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¿Qué puedo decir de Sergio? Para mi, es un músico magnifico 🎺 🎶 Su música es la banda sonora de mis hazañas. Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 6:44:54 PM

Les presento a Natalia, la persona encargada de hacer llegar todos mis recados en este mundo de secretos y susurros 📩 Si hay alguien que puede hacer que un mensaje llegue a donde tiene que ir, ¡es ella!  Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 6:35:11 PM

Permítanme presentarles a Esther, la persona detrás del Marketing y Comunicación de nuestra galería de arte. Con una habilidad nata para pensar estrategias, Esther es quien asegura que nuestro nombre resuene en los círculos más selectos.  Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Mafia #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 6:10:36 PM

Le presento a Leo, el maestro del baile ⭐ Con un carisma que desarma hasta al más duro de los duros, cada movimiento suyo es una declaración de poder. Su astucia, combinada con su ritmo, convierte cada uno de mis eventos en una fiesta que ningún otro clan podría igualar 🔥 Fue un verdadero golpe de suerte tenerlo con nosotros.  Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 6:00:26 PM

En el juego del crimen, la imagen es tan crucial como cualquier otra arma, y Paula es nuestra experta en asegurarnos de que siempre estemos un paso adelante. Es una maquilladora excelente 💋 Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 5:44:37 PM

Guada es la diamantista 💎 de mi organización. Es la encargada de que pueda lucir las joyas más preciadas. En nuestro mundo, donde la presencia lo es todo, Guada es nuestra garantía de lujo y distinción. Estoy segura que no existe una persona con su habilidad para trabajar con los diamantes 💍  Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 5:37:50 PM

Siempre he dicho que Oriana es una auténtica mafiosa de la pista 👠 En el mundo del crimen, su arte es el baile. Su presencia en el escenario deja a todo el mundo sin aliento... 👄 Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 5:29:26 PM

Aquí tenemos a Dani Toro 🎺, otro de los componentes de la banda de música de mi galería de arte. Me encanta verle tocar. Tiene un talento innato.  Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 5:23:25 PM

Es un placer para mi presentarles a Adri Toro, otro de los músicos de mi mafia 🎵 Su talento es nuestro secreto mejor guardado, y su música, la banda sonora de todos los eventos que organizo. Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 5:13:31 PM

Isabela es una de las bailarinas de mi galería de arte 💋 Con cada movimiento, encanta y seduce, hipnotizando a todos los presentes.  Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 5:00:03 PM

Conozcan a Álvaro Narváez, el DJ que domina la escena.  Este hombre sabe cómo hacer que cada noche sea inolvidable con sus mezclas 🎧 Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 4:14:11 PM

Dejen que les hable de Noelia, mi maquilladora 💄 de confianza. Ha maquillado a grandes rostros de la mafia. Con su habilidad, convierte cada semblante en una obra de arte, como a mi me gusta. Su trabajo es impecable. Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 4:05:40 PM

Me niego a pensar que exista alguien que no conozca a DJ PLM 🎧  Sabe poner esos temazos que me hacen bailar sin parar en mis fiestas privadas.  Es alguien que, sin duda, me encanta tener en mi organización. Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 3:58:26 PM

Permítanme presentarles a Álvaro. En la dirección y producción audiovisual 🎥 , él es el capo. Cada proyecto que toca, se convierte en una obra maestra. En nuestra galería de arte, sus ojos ven lo que otros no, recreando así las escenas más insólitas que jamás ha visto el mundo. Hace literalmente “cine 🚬”. Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 3:45:59 PM

Le presento a Francisco. Este tipo es música pura 🎼, de la cabeza a los pies.  Y por supuesto, siempre con una 🍸 en la mano para celebrar la vida. Firmado: 𝙈𝘼𝙁𝙄𝙊𝙎𝘼 🌹 #Mafiosaartgallery #Mafiosa #Galeriadearte #Fiesta #Verano2024

