overnightintheforest images

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こんにちは。野鳥星月です。 12月2日、3日の週末、私は、蔵王にほど近い標高500mほどの「創生の森」のキャンプ場で1泊しました。 私のインスタ用の名前の元になった「野鳥(birds)、星月(star&moon)」を撮影したので、ポストします。 1枚目は、12月3日の朝。朝日に向かって鳴いていた森の野鳥「ツグミ」です。朝日に照らされてきれいですね。 2枚目は、そのツグミを照らす、この日の「日の出」。太平洋から静かに太陽が昇りました。 3枚目は、3日の朝、空の高いところにあった「月」。 4枚目は、朝日を浴びて活動する野鳥「アカゲラ」。 最後の5枚目は、2日土曜日の夜。蔵王方向(西)へと沈む「はくちょう座」近辺。    星の写真にも、一応「野鳥」の、「はくちょう座(写真右上の明るい星がデネブ)」「わし座の一部(アルタイル、左下の森の中)」が入っています。こと座のベガも写真右下の林の中で光っています。いわゆる「夏の大三角」です。 夏の星ですが、かろうじて12月の夕方(撮影は19時47分)見えました。空気が澄んでいて、星がきれいでした。ただ雲が多くて広い範囲の撮影はできませんでした。ちょっと残念。 でも今回の森の中での1泊は、夜明けとともに活動を始める野鳥の姿や美しい星空も眺めることができ、「野鳥星月」の名にふさわしい体験ができた記念の日となりました。 創生の森のスタッフの皆様、お世話になりました。 #森の中の1泊  #野鳥写真 #ツグミ #アカゲラ#天体写真 #日の出 #月 #星景写真 #星座 #夏の大三角 #はくちょう座 #創生の森 #川崎町 #宮城県 #Overnightintheforest #birdsphotos #duskythrush #GreatSpottedwoodpecker #Astrophotography #SunrisefromPacificOcean #Moon #Starscape #Constellations #SummerTriangle  #Cygnus #SouseiForest  #KawasakiTown #MiyagiPrefecture  #Japan

12/4/2023, 3:20:11 PM

Die Sachen gepackt 🏕️ nur noch der Regenschutz ☔️ und kurz nochmal alles prüfen ✔️ das nix verloren gegangen ist 🎒. Dann ging’s los 🚶🏼‍♂️ entweder zum nächsten Spot ⛺️ oder eben auf den nach Hause 🏠 Weg. Übrigens hier hatte es die komplette 💯 Nacht durch geregnet 🌧️💙 es war eine perfekte Nacht 👌😴🤠 . Haltet die Ohren steif, es ist fast geschafft 💪 Euer @swackpic . . . Unbez. Werbung #palatinateforest #pfälzerwald #goodtimeoutside #tarp #rain #forest #forestexperience #myoutdoorexperience #morningatforest #forestfeeling #enjoythemoment #naturelove #forestlove #insta360go2 #morningtimeoutdoors #sunriseintheforest #coffeetime #rainimpressions #nicemood #forestmood #rainynight #biwakieren #overnightintheforest #aloneinthewoods #backpackersadventure #adventureoutdoors #tactical #outdoorclothing #forestlandscape #coldtimehasbegun

11/16/2023, 6:27:45 AM

Welcher Typ seid ihr. Nach der Nacht im Wald, erst alles zusammen packen dann noch etwas die Zeit genießen oder erst genießen dann zusammen packen? In meinem Fall hier hatte ich schon alles (bis aufs Tarp) zusammen gepackt um dann noch etwas Zeit zu genießen ☕️✌️🌧️🌲🌳 . 🤜🤛 außerordentlichen Sonntag gewünscht 🤠 Euer @swackpic . . . Unbez. Werbung #palatinateforest #pfälzerwald #goodtimeoutside #tarp #rain #forest #forestexperience #myoutdoorexperience #morningatforest #forestfeeling #enjoythemoment #naturelove #forestlove #oliveismycolor #flecktarnhose #coffeeenjoyment #coffeetime #niceplace #nicemood #forestmood #rainynight #biwakieren #overnightintheforest #aloneinthewoods #backpackersadventure #adventureoutdoors #tactical #outdoorclothing #forestlandscape #coldtimehasbegun

11/5/2023, 7:31:34 AM

Brooch Overnight in the Mountains The embroidered brooch will remind you of a wonderful vacation in the mountains, adventures and starry nights. ✨In stock ✨$83, free shipping ✨PayPal

