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L’alignement organisationnel est un outil formidable pour transformer les entreprises et les organisations. C’est une branche de l’Alignement de Vie et agit comme un catalyseur pour aider à identifier et à résoudre les déséquilibres subtils qui peuvent empêcher une organisation ou un projet de s’épanouir. Les déséquilibres sur le lieu de travail ne constituent pas seulement un fardeau psychologique pour les personnes impliquées et l’environnement, ils perturbent également le succès de l’entreprise. Très souvent, les déséquilibres ne sont pas visibles mais on sent que quelque chose ne va pas. Cela peut être de l’inconfort, des mauvaises vibrations, de l’inefficacité, un manque de réussite, des défis répétés et le fait d’être coincé dans d’anciens schémas... Life Alignment considère l’organisation comme un tout interconnecté, en prenant en considération toutes ses dimensions et tous ses éléments : employés, direction, site, partenaire, fournisseur, partie prenante générale, etc. Il s’agit d’un outil très efficace pour aider les entreprises à réussir leur transition vers l’avenir et d’une opportunité de découvrir où un flux accru est nécessaire. L’alignement organisationnel est un conseil aux entreprises réfléchi qui est réalisé à distance ou sur site, avec un groupe d’employés ou en tête-à-tête. Cela correspond à vos besoins et à vos visions 🥂🙌🏼 #lifealignment #bodyalignment #businessconsulting #mindfulbusiness #lifePurpose #teamspirit #profitflow #transformation #businessflow #goodbusiness #mindfulnessatwork #fullpotential #selfresponsibility #talentmanagement #conscience #energywork #coaching #balancing #changemanagement #accessPurpose #awareness #businessPurpose #businessgrowth #expanding #matchyourvibration #powerwithin #innerwisdom #confidence

11/18/2023, 2:09:48 PM

L’alignement organisationnel est un outil formidable pour transformer les entreprises et les organisations. C'est une branche de l'Alignement de Vie et agit comme un catalyseur pour aider à identifier et à résoudre les déséquilibres subtils qui peuvent empêcher une organisation ou un projet de s'épanouir. Les déséquilibres sur le lieu de travail ne constituent pas seulement un fardeau psychologique pour les personnes impliquées et l'environnement, ils perturbent également le succès de l'entreprise. Très souvent, les déséquilibres ne sont pas visibles mais on sent que quelque chose ne va pas. Cela peut être de l'inconfort, des mauvaises vibrations, de l'inefficacité, un manque de réussite, des défis répétés et le fait d'être coincé dans d'anciens schémas... Life Alignment considère l'organisation comme un tout interconnecté, en prenant en considération toutes ses dimensions et tous ses éléments : employés, direction, site, partenaire, fournisseur, partie prenante générale, etc. Il s’agit d’un outil très efficace pour aider les entreprises à réussir leur transition vers l’avenir et d’une opportunité de découvrir où un flux accru est nécessaire. L'alignement organisationnel est un conseil aux entreprises réfléchi qui est réalisé à distance ou sur site, avec un groupe d'employés ou en tête-à-tête. Cela correspond à vos besoins et à vos visions 🥂🙌🏼 #lifealignment #bodyalignment #businessconsulting #mindfulbusiness #lifePurpose #teamspirit #profitflow #transformation #businessflow #goodbusiness #mindfulnessatwork #fullpotential #selfresponsibility #talentmanagement #conscience #energywork #coaching #balancing #changemanagement #accessPurpose #awareness #businessPurpose #businessgrowth #expanding #matchyourvibration #powerwithin #innerwisdom #confidence

11/18/2023, 1:41:31 PM

Exciting news! Jeff is being interviewed by Wolfgang Sonnenburg - Entrepreneur, Coach and Mentor promoting self-realizationon - in the UK Health Radio. It is a great pleasure to share this interview with you. Please feel free to continue sharing the link below with your network! This is the perfect opportunity for your clients and new people to get to know more about Life- and Organization Alignment. We're already looking forward to a sequel. The interview and recording can be heard online at any time under this link: Enjoy!

9/20/2023, 2:35:23 PM

Break away and become free from societal norms…challenge the status quo if your goal is to unleash your true potential... 💫✨ #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #UnlearnAndGrow

8/17/2023, 11:01:47 PM

Do you really want to attract wealth into your life? Like really? And what is it worth to you? What are you willing to do for it? The indispensable basis for this is that you build up a fire-like, magical-magnetic feeling for physical, intellectual, social and spiritual wealth. Like a fireplace, "fuel" and  “refill” this inner feeling every day. The following exercise will help you: Start today to focus on the wealth around you - every day, wherever you are. Note the well-constructed roads, the well stable houses, the technology of cars, the art of jewelry, the versatility of nature, the function of clothes, the benefit of newspaper, radio and television, the sound of music, the trees fully draped with fruit, the consistency of water, the presence of air , your breath, the food that is always available, the beautiful flowers, your unique voice, your health, your talents, your skills...etc. Pay attention and you will discover: The world is full of wealth! If you have trouble discovering it, then you will have trouble integrating wealth into your life. First you have to feel rich deep down inside in order to get rich and stay rich on the surface. Yes, ignite the deep feeling of wealth in you! You can change and take control over your life at any given time. Learn to create your life to reflect abundance on every level and take responsibility to change limiting beliefs that are blocking you: Align your life with Life

