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1 июня - день защиты детей...а кто защитит взрослых? Ведь для наших родителей мы всегда остаёмся детьми, а только самые близкие люди могут глубже всего ранить нас своим мимолётным комментарием или советом. Те люди, которые в детстве являются для нас богами, а потом теми, кому мы пытаемся что-то доказать или кого пытаемся заставить гордиться нашими достижениями, пытаемся, не осознавая того оправдывать их надежды, искуплять несуществующую вину. Родитель может единым словом стереть нашу уверенность в себе, обесценить старания, убить стремление, поселить в душе тревогу и тоску. Не все родители такие, но, к сожалению, такое попадается нередко. Герой нашей пьесы приезжает в свою семью, которую покинул по неизвестной нам причине 12 лет назад, чтобы сообщить об очень трагичной новости самым, казалось бы, близким людям, но удастся ли ему продраться сквозь вязкую удушающую глухую среду свалившихся на него обвинений, токсичных, пассивно-агрессивных комментариев и упрёков, а порой и крайне агрессивного поведения со стороны непонимающих и не принимающих его родственников? Что из этого является последствием его поведения или характера, а что всегда было и будет жизненным укладом, бытом и манерой поведения этих кажущихся ему совершенно чужими людей? Найдём ли мы ответ? Сможет ли Луи открыться хотя бы одному из членов семьи? Сможет ли примириться с мыслью о скорой кончине и получить принятие от собственной семьи, преодолев их бытовой словесный садизм? Приходите на наш спектакль "Воскресенье" по пьесе Жана-Люка Лагарса "Всего лишь конец света" 8 июня в 18.30 и 20.30 на площадке OFF- театра. Билеты по ссылке @midastheatre #themidastheatre #offtheatre #voskresenye_show #воскресенье #frenchplay #frenchtheatre #moscowtheatre #lagarce #justtheendoftheworld #just_the_end_of_the_world #la_fine_del_mondo #lafinedelmondo #простоконецсвета #всеголишьконецсвета #французскийтеатр #toxicfamily #familyissues #relationships #чужойсредисвоих #семейнаядрама #семейныеотношения #семейныепроблемы #семейныеистории #отчуждение #кудаидти #чтосмотреть #театр #театрслова #семья #психология

6/1/2024, 11:53:41 PM

Congratulations to our incredible student actors and our dedicated and creative French specialists, Mme Nida and Mme Kim. Your hard work and talent truly shone! A heartfelt merci to all the RVS parents and grandparents who joined us to witness this wonderful celebration of French language learning. Your support made the event even more special. Bravo to everyone involved for making this a memorable and inspiring experience! #RVS #rvscommunity #rvshow #frenchplay #CelebrationOfLearning

6/1/2024, 5:00:33 PM

#연극스카팽 #국립극단 #LesFourberiesDeScapin #FrenchPlay

6/1/2024, 1:02:32 PM

На предыдущем спектакле, кто-то спросил: "Да что они делают? Мол консервируют воспоминания? Это что, метафора?" Ну, да, это - метафора. И если углубиться, есть долгое объяснение о том, как возникла. Наш режиссёр, @sydney_vicidomini писала первую дипломную работу про "Дети Полуночи" Салмана Рушди. В библиографии была статья Ральфа Крейн, "The chutnification of history". Статья сосредоточилась, между прочим, над одной из многих метафор писателя первого индийского бильдунгсромана: у него одна героиня готовила консервы, символизируя, как мы воспоминаем прошлое не в его оригинальном варианте, но с другим вкусом. А вот сидели режиссёр и сценограф @ultima_esperanza и думали: а что происходит в 4ой сцене? Поскольку нам автор, Жан-Люк Лагарс, даёт только бесконечные монологи и загадочные диалоги без никакого указания, где мы находимся, чем занимаемся, почему. А вот обсуждали, обсуждали, про память, про воспоминания, про ложные убеждения и про ностальгию. @leesashi , которая играет Сюзанну, уже до этого предлагала делать банки, потому что это то, что можно делать вместе с мамой в воскресенье. Она это предлагала, вообще не зная про Рушди. И вдруг Сидни сказала: "А давай мы в банки не положим огурцы, а воспоминания!" Наде, сценографу, это очень понравилось. У нас добавилось хламьё и банки, чтобы туда сохранить подольше вкус (хоть и изменённый, не свежий) идеального, потерянного детства. Кому-то не нравится. А кому-то жутко интересно. Приходите смотреть сами. Мы повторяем спектакль 8 июня в 18:30 и 20:30. Билеты в шапке профиля ⬆️ #театр #французскийтеатр #лагарс #литература #рушди #международнаякоманда #режиссёр #сценограф #дневник #банки #память #воспоминания #мама #семейныеотношения #семья #психология #психотерапия #кудаидти #москватеатральная #offtheatre #frenchplay #moscowtheatre #justtheendoftheworld #just_the_end_of_the_world #простоконецсвета #всеголишьконецсвета #familyissues

5/31/2024, 11:44:28 PM

Ooh la la! The YC French Café was a hit! Our students did a fabulous job, with their singing and acting in the French play, leaving everyone impressed. Their hard work truly shone through. Huge thanks to Mr. Peyman and all the students for their amazing effort. Absolutely fantastique! #frenchcafe #frenchplay #centralmontessorischool #montessorieducation #montessorischool #privateschool#

5/17/2024, 3:13:05 AM

Loki is so Handsome 😍 #frenchbulldog #frenchie #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchcute #frenchboy #frenchplay

5/16/2024, 3:42:17 PM

5 days to go before our show! We had a great weekend rehearsing, intense, and demanding but so enjoyable! Things are taking shape and it is starting to feel reel! A few rehearsals left, but in less than a week, we re on stage! Link in bio for the tickets 🎟 #show #showtime #play #rehearsals #actors #french #swiss #frenchinlondon #frenchculture #frenchcommunity #frenchtheatre #frenchplay #swisstheatre #swissinlondon #swisscommunity #swissculture #theatre #stage #actor #Director #fringetheatre #independanttheatre @laura.turcatti @david_meslet @alexianeonline

