BRCA images

Discover Best BRCA Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

It’s getting harder to forget we are waiting to see what is growing. Next week I do a ctDNA blood test. If I have a specific mutation, there’s a med for that. I have no idea if it’s worse or better than Lynparza. I’m tired. I’m trying not to “worry”, but the nameless fear always lurks in the background. #breastcancer #mbc #brca #stage4 #metastaticbreastcancer #neurographicart

6/2/2024, 1:17:43 AM

Hands up if you've been told to "just stay positive." 🙌 Yaaaaa ok - that's not super helpful...right? It's not all about being positive (aka toxic positivity). It's normal to feel highs and lows during cancer. But here is the key! Things can get really dark if you feel isolated and don't have a plan on how to heal. I've personally witnessed so many women struggle through chemo treatments thinking it's the norm to feel EXHAUSTED and stuck in bed. (that's not normal and doesn't need to be like that) Instead you need a plan on how you can best support your body in recovering while you are in treatment and once you have done! Here it is! The Cancer Freedom Program is open for enrolment now. BUT we are closing the doors on April 22nd. Don't miss out on your chance to get a personalized, step by step plan to give you the best shot at being well and staying cancer free. Comment below "Program" and I will send you the direct link to apply. Go now! #tamoxifen #cancerthriver #cancerwarrior #brca #brca2 #her2 #hormonepositivebreastcancer #cervicalcancer #ovariancancer #youngsurvivor #tnbc #thriver #survivortothriver #cancersurvivor #chemo #chemotherapy #cancerrecovery #cancernutrition #cancerfoods

6/2/2024, 1:10:06 AM

Check your chest! 1 out of 8 of us will develop breast cancer. Check yourself! Schedule your mammogram. Finding out that I was BRCA1 saved my life and I am here right now. #feelitonthefirst #brca #foobs #previvor #knowyourlemons #metmuseum

6/1/2024, 10:53:58 PM

Don’t forget to #feelitonthefirst. It could possibly save your life.

6/1/2024, 10:26:48 PM

We are excited to be bringing back our summer music program, this year at the La Piazza Bridgeland! Today is our first one of the season and featuring @olmandenver from 1- 3 p.m.! Be sure to bookmark your Saturday afternoons to come and check out some live performances from some of Calgary’s finest talent. Your @inbridgeland Bridgeland BIA is excited to host another wonderful summer of music! #inbridgeland #bridgelandyyc #yycnow #yycliving #busking #livemusic #lapiazzabridgeland #yycdowntownliving #BRCA #yyc #BRCA #calgary

6/1/2024, 8:19:26 PM

🎉Book Giveaway!!! Just over a month until Just Playing House is out and I have a handful of advance copies left. I’m giving away some to my US and Canadian followers. To win one comment below if you’re Canadian or American, and like this post. Will draw end of day Sunday! #Writersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #booklove #canadianauthor #farahheron #writingromance #canlit #writing #romcom #romcombooks #brcastrong #brca #brcabooks #contemporaryromance #romancebooks #2024books #justplayinghouse #arcreaders #arcgiveaway #bookgiveaway

6/1/2024, 6:41:28 PM

June is #CancerSurvivorsMonth! Join us in celebrating the strength of ovarian cancer survivors. Hear from the TEAL community about what being an ovarian cancer survivor means to them, and discover the support NOCC offers to survivors. 💙 #OvarianCancerAwareness⁠ ⁠ #KnowOvarian #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #ovariancancersurvivor #cancer #nocc #nationalovariancancercoalition #womenswellness #qualityoflife #womenscancer #cancerawareness #ovaries #BRCA #womenshealth #cancerresearch #research #awareness #ovariancancerawarenessmonth

6/1/2024, 5:04:16 PM

June 2016 my kids turned 4 and 7, but we could not make them birthday parties. I was in chemo and couldn’t risk getting sick. Instead, our family came over and did slime and art and everything possible for my kids to enjoy their birthdays. Today is June 1st. Please take the time to FEEL IT ON THE FIRST. Check your breasts, your testicles, your moles, your mouth. Note any abnormalities. Make the doctor’s appointment that you have been putting off. Know your body. Know your normal. 🎗️ Early Detection Saves Lives 🎗️ #feelitonthefirst #knowyournormal #earlydetectionsaveslives #breastcancersurvivor #brca #brca1 #doublemastectomy

6/1/2024, 4:37:44 PM

. . . 31個の遺伝子を検査しましたが全て陰性でした。 良かったと安堵する気持ちと じゃあなんで?と考えてしまうこともたまには..💭 でも安心代だと思うとして良かったかな〜〜 #乳がんサバイバー #her2 #ピンクリボン #若年性乳がん #子宮頸がん #hsil #ティールアンドホワイトリボン #aya世代 #brca #hboc #遺伝性乳がん #妊孕性温存 #卵子凍結

6/1/2024, 4:37:06 PM

Busy days can make us forget about self-care. Luckily, with our app's calendar sync feature, you can easily schedule your Breast Self-Exam (BSE) at a time that suits you best! 🗓️ 🌸 Download the free Daisy Wheel app today (link in bio) and share this reminder with a friend. #breastselfexam #breastselfexamreminder #bsereminder #monthlybse #getintouch #daisywheel #getintouchfoundation #breastawareness #breastcancerawareness #breasthealth #brca #breastcancercare #selfawareness #learnyourbody #breastcancersupport #selflove #fightlikeagirl #pinkribbon #breastcancerwarrior #brcawarrior #womenshealth #womensupportingwomen #cancersucks #fightcancer #breastscreening