5/31/2024, 3:28:19 PM

🔊NEW CHAPTERS ARE COMING!!!🔊 Jennifer Jones, a beautiful and intelligent young woman, holds a dignified position in a well-known corporation. Having lost her parents at a young age, she was raised by her uncle, who means everything to her due to his sacrifices and dedication. In stark contrast, Ryan Collins is the powerful and arrogant CEO of 'The Collins - Multipurpose Corporation.' As the head of the mafia, he is accustomed to getting his way, believing that every person has a hidden motive and keeping everyone under his control. He harbors many dark secrets and never takes "no" for an answer. Their paths cross during a business conference where Ryan is mesmerized by Jennifer's intelligence and beauty as she presents on behalf of her corporation. Unmindful to him, he begins to fall for her. However, his arrogance prevents him from accepting these feelings. At a party, Ryan seizes an opportunity and makes a crude proposition to Jennifer, offering her money to sleep with him for one night. Confident that any woman would accept his offer, he is shocked when Jennifer slaps him and walks away, leaving him stupefied. Can a self-centered and ruthless man like Ryan accept such brutal rejection? Will he admit his mistake and let it go, or will he take matters into his own hands? As their story unfolds, Jennifer's dignity and resilience clash with Ryan's arrogance and desire for control. This sets the stage for a fierce journey of emotions and power dynamics. Can anything ever be possible between these two opposites? Will they be captured by love... or hatred? . . . . #novel #novelist #novelwriting #novels #mafia #mafiaboss #mafialove #mafia_naturelover #mafianovel #mafiosa #mafiosi #love #badlove #russiaanmafia #hatred #hatredgame #lovegame #lovegames #captured #lovecaptured #hatredcaptured #dream #dreame #dreamestory #dreamewriter #starywriting #dreamewritingcontest #starywritingacademyiii #starywritingspace #starywritingapp

5/31/2024, 7:05:14 AM

The #Italiano #Mafiosa in #America will be looking for some kind of Justice to the 1970s Accountant Trial where #TheMob Nazi Government Embezzle the Real #Mafias money. #Trump relatives in #TheFirm from #Preston England claim to be NEW EUROPEAN #Mafia in #SOCA & #CEOP. #SkyNews

5/31/2024, 3:07:09 AM

Mic Drop🎤🌶️🇮🇹 So happy to announce the following shows this Summer☀️ The city really is on Fire🔥🔥🔥 Be sure to take your reservations in advance because we are selling out fast🫶🏻✨😎 📸 #amimanera #mafiosa #jefa #gigs #mtl #dulcevita #movingforward #trust #treason

5/30/2024, 4:12:15 PM

A Seleção Mafiosa ativou o MODO INTER e está vindo gigante para os nossos embates! 🐝🐀 Confira quem são nossos ratinhos do handebol responsáveis pelos maiores SHOWS já vistos em quadra! 🐭🏐 ⚠️Pra você não se perder na programação e mostrar seu espírito mafioser, basta baixar o app "O Maior Inter 2024", selecionar a Atlética Mafiosa e vir torcer com a gente! 🖤🐭❤️ #omaiorinter #intervocesabeoque #inter #ufg #mafiosa #mafiosaufg #direitoufg #amaiordocentrooeste

5/29/2024, 9:26:58 PM

Seleção Mafiosa ativou o MODO INTER e está vindo gigante para os nossos embates!🐝🐀 Confira quem são nossos ratinhos responsáveis pelos GOLAÇOS do MAIOR INTER!🐭⚽️ ⚠️Pra você não se perder na programação e mostrar seu espírito mafioser, basta baixar o app "O Maior Inter 2024", selecionar a Atlética Mafiosa e vir torcer com a gente! 🖤🐭❤️ #omaiorinter #intervocesabeoque #inter #ufg #mafiosa #mafiosaufg #direitoufg #amaiordocentrooeste

