franktashlin images

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OTD - May 20, 1884 - producer Leon Schlesinger was born. After a theater career, Schlesinger founded Pacific Title & Art Studio in 1919, which created title cards for silent films until the advent of sound at the end of the 1920s. Warner Bros then contracted him as head of their new animation unit, and he hired Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising to make these cartoons. Schlesinger played almost no role in the making of these, leaving Harman and Ising to work on low budgets while he produced a series of live-action westerns. When the duo left in 1933, Schlesinger set up his own studio, Leon Schlesinger Productions, and hired such men as Friz Freleng, Bob Clampett and Tex Avery to produce new cartoons. They were always credited as "supervisors" so that more credit could go to Schlesinger himself, even though there was no question who really made the cartoons. At one point, he relocated Avery's unit to a crummy bungalow dubbed "Termite Terrace", which became the unofficial name of the studio even after the unit moved back. In the late 1930s, when the animators considered making an animated feature, Schlesinger allegedly responded: "I need an animated feature like I need two Ą$$holes." Despite his notorious lack of humor, Schlesinger occasionally participated in the Looney Tunes, such as giving Bugs Bunny his definitive name and appearing on-screen in "You Ought To Be In Pictures" (1940). He spoke with a lisp, which is widely believed believed have inspired those of the characters Daffy Duck and Sylvester the Cat. In 1944, Schlesinger sold his cartoon studio to Warner Bros and retired. His successor was the even less humorous Edward Selzer. He then served as head of WB's Theater Services until his death in 1949. Although Schlesinger's own involvement in the WB cartoons was minimal, he was significant for his hands-off approach, giving his animators wide creative freedom that resulted in several beloved cartoons. His open attitude toward his men was : "I pay you boys to make funny cartoons. As long as the public likes your work and you stay within budget, you can do whatever you think will bring in the laughs.”

5/20/2024, 10:25:16 AM

🍿WHO’S MINDING THE STORE? (1963)🍿 💎 TRIVIA 💎 PATTI (Jerry's first wife) saw the movie before JERRY. He was on tour and she had it playing in their house. When JERRY came back from his tour, she told him that some things in the movie were not suitable for "JERRY LEWIS FANS". At first JERRY felt provoked by her criticism. Then he watched the movie and told her she was right. The lines she didn't like were cut out of the movie. • Source: Photoplay Magazine, 1963. 📸 PHOTO: JERRY in a movie scene of "WHO’S MINDING THE STORE?”(1963)🥰♥️ • Photo edit by: @jerry.lewis.admirer ——— #jerrylewis #oldhollywoodglamour #oldhollywoodstars #thetotalfilmmaker #thekingofcomedy #handsomemen #comedian #comedy #director #goldenera #funnymen #legend #nationalchairman #thenuttyprofessor #comedyispain #goldenhollywood #josephlevitch #oldhollywood #oldhollywoodmovies #jerrylewismovie #trivia #interesting_facts #vintagemovie #moviescene #makingmovies #classic #franktashlin #franktashlinmovies #jillstjohn #closeupphoto

5/15/2024, 2:15:12 AM

Anne Francis in "Susan Slept Here" dir. Frank Tashlin - 1954 #susanslepthere #annefrancis #franktashlin #film #actress #50s

5/10/2024, 11:27:05 PM

#NobuMcCarthy in #thegeishaboy directed by #franktashlin

5/4/2024, 9:21:47 AM

¿Un oso que no lo era? Un oso, ante la inminente llegada del invierno, decide buscar una cueva para pasar los meses de nieve. Lo que el oso no sabía era que durante los meses que pasó dormido un grupo de hombres derribó parte de su bosque y construyó fábricas que enseguida pusieron a funcionar. Al llegar la primavera y despertar el oso se encontró con que su cueva estaba justo dentro del complejo industrial. No sabía si esto era real o no. Pero ni tiempo tuvo de dudar pues un capataz, al verlo rondar por ahí, le exigió que se pusiera a trabajar. Y aunque el oso intentó explicar que él era un simple oso, el hombre no extendió de razones. Argumentando que seguro se trataba de un hombre tonto, sin afeitar y con un abrigo de pieles que buscaba cualquier pretexto para no trabajar. Y ni el capataz, ni el gerente, ni el vicepresidente tercero, ni el vicepresidente segundo, ni el vicepresidente primero, ni el presidente entendieron o quisieron entender. Estaban tan convencidos de que el oso no era un oso que hicieron al oso dudar de su identidad y de sus instintos ✨ Esta historia dejó muy molesta a toda la #BanditaAlepha, pues por un lado no entendían cómo los hombres podían ser tan ciegos para no darse cuenta que el oso no era un humano. Y por otro, la molestia se debía a que la insistencia de los hombres era tanta que lograron hacer dudar al oso sobre sí mismo Fue una sesión de mucha charla y reflexión en el #CampamentoSecretoDeNoLectorxs #ElOsoQueNoLoEra de #FrankTashlin en #Loqueleo

5/4/2024, 4:45:52 AM

Martin & Lewis visit the set of "Son of Paleface" in 1952; From left to right, Dean, Roy Rogers, Jane Russell, Jerry and director Frank Tashlin 💛✨ #deanmartin #dinopaulcrocetti #martinandlewis #royrogers #janerussell #jerrylewis #franktashlin

