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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! Author Tom Sundell tells how he has learned to partner with his characters when creating the storyline for his novels. Click link in bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #amwriting #fiction #fictionalcharacters #WritingCommunity

5/22/2024, 3:01:13 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! Lawrence Martin shares historical fiction writing lessons he learned penning three Civil War Novels. Click the link in bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #amwriting #WritingCommunity #historicalfiction

5/9/2024, 8:33:15 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! An expanded review of some favorite writing resources from the members of Off Campus Writers’ Workshop, now also compiled and available on our website (see link in bio) in a dynamic Writers Resource Guide. #WritingCommunity #writingresources #amwriting Click link in bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write

4/16/2024, 5:22:27 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite (our column on craft) has posted! Writer Susan Sussman shows how finding a writing space— from a cheap rented desk to a real room of one’s own— can up your creative output. Link in bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #amwriting #aroomofonesown #writingcommunity #writingspace #writingresources

4/2/2024, 6:04:17 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! Author @adnauman shares some facts and strategies for writers when facing rejections from agents, publishers, and literary journals. Click link in bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #authorssupportingauthors #amwriting #amquerying #writingcommunity #authors #writers #writersofig

3/19/2024, 4:23:58 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted. Author Renee James offers insight into the “why” behind Off Campus Writers’ Workshop’s developmental anthologies. Click link in bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #amediting #writingcommunity #anthology #anthologies #amwriting

3/5/2024, 8:00:10 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! Peter Hoppock shares his experiences and reflections about working as co-editor on two of OCWW’s developmental anthologies. Click link in bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #amediting #writingcommunity #anthology #anthologies #amwriting

2/20/2024, 2:47:55 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! OCWW member and critique group leader David Pelzer outlines a successful writing critique group strategy. Click the link in our bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #amwriting #writingcommunity #critiquegroup #writingcritique

2/6/2024, 3:06:23 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite has posted and it explores OCWW member Susan Cousins Breen’s inspiring story of how she found her way back to writing after suffering a traumatic brain injury, including how technology helped. Tap the link in our bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #writingcommunity #writinginspiration #backtowriting #tbi #tbisurvivor #assistivetechnology

1/16/2024, 2:45:04 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! OCWW member Caryn Green shares some perspective on Point of View in fiction. First person? Second? Third close? Omniscient? It’s author’s choice. Click the link in our bio to read or visit OCWW.info

1/3/2024, 1:58:11 AM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! OCWW member and managing editor Maggie Smith gives her best tips as well as ideas from other editors to help you get your short stories published. #amwriting #writingcommunity #shortstories #shortstory #shortstory #shortstorywriter #shortstorywriting

12/5/2023, 2:39:47 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! Author Tom Sundell offers an alternative route to traditional publishing, getting his work directly to his readers. #WritingCommunity #publishing #publishingtips #amwriting

11/21/2023, 5:35:49 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, OCWW’s column on craft, has posted! Paco Aramburu describes how an old map and a road trip helped him create fictional settings for his novel. Click the link in our bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #fiction #fictionwriting #WritingCommunity #AmWriting #WritingTips

11/7/2023, 5:17:03 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted. National Novel Writing Month is just around the corner in November. Writer Susan Bearman explains why it is worth a writer's time to participate. Click the link in our bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2023 #WritingCommunity @bearmansusan

10/17/2023, 3:01:40 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! Mike Magluilo shares five ways to find satisfaction and success in the book marketing process—without compromising your personality and principles. Click link in bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #WritingCommunity #bookmarketing #bookbusiness

10/3/2023, 3:23:39 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted. Inspiring writers—Susan Levi, programming chair, discusses the hard work and passion that go into finding outstanding speakers for Off Campus Writers' Workshop. Click the ‘About Write’ tab at the link in our bio or read more at OCWW.info/About-Write #writingcommunity #writinginspiration #writingworkshop #inspiringwriters #AboutWrite

9/5/2023, 5:40:12 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted. Three session leaders discuss the power of reading like a writer and how OCWW summer programs support writers reading together to grow these skills. OCWW’s @lynn.sloan.writer interviews presenters @tri_tonyacoats, @pmhoppock, and @paulamikrut on the concept of writers reading. Click the link in our bio to read or visit https://ocww.info/About-Write

