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They are here! Our Postnatal and Baby Yoga Classes lauched this week ✨️ not 1 but 2 classes! A lovely class for both you and baby to enjoy with postnatal recovery yoga and baby yoga all rolled into one. 45 minutes of content and the final 15 minutes left to have natter, a biscuit and relax with your baby before you go home 💞 We are now at the lovely @thehorkeykitchen Bawdeswell on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm - 3pm - this current class has SOLDOUT! Stunning barn studio and amazing cafe and delicious food available on site too 😉 We are also at the wonderful @waterlooparkfeedcafe Norwich community room on Thursdays from 11:30 - 12:30. This is a stunning and light room above thier cafe and overlooking the park! Our block has now started for this term but we have plenty of availability for you to join us so get in touch if you're interested 🙏 We said we wanted good facilities for you and I promise you won't be disappointed!

4/18/2024, 8:30:32 PM

COMMUNITY 🙏💞 In our classes we foster a community feel and encourage a supportive non-judemental environment. Always! The journey of pregnancy, birth and parenthood can be wonderful and also challenging and sometimes isolating. The other mothers and parents you meet on your journey can become really lifelines in your time of need, your new social circle for your maternity leave, or just that welcoming and friendly face giving you reassurance each week that you aren't alone. Whilst it isn't mandatory to socialise, I'll always try to facilitate community as it can mean so much in those tough times. There's also some scientific benefits too - those with a support network of other new parents have a substantial decrease in postnatal depression or PTSD, an increase in security, belonging, self-assurance and happiness! Your babies can also benefit with it supporting their social-emotional development 🙏 Here is our pregnancy yoga session last night at the start of the new term ✨️ Just look at that evening sun gleaming in through the window @thepaintedbarn_studio 🌅

4/16/2024, 8:02:05 PM

Grateful Friday Feeling 🙏 As a new and small business, I really appreciate each and every one of you! Behind social media is a person (me!) doing a happy dance everytime they get a new enquiry, a new or repeat booking, a share, comment, seeing your lovely faces at class and the lovely feedback! Nothing goes unnoticed! Thankyou for joining me, and thankyou for your support 🙏 Have a lovely weekend x

3/22/2024, 3:34:14 PM

🌹 Motherhood 🌹 This week we celebrated Mothers day and showing yourself some loving kindness in whatever this means to you and whatever stage you may be at. What is it to be a mother? Many think you are only a mother when you have birthed your baby. I think your journey to becoming a mother starts long before this, and even before and without conception. From the moment you think about having children, plan a pregnancy, the dream, the yearning, the journey of trying, navigating heartache and loss, taking vitamins, fertility treatment, considering adopting, surrogacy, loving children around you, those that parent others , the moment you find out your pregnant, the 9 months of pregnancy, physical changes, the symptoms (and let's be honest these aren't always enjoyable), managing constant emotional and hormonal changes, the nesting, talking about names, going to appointments, the preparation for birth, all the classes you attend, the books you read, the labour and finally meeting your baby for the first time. No matter what your completely unique journey looks like and through the complete spectrum of emotions..... You are a mother. There is no manual or correct journey to motherhood. But once you become a mother your life is forever tranformed. And whilst you as a women existed and thrived long before this, you have entered a whole new way of life. The journey may not always be easy, so I encourage you to look how far you've come, look at what you've achieved, the love you give in all it's forms. And now show some of this love and gratitude to yourself, because you are amazing, and you deserve it! ❤️ xx

3/13/2024, 7:37:11 PM

Even after 500+ hours of yoga teacher training I knew there was a great deal more to learn about pranayama, in order to teach it competently and safely. I’ve been practicing with Michaël Bjiker for some time, having completed some of his courses. It wasn’t difficult choosing him as my mentor for breathwork/pranayama. He embodies the philosophy of yoga, and the practice. He is evidence of the benefits of the practice. Week 1 or the 4 week deep dive into pranayama - the certified instructor course he offers, is complete. It’s been a lesson in discipline (tapas) to journal every day (I missed one). Tapas has been at the forefront of my practice for some months now. The practice of living well has always held my attention, when anything else was transitory or bored me eventually. When I learned that practice was called yoga, I fell in love. It’s not just on the mat. It’s every minute of every day and every step of the way. 🧡🙏 #norwichyoga #breathworkinstructor #pranayamainstructor #norwich #yogaclassesnorwich #meditationnorwich #breathworknorwich #breathworkbenefits #breathislife #prana #yoga #yoganorfolk #norfolkyoga

3/7/2024, 9:58:18 AM

Pregnancy is one of the most life changing journeys of your life, no time better to show yourself some loving kindness ✨️ 🧘🏻‍♀️ I have absolutely loved the last block getting to know you all and seeing your skill, confidence, and friendships blossom! Next pregnancy yoga course fast approaching which starts Monday 26th February 2024, 6pm- 7pm. Location: Painted Barn Studio, Barnham Broom. @thepaintedbarn_studio Investment: £60 for 6 weeks. Then the coming Monday 19th February 2024 is a pre-bookable drop in/ taster session for Pregnancy Yoga with special guest Megan @bump2babieshypnobirthing coming to give you a taster of hypnobirthing too. £12 drop in rate. Happy Valentines to you all 🤍

2/14/2024, 9:56:17 AM

I absolutely put my heart and soul into my Yoga and Healing sound offerings. Check out my classes here: #norwichyoga #blissyoganorwich #healingsounds #yogaclassesnorwich #gongbathnorwich #putyourheartandsoulintoit

