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Our hope is in the Father, our refuge is in the Son, and our Shelter is in the Holy Spirit. Great is your salvation O Lord. Great is your love for Mankind. Dr Shawn Smith #perichoresis #perfectlove

5/28/2024, 2:01:49 PM

“Since everyone who has communion with the Holy Spirit through participation in him possesses God’s Wisdom and Word and Truth in every way, he will also possess a share of holiness with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 'For God is faithful, through whom you have been called to communion with his Son.' John too writes concerning the Father: 'If we walk in the light, just as he himself is in the light, we have communion with him.' And again: But our communion is with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, since whoever has communion with the Holy Spirit immediately has communion with both the Father and Son, whenever anyone has the love of the Father, he has it as a gift from the Son through the Holy Spirit. In addition, whenever anyone is a participant of the grace of Jesus Christ, he has the same grace as a gift from the Father through the Holy Spirit.” –St. Didymus the Blind, On the Holy Spirit, 78-80. #SaintOfTheDay #TrinitySunday #TriuneGod #Perichoresis #Deification #Theosis #SaintsOfTheDay #ItalianSaints #Oratorians Η ελπίς μου ο Πατήρ, καταφυγή μου ο Υιός, σκέπη μου το Πνεύμα το Άγιο, Τριάς Αγία, δόξα Σοι! (My Hope is the Father, my Protection the Son, my Shelter the Holy Spirit. O Holy Trinity, glory to You! [Prayer of St. Ioannikios]) San Filippo Romolo Neri: prega per noi!

5/26/2024, 12:28:18 PM

Have a blessed Holy Trinity Sunday to Christians, especially of the western traditions, who are observant of it. Happy recollecting the one true God within Whom the perichoretic union of the Father and the Son in loving fellowship of the Holy Ghost eternally happens. ‭Isaiah 6:2-3 CPDV‬ [2] The Seraphims were standing above the throne. One had six wings, and the other had six wings: with two they were covering his face, and with two they were covering his feet, and with two they were flying. [3] And they were crying out to one another, and saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of hosts! All the earth is filled with his glory!" ‭Matthew 3:16-17 CPDV‬ [16] And Jesus, having been baptized, ascended from the water immediately, and behold, the heavens were opened to him. And he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him. [17] And behold, there was a voice from heaven, saying: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." ‭1 John 5:7 CPDV‬ [7] For there are Three who give testimony in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. And these Three are One. Glory be to the Triune God! #hagiatriada #trinitas #holytrinity #holytrinitysunday #holytrinitysunday2024 #perichoresis #circumincession #cosmicdance #fathersonholyghost #homoousia #unasubstantia #onegodhead #treshypostaseis #trespersonae #threepersons #love

5/26/2024, 9:27:47 AM

Imagina una danza divina, donde los bailarines, claramente distintos, se mueven en una armonía perfecta. Así describieron los Padres Capadocios del siglo IV -san Basilio, san Gregorio Nacianceno y san Gregorio de Nisa-, el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad, llamándolo "perichoresis". Esta palabra griega evoca una danza circular, un movimiento constante donde Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, comparten su amor eternamente. La perichoresis ilustra cómo la diversidad y la unidad pueden coexistir y enriquecerse mutuamente. En un mundo a menudo dividido, este concepto ofrece una visión de comunidad donde las diferencias no dividen sino que crean armonía. Cada individuo, único en sus movimientos, contribuye a un conjunto que depende de todos para su belleza y cohesión. Karl Rahner y Hans von Balthasar profundizaron en este concepto, sugiriendo que nuestras relaciones humanas deberían reflejar esta interrelación trinitaria. Rahner veía en la perichoresis un modelo para la empatía y la cooperación en la sociedad, mientras que Balthasar la consideraba una expresión de la más alta belleza divina y relacional. San Juan de la Cruz, el místico español, enseñó que nuestra unión con Dios nos permite entrar en esta danza trinitaria de amor. La verdadera santidad, decía, es vivir en un amor que nos conecta profundamente con Dios y con los demás. Este modelo trinitario nos desafía a superar el egoísmo y las divisiones, invitándonos a vivir en comunión y amor incondicional. Por eso, la perichoresis no es solo teología, sino también un principio que nos llama a vivir nuestra fe diariamente, moviéndonos juntos en una sinfonía de vida y comunión, al son de un Dios trinitario. #trinidad #santisimatrinidad #perichoresis

5/26/2024, 8:32:10 AM

“The Trinity is not a pyramid type of relationship, nor is it a single, isolated, strong-headed “Higher Power” calling all the shots while the others frantically run around trying to please the fickle dictator. Our God is so much more beautiful and life-giving. As Thomas F. Torrance says, “God is not some remote, unknowable Deity, a prisoner in his aloofness or shut up in his solitariness, but on the contrary the God who is free to go outside of himself, to share in the life of his creatures and enable them to share in his own eternal life.” In Their indivisible union and oneness, the Triune God is “the circle of life”—meaning all expressions of love flow from Their relationship with one another. The fellowship between the Father, Son, and Spirit is fundamentally and quite simply the fountainhead of our existence and confirms the famous Pauline declaration: “…for in Him we live and move [kineo, meaning ‘set in motion’] and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His descendants’” (Acts 17:28 NASB). In Their deep desire to dance with and walk with humanity in the cool of the day, God brought us forth. The joy and communion They shared resulted in an overflow of love called humanity. For this, I guess you could say we were brought forth from the circle dance. This is our story; this is our origin. John writes about this in his epistle, saying, “…We testify to this truth: the eternal Life-Giver lived face-to-face with the Father and has now dawned upon us. So we proclaim to you what we have seen and heard about this Life-Giver so that we may share and enjoy this life together. For truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus, the Anointed One” (1 John 1:2-3 (TPT). via @robbyatwood1 @thejesuslens • • • #trinity #fathersonholyspirit #trinitysunday #glory #love #union #perichoresis #gospel #goodnews #included #jesuschrist #adoption

