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Im Mai und Juni geht es in meinem Yogaunterricht vor allem um die Aktivierung des Manipura Chakras, das zwischen Bauchnabel und Solarplexus zu finden ist. Spürst du in diese Region hinein, wirst du feststellen, dass du es vielleicht ungewollt anspannst, innen hältst, weil wir in einer Gesellschaft der flachen Bäuche leben, wo das Loslassen einem Hängen lassen gleich gesetzt wird, wo ein weicher Bauch oft für zu wenig Willenskraft und Energie steht. Auf das Manipura Chakra zielende Yogaübungen werden dieses Energiezentrum stärken, in dem wir uns mit Drehungen auswringen und die Körpermitte kräftigen, aber gleichzeitig mal so richtig schön den Bauch mit Hilfe von Atemübungen raus- und loslassen. Im Solarplexus-Chakra sitzt deine Persönlichkeit und dein Selbstbewusstsein, du kannst Blockaden in diesem Bereich, die sich in Minderwertigkeitsgefühl, Machtlosigkeit oder Kraftlosigkeit, gezielt mit Yoga lösen. Zum Beispiel wird dir Navasana (Bootpose) helfen in dieses Zentrum hinein zu spüren oder auch ein simples plank, während du in Ardha Matsyendrasana, dem Drehsitz oder im gedrehten Dreieck, dich einerseits entgiftest und andererseits neu dein Feuer erweckst. Mit gezielten Körperübungen (Asanas) und Atemübungen (Pranayama) werden die Bauchorgane und das vegetative Nervensystem aktiviert und gestärkt. So kannst du deine Ziele und Veränderungen im Leben, bewusster durch die Verbindung deiner Achtsamkeit mit deinen Gefühlen und Bedürfnissen umsetzen. Ausrichtungsbasiertes langsames Vinyasa Yoga Donnerstags 20 - 21:15 Uhr (Alignment based slow flow Yoga with music from Orchestras) (Anmeldung obligatorisch) Online ÜBERTRAGUNG / Live Stream available (pm me!) Padmayogastudio in Zürich, Albisrieden Come as you are. See you on the mat. #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforhealth #yogamitthema #chakrayogaflow #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #chakrabalance #alignmentbasedyoga #twists #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday

5/13/2024, 2:43:40 PM

Kann dich Yoga länger machen? Nach der Yogapraxis fühle ich mich meist länger, aufgerichteter, im Innen und Aussen. Meine Haltung ist gerader, ich fühle mich zentriert und damit auch im Innen stärker und aufgerichteter, damit selbstbewusster. Geht dir das auch so? Die Erklärung ist leicht, in einer ausgeglichenen Yogapraxis, strecken wir uns nicht nur, wir drehen und winden uns in viele Richtungen, beugen uns vor und zurück, zur Seite und vielleicht stehen wir sogar auf dem Kopf oder den Schultern. Die uralte Yogatradition, aus der wohlgemerkt nur sehr wenige Asanas (Körperhaltungen) kommen, kann dich also gezielt länger und damit auch schlanker machen. Mit einer regelmässigen Yoga Praxis, so kann ich dir versichern, fühlst du dich nicht nur länger und stärker, du wirst tatsächlich muskulöser, feinfühliger und bewusster in deinem Körper und erreichst damit auch mehr Raum darin für den Atem. Das sieht man dann auch von aussen, wenn du strahlst, weil du dich wie neu, gross und wunderbar fühlst, selbstsicher und stark, bewusst und beschwingt… so wie ich auf diesem Bild im Kunsthaus Zürich, wo ich mich nach dem Eisberg an der Decke strecke :-) Ähnlich wie in Urdhva Hastasana. Magst du dich auch mal wieder so richtig strecken? Dann komm in meine Yogastunde immer Donnerstags 20 - 21:15 Uhr (nicht am 09.05.2024) (Anmeldung obligatorisch) Padmayogastudio in Zürich, Albisrieden Come as you are. See you on the mat. #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforhealth #yogamitthema #chakrayogaflow #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #mulabandha #chakrabalance #alignmentbasedyoga #urdhvahastasana #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday

5/8/2024, 10:59:11 PM

Malasana, also known as Garland Pose or Yogic Squat. Practice to keep the heels on the floor, lengthen the spine, keep the chest upright and step by step bring the feet more parallel and the knees closer together. You will feel this is harder and needs more engagement of Mula Bandha. Press the elbows to the inner sides of the thighs and the thighs back to the arms, with this engagement it is easier to feel the lift in the chest and maybe even your seat is lifted a little, so you are not only hanging in the pose… Malasana stretches the lower back a lot. This can help alleviate tension and stiffness. Holding Malasana requires strength in the thighs, hips and lower back. It helps to open the hips, which can become tight from prolonged sitting or physical inactivity. Opening the hips can relieve discomfort and improve mobility. The squatting position of Malasana can aid in digestion by encouraging the natural movement of the intestines. Engaging the core muscles in Malasana by lifting your seat just 3 cm helps to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles. Drawing the senses inside it can have a calming effect on the body and mind. The deep squatting position can help to release tension and stress, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm. Holding Malasana requires concentration and focus, as it challenges both physical strength and mental awareness. Practicing this pose regularly can help improve concentration and focus in other areas of life as well. As I always say, we take the practice from the mat into the life. 🧘‍♀️ Practice with me Thursdays 20-21:15 Padmayogastudio in Zürich, Albisrieden Registration needed: [email protected] 🙏 Come as you are. See you on the mat. #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforhealth #yogamitthema #chakrayogaflow #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #mulabandha #chakrabalance #alignmentbasedyoga #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #ʏᴏɢᴀᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴅᴀᴍɴᴅᴀʏ #malasana #yogicsquat #garlandpose

4/4/2024, 11:01:37 AM

Wir gehen die Chakras (Energiezentren im Körper) weiter nach oben und konzentrieren uns in der Praxis im März und April auf das Sakral Chakra oder Svadhisthana Chakra in Sanskrit. Auch als Sexualchakra bekannt, ist das zweite der sieben Hauptchakras kurz oberhalb des Muladhara Chakras. Es steht für die Stimulierung der Kreativität mit hüftöffnenden Yogastellungen und soll in der gezielten Praxis Emotionen ausgleichen, die Sinnlichkeit fördern und Beziehungen verbessern. Das Element dieses Chakras ist das Wasser und so steht die Steigerung von Fluss und Flexibilität in fließenden Bewegungen im Vordergrund unserer Praxis im März und April, um den Fluss im physischen und im emotionalen Körper zu fördern. Anzeichen für ein unausgeglichenes Sakralchakra sind Störungen der Libido, Menstruationsschmerzen, Nieren- und Blasenerkrankungen. Vielleicht fühlst du dich kraftlos und unmotiviert oder hast starke Stimmungsschwankungen. Um die positiven Eigenschaften (z.B. Einfühlungsvermögen, Sensibilität, Hingabe, Demut, Intuition, Vertrauen) des Svadhisthana Chakras zu kultivieren praktizieren wir gezielt hüftöffnende Körperhaltungen (Asanas), z.B. den Lotussitz, die Schildkröte, das Dreieck, u.v.m. Immer Donnerstags 20 - 21:15 Uhr (Anmeldung obligatorisch) Padmayogastudio in Zürich, Albisrieden 🎁Aktion zum Jahresstart 🎁 Bring a friend 🙏 und du bekommst eine Stunde gratis. (gültig bis Ende März 2024 & nur in meinen Klassen im Padma Yogastudio) Registration needed: [email protected] Come as you are. See you on the mat. #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforhealth #yogamitthema #chakrayogaflow #sacralchakra #sakralchakra #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #chakrabalance #alignmentbasedyoga #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #bringafriend #yogajahresstart #yogaaktion #yogaaktionzürich #svadhisthana @cornelia_kalisch_

3/6/2024, 5:36:36 PM

Wie geerdet fühlst du dich derzeit? Wir haben die letzten zwei Monate im erdende Vinyasa Flows langsam und ausrichtungsbasiert praktiziert. Mit vielen Stehhaltungen und einigen neuen Varianten liegend auf der Matte, um die Verbindung so richtig schön zu spüren. Ausserdem haben wir uns die Füsse vorgenommen, sie geknetet und uns mit jedem Zeh einzeln verbunden, damit die Wurzeln in die Erde und unsere Stabilität sowie Sicherheit richtig schön zu spüren sind. Willst du diese Energien in deinem Körper durch eine dynamische Hatha Vinyasa Yogapraxis auch mal erleben? Dann freu ich mich auf dich! Immer Donnerstags 20 - 21:15 Uhr (Anmeldung obligatorisch) Padmayogastudio in Zürich, Albisrieden 🎁Aktion zum Jahresstart 🎁 Bring a friend 🙏 und du bekommst eine Stunde gratis. (gültig bis Ende März 2024 & nur in meinen Klassen im Padma Yogastudio) Registration needed: [email protected] Come as you are. See you on the mat. #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforhealth #yogamitthema #chakrayogaflow #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #mulabandha #chakrabalance #alignmentbasedyoga #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #bringafriend #yogajahresstart #yogaaktion #yogaaktionzürich