8/8/2023, 1:52:16 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite (our column on craft) has posted! OCWW member Britta Stroymeyer Esmail interviews author Ruta Sepetys on writing YA historical fiction, the constraints of the genre, and writing multiple POVs. Click the link in our bio to read or visit ocww.info/About-Write #writingcommunity #authorinterview #writingtips

7/11/2023, 4:14:23 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! Writing Inspiration: From lyrics to story. Tom Sundell takes us on his writing inspiration journey, showing how questions raised in a song can inspire literary art in return. Click the link in our bio to read Tom’s column or visit OCWW.info/About-Write

6/6/2023, 2:57:35 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! OCWW member Patricia L. Stankovic interviews literary agent Lisa Leshne @lisaleshne of The Leshne Agency @leshneagency on what agents want and how she is passionate about her authors. Tap the link in our bio or visit OCWW.info #writingcommunity #literaryagent #askagent #authorsofinstagram

5/2/2023, 2:13:24 PM

Our latest column on craft #AboutWrite has posted! Writer @della.leavitt offers a breathtaking list of resources and shares how the Chicago Writing Community nurtures and inspires her writing. Click the link in our bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #writerscommunity #writertips

4/19/2023, 5:44:41 PM

Great news… #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted! Writer Bruce Dravis discusses when (and when not) to accept writing advice in this brief guide to expert guidance. Click the ABOUT WRITE link in our bio or go to OCWW.info to read it. #writingcommunity

4/6/2023, 4:22:48 PM

All writers can relate to Mary Driver-Thiel's lament about the time writers lose when technical difficulties interfere with the creative process. Check out the latest from #AboutWrite, OCWW’s column on craft, at the link in our bio or at OCWW.info #writingcommunity #writingtips #timemanagement

3/21/2023, 1:47:39 PM

Turning a single novel into a series— now on #AboutWrite. @lynn.sloan.writer interviews @offcampus.ww member Patricia Skalka on how she came to write a Door County-based crime novel series. Click the ‘About Write’ link in our bio or visit OCWW to read the interview. #crimenovel #doorcounty #writingcommunityofinstagram #AboutWrite #PatriciaSkalka #doorcountywisconsin

3/1/2023, 3:40:07 PM

#AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted. Writer Nancy Gilbert talks about connecting to her writing tribe, finding inspiration at Off Campus Writers' Workshop, and learning to write through trauma. Click the ABOUT WRITE link in our bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write

2/21/2023, 4:17:06 PM

Our latest column on craft has posted. Writer and retired physician Lawrence Martin diagnoses and treats some real world problems for writing medical scenes. To read the latest from #ABOUTWRITE, click the link in our bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #amwriting #WritingCommunity #writingtips

2/8/2023, 6:19:53 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite (our column on craft) has posted. @kellyqanderson discusses why writers, poets and authors need an online writing presence so readers can find them and follow their work. #writing #writerslife #amwriting #writingcommunity #writerslift

1/17/2023, 5:06:08 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted. Robert Anthony Siegel will speak at OCWW on January 19. In the latest #AboutWrite column, Caryn Green interviews him about the origins and evolution of the novel. Click the ‘About Write’ link in our bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write. #novelwriting #amwriting #writingworkshop #novels

1/3/2023, 4:11:07 PM

The latest from #AboutWrite, our column on craft, has posted. Writer Margot McMahon explains how the holidays are a great time to explore heirlooms and traditions to help you tell your family story. Click link in bio to read or visit OCWW.info/About-Write To connect with Margot and her writing and art, follow her @margotmcmahon.