2/11/2024, 9:41:43 AM

When you get feedback like this 😍 because a yoga class isn't just about the asana movement, it is so much more! So lovely to hear from a pregnancy yoga client about the birth of her beautiful baby and she had a positive birthing experience 🤍 congratulations! Next pregnancy yoga course block coming soon with spaces available! Starting Monday 26th February 2024, 6pm - 7pm. £60 for 6 weeks! Plus, 15% off if you and a friend books onto the course. Get in touch if you'd like to book your space ✨️

2/9/2024, 4:31:41 PM

Monday was our birth week, and we spoke a little bit about your birth plan and how the environment can affect your experience. See what I did there? YOUR birth experience! Have a think about what you would like and what you would not like. I am a huge advocate for parents feeling in control and having choices during birth. Knowledge is power, research, enquire, and ask questions to enable you to make informed decisions on your birth. Knowledge of what might be could help you reduce any fear surrounding birth and help you feel more in control and calm. Feel reassured that the professionals are on hand if you need them and can share advice based on evidence and thier experiences, but remember that you still have a voice. If you need to make a decision, ask yourself this? B - What are the benefits? R - What are the risks? A - What are the alternatives? I - What does your intuition tell you? N - What if I do nothing? Or wait it out? Every birth is different and you may not know exactly what you want your birth plan to look like yet and that's OK. Break it down. Let's go back to the environment, which may seem simple but has a huge impact on how we feel in that moment. These choices can really be effective in reducing stress, increasing oxytocin release and keeping you feeling calm. What environmental factors can we control? Here's some examples: ✨️ Lighting - we can turn down lights, close curtains, add fairy lights or candles (LED for hospitals of course). ✨️ Scents - Using essential oils, or diffusers or bringing in a sprig of lavender for instance might help. ✨️ Music - Your favourite relaxing songs or soundscapes. ✨️ Home comforts - Maybe bring your own pillow or blanket or something to remind you of home if you are birthing in a new location. ✨️ Self care items - a mini fan, eye mask, maybe a lovely photo that brings you happy thoughts? Your birthing partner can help create this safe space for you, which help to give them a job and to feel helpful too 🤍 What else can you think that might help or has helped you before? #birthenvironment #birthexperience

2/8/2024, 2:07:53 PM

We have exciting news to kick off your weekend! We are collaborating to give you taste of what we have to offer in one class! Join us for 40 minutes of Pregnancy Yoga including breathwork with me @findyourflexyoga , and finishing with a 20 minute hypnobirthing taster session with @bump2babieshypnobirthing! 🧘🏻‍♀️🤎 When: Monday 19th February 2024, 6 - 7pm! Where: @thepaintedbarn_studio , Barnham Broom. Price: £12 Get in touch to book your space - limited availability. We are so excited to work together and have more things up our sleeves this year 🙌

2/2/2024, 3:42:09 PM

Anyone else have a yoga companion when practicing at home? 🐾🧘🏻‍♀️ Pets are the best aren't they! They give us unconditional love and actually improve our wellbeing! So, if it means a ball dropped on my face during shavasana every now and then, I think I'll forgive them 😘 Happy Thursday all!

2/1/2024, 6:50:33 PM

January may not be everyone's favourite month but it's a new year, full of new opportunities! And for those of you that are pregnant, its the year you welcome your baby into this world 🌎 🤍 Its been a quiet January on social media but lots going on behind the scenes 🧘‍♀️ We started a new 6 week pregnancy yoga course at the wonderful @thepaintedbarn_studio . It's been lovely meeting all new ladies all a different stages of pregnancy, and of course welcoming back some friendly faces from last term too. Some of these ladies are at, or coming close to due date! 💫 I am absolutely in awe of their strength and dedication. Not only in their physical yoga practice, but in their dedication to caring for the needs of their minds and their bodies during this transformational period of their lives. In class, we try to teach practice's that will help you to create positive habits or provide tools to support you beyond the studio within your daily life and during life's challenges 🙏 Postnatal and Baby yoga dates coming very soon!

1/18/2024, 7:28:52 PM

It's such a privilege to be part of your pregnancy and motherhood journey! 🙏 Grateful for everyone's support this year! Can't wait to see you all again soon 🧘🏻‍♀️ and for those nearing due date I wish you all the best in your next exciting step! Best Pregnancy Yoga block commencing Monday 8th January 2023 @thepaintedbarn_studio 6pm -7pm. A couple of spaces remaining! Postnatal and baby classes being released soon and a giveaway so watch this space 🤍

12/31/2023, 1:23:40 PM

As we come to the end of the year, I feel so grateful to have to had the opportunity to practice with so many amazing yogis and businesses and of course meet some lovely ladies embarking on the journey of motherhood. You are all such an inspiration! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy new year where we can create some more magic 💫🙏 Next Pregnancy Yoga course starting Monday 8th January @thepaintedbarn_studio and I still have some spaces available so get in touch to find out more or book your space. It's never too late to prioritise your health and wellbeing for the new year 🧘🏻‍♀️ Postnatal and baby yoga course dates coming soon in the new year! #grateful

12/22/2023, 9:29:05 AM

Look at these amazing mamas-to-be smiling through together tree pose! #inspirational Balance in yoga isn't just about standing on one leg or doing the perfect posture, its also about finding balance in yourself and your life. Between holding on and letting go. Work and play. Finding strength and allowing surrender. Its a union between the mind, body and soul. Yoga allows us to find to what we need through movement, breath, relaxation and community. It's all about balance 🙏 And remember sometimes we stand tall like trees and sometimes we wobble in the wind. And that's OK! Embrace both. 🧘🏻‍♀️

