wontyoucomehomebillbailey images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

Tomorrow you too can make the Max Bygraves Disco Fever dream a reality when ‘Discolongamax’ is released and available from stores! Digitally remastered from the original Pye Records master tapes, this iconic disco masterpiece which sold 6 million copies in Antwerp alone (source: The Life of Rock with Brian Pern) now makes its long awaited debut on CD. Revel in Max’s disco versions of ‘Ma! He’s Making Eyes at Me’, ‘Tulips from Amsterdam’, ‘Somebody Stole My Gal’ and more! Time to party like it’s 1979! 🪩🕺💃💿 #maxbygraves #discolongamax #disco #70sdisco #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #campy #camptastic #kitsch #kitschy #70snostalgia #newrelease #cdrelease #remastered #reissue #70skitsch #cdcollection #cdcollector

5/16/2024, 9:01:38 AM

It’s Friday which means a lot of things. The office paperwork is heavy, the banks need a visit, the payrolls happen, and I get some work with my illustrator. Bill Bailey is trying to keep me where I rested to complete my emails and now I feel stuck. But, there is no place I would rather be stuck. The chicken now visits every morning while I have coffee. Please help me name it. #WontYouComeHomeBillBailey

10/6/2023, 3:59:11 PM

#Музыка #Music #Мюзикл #Musical #Голливуд #Hollywood #OST #Ярмарка #ЯрмаркаШтата #StateFair #1960s #1960е #AnnMargret #ЭннМаргрет #WontYouComeHomeBillBailey #MacktheKnife #ItMightasWellBeSpring #20thCenturyFox #ScreenTest #Пробы #ИзИсторииГолливуда В продолжение предыдущего поста... Следующим проектом для актрисы стал мюзикл «Ярмарка штата» («State Fair», 1962). Это была история о том, как типичная семья фермеров - муж, жена и их взрослые дочь с сыном - приезжают на ярмарку, и пока старшие члены семьи участвуют в сельскохозяйственных соревнованиях с другими фермерами, у молодёжи не обходится без романтических переживаний. Как и дебютный фильм Энн-Маргрет, «Ярмарка штата» тоже являлась ремейком картины из 30-х, причём отнюдь не первым. Одноимённую мелодраму 1933 года спустя 12 лет, в 1945-м, уже снимали в виде мюзикла под тем же названием, и когда смотришь этот вариант сегодня, то нет-нет, да и задумаешься о том, что источники вдохновения у создателей «Кубанских казаков» (1949) могли быть и столь неочевидными. Но вернёмся к версии 1962 года. Её сюжет предполагал две прямо противоположных по характеру и поведению женских роли. Одна - «хорошей девочки» (невинная фермерская дочка), а другая, как легко догадаться, «плохой девочки» (раскованная и сексуальная танцовщица в ярмарочном шоу). И перед тем, как определиться, на какую из них взять Энн-Маргрет, последняя, по настоянию продюсеров, прошла пробы на обе роли. В образе ярмарочной танцовщицы она исполнила «(Won't You Come Home) Bill Bailey» (см. предыдущий пост) и «Mack the Knife» (первые два видео в этом посте), а изображая фермерскую дочь, спела хит из предыдущей версии «Ярмарки» - «It Might as Well Be Spring» (последние четыре видео здесь же). В обоих случаях, увиденное на пробах понравилось киношникам, но в образе «плохой девочки» она их убедила всё-таки больше. В результате, именно эта роль ей и досталась. Ну, а я возвращаюсь к озвученному мною в прошлом посте предложению ненадолго ощутить себя на месте кинопродюсеров. Итак, в этих двух постах выложены те самые пробы Энн-Маргрет к ролям в «Ярмарке штата». Так что, смотрим и представляем, какую из ролей дали бы ей вы на месте боссов из 20th Century Fox 😉.

