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Botallack Manor . . #poldark #botallack #winstongraham #angharadrees #cornwall #story #nampara

5/30/2024, 9:29:14 PM

Current book: The Miller's Dance (Poldark book 9) by Winston Graham. Getting some reading in between voters! #books #themillersdance #poldark #winstongraham #historicalfiction #currentlyreading #currentbook #bookenaire #Fujoshi4Life

5/24/2024, 7:11:22 AM

Jeremy Poldark by Winston Graham ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ross Poldark stands at trial for wrecking a ship. While his fate hangs in the balance, his wife Demelza and his friends fight to clear his name. All the while Cornwall is in the midst of an election, and new faces join the cast of characters. The world Ross is fighting to return to is becoming harder and harder, as any miner knows, and enemies circle while Ross fights to reconciles his ideas, and temper, to the life he’s been building and the people he could leave behind. I liked this book the best so far because we were really dropped in the middle of the action again. The trial aspect was half of the book and then the second half (spoiler alert) tackled the challenges Ross faced trying to keep hold of his investments. I loved getting more of Demelza again, and the way Graham is able to weave the stories together so seamlessly. The lives of the regular folk are just as important as the grand and he shows that. I love the way Graham brings his world to life and the intrigue with the baddies. Yes, I’ve seen the show so I know how it ends, but I love how much was or wasn’t included in the show. The pacing of the books is always slower, but this one kept me hooked to find out what would happen next. #winstongraham #sourcebooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #readingchallenge #bookreview #poldark #historicalfiction #booksaboutcornwall #springreads #fourstarread #bookseries #tbr

5/24/2024, 1:51:04 AM

'Music, she thought, perhaps could be a continuing process, like life, a shedding of one skin as fast as another grew. Instead every tune seemed to exist with its notes firmly rooted in an event or an emotion or a period of time...' #poldark #Blackmoon #winstongraham #writingcommunity

5/21/2024, 1:30:50 PM

Smells like Ross Poldark. An earthy aroma blending the zest of Cornwall's mines, the musk of a reel spirit, and a hint of tumultuous romance under English aristocracy's nose. #rosspoldark #demelzapoldark #poldark #winstongraham #winstongrahamnovels #winstongrahampoldark #drenys #carolineandenys

5/20/2024, 7:28:05 PM

Poldark: Warleggan - Winston Graham Used - Very Good If you're interested let me know! The fourth Poldark novel takes place over Christmas and the following holidays. Another white knuckle nail biter, if you read for the drama then this book is for you! #Poldark #ThePoldarkNovels #Warleggan #WinstonGraham #SecondhandBooks #prelovedbooks #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalFictionBooks #BookClub #BookWorm #AvidReaders ISBN: 978-1-5098-0868-7

5/19/2024, 5:53:27 AM

Hi, I hope that you have had a good week so far. 😀 I saw @the_dragon_reread doing the Book Title Scavenger Hunt challenge last week, which looked like good fun, so I thought I would have a go myself. - An animal in the title - Wolf of the Plains by Conn Iggulden, book 1 of the excellent Conqueror series about Genghis Khan - a number - 11.22.63 by Stephen King - this wonderful time-travelling thriller and love story was my favourite book of 2022 - a colour - Black Moon by Winston Graham, from the fantastic historical fiction series Poldark - a single word title - ILLBORN, of course! - contains the word 'light' - Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis.  I love that classic cover (from the Dragonlance Chronicles) so much. - contains the word 'death' - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K.Rowling - another beautiful classic cover (this title also meets the length criteria below) - long title (6 words or more) - The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss, which might also be an accurate description of his writing keyboard and monitor in the last decade! 😉 Have you read any of the books shown?  Did you enjoy them? Please feel free to have a try at this challenge if you fancy it.  Enjoy the rest of your week. 😀 #illborn #illbornsaga #theillbornsaga #danieltjackson #aiduelssin #wolfoftheplains #conniggulden #fantasyreader #fantasy #fantasynovel #fantasyreview #fantasyreviews  #11.22.63 #stephenking #jkrowling #harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows #fantasybooks #harrypotter #theslowregardofsilentthings #epicfantasy #epicfantasynovel #margaretweis #dragonlance   #epicfantasynovelist #epicfantasybook #epicfantasybooks #patrickrothfuss #winstongraham #poldark

5/15/2024, 7:44:23 PM

#MyBookishUpdate I was tagged by @jensreadinglife to share a little of what my current reading life looks like. As usual I’m stretching the boundaries but I’ll be interested to see how far I get. Thanks Jen! ❤️ 📚 What was your last read? The Secret of Nightingale Wood by Lucy Strange kept me up into the late hours needing to find out if Mum could be saved; and The Pearl Sister by Lucinda Riley - bk 4 in this amazing series - and the fact that it was set in Australia was an added bonus for me. 📚 What are you currently reading? Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson with #quietclassics2024 ; Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen with #janeaustendeepdive2024 ; Jacob’s Room is Full of Books by Susan Hill; Demelza by Winston Graham; and The Library at the Edge of the World by Felicity Hayes-McCoy 📚 What are you currently listening to? I’m about to embark on The Binding by Bridget Collins 📚 What’s your most recent purchase? The Mistress of Dara Island by Averil Kenny 📚What are the top 3 books on your TBR? I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel The Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong The Factory Boy by Mrs Fanny Trollope I’ve tagged a few people to join in but if I’ve missed you please feel free to consider yourself tagged. I’d love to see your answers to these questions. 🥰 @thelucystrange #lucystrangeauthor #lucindarileybooks #janeausten #winstongraham #florathompson @susanhillwriter #susanhillauthor @felicityhayesmccoy #felicityhayesmccoy #dodiesmithicapturethecastle #hilarymantelbooks #fannytrollope #lovetoread📚 #booksbooksbooks📚 @averilkennyauthor #averilkenny