12/20/2022, 5:29:00 PM

Our latest column on the craft of writing is up. OCWW President @paco.aramburu explores the art of the sentence, that versatile and malleable building block of great writing. Visit ocww.info/About-Write or click the #AboutWrite link in our bio. #amwriting #writingcommunity #sentences #sentencestructure #writinginspiration

12/6/2022, 3:55:50 PM

Our latest craft column has posted! This week @nanceepics pens an #AboutWrite column titled, "Memoir: One size does not fit all.” Nancy discovers that this genre comes in many shapes and sizes, and she helps writers learn the unique ways to tell their story. Visit OCWW.info/_About-Write or click the link in our bio

11/1/2022, 3:53:54 PM

Our latest craft column has posted. OCWW member Mari Wittenbreer helps writers learn to read their work out loud to improve reader experience and catch those mistakes that hide on the printed page. Read more at ocww.info/About-Write or at the #AboutWrite link in our bio. #amwriting #WritingCommunity #writingtips #writingadvice

10/18/2022, 7:19:45 PM

Трішки зелені в стрічку... #іннефайр #рінарайтер #пишукнигу #письменництво #письменницькийблог #блогписьменника #блогписьменниці #письменницькийблог #книгаукраїнською #українськікниги #українськефентезі #сучасніукраїнськіавтори #новіукраїнськікниги #innefire #writer #aboutwrite #writerblog #blogwriter #writebook #bookwriter #writening

10/15/2022, 11:30:55 AM

Catch up on the latest from #AboutWrite, OCWW’s column on craft. This week, Judi Panko Reis explains how Jo Ann Beard's essays helped develop her voice, focus her point of view, and turn traumatic experience into poignant prose. To read, click the link in our bio or visit OCWW.info/About-Write #amwriting #writingcommunity #writinginspiration #creativenonfiction #personalessay

10/4/2022, 4:58:58 PM

Paranormal Romance writer Hollie Smurthwaite shares five (of many) random writing lessons she has learned attending OCWW writing workshops. Click link in bio to read the latest #AboutWrite column. @hsmurthwaite #OCWW #writingtips #writingworkshop #romancewritersofinstagram #WritingCommunity #amwriting

9/21/2022, 12:06:35 AM

✍️ New Column Up ✍️ Off Campus Writers' Workshop proves once again that necessity is indeed the mother of invention. The pandemic forced us all to adapt to virtual meetings, and OCWW's new hybrid format has brought speakers and members from around the world. Read more on #AboutWrite at the link in our bio or at ocww.info/about-write #globalwriting #writingcommunity #writingworkshop #writing #amwriting

9/14/2022, 11:53:24 PM

Have you heard? We’ve launched a specialty column on the craft of writing. #AboutWrite aims to move you through writer’s block with the best tips, tricks, and resources from your fellow writers. Click the link in our bio to read @bearmansusan’s introduction to #AboutWrite, and to learn submission guidelines for pitching a column for consideration.

8/28/2022, 5:08:18 PM

🎉Big News🎉 OCWW has launched a craft column titled ‘About Write.’ Featuring the work of our esteemed members, our Board, and our presenters, #AboutWrite is the place to go to grow your writing, gain new insight, and glean the very best tips/ tricks/ resources. Click the link in our bio to read an intro from OCWW member @bearmansusan or dive right into @lynn.sloan.writer’s interview with the legendary Fred Shafer. Best of all? OCWW members are encouraged to review submission guidelines so they may pitch their own unique column. Visit the link in our bio or https://ocww.info/About-Write for further details.

8/19/2022, 12:01:49 AM

I'm proud to be the first contributor to a brand new #writing column from @offcampus.ww Check it out at ocww.info #amwriting #writingcommunity #writingtips #writingquotes #writersofinstagram #writers #AboutWrite

8/2/2022, 1:08:47 AM

У ці темні страшні часи єдине, що допомагає мені відволіктися - книга, яку пишу. Замість новин та телевізора, газет і передач. Мій власний ритуал зцілення. Вимкнути в кімнаті світло, запалити паличку пало-санто та відкрити на комп'ютері файл з рукописом. Зробити ковток м'якого димного шу-пуеру, заплющити на секунду очі й перенестись геть від реалій буденності. До вкритих легендами прадавніх гір, одвічного карпатського лісу, що приховує в собі стільки магічних таємниць. До головних героїв моєї оповіді - благородних, пристрасних, здатних на любов і самопожертву, вірних та чесних... Туди, де в кінці обов'язково переможе правда, а зло буде покаране... Дійство, варте тисячі медитацій. Таке, що дарує сили не зневірюватись в справедливості та торжестві добра не лише у вигаданому, а й в реальному світі... Заряджає змогою надіятись на краще, адже це все, що багатьом з нас зараз залишається... #думкивголос #рінарайтер #пишукнигу #книгаукраїнською #письменництво #прописьменництво #письменницькийблог #блогписьменника #блогписьменниці #влісі #наприроді #writer #aboutwrite #writerblog #blogwriter #writebook #bookwriter #writening #intheforest #nature #мысливслух #писательство #описательстве #писательскийблог #блогписателя #блогписательницы #наприроде #влесу #природа