12/13/2023, 6:39:46 PM

Yoga for Birth Preparation ✨ We know every birth is very different, and each individual should remember to do what is best for them and their circumstances. But we also believe regular yoga can really help you prepare for birth, physically and mentally! The research thinks so too! Research suggests that regular Prenatal Yoga can help to: 🙏 Shorten labour duration 🙏 Reduce pain intensity 🙏 Lower chances of induction 🙏 Reduce possibility of assisted and emergency deliveries 🙏 Promotes more control and confidence 🙏 Teaches breathing techniques to support a calmer delivery In every 6 week course we include movement, breath and birth positioning to support and ready you for the next exciting step! #yogaforbirth

11/30/2023, 6:28:59 PM

Feedback like this is everything 🙏💫 #grateful Super proud of how far the clients have come from the start of the course so I'm pleased it is serving you too 🤍

11/28/2023, 6:08:21 PM

Come and say hello! I am exhibiting here at the @zseabanhamzoo Christmas Enterprise Market all weekend. Would be lovely to meet you all and we have some special offers and giveaways to share with you too X

11/25/2023, 11:46:50 AM

We are here for you 🙏 During our pregnancy yoga classes we provide Safe movement, breathwork and mindfulness practices to suit a variety of pregnancy needs and to support your general health and wellbeing. So as your needs may change, let me know and I'll try to design a practice for you. Because believe me when I say you aren't alone - there is support out there for you 🤍 Pregnancy Yoga 6 week courses are now running @thepaintedbarn on Monday evenings. Get in touch if you'd like a reserve your place on the next 6 week block. Drop in sessions available on request /if there is remaining spaces. Next 6 week block starting Monday 8th January 2024! £60 for 6 week course Or £12 drop in on request I look forward to practicing with you all soon! X

11/17/2023, 2:25:53 PM

So grateful for such a wonderful testimonial! I've never asked for feedback so it means so much to a small business that you find the time to send your kind words 🙏 I'm really pleased you're loving the class too - see you soon 🧘🏻‍♀️

11/13/2023, 2:47:07 PM

S A V A S A N A ✨ Did you know that 15 minutes of savasana is as good as 1 - 2 hours of sleep! Yep! It can work wonders on your body and mind! It can help with low mood, anxiety, insomnia, lowers your blood pressure and boosts your immune system to name a few. We always aim to support you in at least 10 minutes of savasana at the end of practice to help reduce any physical or mental stresses from the day. A complete relaxation. This can bring you into the parasympathetic nervous system - the system that's helps you rest and digest. You deserve to rest sometimes too! (Here we have adjusted the normal back lying posture to suit pregnancy and comfort) 🧘‍♀️

11/7/2023, 7:28:49 PM

T E S T I M O N I A L 🤍 It was lovely meeting everyone who started their pregnancy yoga journey with us last night. So grateful for this lovely feedback from a pregnancy yoga client. I am so pleased you enjoyed your first class 🙏 Pregnancy classes are now live @thepaintedbarn so get in touch if you would like to join us! X

10/31/2023, 2:05:23 PM

✨ THE STUDIO ✨ Beautifully serene, leave your shoes and worries at the door 🧘🏻‍♀️ What a gorgeous space you've created @thepaintedbarn ! Our pregnancy yoga classes start here next week and we can't wait! Get in touch if you're interested in joining us! X #yogastudio

10/25/2023, 1:49:23 PM

Everyone is welcomed, accepted, encouraged, respected and celebrated here! 🙏 . Our classes will always be welcoming and friendly to all. Open to all levels and abilities and you don't need to have practiced Yoga before to attend. You are all very welcome 😊 . Next course of pregnancy classes starting soon at @thepaintedbarn from Monday 30th October. We look forward to meeting you soon 🧘‍♀️ . If you'd like to join us get in touch x

10/17/2023, 6:25:42 PM

The body benefits from movement and the mind benefits from stillness 🤍 . Find a moment of stillness every day amidst a world of movement and chaos 🧘‍♀️ #stillness #selfcare

10/13/2023, 1:17:43 PM

INTRODUCTORY OFFER! . To celebrate our launch I am offering an introductory discount if you refer a friend. If you and your friend book onto one of our yoga courses, then you both receive 15% off! . And don't worry if you have already booked and then a friend wants to join - I have got you covered! Your discount can be redeemable on your next 6-week course or via partial refund after your friend's booking is complete.  Make sure you quote your friend or your friend quotes your name on booking to be eligible. . Looking forward to meeting you!

10/6/2023, 12:29:19 PM

Yoga isn't about being good at something, it's about being good to yourself 🧘🏻‍♀️ Find your balance, on and off the mat 🤍 #selfcare #treepose

10/2/2023, 1:09:55 PM

I am always here. I am the embrace Of your most intimate experience. Though I am beyond the intellect, I am not beyond your daring. I am the nourishing state of fullness That is the essence of soul. You belong to me, and I am yours. My nature is spotless, completely uncontaminated. I am not covered up, not even by a billion galaxies. So who is there to worship and adore? There is no one to appease. ~The Radiance Sutras~ Thanks to everyone who was part of ‘Embodied Being’ mini-retreat this morning 🌹💗 Next date… Coming soon! 🫶😘