4/30/2024, 10:17:44 PM

OTD - April 30, 1912 - animator Emery Hawkins was born. Hawkins started his career as an inker at Walter Lantz's studio in the early 1930s, and in 1932 joined Charles Mintz's studio, where he animated on the "Scrappy" and "Color Rhapsody" series. In 1937, he was hired at MGM's then-new cartoon studio on the "Captain and the Kids" series, but he left after a year due to creative differences with the director. Hawkins then joined Walt Disney's studio as an animator on the Donald Duck shorts, including "The Autograph Hound" (1939), "Donald's Vacation" (1940) and "Timber" (1941), but left during the 1941 studio strike. He was then hired by Frank Tashlin at Screen Gems, where he did what he considered his best work, animating on shorts such as "Woodman, Spare That Tree" (1942). In 1942, Hawkins returned to Lantz, where he notably redesigned Woody Woodpecker with Art Heineman. He did wacky animation on shorts such as "Abou Ben Boogie", "The Barber of Seville" (both 1940) and "Woody Dines Out" (1945), before leaving the studio in 1945. After a brief stint at Disney again, Hawkins joined Warner Bros in 1946, where he did his zaniest animation on shorts including "Two Gophers From Texas" (1946), "A Ham in a Role" (1949) and "Hillbilly Hare" (1950). Seeking variety, he left to New York in 1950 to work on TV commercials. He later worked on the Hubleys' Oscar-nominated "The Adventures of an *" and -winning "A Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature" (1965), Bill Melendez's "Snoopy, Come Home" (1972) and Richard Williams' "Raggedy Ann and Andy" (1977), on which he animated the highly complex Greedy. Hawkins then animated on Jack Zander's "Gnomes" (1980) and William's never-released "The Thief and the Cobbler", but began to develop Alzheimer's disease and had to retire. He died in 1989. Hawkins was famous for his loose, cartoony animating style, and his innovations and contributions to several major American cartoon studios over multiple decades. As he put it : "The only limitation in animation is the person doing it. Otherwise, there is no limit to what you can do. And why shouldn’t you do it?" Thanks for 400+ followers!

4/30/2024, 1:06:41 PM

Sonbaharın gelmesiyle ormandaki mağarasına çekilip kış uykusuna yatan ayı, uyandığında kendisini dev bir fabrikanın içinde bulur. Uykusu sırasında insanlar mağarasının üzerine dev bir fabrika inşa etmişlerdir. Doğal hayatı bir anda altüst olan ayı, kimseyi ayı olduğuna inandıramaz. Götürüldüğü genel müdür yardımcısının yardımcısına, genel müdür yardımcısına ve genel müdüre göre de o bir ayı değil, “tıraş olması gereken, kürk palto giymiş budala adamın tekidir.” Eğer işçi değil de bir ayıysa, ya sirkte olmalıdır ya da hayvanat bahçesinde. Sonunda sıradan bir ayı olan kahramanımız sıradan bir işçi olarak fabrikada çalışmak zorunda kalır. Öyle ki artık kendisi de bir ayı değil “tıraş olması gereken budala adamın teki” olduğuna inanmaya başlar. Öyküden yola çıkarak bir ayıyı ayı yapan özellikler üzerinde durularak biçim-öz, madde-form, tartışmalarına girilebilir. Öte yandan, öyküde ayının yaşadığı gerçeklik ve benlik kaybı durumu örnek verilerek “doğru” ve “gerçeklik” kavramları üzerine de konuşulabilir. 9 yaş ve üzerindeki bütün çocuklara öneriyoruz, ayrıca çocuklar için felsefe oturumlarında da uyaran olarak kullanılabilir. Yazarın kendi öyküsünü uyarladığı ve yönettiği aynı adlı çizgi filme YouTube’dan ulaşabilirsiniz : Frank Tashlin, The Bear That Wasn’t. 🐻 #ayıolmayanayı #franktashlin #redhousekidz #p4c #çocukedeyatı #çocukyazını #yaratıcıyazarlık #düşünme #eleştirme # #sanat #estetik #sanatsaluyaranlarladilveedebiyatögretimi #minikfilozoflaratölyesi

4/29/2024, 11:06:22 AM

032. O REI DOS MÁGICOS (The Geisha Boy, 1958) Direção: Frank Tashlin. • Assistido em casa, pela TV, sozinho, em um cinetorrent de um arquivo antigo, guardado em um HD externo idem. Em 21/04/24. Nota: 06/10 #OReiDosMágicos #TheGeishaBoy #FrankTashlin #EstadosUnidos #Comédia #Aventura #Romance #mágica #truques #entretenimento #guerra #coelho #1958 #órfão #tuttifrutti #pontedemadeira #gueixa #baseball #JerryLewis #RobertHirano #SuzannePleshette #NobuMcCarthy #MarieMcDonald #BartonMacLane #choquecultural #intérprete #viagem #casadebanhos #comédiapastelão #slapstickcomedy

4/22/2024, 1:02:33 PM

"The two most important things in life: Frank Tashlin and bacon." - Owen Kline, Hollywood Diner, 574 6th ave, NYC @theowenkline #franktashlin #bacon #hollywooddiner

4/12/2024, 2:44:24 AM

[LIVROS] A parte mais legal da fase de leitura da Amélie é conversarmos sobre os livros que ela traz da biblioteca da escola e esse da foto é incrível. “O urso que não era” de Frank Tashlin Eu perguntei pra ela sobre o que era e ela me contou. Então eu mesma fui ler para saber se a perspectiva dela fazia sentido e me encantei. SPOILER: A história é a seguinte, um urso foi hibernar na floresta com a chegada do inverno, mas enquanto hibernava, homens destruíram a floresta e construíram uma fábrica em cima da caverna dele. Quando ele despertou na primavera, percebeu que estava dentro da fábrica, e foi obrigado a trabalhar nela. Mas ele avisou que era um urso e não acreditaram. Disseram que ele era um homem bobo de barba e casaco felpudo e devia trabalhar, e se fosse um urso mesmo estaria num zoológico ou circo. Então foram até o zoológico e até o circo e os ursos que lá estavam também disseram que ele não era um urso, pois se fosse estaria enjaulado ou sendo atração. Então o urso se convenceu que não era um urso e foi trabalhar na fábrica. Um dia ela fechou e mandou todos embora. O inverno chegou e o urso não foi hibernar porque achou que não era um urso e passou frio. Aí eu falei assim pra Amélie: se fosse um livro adulto, acabaria assim com o urso morrendo do frio, mas como é um livro infantil, tem um final esperançoso, o urso percebe que é um urso sim e volta pra caverna. O livro não é sobre ursos, vocês sabem, né?! :) #cartografandovozes #franktashlin