2/21/2022, 7:32:46 AM

Про цільову аудиторію письменника. Сьогодні видалила 10 людей з підписників. Скажете, зараз, на початку, навпаки повинна цінувати кожного і всіляким чином збільшувати їх кількість? Але ні, дякую) Мене не цікавлять "1000 підписників за 100 грн", чи незрозумілі акаунти без аватарів, постів, але із посиланнями кудись перейти, чи дівчата зі слоганом "супер-секси-бомб, лучше меня будет только дочь", чи гарячі східні чоловіки з коментами типу "Hi, you are beautiful" під єдиною фоткою мене власне в профілі... Та й думаю, і я, як і моя творчість, всім вищезгаданим категоріям не цікава і не потрібна) То ж нащо перетинатися, навіть тут, в інста-просторі?) P.s: за тиждень існування цієї сторінки вкотре ловлю кайф від озвучування власних думок і позицій, можливо суперечливих комусь, але щирих та вільних) Дякую всім, хто залишається зі мною!🙏 #рінарайтер #пишукнигу #книгаукраїнською #письменництво #прописьменництво #письменницькийблог #блогписьменника #блогписьменниці #карпати #водоспад #writer #aboutwrite #writerblog #blogwriter #writebook #bookwriter #writening #carpathians #waterfall #nature #писательство #описательстве #писательскийблог #блогписателя #блогписательницы #карпаты #водопад #влесу #природа

2/10/2022, 9:59:35 PM

А чому ти пишеш українською? Ти ж звикла і спілкуватися, і читати, і дивитися фільми російською? Таке запитання я недавно отримала від людини, яка досить близько мене знає) І тут декілька відповідей. Перша - я безумовно пишаюся розвитком державної мови в своїй країні за останній час. Відродженням забутого та появою нового українського кіно, літератури, культурного життя... Це моя власна думка і позиція, яку я нікому не нав'язую, а лише висловлюю. Недискусійно. Крапка. По друге, не так давно, в блозі однієї з колег було опитування, для кого ви пишете - для себе чи для аудиторії? Я не знаю майбутньої долі моєї книги, що лише пишеться - чи буде вона комусь цікава, чи "зайде", але розумію, що з огляду на перший пункт, видавництво, як і читач в моїй країні зацікавиться скоріш за все саме україномовним текстом... І останнє. Це виклик самій собі)) Чи зможу висловити все те, що маю в голові, чи "потягну". Я поки ще часто користуюсь перекладачем і словником синонімів, але вже навчилася отримувати від цього задоволення)) Ось так, якщо коротко... А для Вас важливо, якою мовою написана книга, якщо вона вам подобається? Саме первинна історія, не переклад, які бувають не зовсім вдалими...Чи спонукає такий твір на вивчення мови, якщо ви відчуваєте свою поверхневість знань? P.s: це зовсім не заважатиме мені переписуватись російською з читачами. Адже найперша повага до людини - спілкуватись з нею тією мовою, якою вона володіє) #рінарайтер #пишукнигу #книгаукраїнською #письменництво #прописьменництво #письменницькийблог #блогписьменника #блогписьменниці #карпати #гірськарічка #природа #writer #aboutwrite #writerblog #blogwriter #writebook #bookwriter #writening #carpathians #nature #montainriver #писательство #описательстве #писательскийблог #блогписателя #блогписательницы #карпаты #горнаярека

