astronomy images

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#food #travel #sports #news #may #friday

Happy Friday, everyone! Here's a quick preview of our monthly newsletter which went out this morning. We look forward to hearing from one of our fellow club members, Paul Framhein, who will speak to the group about astrophotography! If you did not receive the newsletter, you can view it by going to our club homepage (, under Achieved Newsletters or by using the following direct link: We'll see you 7:30PM on Thursday, May 16th! #EastBrunswickNJ #EBAstronomy #AstronomyClub #EBLibrary #EBAC #Astronomy

5/10/2024, 8:30:05 PM

Percival Lowell's mother Katherine Bigelow Lowell gave him this 2 1/4-inch telescope for his 15th birthday! 🔭🎂 It's set up here on the porch of Lowell's Flagstaff residence in the early 1900s, and we currently display it in our Putnam Collection Center. #fridayfiles 📷: Lowell Observatory Archives • • • • • • #space #astronomy #flagstaff #arizona #flagstaffarizona #flagstaffaz #lowellobservatory #azskies #telescopeviews #travelaz #darkskiesaz #darkskies #worldsrevealed #stargazing #flagstaffliving #amateurastronomy #museumarchives

5/10/2024, 8:29:01 PM

اختُتِمت محاضرات اليوم الثاني من مهرجان الفلك الدار البيضاء بمحاضرة مميزة من إلقاء الطالب الشاب، حمدي ارگيبي، طالب جيولوجيا منجمية بالكلية متعددة التخصصات خريبكة، وكذلك نائب رئيسة جمعية خطوات نحو الفضاء المنظمة لهذا المهرجان. حيث قام من خلال محاضرته التي تحمل عنوان "مستقبل التعدين: رحلة إلى الفضاء الخارجي" بتقريب الحاضرين من هذا المجال و تعريفهم به. كما تطرق إلى الطموحات البشرية في استغلال الموارد الفضائية في مجال التعدين، و أبرز الإكراهات التي تحول بين البشرية و تحقيق هذا الإنجاز. #مهرجان_الفلك_الدار_البيضاء #جمعية_خطوات_نحو_الفضاء #نادي_علم_الفلك_للحالمين #فلك#فضاء#كون #astronomical_festival_of_casa #steps_into_space_association #astronomy_for_dreamers_club #astronomy #cosmos #festival

5/10/2024, 8:26:20 PM

Sortir le télescope et observer cette immense tache solaire (à droite) qui s’est formée il y a quelques jours. Elle fait 15 fois la taille de la Terre 😮. Si vous avez encore vos lunettes d’éclipse, elle est visible sans télescope. #sun #nexstar8se #astronomy #astrophotography

5/10/2024, 8:21:47 PM

This Week in Science (5 - 11 May) 🧪 The Universe's lowest radio frequencies, new insight into a potential genetic subtype of Alzheimer's, an endless abyss in the middle of the ocean, and plenty more! ----------- #STEM #ScienceNews #astronomy #Alzheimers #biology

5/10/2024, 8:17:43 PM

Ne incitmekten sakınabilir insan, ne incinmekten uzak kalır. İncitmişizdir kaçılmaz, ya da incinmişizdir paha biçilmez... 🌼 #ailedizimi #spirütüel #manifestations #kahvefalı #papatyaşk #annelergünü #annelergünühediyesi #öğretmeneşiddetehayır #eğitimdeiyiörnekler #sağlıklıyaşam #dua #sevgiiyileştirir #mabelmatiz #mabelmatizşarkıları #reelsinstagram #keşfet #tiktok #astronomy

5/10/2024, 8:16:20 PM

Grote kans op poollicht vannacht! Houd het noorden in de gaten zodra het donker wordt. ✨

5/10/2024, 8:14:53 PM

في محاضرتها المميزة بعنوان "الفيزياء النووية وعلم الفلك: ما بين الرهبة والطموح البشري"، نقلت سلمى الرݣايبي الحضور إلى عالم آخر مليء بالإثارة والتحديات، حيث استطاعت ببراعة أن تقدم جانبًا مختلفًا من الفيزياء النووية ، وركزت على الجوانب الإيجابية لهذا العلم مسلطة الضوء على نقطة تقاطعه مع علم الفلك. من خلال شغفها بعلم الفلك وتعمقها في تخصصها في الفيزياء النووية، استطاعت سلمى أن تتوسع في موضوع الفيزياء النووية وعلاقتها بعلم الفلك، مما أضاف بعدًا جديدًا لتفسيراتنا للكون والطبيعة. ركزت في محاضرتها على دور الفيزياء النووية في دراسة وفهم الظواهر الكونية، مثل تكوين النجوم والمجرات، وحتى تحليل تركيبة الكواكب والأجسام الفلكية. #مهرجان_الفلك_الدار_البيضاء #جمعية_خطوات_نحو_الفضاء #نادي_علم_الفلك_للحالمين #فلك#فضاء#كون #astronomical_festival_of_casa #steps_into_space_association #astronomy_for_dreamers_club #astronomy #cosmos #festival

