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Were you unable to make it to yesterday's guided imagery experience but really wish you could have? Or maybe you made it to the meditation and really wish you could take some of that experience with you? Well, do I have some good news for you. You can! Enjoy this simplified recording of the guided imagery meditation from yesterday's session. Approximately 10 minutes in length, this recording features the same meditation script and supporting acoustic guitar. My plan is to create more downloadable wellness content in the near future. This will help to make music wellness more accessible to those with a smaller budget or who may not benefit from the group session format. Head to my website to get your download! #wellness #music #musicwellness #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #guidedimagery #meditation #guidedimagerymeditation #download

5/10/2024, 12:00:14 AM

Hi everyone! While we all know that my Music Wellness groups are a place to foster connection, I would like to start making this page a space for connection as well. To do that, I'd like to ask you all to start sharing songs with me! You can share a song that means a lot to you, that you think has an interesting message, that has been stuck in your head, or anywhere in between. Please send me a message with the name of your song and tell me as much or as little about it as you feel comfortable with. My plan is to then create a reel with a snippet of the song so that everyone can hear a little bit of it when I share with the group! That being said, if you choose to send me a song, please specify whether you would like me to tag you in the post or if you would like to remain anonymous. I've only had one person send in a song so far, I want to hear some more! #wellness #musicwellness #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #connection #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #songsharing

4/26/2024, 9:42:47 PM

Hi everyone! While we all know that my Music Wellness groups are a place to foster connection, I would like to start making this page a space for connection as well. To do that, I'd like to ask you all to start sharing songs with me! You can share a song that means a lot to you, that you think has an interesting message, that has been stuck in your head, or anywhere in between. Please send me a message with the name of your song and tell me as much or as little about it as you feel comfortable with. My plan is to then create a reel with a snippet of the song so that everyone can hear a little bit of it when I share with the group! That being said, if you choose to send me a song, please specify whether you would like me to tag you in the post or if you would like to remain anonymous. I'm excited to get this started and see/hear what everyone has to share! #wellness #musicwellness #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #connection #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #songsharing

4/5/2024, 12:00:14 AM

The final day of discussing what makes music therapeutic: Music Influences Human Organisms Simply put, music influences us in countless ways. These include socially, physically, physiologically, and psychologically. Experiencing music is part of what makes us human. Music influences us socially, whether it be through creating music together or experiencing music together. It influences us physically by causing us to move to the rhythm. It influences us physiologically by causing us to have involuntary responses such as tears or chills. It influences us psychologically by causing us to experience emotions and bringing back associated memories. Music influences us in ways that not much else can match up to, and that is what gives it such therapeutic power. #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #flexibilityofapplication #immediacyofeffect #rhythmisinherent #universalityofappeal #musicinfluenceshumanorganisms #physically #socially #physiologically #psychologically #music #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #connection #mind #mindconnection #spiritual #spiritualconnection #interpersonal #interpersonalconnection #emotions #emotionalconnection

4/4/2024, 5:00:33 PM

The penultimate day of our discussion of what makes music therapeutic. Today's topic: Universality of Appeal Simply put almost EVERYONE likes music! Music is present in different forms in countless cultures and religions across the world. There are countless instruments, genres, musicians, and artists. This never-ending variety means that there is a type of music that appeals to nearly everyone. Tying in the flexibility of application with the universality of appeal, music lends itself to be an incredible tool for therapeutic application. #wellness #musicwellness #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #music #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #musicwellnessgroup #universalityofappeal

4/3/2024, 3:00:18 PM

Day 4 of discussing what makes music therapeutic! Today's topic: Rhythm is Inherent Rhythm is what organizes music and it is present in all of us. We have our first experience of rhythm before we are even born, hearing our mother's heartbeat in utero. We listen to music, and so often without even realizing it we are nodding our head or tapping our feet to the beat of the music. Many people will claim they "have no rhythm," but this is often said in reference to movement to music. The truth is that we have rhythmic experiences in many facets of our lives outside music. Our walking and running patterns contain rhythm. Our speech and breathing contain rhythm. Our neurons fire in rhythm. So much of our lives involve rhythm. Music is therapeutic because it provides an organizing and energetic experience based on the rhythm present within it. Our bodies naturally tune into this to bring us into the here and now. #music #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessgroup #wellnessservices #rhythm #rhythmisinherent