5/25/2024, 2:33:19 PM

For those looking to deepen their understanding of the Trinity, I highly recommend “The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being, Three Persons” by Thomas F. Torrance. Below is one of my favorite quotes from the book. “While the Lord Jesus constitutes the pivotal centre of our knowledge of God, God’s distinctive self-revelation as Holy Trinity, One Being, Three Persons, creates the overall framework within which all Christian theology is to be formulated. Understandably, therefore the doctrine of the Holy Trinity has been called the innermost heart of Christian faith and worship, the central dogma of classical theology, the fundamental grammar of our knowledge of God.” —Thomas F. Torrance • • • #trinity #trinitysunday #glory #love #relationship #perichoresis #fellowship #abbafather #christ #holyspirit

5/23/2024, 1:55:00 PM

The revelation of God as Trinity has impacted my own heart in the deepest and most profound ways and I believe it has the power to absolutely transform the way we see and relate to God. Below is one of my favorite quotes… “Trinity is the deepest truth about God—not holiness, not sovereignty, not power—but Trinity.” —Jurgen Shulz • • • #trinity #trinitysunday #abbafather #christ #holyspirit #one #glory #love #relationship #union #perichoresis

5/21/2024, 1:50:00 PM

An excerpt from The Shack Revisited by Dr C Baxter Kruger. To find out more information go to via @perichoresisconnection @cbaxterkruger @thejesuslens #grace #Gospel #jesus #god #love #christ #goodnews #beloved #embraced #loved #trinity #spirit #trinitarian #perichoresis #sonship #hope #belong #godislove #godisgood #jesuschrist #goodness #faith #bible #theology #christianity #christian #truth #scriptures #cross #holy

5/18/2024, 10:52:39 AM

A quote from Dr C Baxter Kruger. To find out more go to via • @perichoresisconnection @cbaxterkruger @theopentableconference @thejesuslens #grace #Gospel #jesus #god #love #christ #goodnews #beloved #embraced #loved #trinity #spirit #trinitarian #perichoresis #sonship #hope #belong #godislove #godisgood #jesuschrist #goodness #faith #bible #theology #christianity #christian #truth #scriptures #cross #holy

5/15/2024, 5:11:45 AM

“God is your Father whether you wish it or not.” A quote from George MacDonald. To find out more go to #reposting • @perichoresisconnection @gmd.wisdom #grace #Gospel #jesus #god #love #christ #goodnews #beloved #embraced #loved #trinity #spirit #trinitarian #perichoresis #sonship #hope #belong #godislove #godisgood #jesuschrist #goodness #faith #bible #theology #christianity #christian #truth #scriptures #cross

5/14/2024, 2:35:07 PM

Posted @withregram • @perichoresisconnection An excerpt from Jesus and the Undoing of Adam by Dr C Baxter Kruger. To find out more information go to @perichoresisconnection @cbaxterkruger @thejesuslens #grace #Gospel #jesus #god #love #christ #goodnews #beloved #embraced #loved #trinity #spirit #trinitarian #perichoresis #awakening #sonship #hope #belong #godislove #godisgood #jesuschrist #goodness #faith #bible #theology #christianity #christian #truth #scriptures #cross

5/14/2024, 4:48:09 AM

Näyttelyssä AIHEITA on esillä myös installoitu videoteos "Perikhōrēsis". Nimi viittaa kristillisen teologian käsitteeseen joka tarkoittaa "keskinäistä toisensa läpäisemistä"; termillä on yritetty luonnehtia Jumalan kolmiyhteyttä. Jumala on suhde, olemassaolon piiritanssi. Samaan mysteeriin viitannee suufilaisuuden tapa ilmentää jumaluutta tanssin pyörivän liikkeen kautta. Havunneulanen, hämähäkinseitti ja tuulenvire muodostavat maallisen kolminaisuuden, liikkeen ykseyden. Videoteos heijastuu läpinäkyvälle luonnospaperille, joka on kiinnitetty kaltevalle vanerilevylle. Vanerista rakennettu teline voi tuoda mieleen joko piirustusalustan tai sakraalitiloissa käytetyn lukupulpetin. AIHEITA Galleria Sculptorin Studiossa 19.5. saakka. Kiitokset teoksen editoinnista @simiruotsalainen ! Näyttelyä ja työskentelyäni on tukenut Taiteen edistämiskeskus @taikegram #mediataide #videotaide #kokeilut #havunneulanen #tuuli #hämähäkinseitti #perikoreesi #perichoresis #jumaluus #mysteeri #maallinen #profaani #aiheita #taiketukee @galleriasculptor