5/14/2024, 5:58:15 AM

Caros leitores, A ESPADA TORCIDA - foi Publicado pela primeira vez em 1990 por Chapmans. Este é o décimo primeiro romance de Poldark que foi desenvolvido em duas séries de televisão exibidas em vinte e quatro países e um filme de Duas horas para televisão que foi feito baseado no oitavo romance Poldark. The Stranger from the Sea, um filme exibido em 1996. Algumas cenas utilizadas para contar as histórias, aqui no feed foram retiradas do filme. Como também algumas montagens extraídas de séries e filmes que assisti e amei muito, tais como Persuasion, Hornblower, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Far from the Madding Crowd e entre outros. Infelizmente a serie de 2015 sofreu drásticas mudanças, as historias contada por Graham, em seu romance não relata, por erxemplo a aproximação de Ross Poldark com seu filho Valentine Warleggan, e isto foi contado com romantismo na série de TV, mostrando Ross como um pai que se importava, mesmo que a distância com o seu filho, sendo que Ross Poldark o rejeitou em todo o tempo e na fase adulta do rapaz o ameaçou de morte caso ele contasse que ele era seu pai. Outra criação para série de TV foi a loucura de George Warleggan que também não existiu em nenhuma página dos livros de Graham. A série terminou após 5 season em 2019 e os episódios param em 1799, que é anterior ao ano do fim do livro, que é 1820. O show decidiu encerrar a história entre o 7° e o 8° livro. Muitos fãs da série têm muitas dúvidas que só os leitores ávidos dos 12 romances podem explicar. A escritora do programa, Debbie Horsfield, explicou que, à medida que se aproximavam do final da 4ª season, eles tiveram um salto de 11 anos e havia mais 5 livros pela frente. Mas a produção foi limitada a 5 season. Assim como existem personagens dos livros que Poldark deixa de fora, a equipe de produção do programa de TV teve que cortar algumas histórias laterais e de fundo para ajustar o tempo de cada episódio televisionado. Você verá mais um pouco no próximo post. #poldark #winstongraham #aidanturner #eleanortomlinson

5/10/2024, 10:39:12 PM

„Po prawdzie, powiadam wam, Jezus Chrystus był Kornwalijczykiem! To szczera prawda jak słowa Ewangelii i niech nikt nie gada, że było inaczej!” Winston Graham: „Czarny księżyc” #cytatyzksiążek #winstongraham #lubimyczytać #kornwalia #cornwallcoast #cornwall #cornwallholiday #quotes #heartshapedstone #rockheart #rock #lovefinders #loveislove #loveiseverything #spotit #serce #serçe #💚 #lovecornwall #podróże #spring #windinthehair #blackmoon #księżyc #themoon #stmichaelsmount

5/10/2024, 4:20:43 PM

🗒 "Jeremy Poldark" - Winston Graham 9/10⭐ 🌊Bohaterowie muszą się zmierzyć z konsekwencjami swoich czynów, o których przeczytać można było w Demelzie Poldark.W pierwszej części książki akcja kręci się wokół procesu Rossa. Można tu natknąć się na wiele sytuacji, które w dzisiejszych czasach wydają się absurdalne. Cały wymiar sprawiedliwości z tamtych czasów wydaje się wielką farsą, która nie ma nic wspólnego ze sprawiedliwością. Ta sytuacja daje Demelzie możliwość odkrycia swojego wielkiego talentu - uroku osobistego, który w tamtych czasach był praktycznie jedyną bronią kobiet.  🌊Sporo też czasu poświęcono drugiej gałęzi rodu - Francisowi i Elizabeth. Z postaci dość płaskich stają się bardziej żywi i pełni emocji, ich charaktery zostają rozbudowane a oni sami ukazani w innym świetle, niekoniecznie dobrym. Dużo lepiej jednak można zrozumieć ich postępowanie i nie oceniać tylko skutków działań, ale też motywy. Pojawia się kilka scen z życia mieszkańców okolicznych wiosek.  🌊Ten tom był najkrótszy i bardzo szybko się go czytało. Było w nim wiele szczęśliwych momentów i dobrych wiadomości, jakby los wreszcie zaczął się szeroko uśmiechać do bohaterów. Nie było wielkich zaskoczeń, ale wydaje mi się, że autor nawet nie próbuje do takich dążyć. Raczej spokojnie opowiada historię, w której pełno porażek i triumfów, które przeplatają się ze sobą. Bohaterów da się polubić i śledzenie ich losów sprawia przyjemność. Polecam fanom książek historycznych. #winstongraham #poldark #powieśćhistoryczna #bookstagrampl #bookstagramfeature #czytanieprzykawie #ksiazkowelove #ksiazkanadzis #polecajka #bookblogger

5/10/2024, 12:43:54 PM

This afternoon I spent a lovely couple of hours outside with my three current reads. There's nothing I like more than reading outside AND being engrossed in three different books and flitting between them at will. 'The Black Moon' is book five in the Poldark series. My personal yearly challenge #yearofpoldark is reading the whole series. I'm sure I'll do a post when I finish. For now I'll just say them I'm enjoying them immensely. I loved the TV series, I have happy personal memories around it, attending the premieres with my mum. It's historical fiction, set here in Cornwall and I love reading about places I know. 'Boundary Road' I just started today. It's currently shortlisted for the Jhalak Prize. It's set on the number 13 bus following it's passengers. It's a very engaging read about London, it's people, it's places. I'm really enjoying it so far. 'A Flat Place'. I started this book at the end of February and, yes, I'm still reading it. Some books need time. This is one of them, for me. Because every time I pick it up it gives me so much to think about. It has, also, provoked a lot of very personal responses in me, things I will not be talking about here. It's had me in tears. It's made me reflect, deeply. So, I deliberately almost ration it, reading it in small sessions. It's been, deservedly, longlisted and shortlisted, for many prizes. It's a book that I know will always be with me, a book I will remember this year by. So I am in no rush to finish it at all. All three of these books are providing me with a lot of enjoyment, in their own different ways and I really hope that whatever you are #currentlyreading is doing the same for you.