7/14/2023, 4:08:17 PM

You are what you think, all day long (Henry David Thoreau) With what mindset and feelings do you want to wake up with tomorrow? What should your future life look like? In order to lead the exciting and fulfilling life that you sincerely wish for your tomorrow - being the adored person that you (and everyone else, if they admit it or not) want to be - you have to prepare for this already today! Your today created your tomorrow. Does your “inner realm” think, feel, visualise and live the desired reality already today? Do you have the space inside of you to manifest it outside of you? Or do you think “one day I will get there” or “I am not ready yet”. Choose and decide now: How and what do you want to be? What attitudes and feelings help you to become like this? Ask yourself: Where in your life have you had these attitudes and feelings before? Where do you know this from? What’s your benchmark? Who are the people you know who are idols to you? How does your tomorrow look like if it goes according to your wishes?  And now a quick manifestation life hack: »The things you think through before you go to sleep continue to have an effect at night. Like the afterburner after a great workout. They deepen and solidify!« Use this valuable knowledge! You are your tools! Life Alignment sessions help you to "make space inside” so that what you think about all day will be aligned with your future desires.

7/7/2023, 3:12:16 PM

An apprentice tried unsuccessfully to sell oranges at the market on behalf of his boss. In the evening he comes back to the shop and feels demotivated and rages at the people who did not want to buy his oranges. His boss shakes his head and asks: "If I squeeze this orange, what's the result?" "Orange juice, of course," the student replied. "Right - and if I hit it with the hammer, what will come out?" "Orange juice too," growled the apprentice. "...and if your horse steps on it, what will come out?" "Orange juice will always come out," the student replied, visibly annoyed. The boss then says in a calm voice: "So the orange always responds with what's inside, no matter what's happening from the outside to it, right? If you put pressure on someone and the person reacts with hate, anger and envy, then that's what's inside that person.«  We are always very quick with blaming and judging others for their behaviour, decisions, opinion etc. But your reaction is your responsibility and a mirror of your internal state. It’s yours, not the other person's “juice”. Check in with yourself: What comes out of you when you're under pressure? For love, intellect and abundance to come out, you must first have to love, understand and accept yourself. A nice affirmation for this is: "I love and accept myself." Say it out loud and clearly 50 times a day, on the toilet, in the car, while you shop or walk. Like a mantra. Do this for 6 months and you won't be able to deny the difference in your internal and external state of being. and be happy! Fake it until you make it! For more customised affirmations, talk to one of our global operating Life Alignment practitioners: It the greatest and most efficient tool to identify the next step on the journey to become the best version of yourself.

7/3/2023, 10:54:39 AM

Friedrich Schiller already said: »Everything shakes where there is no faith.« I don't mean faith in the religious sense here. Believing also means being intensely and firmly convinced of something, without the slightest doubt! Doubts are the silently gnawing destroyers of great ideas! So do everything that can strengthen your belief in the success of your project in any way. And here's another tip: Before you talk to someone about your big goal, first strengthen and anchor it in yourself! Every wish, every dream, every goal is just a tender plant at the beginning. At that moment, the doubts, concerns and "well-meaning" advice of others can easily destroy it. Root your idea in yourself first. Before you communicate yourself, ask yourself the following questions: »What do you have to be able to believe so that it is possible to achieve your goal? What else can contribute to this? When and where did you already have these skills, this knowledge, these resources? When did you feel like this before in your life?” In the second step, you open yourself up to selected others, 2-3 people who are better at what you do, have experience or of whom you think a lot in terms of the content and benefits of your project. Avoid random options. Life Alignment is a transformational system that benefits anyone who wishes for a less conventional approach to mental and physical health, including those who wish  * Bringing well-being and harmony into a project, organisation, business, family or group activity, tracing a safe and powerful path towards growth * To recognise and manifest your desires and needs in order to make healthy decisions * A healthy, balanced body  * To transform old beliefs, patterns and blockages and to develop a new, positive self-worth * To increase energy levels and reinvigorate ones lust for life

6/23/2023, 11:59:21 AM

Your subconscious system is blind! It automatically controls your bodily functions and grows whatever you give it. Your breath, your heart beat, your nervous system etc. It’s literally the most complex (body) computer you can think of. You can compare it to a tape recorder that runs non-stop, constantly recording whatever data your senses are delivering and communicating. And the great chance in this, is that your subconscious cannot distinguish between fantasy, reality and dreams! This is really good news for all the goals and visions you have in life. This is the chance of a lifetime, no matter how old you are or where you at right now! Regularly feed your super memory very clear images of your goals - as if you've already achieved them. Experience it in the here and now. Your subconscious system then immediately begins creating circumstances (frequencies, body vibrations, energies) to help shape your decisions so that the image you put in becomes your reality as quickly as possible. Because it feels like it's already reality. All there is is energy, so if you experience the right energy already now, then you HAVE it already and don’t operate from a place of lack and need. Your nervous system pours out the appropriate signals and can trick your subconscious with them. Life Alignment can be like a laser beam to help you gain insight into the root cause of an issue which might be unseen to others and even ourselves, and strips away the narratives we have built around our painful experiences. Because this process is led via your Higher Consciousness/ subconscious, resolution is rapid and deep. The modality also helps to built coherence between your body, mind, heart and gut so that the visualisations and emotions you feet your subconscious system with are actually for your highest good and not blurred by ego-based filters.