6/1/2024, 4:00:31 PM

. . 診察当日から8日間誘発剤開始💉 (8日間の注射後、服用薬と点鼻薬) 私は未婚なので未受精卵の凍結をしました🐣 開始してから10日後には採卵ができたので とってもスムーズでした☺️! でも、2度おこなうケースが多いようですが私は1度で断念😭 元々月経困難症があったせいか、排卵痛?下腹部痛?が酷く お腹痛いなぁ...(不快な違和感)くらいの時もあれば 冷や汗が止まらず悶え苦しむこともありました😭 なぜか早朝に痛むことが多く、朝を迎えるのが恐怖だった😭(笑) 温存療法中にしこり🐮経過をエコー確認したところ またまた成長していることも分かりまして 1度は凍結できたし、抗がん剤を優先しようと思いました🥲 正直、 告知を受けてから抗がん剤に取りかかる日数 検査の流れとか 正解はまっったく分からないけど 告知から3ヶ月が経とうとしているし 最後の検査から2ヶ月経つし みんなしてるのに骨シンチもしてないし どんどんしこり大きくなってるし 色々不安になってきて 早く抗がん剤したくないけどしたいみたいな感情になってる🫨笑 ということで ▶︎治療期間 トータル17日 誘発剤投与   ↓10日間 採卵   ↓ 1週間 採卵結果 ▶︎トータル費用( 薬剤、エコー、血液検査含む )  ¥317,760-  (助成金加味せず) #乳がん #乳がんサバイバー #her2 #ピンクリボン #若年性乳がん #子宮頸がん #hsil #ティールアンドホワイトリボン #aya世代 #brca #hboc #遺伝性乳がん #妊孕性温存 #卵子凍結

6/1/2024, 3:39:23 PM

Ready to take control of your life's direction? Join me for a transformative monthly coffee date! ☕ I know what it's like to have life throw you a curve ball and end up feeling utterly lost and stuck. For me it was a cancer diagnosis in July 2021. As the world was opening up again after all the covid restrictions my life got a lot more restricted and scary. I asked myself the questions, who am I now and what's next and now I'm flourishing. Whatever curve ball or plot twist life has thrown you join me for our FREE monthly "Who am I now and what's next?" coffee session! ☕ There will be advice, inspiration and powerful coaching questions to propel you forward. This month's theme is "Beyond Praise and Criticism: Cultivating Inner Confidence." 🗓️ Save the date: Monday, 10th June at 7:00 PM BST via Zoom. No matter what life has thrown at you, you can rediscover who you are now and work out what's next! Don't miss out—sign up today and receive Zoom details! ➡️ Link in bio. Let's embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth together! Can't make it live - sign up today and you'll be sent the recording. Neither coffee nor cameras will be compulsory so don't be shy!

6/1/2024, 11:50:55 AM

Herzlich Willkommen auf meiner #Couch... Ich liege leider völlig platt rum. Angesteckt an den Kids. Mit schwerem Herzen habe ich die Einladung zu einer Hochzeitsparty für dieses Wochenende absagen müssen. Meine beste Freundin rief an und auf einmal ist mir etwas bewusst geworden und um das zu erklären, müssen wir gemeinsam ein paar Jahre zurück. 2013 - ein Jahr was für mich das beschissenste in meinem ganzen Leben bleiben wird. Ich habe Manja verloren und eine BRCA Diagnose bekommen. Von einem Tag auf dem anderen hieß es für mich zu Ärzten gehen, mich mit Krankenkassen auseinandersetzen& Krankenhausaufenthalte planen. Mein Terminkalender war voll mit Terminen. Um ehrlich zu sein war ich von 2013 bis 2016 mehrfach jedes Jahr im Krankenhaus. Schnell wurde ich von meiner Außenwelt "Die, die vielleicht mal Krebs bekommt" , "Die, die ständig irgendwas hat", " Die, die mehr Unterstützung benötigt". Und ich meinte auch in Fragen die nach meinem Befinden sich richteten einen gewissen Unterton raus zuhören. Erst letztens wurde gefragt ob ich noch gesund bin oder schon etwas ausgebrochen ist! ...und ja ich weiß, dass das alles lieb gemeint ist. Als endlich dieses ganze Möpsekrebsthema überstanden war, habe ich es genossen gesund zu sein, keine ständigen Arzttermine zu haben und dennoch passiert es, dass wenn ich doch krank werde wie jetzt mit Fieber& Erkältungssymptomen, ich es kaum ertrage, das zuzugeben. Lieber gehe ich noch mit 40 Fieber arbeiten. Tja und dann sagt heute meine Freundin am Telefon zu mir: "Ich bin super stolz auf Dich, das du trotzdem jetzt auf dich achtest und nicht zur Party fährst! Weil ich weiß wie wichtig es dir ist und du so ungern mal zugibst, wenn es dir nicht gut geht." Dieser Satz bringt mich wirklich zum Nachdenken. Ich habe irgendwie versucht niemanden mehr Schwäche zu zeigen, damit eben nicht mehr ich die bin die vielleicht mal ... Ich wollte einfach nicht mehr so wahrgenommen werden. Weil ich eben mehr bin, als BRCA1, mehr als die Jahre 2013- 2016, mehr in mir steckt als diese ganzen Komplikationen... Ich bin mehr... #Arschbrueste #mastektomie #brca #krank #mindset #überkrebssprechen #dubistnichtallein #pinkribbon #breastawareness

6/1/2024, 11:27:16 AM

Breast Cancer awareness time…. Getting into a habit of feeling it on the first of month is one good way to remember and be self aware. We have already shared so many stories of young women affected by breast cancer, and no two of them presented the same. Remember it’s not all lumps and bumps - a change in size of one breast, discharge from the nipple, a sore not healing, skin texture change, or a thickening. Remember to check in different positions as the muscles can hide some lumps. Once a month checking should be the minimum as early diagnosis helps the chance of curable treatment. It can affect any age, and does not discriminate. As part of our campaign for women’s health this year we are working with several charities, swipe right for the information provided by @pinkribbonfoundation and visit our website for more links for information. If in doubt always see your GP! Mortal And Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. Using art & the power of voice to empower, support charities and change the narrative of social stigmatisation of disease. Scars of Gold photography series by @lizmurrayart and photographer @samwestonphotography @tracy.pratt71 @gizelaschultz1985 @amy_webber3 @baldbooblessandbeautiful @eclair_46 @flossboots @jambeannie @ #hope #mas #mortalandstrong #iammortalandstrong #mortality #strength #women #strongwomen #womenshealth #breastcancer #sbc #secondarycancer #secondarybreastcancer #vulvalcancer #cervicalcancer #brca