5/8/2024, 6:36:57 PM

Inspired by to rummage through my shelves to find books with men's names in the title, I found twelve for #twelvefortuesday . Presenting Anton, Ben, Ethan, Jack, Jeremy, Joe, Michael, Paul, Peter, Ross, Tom and William! I think I've only read six out of these twelve. #alanmelville #jjeffersonfarjeon #edithwharton #barbaratrapido #winstongraham #mickherron #marystewart #celiafremlin #dorothylsayers #annpatchett #ehyoung #twelvebooksontuesday

5/7/2024, 1:23:18 PM

...e siamo arrivati alla fine...❤️ Rivoluzione Americana e quella Francese, la Reggenza con le sue luci e le sue ombre, modernità in arrivo e tradizioni antichissime, minatori e contrabbandieri, banchieri rampanti e proprietari terrieri, stranieri che giungono dal mare e battaglie napoleoniche, il coraggio di Ross e l'indipendenza di Demelza, l'amore contrastato eppure fortissimo di Dwight e Caroline, la seconda generazione con i loro nuovi amori e vecchi errori, e - su tutto - scogliere a picco sulle onde infuriate e spiagge spazzate dal vento dell' bellezza infinita della Cornovaglia... #Poldark #WinstonGraham

5/6/2024, 1:32:03 PM

Winston Grahamin Poldark-Laululintu odotti lukuvuoroaan hyllyssä ainakin kaksi vuotta, mutta nyt on lopultakin koko 12-osainen kirjasarja luettu! Tauko lukemisessa ei juuri haitannut, sen verran aikaa on tullut Poldarkin suvun kanssa vietettyä. Aloitin sarjan lukemisen vuonna 2018, jolloin aloitin myös Poldark TV-sarjan katsomisen. Jossain vaiheessa harkitsin jättäväni kirjasarjan kesken, mutta tuttujen hahmojen pariin on sen verran helppo palata että jatkoin kuitenkin. Alkupään kirjat ovat parhaita ja voi olla että joskus vielä palaan niihin. Koko sarjaa tuskin tulen uudestaan lukemaan. #winstongraham #poldark #bellapoldark #laululintu #lukupäiväkirja #gummeruskustannus #kirjagram

4/30/2024, 2:35:07 PM

|Winston Graham| O Regresso de um estranho & A Força de uma Mulher Série Poldark #book #winstongraham #poldarkserie #asa

4/24/2024, 7:31:36 PM

|Winston Graham| O Regresso de um estranho & A Força de uma Mulher Série Poldark #book #winstongraham #poldarkserie #asa

4/24/2024, 7:31:29 PM

Happy Birthday Lizianne 🥳🩷🩷 (@leonxrdos_reign) • • May your birthday be the start of a year filled with new opportunities, accomplishments, and endless joy. Happy Birthday! 🩷 I hope you like the edits I made for you ☺️ • • #poldark #masterpiecepoldark #masterpiece #bbcpoldark #poldarkbbc #winstongraham #rosspoldark #ross #captainpoldark #captainrosspoldark #aidanturner #perioddrama #perioddramasforever #leonardoseries #caterinadacremona #matildadeangelis #renaissance #happybirthday #birthday #quote

4/23/2024, 2:53:15 PM

Happy Birthday @leonxrdos_reign 🩷 Dear Lizzie, I wish you all the best and good luck on your birthday 🩷🫂✨️ You are such a loving person and your edits are always stunning 😍🩷 These two edits are just for you 🥰 Have a great day ✨️ . . . #poldark #poldarkseries #rosspoldark #elizabethpoldark #elizabethchynoweth #aidanturner #heidareed #poldarkedit #rosspoldarkedit #perioddrama #costumedrama #cornwall #winstongraham

4/23/2024, 10:58:19 AM

🌟 Recensione 🌟 #lafuriadellamarea di #winstongraham ed. @feltrinelli_editore @marsilioeditori Se qualcuno dovesse domandarmi quale sia la mia serie preferita io non potrei che rispondere #poldark ❤️ Sono ormai giunta alla lettura del settimo libro, insieme alla mia amica @alegiovanile, e ciò che riesce ancora a stupirmi è la capacità di Graham di non annoiare mai, di mantenere sempre vivo l'interesse nella storia, di coinvolgere il lettore in un crescendo continuo di colpi di scena emozionanti che si susseguono, senza risultare mai eccessivo o ridondante. Ha la capacità di saper calibrare l'uso delle parole, di non abusarne ma allo stesso tempo di usare un lessico ricco e curato. Graham si è guadagnato un posto d'onore fra i miei autori preferiti, perché le sue pagine mi incantano, il suo modo di narrare i rapporti umani mi rapisce ogni volta. E poi devo alle sue descrizioni l'amore per la Cornovaglia che mi ha trasmesso, perché che lui ami la sua terra è chiaro in tutti i suoi libri, sa descrivere accuratamente le miniere, emblema della Cornovaglia, la costa così ricca di pericoli per il mare spesso nemico dell'uomo, la vita di campagna e quella di città. Questa volta la narrazione si concentra negli anni 1798-1799, sono passati circa vent'anni dall'inizio della storia, e la vita per Ross e Demelza continua ad essere ancora piena di insidie. I fratelli di Demelza, Sam e Drake, sono fra i protagonisti di questo libro, entrambi tormentati da un amore impossibile e in cerca della propria strada. Drake è il mio preferito, e in questa storia emergerà ancora di più la sua dolcezza e bontà, in particolare c'è un discorso che Drake fa sui legami fra uomo e donna, oltre l'attrazione fisica, che mi fa pensare a lui sempre con tanta tenerezza. È una storia ricca di eventi e fra l'inizio e la fine molto sarà cambiato, e alcuni personaggi non ci saranno più, non voglio svelare troppo perchè davvero è una storia ricca di tanto materiale da non fare mai venire meno la voglia di continuare a leggere. Se dovessi scegliere qual è il mio libro preferito della serie, sarebbe impossibile... Continua nei commenti ⏬