5/3/2023, 5:41:25 PM

This is a sign of lacking self-confidence and cracked self-esteem! Triggering to hear this? It may be, but whatever idea you come up with, no matter how carefully you plan it, with how much determination you tackle it, there will be always 3 types of responses waiting for you: 1. Those who are against the idea and won't use it 2. Those who are still unsure and indecisive about it 3. And those who are in favor of it and really want and also support your idea. You will never be able to win everyone over to support your ideas! Forget it, you don’t need other peoples acknowledgements, but you need yours!! It's entirely up to you if you let your great and inspiring ideas get in the way because you crave recognition. Rather become aware of your abilities and the value of your idea. Having deep trust that it will succeed. So many people feel unfulfilled in their lives, at it working in a soulless job, hanging on to a floundering relationship, suffering through an illness or injury that will not go away, or simply feeling a loss of direction. Life Alignment shows us that deep inside we know why we are here and how to manifest trust and determination for what we want to achieve. Sometimes we have simply forgotten that the power to change and make things happen lies within us. Empowering yourself can rewrite your past influences and enable you to shoot a new movie for the future. A movie full of all your incredible ideas. A Life Alignment session with a qualified practitioner will help your body and mind remember and put you back on the road to the destiny that awaits you. With a focus on the root cause of a symptom or condition, we can release negative beliefs that support our lacking self confidence and self esteem.

4/27/2023, 11:56:26 AM

Impact of self-development I sat for a few days thinking about this! Whats the ripple effect of self development? Why should I develop myself and not rather the planet, environment? And, like flies that zoom into a room, words darted in and out of awareness: interconnection, cause & effect, attraction, polarity, yin/yang. And there it was staring me in the face. They are all universal laws. So, I looked up The Twelve Universal Laws, and there it was - Life Alignment is truly law abiding, it lives, breathes, and teaches them!
So, if as often as possible, I were able to live my life more in accordance with these Laws, my mind would be clearer, kinder, and wiser. And that would have a hugely positive effect on me, my relationships, my work, and on the Planet.  The essence of this truth accompanied the work of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Prize laureate, who built and ran hospitals in central Africa. "Each patient carries his own doctor inside him. They come to us not knowing that truth. We are at our best when we give the doctor, who resides within each patient, a chance to go to work. "   And so, our work invites us to ‘step aside’, surrender to this higher authority, and be in service to whatever arises moment by moment. In these moments we have the highest impact. Blog Article with Philippa’s full interview and Part 1:

4/6/2023, 1:23:58 PM

It never occurs to any sane farmer to harvest red, juicy strawberries from a field where he lovingly sowed corn in spring. He always harvests hard, yellow corn! Every effect is preceded by a corresponding cause, every reaction by the associated action. This is pure physics. You cannot sow destruction and reap love. You can't think about failure and receive success. You cannot sow distrust and expect trust. You get back exactly what you send out with the most accurate precision, because you have trimmed your transmitting and receiving connectors for that! What you reap doesn't necessarily look the same as what you sow. But the energy you put out will come back in that form, in one way or the other. That's why we often find ourselves in similar situations and challenges. Think about it: “What do you want to sow today so that you can reap it tomorrow? What causes do you want to put out there today in order to receive the effect?” How do your thoughts and actions influence others? May all your thoughts, feelings and actions be of service for the highest good. You are part of the highest good, remember this. We are all energetically connected. In this context, Emotions are the greatest sources of power in our lives. If you travel with a sailing boat confidently, you need lots of (external) wind. And if that's missing, you'll need your on-board engine and some fuel. Your feelings are your fuel, your wind! They are the accelerators of your wonderful journey. But watch out: This source of power works in all directions! Whether love, joy, fun and enthusiasm or hate, anger, envy and resentment - some will blow you forward, others will slow you down or even drive you backwards! Here is a tried and tested idea of how you can activate your superpower: Treat yourself with 60 minutes of your valuable time; look for photos with great memories and write down everything that you enjoy, that motivates you, that you are proud of and then feel what is happening...« You can always come back and read through these “power sheets” when the “external, supportive wind” is missing.

3/23/2023, 11:06:12 AM

Most people have the misconception that they can't be successful until they've eliminated their weaknesses. Not correct! How much energy do you need to only slightly strengthen one of your weaknesses? And when you've made it, worked hard, and another weakness is a thing of the past, do you feel in top shape and capable of world-class performance in this area? Hardly... Strengths and talents are the stuff champions are made of! Live your strengths and build on them every day. Take Lewis Hamilton. He loves driving, he can and does that. Or Thomas Gottschalk - world known German showmaster, who is good at talking and bad at listening. Does either of them have to worry about their income? There are always people who have what you call your weakness as a strength. Find them, delegate those tasks, and do what you're strong at. Many people find it difficult to identify their own strengths. How do we manage to get to know our strengths better? And how does strength-based leadership work? Life- and Organisation Alignment are dedicated to bringing well-being and harmony into a project, organisation, business, family or group, tracing a safe and powerful path towards growth, wealth and abundance. Like the body, there is illness in a business if the energy flow is blocked. Organisation Alignment is an exceptional and unique tool for economical, social and process oriented growth and is created to bring lasting success and deep positivity to your business.