5/29/2024, 5:52:10 PM

◼ "Fredo, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever." ◼ I was out on a quick lens test near the river, the tide was out and the river had left enough room for kids to play on the river bank [yes, in London!]. These two were clearly evacuees from a nearby wedding or something... They were talking animatedly, with the sun setting behind them. ◼ Even from a distance they had that Mafia film look. So I stood behind them taking pictures of the magnificent sunset [I’ll put them in story] waiting for the moment. When the shorter one started wagging his finger at the taller and much older one, that was it. ◼ I took 3 or 4 shots all technically better than this but somehow this one wins. It was only when I walked past them I realised they were speaking Italian. You couldn’t make it up. ◼ Settings: Ah who cares right, you don’t need them lol. ◼If you like my work, I appreciate you! A 1 emoji👍🏾comment would be great. Thanks! (the algorithm is always hungry and never sleeps, shh!) . . . . . . . #sunset #river #mafiosa #godfather #fredo #michael #don #sleepwiththefishes #tux #family #street #streetphotography #streetphotographers #streetphoto #bnwshot_world #noflash #streetshooter #bnwshot_world #noflash #streetshooter #streetstyle #streetstories #streetgrammers #capturestreets #street_avengers #purestreetphotography

5/29/2024, 12:12:30 PM

A Seleção Mafiosa ativou o MODO INTER e está vindo gigante para os nossos embates! 🐝🐀 Confira quem são nossos ratinhos especialistas no futevôlei e na peteca responsáveis pelos maiores SHOWS já vistos nos jogos universitários! 🐭🏐 ⚠️ Pra você não se perder na programação e mostrar seu espírito mafioser, basta baixar o app "O Maior Inter 2024", selecionar a Atlética Mafiosa e vir torcer com a gente! 🖤🐭❤️ #omaiorinter #intervocesabeoque #inter #ufg #mafiosa #mafiosaufg #direitoufg #amaiordocentrooeste

5/28/2024, 12:29:48 AM

#igersprato #StrageGeorgofili . Una poetessa fu uccisa quella tremenda notte. Umanità ferita e offesa dalla canaglia #mafiosa . Non dobbiamo dimenticare. La memoria del nostro popolo è troppo labile e la nostra etica si assuefa' alle più sanguinose stragi. Piccola Nadia rimarrai per sempre nella memoria di coloro che restano umani nonostante tutto .

5/27/2024, 10:00:07 PM

Families that crime together, stay together. At least, in theory. In French crime drama MAFIOSA, that credence is put to the test as lawyer Sandra Paoli steps up to lead her Corsican mob family after the murder of her uncle. All five seasons are now streaming on MHz Choice! Click the link in our bio to watch now. #mhzchoice @mhzchoice #nowstreaming #mafiosa #crimedrama #familiesthatcrimetogether

5/26/2024, 8:07:05 PM

Genoa Bridge Collapse Italy Andrea Cerulli was on his way to work as a Port Worker and was a keen Football Player in Genoa Amateur Club League at 47. Was he a problem for SOCA or English Child Traffick gangs ? At the time of the disaster i was told by illuminati it was a act of terror by Nazi using Satellite High Power Sonic Wave to collapse it. Was it to stop Andrea Cerulli from Exposing Child Traffick by English Mafia claimed to be from #Lancashire ? A french bridge was also alleged Sonic Hit the same year causing Collapse. #Italy #Italia #Mafia #Mafiosa #Mafios #Interpol #Europol

5/25/2024, 10:56:14 PM

NATHY PELUSO Tengo que agradecerle al algoritmo de Youtube algunas de las propuestas de músicos actuales que, de otra forma, nunca habrían llegado a mi vida. Por ejemplo, si me hubiera quedado en el fraseo y la letra sucia de "Bussines woman" o "Sana", no habría llegado a disfrutar de la buena música de Nathy Peluso. Y es que esta mujer es el eclacticismo puro, no solo por su heterocromía, sino porque lo mismo te canta una balada, que un rap, que un temita latino. Reconozco que soy más fan de sus salsas y bachatas, pero aún así hay algunas canciones más duras que también me tienen su punto. Sacó "Calambre" en 2020, porque dice que es la sensación que le recorre cuando canta en público cada nuevo tema, como un tren de alta velocidad, y el disco sonaba a libertad creativa. Ahora vuelve con "Grasa", donde hasta el título es una declaración de que sigue siendo igual de libre (aunque mucho más famosa) para hacer y cantar lo que le da la gana. Su sola presencia no deja indiferente, lo mismo que su pronunciación cortada sin viso de acento argentino. Cuando se mueve con toda la fuerza de contundente cuerpo llega a ser hipnótica. Pero, en serio, cuando la escuchas cantar "Envidia" a capela solo hay una reacción: el aplauso merecidísimo. No se puede negar que su mamá le dio un talento y que nació para ganar, pero que nadie olvide que detrás hay un trabajo brutal y super medido. Porque lo que gana es porque se lo merece. #nathypeluso #grasa #mafiosa #sana #bussineswoman #envidia #musicarecomendada