3/4/2024, 11:13:48 PM

Im Januar und Februar starten wir mit dem Wurzelchakra. Das Muladhara Chakra befindet sich am untersten Ende der Wirbelsäule. Muladhara ist das Fundament deines Energiekörpers und steht vor allem für deine Stabilität und Sicherheit im Leben. Wir gehen im Laufe des Jahres 2024 von unten nach oben, denn wenn dein Wurzelchakra in Balance ist, hast du eine solide Basis für die Öffnung der höhergelegenen Chakren. Anzeichen für ein unausgeglichenes Wurzelchakra, sind Ängste, Sorgen und Alpträume. Charaktereigenschaften bei einem ausgeglichenen Muladhara Chakra sind Beständigkeit, Ruhe, Ausdauer, Realitätssinn und Pragmatismus. Um diese Qualitäten zu erreichen praktizieren wir im Januar und Februar eine erdende Yogapraxis mit vielen Standfiguren und Hüftöffnern sowie Mula Bandha aktivierenden Asanas. Durch erdende Körperhaltungen, die deine Balance herausfordern und deine Beine stärken, erfährst du Stabilität. Ebenso verbindest du dich durch die Asanas auf der Matte mit der Erde und so mit deiner Stabilität „on the mat and off the mat.“ Ich freue mich auf dich! Immer Donnerstags 20 - 21:15 Uhr (Anmeldung obligatorisch) Padmayogastudio in Zürich, Albisrieden 🎁Aktion zum Jahresstart 🎁 Bring a friend 🙏 und du bekommst eine Stunde gratis. (gültig bis Ende März 2024 & nur in meinen Klassen im Padma Yogastudio) Registration needed: [email protected] Come as you are. See you on the mat. #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforhealth #yogamitthema #chakrayogaflow #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #mulabandha #chakrabalance #alignmentbasedyoga #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #bringafriend #yogajahresstart #yogaaktion #yogaaktionzürich

1/21/2024, 8:08:14 PM

Winter flow the third to Utthita Parshvakonasana, extended side angle pose. In this pose your hips are open, the back foot is parallel to the small edge of your mat or in the snow, again my boots supported me well. Your front knee is bend 90 degree, to achieve this great stretch for the side of your torso. Your upper arm, spine and back leg should form one continuous diagonal line. The lower arm can rest on your thigh, without collapsing the shoulder or even the torso. Keep the body tensed and strong in your mid section, you could even stretch out your arms to make it harder or wrap the bottom arm around your thigh so the hands can join behind your back. Be mindful not to collapse in your bend leg inwards, press into the outer edge of the back foot and even twist your chest to the ceiling or to the sky. Common mistake is to collapse in your bottoms rips, try to keep both sides of your trunk long and of course melt the shoulder blades down and back into the back. Doing all of that hard work you will gain the maximum benefits of the extensive side stretch of your hips, groins, side of your body and spine, as well as the strengthening of the thighs, knees, ankles and core. And last but not least it will calm your mind, as you need to be in the present moment to do all of that... Curious to join my class, where we practice exactly this? Then join my Thursday class in Zürich, Albisrieden near Siemens in the Freilagerareal. I teach in German or English depending on the group. 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforskiing #yogamitthema #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #forwardfolds #extendedsideanglepose #alignmentbasedyoga #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday

1/15/2024, 9:17:30 PM

Winter flow the second, to Parivrtta trikonasana, revolved triangle pose. In this pose your hips stay parallel and closed, the back foot is at 45 degrees (mine is not in this pic, due to heavy boots) and the stance not too wide. Again the ski boots helped a lot .. haha.. and then take a deep inhale (of the fresh mountain air) to lengthen your spine and start to turn and twist, while bending from the hips forward to reach the floor or a block (or the snow or the ski boot). This pose is quite challenging, as it requires flexibility in your hamstrings and your spine to twist, but also stability of the legs and hips. Most live either in a very flexible or in a rather strong body, if you have no problems to reach your toes you probably have to work more on your strength in general and vice versa. This pose is using both and challenges you in both flexibility and strength, also detoxifies your body and helps your digestive system to stay healthy. Also you can train your balance with it, which I always tell elder people is so important to do! Happy practice! Do you want to get ready for this skiing season with Yoga? Join my Thursday class in Albisrieden 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforskiing #yogamitthema #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #forwardfolds #parivrttatrikonasana #alignmentbasedyoga #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday

1/14/2024, 5:35:27 PM

Winter flow to Prasarita Padottanasana, wide legged forward fold, is a great stretch especially after skiing, as it stretches your hamstrings and spine. When skiing your hamstrings, are in the same position as sitting, cycling or running, they are shortened. Many yoga poses help you to stretch them again and to gain flexibility. Good test for tight hamstrings is: can you reach your toes with straight legs? The ski boots gave me additional support here and I had actually fun doing these fotos last year. Looking forward to this ski season, where I can feel the benefits of my daily yoga practice a lot, as yoga brings flexibility, it also strengthens my body and brings more balance. Do you want to get ready for this skiing season with Yoga? Join my Thursday class in Albisrieden 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzuerich #yogainzürich #yogainalbisrieden #yogaschweiz #yogaforskiing #yogamitthema #vinyasayoga #hathayogaflow #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #yogastrong #forwardfolds #prasaritapadottasana #alignmentbasedyoga #yogaslowflow #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday

1/13/2024, 9:43:30 PM

Warum summieren sich zum Jahresende immer so die Dinge? Warum steigen die Erwartungen an uns selbst? Was wollten und sollten wir nicht noch alles dieses Jahr machen? Was haben wir erreicht? Was ist offen? Was hatten wir uns vorgenommen und sind wir zufrieden? Zeit zum Reflektieren bleibt oft kaum vor Weihnachten… dann liegen wir halb kaputt unterm Baum und denken wieder, nächstes Jahr machst du das besser ;-) kennt ihr das? Langsamer werden, Zeit zum Inne halten finden…. Das wäre schön auch schon vor Weihnachten, aber die Termine summieren sich, alle müssen sich nochmal treffen, hier ein Weihnachtsessen, dort eine Party die man nicht verpassen darf und will, ein Event jagt das nächste…. Nimm dir Zeit für dich, deinen Körper, komm ins Yoga und fahre wenigstens in diesen 75 Minuten runter. Wir fliessen durch eine achtsame Yogapraxis, durch Körperübungen die, dich mit dir selbst, deinen Empfindungen, deinen Emotionen, deinem Befinden verbinden, so dass du dich spüren kannst, deine Bedürfnisse wahrnehmen kannst und dann entsprechend agieren kannst. Denn es gibt einen Raum zwischen Reiz und Reaktion. Es gibt diesen Raum, wo du kurz inne halten kannst und überlegen kannst, muss ich das jetzt (auch noch?)? Warum wird das jetzt von mir erwartet? Betrifft mich das überhaupt? Was wenn ich das nicht tu? Was wenn ich da nicht dabei bin? Du darfst dich vor allem im Dezember auch mal zurück ziehen, zu dir, denn das sollte doch der einzige richtige Ort sein, der Ort, den wir alle am besten kennen sollten. Zur Ruhe in dir selbst. Yoga soll dir helfen, genau diese Ruhe zu finden, den Raum zwischen Ein- und Ausatmung zu spüren, diesen Zwischenraum den es immer gibt. Meine letzte Stunde für dieses Jahr findet morgen: 14.12.2023 Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogaslowflow #alignmentbasedyoga #fullpractice

12/13/2023, 10:31:37 AM

Snowfun - Yoga is about balance in life, free your soul, laugh, love and be authentic, just the way you are... Enjoy life to the fullest, every second, every breath, especially the fresh snow air. Be crazy, be humble, be strong and compassionate. Love and accept what is and just enjoy each moment. Have a great winter time and practice yoga! Happy to see you Thursdays 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogaslowflow #alignmentbasedyoga #fullpractice

12/13/2023, 10:30:01 AM

Bringing it all together - We built up from the feet to the hips, twists, backbends, forward folds, heart openers to arm balances and inversions during this year. Every month had one focus that I taught… now its time to bring it all together during the next two months. As we always have a well rounded Hatha Vinyasa Flow practice I would rather call it, we go deeper and even slower to feel more, which fits also the time of the year. Yesterday I read a beautiful text to get things settled in November, not to start anything new in a sense that could stress you, but rather think back about old friends you haven’t seen in a while or do something you always wanted to do this year, as this year will soon be over! Why dont you get slower already as the crazy Christmas times come for sure anyway. Why dont we get slower already in order to have less stress in December. I was wondering what we could already do now, not to have this stressful time of the year? For sure for me it is, not starting something new now… the to do list is still never ending and this is why the Yoga practice of November and December will be deep and slow and integrating all we learned this year in a beautiful well rounded and comprehensive flow. A full spectrum practice lets say. Happy to see you Thursdays 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogaslowflow #alignmentbasedyoga #fullpractice

11/1/2023, 6:11:48 PM

Im Januar bei den Füssen begonnen, begeben wir uns im Oktober upside down, also in Umkehrhaltungen. Diese scheinen oft Fortgeschrittenen Yogis vorbehalten zu sein, jedoch möchte ich dir diesen Monat zeigen, wie du ganz leicht und spielerisch diese Gruppe von Asanas angehst, denn sie sind wichtig für eine ausgewogene Yogapraxis. Du wechselst hier die Perspektive, gewinnst damit ganz neue Sichtweisen, erhältst mehr Klarheit, vielleicht auch neuen Mut oder mehr Vertrauen in deine Fähigkeiten. Getreu dem Motto: „Wenn dein Leben Kopf steht, stell dich auf den Kopf.“ Im Kopfstand ist es wichtig, ganz langsam und geführt nach oben zu kommen, das gelingt dir besonders gut, wenn du aus einer Art Delphin kommst. Du platzierst den Kopf auf der Krone, presst gut in beide Unterarme, während die Schultern dich rausschieben, so dass möglichst wenig Gewicht auf dem Kopf ist. Die Ellenbogen so breit wie deine Unterarme auseinander (nicht breiter!!). Und dann ganz geführt nach oben, du wirst spüren, wie sehr du deine Körpermitte brauchst. Reservier dir deine Matte: [email protected] Donnerstags 20-21:15 in Albisrieden, Zürich (Freilagerareal) Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #alignmentbasedyoga #inversions #yogateaching #umkehrhaltungen #balanceyourlife