4/4/2024, 9:22:24 PM

📽️⭐️ If you live in the Wisconsin area, don't miss JERRY's personal print version of "THE DISORDERLY ORDERLY". JERRY's longtime archivist BOB FURMANEK will be on hand to present the movie‼️ 🟣 ABOUT JERRY's ARCHIVIST: 🟣 ▪️BOB FURMANEK met JERRY while he was filming the movie "CRACKING UP"(1983). This lead to an ongoing friendship with JERRY. Over the next 20 years as JERRY's personal archivist, FURMANEK was responsible for discovering and cataloging many hidden treasures from his career. ▪️He also worked with DEAN MARTIN. In 1981, BOB FURMANEK met DEAN and began a ten year association. He produced several critically acclaimed Capitol Records re-issues of DEAN's music. ———— #jerrylewis #jerrylewismovie #thedisorderlyorderly #franktashlin #franktashlincolors #franktashlinmovies #filmfestival #wisconsinfilm #wisconsinfilmfestival #dontmissthis #bobfurmanek #deanmartin

4/3/2024, 12:45:53 AM

Viewing my physical media collection in alphabetical order. The Alphabet Murders (1965). Zero Mostel was originally supposed to play the part of Poirot, but the role went to Tony Randall. Margaret Rutherford makes an uncredited cameo reprising her Miss Marple. “One does not expect an Englishman to be an assassin.” #dvd #physicalmedia #movie #film #retro #1965 #1960s #herculepoirot #comedy #crime #tonyrandall #robertmorley anitaekberg #franktashlin

3/23/2024, 6:24:26 PM

Now watching. Swooner Crooner (1944). Fun idea with the Sinatra rooster causing the chickens to swoon and stop laying then the Crosby rooster gets them laying again. Seems the Sinatra rooster was voiced by Stan Freberg. #GoofyGroceries #LooneyTunes #MerrieMelodies # #FrankTashlin #MelBlanc #BeaBenaderet #StanFreberg #ShortSubjects #ClassicMovieShorts #MovieShorts

3/18/2024, 5:31:20 AM

Drawings of Daffy heads and expressions🦆🦆🦆🦆 Doing these reminded me that I should do more Looney Tunes drawings, which is odd because is one of my top favorite series! Funny cartoons and characters that never get old and always fun to watch every single time. #looneytunes #looneytunescartoons #daffyduck #chuckjones #bobclampett #texavery #frizfreleng #franktashlin #robertmckimson #warnerbros #warnerbrosanimation #cartoons #classiccartoons #goldenagecartoons #beginnerartist #smallartist #sketchbook #sketch #sketchdrawing #sketchbookart #traditionalart

3/18/2024, 5:17:50 AM

March 11th shorts. Happy 85th anniversary to “Porky’s Movie Mystery” (1939) directed by Bob Clampett. Happy 80th anniversary to Frank Tashlin’s “I Got Plenty of Mutton” (1944). Happy anniversary to “Homeless Hare” (1950), starring Bugs Bunny and directed by Chuck Jones. #porkypig #bugsbunny #franktashlin #chuckjones #bobclampett #looneytunes

3/12/2024, 6:28:29 PM

Continuing the segment where I look through the @tcm schedule and pick out A Little Guy I think you’ll enjoy (always airing The Next Day to give you the heads up).  What do I mean by “A Little Guy?”  Please see my write-up – “The Essentials?” – Link in Bio. . Another perfect example of the kind of Picture I like to do in this segment:  a real “little guy” (even for Ms. Ball) that’s well worth the watch. . ‘The Fuller Brush Girl’ . If you’re an ‘I Love Lucy’ Fan (and if you aren’t, shame on you) but don’t know some of her great pre-‘Lucy’ work, wow are you missing out.  There’s great Adventure (‘Five Came Back’) and great Noir (‘The Dark Corner’) and, of course, great Comedy. . We know Ms. Ball was a calculating businesswoman and I think her Pictures in 1949 & ’50 – leading into the famous series beginning in ’51 – was her wise attempt to woo the audience into that Tone.  Both ‘Miss Grant Takes Richmond’ (with William Holden, also by Today’s Director Lloyd Bacon) & ‘Fuller Brush Girl’ FEEL like ‘Lucy.’  (More of the wise?  Another in ’50, she sure swung for the A-List Fences with Bob Hope in ‘Fancy Pants.’) . Not to mention ‘Fuller Brush Girl’ was a pseudo sequel to the SMASH Hit Red Skelton-starrer (and Skelton was a Ball Mentor) ‘The Fuller Brush Man’ (’48);  it, too, a ton of fun (both ‘Fullers’ would make a great Double Feature;  Skelton even makes a Cameo here). . Aaaaand for ‘Lucy’ Fans, take note:  When Sally (Ball) is mistaken for a babysitter and tied-up playing Cowboys & Indians, she’s rescued by the real babysitter, played by actress Gail Bonney.  Bonney will play Mrs. Hudson in the ‘Lucy’ Ep “The Amateur Hour” hiring Lucy Ricardo to babysit her twin boys, who tie her up playing Cowboys and Indians. . From 1950, Co-Starring Eddie Albert, Carl Benton Reid, Gale Robbins, John Litel, and and and;  Screenplay by Frank Tashlin (who began his Career as an Animator with Disney, Warner Bros. & Fleischer before getting into Live Action with Bob Hope);  Directed by Bacon … . I hope you enjoy! .