5/13/2024, 5:28:49 PM

When I read the parables of Jesus, I often imagine them as metaphoric imagery of how the Father, in Christ, is pursuing each and every one of us in order to heal us from the inside-out. This is especially true for the parables of Luke 15 where God is after what he created in his image. • • • #gospel #goodnews #godislove #abbafather #jesus #holyspirit #perichoresis #love #goodness #inclusion #incarnation

5/11/2024, 4:55:37 PM

An excerpt from The Shack Revisited by Dr C Baxter Kruger. To find out more information go to via • @perichoresisconnection @cbaxterkruger @thepaulyoungpodcast @15younggk @theopentableconference #grace #Gospel #jesus #god #love #christ #goodnews #beloved #embraced #loved #trinity #spirit #trinitarian #perichoresis #sonship #hope #belong #godislove #godisgood #jesuschrist #goodness #faith #bible #theology #christianity #christian #truth #scriptures #cross #holy

5/8/2024, 4:10:05 PM

“He (Christ) is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ • • • #christinall #allinall #presence #glory #jesus #christ #beholdtheson #noseparation #union #abbafather #holyspirit #colossians #perichoresis

5/6/2024, 2:45:00 PM

Perichoresis之道 Perichoresis 有互滲互存、相互寓居的意思。是早期教父借用此希臘名詞以解釋三位一體中的相互關係。而此概念又與道家的道或Heraclitus 的Logos有什麼共同的地方? 與靜觀又有怎樣的關係? 如何應用在輔導工作上? 這是講者嘗試探索及實踐的理念,也想與參加者交流,達至互相啟發。 日期: 24年5月16日 (星期四) 時間: 730pm to 930pm 地點:靜觀完形療法中心(佐敦) 收費:隨心 分享者: Joseph 許思賢 #社區連結活動 #靜觀 #Perichoresis #三一神 #人際靜觀 #三位一體

4/28/2024, 8:17:39 PM

How do the three persons of the Godhead relate to and interact with each other? #Trinity #Father #Son #HolySpirit #God #TriuneGod #JesusChrist #perichoresis #threeinone

4/28/2024, 6:55:22 AM

Hoje 8 de Março de 1986, nasci dessa Senhora (no carrossel, a décima foto). Dona Reneide Barbosa de Lima Costa. Coincidentemente o Dia Internacional da Mulher na Luta pela Igualdade de Gêneros. Devo agradecer, hoje, 8 de Março de 2024 pelos 38 anos exatos, à Ruach que se move como o vento e ninguém sabe para onde Ela vai e para onde Ela vem. Só sabemos dos Efeitos dela pelos Frutos que, sem percebemos, vamos produzindo. Quero aqui, agradecer imensamente todes que contribuíram para que esse dia fosse feliz, mas não só, para que eu tivesse uma fresta, uma brecha, um naco no meio da escuridão desse Capitalismo Tardio que reduz os sonhos a nada. Mas duas pessoas sonhando juntas faz diferença, quando são várias pessoas... se correr o bicho pega e se unir o bicho corre, se bobear é até jantado. Vou cair no erro de citar nomes, mas também não posso deixar de citar em especial @elefelipemaciel, @dorleyeinoder, @demaismm, @pablo_psptex, @totalessa, @mairavida.adv, @emilia_leite, @gentilalan... que viabilizaram um sorvete da melhor qualidade, vindo dos quatro cantos da Terra. A Perichoresis que habita em nós, nos interpenetra, com o perdão da redundância. Hoje, celebrei essa data virtualmente e presencialmente, entendendo que esses dois conceitos rasgam a realidade de forma muito intensa. Quero agradecer a meu irmão, a minha sobrinha, aos minha primas e primos... enfim. Tô cansado, vou dormir. Terminar o dia comendo Gelato Bacio di Latte foi... UM PAVÊ DE PISTACCHIO!!! ps. Graças a todas e todos que viabilizaram pps. Amanhã posto mais coisas... ainda na toada do 8M... meu aniversário foi hoje mas não só o 8M como todo o mês é um mês de lembrança e luta ppps. #ceasefirenow #freepalestine #8m #ILoveYou #WeLoveYou #Perichoresis #Interpenetração

3/9/2024, 3:13:57 AM

One of the most important things I’ve learned on my journey with God is realizing that perfection, which is a mere illusion, was never the intention of God for humanity. Instead, it’s always been about participation. It’s always been about you and me embracing the process of walking with the Father, Son, and Spirit in the cool of the day. To let go of the burdensome expectation of perfection is to experience the joy and grace of seeing God in all stages of life—even the messy ones! • • • #godisgood #love #beloved #walkingwithgod #process #weareallonajourney #peace #grace #justbe #slowdown #enjoy #father #son #spirit #union #perichoresis

3/8/2024, 1:17:25 PM

God does not look away from sin. Instead, he stares it down, destroying it with the gaze of his fiery eyes. The incarnation proves that God, in Christ, has once and for all penetrated it, in order to get inside and heal us from the inside-out. • • • #incarnation #wordbecameflesh #jesus #abbafather #holyspirit #union #trinity #perichoresis #gospel #goodnews