3/7/2023, 1:05:17 PM

Nobody wants to make a mistake. Mistakes are seen as a sign of weakness and failure. In fact this is the biggest mistake we can make: Resistance. Mistakes are opportunities, and we learn the most from them. Allowing yourself to make mistakes has something to do with freedom and self-love. What do you think of yourself when you make a mistake? Most feel anger and disappointment and begin to justify themselves. It is precisely this reaction that leads to further failure. Defences prevent growth. When we are not able to provide ourselves a safe space, then we tend to be perfectionistic and defensive. Life Alignment is a great modality to introduce you to your very personal safe space. “I looked back and saw that the stones on my way had become the stairway to success”. Sure, as long as you're under the pressure of a massive problem, you won't care much for such sayings. But read it again - its just such a wonderful realisation and can give you that much-needed extra kick to finally grab the bull by the horns and tackle the challenge powerfully. We can learn from every result, because this is what a mistake ultimately is about. A wise man once said: »If you want to double your success, double your error rate!« So now look back lovingly, knowingly and ask yourself: »What happened to your biggest mistake? What did you learn from it? What has changed for the better as a result?”

1/31/2023, 3:21:31 PM

My opposite is my mirror, that's purely esoteric drivel, isn't it? Are you sure? The science of physics today clearly proves: "Everything is a form of energy and of vibration." Nothing can resonate in you unless a corresponding "tuning fork" is present. However, most esotericists think that the other is your absolute mirror and thus a clear messenger of how and who you are, what your problems are. I do not agree to this! Most of the things that you discover about yourself, thanks to other people, are just a pure indication of one of the way you think or what you allow yourself to do or not do. They show that you have stored an experience somewhere that you still associate with specific, often unpleasant feelings. That's it! This perspective becomes valuable when you can accept it with the following, open attitude: »If other people are mirrors of myself, I am grateful for everyone who annoys me. It helps me to discover and develop myself.” Life Alignment is probably the most effective and deepest transformation method of today as it gives us a way of re-aligning ourselves with our authentic blueprint. The events of our lives that are imprinted into our cellular memory influence our emotional patterns. Life Alignment gives us tools to identify and gain a broader insight into these habitual responses. As a result, we can break free of the revolving door of repeating patterns and step forward into a new more integrated life path. There is a place within us which can be relied upon for its innate wisdom because it sees a bigger picture. Life Alignment works with this inbuilt higher intelligence. It goes beyond mental concepts and reconnects us to this intelligence and our inner own healing capacity. It helps us to answer the question “How can I use my gifts, my talents, so that I can better serve both myself and the world?”

1/16/2023, 1:12:34 PM

Are you going to keep letting people you’ve outgrown dictate what’s important to you? Respect the shift in your mindset…honor your growth and only keep the people around that give you the energy you need to accomplish all that you desired…your success is depending on it! Is there someone that you need to leave out of your 2023 plans? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #realleaders #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #leadershipcoaching #resultsdriven #prioritize #successhabits #selfmastery #growthmindset #Bestof2022

12/29/2022, 5:02:45 PM

Before the year is out, I wanted to send another friendly reminder that nobody will ever care about you more than you. Make a promise to yourself to show up for yourself before you try to show up for anyone else...your success is depending on it! What habit are you going to change to make yourself a priority in the new year? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #prioritiesfirst #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #dttb #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #Bestof2022

12/28/2022, 5:03:02 PM

God’s got you! In life, we all face circumstances that may leave us feeling worried, frustrated and fearful of the future. You can’t have faith and doubt at the same’s either one or the other. Be confident in your covering...have courage and don’t let your fears stop you from accomplishing what you set out to do. Keep moving forward on the journey to reach your destiny...your success is depending on it! Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #mindsetreset #growthmindset #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals #covered #dttb #Bestof2022

12/25/2022, 5:02:45 PM

No one is immune to procrastination…it’s something that everyone has to deal with at some point. The reality is that although the delay feels good in the moment…you’re not going to accomplish that goal any quicker by continuing to put off the most important tasks. Don’t put today’s duties off until tomorrow…you’re only doubling your burden. Success will always require you to do things that you don’t really want to do when you’re striving to achieve a goal… What’s that thing you need to get done thst you keep putting off? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #realleaders #leadershipgoals #dttb #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #leadershipcoaching #prioritize #timemanagementtips #selfmastery #Bestof2022

12/22/2022, 5:03:45 PM

Life is unpredictable..things happen, some that we can control, some that we have absolutely no control over. Make sure to be mindful about how you react…don’t get yourself caught up in someone else’s bad karma…what’s for you will always be for you as long as you believe it… Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #controlwhatyoucancontrol #leadershipdevelopment #selfmastery #selfassessment #Discipline #Bestof2022

