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Baby Reindeer (2024) series created by Richard Gadd Based on a true story, an amateur comedian/bartender falls into a warped relationship with a female stalker that leads his life into a downward spiral. I was first introduced to the story of Baby Reindeer through the real world inspiration of fictional stalker Martha attacking Stephen King over twitter because he had liked the show so much that he wrote an essay about it. Immediately reminding me of Annie Wilkes, I ended up putting on the trailer and was intrigued enough to give it a watch. Allen shared similar sentiments after hearing about it through podcasts. The show is well written and did a great job at really capturing our attentions - almost a little too well, in fact, for I spent a good portion of this show's runtime shouting at the screen. At about the halfway point, I realized that the show's writer was also the star of the show. It really warped my perspective on things both fictionally and non-fictionally. Realizing that this was Gadd acting out events of his life as he tells it really allowed this show to dig its hooks deeper under my skin. The lines of fact and fiction really begin to blur here and I feel like that's almost intentional. This is so brutally honest that the show's themes of self-deprecation for attention really just adds another layer to the show. Performances wise, this show was just great. Gadd, playing a fictionalized version of himself - Donnie Dunn - does a good job. His acting ability is much better than the show would have you believe with his comedy routine. Jessica Gunning deserves a special mention for her portrayal as Martha, because I haven't seen anyone play anybody a character as delightfully unhinged since Kathy Bates' portrayal of Annie Wilkes in Misery. Nava Mau, who plays Teri, was also fantastic and Allen and I found ourselves rooting for her from start to finish. Overall, this show was really good and isn't too terribly long. Each episode is about 30 minutes long and there's only 7 episodes. It could easily be finished in a sitting.

5/29/2024, 2:04:33 AM

#weronikatofilska #josephinebornebusch #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #tomgoodmanhill #hughcoles #dannykirrane È la serie del momento, e come potrebbe non esserlo in effetti 💥 Piccola Renna/ Baby Reindeer è in sostanza la storia vera del comico e attore : Richard Gadd. Per il ragazzo probabilmente è stato terapeutico portare alla luce il doloroso racconto di quel periodo della sua vita , fatto di abusi, prima, stalkeraggio, dopo e nel mezzo la presa di coscienza dell'impossibilita ad allontanare la donna anche una volta capito le sue intenzioni. Ad ogni modo, per capire bene queste dinamiche, aspettiamo di aver visto il quarto episodio della mini-serie, quello che svela con estrema crudezza ma, anche con coraggio, ciò che ha dovuto subire Donny(questo è il nome del protagonista), il quale in un momento di crisi sia emotiva che lavorativa, subisce gli abusi da parte di uno sceneggiatore di successo il quale, promette al ragazzo mari e monti quando in realtà le sue mire erano altre... Da quel momento in poi qualcosa si rompe nella psiche di Donny, quel delicatissimo equilibrio tra il desiderio e la distruzione saranno solo elementi confusi. I temi trattati nella serie sono molto interessanti, a volte scioccanti e sorprendenti eppure così "normali". La Vergogna è uno dei temi ricorrenti, il "gioco delle identità" un altro, il sapersi rapportare con una donna Transgender, altro tema attuale e ben sviscerato nella vicenda, insomma una serie a mio parere molto molto valida👍

5/22/2024, 1:16:26 AM

🎬Bebe Reno (2024) UK 🇬🇧, @netflix @mrrichardgadd @navamau @dannykirrane @shalombrunefranklin Cuando un cómico en apuros tiene un gesto amable con una mujer vulnerable, desencadena una obsesión enfermiza que amenaza con destrozar la vida de ambos. Historia real de una relación llevada al límite donde no todo es lo que parece y como la cabeza te puede jugar en contra, miniserie muy fácil y rápido de ver donde el actor principal fue el verdadero protagonista de esta historia. De más está decirles que está súper recomendada 🎥IMDB: 7,9 📹Filmaffinity: 7,2 Seguime para ver mas estrenos y recomendaciones Pone en los comentarios si te gusto o la verías #babyraindeer #bebereno #mirenodepeluche #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #tomgoodmanhill #michaelwildman #dannykirrane #ninasosanya #shalombrunefranklin #fionaharvey @clerkenwellfilms @netflixuk @netflixlat #peliculas #cine #series #film #netflix #disneyplus #max #starplus #estrenos #cinemaposter #nowplaying #movieposter #trailer #review #filmreview #oscars #goldenglobes #blockbuster_arg

5/17/2024, 11:43:35 PM

Baby Reindeer Score: 10/10 Plot: True story based on the experiences of Richard Gadd, the writer and lead actor in the show, as he navigated the aftermath of serious trauma, compounded by the horrors of an abusive stalker. Review: Well, I think we can all agree this was both terrifying and traumatising just to watch, so I can hardly guess at how awful it was to live through. I had to watch the first four episodes in short instalments as I couldn’t cope with a full episode at a time. I even had to take a weeks break to watch eps 5-8 because I was pretty done in by that point. If I hadn’t needed to know how it ended I would have probably dropped out if I’m honest. Not because it’s bad, but rather because it was a tale so well told that I felt too anxious and creeped out to handle it. If you know my viewing tastes then you’ll know this is a first for me! My tastes run to the macabre but this was way too close to the bone for me. The actress who played Martha (Jessica Gunning) has either entirely ruined or made her career with this part, because she played it SO WELL I fear I’ll never see her as anything else again. A truly disturbing tale of several people dealing with mental and emotional problems all converging together to create the perfect storm. Riveting, terrifying, and brilliant. #BabyReindeer #JessicaGunning #RichardGadd #NavaMau #TomGoodman-Hill #ThomasCoombes #NinaSosanya #ShalomBrune-Franklin #DannyKirrane #MichaelWildman #JoshFinan

5/14/2024, 6:14:17 PM

BEBE RENO Primer temporada-2 discos Comedia-Drama-Thriller Sinopsis: Cuando un cómico en apuros tiene un gesto amable con una mujer vulnerable, desencadena una obsesión enfermiza que amenaza con destrozar la vida de ambos. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF4zy5lRiuc&pp=ygURdHJhaWxlciBiZWJlIHJlbm8%3D #serie #series #bebereno #babyreindeer #RichardGadd #JessicaGunning #NavaMau #TomGoodmanHill #DannyKirrane #HughColes

5/13/2024, 8:11:54 PM

CHRONIQUE BABY REINDEER . . . . . @netflixfr @netflix @mrrichardgadd @navamau @hughcoles @dannykirrane @shalombrunefranklin @thatlaurasmyth #babyreindeer #series #instaseries #netflix #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #tomgoodmanhill #hughcoles #michaelwildman #dannykirrane #shalombrunefranklin #ninasosanya #thomascoombes #laurasmyth