2/21/2024, 1:45:00 PM

WHERE ARE YOU? In Genesis 3, we have the first question of God in the scriptures. He asks, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9). This reveals a deep truth about Gods nature and character. If Adam is an archetype and image of the human race—of our potential yet somewhat natural tendencies—then this specific question isn’t necessarily a one-time event in a garden, but an ongoing inquiry of the Father to his beloved children (you and me). Furthermore, I believe it points to the truth of how God desires to meet us in every season of the soul—simply because God is, in the truest sense, relational and sharing in nature. You see, it’s not that God was inquiring of Adam and Eve’s geographical location. Instead, I believe he was wanting to inquire and, ultimately, meet them where they were in their own journey and perspective. Although he knew what had just transpired, he wanted to invite them into a conversation about it. Truth be told, he knew more than they knew, yet he wanted to invite them into a relational, heart-to-heart exchange. Another way of saying it would be to ask “What’s going on inside of you right now?” I assume the Father knew exactly what their state of mind was, yet even still, he wanted them to voice it so they could reason together in a relational manner. The same goes for us today. The Father meets us where we are, how we are—in whatever state that is—in order to talk with us, walk with us, dine with us, weep with us, and rejoice with us. He simply loves walking with you in the cool of the day! Enjoy the journey! • • • #godisgood #abbafather #jesus #holyspirit #incarnation #godmeetsuswhereweare #journey #process #love #beloved #whereareyou #bible #scripture #perichoresis #union

2/17/2024, 2:00:00 PM

So, this is 50. Thank you 49. PERICHORESIS is my word, as I lean hard into celebrating every dang day of this year. Much to share. Much to learn. Looking forward to both. #perichoresis #2024 #50 #grateful

2/13/2024, 4:04:05 AM

We love because he first loved us! —John • • • #presenceofgod #godlovesusall #godislove #love #beloved #godisgood #abbafather #jesus #holyspirit #perichoresis #gospel #goodnews

2/12/2024, 2:00:00 PM

When we see God through the lens of a Western courtroom god (who is retributive and uninterested in relationship), our minds find it impossible to reconcile the nature of Christ Jesus with Abba Father. When we imagine God sitting on an unapproachable, lofty throne, we will not see the Father as caring, loving, and personal—the God whom Jesus so clearly demonstrated. For this, we will be doomed into believing God the Father is different than God the Son. We may say They are one, but if one side of our mind positions God the Father as an isolated, distant, and unapproachable judge while the other side positions Jesus as close and caring, then we will inevitably split the Trinity within the depths of our soul. This dualistic mindset will inevitably result in a “double-minded man” who’s unstable in all of his ways. • • • #godislove #godisafather #abbafather #godrevealedinjesus #jesus #holyspirit #awakening #glory #perichoresis #oneness #union #relationship #fellowship

2/5/2024, 1:50:40 PM

via @robbyatwood1 Some may say, “I don’t know a lot of the Bible” and therefore exempt themselves from encountering God. But I would ask: “Do you have friends, children, family, people around?” If so, then pay attention to the Christ within them. Notice the delight you share in those relationships and you will see the Father, Son, and Spirit in all of it. Besides, the Trinity is not Father, Son and holy scriptures; it’s Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Does Holy Spirit use scripture to enlighten? Absolutely! In fact, when accompanied by the Spirit, the scriptures have the potential to awaken us to see Jesus in unique and distinct ways. Still yet, Holy Spirit will turn the lights on anywhere and everywhere by using anything necessary. God simply asks for a yielded heart. Jesus doesn’t throw up his hands in frustration when we don’t recognize him—just look at Mary in the garden, the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, or the fishing disciples. He waits patiently—bearing with us in the midst of our blindness—simply because he enjoys the pursuit and the sharing. • • • #trinitarian #loveofgod #encounter #presenceofgod #love #sharing #agape #abbafather #jesus #holyspirit #emmausroad #awakening #revelation #christinallthings #perichoresis @thejesuslens @perichoresisconnection

1/27/2024, 3:12:25 PM

Some may say, “I don’t know a lot of the Bible” and therefore exempt themselves from encountering God. But I would ask: “Do you have friends, children, family, people around?” If so, then pay attention to the Christ within them. Notice the delight you share in those relationships and you will see the Father, Son, and Spirit in all of it. Besides, the Trinity is not Father, Son and holy scriptures; it’s Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Does Holy Spirit use scripture to enlighten? Absolutely! In fact, when accompanied by the Spirit, the scriptures have the potential to awaken us to see Jesus in unique and distinct ways. Still yet, Holy Spirit will turn the lights on anywhere and everywhere by using anything necessary. God simply asks for a yielded heart. Jesus doesn’t throw up his hands in frustration when we don’t recognize him—just look at Mary in the garden, the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, or the fishing disciples. He waits patiently—bearing with us in the midst of our blindness—simply because he enjoys the pursuit and the sharing. • • • #trinitarian #loveofgod #encounter #presenceofgod #love #sharing #agape #abbafather #jesus #holyspirit #emmausroad #awakening #revelation #christinallthings #perichoresis

1/27/2024, 2:05:16 PM

"The Perichoresis" The Perichoresis is a term that refers to the relationship of the three persons of the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) in Christian theology. It means that they co-inhabit, co-exist, and mutually interpenetrate each other, while maintaining their distinct identities. The word comes from the Greek peri, meaning “around” and choreo, meaning “to go, or come” It is also known as Circumincession, a Latin-derived term. #ai #aiart #aiartcommunity #aiartwork #perichoresis #theology #god