5/21/2023, 5:26:13 PM

*NEW CLASS* New, but old… I announced in my newsletter this morning that as of June, Happy OM Yoga Studio will become the new permanent home for my Monday evening yoga classes and that from June I will only be running one weekly Monday evening class, 6-7.15PM. I am super grateful to the students that have been practicing with my at Anteros over the past year, and to those of you that have stuck with me since the birth of these classes in their original home at the yoga studio on Magdalen Road in 2019. Happy OM is the next phase of the journey and I hope this will become the permanent and happy home of this new, but old, class. Welcoming both old and new students to join me there from June 🙏 *Classes will continue to run weekly at Anteros until the end of May* Introducing… 🥁 ‘Embodied Vinyasa' Mondays, 6-7.15PM, Happy Om Studio What to expect? Well, following the heart of my own practice this class is going to be an embodied movement class; merging my love of dynamic, fluid, free-flowing, somatic style movement with the familiar principles of Vinyasa yoga. What this means is that the class has the structure of a guided vinyasa class, with the intention of forming a deeper connection to the felt sense of the body and 'self' through careful guidance and language, which guides you inwards and gives you choice and the freedom to also explore intuitive movement within the container of the sequence. Through this way of practicing and guiding, I hope it will be available to all 'levels' of practitioners 🙏 So, come and join me from June in this beautiful studio, a very special space to me 🫶 Booking is now available via my website with new payment plans options available too. 😘

5/14/2023, 12:17:39 PM

Friday and Saturday’s classes cancelled due to the catching of the dreaded ‘C’ word! Hope to see you in the new year! #yoganorfolk #yoganorwich #yoganorthnorfolk #yogateacher #yogateachernorwich #yogaclassesnorfolk #yogaclassesnorwich #yogaonlineclasses #yogaathome

12/14/2022, 2:37:28 PM

Accepting our shadows 🌚 We all have a “dark side”, a shadow self. Those parts of us we don’t like to see or admit, the parts we deem unacceptable, ugly, unworthy. Sometimes we are aware of our shadow, sometimes we become very good at hiding it and pushing it away, until it comes bursting out when we least expect it. We develop this idea that we are only “Acceptable if”, or “Loved if” we act or are a certain way. The truth is, we all have the potential to be and express traits that we deem negative- be it anger, envy, jealousy, aggression, selfishness, addictive or destructive behaviours… Sometimes, the shadow is the light and beautiful parts of the self that we are afraid to show, for a variety of reasons. Most of my clients have issues that can be rooted in poor self-acceptance and lack of self-worth. I believe that true self acceptance requires us to see and accept all parts of ourselves, including our shadows. In acknowledging all parts of ourselves, we shine a light to all that makes us who we are, accepting and owning who we are as a whole. With a compassionate and non-judgemental mindset,we can take owmership of who we are, taking full responsibility for our actions and how we want to show up in our lives. Self acceptance requires us to see and accept all parts of us, even our shadows. If you haven’t seen what my “dark side” looks like in my stories, swipe - be prepared to be terrified. If you need help improving your confidence or self-esteem, or you think that feelings of low self worth may be holding you back, get in touch to find out if I can help. 🙏 #shadow #shadowwork #embraceyourself #embraceyourshadows #selfacceptance #selfacceptancejourney #selfesteem #confidence #hypnotherapyforselfesteem #norwich #norwichhypnotherapy #norwichtherapist #norwichcounselling #norwichyoga #norwichyogateacher #norwichyogaclasses #yogaclassesnorwich #yoganorwich #hypnotherapynorwich #hypnotherapistnorwich #bodymindspirit #integrativetherapies #norwichtherapist

11/24/2022, 10:42:34 AM

So much good stuff to share with you between now and the Christmas break 🫶🏼 • Vinyasa Flow @ Catton Park next Monday • The start of the Christmas Countdown competition NEXT WEEK 🎉 • Yin Yoga on the 5th Dec @Catton Park • Another Upside down workshop on the 19th Dec 🤸🏻‍♂️ • 2023 Workshop dates 🥳 • New Beginners Yoga Course dates 🧘🏻‍♀️ • New Yoga Immersion start dates and Topics ✨ As well as the usual classes every week 💕 with a new focus for December. I can’t wait to see you all over the coming weeks and get excited about another year of practice together 🫶🏼 #yoga #onlineyoga #onlineyogaclasses #norwichyoga #cattonpark #norwichwellbeing #yoganorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yogamotivation #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogapractice #blackfriday #freeclass #firstclassfree #AHY #alexhowarthyoga #relax #recover #results

11/21/2022, 2:07:05 PM

“Such a great night at #PubYoga last night! Wonderful bunch of people that brought smiles and warmth to the evening. You know how to make the middle of the week the best bit of the week!! Thank you!! Join us - Wednesdays @rivergardennorwich at 5:45pm” - #repost from @waveneyflow Visit the link in @waveneyflow’s Instagram bio to book 💛✨🧘‍♀️ You Norfolk yoga teachers come up with some brilliant innovative yoga ideas - pub yoga is definitely in the top 10 with ‘Goat Yoga’ also being a contender 😂 Love it! - #norfolkyoga #yogaclassnorfolk #yogaclassesinnorfolk #norfolkyoga #norwichyoga #norwichyoga #rivergardenpub #rivergardenyoga #yogapractice #yogaclassesnorfolk #yogaclassesnorwich #norwichuk #pubnorwich #norfolkpub #norwichpubs #norfolkevents #norfolkyogaclassdecember #norwichwellness #norfolkwellness #norfolkwellbeingbusiness #norwichwellbeingcommunity -