3/12/2024, 5:18:01 PM

Screenshot Serenade: “Adaptability Complex” Episodes: • Baby Bottleneck - Director - Bob Clampet • Hare Remover - Directors - Frank Tashlin + Robert McKimson #looneytunes #merrymelodies #melblanc #arthurqbryan #bobclampet #franktashlin #robertmckimson #bugsbunny #elmerfudd #porkypig #warnerbros #cartoons #screenshotserenade

3/11/2024, 5:26:53 PM

ANTİK KİTABEVİ Ayı Olmayan Ayı Frank Tashlin | REDHOUSE KIDZ YAYINLARI Ayı Olmayan Ayı, etkileyici kurgusu ve düşündürdükleriyle, her yaştan okura seslenmeyi başarıyor. Hikaye çok güzel. Verilmek istenen mesaj anlamlı. #ayıolmayanayı #franktashlin #redhouskidz #sevyayıncılık #çevrebilinci #doğa #antikkitabevi #neokusam #ilköğretim #hikaye #instagram

3/3/2024, 7:37:46 PM

ANTİK KİTABEVİ Ayı Olmayan Ayı Frank Tashlin | REDHOUSE KIDZ YAYINLARI Ayı Olmayan Ayı, etkileyici kurgusu ve düşündürdükleriyle, her yaştan okura seslenmeyi başarıyor. Hikaye çok güzel. Verilmek istenen mesaj anlamlı. #ayıolmayanayı #franktashlin #redhouskidz #sevyayıncılık #çevrebilinci #doğa #antikkitabevi #neokusam #ilköğretim #hikaye #instagram

3/3/2024, 7:29:41 PM

La rubia, alta y exuberante #AnitaEkberg saltó a la fama en la década de los sesenta por su aparición espectacular en #LaDolceVita (1960), de #FedericoFellini, película en la que sorprendió al mundo con su sensual baño en la romana Fontana di Trevi. Su nombre real era Kerstin Anita Marianne Ekberg y nació en la ciudad sueca de Malmo el 29 de septiembre de 1931, en el seno de una familia numerosa compuesta por otros siete hermanos. Anita Ekberg ganó el certamen de Miss Suecia a la edad de 19 años y probó suerte en este tipo de concursos en Estados Unidos, donde no tuvo demasiado éxito. Sin embargo, su presencia en los mentideros del espectáculo estadounidense le acabaron abriendo las puertas de #Hollywood, donde en aquellos años dominaba el ideal de belleza marcado por estrellas como #MarilynMonroe. El magnate #HowardHughes fue el encargado de abrirle las puertas de la meca del cine. Incluso llegó a pedirle, sin éxito, matrimonio. Durante este periodo trabajó con frecuencia de la mano del director #FrankTashlin, llegando interpreta un papel de reparto en #ArtistasYModelos ( #ArtistsAndModels, 1955) en la que compartió plantel con #JerryLewis o #DeanMartin. Con ellos protagonizó #LocoPorAnita ( #HollywoodOrBust, 1956), que le valió el Globo de Oro a la mejor actriz emergente de aquel año.

2/21/2024, 9:03:22 PM

Happy Birthday to one of the many great Termite Terrace directors, especially in the 40s, Frank "Tish Tash" Tashlin. A high school dropout but was hired by Leon Schlesinger in 1936. He quit in 1938 after a dispute, returned in 1942 and left again in 1944. #LooneyTunes #LooneyTwt #FrankTashlin He would direct a lot of Porky Pig shorts as he was the star of the black-and-white Looney Tunes shorts and he even created the first version of Petunia Pig debuting in the short, "Porky's Romance". When he returned to Termite Terrace, his work stood out. "Porky Pig's Feat", pairing Porky Pig and Daffy Duck together as they attempt to escape a hotel with some brilliant animation and camerawork evoking live-action made it unique. Tashlin's best shorts were all throughout the WWII era. Utilizing Daffy Duck to his fullest potential as a solider in "Scrap Happy Daffy" and "Plane Daffy", and still his screwball self in "Nasty Quacks" and "The Stupid Cupid". He only directed a couple Bugs Bunny cartoons ("The Unruly Hare" and "Hare Remover" (planned but unfinished when he left)). Tashlin would later direct live action films in his career. One of them being the comedy "Son of Paleface" where you can say it's a live-action cartoon. Despite a short tenure, Frank Tashlin's work is still watched and beloved by animation buffs everywhere.

2/19/2024, 11:48:57 PM

OTD - February 19, 1913 - animator, director and writer Franklin "Frank" Tashlin was born. Tashlin began his animation career at the Fleischer Studio as an errand boy in 1929, and the next year joined the next-door Van Beuren studio, where he directed his first cartoon, "Hook and Ladder Hokum" (1933). He was hired at Leon' Schlesinger's studio in 1933 as an animator, and in his free time drew a newspaper comic strip, "Van Boring" (1934-36) inspired by his former boss. When Schlesinger wanted some of his strip's revenue, Tashlin left in 1934 to work for Ub Iwerks and later as a writer for Hal Roach's comedies. Tashlin returned to Schlesinger's in 1936, and directed several cartoons with sophisticated camerawork and use of speed, including "Porky's Romance" (1936) and "The Case of the Stuttering Pig" (1937). After a squabble with management, Tashlin joined Disney in 1938, where he did story work on "Pinocchio" (1940), an early version of "Lady and the Tramp" (1955) and some shorts. In 1941, Tashlin became producer at Columbia's Screen Gems, where he hired many ex-Disneyites and encouraged experimentation ("We were doing crazy things that were anti the classic Disney approach", said John Hubley), with shorts such as "The Fox and the Grapes" (1941) and "Professor Small and Mr Tall" (1943) In 1942, he joined Warner Bros again, directing shorts such as "The Stupid Cupid" (1944), "Tale of Two Mice" (1945) and the Private Snafu series. After "Hare Remover" (1946), Tashlin left animation to write four children's books, "The Bear That Wasn't" (1946), "How The Circus Learned To Smile" (1949), "The Possum That Didn't" (1950) and "The World That Isn't" (1951); and directed live-action comedies such as "The Girl Can't Help It" (1956) and "The Geisha Boy" (1958). Tahslin died in 1972. Tashlin is remembered for zany, creative cartooning humor, the cinematic elegance of his films, and his many successes in multiple studios. French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard said of him : "Tashlin indulges a riot of poetic fancies where charm and comic invention alternate in a constant felicity of expression….Frank Tashlin has not renovated the Hollywood comedy. He has done better."