10/10/2023, 9:19:33 PM

This months theme are inversions and you should know an inversion can be defined as any asana in which your head is below your heart, in other words, you are upside down already in your forward fold (Uttanasana) and even in Adho Mukha Svanasana (down dog). Inversions are known to relieve anxiety. If you want proof of this, take five minutes to practice legs-up-the-wall pose or shoulder stand, whenever you begin feeling anxious. Inverted poses also boost the immune system's function. They stimulate your lymphatic system, which is directly linked to the immune system. When you hold yourself up in handstand, shoulder stand, forearm stand or headstand, you are naturally strengthening your core muscles. Being upside down can be scary - it changes your perspective. It’s often uncomfortable, but with managing these asanas you will gain confidence and gather new perspectives. Inversions are playful poses. They’re lighthearted and remind us to not to take ourselves too seriously. Yoga is a time to drop dramas and competition. It’s a time to be free of all that seriousness. Also you can clear your mind with inversions, when you’re upside down, fresh oxygen floods your brain, sweeping out cobwebs and mental fog. When you’re feeling confused and mentally out of sorts, ease yourself into shoulder stand or legs-up-the-wall pose. Grateful to see you in my class 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] or direct message me Thursdays 20-21:15 in Albisrieden, Zürich (Freilagerareal) Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #alignmentbasedyoga #inversions #yogateaching #yogateachingtips #balanceyourlife

10/10/2023, 9:07:37 PM

Practicing Bakasana outdoors reminded me of the fear of falling, when I started to practice this pose. As you need to lean forward and balance on your arms you might feel this fear of falling forwards on your face, which is in fact a fear we have "to face" :-) In this sense you could think about fears in life you are facing... ask yourself are they real? Or is most of it just a creation in your mind? A projection of the past to the future? Cause one thing that crow pose teaches, is to be in the present moment. Take all your focus and concentration to balance in this pose and with this focus you will master it for sure and overcome the fear. As in the present moment you need to trust (in your strength and power) and surrender to the process (lean slowly forward). The mindful practice of Bakasana will teach you trust, focus, strength, power and presence, with the goal to take the practice off the mat into your life to gain more confidence over challenging situations. Grateful to see you in my class 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] or direct message me Thursdays 20-21:15 in Albisrieden, Zürich (Freilagerareal) Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #alignmentbasedyoga #armbalances #yogateaching #yogateachingtips #balanceyourlife

9/20/2023, 9:26:13 PM

This is me 6 years ago doing Bakasana on a casual walk without any preparation or warm up... Meanwhile I practiced to really draw the knees up to the armpits, which comes with flexibility and strength in the core. A good preparation is to do, what I call power dog, where you come from 3 legged dog forward to plank and draw the knee to the elbow or nose, which will give you strength in your arms and core. Then I prepare this pose in my classes with Lizard to deepen the groins and get more flexibility in the hips. Some planks and Chaturangas help get more power into the arms and draw the shoulder blades away from each other, so called protraction of the should blades. Key is to look forward and with courage lean forward, until your feet get really light and slowly lift off the ground. Then you can fly like a crow, which feels more amazing with every day of practice. Our topic of the month are arm balances and arms in general including shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as hands of course. Always spread your fingers wide like a Gecko. Grateful to see you in my class 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] or direct message me Thursdays 20-21:15 in Albisrieden, Zürich (Freilagerareal) Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #alignmentbasedyoga #armbalances #yogateaching #yogateachingtips #balanceyourlife

9/13/2023, 9:06:18 PM

Taking flight (arm balances) is a mental game and requires determination, commitment and consistent practice. No kidding: This week I practiced handstand and fell over with straight arms, it was scary and a very interesting experience at the same time, as I saw it slowly coming. At least I curled my head in :-) isn’t it the same in life? We see things coming, sometimes we have time to react and do what we think is right and sometimes we just dont do anything, although we see things coming. So what can arm balances teach us? Of course they tone muscles throughout the body and strengthen your core. They also strengthen your whole upper body and protect your shoulder joints. But especially they increase your confidence and will power. Arm balances require a high level of focus and concentration and are said to be connected to the third chakra (manipura) in the solar plexus area - the centre that projects your creative energy and personal power into the world. Develop focus and mental discipline, arm balances force you to be in the moment and literally focus on the task at hand. Come and practice this month some interesting arm balances like Bakasana (crow), side crow or Koundinyasana and feel the fear and do it anyway - step by step. We will slowly, gradually build it up. Go play with it. Experience to get out of your own way and enjoy the practice itself. If you are too attached to ‘getting it right’ and achieving the perfect posture, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. The key components you need to master are core activation, muscle control and trust in your abilities. And please have fun! Grateful to see you in my class 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] or direct message me Thursdays 20-21:15 in Albisrieden, Zürich (Freilagerareal) Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #alignmentbasedyoga #armbalances #yogateaching #yogateachingtips #balanceyourlife

