OccupiedCity images

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Deze week brengen we een bijzondere selectie films die op indrukwekkende wijze de Tweede Wereldoorlog memoreren. Van aangrijpende drama's tot inspirerende verhalen van doorzettingsvermogen, laten we samen deze belangrijke gebeurtenissen herdenken en onze vrijheid vieren. Dus plof neer op de bank en bereid je voor op een filmische reis door de geschiedenis, met als film van de week: ELSER (13 MINUTES). #CineMember #Elser #Elser13Minutes #DeBezetteStad #OccupiedCity #SteveMcQueen #WerkOhneAutor #SonOfSaul #Süskind #NaturalLight #Dodenherdenking #Tweedewereldoorlog #Bevrijdingsdag #Filmtip #Arthouse #HetFilmhuisThuis #GemistInJeFilmhuis

5/3/2024, 12:02:55 PM

"And so the spring slowly came, and finally that May, which brought us first food from the air, and then a few days later, longed-for freedom..." Kurt Hausmann survived the Holocaust in hiding in #Amsterdam. In 1946 he recounted his experience, describing the Liberation. His testimony was gathered by researchers at the Library in 1957 as part of a vast project to acquire eyewitness accounts. During the 1950s researchers at the Library gathered over 1,000 accounts from eyewitnesses to Nazi persecution and genocide. The project was led by the Wiener Library's Head of Research, Dr Eva Reichmann. Between 1954 and 1960 she led an international search for witnesses and documentary evidence, creating a collection of unparalleled depth. Those testimonies can be found online via #TestifyingToTheTruth 🔗 testifying to the truth [dot] co [dot] uk #eyewitnesstestimony #holocausttestimony #wienerlibrary #wienerholocaustlibrary #holocausthistory #amsterdam #occupiedcity #holocaustinamsterdam #jewishhistory #jewishamsterdam #dutchhistory #holocaustarchive #holocaustmuseum

5/3/2024, 11:14:32 AM

Pulling the Curtain Back at Script Magazine with Editor-In-Chief Sadie Dean and Senior Contributing Editor Susan Kouguell Script Magazine Editor-in-Chief Sadie Dean and I discuss our most inspiring interviews to our own indie film projects, and much more! #scriptmag #scriptmagazine #filmmakerinterviews #Experimentalfilm #Experimentalfilms #Experimentalfilmmaker #experimentalfilmmakers #Shortfilm #Shortfilms #Womendirectors #Womenfilmmakers #Womandirector #femalefilmmaker #womenwriters #femalefilmmakers #awardwinningshortfilm #awardwinningfilm #womenproducers #weregood #agnesvarda #rosalievarda #alisonklayman #thebrink #MarieThereseGuirgis #stevemcqueen #biancastigter #occupiedcity #AtlasofanOccupiedCity #threeminutesalengthening

5/1/2024, 3:42:41 PM

Actuellement à l'affiche, #OccupiedCity est un mastodonte réalisé par #SteveMcQueen, documentaire de 4h30 sur Amsterdam, convoquant le passé de la Shoah pour, peut-être, permettre au présent de se réconcilier avec lui-même. Prodigieux. Lien vers notre critique : https://www.close-upmag.com/2024/04/30/occupied-city-par-dela-la-vie-et-la-mort/ #critique #cinéma #documentaire #Amsterdam #SteveMcQueen #BiancaStigter

4/30/2024, 9:43:13 AM

#SteveMcQueen n'est #jamais là où on l' #attend. #OccupiedCity est un #film #monstre de plus de quatre heures où il #marche sur les #traces de l' #Occupation #allemande des années 40 derrière les #facades d'I amsterdam, #pendant et #apres la #pandemie de #Covid19. En #lire +… https://jipezelig.blogspot.com/2024/04/occupied-city-de-steve-mcqueen_0816372933.html

