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#food #travel #sports #news #may #wednesday

whats tinker supposed to do?? #discord #4chan #incel #ewhore #eharem #baldrick

5/22/2024, 1:11:45 AM

And if it’s true? Manliness is all about size? Then being a man would come down to fate. There would be nothing anyone could do. To improve themselves. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/22/2024, 12:14:18 AM


5/21/2024, 8:15:29 PM

We move ourselves into the State of Manliness. A State? The all-encompassing condition someone is in. It is where one lives from. Essentially. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/21/2024, 6:19:11 PM

Anyone complaining about the Bumble celibacy ads isn’t living the single Millennial / Gen Z life. #celibacy #bumble #genz #millennial #incel #careernet #careernetnation #justinterview

5/21/2024, 4:31:42 PM

👑7️⃣👩🏻‍🦳 #Mâyy21m✨ #keşfettesiniz #kesfettengelenler #kesfetteyiz #kesfetedüs #kesfetteyim # #Bir bardak kahve ile 1 ayda 6 ,9 kg verim sağlar💯🔥🔥 #yağ yak### #ödem at## #incel## #tok kal######

5/21/2024, 3:23:42 PM

Glad i’m not a simp #explore #incel

5/21/2024, 6:39:27 AM

For all you red pill and incel jackasses. The sign reads " No more men" No room for traditional men. No men at home, no men at work, no men at school. Aka start sucking dick. #redpill #incel #sanfrancisco

5/20/2024, 11:47:00 PM

me and who #discord #4chan #egirls #meme #simp #incel

5/20/2024, 11:03:04 PM

Poche idee. Confuse, contradditorie, antidemocratiche. Ci vengono ammannite ogni giorno in dose massicce da media e istituzioni. Come disse Goebbels, ministro della propaganda nazista, "una bugia ripetuta un milione di volte diviene verità".    #dignitamaschile  #discriminazione  #dirittimaschili  #doppiostandard  #dirittiumani  #femminismo  #eguaglianza  #figlinegati  #falseaccuse  #gay  #incel  #lifestyle  #maschi  #mra  #nosimping  #parippportunitá  #politicaitaliana  #sessismo  #questionemaschile  #quotedigenere  #redpill  #stalkersaraitu  #uomo  #uominiedonne  #violenzasugliuomini  #violenzadigenere #misandria

5/20/2024, 9:04:03 PM

Manliness – Doing what needs to be done. Because that’s who you are. Being at peace with yourself. Knowing your intrinsic worth. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/20/2024, 8:22:23 PM

Is it really about self-improvement? A look into the origins of an Incel ideology you may have heard of, Looksmaxxing. Looksmaxxing: the online incel phenomenon by Edited by @cam_cade_ #incel #looksmaxxing #incels #misogyny #patriarchy #zine

5/20/2024, 8:00:30 PM

5/20/2024, 6:28:00 PM

Ich nehm die Option mit den Katzen, danke. #misogynie #misogyn #misogyniemontag #montag #feminismus #bloggerin #wtf #incel #Katzen #menners

5/20/2024, 5:29:58 PM

💼💡¡Tu futuro profesional está mejor en las manos de los expertos! 💻Conoce nuestros cursos laborales a través del enlace de nuestra Bio. #CrecimientoProfesional #CapacitaciónTécnica #Incel #EducacionElectronica

5/20/2024, 5:15:09 PM

Men are people. People who want to grow. Better themselves. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/20/2024, 4:54:27 PM

Premier poste, jcommence bien, des mêmes trouvés à gauche et à gauche (jvais pas à droite lol) Nah en vrai la plupart sont surtout des vérités un peu triste en format de meme pour mieux les faire passer Aussi, continuez le soutien à la Palestine, l'Israël est un état génocidaire. D'accord avec les memes postés? #leftmeme #leftist #left #frenchmeme #englishmeme #queer #incel #therightcantmeme #goleft #leftisbetter #jaimepasladroite #satire #humor #fcknazis #freepalestine #fckisrael #jewsagainstzionism