9/25/2023, 9:51:24 AM

Trage weniger, erreiche mehr! 🧡 Für den Klimaschutz ist es höchste Zeit! Deshalb hat @vaudesport beschlossen, bereits ab 2022 global als Unternehmen mit allen Produkten klimaneutral zu werden. Das bedeutet konkret, dass die weltweiten, derzeit noch nicht ganz vermeidbaren Treibhausgasemissionen, vollständig kompensiert werden. 👉 Die klimaneutrale Outdoor-Kollektion kannst du jetzt bei Gigasport shoppen! 🙌 #gigasport #sportleben #vaude #outdoor #nature #sustainable ___ #outdoors #outdoorphotography #outdoorliving #outdoorlife #mountains #mountaingirl #backtotheroots #tent #campinglife #athomeoutdoors #sunrise #sunriseoftheday #sunrise_and_sunsets #romantic #bergliebe #night #overnightintheforest #hiking

8/16/2023, 6:26:06 PM

Unser #sportleben-Pic kommt diese Woche von @sands__0812 und ihrer Nacht im Zelt. ⛺ Teile auch du deinen letzten Sportmoment mit dem Hashtag #sportleben und gewinne mit etwas Glück einen von 5 Gigasport-Gutscheinen im Wert von 100 €! 🍀 Teilnahme bis 31.07.2023 ___ #outdoors #outdoorphotography #outdoorliving #outdoorlife #mountains #mountaingirl #backtotheroots #tent #campinglife #athomeoutdoors #sunrise #sunriseoftheday #sunrise_and_sunsets #romantic #bergliebe🏔 #night #overnightintheforest #zauberwald #lakeside

7/27/2023, 6:28:04 PM

Nie będę zapeszać ale 3 intensywne dni pokazały jaki progres mamy z Jonką jeszcze za wcześnie na świętowanie ale wygląda to bardzo dobrze, zawody zbliżają się wielkimi krokami więc wszystkie łapy na pokład 🔥🔥🔥 a z Riveczki to bardzo poważny zawodnik się robi🔥. @jwejchan dzięki za rozkminy to kocham najbardziej ❤️ 🧠 @dogtok_szkoleniowyraj dziękujemy za gościnę, zawsze wracamy jak do siebie ❤️. *** Tym, którzy tu dotarli przypominam o zapisach na kursy 🐶"Podstawy obedience" dla początkujących i 🐶"Obimaster" dla psiaków, które mają już opanowane podstawy😁 #details #obedience #obediencetraining #overtraning #hardwork #perfectday #paralleltraining #bordercollie #bordercollieinstagram #OB3 #OB3 #hotday #workinprogress #nolimitteam #newgroup #newidea #Basic #podstawyobedience #obimaster #overnightintheforest

7/17/2023, 8:52:07 PM

Für mi des schenste am ganzen Urlaub, die Übernachtung am See mit Luxusbadezimmer. Seit an Jahr red ma davon und es woa schöner als erwartet ✨⛰️⛺️⛰️✨ #outdoors #outdoorphotography #outdoorliving #outdoorlife #mountains #mountaingirl #backtotheroots #tent #campinglife #athomeoutdoors #sunrise #sunriseoftheday #sunrise_and_sunsets #romantic #bergliebe🏔 #night #overnightintheforest #zauberwald #lakeside #sportleben

7/3/2023, 7:12:10 AM

Probably the last camp without some bug protection. Woke to a beautiful blue sky. Had planned to film the sunrise but was so warm in the Hygge sleeping bag by @fjernoutdoors that in slept way passed it. Breakfast of champions a massive meal of chocolate muesli by @realfieldmeal and a coffee by @faffcoffee #wildcamping #forestcamp #realfieldmeal #fjernoutdoors #beyondboundaries #faffcoffee #overnightintheforest #tarpcamping

4/4/2023, 4:52:52 PM

Probably the last camp without some bug protection. Woke to a beautiful blue sky. Had planned to film the sunrise but was so warm in the Hygge sleeping bag by @fjernoutdoors that in slept way passed it. Breakfast of champions a massive meal of chocolate muesli by @realfieldmeal and a coffee by @faffcoffee #wildcamping #forestcamp #realfieldmeal #fjernoutdoors #beyondboundaries #faffcoffee #overnightintheforest #tarpcamping