5/25/2024, 9:25:58 PM

Arche Broki Shooting 2014 #modeling #model #eventflyer #event #fashion #elmafiosa #mafiosa

5/25/2024, 7:13:30 PM

Arche Broki shooting 2014 #model #modeling #event #fashion #mafiosa #style #shooting

5/25/2024, 7:09:21 PM

#mafiosa #dobhai

5/25/2024, 4:20:41 AM

No cualquiera se me acerca, yo lo sé Dicen que hay que tener agallas pa’ comerme Que hay tener el cuerpo para aguantarme🎶 • • • #mafiosa #nathypeluso #blondie #whiteoutfit #curlyhair #rizada #cabellonatural #pinkhair #cabellorosa #flow #tattooedgirl #tattoo #tatuada #rubioperlado

5/24/2024, 9:53:43 PM

A Seleção Mafiosa ativou o MODO INTER e está vindo gigante para os nossos embates! 🐝🐀 Confira quem são nossos ratinhos do tênis de mesa e os responsáveis pelas maiores aulas na sinuca! 🐭♟️ ⚠️ Pra você não se perder na programação e mostrar seu espírito mafioser, basta baixar o app “O Maior Inter 2024”, selecionar a Atlética Mafiosa e vir torcer com a gente! 🖤🐭❤️ #omaiorinter #intervocesabeoque #inter #ufg #mafiosa #mafiosaufg #direitoufg #amaiordocentrooeste

5/24/2024, 6:07:50 PM

A Seleção Mafiosa ativou o MODO INTER e está vindo gigante para os nossos embates! 🐝🐀 Confira quem são nossos ratinhos mergulhadores e responsáveis pelos melhores xeque-mate do MAIOR INTER! 🐭♟️ ⚠️ Pra você não se perder na programação e mostrar seu espírito mafioser, basta baixar o app “O Maior Inter 2024”, selecionar a Atlética Mafiosa e vir torcer com a gente! 🖤🐭❤️ #omaiorinter #intervocesabeoque #inter #ufg #mafiosa #mafiosaufg #direitoufg #amaiordocentrooeste

5/24/2024, 6:04:08 PM

A Seleção Mafiosa ativou o MODO INTER e está vindo gigante para os nossos embates! 🐝🐀 Confira quem são nossos ratinhos do atletismo responsáveis pelos maiores SHOWS já vistos na pista! 🏐🐭 ⚠️ Pra você não se perder na programação e mostrar seu espírito mafioser, basta baixar o app “O Maior Inter 2024”, selecionar a Atlética Mafiosa e vir torcer com a gente! 🖤🐭❤️ #omaiorinter #intervocesabeoque #inter #ufg #mafiosa #mafiosaufg #direitoufg #amaiordocentrooeste

5/24/2024, 5:59:48 PM

Por primera vez @nathypeluso muestra un lado más íntimo y personal en sus letras, sin miedo a compartir con su público las dificultades y crisis creativas que conlleva la fama, el éxito y las presiones del estrellato moderno. En te contamos los detalles. #nathypeluso #grasa #musica #cmtv #lanzamiento #businesswoman #mafiosa @nathypeluso_sandungueras @nathypelusonews @nathypelusofans @peluso.fanathycos @nathypeluso_mafiosas @pelusodaily @nathypeluso.arg @fandom_de_naty_peluso @nathypeluso.fansarg @nathypelusofansss @nathypeluso_fans @peluso.fanathycos @styleofnathy @nathypelusopizzas @pelusoqueen @pelusodaily @nathypeluso_rblx @nathypelusocl @nathypeluso_.fandom @nathyargentina @_nathy_peluso_fans @nathypelusoo73 @nathy._.peluso.x @nathypeluso.archivo @nathypmundial @nathypelusouruguay @nathy_peluso_py @nathy.ecuador @pelusodelito @nathypeluso_br @nathypelusobr @nathypelusoperu @pelusoargentina @nathypeluso_usa @enla_discoquierotumordisco @fans.nathy_argentina @pelusodelito @nathypeluso.rosalia