4/25/2024, 11:13:05 PM

Le film de la semaine : #OccupiedCity du Britannique #SteveMcQueen, un documentaire qui pose une question passionnante et crée un effet sidérant de violente hypnose. Critique à découvrir sur Le Polyester (lien en bio) @mk2films #cinema #movie film #documentaire #documentary #festivaldecannes #cannesfilmfestival

4/24/2024, 9:52:43 AM

Vos sorties ciné de la semaine 🎬✨ Alors, vous allez voir quoi en premier ? Dites-nous en commentaire ! 🍿 🎟️ Pour réserver votre séance, rendez-vous sur le lien en bio. #SortiesCiné #Cinéma #mk2 #OccupiedCity #Challengers #BacktoBlack #UnJeuneChaman #NotreMonde #SkyDome2123 #PremièreAffaire

4/24/2024, 8:30:31 AM

[ LES NOUVEAUTÉS ] 🎬 Ce mercredi 24 avril, 7 nouveaux films à l'affiche au Méliès (et des évènements d'EXCEPTION!) 😍 👉 Retrouve les horaires des séances sur le site du Méliès (lemelies.com) ou dans la gazeeeettte 🗞 #UnJeuneChaman #AmalUnEspritLibre #BlueGiant #SkyDome2123 #LesMaitresDuTemps #OccupiedCity #Bushman

4/24/2024, 6:30:18 AM

🎟️ Cinéma : les films à voir absolument cette semaine ! "Occupied City" de Steve McQueen : habitant d’Amsterdam, Steve McQueen ("Twelve Years a Slave") raconte l’histoire de l’occupation nazie dans la capitale néerlandaise, dans un documentaire-fleuve en forme de symphonie urbaine, qui jette des ponts entre passé et présent. "Bushman" de David Schickele : en suivant les pérégrinations d’un exilé nigérian, David Schickele sonde les tensions raciales qui gangrènent l’Amérique des années 1960. Uniquement sorti aux États-Unis en 1971, Bushman s’impose aujourd’hui comme un film politique dont le récit résonne encore avec l’actualité. "Notre monde" de Luàna Bajrami : deux ans après "La Colline où rugissent les lionnes", l’actrice et réalisatrice Luàna Bajrami met à nouveau en lumière la soif de liberté de la jeunesse au Kosovo. À travers ce joli coming-of-age, elle rembobine sur un moment charnière de l’histoire du pays. "Un jeune chaman" de Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir : un lycéen studieux, habité par une vocation de chaman, tombe amoureux d’une jeune fille fougueuse et réfractaire aux rites... Avec une grande simplicité, la réalisatrice mongole Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir signe un premier long-métrage fort sur son pays natal, partagé entre les traditions et une intense soif de liberté. "Le Déserteur" de Dani Rosenberg : dans son deuxième long métrage, Dani Rosenberg évoque avec force le conflit israélo-palestinien à travers une histoire d’amour naissante entre un jeune soldat israélien et une jeune femme. Une saisissante ode à la liberté. "Challengers" de Luca Guadagnino : avec ce trio amoureux homoérotique situé dans le monde du tennis, Luca Guadagnino signe une comédie franchement drôle, qui trouve son charme désopilant dans l’indécision permanente entre sérieux et ironie. @luana.bajrami #OccupiedCity #SteveMcQueen #TwelveYearsaSlave #DavidSchickele #NotreMonde #LuanaBajrami #LkhagvadulamPurevOchir #UnJeuneChaman #DaniRosenberg #Challengers #LucaGuadagnino #Zendaya

4/23/2024, 6:02:24 PM

OCCUPIED CITY + LIVE INTRO BY @msellene Sunday 9th June at 1:30 pm Introduced by film and television writer, critic and broadcaster, Ellen E. Jones. Where do the memories of a city go? The past collides with the precarious present in filmmaker Steve McQueen’s epic documentary that paints a stunningly powerful portrait of Nazi-occupied Amsterdam in World War II through a mesmerising modern-day look at the Dutch capital. Rejecting archival footage and first-person narratives for a haunting door-to-door excavation of the chilling wartime past alongside a vivid journey through modern-day protests and a pandemic, OCCUPIED CITY becomes an expansive meditation on memory, time, and perhaps, what’s next. OCCUPIED CITY is based on “Atlas of an Occupied City: Amsterdam 1940-1945” by Dutch filmmaker and journalist @stigterbianca The film includes a 15-minute intermission. Book now at ActOneCinema.co.uk #occupiedcity #stevemcqueendirector #ellenejones #amsterdam #worldwar2 #documentary #cinema