7/3/2023, 2:38:41 PM

#Музыка #Music #Мюзикл #Musical #Голливуд #Hollywood #OST #Ярмарка #ЯрмаркаШтата #StateFair #1960s #1960е #AnnMargret #ЭннМаргрет #WontYouComeHomeBillBailey #20thCenturyFox #ScreenTest #Пробы #ИзИсторииГолливуда Сейчас я хочу предложить вам ненадолго представить себя на месте кинопродюсера. Но сначала вспомним предысторию. В 1946 году, в возрасте пяти лет, шведская девочка по имени Энн-Маргрет Олссон вместе с матерью переехала в США к главе семьи, который эмигрировал туда ещё в 1941-м, но не успел сразу же перевести жену с дочерью (из-за нападения на Перл-Харбор и последовавших за этим событий). Спустя три года, Энн-Маргрет получила американское гражданство. Никто из окружающих не сомневался в том, какое её ждёт будущее. Так, начиная с 9-ти лет, девочка стала заниматься танцами (что ей давалось очень легко), а, несколькими годами позже, начала участвовать в школьных спектаклях и различных конкурсах талантов (в том числе, и на телевидении). Потом будут роли в местном театре (она жила в небольшой деревушке в штате Иллинойс), а затем - выступления в ночных клубах и казино Лас-Вегаса, где Энн-Маргрет в 1960 году и заметят продюсеры, что принесёт ей контракты со звукозаписывающей компанией RCA Victor и киностудией 20th Century Fox. Кинодебютом для молодой актрисы стала роль дочери героини Бетт Дэвис в комедии Фрэнка Капры «Пригоршня чудес» (1961), являвшейся ремейком ленты 1933 года «Леди на один день», снятой тем же режиссёром. И хотя «новодел» ожидаемо не смог повторить успеха оригинала, Энн-Маргрет удалось привлечь внимание критиков - её даже наградили премией «Золотой глобус», как «многообещающего новичка». Продолжение следует...

7/3/2023, 7:33:49 AM

“People see God every day, they just don’t recognize him.” From Pearl Mae Bailey, actress, singer, and author (1918-1990). She started out in vaudeville in Black nightclubs in Philadelphia in the 1930’s, entertained troops as part of the USO during World War 2, and in 1946 appeared in St. Louis Woman on Broadway where she won a Donaldson award for best newcomer. She performed on stage, and had her own television show briefly in 1971. You can find some of her appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show on YouTube. She won a special Tony Award in 1968 for her role in an all Black version of Hello Dolly. She earned a degree in theology in 1967 from Georgetown University. She was the author of several books, and served as a special ambassador to the United Nations under 3 presidents. Her accomplishments include so much more! #pearlbailey #pearlbaileyquote #therawpearl #talkingtomyself #pearlskitchen #hurryupamericaandspit #talkingtomyself #carmenjones #porgyandbess #stlouisblues #allthefineyoungcannibals #takestwototango #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #phenomenalwoman #blackwomanmagic #womenshistory 〰️〰️〰️ I’m sure you’re doing amazing things in your life, overcoming obstacles no one expected, and putting in the work when no one else does. So if no one’s told you lately, you’re amazing! You deserve every good thing in life! 〰️〰️〰️ #sheastheonewholisticlifestyle Www.sheastheone.bigcartel.com

4/4/2023, 3:09:06 AM

“i’ll do the cooking honey” #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #digitalcollage #layers #juxtaposition #artlovers #artwork #red

3/13/2023, 10:04:36 PM

#market basket #wontyoucomehomebillbailey

10/11/2022, 3:38:30 PM

I'll do the cookin' honey, I'll pay the rent. I know I've done you wrong.😘✌🏼🌞🇺🇸 #wontyoucomehomebillbailey

6/30/2022, 6:02:54 AM

Day 98/100 #billbailey #wontyoucomehomebillbailey A Dixieland jazz standard since 1902! I’m posting this especially for @jhamiltoorion who says she knows the Allan Sherman versions but not the originals. I posted the Version with Allan Sherman lyrics yesterday. “ Disraeli “. After the late afternoon rain, we had a great sunset here in #brandnertal ! #100daysuke2022 #100daysofuke2022 @clukesquad #landalbrandnertal

5/21/2022, 5:22:19 PM

“Bill Bailey” (1902, H.Cannon) from a gig back in March that wanted a washboard jazz sound. 🎵🎶 FYI, we can customize our lineup for your event! . We can do a 1930’s swing sound or 1920’s or earlier repertoire with 4-7 musicians, rhythm sections with banjo/tuba, guitar/upright bass, with or without drums/washboard, and can mix up or frontline horns. Pass the word along! 🎵🎶 #billbailey #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #bigbutterjazzband #tradjazz #tradjazzband #traditionaljazz #earlyjazz #prewarjazz #jazzage #hotjazz #cornet #trumpet #clarinet #tuba #sousaphone #banjo #4stringbanjo #jazzbanjo