5/20/2024, 1:21:24 PM

La doble vara de la sociedad ginocentrista #mgtow #redpill #ginocentrismo #misandria #masculinismo #sigma #blackpill #incel #simp #mangina

5/20/2024, 12:49:11 AM

There has to be an answer. One which isn’t based on changeable factors. I would submit: There IS a workable solution. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/20/2024, 12:48:39 AM

Feminism has ruined dating for American men. ⁠ ⁠ American women are too entitled, they don’t respect their men, and they just don’t understand their role in life. If you want to find a good, traditional woman who will treat you right, you need to go abroad. But don’t bring her home or wokeness will corrupt her, too.⁠ ⁠ This is the world according to “passport bros,” a viral social media movement that advocates that men give up on American women. The sinister core of the movement is a group calling themselves “incels”, or involuntary celibates, an identity they’ve cultivated in a larger online ecosystem dubbed the “manosphere."⁠ ⁠ The manosphere claims its worldview is grounded in science, specifically the discipline of evolutionary psychology. That’s my discipline — I am an evolutionary psychologist and associate professor at UC Santa Barbara, the home of evolutionary psychology. ⁠ ⁠ In fact, it turns out incels have coopted some of my research to justify their ideology, Daniel Conroy-Beam writes in Globe Ideas. ⁠ ⁠ I have generally tried to ignore the manosphere. But as an evolutionary psychologist, I’ve found that hard to do. You can hardly read two paragraphs of incel ideology without coming across references to my field.⁠ ⁠ But what has made evolutionary psychology so popular with incels?⁠ ⁠ Visit the link in our bio to read more.

5/19/2024, 9:20:11 PM

All the externals in the world? Can never create what’s necessary. For internal fulfillment. They’re simply a way to fill a gap. The problem? The gaping hole. Of no real identity. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/19/2024, 9:01:13 PM

Basalagis baketi 4 iki 8 kg vere bilisin kişiye özel program onlie koçluk bire bir takip motivosyon guruplari marotonlar kararını ver başlayalım 😉 #kiloverme #zayiflama #detox #incel #diyet

5/19/2024, 8:33:13 PM

Not necessarily a gearhead. Or a carpenter. Yet competent. Able to get what needs to be done, done. Perform maintenance issues. Remodel issues. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/19/2024, 5:56:03 PM

LA “VIOLENZA SUGLI UOMINI”. UNA PROPAGANDA MASCOLINISTA CHE NEGA I FEMMINICIDI‼️ Recentemente a Napoli in diversi punti della città sono comparsi manifesti dal titolo “Ma la violenza ha sempre lo stesso sesso?”. Si tratta di una iniziativa del “comitato promotore contro la violenza sugli uomini», che promuove la campagna “1523 SOS Salvatutti” contro la violenza sugli uomini (indirizzo tra l’altro inesistente). L’ideatore è l’avvocato Angelo Pisani, già presidente di Municipalità col centrodestra. Un numero che fa riferimento intenzionalmente al 1522, creando confusione e dimostrando ostilità al servizio nazionale dedicato alle donne vittime di violenza. Questa campagna ci sembra un chiaro segnale del dilagare dei gruppi di uomini ben organizzati che condividono online discorsi d’odio contro le donne. Si tratta dei movimenti per i men’s rights (diritti maschili) e il fenomeno degli #incel (contrazione di “celibe e “involontario”). La rete è piena di luoghi in cui l’uomo è vittima e la donna, e le femministe, il carnefice. Condividiamo l’allarme di @direcontrolaviolenza : “La violenza contro le donne non può essere equiparata a quella contro gli uomini. La campagna “1523 SOS Salvatutti” è una pericolosa mistificazione che rischia di distogliere l’attenzione dalla vera piaga del femminicidio e di ostacolare il lavoro dei centri antiviolenza e di chi si batte per i diritti delle donne. D.i.Re si unisce alle oltre 250 donne e 30 associazioni che hanno scritto al sindaco di Napoli per chiedere la rimozione di cartelli pubblicitari che promuovono una campagna di difesa dei maschi che hanno subito violenza. Per questo chiediamo alla ministra Roccella di intervenire e prendere una posizione chiara contro questa campagna dannosa e di contrastare ogni tentativo di minimizzare la violenza contro le donne”. Lo ribadiamo il numero 1523 e l’indirizzo mail sono inesistenti! Quindi è una campagna con chiari intenti provocatori. Intanto il Comune di Napoli ha interpellato l’Istituto di Autodisciplina della Pubblicità. Sarà ascoltata la voce delle associazioni, saranno tolti questi manifesti? Attendiamo …