1/23/2024, 9:13:01 AM

Good morning, friends, I am so excited to be recording my first couple episodes of “Fascinated” podcast this morning. Hosting a podcast has been on my heart for well over a year now, and I can’t wait to share my heart on the joys of growing in fascination with God. Although I’m doing this a bit afraid—not knowing how it’ll be received—I know this: I can’t keep in what’s on my heart concerning the good nature of the Father, Son, and Spirit. I wanna let everyone know just how cherished, love, and embraced they are. The God revealed in Jesus is just too good and kind and loving and merciful to not share. I understand there are a myriad of podcasts out there, but I also know each perspective is valuable, and is important in contributing to the canvas of Gods unending goodness. And I hope this podcast is another brush stroke in showing the world just how fascinating God is! Stay tuned, as I’ll be posting episode 1 & 2 soon. Blessings! Robby • • • #podcast #fascinated #godisgood #loveofgod #goodnews #gospel #abbafather #jesus #holyspirit #union #perichoresis #awakening

1/22/2024, 1:45:17 PM

Throughout history, there are those who have exemplified what it means to live out compassion. However, I can’t think of anyones life more far-reaching than Jesus himself. The way he was able to move and minister among the poor, the sick, the downtrodden, and the sin-ridden is simply fascinating. For me, one of the most intriguing passages in the practice of Jesus’ earthly ministry is in Matthew’s gospel: “When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick.” Matthew 14:14 (NASB) This passage shines light on how the life of Jesus was (and still is) one of action and immediate compassion: He went (incarnating). He saw (observing). He felt (identifying). He healed (absorbing). God loves our humanity so much that he became it. He grabbed it, embraced it-caught his divine self up in it—to suffer with it and make us whole. • • • #compassion #incarnation #loveofgod #godinchrist #noseparation #union #perichoresis

1/20/2024, 3:10:20 PM

Just a little reminder of how loved and valued you are. Remember, you are made in the image of a good God. The Father, Son, and Spirit is your beginning and true source. When the Triune God looked upon mankind and said, “It’s very good,” They meant it. They haven’t changed Their mind about the human race! • • • • #loved #madeingodsimage #likeness #sonship #childofgod #beloved #gospel #union #inclusion #adopted #belong #home #christinus #christinallthings #perichoresis #divinedance #originalgoodness #noseparation #trinity #abbafather #jesuschrist #holyspirit

12/27/2023, 1:15:15 PM

When the lost coin is found, there’s celebration. When the lost sheep is found, there’s celebration. When the lost son comes home, there’s celebration. The pattern of the Father, manifest in the life of Christ and the activity of the Spirit, is CELEBRATION! May we be awakened to see what They see, that we could then celebrate as They celebrate! • • • #gospel #reconciliation #celebration #joy #righteousness #love #beloved #goodnews #abbafather #jesuschrist #holyspirit #union #perichoresis

12/19/2023, 3:20:03 PM

God is faithful! • • • #godisfaithful #goodnews #presence #good #love #union #perichoresis #trinity #divinedance

12/13/2023, 2:30:58 PM

For Jesus, the Father's word of who he was ("my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased") rang louder than the foes words of who he wasn't. That proclamation became the very weapon he would use to silence all slander and accusation. It would be such an advantageous source of proclamation, that he would never have to defend himself. As the eternal son of the Father, he could remain silent and seated, and let the "beloved-ness" do all the talking. • • • • #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit #identity #love #beloved #perichoresis #gospel #whoiam #glory #loved

11/29/2023, 1:50:00 PM

The Father is committed to the emergence of our true self. He’s devoted to bringing us into the awareness of our adoption. In divine love, he will leave the 99, search the house high and low, and run in reckless abandon to awaken us to who we truly are. • • • • #beloved #incarnation #wordbecameflesh #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit #union #noseparation #perichoresis #luke15 #noonelost #love #reconciliation

11/27/2023, 2:15:00 PM

While we were in our lowest state, he never left, and most certainly never turned his face away from us. I’m glad he went BEYOND the deepest, darkest, and most isolated place to bring us out! Thank you Father for your (hyper, greasy, wild) grace. 😃 #grace #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit #goodnews #gospel #included #perichoresis #divinedance #webelong #childofgod #beloved #love

11/21/2023, 12:00:15 AM


11/15/2023, 9:39:06 AM

We are 1 week out from our conference in Birmingham. If you would like to join us, be sure to jump onto our linktree to register today. #birmingham #trinitarian #trinitarianconferences #drcbaxterkruger #perichoresis

11/11/2023, 11:01:08 PM

Have you ever heard someone say "God is loving but he is also a judge?" I know I have, and to be honest, it presents a real issue at hand. First of all, it seems very dualistic—as if love and judge are two polar opposite sides of his nature. Furthermore, we find ourselves having to try and balance out these said (positive and negative) attributes, like weights on a scale. There is no negative (no darkness or shadow of turning) in the heart of the Father. In other words, there should be no balancing act (of good and evil) concerning our God, but only the continual unveiling of his goodness! I would suggest a more healthy, non-dualistic way of looking at this. Perhaps instead of saying God is a judge who loves, I suggest that God IS (fundamentally) love, who, in expression of love, judges anything that seeks to distort love and hinder our relationship with Father, Son, and Spirit. #love #godislove #agape #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit #fruitofthespirit #gospel #union #oneness #perichoresis #christinus #goodnews #trinity