5/13/2024, 6:34:40 PM

Netflix'in son zamanların en çok yankı uyandıran dizisi #BabyReindeer'ın inceleme yazısını Adminimiz @irmiklihelva yazdı. Link hikayede, herkese keyifli okumalar! 💥 #babyreindeer #richardgadd #navamau #jessicagunning #hughcoles #dannykirrane #ninasosanya #tomgoodmanhill #marklewisjones #michaelwildman #joshfinan

5/9/2024, 1:31:29 PM

MI RENO DE PELUCHE (2024) Fue cogiendo tal popularidad la serie y había tantos comentarios que, al final, me creó bastante curiosidad. Sí que es una serie que merece la pena verla ya que si bien, al principio, parece ser una serie sobre el acoso, al final es muchísimo importante tanto por todos los tema que va tocando como por la forma en la que está narrada. Ha sido todo un acierto empezar desde el “pasado reciente” para llegar al “pasado antiguo” y así llegar al presente. Creo que es eso lo que consigue hacer de ésta una serie absorbente y no sólo por saber qué va a pasar con Donny y Martha sino porque da curiosidad saber qué han pasado para llegar a esos extremos. Y, si bien por parte del protagonista sí que sabemos a qué se debe todo, de Martha apenas tenemos un destello en la escena final de la serie. Eso sí, mejor dividirla en un par de días porque a mitad de los episodios sí que, al volverse más seria, resulta también un poco más densa y hacerse una maratón en un día, sí que puede ser demasiado, aunque solo conste de 7 episodios. También hay que destacar al elenco principal que hacen un grandísimo trabajo y le dan una veracidad maravillosa a sus personajes (recordar que es una historia real que vivió Gadd). Me alegra haber visto esta serie porque ha sido algo distinto a lo que estoy acostumbrada a ver. #mirenodepeluche #babyreindeer #richardgadd #weronikatofilska #josephinebornebusch #jessicagunning #navamau #tomgoodmanhill #dannykirrane #hughcoles #chloedriver #jamiemichie #joebone

5/7/2024, 8:00:51 PM

L'aspirante comico scozzese Donny svolge il lavoro di barista in attesa della tanto agognata occasione che gli permetterà di sfondare nel mondo dello spettacolo; un giorno offre una tazza di thè a una donna dall'aspetto triste e fragile di nome Martha la quale comincia a raccontargli la propria vita di avvocatessa piena di impegni e legata a molti nomi famosi, racconti apparentemente falsi ma che Donny asseconda perché legato a Martha da un legame che non riesce a spiegarsi. La donna si fa viva ogni giorno al bar a parlare del più e del meno e manda all'uomo centinaia di email sgrammaticate, sintomo che fa capire a Donny di aver creato un fraintendimento sulla natura della loro relazione. Quando tra i due si crea una rottura a causa di alcuni comportamenti inappropriati e ambigui di Martha, per Donny ha inizio in incubo: la donna si rivela una stalker ossessionata dalla sua vita, gelosa di tutte le sue relazioni e pronta ad ogni cosa pur di ottenere le sue attenzioni. Tutto ciò provoca in Donny il risveglio di traumi passati che lo hanno segnato nel profondo e con il quale deve fare ancora i conti. La serie evento di Netflix finita sulla bocca di tutti fin dalla sua uscita, basata sulla stessa esperienza traumatizzante vissuta dal suo creatore, sceneggiatore e interprete Richard Gadd 💯 Una miniserie all'apparenza innocua che mette subito da parte il registro comico e gioca brillantemente le sue carte di dramma psicologico venato di humor: un capolavoro spiazzante che mette a disagio lo spettatore e lo lancia in questo vortice che è il rapporto tossico tra Donny e Martha, non un semplice rapporto tra vittima e stalker ma una profonda simbiosi tra due persone che hanno trovato nel loro rispettivo dolore il punto d'incontro delle loro esistenze capace di permettere a lui di affrontare il trauma vissuto tempo prima che lo ha bloccato psicologicamente, grazie all'intromissione nella sua vita dell'amore malato di Martha, l'unica in grado di captare il suo malessere e portarlo allo scoperto. CONTINUA SOTTO ⬇️

5/7/2024, 7:09:29 PM

WOW. JUST WOW. Blown away by the staggeringly great @denisegough1 in 'People Places & Things' aka @pptonstage @traftheatre. The Duncan McMillan @sleevenotes tour de force, directed by @jerherrin, comes steaming back into the West End almost a decade after its initial run, updated with fresh chunks of text. Every one of the cast is excellent, Malachi Kirby, Sinead Cusack, the returning Kevin McMonagle, @dannykirrane @starrlasagne @dillonscottlewis @louise_templeton Paksie Vernon @russellanthonyactor @ryanhutton__ and Ayo Owoyemi-Peters making her professional theatre debut. Feel so fortunate to have snagged an onstage seat, which makes you feel a part of the action (especially when the actors are standing right alongside you, and you can see the beauty of the @bunnychristie set up close) and not only did the entire cast get a well-deserved standing ovation, but Denise Gough & Co also gave us onstagers a big smile and our own applause. Book now - if you can get a ticket - and even if you've seen this before, you really need to go. Astonishing. #denisegough #peopleplacesthings #trafalgarstudios #duncanmcmillan #jeremyherrin #bunnychristie #sineadcusack #malachikirby #dannykirrane #kevinmcmonagle #hollyatkins #paksievernon #ryansutton #ayoowóyẹmipeters #dillonscottlewis #russellanthony #louisetempleton #tourdeforce #astonishing #blownaway #theatre #westend

5/7/2024, 12:02:47 PM

BABY REINDEER ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ You’ve heard the hype. Now hear our spoiler-light review of the most talked about TV series of 2024. Join us in episode 214! Richard Gadd’s warped relationship with a female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deep, dark buried trauma. 🎙 Podcast 2️⃣1️⃣4️⃣ ▶️ Link in bio 📺 #BabyReindeer on @netflixanz 🎬 @mrrichardgadd & @weronikatofilska . . . . . #babyreindeernetflix #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #michaelwildman #dannykirrane #ninasosanya #graceparry #donnydunn #marthascott #whoismarthascott #josephinebornebusch #weronikatofilska #stalker #femalestalker #stalkerseries #aotearoapodcast #kiwipodcast #kiwipodcaster #newzealandpodcast #nzpodcaster #nzpodcast #podcastnz #halfmeasurespodcast