11/15/2022, 12:21:04 PM

The best way to start your day. 🌅☀️ It’s the perfect time to practice yoga before work or university on Mondays and Fridays. Book with our new Yoga Tree Teacher Monika on 07950914352 - #newyogaclassnorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yogaclassesinnorwich #norwichyogaclass #sunriseyoganorwich #yoganorfolk #norfolkyogatribe #norfolkyogastudio -

10/22/2022, 11:22:32 AM

Change is inevitable. We constantly transform, just like anything else in nature. Why do we find it so hard to change? Human beings like predictability, comfort, safety, and the illusion of control. And yet, change is part of life. This past year has been full of changes, and it presented its challenges. It's been an interesting ride in finding balance, once again. Life has a way to work things out for us, when we accept the transient nature of things, and allow things to unfold. I've had time to reassess things and decided to let go of what's not meant to be, to let in more of what the world, and I, need more of right now. Sometimes, realising when to take a step back can be very freeing. This means my offerings are changing - only ONE studio class a week, on Mondays, and I will share more classes (On demand and Live) on my Online Platform, and workshops. I am also taking new 121 spaces, if you want to work with me with Yoga or Therapy, to help you find balance of body and mind. More info in my last newsletter - link in bio #change #changes #changeisgood #changeyourlife #changeispartoflife #lifechanges #yoga #yogajourney #yogapractice #yogaeveryday #yoganorwich #yoganorwichnorfolk #yoganorwichcentre #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yoganorwichyoganorfolk #yogaclassnorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #norwichyogaclass #norwichyogaclasses #norwichtherapy #norwichhypnotherapy #norwichtherapist #norwichtherapists #norwichhypnotherapist #norwichcounselling #empoweredtherapy #bodymind #bodymindsoul #bodymindcoaching

10/2/2022, 5:47:12 PM

Monday evenings are for Strong Yoga flows! For the summer, the strength is toned down, the flows are slower and more mindful. . We’ll use summer as an opportunity to recharge, taking advantage of the warmth opening up our bodies, to breathe, to move slowly. . This class is back in full strength in September + a slow flow every Thursday 7.30pm at Happy Om. . Book classes through the link in bio- first class is FREE. See you on the mat 🙏 #norwich #norwichyoga #norwichyogateacher #yoganorwich #yoganorwichnorfolk #yogaclassesnorwich #yogapractice #yogateacher #slowyogaflow #summeryoganorwich

7/25/2022, 4:26:25 PM

Hi! 👋 I’m back in Norwich, back to teaching classes this week! . The past two weeks I’ve been back and forth from Italy- it’s been a strange and tiring time. . It got me thinking about how we only show the best of our lives on Ig- it’s such a poor reflection of reality. . One of the Yoga philosophy principles is that of “Satya” = Truth, integrity. . When we practice Yoga, with practice with intention, it’s not just a great form of exercise. . My intention is to be more honest and true, on this platform, in class, with myself, in my relationships. . So the truth is- I’m exhausted, it’s hot today 🥵 so tonight’s practice will reflect that and be more gentle than usual, with more time for stillness and slow movement 🙏 . Book through the link in bio- See you on the mat! #norwichyoga #yoganorwich #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogaclassesnorwich #norwichyogaclasses #norwichyogateacher #happyomyogastudio #satya #truth

7/18/2022, 10:52:34 AM

Introducing you to Ivana’s two next 6 week class series, which are starting next week on Monday 27th - 1st August 🌿🙏 . . Full details on Ivana's website: . . . #yoganorwich #norfolkyoga #yoganorfolk #yogiclassrs #yogaclassesnorwich #yogaclassnorwich #yogaclassesnorfolk

6/21/2022, 4:30:55 PM

In Person Nidra & Nada Nights @ The Yoga Tree, Norwich-First Friday of the month 6.30-7.30pm 1 hour @ £10.00 An hour of conscious guided relaxation designed to help you slide into your weekend with ease. Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique in which you learn to relax consciously. In this practice, the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from outer experiences. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation, allowing you to drop down into a deep, restful state where transformational healing can occur, accompanied by sounds of Himalayan Bowls. @mycalminthecity . . . . . #yoga #yoganorwich #yogaworkshopnorwich #yogaclassesnorwich

6/15/2022, 2:35:57 PM

Holliean’s classes are now available for bookings! 🌿 Thursdays: (starting 16th June) Lunchtime Soundbath Escape 12:30  Let your mind and body be immersed in sound and restoration. Nourishing each muscle, joint and encouraging the release of limiting belief. Moving slowly and mindfully through poses suitable for everyone. £10 to book please contact [email protected] drop in welcome (booking advisable) Saturday class: (starting 25th June)   'Soundbath Hatha with mindful meditation Through beautiful sound, vibration and meditation let this class take you on a journey of deep relaxation, healing and self discovery. Feel your stress melt from your body as well as your mind and rediscover peace, tranquility and true calmness. Please bring blankets and pillows for comfort £10 to book please contact [email protected] drop in welcome (booking advisable) . . . . #yogaclassesnorwich #norwichyoga #norfolkyogaclasses #norwichyoga #primalfitnessnorwich #mentalhealthnorwich

6/7/2022, 12:09:16 PM

Happy Monday beautiful people! . It’s cold and rainy in Norwich today- why not come to practice Yoga with me this evening to warm up and practice some self care? . One class at Happy Om Yoga studio: 6.00pm - a Dynamic Yoga flow complemented by breathwork and mediation and a long relaxation at the end. . New students can try their first class for FREE. . Book via the link in bio 🙏