2/19/2024, 11:42:31 AM

February 19: Happy Birthday Frank Tashlin (1913-1972) #franktashlin #animator #looneytunes #bornonthisday #happybirthday #FebruaryBirthdays #february #biography #trivia

2/19/2024, 6:10:34 AM

20240214 "勇敢的小裁縫師" (Brave Little Tailor) Dir. Burt Gillett & Bill Roberts, United States, 1938 . #bravelittletailor #burtgillett #billroberts #jackkinney #franktashlin #waltdisney #eddieholden

2/13/2024, 6:23:14 PM

#jaynemansfield #franktashlin #1950s

2/11/2024, 12:01:04 AM

#jaynemansfield #franktashlin #1950s

2/11/2024, 12:00:51 AM

The Girl Can’t Help It is a film I had on my watchlist because it’s one of John Waters’ favourite films and it was well worth checking out! It’s filled with camp 50s charm and is consistently entertaining because of this. Jayne Mansfield is incredible, constantly stealing every scene she’s in, the cinematography is beautiful and the musical numbers are what helps this film thrive, providing many great performances by iconic artists/bands that help make this more than just a basic rom com.  Full review up on my Letterboxd now - link in bio. #thegirlcanthelpit #jaynemansfield #romanticcomedy #romcom #musicfilm #musical #classichollywood #secondsightfilms #franktashlin #dvd #dvdcollector #dvdcollection #collectorsofinstagram #physicalmedia #physicalmediaforever #filmgeek #cinephile #cinephilecommunity #movielover #filmobsessed #filmnerd #movienerd #movieobsessed #review #filmreview #moviereview #letterboxd

2/7/2024, 10:11:37 AM

Now watching. Speaking of the Weather (1937). One of the magazines/books/records/etc come to life shorts. Some good gags, especially the William Powell/Thin Man one. #SpeakingOfTheWeather #LooneyTunes #MerrieMelodies #FrankTashlin #ShortSubjects #ClassicMovieShorts #MovieShorts

2/4/2024, 4:11:57 AM

Son of Paleface (Frank Tashlin, 1952) #sonofpaleface #franktashlin #bobhope #trigger

1/29/2024, 3:49:53 PM

Pinocchio revisité par Pierre Lamblin Tout en aluminium résine et plexi 🤥🤔❤️❤️🎨 #pinnochio #disney #collodi #tedsears #billcottrell #erdmanpenner #webbsmith #franktashlin #bensharpsteen #hamiltonluske #normanferguson #gepetto

1/28/2024, 12:51:04 PM

TOPTAN FIYATLA SAHAFA SATILDI Büyük bir ormanda yaşayan Ayı, mağaraya çekilip derin bir kış uykusuna yatar. Bahar gelip uyandığında etrafında ne ağaçlar ne de çimenler kalmıştır, çünkü ormana devasa bir fabrika kurulmuştur! Ayı birden kendini harıl harıl çalışan makineler ve taş yığını binaların arasında bulur. Daha da kötüsü, herkes ona bir ayı olmadığını söyleyip durur. Ayı onları, fabrikada çalışan bir insan değil gerçek bir ayı olduğuna ikna edebilecek midir? Frank Tashlin'in unutulmaz kitabı Ayı Olmayan Ayı, ustalıkla anlatılmış, benzersiz bir klasik... #resimliçocukkitabı #ayıolmayanayı #franktashlin 📌 35tl kargo alıcıya aittir 📌 #ikincielkitap 📌Bu kitabı satın alarak gelirin tamamı ile sokak hayvanlarına mama bağışlamış olacaksınız. #kitapsatışı #kitapsatış #kitapsatiyorum #kitapkurdu #kitapkulübü #kitapokuyanlar #sokakbeslemesi #sokakhayvanları #arazicanları #kitapalışverişi #çocukklasikleri #çocukkitabı

1/25/2024, 11:43:01 AM

Now watching. The Woods Are Full of Cuckoos (1937). Another early Frank Tashlin cartoon full of caricatures. Having listened to quite a bit of old time radio, I recognised a lot of them.. #TheWoodsAreFullOfCuckoos #LooneyTunes #MerrieMelodies #FrankTashlin #ShortSubjects #ClassicMovieShorts #MovieShorts

1/24/2024, 11:20:32 AM

Now watching. Porky’s Road Race (1937). Fun little car race with Porky and some Hollywood caricatures. #PorkysRoadRace #LooneyTunes #MerrieMelodies #FrankTash #FrankTashlin #PorkyPig #ShortSubjects #ClassicMovieShorts #MovieShorts

1/23/2024, 12:48:22 AM

Taková pěkná neděle 😍📚 Knihy od #franktashlin máte přečtené za chvilku 😉 ale rezonovat s vámi budou ještě dlouho. Za to ručím. Četli jste? 🤔❓️❓️❓️ #franktashlin #medvedkterynebyl #vacicekterasenesmala #nedelnijednohubka #ctenimebavi

