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Tout va bien ! Terraforming mars crises #jds #jeuxdesocietes #terraformingmars #terraformingmarscrise @intrafin

6/1/2024, 6:19:04 PM

Terraforming mars en crise...pour l'instant on est encore bon #jds #jeuxdesocietes #terraformingmars #terraformingmarscrise @intrafin

6/1/2024, 5:05:16 PM

Der Mai ist rum und u.a. dank der vielen Feiertage wurde auch ordentlich gespielt 😎 Genau 100 Partien gab es für mich in 39 verschiedenen Spielen, darunter #BunnyKingdom und #NextStationParis ganz vorne und dank der neuen BGA-Umsetzungen auch wieder #TerraformingMars und #Neom mit einigen Partien. Unter den neuen Spielen konnte zudem #Harmonies mit in die Top9 rutschen. #aufdentisch #brettspiele #brettspiel #boardgames #bgstats @bgstatsapp @iellogames @hcm_kinzel @schwerkraftverlag @lookout_games @fl_feuerlandspiele @kosmos_games @libellud @kobold.spiele

6/1/2024, 4:20:28 PM

Nous sommes en crise :))) terraforming mars crises #jds #jeudesociété #terraformingmars @intrafin

6/1/2024, 3:40:47 PM

🛡️ Introducing Terraforming Mars Organizer! 🛡️ Board gamers, rejoice! Say goodbye to cluttered boxes and tedious setups with our custom 3D printed insert designed specifically for Terraforming Mars. Whether you're diving into the base game or exploring expansions, our insert has you covered! Key Features: ✨ Fits all expansions (Hellas & Elysium, Venus Next, Colonies, Prelude and Turmoil) ✨ Fits both boards (base game plus Hellas & Elysium) ✨ Fits deluxe player boards ✨ Fits sleeved cards ✨ No lid lift! Organize your components effortlessly and enjoy more time playing your favorite game. Our inserts are crafted with precision and care to ensure the perfect fit and easy assembly. 📦 Shipped in a sturdy cardboard box, wrapped in bubble wrap with detailed assembly instructions. Ready to upgrade your gaming experience? Click the link in our bio to shop now! 🛒 Tag us @meeplearmor and use #MeepleArmor to show off your setup for a chance to be featured! Armor up your games! #MeepleArmor #TerraformingMars #BoardGameInsert #BoardGameOrganizer #BoardGames #TabletopGames #BoardGameGeek #BGG #3DPrinting #GameNight

6/1/2024, 3:09:04 PM

Terraforming Mars le Jeu de Dés est enfin dispo ! Il se base sur le grand classique du jeu de stratégie, coup de coeur de quasi toute la communauté des joueurs passionnés. Cette version apporte dynamisme et simplicité et ne fait pas doublon avec la grosse boite. Mieux, elle renouvelle complètement l'expérience de jeu, le rendant accessible à un plus large public. Le matériel est top. En gros, un TM plus simple, plus rapide, plus accessible, plus fun et moins cérébral. De stock... pour le moment (42€) ! Un jeu créé par Jacob & Daniel Fryxelius, édité par @intrafin. #terraformingmars #tm #jeudesociété #jeudesociete #jeustratégie #stratégie #strategie #jeustrategie #jeudestratégie #jeudestrategie #jeuxdestratégie #jeuxdestrategie #dés #jeuxdedés #magasindejeux #bruxelles #jette #magasinjeux #ludicaire #bgg #jds #j2s #boardgame

6/1/2024, 10:34:58 AM

Diesen Monat gab es wieder einige gute Spiele auf dem Tisch. Wir haben mal wieder Orléans ausgepackt. Dieser Bag Builder ist für mich immer noch eines der schönsten Spiele mit dieser Mechanik – ich mag es wirklich sehr. Der Spielzug ist schnell gemacht und man kann viel auf seinem Tableau entscheiden. Ein weiteres Spiel, das diesen Monat zum ersten Mal auf den Tisch gekommen ist, war Flotilla. Zuerst taucht man hier nach "Schätzen", die die Menschheit auf dem Meeresboden zurückgelassen hat. Danach kann man eine Stadt auf dem Meer aufbauen und mit den Ressourcen helfen. Das ganze Spiel wird durch ein Kartendeck gesteuert, was mir immer sehr zusagt. Außerdem habe ich mit meiner Frau noch ein Spiel für die Ferien getestet: Next Station London. Ein sehr schönes Flip & Write Spiel, in dem man auf seinem Zettel eine abstrakte Karte von London hat. Während des Spiels werden Karten aus einem Deck gezogen, auf denen Symbole abgebildet sind. Dann muss man von seiner U-Bahnlinie aus eine farbige Linie zu einem Symbol ziehen, das auf der Karte zu sehen ist. Uns hat es gut gefallen und wir haben gleich drei Partien an einem Abend gespielt. Diesen Monat gab es auch meine üblichen Verdächtigen: Arche Nova, Burgen von Burgund, Terraforming Mars und Faraway. Leider fast alles auf BGA, aber das ist eine gute Alternative, wenn man nicht so viel Zeit am Stück hat, die Spiele im Zugmodus zu spielen. #BoardGames #OrleansGame #flotillagame #nextstationlondon #BoardGameArena #BGA #tabletopgames #boardgamenight #bagbuilder #flipandwrite #archenova #burgenvonburgund #terraformingmars #faraway #gamenight #ʙᴏᴀʀᴅɢᴀᴍᴇᴀᴅᴅɪᴄᴛ