5/24/2024, 5:03:53 AM

para odiar hay que querer 🚬GRASA de @nathypeluso 🍒 ya está aquí el nuevo álbum de Nathy Peluso, después de electrizar al mundo entero con Calambre, vuelve con GRASA. el viernes pasado publicó el primer single y en un rato se publicará el álbum completo, ademas Nathy ha confirmado que es un álbum visual y que todas las canciones cuentan con videoclip, algo que personalmente me encanta! el vinilo de Calambre me parece una chulada el contraste de los colores de las fotos con el naranja del vinilo; y aun no se sabe si este álbum tendrá edición física, por lo q yo he querido hacerle un vinilo jejejej, le he creado otra contraportada y la foto de la contraportada original la he usado de galleta. el vinilo lo he hecho mitad rojo opaco y mitad azul eléctrico transparente, a juego con los colores de las fotos. espero que os guste y p.d. aprende a amarte perra 💋 🌟 iván #nathypeluso #grasa #calambre #nathy #ateo #mafiosa #delito #salvaje #latinmusic #latina #reggaeton #pop #vinylmockups #mockup #vinyldesigns #vinyldesign #vinylmockup #lgbt #music #vinyl #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #vinylrecords #vinyloftheday #vinyligclub #vinylgram #vinyllover #recordcollector #recordcollection @peluso.fanathycos @supportnathy @bendiciones6224 @nathypelusofans_esp @nathypelusas @nathypeluso_sandungueras @nathypelusofans____ @styleofnathy @dagapeluso

5/23/2024, 10:41:53 PM

⚖️ 𝐆𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐀̀ ⚖️ Ricordiamo tutte le #stragi per mano #mafiosa, che hanno sporcato il nostro Paese 🖤 Ricordiamo, in particolare, la strage di Capaci, avvenuta il 23 maggio 1992, dove il Magistrato Giovanni Falcone e la sua scorta hanno perso la vita. Noi non dimentichiamo. Mai. #giornatadellalegalità #legge #giustizia #mafia #vivavizzoloviva

5/23/2024, 9:05:03 AM

So some of ya’ll were a little cranky with me last night for skimping on the caption. Lo siento, don’t stone me to the RIP zone, will ya? But I think to make up for it, I shall indulge in another round of True Story Time! Okay so back to mom’s Mafiosa client. Ma invited him to her wedding (when she got married for like 2 seconds bc she was a moron trying to stuff her unconventional soul into a basic bish life, and then promptly divorced herself 🙌). But let’s pause for a sec: who invites a career criminal client to a wedding???? Ding ding ding! Ma!! Anyway, Maf was sitting there, all massive 6 feet ~240 lbs of him, decked out in all black in honor of the funeral. Err wedding. Maf was antisocialing HARD — staring at many but not talking to any, with a look on his face that screamed ‘my cousin Tony in the back has a piece on him’ 😳 Totally not awkward at all. Ma approached him so maybe he could take a few guests off the hit list (or maybe add a few guests to the hit list…or maybe just 1 😜). Maf didn’t stand up when Ma got to him and instead motioned with his head for her to bend down to him. He looked at her and said “listen I got water on the card but here” and then reached into his pocket and pulled out a giant wad of hundos wrapped in a rubber band 💰 Then he leaned in and said “listen, if this goes south, let me know - I’ll take care of it” …. Ummmmmmm. Isn’t that like the sweetest wedding gift you ever heard?!! Good peoples 🤣 Moral of the story is try to associate with more criminals! They are loads of fun*!! *Until the body bags fill 😝 Outfits by @gaia_for_greyhounds (GIA15) Collars by (GIA10) #tinytushieclub #giaiggy #jaxiggy #giaandjax #iggy #iggies #italiangreyhounds #funnyweddingstories #mafiosa #iggyclothes #iggyfashion #dogclothes #dogfashion

