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#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

What a blessing it was last Sunday to commune with Rev. Dr. April Johnson! For "Be Just" Sunday we had the opportunity to learn so much from this great leader. April serves as the head of Reconciliation Ministry for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We had the opportunity to grow through her preaching in worship with title "Be Just Love", during our Adult Ed time on the topic of "Poverty by Complicity", and several from our Racial Justice Committee shared a special time with April to expand on the justice work we do. Thank you, Rev. Dr. April Johnson, for sharing your knowledge and gifts with us! #justice #disciplesofchrist #ReconciliationMinistry #LifelongLearning #olatheks

5/10/2024, 5:56:57 PM

Now, I'm not trying to win your hearts; but, will I stop telling you the evil that wants to destroy you through the way you act. I'll love you more than anything if you'll follow Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. Anything you want, I'll do for you. If it's a good thing that you're doing by secretly wanting me to stop preaching some certain things which makes you remorseful, why don't you come to me physically and tell me as someone you love? Isn't that thing restraining you an evil thing? If you like what is good, com'on. Take it as your assignment, that God wants to purge that thing restraining you in this aspect I've talked about. Come to me and I'll teach you more about that thing restraining you; you'll be surprised you'll see that some other things you do, are also backed up by that thing restraining you. I also know that evil people will say they're trying to familiarise with me or they want to catch me through their interaction with me by showing that I'm a bad person; but in reality, they're just living their lowlife and no matter how they speak their languages or dress or beautify themselves or adorn themselves with their desired apparel to show that they're classy, they will still fall flat to the ground because they're lowlife, and their lowlife nature will naturally show. It's just like one of my current room mate in the university where I'm studying now, he's also a master's degree student like me; I told him that "if he's a bad boy, that people will say he's wasting all these clothes he wears that he calls classy"; afterwards, he attacked me and was asking me why I would make that statement. #pastor #church #churchmission #churchministry #reconciliationministry #faithinjesus #faithinjesuschrist #gospel #sermon #jesuschrist #lovemychurch

4/30/2024, 9:12:08 PM

Every born again man is an instrument through which God's kingdom is extended throughout the earth. God dwells in us for the purpose of multiplying His Spirit in those that are lost. His plans and purposes have always been singular from the beginning - to dwell in every man. But that can only happen when each believer participates and becomes a vessel for that work, a conduit for eternal life. #Regenerated #KingdomExpansion #Multiplication #FishersOfMen #Harvest #Vessels #ReconciliationMinistry ©️Photismos Ministries

11/10/2023, 8:49:39 AM

Two mandalas in Charlotte, North Carolina. One for the UMC church in its #reconciliationministry and the other one for the #Catawba nation. May love and light be around these mandalas and it’s possessors. #northcarolina

10/14/2023, 11:50:06 PM

When GOD opens the door THIS TIME!! You betta watch what you're doing!! #TGBTG #JESUS #sundayservice #reconciliationministry #butgod #praisehim #pastorhunter

5/9/2023, 1:33:53 PM

It's reconciliation day in South Africa! Hope you enjoy the day off, but don't forget that we're called to this every day! "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation" 2 Corinthians 5:18 #reconciliationday #reconciliationministry #verseoftheday #reconciliation #southafrica #bodyofChrist #reconciledtoChrist

12/16/2022, 9:00:09 AM

Francis is here to announce that it is I, @erin.grasse, who will be doing the preaching thing tomorrow. Our Scripture is Habakkuk 1:1-4 and 2:1-4. • Join us at 10a tomorrow, either in-person or online! We will also be collecting our Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering during worship, so fun of untold heights await! • Please be advised that masking while indoors continues to be strongly recommended for all. We ask that you worship with us online from home if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness. Francis will also be worshipping from home, so you’ll be in good company. • For worship bulletins, email [email protected]. • [Francis, a Snowshow Siamese, sprawls against a dark gray bedsheet and dreams of the day when his world domination scheme comes to fruition.] • #fcc #pomona #WorldCommunionSunday #doc #ReconciliationMinistry #OrdinaryTime #habakkuk