4/29/2024, 9:47:27 PM

Rehearsal at Bold theatre for French Toast - one week of R&D with a fabulous creative team - inspiring and challenging #bold #boldelephant #theatre #theater #theatrical #theatreworks #poiret #frenchplay #inenglish #londontheatre

4/27/2024, 8:42:48 PM

At a special event, Alliance Française de Delhi, which seeks to promote the French language in India, combined tennis and theatre at the RK Khanna Tennis Stadium in the Capital. The play, titled Battue La Terre by Compagnie Étéya, marked its debut in Delhi through a collaboration with the French Embassy in India, the French Institute in India, the Embassy of Switzerland in India, and the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Battue La Terre translates to the clay surface upon which tennis is played. In Battue La Terre, two souls confront each other for the final time on the familiar grounds of the tennis court. They challenge, unravel, and ultimately summon the courage to bid farewell amid an ever-evolving moment. This fusion of theatre and tennis portrays a confrontation between two individuals who once cherished each other but are now parting ways. It encapsulates moments of regret, fear, and anger, intertwined with expressions of enduring love, albeit expressed differently by each character. It serves as a final reckoning and a poignant declaration of love. The play commences as actor Lionel Fournier, portraying Eliott, invites his co-actor Chloé Zufferey, embodying Camille, to engage in one last tennis match before parting ways. Eliott’s character reminisces about how Camille’s mother intervened when he contemplated ending their relationship, hinting at underlying tensions with their respective families that may have influenced their story. The actors delivered their lines in French, with English subtitles provided on the tennis court scoreboard for the convenience of the audience. @idreesbukhtiyar Writes #Tennis #Play #RKKhannaTennisStadium #Storytelling #Art #FrenchPlay #French

4/15/2024, 8:07:18 AM

4/11/2024, 3:50:59 PM

Notre talent MARC DIABIRA @marcdiabira pour la création du musical LE MONDE DE PETER PAN . . Les Tréteaux Blancs, @lestreteauxblancs , association gérée par MARC DIABIRA va jouer dans les hôpitaux pour les enfants hospitalisés ET donnera une représentation publique le samedi 27 avril à 16h, 18h et 20h au Théâtre des Sablons à Neuilly sur Seine. Liens pour réserver : 16H: distribution 1 18H: distribution 3 20H: distribution 2 . . #act #actor #acteur # #acteurfrançais #acteursfrançais #marcdiabira #agenceartistique #7emeart #7emeacteagency #7emeacteagencytalents #talent #théâtre #theatrefrancais #théâtrefrançais #castingcall #acting #play #frenchartist #frenchplay #frenchartist #frenchart #ouractorswork #lestreteauxblancs

4/3/2024, 4:00:13 PM

On 23rd March AF Madras witnessed a heartfelt rendition of the writings exchanged by two of the greatest scholars of yesteryear, Shri Rabindranath Tagore, and Sir Romain Rolland. The theatrical narration was performed in French by Mr. Pravin Kannanur, along with Jean-YvesRuf Jean-Christophe Cochard & Thierry Gibait at Edouard Michelin Auditorium. Through “Dans le Miroir de l’Inde,” Rolland offers readers a profound exploration of Tagore’s legacy and the enduring relevance of his ideas in shaping our understanding of art, spirituality, and the human condition. The Event was supported by @ifiofficiel #frenchtheatre #frenchplay #frenchplayinchennai #frenchinchennai #frenchexperience #frenchartform #frenchperformance #afmadras #afmadras70 #tagore #romainrolland

4/1/2024, 9:26:37 AM

Loved this show! #Tartuffe #Molière #France #FrenchPlay #NCRepTheatre #SolanaBeach - Playing through April 7th, 2024!

4/1/2024, 3:47:47 AM

Off to the theatre #frenchplay #pda #placedesarts #qctheatre #arts #canadiantheatre with @saletechnique #frenchtheatre #quebecukrainien #play

3/30/2024, 3:23:13 AM

“Where else would I rather be than right here, right now?” Marv Levy . . #worldtheatreday . . . . . . . . . 📸 Rajiv Mulchandani . . With due respect, the original quote: “Where else would you rather be than right here, right now?” #99women #99womenonestage #theatre #frenchplay #indiancontext #womenintheatre #worldtheatreday2024 #theatre2016 #myhappyplace #fullofenergy #wonderfulexperience #incredibleexperience #pune #punediaries #semblances #instagram #powerpackedwomen #womentribe #instagrammers #puneinstagrammers

3/27/2024, 6:48:24 PM

Students of class 7th prepared a play in French where the situation was that they were travelling from India to Andaman and Nicobar Islands and had to communicate in French talking about the culture of that country. The main aim was to improve the vocabulary and their pronunciation skills. Also, It was an interesting way for students to learn about the culture of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. . . . . #SMS #stmarks #frenchplay #languagelearning #cultureexchange #andamanandnicobarislands #vocabularyimprovement #pronunciationskills #culturaleducation #creativelearning #studentengagement #globaleducation

3/25/2024, 10:30:15 AM

Join us at AF Madras for a heartfelt rendition of the play “J’ai Saigné” and autobiographical text by Blaise Cendrars Date: 24 March, 2024 Time: 6 pm onwards Place: AF Madras Auditorium Open to all | No registration Subtitles in English will be shown for the reading. The event is supported by @ifiofficiel About the play : Recounting the 3 weeks of convalescence he spent at the Evêché de Sainte-Croix, in Châlons-en-Champagne, following the amputation of his right arm, lost on the Eastern Front in September 1915. The nurse-major, Madame Adrienne, asked Cendrars to share a room with some of the wounded, so that he could tell them stories and lift their spirits. Thus restored to his function as a writer, he heals himself by healing others. It’s a text about suffering, but also about resilience, empathy and healing. “At the bishop’s palace, the wounded on the floor had such devotion for their nurse that I saw trepanatees smile, lunatics calm down, feverish people keep quiet, agitated people dominate themselves, one-legged patients run too soon on their crutches to please Madame Adrienne, and to reward her, I’ve seen even moribund patients stand on their feet, show off, salute, give thanks, affirm that they were now out of the woods, and die with ease. “ Directed by Jean-Yves Ruf and Jean-Christophe Cochard Performance Jean-Yves Ruf #frenchtheatre #frenchplay #frenchplayinchennai #frenchinchennai #frenchexperience #frenchartform #frenchperformance #afmadras #afmadras70 #blaisecendrars

