religiousphotography images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

大甲鎮瀾宮 神農大帝 恭祝神農大帝聖誕千秋 #大甲 #台中 #鎮瀾宮 #五穀王 #聖誕千秋 #神農大帝 #大甲鎮瀾宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

6/2/2024, 12:03:13 PM

大甲鎮瀾宮 神農大帝 恭祝神農大帝聖誕千秋 #大甲 #台中 #鎮瀾宮 #五穀王 #聖誕千秋 #神農大帝 #大甲鎮瀾宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

6/2/2024, 12:03:05 PM

Pink angel with heart wings. #pink #pinkangel #clouds #religiousphotography

6/1/2024, 11:57:39 PM

Young Albus Dumbledore goes @valamonluostari ☦️😃🤩😎 . . #ortodoksi #orthodoxmonastery #valamonluostari #orthodoxchurch #visitfinland #pohjoiskarjala #religiousphotography

6/1/2024, 4:11:41 PM

This is my body. This was my original idea for the open call for queer devotion and I love how it turned out. I really struggled picking my favorite one, so I'm sharing a few of my top picks. I also had to include some outtakes of when Cronos came to help and immediately regretted it. I really wanted to play around with the idea of communion and layering that with HRT. @thriron was an awesome model and suffered through much dry tongue as we tried a bunch of different angles. I knew I wanted the extreme close ups (that was my original vision) but the wider angle ones were fun with sprinkling the wafers and playing around with hand positioning. A shouting to Sylvia for her suggestions and edits. I unfortunately could only submit one photo for the call and it was a really tough choice between this one and the self portrait. Ultimately I chose the self portrait since it felt very personal to me. This comment got too long, so I'll add the statement in the comments. #queerphotography #transphotographer #transgenderphotography #religiousphotography #transgender #transpride

6/1/2024, 3:51:24 PM

God holding my hand.It is me you can tell by my back pack Above my head it says I AM. Are arms together form a heart.Thank you for holding my hand in this cruel cruel world. #religiousphotography #greatiam #god #holdinghands #heart #cloudmessages

6/1/2024, 3:43:52 PM

Agony and ecstasy. I saw an open call for photographs around queer devotion and knew I had to submit something. The first idea I had was around communion (stay tuned for those photos) but I decided to try my hand at a self portrait as well. Turns out I can only submit one photo, so I decided to go with this one as it feels quite personal to me. Setting up this shoot involved me balancing my tripod on folding chairs to get a wider frame, knocking the tripod off a few times, unscrewing some slats from my bedframe (twice since I tried one reshoot), and so much laying down and standing up. I had a lot of fun! Here's the statement I submitted with it: My relationship with religion is complicated after growing up in it and then away from it. My queerness doesn’t fit into the neat box my childhood religious community tried to push me into. Instead, my queerness found a home when I discovered the queer community in Chicago, when my partners and siblings supported me through my transition, when my friends accepted me as who I am with no second glance, and when I bump into other queer people and feel normal about my identity. Being seen and loved for who I am connects me with my community in a way that I never felt connected to God. If we view religion as the practice of ritual and transformation, the closest I come to a religious practice these days is my testosterone shot. Starting T was an important step towards gender euphoria for me and gave me the experiences religion was supposed to provide. While medically transitioning isn't part of everyone's journey, sharing my victories (facial hair!) and anxieties (needles!) grounds me deeper into my identity and community. Not everyone is on the same journey as I am, but I’m glad I can travel with others. In this work, I wanted to queer Christian iconography with symbols of my own identity. I wanted to reflect the ecstasy and pain I’ve felt becoming who I am today. The path hasn’t always been easy, but it’s a path well worth traveling. #selfportrait #chicagophotographer #religiousphotography #queerphotography #transphotographer #nonbinaryphotographer #transgender #nonbinary #transpride

6/1/2024, 3:17:12 PM

梧棲鴨母寮永天宮 千里眼將軍 #鴨 #梧棲 #台中 #千里眼 #鴨母寮 #永天宮 #千里眼將軍 #鴨母寮永天宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

6/1/2024, 2:38:16 PM

梧棲鴨母寮永天宮 千里眼將軍 #鴨 #梧棲 #台中 #千里眼 #鴨母寮 #永天宮 #千里眼將軍 #鴨母寮永天宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

6/1/2024, 2:38:10 PM

Someone saw me sitting in my chair playing ball with my dog.Psalm 139:1 of the Bible says, "O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me". The title of the psalm is "God's Perfect Knowledge of Man. #heknowsme #cloudmessages #religiousphotography