6/1/2024, 10:58:21 AM

มาถึง Part สุดท้ายของ BRCA กันค่ะ นั่นคือหากมียีนส์นี้ควรผ่าตัดป้องกันมั๊ยคะ แล้วควรผ่าตัดตั้งแต่อายุเท่าไหร่ดี #มะเร็งเต้านม #มะเร็งรังไข่ #brca #câncer #มะเร็ง #สูตินรีแพทย์ #สูตินรีเวช

6/1/2024, 7:14:03 AM

I fought so hard for this life. May you were so good to me ♊️ #thankful #blessed #tnbc #brca # #mystory #breastcancer #tnbc #brca #cancersurvivor #cancersucks #vacay #birthday

6/1/2024, 2:01:32 AM

Arabic | لقد تم حظر حسابي الأساسي لمده ١٨٠ يوم💔💔 English | My main account has been banned for 180 days💔 Spanish | Mi cuenta principal ha sido baneada durante 180 💔 #fermin_lopez03 @_ferminlopez @fcbarcelona #Fermin #fermín #ferminlopez #fermínlópez #lopez #barcelona #Barcelona #fcbarcelona# #fcbarça #fcbarça #brca #fcb #fyb #viscaelbarça #viscabarça #laliga #championleague #laliga #goldenboy #españa #pedri #pedro #pedrigonzalez# gavi #baplogavi #marcguiu9 #marcgiuiu #marccasado #hector #hectorfort #joaofelix #Messi

6/1/2024, 1:30:55 AM

At this time, five years ago, I was waking up from an 11-hour surgery. Today, I reflect on how far I’ve come and how incredibly blessed I am. The journey has been long and challenging, but every step has brought me to this moment of gratitude and resilience. Thank you to everyone who supported me along the way. Here’s to embracing each day with a thankful heart. 💖 #blessed #gratitude #strength #healingjourney #fiveyearslater #breastcancer #previvor #survivor #diep #brca #dcis #mastectomy

6/1/2024, 1:17:05 AM

Ibiza Orchestra Live: two years on. What a difference two years makes 🪩. Tonight we danced to Ibiza tunes in style - two years on from when I was diagnosed with cancer. Last time we were here, I’d just had my first round of chemo 😷. Sometimes it all feels a bit surreal. Ibiza tunes otherworldly. Feeling grateful ❤️ #cancer #cancerawareness #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #brca #brca2 #cancermama #cancerrecovery #cancerwarrior

6/1/2024, 12:15:00 AM

On this National Smile Day, let your smile brighten the world and inspire others to do the same. Share your joy and make today a little brighter for everyone! 😄 #Breastlink #NationalSmileDay . . . . . . . . . . #Smile #SmileDay #BreastCare #BreastCancer #AwarenessIsPower #3DMammogram #Mammogram #CheckYourself #BreastCancerCare #EarlyDetection #BreastCancerEducation #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastSurgeon #Oncology #Ultrasound #Radiologist #BreastSpecialist #BRCA #BreastHealth #WomensHealth

6/1/2024, 12:05:51 AM

EMPOWERink is excited to announce that we will be opening applications tomorrow for an event on July, 24,2024 at the legendary shop @angerinktattoo in Montreal. We have 7 AMAZING artists who will be participating! If you can make it to Montreal you can apply. Angerink EMPOWERink does not discriminate. We are open to women and men who have undergone a mastectomy. This gorgeous tattoo was created by the Uber talented @dmanyaktattoo at @uptowntattoosmontreal #mastectomytattoo #breastcancer #malebreastcancer #brca #mastectomy #flatclosure

5/31/2024, 10:58:02 PM

A menopausa não é uma doença, é uma fase natural da vida! À medida que avançamos na jornada da vida nosso corpo passa por várias transformações e a menopausa é uma delas. É um momento de renovação, não de limitação. Não aceite nem trate a menopausa como uma doença. Em vez disso, veja-a como uma oportunidade para redobrar os cuidados com sua saúde, especialmente a prevenção do câncer de mama. A prevenção é poderosa e está ao seu alcance através de autoconhecimento das mamas, hábitos saudáveis, consultas regulares e exames de rotina. A mamografia é uma ferramenta essencial na detecção precoce do câncer de mama, e sua importância cresce ainda mais durante e após a menopausa. Não deixe de realizar seus exames anuais e de manter um diálogo aberto com seu médico sobre quaisquer mudanças ou preocupações. Lembre-se: cuidar de si mesma é o primeiro passo para uma vida plena e saudável em todas as suas fases. A menopausa é apenas mais uma etapa e você tem o poder de vivê-la com saúde, alegria e plenitude. Dra. Paola Médica Mastologista e Cirurgiã Geral CRM-SP 164.077 - RQE 99.040 / 80.421 ‌ . . \ #drapaolamarkiewicz #cancerdemama #mastologista #mastologistasp #mastologia #porminhasmamas #atividadefisica #saudedasmamas #brca #mastectomiaprofilática #mastectomiapreventiva #mastectomiaredutoraderisco #mastectomia #cancerdemamametastatico #altoriscodecancerdemama #mamografia #rastreamentodecancerdemama #cancerdemamatemcura #tcâncerdemama #corremulherada #saude #nodulomamario #nodulodemama

5/31/2024, 9:33:19 PM

Your unwavering dedication to the cause of breast cancer awareness is a beacon of hope, shining brightly in the lives of those affected by the disease. Your tireless advocacy work is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for resilience, courage, and compassion, inspiring countless others to join the fight against breast cancer. We heart you! Website: Facebook: @IWillSurviveIncPage Instagram: @IWillSurviveInc12 Twitter: @IWillSurviveInc TikTok: @IWillSurviveInc YouTube: New Video Join our 12for12 campaign. Sign up to give $12 for 12 months in honor of our 12 year anniversary! Donate Today: #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #cancer #breastcancersurvivor #brca #survivor #givingtuesday #gagivesday #breastcancerwarrior #health #cancerfighter #pinkribbon #breastcancersupport #pink #breastcancerfighter #cancerwarrior #breastcancercare #womenshealth #love #repost #awareness #donate #survive