4/14/2024, 1:25:06 PM

Depuis l’inoubliable "Hunger" (2008), son premier long, jusqu’au dense et fort "Occupied City", fresque documentaire de 4h30 sur l’occupation nazie à Amsterdam qui sort le 24 avril (et en avant-première ce 15 avril au mk2 Bibliothèque), le cinéma du Britannique Steve McQueen s’est toujours présenté jusqu’au-boutiste, radical et hors cadre, comme pour sonder les limites des représentations de la révolte, du corps, de l’histoire ou même du cinéma. Retour sur 5 films hors-normes qui ont marqué sa filmographie ! 👉 Pour réserver votre place pour l'avant-première événement d'"Occupied City", rendez vous sur mk2.com ou dans le lien en bio. 📸 : Numéro Magazine #OccupiedCity #SteveMcQueen #TwelveYearsaSlave #Shame #LesVeuves

4/13/2024, 8:00:41 AM

We are screening the incredible Occupied City on Sat 13 April, at 11:30am 🎬 This pivotal documentary, from Oscar-winning director Steve McQueen, excavates how the past can haunt, mirror and even warn of our precarious present and future 🇳🇱 Head to the link in our bio to book your ticket 🎟

4/12/2024, 12:58:15 PM

"Occupied City" - 2023 - VOD - Un documental que recorre Amsterdam durante cuatro horas para ilustrar cómo era la vida en la ciudad durante su ocupación por los nazis en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Son cuatro horas de imágenes de la vida cotidiana en Amsterdam, durante todo el año mientras una voz extremadamente suave te cuenta historias sobre lo que pasaba en aquellas calles, dentro de esos edificios o junto a ese parque que ves. Vas a dormirte un par de veces pero es una experiencia que por momentos te hará desear que se hiciera lo mismo con muchas más ciudades del mundo. Eso sin contar que te hará ver tu ciudad con otros ojos. Recomendada, pero no para ver de una sentada. #srestrimin #OccupiedCity #SteveMcQueen #BiancaStigter #MelanieHyams #Amsterdam #Nazi

4/9/2024, 10:10:18 AM

🎬 Les news ciné de la semaine La rédac vous résume les évènements ciné de la semaine. Restez à l'affût ! 1/5 : Le 15 avril à 19h, le réalisateur de “12 Years a Slave” viendra présenter en avant-première au mk2 Bibliothèque “Occupied City”, aux côtés de sa scénariste et compagne Bianca Stigter. Dans cette immense fresque documentaire qui dépasse les 4h30 (et qui avait été sélectionnée en Séances spéciales à Cannes en 2023), le couple retrace l’occupation de la ville d’Amsterdam (où ils se sont installés) pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. On vous conseille de réserver vos places sur le site de mk2 (lien en bio). 2/5 : Les infos autour de la nouvelle cuvée cannoise arrivent au compte-gouttes. Jeudi, il a été annoncé que “Le Deuxième Acte” de Quentin Dupieux ferait l’ouverture de la 77ème édition. Le lendemain, on apprenait que Rodrigo Sorogoyen (“El reino”, 2019 ; “As bestas”, 2022) présiderait le jury de la Semaine de la critique, succédant ainsi à Audrey Diwan. On ignore encore qui composera ce jury, mais notez bien ce prochain rendez-vous : ce jeudi, Cannes lèvera le voile sur la sélection officielle ! 3/5 : Avec pour ambition d’accompagner les auteurs qui donnent un nouveau souffle au cinéma avec l’intelligence artificielle, la société Artefact (spécialisée dans la data et l’IA) et mk2 s’associent via un festival de courts métrages défricheurs, dont le président du jury sera Jean-Pierre Jeunet. 4/5 : 12 saisons, 121 épisodes. Après vingt-cinq ans de méchants mais loyaux services, le truculent Larry David (co-créateur de la sitcom à succès “Seinfeld”) a définitivement mis un coup d’arrêt à sa série autofictionnelle “Curb Your Enthusiasm”, qui brossait un portrait peu reluisant (mais très drôle) de la jet-set de Los Angeles. 5/5 : La réalisatrice a dévoilé “Le Rêve de Camille”, un court-métrage préparatoire à son film ‘‘L’Indomptée’’ (2016). Une histoire de passion et de fantômes (avec un sublime titre de Nina Simone et un petit chat trop mignon) à découvrir sur sa chaîne Viméo. Plus d'infos sur troiscouleurs.fr (lien en bio) #SteveMcQueen #OccupiedCity #RodrigoSorogoyen #JeanPierreJeunet #CurbYourEnthusiasm #LarryDavid #AdeleHaenel

