PTmeme images

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#food #travel #sports #news #may #thursday

#MemeMonday Con Amadeus vi parlo di uno dei miei concetti chiave: ⚕️Ippocrate diceva: “Prima di cercare la guarigione in qualcuno, chiedigli se è disposto a rinunciare a ciò che lo ha fatto ammalare”. 📖 Ribadisco sempre che se ci sono voluti anni a creare la condizione per cui oggi ci si presenta ad un consulto, è assurdo pensare e pretendere da un professionista che questo ve la possa risolvere in una seduta o in pochissimo tempo. 💊 Anzi, spesso una sola cura non basta, un solo farmaco, una sola terapia; serve un cambio radicale dello stile di vita e questo dipende, non tanto dal professionista a cui vi affidate ma, dal vostro impegno nel processo terapeutico e nel cambiamento. 💤 Per questo vi invito sempre a non sottovalutare i dolori che vi si presentano e aspettare che passino in autonomia. Senza fare allarmismo o terrorismo psicologico, ma se si prolungano per più di una settimana o due: chiedete un consulto ad un professionista della salute di vostra fiducia! 🧯Nei prossimi giorni vi farò un approfondimento sulla differenza tra dolore acuto e cronico, così da spiegarvi perché è fondamentale non aspettare ma agire in tempo, poiché non sempre è indice positivo che dopo qualche mese il dolore diminuisca di intensità. . . . #mememonday #meme #monday #lunedì #osteomeme #memes #ptmeme #osteopatia #osteopathy #physicaltherapy #osteofunny #manualtherapy #manualtherapymeme #physio #physiomemes #physiofunny #fisiofun #fisiofunny #physicaltherapymemes #memes

5/13/2024, 8:00:00 AM

#MemeMonday C’è da dire ragazzi che alcuni farmaci, veramente, ma che nomi hanno?! 😂 🫶🏻 I miei pazienti preferiti comunque sono quelli che, siccome sanno di assumere molti farmaci, vengono col foglietto dei nomi di ognuno e per quale patologia lo prendono. 😇 Santi subito! 😂 Ogni farmaco ha un prefisso o suffisso che si riferisce ad una categoria, vediamone alcuni: 💊Antipertensivi: -lolo (Beta-Bloccanti) 🟰 Atenololo, Nebivololo, Carvedilolo, etc… -dipina (Calcio-Antagonisti) 🟰 Nifedipina, Amlodipina, etc… -pril (Ace-Inibitori) 🟰 Ramipril, Captopril, etc… -sartan (Sartani, AT1 Antagonisti) 🟰 Losartan, Valsartan, etc… 💊Antivirali: -vir (Infezioni Virali) 🟰 Aciclovir, Famciclovir, etc… 💊 Gastroprotettori: -prazolo (Inibitori di Pompa Protonica) 🟰 Omeprazolo, Pantoprazolo, Lansoprazolo, etc… 💊 Antilipidemici: -statina (Colesterolo LDL e Trigliceridi) 🟰 Atorvastatina, Simvastatina, Rosuvastatina, etc… 💊 Cortisonici Corticosteroidi: -sone/-solone (Anti infiammatori) 🟰 Prednisone, Desametasone, Betametasone, etc… 💊 Anestetici locali: -caina (Inibitori degli impulsi nervosi) 🟰 Lidocaina, Tetracaina, Benzocaina, etc… 💊 Trombolitici: -asi/-ase (Disgregano i trombi, i coaguli) 🟰 Streptochinasi, Urochinasi, Alteplase (t-PA: attivatore tissutale del plasminogeno), etc… 💊 Antibiotici [Sono oltre 15 le categorie di antibiotici e si distinguono per struttura chimica e azione battericida] qui alcuni: -micina (Aminoglicosidi e Macrolidi) 🟰 Eritromicina, Azitromicina -cillina (Penicillina) 🟰 Amoxicillina, Ampicillina, Penicillina G -sulf (Sulfamidici) [Prefisso] 🟰 Sulfasalazina, Sulfacetammide -ciclina (Tetracicline) 🟰 Tetraciclina, Doxiciclina -cef (Cefalosporine) [Prefisso] 🟰 Cefalexina, Cefazolina, Ceftriaxone -floxacina (Fluorochinoloni) 🟰 Ciprofloxacina, Levofloxacina, Gemifloxacina, etc… 💾 Salva il post per rivedere le categorie quando hai qualche dubbio su un farmaco. 💬 Scrivimi nei commenti se ti interessa approfondire come agiscono. #mememonday #meme #monday #lunedì #osteomeme #memes #ptmeme #osteopatia #osteopathy #physicaltherapy #osteofunny #pharmacology #pharmaco #farmacologia #farmacia #farmaci #pharmacy