5/5/2024, 10:04:30 AM

Baby Reindeer (2024) País: Reino Unido 🇬🇧 Dirección: Richard Gadd (Creador), Weronika Tofilska, Josephine Bornebusch Sinopsis: Miniserie de TV. 7 episodios. Cuando un cómico en apuros tiene un gesto amable con una mujer vulnerable, desencadena una obsesión enfermiza que amenaza con destrozar la vida de ambos. 👍🦌 Una de las miniseries de la actualidad más impactantes, comedia negrisima, violenta, dramática que retrata muy bien el acoso, excelente dúo protagonista. Enviado desde mi iPhone. Mi puntuacion: 8.7/10 #pelis #peliculas #cine #cinema #movies #movie #cinefilo #cinéfilos #babyreindeer #bebereno #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #tomgoodmanhill #dannykirrane #hughcoles #chloedriver #jamiemichie #joebone

5/3/2024, 4:21:18 PM

Check out these BTS stills from the amazing drama #BabyReindeer 🦌 Costume Design by #MekelBailey 🪡🧵 and Directed by #WeronikaTofilska 🎥 Baby Reindeer has taken the world by storm, scoring 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and reaching Netflix’s top 10 within its first week of release 💥 Mekel gives us a behind the scenes look at how he created Donny’s tartan suit, drawing on Richard Gadd’s Scottish heritage. Martha’s looks were mostly made up of 2nd hand clothing, 95% of all cast costumes were sourced in London charity shops 🛍️ The series follows “the writer and performer Richard Gadd’s warped relationship with his female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deep, dark buried trauma.” Baby Reindeer stars #RichardGadd ( #WeddingSeason), #JessicaGunning ( #Pride), #NavaMau ( #Generation) and #DannyKirrane ( #TheSerpentQueen) ⭐️ Stream Baby Reindeer on Netflix now! 🥤🍿 . . #wizzotalent @mekelbailey #costumedesigner #costumedesign #costume #wardrobe #craft #drama #series #stream #babyreindeernetflix #netflixbabyreindeer #behindthescenes #bts #netflix #clerkenwellfilms #director @weronikatofilska @clerkenwellfilms @mrrichardgadd @netflix

5/1/2024, 5:16:15 PM

馴鹿寶貝 Baby Reindeer 男主角 Donny 是一位不得志的喜劇演員,從蘇格蘭到倫敦尋求夢想 在酒吧工作時,遇到一位看似哀傷女性客人 Martha 因為無意的釋出善意,殊不知卻引來噩夢 ⚠———以下有雷之防雷線———⚠ 男主角 Google 後發現 Martha 根本是跟騷的慣犯,而且前科累累 但男主角也是很奇怪,你明明都查到她是跟騷累犯,還確認她的FB加友邀請,啊這不是自找麻煩嗎?! 邊看邊想很多事情都他自找的耶 當然,到後面劇情會告訴我們這一切都是有原因的 俗話說可憐之人必有可恨之處,那可恨之人可能也有可憐之處嗎? 雖然也許是這樣,但我並不覺得可以合理化那些可恨之舉耶,同情是一回事,但感到困擾或犯罪就又是另一回事了耶 男主角有很嚴重的身份認同問題,而他和 Martha 其實也有點相像,都在渴求有人關注 他的確是受害者,但好像並不無辜,也許他有討好型人格吧 在 Martha 日夜坐在他住所對面的公車亭跟監他時,他良心大發的擔心她真的會不行而凍死在路邊,還送她回家 欸 不是,你這不是自找苦吃嗎? 不會報警或叫救護車就好嗎?! 前幾天看到 Threads 上有人聊看完這部戲的2個心得 ①你不去找麻煩,麻煩就不會讓你找到 →這一點就我常說的做人最忌假會和多嘴,避免節外生枝啊~ ②冷漠能阻擋大多數的不必要麻煩 →這也就是為什麼當年我一進羅湖關奈河橋,臉就臭得像被人倒了十八萬的會一樣 EP02 男主角告訴同事們 Martha 的瘋狂 mail 同事們不僅沒幫忙當做笑話看,還很白目的用男主角手機傳出邀請月工交的訊息給 Martha 幹!這同事很值得大卸八塊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊! 陷害男主角的就是異性戀厭女的父權思想男性啊! EP05 這一集真的就是所謂的「情況從糟糕變成難以理解」 因為和跨性別女友 Teri 的房事有問題,百思不得其解的男主角竟然幻想和跟蹤狂 Martha 一起??? EP07 最後一集,男主角去找當初 PUA 誘姦他的那個編劇 Darrien Darrien 問他消失去哪裡了 這讓我想到最近爆出美國嘻哈天王 吹牛老爹 P. Diddy 有數起性醜聞訴訟,從前女友到音樂製作人都出來控訴,包含牽涉性侵和人口販賣 有段當時的影片流出,他說會和年僅15歲的 Justin Bieber 度過接下來的48小時,Justin 完全笑不出來 而多年後兩人在公開場合中相遇,Diddy 問說後來怎麼都不打電話給他也不和他們一起玩了 這和劇情很雷同的狀況啊...... 因為是根據男主角 Richard Gadd 的真人真事改編而成的戲劇,他同時也是本劇的編劇 所以有主場優勢,要怎麼說都隨他,把自己塑造成受害者的狀況 他的案例的確不像一般常見的被跟騷的案例(不分性別) 被編劇家性侵第一次是真的是被性侵,後面就是利益交換失敗的 PUA 但還是覺得他很勇敢的公開撕下不知道有沒有結疤的傷口告訴大家他多年前被性侵、誘姦和哄騙吸毒 甚至向父母坦承自己的所有傷痛及困惑,原本害怕父母覺得他不像男人不完整 沒想到從小在天主教教會長大的爸爸暗示自己也曾是受害者...... 所以說男孩子、女孩子一定要懂得保護自己啊! 戲中讓我覺得有趣的一點是,當男主角的媽媽覺得他要換工作和地方生活 但男主角認為這樣他就輸了,連他爸爸也理解認同這一點 其實我在看的時候也是想說就換工作換地方生活,可是那也變成他要放棄他不成功或者還沒成功的喜劇夢 或許還有一種想法是明明錯的人不是他,卻是他要逃的那種憑什麼 最後結局呼應開頭 Martha 第一次進到酒吧的劇情,只是當事人變成男主角 他的表情大概也像是在說他懂了在糟心的日子裡,有人無意間釋出的善意就像浮木一樣會讓人緊抓不放 #喜劇的本質是悲劇 就像男主角一心渴望成為出名的脫口秀喜劇演員,卻困在各種悲劇遭遇中無法自拔 當然,最終他還是成功的走出那個窘境,無論是不是自願成為受害者,也藉由這些經歷而讓世界看到他 喜歡每一集的精心選曲,但第一集才開頭10分鐘,就讓我頻頻皺眉,也邊看邊想到那些很討厭噁心的經驗 無法評論好不好看,或喜不喜歡,我只能說我看完後還真的做惡夢了 連恐怖大師 史蒂芬金 (Stephen King) 都發推特說 Holy shit. #馴鹿寶貝 #BabyReindeer #RichardGadd #Jessica Gunning #NavaMau #MichaelWildman #DannyKirrane #NinaSosanya #ShalomBruneFranklin #MarkLewisJones #AmandaRoot #AlexandriaRiley #TomGoodmanHill