4/8/2024, 6:00:56 PM

This week’s appointment: Steve McQueen Step into the world of Sir Steve McQueen CBE, a visionary whose creativity knows no bounds. From captivating gallery installations to directing masterpieces like the Oscar-winning “12 Years a Slave”, McQueen’s journey through art and cinema has redefined storytelling. Dive deeper into the mind of this cinematic genius and discover the stories behind his critically acclaimed works, including “Hunger”, “Shame”, “Widows”, “Blitz”, and “Occupied City”. @bbciplayer Don’t miss the chance to explore the full interview and witness the evolution of a legend. Read the full article 📜: https://www.alainelkanninterviews.com/steve-mcqueen/ Or Listen NOW to the Podcast 🎤: https://pod.link/1452056753 #artist #filmdirector #Grenfell #moviemaker #OccupiedCity #oscar #Serota #SteveMcQueen #videoartist #Blitz

4/7/2024, 7:18:11 AM

𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 (𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐜𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑) #occupiedcity #stevemcqueen #a24 #a24films #paintings #amsterdam

4/6/2024, 5:04:05 AM

Details of paintings in 𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 (𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐜𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑) #occupiedcity #stevemcqueen #a24 #a24films #paintings #amsterdam #filmstill #cinema

4/6/2024, 5:02:59 AM

👀 Vous ne voulez rien manquer des prochaines sorties ciné ? La rédac de TROISCOULEURS vous partage sa sélection de films les plus attendus du mois d'avril ! Quel film attendez-vous avec impatience ? #RyusukeHamaguchi #SebastienLifshitz #QuitterlaNuit #DelphineGirard #AlexGarland #KirstenDunst #DamienManivel #KnitsIsland #NicolasPhilibert #HafsiaHerzi #OccupiedCity #SteveMcQueen

4/1/2024, 8:00:38 AM

Just Watched Movie Occupied city. Anyone else Looking For a Diverse Range of Films in one Spot?🍿 . . #movienight #hollywood #occupiedcity #2024 #ukmovies #2024movies #netflixmovies

3/30/2024, 7:54:57 PM

Occupied City (2023) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Directed by Steve McQueen · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Trailer (2023-10-24) by @mwatrailers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · @a24 #a24 #a24films #a24logo #filmtitlecard #filmtitles #filmtitlesequence #fontdesign #graphicdesign #logodesigns #logo #movielogo #movietitledesign #movietitle #movietitlesequence #studiologo #titlecard #titledesign #titlesequence #typography #occupiedcity #occupiedcitymovie #occupiedcityfilm #stevemcqueen