4/4/2022, 10:06:50 AM

Happy Monday everyone! . I’m back in the social media world. 🌍 . Intuitively, I took a break from it last week- truth be told, I kinda forgot about it and didn’t have the mental energy to keep up with the digital world. . Some things take a lot of energy from us, and social media can be one of them. As much as it’s a great tool for connecting and creating networks, it can also be draining and have a negative impact on our mental health. . It’s important to find the balance between what goes out and what comes in and gives us energy and nourishment. . Come to class this week to nourish your body and mind, and put some energy in 💙 . Opportunities to join me on the mat tonight, Friday and Saturday this week. Book through the link in bio 🙏

3/21/2022, 9:28:42 AM

Fancy a class tomorrow? Here's a list of friday classes! Also remember Marie has her restore class the 4th Friday of every month: Yin and Restore, Monthly renewal with Marie *4th Friday of every month* 6.00-7.15pm | Pre-Book Only £10 End your week right 🤍 . . . . #yogaclassesnorwich #yoganorwich #yogaclassesinnorwich #yoga #yogaclassesnorfolk #norfolkyogaclasses #norfolkyogacentre #norwichyogacenter

2/10/2022, 3:34:21 PM

🧘‍♀️ The Yoga Tree - Yoga For All 💕 Tag someone who you think should check out the yoga tree! See the link in our bio for all class info and book via the teachers. Have a wonderful relaxing festive season as we begin to think about our goals for the new year. . . . . . #yoga #yogi #norwichyoga #yoga #goals #newyearsresolution #yoga #christmas2022 #yogapractice #yogaclasses #yogaclassesnorfolk #yogaclassesnorwich

12/25/2021, 11:34:48 PM

🌳What's your favourite thing about the yogis in lil' ol' Norwich? The variety of classes? The friendliness of the people? Or perhaps how you can munch a cheeky brownie after most yoga classes?🙏 The location of our centre is tagged to the post if you’ve never been with us - pop in for a brownie and a look at our classes 🌳 . . . #yoganorwich #norwichyoga #norwichclasses #norfolkyoga #yogis #norwichyogis #yogacafe #norwichevents #norfolkevents #norfolkyoga #yogacentre #yogacentres #yogaclassesnorfolk #yogaclassesnorwich

12/4/2021, 3:59:37 PM

🌘🧘‍♀️Yoga Nidra & Yoga Nada, simple, beautiful and deeply nourishing with Rachel. Book on her website now! 🌙🙏 @mycalminthecity Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique in which you learn to relax consciously. It is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation, allowing you to drop down into a deep, restful state where transformational healing can occur. During the practice of yoga nidra, you appear to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. For this reason, yoga nidra is often referred to as psychic sleep or deep relaxation with inner awareness. In this threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously and this where authentic healing can take place. In Yoga Nidra, the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from outer experiences. If the consciousness can be separated from external awareness and from sleep, it becomes very powerful and can be applied in many ways, for example, to develop the memory, increase knowledge and creativity, or transform one’s nature. The term Yoga Nidra is derived from two Sanskrit words, yoga meaning union or one-pointed awareness, and nidra which means sleep. Sessions are also accompanied by the beautiful and healing sounds of Himalayan Singing Bowls, Koshi Chimes, Tuned Pipes and other instruments which further enhance your relaxation and healing experience. This is Yoga Nada, the healing of the body through sound. Sound Healing uses various instruments such as Singing Bowls, Gongs, Drums, Rain-shakers, Chimes, Tuned Pipes, Shruti Box and Voice to induce a deep state of relaxation which allows the vibrations from the sounds to resonate through your body to a cellular level; healing from within the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. . . . #norwichyoga #yoganorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yoganorfolk #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogasuffolk #yogacity #norwichcity #norwichevents

11/29/2021, 7:23:53 PM

Covering for @mariewilliamsyoga tonight @theyogastudionorwich ❤️ 7-8:15 Moving between fluidity and strength tonight! See you there! Book through @mariewilliamsyoga ☀️ #yogaclassesnorwich

10/4/2021, 5:34:29 PM

Yay it’s October! Love this month 🕷 Class schedule Tonight 7-8:15 @theyogastudionorwich Saturday 9:30 - 10:45 @theyogastudionorwich cover for the lovely @mariewilliamsyoga Both classes we will be exploring a sequence that moves between solar and lunar cycles or high as low intensity. I was enjoying a podcast about trauma informed yoga and the topic of trauma informed sequencing came up. One aspect that I really resonated with was how we can create sequences that pulse in and out of high intensity to help students regulate their stress response and to move back into a state of calm with more ease. We all have trauma so why not give it a place at the table? See you soon ☀️🌘 #yogaclassesnorwich #yogandmovement #mindfulmovement #yogasequencing #yogapractice #movementpractice #yoganorfolk

10/1/2021, 8:19:15 AM

Passive, active, solar, luna, being, doing, holding and letting go. In this dualistic and limited embodiment, cultivating practices that create feelings of expansion and connection are so so healing. We can explore this reality every time we step onto our mats. As the years pass and as I continue down this particular path, asking a particular question over and over again, I’m noticing that nothing is totally good nor wholly bad just pathways that lead to new places. Practicing my sun salutes I also feel the Lunar quality that grounds my movements even though it’s an active practice. Hope to see you on the may soon for more movement explorations. Sun Salute workshop 26th Sep 3-5:3pm Norwich Link to book in bio! #yogaworkshopnorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yogapractice #yogateachernorwich

9/21/2021, 1:53:39 PM

Standing warm ups? I like them! Class focus this week - transferring and shifting weight…curious? Come play 😉 Fridays 7-8:15 pm @theyogastudionorwich £9 #yogainnorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yogastudionorwich #yogateachernorwich