5/1/2024, 3:35:09 PM

BEBÊ RENA⠀ ⠀ • Disponível na Netflix⠀ • 1 temporada⠀ • 7 episódios⠀ • 35 min por episódio⠀ • Drama/Suspense⠀ • 2024⠀ • Criação: Richard Gadd.⠀ • Elenco: Richard Gadd, Jessica Gunning, Nava Mau, Michael Wildman, Danny Kirrane, Nina Sosanya, Shalom Brune-Franklin, Thomas Coombes e Hugh Coles.⠀ ⠀ ⭐ IMDB 8.1⠀ 🍅 Rotten 97%⠀ 🍿 PNM 4/5⠀ ⠀ Sinopse: O distorcido relacionamento de um bartender com sua stalker e seus traumas sombrios. ⠀ ⠀ A série do momento, um sucesso absoluto na plataforma e vem chocando o espectador. Bebê Rena não é só uma série popular, é uma série com muita qualidade e conteúdo. A minissérie é inspirada em eventos reais da vida do autor e protagonista, Richard Gadd. Donny Dunn, interpretado por Richard Gadd, é um rapaz frustrado e cheio de camadas, ele trabalha como bartender e tem o sonho de se tornar comediante. Em uma noite no bar, ele conhece Martha, vivida por Jessica Gunning, uma moça mais velha com uma aparência sofrida, simpático, Donny oferece um chá, dando início uma conexão inesperada. Martha é uma pessoa completamente desequilibrada, com uma condição psicológica afetadíssima. Partindo dessa premissa, vemos o desenrolar dessa relação tóxica e passamos a conhecer a vida de Donny Dunn, seu passado, seus sonhos e entendendo seus pensamentos. As atuações são sensacionais, Richard Gadd e Jessica Gunning convencem demais e merecem uma indicação na temporada de premiações, a direção e o roteiro não ficam pra trás, são impecáveis. Bebê Rena conta uma história intrigante e angustiante, abordando temas delicados como a vulnerabilidade emocional e abusos. A série é indicada para maior de 18 anos pelo impacto emocional abordado e por conter cenas sensíveis de 4bu$o. É uma excelente série que entrará facilmente na lista de melhores minisséries do ano, se você ainda não assistiu, recomendo muito! 🦌🍿📺⠀ #beberena #babyreindeer #enviadodomeuiphone #richardgadd #netflixbrasil #minisseriesnetflix #seriesnetflix #dicasnetflix #dicasdeminisseries #dicasdeseries #jessicagunning #navamau #michaelwildman #dannykirrane #ninasosanya #shalombrunefranklin #thomascoombes #hughcoles #melhoresminisseries #besttvseries #baseadaemfatosreais #pipocanamanteiga

5/1/2024, 12:09:08 AM

¡¡¡¡¡¡LA VERDADERA MARTHA SCOTT DECLARA CONTRA LA SERIE DE BEBE RENO!!!!!!🎥🎥🎞️🎞️🎬🎬💥💥💥 Tras el éxito sorprendente de la nueva serie de Bebe Reno, protagonizada por Richard Gadd, Nava Mau y Jessica Gunning, una mujer de 58 años que supuestamente dice ser la persona que se inspiró para el personaje de Martha, aparece acusando a Gadd de que todo lo que dice y cuenta la serie es erróneo y afirma que ella es la acosada y que demandará a Netflix y Gadd por ello. A continuación, la declaración que hizo para el Daily Mail: “El continúa obsesionado, usando su programa para acosarme. Yo soy la víctima aqui, escribió un jodido programa para mí. Esta intimidando una anciana por televisión para ganar fama y fortuna. Y a pesar de intentsr ocultar mi identidad, estoy recibiendo mensajes de odio junto a amenazas peligrosas por partidarios de Gadd. Llevo años escuchando de que haría este show y que me llamará Martha, vi fotos de la actriz que por cierto no se parece nada a mi. Se siente como el conflicto de Johnny Depp y Amber Heard, me siento perseguida por Johnny Depp. Soy la Johnny Depp en esta situación y estoy siendo atacada por gente de internet”. La serie Bebe Reno, se encuentra disponible en la plataforma de Netflix. Ahora digsnos, ¿Creen que la persona que fue inspirado para el personaje de Martha sea la acosada o solo es un intento de tener fama y reconocimiento? #BebeReno #BabyReindeer #RichardGadd #NavaMau #JessicaGunning #HughColes #DannyKirrane #ChloeDriver #NinaSosanya #TomGoodmanHill #MichaelWildman #ShalomBruneFranklin #MarkLewisJones #JoshFinan #AmandaRoot #Netflix #NetflixSeries #ButacaPrime

4/30/2024, 9:26:27 PM

#SFTTVReview #BabyReindeer #Season1 (2024) Rate8/10 🎼📖5/5 📽️4/5 😍8/10 😂9/10 😱10/10 🇬🇧10/10 Biography Comedy Drama #RichardGadd #JessicaGunning #NavaMau #DannyKirrane A great cast! Story is based on true events. The story follows the writer and performer Richard Gadd’s warped relationship with his female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deep, dark buried trauma. There are 7 episodes in this Season 1. Music is atmospheric. Film by #WeronikaTofilska / #JosephineBornebusch is a dark satirical psychological poignant “life / mental-health / obsession/ society” crime #british #TVSeries. Compelling! A must see! Available on @netflixuk 📺 @babyreindeerldn @mrrichardgadd @navamau @jessicagunningofficial #tv #television #tvshow #tvshows #tvseason #tvreview #tvreviews #season #series #limitedseries #netflixseries #biography #comedy #drama #mentalhealth #recommended #recommendation #netflix #review

4/29/2024, 9:38:13 PM

İsim: Baby Reindeer Türü: Dram Yılı: 2024 Süresi: 1 Sezon 7 Bölüm Kişisel Fikrim: Başarısız bir komedyen hassas bir kadına iyi niyet gösterisinde bulunduğunda ikisinin de hayatını mahvedebilecek boğucu bir saplantının fitilini ateşler. = İlk 4 bölümde başarısız bir komedyene dadanan sapık bir kadın hikâyesi izliyoruz ama 5. Bölümde işler cok farkli bir yöne gitti , diziyi gereksiz uzatmışlar , ortalama bir yapım Sonuç: İdare eder #BabyReindeer #NavaMau #RichardGadd #JessicaGunning #ChloeDriver #HughColes #DannyKirrane #TomGoodmanHill #netflixoriginalseries