3/27/2024, 9:30:32 AM

OCCUPIED CITY. Netherlands/UK/USA, 2023. Director STEVE MCQUEEN. A wartime history lesson on the occupation of Amsterdam between 1940-1945. McQueen once again finds new and challenging ways to bring issues of racism and oppression into our consciousness. A collection of larger historical events and personal stories are narrated as we visit the locations. We see the parallels from historical references to today, from WW2 to Covid. McQueen has created a powerful and educational tool that lasts just over four hours. #occupiedcity #occupiedcityfilm #stevemcqueendirector #stevemcqueen #britishcinema #blackdirectors #documentary #documentaryfilm #ww2 #ww2documentary #educationaldocumentary #documentarycinema #historicaldocumentary #nazioccupiedamsterdam #covidlockdown #ww2stories #pastandpresent #historyrepeats

3/23/2024, 6:46:01 PM

Here's your reminder about our 1 off screening of Occupied City tomorrow (Sunday 24th) at 14:10. The film will also include a 15 min interval. Where do the memories of a city go? From Oscar- and BAFTA-winning filmmaker and Turner Prize-winning visual artist Steve McQueen, comes this mesmerising and monumental excavation of how the past haunts our precarious present: mirroring it and warning us in plain sight. Informed by the book Atlas of an Occupied City: Amsterdam 1940-1945 written by Bianca Stigter, the documentary creates two interlocking portraits. One shows the city’s devastating Nazi occupation through door-to-door accounts – tales of Jewish persecution, of resistance, collaboration, valour, and denial. The other is a vivid journey through the last years of pandemic and protest. The combination has a transformative effect with which McQueen opens up a poetic, dreamlike space where unthinkable history and hope for a new future co-exist. Call us on 01736 332222 to book tickets or visit our website. . #occupiedcity #a24 #stevemcqueen #biancastigier #amsterdam #oneoffscreening #keepcinemaspecial #newlynfilmhouse

3/23/2024, 2:26:58 PM

A strong cup of coffee before watching Occupied City at @curzoncinemas #CurzonBloomsbury #OccupiedCity #SteveMcQueen

3/23/2024, 12:07:53 PM

This weekend Amsterdam will be at the honour with Occupied City (12A) from the acclaimed director of "12 Years a Slave", Steve McQueen. The documentary creates two interlocking portraits of the city. One shows the devastating Nazi occupation through door-to-door accounts – tales of Jewish persecution, of resistance, collaboration, valour, and denial. The other is a vivid journey through the last years of pandemic and protest. The combination has a transformative effect with which McQueen opens up a poetic, dreamlike space where unthinkable history and hope for a new future co-exist. Sunday 24th March at 14.10. 15min interval will be included half way the movie. The Bar & Restaurant will be open from 1.30 to 9.30. To secure your tickets and/or a table, call us on 01736 332222 or visit our website. #occupiedcity #stevemcqueen #biancastigter #Atlasofanoccupiedcity #amsterdam #newlynfilmhouse #documentary #newlyncinema #thingstodoincornwall #mustseecinema

3/19/2024, 8:35:02 PM

[English in the comments] “Lieber Freund und Bruder. [...] Ich will versuchen, sie zu malen, ich werde sie unter dem Eindruck Deines Buchs malen. Ich kann viel mehr in Deinem Buch lesen, als Du vielleicht annimmst, - Bedreigede Stad [Bezette Stad], das zittert vor verhaltener Dynamik. Mann glaubt, daβ Du es in einem Moment erlebt und gestaltet hast. Wer so zu erleben im stande ist, ist ein ‘Mensch’, Du - Du! Ich habe dich so li-e-b. Dein Buch ist herrlich; ich liebkose es mit meinen Augen; Hab Dank Du Freund und Bruder.” Zo schreef de schilder of ‘der Maler’ Arnold Topp aan Paul van Ostaijen toen hij op 1 mei 1921 een exemplaar van ‘Bezette stad’ in zijn post aantrof. Topp beweert dat hij veel meer van het boek begrijpt dan Van Ostaijen misschien denkt. Benieuwd of Topp bij het lezen van een Duitse vertaling zijn stelling had kunnen bevestigen. Want ja, op deze toch wel ietwat droeve dag - 18 maart is de sterfdag van Paul van Ostaijen - kunnen we jullie met een lach en een traan een Duitse vertaling voorleggen. Wat zou Van Ostaijen ervan gedacht hebben, mocht hij weten dat zijn meesterwerk opnieuw vertaald is naar de taal van het land waar hij verbleef toen hij het neerpende? .