4/2/2024, 5:00:20 PM

Continuing our discussion of what makes music therapeutic, next up we have: Flexibility of Application You may be thinking, how the heck do you "apply" music?? All this really means is that there countless ways that we can engage with music. We can passively engage, such as listening to music in the car. There is active engagement, like singing or playing an instrument. Music can be used to facilitate dance and movement, or it can be used as something that is present in the background. These endless modes of application allow for so many therapeutic moments using music. All of these methods of application can be used for both music therapy and music wellness. #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #flexibility #flexibilityofapplication #music

3/31/2024, 5:00:20 PM

Want to test out how today's topic of music's non-threatening nature? Wednesday's Music Wellness Session is your perfect opportunity to put it into practice! Maybe you're really interested in this group but the idea of sharing with others feels intimidating. Let your love for music give you courage. You won't regret it! #wellness #musicwellness #bodyconnection #body #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #music #livemusic #livemusicmindfulness #musicisnonthreatening

3/31/2024, 12:00:33 AM

Whether music wellness or prescribed music therapy, what is it that makes music therapeutic? There are several factors, and the first one we will discuss today is: Music is non-threatening What this means is that while a situation may feel threatening, the act of engaging in music is not. For example, let's say your favorite band is going to be in town and you really want to see them live, but you have some social anxiety. What makes this situation feel threatening isn't the music, it's the fact that you are going to be around a lot of people. In a case such as this, music can actually serve as a motivator to help us work through fears and anxieties. Perhaps your anxiety about being around people is a 4 out of 10, but your desire to see this band is an 8 out of 10. Wanting to see this band outweighs your anxiety, and this pushes you to go see the band. While you may still feel some anxiety while you're at the concert, the degree at which you are enjoying the music probably makes up for the anxiety you are feeling. In this example, music has helped to create a therapeutic experience. The non-threatening nature of music has helped to successfully work through an experience which initially feels threatening, but ultimately is an enjoyable one. #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #musicisnonthreatening #whatmakesmusictherapeutic

3/30/2024, 4:00:35 PM

Whether music wellness or prescribed music therapy, what is it that makes music therapeutic? There are several factors, and the first one we will discuss today is: Music is non-threatening What this means is that while a situation may feel threatening, the act of engaging in music is not. For example, let's say your favorite band is going to be in town and you really want to see them live, but you have some social anxiety. What makes this situation feel threatening isn't the music, it's the fact that you are going to be around a lot of people. In a case such as this, music can actually serve as a motivator to help us work through fears and anxieties. Perhaps your anxiety about being around people is a 4 out of 10, but your desire to see this band is an 8 out of 10. Wanting to see this band outweighs your anxiety, and this pushes you to go see the band. While you may still feel some anxiety while you're at the concert, the degree at which you are enjoying the music probably makes up for the anxiety you are feeling. In this example, music has helped to create a therapeutic experience. The non-threatening nature of music has helped to successfully work through an experience which initially feels threatening, but ultimately is an enjoyable one. #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #musicisnonthreatening #whatmakesmusictherapeutic

3/30/2024, 4:00:28 PM

Some of you may be wondering, what is the difference between Music Wellness and Music Therapy? Well, music therapy (MT) is the use of specifically prescribed music interventions under the supervision of qualified personnel to aid the client in achieving a definite therapeutic goal. Who is a qualified personnel? It is someone who has attended and completed a collegiate Music Therapy program that has been accredited by the AMTA (American Music Therapy Association). Upon completion of the program, this individual then completes a 6 month internship under the supervision of a Board Certified music therapist. This internship is accredited by the AMTA OR approved by the individual's MT program. Upon completion of the internship, the individual is eligible to sit for the board certification exam to attain the credentials MT-BC (Music Therapist - Board Certified). At this point, the individual is now considered a personnel qualified to practice MT. When practicing MT, there are countless locations, individuals, and needs that a MT-BC may work with. One of the key points of MT is the creation and implementation of personalized goals and objectives. These can be created with the patient/client, their family, and/or their treatment team. The therapist then creates music interventions to address these goals and objectives. Sessions are documented along the way to help track progress. We understand MT, so what exactly is music wellness, and how is it different? There are 2 primary differences present. The first major difference is that an individual is not required to have any credentials to offer services that they label "music wellness." The second major difference is that individualized goals and objectives are created. While a music wellness session may have a general goal in mind, these goals are not specifically tailored to each individual. Some generic goals that music wellness may work to address can include improving quality of life, reducing anxiety, social connection, or spiritual connection. To engage in music wellness may have a therapeutic effect, however, it IS NOT therapy. #musicwellness #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnes

3/29/2024, 8:24:52 PM

We're beginning the countdown to the first Music Wellness session at Green Roof Wellness! I can't tell you how excited I am to get things started in this new space. It is truly the perfect space to begin fostering my vision of wellness and connection. If you've been thinking about attending one of these sessions but have felt a little unsure, I encourage you to bring someone with you! The beauty of these groups is that there is not a "one size fits all" outcome. Maybe a goal for yourself is to get more involved in community events. Just by attending, you're reaching that goal! Having the support of a friend, family member, or partner tagging along with you makes it that much better. I really encourage you to come give it a try! I'm asking for advance registration for these sessions since I am limiting group size to 10 people. You can find the registration link through the Facebook event or go straight to my website. #wellness #musicwellness #bodyconnection #body #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #livemusicmindfulness

3/26/2024, 5:22:38 PM

Thank you to everyone who attended the Green Roof Wellness open house yesterday! It was so wonderful talking to many of you about my Music Wellness sessions and sharing music with everyone. This is going to be such a beautiful space for healing, wellness, and connection. Don't forget that the first Music Wellness session at Green Roof Wellness is going to be Wednesday, April 3rd from 5:45-7:15pm. I hope to see many of you there! Check out more details about the upcoming session through the Facebook event or my website #wellness #musicwellness #bodyconnection #body #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #greenroofwellness

3/25/2024, 3:29:00 PM

After learning about how music, connection, and wellness work together, would you like to begin incorporating this more into your holistic health and wellness journey? If your answer is “yes,” then Music Wellness with McKenzie is just for you! I am a board certified music therapist (MT-BC) with half a decade’s experience in the mental health field. During that time, I worked with children, adolescents, and adults with a range of diagnoses including depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, BPD, and addiction. While working with these individuals, I learned the one thing that was consistent across the board was a lack of connection. While I am not suggesting that a lack of connection is the root cause for all of these diagnoses, what I AM suggesting is that fostering and developing connection is an integral part of everyone’s mental health journey, whether you are just beginning your mental health treatment, are actively in recovery and wellness, or anywhere in between. At Music Wellness with McKenzie, I strive to bring together individuals in a place of safety, health, wellness, and connection. I thoughtfully and carefully curate music based initiatives that focus on fostering mind, body, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal connection. Each initiative that I lead will have a different focus, so it is your choice to choose what you would like to focus on for your own health and wellness. One initiative may focus on mind, body, and emotional wellness, while another may focus solely on interpersonal connection. During each group session, it is your choice to attend alone for an opportunity to connect with others in your community or to attend with a partner, friends, or family members to grow your connection to them. I’m so honored and excited to be a part of your holistic health journey! #music #connection #wellness #holistic #holistichealth #wellnessjourney #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #musictherapy #mentalhealth

3/16/2024, 6:00:20 PM

I've shared a bit about my personal philosophy. At this point you are likely either thinking “how the heck can music help with connection?” or “oh my gosh, music is the perfect thing to use for connection!” If you lean towards the side of wondering how music can be used, I’d like you to take a moment to think about your relationship with music and the role it plays in your life. Here are some questions to get you thinking: - How do I feel when I listen to music? Does it change my mood? Does it make me feel validated? Does it make me want to move my body? Do I feel a change in energy? - What are my favorite types of music? What draws me to these genres? - What are some of my favorite music related memories? Do they involve experiencing music with others? - If you are someone who creates music, either by performing or writing music, what is it that drives you to create? How do you feel when you are creating? How do you feel when you are performing? Whether you answered one or all of these questions, you were acknowledging ways you already use music for connection. If you use music the validate or change your mood, you connect to your emotions through music. If you listen to music to change how your body feels, you connect to your body through music. If there is certain music you enjoy listening to because it makes you think, you connect to your mind through music. If some of your favorite music memories involve experiencing music with others, you connect to others through music. If you listen to or perform music to feel more in tune with your higher power, you connect to your spirituality through music. There are so many ways you already use music for connection, possibly without even realizing it! #music #musicandconnection #musicforconnection #musicconnection #relationshipwithmusic #musicwellness #wellnessservices #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #musictherapy