10/25/2023, 1:55:00 PM

Jesus took death and transformed it into UNION! #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit #union #christinus #oneness #trinity #perichoresis #gospel #kingdomofgod #within #in #love #beloved

10/22/2023, 3:20:09 PM

Jesus said, “…whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.” John‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬ ‭ That means when Jesus drew close to sinners, the Father was drawing close to sinners. When Jesus looked upon those lost in iniquity, the Father was doing the same. When Jesus laid hands on the unclean leper, it was the Father and Son doing it together. It’s not that Jesus was out and about doing his thing independent of the Father. Beloved, throughout his entire earthly ministry, the Father was IN Christ reconciling the world together. The finished work was a unified, joint effort—one that would change the entire cosmos. Be encouraged today! God is so near, closer than the “wind in our lungs or the skin on our bones.” The incarnation proves this so! It's the closeness of Jesus—his descent into the human condition—that shattered the lie of separation and abandonment. #incarnation #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit #oneness #union #love #beloved #gospel #goodnews #godislove #freedom #noseparation #perichoresis #immanuel #godwithus #christinus #allinall

10/20/2023, 2:10:25 PM

Sending forth his son, the Father did NOT say “this is my beloved apostle, pastor, prophet, or miracle worker.” He said, “This is my BELOVED SON.” The greatest declaration over your life is not your gifting or what you do, but that you are born of him. You are wholly loved, held and embraced in the Father. This is who you are! #abbafather #beloved #identity #wholeness #gospel #love #union #perichoresis #oneness #inclusion #onewithgod #jesuschrist #holyspirit #trinity #awakening

10/20/2023, 2:00:00 PM

Sometimes. Sometimes you find yourself swept up in a whirlwind, an uncontrollable mixture of laughter, hysteria, anger, fear of what you can't know, and excitement of what you hope for. It's all there in a strange & overwhelming, swept up with feet off the ground, kind of dance.🌪️ And grace is there. It is the dance. #lifenotes #unrulygrace #perichoresis #practicingpoetry #creativecourage

10/19/2023, 1:56:31 PM

There is no place God is not! “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven YOU ARE THERE If I make my bed in Sheol, behold YOU ARE THERE If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even THERE Your hand will lead me, Your right hand will lay hold of me.” —David (Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭7‬-‭10‬) #hispresence #abbafather #jesuschrist #goodness #union #perichoresis #gospel #christinallthings #allinall #christinus #incarnation

10/16/2023, 2:00:00 PM

God is not a double-minded Deity who has to choose between love or judgment—as if they’re polar opposites of his nature. As revealed in Jesus, God IS fundamentally a Father who does everything out of Fatherly love. #abbafather #godisafather #jesuschrist #trinity #union #oneness #perichoresis #love #agape #godislove #gospel #goodnews

10/13/2023, 2:00:00 PM

E o tema do jantar temático do Perichoresis é... 👾 🕹🎮 JOGOS!!! 🎲♟ 🧩 Pra quem faltou no primeiro domingo de setembro: ☞ Nos vestimos com as cores do nosso retiro ☞ Fizemos um teatro pra anunciar o tema do nosso jantar temático Então, não esquece e já vai preparando sua fantasia pro nosso jantar temático, que nos dias 17 a 20 de novembro TAMO ON!! #juventude #igreja #perichoresis #jovens #adolescentes #cristão

10/11/2023, 7:18:37 PM

You mean to tell me that one momentary slip-up caused the ontological NATURE of humanity to be changed from good to evil? That one ACT of disobedience somehow rewired the entire motherboard? *Notice that I’m using the terms nature and act (there’s a difference). Did the first man’s act effect us all? Absolutely! But to say that it changed our core nature (created by God) just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. This whole paradigm gives an “ungodly” amount of authority to one person, especially in light of God’s initial declaration of “very good” over the human race. It puts a whole lot of emphasis to the potency of Adam’s sin and not much to the creative nature of Abba to make us in his likeness. In essence, when we align with the doctrine of original sin, we are ultimately saying that Adam’s single act is more powerful than Abba’s act of eternal adoption. Perhaps something else was going on… #awakening #goodness #originalgoodness #madeingodsimage #glory #union #oneness #perichoresis #revelation #inchrist #christinus #fullyalive #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit

10/9/2023, 3:00:42 PM

Jesus Christ is the Father’s response to the lie of separation. #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit #one #union #oneness #perichoresis #trinity #inchrist #christinus #hopeofglory #glory #gospel #goodnews #freedom #noseparation

10/7/2023, 1:55:00 PM

Who is God to you? To David, God was a Shepherd. To Moses, he was a hiding place. To John, he was the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. . And to Paul, he was the God who’s all in all. Each of these men were led into a way of seeing and exploring the multi-faceted goodness of God. What God wanted to be for John wasn’t necessarily who God wanted to be for David. Each season appropriated a certain aspect of Gods nature that the particular person needed in that moment. Same goes for us… The Father, Son, and Spirit are eagerly waiting to reveal Themselves in ways that touch you on a deep, personal level. Let your heart be led into exploring the vast depths of who the Father, Son, and Spirit are. Let them meet you where are, in this PRESENT moment, with the special revelation of who They want to be to you and for you. You may just come away fascinated! #revelation #gloryofgod #awakening #holyspirit #jesuschrist #abbafather #eyestosee #inclusion #allinall #perichoresis #trinity #gospel #goodnews #family #fascinated