6/1/2024, 10:13:34 AM

Happy International Tabletop Day, friends! 🧡 Every year on this day I make a personal top 9, and here is my top for the past year. Perhaps the only constant game in my top is Terraforming of Mars - It seems to have been on the list since I started making it. Therefore, it is probably not surprising that Mars brought Arc Nova with it - the games are different, but the mechanics and general feeling of the gameplay are similar. Another game that has already been in the top several times (but went on break last year) is Lords of Waterdeep, and it also brought friends: Dune Imperium and Tyrants of the Underdark. I love all three, and today I can’t say which one is better for me. From last year to this top migrated It's a Wonderful World - I never cease to be amazed at how good and exciting this game is, and I still remember playing through two campaigns from the expansions. White Castle is one of the best euros I played previous year, and perhaps one of the most elegant euros overall. Sea Salt and Paper is a universal quick game that you can play anywhere and with anyone and get a lot of fun out of it in a short period of time. And Clash of Cultures, which became a huge surprise for me - it lay on the shelf for several years, waiting in the wings, and then it impressed me so much over the course of a few games that it burst into the top. So, that's it! I went to celebrate and play board games, which is what I wish for you too! 🧡 #internationaltabletopday #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgamecollection #top9 #pandainthecavegames #top9boardgames #terraformingmars #seasaltpaper #clashofculturesmonumentaledition #arknovaboardgame #tyrantsoftheunderdark #duneimperiumboardgame #lordsofwaterdeep #whitecastleboardgame #boardgame #tabletopgame #boardgamesaddict #boardgamelife #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamer

6/1/2024, 10:00:04 AM

Unser Mai 📆 Die Hälfte des Monats waren im Urlaub und haben es uns nicht nehmen lassen einige Spiele mitzunehmen 🏝 20,2 kg hat der eignes für Brettspiele genutzte Koffer gewogen 😅 Neben einigen Kenner- und Experten-Spielen, die wir grundsätzlich am liebsten spielen, hat uns diesen Monat jedoch ein eher unscheinbares Spiel besonders überrascht und häufig sehr amüsiert...Rebel Princess von @wonderbowgames 👸🏼 Ein Stichspiel mit seinem ganz eigenen Charme. Was war euer Highlight im Mai? 😊 #rebelprincess #azul #mischwald #formosatea #myisland #darwinsjourney #klong #clank #terraformingmars #bubu #ratsofwistar #fracturedsky #inventions #moonrakers #pagan #trickerion #wonderlandswar #boardgames #bgg #Brettspiele #boardgamers #brädspel #boardgamegeek #bordspel #jeuxdesociete #juegodemesa #gryplanszowe #boardgameroof #mainz [unbezahlte Werbung]

6/1/2024, 8:25:35 AM

I liked how the Martian brutalism seems to have taken inspiration from my olive leaf teabag. #TerraformingMars @strongholdgames #strongholdgames @fryxgames #fryxgames #boardgames #tabletopgames #oliveleaftea @_stoneandgrove_ #stoneandgrovetea

6/1/2024, 3:58:41 AM

Jeśli mnie pamięć nie myli, to Terraformacja Marsa była pierwszą cięższą grą w mojej kolekcji, której dałem 10 na BGG i w którą nigdy nie odmówię rozgrywki. Nawet pokusiłem się o zakup Big Boxai metalowych kostek zasobów… Czy było warto? Szczerze, niekoniecznie, ale nie mogłem odmówić sobie ulepszenia tej znakomitej gry! Tylko 3D kafle terenów i łazik wymagały odrobiny pracy. TM to euro, trochę mniej suche niż powierzchnia Marsa przed położeniem na jego powierzchni heksów z oceanami. Wcielając się w jedną z megakorporacji, gracze w swoich turach zagrywają karty, stawiają lasy, miasta na planszy przedstawiającej jedną ze stron Czerwonej Planety. W tym celu gromadzą surowce symbolizowane przez uniwersalne kostki w trzech kolorach. Pieniądze, stal, tytan, roślinność, energia i ciepło radośnie jest gromadzona na planszetkach, a poziom ich produkcji wskazywany jest przez znacznik umiejscowiony na odpowiednim polu toru. Trzeba jednak uważać, bo jeden nieostrożny ruch i cała produkcja się sypie! Dosłownie – w podstawowym wydaniu gry planszetki graczy to zwykła, cienka tektura i o wypadek nietrudno. To jedna z tych rzeczy, która wkurzała mnie najmocniej podczas rozgrywek, ale szczęśliwie wydawca w końcu się zlitował i wypuścił oficjalne planszetki z wgłębieniami. Choć mamy w swojej turze sporo akcji do wyboru, sprowadzają się one do umiejętnego zagrywania kartami i operowania zasobami. Nie ma tu szczególnie dużo interakcji między graczami (ot wyścig po nagrody, tytuły i ewentualnie zajęcie pola na planszy) i zazwyczaj interesuje nas tylko nasz kawałek stołu. Trzeba też podkreślić, że TM to gra trochę losowa i zły dociąg kart może nam mocno popsuć plany. Dla mnie to nigdy nie był duży problem, bo po prostu zawsze przy grze się dobrze bawiłem. I to pomimo tego, że jest brzydka jak noc, a grafik płakał, jak projektował kolejne karty. A co najważniejsze: gra zapewnia olbrzymią regrywalność oferując absurdalną wręcz ilość kart i dobrze działa w każdej grupie graczy. #mojatura #terraformacjamarsa #terraformingmars #graplanszowa #boardgame #tabletopgame #boardgamephotography #boardgamephotos #boardgamephoto #euro #bgg #fryxgames #wydawnictworebel