3/24/2024, 9:34:49 AM

Join us at AF Madras for a heartfelt rendition of the writings exchanged by two of the greatest scholars of yesteryear, Shri Rabindranath Tagore, and Sir Romain Rolland. The play and book reading will be performed in French by Mr. Pravin Kannanur, along with Jean-YvesRuf & Jean-Christophe Cochard at Edouard Michelin Auditorium at AF Madras. Date: 23 March, 2024 Time: 7 pm onwards Place: AF Madras Auditorium Open to all | No registration Subtitles in English will be shown for the reading. The event is supported by @ifiofficiel @franceinindia “Dans le Miroir de l’Inde” (In the Mirror of India) is a book written by Romain Rolland, a French author, and Nobel Prize laureate, exploring the life and works of Rabindranath Tagore, the renowned Indian poet, philosopher, and Nobel laureate. The book serves as a reflection on Tagore’s profound impact on literature, spirituality, and the cultural exchange between India and the West.He highlights Tagore’s role in bridging Eastern and Western cultures through his writings and lectures, and he emphasizes the importance of understanding Indian philosophy and spirituality in a global context. Through “Dans le Miroir de l’Inde,” Rolland offers readers a profound exploration of Tagore’s legacy and the enduring relevance of his ideas in shaping our understanding of art, spirituality, and the human condition. #frenchtheatre #frenchplay #frenchplayinchennai #frenchinchennai #frenchexperience #frenchartform #frenchperformance #afmadras #afmadras70 #tagore #romainrolland

3/23/2024, 5:14:52 AM

On Monday, we welcomed Onatti Productions for a captivating theatrical experience. The play, titled “Le Château,” was performed in both French and English, providing a delightful fusion of language and culture. Students from Years 5 through 8 at Queen’s were joined by students from Trull Primary and Kingston St Mary, creating a vibrant audience eager to engage with the performance.🤩 The production was interactive, with several students invited on stage to participate actively, utilising their French language skills. The visit from Onatti Productions was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Friends of Queen’s. The proceeds from last year’s Quiz Night were dedicated to organising this enriching event, showcasing the invaluable role that community support plays in enhancing educational opportunities for students. @onattiproductions #queenscollegetaunton #queenscollege #french #frenchplay #languages #taunton #somerset #independentschool

3/22/2024, 10:43:32 AM

✨Performance based on “J’ai Saigné”, an autobiographical text by Blaise Cendrars Date: 27 March, 2024 Time: 6:30 pm Place: Alliance Française de Delhi Open to all | No registration Reading in French | Subtitles in English will be shown for the reading. Directed by Jean-Yves Ruf and Jean-Christophe Cochard Performance by Jean-Yves Ruf About the play: Recounting the 3 weeks of convalescence he spent at the Evêché de Sainte-Croix, in Châlons-en-Champagne, following the amputation of his right arm, lost on the Eastern Front in September 1915. The nurse-major, Madame Adrienne, asked Cendrars to share a room with some of the wounded, so that he could tell them stories and lift their spirits. Thus restored to his function as a writer, he heals himself by healing others. It’s a text about suffering, but also about resilience, empathy and healing. #FrenchPlay #BookReading #Performance #AFDelhi

3/22/2024, 5:43:58 AM

✨ Join us for a heartfelt rendition of the writings exchanged by two of the greatest scholars of yesteryear, Shri Rabindranath Tagore, and Sir Romain Rolland. Date: 26th March, 2024 Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Alliance Française de Delhi Open to all | Free Entry *Subtitles in English will be shown for the reading. “Dans le Miroir de l’Inde” (In the Mirror of India) is a book written by Romain Rolland, a French author, and Nobel Prize laureate, exploring the life and works of Rabindranath Tagore, the renowned Indian poet, philosopher, and Nobel laureate. The book serves as a reflection on Tagore’s profound impact on literature, spirituality, and the cultural exchange between India and the West.He highlights Tagore’s role in bridging Eastern and Western cultures through his writings and lectures, and he emphasizes the importance of understanding Indian philosophy and spirituality in a global context. #RomainRolland #rabindranathtagore #FrenchPlay #FrenchBook #AFDelhi

3/21/2024, 6:50:48 AM

Join us at AF Madras for a heartfelt rendition of the play “J’ai Saigné” and autobiographical text by Blaise Cendrars Date: 24 March, 2024 Time: 6 pm onwards Place: AF Madras Auditorium Open to all | No registration Subtitles in English will be shown for the reading. The event is supported by @ifiofficiel About the play : Recounting the 3 weeks of convalescence he spent at the Evêché de Sainte-Croix, in Châlons-en-Champagne, following the amputation of his right arm, lost on the Eastern Front in September 1915. The nurse-major, Madame Adrienne, asked Cendrars to share a room with some of the wounded, so that he could tell them stories and lift their spirits. Thus restored to his function as a writer, he heals himself by healing others. It’s a text about suffering, but also about resilience, empathy and healing. “At the bishop’s palace, the wounded on the floor had such devotion for their nurse that I saw trepanatees smile, lunatics calm down, feverish people keep quiet, agitated people dominate themselves, one-legged patients run too soon on their crutches to please Madame Adrienne, and to reward her, I’ve seen even moribund patients stand on their feet, show off, salute, give thanks, affirm that they were now out of the woods, and die with ease. “ Directed by Jean-Yves Ruf and Jean-Christophe Cochard Performance Jean-Yves Ruf #frenchtheatre #frenchplay #frenchplayinchennai #frenchinchennai #frenchexperience #frenchartform #frenchperformance #afmadras #afmadras70 #blaisecendrars