1/21/2024, 4:59:59 PM

This evening’s feature film presentation is, “THE GIRL CAN’T HELP IT” {1956 @ 97 mins} “In 1956, Frank Tashlin brought the talent for zany visual gags and absurdist pop-culture satire that he’d honed as a master of animation to the task of capturing, in glorious De Luxe Color, a brand-new craze: rock and roll. This blissfully bonkers jukebox musical tells the story of a mobster’s bombshell girlfriend—the one and only Jayne Mansfield, in a showstopping first major film role—and the washed-up talent agent (Tom Ewell) who seeks to revive his career by turning her into a musical sensation. The question is: Can she actually sing? A CinemaScope feast of eye-popping midcentury design, The Girl Can’t Help It bops along to a parade of performances by rock-and-roll trailblazers—including Little Richard, Fats Domino, Julie London, Eddie Cochran, the Platters, and Gene Vincent—who light up the screen with the uniquely American sound that was about to conquer the world.” blu-ray extras include interviews with John Waters, Eve Golden, plus archival interviews with Jayne Mansfield (1957) and Little Richard (1984) the cast stars - JAYNE MANSFIELD - TOM EWELL - EDMOND O’BRIEN with guest stars - Julie London - Ray Anthony - Berry Gordon and featuring - ABBEY LINCOLN - Eddie Cochran - Nino Tempo - Little Richard Gene Vincent - The Platters - Fats Domino - The Treniers - Eddie Fontaine #criterion #thecriterioncollection #physicalmedia #franktashlin #jaynemansfield #abbeylincoln #tomewell #julielondon #littlerichard #fatsdomino #theplatters #physicalmedia

1/18/2024, 12:21:36 AM

Disney’s 8-minute Donald Duck cartoon “Timber” was released January 10, 1941. Directed by Jack king, this short starring Donald and Peg Leg Pete was written by Carl Barks, Jack Hannah, and Frank Tashlin. It starred the voice talents of Disney Legends Clarence Nash and Billy Bletcher. #timber #donaldduck #peglegpete #carlbarks #jackhannah #jackking #franktashlin #clarencenash #billybletcher #disneylegend #disneyanimation #1940s #waltdisneyanimationstudios #vintageanimation #animationhistoy #disneyhistorian #animatedcartoon #donaldduckcartoon #disneycartoon #donald #disney1941

1/10/2024, 11:15:37 PM

「我是不是忘了什麼重要的事?」 #想當熊的熊 #格林文化 #jörgsteiner #jörgmüller #franktashlin #袁瑜 #繪本推薦

1/8/2024, 4:39:40 PM

Anne Francis in "Susan Slept Here" dir. Frank Tashlin - 1954 #susanslepthere #annefrancis #franktashlin #film #actress #50s

1/5/2024, 9:55:07 PM

Mis recomendaciones infantiles para los Reyes Magos. 🎄✨📚 #ReyesMagos #Libros #KlausHagerup #LisaAisato #ClaudiaBordin #FrankTashlin

1/3/2024, 1:47:06 PM

“Th-Th-Th-That’s All for 2023!” Porky couldn’t make it, so his spouse, Petunia is doing the honors! #happynewyear #newyears2024 #clayfigures #petuniapig #thatsallfolks #polymerclay #looneytunes #franktashlin

1/1/2024, 6:24:28 AM

28/12/2023, 15h30 | Sala M. Félix Ribeiro HOURS AND HOURS – OS FILMES PARA TELEVISÃO DOS GRANDES MESTRES DE HOLLYWOOD SUSAN SLEPT HERE As Três Noites de Susana de Frank Tashlin com Dick Powell, Debbie Reynolds, Anne Francis Estados Unidos, 1954 - 98 min legendado eletronicamente em português / M/12 Um guionista de Hollywood sem dinheiro aceita cuidar de uma problemática adolescente no dia de Natal, com o intuito de recolher informações para um novo projeto. O que não espera é os ciúmes que esta provocará na sua atual namorada. Um Tashlin menos visto, filmado em Technicolor, com a curiosa particularidade de toda a trama ser narrada pela estatueta de um Oscar. Primeira apresentação na Cinemateca. A exibir em cópia digital. #CinematecaPortuguesa #HoursandHoursOsFilmesparaTelevisãodosGrandesMestresdeHollywood #SusanSleptHere #AsTrêsNoitesdeSusana #FrankTashlin

12/28/2023, 11:40:25 AM

Marilyn Maxwell & Bob Hope in The Lemon Drop Kid (1951) 🎅🏼❤️

12/27/2023, 5:30:40 AM

Anne Francis in "Susan Slept Here" dir. Frank Tashlin - 1954 #susanslepthere #annefrancis #franktashlin #film #actress #60s

12/26/2023, 9:55:29 PM

20/12/2023, 15h30 | Sala Luís de Pina HOURS AND HOURS – OS FILMES PARA TELEVISÃO DOS GRANDES MESTRES DE HOLLYWOOD SUSAN SLEPT HERE As Três Noites de Susana de Frank Tashlin com Dick Powell, Debbie Reynolds, Anne Francis Estados Unidos, 1954 - 98 min legendado eletronicamente em português / M/12 Um guionista de Hollywood sem dinheiro aceita cuidar de uma problemática adolescente no dia de Natal, com o intuito de recolher informações para um novo projeto. O que não espera é os ciúmes que esta provocará na sua atual namorada. Um Tashlin menos visto, filmado em Technicolor, com a curiosa particularidade de toda a trama ser narrada pela estatueta de um Oscar. Primeira apresentação na Cinemateca. A exibir em cópia digital. #CinematecaPortuguesa #HoursandHoursOsFilmesparaTelevisãodosGrandesMestresdeHollywood #SusanSleptHere #AsTrêsNoitesdeSusana #FrankTashlin