4/28/2024, 1:18:23 PM

Hoy te recomiendo… BEBÉ RENO (👍): La retorcida relación del escritor e intérprete Richard Gadd con su acosadora y el impacto que tiene en él, que se ve obligado a enfrentarse a un profundo y oscuro trauma enterrado.. REPARTO PRINCIPAL: Richard Gaad, Jessica Gunning, Danny Kirrane, Hugh Coles AÑO DE LANZAMIENTO: 2024 PAÍS DE ORIGEN: Reino Unido IDIOMA ORIGINAL: Inglés LOCACIONES DE FILMACIÓN: Edimburgo, Escocia, Reino Unido #bebereno #seriesbritánicas #seriesdel2024 #richardgaad #jessicagunning #dannykirrane #hughcoles

4/28/2024, 6:07:23 AM

Bebé Reno Un comediante que atraviesa una mala época trata de evitar el acoso de una mujer a la que ayudó en el pasado. Ella, una persona vulnerable, ha desarrollado un vínculo insano con la única persona que la ha tratado bien. Tiene 1 temporada. Opinión: Hablemos de la serie de estos momentos que se encuentra en Netflix; honestamente tenía mis dudas en cuanto a verla y si se trataba de un hecho real porque hay algunas series que así mencionan y resulta que es parte de la mercadotecnia. Regresando al tema en cuestión, es muy fuerte e impactante poder observar el grado de locura de las personas y lo que pueden llegar a hacer con tal de lograr sus objetivos lo bueno es que este caso no paso a mayores, si tiene cosas demasiado explícitas y de verdad aplaudo que el protagonista tuviera la valentía de contar todo lo que le pasó porque no es fácil hablar de algo y mucho menos volver a vivirlo. Calificación: ⭐⭐⭐. Dónde verla: Netflix. #peppers_series #Netflix #Netflixseries #bebéreno #babyreindeer #Richardgadd #navamau #jessicagunning #chloedriver #hughcoles #dannykirrane

4/27/2024, 3:04:56 AM

Nota: 9/10 2024 Série pesada, mas surpreendente. Donny é um funcionário de um pub que almeja ser comediante. Conhece Martha, uma das pessoas mais loucas que já vi em seriados. Ela passa a seguir o cara, verdadeira stalker que faz da vida dele um pesadelo diário. Com momentos de humor involuntário (ou não) vamos seguindo o protagonista que não prima pela simpatia e inteligência em muitos momentos, o que dá vontade de dar uma sacudida no sujeito. Show business, amizade, stand-up, individualismo, a doença do uso excessivo do celular (o black mirror), privacidade e mais uma série de questões levantadas que prendem a gente até o fim. Jessica Running (Martha) dá um show de interpretação! O final é "louco", não vai agradar muita gente, mas mesmo assim vale a pena! Por que não dei nota 10? Por causa de um ataque desnecessário à Igreja Católica em um diálogo do filme, derrapou feio aí. Mas não compromete o resultado do todo, que tem um dos melhores roteiros do ano. Até essa data disponível na Netflix #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #dannykirrane #michaelwildman #shalombrunefranklin #thomascoombs #ninasosanya

4/27/2024, 2:06:46 AM

📺 #babyreindeer #bebêrena (2024) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ é sensacional a maneira como Richard Gadd captura a constatação irrefutável de que estamos todos todas todes completa e desgraçadamente perdidos na linguagem. sensacional porque Gadd consegue decodificar a tragédia humana em estratos tão diversos quanto contraditórios e com isso agrega ainda mais substância à sua história que agora, também para nós, sua plateia, é real. e também porque ele, que nos 7 episódios é Donny Dunn, um comediante que se vira como balconista de um bar para sobreviver enquanto é perseguido por Martha (Jessica Gunning), delegou a direção a Weronika Tofilska e Josephine Bornebusch. notável também é o modo como o roteiro e a direção defendem seus personagens. não há [exatamente] mocinhos & vilões ou aquela condescendência que favorece ou desfavorece esse/a ou aquele/a. é como se os protegesse sem, contudo, justificar suas ações pelos viéses recorrentes na lógica do senso comum. os trabalhos de Richard Gadd e Jessica Gunning acrescem complexidade aos fragilizados Donny e Martha os tornando praticamente um convite para um olhar mais empático para com o outro - que poderia/deveria ser o próximo. quase nada parece ser de verdade se nos atentarmos no contexto geral da narrativa. o desmantelamento [das relações interpessoais etc ] é notório. a urgência perene, a superficialidade e artificialidade do instituído como norma pulsam ali e acolá no centro de absolutamente todas ansiedades, desencontros e aflições que regem [esses tragicômicos] cotidianos. poderia ser só um divertido e delirante conto de terror sobre um recorte isolado. mas, é real e se repete sistematicamente... #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #Netflix #drama #comédia #tvseries #netflixoriginal #stalker #cineanotações #filminhosemtranse #ninasosanya #shalombrunefranklin #tomgoodmanhill #amandaroot #marklewisjones #alexandriariley #tomdurantpritchard #jimcaesar #michaelwildman #thomascoombes #dannykirrane #hughcoles

4/25/2024, 2:11:45 PM

Baby Reindeer | Drama ‧ Série 🎬🍿📽️ Primeiro episódio: 11 de abril de 2024 (Reino Unido) Emissora original:  #netflix Um comediante é gentil com uma mulher vulnerável, despertando uma obsessão sufocante que pode acabar com a vida dos dois. Disponível @netflixbrasil #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #tomgoodmanhill #shalombrunefranklin #dannykirrane #fy #seriesnetflix #dicasseries #netflixdicas #inglaterra🇬🇧 #drama #suspense

4/24/2024, 12:39:57 AM

🎥BABY REINDEER (2024) 🇬🇧paese: UK 📺 #miniserie: 1 stagione - 7 puntate 💡ideatore: #richardgadd 🎭cast: #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #hughcoles #dannykirrane #shalombrunefranklin . #serietv #netflix #tvseries #babyreindeer

4/23/2024, 1:29:40 PM

Baby Reindeer (mini series) (2024) *** SYNOPSIS Based on a true story, 'Baby Reindeer' follows the writer and performer Richard Gadd's warped relationship with his female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deep, dark buried trauma. *** REVIEW I don't think I'm going to be forgetting about this show anytime soon, and the fact that it's based on a true story just makes it more daunting. It's a raw and honest story that gave me goosebumps throughout! Once I started watching, I couldn't stop - binge-watching all 7 episodes in one sitting! Richard Gadd is not only incredibly brave for sharing his story, but he bought together a truly captivating series that was portrayed amazingly well. And the casting of Martha?!?! Just WOW. She was a 'character' who instantly made me unsettled. Certain comments, and her behaviour had my heart racing! Jessica Gunning ensured every moment was captivating, everything from her facial expressions, body language and dialogue just chilled me to my core!. There was moments where I did feel sorry for her, and there were moments that I was just genuinely scared of her. And that flip between a lonely, wounded soul and raging, vicious stalker is outstanding (and terrifying!). Gunning definitely should win all the awards! Touching on a few hard topics, this is definitely not a show for the faint-hearted and should come with some trigger warnings. I absolutely applaud Richard Gadd for his honest truth and I wish him all the best💙 MY RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ *** #tvshowreview #tvshowrating #tvseriesreview #tvseriesrating #babyreindeer #miniseries #season1 #tvshow #tvseries #richardgadd #navamau #jessicagunning #tomgoodmanhill #hughcoles #michaelwildman #dannykirrane #shalombrunefranklin #ninasosanya #thomascoombes #like #follow 🎥