3/21/2024, 6:43:51 AM

Join us at AF Madras for a heartfelt rendition of the writings exchanged by two of the greatest scholars of yesteryear, Shri Rabindranath Tagore, and Sir Romain Rolland. The play and book reading will be performed in French by our very own Mr. Pravin Kannanur, along with Jean-YvesRuf & Jean-Christophe Cochard at Edouard Michelin Auditorium at AF Madras. Date: 23 March, 2024 Time: 7 pm onwards Place: AF Madras Auditorium Open to all | No registration Subtitles in English will be shown for the reading. The event is supported by @ifiofficiel @franceinindia “Dans le Miroir de l’Inde” (In the Mirror of India) is a book written by Romain Rolland, a French author, and Nobel Prize laureate, exploring the life and works of Rabindranath Tagore, the renowned Indian poet, philosopher, and Nobel laureate. The book serves as a reflection on Tagore’s profound impact on literature, spirituality, and the cultural exchange between India and the West.He highlights Tagore’s role in bridging Eastern and Western cultures through his writings and lectures, and he emphasizes the importance of understanding Indian philosophy and spirituality in a global context. Through “Dans le Miroir de l’Inde,” Rolland offers readers a profound exploration of Tagore’s legacy and the enduring relevance of his ideas in shaping our understanding of art, spirituality, and the human condition. #frenchtheatre #frenchplay #frenchplayinchennai #frenchinchennai #frenchexperience #frenchartform #frenchperformance #afmadras #afmadras70 #tagore #romainrolland

3/20/2024, 1:37:07 PM

🎥🎞️🇫🇷This morning we welcomed Onatti Productions into Kings to perform a play in French to both Year 9 & Year 10 students. All actors are trained to perform with clear, slow delivery and good use of mine to ensure students can follow the play. They ensure that their plays are modern, visual, accessible and cool! The students thoroughly enjoyed it! #french #frenchplay #onattiproductions

3/15/2024, 11:53:17 AM

#INOSalome is set to open today in just one week! 🤩 Here are a few more behind-the-scenes rehearsal shots, building up the excitement to witness the spectacle on the @bordgaisenergytheatre stage. While we’re the realm of theater, INO and @af_dublin Ahave a special treat: a French reading of Oscar Wilde’s Salome in its original version on Saturday, March 9, at 4:30 pm. Secure your FREE spot now. #OscarWilde #FrenchPlay #Partnership #OperaAndTheatre #Reading #Opera #IrishOpera #OperaCompany #AllianceFrancaise #Salome

3/5/2024, 12:07:01 PM

🎭 Did you know that Oscar Wilde's Salomé was originally written in #French? @irishnationalopera & @af_dublin with @lfidublin present a unique #reading of the play in its original version on Saturday 9 March at 4.30pm. #Free booking: A rare chance to hear #Wilde’s masterpiece as he originally intended it! . . . #inosalome #OscarWilde #FrenchPlay #Theatre #FrenchTheatre #OperaAndTheatre #Readings #Opera #IrishOpera #OperaCompany #AllianceFrancaise

3/5/2024, 11:10:04 AM

Did you know that Oscar Wilde originally wrote his play Salomé in French? 🇫🇷 In conjunction with our #INOSalome production this month, the @af_dublin and INO are hosting a unique reading of Wilde’s play in the original French! ✨ Join us next Saturday, 9th March at 4:30pm for a rare chance to hear Wilde’s masterpiece as he originally intended it! 🎭 Featuring members of Alliance Française’s Club de Théâtre and Lycée Français International Samuel Beckett. 🔗 to sign up in stories. #OscarWilde #FrenchPlay #Partnership #OperaAndTheatre #Reading #Opera #IrishOpera #OperaCompany #AllianceFrancaise

3/2/2024, 6:44:43 PM

Year 7 & 8 French students had great fun watching Le Chateau: Onatti Theatre, KS3 play this week! Students in 7B, 8B and the Year 8 French Fast Track class were given the opportunity to attend this very engaging play, depicting so well the language difficulties encountered by travellers when needing to stay abroad. The plot was set in 1540; a young English Knight has been sent to France by King Henry VIII. He must find a suitable lady for the king to marry. He must paint her portrait and return to England. He only knows a little French, he can’t paint, and the lady has a very protective maid! What could go wrong? As usual, members of the audience were asked to take part and go on stage. The boys and Mr Duncan answered questions in French with superb panache! 👏🏽👏🏽 @onattiproductions #french #learningfrench #frenchplay #theatre #learningisfun #modernforeignlanguages #stolavesgrammarschool 🟣⚫️

2/29/2024, 12:36:10 PM

Avalanche de portraits acidulés Dans l'objectif de @kamwongphotography Wong @studioeastphoto pour @chorus_hk Ce fut Peau d'Ane, mise en scène par @demeneixm, avec Gabrielle Douin, @fred.laine et @hakimslm et ce fut rudement joyeux et pittoresque. 24 Fev 2024 @youthsquare #theatre #théâtre #peaudane #hongkong #frenchinhongkong #stage #comedien #actor #frenchplay #contedefee #fairytale #charlesperrault

2/27/2024, 10:00:39 AM

Mise en personnage et convocation de l'esprit de la fée, du bourreau, du commandeur et du miroir. Dans les loges du YStudio et l'objectif de @kamwongphotography @studioeastphoto pour @chorus_hk Peau d'âne, 24 fev 2024 #hongkong #theater #frenchinhk #frenchplay #peaudane #contedefee #theatre #comedienne #performer #stage #stageperformance #fairytale #charlesperrault

2/25/2024, 3:33:00 PM

Today our Year 9 students had the fantastic experience of attending a theatre production in French, performed by members of @onattiproductions. Titled ‘Le Cours d’Art’, the engaging, interactive production provided a superb opportunity for our students to test their listening comprehension and speaking skills. #BurfordSchool #BurfordSchoolMFL #frenchplay #frenchproduction #frenchlanguage #theatreproduction #MFL #MFLinschools #onattiproductions #bestofeducation #respect #participate #reach