9/9/2021, 3:00:39 PM

Wrote some words about Vinyasa with a capital 'V'! Printed in the latest edition of Triangle Norwich, but also now on my blog. Link is the bio, of course. PS really does appear that my fave activity is crawling and rolling around on the floor. I'm ok with that. 🤷🏼‍♀️ PPS Strength + Flow begins NEXT WEEK ⚡ come join us at Happy Om every Thursday eve 7.30-8.45pm. Photo credit: the glorious @lauraevephotography 💘 . . . #movementandwords #Vinyasa #yogaflow #whatisvinyasa #norwichyoga #norwichyogateacher #movementflow #yogaisconnection #beherenow #expansion #growth #yogaclassesnorwich #norfolkyoga #happyomnorwich #spaceandflow #strengthandflow #letsmovetogether

9/2/2021, 7:02:09 PM

Workshop Alert 🚨 Asana Clinic: Sun salutations During this workshop, you will explore the many possibilities in which to move through your sun salutations. If you are a beginner this workshop will ground you in the fundamentals so that you won’t feel completely lost in a vinyasa flow style class, and if you’re a more seasoned practitioner this workshop will invite you to approach your sun salutations in new ways deepening your understanding and skill. Knowing your options gives you the movement vocabulary to safely and joyfully practice in most flow-style yoga classes! Being beautifully meditative in nature, sun salutations can be used as a complete at-home yoga practice if you are short on time. Come to the workshop and find your flow! Sunday 26th September 3 - 5:30 pm @the_norfolk_clinic £20 Link in bio to book 👍 #yogaworkshopnorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #sunsalutations #yogaworkshop #yogaworkshopnorfolk

8/31/2021, 1:15:33 PM

This is my go to restorative yoga pose (supported supta baddha konasana) for when I need to rest and recharge. What you need: 1. A bolster, a couple of firm cushions or even a rolled up yoga mat to put under the entire length of your spine. 2. Blocks or even books to support your thighs so that you’re NOT stretching. 3. A blanket to put under your head and another to cover up with. 4. Something to cover your eyes with or wrap a scarf around your head so that you feel a comfortable squeeze around your forehead, eyes and temples. Put on a yoga Nidra, some relaxing music or be in silence and you’re away. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Yum 😋 See you in class Fridays 7-8:15 @theyogastudionorwich Link in bio to book 👆 #yoganorwich #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogaclassesnorwich #yoganorfolk #yogaeastanglia

8/22/2021, 2:26:50 PM

Class is on! Friday 7-8:15 @theyogastudionorwich Flowing low and slow in alignment with the Muladhara (root) Chakra this Friday. I’m enjoying creating sequences that are simple and repetitive with some delights sprinkled in to keep you interested and curious 😊 See you there! Link in bio to book! #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogaclassesnorwich #yogapractice

8/18/2021, 2:23:05 PM

Mooladhara chakra, the energy centre that connects us to our sense of home, to people and the relationships in our lives, our health and well-being and our work and personal dharma out in the world. It’s our foundation, the place from which we move from. It’s not flaky or insubstantial but tangible and present. Since becoming a mother I appreciate more fully why cultivating a practice that is nurturing and respectful to ones life is so necessary. To be a full time caregiver calls for a lot of personal courage and understanding. Sometimes the realness of raising a child requires a re-connection to the root so that you don’t get lost in the play of life. Tending to the fire that burns at the root helps us face challenges with love and grace ❤️ See you in class on Friday @theyogastudionorwich 7-8:15 Class focus: low and slow - a practice to connect to your foundations Link in bio to book 👆 #yogapractice #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogaclassesnorwich

8/16/2021, 4:22:00 PM

Flowing like water in tonight’s embody yoga class @theyogastudionorwich 7-8:15 Expect to move 😉 Link in bio to book ⬆️ #yogaclassesnorfolk #yogaclassesnorwich #yogateachernorwich

7/30/2021, 11:15:41 AM

Let’s flow like water people! See you in tomorrow’s class ❤️ Embody Yoga 7-8:15 pm @theyogastudionorwich #yogateachernorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #norwichyoga

7/22/2021, 9:57:52 PM

Staying low to the ground. Finding refuge. Freeing space. Feeling connections... Om Shri Matre Namaha 🌏 Embody Yoga Friday nights @theyogastudionorwich 7-8:15 pm Link in bio to book #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogapractice #feeltheflow #yogaclassesnorwich

7/20/2021, 3:48:01 PM

Come practice with me this Friday @theyogastudionorwich 7-8:15 pm. Slowly I’m finding a core group of people that come regularly to my one and only class offering (until the kid goes to nursery) here in Norwich and it feels soooo good. I absolutely love working with the same folks week in and week out because that’s when the magic happens! Come be part of this magic 😜 #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogaclassesnorwich #yogaclassesnorfolk #happyteacher

7/19/2021, 1:59:26 PM

Class tomorrow is on! 7-8:15 pm £9 Open level @theyogastudionorwich Last week we explored variations of tree pose, standing, seated and also a daring variation in side plank 🤪 There’s a beautiful story in Hindu mythology about Sita who is kidnapped by a powerful demon who wants to make Sita his queen. She outright refuses him and instead of living in his palace she stays in the castles grounds full of Ashoka trees (sorrow-less trees). For Days and days she sits by this Ashoka tree and tells it about her love for Rama and sends her devotion to the leaves and hopes that her message finds Rama. Eventual the Ashoka tree speaks to her and says “Stay still, little sister. Be calm and steady, like us. Seasons change, we know, we know. This captivity is not forever. Stay still, and remember Rama.” The story continues and she is eventually rescued by Hanuman and reunited with her true love. My takeaway, trees can be wiser than humans 😜 See you tomorrow! #yogateacher #yogateachernorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yogaclassesnorfolk