4/23/2024, 12:54:43 PM

"Baby reindeer". Miniserie de TV (2024). 7 episodios. Cuando un cómico en apuros tiene un gesto amable con una mujer vulnerable, desencadena una obsesión enfermiza que amenaza con destrozar la vida de ambos. La serie basada en hechos reales desarrolla los efectos del trauma en los vínculos de los sujetos. Una serie apasionante con actuaciones magistrales. Le doy 4,5; feditos de 5 #babyreindeer #richardgadd #josephinebornebusch #weronikatofilska #jessicagunning #navamau #tomgoodmanhill #dannykirrane #hughcoles #chloedriver #netflix #jamiemichie #annikasummer

4/22/2024, 2:14:21 PM

NOW STREAMING‼️ “Dealing with a female stalker, a man is forced to face a dark, buried trauma.” ‘Baby Reindeer’ is now available on @netflix Watch the official trailer via tedtakes.com using the link in our bio 🎬🍿

4/20/2024, 7:54:46 PM

TV REVIEW: 9/10 “i need a ncie boy totake care of me who looks likea baby reindeer” Everyone seems to be talking about Netflix’s new series Baby Reindeer and there’s just so much to say. This plot is absolutely wild, then to find out that it’s true and happened to the man who is acting this out is utterly jaw dropping. What seemingly starts out as a dark comedy about a bartender who offers a kindness to a lonely patron, who then becomes his stalker, leads us on an emotional journey as the stalking is used as a tool to unravel Donny’s buried trauma. The moments with Martha were so cringe, disturbing, but also portrayed in a very darkly funny way that they somehow were the lighter moments of this series compared to the grooming that Donny experienced. Donny’s obsession with trying to understand Martha and his role in all of this leaves a lot for the audience to unpack. We wouldn’t be surprised if Richard Gadd is up for an Emmy nom for just episodes 6 and 7 alone, that stand-up monologue in episode 6 left us speechless. This series shines a spotlight on a lot of things that society doesn’t want to look at or talk about, and is definitely an uncomfortable and disturbing show, but is worth your time. “SENT FROM MY IPHONE” #FlicksAndFlix @flicksandflix #TVReview 🍿 #BabyReindeer Cast: #RichardGadd #JessicaGunning #NavaMau #TomGoodmanHall #HughColes #DannyKirrane #ShalomBruneFranklin Creator, Executive Producer, Writer, & Star: #RichardGadd 🎥🖊️⭐️ Streaming: #Netflix #NetflixOriginal @netflix 📺 #Miniseries #LimitedSeries #TrueStory #Drama #Thriller #Stalker #Streaming #Television #TV #Reviews #Review

4/19/2024, 7:00:48 PM

Baby Reindeer (2024) The story follows the writer and performer Richard Gadd's warped relationship with his female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deep, dark buried trauma. What a world we live in,where twisted stuff like this happen,this is a frightening #truestory where this happened and that the bloke it happened to stars in this, certain things trigger like why did he let this happened and keep going back,but thats grooming for you,this is a good watch,very depressing in places,but still a solid 7/10 #babyreindeer #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #dannykirrane #michaelwilding #shalombrunefranklin #ninasosanya #tomgoodmanhill #netflix #netflixseries #dramatvseries #drama #britishtvseries #british #comedian #stalker #pub #2024release #2024 #abuse #tvseries #tvseriesreview #mattsmoviereviews

4/18/2024, 9:12:18 PM

*TW - Rape, Sexual Violence* I’m still recovering from this twisted series, my goodness AND it’s based on a true story?! Baby Reindeer is now available to stream on Netflix. Dealing with a female stalker, a man is forced to face a dark, buried trauma. This is based on Richard Gadd and his one-man show in telling the terrifying story of his stalker. I’m actually horrified at what I’ve just watched. What was mad about this was that, as sick and twisted as this was, I couldn’t stop watching. I finished this series in one sitting because of how much I wanted to see the outcome. Some scenes may be difficult for you to watch. Baby Reindeer kept getting worse, episode 4 Jessica Gunning really won in the role of Martha Scott. She embodied this weirdo so well that even just the sight of her made you sick and uneasy. Both her and Richard Gadd did amazingly well in bringing this story to life and I’ll probably never be the same again. Whilst it can be easy to be frustrated at the actions of Richard Gadd, I had to remember his lived experience is different to how ours is so whilst he could have shut this down from early, based on his trauma and such, there was empathy there. It was never relatable but I felt for him in a way. This was full of so many plot twists, it’s hard to believe this was real but the story was gripping and narrated quite well. God, when he eventually shagged her??! I screamed. I really wonder where she is now. There’s no way she isn’t traumatising someone else. Rating: 🍿🍿🍿 #BabyReindeer #Netflix #WhatToWatchOnNetflix #WhatToWatch #Drama #Thriller #RichardGadd #JessicaGunning #NavaMau #DannyKirrane #HughColes #ChloeDriver

4/14/2024, 2:57:58 PM

Da oggi su #Netflix e disponibile #BabyReindeer, serie dramedy creata e scritta da #RichardGadd (Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier), tratta dal suo premiato one man show che ha fatto furore al Fringe Festival di Edimburgo. È ispirata ad una esperienza da lui vissuta realmente. La serie è stata diretta da #WeronikaTofilska (regista dei corti Suicide is Easy e The Patient) e da #JosephineBornebusch (co-creatrice della serie Welcome to Sweden, creatrice della serie Alska Mig, alla quale si ispira la serie australiana Love Me). Baby Reindeer segue la strana relazione tra il comico fallito Donny Dunn (Richard Gadd) e Martha ( #JessicaGunning, Fortitude, The Outlaws), la sua stalker, mostrando l’impatto che ha su di lui quando deve affrontare traumi da tempo dimenticati. Fanno parte del cast anche #NavaMau, #TomGoodmanHill, #DannyKirrane, #HughColes e #ChloeDriver. Fonti: AntonioGenna.com, TVSerial.it (Lorenzo Ballabio) e IMDb