4/20/2024, 6:04:01 PM

Hi, I hope that you have had a good week. 😀 #tenbookauthorchallenge (made up by me!) Today's questions: have you ever read 10 or more books by a single author?  In which case, which author or authors?  And who is your most read author? I began to think about this after starting The Girl and the Moon by Mark Lawrence, and realising that it will be the 12th Lawrence book I have read! I then set out to think about every author for whom I have reached the 10 book mark, and I have featured a book from each of them on this photo (9 authors in total!). The earliest to hit this mark were Ian Livingstone, Steve Jackson and Joe Dever, who wrote the Fighting Fantasy and Lone Wolf choose your own adventure books which were my introduction to fantasy in the 80s.  How great are those old covers? After that, authors with captivating series represent most of the rest.  Terry Pratchett's fantastic Discworld books, Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time, Winston Graham's wonderful Poldark series, and more recently Steven Erikson's brilliant Malazan series. My most read ever author is Stephen King.  I am certainly past 25 King books, and am probably even past 30. Honourable mentions in this post go to Anne Rice, Ken Follett, Max Hastings and Dean Koontz, all of whom got close to the 10 book target!  My 5+ list is MUCH longer! I would certainly recommend all of the authors mentioned on this post, given that (i) I love their books, and (ii) they are very prolific! Please feel free to have a go at this challenge, and I would love to hear your lists.  Can anyone beat a total of 9? Have a good weekend. #illborn #illbornsaga #theillbornsaga #danieltjackson #aiduelssin #robertjordan #author #stevenerikson #fantasy #fantasynovel #fantasyreview #fantasyreviews  #marklawrence #fantasynovelseries #fantasynovelist #terrypratchett #fantasybooks #winstongraham #fantasyauthor #epicfantasy #stephenking #ianlivingstone #stevejackson   #epicfantasynovelist #joedever #epicfantasybooks #lonewolf #fightingfantasy #chooseyourownadventure

4/19/2024, 4:40:07 PM

🌸📖 ᗰOᗰᗴᑎTO ᔕᗩᘜᗩ 🌸📖 Ovvero … quel momento in cui ti rendi conto che hai esagerato a iniziare tutte queste saghe senza averne finita almeno una! 😅 Ditemi che non sono l’unica 😆🙈!! 📍Tra l’altro in foto mancano altri due libri … trovate i titoli al fondo della lista 👇🏻 📖 RITORNO A BAGATELLE ___✍🏻 di Maurice Denuziere È il secondo di 5 volumi di una saga familiare ambientata in America nel 1830. Il primo letto in compagnia di @mary_ricci.e.libri 📖 IL LUNGO INVERNO ___✍🏻 di Laura Ingalls Wilder È il quarto volume de “La casa nella prateria” 🥰. Sono ancora lontana dalla fine 😅, ma sono letture molto leggere e scorrevoli. La saga conta 7 volumi più 2 speciali. 📖 L’EREDITÀ DELLA VILLA DELLE STOFFE ___✍🏻 di Anne Jacobs Terzo volume di 6, prossima lettura nel GDL organizzato da @faluan3_monicacosta e @michelonidebora ❤️ 📖 CONRAD NOEL ___✍🏻 di Marco Mancinelli Terzo e ultimo volume della Trilogia degli Immortali. Sono a un passo dalla fine 😅, spero di concluderlo presto ❤️ 📖 LO STRANIERO VENUTO DAL MARE ___✍🏻 di Winston Graham Ottavo volume di 12! Lo leggerò a giugno (e non vedo l’ora!😍) in ottima compagnia ❤️ 📖 ANNE DI AVONLEA ___✍🏻 di Lucy Maud Montgomery Secondo volume di una casa editrice che ahimè ha chiuso, in tutto sono 4 volumi. 📖 JANE E IL MISTERO DEL REVERENDO ___✍🏻 di Stephanie Barron Secondo volume di 8 … ancora non ho finito il primo 😅😅, non per colpa della storia, che anzi è molto scorrevole e ben articolata, ma per le troppe collaborazioni e GDL che mi hanno tenuta impegnata costringendomi a lasciarlo indietro 🥲. 📖 LA CROCE DI FUOCO ___✍🏻 di Diana Gabaldon Ottavo volume e lettura prevista per settembre 😅… forse! 💌P.s Nella foto mancano “L’isola di Heta ~ diversi mondi” composto da 4 volumi che leggerò a breve e“La Principessa” il terzo e ultimo volume della trilogia “THE INFERNAL DEVICES” ambientato nel periodo Vittoriano. 🏷️ #sagafamiliare #sagaoutlander #sagapoldark #prossimeletture #mauricedenuziere #lauraingallswilder #annejacobs #marcomancinelli #winstongraham #lucymaudmontgomery #stephaniebarron #dianagabaldon #sololibrisery

4/19/2024, 12:53:54 PM

The Twisted Sword - livro 3 cap. 5 parte 2 por Lara Bird. Dwigth foi recebido por Katie, que o levou escada acima até aquele quarto que ele conhecia tão bem. Valentine estava sentado ao lado de Selina, que estava deitada pálida na cama, com bandagens improvisadas enroladas em ambos os pulsos. ‘Eu a encontrei assim, ela perdeu muito sangue.' Selina estava desmaiada, mas quando Dwight tocou seu braço ela abriu os olhos azuis siameses e olhou para seu reconhecimento e então os fechou novamente. Seus pulsos tinham sido cortados finamente, exatamente onde as veias eram mais proeminentes, e o sangue ainda brotava dos ferimentos. Dwight mandou buscar água morna, lavou os cortes, colocou uma pomada curativa e enfaixou suavemente ambos os pulsos. — Ela caiu? — Dwight perguntou a Valentine, embora tivesse uma boa ideia da verdade. ‘Ela deve ter feito isso. - disse Valentine - Katie a encontrou. Dwight ficou observando seu cliente. Ele estava ansioso para voltar ao seu microscópio, mas ainda não podia sair. — Suponho que o senhor saiba, Sr. Warleggan, que os cortes nos pulsos de sua esposa foram autoinfligidos. Valentine cruzou e descruzou suas longas pernas afiladas. ‘Eu tive esse pensamento. Minha esposa cortou os pulsos porque lhe disseram que eu estava com outra mulher.’ — Presumo que a informação esteja correta?’ 'Oh sim.' — Suponho que você poderia se abster no futuro”. ‘Abster-se completamente? Meu querido Dr.Enys! — Depende do que você quer fazer com seu casamento. “Isso é uma forma de chantagem”, disse Valentine, 'Minha esposa ameaça se matar para fazer com que eu cumpra meus votos!? Estou totalmente comprometido com ela. Ela é minha e quero ela pelo resto da vida! Quão poucos cumprem esse voto? Meu único defeito é minha honestidade. Valentine curvou os ombros. ‘É tudo uma tempestade em uma maldita xícara de chá.' Dwight se levantou. ‘Bem, eu preciso ir.’ Você é um velho amigo, por Deus. Você conhece minha família há 30 anos. Se alguém tem que ouvir a verdade por que não deveria ser você? Valentine caminhava lentamente pela sala, seu rosto longo e estreito estava cínico. Dwight tomou um gole de vinho. ⚔️ #poldark #valentinewarleggan #winstongraham