4/4/2023, 4:52:41 PM

👋 Na dann lasst die neue Woche beginnen 💯✊ . . . 𝐹𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑒 @swackpic 𝑡ℎ𝑥 . 𝚄𝚗𝚋𝚎𝚣. 𝚆𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚞𝚗𝚐 #atnightoutside #feuer #openfireplace

11/21/2022, 7:05:44 AM

Puhelimet jäi koululle hoitoon, kun oppilaat lähti meidän kanssa yöksi metsään. The Phones stayed at school for the night while students came to the forest with us. #Phones #overnightintheforest #withteenagers #withourstudents #phonesstayedatschool #enjoyingeachothers #realconnection

9/9/2022, 5:55:09 PM

А как прошли летние выходные у вас? 🌲🫐🌳🫐 #кемпинг #поход #хвойныйлес #черника #свежийвоздух #макро #camping #tent #lake #forest #pinetrees #camping⛺️ #campingtrip #picnic #overnightintheforest #blueberry #makro

8/24/2022, 2:19:33 PM

Probably the brightest fruit I've seen during the forest walk. 🧡 Maayong buntag Archidendron sp. #trees #mountains #forest #forestbath #walkintheforest #bukidnonforest #overnightintheforest

6/18/2022, 12:31:10 AM

Solo overnight im Pfälzer Wald...🏕🌲🌳🌲 . #outdoorlife #overnightintheforest #intothewoods #howtosurviveinthewoods #draußenzeit #waldzeit #bushcraft #draußenimwald #overnightinthewoods #bushcrafttime #intothewild

4/20/2022, 9:37:59 AM

Coffee and sun in the morning...☀️ #intothesun #ohnekaffeegehtnix #bushcraftcoffee #draussenimwald #overnightintheforest #relaxoutdoors

4/19/2022, 9:18:45 AM

It's been a while since I posted videos on our YouTube channel. In this video, We continue our journey to the forest, getting stuck for a night due to heavy rain. This video also shows how we use the resources around us from shed, cooking tools, and firewood. More videos to come for our environmental storytelling platform @salumayagyouth. For full video, click the link in my bio. #forestwalk #indigenouspeople #wayofliving #forest #mountains #river #streams #overnightintheforest #bamboocooking #bamboocups #trees #wildbanana #edibleplants #rain #sleptontheground #wildlife #forestleech #biodiversity #nature #Bukidnon #Philippines #adventure #phparksandbiodiversity #ecoexplorations #trekkingphilmountains #indigenouscommunity #Indigenousterritory #ancestrallands

4/17/2022, 3:03:23 AM

Swipe to zoom in - am Donnerstag war ich recht spontan auf nem #overnighter mit @boede_geht_raus auf dem #trekkingplatz in #hauenstein - gerechnet haben wir mit dem Schlimmsten, denn es war Sturm angesagt. Im Regen gings auf kürzestem Weg zum Platz - dort angekommen wurden wir aber mit Sonnenschein begrüßt und konnten die Zeit dort genießen. #wald #forest #outdoor #adventuretime #bushcraft #hammock #overnightintheforest #sunshine #beautifulnature #outdoorbuddy #outdoorbuddyontour #outdoorbuddymeetsfriends

4/13/2022, 7:48:15 AM

A few pictures from our transition from day hikes to overnight backpacking. This quick trip was just me, and my two youngest kids. (My husband wasn’t able to come due to his job.) This was our first time where we backpacked into camp. It was basically a trial run for bigger hikes and trips. The hike in was only about a mile and a half. So it was a nice introduction for getting the feel for the weight of the backpacks without over doing it. It was more about checking out our gear, and giving it a real life go, then getting in a bunch of miles. We wanted to see what we used and needed vs what we didn’t use on the trip. What worked well and what didn’t. Olivia and I hike this park every once in a while so before attempting this as a backpacking trip we were first familiar with and comfortable with the area and the park. This was mentality helpful as it was one thing we didn’t have to think about. We could focus on the backpacking itself and our camp. One of the reasons we chose this park was because we knew the park had pretty nice “primitive” sites available and because they had nice amenities such as a fire ring, and picnic table, hammock hangs etc… we felt like we were easing our way into the experience comfortably. We actually had a lot of fun it was a great experience. I would recommend this method of easing into backpacking for anyone interested in making the jump from day hikes to backpacking and find the whole process a little (or a lot) overwhelming. For the record we are already starting to plan our next backpacking adventure :) . . . #hike #hikewithyourkids #overnightintheforest #52hikechallenge (Hike #12) #gingers52hikechallenge #backpacking #firsttimebackpacking #sleepinthewoods #hikeflorida