2/21/2024, 3:40:13 PM

Notre talent JASON BARRIO @jason.barrio dans la pièce LES FOURBERIES DE SCAPIN 🗓️ 23 février 2024 📍à La Loupe @lechateau.laloupe Place Vauban (28240). . LES FOURBERIES DE SCAPIN de Molière Spectacle subventionné par le département d’Eure et Loir et le Parc Naturel Régional du Perche PACT région Centre Val de Loire. . . . . . #act #actor #acteur # #acteurfrançais #acteursfrançais #jasonbarrio #agenceartistique #7emeart #7emeacteagency #7emeacteagencytalents #talent #théâtre #theatrefrancais #théâtrefrançais #castingcall #acting #play #frenchartist #frenchplay #frenchartist #frenchart #eure #laloupe #ouractorswork #eureetloir

2/15/2024, 1:35:53 AM

Magnifique Performance Alert! 🎭 🎉 Our Year 5 students showed a delightful French play in their French class! 🌟 From giggles to insights, they immersed themselves not only in the language but also in the vibrant culture of France. Bravo to our talented actors for bringing joy! #FrenchPlay #CulturalLearning #LanguageImmersion #StudentPerformance #EducationalEntertainment #LanguageAndCulture

2/14/2024, 3:45:23 PM

Last week, Constance Miller and Liam Arnold, from Onatti Productions came to perform the play ‘Le Château’ in French and English to pupils in Prep 3 to 6. The children were thoroughly engaged from start to finish and there was plenty of laughter as the two actors transitioned between different characters. Luckily, to the delight of the children, the English knight sent to France by King Henry VIII did finally find a suitable lady for the king to marry! #ibstockgram #french #frenchplay #roehampton #richmond #kingston

2/13/2024, 9:30:27 AM

Magnifique! AMANDA LEAR dans "l'argent de la vieille "❤️ #amandalear #amandalearforever #théâtrelibre #comediefrançaise #theatreparisien #theatreparisien #piècedethéâtre #largentdelavieille #frenchplay #frenchtheater #olivierpages #atmenkelif #frenchactors #comédiensfrançais #rodolfosenego

2/11/2024, 10:00:59 PM

Do come people ! Experience and enjoy this hilarious play originally written by Yasmina Reza in French .. We are performing it in Marathi !!! These brushstrokes of humor and shades of friendship will definitely make you laugh and introspect at the same time !!!! All are welcome !!! ☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️ #Art #yasminarezaart #play #theatrelove #théâtre #frenchtheatre #frenchplay

2/10/2024, 8:14:45 AM

Today we declare our love for Cyrano's brilliant eloquence, who’s panache and nose were grand, but talent for words beyond comparison. With 57 love letters imbued with his flair for love and his talent solely, he made Roxane’s heart melt, and ours with hers. « It’s a rock, it’s a peak, it’s a cap! What I am saying, a cap? It’s a peninsula! – Cyrano de Bergerac, Edmond de Rostand 1897 Graphics - Charlotte Bechetoille Greeting Card © La Rêveuse Photography @anne_s_parigot #LaRêveuse #stationery #CyranodeBergerac #EdmondRostand #collectible #theatre #Love #Frenchplay #loveletters #poetrylover #panache #eloquence

2/8/2024, 5:31:45 PM

Is it just me or does the lady in the painting look like @zuck ? Senator we run ads.

2/7/2024, 1:54:24 PM

Introducing our Little Gem of the Month, Cyrano de Bergerac, a play written by Edmon Rostand and considered as a classic of French literature. Cyrano loves Roxane, but she is in love with a young soldier, Christian de Neuvilette. One is a poet and has a lot of wit, the other is very handsome but does not know how to address women. The two men become friends and Cyrano will help Christian to talk about love... As our featured Book of the Month, it's not only a captivating read but also the star of our upcoming Story Reading Event! Join us in discovering this tale of love and panache. 📖French Story Reading - "Cyrano de Bergerac" 🗓️24th February, 4pm 🏠Alliance Française of Hyderabad, Library Registration Mandatory | Register link in the bio Visit our library for more treasures like this! Bonne lecture! #alliancefrancaisehyderabad #afhyderabad #afculture #france #french #reading #Frenchclassic #frenchclub #learningfrench #learnfrench #FrenchClasses #alliancefrançaise #frenchbooks #FrenchPlay #cyranodebergerac🎭 #afhlibrary #frenchworkshop #frenchlibrary

2/7/2024, 9:41:02 AM

• Théâtre de Molière • Château de Chambord, France • Stay tuned for our Spring 2024 Performances! • . . . #Molière #frenchplay #toronto #francophone #francophonie #play

2/2/2024, 4:03:48 AM

#theatreforcause . Had a wonderful time working with beautiful and inspiring theatre artists around & @haunsvishwa . Original play- Marat/Sade by Peter Wiess Translation- @naikaustubh Lyrics and music @shivpranavalavani . Actor - @fondekarshravan @jogmanndar @sthaanik_lavaski @navjyot_naik_24 @beingsocial & Other budding and senior actors of Hauns sangeet natya mandal Ponda - Goa . This is a stunningly theatrical and complex play. On one level it deals with the historical fact, Marat's death in the bath, immortalized in David's picture, and Sade's theatricals at Charenton. On another, it opposes the revolutionary ideals of Marat to the cynical individualism of Sade. In marathi we say समयोचित संहिता Also in terms of presentation, it contains many of the elements of Brecht's epic theatre (episodic scenes, awareness that we are watching a play) with Artaudian ‘theatre of cruelty’ (scenes of violence, deafening music, anarchy that threatens to spill out into the audience). With @haunsvishwa we had a wonderful time with the script, dramaturgy, understanding ideology and the related conflicts and performance vocabulary that we can adapt specially for this docu-drama in 30 days process of play process practice. . . . #goanartist #shows #theatreingoa #frenchplay #performance #musical