4/11/2024, 11:27:09 PM

実話と知り、配信日にアラート🔔かけて 俟ってました、、 怖くなったらやめようと、様子見ながら観てたけど あっという間に完走してた。 まだ配信されたばかりなので詳細は控えますが🤫 主人公ドニーの ご両親が本当に素晴らしくて素敵なの🥹💖🫧 ストーカーとの戦いは 恐ろしくて気が遠くなる程 長い道のりで疲弊どころか何年も 時を失います 未だ本当に終わったのかと不安との闘いでもある🤦‍♀️ #netflix #babyreindeer #私のトナカイちゃん #richardgadd #jessicagunning #navamau #dannykirrane #hughcoles #jamiemichie #joebone #guyrobbins #chloedriver

4/11/2024, 4:51:11 PM

Baby Reindeer Review: Richard Gadd's Complex Personal Account Will Move You While Keeping it Light Baby Reindeer delves into the twisted dynamic between struggling comedian Donny Dunn and his female stalker, revealing its profound effect on him as he confronts a long-buried trauma along with her persistent interference. (Read the review through the link in the bio) #BabyReindeer #RichardGadd #Review #Netflix #JessicaGunning #NavaMau #TomGoodmanHill #JosephineBornebusch #DannyKirrane #Donny #Martha #Teri #TVSeries

4/11/2024, 3:02:20 PM

Baby Reindeer - Coming to Netflix in April 2024 ⭐️ GEMS CREW ⭐️ Jake Whitelee - Production Sound Mixer Vicky Gegenbauer - Script Supervisor Toby Spanton - 1st AD Cover #gems #gemsagency #newseries #babyreindeer #netflix #soundmixer #scriptsupervisor #1stAD #richardgadd #dannykirrane #jessicagunning

3/22/2024, 10:00:15 PM

Puntuación ⭐⭐⭐ #Automata #AntonioBanderas #MelanieGriffith #DylanMcDermott #BirgitteHjortSørensen #RobertForster #TimMcInnerny #DavidRyall #JavierBardem #BorisKabakchiev #LyubomirNeikov #GeraldineSomerville #DannyKirrane #ChristinaTam #AndrewTiernan #AndyNyman #DanCade #GabeIbañez #22 Peli número 22 del año. Con tintes a lo blade runner este film es una historia que no solo nos habla del futuro sino del pasado y como los robots nos tienen que venir a enseñar a ser humanos. En su momento recibió muchas críticas , lo mejor es la atmósfera que el director consigue.Hay muchas referencias a literatura de Philip K Dick y a muchas pelis de ciencia ficción. Las ganas del director son de agradecer y creo que Banderas borda su papel. Y tú la has visto?

1/24/2024, 6:40:02 PM

Joanna Scanlan and Danny Kirrane star in 'Boat Story' on BBC! @joannascanlanofficial @dannykirrane When two strangers discover a haul of cocaine on a lone washed-up boat, luck soon turns to misfortune as they become the targets of a vengeful mob boss, his hit man, and the police. Watch the six-part series on BBC iPlayer. #boatstory #bbc #bbcdrama #drama #joannascanlan #dannykirrane #sueterryvoices #voiceoverartist

12/12/2023, 12:21:28 PM

. Baby Reindeer … is a 2021 tv series created by Richard Gadd, directed by Weronika Tofilska, Josephine Bornebusch and produced by Matthew Mulot. Based on a the true story, and hit 2019 Edinburgh Fringe one-man stage-play which follows writer and performer Richard Gadd's warped relationship with his female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deep, dark buried trauma. Cast: Richard Gadd, Jessica Gunning, Nava Mau, Hugh Coles, Danny Kirrane, Chloe Driver, Jamie Michie. Locations: Grassmarket, Edinburgh Photos @ Clerkenwell Films Link to trailer in Bio: https://youtu.be/XqVNUwFXYLM?si=fJJRo123rnId4QUt #BabyReindeer #2021 #RichardGadd #WeronikaTofilska #JosephineBornebusch #MatthewMulot #EdinburghFringe #writer #performer #stalker #JessicaGunning #NavaMau #HughColes #DannyKirrane #ChloeDriver #JamieMichie #Grassmarket #Edinburgh #television #tvseries #tv #scotland #scottish #scotlandlocations #tvshow #scotlandbehindthecamera #tvtuesday

11/14/2023, 8:46:42 AM

Reviewing Killer Weekend; I just watched this and it’s really good. As for the storyline Sam and his mates go to a paintballing survival weekend for his stag do which starts as fun but then turns to really surviving after an incident. As for the cast I really liked Timothy Renoul Perry Fitzpatrick and Mark Hemp and others good too. Overall it’s a really good film full of action and fun. I rate this 8/10 #Film #Movie #Reviewing #MovieBlog #FollowForFollow #MovieGeek #FilmGeek #FilmFan #MovieFan #MovieAddict #Cinephile #KillerWeekend #SeanVerey #DannyKirrane #DavidMumeni #TimothyRenouf #MarkHeap #PerryFitzpatrick #EwenMacintosh #JakeAbbott #AngieAdler #LuingAndrews #BenKent #Action #Comedy #PrimeVideo #JSFilms

10/20/2023, 6:50:41 PM

Ab sofort könnt Ihr Autogramme von Danny Kirrane auf www.proud-nerd.de kaufen. #proudnerd #funland #Sandman #theserpentqueen #dannykirrane

2/26/2023, 5:41:27 PM

Conta a história de Catarina de Médici, que, apesar de todas as dificuldades, se tornou uma das regentes mais poderosas e longevas da história da França. A história de Catarina é contada por meio de retrospectos, enquanto ela defende suas ações e compartilha as lições que aprendeu com sua nova criada, Rahima. #boanoite #segundafeira #assistindo #series #maratonei #primeiratemporada #euindico #arainhaserpente #theserpentqueen #starzplay #repost #enzocilenti #livhill #amritaacharya #naomibattrick #samanthamorton #barryatsma #nicholasburns #dannykirrane #raypanthaki #charlesdance #colmmeaney #razajaffrey #senniananua #ludivinesagnier #elissaalloula #paulchahidi #alexheath #louislandau #kirunastamell

12/13/2022, 12:27:38 AM

Don't Forget The Driver is een zwarte komedie in het zonnige kustplaatsje Bognor Regis. Het onderzoekt wat het betekent om te leven, te werken en om een ouder te zijn, op een moment dat de hele Britse bevolking moet leren omgaan met de veranderende kleur van hun paspoorten. Kijk vanaf vanavond Don't Forget The Driver bij NLZIET Extra. #dontforgetthedriver #komedie #comedy #zwartekomedie #luwamteklizgi #marciawarren #dannykirrane #dinokelly #tobyjones #BBC #BBCentertainment #NLZIET #nlzietextra