12/20/2023, 11:00:44 AM

Rita Moreno in "The Lieutenant Wore Skirts" dir. Frank Tashlin - 1956 #theliutenantworeskirts #ritamoreno #franktashlin #film #actress #50s

12/18/2023, 9:31:11 PM

🔸🔹 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐪 𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝑆𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑦 n°6 🔸🔹 . mercredi , 18h30🍸20h 🔹 & Vendredi, 13h 🔸🔹 Radio Balistiq 1O3FM 🔸🔹 Podcasts 𝐁𝐂𝑆𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑦 ⤵️ Lien ds la bio. . 🔸🔹 🔸🔹 L’équipe fait une sortie à la médiathèque Equinoxe. De là-bas retrouvé nos chroniques chuchotées pour éviter les “𝘊𝘩𝘶̂𝘶̂𝘶̂𝘵 !” : . 🔸Lᴇs Sᴛᴇʟʟᴀɪʀᴇs🔸 Emma est là pour nous dire qu’il n'y a pas que les 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 dans la vie des jeunes lecteurs. 𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 ~ Scott Westerfeld, 3t, @pocket_jeunesse 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 ~ Stéphane Servant, Ed. Du Rouergue . 🔸L'Iɴsᴛᴀɴᴛ Hᴇx🔹 << Ce n’est pas vraiment comme d'habitude, mais il y a de la magie ! On va plonger dans mes souvenirs et découvrir toutes 𝘮𝘦𝘴 bibliothèques publiques ! >> promet Hélène. Parmi les auteur·e·s cité·e·s : Douglas Coupland, Andrei Kourkov et Estelle-Sarah Bulle Et des titres à retenir ... 𝐋’𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐦 𝐪𝐮𝐢 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐥’𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞 ~ Frank Tashlin, l'école des loisirs 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐮 ~ Pef, FolioCadet. 𝐋𝐞 𝐙𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐨 ~ Jean Alessandrini in J'aime lire . 🔹ꮪꮯꮼꭲꭲꮮꭼᏼꮼꭲꭲ 🔸avec 2 livres à découvrir à la médiathèque, par Jenny Berenger, resp. du pôle ''adulte'' 𝐋'𝐇𝐨̂𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐱 ~ Joyce Maynard, Ed Philippe Rey @editions_philippe_rey trad. F. Lévy-Paoloni C'est l'histoire d'une renaissance. Une histoire prenante. Presque un conte. A lire absolument 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫 nos 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐞̂𝐭𝐞𝐬 ~ Jean Hegland, @editionslibretto trad. Nathalie Bru . . . . . . . #jeanhegland #joycemaynard #teenlit #livresjeunesse #franktashlin #hungergames #uglies #sirius #stephaneservant #scottwesterfeld #pef #balistiqcafesociety #douglascoupland @estellesarah2018 @leeloorocks

12/5/2023, 9:26:42 PM

VHS Original: Frajola e Gaguinho Mercado Livre: Shopee: Valor: R$ 78,93 Sinopse: Você sabia que, muito antes do Frajola perseguir o Piu-Piu, ele e sua turma já bagunçavam a vida do Gaguinho? Veja como tudo começou na história Gatinhos Marcianos. Mas depois Frajola encontra aquele simpático passarinho, ele não desiste de querer jantá-lo, bolando sempre uma maneira diferente para por as mãos em Piu-Piu. É pura diversão! Ficha Técnica: título: Frajola e Gaguinho gênero: Infantil, Desenho animado duração: 30 min. idioma: Português (Dublado) direção: Robert Clampett supervisão: Robert Clampett direção musical: Carl W. Stalling NOTA: Produto ORIGINAL - Acompanha o estojo Plástico. #FrajolaeGaguinho, #Frajola, #Gaguinho, #PiuPiu, #Infantil, #Desenhoanimado, #Desenho, #Animação, #Cartoon, #InterMoviesCartoon, #Dublado, #RobertClampett, #CarlWStalling, #vhscollection, #VHS, #seboempire, #Sebo, #Mercadolivre, #Mercadoshops, #shopee, #enjoei, #Catanduva, #LooneyTunes, #MerrieMelodies, #FrizFreleng, #HawleyPratt, #TexAvery, #BobClampett, #ChuckJones, #FrankTashlin

12/4/2023, 2:14:29 AM

Une série de films, certains adorés d'autres jamais vus! Je conseille le premier à qui comme moi n' est pas fan de western... Le dernier fête ses 88 ans auj! #richardfleischer #alaincavalier #sachaguitry #bertrandblier #franktashlin #michaelpowell #pierrecreton #georgeslautner #herbertross #philippelelibraireestcinephile

12/1/2023, 12:13:58 PM

Here’s a digital illustration I made of a frame of one of my favorite Bob Clampett shorts, A Corny Concerto. Interestingly, the storyboard artist for this short, Frank Tashlin was also the director of the 1956 film The Girl Can’t Help It. This 1943 short was a fun parody of Disney’s Fantasia featuring two pieces by Johann Strauss II, Tale of the Vienna Woods and The Blue Danube Waltz. The latter being a retelling of the Ugly Duckling starring a Baby Daffy Duck being left out by a family of swans until Daffy saved the cygnets from a vulture. Here is Daffy taking off like a fighter jet chasing after the vulture. I added some extra detail like the waves of the river and the dry brush strokes to indicate the speed of Daffy flying. The frame the digital illustration was inspired by was later a badge during World War II given to US Air Squadron pilots. Take care everybody and have a wonderful day! Even though A Corny Concerto is a public domain cartoon because Warner Bros failed to renew the copyright of the short, Daffy Duck and Looney Tunes are still owned by Warner Bros. #looneytunes #acornyconcerto #publicdomaincartoon #daffyduck #bobclampett #franktashlin #classicalmusic #johannstraussii #bluedanubewaltz #worldwar2 #airsquadron #digitalart #adobeillustrator #adobephotoshop #actuallyautistic #autisticartist