5/10/2024, 8:14:48 PM

Si vous avez gardé vos lunettes de protection de l'éclipse du 8 avril, vous pouvez voir une tache solaire 15x la taille de la Terre qui est visible à l'oeil en utilisant ces mêmes lunettes de protection. . If you kept your Solar Eclipse Glasses from April 8th, you can see a sunspot 15x time de size of the Earth with your eyes and your Solar Eclipse Glasses . . . . #space #astrophotography #astronomy #sun #star #sunspots #sunspotters #sunphotography

5/10/2024, 8:07:20 PM

واستمرارا لفعاليات اليوم الثاني من مهرجان الفلك الدار البيضاء ، قدم عبد الواحد ياسين ، أحد مسيري جمعية "خطوات نحو الفضاء"، محاضرة ملهمة أثرت بشكل عميق على الحاضرين، إذ تميزت بتقديم احترافي ووضوح في الشرح، حيث ألقى الضوء على عمليات تصميم الطائرات والصواريخ بأسلوب مبسط، مما جعل المفاهيم واضحة لجميع الحضور بغض النظر عن تخصصاتهم. كما قدم نظرة شاملة عن تطور صناعة الطيران في المغرب، مؤكدًا على دور الشباب في تعزيز هذا التطور. وفي ختام المحاضرة، ألهم ياسين الحضور برؤيته المتميزة لمستقبل مشرق للرحلات الفضائية، داعيًا إياهم للمشاركة الفعّالة في تحقيق هذه الرؤية واستكشاف الأبعاد الجديدة للكون والنجوم. #مهرجان_الفلك_الدار_البيضاء #جمعية_خطوات_نحو_الفضاء #نادي_علم_الفلك_للحالمين #فلك#فضاء#كون #astronomical_festival_of_casa #steps_into_space_association #astronomy_for_dreamers_club #astronomy #cosmos #festival

5/10/2024, 8:03:37 PM

Już dziś burza geomagnetyczna! Może być najsilniejsza lub jedną z najsilniejszych od dziesięcioleci, lub więcej, przewiduje się burzę G4 (G5 to najwyższa kategoria). Po zachwytach z aktywności plamy 3663 pozostał popiół bo to co robi 3664🤯🤯🤯 Kilka rozbłysków klasy X, kilka eMek ale silnych! Łącznie 7 strzałów CME w naszą stronę (z tego dwa były full halo! Szacuje się że już dziś ma to wszystko do nas dojść! Więc tak! Zaczynamy! 🚨🚨🚨 alert zorzowy 🚨🚨🚨 Czujka na wskaźniki od dziś aż do nocy z niedzieli na poniedziałek! Północna Polska dziś pod pierzyną więc nici, ja osobiście szykuje się na jutrzejszą noc📷📷📷 Wiec! JEŚLI masz bezchmurne niebo JEŚLI jesteś z dala od świateł miejskich TO masz dużą szansę zobaczyć zorzę polarną! Udostępniajcie! I zostawicie reakcje, by każdy mógł spróbować złapać zorzę! A później pochwalcie się co tam złapaliście! Edit! Cme doszło i burza już się rozpoczęła! Obecnie mamy G4!!!! #aurora #sun #solarsystem #auroraborealis #zorza #astro #astronomy #solarenergy #chmury

5/10/2024, 8:03:02 PM

Quick shot of our #sun today with that crazy active region #AR3664 with 58 #sunspots right now! #spaceweather #astrophotography #canonphotography @canonusa #solar #puremichigan #astronomy #solarstorm