5/31/2024, 7:01:49 PM

🤖 Il paraît que même en passant la soirée sur un seule partie d'un seul jeu,on ne s'en lasse pas... Tu veux vérifier par toi même ? Les jeux experts, c'est un mardi sur deux au Bonheur des Jeux ! 🦾 (Je précise parce qu'on nous le demande : c'est les jeux qui sont experts, pas les joueurs et joueuses, qui sont surtout résistant-es, patient-es et motivé-es !) ⚙️ SOIREE JEUX EXPERTS MARDI 04/06 à 18H30 MARDI 18/06 à 18H30 📲 Pensez à réserver sur Meet-Up ou par message, mail, téléphone ou signaux du fumée ! Soyez bien à l'heure pour qu'on puisse commencer les parties et surtout les finir 🧐 #jeux #jeuxdesociete #jds #abdj #aubonheurdesjeux #barajeux #barajeuxparis #cafejeux #cafeludique #sortiraparis #paris11 #boardgames #boardgamesgeek #fun #gamesnight #soireejeuxdesociete #meetup #jeuxexperts #apiary #projetgaia #arknova #terraformingmars #dominantspecies #agricola #duneimperium #lafamiglia

5/31/2024, 6:00:35 PM

GD Gamer, desafía tu mente con estos juegos 🧠🔥 ¿Buscas un desafío mayor en tus juegos de mesa? Te recomendamos Gloomhaven y Terraforming Mars. Ambos juegos ofrecen mecánicas complejas y estrategias profundas que pondrán a prueba tus habilidades. Gloomhaven te lleva a un mundo de aventuras épicas y combates tácticos, mientras que Terraforming Mars te desafía a convertir el planeta rojo en un lugar habitable. ¿Cuál es tu juego avanzado favorito? ¡Déjanos tu recomendación en los comentarios! #JuegosDeMesa #Recomendaciones #Gloomhaven #TerraformingMars

5/31/2024, 5:55:08 PM

Tonight’s game for our weekly #boardgamenight was #terraformingmars. We played it with the Colonies expansion pack.

5/31/2024, 7:39:23 AM

Our second question regarding board game organization is: is there a special system to your game shelves or do you just put games wherever they fit? Also do you like rearranging your games? I kinda enjoy it. Some of my games are in kallax cubes, some on the other type of shelves. I prefer to stack them on top of each other and group them together by how I think they look best rather than some consistent criteria. Although if they are part of a series, like Calico-Cascadia, Gaia Project-Age of Innovation, I like keeping them together. There is something very satisfying about making a stack of game boxes which go well together. #boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #terraformingmars #rajasoftheganges #quacksofquedlinburg #seasonsboardgame #brettspiele #drustveneigre #shelfie #juegodemesa

5/30/2024, 9:51:10 PM

Joueurs de 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬, Toutes les dates des 𝗤𝗨𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗙𝗜𝗘𝗥𝗦 pour la Coupe de France Terraforming Mars 2024 sont maintenant connues. 🤩 Venez tentez de vous qualifier pour la grande finale de début Novembre lors d’un des évènements dans votre région. 🍀 Vous pouvez retrouver les infos pour chacun des tournois dans la rubrique évènements de la page Facebook CdFTM. https://www.facebook.com/CdFTM/events Dépêchez-vous de contacter les organisateurs rapidement, il reste plus que quelques places. 😉 #intrafin #intrafingames #cdftm #terraformingmars #fryxgames

5/30/2024, 6:00:00 PM

Had a great games night last night with Sophie and James and of course Rosie! #gamesnight #terraformingmars #brownmediumdog #dogsofinstagram

5/30/2024, 1:50:05 PM

Mercoledì 29 maggio 2024 È stata una serata densa di giochi ed attività per @marteludica : ringraziamo tutti coloro che vi hanno preso parte e vi diamo appuntamento a mercoledì 5 giugno alle 20:30 presso la @biblioteca_gorgonzola per una nuova serata ludica! Ecco tutti i titoli che abbiamo intavolato: - Dungeons & Dragons 5e - Ticinum, il gioco di Pavia - Terraforming Mars - Room 25 - Exploding Kittens #marteludica #giochidatavolo #bibliotecagorgonzola #dungeonsanddragons #ticinum #terraformingmars #room25

5/30/2024, 10:52:36 AM

You know that I'm a huge fan of big board games. Terraforming Mars being one of them with all the expansions, and 3D tiles make it easily my most favorite of all time. There's only one caveat: it takes a lot of time. That's why I decided to give a chance to Terraforming Mars Dice Game. It's great. Obviously not as complex, but fast, fun, and with a little bit of challenge. It's still Fryxelius finest. #terraformingmarsboardgame #terraformingmars #terraforming #mars #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamer #boardgamegeek #fryxgames #jacobfryxelius #fryxeliusgames

5/30/2024, 10:36:20 AM

O IV Board Game Day da Turno Extra Jogos foi um sucesso. No evento, a estrela principal foi o jogo Terraforming Mars, considerado um dos melhores do mundo pelos principais rankings. Em TFM, jogadores controlam corporações que desenvolvem projetos para terraformar o planeta vermelho, criando nele condições habitáveis para a espécie humana. Eles disputam índices de terraformação elevando parâmetros vitais como oxigênio, temperatura e criando condições para formação de mares e oceanos. A corporação melhor sucedida nessa empreitada sairá como vitoriosa dessa corrida econômica e científica. Tivemos 3 mesas simultâneas e o nosso TOP 4 premiado foi: 1 - JONATHAN 2 - TONY PAULINO 3 - KATHERINE 4 - JUAREZ Parabéns, terraformadores, vocês mandaram muito bem. Aguardamos vocês na quinta edição do Board Game Day‼️ #boardgameday #turnoextrajogos #terraformingmars #boardgames #jogosdetabuleiro #terraformingmarsboardgame #luderia #torneio #jogosdemesa