5/31/2024, 9:04:28 PM

#reminders : Regular Checkups are important! Regular breast cancer screenings are an important tool that can detect breast cancer years before symptoms develop. Early detection is key, because success rates are much higher when breast cancer is detected and treated during early stages. That’s why mammograms are part of standard annual healthcare practices for women over 40. . #breasthealth #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #womenshealth #breastcancersurvivor #cancer #mammogram #health #brca #earlydetection #survivor

5/31/2024, 8:19:58 PM

แล้วถ้ามียีนส์ BRCA แล้วต้องทำตัวยังไงบ้างนะ ยีนส์นี้เพิ่มความเสี่ยงมะเร็.ตั้งหลายชนิดต้องเฝ้าระวังอะไรมากกว่าคนปกติรึเปล่า ? #มะเร็งเต้านม #มะเร็งรังไข่ #brca #câncer #มะเร็ง #สูตินรีแพทย์ #สูตินรีเวช

5/31/2024, 6:05:21 PM

Taking a genetic test is more than an exam, it’s an investment in your family. Identifying genetic risks allows you to take proactive steps to prevent disease. With this information, you protect what is most important: the health and well-being of your loved ones. Visit and register for free to find exclusive information that will help you and your family. #GeneticTesting #HereditaryCancer #BreastCancer #OvarianCancer #BRCA #LychSyndrome  #IgniteTX

5/31/2024, 4:37:22 PM

Hi, I’m Gila Pfeffer, breast cancer previvor, survivor and prevention advocate. This month’s post-FEEL IT ON THE FIRST: Shabbat cooking edition. The first falls out on a Saturday which means I wouldn’t be able to post until very late and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to remind you to: 🍳 do a breast self exam 🍳 schedule a doc appointment 🍳 have a BC risk assessment 🍳 book your screenings (per your doc) 🍳 set a phone reminder to do a SELF EXAM once a month. As always please keep sending me your FEEL IT pix and updates on whether you’ve gone for a screening. It makes my day! Bonus chicken soup video to soothe your soul. And Shabbat cooking features in my upcoming memoir NEARLY DEPARTED, Adventures in Loss, Cancer and Other Inconveniences. That’s out on July 9 (in UK it’s August 17) and available for preorder wherever you buy your 📚. Shabbat Shalom ✡️ 🕯️🕯️ 📸 @pfefferesq who I yanked away from his desk to do a kitchen photo shoot early this morning. He works for me now XOXO @gilapfeffer . . . . . . . #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #previvor #selfexam #feelitonthefirst #mastectomy #brca #brcagene #gilapfeffer #nearlydeparted

5/31/2024, 4:26:06 PM

No one should have to choose between receiving medical care for an #ovariancancer diagnosis and paying their bills. The NOCC Treatment Fund provides those in active treatment or on maintenance therapy with $1,000 to offset non-medical costs.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ 🌟Link in bio to learn more and apply⁠ ⁠ #KnowOvarian #ovariancancerawareness #ovariancancersurvivor #cancer #nocc #nationalovariancancercoalition #womenswellness #qualityoflife #womenscancer #cancerawareness #ovaries #BRCA #womenshealth #cancerresearch #research #awareness #ovariancancerawarenessmonth

5/31/2024, 4:16:11 PM

ايه اسباب الإجهاض المبكر؟ حوالي نصف حالات الإجهاض المبكر بتحصل لما الجنين مش بيتطور بشكل صحيح. غالبًا بيكون بسبب وجود عدد غير طبيعي من الكروموسومات. الكروموسومات الموجودة في كل خلية من خلايا الجسم فيها المخططات (الجينات) لكيفية تطور الأشخاص. ومن الأسباب الأكثر شيوعًا مشاكل الرحم، والاضطرابات الهرمونية، والتشوهات الوراثية. لو عندك أي استفسار، هنكون سعداء بالرد 📱الموبايل 01028035937 01061999378 📞الخط الأرضي 0225264169 📧اللأيميل [email protected] 📍العنوان 51، شارع 105 ميدان الإتحاد، المعادي، القاهرة What causes early miscarriages? About half of early miscarriages happen when the embryo does not develop properly. This often is due to an abnormal number of chromosomes. Chromosomes are in each cell of the body and carry the blueprints (genes) for how people develop and function. The most commonly identified causes include uterine problems, hormonal disorders, and genetic abnormalities. #ColorsLab #GeneticTesting #HealthMatters #GeneticScreening #Dnalife #cancer #brca #Medical #CML #ColorsMedicalLabs Let us know if you have any questions. 📱 Mobile 01028035937 01061999378 📞 Landline 0225264169 📧 Email [email protected] 📍 Address 51, 105 st, El-Etehad Square, El-Maadi, Cairo

5/31/2024, 4:00:34 PM

Unsere Ausstellung „Ansichtssache“ in Barmstedt Wir freuen uns sehr, zum zweiten Mal im Rathaus in Barmstedt zu Gast sein zu dürfen. Die Ausstellung wird dort bis zum 19. Juni zu sehen sein und ist zu den Öffnungszeiten des Rathauses frei zugänglich. Nach einer kleinen Sommerpause wird sie dann in den Süden weiterwandern. Infos dazu findet ihr auf unserer Webseite / Ausstellung #Ausstellung #Barmstedt #RathausBarmstedt #Ansichtssache #Brustkrebs #Eierstockkrebs #FamiliensacheKrebs #BRCA #BRCANetzwerk

5/31/2024, 11:24:27 AM

You asked for more IRL Socials and our Babes have delivered! . North, South, somewhere in-between, we've got you covered. . Where will be seeing you`? Let us know 👇. . Drop us a message to book your spot. . We'll Cya there Xx #brcachat #brca #genemutations #brcasocials #meetups #brcacommunity #buildingcommunity #events #peersupport #friendswhogetit