5/6/2024, 8:40:00 AM

I normally skirt lightly around OT content in fear of occupational appropriation but yall broke me when it came to wanting some OT-Taylor Swift content! But don’t worry, I made sure to run it by my trusted OT sources first 🤪 #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #patienthumor #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #medicalmeme #homehealthPT #studentloan #medstudent #medschool #pelvicfloor #NPTE #ADHD #mentalillness #depression #Anxiety #PhysicalTherapySchool #itdepends

5/1/2024, 2:57:15 PM

#MemeMonday 😮 Spesso i pazienti restano stupiti che il processo terapeutico preveda anche una parte attiva che devono svolgere in autonomia. 🏋🏻‍♂️ A volte possono essere assegnati esercizi per rinforzare o rieducare. 🤥 La maggior parte dei pazienti tendenzialmente non li fa 🤣 Ma i professionisti se ne accorgono, quindi non mentite! 😂 Gli esercizi sono importanti perché vengono assegnati per motivi ben precisi; a volte sono di fondamentale importanza, tanto che senza una rieducazione motoria o un rinforzo muscolare non si ottengono i risultati sperati o prefissati. ☝🏻Non barate e fate gli esercizi!!😅 . . . #mememonday #meme #monday #lunedì #osteomeme #memes #ptmeme #osteopatia #osteopathy #physicaltherapy #osteofunny #cheschifoillunedì

4/15/2024, 7:55:00 AM

EVERYONE gets a PT! You get a PT! And YOU get a PT! 🙌 Don't miss out on your chance to experience the magic of personalized physical therapy. Let's help you get back on your feet and feeling great!! #PTLife #PhysicalTherapy #PTMeme #MerrillWI

4/10/2024, 10:36:00 PM

EVERYONE gets a PT! You get a PT! And YOU get a PT! 🙌 Don't miss out on your chance to experience the magic of personalized physical therapy. Let's help you get back on your feet and feeling great!! #PTLife #PhysicalTherapy #PTMeme #SalemOR

4/10/2024, 10:36:00 PM

📆 Via oggi alla seconda rubrichetta! Tutti i lunedì #MemeMonday, visto che il lunedì fa già schifo di per sé, un meme per far ridere ma anche riflettere 🤣 . . . #mememonday #meme #monday #lunedì #osteomeme #memes #ptmeme #osteopatia #osteopathy #physicaltherapy #osteofunny #cheschifoillunedì

4/8/2024, 8:10:00 AM

You don't have to navigate the complexities of a Backdoor Roth IRA method alone. By speaking with a FitBUX financial expert you can get peace of mind in fully understanding if it applies to you, how to navigate it for your household, and any nuances to be aware of before utilizing the method. No more guessing and making costly mistakes! Have questions? Leave a comment of send us a message! #fitbux #studentloan #studentloans #dpt #physicaltherapist #speechlanguagepathologist #speechlanguagepathology #nursepractitioner #optometrist #nurse #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #homehealthPT #NPTE #Anxiety #PhysicalTherapySchool

3/26/2024, 4:55:56 PM

✨ Humbled ✨ In response to CSM, there is no larger feelings of gratitude. To have created such a community and a space so safe that you all smiled with unmeasurable joy and shared your own experiences of imposter syndrome, anxiety and success filled my cup to last a lifetime. I am overwhelmed by the people this platform reaches and immensely grateful for the opportunity to stand among some of the most empowering disabled physical therapists and share our stories in an effort to promote equity in our field. Without you I am just 3 brain cells in a trench coat posting my feelings in picture form on the internet. You give it meaning, you give it purpose and I am forever in your gratitude 💛 let’s do it again next year #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #patienthumor #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #medicalmeme #homehealthPT #studentloan #medstudent #medschool #pelvicfloor #NPTE #ADHD #mentalillness #depression #Anxiety #PhysicalTherapySchool #itdepends

2/20/2024, 3:16:52 AM

Thoroughly enjoying the new Travis Kelce memes… #physicaltherapy #kneeovertoe #PTmeme #PThumor #healthcarehumor #exercisememe #exercisehumor #dpt #rehab #recovery #exercise #fitlife