11/26/2022, 9:00:37 AM

Lionsgate+ has ordered a second season of its Catherine de Medici series The Serpent Queen ahead of the season one finale on October 30. - - - - - Pic: Lionsgate+/Starz Entertainment @lionsgateplusuk @starz @lionsgatetv @serpentqueenstarz @samanthamorton @amritaacharia1 @cinzano_pirelli @senniananua @kirunastamell @ludivinesagnier @rubybentall @barry_atsma @antoniasclarke @razajaffrey @raypanthaki @dannykirrane @lingerby @alexheath97 #lionsgateplus #starz #theserpentqueen #serpentqueen #catherinedemedici #samanthamorton #amritaacharia #enzocilenti #senniananua #kirunastamell #naomibattrick #ludivinesagnier #rubybentall #barryatsma #colmmeaney #antoniaclarke #adamgarcia #paulchahidi #nicholasburns #razajaffrey #dannykirrane #charlesdance #raypanthaki #leeingleby #alexheath

10/28/2022, 7:49:20 PM

Pirates des Caraïbes - La vengeance de Salazar : - vers 0h56m06s, #brentonthwaites regarde #kayascodelario du côté droit, mais sur le contrechamp, il regarde du côté gauche ! Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales : - around 0h56m06s, #brentonthwaites looks at #kayascodelario on the right side, but on the reverse shot, he looks on the left side! #piratesdescaraïbeslavengeancedesalazar #piratesdescaraibeslavengeancedesalazar #piratesofthecaribbeandeadmentellnotales #johnnydepp #adambrown #dannykirrane #delroyatkinson #kevinmcnally

10/16/2022, 10:54:17 PM

THE SERPENT QUEEN: Season 1, Episode 6: The Last Joust TV Show Trailer [Starz] Read the Full Article here (click the link in the bio OR copy & paste this link): https://tinyurl.com/2e8xxs3p Visit our Patreon page, consider becoming a patron, and help support our content (copy & paste the link: https://www.patreon.com/FilmBook. The hashtags for this posting: #FilmBook #news #journalism #entertainment #love #instagood #AdamGarcia #AlexHeath #AmritaAcharia #AntoniaClarke #BarryAtsma #BethGoddard #ColmMeaney #DannyKirrane #EnzoCilenti #KirunaStamell #NicholasBurns #RayPanthaki #RazaJaffrey #RupertEverett #SamanthaMorton #Starz #TheSerpentQueen #TVShowTrailer

10/13/2022, 3:03:11 AM

THE SERPENT QUEEN; Season 1, Episode 5: The First Regency TV Show Trailer [Starz] Read the Full Article here (click the link in the bio OR copy & paste this link): https://tinyurl.com/2nuc2ext Visit our Patreon page, consider becoming a patron, and help support our content (copy & paste the link: https://www.patreon.com/FilmBook. The hashtags for this posting: #FilmBook #news #journalism #entertainment #love #instagood #AdamGarcia #AlexHeath #AmritaAcharia #AntoniaClarke #BarryAtsma #BethGoddard #ColmMeaney #DannyKirrane #EnzoCilenti #KirunaStamell #NicholasBurns #RayPanthaki #RazaJaffrey #RupertEverett #SamanthaMorton #Starz #TheSerpentQueen #TVShowTrailer

10/5/2022, 1:01:31 AM

Introducing the Bourbon Brothers. Louis and Antoine. Thoroughbreds. #NickBurns #DannyKirrane @serpentqueenstarz #serpentqueen #theserpentqueen

9/30/2022, 1:41:03 PM

THE SERPENT QUEEN; Season 1, Episode 3: The Price TV Show Trailer [Starz] Read the Full Article here (click the link in the bio OR copy & paste this link): https://tinyurl.com/2ewo8p25 Visit our Patreon page, consider becoming a patron, and help support our content (copy & paste the link: https://www.patreon.com/FilmBook. The hashtags for this posting: #FilmBook #news #journalism #entertainment #love #instagood #AdamGarcia #AlexHeath #AmritaAcharia #AntoniaClarke #BarryAtsma #BethGoddard #ColmMeaney #DannyKirrane #EnzoCilenti #KirunaStamell #NicholasBurns #RayPanthaki #RazaJaffrey #RupertEverett #SamanthaMorton #Starz #TheSerpentQueen #TVShowTrailer

9/19/2022, 12:19:03 AM

New American period drama 'The Serpent Queen', starring @dannykirrane & Nicholas Burns. Eight-part series based on Leonie Frieda's book "Catherine de Medici: Renaissance Queen of France." You can sign up for Starz US to watch The Serpent Queen, or can access STARZPLAY through Amazon Prime Video in the UK. #theserpentqueen #starzplay #starz #dannykirrane #nicholasburns #perioddrama #voiceover #voiceoverartist #voiceagent

9/13/2022, 5:29:11 PM

THE SERPENT QUEEN is now streaming on @starzplayuk so check out our chats with the cast of this spectacular new drama below! --- https://www.heyuguys.com/serpent-queen-interviews/ --- #theserpentqueen #livhill #raypanthaki #nicholasburns #dannykirrane #samanthamorton #starz #starzplay #exclusive #interview #video #junket

9/12/2022, 6:10:05 PM

THE SERPENT QUEEN: Season 1, Episode 2: To War Rather Than To Bed Plot Synopsis, Director, & Air Date [Starz] Read the Full Article here (click the link in the bio OR copy & paste this link): https://tinyurl.com/2om3albj Visit our Patreon page, consider becoming a patron, and help support our content (copy & paste the link: https://www.patreon.com/FilmBook. The hashtags for this posting: #FilmBook #news #journalism #entertainment #love #instagood #AdamGarcia #AlexHeath #AmritaAcharia #AntoniaClarke #BarryAtsma #BethGoddard #ColmMeaney #DannyKirrane #EnzoCilenti #KirunaStamell #NicholasBurns #RayPanthaki #RazaJaffrey #RupertEverett #SamanthaMorton #Starz #TheSerpentQueen #TVShowNews

9/12/2022, 12:32:55 AM

THE SERPENT QUEEN (2022) TV Show Trailer; Ep. 1: Medici Bitch Plot Synopsis & Air Date [Starz] Read the Full Article here (click the link in the bio OR copy & paste this link): https://tinyurl.com/2jtss6lb Visit our Patreon page, consider becoming a patron, and help support our content (copy & paste the link: https://www.patreon.com/FilmBook. The hashtags for this posting: #FilmBook #news #journalism #entertainment #love #instagood #AdamGarcia #AlexHeath #AmritaAcharia #AntoniaClarke #BarryAtsma #BethGoddard #ColmMeaney #DannyKirrane #EnzoCilenti #KirunaStamell #NicholasBurns #RayPanthaki #RazaJaffrey #RupertEverett #SamanthaMorton #Starz #TheSerpentQueen #TVShowNews #TVShowTrailer

9/3/2022, 11:35:09 PM