3/15/2024, 7:00:06 PM

Info on the first Music Wellness session to take place at Green Roof Wellness! You can find all of this information along with the link to reserve your spot by going to the Facebook event page below: #wellness #musicwellness #bodyconnection #body #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #greenroofwellness #livemusic #livemusicmindfulness

3/14/2024, 10:00:37 PM

It feels like it's taken forever to get this finished up, but I am so excited to share that I have just launched my new website! The main purpose of the website is to provide a space to share all of the upcoming music wellness sessions and to provide an online space to book your session attendance. You will be able to find all of my contact information in this space and you can also learn more about me and what I am striving to offer with my wellness sessions. I will still use my social platforms to share wellness tips and share upcoming sessions. I am going to ask that anyone planning to attend a music wellness session please purchase your space ahead of time since space will be limited to 10 people. I'm so excited to get this rolling! #wellness #musicwellness #bodyconnection #body #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

3/12/2024, 11:05:42 PM

Alright, here's our next music wellness session! This one combines music and art to provide a relaxing, personal, yet collective experience. If creating art is something that makes you nervous, this is something that is incredibly open ended in its interpretation and there are no expectations except to do your best. Some of my most memorable moments of connection have happened during this session. It's truly a beautiful thing to experience. The Music Mandala session will be Tuesday, January 23rd from 6-8pm at Topaz Apothecary in Waukesha. For more details, follow the link to the event page below. I hope to see you there! #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #music #mindconnection #mind #spiritualconnection #spiritual #mandalas

1/17/2024, 5:13:53 PM

Tomorrow's the day of the Music Get to Know You session at Topaz Apothecary. Here's the last teaser question! What music gets you in a good mood? Is it a specific song? A specific genre? A certain artist? Share below! Don't forget to check out tomorrow's event! #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

1/15/2024, 7:00:48 PM

Musicians serve as icons and role models for so many people. Whether it's their talent, the things they stand for, or the way they connect to you through their music, our favorite musicians are often people we look up to. So here's our next question today: If you could meet any musician, who would it be? What would you want to say to them? For more thought provoking questions and a chance to connect with others, consider checking out the next music wellness session this coming Tuesday! #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

1/14/2024, 7:00:38 PM

Day 4 of the lead up to the next music wellness session called Music Get to Know You. Our next question is a little more serious, but something that I feel is important to think about: What role does music play in your life? If you'd like to connect with others and get thinking about other ways music influences you, check out the event page for Tuesday's session! #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

1/13/2024, 7:00:24 PM

Our third question to get us thinking in anticipated for next Tuesday's music wellness session! If you were stuck on an island and could only have one song, what would it be? If you'd like more thought provoking questions and the chance to connect with others, check out the event page for more details! #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

1/12/2024, 7:05:03 PM

The next question I have to ask in anticipation of the next Music Wellness session is one that I think many of you could go on and on about. I'm really excited to see what everyone has to share. Without further ado, today's question is: Who is a band or artist that you wish everyone knew about? For more information on the January 16th music wellness session, follow the link below! #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

1/11/2024, 7:00:36 PM

Our next Music Wellness group is Tuesday, January 9th! This will be a great one to join if you would like to connect and relax after the hectic holidays. We'll be diving into what music is important to you, giving it a listen, and doing some art or crafting all the while! I hope to see you there. #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

1/5/2024, 5:20:38 PM

Hey everyone! After a brief break for the holidays, we will be back with our next session on Tuesday, January 2nd. I know this session is the day after the start of the new year, but what better time to start doing things for yourself! This session will be a fantastic way to kick off 2024 as it will focus on identifying challenges in your life while ALSO identifying your strengths and how to utilize them to overcome difficulties. I hope to see you there! As always, please guarantee your spot by registering ahead of time. This can be done by messaging me or Topaz Apothecary. Space is limited to 10 people. Event link is below #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