5/29/2024, 10:58:13 PM

Some of our favorite games! Comment yours down below! 🤩🥳 And don’t forget to reserve your seat for tomorrow night! #testplay #testplaygamenight #boardgames #earth #terraformingmars #wingspan #hitster #viticulture #verdant #flamecraft #satumare #szatmárnémeti #társasjáték #játszanijó

5/29/2024, 3:11:31 PM

#howwerollwednesday Out of this world dice From terraforming mars the dice game #terraformingmarsdicegame #terraformingmars

5/29/2024, 12:15:06 PM

🚀 #TerraformingMars 🌌 🌠 Siete pronti a lasciare la vostra impronta su un mondo nuovo? In Terraforming Mars, il destino del pianeta rosso è nelle vostre mani! 🖐️🌍 🔥 Aumentate la temperatura, arricchite l’atmosfera di ossigeno e create vasti oceani per introdurre la vita su Marte. 🌱🌊 Ogni decisione può portare la vostra corporazione alla vittoria! 🏆 Competete per i punti vittoria, ma ricordate: in Terraforming Mars, ogni giocatore è un pioniere che contribuisce a un obiettivo più grande. 🤝 🃏 Con oltre 200 carte uniche, ogni partita è un’avventura strategica che vi sfida a gestire risorse e progetti per trasformare Marte. 🎯 👽 Scoprite Terraforming Mars e altri giochi da tavolo nel nostri negozi. Unitevi alla comunità di appassionati e portate a casa l’emozione della conquista spaziale! 🛒 🌟 Non è solo un gioco, è una corsa verso il futuro. Siete pronti a terraformare? 🚀 #centrogiochieducativi #centrogiochieducativiciriè #giocodatavolo #marte

5/29/2024, 10:28:36 AM

Sempre que jogo Terraforming Mars sinto uma vibe meio Interestelar 👨🏽‍🚀 O contexto é o seguinte: o ano é 2409. A terra tá indo de arrasta pra cima devido a poluição, superpopulação e escassez dos recursos 🌪️ Você é uma grande corporação que participa de um comitê de terraformação. O Governo Mundial juntou todas as grandes corporações (jogadores) e deu a missão de terraformar Marte e transformá-la em um planeta habitável através da construção de florestas, cidades e oceanos 🌎 Tem uma fama de ame ou odeie. Por aqui, sempre que dá colocamos na mesa ❤️ E por aí? Já conhecia ou quer conhecer mais ⬇️ ⚙️ Mecânicas principais: construção de baralho, motor de pontos, controle de áreas.. 👤1-5 jogadores ⏳120 minutos (vai um pouco mais nas primeiras partidas) 🆔 12+ anos 🏋🏽‍♂️Peso (BGG) 3.26/5 (média complexidade) . . . #boardgames #jogosdetabuleiro #terraformingmars #dicas #meeplebr

5/29/2024, 2:25:00 AM

Well, Brown May is almost over for the #rainbowboardgames challenge for this month. Can't wait to brighten things up with rainbow colours next month! This challenge was started by @unicorns_and_boardgames See any favourites here? Scroll to see my contribution ➡️ @unicorns_and_boardgames @bordercityboardgamer @boardom.games.weymouth @smallfriesgames @boardgamesafterdark @kathryndowell @mashy_meeples @board.game.family.uk @do.u.even.game @gamechanger_bykarine @family.boardgaming @boardgamespaintandhandstands @never_say_dice @getintogames 🟤🟫🟤🟫🟤🟫🟤🟫🟤🟫🟤🟫🟫🟤🟫🟤🟫 #brownboardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #tabletopgames #boardgame #challenge #boardgamegeek #boardgamecollection #boardgamelovers #boardgamelovers #brown #boardgamechallenge #tabletopgames #tabletopgamesofinstagram #forbiddendesert #terraformingmars #sushigoparty #obscurio #prehistories #bearsvsbabies #familygames

5/28/2024, 3:18:13 PM

An unusually wide cover I made for Jane Killick's 'Edge of Catastrophe', a novel in the 'Terraforming Mars' universe, published by Aconyte. #bookart #bookcover #coverart #cover #scifi #scienceficition #mars #colonizingmars #terraforming #terraformingmars #illustrastion #space #spaceart #spaceopera #digitalart #instaart

5/27/2024, 3:07:42 PM

Terraforming on Mars is easy - but on a Monday morning you want to be on Earth instead gardening. . . #scifi #scifiart #sciencefiction #sciencefictionart #terraforming #terraformingmars #planetmars #astronauts #astronaut #astronauta #retroscifi #retroscifiart #astronautlife #gardeninglife #gardeningtips

5/27/2024, 7:11:01 AM

This video blasts you off on a thrilling exploration of colonizing and terraforming Mars. We'll unveil groundbreaking plans from SpaceX's Starship and NASA's missions, explore the challenges and mind-blowing scientific discoveries that await us. Can we transform the Red Planet into a green haven for humanity? We'll also dive into ingenious solutions for surviving on Mars, like 3D-printed habitats and extracting water from underground ice deposits. This isn't just a space odyssey; it's a glimpse into the future of our species! Join us and discover why Mars might be closer than you think. #marscolonization #terraformingmars #spacex #nasa #TheFutureIsRed P.S. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below telling us your thoughts on colonizing Mars! What are you most excited about?