4/17/2024, 10:47:01 PM

#twelvebooksontuesday • Poldark Edition : : @carosbookcase and @farmer_floss are both in the midst of reading through this series. Their posts have caused me to reminisce about my own journey through these twelve books. Following Ross Poldark and his family through a time span of nearly forty years has been one of my favorite reading experiences. The writing is so well done with wonderful historical perspective and great character development. I know many people have seen the show, but I highly recommend reading the series for a more in depth look at the family, their friends and acquaintances and the time period they lived. : I watched the show first so I had a beautiful visual in my mind of the Cornwall coast and Aiden Turner as Ross as I read through the series. : Have you had a reading experience with a series or individual book that has been impactful or memorable? I’d love to hear about it. : : : : #bookstagram #rosspoldark #winstongraham #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram #booklover #bookstagrammer #booksbooksbooks #thereadinglife #bookseries #bookrecommendations #bookworm #thereadinglife

4/16/2024, 4:56:53 PM

Something Something I like broody male fictional characters.....also finding that Jamie from Outlander (not season one though) kind of fits here too....who's YOUR favorite fictional character type? #bridgerton #theduke #simonbasset #juliaquinn #prideandprejudice #mrdarcy #janeausten #poldark #rosspoldark #winstongraham #itsallintheeyes

4/16/2024, 3:33:39 AM

I don’t know why it has taken me so long to delve into these books especially after the rave recommendations from @words.and.woodlands and @jensreadinglife but, thankfully, I have finally done it and what a surprise. Book 1 - Ross Poldark - really ‘sucks you in’ as @carosbookcase recently posted to me and that is exactly what has happened. Now for the rest of the series!!! 😍😍 #winstongraham #poldarkseries #poldarkbooks #historicalnovels #bookseries #lovetoread📚 #bookstagram #bookstagrammers #booksbooksbooks📚

4/14/2024, 3:25:45 AM

Happy #FancyTeapotFriday, friends! Tea’s poured. Snacks are plated. And perhaps, most importantly… Books abound! Don’t you just love when you go secondhand book shopping and you spot something you were planning to buy new? So satisfying! I’m just about ready to do a big binge of Winston Graham’s Poldark series and I could not be more excited about it. Whatever your plans this weekend, I hope you have the chance to sit down with that cuppa you’ve been craving and some quality time with a binge-worthy read. What are you hoping to read this weekend? ❤️

4/12/2024, 10:20:57 PM

🎉 Historical Novel Lovers Dream #E-Reader Giveaway 📚✨ Dive back in time with our spectacular eReader bundle giveaway, worth over $200! This is every historical fiction enthusiast's dream come true. 🏰💫 We're giving away a #Kindle Paperwhite loaded with six spellbinding novels that have leaped from page to screen, each a doorway to a mesmerizing past. 📖 Featuring Bestsellers Like: #AlltheLightWeCannotSee by #AnthoneyDoerr #ColdMountain by #CharlesFrazier #JonathanStrangeandMrNorrell by #SusannaClarke # MemoirsofaGeisha by #ArthurGolden #Poldark by #WinstonGraham #WaterforElephants by #SarahGruen Step into stories where magic, love, and history intertwine. This giveaway is hosted by Eburnean Books, with promotions by authors you’ll adore. Don't miss your chance to win—enter today and immerse yourself in the magic of history! To participate and for full details, click:

4/12/2024, 3:23:41 PM

For more books,visit our store at Village Market,New Wing, next to CJ’s.Shop via our website on You can talk to us via 0745222763 Reserve online via our till no 9896195 Deliveries Nationwide. Ksh 500 Each #WinstonGraham #Fiction

4/11/2024, 10:38:06 AM

MARNIE - GRANDES SUCESSOS - WINSTON GRAHAM - ED ABRIL -15,00 #marnie #winstongraham #editoraabril #grandessucessos ENTREGA GRÁTIS! SOMENTE ARACAJU! INVOQUE NO ZAP - 98856-5258 #marcosfreire #nossasenhoradosocorro #sergipe #aracajusergipe #comerciolocal #semtaxadeentrega #enviamosparatodobrasil✈️

4/8/2024, 3:55:20 PM

I love this book series! It has everything I could ever want in a historical fiction storyline. I can lose myself in the Poldark world and stay for hours with incredible characters 💜 These are books 2 and 3 of 12. 💜Demelza: In the enchanting second novel in Winston Graham’s beloved Poldark series, Demelza Carne, an impoverished miner’s daughter Ross Poldark rescued from a fairground brawl, now happily finds herself his wife. But the events of these turbulent years test their marriage and their love. As Ross launches into a bitter struggle for the right of the mining communities, Demelza’s efforts to adapt to the ways of the gentry (and her husband) place her in increasingly odd and embarrassing situations. When tragedy strikes and sows the seeds of an enduring rivalry between Ross and the powerful George Warleggan, will Demelza manage to bridge their differences before they destroy her and her husband’s chance at happiness? Against the stunning backdrop of eighteenth century Cornwall, Demelza sweeps readers into one of the greatest love stories of all time. 💜Jeremy Poldark: Ross Poldark faces the darkest hour of his life in this third novel of the Poldark series. Reeling from the tragic death of a loved one, Captain Poldark vents his grief by inciting impoverished locals to salvage the contents of a ship run aground in a storm—an act for which British law proscribes death by hanging. Ross is brought to trial for his involvement, and despite their stormy marriage, Demelza tries to rally support for her husband, to save him and their family. But there are enemies in plenty who would be happy to see Ross convicted, not the least of which is George Warleggan, the powerful banker whose personal rivalry with Ross grows ever more intense and threatens to destroy the Poldarks. And into this setting, Jeremy Poldark, Ross and Demelza’s first son, is born... The Poldark series is the masterwork of Winston Graham’s life work, evoking the period and people like only he can and creating a work of rich and poor, loss and love. #poldark #winstongraham #historicalfiction #series #bookworm #booklover #readallday #masterpiece #sourcebookslandmark #fiction #cornwall