5/10/2024, 8:02:50 PM

Esta semana falleció mi tutor de doctorado y, por ende, mi padre académico, el Dr. Claudio Mendoza. Son tantos los recuerdos que tengo que no sabría cómo condensarlos en pocas palabras. Me inspiró mucho su deseo por seguir aprendiendo, siempre tratando de estar a la vanguardia en cuanto a nuevas tecnologías y métodos de computación. Era una persona que buscaba la excelencia en todo lo que hacía y no se conformaba con menos, un ejemplo a seguir. También era un apasionado del conocimiento, mostrando en todo momento un genuino interés por temas de diversa índole. Era de esas personas con las que ninguna conversación resultaba aburrida La relación mentor-alumno durante el doctorado es una de las más importantes en el mundo académico. En ese sentido, me considero afortunado de haber tenido una muy buena experiencia. Recuerdo que en más de una ocasión llegó a pedirme perdón por algo que consideró haber hecho mal. Puede parecer una nimiedad, pero gestos como ese no abundan en el mundo científico, donde lamentablemente el abuso por parte de aquellos que se encuentran en una posición de autoridad es más común de lo que quisieramos. Tantos años juntos, tantas conversaciones, tantas horas compartidas, aprendiendo y conociéndonos, nos llevaron a tener una relación muy cercana. ¡Me sentí honrado de que asistiera a mi boda! Hace poco tuvimos una larga conversación, donde abundaron las risas y las carcajadas mientras recordábamos algunas de las muchas anécdotas que compartíamos. Sin saberlo, esa fue nuestra despedida. Me llenó de alegría saber que estabas orgulloso de mí. "Chamin, yo creo que los astrónomos nacen, no se hacen. Y tú naciste para esto". Pocas palabras se han grabado tan profundamente en mi corazón... Gracias, Claudio, porque fuiste una parte fundamental en mi carrera como científico. Gracias porque no estaría aquí si no fuera porque un día decidiste tomarme y formarme como tu discípulo. Gracias por impulsarme y ayudarme a ser un mejor científico. Fue un verdadero privilegio tenerte como mi mentor. . . #astronomia  #ciencia  #astrophysics  #astronomy  #science  #astrofisica  #gatuzz  #mylife  #vida  #picoftheday  #photooftheday  #instascience  #instaciencia  #rip

5/10/2024, 8:01:02 PM

La Palma 2024 🌌 Voyage entre passionnés d’astrophotos cette fois-ci ! Qui tourne presque au cauchemars, à peine arrivés sur La Palma, on constate que l’on a oublié du matos et que sans, nous ne pourrons pas imager correctement. Il apparaît également que la semaine sera complètement bouchée de nuages pour imager, même à 2400m d’altitude.. Seulement 2 nuits « clémentes »avec quelques fenêtres sans trop de passages nuageux sur 5. Ce fut compliqué d’imager notre Voie Lactée dans le ciel nocturne des Canaries. Il aura fallu attendre la dernière nuit, armés d’espoir et de patience dans le vent, pour avoir une fenêtre et imager jusqu’au petit matin. . @sony.france A7III astrodon @sky_watcher_official Star adventurer @islascanariasoficial @idadarksky @samyangfrance 24mm F1.8 . #astrophotographie #nebula #astronomie #astrophotography #astrofotografia #astronomy #astrophoto #space #deepsky #deepspace #universe #voielactee #milkyway #clearsky #dslrastrophotography #skywatcher #skywatcheraustralia #sony #nightphotography #nightsky #stargazing #nightscape #samyang #wideangle #canariasislands #lapalma #roquedelosmuchachos #galaxy #landscape #picodelanieve

5/10/2024, 8:01:02 PM

👉 👉 Product Showcase 55 👈 👈 Starlit Luxe: Subtle Stars in a Sophisticated Space. Experience the understated grandeur of a night sky, seamlessly integrated into a refined interior that blends luxury with celestial wonder. Here, every evening unfolds in an ambience of sophisticated serenity, inviting you to relax under the soft, starlit glow. The second image shows the same interior without our work. What do you think? What do you like more? 💡 How would our night sky recreations look in your home, apartment, villa, hotel, restaurant, or just about any venue? Send us a message with a picture of your interior and we will show you. 😊 ℹ️ Ton Ciel designs custom-made, hyper-realistic night sky recreations using LED technology. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you might have. #interiordesign #interiors #luxury #home #livingroom #stars #astronomy

5/10/2024, 8:00:09 PM

To end off Black Hole Week, here’s your reminder that we literally have images of black holes now (including the one at the core of the Milky Way), and it will never not blow my mind. ISNT SCIENCE AMAZING!! 🕳️🌌 [Image description from left to right: Top L: First image of M87*, Top R: M87* in polarized light, Bottom R: Milky Way Galaxy’s black hole SgrA*, Bottom L: SgrA* in polarized light.] . . . #blackhole #blackholeweek #m87 #sagittariusa #milkyway #eventhorizontelescope #astrophysics #astronomy #space #science #sciencecommunication