10/1/2022, 10:24:30 PM

It's the first Sunday of fall, my good people, and many wonderful things are happening! Victor Luna will be starting off the season with a sermonic walk through 1 Timothy 6:6-19, and we will also begin our two-week collection of the Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering. Join us either in-person or online this Sunday, September 25 at 10a! The LA County Department of Public Health continues to recommend masking indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Please take the appropriate precautions while at church to protect the health of yourself and others, and please worship with us from home if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness. For online worship bulletins, email [email protected]. [A drawing of a single orange leaf with the word "Autumn" written in white sits in the center of the image against a pale orange background. Smaller orange leaves line the top and bottom of the image. Image via Pixabay.] #fcc #pomona #doc #OrdinaryTime #1Timothy #1Timothy6 #HybridChurch #autumn #ReconciliationMinistry

9/24/2022, 12:00:07 AM

We would like to invite members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) In Kentucky and its Supporters to help Reconciliation Ministries continue their Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation work through gifts to the Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering. NEXT SUNDAY and the following - September 25th and October 2nd - are the suggested dates for the Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering to be received in congregations. You may also choose to donate to this offering online. Follow the link in our bio, or head to to make your virtual donation. One half of your offering will return to our region for its reconciliation ministries work, while the other half will be used for reconciliation ministries of the General Church. #kentuckydisciples #disciplesofchrist #reconciliationoffering #ReconciliationMinistry

9/18/2022, 6:03:20 PM

Visited the beautiful cathedral with moving reconciliation ministry and then the excellent Herbert Art gallery and museum #coventrycathedral #herbertartgallery #reconciliationministry #stainedglass #crossofnails

7/13/2022, 9:03:07 AM

Perseverance after promises🙏🏾 #persevere #obey #sow #invest #reconciliationministry God bless you!♥️

4/2/2022, 3:23:08 PM

MINISTERO DELLA RICONCILIAZIONE 🤝 Buonasera a tutti e benvenuti in questa nuova page denominata @reconciliation.ministry 🤝 In questa pagina verranno trattati temi di natura biblica-evangelica, andremo a conoscere ed interpretare versetti e capitoli della Bibbia in maniera sintetica. Saranno anche degli spazi dove verranno condivisi testimonianze di giovani, adulti ed anziani che hanno incontrato Dio nelle loro vite, inoltre verranno affrontati anche temi d’attualità La finalità di tutto ciò è quella di riconciliare gli uomini a Dio mediante appunti le iniziative citati qualche riga addietro “E tutto questo viene da Dio che ci ha riconciliati con sé per mezzo di Cristo e ci ha affidato il ministero della riconciliazione. Infatti Dio era in Cristo nel riconciliare con sé il mondo, non imputando agli uomini le loro colpe, e ha messo in noi la parola della riconciliazione” 2 Corinzi 5:18,19 God bless y’all 🙌🏽🙏🏾 #ministerodellariconciliazione #reconciliationministry #riconciliazione

12/15/2021, 6:46:50 PM

Repost @ConvergenceMission 2 Corinthians 11:14 (KJV) And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. We've often been told that God speaks with a still small voice, which is very true. However, there are also times the devil speaks also with a still small voice, to deceive people into thinking it's God speaking. This is important to note because while we can listen out for a still small voice to know if it's God speaking to us, it goes beyond just that. We must be able to discern the voice we hear, whether "still" or not, for not every "still small voice" is God's voice. May God grant us the Spirit of discernment as we yearn for it, in Jesus' Name. #convergencemission #cm #reconciliationministry #Godsvoice #knowHisvoice #discernment #stillsmallvoice #satan #deceit #Godspeaks #mysheep #hear #listen #Godspeaks #Kingdom #Jesusiscoming #repent #makeHeaven #liveholy #bereadyforHiscoming #trumpetsound

11/26/2021, 2:13:34 PM

2 Corinthians 11:14 (KJV) And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. We've often been told that God speaks with a still small voice, which is very true. However, there are also times the devil speaks also with a still small voice, to deceive people into thinking it's God speaking. This is important to note because while we can listen out for a still small voice to know if it's God speaking to us, it goes beyond just that. We must be able to discern the voice we hear, whether "still" or not, for not every "still small voice" is God's voice. May God grant us the Spirit of discernment as we yearn for it, in Jesus' Name. #convergencemission #cm #reconciliationministry #Godsvoice #knowHisvoice #discernment #stillsmallvoice #satan #deceit #Godspeaks #mysheep #hear #listen #Godspeaks #Kingdom #Jesusiscoming #repent #makeHeaven #liveholy #bereadyforHiscoming #trumpetsound