5/26/2024, 11:39:18 PM

Aquí se vino a terraformar Marte y se logró. Este y otro juegos más aquí en Arcana 👁️🧙🏻‍♂️ #boardgames #juegosdemesa #terraformingmars #ludoteca

5/26/2024, 4:18:46 PM

Lannie DelFino will be forced into an arranged marriage to an old man she hates and fears. Fen HighTower is watching his family's demesne slowly fail. Who will save his lands and his people? Charlton DelFino is trying desperately to save his lands and his peasants but he’s got no one to help him, including his sister, Lannie. Iolanthe Orlov is plain and lame but her cane doesn't affect her brain. Her brother, Vikenti, has plans for her she knows nothing about. Ulla DelFino only wants to do her duty to her family and to Mars. Zachery, the daimyo of DelFino, has plans for himself, the demesne, and his son, Walter. If Lannie must be sacrificed? Too bad. Their lives and many others collide in the Cathedral in Barsoom when Lannie rescues herself and flees into the unknown. But she’s carrying a treasure that makes her the prey. Lannie’s decision will reverberate across Mars for generations and ensure she will never be safe again. The Vanished Pearls of Orlov is the third book in The Steppes of Mars series and is followed directly by Escape to HighTower. Learn more at the book page at www.peschelpress.com. It’s in trade paperback, eBook, and Kindle Unlimited. Get your copy today! My fabulous cover is from Jake Caleb @jcalebdesign #escapetohightower #vanishedpearlsoforlov #steppesofmars #thesteppesofmars #odessamoon #odessamoonbooks #peschelpress #peschelpressbooks #terraformingmars #terraformedmars #indiwritersofinstagram #indieauthors #indiewriters #sciencefictionromance #scifiromance #books #womenonmars #brothersandsister #martianroadtrip #lifeonmars #peopleonmars #novelsaboutmars #slowburn #booksaboutmars #romance #runawaybride #braidednovel #forcedproximity #sharedworld #sharedworldseries

5/26/2024, 3:47:10 PM

No free Sundays at Terraforming team But you don’t really mind anymore at this phase 👩🏻‍🚀 #sundayshift #planet #scifi #scifiart #scifiartwork #astronauts #astronauta #astronautart #astronautlife #spaceship #terraforming #terraformingmars

5/26/2024, 12:34:16 PM

Jag är röd. De som vet, de vet💃🏼🚩 #terraformingmars

5/26/2024, 1:28:10 AM

Doing some Terraforming. Ultimately, it was not successful with 53 TR (But 83 VP). Prelude included. #terraformingmars #soloboardgaming #boardgames

5/25/2024, 11:06:14 PM

🛸🎲 Feliz Dia da Toalha e do Orgulho Nerd! 🎲🛸 Hoje, celebramos a genialidade de Douglas Adams e a grandiosidade do universo nerd. No universo de "O Guia do Mochileiro das Galáxias", a toalha é o objeto mais útil que um mochileiro pode ter. Da mesma forma, no mundo dos board games modernos, temos nossos próprios artefatos indispensáveis! Pense em jogos como "Terraforming Mars", onde colonizamos o Planeta Vermelho com a mesma destreza de Ford Prefect e Arthur Dent navegando pelo cosmos. Ou quem sabe "Azul", onde a beleza e a estratégia de criar mosaicos é tão intrigante quanto as complexidades do universo. Em "Catan: O Jogo", negociamos recursos como se estivéssemos trocando favores com Zaphod Beeblebrox, enquanto em "Ticket to Ride: Europa", planejamos nossas rotas com precisão, como Trillian, Ford, Arthur e Marvin traçando seu caminho pelo espaço. Não podemos esquecer do humor peculiar e das situações absurdas de "O Guia". É como jogar "The Resistance", onde a diversão é tanto sobre vencer quanto sobre as peripécias e as traições hilárias ao longo do caminho. Ou "Dixit: Disney Edition", que desperta a imaginação e a criatividade em cada rodada. Então, neste Dia da Toalha, erga sua toalha e seus meeples, celebre a complexidade dos nossos jogos favoritos e a criatividade sem limites do mundo nerd. Que seus dados rolem 20s naturais, que suas cartas sejam sempre épicas e que você nunca esqueça: Não entre em pânico e traga sempre sua toalha! E, claro, lembre-se que a resposta para a vida, o universo e tudo mais é 42... e jogar muitos board games! 📍 🧡 Luddu Us Play 💚 - Onde a diversão encontra a educação. Venha conhecer nossa seleção incrível de jogos! #diadatoalha #orgulhonerd #boardgames #guiadomochileirodasgaláxias #42 #meeplepower #terraformingmars #azul #catan #tickettoride #theresistance #dixit #ludduusplay #lúdico #vamosjuntosdarumplaynonossolúdico #vamosjogarumjogo

5/25/2024, 2:44:04 PM

2024/05/25 睽違2個月的桌遊,靠木星1分險勝 #terraformingmars

5/25/2024, 11:24:05 AM

I will remember this game. #terraformingmars

5/25/2024, 4:45:32 AM

Viele wissen ja, dass ich seit ein paar Jahren die "Spielzeit Nordhorn" betreue, die meistens in der Zwischenzeit und manchmal bei Vorwärts stattfindet und daraus haben sich einige tolle Freundschaften entwickelt ... heute wurde mit einigen Lieblingsmenschen ein bisschen gefeiert und natürlich gespielt. Gefreut habe ich mich über Arnak, TfM - Das Würfelspiel, die Mischwald Alpin Erweiterung, Orleans Fan Kit, TfM Präludium Erweiterung, Scout "Box", Materialschälchen und einen tollen Präsentkorb mit Dingen, die halt nur vertraute Menschen wissen. Es war einfach super - wie jedes Jahr 🫂 #spielzeitnordhorn #arnak #tfm #terraformingmars #mischwald #kosmos #scout #lieblingsmenschen #liebedasleben #spielenmachtglücklich