2/8/2022, 3:59:20 PM

三年。 其實是五年。 我過得很不錯啊。 #aboutwrite

5/24/2021, 7:19:06 PM

With a change to my blog comes a new blog post! This one is about balancing your internal motivations with ones that might not be as helpful. ✒ ~Link in bio~ ✒ #writingaboutwriting #AboutWrite #blogpost

11/17/2020, 7:40:23 PM

Mă simt pustie, fără dorul meu de a scrie, fără inspirația mea, fără clipele de tăcere și gândire intensă. Poate că mă cred matură, sunt destul de mare să-mi găsesc un scop, dar sunt disperată lăuntric, îmi fierbe ceea ce nu am știut că am în corpu-mi ofilit de la atâtea nopți de nesomn și gândire verticală. Un orizont semi-proiectat s-arată. Evaporarea chiar există cu-o apăsare de buton? #poezie #poezieromaneasca #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #poetryislife #poet #poésie #aboutwrite #writer #writing #poetryisnotdead

11/14/2020, 7:57:12 PM

Just updated my blog for the first time in a dog's age. Had a few things I just wanted to throw out there: updates to YouTube, some media stuff I'm doing for Writers of the Future and a special pre-order link that'll get you a bonus! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Link in profile description ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #blogpost #writinglife #writing #howtowrite #aboutwrite #preorders #writersofinstagram @bejustaboutwrite @wotfcontest

2/14/2019, 11:29:37 PM

那一年的秋天 曾經無話不談的 怎麼就走散了 真心 只會有一次 ————————————————————————————— #aboutlove #aboutlike #aboutwrite#手寫 #文字 #handwriting#手寫的溫度#手寫字 #手抄 #write #toEricL #relationship

1/15/2019, 11:04:13 AM

#aboutwrite #go #soul #pen #us

12/14/2018, 1:25:56 AM

The final winners of this volume for the @wotfcontest have been announced. Congratulations, fellow winners! #writersofinstagram #writersofinsta #writersofthefuture #writingcontest #writing #aboutwrite #writingcontests

12/2/2018, 4:19:21 PM

This week's writing prompt is also in keeping with this week's theme of Narrative Distance. Try starting zoomed into something innocuous (like a bowl of cereal) but pull out to reveal something unexpected (like a vast war zone). Rugrats was a 90s cartoon that used to do something like this at the beginning of each episode, if you're liking for inspiration..😉 #writing #writingprompts #writersofinsta #writersofinstagram #amwriting #narrativedistance #aboutwrite #writingadvice

11/7/2018, 5:56:52 PM

Narrative distance is something you don't hear a lot about, but it's core to understanding the effect your writing has on other people. This week, I go into depth on the topic in my first "real" About Write blog post. The link is in the description--I hope you find it useful! #writingadvice #writersofinsta #writing #writersofinstagram #writingfiction #blogpost #aboutwrite

11/5/2018, 11:38:47 PM

In July of this year, I placed third in the @wotfcontest and it's given me so much more confidence as a writer, so here's to this quarters winners! #writersofinstagram #writersofinsta #writersofthefuture #writingcontest #writing #aboutwrite

11/3/2018, 9:03:39 PM

I've officially started a new writing blog under the umbrella of the About Write project. Check out the link on the description! #writing #blogpost #newblog #writingadvice #aboutwrite

10/30/2018, 12:12:07 AM

兩年就這樣過去。 上一段文字前,大概想不到以後會這樣發展。 也猜不到自己最終會回到這避身之處。 不久以前,真的踫上了,也確實交代了最後的最後。 原來曾答應過自己要放下,放下了嗎? #aboutwrite #hkig

5/20/2018, 7:50:05 PM

每聽必哭 . 有些人用朋友這個詞 拖住對方 讓對方一直在那頭等你 真的很自私 . 既然你沒辦法給我答覆 那我可以自己轉身離開 但 希望這次你不要在拖著我了 拜託你了 ————————————————— #aboutlove #aboutlike #aboutwrite#手寫#文字 #handwriting#手寫的溫度#手寫字 #手抄 #write#張惠妹#連名帶姓 #toEagleG