5/31/2024, 1:32:33 PM

Psalms 8:3-4 3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? An angel in night sky. #angel #religiousphotography #hecares #sunset

5/30/2024, 1:57:07 PM

Daniel 12:3 3 Those who are wise[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. #secretgarden #religiousphotography #star

5/30/2024, 1:29:40 PM

高雄三鳳宮 觀世音菩薩 #高雄 #觀音 #三鳳宮 #觀音佛祖 #觀音菩薩 #高雄三鳳宮 #觀世音菩薩 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/30/2024, 11:30:34 AM

高雄三鳳宮 觀世音菩薩 #高雄 #觀音 #三鳳宮 #觀音佛祖 #觀音菩薩 #高雄三鳳宮 #觀世音菩薩 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/30/2024, 11:30:27 AM

The most peaceful temple I have ever been! Could sit there for hours, silently. 💚 @eye_of_kiki @caglaasker_art It's our second time visiting Laos, and we realize more colors of Vientiane already! #vientiane #buddhatemple #religiousphotography #spiritualplace #laosarchitecture #travelphotography

5/29/2024, 8:02:40 PM

Holy Family /തിരുക്കുടുംബം /Thirukudumbam - Backlight / LED Chennampallil Photo Frames Call: 95266 68231, 90746 98914 എല്ലാവിധ ഫോട്ടോകളും, നിങ്ങളുടെ ഭിത്തികൾക്ക് അനുയോജ്യമായ വലിപ്പത്തിൽ ഹോൾസെയിലായും റീട്ടൈലായും ആവശ്യപ്രകാരം ചെയ്തുനൽകുന്നു. . . . . . #spiritualimage #spirituality #religiousphotoframes #faithinspired #religiousphotography #religious #christianart #spiritual #holyfamily

5/29/2024, 2:28:51 PM

Exodus 20:3–6 You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. An angel in the middle with an arrow pointing to him. Also an angel at top with its arms raised looks to be wearing a crown. #worshiptheonetruegod #worshiphim #worship #religiousphotography #angel #cloud #cloudmessages

5/29/2024, 1:33:00 PM

Revelation 19:12 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. #king #kingridingahorse #kingholdingalance #cloud #cloudmessages #religiousphotography

5/28/2024, 1:27:14 PM

梧棲鴨母寮永天宮 天上聖母(鴨母寮媽) #鴨 #梧棲 #台中 #媽祖 #鴨母寮 #永天宮 #鴨母寮媽 #鴨母寮永天宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/28/2024, 6:50:15 AM

梧棲鴨母寮永天宮 天上聖母(鴨母寮媽) #鴨 #梧棲 #台中 #媽祖 #鴨母寮 #永天宮 #鴨母寮媽 #鴨母寮永天宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/28/2024, 6:50:10 AM

💙🪲DEA ISIDE🪲💙 Foto: @petruccimarta @martapetrucciphotographer Modella: @madredacqua_ariannadrudi Abito, ali, accessori, gioielli, corone, dipinti di sfondo: @madredacqua_ariannadrudi Mua Simona Sulli @simonasulli 🐈‍⬛: @skullysphynx Skully 😍💙 Iside d'Egitto appare come una figura polissemica e multiforme nella diversità delle sue immagini ed epifanie: Grande Madre dell'universo e generatrice del mondo, degli Dei e degli esseri umani, Regina del Cielo e ordinatrice del cosmo, Dea Serpente delle Acque primordiali e Dea Uccello alata, Dea Vacca che nutre col latte dei suoi seni e Dea scrofa dal ventre fertile e prolifico, stella Sirio, che governa le inondazioni del Nilo. Ella è Dea maga e conoscitrice delle parole di potere con cui ridare vita ai morti, Dea dell'Albero della Vita, che offre il cibo e l'acqua dell'immortalità, Dea del trono, che accoglie sul suo grembo il sovrano per farlo sedere, come fosse suo figlio. Dea iniziatica dei Sacri Misteri, sposa di Osiride, che riporta in vita dal Regno dei Morti. Madre e amorevole nutrice di Horus, il sole bambino. Il suo culto è attestato per più di tremila anni, dall'epoca pre-dinastica - precedente al 3000 a. C. - fino ai primi secoli dopo Cristo, quando molti dei suoi attributi e caratteristiche furono integrati nell'immagine di Maria, la quale assorbì il suo culto. Quest'ultimo si era diffuso in un'area molto vasta - ben oltre i confini dell'Egitto, arrivando in Grecia nel III secolo a. C, per poi espandersi in tutto l'Impero Romano, fino al Danubio e al Reno - caratterizzandosi in modo specifico a seconda delle peculiarità dei territori e delle culture, evolvendo nel tempo e producendo sincretismi con le Dee Madri locali. 🌹Estratto dal libro di @madredacqua_ariannadrudi , in fase di scrittura🌹 💙Grazie per sostenere l'arte💙 #sacredart #sacredphotography #spiritualart #spiritualphotography #ritualart #mysticart #religiousart #religiousphotography #symbolicart #symbolicphotography #greatgoddess #greatgoddesses #greatmothergoddess #greatmother #mothergoddess