2/1/2024, 2:17:39 PM

Going through my old Facebook photos for the insta #21 challenge and found this lil sketch of my lovely and beloved then-housemate @col_lette on our couch in my first "move out" home in Adelaide. It was a hard time in my life, but I loved that house and that household. Coco was also the subject of one of my first "good" portraits (i.e. that I was proud of) a couple of years after I started painting. In that portrait (2nd photo) she was sitting in the high-up loungeroom window opposite this couch, about a month or two before I moved in. I think it might still be my favourite house, and whenever I'm back in adelaide I do a drive-by to see how the roses out the front are doing. 🥀🌹 . . . . #sketch #collette #couch #lounge #home #penandink #ink #sleeping #nap #uni #blackandwhite #Adelaide #balmond #Halifax #huttst #huttstreet #universityofadelaide #adelaideuni #frenchclub #Frenchplay #aufc

2/1/2024, 12:09:38 PM Abracadabra 💫 @chorus_hk @demeneixm #hongkong #theater #frenchinhk #frenchplay #peaudane #contedefee #theatre

2/1/2024, 5:49:24 AM

👀 Bravo à notre talent @sophie_riffont qui s’illustre dans l’exercice de la réalisation avec ce magnifique court métrage MYTHE TABOU ET VOLUPTÉ . Ce film, poétique et politique, est centré sur la reconstruction d’une femme par la danse. Sa performance aborde, à travers le prisme édifiant de l’excision, le sujet de l’écrasement des femmes par les hommes, depuis la nuit des temps. . 🏆 Le film suit un joli parcours avec de nombreuses sélections en festivals ! Bravo à SOPHIE RIFFONT et à toute son équipe ! . Réalisation @sophie_riffont SOPHIE RIFFONT Scénario et interprétation @salma_afrodanse_pilates SALAMATA DIALLO Production @yveskohen YVES KOHEN Montage @victoriadonnet VICTORIA DONNET Musique @fredericlaforetofficial FRÉDÉRIC LAFORÊT et @sennycamara SENNU CAMARA . . . . . #act #actress #actrice #actricefrançaise #acteurfrançais #acteursfrançais #sophieriffont #agenceartistique #7emeart #7emeacteagency #7emeacteagencytalents #talent #cinéma #acting #realisatrice #realisatricefrancaise #acting #play #frenchartist #frenchplay #frenchartist #frenchart #courtmetrage #courtmétrage #shortmovie #shortmovies #frenchshortmovie #frenchshortfilm

1/29/2024, 3:32:49 PM

January- February theater month. Get your tickets from now to reserve the best seats. Two plays this weekend RIDEAU TNAYEN BLEL Starting February Morphine From Chaperchema to Madfoun Don’t miss out this amazing plays only at @le_monnot_officiel #theater #lemmnot #theater #lebanonmiments #activety #beirut #theater #stage #red #actors #acting #frenchplay

1/25/2024, 3:51:37 PM

Just completed another reading in French. “Ubu Roi” (“King Ubu”) by Alfred Jarry (1873-1907). This play has been on my to-read list for too many years. Read in tandem with the English translation by Michael Benedikt and (my former professor) George Wellwarth. “Ubu Roi” originated as a swipe at a former schoolteacher, then developed into a romping critique of bourgeois society by the time it appeared on stage in 1896. Part satire/part burlesque, this comedic pastiche borrows elements from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and “Macbeth.” With its crude language, grotesque characters, cartoonish plot and nonsensical wordplay, “Ubu Roi” is often cited as the first “modernist” play and a precursor to “surrealism” and the “Theatre of the Absurd.” No wonder riots broke out during its first (and only) staging. Jarry described his anti-hero Père Ubu, whom he depicted in a woodcut (see the second image), as “fat, ugly, vulgar, gluttonous, grandiose, dishonest, stupid, jejune, voracious, greedy, cruel, cowardly and evil.” Sound like anyone we know? #bookstagram #igbooks #igreads #plays #bookreview #bookreviewer #frenchlit #frenchliterature #worldliterature #literatureintranslation #uburoi #pereubu #uburex #kingubu #homelibrary #vintagepaperback #theatreoftheabsurd #surrealism #frenchplay #frenchdrama #modernism #foreignliterature #alliancefrancaise #alliancefrançaise #modernfrenchtheatre

1/23/2024, 7:39:45 PM

Notre talent AVA COHEN @ava_c_o_h_e_n dans la pièce DIEU NE FAIT RIEN POUR LES FAIBLES 🗓️ du 11 au 28 janvier 2024 📍 au Théâtre de l’épée de bois @theatreepeedebois Cartoucherie Route du champs de manœuvre Paris 12. . DIEU NE FAIT RIEN POUR LES FAIBLES La compagnie Être Ange et Art Texte et mise en scène Alin Girodet @alaingirodet . . . . . #act #actress #actrice #actricefrançaise #acteurfrançais #acteursfrançais #avacohen #agenceartistique #7emeart #7emeacteagency #7emeacteagencytalents #talent #théâtre #theatrefrancais #théâtrefrançais #castingcall #acting #play #frenchartist #frenchplay #frenchartist #frenchart #theatredelepeedebois #cartoucherie #ouractorswork

1/11/2024, 4:47:38 PM

I recently completed “Huis Clos” (“No Exit”), the existentialist drama by Jean-Paul Sartre, as a reading exercise for my B-2 level French class. I chose to read a play since the text is nearly all dialogue. The play provokes questions surrounding personal identity and whether or not it’s possible to define ourselves within our limited world context. Interestingly, the play was written and first performed in Paris during the German occupation. The highlights are among the most famous sentences from 20th century French literature. #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #igbooks #igreads #noexitsartre #noexit #huisclos #sartre #jeanpaulsartre #frenchdrama #frenchplay #moderndrama #existentialism #frenchliterature #frenchlit #foreignliterature #literature #literatureintranslation #existentialist #existential #homelibrary #alliancefrancaise #alliancefrançaise #languagelearning #languagelearner