4/28/2022, 9:36:40 PM

Victoria Monks (Victoria Annie Monks, 1 November 1884 – 26 January 1927), English music hall serio-comic singer, whose string of popular successes included ‘Give My Regards to Leicester Square,’ Won’t You Come Home, Bill Bailey?’ and ‘If You Want to Have a Row, Wait Till the Sun Shines.’ She made her London debut at the Oxford Music Hall on 9 March 1903. (photo: Charles & Russell, Belfast, circa 1912) + Miss Monks, as Little Victoria Monks, made her first appearances in 1898. He success was intimidate and soon her agents announced: ‘VICTORIA MONKS (late “Little Victoria” [not to be confused with Vesta Victoria, who as a young music hall singer was also known as Little Victoria]). GRAND THEATRE, BOLTON, Empire, Blackpool, to follow. Address: 24, Elizabeth Blackpool, Agents: Nathan & Somers.’ (The Music Hall and Theatre Review, Friday, 1 September 1899, p. 4b) + Empire music hall, Burnley, week beginning 3 March 1902 ‘The vocalists are Miss Victoria Monks, who prolongs her stay. She was again very successful, and particularly with her coon song and dance, for which she earned an irresistible encore.’ (Burnley Express, Burnley, Lancashire, Wednesday, 5 March 1902, p. 4e) + ‘Miss Victoria Monk, the well-known music-hall artist, died last night at her flat in Hart-street, Bloomsbury. ‘Her last appearance on the stage was at the Croydon Empire on Monday week. She began there a week’s engagement, but was seized with illness and was removed to her home. Pneumonia develops, and she died after ten day’s illness. She was 38 [sic] years of age. ‘The previous week Miss Monks appeared at the Holborn Empire and new of her death was received there last night with great regret. Her singing on that occasion wad described as remarkably good.’ (Daily News, London, Thursday, 27 January 1927, p. 7c) + #VictoriaMonks #musichall #GiveMyRegardstoLeicesterSquare #WontYouComeHomeBillBailey #CharlesandRussell

4/16/2022, 1:02:27 PM

Study: Won''t You Come Home, bill bailey (Julie London) 🎼🎶🎤❤ ➡️ SORRY!, I would need a person who knows English very well to extrapolate the text of this piece by listening to it (the original), I need the text, but unfortunately, CORRECT, is not found anywhere! If anyone could do that, just write to me, Thank you very much 🙏❤ #singers #singersofinstagram #singer #singersongwriter #singerlife #Morena #morena l #cover #coversong #cover #study #studysong #studyingsongs #studying #julielondon #julielondonvinyl #julielondonlove #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #wontyoucomehome #jazzmusic

3/29/2022, 4:45:55 PM

Mr. #JohnnyBrown probably most known for his acting as #handyman #NathanBookman on the sitcom #GoodTimes, but he actually started his career as a singer. For a brief period of his career, while recording songs for @ColumbiaRecords and @AtlanticRecords, he was in a trio with #Legendary #Dancer #GregoryHines and this brother, #MauriceHines called #HinesHinesandBrown, and he was brought in to replace the Hines’ brothers father. This is footage of the three performing “ #WontYouComeHomeBillBailey” on @TheEdSullivanShow, He was set to be 85 years old June 11th, #RIPJohnnyBrown❤️🙏🏿🕊

3/8/2022, 4:09:49 AM

Pearl Mae Bailey was an American actress and singer. After appearing in vaudeville, she made her Broadway debut in St. Louis Woman in 1946. She received a Special Tony Award for the title role in the all-black production of Hello, Dolly! in 1968. #blackhistorymonth #pearlbailey #africanamerican #singer #actress #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #hellodolly

2/24/2022, 11:06:58 PM

It’s the start of a rough patch with birthdays of family on the other side, anniversaries of death. Gonna stay light and focus on happy memories! ☀️ Happy heavenly birthday Doug 🥳 My big brother. Worst instigator, fiercest supporter. Getting up at 4am to frost the donuts he made at 3:30am at Jakes 🍩🍩 crabbing at the old dock. For hours 🦀🦀🦀🦀 Sang 🎤 #wontyoucomehomebillbailey and #macktheknife at every event there was a mic. Whether you wanted him to or not. Let me drive his white #triumphspitfire when I was in college and he was traveling. Giant smile, loud cackling laugh 😂 no angel! #missyoubro #blessed #happyheavenlybirthday #grateful #everydamnday #thankyougod #busyliving

3/18/2021, 11:03:42 PM

Was having a good time today with my new Hot Sardines album. Doing a little inverted Charleston (almost 😉). #wontyoucomehomebillbailey

9/25/2020, 5:02:21 AM

The Kitchen Song is a figurative expression abstract that tells the story of singing while doing kitchen work. My Mother and I always added a couple songs while tackling the dishes. It made the job easier and created a lasting memory that I captured in this painting. #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #ballinthejack @dailyartstream @boldbrush

8/9/2020, 8:32:23 PM

Won't you come home normality? The song is commonly played in F but for my range in the trombone I like Bb right now. Gonna work on my high notes so i can play it half an octave higher ;) . . . . #learntrombone #learnjazz #traditionaljazz #tradjazz #neworleansjazz #dixieland #jazzstandard #billbailey #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #billbaileywontyoupleasecomehome #1000daysofpractice #madoli