11/28/2023, 7:33:32 PM

Porky’s Railroad (Warner Bros., 1937) starring Porky Pig! Directed by Frank Tashlin. #porkypig #looneytunescartoons #warnerbrosanimation #franktashlin #1930svintage #classiccartoon #classiccartoons #animationhistory #vintagecartoon #vintagecartoons

11/25/2023, 6:30:58 PM

🎬 Artists and Models (ABD, 1955) Yönetmen: Frank Tashlin O yıllarda beraber birçok komedi filminde ve çeşitli şovlarda rol alan Martin ve Lewis ikilisinden, ABD popüler kültürüyle dalga geçen bir müzikal. Aynı evde kalan ressam Todd (Dean Martin) ve çizgi roman hastası arkadaşı Eugene (Jerry Lewis) beş parasızdır. Resimlerini satmak için sürekli iş arayan Todd şans eseri komşuları çizgi roman çizeri Abby (Dorothy Malone) ve onun modeli Bessie’yle (Shirley MacLaine) tanışır. Onların çalıştıkları yere gittiklerinde Todd çaktırmadan ismini ressamlar listesine yazar. Abby işten atılınca yerini Todd alacaktır, komşular arasında aşk ise kaçınılmazdır. Eleştirdiği pop kültür gibi hızlıca tüketilen film vasat olmanın ötesine geçemiyor. Abartılı mimikleri ve hareketleriyle Lewis komik olmaktan çok uzak, Martin’in müthiş sesi de filmi kurtarmaya yetmemiş. Yine de çoğunlukla konunun içine yedirilmiş olan aksiyon komedilerinin bazıları güzel müziklerle birlikte gülümsetmeyi başarıyor. Bu film için yazılan “Innamorata” adlı parça, film gösterime girdikten sonra Martin’in en popüler şarkısı olmuş. #sinefil #cinephile #sinema #film #beyazperde #cinema #movie #movielover #cinematography #sinematografi #motionpicture #eskifilmler #oldmovies #classicmovies #1950s #hollywood #oldhollywood #classichollywood #komedi #comedy #müzikal #musical #romantik #artistsandmodels #franktashlin #deanmartin #jerrylewis #shirleymaclaine #dorothymalone #innamorata

11/21/2023, 5:58:45 PM

Bir zamanlar ormanda mutlu mutlu yaşayan, güleç yüzlü bir keselisıçan varmış. Bir gün yine bir ağacın dalına kuyruğunu dolamış aşağı sarkarken, piknikten dönen bir grup insan onu görmüş. Baş aşağı durduğu için yüzündeki gülümsemeyi somurtma zannetmişler ve onu mutsuzluktan kurtarmaya karar vermişler. Böylece de keselisıçanın mutlu hayatı, hiç istemediği bir değişime uğramış… #redhousekidz #yüzündegülleraçankeselisıçan #redhousekidzyayınları #franktashlin #kitap #book #kitapülkesi #çocukkitapları #çocukkitaptavsiyesi

11/20/2023, 11:16:53 PM

Büyük bir ormanda yaşayan Ayı, mağaraya çekilip derin bir kış uykusuna yatar. Bahar gelip uyandığında etrafında ne ağaçlar ne de çimenler kalmıştır, çünkü ormana devasa bir fabrika kurulmuştur! 🌳🐻🏭 Ayı birden kendini harıl harıl çalışan makineler ve taş yığını binaların arasında bulur. Daha da kötüsü, herkes ona bir ayı olmadığını söyleyip durur. Ayı onları, fabrikada çalışan bir insan değil gerçek bir ayı olduğuna ikna edebilecek midir? 🐻💬 Frank Tashlin’in unutulmaz kitabı Ayı Olmayan Ayı, ustalıkla anlatılmış, benzersiz bir klasik… ✏️🎨 Yazan ve Resimleyen: Frank Tashlin #ayıolmayanayı #franktashlin #redhousekidz #hergünebirçocukkitabı

11/20/2023, 8:27:38 PM

OTD - November 19, 1938 - the Merrie Melodies short "The Night Watchman", directed by Chuck Jones, was released. This was the first of the 300+ cartoons directed by Jones, including such acclaimed titles as "The Dover Boys" (1942), "Duck Amuck" (1953), "One Froggy Evening" (1955), and "What's Opera, Doc?" (1957) Jones had previously been working as an animator in Bob Clampett's unit but was promoted to director in 1938 after Frank Tashlin left the Leon Schlesinger studio. Like many of Jones's early directing efforts, "The Night Watchman" was done in the vein of Walt Disney's cartoons of the time, aiming for innocence and "heart" rather than the Warner Bros trademark of fast pacing and eccentricity. Over the years, Jones would develop a wackier, more comedic directing style, and later recalled that his early conception of timing was "formed by watching the La Brea Tar Pits". "The Night Watchman" was nonetheless a successful short, leaving Jones to focus exclusively on directing. As he put it years later : "When I started animating, it never occurred to me that I'd be a director, I was so delighted to animate. [...] But once I got the feeling of direction and became a director, I never wanted to do anything else and I still don't want to do anything else". #chuckjones #thenightwatchman #merriemelodies #looneytunes #warnerbroscartoons #franktashlin #bobclampett #leonschlesinger #goldenagecartoons #thegoldenageofanimation #vintageanimation #vintagecartoons #classiccartoons #americananimation #cartoon

11/19/2023, 10:13:47 AM