11/26/2021, 2:10:10 PM

1 Corinthians 9:16-20 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation [of the gospel] is committed unto me. *16th Oct - 16 Nov - 30days of Online crusade*🔥🔥 #PrayerParty #online crusade #GoodNews #HighestPurpose #ReconciliationMinistry

10/14/2021, 7:33:19 AM

Last day of continuing education. I am Ending this week taking an Anti-Racism/Pro-reconciling workshop. How perfect right before we take up our Offering supporting the Disciples Reconciliation Ministry. All are welcome at the table. #reconciliationministry #makingdisciples #christianchurchdisciplesofchrist

9/24/2021, 4:53:58 PM

From all of us at Convergence Mission, here’s wishing you a fabulous month. May new and great things be birth through and for you, by the power of God, this 9th month and beyond in Jesus’ Name. And please don’t forget, be ready for Heaven. #hnm #newthings #birth #newdawn #newbeginnings #convergencemission #cm #reconciliationministry #wereconcile #Kingdom #Jesusiscoming #repent #makeHeaven #liveholy #bereadyforHiscoming #trumpetsound

9/1/2021, 1:01:59 PM

Thank you very much #ReconciliationMinistry for the invite. This Program is set for tonight 23:00 @elnathane_kabasele @reconciliation_ministry19

8/8/2021, 3:48:15 PM

Tune in for the second webinar in the Love is an Action Word series THIS THURSDAY, August 13 @ 4p! Register here:⠀ ⠀ [An infographic banner announcing the "Love is an Action Word: Indigenous Peoples" webinar to be held on August 13th at 7p ET, 6p CT, and 4p PT. The main image is of a young person with dark hair and wearing a black t-shirt leaning against a brick wall, as well as the smaller pictures of panelists David Bell, Crow Eddy, April Burrows, and Pedro Ramos Goycolea.]⠀ ⠀ #antiracism #reconciliationministry #loveisanactionword #doc #DOCjustsummer

8/11/2020, 4:00:07 PM

When Rev. Amie Vanderford and her husband, Thaddeus Shelton, Jr., set out to create a trauma-informed church, they never imagined they'd be doing so during a global health crisis. "In our original vision, we saw the need for this type of church because of our own personal experiences of mental health and spiritual damage from being excluded and/or harmed in establishment churches," she explains. "We’d also experienced harm from the systems of this country, which are based in patriarchy, white supremacy, individualism, competition, and choosing profit over people." Enter: @thelaboratorychurch, a church based in Indianapolis, Indiana that is actively working to address systems of oppression and create a safe, welcoming space for all of God's people. "We believe the first step in creating a trauma-informed and mental health focused community is to establish safety for all people who participate," Vanderford says. "To do this, we first defined our statement of values. These clearly lay out what we believe, the values necessary for healing, and specifically state that we appreciate God’s children in all their many and beautifully diverse forms." Vanderford and Shelton hope for their church to serve as a model of what is possible for Christians and churches everywhere. Read more about the LabOratory's founding and their process of becoming a trauma-informed church at the link in our bio. . . . . . #CalledtoCare #NBACares #traumainformed #christianity #ReconciliationMinistry #CCDOC #ChristianChurch #socialjustice #antiracist #inclusivechurch #vistindy #onlinechurch #communitygarden #mlkcenter #mlkcenterindy

8/7/2020, 9:15:20 PM

#GodAlone #ReconciliationMinistry

12/16/2019, 12:43:39 AM

Annual Thanksgiving was a success. 09/11/19 #thanksgiving #reconciliationministry #7thdaychurchofGod

11/10/2019, 8:54:09 AM

Join us every Tuesday @ 7 PM HP coffee nights!!! #hpdiscipleship #learningtogether #walkingtogether #growingtogether #reconciliationministry @felijuajr @laurafelix8

3/6/2019, 8:55:46 PM

The Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering will be collected in congregations this Sunday. The Special Offering is used to fund our Church’s mission imperative to become an pro-reconciling and anti-racist church utilizing experiential education, inclusive worship and intentional dialogue. Through it we are able to provide programs for leadership development, curriculum for dialogue and learning, and partnerships within the Church and our communities. For more information about Reconciliation Ministries please visit #DOCReconcile #ReconciliationMinistry #ChristianChurchFoundation #CCF #Foundation #HelpingDisciplesMakeaDifference #MakingaDifference #MoneytoMission #ItsWhatWeDo #ChangetheWorld #AskusHow #OutofAbundance #AbundanceofFaith #DisciplesofChrist #ChristianChurchDisciplesofChrist #CCDOC #DOC #Disciples #MovementforWholeness #SpecialOffering #September30 #October7