5/10/2024, 7:58:29 PM

Sunspot AR3664 on May 10, 2024. X-class flares from this sunspot should be reaching the Earth tonight, so if you are in a more northern latitude you should keep an eye out of potential auroras. #sun #sunspot #ar3664 #earth #aurora #solar #solarflare #astronomy #astronomy #solarphotography

5/10/2024, 7:50:37 PM

Prêt pour ce soir, Markarian n'a qu'à bien se tenir ☺️ #chainedemarkarian #markarian #astronomy @stellarskyimager @eyguiereslesalpilles

5/10/2024, 7:50:11 PM

shout-out to me & our team ✨️ and special thanks to @vahid.rastinasab . . #iaac #astronomy #astrophysics #cosmos #nasa #beijing

5/10/2024, 7:43:16 PM

Carina Nebula 🌌✨ 1 frames 20 segundos de exposição ISO em 4000 Balanço de branco em médio Foto tirada faz alguns meses atrás com lua cheia que fez esse céu azul 🌖 Photo taken a few months ago with a full moon that made this sky blue 🌖 #lua #moon #astrofotografia #astronomia #astronomy #vialactea #sky #ceu #paisagem #fotografia #foto #redmi #fy #fyp #fyy #pasto #brasil #amor #love #astros #carina #top #viral #astrofotografiacomcelular #brazil #instagood

5/10/2024, 7:38:38 PM

アンテナの後はやっぱり蝶々かなと。NGC2568。こちらの方が少し詳細まで出た気がしています。隣のM58まで入れるか悩んだのですが、アンテナをもう一度撮影したく望遠鏡を回転させると正確に元に戻すのが困難なので割り切りました。最近はずっとIDAS LPS-D3を使っているのですが、銀河が綺麗に写ってくれてお気に入りです。 鏡筒:Takahashi FC76 DCU 赤道儀:AM5 カメラ:ASI585MC Pro フィルタ:IDAS LPS-D3 #天体写真 #天体写真勉強中 #天文好きと繋がりたい #星空 #夜空 #astrophotography #space #deepsky #deepspace #starry_sky #night_sky #stars #nebula #astronomy #starry_landscape_photograph #天体写真撮影が好きな人と繋がりたい #光害 #DSO #天体観測 #takahashitelescope #fc76dcu #zwo #pixinsight #idaslpsd3 #lebettex #graxpert

5/10/2024, 7:37:14 PM

The Polish astronomer Copernicus discovered that not the Earth, but the Sun is the center of the solar system: all planets including Earth orbit around it. Which historical astronomer would you have liked to meet? (Image: Pudelek) Tag a friend who you'd love to explore the universe with! Let's inspire more people to look up and wonder. #darkskies #celestialevent #stargazer #celestialmap #darksky #astronomyfacts #astronomyapp #stargazing #astronomy #finderchart

5/10/2024, 7:37:09 PM

Human astronomy 🪐 La mia visione elaborando ignorantemente le foto di @cainero.alessandro, che ancora ringrazio perché mi ci lascia giocare! 😌 #humanastronomy #pictures #photo #fotografia #digitalphoto #digitalmess #portrait #portraitphotography #photoproject #photographer #collaboration #humanbody #femalebody #bodyshapes #model #photoshooting #visualart #filters #space #astronomy #planets #astri #artwork #triestart #triesteartist #ericacociancich @cainero.alessandro

5/10/2024, 7:36:16 PM

FIRST LIGHT! I'm finally using a Newtonian Reflector for astrophotography in the backyard. This light bucket is a whopping 60 pounds! This is just about 3 hours of data in broadband on the Whirlpool Galaxy (100 x 2 minutes). So far, so good! #astrophotography #telescope #galaxy #stargazing #astronomy #space

5/10/2024, 7:33:07 PM

Reports of potentially strong aurora this weekend. The issue will be bright skies until close to midnight. It may still be worth looking north if you're out late however. Meanwhile a thin crescent Moon could be visible on your NW horizon as skies darken after 10pm Clear skies. #aurora #moon #astronomy #space #stargazing #skywatching #nightsky #cosmology #stars #constellations #galaxy #milkyway #universe #science #stem #astrophotography #photography #physics #chemistry #solarsystem #outdoor #outdoorlearning #nature #walking #telescope #binoculars

5/10/2024, 7:32:23 PM

Moon • 13-04-2024 This is the southeast limb of the Moon, near the south pole. We can see here numerous craters, some of them notable such as the double-walled crater, Boussingault. Equipment: 🔭 Celestron C11 XLT 📸 Asi462MC . . . #moon #moonlight #moonphoto #crater #cratersofthemoon #moonphotography #themoon #moonphases #luna #faseslunares #moonlovers #moonwalker #astrophotography #astrofotografia #cosmos #space #telescope #celestron #youresa #astronomy