12/19/2022, 5:03:50 PM

Remain disciplined in all that you do and when you get some inspiration, be sure to act on it. Let your all of your actions inspire others to dream more and do more…your success is depending on it! Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #successhabits #blessed #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

12/18/2022, 5:01:41 PM

Remember that the expectations of others don’t provide an accurate gauge of what’s right for you. Even if their intentions are good, the reality is that other people’s expectations are are based on their own opinions and experiences. At times, we all have a struggle managing expectations placed on us, but it’s important to put them in proper perspective… the expectations that people place on you are their problem…not yours… Are you ready to live up to your own expectations going into 2023? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #noexpectationsnodisappointments #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfmastery

12/17/2022, 5:01:45 PM

As you become more aware of who you are called to be, let the example you set inspire others to be great. Don’t get caught up with position or authority…use your influence to make a positive impact on those who lack motivation. People are inspired by action…always remember that it’s a lot easier to encourage others to join in on an effort if they see you doing it… Do you agree? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipdevelopment #leadbyexample #mindsetreset #growthmindset #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals #Bestof2022

12/15/2022, 5:03:01 PM

Your goal is meaningless if you’re not going to stay committed. Your commitment requires you to give it all that you’ve got…you can’t expect success without putting out maximum effort… How committed are you to accomplishing your goal? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #Staycommitted #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #selfassessment #selfmastery #maximumeffort #Bestof2022

12/13/2022, 5:03:17 PM

Within any important issue, there’s typically an aspect of the issue that no one wishes to discuss. Let’s face great advance has ever been made without facing some sort of controversy. Embrace controversy, don’t avoid it…recognize that the moment you let your anger or bias take over, you subconsciously stop striving to uncover the truth. How do you choose to respond to controversy? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #growthgoals #dttb #Bestof2022

12/12/2022, 5:02:01 PM

Relationships are everything…I believe that relationships are worth more than money. Choose to only be in the company of people that lift you up. Be sure to take the time to nurture and appreciate the relationships that make the biggest difference in your career and in your life…your success is depending on it! Are your relationships benefiting you? Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #dttb #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfmastery #relationshipsmatter #Bestof2022

12/11/2022, 5:01:25 PM

Perhaps you might not be called to lead people…but you are called to lead a gift. Search within yourself to discover your gifts that are meant to be shared with others. Once you take some time to develop your gifts, you’ll start understanding exactly how much influence you have…you’re more valuable than you think… What do you think? Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfmastery #leanintoit #tapintoyourgift

12/10/2022, 5:01:40 PM

Your commitment isn’t demonstrated by the words you speak…it’s demonstrated by the actions you take. Hold yourself accountable, it’s time to start honoring your commitments with integrity because your success is depending on it! Are you committed? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #areyoucommitted #mindsetreset #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #selfmastery #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #Bestof2022

12/8/2022, 5:03:04 PM

The facts may change, but the truth is the truth. Accept the truth and base all of your decisions on it to unlock your true potential…your success is depending on it! What do you think? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #mindsetreset #growthmindset #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals #Bestof2022

12/7/2022, 5:03:28 PM

Emotional intelligence is your ability to manage your own emotions, while also understanding the emotions of people around you. As a leader in your industry, one of the worst things you can ever do is react emotionally. This holds true especially when you’re being criticized. Check yourself…is it justified? If it is, make an adjustment…if it’s not, go ahead on about your business. What do you think? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #emotionalintelligence #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals #Bestof2022

12/6/2022, 5:03:11 PM

You have the power within yourself to make anything possible…don’t overthink it. Walk in power…make a decision about what you want to attract…there’s no obstacle that can stop you from reaching your destiny unless you allow it... Did you make the decision yet? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #greatnessawaits #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #Bestof2022

12/5/2022, 5:02:35 PM

No matter what you went through, there’s always a teachable moment. What did you learn? What can you improve? What would you do differently? Your perspective will determine how successfully you can navigate every situation…make the most of the moment… That are your thoughts? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #teachablemoments #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #growthgoals #lessonlearned #properperspective #Bestof2022

12/4/2022, 5:01:10 PM

You have the ability to pursue and live out your dreams, regardless of what stage you are in life. Quit playing around and step into that lane you’re supposed to be in…unless you planned on selfishly taking all that talent to the grave… Are you ready to lean into your lane? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #growthgoals #quitplaying #dontwait #Bestof2022

12/3/2022, 5:01:18 PM

A positive attitude is a prerequisite for success, don’t believe anything otherwise. Your attitude is a choice. Think about all the good in your life right now…let go of all the worry and negativity. When you believe and are committed, you’ll always find a way to succeed… Share with someone that needs some this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #positiveattitude #positiveenergyonly #attitudeiseverything #Bestof2022

12/1/2022, 5:01:30 PM

Hard work doesn’t guarantee success, but you’d be hard-pressed to find someone that has reached their goals without putting in the work required. If you really want something, then do it. Stop lying to yourself about why you haven’t done it already...find a way instead of finding excuses. More often than not, our excuses are just lies wrapped up as reasons to avoid the real work required to live our best lives. Understand that every excuse you make just takes you further for reaching your full potential… Have you been finding a way or finding an excuse? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #successhabits #selfmastery #growthgoals #nomoreexcuses