5/25/2024, 1:24:13 AM

🌟Review🌟Terraforming Mars! In Terraforming Mars each player is a corporation competing to, guess what?, terraform Mars. This is done by acquiring and playing cards that effect the temperature, the oxygen, or the water/ocean coverage all in attempt to make the red planet the new blue planet 🌎 Each Turn players are paying for and playing different project cards which effect these 3 vital metrics of creating and sustaining life on Mars while competing for the best areas to set up camp. Once two of the three vital meters are met, the end game is triggered and points are tallied based on project cards and tiles on the board. This game is another beautiful example of engine building and it is one of the best in the genre as far as the satisfaction of building said engine. There are also a great variety of cards/projects so even though you are playing the same game every time, it doesn’t feel repetitive or like you are terraforming the same Mars every-time. I also particularly enjoy that as with any other engine builder you are working on your own puzzle, but in this game player interacting seems more impactful and strategic, even when another player can disrupt your plans and somewhat destroy some of your work, it’s nothing you can’t bounce back from or build off of. And from the games I’ve played it really is a small percentage of the player interaction so it’s not a super aggressive and attack based game. All and all I really enjoy this game. I love engine building and I’m always a sucker for a good space theme so it was an easy buy for me! However, if you don’t care much for random card draw and heavy thinking and decision based resource management it might not be your favorite. Also if the chance of attack destroying what you’ve built sends you over the edge you also might want to play with caution 🤣 None of those bother me though so I’m gonna keep trying to find away off this rock should things go sideways! #review #terraformingmars #brittanikeepsscore #enginebuilding #gamer #boradlife #girlsthatgame #brittaniplaysgames #mars #spacethemedisalwaysaplus #thenamesaysitall

5/24/2024, 5:16:43 PM

Terraforming Mars, jury from @nasa. Vienna, 2017. The entire system uses 3D printing technology, robots and new devices to stabilize the chemicals components of the atmosphere. Only 3D softwares were used here, no AI even if this is the engine considered to move the entire system. #mars #space #terraformingmars #archidaily #architecture #artist #mars #nasa #space #sciencefiction #3nsumns

5/24/2024, 6:19:34 AM

Zum Abschluss kam letzten Sonntag mal wieder #TerraformingMars auf den Tisch. Eine höchst interessante Partie zwischen Viron, Poseidon und Point Luna mit sehr unterschiedlichen Strategien ging nach neun Runden maximal knapp zu Ende. Philipp und ich landeten beide bei 78 Punkten, Chris nur drei Punkte hinter uns. Dank einer hohen Geldproduktion konnte ich den Gleichstand zu meinen Gunsten entscheiden. #aufdentisch #brettspiele #brettspiel #tfm @fryxgames @schwerkraftverlag

5/23/2024, 10:20:32 PM

𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 : 𝐥𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐮 𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐞́𝐬 & 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 reviennent en boutique à partir du 7 juin ! 🚀🤩 Victime de son succès, 𝐓𝐌 : 𝐥𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐮 𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐞́𝐬 a été très vite pris d’assaut. Trois semaines seulement après sa sortie, toutes les boîtes avaient déjà été achetées ! 😱 Notez bien la date dans votre agenda, vous pourrez vous aussi mettre la main sur le TM le plus accessible de la gamme le 7 juin. 📅 Et ainsi profiter des beaux jours pour partir sur Mars ! ☀️ #intrafin #intrafingames #terraformingmars #TMdice #fryxgames #JDS2024 #jdsderetour

5/23/2024, 6:00:00 PM

Wir brauchen eure Hilfe!! 🙏🏻 Late to the party kamen auch wir mittlerweile in den Genuss von Terraforming Mars. Daher begleitet es uns aktuell, neben vielen anderen Spielen, in unserem Urlaub. Gestern wurde wieder fleißig auf der Terasse unter der Sonne Spaniens gespielt ☀️ Die Präludium-Erweiterung ist dabei bereits im Standart-Repertoire enthalten und unverzichtbar geworden!! Aaaaaaber, so langsam wollen wir mehr... Welche Erweiterung, vor allem mit Fokus auf 2 Spielende, empfehlt ihr? 😊 #terraformingmars #mars #terraforming #boardgames #bgg #Brettspiele #brettspieler #boardgame #boardgames #brädspel #boardgamegeek #bordspel #jeuxdesociete #juegodemesa #top100 #gryplanszowe #gamenight #tabletop #boardgameaddict #boardgamephotography #boardgamephotos #boardgamesofinstagram #棋盘游戏 #ボードゲーム #보드게임 #boardgameroof #espanol #spain #moraira #mainz @fryxgames [unbezahlte Werbung / selbst gekauft]

5/23/2024, 1:19:06 PM

Com mola el Terraforming Mars! 😍 #boardgames #ludics #jocsdetaula #juegosdemesa #terraformingmars

5/23/2024, 12:19:24 AM

Readying the red planet for humanity 🔥 Did you guess the game? Head over to @square51lb to play the coolest board games, unplug and soothe your taste buds with our signature coffee. #square51 #peopleofsquare51 #square51lb #boardgamecafe #boardgames #boardgame #terraformingmars #Mars #abclebanon #bggcommunity

5/22/2024, 6:24:22 PM

Ich habe gestern mit den weltweit führenden „Terraforming Mars“-Experten den Mars (und die Venus!) bewohnbar gemacht! Einer davon ist Teil des legendären Filmpodcasts @bewegtbildbanausen , die anderen geben ihre Identitäten und Adressen nicht preis, um sich vor Autogrammjägern und campierenden Fans zu schützen. Und ich will mich ja nicht loben .. aber für mich gab‘s Bronze 😜 #terraformingmars @fryxgames @schwerkraftverlag #boardgamenight #boardgames #bretrspiele