5/31/2024, 11:00:47 AM

Ready to turn things around and move from floundering to flourishing? I know what it's like to have life throw you a curve ball and end up feeling utterly lost. For me it was a cancer diagnosis in July 2021. As the world was opening up after all the covid restrictions my life got a lot more restricted and scary. Everyone assumes that big life events give you a new perspective on life. They do, but often leave you with more questions than answers. Big questions like who am I now? And what's next? Whatever curve ball or plot twist life has thrown you join me for our FREE monthly "Who am I now and what's next?" coffee session! ☕ There will be advice, inspiration and powerful coaching questions to propel you forward. This month's theme is  "Beyond Praise and Criticism: Cultivating Inner Confidence." 🗓️ Save the date: Monday, 10th June at 7:00 PM BST via Zoom. Don't miss this opportunity to choose how you want life to be. ➡️ Link in bio to sign up today. PS - neither the coffee or having your camera on will be compulsory so don't be shy! Can't make it live? Sign up and you'll be sent the link to the recording.

5/31/2024, 10:42:39 AM

Another one of the 100 Voices and we have the fabulous and life-embracing Jules sharing her journey with incurable lung cancer. Jules was diagnosed 2 years ago in her late 30’s with incurable lung cancer. The rare cancer had already spread to her pelvis, spine and more recently recognised her brain. Jules talks so openly and honestly about how she was immediately devastated, fearing she had months to live, and how the realisation that modern medications and the support of the palliative care team have allowed her to live well two years on. Whilst being honest about the realities of the medications, the highs and lows of being a parent with an incurable disease, Jules has adapted an incredibly inspiring philosophical approach to life and her mortality. Jules talks about the stigma of disease and the taboo subject of being told ‘but you look so well’. Jules also discusses the prejudice surrounding lung cancer and having a less obvious cancer as a young woman, the prejudice of people presuming it is a smoking-related cancer and opens up the conversation to address the need to break these taboos in society. Honoured to have Jules as one of our Voices and Ambassador for Mortal And Strong. Mortal and Strong is a campaign shining the spotlight on women facing their own mortality - those affected at a young age by a life changing illness or disease. 100 artworks produced by artists across the country along with a powerful photography series ‘Scars of Gold’ inspired by kintsugi. The voices will share their stories through the podcast released bi-weekly. Through the project Mortal And Strong will be featuring and collaborating with up to 20 chosen charities that are linked with the topics discussed in the project - to raise awareness of their work, fundraise for them with our exhibition and signpost people to right places for support. @lizmurrayart @baldbooblessandbeautiful @just_beingjules #hope #mas #mortalandstrong #iammortalandstrong #mortality #strength #women #strongwomen #womenshealth #breastcancer #sbc #secondarycancer #secondarybreastcancer #vulvalcancer #cervicalcancer #brca #lungcancer #secondarylungcancer st

5/31/2024, 10:26:10 AM

@nhsengland is inviting record numbers of women for breast screening, yet 1 in 2 choose not to come forward for their first appointment. Regular breast screening can find breast cancer before you notice any signs or symptoms. If you have missed a screening, it’s not too late. Contact your local service to make an appointment today:

5/31/2024, 10:00:30 AM

@kemulanresto isn't just about satisfying your hunger, it's about connecting with culture. Their menu reflects generations-old recipes, passed down with love and care. Every bite is a chance to experience the rich heritage of Indonesian cuisine. Be prepared to be swept away by the deliciousness (and maybe order a side of extra rice, just in case). #BRCA #SustainableDining #IndonesianFood #BaliFoodie

5/31/2024, 10:00:07 AM

Another hospital… for another scan. Yesterday morning I went for a DEXA scan. A DEXA scan is like a mini X-ray that measures bone density / strength. DEXA scans can explain your risk for osteoporosis / bone loss and risk of fractures too. Being in surgical menopause with no HRT my risks of decreasing bone health are higher than normal. So with all the many aches and pains and creeks and cracks, oncology agreed to send me for a DEXA. See what the results in a few weeks. Found out my BMI was 26. Something I haven’t really taken note of before. Not bad for a short arse 😂 I had a follow up with gynae last week. The consultant has agreed I’m ok to manage without HRT for now if it suits me. Risk to benefit ratio of HRT is questioned daily in my brain when the pains kick off and the tiredness kicks in. I’m just not ready yet for the possible increased risk for a maybe benefit. #surgicalmenopause #dexascan #neverending #lifeaftercancer #brca #earlymenopause #riskreducingsalpingooophorectomy #riskvsreward

5/31/2024, 9:48:31 AM

Vandaag is mijn allerlaatste werkdag tot mijn operatie. Voor mijn gevoel toch niet helemaal klaar voor omdat er nog zoveel bestellingen zijn! Aan de andere kant loop ik wel goed op schema met beloofde levertijden. Met de operatie zelf ben ik nog niet echt bezig maar dat zal vast als ik voor het ziekenhuis sta ineens allemaal op me afkomen! Ik maak van het weekend automatische berichten aan, zodat ik ook even niet hoef te reageren. Is natuurlijk niet zo persoonlijk maar ik moet echt even mijn herstel gaan pakken na de operatie. Ik hoop en denk dat ik daarna snel weer aan de slag kan💪 En we doen het natuurlijk voor mijn gezondheid. Van 60 % kans op borstkanker naar 1 % 🫶🙏 Liefs van mij

5/31/2024, 9:35:29 AM

. 5/31は世界禁煙デー🚭 「喫煙をするとがんになりやすくなる」と聞いたことはあっても、そのメカニズムは知らないという方も多いのでは? がんとたばこの関係を、スワイプしてぜひご覧ください! #ミリアドジェネティクス #BRCAと私 #遺伝子検査 #乳がん #卵巣がん #BRCA遺伝子 #BRCA #BRCA1 #BRCA2 #HBOC #がんサバイバー #癌治療 #乳がんサバイバー #乳がん治療中 #がん治療 #乳がん検診 #aya世代 #若年性乳がん #癌ファイター #トリプルネガティブ #抗がん剤治療 #ピンクリボン #マンモグラフィー #遺伝性乳がん卵巣がん症候群 #世界禁煙デー #禁煙 #喫煙 #たばこ