4/6/2024, 11:51:50 PM

Poldark Country Would this view inspire you to write an epic series of novels? This was my Cornish coast walk yesterday and the bench is dedicated to Winston Graham who wrote Poldark Apparently this is where he spent a lot of his time and it was definitely a very dramatic place to be yesterday with the wind whipping up the waves and sand #poldark #poldarkcountry #winstongraham #dramatic #inspired #cornwall #southwestcoastpath #coastalwalk #tidelinetreasure #windy #coastline

4/6/2024, 11:26:51 AM

My TBR... a pretty random mix tbh! 😆 📚 Posting this as an attempt to inspire myself to get through the mountain of books (and this is not including the 30+ ebooks I have on my Kindle 😳). I just started Our Mutual Friend which is almost 800 pages long, so I might be here for a while... 😬 #bookstagram #toberead #tbr #animalfarm #georgeorwell #ourmutualfriend #charlesdickens #hardtimes #thebetrayal #katefurnivall #suchwickedintent #kennethoppel #winstongraham #thestrangerfromthesea #poldarknovels #thecastleofotranto #horacewalpole #thecloisters #katyhays #agathachristie #amurderisannounced #katemorton #homecoming #barryletts #johnlevene #doctorwho #themanwhodiedtwice #richardosman #thealanrickmandiaries #oasis

4/4/2024, 3:54:32 PM

Just finished watching Poldark and I am ✨obsessed✨The series ends between books 7 and 8 and there are 12 books so I decided to read all the books as I cannot rest until I discover how it is supposed to end. #poldark #poldarkfan #rosspoldark #winstongraham #thebookisalwaysbetter #perioddrama #classicnovels #bookstagram #avidreader #reading

3/30/2024, 4:19:20 PM

Hitchcock Favs: Marnie (1964). #alfredhitchcock #marnie #tippihedren #seanconnery #dianebaker #jaypressonallen #winstongraham #robertburks #bernardherrmann #georgetomasini Qué bella película es Marnie, qué bella y qué problemática al mismo tiempo. Tal vez esto tenga que ver con lo inclasificable de su forma, que apela más a la subjetividad de su personaje principal que a una trama convencional. Marnie es un prisma, puede ser contemplada como el estudio hiperrealista de un personaje muy dañado emocionalmente, como un romance imposible entre una ladrona compulsiva y un control freak o como el testimonio de la toxicidad de Hitchcock en un momento crítico de su carrera. Marnie es un mcguffin en sí mismo, no existe pero impacta. Además, no hay una sola Marnie, hay muchas marnies, avatares que se inmiscuyen en familias o empresas para luego desaparecer sin dejar rastro. Marnie abandona identidades y hombres con el corazón roto y la billetera vacía hasta que se topa con alguien tan enfermo como ella que tiene la brillante idea de quererla “curar” de sus traumas y convertirla en alguien normal. Pero como buen prisma que es la película ilumina muchos otros rincones, entre los cuales están Hitchcock y su problema con las mujeres, en verdad con determinadas mujeres o siendo más exactos con una sola: la mujer estatua, una pieza tan imperfecta como única, que hay que poseer para poder mirarla todos los días. Marnie nos proyecta la visión del mundo de esta frágil criatura que no puede escapar al control vigilante de su opresor, su creador, la cámara que la filma o el escrutinio de un público que se siente interpelado por una obra artística.

3/27/2024, 2:16:47 AM

• Gabriella Wilde as Caroline Penvenen Enys and Luke Norris as Dwight Enys • (Poldark, 2015 - 2019) . . . . . #poldark #poldark2015 #poldark2017 #dwightenys #carolinepenvenen #carolineenys #gabriellawilde #lukenorris #perioddrama #perioddramacouples #perioddramafashion #perioddramacostumes #royalsinmovies #historicaldrama #winstongraham

3/24/2024, 12:15:00 PM

Wonderful evening @cornwall_museum for the Winston Graham Historical Prize 2024 💫📚 Delicious canapés from @pencoose_pantry The winner - Cuddy @benmyers76 Great speeches by @vanishingfuturist0 and #louisdebernieres #truro #agoodread #royalcornwallmuseum #cornwall #booklover #winstongraham #benjaminmyersauthor

3/23/2024, 9:26:10 PM

⭐ estratto ⭐ #lafuriadellamarea di #winstongraham ed @marsilioeditori @feltrinelli_editore "Eppure le cose non erano andate come si era aspettato. A pensarci bene, che cosa avrebbe potuto aspettarsi? Forse un incontro superficiale, nonostante le parole coraggiose da lui stesso pronunciate. O magari sarebbe stata più probabile una reazione risentita, la pretesa di un diritto che da tempo non veniva rispettato e, anzi, sembrava fosse ormai quasi del tutto perso. In realtà i due coniugi non erano mai andati oltre la tenerezza. In qualche modo le emozioni tanto derise avevano preso il sopravvento trasformando il loro incontro in un atto di gentilezza. Qualsiasi cosa fosse successa d'ora in poi, in qualunque modo si fossero incontrati quel giorno o l'indomani, in qualsiasi forma si fossero poi manifestati l'imbarazzo, la ferita, il dolore o il risentimento, lui doveva ricordarselo. Così come se lo sarebbe ricordato anche Demelza. Se solo fosse stato possibile esorcizzare i fantasmi..." #poldark #poldarkdipendenza #Poldark #cornovaglia #rosspoldark #demelza #demelzapoldark #ross #romanzostorico