7/15/2021, 5:11:14 PM

Expectations It’s 10 years since I became a yoga asana (posture) and movement educator and what I offer has most certainly evolved overtime. Every yoga teacher has their own way of communicating what yoga means to them and depending on what facet of the practice interests them that’s what you will receive when you sign up to their class(es). Since moving to Norwich for the first time I have complete freedom to share this practice in my own way. A new student of mine told me that she enjoyed the mixture of hippy stuff (we chanted a little) with movement and anatomy stuff 😁 I was so appreciative of her feedback because I’m still crafting a teaching practice that feels unapologetic and authentic to me! So if you come to my classes expect some HIPPY stuff mixed in with some embodied ANATOMY stuff 👍 Class this Friday @theyogastudionorwich 7-8:15pm £9 Follow the link tree in my bio to book ☝️ #yogaeducator #yogateacher #yogateachernorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yoga #movement #yogaclassesnorfolk

7/5/2021, 4:27:18 PM

PATHWAYS I’ve often wondered what good alignment means? To say that the shoulders go here or that the knees go there in such and such a pose beggars the question, who’s shoulders and knees are we taking about? I think that by giving ourselves (and our students) the chance to explore and to try things out we are more likely to find a situation that feels more helpful, skilful and appropriate in that moment. In this snippet of my practice I’m paying attention to my feet and noticing and feeling pathways of sensation that arise in other areas of my body as I move. I noticed that if I placed my feet with awareness it had an interesting impact on my body/mind as a whole. It helped me find a clear pathway of force and energy through the joints and structures above which in turn made for a grounded and stable practice. As the world shifts and changes beneath you find and feel your connection to the earth and you will find a clear pathway through it all. So much love ❤️ Class this Friday 7-8:15 pm focussing on the feet and finding clear connections and pathways. Link in bio to book! #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yoganorwich #yogateacher #yogateachernorwich #yogaclassesnorwich

7/1/2021, 4:38:52 PM

It’s raining ☔️ See you tonight 7-8:15 pm @the_norfolk_clinic Link in my bio to book ☀️ #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogaclassesnorwich #yogapractice

6/18/2021, 12:19:40 PM

Garuda Mudra Place your palms up, cross the right over the left and hook the thumbs. Gently rest your hands on your chest and take some slow and meaningful breaths. Did you do it? How did it feel? What was your experience? incorporating hand gestures into my practice has been very beneficial to me (especially lately). I’m constantly surprised how my bodymind responds to each one differently. Some are felt immediately and have a strong current to them that takes effect instantly while others take time for me to tune into. Do you practice mudras and if so what’s your experience of them? Thank you India for sharing your gifts with us folks in the west! Truth be told I would be utterly lost without this practice 🌈☀️❤️ Class this week - Friday 7-815 pm (link in bio). Let’s sing, move and relax together 🕉 #yoganorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #movementismedicine #mudra #bodymindspirit

6/10/2021, 12:45:51 PM

Class on Friday @the_norfolk_clinic 7-8:15 pm ☀️🌈 This week let’s explore Garudasana and it’s variations. Garuda, said to be half man and half mystical eagle and is lord Vishnu’s mount. Through the power of his Shakti (Goddess Lakshmi) he preserves all things. In this practice we will embody what it means to maintain and preserve. For example, when holding a balance ask yourself the question “what do I need to do(or undo) to maintain this form in a balanced and manageable way?” Hope to see you there! Link to book is in my bio ⬆️💕 #yoganorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yoganorfolk #yogatribenorfolk #yogateachernorwich

6/9/2021, 2:23:49 PM

Savasana skies ⛅️ See you in class Friday 7-8:15 pm @the_norfolk_clinic Link in bio to book! #yoganorwich #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogaclassesnorwich #norwichyogateacher

6/2/2021, 9:02:44 PM

Class tonight is on @the_norfolk_clinic Embody Yoga 7-8:15 pm £9 or £5 if it’s your first class with me! This class is a place for you to be you. To let it all drop. No more dishes to to do, children to sort out, work to finish, none of that stuff needs to be done for 75 minutes! We begin by making sound together with the harmonium as the back drop. Humming, Ah-ing, Aum-ing or simply bathing in the sound of others. Then we set a personal commitment before flowing through yoga postures and intuitive movements. To close the class you will be invited to lay down and rest as I guide you through a yoga Nidra practice. I hope this offering serves you in some way and helps you replenish your vital energy. See you in class soon I hope ✨ #yoganorwich #yoganorwichnorfolkuk #yogaclassesnorwich #norwichbusiness #yogateachernorwich #norwichcommunity #norwichyogatribe

5/28/2021, 9:51:11 AM

Sankalpa mudra What are you committing too at present? Resilience? compassion? Peace? Balance? Patience? Clasp your right palm on top of your left and rest your hands on your right hip. Get quiet. Take some slow breaths. And see what arises in you... Class tonight is on! Link in bio for details and to book. @the_norfolk_clinic 7-8:15pm Claim your free class! #yoganorwich #yogateachernorwich #yogaclassesnorwich #yogastudiosnorwich

5/21/2021, 9:59:47 AM