10/6/2023, 2:00:00 PM

To Christ, God was Father. He was Abba, the closest friend, lover, and source of life. However, he wasn’t satisfied with keeping his abounding relationship an exclusive secret—he wanted ALL of his creation to know and share in his relationship with him. So, as a human, just like us, he entered into our world and our darkness. He came into the illusion of abandonment and separation, blowing it up with his knowledge of the One he would introduce as Abba. By entering the pain of delusion concerning the Father’s goodness, Jesus Christ—with his Dad in glad attendance—silenced the evil one’s whisper once and for all. We are one with the Father! (see John 14:20) (from ‘Fascinated: Living in Awe of the Father’) #abbafather #jesuschrist #holyspirit #union #oneness #trinity #glory #noseparation #beloved #sonship #gospel #goodnews #perichoresis #life #joy #peace

10/1/2023, 1:35:35 PM

PERICHORESIS Neste retiro da juventude, vamos explorar o tema Perichoresis! O que você acha que é Perichoresis? Conta aqui nos comentários pra gente! 🤔💬 #retiro #juventude #perichoresis

9/30/2023, 7:41:30 PM

All of us, in some way, are constantly being pulled at in different directions in our day-to-day lives. This continual pulling makes it difficult to slow down and simply be loved and present. Among the many tensions is the cultural voice that screams to us, “You are defined by what you do.” This constant chatter wars against the reality of our identity: that we are loved because of who we are as his beloved. If we are fully loved by the Father in the present moment—and we will never be more loved than we are right now—we can present. We don’t have to worry about tomorrow’s issues. We can be ever-present with our family, our friends, and most importantly, with the Father. #justbe #present #bestill #peace #awakening #abbafather #christinus #holyspirit #trinity #perichoresis #divinedance #rest #joy #beloved #glory #gospel #goodnews

9/27/2023, 2:00:00 PM

I received the most gorgeous graduation gift today. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in me and I in Him! The Trinity Knot is a symbol of that union, or perichoresis (Greek for mutual indwelling). The marble in the knot represents strength. @suzyz_zoo Thank you! I adore you and am so grateful for this precious gift. #trinitarianfellowship #perichoresis #unionnotseparation #fathersonholyspirit #trinity Cannot wait to celebrate with my cohort! CPT, here we come! 💜💜💜

9/20/2023, 11:06:10 PM

Living the examined life, post-gum/jaw surgery, trying to determine if the joy of food is primarily in its texture or taste: Day 1: Squid ink spaghetti x tomato x minced beef x baby spinach blend. (Took an hour to sip this.) Day 2: Roasted red pepper x roasted tomatoes x caramelised garlic x basil x bread rinds + cheese toasts (a bloody x painful mistake) Day 3: Soft crustless smashed avo bread + smoked salmon + scrambled eggs Day 4: Yoghurt x blueberries Day 4: Rice pudding x mixed berry jam Day 5: Finally, extremely soft squid-ink spag bog + baby spinach! (2 hours to nibble.) Day 6: Ditto + baby rocket (not recommended - those little stalks end up on the wrong side of the mouth, and re-open wounds by jabbing between the stitches) - happily, all accompanied by glorious meaty morsels on the Trinity to chew on. Afraid of cold hardening spag bog smoothies bringing sadness and despair? Be killing your tooth+truth decay, kids, or your tooth+truth decay be killing you. This PSA was brought to you by an excess of painkillers and cabin fever.

9/18/2023, 6:19:51 AM

“Jesus walked up and accompanied them in their journey.” —Luke #jesuschrist #abbafather #holyspirit #christinallthings #allinall #present #journey #emmausroad #glory #joy #peace #love #fullyalive #inhim #union #oneness #perichoresis

9/7/2023, 2:13:59 PM

Once upon a super-blue moon I caught God within me, Undulating Origination Conciliation Circumambulation (περιχώρησις) The single μάτι upon the stone Glimpsed moonlight on the waters Reflected Protected Inflected My abyss glowing bright. Remorse of conscience seeped Into thirst I could not keep A secret any longer. ταυ 𝛙 and a hidden, third thing Began to run their thrice-strong current Charging the aquifer that lay beneath. Undines stirred in their ascent, Water’s table before me, set My Ιερή καρδιά their chalice drew Fountain fullness to my lips. It was here in luminous ink I swallowed full, began to sink Shawl drawn near in grave descent Sublunar dance undivided, met.