4/15/2018, 6:45:01 PM

. 關於喜歡.. 藏了好多時日的喜歡 果然還是被你一眼看穿 那是一個我喜歡好久的男人 之所以藏著是因為 朋友比戀人長久.. 無論如何躲藏 還是逃不出你的法眼 ————————————————————————————— #aboutlove #aboutlike #aboutwrite#手寫 #文字 #handwriting#手寫的溫度#手寫字 #手抄 #write #toEagleG

3/20/2018, 4:31:23 PM

•Sobre Ser• Isso mesmo senhoras e senhores, tem texto novo no blog! Esse texto surgiu como um exercício em uma aula alguns anos atrás e nunca saiu da minha cabeça, então decidi trabalha-lo melhor e ai está o resultado! Leiam na íntegra clicando no link da bio! 💙 #writing #aboutwrite #escritora #autoranacional #blog #amwriting

3/1/2018, 3:55:14 PM

生日快樂。 那年那天提著耗了不少心思在國外給你訂的禮物。 我固執地總要在十二點後送給你,你拖著不知是因生活而疲倦,或因我而疲倦的身驅到來。 我以為你會很驚喜或感動,但你只淡淡地說了句謝謝就沒了。 這段期間,你我都撐得很苦吧。 所以才導致之後一系列的劇情... #沒營養的post #aboutwrite #hkig

5/7/2016, 8:31:38 PM

[挖掘記憶。一] 以為你沒心思與我度過午夜,一氣之下隨便撒了個謊便找了那個他陪我促膝詳談。 誰知你在打聽我,誰知你原來為我準備了驚喜,誰知你與我媽早已有計劃... 然後一切泡湯,淚水收場。 今天回想,我仍相信那時我們的確相愛,只是這樣刻骨銘心的劇情不適合終身上演。 從此,驚喜不再,各自各精彩。 原來,深愛亦不足以維繫關係。 原來,愈是忘不了,愈不應該再觸碰... #hkig #aboutwrite

4/15/2016, 7:10:57 PM

逕自走著又走到了那街口,看著為你呆坐到零晨四點的冷板凳,依舊是無情得讓我死心。 事隔多年,走到有你氣息的店。 當天脆弱如我,若看見你在,定必失守吧? 再過數天,夢中相見。 你向我剖白心跡,娓娓道來這些年來的一切,突然離開的原因... 才發現越是消失得刻意,越讓我牽掛住。 我們傷大家的都太多,已沒任何一種關係可容納。 但那疑問會一直長存我心底,直至我們再見。 #hkig #aboutwrite

3/23/2016, 7:13:27 PM

「被傷害的還有喊痛的權利,但傷人的只能待時間過去,自我腐蝕...」 記於二零一二年三月十九日。 不是存心想傷害一個人,而是當初的我不理解當初的你。 但現在的我卻終於明白當初的你,然而所有已經太遲。 「若是沒有這意外,也許經已快樂地」 現實中沒能讓時間倒流的魔法,也事實上不是意外。 「誰自我中心負了所愛」 難道全為對方設想才是愛? 難道愛便要坦白一切? 並不然的。 #hkig #aboutwrite

3/19/2016, 5:39:37 PM

[天蠍系] 天蠍座的人都讓人覺得他們很神秘很難預料。 但神秘的人不一定要是天蠍座,他們都會對別人築了一道牆,以最無損的一面示人。 也許是飛蛾總要撲火的道理吧。 這種人總有些吸引。 那欲言又止的對話、意思不明的言行,都輕易讓別人往心裡去。 越想踏前去探個究竟、對方越後退的感覺,很是有趣。 嗯? #hkig #aboutwrite

2/27/2016, 6:23:54 PM

如果能重來一次,還會出走嗎? 如果沒分開,會至今仍後悔嗎? 我有個他,心底裡亦有個他。 一個讓我只剩下後悔的他。 #hkig #aboutwrite

2/21/2016, 6:13:12 PM

我只是她心中不能道出的一面; 也可能是你面對不了的一面。 #hkig #aboutwrite

2/20/2016, 5:25:28 PM

Road to my mixtape :) #music #drake #aboutwrite

12/27/2013, 5:36:35 PM