5/10/2024, 7:27:11 PM

What you feel when faced with the immensity of the sky is indescribable, especially when you find yourself in a surreal landscape like the Teide National Park 🌋 Here, surrounded by an endless expanse of lava rocks and lapilli, in an environment that is as arid and hostile as it is fascinating, nature finds its space and the flowers explode in beauty, leaving one as enchanted as the stars. ✨ ___________________________ 💥 the next photo tour to Tenerife is SOLD OUT and I look forward to photographing the island’s most beautiful spots with the group! 👇 Stay updated on upcoming Tours ✅ ___________________________ #astrophotography #milkyway #nightphotography #nightshooters #nightscape #nightscaper #longexpoelite #astro_photography_ #canarias #nightsky #longexposure_shots #islascanarias #starrynight #canaryislands #rsa_night #night_shooterz #natgeospace #tenerifelicidad #landscape_lovers #longexpo #landscapephotography #astronomy #igerstenerife #loves_tenerife #longexpohunter #nightimages #milkywaychasers #astrophotography

5/10/2024, 7:23:54 PM

The first picture shows the sky at 3:47 am and the trajectory of the Hubble telescope in 10 seconds. The second picture shows a number of constellations at 2 am. And in the third picture you can see the Andromeda galaxy.🥹✨ #astronomy #skyphotography #sky #astrophotography #nightphotography #nightsky

5/10/2024, 7:23:50 PM

This vibrant and dynamic-looking Hubble image features the spiral galaxy NGC 1566, which is sometimes informally referred to as the ‘Spanish Dancer Galaxy’. NGC 1566 is a weakly-barred or intermediate spiral galaxy, meaning that it does not have either a clearly present or a clearly absent bar-shaped structure at its centre. The galaxy owes its nickname to the vivid and dramatic swirling lines of its spiral arms, which could evoke the shapes and colours of a dancer’s moving form. NGC 1566 lies around 60 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Dorado, and is also a member of the Dorado galaxy group. Galaxy groups are assemblages of gravitationally bound galaxies. Groups differ from galaxy clusters in size and mass: galaxy clusters may contain hundreds of galaxies, whereas groups might contain several tens of galaxies. That said, there is not a precise delineation between the definition of a galaxy group and a galaxy cluster. Some astronomers have proposed that the definitions be sharpened up, with one suggestion that galaxy aggregations with less mass than 80 trillion Suns should qualify as galaxy groups. Are you ready to explore Space? 👇 @astronomyperplex @astronomyperplex Why follow our page? We advance, explore & educate about Astronomy & Science through photography & news-media. Consider giving us a follow for daily space & science content! Credit: NASA / ESA / Hubble / R. Chandar, D. Calzetti and the LEGUS team. #planet #planets #galaxy #galaxies #NASA #spaces #hubble #space #science #scientist #sciences #astronomy #universe #telescope #cosmos #nebula #supernova #nightsky #blackhole #star #stars #astrology #physics #astronaut #astrophysics #astronomer #nature #milkywaychasers #astrophotography

5/10/2024, 7:20:55 PM

🔴CME IMPACT BIG AURORA POSSIBLE TONIGHT View our story for more #ireland #aurora #northernlights #auroraborealis #eire #astronomy #europe #astro #space #spaceweather #nightphotography

5/10/2024, 7:20:36 PM

On friday evening she runs to the pub to share a beer with her galactic fellows ! ⭐🍺⭐ Cheers and have a nice weekend ! 😊 #doodle #doodleart #star #shootingstar #astronomy #space #funnydoodle #illustrationartists

5/10/2024, 7:18:42 PM

First G4 storm warning issued by Noaa since 2005 with a major Aurora displaypossible starting tonight and over this weekend View our story for more #ireland #weather #aurora #northernlights #auroraborealis #eire #astronomy #europe #astro #space #spaceweather #nightphotography #WildAtlanticWay

5/10/2024, 7:17:42 PM

Stellarect Daily Astronomy News Shot (11) World's First Para-Astronaut Checkout the article here: Stellarect: Latest Astronomy News Shorts Coming Soon on the App Store!! . . . . . . . . . #astronomy #astronomynews #astronomynewsdaily #stellarect #nasa #isro #nationalspaceday #spacenews #space #nightsky #satellite #starliner #astronaut