9/5/2023, 11:07:56 PM

Do you think Warrior 3 is an advanced pose? Well if you try to really level your hips, balance on a straight leg and extend the arms in line with your ears and push the floating food behind you really powerful back, maybe you will... it is the power of Virabhadrasana III with its concentration and stamina that will energize you in your practice and life! Create balance by alternating between expansion and contraction, and treat both with equal importance. This is your Yoga, your harmony, your balance and equanimity. Lets explore it together in one of my classes this week or next... Thursdays 20-21:15 in Zürich Albisrieden Freilagerareal Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #warrior3 #warrior3pose #alignmentbasedyoga #virabhadrasana #yogateaching

8/31/2023, 12:02:30 AM

People rather have a present Yogateacher than a perfect one :-) it happens to me that I sometimes forget Asanas on one side, I did at the other or that my queues are not completely clear. If you are a Yogateacher you might know this?! But so what? No one is perfect. I am currently going through the 300 hr Yogateacher training with amazing teachers from New York @patrickfrancojr @Kate.lombardo and many more, who just pointed that out again. They focus a lot on refined queuing so students get the best experience and could follow the class with closed eyes. I learned that concept already in my 200 hr training, the method of breath to body part to direction to posture name was introduced by my great teacher Mimi @swadhyayayoga back in the days in Rishikesh @rishikeshyogpeeth and I am so grateful I do teach like this since 5 years and will now refine it even more. The art of skillful queuing should lead a good teacher to not demo the class the whole time, this is what I practice at the moment, just if you wonder, why I wander around in the room ;-) Happy to see you soon in my class @PadmaYogastudio 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Regular teaching schedule: Wednesdays 8:30-9:45 „Wake-up“ Yoga in Thalwil at MALAYOGA (directly at the train station) Thursdays 20-21:15 But summerbreak is on! Come as you are See you on the mat Pic 🙏@manuelgussmann #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga #Yogaqueuing #Yogarenewteachertraining #yogateaching #yogateachingtips #yogacueing

8/13/2023, 9:58:10 PM

Lets focus on opening the shoulders in August. Practicing shoulder-opening poses can help increase flexibility and mobility in the shoulders, neck and chest area. This can enhance your overall range of motion in the upper body, allowing you to perform better backbends. Many people tend to slouch or have rounded shoulders due to modern lifestyle habits such as prolonged sitting and desk work. (Like me!!!) Opening the shoulders helps counteract this by stretching the chest muscles and strengthening the upper back muscles. It encourages a more upright and open posture, reducing the risk of postural imbalances and associated discomfort. Shoulders are energetically linked to the heart center. By opening the shoulders, you create more space around the heart, which can help promote feelings of openness, vulnerability, and emotional release. It can also cultivate a sense of courage and self-expression. When the shoulders are tight and rounded forward, it can restrict the expansion of the ribcage and limit the breath. A shoulder opening Yoga practice can lead to deeper and more expansive breathing, improving overall respiratory function and oxygenation of the body. Last but not least in yogic philosophy, the shoulders are associated with the Vishuddha (throat) and Anahata (heart) chakras, which are related to communication, self-expression, and love. Opening the shoulders can help balance the energy flow in these areas, promoting clear communication, self-confidence, and a sense of connection. Happy to see you for a shoulder opening practice @PadmaYogastudio 20-21:15 Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Regular teaching schedule: Wednesdays 8:30-9:45 „Wake-up“ Yoga in Thalwil at MALAYOGA (directly at the train station) Thursdays 20-21:15 Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga #shoulderopeners

8/7/2023, 10:03:49 PM

Eagle arms help to open your shoulder blades and release tension in the upper back. For the correct alignment keep the shoulders down, while lifting the elbows to shoulder hight, keeping the 90 degrees angle in your elbow. This will give you a good shoulder stretch in the back of the shoulders and help to improve your posture. Eagle arms can activate the energy channels in the arms, shoulders, and upper back, promoting overall energy flow, while increasing blood circulation in the arms and shoulders. Improve your range of motion with eagle arms, strengthen your upper body by pressing the forearms together and lift them up and find balance and stability by softening the neck. Eager to practice eagle with me? Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Regular teaching schedule: Wednesdays 8:30-9:45 „Wake-up“ Yoga in Thalwil at MALAYOGA Thursdays 20-21:15 Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga #shoulders #eaglepose #adlerarme #garudasana