5/22/2024, 7:02:21 AM

Nós já estamos por aqui preparando uma de nossas especialidades. E como voces podem ver: caprichamos na cebola! Para alguns, a cebola é o toque perfeito de sabor adocicado e crocância. Já para outros... E você, é #TimeCebola ou prefere sua pizza sem essa estrela polêmica? 😋 #pizzatime #floripa #mafiosa #pizza #caprese #cozinhaitaliana #delivery

5/21/2024, 10:41:33 PM

Best shipping from anime Naruto 😉 Sasori X Deidara 🍀 ❤️💛❤️💛❤️ . September ' 2023 Fandom: Naruto Sasori: @liz_freeart Deidara: @dora_twinkle Photos : @xavran Helper: @tommi_graf_real Many thanks for beautiful results 🙏 . Tags: #redhairs #sasosaku #sasoriedit #sasodei #sasorixdeidara #narutoedit #akatsuki #sasodei #mafiosa #akatsukinoyonamanga #deidaraedit #akatsukinoyonaedit #nicecoffee #kawaii #konoha #fanart #narutoart #anime #red #redroses #onepiece #likesforlike #followforlike #f4like #manrose

5/21/2024, 12:30:25 PM

I should have shares in this place. Lovely little date tonight 🥰 even better to do a 50/50 pizza pasta combo. . . . . . #italian #pudding #dessert #stickytoffee #matedate #yum #newcastle #catchup #pizza #pasta #halfnhalf #mafiosa #penne #parmesan #rocket #salipizza #pizzeria #unostrattoria #newcastlequayside #delicious

5/20/2024, 9:47:13 PM

꧁༒•~Anyone who decieves you does not respect you.Deceivers find pleasure in knowing that you’ve succumbed to their trickery and manipulation.They are exploitative by nature.As they exploit you for your time, your energy and much more if you are subconsciously in energetic agreeance with such a degenerative dynamic. Most of all, deceivers are inherently spiritually weak and are operating through the shadow feminine element. They are allowing for unseen aspects to influence the seen instead of standing erect in their energy and being expressively direct with their desires.~•༒꧂ #sereneeminence #feminineascension #ascendedfeminine #assertivefeminine #refinedfeminine #higherconsciousness #heartascension #eminency #eminence #mafiaquotes #transcendentconsciousness #femininestamina #womanlyactualization #sigmawoman #celibacyjourney #invinciblelady #spiritualobedience #spiritualintelligenceinstitute #progressivetrance #spiritualintelligence #unlockedlevel #serenebeauty #spiritualclearance #achievementunlocked #mafiosa #feminineelegance #securityclearance #levelunlocked #womanlystamina

5/20/2024, 12:32:18 PM

꧁༒•~All that’s destined for me shall inevitably find me.The desire to deeply align shall prove itself evident as the energy intently traverses across all dimensions of time space reality to synergistically harmonize with the divine essence that exists as,me.Unified unequivocally as we inextricably coalesce with eternity.~•༒꧂ #sereneeminence #feminineascension #ascendedfeminine #assertivefeminine #refinedfeminine #higherconsciousness #heartascension #eminency #eminence #mafiaquotes #transcendentconsciousness #femininestamina #womanlyactualization #sigmawoman #celibacyjourney #invinciblelady #spiritualobedience #spiritualintelligenceinstitute #progressivetrance #spiritualintelligence #unlockedlevel #serenebeauty #spiritualclearance #achievementunlocked #mafiosa #feminineelegance #securityclearance #levelunlocked #womanlystamina