11/30/2022, 5:00:43 PM

There is no growth in setting safe goals...set goals that seem impossible so that you can force yourself outside of your comfort zone. To accomplish something you’ve never done, you have to become a different person than you are now. You never know where your BIG dream will take you or the results you will get...even if you miss, you’re going to be better off than setting a goal that you already know how to achieve... What BIG goal are you going after? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #biggoalsbigdreams #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

11/29/2022, 5:02:25 PM

Thinking isn’t enough..let your actions take you outside of your comfort zone to reach heights you never imagined. Although thoughts can visualize solutions, actions solve problems and get work done. The more you take action, the more you build your confidence. It’s scary at first, and you’ll definitely make mistakes, but once you get started, your knowledge of how things work will expand through experience. What necessary action have you been delaying? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #actiontaker #growthmindset #successhabits #selfassessment #growthgoals

11/28/2022, 5:00:39 PM

In life, we all face circumstances that may leave us feeling worried, frustrated and fearful of the future. You can’t have faith and doubt at the same’s either one or the other. Be confident in your covering...have courage and don’t let your fears stop you from accomplishing what you set out to do. Keep moving forward on the journey to reach your destiny...your success is depending on it! Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #mindsetreset #growthmindset #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals #covered

11/27/2022, 5:00:22 PM

Just a friendly reminder that nobody will ever care about you more than you. Show up for yourself before you try to show up for anyone else...your success is depending on it! Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #HappyThanksgiving #prioritiesfirst #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

11/24/2022, 5:02:10 PM

Who’s dream outcome are you satisfying, yours or someone else’s? 🤔 Let all of your actions line up with YOUR purpose and the goals you have set for yourself...your success is depending on it! Who’s goals are your actions serving? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #selfsatisfaction #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

11/23/2022, 5:01:37 PM

If greatness is the goal, you have to make it won’t be handed to you. The truth is that most of us don’t want to embrace the struggle. Unfortunately, the reality is that your growth is dependent upon your ability to endure and overcome. One of the fastest ways to change your life is to change your perception of your world. Life isn’t easy, but it wouldn’t seem so hard if you didn’t put so much effort into focusing on matters outside your control... Is what you focus on the most helping or hurting you? 🤔 Share with someone that needs this message💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

11/22/2022, 5:00:28 PM

Never measure your influence based on the number of followers you can claim. Create more leaders by empowering others. Lead by example…nurture the strengths of others, empower them to create their own visions so that they too can inspire more people…your success is depending on it! What do you think? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #selfmastery

11/17/2022, 6:00:30 PM

Be proud of yourself…don’t feel defeated if you haven’t accomplished your dream outcome. Recognize the courage it took for you to step out and take the risk, especially when you’re changing the world. Admire your strength, let your fixed focus help you to keep believing in your purpose, even through the pain…your success is depending on it! Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #courageovercomfort #courageoverfear #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery

11/16/2022, 5:00:35 PM

Complaining isn’t a good strategy…it takes up way too much time and energy, but most importantly, it doesn’t get you any closer to achieving your goal. When you complain, you’re just simply not accepting what is. Change the situation by speaking out or taking action…doing anything else makes no sense. Focus only on matters that you can control…your success is depending on it! What do you think? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #complainingisdraining #successhabits #selfassessment

11/15/2022, 5:00:26 PM

If you don’t make decisions for yourself, someone else will make them for you. Too often people feel helpless and angry because they believe that they have no control over decisions, but in reality, almost every decision is in your hands. The choice to accept or reject the choices of others is yours…recognize the position you’re in to have control over YOUR fate and future…your success is depending on it! What do you think? #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #positioning #decisions #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #selfassessment #selfmastery

11/10/2022, 5:00:25 PM

Stay resilient, it’s the main characteristic that will determine if you’re capable of staying in the game when the going gets rough. Be optimistic about the future..the challenges you’re facing now are only temporary. Hard times are inevitable, but the reality is that getting upset has never been the solution to any problem. Force yourself to focus on the positive…think about the solutions rather than staying in a dilemma. Adversity is a fact of life, but how do you choose to handle it? 🤔 Share with some one that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #adversitybuildscharacter #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #successhabits #adversity

11/9/2022, 5:00:27 PM

Just another reminder that everyone doesn’t see the world the same way that you do…and that’s okay… The respect you give others is a reflection of the respect that you give yourself. Learn to be more open minded…just because someone’s opinion is different from you own doesn’t mean that they’re wrong… Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #perspectiveiseverything #perspectiveshift #successhabits #selfassessment

11/8/2022, 5:00:28 PM

Never assume that every critic is a hater…always first, consider the source. Nobody likes to be criticize, but the way that you handle it makes all the difference. The proof of your greatness lies in your ability to endure criticism without resentment, so check your ego…your success is depending on it! Do you agree? Share with someone that needs to see this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #criticism #criticismisgood #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