8/1/2023, 6:22:07 PM

Heart openers like backbends and chest-opening poses, create a sense of vulnerability. While vulnerability may sound undesirable, in the context of a Yoga practice, it can actually be quite beneficial. Here are a few reasons why heart openers can help us embrace vulnerability. Heart openers target the chest area where we tend to hold emotional tension. By stretching and opening the chest, we release stored emotions. Allow yourself to surrender and be in the moment with your heart. Vulnerability is often associated with courage. By intentionally putting ourselves in vulnerable positions during a Yoga practice, we build the courage to face our fears, step out of our comfort zones, and embrace new experiences. Backbends deepen the self-awareness and the understanding of ourselves, our patterns, and our vulnerabilities, ultimately leading to personal growth and transformation. Open your heart in this months practice at my Yoga classes in Thalwil and Zürich. Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Wednesdays 8:30-9:45 „Wake-up“ Yoga in Thalwil at MALAYOGA (directly at the train station) Thursdays 20-21:15 Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga #backbends

7/5/2023, 8:53:06 PM

Look up not down ;-) Backbends can be an excellent mood booster, as they open up the chest and heart area, energize the body, and release tension. Here are a few backbend poses you can incorporate into your yoga practice to uplift your mood and we will practice all of them in June and July in Zürich Thursday nights 20-21:15 Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), Shalabasana, Cobra & Anahatasana. The last 3 I usually teach in every class, as my Alignment based Hatha Vinyasa classes are usually targeting the whole body well, always including some functional movements to keep you strong and not only stretched ;-) Happy to see you soon on the mat! Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Regular teaching schedule: Wednesdays 8:30-9:45 „Wake-up“ Yoga in Thalwil at MALAYOGA (directly at the train station) Free trial in May & June 2023 Thursdays 20-21:15 Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga #backbends

6/14/2023, 11:16:59 PM

Topic of the month in my teachings and also in life are heart openers. What do you associate with that? Backbends? Lower back pain? Good mood? Well it can be all of that and much more, when we open our heart area, we become vulnerable. Being honest with yourself and others about your feelings, desires, and fears, can cause conflicts, but also this authenticity creates space for genuine interactions and fosters trust in relationships. Opening the chest is a practice and with that it can and should become an attitude to step out into the world open minded and free of prejudices. Currently the earth sends a strong power to experience love, empathy, and compassion, fostering stronger relationships and a sense of belonging. By opening the heart, you create an opportunity for healing. Acknowledging and expressing your emotions can help you process and release negative feelings, leading to emotional well-being and personal transformation. Embrace your strengths, weaknesses, and imperfections. When you open your heart to self-love, you cultivate a healthier self-image, boost your self-esteem, and develop a greater sense of self-worth. Happy to see you Wednesdays and Thursdays in my Yogaclasses: MALAYOGA wake-up flow Wednesday 8:30-9:45 Thursday 20-21.15 Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga #backbends

6/14/2023, 11:01:16 PM

As we are practicing heart openers these months I want to emphasize how important open shoulders are for that! Practicing shoulder-opening poses can help increase flexibility and mobility in the shoulders. This can enhance your overall range of motion in the upper body, allowing you to perform better backbends. Many people tend to slouch or have rounded shoulders due to modern lifestyle habits such as prolonged sitting and desk work. Like me :-( Opening the shoulders helps counteract this by stretching the chest muscles and strengthening the upper back muscles. It encourages a more upright and open posture, reducing the risk of postural imbalances and associated discomfort. The shoulders are energetically linked to the heart center. By opening the shoulders, you create more space around the heart, which can help promote feelings of openness, vulnerability, and emotional release. It can also cultivate a sense of courage and self-expression. When the shoulders are tight and rounded forward, it can restrict the expansion of the ribcage and limit the breath. A shoulder opening Yoga practice can lead to deeper and more expansive breathing, improving overall respiratory function and oxygenation of the body. Last but not least in yogic philosophy, the shoulders are associated with the Vishuddha (throat) and Anahata (heart) chakras, which are related to communication, self-expression, and love. Opening the shoulders can help balance the energy flow in these areas, promoting clear communication, self-confidence, and a sense of connection. Happy to see you for a shoulder opening practice! Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Regular teaching schedule: Wednesdays 8:30-9:45 „Wake-up“ Yoga in Thalwil at MALAYOGA (directly at the train station) Free trial in May & June 2023 Thursdays 20-21:15 Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga #backbends