5/19/2024, 4:10:04 PM

5/19/2024, 11:41:07 AM

5/19/2024, 11:39:58 AM

Do sports make a man? And do they need to be manly sports? Football. Hockey. Baseball. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/19/2024, 3:28:34 AM


5/18/2024, 9:32:15 PM

Does a vehicle say something about manhood? Does it make one more macho? Or less? TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/18/2024, 4:31:18 PM

5/18/2024, 4:21:31 PM

#payattention 👀👀 #doyallgetityet🤔 #incel

5/18/2024, 2:21:35 PM

This sounds like my ex lol ***Posted @withregram • @inappropriategift Line up ladies … FFS is this quality of online dating now days? #imbocile #misogynist #patriachy #incel #ahmed #narcissist #dictator #dictatorship

5/18/2024, 10:20:44 AM

#idahobit #addamsfamily #incel

5/18/2024, 10:08:03 AM

Kendi kendini gerçekleştiren kehanet #siyahhap #incel

5/18/2024, 9:15:53 AM

⚡¿Eres amante de la electricidad? 💻Inscríbete a nuestro curso a través del enlace de nuestra Bio. #CrecimientoProfesional #CapacitaciónTécnica #Incel #EducacionElectronica

5/18/2024, 12:15:08 AM

The question was...Diddy or Diddy not?...It is the vilest and most insecure males like this, that can only elevate themselves by abusing women. And again an industry that covers for them, as long as they all can profit from matter how high the prize is to women... see R. Kelly or Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby f.e.... and it is exactly these kind of men that ridicule the now famous bear/man that we have it officially on film - and you better bet that she was NOT the only victim of 'Diddy'...cause this is how vile is their way to control women after love bombing them...They are master manipulators and will lie to the extremest extend...I need to know if radio will stop playing him immediately and all other platforms will take down his entire catalogue to show solidarity with what happens to us women across borders and around the world daily????? And trust me when I say...there is a whole complicit group of people behind this that got paid to keep their mouths shut. And this will not be the last one to be caught. THIS MUST STOP AND THESE MALES MUST BE HELD RESPONSIBLE TO THE FULLEST EXTEND!!! LOCK HIM UP!! Video link: #DanceDivaAmber #Amber #FuckDiddy #RotInHell #Lockhimup #Incel #Abuser #ToxicAsshole #STOPPLAYINGHISMUSIC #KILLHISCATALOGUE

5/17/2024, 9:48:09 PM

I would submit: To change the outside? While ignoring the inside? A colossal waste of time. TO EXPRESS MANLINESS. EASILY: #qepriest #mr2020 #redpill #sigmamale #incel #mgtow

5/17/2024, 8:34:49 PM

Meme ayant reçu la Médaille d'Or en 2016 au Concours Général Agricole à Paris. #inculpetonlardon ❤️‍🔥 #memefeministe  #jenoiemapeine  #burnpatriarcat  #ouinouin #terf #transrights #feminisme #transphobia #pasdeféminismesanslesfemmestrans #transwomenarewomen #féminisme #catmeme  #burnoutmilitant #latransphobietue #incel

4/16/2023, 5:26:06 PM