3/18/2024, 9:01:03 PM

🗼LA TRILOGIA DI TOKYO FA PER VOI?🗼 Come promesso da inizio anno, oggi la vostra amichevole bookstagrammer di quartiere vi parla di una serie di libri che le ha tenuto compagnia in questi mesi, cioè la Trilogia di Tokyo di David Peace. La Trilogia di Tokyo è una saga letteraria thriller ambientata nella capitale del Giappone negli anni appena successivi alla conclusione della seconda guerra mondiale, durante l'occupazione americana del paese. Ogni capitolo è ispirato ad un fatto reale di cronaca avvenuto in Giappone in quegli anni: in Tokyo Anno Zero, l'ispettore Minami indaga sugli omicidi di due donne, trovate morte nella periferia di Tokyo; nel seguito Tokyo Città Occupata, il delitto al centro del romanzo è l'avvelenamento di dodici dipendenti di una banca; nel capitolo conclusivo, Tokyo Riconquistata, ambientato su tre piani temporali, il mistero è la sparizione del presidente delle Ferrovie giapponesi. I delitti al centro dei romanzi sono però un pretesto per parlare di questo argomento: la distruttività della guerra e gli effetti devastanti di essa sulle persone. Esempio calzante di ciò è l'ispettore Minami, personaggio dalla psiche distrutta, tormentato dai ricordi del conflitto e delle persone che ha perso. La trilogia è anche caratterizzata dall'uso di tecniche stilistiche, diverse per ogni capitolo: il primo libro è caratterizzato da continue onomatopee e frasi ripetute da Minami, che riflettono il suo stato mentale, nel secondo Peace sperimenta con diversi generi letterari (lettera, monologo, articoli di giornale,...) e con l'elemento dei fantasmi e delle sedute spiritiche, mentre nel terzo esce dal periodo del dopoguerra, con capitoli ambientati anche nel 1964 e nel 1988, alcuni di essi in un certo senso metaletterari. Vi consiglio questa serie se ne cercate una che tratta il tema del trauma della guerra su diversi livelli, mentre ve la sconsiglio se volete dei thriller puri e non siete in vena di libri "pesanti". ❓ Avete letto la Trilogia di Tokyo? Cosa ne pensate? Conoscete libri simili ad essa?

3/18/2024, 10:00:47 AM

#TBSドキュメンタリー映画祭 3日目 17日(日)の舞台挨拶報告!> ①『旅する身体~ダンスカンパニー Mi-Mi-Bi~』 #KAZUKI さん、#東ちづる さん、#渡辺匠 監督、#志子田勇 監督が登壇👏 東さんは「ぜひ2回観て欲しい!」と映画を大絶賛‼️ KAZUKIさんはご自身の表現する原動力について熱く語ってくださいました! ②『方舟にのって~ #イエスの方舟 45年目の真実~』 小説家の #小川哲 さんと #佐井大紀 監督が登壇‼️ 佐井監督に直談判されて、登壇を断れなかったと冗談まじりに語った小川さんは、映画の魅力と共に、佐井監督の5.60代が楽しみ!と語りました。 佐井監督は、ドローン撮影での苦労を明かしました! ③『最後のMR.BIG~日本への愛と伝承〜』 #伊藤政則 さんと #川西全 監督が登壇 👏 会場の熱気とお二人のトークから、 #MRBIG への愛が伝わってくる素敵な舞台挨拶でした🎶 ④『オキュパイド・シティ(原題)』(海外招待作品) スティーヴ・マックイーン監督と原作者のビアンカ・スティグターがオランダ🇳🇱よりオンライン登壇✨ QAセッションでは、4時間越えの作品を鑑賞した直後の観客より熱い質問が複数あがり、お二人がその場で回答‼️作品への理解が深まる有意義な時間となりました! 遅い時間までご参加いただいた皆様、本当にありがとうございました🙏 #MiMiBi #MRBIG #OccupiedCity #SteveMcQueen #BiancaStigter