5/31/2024, 8:00:12 AM

We know this is top-of-mind for many #inbridgeland. Don't miss this opportunity hosted by @brcayycevents to connect, discuss and learn with our neighbours from the Calgary Drop-in Centre. Thursday, June 6 7-8 p.m. #inbridgeland #bridgelandyyc #yycnow #yycliving #yycdowntownliving #BRCA #yyc #BRCA #calgary

5/30/2024, 11:29:41 PM

Beware of this one! So many women have told me that even though radiation was physically easier than chemo, they were much more emotional during the process. It was the time they found themselves feeling weepy and emotional when up until that point, they had kept it all together. ☁️ I am NOT a mental health care practitioner. I am simply sharing what I have observed so if it happens to you, you dont have that awful feeling of feeling even more alone or surprised by your emotions. ☁️ I do have some personal theories as to why this happens. For a lot of women, radiation happens months into your diagnosis when shock has begun to wear off and the “new reality” is really sinking in. There is only so long you can keep a smile on your face before the rest of the emotions crack through. Radiation really challenges your endurance: you have to go Every. Single. Day. So that’s every day you are reminded of your diagnosis. Every day you are lying in that cold room in a hospital gown. Every day you see the other cancer patients in the waiting room. It’s A LOT! ☁️ So when preparing for radiation don’t just think about your skin, prepare for your mental health too! If you don’t already have a therapist, ask for a referral from your doctor. Be kind to yourself, you’re going through a lot. ☁️ If you found this helpful, please share so that others are prepared for radiation too! 💙🙏 #radiationtherapy #brca #tnbc #lifeafterbreastcancer #mastectomyrecovery #breastcancersurvivor #youngbreastcancer #breastcancerunder40 #radiationoncology

5/30/2024, 11:28:02 PM

Not to mention the (nearly) 20 artists, 100 Voices, charity collaborations, and the MAS community that supports us! … From the original concept to how things are evolving as we have registered for charity status the team is ever evolving to adapt to the needs of the campaign. A campaign putting the spotlight on women facing their mortality at a young age. Women diagnosed with incurable or life changing illness. Addressing the stigma of disease to educate, empower and emphasise messages of strength and hope. A powerful campaign using photography inspired by the Japanese art of Kintsugi - Scars of Gold. Sharing the voices of 100 women on our podcast. An exhibition of 100 artworks produced by emerging and acclaimed artists all over the UK. Everyone is a volunteer, everyone is using their skillset to come together to help execute a large National campaign to put a spotlight on health inequalities. Using a multi-pronged approach (podcasts, photography, art) and in collaboration with multiple charities like @pinkribbonfoundation we are doing something never before done on this level. The team behind the scenes are doing their parts to help bring this together and the trustees are laying the foundations to be able to repeat the campaign addressing other health inequalities in future years. To find out more, or to donate to contribute, visit the website! Tag, share, spread the word. Across 2024 we are releasing two new voices every week and building up to a major fundraising exhibition in 2025 to support multiple charities across the UK. @lizmurrayart @samwestonphotography @eleanorlucy87 @camillafellasarnold @just_beingjules @phillips.sarahjane @mrsachard @amy_webber3 @k_j_s_f_w @baldbooblessandbeautiful @nirusha_vigi @pinkribbonfoundation #hope #mas #mortalandstrong #iammortalandstrong #mortality #strength #women #strongwomen #womenshealth #breastcancer #sbc #secondarycancer #secondarybreastcancer #vulvalcancer #cervicalcancer #endometriosis #endo #endowarrior #pcos #adenomyosis #infertility #fertility #menopause #cancer #her2 #brca

5/30/2024, 9:02:00 PM

Don't miss out, Thursday, June 6 at 6 PM ET on an important discussion about male breast cancer with Dr. Kara Maxwell and Dr. Jennifer Zhang joining to discuss risk factors plus information on male breast cancer screenings, and treatments. 💙💗 📲 Follow the link in our bio to register #malebreastcancer #brca #malebreastcancersupport

5/30/2024, 8:55:49 PM

Lieve @cells_sieraden doneerde mij armbandjes voor bij de gedoneerde borstkanker beeldjes😭❤️ Dus wacht jij op je gedoneerde beeldje in de geweldige ketting reactie van vorige week? Je krijgt er ook nog een mooi armbandje bij. Dankjewel voor deze prachtige donatie

5/30/2024, 8:19:41 PM

When everything is going wrong, and you are struggling to carry on, I want you to know you matter. When you are feeling the hurt and pain, and try your hardest to stay sane, I want you to know you matter. When you feel you've no one to care, and you are falling into despair, I want you know you matter. We heart you! Website: Facebook: @IWillSurviveIncPage Instagram: @IWillSurviveInc12 Twitter: @IWillSurviveInc TikTok: @IWillSurviveInc YouTube: New Video Join our 12for12 campaign. Sign up to give $12 for 12 months in honor of our 12 year anniversary! Donate Today: #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #cancer #breastcancersurvivor #brca #survivor #givingtuesday #gagivesday #breastcancerwarrior #health #cancerfighter #pinkribbon #breastcancersupport #pink #breastcancerfighter #cancerwarrior #breastcancercare #womenshealth #love #repost #awareness #donate #survive