10/5/2018, 5:55:20 PM

The Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering will be collected in congregations this Sunday and next. The Special Offering is used to fund our Church’s mission imperative to become an pro-reconciling and anti-racist church utilizing experiential education, inclusive worship and intentional dialogue. Through it we are able to provide programs for leadership development, curriculum for dialogue and learning, and partnerships within the Church and our communities. For more information about Reconciliation Ministries please visit #DOCReconcile #ReconciliationMinistry #ChristianChurchFoundation #CCF #Foundation #HelpingDisciplesMakeaDifference #MakingaDifference #MoneytoMission #ItsWhatWeDo #ChangetheWorld #AskusHow #OutofAbundance #AbundanceofFaith #DisciplesofChrist #ChristianChurchDisciplesofChrist #CCDOC #DOC #Disciples #MovementforWholeness #SpecialOffering #September30 #October7

9/28/2018, 6:40:11 PM

The final installment of Hunting for Purpose. It was truly amazing to watch people grow in archery skills and in there walk with Jesus Christ. Until next year, those who plan on hunting this fall, shoot straight. #huntingministry #huntingforgod #jesus #reconciliationministry #instagood #pictureoftheday📷 #youarethechurch #pse #hoyt

8/22/2018, 5:11:47 AM

Sunday morning - It is done. . . . Woke up this morning/Can’t hate your neighbor/Makes you love everybody with your mind stayed on Jesus! #staywoke #sunday #heartofeugene #wkinteract #mlkjr #reconciliationministry #blacklivesmatter

7/29/2018, 6:24:49 PM

First coat, baby! YAAAAAS 🙌🏼🙌🏾🙌🏿. . . . #20x21eug #heartofeugene #wkinteract #mlkjr #reconciliationministry #firstcoat

7/27/2018, 10:13:02 PM

Do you see his beautiful face? . . . . #mlkjr #reconciliationministry #20x21eug #wkinteract #heartofeugene #itsallhappening

7/26/2018, 8:47:25 PM

What does it all mean?!!? @wkinteract . . . Best day to get tagged...ever. #20x21eug #wkinteract #heartofeugene #reconciliationministry #mlkjr #iseeyou #blacklivesmatter

7/26/2018, 6:53:00 PM

Last night @wkinteract made it to #eugene ! This is his pic from last night. First Step: Projection. . . . #itshappening #imsuperexcited #heartofeugene #wkinteract #20x21eug #reconciliationministry #comingsoontoachurchnearyou #mlkjr

7/26/2018, 4:20:57 PM

Why rent 1 scissor lift when you can rent 3?!!? Because there’s only 1 day left before WK Interact shows up to throw down some amazing art on this wall! . . . #heartofeugene #20x21eug #wkinteract #onemoreday #reconciliationministry #comingsoontoachurchnearyou

7/26/2018, 3:03:16 AM

So Fresh & So Clean. Touch ups yesterday and today I can tell they painted or primed or something magical! . . . #heartofeugene #comingsoon‼️ #20x21eug #outkast #watchthisspace #reconciliationministry

7/25/2018, 1:32:55 AM

Watch this space!!!! Cool things are happening here. . . . #maybeamural #maybenot #reconciliationministry #heartofeugene #20x21eug

7/24/2018, 3:50:25 AM

Incredible night. Sorry I didn't break out the camera earlier, but I was doing stuff too! #ReconciliationMinistry #VisaliaPride2018

5/15/2018, 9:16:24 AM

God reconciles people who have been separated relationally. This is just the kind of person God is. As we mature toward Christ likeness, we also become agents of reconciliation. This is just the kind of person we are becoming but what does the process of reconciliation look like? Are there specific steps? You can you read this entire chapter on the website (link in Bio) or listen to that podcast. #EifelFellowship #GeorgeMiley #MaturingTowardWholeness #InnerLife #InnerHealing #Reconciliation #Forgiveness #ReconciliationMinistry #Wholeness #Stolpersteine #christlikeness #discipleship

8/24/2017, 6:04:07 PM

Here we go!!! I serve a fresh God and we shall do great things this week! #grind #gogetit #witnessing #hedgesministry #bywayministry #reconciliationministry #compelthemtocome #occupytilicome

2/6/2017, 10:47:15 AM