11/7/2022, 5:00:49 PM

As you develop, learn how to stop affiliating NO with a negative connotation. Sometimes it can make us uncomfortable to turn people down because we feel it will affect how they view us. However, we need to reframe, refocus, and realize that we cannot do everything the world may throw at us. The thinner you spread yourself, the less attention you can devote to the tasks that are important. Understand that saying no is your key to maintaining laser focus on the vision and objectives at hand. Be sure to keep your eye on the prize...your success is depending on it! Do you agree? Share with someone that needs to hear this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #successhabits #selfmastery #growthgoals

11/3/2022, 4:01:58 PM

Your most valuable experiences will push you out of your comfort zone and challenge your abilities. Not all experiences are the same. Different experiences naturally sharpen different skill sets. Leadership experience is not some one-time’s from an accumulation of events. Be sure to reflect on your past experiences so that you can discover new insights. Your past experiences can help you to navigate your present experiences. Shape your future experiences by consciously seeking out new opportunities to grow as a leader…your success is depending on it! What do you think? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipdevelopment #leadershiplessons #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

11/1/2022, 5:00:26 PM

Recognize that running away from your problems will only keep you further away from a solution. Stay positive. Challenges are just an opportunity to test your unique abilities..are you ready to rise to the occasion? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #successhabits #challengeaccepted #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

10/31/2022, 5:00:45 PM

As you become more aware of who you are called to be, let the example you set inspire others to be great. Don’t get caught up with position or authority…use your influence to make a positive impact on those who lack motivation. People are inspired by action…always remember that it’s a lot easier to encourage others to join in on an effort if they see you doing it… What do you think? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #leadbyexample #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

10/27/2022, 5:00:27 PM

Are you aware of how others perceive you? Shaping others’ perception of you is a major key to success. Take some time to recognize how others perceive you so you can understand how you come across to them. Do you get your points across to people in the way that you originally intended? The worst thing you can do is to expect that the perception you have of yourself is the same as how others perceive you… What do you think? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #perceptioniseverything #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

10/26/2022, 6:00:38 PM

Let every action you take inspire others to do more and become more than they ever imagined. Create an environment that empowers others to do great things. People follow those who act like leaders, not those that proclaim to be one. Who are you inspiring to be great? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfmastery

10/25/2022, 6:00:28 PM

The reality is that most people aren’t born with natural leadership ability. To be a leader, it takes a unique set of skills, primarily acquired through training, experience and consistent personal development. Practice your leadership. Lead on purpose. Put your ego to the side and embrace opportunities to learn from those that know more than you…your success is depending on it! What do you think? Share with some one that needs this message 💎 . #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfmastery

10/20/2022, 6:00:34 PM

Do yourself a favor…stop trying to avoid discomfort. If you can’t put yourself in uncomfortable situations, you’re never going to learn anything new about yourself. If you don’t learn anything new, you will never change…and if you don’t change, you will never grow. Life is not always going to be easy…you’re going to have uncomfortable moments, however, it’s what you do with those moments that’s going to count and determine your destiny. What do you think? Share with someone that needs this message 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #embracediscomfort #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

10/19/2022, 5:00:23 PM

Leadership is about the ability to influence others. This includes impacting the behaviors, attitudes, opinions and choices of others. Influence is a skill. To increase your influence with others, become a better listener. Listen to ideas of others and be open to other points of view. Whether you want to admit it or not, everyone doesn’t think like you…be the one that is open to listening to perspectives outside of your own for real influence…your success is depending on it! Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 . #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #listeningskills #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery

10/18/2022, 5:01:10 PM

Leaders exercise influence over their followers. A person with good character, coupled with vision and purpose, will attract others because of their authenticity. Your authenticity will allow people to respect and trust you. Command and control is a false premise for leadership. If you have to coerce people, you’ll never get them to deliver the same results of willing and motivated followers. What makes people want to follow you? Share with some one that needs some inspiration 💎 . #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #influentialleadership #growthmindset #selfassessment #selfmastery

10/13/2022, 6:00:41 PM

Ideas alone don’t change anything. Your thoughts allow you to visualize solutions, but when it comes down to it, actions are what drives real change. You’ll never reach your goal continuously thinking about it…take action…your success is depending on it! What do you think? Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 . #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #takeaction

10/12/2022, 6:00:44 PM

If you’re not going to act on your convictions, it’s going to be hard for people to trust you. When greatness is the goal, your belief system determines your success. Sometimes, this means going against the “popular” choice, in favor of what you believe is right. Be sure that your beliefs empower your dreams and desires…your success is depending on it! What do you think? . Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

10/11/2022, 6:00:28 PM

Don’t let your dreams and desires die in your comfort zone. When you have a big goal that you’re going after, understand that discomfort is inevitable. There’s going to be unforeseen events, most of which will be completely out of your control. Give up your desire to resist. Feel whatever emotions you need to feel…don’t deflect them. Recognize that the difference in achieving success or not is your capacity to do the things you really don’t want to do to achieve the results that you desire for yourself. What do you think? . Share with some one that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #embracediscomfort #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #uncomfortablegrowth

10/10/2022, 5:01:02 PM

For some, facing the realization that you don’t know it all can be a tough pill to swallow. Keep learning and stay teachable. Be humble…admit your ignorance…admit when you make a mistake. Remain flexible and remain teachable so that you can make the necessary adjustments in your life… your success is dependent upon it! What do you think? Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #humbleyourself #teachable