5/10/2024, 7:16:42 PM

Close up photosphere view of the massive active region AR3664 on the Sun this morning. TEC160FL refractor with Lunt herschel wedge and 540nm filter. 👉 Subscribe to @azastroguy for exclusive content! 👉 Follow @azastroguy for fascinating & fun astrofacts! #plasma #astro_photography #universe #stars #stargazing #nasa #sunshine #astronomy #spacex #sunrays #sunset #soleil #sunlit #space #outreach #solar #sun #luntsolarsystems #nightphotography #sunlight #sol #star #active #sunny #agenaastro #highpointscientific #telescopelive

5/10/2024, 7:14:41 PM

Another day at the star factory ⭐ This #HubbleFriday view shows galaxy UGC 9684, located about 240 million light-years away. It turns out that UGC 9684 is a very active star-forming galaxy, calculated as producing one solar mass worth of stars every few years! This high level of star formation also means that UGC 9684 is home to a lot of supernovae, explosions that occur at the end of massive stars' lives. It's hosted four supernova-like events since 2006, putting it up there with the most active supernova-producing galaxies. Find out more at the link in our bio! Image description: A spiral galaxy in the center of a dark background, surrounded by a few distant galaxies and nearby stars. The galaxy stretches diagonally across the center of the frame — from lower left to upper right — and is slightly tilted toward the viewer. Its cloudy disk is threaded with dust and holds no clear arms. A bar of light extends across the disk from the glowing core. A faint halo of gas surrounds the disk. Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, C. Kilpatrick #NASA #Hubble #Friday #universe #cosmos #space #science #astronomy #telescope

5/10/2024, 7:14:08 PM

Astronomers have found water vapour in a disc around the young star HL Tauri exactly where planets may be forming. In this image, the new observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), in which ESO is a partner, show the water vapour in shades of blue. Near the centre of the disc, where the young star lives, the environment is hotter and the gas brighter. The red-hued rings are previous ALMA observations showing the distribution of dust around the star. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO) / S. Facchini et al. ✨ Follow @_galaxy_gallery for more astronomy content ✨ #astronomy  #space  #science  #universe  #nasa  #cosmos  #astrophysics  #galaxy  #cosmology  #astrophotography  #photography  #moon  #hubble  #astronaut  #spacex  #telescope  #nightsky  #nebula  #constellation  #spacetime  #astronomia  #spacetravel  #milkyway  #stars  #interstellar  #nature  #sky  #planets  #nightphotography #scientist

5/10/2024, 7:13:42 PM

PLANETA COMPOSTO POR DIAMANTE! 😱 O exoplaneta está localizado fora do sistema solar, é composto por diamante e grafite orbitando uma estrela semelhante ao Sol na constelação de Câncer, a 40 anos-luz de distância da terra. Foi denominado com CANCRI-e 55. CURIOSIDADES SOBRE O CANCRI-e 55 * Foi detectado em 2004, mas só agora os cientistas conseguiram confirmar a sua composição. * Está a 40 anos-luz de distância da terra. * É duas vezes maior e oito vezes mais pesado que a terra. * Sua superfície é coberta por uma fina camada grafite cobrindo uma grossa camada de diamante puro! * Os astrônomos estimam que um terço do planeta é composto pelo mineral – uma quantidade equivalente a três vezes a massa da Terra. * Faz parte de um sistema de cinco planetas que giram em torno de uma estrela única. * Seu movimento de translação é extremamente rápido, levando apenas 18h para completar uma volta em torno de sua estrela. * Sua temperatura é bastante elevada, de aproximadamente 2.100 graus em sua superfície. #astronomy #astronomia #universo #galaxy #astrologia #planeta

5/10/2024, 7:12:51 PM

Active Region 3664 (Swipe 👉🏻) First telescope time since the eclipse, and with so little free time, I just HAD to squeeze in a few minutes to shoot this region. This is the photosphere of the Sun, which shows the “surface” of the Sun, shows off details in these numerous sunspots along with faculae and granules. This is by far the most detailed white light image set I have ever taken, though the subject matter was pretty insane too. @celestronuniverse C6R @luntsolarsystems Herschel Wedge @zwoasi 290mm 2x barlow #sun #sunspots #solarsystem #telescope #aurora #space #cosmos #astronomy #astrophotography #celestron #lunt

5/10/2024, 7:11:26 PM

Just some slooh pictures from my astrology class, slooh is a remote way to use a telescope and snag a photo! During covid so we never had a chance to use the UNH observatory #slooh #stem #astronomy #school #class #observatory #retinanebula

5/10/2024, 7:09:28 PM

drawing made for @gillezin • • • • • #art #artist #espaço #astronomy #astrology #nasa #drawing