1/4/2024, 2:50:46 PM

Being able to direct "Bêêêêlent familles" at The Rose Centre, in Auckland (Aotearoa-NZ), was definitely one of my happiest professional moments in 2023. I am so grateful for that opportunity. I feel—and felt, during our endless rehearsals, and despite the many obstacles we faced during the months leading up to the play—incredibly blessed! I speak French fluently since I was 19 years old. At 19 I left Portugal, my home country in Southern Europe, and moved to Belgium ("petit pays de mon coeur", as I call it) to finish my university degree. I never moved back to my home country permanently ever since. After Belgium, I lived in France for three years, where I taught Portuguese and studied translation and languages, and I even lived in the tiny country of Luxembourg for six months, where I did a translation internship for the European Parliament. I wrote my master's thesis in French, still speak French on a very regular basis with my French and Belgian closest friends, and I listen to French music and read books in French all the time. My favorite movie, "Les chansons d'amour", is a French indie musical about grief, love and loss that means so much to me and that tells us so much about embracing life and love with an open mind. I guess what I'm trying to say is: foreign languages—especially French— and theatre are two of my favorite things in the world, and being able to direct a play in French in NZ made me SO happy, and it was such a nice way to reconnect to French culture in a country that is so far away from Europe. 🎭️⁠ I was also very lucky: my students were beyond amazing. And not only did I manage to direct a cast of eight talented actors and French students (@ohitsrheia @what.adilemma @emiliaskelton_ @gracejlockwood @justraphhere @jessicawong1223 @alexandrapattensmith and Ryan), but I also played Sylvie, a very annoying (and annoyed) character, as you can see from the pictures. Swipe for a full range of emotions and expressions of this very frustrated character, which was incredibly fun to play!⁠ #paris #madeinfrance #france #europe #red #languagelearning #learnlanguages #modernfrench #merciparis #french #frenchplay #frenchtheatre #nztheatre #theatre

12/27/2023, 7:12:09 AM

Just smile 😬 @maevadjadjou #womenbasketball #basketball #teamareus #smilemore #frenchplay

12/14/2023, 6:00:09 PM

This show was just an absolute delight from start to finish! And what a pleasure it was to perform with such a talented group of people! Big love to Therese and every single person who worked on it! It was a privilege! Directed by the tour de force that is Fiona Ross #artsuniversitybournemouth #aub #aubinspired #aubacting #aubactors #actors #art #thearts #actress #uni #bournemouth #aubproductions #theatre #thérèse #thereseraquin #france #frenchplay #fionaross

12/12/2023, 2:04:34 PM

🦊🌹👦🏼 𝐈𝐥 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐞 👦🏼🌹🦊 Per la rassegna: “Nella Splendida Cornice 2023”, abbiamo portato in scena lo spettacolo teatrale “Il Piccolo Principe” per grandi e piccini tratto dal celebre racconto di Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. 🎭 @textu_teatroxtutti ❣️ 📍Teatro Comunale Cassero di Castel San Pietro Terme #spettacolo #teatro #theatre #teatrobambinieragazzi #grandiepiccini #teatropertutti #pertuttalafamiglia #frenchplay #ilpiccoloprincipe👑 #antoinedesaintexupéry #divertimento #gioco #racconti #storiebelle #significatiprofondi #gratitude #teampazzesco #freschezza #meraviglia #castelsanpietroterme #teatrocomunalecassero

12/11/2023, 4:36:25 PM

Gr. 12 French students enjoyed an excursion to the Théâtre français de Toronto to watch Les Zinspiré.es: Onze calme et on continue! The 5 short plays in this collection were chosen from over 200 submissions from students across southern Ontario. It was particularly exciting to see the performance of "La Fille n'est pas morte" by HC alum Leyao Xiao (Class of 2023). Our Gr. 12 French students are currently working on their plays for this year's competition. @theatrefrancais #HCAlum #FrenchClass #FrenchPlay #theatre #ClassOf2023 #grade12 #ClassOf2024 #LesZinspirées #TFT #PerformingArts #arts #LanguageLearning #UpperSchool

12/4/2023, 8:36:59 PM

« FANNY » by Marcel Pagnol, author of the Jean de Florette trilogy, presented close to home in the village. A really good production of this classic, set in the Vieux Port de Marseille. Full of humour and played by a really professional troupe @compagnie_baudracco. #marcelpagnol #compagniebaudracco #theatre #frenchtheatre #frenchplay #reyrieux #mairiedereyrieux #arstrevouxtourisme #sofrench #frenchclassic #frenchplay #fannypagnol #reyrieuxlegalet

12/2/2023, 8:43:42 AM

East High school joue Les Misérables, de Victor Hugo, prenez vos billets sur place, c’est maintenant! Les 9, 10, 11, 12 novembre à 19h #frenchplay #frenchculture #frenchmusical

11/9/2023, 4:22:37 PM

Department of European Languages at Rajasthan University took the stage at the Rajasthan International Centre for an enchanting theatrical adaptation! 📚 Bringing to life the words of Sophie Rouvier's "Et puis la foudre" and Serena Giuliano's "Un Coup de Soleil," our talented cast delivered a performance to remember. Check out these captivating moments from the play! 📸 #EuropeanLanguages #TheatreMagic #RajasthanUniversity #TheatreMagic #RicJaipur #RajasthanTheatre #JaipurTheatre #Art #Artist #Culture #Music #reelsvideo #FrenchPlay

10/30/2023, 1:35:06 PM

🪭 Et voilà! Nouvelle production confirmée! Olé! Un super cast!! Une superbe équipe. Can’t wait to start rehearsing! #piecedetheatre #showison #frenchplay #comediefrancaise #theatretrianon #theatretrianonbordeaux @nicolas.lemaitre @rebeccatruffotfan @theatretrianon @xavierviton