3/18/2024, 3:59:03 AM

Vandaag verscheen dit artikel in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung @faz over Paul van Ostaijen en zijn meesterwerk ‘Bezette stad’ (1921). We zijn blij met de almaar groeiende internationale aandacht en waardering voor zijn werk. Het is dan ook bijzonder. . Today this article about Paul van Ostaijen and his masterpiece ‘Occupied City’ (1921) appeared in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. We couldn’t be more happy with the growing international attention and appreciation for his works. They are deserving of it. . . #paulvanostaijen #paulvanostaijengenootschap #dedichterdiedewereldwildeveranderen #paulvanostaijenleeft #bezettestad #occupiedcity #besetztestadt

3/16/2024, 1:39:34 PM

<海外招待作品> 『オキュパイド・シティ(原題)』 スティーヴ・マックイーン監督(『それでも夜は明ける』)のリモート登壇が決定…‼️‼️ さらに、原作者のビアンカ・スティグター も登壇✨ 4時間を超える稀有な映画体験後、 監督のお話を直接聞くことができるQAを実施します! 詳細は👇 https://note.com/tbs_docs/n/n049279555fe9 #TBSドキュメンタリー映画祭 #スティーヴマックイーン #OccupiedCity

3/12/2024, 11:38:29 AM

Looking for something new to watch? "Occupied City" is being released TODAY on Service Electric Video OnDemand! Steve McQueen's bravura documentary about the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam, an expansive meditation on memory, time, and where we're headed. Find more recent/upcoming VOD releases on our website. Website link in bio. #vod #ondemand #videoondemand #newmovie #newrelease #occupiedcity #documentary #cabletv #sectv #sectvsocial

3/8/2024, 10:00:22 PM

Occupied City (12A) is screening for a one day only chance to catch this incredible documentary film. 24th March at 14:10 - this film will include a 15 min interval - The past collides with the present in this excavation of the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam: a journey from World War II to recent years of pandemic and protest and a provocative, life-affirming reflection on memory, time and what's to come. From the fantastic Steve McQueen & Bianca Stigter To secure your tickets, call us on 01736 332222 or visit our website. . #occupiedcity #a24 #stevemcqueen #bianastigter #amsterdam #ww2 #documentaryfilms #documentary #newlynfilmhouse #newlyncinema #keepcinemaspecial

3/8/2024, 9:19:35 PM

PATTU’nun sergi ve grafik tasarımını üstlendiği , İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü’ndeki “Meşgul Şehir’ sergisi işgal altındaki İstanbul’u mercek altına alıyor. İşgal altındaki İstanbul’da yaşamış olan çeşitli karakterler etrafında kurgulanan sergi tasarımında, ziyaretçilere eşlik eden bu karakterlerin görselleri, döneme ait doküman ve fotoğraflardan yola çıkılarak yapay zeka yardımıyla hazırlandı. Küratörler: Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal ve Gizem Tongo 11.01.2023 – 27.04.2024 “Occupied City’, designed by PATTU is currently on view at the Istanbul Research Institute. The exhibition focuses on Istanbul during the Occupation. The exhibition, designed around the lives of diverse individuals who experienced the occupation firsthand, incorporates visuals of these people that were created with the aid of artificial intelligence based on historical records and photographs. Curators: Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal and Gizem Tongo. #pattuarchitecture # exhibitiondesign #exhibition #graphicdesign #istanbulresearchinstitute #istanbularaştırmalarıenstitüsü #meşgulşehir #occupiedcity @istanbul_arastirmalari @mehmetkendil