5/30/2024, 7:17:59 PM

Our friendly breast ultrasound technologist wants to remind you that Early Detection is Key! Breast ultrasound is primarily used to help physicians diagnose potential breast abnormalities previously detected by physical examination or mammography. Ultrasound can determine the difference between solid masses in breast tissue and fluid-filled cysts. It can also help determine whether a solid mass is a potentially cancerous tumor or a non-cancerous growth. #Breastlink #BreastUltrasound . . . . . . . . . . #BreastCare #BreastCancer #AwarenessIsPower #3DMammogram #Mammogram #CheckYourself #BreastCancerCare #BreastCancerEducation #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastSurgeon #Oncology #Ultrasound #Radiologist #BreastSpecialist #BRCA #BreastHealth #WomensHealth #BreastCancerFighter #CancerRisk #BreastCancerSupport #BreastExam #MetastaticBreastCancer #TripleNegativeBreastCancer #BRCAStrong #InvasiveBreastCancer #BreastCancerResearch #EarlyDetection

5/30/2024, 7:01:19 PM

In May 2021 my mother died of triple negative breast cancer I get to have more birthdays because before she died she had a genetic panel done. Her genetic panel revealed she had the Palb2 mutation That genetic mutation has only been linked to cancer since 2014. Her first run with breast cancer was prior to 2014. If you had breast cancer prior to 2014 you also were not tested for palb2. Call your oncologist or genetic counselor and ask them to run another genetic gene panel for breast cancer mutations. There are Many many more than in the first decade of the 2000’s Have MORE birthdays cause you have more info, give your kids a better chance at life. Test your genes. PSA of the day #breastcancer #grnes #genetics #women #health #previvor #palb2 #notjustbrca #brca #force #cancer #genes #tnbc #birthday #gals #breast #kids #happiness #knowledgeispower #Birthday #Grief #Cake #Gratitude

5/30/2024, 6:32:33 PM

It was a pleasure to be asked to come along and share my story to help raise awareness at the St James's Hospital ( BRAVE) Hereditary Cancer at @bordbiabloom We met the President's love wife Sabina Higgins and some of the wonderful staff from St James's Hospital. If you are heading to Blooms come check out this Gold medal winning Garden 🏅 designed by the wonderful Linda MC Keown #boardbiabloom #hereditarycancer #brca

5/30/2024, 6:26:54 PM

Life lately 5 - part two // The only person I “knew” with a gene mutation was Angelina Jolie, who had preventative surgery on her breasts and ovaries. I felt pretty alone with it. But finally, I got educated about the risks and prevention possibilities, all covered by the German health care system. In my case, I could choose between a double mastectomy or facing a 90% risk of getting breast cancer again. As you can imagine, I went for the former, even though it doesn’t eliminate the risk completely, it sure reduces it a lot. As for my ovaries, I still have a few years before I need to deal with that. Nowadays, there are amazing opportunities to rebuild a breast after amputation. The results can look amazing, however, it will never feel and be the same. Through social media, I found other carriers of the gene who had a mastectomy and reconstruction. I felt, if they can go through this, I can too. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The 31 days between my last chemo and the surgery were the hardest mentally for me in the whole journey so far. I felt an overwhelming grief about losing my breasts forever. Even writing these sentences, my eyes start watering again. As many times before in my life, music and singing saved me. But this time it wasn’t just singing, it was bhakti, devotion to the Divine. So I went to a three-day kirtan festival, chanting all day long. After this nourishing weekend, I felt like I was going to be okay. And I am. I’m still recovering from that intense operation, and I’m still getting used to my new appearance. I don’t know how my body will change with further therapies, but right now, I feel like I’ll be fine. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Although a gene mutation is rare, breast cancer and physical changes resulting from cancer treatments are not. We need to discuss these issues so that no one feels alone, and because knowledge and education can save lives! So, if you’re thinking about getting tested because of your family history, but you’re scared like I was, I’m here to encourage you to get educated and take the test before something happens. And if you’re considering a mastectomy for any reason, you’re not alone! If I can go through this, you can too 🫰🏽

5/30/2024, 5:55:35 PM

Join us TODAY for the first session of our NOCC Summer Online Wellness Symposium! Listen to Jill Meyer-Lipper, Registered Dental Hygienist and founder of Side Effect Support LLC, discuss how to deal with oral side effects while in cancer treatment. We hope to see you at 7:30 pm ET / 6:30 pm CT / 5:30 pm MT / 4:30 pm PT! ⁠ ⁠ ➡️ Link in bio to register!⁠ ⁠ #KnowOvarian #ovariancancer #ovariancancerawareness #ovariancancersurvivor #cancer #nocc #nationalovariancancercoalition #womenswellness #qualityoflife #womenscancer #cancerawareness #ovaries #BRCA #womenshealth #cancerresearch #research #awareness #ovariancancerawarenessmonth

5/30/2024, 4:14:19 PM

שמי בת-חן ובינואר השנה התבשרתי שאני נשאית מוטציית BRCA2. מאז לומדת לחיות עם זה בשלום - ההלם עדיין קיים. הבדיקות עוד לא נעשו כולן, הלמידה "מה זה אומר" רק בשלבי התחלה, אז בחרתי לא לגשת לזה לבד ולצרף לתהליך שלי כל מי שתבחר. My name is Bat-Chen and in January this year I found out I am a carrier of BRCA2 mutation. I am still in shock and figuring out what it means to love with it. I did not do all the tests yet, so I decided not to approach this alone and share my process with whomever wants. #gynocologicalcancers #breastcancer #brca #brca2 #סרטןשחלות#סרטןהשד #healing #womanimpowerment #smileandtherestwillfollow #maditation #breathe #yogaandmindfulness #goodbrcagenes

5/30/2024, 3:40:14 PM

When your doctor recommends additional breast screenings, you may have questions and concerns about what to expect, the reasons behind the extra tests and what the results might indicate. It's important to communicate openly with your healthcare provider, asking about the purpose of each screening, the procedures involved and any potential risks or benefits. Understanding these aspects can help alleviate anxiety and empower you to make informed decisions about your health. That’s why Feel For Your Life launched a new AI tool this year to help you build a better relationships with you medical providers. BreastFriendAI provides you with guidance on how to have the conversations that align with the goals for your health. Click the link in the bio to download the Feel For Your Life app and access BreastFriendAI. #feelforyourlife #breastcancersurvivor #selfbreastexam #breastselfexam #feelitonthefirst #womenshealthcare #womensmedicalcare #mydensitymatters #breastdensity #breasthealth #previvor #mammogram #chemo #DIEPFLAP #breastscreening #radiology #selfexams #selfexamssavelives #womenshealth #womenslivesmatter #tnbc #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #brca #bracapositive #medicaladvocate #patientadvocate