3/21/2024, 5:00:52 PM

🌸📖ᐯIᑎTᗩᘜᗴ 📖🌸 Buona domenica lettori amanti del vintage/cult/Hitchcock’s ma soprattutto del grande scrittore inglese Winston Graham (padre di Poldark 😍), oggi vi mostro cosa ho trovato nella casetta scambio di libri! Un romanzo scritto nel 1961 e da cui è stato tratto il film da Alfred Hitchcock 👇🏻 🎭💸 MARNIE 💸🎭 __🪶 di Winston Graham È una piccola edizione #mondadori in allegato per il giornale Grazia e risale al 1985. Non c’è la trama sul retro del libricino che ha davvero poche pagine ( mi aspettavo fosse un romanzo più corposo) 191 in tutto. ⁉️ Conoscete questo romanzo? Avete visto il film? 📝Trama: Marnie è una giovane donna psicologicamente labile : di una bellezza gelida ma affascinante, è scontrosa, travagliata e fragile allo stesso tempo. È inoltre una bugiarda e una ladra seriale; presentandosi con un aspetto austero, integerrimo ed elegante, si fa assumere in diverse aziende come segretaria e poi ruba il contenuto delle casseforti, fuggendo con il denaro e rendendosi introvabile cambiando identità. Mark Rutland, giovane industriale vedovo e proprietario di una grande azienda editoriale, la nota quando la vede lavorare come segretaria presso l’ufficio di un suo conoscente, e s’innamora di lei nonostante abbia scoperto i suoi furti… 🏷️ #classici #vintage #winstongraham #alfredhitchcock #noir #georgetteheyer #elinorchilde #lydiakonecny #jenniegallant #claredarcy #classicbook #vintagebook #librivintage #bookphotography #bookvintage #vintagestory #sololibrisery

3/17/2024, 6:33:50 PM

Demelza by Winston Graham ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Demelza Poldark is no longer the scrawny kitchen maid she once was. She’s a wife to a man she lives in awe of and a new mother. While Ross deals with business affairs and fights to make things fair for his tenants and his family, Demelza is fighting her own battles and learning that some mistakes can cost you everything. The second of the Poldark books and I again loved it. It is jarring being a tv series viewer first and I often have some disconnect with descriptions of the characters, but Graham was a master storyteller. He easily weaves so many stories together and transports you back in time. I loved getting more from Demelza in this book and her wit when it comes to handling men from Ross to his cousin Francis to the men of Cornwall. She’s a spitfire of a person and she comes into her own in the book. She’s naive and suffers loss, but she never seems to lose her faith in the good in the world even when she had every reason to. I’m quite excited to read the next book and continue on this journey! #winstongraham #poldarkseries #demelza #demelzapoldark #historicalfictionbooks #2024reads #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookreview #poldarkpbs #booksmadeintotvshows #cornwallcoast #readingchallenge

3/16/2024, 12:21:09 AM

Currently in Bronte Country looking for Heathcliff & Mr Rochester. Previous “Literature” holidays I’ve had: Cornwall/Poldark & The Highlands/Jamie Fraser. Mr Darcy - you’re next 😆💕😋 #BronteCountry #Haworth #BronteSisters 💕😋 #MrRochester #RossPoldark #Poldark #Outlander #JamieFraser #WutheringHeights #Heathcliff #CharlotteBronte #EmilyBronte #TomHardy #AidanTurner #SamHeughan #MichaelFassbender #DianaGabaldon #WinstonGraham #Cornwall #Highlands

3/14/2024, 6:38:45 PM

4 #books just #read . I’m a fan of #johnlecarre ‘s writing and this is fascinating and intriguing. #margeryallingham is another favourite author and this is an interesting psychological study of a murderer. #theblackmoon is great story telling. #thedistantecho is an excellent read from the always good #valmcdermid #smileyspeople #hidemyeyes #winstongraham #poldark #lovebooks #lovereading #crimefiction #bookstagram #booksofinstagram

3/14/2024, 12:58:45 PM

“Whatever she suffered, whatever loss came to her, she would throw it off, for it was not in her nature to go under. Although she was the woman and he a fierce and sometimes arrogant man, hers was the stronger nature because the more pliant.“ -Demelza 🍃 Over the weekend I read Demelza, the second book in the Poldark series. I loved it and could hardly put it down. This book cemented Demelza as one of my favorite female characters. She matures so much in this book. I love how selfless she is, going out of her way to help others. Ross doesn’t deserve her and that’s all I’m gonna say🙃 Have you read the books or watched the show? . 🏷️ #poldark #winstongraham #demelzapoldark #booksaremylife #historicalfictionbooks

3/11/2024, 4:26:56 PM

#AidanTurner #EleanorTomlinson #Poldark #Poldark6 #bringbackPoldark @bbc @masterpiecepbs @mammothscreen #WinstonGraham

3/11/2024, 11:44:00 AM

6 mile circular walk. Over Perranporth Dunes, onto the beach, through Perranporth and back along coastpath, past Winston Graham's memorial bench. On the front is carved “Poldark Author” and on the rear the carving says “Winston Graham (1910-2003). There ia a metal plaque on one end that says: This seat is in memory of Winston Graham, President of the museum 1985 – 2003. It is at the site of the chalet ‘Lech Garrygy’ where he spent happy times and where he wrote the novel ‘Demelza’. #perranporth #perranporthbeach #winstongraham #poldark

3/9/2024, 4:32:07 PM

Some of mine are held together by elastic bands now…but that doesn’t stop them being the favourites on my shelves! #worldbookday #worldbookday2024 #winstongraham #jillycooper #sharonpenman #dianagabaldon #taylorjenkinsreid #susanwilson #daphnedumaurier #charlottebronte #tea #teaandbooks #indulgence

3/7/2024, 9:32:10 AM

“The greatest weapon one can possess is not a gun but the ability to manipulate others.“ - Pop. 1280, Jim Thompson #pop1280 #jimthompson #winstongraham #marnie #dunemessiah #frankherbert #contempt #albertomoravıa