5/22/2024, 11:10:28 AM

Mars, Mars, Mars po raz trzeci. Nigdy nie zakładaliśmy, że zaopatrzymy się w Ekspedycję Ares od Rebel.pl, oczywiście nie ze względu na to, że to zła gra, tylko ze względu na to, że bardzo lubimy dużą TM i nie potrzebowaliśmy "mniejszego" zamiennika. A właśnie w taki sposób traktowaliśmy / traktujemy Ekspedycję Ares. Jednakowoż na fali zaintrygowania wersją kościaną, po wielkiej miłości do podstawki (jak już wspominaliśmy wyżej;)) postanowiliśmy odmienić Marsa ponownie. Jak się łatwo pewnie domyślić, wybraliśmy się w tą podróż wraz z Ekspedycją Ares ;) Hmm a gdzie tu rydwan wojny, krew i flaki? Otóż nie ma, za to jest koszmar sprzedawcy. W życiu nie naliczyliśmy tylu rabatów co w tej grze ;) Ale wyprawa trwa dalej, jeszcze wiele drzew do posadzenia, zwierząt do wyhodowania i oceanów do rozlokowania przed nami. Gdzie nas ta wycieczka zawiedzie? Czy Mars będzie się nadawał do życia? Czy Jacek zacznie używać kalkulatora do naliczania rabatów? Na wszystkie te pytania pewnie i tak odpowiedzi nie poznamy, ale dajemy sobie jeszcze czas i szansę, może uczucie do Aresa zakwitnie w naszych sercach jak pierwsze krokusy na Chochołowskiej ;) #byłograne #ekspedycjaares #rebel #TM #jacekznowuprzegrał #planszowykolektyw #we2 #gryplanszowe #planszówki #bgg #boardgame #Mars #TerraformingMars #TerraformacjaMarsa

5/22/2024, 9:20:30 AM

The third time was not quite the charm, I still lost by 17 points, but I did much better than the time before and spent quality time with a friend, to boot! #latergram #terraformingmars #boardgamegeek #boardgames #gaming #friendship #primetime

5/21/2024, 10:08:40 PM

Va bene che vi eravate qualificati, va bene che siete parte di una fucina di campioni…ma SBARAGLIARE i CAMPIONATI ITALIANI con primi posti e piazzamenti sul podio (o poco sotto) è tanta TANTA ROBA! 🏆 Francesco D'Angelo CAMPIONE NAZIONALE di #terraformingmars 🏆 Corrado Romagnoli CAMPIONE NAZIONALE di #wingspan 🥈Giacomo Cagnetti SECONDO CLASSIFICATO #terraformingmars 🎖️ Davide De Rossi QUINTO CLASSIFICATO #terraformingmars Grazie ragazzi, siete il nostro ORGOGLIO! #spazioludicoaps #modenaplay2024 #campioniditalia #associazioneludica #associazioneludicasanbenedettodeltronto

5/21/2024, 8:55:26 PM

Retrouvez les JDS à la @foireexponancy pour une Troisième édition pleine de nouveaux jeux et d’animations Retrouvez nos éditeurs partenaires @smartgamesfrance @blackrock_games @origames_official et @tikieditions Testez votre adresse et votre esprit de déduction avec : - Un stand #molkky et #lespapattes - La Pépite qui vous mette au défi avec de mini-escape @L’Auberge des Rôlistes Déjantés vous propose un combat des chefs. De prestigieux tournois - Le Qualificatif pour la finale de la Coupe de France Terraforming Mars - Tournois JCC - Magic - Lorcana - Pokémon - YGO - Star Wars Unlimited et bien d’autres. #venezjouer ou entre amis sur plus de 1500m2 de #jeuxdesociété #terraformingmars

5/21/2024, 7:23:32 PM

Notre Terraforming Mars du dimanche à eu un petit décalage... Pour le lundi. Beau positionnement pour la capitale. #terraformingmars #boardgame #boardgamenights #tabletop #gamenight #jeuxdesociete #jeux  #boardgameday #gamewithfriends #bgg #boardgamegeek #onnejouejamaisassez

5/21/2024, 5:56:53 AM

Pasen, pasen!😁🧙‍♂️ Seguimos actualizando las novedades!🎁🙌❤️ Recuerda que puedes hacer tus reservas y unirte al grupo de whatsapp para estar al tanto de las últimas noticias en juegos de mesa!🌟😎 . . . 🚀Hacemos envíos a todo el país hasta tu domicilio🏠🚛📦 📣🌐Catálogo online: https://elmercadererrante.com WhatsApp!📲 https://bit.ly/Chat-ElMercader ☎️77449771 📍O visítanos en la sucursal de la Avenida Villazon! https://maps.app.goo.gl/C45Z4YGkB44Md7dEA . . . . #juegosdemesa #boardgames #elmercadererrante #cochabamba #novedades #pedidos #Furnace #entreguerras #minirogue #incomodosinvitados #pajarracosparty #terraformingmars #preludio #colonias #lamoradamaldita #cervezaypan

5/20/2024, 10:28:03 PM

Today, we begins to terraform the planet Mars 🚀✨ Terraforming Mars (2016) BGG: 8.4 Players: 1-5 Age: 12+ Time: 120 min Compete with rival CEOs to make Mars habitable and build your corporate empire. Designer: Jacob Fryxelius Publisher: FryxGames, Stronghold Games, Kaissa Chess & Games Artist: Isaac Fryxelius, Daniel Fryxelius #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamesofinstagram #terraformingmars #terraformingmarsboardgame #prelude #colonies #venusnext #terraform #redplanet #moretemperature #moreoxygen #moreocean #forhumankind #fryxgames #strongholdgames #kaissaboardgames #kaissagames #gamenight #tabletop #cards #play #game #player #games #geek #nerd #nerdlife #bgg #bggcommunity