12/29/2023, 9:46:34 PM

For those planning on attending tonight, please feel free to bring something mindful and creative to do while we share music! This could be drawing, painting, coloring, a puzzle, knitting/crocheting, or anything similar! I will have some paper, coloring pages, and basic art materials available that you are more than welcome to use as well. I hope to see you tonight! You can find more details in the event link below: #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

12/19/2023, 8:21:40 PM

Details of the next Music Wellness group on Tuesday the 19th! This session will focus on emotional and interpersonal connection. If you are looking for a space to relax, listen to some music, and connect with others, this will be a great one for you! This would also be a great space to bring family, friends, or a loved one to further your connection with them. Facebook event is listed below, I hope to see you there! #wellness #musicwellness #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

12/15/2023, 6:32:49 PM

Don't forget that the next music wellness session is tonight! We will be doing Live Music Mindfulness which will focus on body, emotional, and interpersonal connection. Please message me or Topaz Apothecary to secure your spot. I hope to see you there! #wellness #musicwellness #bodyconnection #body #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

12/12/2023, 5:26:16 PM

Check out the next Music Wellness group next Tuesday! This session will be focusing on emotional, body, and interpersonal connection. Facebook event will be listed below! #musicwellness #wellness #bodyconnection #body #emotionalconnection #interpersonalconnection #interpersonal #musicwellnessgroup #emotions #connection #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices

12/7/2023, 3:46:05 AM

The final day of discussing what makes music therapeutic: Music Influences Human Organisms Simply put, music influences us in countless ways. These include socially, physically, physiologically, and psychologically. Experiencing music is part of what makes us human. Music influences us socially, whether it be through creating music together or experiencing music together. It influences us physically by causing us to move to the rhythm. It influences us physiologically by causing us to have involuntary responses such as tears or chills. It influences us psychologically by causing us to experience emotions and bringing back associated memories. Music influences us in ways that not much else can match up to, and that is what gives it such therapeutic power. If you would like to experience all of the things that make music therapeutic, please consider attending one of my Tuesday night music wellness groups at Topaz Apothecary! Tonight's we will be tapping into emotional, spiritual, interpersonal, and mind connection. Check out the event link below for more info! #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #flexibilityofapplication #immediacyofeffect #rhythmisinherent #universalityofappeal #musicinfluenceshumanorganisms #physically #socially #physiologically #psychologically #music #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #wellnessgroup #tuesday #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #topazapothecary #wellnessservices #connection #mind #mindconnection #spiritual #spiritualconnection #interpersonal #interpersonalconnection #emotions #emotionalconnection

12/5/2023, 5:00:34 PM

The penultimate day of our discussion of what makes music therapeutic. Today's topic: Universality of Appeal Simply put almost EVERYONE likes music! Music is present in different forms in countless cultures and religions across the world. There are countless instruments, genres, musicians, and artists. This never-ending variety means that there is a type of music that appeals to nearly everyone. Tying in the flexibility of application with the universality of appeal, music lends itself to be an incredible tool for therapeutic application. #wellness #musicwellness #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #music #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #musicwellnessgroup #universalityofappeal

12/4/2023, 11:00:19 PM

Day 4 of discussing what makes music therapeutic! Today's topic: Rhythm is Inherent Rhythm is what organizes music and it is present in all of us. We have our first experience of rhythm before we are even born, hearing our mother's heartbeat in utero. We listen to music, and so often without even realizing it we are nodding our head or tapping our feet to the beat of the music. Many people will claim they "have no rhythm," but this is often said in reference to movement to music. The truth is that we have rhythmic experiences in many facets of our lives outside music. Our walking and running patterns contain rhythm. Our speech and breathing contain rhythm. Our neurons fire in rhythm. So much of our lives involve rhythm. Music is therapeutic because it provides an organizing and energetic experience based on the rhythm present within it. Our bodies naturally tune into this to bring us into the here and now. #music #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessgroup #wellnessservices #rhythm #rhythmisinherent