3/3/2024, 9:57:13 AM

Hi, I hope that you are having a good week. Given that we are within a day or two of the end of winter (at least in metereological terms), I thought I would celebrate the end of the season with a White Winter stack! ❄️ (with appropriate themed music! 😀) And what a winter collection it is! Some of the great series featured are: - the excellent The Faithful and the Fallen fantasy series by John Gwynne - Winston Graham's wonderful late-18th century historical fiction series, Poldark - Brandon Sanderson's epic Mistborn and Stormlight series (I have almost finished The Way of Kings) - the original and classic Shannara trilogy by Terry Brooks Whilst putting this photo together, I realised that none of my collection of self-published books are predominantly white on the spine! Self-pub authors apparently don't select white spines (or is my sample wrong?! 🤔). Have you read any of the books or series featured? Which did you enjoy the most? Enjoy your reading, and bring on Spring! #illborn #illbornsaga #theillbornsaga #danieltjackson #aiduelssin #brandonsanderson #mistborn #fantasyreader #stormlight #fantasynovel #fantasyreview #dianagabaldon   #stormlightarchive #fantasynovelseries #fantasynovelist #fantasybook #eragon #conniggulden #fantasyauthor #epicfantasy #johngwynne #thefaithfulandthefallen #historicalfiction  #historicalfictionnovelist #epicfantasybook #terrybrooks #winstongraham #poldark #shannarachronicles

2/28/2024, 4:00:06 PM

#twelvebooksontuesday • Books with one word titles : This morning I saw a post by Sue from @myownbookjourneys sharing twelve books with one word titles. Ever since I saw the post I couldn’t help thinking of one word titles from my own shelves. I’ve decided to share some and hopefully silence my brain from coming up with more titles. I’m sharing twelve, but I was surprised that I actually found more than that. Sue was inspired by a post by If you feel inspired to share your own covers, I would love to see them. I’ve read seven of the twelve shown here. I’ve enjoyed September, Emma and Persuasion more that once and I’m planning on a reread of Middlemarch and a first time read of Trust this year. What are some one word titles that you can think of? Do you see any favorites? 📖🌿🧡 : : : : : : : : #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram #booklover #bookstagrammer #thereadinglife #booksbooksbooks #booksfrommyshelf #janeausten #rosamundepilcher #asbyatt #hernandiaz #georgeeliot #winstongraham #suzannecollins #karenjoyfowler #marilynnerobinson #jobaker #minjinlee #twelvebooks #flatlaytuesday

2/27/2024, 9:07:29 PM

Weekend Reading | Final February Reads We are having gorgeous weather today here in the Bay Area and I’m enjoying it while it lasts! And the sun streaming through the window is perfect for curling up with my current reads after having spent some time outside in glorious blue skies. I should finish The Blue Bedroom, Music in the Hills, and The Secret Adversary by the end of the month. I’m just diving into Demelza so that will be continuing on into March. And Wolf Hall…oh, Wolf Hall. I have been struggling with this one. I was about to give up the other day but Debra @farmer_floss reached out and now we are holding each other accountable to read our pages each day! She also recommended the audiobook so I have borrowed it from my library and I’m hoping to get on with it better that way. I’m determined not to give up on #wolfcrawl! What are you reading this weekend or finishing up this month? Books pictured: 📖 The Blue Bedroom & Other Stories by Rosamunde Pilcher 📖 Music in the Hills by D.E. Stevenson 📖 Demelza by Winston Graham 📖 The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie 📖 Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel

2/25/2024, 12:57:44 AM

Notre nouvelle critique est en ligne ! C'est la Saint Valentin, l'occasion de revoir la série Poldark où Ross Poldark va devoir jongler entre la réhabilitation de sa mine et ses histoires de cœur. 👉 La série romanesque parfaite pour tous les amoureux de films d'époque et d'histoire d'amour passionnée ! #serietv #poldark #winstongraham #amour #saintvalentin2024

2/22/2024, 11:03:29 AM

What should I read next? Help me decide which book to read next! I’m in the mood for a book to really lose myself in. Here are my three choices: 📖 The Orchid House by Lucinda Riley - dual timelines involving a concert pianist and an old diary and set between an English country house and Thailand. 📖 A Girl’s Guide to Kissing Frogs by Victoria Clayton - A prima ballerina is injured and returns home to recuperate and finds her childhood friend ready to sweep her off her feet. Or is there someone waiting in the wings? 📖 Demelza by Winston Graham - Book 2 in the Poldark series which I’ve been meaning to continue on since last January! Please vote in my poll for which of these I should read next!

2/21/2024, 9:06:27 PM

Ross Poldark is a reread for me- which I rarely do. This is actually the first book in a historical fiction series of twelve books, so it is a commitment to finish Ross's story. To me, it was worth the investment of time because I loved the series so much that I am going to read them all again! The first book in the series, Ross Poldark, introduces us to a lot of primary characters in the rest of the series. Ross is part of an ancient family, but his branch is kind of the black sheep line. He is an atypical youth and enters the military to try to learn more about life and responsibility. Before leaving for the Revolutionary War in America, Ross forms an understanding with the beautiful Elizabeth. Ross returns after the war with a scar across his face and lots of life experience. He finds his father has died and left the house in the care of servants who let animals live in it. He also finds Elizabeth celebrating her engagement to his own cousin Francis. Life is not what they all expected, and that makes this series great! Ross definitely dances to a different tune than the rest of the world. He seems to have different beliefs and morals which sometimes put him outside of polite society. You may have seen the series on PBS. It stays pretty faithful to the books until the last season, but overall, I thought it was perfect! 📖 What's the longest series that you have read? I think this one is the longest for me. ACOTAR might have a pretty close amount of pages, but in terms of books it would be the Poldark series. #poldark #rosspoldark #winstongraham #historicalfiction #bookseries #pbsshow #demelza #reread #readitagain

2/14/2024, 5:05:26 PM

Poldark é uma série de romances históricos escrita pelo inglês Winston Graham e publicada entre os anos de 1945 a 1953 e 1973 a 2002. A série de livros é composta por 12 romances: Ross Poldark, Demelza, Jeremy Poldark, Warleggan, The Black Moon, The Four Swans, The Angry Tide, The Stranger from the Sea, The Miller's Dance, The Loving Cup, The Twisted Sword  Bella Poldark. #rosspoldark #demelza #poldarkbooks #quarentena #Demelza #poldark #rosspoldark #aidanturner #eleanortomlinson #winstongraham

3/5/2021, 3:18:56 AM