5/20/2024, 12:23:26 PM

L'angelo del male @babygang_1 , 2024 Vittima di una cultura che vuole #apparire e non essere. Una cultura che #giudica ma non comprende, una cultura #mafiosa . Una cultura #razzista , #colonialista , #egemone , che apprezza la novità ma disgusta il contesto di provenienza. Una cultura #ignorante che parla per sentito dire, punta il dito per partito preso, alza la voce solo quando gli fa comodo. Una cultura #italiana . Cara #italia , dai una speranza a chi vuole cambiare. Dai un'alternativa a chi un'alternativa non la ha. Guardati dentro e comprendi che il #problema non viene da fuori ma da dentro. #babygang #hiphop #cult #culture #hiphop #vinily #vinile #lp #unastoriaitaliana #gue #simbalarue #rkomi #ernia #gemitaiz #madman #paky #sferaebbasta #marracash #emiskilla #jakelafuria #blanco

5/20/2024, 1:36:25 AM

Fotografía de @nathypeluso con billetes de 5 pesos cubanos ❤️🤩🇨🇺mientras grababa el video de Sandía para su primer álbum #Esmeralda. Nathy estudió teatro con algunos profesores y estudiantes cubanos, tal vez por eso vemos a nuestra Cuba reflejada en muchas de sus canciones. Que orgullo!!!🇨🇺🇨🇺🫶🏼🫶🏼🤩🤩 #nathypeluso #Cuba #cubanosporelmundo #foryou #parati #cubanathycos #sandunguera #sandia #mafiosa #grasa #peluso

5/19/2024, 4:56:23 PM

O resultado do que fazemos nos espera mais adiante! 🌬️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Boa noite!!!!! #preta #linda #ogra #mafiosa

5/18/2024, 11:14:42 PM

Somos una la primera cuenta de FANS cubana y queremos mostrarle todo el amor y admiración del mundo a @nathypeluso desde nuestra Isla🇨🇺🫶🏼. Gracias por seguirnos y únete a la familia CubaNATHYcos🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺❤️❤️❤️❤️✨️🇨🇺✨️🇨🇺✨️✨️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭✨️🇨🇺✨️🇨🇺✨️🇨🇺🥰🥰🥰 #nathypeluso #fansnathypeluso #fan #nataliapeluso #peluso #grasa #mafiosa #nathypelusocuba #fans #nuevoalbum #España #argentina #Cuba #cubanos

5/18/2024, 12:36:09 AM

It’s been a hot min since we’ve had True Story time, so here’s one for ya! Way back when, ma had a Mafia client who was the shiznit! For ya’ll who are scurred of the mafioso, calm your horses - they actually have a great moral code so you prob won’t get stuffed in a trunk and dismembered if you play your cards right! One day, ma noticed an $8k charge on her credit card at some online jewelry shop she never heard of. She called the shop to alert them of the fraud and learned they flagged it on their end anyway. No harm, no foul, right? Wrong. Ma was curious who this person was and got the shop to give her the email he used and address he wanted the stolen goods sent to. And then she asked Mafia if he could look into this guy (Mafia was well connected), so she could give his real info to the po po (in theory). Bad idea. Mafia found the bro and told her he was going to send a few “Serbians” to “have a talk” and make sure he “pays the tax”. The tax?? “What tax?!”, ma asked… the charge never went thru. Mafia looked at ma like she was speaking Swahili and repeated “the TAX. The STREET TAX. He’s gotta pay it.” 😱 Ma told him absolutely not! He told her not to worry and that he’d do it “Lauren style” and no one would get hurt. Few days later, Mafia texted ma to tell her he was FedExing her a sports car magazine and she should turn to p.37 when she gets it. The magazine arrived. Pg. 37... stuffed with the dude’s left pinky!!!! Kidding, my god are you gory-brained! But it was stuffed with benjamins and a note that read “installment 1”! 😳 Ma nearly dropped the magazine. She called Mafia to put a stop to this and then immediately donated the money to my wardrobe funds (jk I wasn’t even born yet). The end! Clothes by @laren_mam_official Collars by (GIA10) & @empirecollarsflorastyle #Tinytushieclub #giaiggy #jaxiggy #mafiosa #truestorytime #iggyfashion #dogfashion #dogclothes #iggyclothes

5/16/2024, 11:33:59 PM