1:08:08 PM

Guilandina bonduc Common name: grey nicker, nicker bean, fever nut knicker nut. Uses: live fence, atmospheric nitrogen fixer, traditional medicine, oils and gaming! (An African board game called Aayo) #tropicalplant #horticulture #urbantropicals #urbangardener #gardening #plantcollection #plantcollector #plants #westafricanplants #africanplant #indigenousplant #plantsofinstagram #africanbackgarden

10/30/2023, 8:41:57 AM

Time to go back inside beautiful Plectranthus in bloom… Happy Friday Everyone! Nice to be ending the week with a bit of sunshine ☀️🌿🌺 . I believe this is Zuluensis but not 100% sure as this was a tiny cut no more than 15cm that I propagated while studying at Capel Manor few years ago 🥹 So amazed by the fact that I managed to keep it alive all this time. Really enjoying watching it grow and thrive! . #plectranthus #plectranthuszuluensis #beautifulplants #plantsinbloom #purpleblueflowers #africanplant #southafricannativeplants #tenderplant #professionalgardener #mygardentoday #gardensoflondon

10/20/2023, 6:21:36 PM

the clivias coming to an end in mum and dad’s garden #springflowers #clivias #floralsforspringgroundbreaking #africanplant

10/8/2023, 8:18:26 AM

This year has been really good for Clivia both in our garden and our area (Clivia miniata) also the Natal lily, bush lily or kaffir lily is native to woodland habitats in South Africa (Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal provinces) as well as in Eswatini. They contain small amounts of lycorine which is poisonous. Some of these are in a public car park at The Junction shopping area and they still look beautiful. Very popular in older Australian gardens where you can often get a cutting (rhizome) or you can buy one but they are expensive! A popular plant for shady areas. It needs little water or care once established. #Clivia #rhizome #flower #orange #perennial #abcmygarden #Africa #AfricanPlant #ShadeLoving #WaterWise

10/1/2023, 9:00:01 AM

- Cape jewels Scientific name / species: Nemesia strumosia From the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae) (snapshot 📷 taken on Samsung Galaxy Note VIII) #Figwortfamily #Scrophulariaceae #Nemesia #Nemesiostrumosa #Africanplant #AfricanFlower #Orangeflowers #Flowerphotography #dicot #Botany #Gardenflowers #Domesticflowers #Domesticplant #Plantscience #Ornamental #Ornamentalplants #EastLondon #Flora

9/27/2023, 11:25:05 PM

Flowering Grass ..popped up for the second year (Freesia laxa), grows from a corm and comes from eastern and southern Africa, from Kenya to northeastern South Africa. It is grown in gardens as an ornamental plant and has found its way on to my front footpath. Very pretty little thing and another reason not to mow my footpath. I already don’t mow in spring because of the freesias so this on is welcome. #FloweringGrass #FreesiaLaxa #Iridaceae #flower #AfricanPlant #VolunteerPlant #lawn #weed #corm #Orange

9/26/2023, 10:01:30 AM

날씨가 추워지니 이제 슬슬 자기에 모습이 들어 나고 있네요.

9/26/2023, 6:27:47 AM

1 year , 6 months and 4 months seedlings from my garden .. big repotting going on .. ugh .. still to hot .. desertrose #adenium #adeniumlover @adenium_arabia_ #adeniumobesum #succulent #srub #tree #ornementalplant #exclusive #luxuryplant #arabianplant #adeniumlover #arabianpeninsula #africanplant #mygarden #cultivation #dubai #uae #flowers #gardenplants #desertlandscaping #mygarden

9/22/2023, 8:19:11 AM

Spent the day in Ethiopia (here until end of month) visiting the Dorze tribe who had the largest euphorbia I’ve ever seen. I was told they use the seedpods and flowers for something—but I couldn’t understand exactly. I’m trying to follow up with an answer. Must have been easily 50 feet and insanely healthy shape. #euphorbia #euphorbialover #africanplants #africanplants #euphorbias #plants #africanplant

9/13/2023, 5:34:25 PM

The fancy pink Gerberas are out now (Gerbera jamesonii is the plain red one and this is a cultivar) They are from South Eastern Africa and commonly known as the Transvaal daisy, the Barberton daisy, and as Barbertonse madeliefie or Rooigousblom in Afrikaans. There are MANY cultivars but I can’t find the name for this particular style of flower with no defined centre. Fairly easy to grow. Dead-head as needed and remove the dead leaves. If they get too crowded they can be divided. #Gerbera #GerberaJamesonii #BarbertonDaisy #TransvaalDaisy #flower #abcmygarden #Rooigousblom #perennial #Daisy #Pink #Africa #AfricanPlant

9/13/2023, 9:59:42 AM