5/10/2024, 7:07:59 PM

Tonight may be your best chance to see the northern lights in years The most powerful solar storm to be forecast in nearly two decades is about to arrive at Earth late May 10, and could trigger auroral displays across much of the continental U.S. tonight and through this weekend. This gathering cloud of plasma ejected from the Sun prompted U.S. government forecasters on May 9 to issue a severe geomagnetic storm watch — the first such watch in nearly 20 years. Formally, that’s a G-4 level watch, which ranks as the second highest level, behind a G-5. The watch is in effect for today (May 10) and through the weekend. And while power companies take measures to protect their grids and GPS users prepare for potential disruptions, solar astronomers and aurora watchers are rubbing their hands together in glee, because the Sun’s 11-year-long activity cycle just kicked into high gear. 🔗To see the full details or to read what else is in the sky this week, visit the link in the bio. 📸 Marty Weintraub #northernlights #aurora #solarstorm #amateurastronomy #astronomy

5/10/2024, 7:05:41 PM

The crescent nebula. My first capture with my dual band filter. Only around 2.8 hrs integration time. Tried to get more data last night, but clouds rolled in before it was visible. #cresent #astrophotography #nebula #deepspacephotography #nightsky #zwo #dualband #wavelength #astronomy

5/10/2024, 7:05:27 PM

Happening tonight at 8PM in-person and on YouTube Live! This year a star named T Coronae Borealis will temporarily increase its luminosity to be a million times as bright as our Sun. Why and when will this happen, and where can you see it in the sky? Join us for a 30-minute lecture discussing T Coronae Borealis and other classical novae, followed by a panel Q&A consisting of several astrophysicists to answer your questions about astrophysics and space science. This public astronomy event will be hosted both in-person as well as live-streamed over YouTube Live. The lecture will be 30 minutes, followed by a 90-minute session of telescope-aided stargazing and a Q&A Panel consisting of experts in the department on a variety of astronomy and astrophysical topics. You can attend in person or interact with us through the YouTube interface. Event is free and open to all, no reservations necessary. For more information including a link to the YouTube Livestream and directions to Caltech, click on the poster image or visit our webpage: Title: Nova T Coronae Borealis: A New Star in the Crown Lecturer: Mansi Kasliwal Abstract: This year, a new star will appear In the constellation Corona Borealis (Northern Crown), bright enough that we can see it with our own eyes. This star, T Coronae Borealis, will soon undergo a cosmic event known as a classical nova. A nova is the result of a massive thermonuclear explosion on the surface of a star, temporarily increasing its luminosity to be a million times as bright as our sun. Please join me to discuss why novae happen, what to expect, and how to see this once-in-a-lifetime cosmic sparkle.

5/10/2024, 7:03:51 PM

#Nature, #beauty nature image, #natural, #nature, #nature sounds, #nature documentary, #nature video #,beautiful nature, #relaxing nature sounds, #stunning nature, #,moments in nature, #nature doc, #nature sound, #healing nature, #sounds of nature, #nature ambience, #nature relaxation, #calming nature sounds, #best nature, #natural sounds, #nature sounds for sleeping, #human #nature portrait of nature myriads of gods, #promotion, #nature apparel, #astronomy (field of study), #photo, #nature based apparel, #photo, #promo, #natur, #hyoyeon and sunny, #art for beginner #the last breeze of the summer, #beautiful

5/10/2024, 7:03:26 PM

MMJST : L'UNIVERS ET SES SECRETS 🔭 Vendredi c’est Monsieur Madame Je Sais Tout ! Aujourd’hui, on part à la rencontre de l'univers et ses secrets sans limite ! La matière noire, vous savez combien représente sa messe dans l'univers ? On est toujours surpris de le savoir... Rendez-vous vendredi prochain les érudits curieux 😄 #monsieurmadamejesaistout #boxculture #boxculturelle #matierenoir #galaxie #astronomy #astronomie #astronome #univers #étoiles #découverte #curiosité #apprendre #savoir #connaissances #livres #book #labelleculture

5/10/2024, 7:00:35 PM

The Iris Nebula (NGC 7023) ✨ ••• Acquisition details: - Camera: #ZWO ASI533MM-Pro - Telescope: #Askar #80PHQ - Mount: RainbowAstro #RST135 - Filters: #Astrodon LRGB - Exposure: 6 hours - Processing: PixInsight, GraXpert, BXT/NXT - Place: #Nantes, France - Date: 09.05.2024 ••• #iris #nebula #deepsky #astrophotography #astrophoto #astro_photography_ #sky #night #bestnightpics #nightsky #nightphotography #space #spacepics #skyatnight #astronomy #amazing_longexpo #night_shots #yourESA #universetoday