9/2/2023, 3:47:51 PM

And the dance goes on without hands and feet. (Kabir) You have turned my lament into dancing (Psalm 30:12) Life's a dance you learn as you go (John Michael Montgomery) I will take You up now, Beloved,/On that wonderful dance You promised. (Hafiz) Dance like nobody's watching (anonymous) Just. Dance. #dancing #Goddancestoo #perichoresis #Hafiz #Kabir #Psalms #danceisdivine #danceislife #bodyandsoul #sacreddance #danceissacred #wearealldancing #dancingtogether

8/29/2023, 7:17:09 PM

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” —JESUS (John‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬) Can you imagine the amount of tension and confusion that must’ve rested on the disciples, as they neared the last days of their Rabbi and Friend? And not only that, but think about how Judas, moments before this declaration of peace, had been told he would surely betray him. Not to mention how Jesus, in the same setting, made it known that one of his closest and most zealous disciples (Peter) would soon deny the One he thought he was so committed to. Talk about a recipe for doubt and uncertainty to set in! Let’s make this applicable to our own lives: Do you ever feel like you just don’t have your stuff together? Maybe like you’re uncertain of the coming days, swimming in the waters of your own human frailty? Well, I have good news: our Great Rabbi and dearest Friend has not given up on us! It’s just not in the realm of possibility. Instead, in the midst of uncertainty, doubt and perhaps insecurity, he’s speaking over us what he spoke over his team of bewildered disciples: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” I imagine that John must’ve truly heard this call to peace, seeing that he was the one to write it down. Interestingly, he was the one who, moments earlier in the midst of chaos and conflict, was found resting on Jesus’ chest and heart (see John 13). It’s also important to note that, although he wrote the specific account, he never says a word or inserts his own opinion or agenda. Instead, he simply rests on the heart of his Friend. Today, I encourage us to steady the pace and lean into the Fathers heart (as revealed in Jesus). In the spirit of the psalmist, may we be still (quiet) and know that he is the God of peace. It’s there, and only there, that we find what he calls “peace.” It’s there that we discover more of him! Blessings! Robby #jesuschrist #greatrabbi #teacher #rest #peace #love #joy #abide #oneness #union #perichoresis #trinity #abbafather #holyspirit

8/29/2023, 1:55:02 PM

Isso é precisamente o que temos na encarnação, onde a auto-revelação de Deus como Pai ocorre através de sua auto-doação a nós em Jesus Cristo, seu filho. - Thomas F Torrance (livro : Trinitarian faith) #thomastorrance #thomasftorrance #baxterkruger #cbaxterkruger #perichoresis #trindade #Jesus #jamesbtorrance #karlbarth

8/17/2023, 6:58:30 PM

Ele veio para se dar a nós, juntamente com tudo o que ele tem e sabe. Ele atravessou todos os mundos para estabelecer um relacionamento pessoal conosco, para nos incluir em seu próprio relacionamento com seu Pai e Espírito. Ele veio compartilhar sua alma conosco, e, portanto, seu próprio conhecimento de seu Pai, sua própria paz, sua própria segurança, esperança e alegria, para que pudéssemos saber o que ele sabe, para que pudéssemos provar, sentir e experimentar a vida que só ele vive com seu Pai na comunhão do Espírito. - C.Baxter Kruger livro: Across All Worlds #baxterkruger #cbaxterkruger #perichoresis #Deus #relacionamento #Jesus #trinity

8/14/2023, 3:00:47 PM

Posted @withregram • @thejesuslens “What if we could simplify this whole thing, and just love well? What if we refused to view everything through an “us versus them” lens, and instead, like Jesus we chose to express his vast goodness with a love that transcends category and compartment. What if we broke down the wall of separation that lies within our own souls and began to see Christ in all things? Would we respond differently? Would we love as Christ loves?” Selah #reposting • @robbyatwood1 #loveofgod #jesuschrist #abbafather #goodnews #gospel #allinclusive #oneness #christinallthings #allinall #perichoresis #divine #glory #beloved #noseparation #eyesofjesus #heartofthefather

8/7/2023, 5:23:21 AM

“What if we could simplify this whole thing, and just love well? What if we refused to view everything through an “us versus them” lens, and instead, like Jesus we chose to express his vast goodness with a love that transcends category and compartment. What if we broke down the wall of separation that lies within our own souls and began to see Christ in all things? Would we respond differently? Would we love as Christ loves?” Selah #reposting • @robbyatwood1 #loveofgod #jesuschrist #abbafather #goodnews #gospel #allinclusive #oneness #christinallthings #allinall #perichoresis #divine #glory #beloved #noseparation #eyesofjesus #heartofthefather

8/6/2023, 11:41:27 PM

What if we could simplify this whole thing, and just love well? What if we refused to view everything through an “us versus them” lens, and instead, like Jesus we chose to express his vast goodness with a love that transcends category and compartment. What if we broke down the wall of separation that lies within our own souls and began to see Christ in all things? Would we respond differently? Would we love as Christ loves? Selah #loveofgod #jesuschrist #abbafather #goodnews #gospel #allinclusive #oneness #christinallthings #allinall #perichoresis #divine #glory #beloved #noseparation #eyesofjesus #heartofthefather

8/6/2023, 2:20:11 PM

👋 hello, everyone, my name is Kyler Hankes! I’m a 29 year old 4 stroke Kart racer based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. I’m so excited for all of you to join us on this relational journey & race to advance Gods Kingdom! All for the glory of God! If you have questions about sponsorship or partnering up with us please feel free to reach out via DM, all sponsorships & partnerships are greatly valued & appreciated! “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, the things the lord has prepared for those he loves…” #getseatedbeloved #21 #karting #l0206 #glory2God #formula1bound #beloved #fascinating #thankful #perichoresis #revelationracing

6/2/2023, 4:02:56 AM