5/30/2024, 3:14:11 PM

Enjoying the Sjh Brave show garden with our youngest BRCA Ireland supporter Don't forget to pop over and say hello if you are heading to @bordbiabloom 🧬💕💕 #BRCA #HereditaryCancer

5/30/2024, 2:11:08 PM

The first of many Summer Socials... Sunday 23rd June, 11am. . Bournemouth, our BRCA+ Babe Vicki can't wait to see you again for a Sunday morning coffee and a catch up at The Boathouse, Christchurch Quay. . Everyone is welcome, regardless of where you're at in your journey. Just drop us a message to book or email [email protected] . Don't forget to share and we'll Cya there Xx #brcachat #brca #genemutations #meetup #brcacommunity #bournemouth #peersupport #bournemouthevents

5/30/2024, 11:00:44 AM

WE DID IT ❤ @20kmbxl 🧬Fighting against all (hereditary) cancers 🫂In support of all previvors, survivors, and those who are no longer with us 🔭Towards a future of greater information, awareness, prevention, and scientific progress 🏃‍♀️Pendant que nous travaillons nuit et jour pour finaliser notre site trilingue (qui sera publié dans quelques semaines), on s'échauffe ! 🏃‍♂️Terwijl we dag en nacht werken aan de voltooiing van onze drietalige website (die over een paar weken wordt gepubliceerd), lopen we al warm! 🏃‍♀️While we are working night and day to finalise our trilingual website (that will be published in a couple of weeks), we are warming up! #brca #brca1 #brca2 #cancer #kanker #brcastrong #previvor #survivor #brcasisterhood #genetictesting #geneticcounseling #brcaawareness #brcasupport #brcagenemutation #brcamutation #brcagene #cancerdusein #breastcancer #borstkanker #cancerdelovaire #ovariancancer #eierstokkanker #belgique #belgie #belgium #nonprofit

5/30/2024, 10:51:47 AM

Are you tired of feeling like your self-worth is tied to the opinions of others?  It's time to reclaim your power and cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and self-belief! Join us for our next “Who am I now and what’s next?” coffee and group coaching session -"Beyond Praise and Criticism: Cultivating Inner Confidence," taking place on Monday, 10th June at 7:00 PM BST via Zoom. This session is designed to help you break free from the need for external validation and learn to rely on your own measure of success and self-worth. Through insightful teaching and powerful coaching questions you'll discover how to celebrate your achievements without becoming dependent on praise and navigate criticism with resilience and grace. Admission is free and neither the coffee or having your camera on is compulsory so reserve your spot today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth! Link in bio.

5/30/2024, 10:07:07 AM

Testlerinize Doğru, Güvenilir ve Hızlı Erişmeniz Amacıyla, Tıbbi Laboratuvar Tetkik Alanında Hizmet Vermekteyiz. . . Hizmetlerimiz; Klinik Biyokimya Testleri Mikrobiyoloji Testleri Genetik Testleri Prenatal Tarama Testleri Patoloji Testleri Moleküler Alerji Testleri Alerji Testleri Hematoloji Testleri İlaç Düzeyi Testleri . . #cktıbbi #doğru #güven #trabzon #rize #artvin #gümüşhane #giresun #bayburt #hopa #ortahisar #akçaabat #test #klinik #biyokimya #alerji #genetik #patoloji #hematoloji #hızlı #çözüm #kesfet #takıp #instagram #brca #test

5/30/2024, 9:00:34 AM

Обязательно сдайте этот анализ если у вас в семье были случаи рака яичников, молочной, предстательной или поджелудочной железы👇🏻 Не забудьте поставить ❤️, вам не сложно, а для меня важно. Итак, есть определённые гены, контролирующие патологические мутации в клетках нашего тела. Сегодня речь о генах BRCA 1 и BRCA2. Поломка в них приводит к онкологии вышеперечисленных структур. Помните, долго обсуждали историю о том, что Анджелина Джоли удалила молочные железы и яичники? Так вот именно поэтому. Её мать, бабушка и тётя умерли от онкологии, о которой я сегодня говорю. Джоли перестраховалась. У них у всех было эта генетическая мутация. У Джоли тоже. Поломка передается по наследству. Если в вашем роду были случаи, то вероятность, что мутация есть и у вас составляет 30%. А сама распространённость мутации около 1:1000. Мне кажется много. Причём проявиться онкология может именно в молодом возрасте – в районе 30 лет. ❗️На генетические мутации BRCA 1 и 2 можно сдать анализ в лаборатории. Он так и называется. Сдаётся венозная кровь, ну либо берут анализ на гистологическое исследование с операции или биопсии. Зная результаты, в будущем можно минимизировать риски этих видов рака. Знать об этом нужно, хоть и страшно. И в случае, если поломка есть, вам придётся проходить УЗИ, маммографию и т.д. 1 раз в 6 месяцев. Если в семье ни у кого такого рака не было, сдавать анализ не нужно. Понимаете, наследственная предрасположенность к заболеваниям – это только лишь предрасположенность. Сыграет ли она фатальную роль в вашей жизни или нет во многом зависит от вас: от вашего образа жизни, от вашего мировосприятия, от психо-эмоционального состояния, на которое во многом влияете вы сами. 👉🏻 Если вы идёте по пути деградации, негативизма, тревожности, гиподинамии и стресса, то у вас есть все шансы столкнуться лицом к лицу со своей наследственностью. И ещё, лишний вес – это фактор повышенного риска онкологии. Дополнительная жировая ткань – это источник эстрогенов. А множество женских опухолей и эндометриоз берут свое начало как раз там. Поэтому 👇🏻 Карусель ↗️

5/29/2024, 9:30:00 AM