3/8/2024, 1:33:53 PM

The past collides with the present in this excavation of the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam: a journey from World War II to recent years of pandemic and protest and a provocative, life-affirming reflection on memory, time and what's to come. #Occupiedcity #documentary #history #war #movies #moviesmagicwithbrian #foryou #foryoupage

3/5/2024, 11:30:59 PM

Not sure what to watch this weekend? Luckily DocHouse has a handy checklist: Opening: ✅Four Daughters Dancing with Water Season: ✅This Woman Also showing: ✅Occupied City ✅Theatre of Violence ✅We Will Not Fade Away #fourdaughters #occupiedcity #theatreofviolence #wewillnotfadeaway

3/1/2024, 5:03:06 PM

These are the films I watched in February. I had hoped to watch some older movies as well, but I rather spent the time reading. What was your favourite movie this month?

2/29/2024, 1:23:12 PM

📕LE MIE LETTURE DI FEBBRAIO 2024📕 Ci stiamo per lasciare alle spalle anche il mese di febbraio, e quindi su questo profilo è ora di parlare dei libri che mi hanno fatto compagnia questo mese. Sono quattro titoli molto diversi tra loro: 🌙 STREGA di Johanne Lykke Holm: partiamo da questo romanzo svedese molto particolare. La protagonista è Rafaela, una ragazza che va a lavorare come cameriera in un hotel a Strega, un paesino sulle Alpi. L'hotel è un luogo misterioso, dove gli ospiti tardano ad arrivare e le sorveglianti tengono Rafaela e le compagne sotto una rigida disciplina. I punti di forza del libro sono per me l'atmosfera oscura e l'allegoria della condizione oppressiva delle donne. La trama però lascia molte cose sottintese e non chiarite; 🎪 IL CIRCO DELLE MERAVIGLIE di Elizabeth Macneal: ho parlato di questo romanzo nel post precedente. Mi è piaciuto molto: ho trovato molto accattivante l'ambientazione del circo, mi sono piaciuti quasi tutti i personaggi e ho molto apprezzato le riflessioni sulla diversità poste nel libro; 🏝 ISOLA di Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen: passiamo a questo libro di letteratura danese ma ambientato nelle Faroe. La narratrice (senza nome) dalla Danimarca fa un viaggio alle Faroe, e la sua storia si intreccia con quella di sua nonna Marita, che a metà del 1900 fece il percorso opposto. Mi è abbastanza piaciuto: l'autrice tratta molto bene i temi dell'identità e dell'emigrazione, e le descrizioni dei paesaggi faroesi sono molto suggestive. La trama invece mi è sembrata tanto ripiegata su sé stessa; 🕯TOKYO CITTÀ OCCUPATA di David Peace: secondo capitolo della Trilogia di Tokyo, anche questo è un thriller di cui vi parlerò in un post dedicato. In questo volume Peace gioca coi generi letterari e con l'elemento dei fantasmi. Un esperimento molto interessante, ma impegnativo e un po' pesante da leggere. ❓ Avete letto qualcuno di questi libri? Vi è piaciuto? Cosa avete letto questo mese?

2/29/2024, 10:08:15 AM

OCCUPIED CITY 👁️ · 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲? 🤔 · 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭? 👇 · 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 #OccupiedCity #SteveMcQueen #BiancaStigter #Documentary #AppleTVPlus

2/25/2024, 9:11:17 AM

2/24- Occupied City, dir. Steve McQueen While I appreciated the approach of juxtaposing the Amsterdam’s history under nazi occupation with images of the locations at present, Occupied City feels a bit too clinical in its exploration making it difficult to connect with on a deeper emotional level. Grade: B #occupiedcity #stevemcqueen #a24 #film4productions #regencyenterprises #familyaffairfilms #lammaspark #modernfilms #septemberfilm #cinescapereview #thecinescape

2/24/2024, 8:49:04 PM

OCCUPIED CITY (2023) Streaming Now VOD/Digital - Sale Only (Apple, Amazon, Google, etc.) #OccupiedCity

2/23/2024, 2:45:32 PM