5/27/2024, 3:35:04 PM

"eastern dragon playing with the pearl" is a rich and intricate symbol in Chinese culture, representing the care and respect for life, the relationship between parents and children, the worship of the sun, and the celebration of fertility and reproduction. It is a testament to the deep cultural beliefs and values of the ancients and continues to be a significant part of Chinese culture to this day. #dragons #thepearl #sun #cloudmessages #clouds #religiousphotography

5/27/2024, 2:55:03 PM

💙🪲DEA ISIDE🪲💙 Foto: @petruccimarta @martapetrucciphotographer Modella: @madredacqua_ariannadrudi Abito, ali, accessori, gioielli, corone, dipinti di sfondo: @madredacqua_ariannadrudi Mua:@simonasulli 🐈‍⬛: Skully 😍💙 Iside d'Egitto appare come una figura polissemica e multiforme nella diversità delle sue immagini ed epifanie: Grande Madre dell'universo e generatrice del mondo, degli Dei e degli esseri umani, Regina del Cielo e ordinatrice del cosmo, Dea Serpente delle Acque primordiali e Dea Uccello alata, Dea Vacca che nutre col latte dei suoi seni e Dea scrofa dal ventre fertile e prolifico, stella Sirio, che governa le inondazioni del Nilo. Ella è Dea maga e conoscitrice delle parole di potere con cui ridare vita ai morti, Dea dell'Albero della Vita, che offre il cibo e l'acqua dell'immortalità, Dea del trono, che accoglie sul suo grembo il sovrano per farlo sedere, come fosse suo figlio. Dea iniziatica dei Sacri Misteri, sposa di Osiride, che riporta in vita dal Regno dei Morti. Madre e amorevole nutrice di Horus, il sole bambino. Il suo culto è attestato per più di tremila anni, dall'epoca pre-dinastica - precedente al 3000 a. C. - fino ai primi secoli dopo Cristo, quando molti dei suoi attributi e caratteristiche furono integrati nell'immagine di Maria, la quale assorbì il suo culto. Quest'ultimo si era diffuso in un'area molto vasta - ben oltre i confini dell'Egitto, arrivando in Grecia nel III secolo a. C, per poi espandersi in tutto l'Impero Romano, fino al Danubio e al Reno - caratterizzandosi in modo specifico a seconda delle peculiarità dei territori e delle culture, evolvendo nel tempo e producendo sincretismi con le Dee Madri locali. 🌹Estratto dal mio libro, in fase di scrittura🌹 💙Grazie per sostenere la mia arte💙 #sacredart #sacredphotography #spiritualart #spiritualphotography #ritualart #mysticart #religiousart #religiousphotography #symbolicart #symbolicphotography #greatgoddess #greatgoddesses #greatmothergoddess #greatmother #mothergoddess #grandemadre #grandedea #iside #deaiside #isis #isisgoddess #isiswings #isisegyptiangoddess #isisthegoddess #ísis #isidea #goddessisis #goddessreligion #goddessofegypt #goddessmythology

5/27/2024, 8:33:40 AM

Ιερός Ναός Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης στη συνοικία της Νέας Μαγνησίας Λαμίας. #church #orthodoxchurch #orthodoxchristian #faith #building #concrete #ecclesia #greekflag #religion #religiousphotography #greekorthodoxchurch [20-5-24]

5/26/2024, 7:34:40 AM

Matthew 6:19: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. #moth #anclotegulfpark #religiousphotography

5/26/2024, 4:03:54 AM

高雄三鳳宮 彌勒佛祖 #卍 #佛 #高雄 #彌勒 #三鳳宮 #彌勒佛 #彌勒佛祖 #高雄三鳳宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/26/2024, 2:46:51 AM