2/12/2024, 6:17:49 PM

Living for the Taylor/Kelce🤝🏼Troy/Gabrielle side of the internet recently 😂 Love is truly in the air 🥰 and if you want to share the love with your friends and coworkers sign up for my email list and get a FREE digital download of these cute medical valentines!! Link in bio!!! #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #patienthumor #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #medicalmeme #homehealthPT #studentloan #medstudent #medschool #pelvicfloor #NPTE #ADHD #mentalillness #depression #Anxiety #PhysicalTherapySchool #itdepends

2/4/2024, 7:09:09 PM

A cute set of memes to warm your heart cause it’s current -31° in Chicago and I have reynauds (send prayers) Also mini rant- how tf was it safe to have the KC/dolphins game last night?! There’s gotta be some science on muscle activity in this level of cold that puts players at increased risk. Not to mention the fans! NFL I promise the safety of your players is more important than the revenue of one game. 😓 #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #patienthumor #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #medicalmeme #homehealthPT #studentloan #medstudent #medschool #pelvicfloor #NPTE #ADHD #mentalillness #depression #Anxiety #PhysicalTherapySchool #itdepends

1/14/2024, 5:51:59 PM

With so many ways to save for retirement we often get the question... "How do I invest for retirement and know I'm being efficient with where I contribute my money?" We believe financial planning does not have to be complicated. Try to keep it simple with our 5-step checklist on how to invest for retirement. Remember, having a well thought out financial plan is crucial to understanding if your money is working for you or against you. Not sure where to start? Let us know and we are happy to help! *This is not investment advice* #studentloans #graduateschool #federalstudentloandebt #studentloandebt #studentloanrelief #savemoney #fitbux #studentloan #studentloans #dpt #physicaltherapist #speechlanguagepathologist #speechlanguagepathology #nursepractitioner #optometrist #nurse #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #PTschool #finance #personalfinance #financialindepence #financialfreedom

1/14/2024, 2:06:42 AM

Can someone help Charlie find his ankle? 😂 We love a good PT meme! 📥 Drop any questions you have below. 📲 Are you ready to achieve your peak? Call or text! LINK IN BIO #tolttraveltherapy #teachthemyoung #snoqualmiepasswashington #carnationwashington #physicaltherapy #newyear #PTmeme #conciergephysicaltherapy #explorepage #smallbusinessowner #chooseptfirst #directaccessphysicaltherapy #directaccess

1/13/2024, 7:29:20 AM

STUDENT LOAN UPDATE You can get a reimbursement from your lender if you have been placed on administrative forbearance and have paid on your loans. If you are on an IDR plan (IBR, PAYE, or SAVE) and/or on the PSLF track, this means you can save money! The education department has stated that months on administrative forbearance will count as qualified monthly payments towards forgiveness on IDR and PSLF plans. You only have to make payments towards your loans once your lender gets your account updated and you are no longer on an administrative forbearance. Don't pay more than you have to! Have questions? Let us know, and we can help. #studentloans #graduateschool #federalstudentloandebt #studentloandebt #studentloanrelief #savemoney #fitbux #studentloan #studentloans #dpt #physicaltherapist #speechlanguagepathologist #speechlanguagepathology #nursepractitioner #optometrist #nurse #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #PTschool #finance #personalfinance #financialindepence #financialfreedom

1/12/2024, 10:20:33 PM

Cardiac rehab rizz #PTkan #PTigas #PTmeme

1/12/2024, 9:43:10 AM

Do you or your parent have Parent PLUS Loans? This one is for you. Dive into the world of student loans and financial freedom with the FitBUX Podcast! Joseph Reinke, CFA, simplifies the "double debt consolidation" strategy and how it can provide financial relief for you or your loved ones. This can be a game-changer. Link in bio! #fitbux #studentloan #studentloans #dpt #physicaltherapist #speechlanguagepathologist #speechlanguagepathology #nursepractitioner #optometrist #nurse #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #homehealthPT #NPTE #financialindependence #moneyhealth #moneytips #finance

1/12/2024, 12:52:11 AM

Grad students, this one's for you! When it comes to student loans, making the right choice is key. Learn why Direct Grad Plus Loans may be your go-to option and when you may want to consider Private Loans. Unlock the secrets to smarter student loan decisions. Read the article today! #fitbux #studentloan #studentloans #dpt #physicaltherapist #speechlanguagepathologist #speechlanguagepathology #nursepractitioner #optometrist #nurse #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #homehealthPT #NPTE #financialindependence #moneyhealth #finance #moneytalks #savemoney