6/8/2023, 12:37:28 PM

As many of us, sit most of the day, they help counteract the negative effects of that and improve your posture. By stretching and opening the front of the body, backbends assist in correcting rounded shoulders and forward head posture, thereby enhancing overall alignment and posture. Backbends are invigorating and can boost energy levels. They stimulate the nervous system, promoting feelings of alertness, vitality, and rejuvenation. Many backbends, such as camel pose (Ustrasana) and bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana), open the chest and stretch the front of the body, creating a sense of expansiveness. This can help release tension, improve breathing capacity, and encourage a more open and compassionate heart. Backbends target the muscles along the back of the body, including the erector spinae, gluteal muscles, and hamstrings. Regular practice can strengthen these muscles, leading to better spinal support and reducing the risk of back pain. (My back pain from riding the mountain bike has disappeared!) Backbends engage the core muscles, including the abdominals and obliques, to stabilize and support the spine during the poses. This can lead to a stronger core and improved overall stability. Backbends may help release feelings of anxiety, fear, and stress, leaving you feeling more calm, grounded, and centered. It's important to approach backbends with caution and listen to your body, and best to join an in person class with me in June & July, when we practice them. Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Wednesdays 8:30-9:45 „Wake-up“ Yoga in Thalwil at MALAYOGA (directly at the train station) Free trial in May & June 2023 Thursdays 20-21:15 Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaschweiz #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga #backbends

5/30/2023, 8:57:04 PM

Forward folds are a common yoga posture that involve bending forward from the hips and reaching towards the feet or the floor. Physically forward folds like Uttanasana, Paschimottanasana or Balasana stretch the hamstrings and can improve flexibility and range of motion in this area. They release tension in the lower back by stretching the muscles that run along the spine. This can be particularly beneficial for you, if you spend a lot of time sitting or standing in the same position. Emotionally they will calm the mind and ground, as they encourage introspection and allow the mind to quiet down. This can be especially helpful if you are dealing with stress, anxiety or insomnia. By folding forward you can stimulate the digestive system and help relieve bloating and constipation. If the head is below the heart, it helps to increase the blood flow to the brain, which will have a positive impact on cognitive function and your overall health. Spiritually you will develop the ability to let go, surrender and trust the universe. Use it as powerful reminder to let go of what no longer serves you. In May we focus on forward folds after we have done sidebends in April and twists in March, we work our way up the body and guess what will come next?! Register your mat: [email protected] or dm Wednesdays 8:30-9:45 am "Wake up Yoga" in Thalwil at MALAYOGA (close to the train station) Free Trial in May & June 2023 Thursdays 8-9:15 pm Come as you are See you on the mat #yogainzürich #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudiozuerich #mindfulnesspractice #connection #yogaphilosophy #freesoulyoga #practiceeveryday #yogaonline #yogainthalwil #alignmentbasedyoga

5/1/2023, 12:44:23 PM

After Christmas Holidays I can't wait to be with you on the mat again! To start the year with focus and intention the January theme is on the base of our body: the feed and legs, which give stability and root our body and mind. Connect to Mother Earth and nurture your soul with a well balanced Vinyasa practice with some hand selected music every Thursday at 8 pm 75 minutes in Zürich Albisrieden Freilagerareal Register: [email protected] 10er class pass: 300 Fr. Trialclass: 20 Fr. Come as you are. See you on the mat. #yogainzürich #yoganuary #yogainzurich #yoga #yogaschweiz #yogamitthema #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yogainspiration #freesoulyoga #padmayogastudio #yogagirl #yogaeverydamnday #mindfulness #mindfuljanuary #soulpractice #yogapractice #yogaforeveryone

1/10/2023, 5:50:04 PM

Wir sind weiter auf dem Weg durch unser Yoga Quartal III/22 von Juli bis Ende September mit dem Fokus: "Wieder leichter werden mit Yoga und Ayurveda" 1. Woche: Leichtigkeit durch Kraft wir haben muskelaufbaufördernde Asana mit mental stärkender Unterlegung geübt, zus. Technik für die Neu-Anfänger 2. Woche: Leichtigkeit durch Offenheit wir haben besonders die Hüften - die Mitte des Körpers - geöffnet und das neue-Wege-zeigende Ikigai Modell vorgestellt, zus. Technik für die Neu-Anfänger 3. Woche: Leichtigkeit durch besseren Schlaf steht bei uns auf dem Programm vom 25. Juli bis 30. Juli: Klaus wird sich mit Dir in dieser Woche auf eine große Faszienreise ins Yin Yoga aufmachen, bitte komme mit einigen Hilfsmitteln wie Decke, Kissen, Bolster, Blocks etc. Heike geht das Thema von der Ayurveda Seite her an "warum eine gute Nachtruhe am Morgen beginnt" und übt per sanftem Vinyasa und schlaffördernder, ausgleichender Atmung Wir freuen uns auf diese Neumondwoche mit Dir - und wünschen allseits gute Erholung Heike mit Sonntagsgrüßen #wiedergutschlafen #yogakannmehr #yogaübenmitstruktur #yogamitcurriculum #ayurvedaundyoga #onlineyoga #yogavorort #yogamitthema #yogamitfokus #mehralsasana

7/24/2022, 7:23:13 PM