高雄三鳳宮 彌勒佛祖 #卍 #佛 #高雄 #彌勒 #三鳳宮 #彌勒佛 #彌勒佛祖 #高雄三鳳宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/26/2024, 2:46:46 AM

Summer in a secret garden. #secretgarden #loyaltyandlove #macro #macrophotography #religiousphotography

5/25/2024, 9:52:48 PM

"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven"  Matthew 5:16.  #letyourlightshine #glorify #religiousphotography

5/25/2024, 9:35:52 PM

1 Peter 4:8 says, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins". #love #loveeachother #religiousphotography #secretgarden

5/25/2024, 9:01:55 PM

Hearts and words that say I ❤️ U. #i❤️u #cloudmessages #jesuslovesyou #religiousphotography

5/25/2024, 5:39:10 PM

An backside view of an angel. You can even see a halo. #cloud #cloudangel #cloudmessages #sunset #religiousphotography

5/25/2024, 3:38:36 PM

A little tinted photo of a young girl. The back of the photo reads - ‘Polyfoto, the natural photography. Mark Foys Ltd., Sydney’ and what appears to say ‘Babara Fogarty’? What do you see? #markfoys #markfoysdepartmentstore #markfoysbuilding #markfoysemporium #sydney #sydneyhistory #nsw #nswheritage #historicalnsw #portrait #portraitphotography #tintedphotography #vintage #vintagephoto #vintagephotography #vintagegayphotos #oldphoto #oldphotos #lostphoto #lostphotos #lostphotosfound #mystery #mysteryphoto #helpneeded #religious #religiousphotography

5/25/2024, 1:08:00 PM

B a p t i s m Photography Leo on his special day 🙏⛪️🥰 - - @elenichidiac @stjosephscroydon - - #baptism #baptismphotography #baptismphotographysydney @moiravellaphotography #christeningohotography #christeningphotographersydney #westernsydneyphotographer #westernsydneyphotography #candid #candidphotography #📷 #church #religion #religiousphotography

5/25/2024, 3:19:09 AM

Sacred Heart of Jesus/തിരുഹൃദയം /Thiru Hridayam - Backlight / LED Call: 95266 68231, 90746 98914 എല്ലാവിധ ഫോട്ടോകളും, നിങ്ങളുടെ ഭിത്തികൾക്ക് അനുയോജ്യമായ വലിപ്പത്തിൽ ഹോൾസെയിലായും റീട്ടൈലായും ആവശ്യപ്രകാരം ചെയ്തുനൽകുന്നു. . . . . . #thiruhrudhayam #sacredheart #christianart #religious #religious #religiousphotography #religiousphotoframes #faithinspired #spiritual #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualimage

5/24/2024, 5:11:15 PM

Psalm 65 says, "He's got the whole world in his hands". #wholeworldinhishands #cloudmessages #holdingus #cloudfaceandhand #religiousphotography

5/24/2024, 1:46:46 PM

Isaiah 60:8 in the American Standard Version of the Bible says, "Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows? the word fly written in the clouds. #cloudmessages #feather #fly #religiousphotography

5/24/2024, 1:28:48 PM

An angel walking away.Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. #cloud #cloudangel #walkingaway #sunset #religiousphotography #hope #future #plans #hisplan

5/24/2024, 2:29:39 AM

Psalms 91:11-12 New King James Version (NKJV) For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. A warrior angel. #cloudangel #cloudmessages #sunset #religiousphotography

5/23/2024, 1:06:02 PM

高雄三鳳宮 南無釋迦摩尼佛 #卍 #佛 #高雄 #菩提 #釋迦 #三鳳宮 #釋迦摩尼 #釋迦摩尼佛 #高雄三鳳宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/23/2024, 12:37:52 PM

高雄三鳳宮 南無釋迦摩尼佛 #卍 #佛 #高雄 #菩提 #釋迦 #三鳳宮 #釋迦摩尼 #釋迦摩尼佛 #高雄三鳳宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/23/2024, 12:37:45 PM

An elephant and an angel. #cloudelephant #cloudangel #uriel #cloudmessages #religiousphotography

5/23/2024, 4:12:32 AM

Three angels one top corner folded hands praying. Two angels in front looks like their wings are popping out of the clouds. #clouds #angels #cloudmessages #religiousphotography