10/6/2022, 7:00:28 PM

Within any important issue, there’s typically an aspect of the issue that no one wishes to discuss. Let’s face great advance has ever been made without facing some sort of controversy. Embrace controversy, don’t avoid it…recognize that the moment you let your anger or bias take over, you subconsciously stop striving to uncover the truth. How do you respond to controversy? Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

10/5/2022, 6:00:44 PM

As humans, it’s in our nature to focus on problems. Many people become obsessed with them to the point that they become an expert on the problem. Instead of staying fixed on the problem, focus on a solution. Stop spending all of your energy trying to figure out WHY the problem exist…instead shift your energy to focus on HOW the problem can be addressed. Take responsibility for your role in the situation…you can’t control all the circumstances, but you’re in complete control of YOUR response. Are you focused on the problem or are you focused on the solution? Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #problemsolvers #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #solutionoriented #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

10/4/2022, 5:00:21 PM

If you look at life, basically all of it is a form of selling. Whether you are "selling" an idea to your partner, raising your children, want to convince your boss to increase your salary, recommending a product to a customer etc, etc. It’s always selling in one way or the other. Who would you rather buy from, a grumpy, demotivated, negatively speaking salesperson or from a motivated, upbeat, radiant enthusiastic? Success is achieved with a high level of motivation and “zest of life”. People cannot be convinced of something without enthusiasm. Those who ignite the fire of enthusiasm within themselves think, feel and act enthusiastically. Now create (your) list of 30 things that inspire you! Write down, collect photos of everything that makes you happy, proud or joyful. The small things of everyday life are just as important as the big events. And then see how you feel after 20 minutes! Be enthusiastic about yourself now, about life, your tasks, your environment, your contacts and do everything you tackle with that positive, bumbling motivation. It pays off a thousandfold! Enthusiasm is contagious, you've experienced that yourself several times. In other words, you become a generator of positive vibes (comes from vibrations) and this vibrant ripple effect also falls back on you. Motivation in a vacuum is not possible. The best ideas come when you are enthusiastic and dedicated to the task at hand. However, most people find it difficult to think about their motivation. To be persuasive, you must learn to speak clearly and concisely about your motivation. What moves you and what do you want to move? In difficult situations in particular, it is crucial to have a clear goal in mind that you are pursuing with genuine conviction and sparkling motivation.

10/3/2022, 11:54:31 AM

When you have faith in yourself and what you’re bringing to the table, you don’t have to worry about the future. Faith allows you to look beyond your current circumstances and the things can be explained using logic. The facts aren’t always final. Stay consistent, do your best and trust that when it’s your time, it’s your time…your success is depending on it! Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #crazyfaith #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals #happysunday

10/2/2022, 5:00:22 PM

Surround yourself with people that will celebrate you, regardless of what’s going on in their world. Don’t get it twisted…these types of people are rare…it’s not always easy to celebrate the accomplishments of people around you when you’re not seeing the success you desire. Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t reached your destination…you’re time will come, as long as you stick to the plan. The better you are at surrounding yourself with people with high potential, the better the position you put yourself in to achieve the success that you seek. What do you think? Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #surroundyourselfwithsuccess #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

9/29/2022, 5:00:25 PM

Emotional intelligence is your ability to manage your own emotions, while also understanding the emotions of people around you. As a leader in your industry, one of the worst things you can ever do is react emotionally. This holds true especially when you’re being criticized. Check yourself…is it justified? If it is, make an adjustment…if it’s not, go ahead on about your business. What do you think? #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #emotionalintelligence #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

9/28/2022, 6:00:45 PM

Your environment is more important than your heredity. Put yourself around a group of winners so you can challenge yourself to be better…you’ve got more control over your situation than you think 💡 Charged up and back to work 💯 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #chargedup

9/27/2022, 3:00:36 PM

Embrace the challenges…make a commitment to become the best version of yourself. What new idea did you come up with that you’ve yet to create a plan for? What decision have you been delaying? Be the one that searches for the wisdom in the challenges you’re facing…your success is depending on it! Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #prepareyourself #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #embracethechallenge #selfmastery #growthgoals

9/26/2022, 5:00:23 PM

The truth is that most people don’t listen…they either have no interest in what you’re saying or they’re more focused on their own agenda. When you truly seek to understand, it lets the other person know that you actually care about what they have to say…after-all…doesn’t want to be understood, valued and affirmed? Your ability to hear is a gift, but your willingness to listen is a choice. If you want you be a better leader, become a better listener. What do you think? Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #seekunderstanding #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery #growthgoals

9/22/2022, 5:00:38 PM

Being authentically YOU might make some people uneasy, but so what? When you’re true to yourself, you not only trust the judgments and decisions that you make, but others trust you as well. Don’t ever compromise on anything that YOU truly believe in…people will respect you more for standing by your values and beliefs. Share with someone that needs some inspiration 💎 #AccessPurpose #APEnergy #leadershipgoals #leadershipdevelopment #mindsetreset #growthmindset #authenticallyyou #leadershipcoaching #successhabits #selfassessment #selfmastery

9/21/2022, 6:01:00 PM