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17/05/2024 ~ I had a nice lie in this morning and didn't get out of my pjs until 11, which is highly unusual for me. A went out with his buddies and had fun, and I just laid in bed until he came home. We have had a really chilled day as my face is all swollen from my dental appointment yesterday, so I've been hiding away. We have managed to get out in the sunshine a couple of times, though, which has been nice. I think A enjoyed it too, but he's very tired now and happy boy as he has just had the skin from my salmon. It's going to be a very quiet weekend for us as I wait for the swelling to subside. We are going to meet our friends at the park over the weekend but that will be it. It's meant to be nice so we will get out aside from the park. I feel like I look like a deformed troll at the moment. Thankfully, the pain isn't too bad. I've been taking painkillers regularly and have been icing it too a couple of times a day, which I think is helping. It should be at its worst tomorrow and then start to subside. I hope anyway! I have taken Monday off of work as i didn't want to be going to sites looking the way I do. I'm trying to remain positive, though, and it will be worth it in the end. I hope! No pain, no gain, as they say! <br /><br />#instablog #instadaily #blog #update #journal #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #cptsd #bpd #borderline #depression #anxiety #mania #psychosis #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #chronicmigraines #neuralgia #paresthesia #dysautonomia #allodynia #sciatica #ddd #insomnia #fibromyalgia #butyoudontlooksick #manychronicillnesses #recovery #swollen #swollenface

17/05/2024 ~ I had a nice lie in this morning and didn't get out of my pjs until 11, which is highly unusual for me. A went out with his buddies and had fun, and I just laid in bed until he came home. We have had a really chilled day as my face is all swollen from my dental appointment yesterday, so I've been hiding away. We have managed to get out in the sunshine a couple of times, though, which has been nice. I think A enjoyed it too, but he's very tired now and happy boy as he has just had the skin from my salmon. It's going to be a very quiet weekend for us as I wait for the swelling to subside. We are going to meet our friends at the park over the weekend but that will be it. It's meant to be nice so we will get out aside from the park. I feel like I look like a deformed troll at the moment. Thankfully, the pain isn't too bad. I've been taking painkillers regularly and have been icing it too a couple of times a day, which I think is helping. It should be at its worst tomorrow and then start to subside. I hope anyway! I have taken Monday off of work as i didn't want to be going to sites looking the way I do. I'm trying to remain positive, though, and it will be worth it in the end. I hope! No pain, no gain, as they say!

#instablog #instadaily #blog #update #journal #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #cptsd #bpd #borderline #depression #anxiety #mania #psychosis #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #chronicmigraines #neuralgia #paresthesia #dysautonomia #allodynia #sciatica #ddd #insomnia #fibromyalgia #butyoudontlooksick #manychronicillnesses #recovery #swollen #swollenface

5/17/2024, 7:30:49 PM