5/22/2024, 1:20:21 PM

山邊媽祖宮 天上聖母 (山邊媽) #苗栗 #後龍 #媽祖 #山邊媽 #媽祖生 #粉紅色 #山邊媽祖 #天上聖母 #山邊媽祖宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/22/2024, 12:01:41 PM

山邊媽祖宮 天上聖母 (山邊媽) #苗栗 #後龍 #媽祖 #山邊媽 #媽祖生 #粉紅色 #山邊媽祖 #天上聖母 #山邊媽祖宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/22/2024, 12:01:36 PM

斗南順安宮 天上聖母(菜脯媽) #雲林 #斗南 #媽祖 #mazu #順安宮 #菜脯媽 #天上聖母 #斗南順安宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/21/2024, 11:35:20 AM

斗南順安宮 天上聖母(菜脯媽) #雲林 #斗南 #媽祖 #mazu #順安宮 #菜脯媽 #天上聖母 #斗南順安宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/21/2024, 11:35:12 AM

Entering through a toran is believed to purify before entering a sacred space. @tractor_toli #religiousplace #religiousphotography #selfbelief

5/20/2024, 9:36:18 PM

My family's pet bunny Tuigi.Thank you, God. For loving and caring for my family. #bunnycloud #cloudmessages #clouds #family #family #religiousphotography #sunset

5/20/2024, 1:27:33 PM

白沙屯拱天宮 天上聖母(三媽) #苗栗 #通霄 #媽祖 #三媽 #白沙屯 #拱天宮 #媽祖婆 #天上聖母 #白沙屯拱天宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/20/2024, 10:50:03 AM

白沙屯拱天宮 天上聖母(三媽) #苗栗 #通霄 #媽祖 #三媽 #白沙屯 #拱天宮 #媽祖婆 #天上聖母 #白沙屯拱天宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/20/2024, 10:49:57 AM

Mantendo o feed ✌🏼 📸 @catedraldasesp #catedraldasé #fotoreligiosa #religiousphotography #religiousphoto #fotografia #jj #jj_brasil #jjbrasil #jjcomunity #jjsp

5/20/2024, 2:45:24 AM

The world doesn't need to be broken like this glass. We could be as one. Peace to all. First self-portrait. #peace #brokenglass #selfportrait #religiousphotography #tampa

5/19/2024, 9:08:05 PM

God is Love. Chalk drawing this morning with the global love project. Thank you! Sometimes people need to be reminded we love because he loved us first. @thegloballoveproject #globalloveproject #chalkdrawing #godislove #religiousphotography #downtownstpete

5/19/2024, 6:47:24 PM

John 10:11-15 “I am the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the sheep. Last night's sunset. Thank you Lord for this gift. #goodshepherd #cloudmessages #sunset #religiousphotography

5/19/2024, 6:04:25 PM

This beautiful girl is Confirmed! Loved taking her pictures before the ceremony ❤️‍🔥 . #religiousphotography #eventphotographer #canonphotography

5/19/2024, 5:30:59 PM

Angel praying next to our flag. Second and third photo is an angel holding our flag. #nationalarmedforcesday #angelclouds #cloudmessages #prayforamerica #supportourtroops #supportourveterans #religiousphotography

5/19/2024, 3:22:00 AM

Acts 1:8 New International Version 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” #raindrops #holyspirit #yellowflower #religiousphotography

5/18/2024, 5:56:39 PM

Just a normal day at my house. Had a visitor on my front porch.Psalm 145:9 says, "The Lord is good to all, Compassionate to every creature". Be kind to everyone even animals. #Floridalife #bekindtoanimals #bekindtoeveryone #religiousphotography #turtle

5/18/2024, 5:11:13 PM

An angel with open arms. HAVE BLESSED DAY! #cloudangels #clouds #openarms #religiousphotography

5/18/2024, 3:23:04 PM

He is even in the arcade where I play pinball. #angelseverywhere #throwback80's #fridaynightfun #religiousphotography

5/18/2024, 4:19:52 AM

白沙屯拱天宮 文昌帝君 #文昌 #考試 #會考 #學測 #統測 #分科測驗 #文昌帝君 #白沙屯拱天宮 #god #季米 #宗教 #甲辰 #攝影 #拜拜 #mazu #2024 #甲辰年 #taiwan #zhimin #culture #religion #camera #季米攝影 #宗教攝影 #宗教信仰 #photograph #photography #photographer #religiousphotography

5/17/2024, 2:00:19 PM