5/20/2024, 8:49:39 PM

Thank you to our great Saturday Night crowd of Magic the Gathering, Roleplayers, One Piece, and board gamers! We hope you all had fun. We appreciate you coming out and playing and hope to see you next week! #madhattershouseofgames #localgamestore #lgs #magiccommunity #magicthegathering #onepiececommunity #ONEPIECE #roleplaying #tabletopgames #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #pathfinder #callofcthulhu #terraformingmars #gamingcommunity #lubbockevents #lubbock #fridaynightmagic

5/20/2024, 2:56:34 AM

Thank you to our wonderful Friday Night groups of Magic the Gathering, Roleplayers, and board gamers! We hope you all had fun. We appreciate you coming out and playing and hope to see you next week! #madhattershouseofgames #localgamestore #lgs #magiccommunity #magicthegathering #roleplaying #tabletopgames #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #pathfinder #callofcthulhu #terraformingmars #gamingcommunity #lubbockevents #lubbock #fridaynightmagic

5/20/2024, 2:50:59 AM

We took a multi-year break from Terraforming Mars. Well, this week it hit the table twice and it’s as fun as ever. Sure, it can be random for how long the game is, but the engine and feeling of progress is better than almost any other game. I am questioning if it belongs above Underwater cities and for sure I have it above Ark Nova. I guess I may have to look into buying some expansions now that so many are out… which should we buy first? Prelude? #terraformingmars #terraformingmarsboardgame #tabletop #bgg #boardgames #arknova #underwatercitiesboardgame #underwatercities

5/20/2024, 12:32:25 AM

Our next Heavy Thursday is the fantastic Terraforming Mars 👩‍🚀🛸 Players take on the role of Corporations who are working towards the shared goal of making the red planet habitable for human life over multiple generations by increasing the oxygen, sea level and temperature. Individually completing certain milestones and achieving special awards will allow your corporation to flourish in this new world and lead you to the overall game victory! Heavy Thursday events are fantastic for anyone who fancied learning some of the heavier games in our library - you don't need to know anything about the game, just turn up at 7pm and one of our game gurus will teach you everything you need to know to play! They'll also stay with you throughout the play through to answer any questions you might have along the way 👍 Tickets are limited and are available through Eventbrite via the links in our bio https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/terraforming-mars-tickets-901782253997?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&_gl=1*1g7x21i*_up*MQ..*_ga*ODk5NzMzNTU3LjE3MTYxMzUyNjI.*_ga_TQVES5V6SH*MTcxNjEzNTI2Mi4xLjAuMTcxNjEzNTI2Mi4wLjAuMA.. #terraformingmars #heavyboardgames #learnsomethingnew #boardgameguru #boardgameaddict #boardgamecafe #thediceboxcafeworcester

5/19/2024, 6:23:07 PM

Veronica Bradwell lost everything when her father's embezzling schemes were revealed: her friends, her money, her connections, her social status, and her husband. Now, she's hanging on by her fingernails in Dome Two of Panschin, a domed mining city far to the north on Mars with her sister Shelby and their elderly aunt. Airik Shelleen needs peace and quiet at the Biennial Mining Conference but instead he's fending off unwanted business deals and unwanted brides in the raucous atmosphere of Dome Six. He finds Veronica's tiny bed and breakfast but what they both get is anything but quiet. The PanU Artists' Collective. Bankers wanting their money NOW. Shelby's struggles with the art world. Malcolm, a scholarship boy from the mines. Veronica's ex who's hiding secrets of his own. The craziness of Panschin. The thug who wants Veronica's house. And most of all, what lives beneath in the unending night in the tunnels below Panschin. Old sins cast long shadows across Panschin, sins that will never permit Veronica and Shelby a normal life. Visit the bookpage at peschelpress for ordering information. The White Elephant of Panschin is available as a trade paperback, an eBook, and is in Kindle Unlimited. Get your copy today! My fabulous cover is from Jake Caleb @jcalebdesign #thewhiteelephantofpanschin #whiteelephantofpanschin #odessamoon #odessamoonbooks #peschelpress #peschelpressbooks #terraformingmars #terraforming #domedcities #sciencefictionromance #sciencefictionromancenovels #scifiromance #womenonmars #miningonmars #lifeonmars #scifiromancebooks #scifiromancenovels #sisterrelationships #artonmars #tunnellife #livingunderground #bankingonmars #lifeonmars #peopleonmars #novelsaboutmars #booksaboutmars #fictionaboutmars #romance #strangenewworlds #sciencefictionnovels

5/19/2024, 5:44:06 PM

Hvala @magicomenstcg na predivnom dodatku našoj skromnoj kolekciji i hvala kaj ste odabrali moj doodle za ovu genijalnu nagradu 😍 #terraformingmars #boardgames #boardgame #sferakon #doodle #doodleart #zagreb #strongholdgames #magicomens

5/19/2024, 4:30:57 PM

Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game…this TM variant is way better than Ares Expedition and I regard it as the true short version of its bigger brother, when you just need a TM quickie. BUY👍!!! #terraformingmars #terraformingmarsthedicegame #jacobfryxelius #fryxgames #schwerkraftverlag #dice #economic #sciencefiction #contracts #poolbuilding #dicerolling #dieiconresolution #endgamebonuses #handmanagement #hexagongrid #tileplacement #mars #terraforming #planet #dices

5/19/2024, 4:27:55 PM

#terraformingmars #boardgames GRAMY 🔥

5/19/2024, 10:14:56 AM