12/3/2023, 7:00:44 PM

Third on the list of what makes music therapeutic, we have: Immediacy of Effect Meaning, music is present in the here and now and causes physiological (the body's automatic reaction), physical (movement), and emotional responses. It's something that we can very quickly feel the effects of. Maybe you are having unpleasant or intrusive thoughts. Putting on your favorite song may reduce or provide a distraction from these thoughts. Perhaps you are feeling tired or worn out and you decide to put on some dance music. Your body's response may be a surge of energy and the desire to get up and move. There are so many ways in which music can cause an immediate effect. It is for this reason that music can be an amazing coping skill in the spur of the moment. #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #music #wellness #musicwellness #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #musicwellnessgroup #immediacyofeffect

12/2/2023, 7:00:32 PM

Continuing our discussion of what makes music therapeutic, next up we have: Flexibility of Application You may be thinking, how the heck do you "apply" music?? All this really means is that there countless ways that we can engage with music. We can passively engage, such as listening to music in the car. There is active engagement, like singing or playing an instrument. Music can be used to facilitate dance and movement, or it can be used as something that is present in the background. These endless modes of application allow for so many therapeutic moments using music. All of these methods of application can be used for both music therapy and music wellness. #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #whatmakesmusictherapeutic #flexibility #flexibilityofapplication #music

12/1/2023, 7:00:38 PM

Whether music wellness or prescribed music therapy, what is it that makes music therapeutic? There are several reasons, and the first one we will discuss today is: Music is non-threatening What this means is that while a situation may feel threatening, the act of engaging in music is not. For example, let's say your favorite band is going to be in town and you really want to see them live, but you have some social anxiety. What makes this situation feel threatening isn't the music, it's the fact that you are going to be around a lot of people. In a case such as this, music can actually serve as a motivator to help us work through fears and anxieties. Perhaps your anxiety about being around people is a 4 out of 10, but your desire to see this band is an 8 out of 10. Wanting to see this band outweighs your anxiety, and this pushes you to go see the band. While you may still feel some anxiety while you're at the concert, the degree at which you are enjoying the music probably makes up for the anxiety you are feeling. In this example, music has helped to create a therapeutic experience. The non-threatening nature of music has helped to successfully work through an experience which initially feels threatening, but ultimately is an enjoyable one. #wellness #musicwellness #musicwellnessgroup #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellnessservices #musicisnonthreatening #whatmakesmusictherapeutic

11/30/2023, 7:00:38 PM

So, some of you may be wondering, what is the difference between Music Wellness and Music Therapy? Well, music therapy (MT) is the use of specifically prescribed music interventions under the supervision of qualified personnel to aid the client in achieving a definite therapeutic goal. Who is a qualified personnel? It is someone who has attended and completed a collegiate Music Therapy program that has been accredited by the AMTA (American Music Therapy Association). Upon completion of the program, this individual then completes a 6 month internship under the supervision of a Board Certified music therapist. This internship is accredited by the AMTA OR approved by the individual's MT program. Upon completion of the internship, the individual is eligible to sit for the board certification exam to attain the credentials MT-BC (Music Therapist - Board Certified). At this point, the individual is now considered a personnel qualified to practice MT. When practicing MT, there are countless locations, individuals, and needs that a MT-BC may work with. One of the key points of MT is the creation and implementation of personalized goals and objectives. These can be created with the patient/client, their family, and/or their treatment team. The therapist then creates music interventions to address these goals and objectives. Sessions are documented along the way to help track progress. We understand MT, so what exactly is music wellness, and how is it different? There are 2 primary differences present. The first major difference is that an individual is not required to have any credentials to offer services that they label "music wellness." The second major difference is that individualized goals and objectives are created. While a music wellness session may have a general goal in mind, these goals are not specifically tailored to each individual. Some generic goals that music wellness may work to address can include improving quality of life, reducing anxiety, social connection, or spiritual connection. To engage in music wellness may have a therapeutic effect, however, it IS NOT therapy. #musicwellness #wellnessgroup #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #wellness

11/29/2023, 7:00:36 PM

We are back with Music Wellness groups this evening! Today's focus will be on body, emotional, and interpersonal connection through the use of live music. Message in to me or Topaz Apothecary to secure your spot! Cost is $30 per person for the 2 hour session. The Facebook event is linked here for more details: #musicwellness #musicwellnesswithmckenzie #connection #interpersonal #interpersonalconnection #emotions #emotionalconnection #body #bodyconnection #tuesday #wellness #wellnessgroup #musicwellnessgroup

11/28/2023, 4:54:50 PM