10/19/2023, 10:34:44 PM
is a work by Benoit Solès, a French writer and actor, and is a work that deals with the biography of genius mathematician ‘Alan Turing’. During World War II, he deciphered Germany's complex encryption mechanism 'Enigma', which had a code key that changed every day at midnight. In modern times, he provided the conceptual basis for artificial intelligence (AI) and is known as the first person to devise the ‘Turing Test’, an experiment to determine whether a machine has artificial intelligence. #프랑스연극 #튜링머신 #Turingmachine #FrenchPlay #k_lineup2023" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1mY28yLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS8zODc2NzIyODdfMTA2NDc1MzgwMTM1MzAxOF8yMTg3NzQyNDMxNTM1MjUyMDcxX24ud2VicD9zdHA9ZHN0LWpwZ19lMzVfcDEwODB4MTA4MCZfbmNfaHQ9c2NvbnRlbnQtZmNvMi0xLmNkbmluc3RhZ3JhbS5jb20mX25jX2NhdD0xMTAmX25jX29oYz1UXzBRdl82MWhCQVE3a052Z0Z6QXpBayZlZG09QU9VUHhoMEJBQUFBJmNjYj03LTUmb2g9MDBfQVlDNGdaYy1lOTlfRmxzS0QwTndVRFNuclpfOEE2bWRIVUNmSy05NGRnNzdJQSZvZT02NjYxOEQ5RSZfbmNfc2lkPTlkYzY2MA==.jpg" />

Play Cast Revealed. 2023.11.02 – 2023.11.25 LG Arts Center U+ Stage. Cast Alan Turing | #이승주 #고상호 Los | #오동민  Creative Team Original Work |  #BenoitSolès   Translation | #박다솔 Producer | #석재원 Director | #신유청 Music/Sound | #지미세르 Choreography | #이소영  Stage | #최영은 Lighting design | #강지혜 Costume Design| #박소영 Make up | #백지영 The play "Turing Machine," which won four major categories (Best Writer, Best Comedy, Best Actor, and Best Picture) at the Molière Awards, which is considered the most prestigious awards ceremony in French theater, will kick off its korean premiere at the LG Art Center U+ stage in November. The play is a work by Benoit Solès, a French writer and actor, and is a work that deals with the biography of genius mathematician ‘Alan Turing’. During World War II, he deciphered Germany's complex encryption mechanism 'Enigma', which had a code key that changed every day at midnight. In modern times, he provided the conceptual basis for artificial intelligence (AI) and is known as the first person to devise the ‘Turing Test’, an experiment to determine whether a machine has artificial intelligence. #프랑스연극 #튜링머신 #Turingmachine #FrenchPlay #k_lineup2023

10/11/2023, 4:40:38 AM

An enchanting evening with @l.i.l.a.n.o.o.r 🪄 The melodies of 'Quand on vous comme ça' indeed swept us away to the streets of Paris! 🎙️ Thank you for an unforgettable musical experience @l.i.l.a.n.o.o.r and @prithvitheatre for hosting the performance. A big shout out to our partners @furtadosmusic for their support. 🎹🪗 Keep swiping for a glimpse into last evening 👉🏽 #musicaltheatre #quandonvousaimecommeca #lilanoorensemble #prithvitheatre #afbombay #frenchplay #frenchplayinmumbai #cabaret #frenchculture

9/26/2023, 2:33:23 PM

Les histoires d’amours finissent mal… en general. 💔🧨🥀 Quelques photos d’hier soir, et @flaw_86 en pleine répétition ! #theatre #theatreworks #frenchinstitutelondon #frenchactress #frenchactor #frenchy #londonfrenchies #londonfrenchtheatre #troisruptures #frenchplay #théâtre #theatrelondon #theatrelondres #french #peopleoftheatre #rehearsal #rehearsals #rehearsing #actingworkshop

9/26/2023, 10:17:44 AM
is a work by Benoit Solès, a French writer and actor, and is a work that deals with the biography of genius mathematician ‘Alan Turing’. During World War II, he deciphered Germany's complex encryption mechanism 'Enigma', which had a code key that changed every day at midnight. In modern times, he provided the conceptual basis for artificial intelligence (AI) and is known as the first person to devise the ‘Turing Test’, an experiment to determine whether a machine has artificial intelligence. #프랑스연극 #튜링머신 #Turingmachine #FrenchPlay #k_lineup2023" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1mY28yLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yOTM1MC0xNS8zNzk3NjczNTRfMTM3NTQzNTY5NjU5NzA2NV8yNTkzNzI0NjI3MzAxNzY4MDMzX24ud2VicD9zdHA9ZHN0LWpwZ19lMzUmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWZjbzItMS5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTA5Jl9uY19vaGM9TGp1Rzdpd1lfVFlRN2tOdmdFVzVpdjUmZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQnVybGtRWUlFWUVXSXBLTEx0UVFraWJuTlplRjJWYThPbmtOczEyX3k2U3cmb2U9NjY2MTZGREYmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

Play Cast Revealed. 2023.11.02 – 2023.11.25 LG Arts Center U+ Stage. Cast Alan turing | #이승주 #고상호 Los | #오동민  Creative Team Original Work |  #BenoitSolès   Translation | #박다솔 Producer | #석재원 Director | #신유청 Music/Sound | #지미세르 Choreography | #이소영  Stage | #최영은 Lighting design | #강지혜 Costume Design| #박소영 Make up | #백지영 The play "Turing Machine," which won four major categories (Best Writer, Best Comedy, Best Actor, and Best Picture) at the Molière Awards, which is considered the most prestigious awards ceremony in French theater, will kick off its korean premiere at the LG Art Center U+ stage in November. The play is a work by Benoit Solès, a French writer and actor, and is a work that deals with the biography of genius mathematician ‘Alan Turing’. During World War II, he deciphered Germany's complex encryption mechanism 'Enigma', which had a code key that changed every day at midnight. In modern times, he provided the conceptual basis for artificial intelligence (AI) and is known as the first person to devise the ‘Turing Test’, an experiment to determine whether a machine has artificial intelligence. #프랑스연극 #튜링머신 #Turingmachine #FrenchPlay #k_lineup2023

9/26/2023, 4:30:52 AM