4/11/2022, 6:55:53 PM

Yesterday was Imbolc and I spent a night in my so called "Holy Forest". It was very close to the spot, where I had cut the deer once in late autumn. I've started a simple campfire, roasted some meat on a spit and slept in my tent. When it has become dark, full moon enlighted this place. But then in the middle of night, rain and soft wind came up. The next day I placed a bone at the place where I set up my tent. This is an offering towards nature and all its spirits as a reward for a safe overnight and to show my humility, if I had caused a disturbance. I had expected some activities outside of my tent, because this forest feels very natural and mystical to me. But it was very calm. Neither larger animals wandered around, nor their calls were heard, nor any ghosts spooked, although it's situated centrally of the woodland. #nature #overnightintheforest #meatonspit #campfirecooking #tent #imbolc #boneoffering

2/17/2022, 9:55:53 AM

Ultra gemütlich und das bei feuchten 0 °C im Januar. Im Hammock von Amazonas, mit passendem Tarp und Underquilt. * #wald #forrest #hamock #tree #sleepingoutdoors #overnightintheforest #naturverbunden #naturliebe #draußensein

1/12/2022, 4:34:57 PM

I sent this to my dad saying Iam staying the night and he called me crazy 😜 #bushcraft #camping #shelter #bush #overnightintheforest

10/24/2021, 2:35:25 AM

Memories to a great time and evening with wonderfull people and the magic in the sky 🤩🤩🤩 #lapland #finland #salla #sallainthemiddleofnowhere #sallareindeerpark #campfire #overnightintheforest #northernlight #revontulet

8/6/2021, 3:02:53 PM

Морешко... 🌊🌊🌊 Да, Балтийское море, но море же! #яисобака #кемпинг #поход #море #финскийзалив #балтийскоеморе #собака #хаски #французкий_бульдог #волчонок #Айна_Хасдог #ianddog #camping #tent #forest #camping⛺️ #campingtrip #picnic #overnightintheforest #dog #husky #french_bulldogs #Aina_Husdog #sea #gulfoffinland #balticsea

7/2/2021, 11:03:41 PM

Кто босс этого леса? 💪🐕 Big Boss. #яисобака #кемпинг #поход #хвойныйлес #собака #хаски #французкий_бульдог #волчонок #Айна_Хасдог #ianddog #camping #tent #lake #forest #pinetrees #camping⛺️ #campingtrip #picnic #overnightintheforest #dog #husky #french_bulldogs #Aina_Husdog #boss #bigboss

6/20/2021, 8:11:59 PM

#закат #яисобака #кемпинг #поход #хвойныйлес #собака #хаски #французкий_бульдог #волчонок #Айна_Хасдог #sunset #ianddog #camping #tent #lake #forest #pinetrees #camping⛺️ #campingtrip #picnic #overnightintheforest #dog #husky #french_bulldogs #Aina_Husdog

6/14/2021, 9:20:11 PM

Bon matin!😊 Quelles sont vos meilleures idées de cuisine sur le feu ou sur la braise? Des choses que je devrais essayer? 😃👌🍳🥓 #bacon #cookingonfire #bushcraft #bushcraftquebec #onesttubendanslebois #canadianbushcraft #cookinginthewild #overnightintheforest

1/24/2021, 3:24:55 PM

Немного эстетики зимнего похода. Температура ночью -11 🥶 Трек: Gealdýr - Sól #поход #зимнийпоход #походвлес #зимнийлес #ночевкавлесу #зима #мороз #беларусь #снег #влесузимой #безфильтров #hike #winterhike #hikeintheforest #winterforest #overnightintheforest #winter #frost #belarus #snow #intheforest #gealdýr #bushcraft #sleepingbagarctic #novopolotsk #nofilter

1/10/2021, 6:09:50 PM

Venha conhecer o paraíso

10/26/2020, 1:26:16 PM

Prazer gigante

9/14/2020, 2:38:51 AM


9/9/2020, 7:13:25 PM

9/9/2020, 5:28:16 PM

9/9/2020, 5:07:18 PM

9/9/2020, 5:06:59 PM

9/9/2020, 5:06:42 PM

Enjoy your 24

9/9/2020, 12:06:53 PM

Shiny happy people

9/9/2020, 2:39:02 AM

Vc já sabe coé....

9/9/2020, 2:24:26 AM

Borari jazz band na area

9/9/2020, 1:54:50 AM