1/11/2024, 12:30:14 AM

Ever wondered what the difference is between a Roth 401(k) and a Roth IRA? Our latest article breaks down the differences between the two and explores contribution limits, tax benefits, and investment options to create a winning strategy. Don't miss out on this game-changing information. #fitbux #studentloan #studentloans #dpt #physicaltherapist #speechlanguagepathologist #speechlanguagepathology #nursepractitioner #optometrist #nurse #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #homehealthPT #NPTE #financialindependence #moneyhealth

1/9/2024, 12:30:07 AM

Secure your financial future with a Roth IRA! Discover the 4 compelling reasons why contributing to a Roth IRA is a smart move. From tax-free gains to using it as an emergency fund or down payment for a home, this article breaks it down for you. #fitbux #studentloan #studentloans #dpt #physicaltherapist #speechlanguagepathologist #speechlanguagepathology #nursepractitioner #optometrist #nurse #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #homehealthPT #NPTE #financialindependence #moneyhealth

1/3/2024, 2:00:27 PM

Married or getting married and managing student loans? How you file your taxes can significantly impact your student loan payments and the amount of taxes you pay. In our latest article, we dive deep into the choice between filing jointly or separately and how it affects your financial situation. Don't miss out on potential savings! Read the article to learn more as we enter tax season. #fitbux #studentloan #studentloans #dpt #physicaltherapist #speechlanguagepathologist #speechlanguagepathology #nursepractitioner #optometrist #nurse #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #homehealthPT #NPTE #financialindependence #moneyhealth

1/3/2024, 1:00:11 AM

Happy Monday and Happy New Year Everybody 🎉🎊!! We hope you all have a fantastic week and an amazing start of the new year!! . . . . . #nppt #newburyparkphysicaltherapy #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #pt #rehabilitation #therapy #exercise #fitness #movementismedicine #funny #meme #mememonday #ptmeme #acl #pcl #mcl #gingerbreadman #kneepain #knee #conejovalley #venturacounty #newburypark #mondaymeme #newyear #2024

1/1/2024, 6:00:00 PM

Ringing in the new year with my Top 5 memes from 2023! (Plus an honorable mention the the shrimp meme cause yall blew him up again this year). Unsurprised Taylor and Barbie took the top spots but overwhelmed at the amount of love this community has given to the creations from my three little brain cells 🥂 here’s to more in 2024 #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #patienthumor #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #medicalmeme #homehealthPT #studentloan #medstudent #medschool #pelvicfloor #NPTE #ADHD #mentalillness #depression #Anxiety #PhysicalTherapySchool #itdepends

1/1/2024, 4:35:22 PM

S/O to my bosses tho cause we got some pretty sweet company fleece zip ups 😅🎄 Hope you all survived your finals and are ready for a well deserved rest ❤️💚 #physiomeme #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #OT #OTschool #PTmeme #physiotherapist #DPT #DPTmeme #DPTswithanxiety #patienthumor #PTschool #nursing #nursingschool #studentloans #medicalmeme #homehealthPT #studentloan #medstudent #medschool #pelvicfloor #NPTE #ADHD #mentalillness #depression #Anxiety #PhysicalTherapySchool #itdepends

12/22/2023, 3:27:14 PM

🎁🎄 Giveaway Day 2 🎄🎁 🎉 Join us for our 5 Days of Holiday Giveaway! (must enter website) 🎅✨ Each day, we’ll be giving away a special prize to one lucky winner. 🎁✨ To enter, simply follow these steps: 1️⃣ Follow @dpts_with_anxiety & @NPTEFF 2️⃣ Must Enter on Website 3️⃣ Share your Favorite DPT’s with Anxiety Meme! Shop for great gift ideas at! Don’t miss out on this festive opportunity to win amazing prizes and spread holiday joy! 🎉🎁✨ #npteff #dptswithanxiety #physiomemes #PtMeme #nptefinalfrontier #npte #PT #PTstudent #DPT #dptstudent #doctorofphysicaltherapy #physicaltherapsit #physio #fisio #physicaltherapystudent #npteprep #SPT #pta

12/12/2023, 5:53:09 PM

When you're havin fun🤪 but your physical therapist is dead serious about form 💯 #FormGoals #FunAndForm #dpt #TherapistApproved #ptmeme #physicaltherapy #choosept

12/9/2023, 11:00:04 PM