5/30/2020, 12:29:19 PM

If you don’t know Paul Campbell...well he’s the best! One of my favorite hallmark scenes with him. Feel free to sing along! #wontyoucomehomebillbailey

4/1/2020, 1:30:36 AM

🎫✨🦎🎫🦙🎺🎫🛁🚦 This was a great week Crazy fun was had by all Anniversary #25yearsago #phish #phishiversary #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #llamaopener #phishhaiku

4/22/2019, 12:16:33 AM

Broads Director Jen Childs sings “Won’t You Come Home Bill Bailey.” So many broads have covered this tune in so many ways—we are researching and culling together our favorite rhythms and melodies for our version. #broads #history #vintage #cabaret #dramaturgy #legacy #cabaretlife #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #1812productions #phillytheatre #phillytheatreweek2019

2/4/2019, 5:45:59 PM

Swipe left for record clip! This title on this label has “Bill Baily Won’t You Please Come Home”, but apparently it was edited on later issues with ‘Bailey’ instead of ‘Baily’. We’re pretty sure Dan Hornsby is providing the vocals here. Jess Young was born in Alabama but moved just north of Chattanooga where he worked as a coal miner for twenty years until his health deteriorated from Black Lung disease. In his late thirties, he gave up mining and made music his career. Young often won regional fiddle championships with his sophisticated style, topping some of the best-known players in the South at the Chattanooga Fiddlers Conventions. Young was also a big influence on area fiddlers Bert Layne, Curly Fox, and Bob Douglas, who also fiddled on some Allen Brothers records. Some sources note that Douglas is the second fiddler on this Columbia record, although he’s listed as ‘unidentified’ in discographies.

2/2/2019, 1:42:17 AM

🎶 Duet - Jill Switzer and Nicolas King! 🎶 A spectacular night celebrating Legends Radio’s 5th Anniversary - all made possible by Founder/Chairman/Broadcasting icon, Dick Robinson! Jill and Rich Switzer hosted/performed at this magnificent concert featuring The Mike Renzi Quartet, Nicolas King, Angela Bacari, Chris Santiago, and Kai Alivia. Thank you to our listeners, sponsors, Legends team members, and event producer Scott Courant! @scottcourant @jilliejswitzer @itsnicolasking #music #duet #vocalists #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #greatamericansongbook #legendsradio #fridaynight #concert #jazz #weekendvibes #livemusic

1/29/2019, 6:26:11 AM

The Morning Lounge with Jill and Rich rehearse with Nicolas King for tomorrow night’s 5th Anniversary Concert at the Eissey! Plus, a message from Nicolas about his SOCIAL MEDIA TAKEOVER starting Friday at noon! Tickets for the concert at http://legends5th.eventbrite.com @jilliejswitzer @richswit58 @itsnicolasking #socialmediatakeover @duet #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #music #piano #musician #pianist #vocals #singer #vocalist #nicolasking #greatamericansongbook #palmbeachcounty

1/24/2019, 8:47:01 PM

@abirdstrike and I started started beauty tonight.🖤 It’s something I have been wanting to get done for a few years now. I cannot imagine a more perfect person, or artist to have do it. Thank you so much again Bryan. I cannot wait to continue working on this piece. . . . #braindrops #braindropstattoos #braindropsfamily #patsycline #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #boldt #mcclure #haightstreet #sanfrancisco #haightashburry #bayarea #tattoos #girlswithtattoos #script #billbaileywontyoupleasecomehome

12/17/2018, 11:42:07 AM

@harryconnickjr look for this shirt tonight in Cleveland I’m a big fan and would be a dream come true to sing a song with u tonight #WontYouComeHomeBillBailey

11/29/2018, 5:11:49 PM

Marshy sings, Bobby Darin, "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey". 😊 #Marshysings #chihuahuasings #bobbydarin #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #chihuahua #chihuahuasofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #dogs #adoptdontshop #becauselove

8/10/2017, 3:39:45 AM

Working in your loved one's studio can make you miss them #justalittlebit #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #lonesomecowboy #guitar

11/24/2016, 11:22:32 PM

Bailey is missing and being missed. #lostdog #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #street #ad #mia #awoldog #bitch

5/25/2016, 4:46:39 AM

only went and #ghermed @horntallica didn't I? one of the funniest people alive, and a true gent only felt slightly ashamed of myself for disturbing him. #wontyoucomehomebillbailey #horntallica #keepthelocationsecret #lol #cheers #thanksbill #gherming #comedian #whycantievertakeaNORMALpicture

8/12/2015, 11:31:26 AM