5/10/2024, 6:59:35 PM

De galàxies i forats negres. Teniu davant la signatura del forat negre supermassiu més famós de tots, aquell que va publicar la premsa en primera plana per ser el primer en ser fotografiat, i que semblava un dònut taronja. Però anem per parts. Tot és gran a la galàxia M 87, que és el cos que ocupa el centre de la imatge principal: la seva mida, el seu nombre d'estels, i sí, també el su forat negre central supermassiu. Sabíeu que totes les galàxies importants en tenen un? També la Via Làctia! En el cas de M 87, també anomenada Verge A, el seu immens forat negre provoca un xorro de plasma tant gegantí, que pot agafar una velocitat propera a la de la llum (per això diem que és "relativista") i és possible fotografiar-lo des de la Terra. Doncs bé, aquest xorro és l' "antena" que surt del nucli de M 87 a la imatge petita superior dreta: la prova de que hi ha un enorme forat negre al seu darrera. #astronomia #astrofotografia #astronomy #astrophotography #galaxy #Messier #M87 #Seestar

5/10/2024, 6:56:23 PM

Sunspots AR3668 and AR3664 taken from my drive on Tuesday May 7, 2024. These are some of the incredible examples of this week's amazingly beautiful magnetically active regions of our nearest star. Often accompanied by proms, solar flares and coronal mass ejections, they are easily identified by their obvious dark appearance on an otherwise bright solar surface. Strangely enough, this pair of sun spots seem to have taken a different appearance: some see a worm, others a baby chick, stretching it's neck to peer above the sea of hydrogen gas. What do you see?😉 #astronomy #islam @skyandtelescopemag #ahmadiyya #ukastronomy @bbcskyatnight #rasc_national @rasc_national @nasa #astronomypicturesdaily #amateurastrophotography #cosmos @youresa #space #stars #universo #stargazing #igworldclub_astrophotography #astrophotographers #sunspots #solarimaging #summer #fire #sun #sunspots

5/10/2024, 6:56:03 PM

روئیت هلال ماه ذیقعده ۱۴۴۵ قمری برابر با پنجشنبه ۲۰ اردیبهشت ماه ۱۴۰۳ شمسی با حضور دوستان گروه رویت هلال خمینی شهر، گروه عرفان و فلسفه خمینی شهر، برنامه در بام سبز خمینی شهر با همکاری ستاد استهلال استان اصفهان و دفتر امام جمعه و شهرداری خمینی شهر در منطقه بام سبز اجرا شد. زمان استقرار در منطقه رصدی بام سبز و نصب و راه اندازی ابزار ساعت ۱۸ اولین رویت با چشم مسلح انجام شد. اولین رویت کننده با چشم مسلح و غیر مسلح آقای محسن هارون الرشیدی وضعیت آسمان: در ابتدای رصد بسیار عالی ولی در پایان رصد ابر بسیار نازک و رقیق در قسمت پایین هلال ماه ابزارهای رصدی: سه عدد دوربین دوچشمی ۱۰۰ * ۲۵ زمان تولد ماه نو: ساعت ۶:۵۱:۵۳ چهار شنبه ۱۹ اردیبهشت ماه غروب ظاهری ماه: ۲۰:۲۳ دقیقه رویت با چشم مسلح: ۱۸:۳۸ دقیقه رویت با چشم غیرمسلح ۱۸:۴۲ دقیقه غروب محاسباتی ماه: ۲۰:۲۷ مدت مکث ماه: یک ساعت و ۴۶ دقیقه درخشندگی ماه: ۲/۹ درصد غروب ظاهری خورشید: ۱۸:۴۴ دقیقه غروب محاسباتی خورشید: ۱۸:۵۱ #هلال # هلال_ماه #ماه #نجوم#فضا#کوه #ستاره_شناسي#آسمان# تلسکوپ# قطب_ نما #هلال_اخر_ماه#دوربین_دوچشمی# خورشید #خمینی_شهر#گروه_رویت_هلال_خمینی_شهر #ستاد_استهلال#شهرداری_خمینی_شهر#دفتر_امام_جمعه_خمینی_شهر#بام_سبز_خمینی_شهر #moon #cersent #moon_cersent #astronomylover #astronomy# space # universe # sun # mountain #astrophile #selenophile

5/10/2024, 6:55:55 PM

i wish ⋆。𖦹°‧★ 🎐 #diary #astronomy #book #islam.

5/10/2024, 6:55:35 PM